Theory PTA

theory PTA
  imports "library/Lib"

section ‹Bisimulation on a Relation› text_raw ‹\label{thm:bisim}›

definition rel_set_strong :: "('a  'b  bool)  'a set  'b set  bool"
  where "rel_set_strong R A B  (x y. R x y  (x  A  y  B))"

lemma T_eq_rel_half[consumes 4, case_names prob sets cont]:
  fixes R :: "'s  't  bool" and f :: "'s  't" and S :: "'s set"
  assumes R_def: "s t. R s t  (s  S  f s = t)"
  assumes A[measurable]: "A  sets (stream_space (count_space UNIV))"
    and B[measurable]: "B  sets (stream_space (count_space UNIV))"
    and AB: "rel_set_strong (stream_all2 R) A B" and KL: "rel_fun R (rel_pmf R) K L" and xy: "R x y"
  shows "MC_syntax.T K x A = MC_syntax.T L y B"
proof -
  interpret K: MC_syntax K by unfold_locales
  interpret L: MC_syntax L by unfold_locales

  have "x  S" using R x y by (auto simp: R_def)

  define g where "g t = (SOME s. R s t)" for t
  have measurable_g: "g  count_space UNIV M count_space UNIV" by auto
  have g: "R i j  R (g j) j" for i j
    unfolding g_def by (rule someI)
  have K_subset: "x  S  K x  S" for x
    using KL[THEN rel_funD, of x "f x", THEN rel_pmf_imp_rel_set] by (auto simp: rel_set_def R_def)

  have in_S: "AE ω in K.T x. ω  streams S"
    using K.AE_T_enabled
  proof eventually_elim 
    case (elim ω) with x  S show ?case
      apply (coinduction arbitrary: x ω)
      subgoal for x ω using K_subset by (cases ω) (auto simp: K.enabled_Stream)

  have L_eq: "L y = map_pmf f (K x)" if xy: "R x y" for x y
  proof -
    have "rel_pmf (λx y. x = y) (map_pmf f (K x)) (L y)"
      using KL[THEN rel_funD, OF xy] by (auto intro: pmf.rel_mono_strong simp: R_def pmf.rel_map)
    then show ?thesis unfolding pmf.rel_eq by simp

  let ?D = "λx. distr (K.T x) K.S (smap f)"
  have prob_space_D: "?D x  space (prob_algebra K.S)" for x 
    by (auto simp: space_prob_algebra K.T.prob_space_distr)

  have D_eq_D: "?D x = ?D x'" if "R x y" "R x' y" for x x' y
  proof (rule stream_space_eq_sstart)
    define A where "A = K.acc `` {x, x'}"
    have x_A: "x  A" "x'  A" by (auto simp: A_def)
    let  = "f ` A"
    show "countable "
      unfolding A_def by (intro countable_image K.countable_acc) auto
    show "prob_space (?D x)" "prob_space (?D x')" by (auto intro!: K.T.prob_space_distr)
    show "sets (?D x) = sets L.S" "sets (?D x') = sets L.S" by auto
    have AE_streams: "AE x in ?D x''. x  streams " if "x''  A" for x''
      apply (simp add: space_stream_space streams_sets AE_distr_iff)
      using K.AE_T_reachable[of x''] unfolding alw_HLD_iff_streams
    proof eventually_elim
      fix s assume "s  streams (K.acc `` {x''})"
      moreover have "K.acc `` {x''}  A"
        using x''  A by (auto simp: A_def Image_def intro: rtrancl_trans)
      ultimately show "smap f s  streams (f ` A)"
        by (auto intro: smap_streams)
    with x_A show "AE x in ?D x'. x  streams " "AE x in ?D x. x  streams "
      by auto
    from x  A x'  A that show "?D x (sstart (f ` A) xs) = ?D x' (sstart (f ` A) xs)" for xs
    proof (induction xs arbitrary: x x' y)
      case Nil
      moreover have "?D x (streams (f ` A)) = 1" if "x  A" for x
        using AE_streams[of x] that
        by (intro prob_space.emeasure_eq_1_AE[OF K.T.prob_space_distr]) (auto simp: streams_sets)
      ultimately show ?case by simp
      case (Cons z zs x x' y)
      have "rel_pmf (R OO R¯¯) (K x) (K x')"
        using KL[THEN rel_funD, OF Cons(4)] KL[THEN rel_funD, OF Cons(5)]
        unfolding pmf.rel_compp pmf.rel_flip by auto
      then obtain p :: "('s × 's) pmf" where p: "a b. (a, b)  p  (R OO R¯¯) a b" and
        eq: "map_pmf fst p = K x" "map_pmf snd p = K x'"
        by (auto simp: pmf.in_rel)
      let ?S = "stream_space (count_space UNIV)"
      have *: "(##) y -` smap f -` sstart (f ` A) (z # zs) = (if f y = z then smap f -` sstart (f ` A) zs else {})" for y z zs
        by auto
      have **: "?D x (sstart (f ` A) (z # zs)) = (+ y'. (if f y' = z then ?D y' (sstart (f ` A) zs) else 0) K x)" for x
        apply (simp add: emeasure_distr)
        apply (subst K.T_eq_bind)
        apply (subst emeasure_bind[where N="?S"])
           apply simp
          apply (rule measurable_distr2[where M="?S"])
           apply measurable
        apply (intro nn_integral_cong_AE AE_pmfI)
        apply (auto simp add: emeasure_distr)
        apply (simp_all add: * space_stream_space)
      have fst_A: "fst ab  A" if "ab  p" for ab
      proof -
        have "fst ab  K x" using ab  p set_map_pmf [of fst p] by (auto simp: eq)
        with x  A show "fst ab  A"
          by (auto simp: A_def intro: rtrancl.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
      have snd_A: "snd ab  A" if "ab  p" for ab
      proof -
        have "snd ab  K x'" using ab  p set_map_pmf [of snd p] by (auto simp: eq)
        with x'  A show "snd ab  A"
          by (auto simp: A_def intro: rtrancl.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
      show ?case
        unfolding ** eq[symmetric] nn_integral_map_pmf
        apply (intro nn_integral_cong_AE AE_pmfI)
        subgoal for ab using p[of "fst ab" "snd ab"] by (auto simp: R_def intro!: Cons(1) fst_A snd_A)

  have L_eq_D: "L.T y = ?D x"
    using R x y
  proof (coinduction arbitrary: x y rule: L.T_coinduct)
    case (cont x y)
    then have Kx_Ly: "rel_pmf R (K x) (L y)"
      by (rule KL[THEN rel_funD])
    then have *: "y'  L y  x'K x. R x' y'" for y'
      by (auto dest!: rel_pmf_imp_rel_set simp: rel_set_def)
    have **: "y'  L y  R (g y') y'" for y'
      using *[of y'] unfolding g_def by (auto intro: someI)

    have D_SCons_eq_D_D: "distr (K.T i) K.S (λx. z ## smap f x) = distr (?D i) K.S (λx. z ## x)" for i z
      by (subst distr_distr) (auto simp: comp_def)
    have D_eq_D_gi: "?D i = ?D (g (f i))" if i: "i  K x" for i
    proof -
      obtain j where "j  L y" "R i j" "f i = j"
        using Kx_Ly i by (force dest!: rel_pmf_imp_rel_set simp: rel_set_def R_def)
      then show ?thesis
        by (auto intro!: D_eq_D[OF R i j] g)

    have ***: "?D x = measure_pmf (L y)  (λy. distr (?D (g y)) K.S ((##) y))"
      apply (subst K.T_eq_bind)
      apply (subst distr_bind[of _ _ K.S])
         apply (rule measurable_distr2[of _  _ "K.S"])
          apply (simp_all add: Pi_iff)
      apply (simp add: distr_distr comp_def L_eq[OF cont] map_pmf_rep_eq)
      apply (subst bind_distr[where K=K.S])
         apply measurable []
        apply (rule measurable_distr2[of _  _ "K.S"])
        apply measurable []
        apply (rule measurable_compose[OF measurable_g])
        apply measurable []
       apply simp
      apply (rule bind_measure_pmf_cong[where N="K.S"])
        apply (auto simp: space_subprob_algebra space_stream_space intro!: K.T.subprob_space_distr)
        unfolding D_SCons_eq_D_D D_eq_D_gi ..
    show ?case
      by (intro exI[of _ "λt. distr (K.T (g t)) (stream_space (count_space UNIV)) (smap f)"])
         (auto simp add: K.T.prob_space_distr *** dest: **)
  qed (auto intro: K.T.prob_space_distr)

  have "stream_all2 R s t  (s  streams S  smap f s = t)" for s t 
  proof safe
    show "stream_all2 R s t  s  streams S"
      apply (coinduction arbitrary: s t)
      subgoal for s t by (cases s; cases t) (auto simp: R_def)
    show "stream_all2 R s t  smap f s = t"
      apply (coinduction arbitrary: s t rule: stream.coinduct)
      subgoal for s t by (cases s; cases t) (auto simp: R_def)
  qed (auto intro!: stream.rel_refl_strong simp: stream.rel_map R_def streams_iff_sset)
  then have "ω  streams S  ω  A  smap f ω  B" for ω
    using AB by (auto simp: rel_set_strong_def)
  with in_S have "K.T x A = K.T x (smap f -` B  space (K.T x))"
    by (auto intro!: emeasure_eq_AE streams_sets)
  also have " = (distr (K.T x) K.S (smap f)) B"
    by (intro emeasure_distr[symmetric]) auto
  also have " = (L.T y) B" unfolding L_eq_D ..
  finally show ?thesis .

no_notation ccval (_ [100])

hide_const succ

section ‹Additional Facts on Regions›

(* XXX Move this to a theory on Timed Automata *)
declare reset_set11[simp] reset_set1[simp]

text ‹
  Defining the closest successor of a region. Only exists if at least one interval is upper-bounded.

abbreviation is_upper_right where
  "is_upper_right R  ( t  0.  u  R. u  t  R)"

(* XXX Remove old successor definition *)
  "succ  R 
  if is_upper_right R then R else
  (THE R'. R'  R  R'  Succ  R  ( u  R.  t  0. (u  t)  R  ( t'  t. (u  t')  R'  0  t')))"

lemma region_continuous:
  assumes "valid_region X k I r"
  defines R: "R  region X I r"
  assumes between: "0  t1" "t1  t2"
  assumes elem: "u  R" "u  t2  R"
  shows "u  t1  R"
unfolding R
  from 0  t1 u  R show "xX. 0  (u  t1) x" by (auto simp: R cval_add_def)

  have "intv_elem x (u  t1) (I x)" if "x  X" for x
  proof -
    from elem that have "intv_elem x u (I x)" "intv_elem x (u  t2) (I x)" by (auto simp: R)
    with between show ?thesis by (cases "I x", auto simp: cval_add_def)
  then show " x  X. intv_elem x (u  t1) (I x)" by blast

  let ?X0 = "{x  X. d. I x = Intv d}"
  show "?X0 = ?X0" ..

  from elem have " x  ?X0.  y  ?X0. (x, y)  r  frac (u x)  frac (u y)" by (auto simp: R)
  { fix x y c d assume A: "x  X" "y  X" "I x = Intv c" "I y = Intv d"
    from A elem between have *:
      "c < u x" "u x < c + 1" "c < u x + t1" "u x + t1 < c + 1"
    by (fastforce simp: cval_add_def R)+
    moreover from A(2,4) elem between have **:
      "d < u y" "u y < d + 1" "d < u y + t1" "u y + t1 < d + 1"
    by (fastforce simp: cval_add_def R)+
    ultimately have "u x = c + frac (u x)" "u y = d + frac (u y)" using nat_intv_frac_decomp by auto
    then have
      "frac (u x + t1) = frac (u x) + t1" "frac (u y + t1) = frac (u y) + t1"
    using *(3,4) **(3,4) nat_intv_frac_decomp by force+
    then have
      "frac (u x)  frac (u y)  frac ((u  t1) x)  frac ((u  t1) y)"
    by (auto simp: cval_add_def)
  ultimately show
    " x  ?X0.  y  ?X0. (x, y)  r  frac ((u  t1) x)  frac ((u  t1) y)"
  by (auto simp: cval_add_def)

lemma upper_right_eq:
  assumes "finite X" "valid_region X k I r"
  shows "( x  X. isGreater (I x))  is_upper_right (region X I r)"
using assms
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case (1 t u)
  then show ?case
    by - (standard, force simp: cval_add_def)+
  case (2 x)
  (* XXX Does this lemma actually need the finiteness assumption? *)
  from region_not_empty[OF assms] obtain u where u: "u  region X I r" ..
  moreover have "(1 :: real)  0" by auto
  ultimately have "(u  1)  region X I r" using 2 by auto
  with x  X u have "intv_elem x u (I x)" "intv_elem x (u  1) (I x)" by auto
  then show ?case by (cases "I x", auto simp: cval_add_def)

lemma bounded_region:
  assumes "finite X" "valid_region X k I r"
  defines R: "R  region X I r"
  assumes "¬ is_upper_right R" "u  R"
  shows "u  1  R"
proof -
  from upper_right_eq[OF assms(1,2)] assms(4) obtain x where x:
    "x  X" "¬ isGreater (I x)"
  by (auto simp: R)
  with assms have "intv_elem x u (I x)" by auto
  with x(2) have "¬ intv_elem x (u  1) (I x)" by (cases "I x", auto simp: cval_add_def)
  with x(1) assms show ?thesis by auto

context AlphaClosure_global

(* XXX Clean *)
no_notation Regions_Beta.part ([_]⇩_› [61,61] 61)

