Theory Auxiliary
section ‹Auxiliary Lemmas›
theory Auxiliary
unbundle multiset.lifting
lemma sum_list_hd_tl:
fixes xs :: "(_ :: group_add) list"
shows "xs ≠ [] ⟹ sum_list (tl xs) = (- hd xs) + sum_list xs"
by (cases xs) simp_all
lemma Sum_eq_pick_changed_elem:
assumes "finite M"
and "m ∈ M" "f m = g m + Δ"
and "⋀n. n ≠ m ∧ n ∈ M ⟹ f n = g n"
shows "(∑x∈M. f x) = (∑x∈M. g x) + Δ"
using assms
proof (induct M arbitrary: m rule: finite_induct)
case empty
then show ?case by simp
case (insert x F)
then show ?case
proof (cases "x=m")
case True
with insert have "sum f F = sum g F"
by (intro sum.cong[OF refl]) force
with insert True show ?thesis
by (auto simp: add.commute add.left_commute)
case False
with insert show ?thesis
by (auto simp: add.assoc)
lemma sum_pos_ex_elem_pos: "(0::int) < (∑m∈M. f m) ⟹ ∃m∈M. 0 < f m"
by (meson not_le sum_nonpos)
lemma sum_if_distrib_add: "finite A ⟹ b ∈ A ⟹ (∑a∈A. if a=b then X b + Y a else X a) = (∑a∈A. X a) + Y b"
by (simp add: Sum_eq_pick_changed_elem)
subsection‹Partial Orders›
lemma (in order) order_finite_set_exists_foundation:
fixes t :: 'a
assumes "finite M"
and "t ∈ M"
shows "∃s∈M. s ≤ t ∧ (∀u∈M. ¬ u < s)"
using assms
by (simp add: dual_order.strict_iff_order finite_has_minimal2)
lemma order_finite_set_obtain_foundation:
fixes t :: "_ :: order"
assumes "finite M"
and "t ∈ M"
obtains s where "s ∈ M" "s ≤ t" "∀u∈M. ¬ u < s"
using assms order_finite_set_exists_foundation by blast
lemma finite_nonzero_count: "finite {t. count M t > 0}"
using count by auto
lemma finite_count[simp]: "finite {t. count M t > i}"
by (rule finite_subset[OF _ finite_nonzero_count[of M]]) (auto simp only: set_mset_def)
subsection‹Signed Multisets›
lemma zcount_zmset_of_nonneg[simp]: "0 ≤ zcount (zmset_of M) t"
by simp
lemma finite_zcount_pos[simp]: "finite {t. zcount M t > 0}"
apply transfer
subgoal for M
apply (rule finite_subset[OF _ finite_Un[THEN iffD2, OF conjI[OF finite_nonzero_count finite_nonzero_count]], of _ "fst M" "snd M"])
apply (auto simp only: set_mset_def fst_conv snd_conv split: prod.splits)
lemma finite_zcount_neg[simp]: "finite {t. zcount M t < 0}"
apply transfer
subgoal for M
apply (rule finite_subset[OF _ finite_Un[THEN iffD2, OF conjI[OF finite_nonzero_count finite_nonzero_count]], of _ "fst M" "snd M"])
apply (auto simp only: set_mset_def fst_conv snd_conv split: prod.splits)
lemma pos_zcount_in_zmset: "0 < zcount M x ⟹ x ∈#⇩z M"
by (simp add: zcount_inI)
lemma zmset_elem_nonneg: "x ∈#⇩z M ⟹ (⋀x. x ∈#⇩z M ⟹ 0 ≤ zcount M x) ⟹ 0 < zcount M x"
by (simp add: order.order_iff_strict zcount_eq_zero_iff)
lemma zero_le_sum_single: "0 ≤ zcount (∑x∈M. {#f x#}⇩z) t"
by (induct M rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto
lemma mem_zmset_of[simp]: "x ∈#⇩z zmset_of M ⟷ x ∈# M"
by (simp add: set_zmset_def)
lemma mset_neg_minus: "mset_neg (abs_zmultiset (Mp,Mn)) = Mn-Mp"
by (simp add: mset_neg.abs_eq)
lemma mset_pos_minus: "mset_pos (abs_zmultiset (Mp,Mn)) = Mp-Mn"
by (simp add: mset_pos.abs_eq)
lemma mset_neg_sum_set: "(⋀m. m ∈ M ⟹ mset_neg (f m) = {#}) ⟹ mset_neg (∑m∈M. f m) = {#}"
by (induct M rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto
lemma mset_neg_empty_iff: "mset_neg M = {#} ⟷ (∀t. 0 ≤ zcount M t)"
apply rule
by (metis add.commute add.right_neutral mset_pos_as_neg zcount_zmset_of_nonneg zmset_of_empty)
