Theory Graph
section‹Multigraphs with Partially Ordered Weights›
theory Graph
imports "HOL-Library.Sublist" Antichain
abbreviation (input) FROM where
"FROM ≡ λ(s, l, t). s"
abbreviation (input) LBL where
"LBL ≡ λ(s, l, t). l"
abbreviation (input) TO where
"TO ≡ λ(s, l, t). t"
notation subseq (infix ‹≼› 50)
locale graph =
fixes weights :: "'vtx :: finite ⇒ 'vtx ⇒ 'lbl :: {order, monoid_add} antichain"
assumes zero_le[simp]: "0 ≤ (s::'lbl)"
and plus_mono: "(s1::'lbl) ≤ s2 ⟹ s3 ≤ s4 ⟹ s1 + s3 ≤ s2 + s4"
and summary_self: "weights loc loc = {}⇩A"
lemma le_plus: "(s::'lbl) ≤ s + s'" "(s'::'lbl) ≤ s + s'"
by (intro plus_mono[of s s 0 s', simplified] plus_mono[of 0 s s' s', simplified])+
inductive path :: "'vtx ⇒ 'vtx ⇒ ('vtx × 'lbl × 'vtx) list ⇒ bool" where
path0: "l1 = l2 ⟹ path l1 l2 []"
| path: "path l1 l2 xs ⟹ lbl ∈⇩A weights l2 l3 ⟹ path l1 l3 (xs @ [(l2, lbl, l3)])"
inductive_cases path0E: "path l1 l2 []"
inductive_cases path_AppendE: "path l1 l3 (xs @ [(l2,s,l2')])"
lemma path_trans: "path l1 l2 xs ⟹ path l2 l3 ys ⟹ path l1 l3 (xs @ ys)"
by (rotate_tac, induct l2 l3 ys rule: path.induct)
(auto intro: path.path simp flip: append_assoc)
lemma path_take_from: "path l1 l2 xs ⟹ m < length xs ⟹ FROM (xs ! m) = l2' ⟹ path l1 l2' (take m xs)"
proof (induct l1 l2 xs rule: path.induct)
case (path l1 l2 xs lbl l3)
then show ?case
apply (unfold take_append)
apply simp
apply (cases "l2=l2'")
apply (metis linorder_not_less nth_append take_all)
apply (metis case_prod_conv less_Suc_eq nth_append nth_append_length)
qed simp
lemma path_take_to: "path l1 l2 xs ⟹ m < length xs ⟹ TO (xs ! m) = l2' ⟹ path l1 l2' (take (m+1) xs)"
proof (induct l1 l2 xs rule: path.induct)
case (path l1 l2 xs lbl l3)
then show ?case
apply (cases "m < length xs")
apply (simp add: nth_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (metis case_prod_conv less_antisym nth_append_length path.path)
qed simp
lemma path_determines_loc: "path l1 l2 xs ⟹ path l1 l3 xs ⟹ l2 = l3"
by (induct l1 l2 xs rule: path.induct) (auto elim: path.cases)
lemma path_first_loc: "path loc loc' xs ⟹ xs ≠ [] ⟹ FROM (xs ! 0) = loc"
proof (induct rule: path.induct)
case (path l1 l2 xs lbl l3)
then show ?case
by (auto elim: path0E simp: nth_append)
qed simp
lemma path_to_eq_from: "path loc1 loc2 xs ⟹ i + 1 < length xs ⟹ FROM (xs ! (i+1)) = TO (xs ! i)"
proof (induct rule: path.induct)
case (path l1 l2 xs lbl l3)
then show ?case
apply (cases "i + 1 < length xs")
apply (simp add: nth_append)
apply (simp add: nth_append)
apply (metis add.commute drop_eq_Nil hd_drop_conv_nth id_take_nth_drop linorder_not_less path_determines_loc path_take_to plus_1_eq_Suc take_hd_drop)
qed simp
lemma path_singleton[intro, simp]: "s ∈⇩A weights l1 l2 ⟹ path l1 l2 [(l1,s,l2)]"
by (subst path.simps) (auto simp: path.intros)
lemma path_appendE: "path l1 l3 (xs @ ys) ⟹ ∃l2. path l2 l3 ys ∧ path l1 l2 xs"
proof (induct l1 l3 "xs@ys" arbitrary: xs ys rule: path.induct)
case (path0 l1 l2)
then show ?case by (auto intro: path.intros)
case (path l1 l2 xs lbl l3 xs' ys')
from path(1,3-) show ?case
apply -
apply (subst (asm) append_eq_append_conv2[of xs "[(l2,lbl,l3)]" xs' ys'])
apply (elim exE conjE disjE)
subgoal for us
using path(2)[of xs' us]
by (auto intro: path.intros)
subgoal for us
by (cases "us=[]") (auto intro: path.intros simp: Cons_eq_append_conv)
lemma path_replace_prefix:
"path l1 l3 (xs @ zs) ⟹ path l1 l2 ys ⟹ path l1 l2 xs ⟹ path l1 l3 (ys @ zs)"
by (drule path_appendE) (auto elim!: path_trans dest: path_determines_loc)
lemma drop_subseq: "n ≤ length xs ⟹ drop n xs ≼ xs"
by (auto simp: suffix_def intro!: exI[of _ "take n xs"])