lemma succ_ex:
  assumes "R  "
  shows "succ  R  " (is "?G1") and "succ  R  Succ  R" (is "?G2")
  and " u  R.  t  0. (u  t)  R  ( t'  t. (u  t')  succ  R  0  t')" (is "?G3")
proof -
  from R   obtain I r where R: "R = region X I r" "valid_region X k I r"
    unfolding ℛ_def by auto
  from region_not_empty[OF finite] R obtain u where u: "u  R"
    by blast
  let ?Z = "{x  X .  c. I x = Const c}"
  let ?succ =
    "λ R'. R'  R  R'  Succ  R
      ( u  R.  t  0. (u  t)  R  ( t'  t. (u  t')  R'  0  t'))"
  consider (upper_right) " x  X. isGreater (I x)" | (intv) " x  X.  d. I x = Intv d  ?Z = {}"
         | (const) "?Z  {}"
  apply (cases " x  X. isGreater (I x)")
   apply fast
  apply (cases "?Z = {}")
   apply safe
   apply (rename_tac x)
   apply (case_tac "I x")
  by auto
  then have "?G1  ?G2  ?G3"
  proof cases
    case const
    with upper_right_eq[OF finite R(2)] have "¬ is_upper_right R" by (auto simp: R(1))
    from closest_prestable_1(1,2)[OF const finite R(2)] closest_valid_1[OF const finite R(2)] R(1)
    obtain R' where R':
      " u  R.  t>0. t't. (u  t')  R'  t'  0" "R'  " " u  R'.  t0. (u  t)  R"
    unfolding ℛ_def by auto
    with region_not_empty[OF finite] obtain u' where "u'  R'" unfolding ℛ_def by blast
    with R'(3) have neq: "R'  R" by (fastforce simp: cval_add_def)
    obtain t:: real where "t > 0" by (auto intro: that[of 1])
    with R'(1,2) u  R obtain t where "t  0" "u  t  R'" by auto
    with R   R'   u  R have "R'  Succ  R" by (intro SuccI3)
    moreover have "( u  R.  t  0. (u  t)  R  ( t'  t. (u  t')  R'  0  t'))"
      using R'(1) unfolding cval_add_def
      apply clarsimp
      subgoal for u t
        by (cases "t = 0") auto
    ultimately have *: "?succ R'" using neq by auto
    have "succ  R = R'" unfolding succ_def
    proof (simp add: ¬ is_upper_right R, intro the_equality, rule *, goal_cases)
      case prems: (1 R'')
      from prems obtain t' u' where R'':
        "R''  " "R''  R" "t'  0" "R'' = [u'  t']⇩" "u'  R"
      using R'(1) by fastforce
      from this(1) obtain I r where R''2:
        "R'' = region X I r" "valid_region X k I r"
        by (auto simp: ℛ_def)
      from R'' have "u'  t'  R" using assms region_unique_spec by blast
      with * t'  0 u'  R obtain t'' where t'': "t''  t'" "u'  t''  R'" "t''  0" by auto
      from this(2) neq have "u'  t''  R" using R'(2) assms region_unique_spec by auto
      with t'' prems u'  R obtain t''' where t''':
        "t'''  t''" "u'  t'''  R''" "t'''  0"
      by auto
      with region_continuous[OF R''2(2) _ _ t'''(2)[unfolded R''2(1)], of "t'' - t'''" "t' - t'''"]
           t'' R'' regions_closed'_spec[OF R   R''(5,3)]
      have "u'  t''  R''" by (auto simp: R''2 cval_add_def)
      with t''(2) show ?case using R''(1) R'(2) region_unique_spec by blast
    with R' * show ?thesis by auto
    case intv
    then have *: "xX. ¬ Regions.isConst (I x)" by auto
    let ?X0 = "{x  X. isIntv (I x)}"
    let ?M = "{x  ?X0. y?X0. (x, y)  r  (y, x)  r}"
    from intv obtain x c where x: "x  X" "¬ isGreater (I x)" and c: "I x = Intv c" by auto
    with x  X have "?X0  {}" by auto
    have "?X0 = {x  X. d. I x = Intv d}" by auto
    with R(2) have r: "total_on ?X0 r" "trans r" by auto
    from total_finite_trans_max[OF ?X0  {} _ this] finite
    obtain x' where x': "x'  ?X0" " y  ?X0. x'  y  (y, x')  r" by fastforce
    from this(2) have "y?X0. (x', y)  r  (y, x')  r" by auto
    with x'(1) have **: "?M  {}" by fastforce
    with upper_right_eq[OF finite R(2)] have "¬ is_upper_right R" by (auto simp: R(1))
    from closest_prestable_2(1,2)[OF * finite R(2) **] closest_valid_2[OF * finite R(2) **] R(1)
    obtain R' where R':
      "( u  R.  t  0. (u  t)  R  ( t'  t. (u  t')  R'  0  t'))" "R'  "
      " u  R'.  t0. (u  t)  R"
    unfolding ℛ_def by auto
    with region_not_empty[OF finite] obtain u' where "u'  R'" unfolding ℛ_def by blast
    with R'(3) have neq: "R'  R" by (fastforce simp: cval_add_def)
    from bounded_region[OF finite R(2), folded R(1), OF ¬ is_upper_right R u] have
      "u  (1 :: t)  R" "(1 :: t)  0"
    by auto
    with R'(1) u obtain t' where "t'  (1 :: t)" "(u  t')  R'" "0  t'" by fastforce
    with R   R'   u  R have "R'  Succ  R" by (intro SuccI3)
    with R'(1) neq have *: "?succ R'" by auto
    have "succ  R = R'" unfolding succ_def
    proof (simp add: ¬ is_upper_right R, intro the_equality, rule *, goal_cases)
      case prems: (1 R'')
      from prems obtain t' u' where R'':
        "R''  " "R''  R" "t'  0" "R'' = [u'  t']⇩" "u'  R"
      using R'(1) by fastforce
      from this(1) obtain I r where R''2:
        "R'' = region X I r" "valid_region X k I r"
      by (auto simp: ℛ_def)
      from R'' have "u'  t'  R" using assms region_unique_spec by blast
      with * t'  0 u'  R obtain t'' where t'': "t''  t'" "u'  t''  R'" "t''  0" by auto
      from this(2) neq have "u'  t''  R" using R'(2) assms region_unique_spec by auto
      with t'' prems u'  R obtain t''' where t''':
        "t'''  t''" "u'  t'''  R''" "t'''  0"
      by auto
      with region_continuous[OF R''2(2) _ _ t'''(2)[unfolded R''2(1)], of "t'' - t'''" "t' - t'''"]
           t'' R'' regions_closed'_spec[OF R   R''(5,3)]
      have "u'  t''  R''" by (auto simp: cval_add_def R''2)
      with t''(2) show ?case using R''(1) R'(2) region_unique_spec by blast
    with R' * show ?thesis by auto
    case upper_right
    with upper_right_eq[OF finite R(2)] have "succ  R = R" by (auto simp: R succ_def)
    with R   u show ?thesis by (fastforce simp: cval_add_def intro: SuccI3)
  then show ?G1 ?G2 ?G3 by auto
lemma region_set'_closed:
  fixes d :: nat
  assumes "R  " "d  0" "xset r. d  k x" "set r  X"
  shows "region_set' R r d  "
proof -
  from region_not_empty[OF finite] assms(1) obtain u where "u  R" using ℛ_def by blast
  from region_set'_id[OF _ _  finite, of _ k, folded ℛ_def] assms this show ?thesis by fastforce

(* XXX Move *)
lemma clock_set_cong[simp]:
  assumes " c  set r. u c = d"
  shows "[r  d]u = u"
proof standard
  fix c
  from assms show "([r  d]u) c = u c" by (cases "c  set r"; auto)

lemma region_reset_not_Succ:
  (* XXX Declare globally? *)
  notes regions_closed'_spec[intro]
  assumes "R  " "set r  X"
  shows "region_set' R r 0 = R  region_set' R r 0  Succ  R" (is "?R = R  _")
proof -
  from assms finite obtain u where "u  R" by (meson Succ.cases succ_ex(2))
  with R   have "u  V" "[u]⇩ = R" by (auto simp: region_unique_spec dest: region_V) 
  with region_set'_id[OF R  [unfolded ℛ_def] u  R finite] assms(2) have
    "?R = [[r0]u]⇩"
  by (force simp: ℛ_def)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases " x  set r. u x = 0")
    case True
    then have "[r0]u = u" by simp
    with ?R = _ _ = R have "?R = R" by (force simp: ℛ_def)
    then show ?thesis ..
    case False
    then obtain x where x: "x  set r" "u x  0" by auto
    { assume "?R  Succ  R"
      with u  R R   obtain t where
        "t  0" "[u  t]⇩ = ?R" "?R  "
      by (meson Succ.cases set_of_regions_spec)
      with u  R assms(1) have "u  t  ?R" by blast
      moreover from ?R = _ u  R have "[r0]u  ?R" by (fastforce simp: region_set'_def)
      moreover from x t  0 u  V assms have "(u  t) x > 0" by (force simp: cval_add_def V_def)
      moreover from x have "([r0]u) x = 0" by auto
      ultimately have False using ?R   x(1) by (fastforce simp: region_set'_def)
    then show ?thesis by auto

end (* Alpha Closure global *)

section ‹Definition and Semantics›

subsection ‹Syntactic Definition›

text ‹
  We do not include:
   a labelling function, as we will assume that atomic propositions are simply sets of states
   a fixed set of locations or clocks, as we will implicitly derive it from the set of transitions
   start or end locations, as we will primarily study reachability

  ('c, 't, 's) transition = "'s * ('c, 't) cconstraint * ('c set * 's) pmf"

  ('c, 't, 's) pta = "('c, 't, 's) transition set * ('c, 't, 's) invassn"

  edges :: "('c, 't, 's) transition  ('s * ('c, 't) cconstraint * ('c set * 's) pmf * 'c set * 's) set"
  "edges  λ (l, g, p). {(l, g, p, X, l') | X l'. (X, l')  set_pmf p}"

  "Edges A   {edges t | t. t  fst A}"

  trans_of :: "('c, 't, 's) pta  ('c, 't, 's) transition set"
  "trans_of  fst"

  inv_of  :: "('c, 'time, 's) pta  ('c, 'time, 's) invassn"
  "inv_of  snd"

no_notation transition (‹_  _ ⟶⇗_,_,_ _› [61,61,61,61,61,61] 61)

abbreviation transition ::
  "('c, 'time, 's) pta  's  ('c, 'time) cconstraint  ('c set * 's) pmf  'c set  's  bool"
(‹_  _ ⟶⇗_,_,_ _› [61,61,61,61,61,61] 61) where
  "(A  l ⟶⇗g,p,Xl')  (l, g, p, X, l')  Edges A"

  locations  :: "('c, 't, 's) pta  's set"
  "locations A  (fst ` Edges A)  ((snd o snd o snd o snd) ` Edges A)"

subsubsection ‹Collecting Information About Clocks›

(* XXX Remove sort constraints *)

definition collect_clkt :: "('c, 't::time, 's) transition set  ('c *'t) set"
  "collect_clkt S =  {collect_clock_pairs (fst (snd t)) | t . t  S}"

definition collect_clki :: "('c, 't :: time, 's) invassn  ('c *'t) set"
  "collect_clki I =  {collect_clock_pairs (I x) | x. True}"

definition clkp_set :: "('c, 't :: time, 's) pta  ('c * 't) set"
  "clkp_set A = collect_clki (inv_of A)  collect_clkt (trans_of A)"

definition collect_clkvt :: "('c, 't :: time, 's) pta  'c set"
  "collect_clkvt A =  ((fst o snd o snd o snd) ` Edges A)"

abbreviation clocks where "clocks A  fst ` clkp_set A  collect_clkvt A"

definition valid_abstraction
  "valid_abstraction A X k 
  ((x,m)  clkp_set A. m  k x  x  X  m  )  collect_clkvt A  X  finite X"

lemma valid_abstractionD[dest]:
  assumes "valid_abstraction A X k"
  shows "((x,m)  clkp_set A. m  k x  x  X  m  )" "collect_clkvt A  X" "finite X"
using assms unfolding valid_abstraction_def by auto

lemma valid_abstractionI[intro]:
  assumes "((x,m)  clkp_set A. m  k x  x  X  m  )" "collect_clkvt A  X" "finite X"
  shows "valid_abstraction A X k"
using assms unfolding valid_abstraction_def by auto

subsection ‹Operational Semantics as an MDP›

abbreviation (input) clock_set_set :: "'c set  't::time  ('c,'t) cval  ('c,'t) cval"
([_:=_]_› [65,65,65] 65)
  "[X:=t]u  clock_set (SOME r. set r = X) t u"

term region_set'

abbreviation region_set_set :: "'c set  't::time  ('c,'t) zone  ('c,'t) zone"
([_::=_]_› [65,65,65] 65)
  "[X::=t]R  region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) t"

no_notation zone_set (‹__  0⇙ [71] 71)

abbreviation zone_set_set :: "('c, 't::time) zone  'c set  ('c, 't) zone"
(‹__  0⇙ [71] 71)
  "ZX  0⇙  zone_set Z (SOME r. set r = X)"

abbreviation (input) ccval (_ [100]) where "ccval cc  {v. v  cc}"

locale Probabilistic_Timed_Automaton =
  fixes A :: "('c, 't :: time, 's) pta"
  assumes admissible_targets:
    "(l, g, μ)  trans_of A  (X, l')  μ  gX  0⇙  inv_of A l'"
    "(l, g, μ)  trans_of A  (X, l')  μ  X  clocks A"
  ― ‹Not necessarily what we want to have›

subsection ‹Syntactic Definition› text_raw ‹ \label{sem:mdp} ›

definition "L = locations A"

definition "𝒳 = clocks A"

definition "S  {(l, u) . l  L  ( x  𝒳. u x  0)  u  inv_of A l}"

  K :: "('s * ('c, 't) cval)  ('s * ('c, 't) cval) pmf set" for st :: "('s * ('c, 't) cval)"
  ― ‹Passage of time› delay:
  "st  S  st = (l, u)  t  0  u  t  inv_of A l  return_pmf (l, u  t)  K st" |
  ― ‹Discrete transitions› action:
  "st  S  st = (l, u)  (l, g, μ)  trans_of A  u  g
   map_pmf (λ (X, l). (l, ([X := 0]u))) μ  K st" |
  ― ‹Self loops -- Note that this does not assume st ∈ S› loop:
  "return_pmf st  K st"

declare K.intros[intro]

sublocale MDP: Markov_Decision_Process K by (standard, auto)

end (* Probabilistic Timed Automaton *)

section ‹Constructing the Corresponding Finite MDP on Regions›

locale Probabilistic_Timed_Automaton_Regions =
  Probabilistic_Timed_Automaton A + Regions_global 𝒳
  for A :: "('c, t, 's) pta" +
  ― ‹The following are necessary to obtain a finite› MDP›
  assumes finite: "finite 𝒳" "finite L" "finite (trans_of A)"
  assumes not_trivial: " l  L.  u  V. u  inv_of A l"
  assumes valid: "valid_abstraction A 𝒳 k"

lemmas finite_ℛ = finite_ℛ[OF finite(1), of k, folded ℛ_def]

subsection ‹Syntactic Definition› text_raw ‹ \label{sem:mdprg} ›

definition "𝒮  {(l, R) . l  L  R    R  {u. u  inv_of A l}}"

(* XXX Move definition of V somewhere else *)
lemma S_alt_def: "S = {(l, u) . l  L  u  V  u  inv_of A l}" unfolding V_def S_def by auto

text ‹
  Note how we relax the definition to allow more transitions in the first case.
  To obtain a more compact MDP the commented out version can be used an proved equivalent.