apply (induct rule: zmultiset.abs_induct)
subgoal for y
apply (induct y)
apply (subst mset_neg_minus)
apply transfer'
apply (simp add: Diff_eq_empty_iff_mset mset_subset_eqI)
lemma mset_neg_zcount_nonneg: "mset_neg M = {#} ⟹ 0 ≤ zcount M t"
by (subst (asm) mset_neg_empty_iff) simp
lemma in_zmset_conv_pos_neg_disj: "x ∈#⇩z M ⟷ x ∈# mset_pos M ∨ x ∈# mset_neg M"
by (metis count_mset_pos in_diff_zcount mem_zmset_of mset_pos_neg_partition nat_code(2) not_in_iff zcount_ne_zero_iff)
lemma in_zmset_notin_mset_pos[simp]: "x ∈#⇩z M ⟹ x ∉# mset_pos M ⟹ x ∈# mset_neg M"
by (auto simp: in_zmset_conv_pos_neg_disj)
lemma in_zmset_notin_mset_neg[simp]: "x ∈#⇩z M ⟹ x ∉# mset_neg M ⟹ x ∈# mset_pos M"
by (auto simp: in_zmset_conv_pos_neg_disj)
lemma in_mset_pos_in_zmset: "x ∈# mset_pos M ⟹ x ∈#⇩z M"
by (auto intro: iffD2[OF in_zmset_conv_pos_neg_disj])
lemma in_mset_neg_in_zmset: "x ∈# mset_neg M ⟹ x ∈#⇩z M"
by (auto intro: iffD2[OF in_zmset_conv_pos_neg_disj])
lemma set_zmset_eq_set_mset_union: "set_zmset M = set_mset (mset_pos M) ∪ set_mset (mset_neg M)"
by (auto dest: in_mset_pos_in_zmset in_mset_neg_in_zmset)
lemma member_mset_pos_iff_zcount: "x ∈# mset_pos M ⟷ 0 < zcount M x"
using not_in_iff pos_zcount_in_zmset by force
lemma member_mset_neg_iff_zcount: "x ∈# mset_neg M ⟷ zcount M x < 0"
by (metis member_mset_pos_iff_zcount mset_pos_uminus neg_le_0_iff_le not_le zcount_uminus)
lemma mset_pos_mset_neg_disjoint[simp]: "set_mset (mset_pos Δ) ∩ set_mset (mset_neg Δ) = {}"
by (auto simp: member_mset_pos_iff_zcount member_mset_neg_iff_zcount)
lemma zcount_sum: "zcount (∑M∈MM. f M) t = (∑M∈MM. zcount (f M) t)"
by (induct MM rule: infinite_finite_induct) auto
lemma zcount_filter_invariant: "zcount {# t'∈#⇩zM. t'=t #} t = zcount M t"
by auto
lemma in_filter_zmset_in_zmset[simp]: "x ∈#⇩z filter_zmset P M ⟹ x ∈#⇩z M"
by (metis count_filter_zmset zcount_ne_zero_iff)
lemma pos_filter_zmset_pos_zmset[simp]: "0 < zcount (filter_zmset P M) x ⟹ 0 < zcount M x"
by (metis (full_types) count_filter_zmset less_irrefl)
lemma neg_filter_zmset_neg_zmset[simp]: "0 > zcount (filter_zmset P M) x ⟹ 0 > zcount M x"
by (metis (full_types) count_filter_zmset less_irrefl)
lift_definition update_zmultiset :: "'t zmultiset ⇒ 't ⇒ int ⇒ 't zmultiset" is
"λ(A,B) T D.(if D>0 then (A + replicate_mset (nat D) T, B)
else (A,B + replicate_mset (nat (-D)) T))"
by (auto simp: equiv_zmset_def if_split)
lemma zcount_update_zmultiset: "zcount (update_zmultiset M t n) t' = zcount M t' + (if t = t' then n else 0)"
by transfer auto
lemma (in order) order_zmset_exists_foundation:
fixes t :: 'a
assumes "0 < zcount M t"
shows "∃s. s ≤ t ∧ 0 < zcount M s ∧ (∀u. 0 < zcount M u ⟶ ¬ u < s)"
using assms
proof -
let ?M = "{t. 0 < zcount M t}"
from assms have "t ∈ ?M"
by simp
then have "∃s∈?M. s ≤ t ∧ (∀u∈?M. ¬ u < s)"
by - (drule order_finite_set_exists_foundation[rotated 1], auto)
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma (in order) order_zmset_exists_foundation':
fixes t :: 'a
assumes "0 < zcount M t"
shows "∃s. s ≤ t ∧ 0 < zcount M s ∧ (∀u<s. zcount M u ≤ 0)"
using assms order_zmset_exists_foundation
by (meson le_less_linear)
lemma (in order) order_zmset_exists_foundation_neg:
fixes t :: 'a
assumes "zcount M t < 0"