lemma take_subseq[simp, intro]: "take n xs ≼ xs"
by (induct xs) auto
lemma map_take_subseq[simp, intro]: "map f (take n xs) ≼ map f xs"
by (rule subseq_map, induct xs) auto
lemma path_distinct:
"path l1 l2 xs ⟹ ∃xs'. distinct xs' ∧ path l1 l2 xs' ∧ map LBL xs' ≼ map LBL xs"
proof (induct rule: path.induct)
case (path0 l1 l2)
then show ?case
by (intro exI[of _ "[]"]) (auto intro: path.intros)
case (path l1 l2 xs lbl l3)
then obtain xs' where ih: "path l1 l2 xs'" "distinct xs'" "map LBL xs' ≼ map LBL xs"
by blast
then show ?case
proof (cases "(l2, lbl, l3) ∈ set xs'")
case True
then obtain m where m: "m < length xs'" "xs' ! m = (l2, lbl, l3)"
unfolding in_set_conv_nth by blast
from m ih have "path l1 l2 (take m xs')"
by (auto intro: path_take_from)
with m ih path show ?thesis
apply (intro exI[of _ "take m xs' @ [(l2, lbl, l3)]"])
apply (rule conjI)
apply (metis distinct_take take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule path.intros)
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
apply (metis ih(3) subseq_order.trans take_map take_subseq)
case False
with ih path(3) show ?thesis
by (auto intro!: exI[of _ "xs' @ [(l2, lbl, l3)]"] intro: path.intros)
lemma path_edge: "(l1', lbl, l2') ∈ set xs ⟹ path l1 l2 xs ⟹ lbl ∈⇩A weights l1' l2'"
by (rotate_tac, induct rule: path.induct) auto
subsection‹Path Weights›
abbreviation sum_weights :: "'lbl list ⇒ 'lbl" where
"sum_weights xs ≡ foldr (+) xs 0"
abbreviation "sum_path_weights xs ≡ sum_weights (map LBL xs)"
definition "path_weightp l1 l2 s ≡ (∃xs. path l1 l2 xs ∧ s = sum_path_weights xs)"
lemma sum_not_less_zero[simp, dest]: "(s::'lbl) < 0 ⟹ False"
by (simp add: less_le_not_le)
lemma sum_le_zero[simp]: "(s::'lbl) ≤ 0 ⟷ s = 0"
by (simp add: eq_iff)
lemma sum_le_zeroD[dest]: "(x::'lbl) ≤ 0 ⟹ x = 0"
by simp
lemma foldr_plus_mono: "(n::'lbl) ≤ m ⟹ foldr (+) xs n ≤ foldr (+) xs m"
by (induct xs) (auto simp: plus_mono)
lemma sum_weights_append:
"sum_weights (ys @ xs) = sum_weights ys + sum_weights xs"
by (induct ys) (auto simp: add.assoc)
lemma sum_summary_prepend_le: "sum_path_weights ys ≤ sum_path_weights xs ⟹ sum_path_weights (zs @ ys) ≤ sum_path_weights (zs @ xs)"
by (induct zs arbitrary: xs ys) (auto intro: plus_mono)
lemma sum_summary_append_le: "sum_path_weights ys ≤ sum_path_weights xs ⟹ sum_path_weights (ys @ zs) ≤ sum_path_weights (xs @ zs)"
proof (induct zs arbitrary: xs ys)
case (Cons a zs)
then show ?case
by (metis plus_mono map_append order_refl sum_weights_append)
qed simp
lemma foldr_plus_zero_le: "foldr (+) xs (0::'lbl) ≤ foldr (+) xs a"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: plus_mono)
lemma subseq_sum_weights_le:
assumes "xs ≼ ys"
shows "sum_weights xs ≤ sum_weights ys"
using assms
proof (induct rule: list_emb.induct)
case (list_emb_Nil ys)
then show ?case by auto
case (list_emb_Cons xs ys y)
then show ?case by (auto elim!: order_trans simp: le_plus)
case (list_emb_Cons2 x y xs ys)
then show ?case by (auto elim!: order_trans simp: plus_mono)
lemma subseq_sum_path_weights_le:
"map LBL xs ≼ map LBL ys ⟹ sum_path_weights xs ≤ sum_path_weights ys"
by (rule subseq_sum_weights_le)
lemma sum_path_weights_take_le[simp, intro]: "sum_path_weights (take i xs) ≤ sum_path_weights xs"
by (auto intro!: subseq_sum_path_weights_le)
lemma sum_weights_append_singleton:
"sum_weights (xs @ [x]) = sum_weights xs + x"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: add.assoc)
lemma sum_path_weights_append_singleton:
"sum_path_weights (xs @ [(l,x,l')]) = sum_path_weights xs + x"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: add.assoc)
lemma path_weightp_ex_path:
"path_weightp l1 l2 s ⟹ ∃xs.