 𝒦 :: "('s * ('c, t) cval set)  ('s * ('c, t) cval set) pmf set" for st :: "('s * ('c, t) cval set)"
  -- "Passage of time" delay:
  "st ∈ 𝒮 ⟹ st = (l,R) ⟹ succ ℛ R ⊆ ⦃inv_of A l⦄ ⟹ return_pmf (l, succ ℛ R) ∈ 𝒦 st" |
   ― ‹Passage of time› delay:
  "st  𝒮  st = (l,R)  R'  Succ  R  R'  inv_of A l  return_pmf (l, R')  𝒦 st" |
  ― ‹Discrete transitions› action:
  "st  𝒮  st = (l, R )  (l, g, μ)  trans_of A  R  g
   map_pmf (λ (X, l). (l, region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0)) μ  𝒦 st" |
  ― ‹Self loops -- Note that this does not assume st ∈ 𝒮› loop:
  "return_pmf st  𝒦 st"

lemmas [intro] = 𝒦.intros

subsection ‹Many Closure Properties›

lemma transition_def:
  "(A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl') = ((l, g, μ)  trans_of A  (X, l')  μ)"
  unfolding Edges_def edges_def trans_of_def by auto

lemma transitionI[intro]:
  "A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'" if "(l, g, μ)  trans_of A" "(X, l')  μ"
  using that unfolding transition_def ..

lemma transitionD[dest]:
  "(l, g, μ)  trans_of A" "(X, l')  μ" if "A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'"
  using that unfolding transition_def by auto

lemma bex_Edges:
  "( x  Edges A. P x) = ( l g μ X l'. A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'  P (l, g, μ, X, l'))"
  by fastforce

(* XXX Move *)
lemma L_trans[intro]:
  assumes "(l, g, μ)  trans_of A" "(X, l')  μ"
  shows "l  L" "l'  L"
  using assms unfolding L_def locations_def by (auto simp: image_iff bex_Edges transition_def)

lemma transition_𝒳:
  "X  𝒳" if "A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'"
  using that unfolding 𝒳_def collect_clkvt_def clkp_set_def by auto

lemma admissible_targets_alt:
  "A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'  gX  0⇙  inv_of A l'"
  "A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'  X  clocks A"
  by (intro admissible_targets; blast)+

lemma V_reset_closed[intro]:
  assumes "u  V"
  shows "[r  (d::nat)]u  V"
using assms unfolding V_def
  apply safe
  subgoal for x
    by (cases "x  set r"; auto)

lemmas V_reset_closed'[intro] = V_reset_closed[of _ _ 0, simplified]

lemma regions_part_ex[intro]:
  assumes "u  V"
  shows "u  [u]⇩" "[u]⇩  "
proof -
  from assms regions_partition[OF meta_eq_to_obj_eq[OF ℛ_def]] have
    "∃!R. R    u  R"
    unfolding V_def by auto
  then show "[u]⇩  " "u  [u]⇩"
    using alpha_interp.region_unique_spec by auto

lemma rep_ℛ_ex[intro]:
  assumes "R  "
  shows "(SOME u. u  R)  R"
proof -
  from assms region_not_empty[OF finite(1)] have " u. u  R" unfolding ℛ_def by auto
  then show ?thesis ..

lemma V_nn_closed[intro]:
  "u  V  t  0  u  t  V"
unfolding V_def cval_add_def by auto

lemma K_S_closed[intro]:
  assumes "μ  K s" "s'  μ" "s  S"
  shows "s'  S"
  using assms
  by (cases rule: K.cases, auto simp: S_alt_def dest: admissible_targets[unfolded zone_set_def])

lemma S_V[intro]:
  "(l, u)  S  u  V"
unfolding S_alt_def by auto

lemma L_V[intro]:
  "(l, u)  S  l  L"
unfolding S_def by auto

lemma 𝒮_V[intro]:
  "(l, R)  𝒮  R  "
unfolding 𝒮_def by auto

lemma admissible_targets':
  assumes "(l, g, μ)  trans_of A" "(X, l')  μ" "R  g"
  shows "region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0  inv_of A l'"
using admissible_targets(1)[OF assms(1,2)] assms(3) unfolding region_set'_def zone_set_def by auto

subsection ‹The Region Graph is a Finite MDP›

lemma 𝒮_finite:
  "finite 𝒮"
using finite finite_ℛ unfolding 𝒮_def by auto

lemma 𝒦_finite:
  "finite (𝒦 st)"
proof -
  let ?B1 = "{(R', l, R). st  𝒮  st = (l, R)  R'  Succ  R  R'  inv_of A l}"
  let ?S1 = "(λ(R', l, R). return_pmf (l, R')) ` ?B1"
  let ?S1 = "{return_pmf (l, R') | R' l R. st  𝒮  st = (l, R)  R'  Succ  R  R'  inv_of A l}"
  let ?S2 = "{map_pmf (λ (X, l). (l, region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0)) μ
             | R μ.  l g. st  𝒮  st = (l, R )  (l, g, μ)  trans_of A  R  g}"
  have "?B1  {(R', l, R). R'    (l, R)  𝒮 }" unfolding 𝒮_def by auto
  with 𝒮_finite finite_ℛ have "finite ?B1" by - (rule finite_subset, auto)
  moreover have "?S1 = (λ(R', l, R). return_pmf (l, R')) ` ?B1" by (auto simp: image_def)
  ultimately have *: "finite ?S1" by auto
  have "{μ. l g. (l, g, μ)  PTA.trans_of A} = ((λ (l, g, μ). μ) ` PTA.trans_of A)" by force
  with finite(3) finite_ℛ have "finite {(R, μ).  l g. R    (l, g, μ)  trans_of A}" by auto
  moreover have
    "{(R, μ).  l g. st  𝒮  st = (l, R )  (l, g, μ)  trans_of A  R  g}  "
  unfolding 𝒮_def by fastforce
  ultimately have **:
    "finite {(R, μ).  l g. st  𝒮  st = (l, R )  (l, g, μ)  trans_of A  R  g}"
  unfolding 𝒮_def by (blast intro: finite_subset)
  then have "finite ?S2" unfolding 𝒮_def by auto
  have "𝒦 st = ?S1  ?S2  {return_pmf st}" by (safe, cases rule: 𝒦.cases, auto)
  with * ** show ?thesis by auto

(* XXX Obsolete in here, move to Regions *)
lemma ℛ_not_empty:
  "  {}"
proof -
  let ?r = "{}"
  let ?I = "λ c. Const 0"
  let ?R = "region 𝒳 ?I ?r"
  have "valid_region 𝒳 k ?I ?r"
    show "{} = {x  𝒳. d. Const 0 = Intv d}" by auto
    show "refl_on {} {}" and "trans {}" and "total_on {} {}" unfolding trans_def by auto
    show "x  𝒳. Regions.valid_intv (k x) (Const 0)" by auto
  then have "?R  " unfolding ℛ_def by auto
  then show "  {}" by blast

lemma 𝒮_not_empty:
  "𝒮  {}"
proof -
  from not_trivial obtain l u where st: "l  L" "u  V" "u  inv_of A l" by blast
  then obtain R where R: "R  " "u  R" using ℛ_V by auto
  from valid have
    "(x, m)collect_clock_pairs (inv_of A l). m  real (k x)  x  𝒳  m  "
  by (fastforce simp: clkp_set_def collect_clki_def)
  from ccompatible[OF this, folded ℛ_def] R st(3) have
    "R  inv_of A l"
  unfolding ccompatible_def ccval_def by auto
  with st(1) R(1) show ?thesis unfolding 𝒮_def by auto

lemma 𝒦_𝒮_closed:
  assumes "s  𝒮"
  shows "(D𝒦 s. set_pmf D)  𝒮"
proof (safe, cases rule: 𝒦.cases, blast, goal_cases)
  case (1 x a b l R)
  then show ?case unfolding 𝒮_def by (auto intro: alpha_interp.succ_ex(1))
  case (3 a b x)
  with s  𝒮 show ?case by auto
  case prems: (2 l' R' p l R g μ)
  then obtain X where *: "(X, l')  set_pmf μ" "R' = region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0" by auto
  show ?case unfolding 𝒮_def
  proof safe
    from *(1) have "(l, g, μ, X, l')  edges (l,g, μ)" unfolding edges_def by auto
    with prems(6) have "(l, g, μ, X, l')  Edges A" unfolding Edges_def trans_of_def by auto
    then show "l'  L" unfolding L_def locations_def by force

    show "u  inv_of A l'" if "u  R'" for u
    using admissible_targets'[OF prems(6) *(1) prems(7)] *(2) that by auto    
    from admissible_targets(2)[OF prems(6) *(1)] have "X  𝒳" unfolding 𝒳_def by auto
    with finite(1) have "finite X" by (blast intro: finite_subset)
    then obtain r where "set r = X" using finite_list by auto
    then have "set (SOME r. set r = X) = X" by (rule someI)
    with X  𝒳 have "set (SOME r. set r = X)  𝒳" by auto
    with alpha_interp.region_set'_closed[of R 0 "SOME r. set r = X"] prems(4,5) *(2)
    show "R'  " unfolding 𝒮_def 𝒳_def by auto

sublocale R_G: Finite_Markov_Decision_Process 𝒦 𝒮
by (standard, auto simp: 𝒮_finite 𝒮_not_empty 𝒦_finite 𝒦_𝒮_closed)

lemmas 𝒦_𝒮_closed'[intro] = R_G.set_pmf_closed

section ‹Relating the MDPs›

subsection ‹Translating From K to 𝒦›

(* XXX Clean this for regular automata too *)
(* Assumption of valid too strong? i.e. do not need l ∈ L here *)
lemma ccompatible_inv:
  shows "ccompatible  (inv_of A l)"
proof -
  from valid have
    "(x, m)collect_clock_pairs (inv_of A l). m  real (k x)  x  𝒳  m  "
  unfolding valid_abstraction_def clkp_set_def collect_clki_def by auto
  with ccompatible[of _ k 𝒳, folded ℛ_def] show ?thesis by auto

lemma ccompatible_guard:
  assumes "(l, g, μ)  trans_of A"
  shows "ccompatible  g"
proof -
  from assms valid have
    "(x, m)collect_clock_pairs g. m  real (k x)  x  𝒳  m  "
  unfolding valid_abstraction_def clkp_set_def collect_clkt_def trans_of_def by fastforce
  with assms ccompatible[of _ k 𝒳, folded ℛ_def] show ?thesis by auto

lemmas ccompatible_def = ccompatible_def[unfolded ccval_def]

lemma region_set'_eq:
  fixes X :: "'c set"
  assumes "R  " "u  R"
      and "A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'"
    "[[X:=0]u]⇩ = region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0" "[[X:=0]u]⇩  " "[X:=0]u  [[X:=0]u]⇩"
proof -
  let ?r = "(SOME r. set r = X)"
  from admissible_targets_alt[OF assms(3)] 𝒳_def finite have "finite X"
    by (auto intro: finite_subset)
  then obtain r where "set r = X" using finite_list by blast
  then have "set ?r = X" by (intro someI)
  with valid assms(3) have "set ?r  𝒳"
    by (simp add: transition_𝒳)
  from region_set'_id[of _ 𝒳 k, folded ℛ_def, OF assms(1,2) finite(1) _ _ this]
    "[[X:=0]u]⇩ = region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0" "[[X:=0]u]⇩  " "[X:=0]u  [[X:=0]u]⇩"
  by force+

lemma regions_part_ex_reset:
  assumes "u  V"
  shows  "[r  (d::nat)]u  [[r  d]u]⇩" "[[r  d]u]⇩  "
using assms by auto

lemma reset_sets_all_equiv:
  assumes "u  V" "u'  [[r  (d :: nat)]u]⇩" "x  set r" "set r  𝒳" "d  k x"
  shows "u' x = d"
proof -
  from assms(1) have u: "[r  d]u  [[r  d]u]⇩" "[[r  d]u]⇩  " by auto
  then obtain I ρ where I: "[[r  d]u]⇩ = region 𝒳 I ρ" "valid_region 𝒳 k I ρ"
    by (auto simp: ℛ_def)
  with u(1) assms(3-) have "intv_elem x ([r  d]u) (I x)" "valid_intv (k x) (I x)" by fastforce+
  moreover from assms have "([r  d]u) x = d" by simp
  ultimately have "I x = Const d" using assms(5) by (cases "I x") auto
  moreover from I assms(2-) have "intv_elem x u' (I x)" by fastforce
  ultimately show "u' x = d" by auto