shows "∃s. s ≤ t ∧ zcount M s < 0 ∧ (∀u. zcount M u < 0 ⟶ ¬ u < s)"
using assms
proof -
let ?M = "{t. zcount M t < 0}"
from assms have "t ∈ ?M"
by simp
then have "∃s∈?M. s ≤ t ∧ (∀u∈?M. ¬ u < s)"
by - (drule order_finite_set_exists_foundation[rotated 1], auto)
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma (in order) order_zmset_exists_foundation_neg':
fixes t :: 'a
assumes "zcount M t < 0"
shows "∃s. s ≤ t ∧ zcount M s < 0 ∧ (∀u<s. 0 ≤ zcount M u)"
using assms order_zmset_exists_foundation_neg
by (meson le_less_linear)
lemma (in order) elem_order_zmset_exists_foundation:
fixes x :: 'a
assumes "x ∈#⇩z M"
shows "∃s∈#⇩zM. s ≤ x ∧ (∀u∈#⇩zM. ¬ u < s)"
by (rule order_finite_set_exists_foundation[OF finite_set_zmset, OF assms(1)])
subsubsection‹Image of a Signed Multiset›
lift_definition image_zmset :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'a zmultiset ⇒ 'b zmultiset" is
"λf (M, N). (image_mset f M, image_mset f N)"
by (auto simp: equiv_zmset_def simp flip: image_mset_union)
syntax (ASCII)
"_comprehension_zmset" :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b zmultiset ⇒ 'a zmultiset" (‹({#_/. _ :#z _#})›)
"_comprehension_zmset" :: "'a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'b zmultiset ⇒ 'a zmultiset" (‹({#_/. _ ∈#⇩z _#})›)
"_comprehension_zmset" ⇌ image_zmset
"{#e. x ∈#⇩z M#}" ⇌ "CONST image_zmset (λx. e) M"
lemma image_zmset_empty[simp]: "image_zmset f {#}⇩z = {#}⇩z"
by transfer (auto simp: equiv_zmset_def)
lemma image_zmset_single[simp]: "image_zmset f {#x#}⇩z = {#f x#}⇩z"
by transfer (simp add: equiv_zmset_def)
lemma image_zmset_union[simp]: "image_zmset f (M + N) = image_zmset f M + image_zmset f N"
by transfer (auto simp: equiv_zmset_def)
lemma image_zmset_Diff[simp]: "image_zmset f (A - B) = image_zmset f A - image_zmset f B"
proof -
have "image_zmset f (A - B + B) = image_zmset f (A - B) + image_zmset f B"
using image_zmset_union by blast
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma mset_neg_image_zmset: "mset_neg M = {#} ⟹ mset_neg (image_zmset f M) = {#}"
unfolding multiset_eq_iff count_empty
by transfer (auto simp add: image_mset_subseteq_mono mset_subset_eqI mset_subset_eq_count)
lemma nonneg_zcount_image_zmset[simp]: "(⋀t. 0 ≤ zcount M t) ⟹ 0 ≤ zcount (image_zmset f M) t"
by (meson mset_neg_empty_iff mset_neg_image_zmset)
lemma image_zmset_add_zmset[simp]: "image_zmset f (add_zmset t M) = add_zmset (f t) (image_zmset f M)"
by transfer (auto simp: equiv_zmset_def)
lemma pos_zcount_image_zmset[simp]: "(⋀t. 0 ≤ zcount M t) ⟹ 0 < zcount M t ⟹ 0 < zcount (image_zmset f M) (f t)"
apply transfer
subgoal for M t f
apply (induct M)
subgoal for Mp Mn
apply simp
apply (metis count_diff count_image_mset_ge_count image_mset_Diff less_le_trans subseteq_mset_def zero_less_diff)
lemma set_zmset_transfer[transfer_rule]:
"(rel_fun (pcr_zmultiset (=)) (rel_set (=)))
(λ(Mp, Mn). set_mset Mp ∪ set_mset Mn - {x. count Mp x = count Mn x}) set_zmset"
by (auto simp: rel_fun_def pcr_zmultiset_def cr_zmultiset_def
rel_set_eq multiset.rel_eq set_zmset_def zcount.abs_eq count_eq_zero_iff[symmetric]
simp del: zcount_ne_zero_iff)
lemma zcount_image_zmset:
"zcount (image_zmset f M) x = (∑y ∈ f -` {x} ∩ set_zmset M. zcount M y)"
apply (transfer fixing: f x)
subgoal for M