(let s' = sum_path_weights xs in s' ≤ s ∧ path_weightp l1 l2 s' ∧ distinct xs ∧
(∀(l1,s,l2) ∈ set xs. s ∈⇩A weights l1 l2))"
unfolding path_weightp_def
apply (erule exE conjE)+
apply (drule path_distinct)
apply (erule exE conjE)+
subgoal for xs xs'
apply (rule exI[of _ xs'])
apply (auto simp: Let_def dest!: path_edge intro: subseq_sum_path_weights_le)
lemma finite_set_summaries:
"finite ((λ((l1,l2),s). (l1,s,l2)) ` (Sigma UNIV (λ(l1,l2). set_antichain (weights l1 l2))))"
by force
lemma finite_summaries: "finite {xs. distinct xs ∧ (∀(l1, s, l2) ∈ set xs. s ∈⇩A weights l1 l2)}"
apply (rule finite_subset[OF _ finite_subset_distinct[of "((λ((l1,l2),s). (l1,s,l2)) ` (Sigma UNIV (λ(l1,l2). set_antichain (weights l1 l2))))"]])
apply (force simp: finite_set_summaries)+
lemma finite_minimal_antichain_path_weightp:
"finite (minimal_antichain {x. path_weightp l1 l2 x})"
apply (rule finite_surj[OF finite_summaries, where f = sum_path_weights])
apply (clarsimp simp: minimal_antichain_def image_iff dest!: path_weightp_ex_path)
apply (fastforce simp: Let_def)
lift_definition path_weight :: "'vtx ⇒ 'vtx ⇒ 'lbl antichain"
is "λl1 l2. minimal_antichain {x. path_weightp l1 l2 x}"
using finite_minimal_antichain_path_weightp
by auto
definition "reachable l1 l2 ≡ path_weight l1 l2 ≠ {}⇩A"
lemma in_path_weight: "s ∈⇩A path_weight loc1 loc2 ⟷ s ∈ minimal_antichain {s. path_weightp loc1 loc2 s}"
by transfer simp
lemma path_weight_refl[simp]: "0 ∈⇩A path_weight loc loc"
proof -
have *: "path loc loc []"
by (simp add: path0)
then have "0 = sum_path_weights []" by auto
with * have "path_weightp loc loc 0"
using path_weightp_def by blast
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp: in_path_weight in_minimal_antichain)
lemma zero_in_minimal_antichain[simp]: "(0::'lbl) ∈ S ⟹ 0 ∈ minimal_antichain S"
by (auto simp: in_minimal_antichain intro: sum_not_less_zero)
definition "path_weightp_distinct l1 l2 s ≡ (∃xs. distinct xs ∧ path l1 l2 xs ∧ s = sum_path_weights xs)"
lemma minimal_antichain_path_weightp_distinct:
"minimal_antichain {xs. path_weightp l1 l2 xs} = minimal_antichain {xs. path_weightp_distinct l1 l2 xs}"
unfolding path_weightp_def path_weightp_distinct_def minimal_antichain_def
apply safe
apply clarsimp
apply (metis path_distinct order.strict_iff_order subseq_sum_path_weights_le)
apply (blast+) [2]
apply clarsimp
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) le_less_trans path_distinct subseq_sum_weights_le)
lemma finite_path_weightp_distinct[simp, intro]: "finite {xs. path_weightp_distinct l1 l2 xs}"
unfolding path_weightp_distinct_def
apply (rule finite_subset[where B = "sum_path_weights ` {xs. distinct xs ∧ path l1 l2 xs}"])
apply clarsimp
apply (rule finite_imageI)
apply (rule finite_subset[OF _ finite_summaries])
apply (clarsimp simp: path_edge)
lemma path_weightp_distinct_nonempty:
"{xs. path_weightp l1 l2 xs} ≠ {} ⟷ {xs. path_weightp_distinct l1 l2 xs} ≠ {}"
by (auto dest: path_distinct simp: path_weightp_def path_weightp_distinct_def)
lemma path_weightp_distinct_member:
"s ∈ {s. path_weightp l1 l2 s} ⟹ ∃u. u ∈ {s. path_weightp_distinct l1 l2 s} ∧ u ≤ s"
apply (clarsimp simp: path_weightp_def path_weightp_distinct_def)
apply (drule path_distinct)
apply (auto dest: subseq_sum_path_weights_le)
lemma minimal_antichain_path_weightp_member:
"s ∈ {xs. path_weightp l1 l2 xs} ⟹ ∃u. u ∈ minimal_antichain {xs. path_weightp l1 l2 xs} ∧ u ≤ s"
proof -
assume "s ∈ {xs. path_weightp l1 l2 xs}"
then obtain u where u: "u ∈ {s. path_weightp_distinct l1 l2 s} ∧ u ≤ s"
using path_weightp_distinct_member by blast
have finite: "finite {xs. path_weightp_distinct l1 l2 xs}" ..