lemma reset_eq:
  assumes "u  V" "([[r  0]u]⇩) = ([[r'  0]u]⇩)" "set r  𝒳" "set r'  𝒳"
  shows "[r  0]u = [r'  0]u" using assms 
proof -
  have *: "u' x = 0" if "u'  [[r  0]u]⇩" "x  set r" for u' x
  using reset_sets_all_equiv[of u u' r 0 x] that assms by auto
  have "u' x = 0" if "u'  [[r'  0]u]⇩" "x  set r'" for u' x 
  using reset_sets_all_equiv[of u u' r' 0 x] that assms by auto
  from regions_part_ex_reset[OF assms(1), of _ 0] assms(2) have **:
    "([r'  0]u)  [[r  0]u]⇩" "([r  0]u)  [[r  0]u]⇩" "[[r  0]u]⇩  "
  by auto
  have "(([r  0]u) x) = (([r'  0]u) x)" for x
  proof (cases "x  set r")
    case True
    then have "([r  0]u) x = 0" by simp
    moreover from * ** True have "([r'  0]u) x = 0" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis ..
    case False
    then have id: "([r0]u) x = u x" by simp
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "x  set r'")
      case True
      then have reset: "([r'  0]u) x = 0" by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "x  𝒳")
        case True
        from **(3) obtain I ρ where
          "([([r  0]u)]⇩) = Regions.region 𝒳 I ρ" "Regions.valid_region 𝒳 k I ρ"
        by (auto simp: ℛ_def)
        with ** x  𝒳 have ***:
          "intv_elem x ([r'  0]u) (I x)" "intv_elem x ([r  0]u) (I x)"
        by auto
        with reset have "I x = Const 0" by (cases "I x", auto)
        with ***(2) have "([r  0]u) x = 0" by auto
        with reset show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        with assms(3-) have "x  set r" "x  set r'" by auto
        then show ?thesis by simp
      case False
      then have reset: "([r'  0]u) x = u x" by simp
      with id show ?thesis by simp
  then show ?thesis ..

lemma admissible_targets_clocks:
  assumes "(l, g, μ)  trans_of A" "(X, l')  μ"
  shows "X  𝒳" "set (SOME r. set r = X)  𝒳"
proof -
  from admissible_targets(2)[OF assms] finite have
    "finite X" "X  𝒳"
  by (auto intro: finite_subset simp: 𝒳_def)
  then obtain r where "set r = X" using finite_list by blast
  with X  𝒳 show "X  𝒳" "set (SOME r. set r = X)  𝒳"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI_ex)+

  "rel_pmf (λ a b. f a = b) μ (map_pmf f μ)"
by (subst pmf.rel_map(2)) (rule rel_pmf_reflI, auto)

lemma K_pmf_rel:
  defines "f  λ (l, u). (l, [u]⇩)"
  shows "rel_pmf (λ (l, u) st. (l, [u]⇩) = st) μ (map_pmf f μ)" unfolding f_def
by (subst pmf.rel_map(2)) (rule rel_pmf_reflI, auto)

lemma 𝒦_pmf_rel:
  assumes A: "μ  𝒦 (l, R)"
  defines "f  λ (l, u). (l, SOME u. u  R)"
  shows "rel_pmf (λ (l, u) st. (l, SOME u. u  R) = st) μ (map_pmf f μ)" unfolding f_def
by (subst pmf.rel_map(2)) (rule rel_pmf_reflI, auto)

lemma K_elem_abs_inj:
  assumes A: "μ  K (l, u)"
  defines "f  λ (l, u). (l, [u]⇩)"
  shows "inj_on f μ"
proof -
  have "(l1, u1) = (l2, u2)"
    if id: "(l1, [u1]⇩) = (l2, [u2]⇩)" and elem: "(l1, u1)  μ" "(l2, u2)  μ" for l1 l2 u1 u2
  proof -
    from id have [simp]: "l2 = l1" by auto
    from A
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases, safe, goal_cases)
      case (4 _ _ τ μ')
      from μ = _ elem obtain X1 X2 where
        "u1 = [(SOME r. set r = X1)0]u" "(X1, l1)  μ'"
        "u2 = [(SOME r. set r = X2)0]u" "(X2, l1)  μ'"
      by auto
      with _  trans_of _ admissible_targets_clocks have
        "set (SOME r. set r = X1)  𝒳" "set (SOME r. set r = X2)  𝒳"
      by auto
      with id u1 = _ u2 = _ reset_eq[of u] _  S show ?case by (auto simp: S_def V_def)
    qed (-, insert elem, simp)+
  then show ?thesis unfolding f_def inj_on_def by auto

lemma K_elem_repr_inj:
  notes alpha_interp.valid_regions_distinct_spec[intro] (* XXX Declare somewhere else *)
  assumes A: "μ  𝒦 (l, R)"
  defines "f  λ (l, R). (l, SOME u. u  R)"
  shows "inj_on f μ"
proof -
  have "(l1, R1) = (l2, R2)"
    if id: "(l1, SOME u. u  R1) = (l2, SOME u. u  R2)" and elem: "(l1, R1)  μ" "(l2, R2)  μ"
    for l1 l2 R1 R2
  proof -
    let ?r1 = "SOME u. u  R1" and ?r2 = "SOME u. u  R2"
    from id have [simp]: "l2 = l1" "?r2 = ?r1" by auto
    { fix g μ' x
      assume "(l, R)  𝒮" "(l, g, μ')  PTA.trans_of A" "R  {v. v  g}"
         and "μ = map_pmf (λ(X, l). (l, region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0)) μ'"
      from μ = _ elem obtain X1 X2 where
        "R1 = region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X1) 0" "(X1, l1)  μ'"
        "R2 = region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X2) 0" "(X2, l1)  μ'"
      by auto
      with _  trans_of _ admissible_targets_clocks have
        "set (SOME r. set r = X1)  𝒳" "set (SOME r. set r = X2)  𝒳"
      by auto
      with alpha_interp.region_set'_closed[of _ 0] R1 = _ R2 = _ _  𝒮 have
        "R1  " "R2  "
      unfolding 𝒮_def by auto
      with region_not_empty[OF finite(1)] have
        "R1  {}" "R2  {}" "u. u  R1" "u. u  R2"
      by (auto simp: ℛ_def)
      from someI_ex[OF this(3)] someI_ex[OF this(4)] have "?r1  R1" "?r1  R2" by simp+
      with R1   R2   have "R1 = R2" ..
    from A elem this show ?thesis by (cases, auto)
  then show ?thesis unfolding f_def inj_on_def by auto

lemma K_elem_pmf_map_abs:
  assumes A: "μ  K (l, u)" "(l', u')  μ"
  defines "f  λ (l, u). (l, [u]⇩)"
  shows "pmf (map_pmf f μ) (f (l', u')) = pmf μ (l', u')"
using A unfolding f_def by (blast intro: pmf_map_inj K_elem_abs_inj)

lemma K_elem_pmf_map_repr:
  assumes A: "μ  𝒦 (l, R)" "(l', R')  μ"
  defines "f  λ (l, R). (l, SOME u. u  R)"
  shows "pmf (map_pmf f μ) (f (l', R')) = pmf μ (l', R')"
using A unfolding f_def by (blast intro: pmf_map_inj K_elem_repr_inj)

definition transp :: "('s * ('c, t) cval  bool)  's * ('c, t) cval set  bool" where
  "transp φ  λ (l, R).  u  R. φ (l, u)"

subsection ‹Translating Configurations›

subsubsection ‹States›

  abss :: "'s * ('c, t) cval  's * ('c, t) cval set"
  "abss  λ (l, u). if u  V then (l, [u]⇩) else (l, -V)"

  reps :: "'s * ('c, t) cval set  's * ('c, t) cval"
  "reps  λ (l, R). if R   then (l, SOME u. u  R) else (l, λ_. -1)"

lemma 𝒮_reps_S[intro]:
  assumes "s  𝒮"
  shows "reps s  S"
using assms ℛ_V unfolding S_def 𝒮_def reps_def V_def by force

lemma S_abss_𝒮[intro]:
  assumes "s  S"
  shows "abss s  𝒮"
using assms ccompatible_inv unfolding 𝒮_def S_alt_def abss_def ccompatible_def by force

lemma 𝒮_abss_reps[simp]:
  "s  𝒮  abss (reps s) = s"
using ℛ_V alpha_interp.region_unique_spec by (auto simp: S_def 𝒮_def reps_def abss_def; blast)

lemma map_pmf_abs_reps:
  assumes "s  𝒮" "μ  𝒦 s"
  shows "map_pmf abss (map_pmf reps μ) = μ"
proof -
  have "map_pmf abss (map_pmf reps μ) = map_pmf (abss o reps) μ" by (simp add: pmf.map_comp)
  also have " = μ"
  proof (rule map_pmf_idI, safe, goal_cases)
    case prems: (1 l' R')
    with assms have "(l', R')  𝒮" "reps (l', R')  S" by auto
    then show ?case by auto
  finally show ?thesis by auto

lemma abss_reps_id:
  notes R_G.cfg_onD_state[simp del]
  assumes "s'  𝒮" "s  set_pmf (action cfg)" "cfg  R_G.cfg_on s'"
  shows "abss (reps s) = s"
proof -
  from assms have "s  𝒮" by auto
  then show ?thesis by auto

lemma abss_S[intro]:
  assumes "(l, u)  S"
  shows "abss (l, u) = (l, [u]⇩)"
using assms unfolding abss_def by auto

lemma reps_𝒮[intro]:
  assumes "(l, R)  𝒮"
  shows "reps (l, R) = (l, SOME u. u  R)"
using assms unfolding reps_def by auto

lemma fst_abss:
  "fst (abss st) = fst st" for st
  by (cases st) (auto simp: abss_def)

lemma K_elem_abss_inj:
  assumes A: "μ  K (l, u)" "(l, u)  S"
  shows "inj_on abss μ"
proof -
  from assms have "abss s' = (λ (l, u). (l, [u]⇩)) s'" if "s'  μ" for s'
  using that by (auto split: prod.split)
  from inj_on_cong[OF this] K_elem_abs_inj[OF A(1)] show ?thesis by force

lemma 𝒦_elem_reps_inj:
  assumes A: "μ  𝒦 (l, R)" "(l, R)  𝒮"
  shows "inj_on reps μ"
proof -
  from assms have "reps s' = (λ (l, R). (l, SOME u. u  R)) s'" if "s'  μ" for s'
  using that by (auto split: prod.split)
  from inj_on_cong[OF this] K_elem_repr_inj[OF A(1)] show ?thesis by force

lemma P_elem_pmf_map_abss:
  assumes A: "μ  K (l, u)" "(l, u)  S" "s'  μ"
  shows "pmf (map_pmf abss μ) (abss s') = pmf μ s'"
using A by (blast intro: pmf_map_inj K_elem_abss_inj)

lemma 𝒦_elem_pmf_map_reps:
  assumes A: "μ  𝒦 (l, R)" "(l, R)  𝒮" "(l', R')  μ"
  shows "pmf (map_pmf reps μ) (reps (l', R')) = pmf μ (l', R')"
using A by (blast intro: pmf_map_inj 𝒦_elem_reps_inj)

text ‹We need that 𝒳› is non-trivial here›
lemma not_𝒮_reps:
  "(l, R)  𝒮  reps (l, R)  S"
proof -
  assume "(l, R)  𝒮"
  let ?u = "SOME u. u  R"
  have "¬ ?u  inv_of A l" if "R  " "l  L"
  proof -
    (* XXX Refactor -- doing that kind of proof at other places too *)
    from region_not_empty[OF finite(1)] R   have "u. u  R" by (auto simp: ℛ_def)
    from someI_ex[OF this] have "?u  R" .
    moreover from (l, R)  𝒮 that have "¬ R  inv_of A l" by (auto simp: 𝒮_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using ccompatible_inv[of l] R   unfolding ccompatible_def by fastforce
  with non_empty (l, R)  𝒮 show ?thesis unfolding 𝒮_def S_def reps_def by auto