apply (cases M; clarify)
subgoal for Mp Mn
unfolding count_image_mset int_sum
proof -
have "(∑x∈f -` {x} ∩ set_mset Mp. int (count Mp x)) =
(∑x∈f -` {x} ∩ (set_mset Mp ∪ set_mset Mn). int (count Mp x))" (is "?S1 = _")
by (subst sum.same_carrier[where C="f -` {x} ∩ (set_mset Mp ∪ set_mset Mn)"])
(auto simp: count_eq_zero_iff)
have "(∑x∈f -` {x} ∩ set_mset Mn. int (count Mn x)) =
(∑x∈f -` {x} ∩ (set_mset Mp ∪ set_mset Mn). int (count Mn x))"(is "?S2 = _")
by (subst sum.same_carrier[where C="f -` {x} ∩ (set_mset Mp ∪ set_mset Mn)"])
(auto simp: count_eq_zero_iff)
have "(∑x∈f -` {x} ∩ (set_mset Mp ∪ set_mset Mn - {x. count Mp x = count Mn x}). int (count Mp x) - int (count Mn x))
= (∑x∈f -` {x} ∩ (set_mset Mp ∪ set_mset Mn). int (count Mp x) - int (count Mn x))"
(is "?S = _")
by (subst sum.same_carrier[where C="f -` {x} ∩ (set_mset Mp ∪ set_mset Mn)"]) auto
ultimately show "?S1 - ?S2 = ?S"
by (auto simp: sum_subtractf)
lemma zmset_empty_image_zmset_empty: "(⋀t. zcount M t = 0) ⟹ zcount (image_zmset f M) t = 0"
by (auto simp: zcount_image_zmset)
lemma in_image_zmset_in_zmset: "t ∈#⇩z image_zmset f M ⟹ ∃t. t ∈#⇩z M"
by (rule ccontr) simp
lemma zcount_image_zmset_zero: "(⋀m. m ∈#⇩z M ⟹ f m ≠ x) ⟹ x ∉#⇩z image_zmset f M"
unfolding set_zmset_def
by (simp add: zcount_image_zmset) (metis Int_emptyI sum.empty vimage_singleton_eq)
lemma image_zmset_pre: "t ∈#⇩z image_zmset f M ⟹ ∃m. m ∈#⇩z M ∧ f m = t"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume t: "t ∈#⇩z image_zmset f M"
assume "∄m. m ∈#⇩z M ∧ f m = t"
then have "m ∈#⇩z M ⟹ ¬ f m = t" for m
by blast
then have "zcount (image_zmset f M) t = 0"
by (meson t zcount_image_zmset_zero)
with t show False
by (meson zcount_ne_zero_iff)
lemma pos_image_zmset_obtain_pre:
"(⋀t. 0 ≤ zcount M t) ⟹ 0 < zcount (image_zmset f M) t ⟹ ∃m. 0 < zcount M m ∧ f m = t"
proof -
assume nonneg: "0 ≤ zcount M t" for t
assume "0 < zcount (image_zmset f M) t"
then have "t ∈#⇩z image_zmset f M"
by (simp add: pos_zcount_in_zmset)
then obtain x where x: "x ∈#⇩z M" "f x = t"
by (auto dest: image_zmset_pre)
with nonneg have "0 < zcount M x"
by (meson zmset_elem_nonneg)
with x show ?thesis
by auto
definition relates :: "('a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a stream ⇒ bool" where
"relates φ s = φ (shd s) (shd (stl s))"
lemma relatesD[dest]: "relates P s ⟹ P (shd s) (shd (stl s))"
unfolding relates_def by simp
lemma alw_relatesD[dest]: "alw (relates P) s ⟹ P (shd s) (shd (stl s))"
by auto
lemma relatesI[intro]: "P (shd s) (shd (stl s)) ⟹ relates P s"
by (auto simp: relates_def)
lemma alw_holds_smap_conv_comp: "alw (holds P) (smap f s) = alw (λs. (P o f) (shd s)) s"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s)
apply auto []
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s)
apply auto
lemma alw_relates: "alw (relates P) s ⟷ P (shd s) (shd (stl s)) ∧ alw (relates P) (stl s)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (auto simp: relates_def dest: alwD) []
apply (coinduction arbitrary: s)
apply (auto simp: relates_def)
no_notation AND (infix ‹aand› 60)
no_notation OR (infix ‹or› 60)
no_notation IMPL (infix ‹imp› 60)
notation AND (infixr ‹aand› 70)
notation OR (infixr ‹or› 65)
notation IMPL (infixr ‹imp› 60)
lifting_update multiset.lifting
lifting_forget multiset.lifting