from u finite obtain v where "v ∈ minimal_antichain {xs. path_weightp_distinct l1 l2 xs} ∧ v ≤ u"
by atomize_elim (auto intro: minimal_antichain_member)
with u show ?thesis
by (auto simp: minimal_antichain_path_weightp_distinct)
lemma path_path_weight: "path l1 l2 xs ⟹ ∃s. s ∈⇩A path_weight l1 l2 ∧ s ≤ sum_path_weights xs"
proof -
assume "path l1 l2 xs"
then have "sum_path_weights xs ∈ {x. path_weightp l1 l2 x}"
by (auto simp: path_weightp_def)
then obtain u where "u ∈ minimal_antichain {x. path_weightp l1 l2 x} ∧ u ≤ sum_path_weights xs"
apply atomize_elim
apply (drule minimal_antichain_path_weightp_member)
apply auto
then show ?thesis
by transfer auto
lemma path_weight_conv_path:
"s ∈⇩A path_weight l1 l2 ⟹ ∃xs. path l1 l2 xs ∧ s = sum_path_weights xs ∧ (∀ys. path l1 l2 ys ⟶ ¬ sum_path_weights ys < sum_path_weights xs)"
by transfer (auto simp: in_minimal_antichain path_weightp_def)
abbreviation "optimal_path loc1 loc2 xs ≡ path loc1 loc2 xs ∧
(∀ys. path loc1 loc2 ys ⟶ ¬ sum_path_weights ys < sum_path_weights xs)"
lemma path_weight_path: "s ∈⇩A path_weight loc1 loc2 ⟹
(⋀xs. optimal_path loc1 loc2 xs ⟹ distinct xs ⟹ sum_path_weights xs = s ⟹ P) ⟹ P"
apply atomize_elim
apply transfer
apply (clarsimp simp: in_minimal_antichain path_weightp_def)
apply (drule path_distinct)
apply (erule exE)
subgoal for loc1 loc2 xs xs'
apply (rule exI[of _ xs'])
apply safe
using order.strict_iff_order subseq_sum_path_weights_le apply metis
using less_le subseq_sum_path_weights_le apply fastforce
lemma path_weight_elem_trans:
"s ∈⇩A path_weight l1 l2 ⟹ s' ∈⇩A path_weight l2 l3 ⟹ ∃u. u ∈⇩A path_weight l1 l3 ∧ u ≤ s + s'"
proof -
assume ps1: "s ∈⇩A path_weight l1 l2"
assume ps2: "s' ∈⇩A path_weight l2 l3"
from ps1 obtain xs where path1: "path l1 l2 xs" "s = sum_path_weights xs"
by (auto intro: path_weight_path)
from ps2 obtain ys where path2: "path l2 l3 ys" "s' = sum_path_weights ys"
by (auto intro: path_weight_path)
from path1(1) path2(1) have "path l1 l3 (xs @ ys)"
by (rule path_trans)
with path1(2) path2(2) have "s + s' ∈ {s. path_weightp l1 l3 s}"
by (auto simp: path_weightp_def sum_weights_append[symmetric])
then show "∃u. u ∈⇩A path_weight l1 l3 ∧ u ≤ s + s'"
by transfer (simp add: minimal_antichain_path_weightp_member)