(* XXX Move up *)
lemma neq_V_not_region:
  "-V  "
using ℛ_V rep_ℛ_ex by auto

lemma 𝒮_abss_S:
  "abss s  𝒮  s  S"
  unfolding abss_def 𝒮_def S_def
  apply safe
  subgoal for _ _ _ u
    by (cases "u  V") auto
  subgoal for _ _ _ u
    using neq_V_not_region by (cases "u  V", (auto simp: V_def; fail), auto)
  subgoal for l' y l u
    using neq_V_not_region by (cases "u  V"; auto dest: regions_part_ex)

lemma S_pred_stream_abss_𝒮:
  "pred_stream (λ s. s  S) xs  pred_stream (λ s. s  𝒮) (smap abss xs)"
using S_abss_𝒮 𝒮_abss_S by (auto simp: stream.pred_set)

sublocale MDP: Markov_Decision_Process_Invariant K S by (standard, auto)

abbreviation (input) "valid_cfg  MDP.valid_cfg"

lemma K_closed:
  "s  S  (DK s. set_pmf D)  S" 
  by auto

subsubsection ‹Intermezzo›

(* XXX Correct binding strength *)
abbreviation timed_bisim (infixr ~ 60) where
  "s ~ s'  abss s = abss s'"

lemma bisim_loc_id[intro]:
  "(l, u) ~ (l', u')  l = l'"
unfolding abss_def by (cases "u  V"; cases "u'  V"; simp)

lemma bisim_val_id[intro]:
  "[u]⇩ = [u']⇩" if "u  V" "(l, u) ~ (l', u')"
proof -
  have "(l', - V)  (l, [u]⇩)"
    using that by blast
  with that have "u'  V"
    by (force simp: abss_def)
  with that show ?thesis
    by (simp add: abss_def)

lemma bisim_symmetric:
  "(l, u) ~ (l', u') = (l', u') ~ (l, u)"
by (rule eq_commute)

lemma bisim_val_id2[intro]:
  "u'  V  (l, u) ~ (l', u')  [u]⇩ = [u']⇩"
 apply (subst (asm) eq_commute)
 apply (subst eq_commute)
 apply (rule bisim_val_id)
by auto

lemma K_bisim_unique:
  assumes "s  S" "μ  K s" "x  μ" "x'  μ" "x ~ x'"
  shows "x = x'"
using assms(2,1,3-)
proof (cases rule: K.cases)
  case prems: (action l u τ μ')
  with assms obtain l1 l2 X1 X2 where A:
    "(X1, l1)  set_pmf μ'" "(X2, l2)  set_pmf μ'"
    "x = (l1, [X1:=0]u)" "x' = (l2, [X2:=0]u)"
  by auto
  from x ~ x' A s  S s = (l, u) have "[[X1:=0]u]⇩ = [[X2:=0]u]⇩"
    using bisim_val_id[OF S_V] K_S_closed assms(2-4) by (auto intro!: bisim_val_id[OF S_V])
  then have "[X1:=0]u = [X2:=0]u"
    using A admissible_targets_clocks(2)[OF prems(4)] prems(2,3) by - (rule reset_eq, force)
  with A x ~ x' show ?thesis by auto
  case delay
  with assms(3-) show ?thesis by auto
  case loop
  with assms(3-) show ?thesis by auto

subsubsection ‹Predicates›

definition absp where
  "absp φ  φ o reps"

definition repp where
  "repp φ  φ o absp"

subsubsection ‹Distributions›

  abst :: "('s * ('c, t) cval) pmf  ('s * ('c, t) cval set) pmf"
  "abst = map_pmf abss"

lemma abss_𝒮D:
  assumes "abss s  𝒮"
  obtains l u where "s = (l, u)" "u  [u]⇩" "[u]⇩  "
proof -
  obtain l u where "s = (l, u)" by force
  moreover from 𝒮_abss_S[OF assms] have "s  S" .
  ultimately have "abss s = (l, [u]⇩)" "u  V" "u  [u]⇩" "[u]⇩  " by auto
  with s = _ show ?thesis by (auto intro: that)

lemma abss_𝒮D':
  assumes "abss s  𝒮" "abss s = (l, R)"
  obtains u where "s = (l, u)" "u  [u]⇩" "[u]⇩  " "R = [u]⇩"
proof -
  from abss_𝒮D[OF assms(1)] obtain l' u where u:
    "s = (l', u)" "u  [u]⇩" "[u]⇩  "
  by blast+
  with ℛ_V have "u  V" by auto
  with s = _ assms(2) have "l' = l" "R = [u]⇩" unfolding abss_def by auto
  with u show ?thesis by (auto intro: that)

  rept :: "'s * ('c, t) cval ⇒ ('s * ('c, t) cval set) pmf ⇒ ('s * ('c, t) cval) pmf"
  "rept s μ_abs ≡ let (l, u) = s in
    if μ_abs = return_pmf (abss s)
    then if (∃ c ∈ 𝒳. ∃ d. u c = real d)
         then return_pmf s
         else return_pmf (l, u ⊕ 0.5)
    else SOME μ. μ ∈ K s ∧ abst μ = μ_abs"

definition "infR R  λ c. of_int (SOME u. u  R) c"

term "let a = 3 in b"

(* definition "shiftedR R ≡ let u = (SOME u. u ∈ R) in (u ⊕ max 0 (0.1 - Max {frac (u c) | c. c ∈ 𝒳}))" *)
definition "delayedR R u ≡
  u ⊕ (
    let (I, r) = (SOME x. ∃ I r. x = (I, r) ∧ valid_region 𝒳 k I r ∧ R = region 𝒳 I r);
        m = Min {of_nat (intv_const (I c)) + 1 - u c | c. c ∈ 𝒳 ∧ isConst (I c)}
    in if m ≥ 1 then SOME t. u ⊕ t ∈ R else m / 2

definition "delayedR R u ≡
  u ⊕ (
    let (I, r) = (SOME x. ∃ I r. x = (I, r) ∧ valid_region 𝒳 k I r ∧ R = region 𝒳 I r);
        m = 1 - Max ({frac (u c) | c. c ∈ 𝒳 ∧ isIntv (I c) ∧ intv_const (I c) = 0} ∪ {0})
    in if m ≥ 1 then SOME t. u ⊕ t ∈ R else m / 2

definition "delayedR R u 
  u  (
    let I = (SOME I.  r. valid_region 𝒳 k I r  R = region 𝒳 I r);
        m = 1 - Max ({frac (u c) | c. c  𝒳  isIntv (I c)}  {0})
    in SOME t. u  t  R  t  m / 2

(* XXX Move, generated by sledgehammer *)
lemma delayedR_correct_aux_aux:
  fixes c :: nat
  fixes a b :: real
  assumes "c < a" "a < Suc c" "b  0" "a + b < Suc c"
  shows "frac (a + b) = frac a + b"
(* Working alternative:
by (smt One_nat_def add.right_neutral add_Suc_right assms nat_intv_frac_decomp)
proof -
  have f1: "a + b < real (c + 1)"
    using assms(4) by auto
  have f2: "r ra. (r::real) + (- r + ra) = ra"
    by linarith
  have f3: "r. (r::real) = - (- r)"
    by linarith
  have f4: "r ra. - (r::real) + (ra + r) = ra"
    by linarith
  then have f5: "r n. r + - frac r = real n  ¬ r < real (n + 1)  ¬ real n < r"
    using f2 by (metis nat_intv_frac_decomp)
  then have "frac a + real c = a"
    using f4 f3 by (metis One_nat_def add.right_neutral add_Suc_right assms(1) assms(2))
  then show ?thesis
    using f5 f1 assms(1) assms(3) by fastforce

lemma delayedR_correct_aux:
  fixes I r
  defines "R  region 𝒳 I r"
  assumes "u  R" "valid_region 𝒳 k I r" " c  𝒳. ¬ isConst (I c)"
          " c  𝒳. isIntv (I c)  (u  t) c < intv_const (I c) + 1"
          "t  0"
  shows "u  t  R" unfolding R_def
  from assms have "R  " unfolding ℛ_def by auto
  with u  R ℛ_V have "u  V" by auto
  with t  0 show "x𝒳. 0  (u  t) x" unfolding V_def by (auto simp: cval_add_def)
  have "intv_elem x (u  t) (I x)" if "x  𝒳" for x
  proof (cases "I x")
    case Const
    with assms x  𝒳 show ?thesis by auto
    case (Intv c)
    with assms x  𝒳 show ?thesis by (simp add: cval_add_def) (rule; force)
    case (Greater c)
    with assms x  𝒳 show ?thesis by (fastforce simp add: cval_add_def)
  then show "x𝒳. intv_elem x (u  t) (I x)" ..

  let ?X0 = "{x  𝒳. d. I x = Intv d}"
  show "?X0 = ?X0" by auto

  have "frac (u x + t) = frac (u x) + t" if "x  ?X0" for x
  proof -
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule delayedR_correct_aux_aux[where c = "intv_const (I x)"])
    using assms x  ?X0 by (force simp add: cval_add_def)+
  then have "frac (u x)  frac (u y)  frac (u x + t)  frac (u y + t)" if "x  ?X0" "y  ?X0" for x y
  using that by auto
  with assms show
    "x?X0. y?X0. ((x, y)  r) = (frac ((u  t) x)  frac ((u  t) y))"
  unfolding cval_add_def by auto

lemma delayedR_correct_aux':
  fixes I r
  defines "R  region 𝒳 I r"
  assumes "u  t1  R" "valid_region 𝒳 k I r" " c  𝒳. ¬ isConst (I c)"
          " c  𝒳. isIntv (I c)  (u  t2) c < intv_const (I c) + 1"
          "t1  t2"
  shows "u  t2  R"
proof -
  have "(u  t1)  (t2 - t1)  R" unfolding R_def
    using assms by - (rule delayedR_correct_aux, auto simp: cval_add_def)
  then show "u  t2  R" by (simp add: cval_add_def)

(* XXX Move to valid_regions_distinct *)
lemma valid_regions_intv_distinct:
  "valid_region X k I r  valid_region X k I' r'  u  region X I r  u  region X I' r'
   x  X  I x = I' x"
proof goal_cases
  case A: 1
  note x = x  X
  with A have "valid_intv (k x) (I x)" by auto
  moreover from A(2) x have "valid_intv (k x) (I' x)" by auto
  moreover from A(3) x have "intv_elem x u (I x)" by auto
  moreover from A(4) x have "intv_elem x u (I' x)" by auto
  ultimately show "I x = I' x" using valid_intv_distinct by fastforce

(* XXX Move *)
lemma delayedR_correct:
  fixes I r
  defines "R'  region 𝒳 I r"
  assumes "u  R" "R  " "valid_region 𝒳 k I r" " c  𝒳. ¬ isConst (I c)" "R'  Succ  R"
    "delayedR R' u  R'"
    " t  0. delayedR R' u = u  t
             t  (1 - Max ({frac (u c) | c. c  𝒳  isIntv (I c)}  {0})) / 2"
proof -
  let ?u = "SOME u. u  R"
  let ?I = "SOME I.  r. valid_region 𝒳 k I r  R' = region 𝒳 I r"
  let ?S = "{frac (u c) | c. c  𝒳  isIntv (I c)}"
  let ?m = "1 - Max (?S  {0})"
  let ?t = "SOME t. u  t  R'  t  ?m / 2"
  have "Max (?S  {0})  0" "?m  1" using finite(1) by auto
  have "Max (?S  {0})  ?S  {0}" using finite(1) by - (rule Max_in; auto)
  with frac_lt_1 have "Max (?S  {0})  1" "?m  0" by auto
  from assms(3, 6) u  R obtain t where t:
    "u  t  R'" "t  0"
  by (metis alpha_interp.regions_closed'_spec alpha_interp.set_of_regions_spec)
  have I_cong: " c  𝒳. I' c = I c" if "valid_region 𝒳 k I' r'" "R' = region 𝒳 I' r'" for I' r'
  using valid_regions_intv_distinct assms(4) t(1) that unfolding R'_def by auto
  have I_cong: "?I c = I c" if "c  𝒳" for c
  proof -
    from assms have
      " r. valid_region 𝒳 k ?I r  R' = region 𝒳 ?I r"
    by - (rule someI[where P = "λ I.  r. valid_region 𝒳 k I r  R' = region 𝒳 I r"]; auto)
    with I_cong that show ?thesis by auto
  then have "?S = {frac (u c) | c. c  𝒳  isIntv (?I c)}" by auto
  have upper_bound: "(u  ?m / 2) c < intv_const (I c) + 1" if "c  𝒳" "isIntv (I c)" for c
  proof (cases "u c > intv_const (I c)")
    case True
    from t that assms have "u c + t < intv_const (I c) + 1" unfolding cval_add_def by fastforce
    with t  0 True have *: "intv_const (I c) < u c" "u c < intv_const (I c) + 1" by auto
    have "frac (u c)  Max (?S  {0})" using finite(1) that by - (rule Max_ge; auto)
    then have "?m  1 - frac (u c)" by auto
    then have "?m / 2 < 1 - frac (u c)" using * nat_intv_frac_decomp by fastforce 
    then have "(u  ?m / 2) c < u c + 1 - frac (u c)" unfolding cval_add_def by auto
    also from * have
      " = intv_const (I c) + 1"
    using nat_intv_frac_decomp of_nat_1 of_nat_add by fastforce
    finally show ?thesis .
    case False
    then have "u c  intv_const (I c)" by auto
    moreover from 0  ?m ?m  1 have "?m / 2 < 1" by auto
    ultimately have "u c + ?m / 2 < intv_const (I c) + 1" by linarith
    then show ?thesis by (simp add: cval_add_def)
  have "?t  0  u  ?t  R'  ?t  ?m / 2"
  proof (cases "t  ?m / 2")
    case True
    from t  ?m / 2 t Max (?S  {0})  1 have "u  ?t  R'  ?t  ?m / 2"
      by - (rule someI; auto)
    with ?m  0 show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    have "u  ?m / 2  R'" unfolding R'_def
     apply (rule delayedR_correct_aux')
         apply (rule t[unfolded R'_def])
        apply (rule assms)+
    using upper_bound False by auto
    with ?m  0 show ?thesis by - (rule someI2; fastforce)
  then show "delayedR R' u  R'" "t0. delayedR R' u = u  t  t  ?m / 2"
    by (auto simp: delayedR_def ?S = _)

  rept :: "'s * ('c, t) cval  ('s * ('c, t) cval set) pmf  ('s * ('c, t) cval) pmf"
  "rept s μ_abs  let (l, u) = s in
    if ( R'. (l, u)  S  μ_abs = return_pmf (l, R') 
        (([u]⇩ = R'  ( c  𝒳. u c > k c))))
    then return_pmf (l, u  0.5)
    else if
      ( R'. (l, u)  S  μ_abs = return_pmf (l, R')  R'  Succ  ([u]⇩)  [u]⇩  R'
            ( u  R'.  c  𝒳.  d. d  k c   u c = real d))
    then return_pmf (l, delayedR (SOME R'. μ_abs = return_pmf (l, R')) u)
    else SOME μ. μ  K s  abst μ = μ_abs"

(* XXX Move *)
lemma 𝒮_L:
  "l  L" if "(l, R)  𝒮"
  using that unfolding 𝒮_def by auto

lemma 𝒮_inv:
  "(l, R)  𝒮  R  inv_of A l"
  unfolding 𝒮_def by auto

lemma upper_right_closed:
  assumes "c𝒳. real (k c) < u c" "u  R" "R  " "t  0"
  shows "u  t  R"
proof -
  from R   obtain I r where R:
    "R = region 𝒳 I r" "valid_region 𝒳 k I r"
  unfolding ℛ_def by auto
  from assms ℛ_V have "u  V" by auto
  from assms R have " c  𝒳. I c = Greater (k c)" by safe (case_tac "I c"; fastforce)
  with R u  V assms show
    "u  t  R"
  unfolding V_def by safe (rule; force simp: cval_add_def)

lemma S_I[intro]:
  "(l, u)  S" if "l  L" "u  V" "u  inv_of A l"
  using that by (auto simp: S_def V_def)

lemma rept_ex:
  assumes "μ  𝒦 (abss s)"
  shows "rept s μ  K s  abst (rept s μ) = μ" using assms
proof cases
  case prems: (delay l R R')
  then have "R  " by auto
  from prems(2) have "s  S" by (auto intro: 𝒮_abss_S)
  from abss_𝒮D[OF prems(2)] obtain l' u' where "s = (l', u')" "u'  [u']⇩"
    by metis
  with prems(3) have *: "s = (l, u')  u'  R"
   apply simp
   apply (subst (asm) abss_S[OF 𝒮_abss_S])
  using prems(2) by auto
  with prems(4) alpha_interp.set_of_regions_spec[OF R  ] obtain t where R':
    "t  0" "R' = [u'  t]⇩"
  by auto
  with s  S * have "u'  t  R'" "u'  t  V" "l  L" by auto
  with prems(5) have "(l, u'  t)  S" unfolding S_def V_def by auto
  with R' = [u'  t]⇩ have **: "abss (l, u'  t) = (l, R')" by (auto simp: abss_S)
  let  = "return_pmf (l, u'  t)"
  have "  K s" using * s  S t  0 u'  t  R' prems by blast
  moreover have "abst  = μ" by (simp add: ** abst_def prems(1))
  moreover note default = calculation
  have "R'  " using prems(4) by auto
  have R: "[u']⇩ = R" by (simp add: * R   alpha_interp.region_unique_spec) 
  from R'   obtain I r where R':
    "R' = region 𝒳 I r" "valid_region 𝒳 k I r"
  unfolding ℛ_def by auto
  have "u'  V" using * prems ℛ_V by force
  let ?μ' = "return_pmf (l, u'  0.5)"
  have elapsed: "abst (return_pmf (l, u'  t)) = μ" "return_pmf (l, u'  t)  K s"
    if "u'  t  R'" "t  0" for t
  proof -
    let ?u = "u'  t" let ?μ' = "return_pmf (l, u'  t)"
    from ?u  R' R'   ℛ_V have "?u  V" by auto
    with ?u  R' R'   have "[?u]⇩ = R'" using alpha_interp.region_unique_spec by auto
    with ?u  V ?u  R' l  L prems(4,5) have "abss (l, ?u) = (l, R')"
      by (subst abss_S) auto
    with prems(1) have "abst ?μ' = μ" by (auto simp: abst_def)
    moreover from * ?u  R' s  S prems t  0 have "?μ'  K s" by auto
    ultimately show "abst ?μ' = μ" "?μ'  K s" by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "R = R'")
    case T: True
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases " c  𝒳. u' c > k c")
      case True
      with T * R prems(1,4) s  S have
        "rept s μ = return_pmf (l, u'  0.5)" (is "_ = ")
      unfolding rept_def by auto
      from upper_right_closed[OF True] * R'   T have "u'  0.5  R'" by auto
      with elapsed rept _ _ = _ show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      with T * R prems(1) have
        "rept s μ = (SOME μ'. μ'  K s  abst μ' = μ)"
      unfolding rept_def by auto
      with default show ?thesis by simp (rule someI; auto)
    case F: False
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases " u  R'.  c  𝒳.  d. d  k c  u c = real d")
      case False
      with F * R prems(1) have
        "rept s μ = (SOME μ'. μ'  K s  abst μ' = μ)"
      unfolding rept_def by auto
      with default show ?thesis by simp (rule someI; auto)
      case True
      from True F * R prems(1,4) s  S have
        "rept s μ = return_pmf (l, delayedR (SOME R'. μ = return_pmf (l, R')) u')"
        (is "_ = return_pmf (l, delayedR ?R u')")
      unfolding rept_def by auto
      let ?u = "delayedR ?R u'"
      from prems(1) have "μ = return_pmf (l, ?R)" by auto
      with prems(1) have "?R = R'" by auto
      moreover from R' True _  R' have "c𝒳. ¬ Regions.isConst (I c)" by fastforce
      moreover note delayedR_correct[of u' R I r] * R   R' True R'  Succ  R
      ultimately obtain t where **: "delayedR R' u'  R'" "t  0" "delayedR R' u' = u'  t" by auto
      moreover from ?R =_rept _ _ = _ have "rept s μ = return_pmf (l, delayedR R' u')" by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis using elapsed by auto
  case prems: (action l R τ μ')
  from abss_𝒮D'[OF prems(2,3)] obtain u where u:
    "s = (l, u)" "u  [u]⇩" "[u]⇩  " "R = [u]⇩"
  by auto
  with _  𝒮 have "(l, u)  S" by (auto intro: 𝒮_abss_S)
  let  = "map_pmf (λ(X, l). (l, [X:=0]u)) μ'"
  from u prems have "  K s" by (fastforce intro: 𝒮_abss_S)
  moreover have "abst  = μ" unfolding prems(1) abst_def
   proof (subst map_pmf_comp, rule pmf.map_cong, safe, goal_cases)
     case A: (1 X l')
     from u have "u  V" using ℛ_V by auto
     then have "[X:=0]u  V" by auto
     from prems(1) A
     have "(l', region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0)  μ" by auto
     from A prems R_G.K_closed μ  _ have
        "l'  L" "region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0  inv_of A l'"
     by (force dest: 𝒮_L 𝒮_inv)+
     with u have "[X:=0]u  inv_of A l'" unfolding region_set'_def by auto
     with l'  L [X:=0]u  V have "(l', [X:=0]u)  S" unfolding S_def V_def by auto
     then have "abss (l', [X:=0]u) = (l', [[X:=0]u]⇩)" by auto
     also have
       " = (l', region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0)"
     using region_set'_eq(1)[unfolded transition_def] prems A u by force
    finally show ?case .
  ultimately have default: ?thesis if "rept s μ = (SOME μ'. μ'  K s  abst μ' = μ)" using that
  by simp (rule someI; auto)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases " R. μ = return_pmf (l, R)")
    case False
    with s = (l, u) have "rept s μ = (SOME μ'. μ'  K s  abst μ' = μ)" unfolding rept_def by auto
    with default show ?thesis by auto
    case True
    then obtain R' where R': "μ = return_pmf (l, R')" by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "R = R'")
      case False
      from R' prems(1) have
        " (X, l')  μ'. (l', region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0) = (l, R')"
      by (auto simp: map_pmf_eq_return_pmf_iff[of _ μ' "(l, R')"])
      then obtain X where
        "region_set' R (SOME r. set r = X) 0 = R'" "(X, l)  μ'"
      using set_pmf_not_empty by force
      with prems(4) have "X  𝒳" by (simp add: admissible_targets_clocks(1))
      moreover then have
        "set (SOME r. set r = X) = X"
      by - (rule someI_ex, metis finite_list finite(1) finite_subset)
      ultimately have "set (SOME r. set r = X)  𝒳" by auto
      with alpha_interp.region_reset_not_Succ False _ = R' u(3,4) have "R'  Succ  R" by auto
      with s = (l, u) R' u(4) False have
        "rept s μ = (SOME μ'. μ'  K s  abst μ' = μ)"
      unfolding rept_def by auto
      with default show ?thesis by auto
      case T: True
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "c𝒳. real (k c) < u c")
        case False
        with T s = (l, u) R' u(4) have
          "rept s μ = (SOME μ'. μ'  K s  abst μ' = μ)"
        unfolding rept_def by auto
        with default show ?thesis by auto
        case True
        with T s = (l, u) R' u(4) (l, u)  S have
          "rept s μ = return_pmf (l, u  0.5)"
        unfolding rept_def by auto
        from upper_right_closed[OF True] T u ℛ_V have "u  0.5  R'" "u  0.5  V" by force+
        moreover then have "[u  0.5]⇩ = R'"
          using T alpha_interp.region_unique_spec u(3,4) by blast 
        moreover note * = rept _ _ = _ R' abss s  𝒮 abss s = _ prems(5)
        ultimately have "abst (rept s μ) = μ"
         apply (simp add: abst_def)
         apply (subst abss_S)
        by (auto simp: 𝒮_L S_def V_def T dest: 𝒮_inv)
        moreover from * s = _ (l, u)  S _  R' have
          "rept s μ  K s"
         apply simp
         apply (rule K.delay)
        by (auto simp: T dest: 𝒮_inv)
        ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  case loop
  obtain l u where "s = (l, u)" by force
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "s  S")
    case T: True
    with s = _ have *: "l  L" "u  [u]⇩" "[u]⇩  " "abss s = (l, [u]⇩)" by auto
    then have "abss s = (l, [u]⇩)" by auto
    with s  S S_abss_𝒮 have "(l, [u]⇩)  𝒮" by auto
    with 𝒮_inv have "[u]⇩  {u. u  inv_of A l}" by auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "c𝒳. real (k c) < u c")
      case True
      with * μ = _ s = _ s  S have
        "rept s μ = return_pmf (l, u  0.5)"
      unfolding rept_def by auto
      from upper_right_closed[OF True] * have "u  0.5  [u]⇩" by auto
      moreover with * ℛ_V have "u  0.5  V" by auto
      moreover with calculation * alpha_interp.region_unique_spec have "[u  0.5]⇩ = [u]⇩" by blast
      moreover note * rept _ _ = _ s = _ T μ = _ (l, _)  𝒮 𝒮_inv
      ultimately show ?thesis unfolding rept_def
       apply simp
       apply safe
        apply fastforce
       apply (simp add: abst_def)
       apply (subst abst_def abss_S)
      by fastforce+
      case False
      with * s = _ μ = _ have
        "rept s μ = (SOME μ'. μ'  K s  abst μ' = μ)"
      unfolding rept_def by auto
      with μ = _ show ?thesis by simp (rule someI[where x = "return_pmf s"], auto simp: abst_def)
    case False
    with s = _ μ = _ have
        "rept s μ = (SOME μ'. μ'  K s  abst μ' = μ)"
    unfolding rept_def by auto
    with μ = _ show ?thesis by simp (rule someI[where x = "return_pmf s"], auto simp: abst_def)

lemmas rept_K[intro]       = rept_ex[THEN conjunct1]
lemmas abst_rept_id[simp]  = rept_ex[THEN conjunct2]

lemma abst_rept2:
  assumes "μ  𝒦 s" "s  𝒮"
  shows "abst (rept (reps s) μ) = μ"
using assms by auto

lemma rept_K2:
  assumes "μ  𝒦 s" "s  𝒮"
  shows "rept (reps s) μ  K (reps s)"
using assms by auto

(* XXX Move this. Does this exist anywhere? More elegant pattern? *)
lemma theI':
  assumes "P a"
    and "x. P x  x = a"
  shows "P (THE x. P x)  ( y. P y  y = (THE x. P x))"
using theI assms by metis

lemma cont_cfg_defined:
  fixes cfg s
  assumes "cfg  valid_cfg" "s  abst (action cfg)"
  defines "x  THE x. abss x = s  x  action cfg"
  shows "(abss x = s  x  action cfg)  ( y. abss y = s  y  action cfg  y = x)"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain s' where "s'  action cfg" "s = abss s'" unfolding abst_def by auto
  with assms show ?thesis unfolding x_def
  by -(rule theI'[of _ s'],auto intro: K_bisim_unique MDP.valid_cfg_state_in_S dest: MDP.valid_cfgD)

  absc' :: "('s * ('c, t) cval) cfg  ('s * ('c, t) cval set) cfg"
  "absc' cfg = cfg_corec
    (abss (state cfg))
    (abst o action)
    (λ cfg s. cont cfg (THE x. abss x = s  x  action cfg)) cfg"

subsubsection ‹Configuration›

  absc :: "('s * ('c, t) cval) cfg  ('s * ('c, t) cval set) cfg"
  "absc cfg = cfg_corec
    (abss (state cfg))
    (abst o action)
    (λ cfg s. cont cfg (THE x. abss x = s  x  action cfg)) cfg"

  repcs :: "'s * ('c, t) cval  ('s * ('c, t) cval set) cfg  ('s * ('c, t) cval) cfg"
  "repcs s cfg = cfg_corec
    (λ (s, cfg). rept s (action cfg))
    (λ (s, cfg) s'. (s', cont cfg (abss s'))) (s, cfg)"

  "repc cfg = repcs (reps (state cfg)) cfg"

lemma 𝒮_state_absc_repc[simp]:
  "state cfg  𝒮  state (absc (repc cfg)) = state cfg"
by (simp add: absc_def repc_def repcs_def)

lemma action_repc:
  "action (repc cfg) = rept (reps (state cfg)) (action cfg)"
unfolding repc_def repcs_def by simp

(* XXX Declare simp? *)
lemma action_absc:
  "action (absc cfg) = abst (action cfg)"
unfolding absc_def by simp

lemma action_absc':
  "action (absc cfg) = map_pmf abss (action cfg)"
unfolding absc_def unfolding abst_def by simp

  notes R_G.cfg_onD_state[simp del]
  assumes "state cfg  𝒮" "s'  set_pmf (action (repc cfg))" "cfg  R_G.cfg_on (state cfg)"
  shows "cont (repc cfg) s' = repcs s' (cont cfg (abss s'))"
using assms by (auto simp: repc_def repcs_def abss_reps_id)

lemma cont_repcs1:
  notes R_G.cfg_onD_state[simp del]
  assumes "abss s  𝒮" "s'  set_pmf (action (repcs s cfg))" "cfg  R_G.cfg_on (abss s)"
  shows "cont (repcs s cfg) s' = repcs s' (cont cfg (abss s'))"
using assms by (auto simp: repc_def repcs_def abss_reps_id)

lemma cont_absc_1:
  notes MDP.cfg_onD_state[simp del]
  assumes "cfg  valid_cfg" "s'  set_pmf (action cfg)"
  shows "cont (absc cfg) (abss s') = absc (cont cfg s')"
proof -
  define x where "x  THE x. x ~ s'  x  set_pmf (action cfg)"
  from assms(2) have "abss s'  set_pmf (abst (action cfg))" unfolding abst_def by auto
  from cont_cfg_defined[OF assms(1) this] have
    "(x ~ s'  x  set_pmf (action cfg))  (y. y ~ s'  y  set_pmf (action cfg)  y = x)"
  unfolding x_def .
  with assms have "s' = x" by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
  unfolding absc_def abst_def repc_def x_def using assms(2) by auto

lemma state_repc:
  "state (repc cfg) = reps (state cfg)"
unfolding repc_def repcs_def by simp

lemma abss_reps_id':
  notes R_G.cfg_onD_state[simp del]
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "s  set_pmf (action cfg)"
  shows "abss (reps s) = s"
using assms by (auto intro: abss_reps_id R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S R_G.valid_cfgD)

(* XXX Move to different locale *)
lemma valid_cfg_coinduct[coinduct set: valid_cfg]:
  assumes "P cfg"
  assumes "cfg. P cfg  state cfg  S"
  assumes "cfg. P cfg  action cfg  K (state cfg)"
  assumes "cfg t. P cfg  t  action cfg  P (cont cfg t)"
  shows "cfg  valid_cfg"
proof -
  from assms have "cfg  MDP.cfg_on (state cfg)" by (coinduction arbitrary: cfg) auto
  moreover from assms have "state cfg  S" by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by (intro MDP.valid_cfgI)

lemma state_repcD[simp]:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.cfg_on s"
  shows "state (repc cfg) = reps s"
using assms unfolding repc_def repcs_def by auto

(* XXX Move *)
lemma ccompatible_subs[intro]:
  assumes "ccompatible  g" "R  " "u  R" "u  g"
  shows "R  {u. u  g}"
using assms unfolding ccompatible_def by auto

lemma action_abscD[dest]:
  "cfg  MDP.cfg_on s  action (absc cfg)  𝒦 (abss s)"
unfolding absc_def abst_def
proof simp
  assume cfg: "cfg  MDP.cfg_on s"
  then have "action cfg  K s" by auto
  then show "map_pmf abss (action cfg)  𝒦 (abss s)"
  proof cases
    case prems: (delay l u t)
    then have "[u  t]⇩  " by auto
    moreover with prems ccompatible_inv[of l] have
      "[u  t]⇩  {v. v  PTA.inv_of A l}"
    unfolding ccompatible_def by force
    moreover from prems have "abss (l, u  t) = (l, [u  t]⇩)" by (subst abss_S) auto
    ultimately show ?thesis using prems by auto
    case prems: (action l u g μ)
    then have "[u]⇩  " by auto
    moreover with prems ccompatible_guard have "[u]⇩  {u. u  g}"
      by (intro ccompatible_subs) auto
    moreover have
      "map_pmf abss (action cfg)
      = map_pmf (λ(X, l). (l, region_set' ([u]⇩) (SOME r. set r = X) 0)) μ"
    proof -
      have "abss (l', [X:=0]u) = (l', region_set' ([u]⇩) (SOME r. set r = X) 0)"
        if "(X, l')  μ" for X l'
      proof -
        from that prems have "A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'"
          by auto
        from that prems MDP.action_closed[OF _ cfg] have "(l', [X:=0]u)  S" by force
        then have "abss (l', [X:=0]u) = (l', [[X:=0]u]⇩)" by auto
        also have
          " = (l', region_set' ([u]⇩) (SOME r. set r = X) 0)"
          using region_set'_eq(1)[OF _ _ A  l ⟶⇗g,μ,Xl'] prems by auto
        finally show ?thesis .
      then show ?thesis
        unfolding prems(1)
        by (auto intro: pmf.map_cong simp: map_pmf_comp)
    ultimately show ?thesis using prems by auto
    case prems: loop
    then show ?thesis by auto

lemma repcs_valid[intro]:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "abss s = state cfg"
  shows "repcs s cfg  valid_cfg"
using assms
proof (coinduction arbitrary: cfg s)
  case 1
  then show ?case
  by (auto simp: repcs_def 𝒮_abss_S dest: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S)
  case (2 cfg' s)
  then show ?case
   by (simp add: repcs_def) (rule rept_K, auto dest: R_G.valid_cfgD)
  case prems: (3 s' cfg)
  let ?cfg = "cont cfg (abss s')"
  from prems have "abss s'  abst (rept s (action cfg))" unfolding repcs_def abst_def by auto
  with prems have
    "abss s'  action cfg"
  by (subst (asm) abst_rept_id) (auto dest: R_G.valid_cfgD)
  with prems show ?case
    by (inst_existentials ?cfg s', subst cont_repcs1)
       (auto dest: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S intro: R_G.valid_cfgD R_G.valid_cfg_cont)

lemma repc_valid[intro]:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
  shows "repc cfg  valid_cfg"
using assms unfolding repc_def by (force dest: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S)

lemma action_abst_repcs:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "abss s = state cfg"
  shows "abst (action (repcs s cfg)) = action cfg"
proof -
  from assms show ?thesis
  unfolding repc_def repcs_def
   apply simp
   apply (subst abst_rept_id)
  by (auto dest: R_G.cfg_onD_action R_G.valid_cfgD)

lemma action_abst_repc:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
  shows "abst (action (repc cfg)) = action cfg"
proof -
  from assms have "abss (reps (state cfg)) = state cfg" by (auto dest: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S)
  with action_abst_repcs[OF assms] show ?thesis unfolding repc_def by auto

(* XXX Move *)
lemma state_absc:
  "state (absc cfg) = abss (state cfg)"
unfolding absc_def by auto

lemma state_repcs[simp]:
  "state (repcs s cfg) = s"
unfolding repcs_def by auto

lemma repcs_bisim:
  notes R_G.cfg_onD_state[simp del]
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "x  S" "x ~ x'" "abss x = state cfg"
  shows "absc (repcs x cfg) = absc (repcs x' cfg)"
using assms
proof -
  from assms have "abss x' = state cfg" by auto
  from assms have "abss x'  𝒮" by auto
  then have "x'  S" by (auto intro: 𝒮_abss_S)
  with assms show ?thesis  
  proof (coinduction arbitrary: cfg x x')
    case state
    then show ?case by (simp add: state_absc)
    case action
    then show ?case unfolding absc_def repcs_def by (auto dest: R_G.valid_cfgD)
    case prems: (cont s cfg x x')
    define cfg' where "cfg' = cont cfg s"
    define t    where "t  THE y. abss y = s  y  action (repcs x cfg)"
    define t'   where "t' THE y. abss y = s  y  action (repcs x' cfg)"
    from prems have valid: "repcs x cfg  valid_cfg" by (intro repcs_valid)
    from prems have *: "s  abst (action (repcs x cfg))"
      unfolding cfg'_def by (simp add: action_absc)
    with prems have "s  action cfg" by (auto dest: R_G.valid_cfgD simp: repcs_def)
    with prems have "s  𝒮" by (auto intro: R_G.valid_cfg_action)
    from cont_cfg_defined[OF valid *] have t:
      "abss t = s" "t  action (repcs x cfg)"
      unfolding t_def by auto
    have "cont (absc (repcs x cfg)) s = cont (absc (repcs x cfg)) (abss t)" using t by auto
    have "cont (absc (repcs x cfg)) s = absc (cont (repcs x cfg) t)"
      using t valid by (auto simp: cont_absc_1)
    also have " = absc (repcs t (cont cfg s))"
      using prems t by (subst cont_repcs1) (auto dest: R_G.valid_cfgD)
    finally have cont_x: "cont (absc (repcs x cfg)) s = absc (repcs t (cont cfg s))" .
    from prems have valid: "repcs x' cfg  valid_cfg" by auto
    from s  action cfg prems have "s  abst (action (repcs x' cfg))"
      by (auto dest: R_G.valid_cfgD simp: repcs_def)
    from cont_cfg_defined[OF valid this] have t':
      "abss t' = s" "t'  action (repcs x' cfg)"
    unfolding t'_def by auto
    have "cont (absc (repcs x' cfg)) s = cont (absc (repcs x' cfg)) (abss t')" using t' by auto
    have "cont (absc (repcs x' cfg)) s = absc (cont (repcs x' cfg) t')"
      using t' valid by (auto simp: cont_absc_1)
    also have " = absc (repcs t' (cont cfg s))"
      using prems t' by (subst cont_repcs1) (auto dest: R_G.valid_cfgD)
    finally have "cont (absc (repcs x' cfg)) s = absc (repcs t' (cont cfg s))" .
    with cont_x s  action cfg prems(1) t t' s  𝒮
    show ?case
      by (inst_existentials "cont cfg s" t t')
         (auto intro: 𝒮_abss_S R_G.valid_cfg_action R_G.valid_cfg_cont)

named_theorems R_G_I

lemmas R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S[R_G_I] R_G.valid_cfgD[R_G_I] R_G.valid_cfg_action

(* XXX Simplifier looping problems on cfg_on
   If R_G.cfg_onD_state is not removed from simpset, the simplifier rewrites state cfg = state cfg.
lemma absc_repcs_id:
  notes R_G.cfg_onD_state[simp del]
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "abss s = state cfg"
  shows "absc (repcs s cfg) = cfg" using assms
proof (subst eq_commute, coinduction arbitrary: cfg s)
  case state
  then show ?case by (simp add: absc_def repc_def repcs_def)
  case prems: (action cfg)
  then show ?case by (auto simp: action_abst_repcs action_absc)
  case prems: (cont s')
  define cfg' where "cfg'  repcs s cfg"
  define t    where "t     THE x. abss x = s'  x  set_pmf (action cfg')"
  from prems have "cfg  R_G.cfg_on (state cfg)" "state cfg  𝒮" by (auto dest: R_G_I)
  then have *: "cfg  R_G.cfg_on (abss (reps (state cfg)))" "abss (reps (state cfg))  𝒮" by auto
  from prems have "s'  𝒮" by (auto intro: R_G.valid_cfg_action)
  from prems have valid: "cfg'  valid_cfg" unfolding cfg'_def by (intro repcs_valid)
  from prems have "s'  abst (action cfg')" unfolding cfg'_def by (subst action_abst_repcs)
  from cont_cfg_defined[OF valid this] have t:
    "abss t = s'" "t  action cfg'"
  unfolding t_def cfg'_def by auto
  with prems have "t ~ reps (abss t)"
   apply -
   apply (subst 𝒮_abss_reps)
  by (auto intro: R_G.valid_cfg_action)
  have "cont (absc cfg') s' = cont (absc cfg') (abss t)" using t by auto
  have "cont (absc cfg') s' = absc (cont cfg' t)" using t valid by (auto simp: cont_absc_1)
  also have " = absc (repcs t (cont cfg s'))" using prems t * t ~ _ valid
  by (fastforce dest: R_G_I intro: repcs_bisim simp: cont_repcs1 cfg'_def)
  finally show ?case
   apply -
   apply (rule exI[where x = "cont cfg s'"], rule exI[where x = t])
  unfolding cfg'_def using prems t by (auto intro: R_G.valid_cfg_cont)

(* XXX Simplifier looping problems on cfg_on
   If R_G.cfg_onD_state is not removed from simpset, the simplifier rewrites state cfg = state cfg.
lemma absc_repc_id:
  notes R_G.cfg_onD_state[simp del]
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
  shows "absc (repc cfg) = cfg" using assms
unfolding repc_def using assms by (subst absc_repcs_id) (auto dest: R_G_I)

lemma K_cfg_map_absc:
  "cfg  valid_cfg  K_cfg (absc cfg) = map_pmf absc (K_cfg cfg)"
by (auto simp: K_cfg_def map_pmf_comp action_absc abst_def cont_absc_1 intro: map_pmf_cong)

(* XXX Move *)
lemma smap_comp:
  "(smap f o smap g) = smap (f o g)"
by (auto simp: stream.map_comp)

lemma state_abscD[simp]:
  assumes "cfg  MDP.cfg_on s"
  shows "state (absc cfg) = abss s"
using assms unfolding absc_def by auto

(* XXX Move to different locale *)
lemma R_G_valid_cfg_coinduct[coinduct set: valid_cfg]:
  assumes "P cfg"
  assumes "cfg. P cfg  state cfg  𝒮"
  assumes "cfg. P cfg  action cfg  𝒦 (state cfg)"
  assumes "cfg t. P cfg  t  action cfg  P (cont cfg t)"
  shows "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
proof -
  from assms have "cfg  R_G.cfg_on (state cfg)" by (coinduction arbitrary: cfg) auto
  moreover from assms have "state cfg  𝒮" by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis by (intro R_G.valid_cfgI)

lemma absc_valid[intro]:
  assumes "cfg  valid_cfg"
  shows "absc cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
using assms
proof (coinduction arbitrary: cfg)
  case 1
  then show ?case by (auto simp: absc_def dest: MDP.valid_cfg_state_in_S)
  case (2 cfg')
  then show ?case by (subst state_abscD) (auto intro: MDP.valid_cfgD action_abscD)
  case prems: (3 s' cfg)
  define t where "t  THE x. abss x = s'  x  set_pmf (action cfg)"
  let ?cfg = "cont cfg t"
  from prems obtain s where "s' = abss s" "s  action cfg" by (auto simp: action_absc')
  with cont_cfg_defined[OF prems(1), of s'] have
    "abss t = s'" "t  set_pmf (action cfg)"
    "y. abss y = s'  y  set_pmf (action cfg)  y = t"
  unfolding t_def abst_def by auto
  with prems show ?case
    by (inst_existentials ?cfg)
       (auto intro: MDP.valid_cfg_cont simp: abst_def action_absc absc_def t_def)

lemma K_cfg_set_absc:
  assumes "cfg  valid_cfg" "cfg'  K_cfg cfg"
  shows "absc cfg'  K_cfg (absc cfg)"
using assms by (auto simp: K_cfg_map_absc)

lemma abst_action_repcs:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "abss s = state cfg"
  shows "abst (action (repcs s cfg)) = action cfg"
unfolding repc_def repcs_def using assms by (simp, subst abst_rept_id) (auto intro: R_G_I)

lemma abst_action_repc:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
  shows "abst (action (repc cfg)) = action cfg"
using assms unfolding repc_def by (auto intro: abst_action_repcs simp: R_G_I)

lemma K_elem_abss_inj':
  assumes "μ  K s"
    and "s  S"
  shows "inj_on abss (set_pmf μ)"
using assms K_elem_abss_inj by (simp add: K_bisim_unique inj_onI)

lemma K_cfg_rept_aux:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "abss s = state cfg" "x  rept s (action cfg)"
  defines "t  λ cfg'. THE s'. s'  rept s (action cfg)  s' ~ x"
  shows "t cfg' = x"
proof -
  from assms have "rept s (action cfg)  K s" "s  S" by (auto simp: R_G_I 𝒮_abss_S)
  from K_bisim_unique[OF this(2,1) _ assms(3)] assms(3) show ?thesis unfolding t_def by blast

lemma K_cfg_rept_action:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "abss s = state cfg" "cfg'  set_pmf (K_cfg cfg)"
  shows "abss (THE s'. s'  rept s (action cfg)  abss s' = state cfg') = state cfg'"
proof -
  let  = "rept s (action cfg)"
  from abst_rept_id assms have "action cfg = abst " by (auto simp: R_G_I)
  moreover from assms have "state cfg'  action cfg" by (auto simp: set_K_cfg)
  ultimately have "state cfg'  abst " by simp
  then obtain s' where "s'  " "abss s' = state cfg'" by (auto simp: abst_def pmf.set_map)
  with K_cfg_rept_aux[OF assms(1,2) this(1)] show ?thesis by auto

lemma K_cfg_map_repcs:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "abss s = state cfg"
  defines "repc'  (λ cfg'. repcs (THE s'. s'  rept s (action cfg)  abss s' = state cfg') cfg')"
  shows "K_cfg (repcs s cfg) = map_pmf repc' (K_cfg cfg)"
proof -
  let  = "rept s (action cfg)"
  define t where "t  λ cfg'. THE s. s    abss s = state cfg'"
  have t: "t (cont cfg (abss s')) = s'" if "s'  " for s'
    using K_cfg_rept_aux[OF assms(1,2) that] unfolding t_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding K_cfg_def using t
    by (subst abst_action_repcs[symmetric])
       (auto simp: repc_def repcs_def t_def map_pmf_comp abst_def assms intro: map_pmf_cong)

lemma K_cfg_map_repc:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
    "repc' cfg'  repcs (THE s. s  rept (reps (state cfg)) (action cfg)  abss s = state cfg') cfg'"
    "K_cfg (repc cfg) = map_pmf repc' (K_cfg cfg)"
using assms unfolding repc'_def repc_def by (auto simp: R_G_I K_cfg_map_repcs)

lemma R_G_K_cfg_valid_cfgD:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "cfg'  K_cfg cfg"
  shows "cfg' = cont cfg (state cfg')" "state cfg'  action cfg"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain s where "s  action cfg" "cfg' = cont cfg s" by (auto simp: set_K_cfg)
  with assms show
    "cfg' = cont cfg (state cfg')" "state cfg'  action cfg"
  by (auto intro: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S R_G.valid_cfgD)

lemma K_cfg_valid_cfgD:
  assumes "cfg  valid_cfg" "cfg'  K_cfg cfg"
  shows "cfg' = cont cfg (state cfg')" "state cfg'  action cfg"
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain s where "s  action cfg" "cfg' = cont cfg s" by (auto simp: set_K_cfg)
  with assms show
    "cfg' = cont cfg (state cfg')" "state cfg'  action cfg"
  by auto

(* XXX Move *)
lemma absc_bisim_abss:
  assumes "absc x = absc x'"
  shows "state x ~ state x'"
proof -
  from assms have "state (absc x) = state (absc x')" by simp
  then show ?thesis by (simp add: state_absc)

(* XXX Move *)
lemma K_cfg_bisim_unique:
  assumes "cfg  valid_cfg" and "x  K_cfg cfg" "x'  K_cfg cfg" and "state x ~ state x'"
  shows "x = x'"
proof -
  define t where "t  THE x'. x' ~ state x  x'  set_pmf (action cfg)"
  from K_cfg_valid_cfgD assms have *:
    "x  = cont cfg (state x)"  "state x  action cfg"
    "x' = cont cfg (state x')" "state x'  action cfg"
    by auto
  with assms have
    "cfg  valid_cfg" "abss (state x)  set_pmf (abst (action cfg))"
    unfolding abst_def by auto
  with cont_cfg_defined[of cfg "abss (state x)"] have
    "y. y ~ state x  y  set_pmf (action cfg)  y = t"
    unfolding t_def by auto
  with * assms(4) have "state x' = t" "state x = t" by fastforce+
  with * show ?thesis by simp

lemma absc_distr_self:
  "MDP.MC.T (absc cfg) = distr (MDP.MC.T cfg) MDP.MC.S (smap absc)" if "cfg  valid_cfg"
  using cfg  _
proof (coinduction arbitrary: cfg rule: MDP.MC.T_coinduct)
  case prob
  show ?case by (rule MDP.MC.T.prob_space_distr, simp)
  case sets
  show ?case by auto
  case prems: (cont cfg)
  define t  where "t   λ y. THE x. y = absc x  x  K_cfg cfg"
  define M' where "M'  λ cfg. distr (MDP.MC.T (t cfg)) MDP.MC.S (smap absc)"
  show ?case
  proof (rule exI[where x = M'], safe, goal_cases)
    case A: (1 y)
    from A prems obtain x' where "y = absc x'" "x'  K_cfg cfg" by (auto simp: K_cfg_map_absc)
    with K_cfg_bisim_unique[OF prems _ _ absc_bisim_abss] have
      "y = absc (t y)" "x' = t y"
      unfolding t_def by (auto intro: theI2)
    moreover have "x'  valid_cfg" using x'  _ prems by auto
    ultimately show ?case unfolding M'_def by auto
    case 5
    show ?case unfolding M'_def
      apply (subst distr_distr)
        prefer 3
        apply (subst MDP.MC.T_eq_bind)
        apply (subst distr_bind)
           prefer 4
           apply (subst distr_distr)
             prefer 3
             apply (subst K_cfg_map_absc)
              apply (rule prems)
             apply (subst map_pmf_rep_eq)
             apply (subst bind_distr)
               prefer 4
               apply (rule bind_measure_pmf_cong)
                 prefer 3
      subgoal premises A for x
      proof -
        have "t (absc x) = x" unfolding t_def
        proof (rule the_equality, goal_cases)
          case 1 with A show ?case by simp
          case (2 x')
          with K_cfg_bisim_unique[OF prems _ A absc_bisim_abss] show ?case by simp
        then show ?thesis by (auto simp: comp_def)
      by (fastforce
          simp:  space_subprob_algebra MC_syntax.in_S
          intro: bind_measure_pmf_cong MDP.MC.T.subprob_space_distr MDP.MC.T.prob_space_distr
  qed (auto simp: M'_def intro: MDP.MC.T.prob_space_distr)

lemma R_G_trace_space_distr_eq:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg" "abss s = state cfg"
  shows "MDP.MC.T cfg = distr (MDP.MC.T (repcs s cfg)) MDP.MC.S (smap absc)"
using assms
proof (coinduction arbitrary: cfg s rule: MDP.MC.T_coinduct)
  case prob
  show ?case by (rule MDP.MC.T.prob_space_distr, simp) 
  case sets
  show ?case by auto
  case prems: (cont cfg s)
  let  = "rept s (action cfg)"
  define repc' where "repc'  λ cfg'. repcs (THE s. s    abss s = state cfg') cfg'"
  define M' where "M'  λ cfg. distr (MDP.MC.T (repc' cfg)) MDP.MC.S (smap absc)"
  show ?case
  proof (intro exI[where x = M'], safe, goal_cases)
    case A: (1 cfg')
    with K_cfg_rept_action[OF prems] have
      "abss (THE s. s    abss s = state cfg') = state cfg'"
    by auto
    moreover from A prems have "cfg'  R_G.valid_cfg" by auto
    ultimately show ?case unfolding M'_def repc'_def by best
    case 4
    show ?case unfolding M'_def by (rule MDP.MC.T.prob_space_distr, simp)
    case 5
    have *: "smap absc  (##) (repc' cfg') = (##) cfg'  smap absc"
    if "cfg'  set_pmf (K_cfg cfg)" for cfg'
    proof -
      from K_cfg_rept_action[OF prems that] have
        "abss (THE s. s    abss s = state cfg') = state cfg'"
      with prems that have *:
        "absc (repc' cfg') = cfg'"
      unfolding repc'_def by (subst absc_repcs_id, auto)
      then show "(smap absc  (##) (repc' cfg')) = ((##) cfg'  smap absc)" by auto
    from prems show ?case unfolding M'_def
      apply (subst distr_distr)
        apply simp+
      apply (subst MDP.MC.T_eq_bind)
      apply (subst distr_bind)
         prefer 2
         apply simp
        apply (rule MDP.MC.distr_Stream_subprob)
       apply simp
      apply (subst distr_distr)
        apply simp+
      apply (subst K_cfg_map_repcs[OF prems])
      apply (subst map_pmf_rep_eq)
      apply (subst bind_distr)
    by (fastforce simp: *[unfolded repc'_def] repc'_def space_subprob_algebra MC_syntax.in_S
                  intro: bind_measure_pmf_cong MDP.MC.T.subprob_space_distr)+
  qed (simp add: M'_def)+

lemma repc_inj_on_K_cfg:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.cfg_on s" "s  𝒮"
  shows "inj_on repc (set_pmf (K_cfg cfg))"
  using assms
  by (intro inj_on_inverseI[where g = absc], subst absc_repc_id)
     (auto intro: R_G.valid_cfgD R_G.valid_cfgI R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S)

lemma smap_absc_iff:
  assumes " x y. x  X  smap abss x = smap abss y  y  X"
  shows "(smap state xs  X) = (smap (λz. abss (state z)) xs  smap abss ` X)"
proof (safe, goal_cases)
  case 1
  then show ?case unfolding image_def
    by clarify (inst_existentials "smap state xs", auto simp: stream.map_comp)
  case prems: (2 xs')
    "smap (λz. abss (state z)) xs = smap abss (smap state xs)"
  by (auto simp: comp_def stream.map_comp)
  with prems have "smap abss (smap state xs) = smap abss xs'" by simp
  with prems(2) assms show ?case by auto

lemma valid_abss_reps[simp]:
  assumes "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
  shows "abss (reps (state cfg)) = state cfg"
using assms by (subst 𝒮_abss_reps) (auto intro: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S)

lemma in_space_UNIV: "x  space (count_space UNIV)"
  by simp

lemma S_reps_𝒮_aux:
  "reps (l, R)  S  (l, R)  𝒮"
  using ccompatible_inv unfolding reps_def ccompatible_def 𝒮_def S_def
  by (cases "R  "; auto simp: non_empty)

(* XXX Move *)
lemma S_reps_𝒮[intro]:
  "reps s  S  s  𝒮"
  using S_reps_𝒮_aux by (metis surj_pair)

lemma absc_valid_cfg_eq:
  "absc ` valid_cfg = R_G.valid_cfg"
  apply safe
    by auto
  subgoal for cfg
    using absc_repcs_id[where s = "reps (state cfg)"]
    by - (frule repcs_valid[where s = "reps (state cfg)"]; force intro: imageI)

lemma action_repcs:
  "action (repcs (l, u) cfg) = rept (l, u) (action cfg)"
  by (simp add: repcs_def)

subsection ‹Equalities Between Measures of Trace Spaces›

(* TODO: Clean *)
lemma path_measure_eq_absc1_new:
  fixes cfg s
  defines "cfg'  absc cfg"
  assumes valid: "cfg  valid_cfg"
  assumes X[measurable]: "X  R_G.St" and Y[measurable]: "Y  MDP.St"
  assumes P: "AE x in (R_G.T cfg'). P x" and Q: "AE x in (MDP.T cfg). Q x"
  assumes P'[measurable]: "Measurable.pred R_G.St P"
      and Q'[measurable]: "Measurable.pred MDP.St Q"
  assumes X_Y_closed: " x y. P x  smap abss y = x  x  X  y  Y  Q y"
  assumes Y_X_closed: " x y. Q y  smap abss y = x  y  Y  x  X  P x"
    "emeasure (R_G.T cfg') X = emeasure (MDP.T cfg) Y"
proof -
  have *: "stream_all2 (λs. (=) (absc s)) x y = stream_all2 (=) (smap absc x) y" for x y
    by simp
  have *: "stream_all2 (λs t. t = absc s) x y = stream_all2 (=) y (smap absc x)" for x y
    using stream.rel_conversep[of "λs t. t = absc s"]
    by (simp add: conversep_iff[abs_def])

  from P have "emeasure (R_G.T cfg') X = emeasure (R_G.T cfg') {x  X. P x}"
    by (auto intro: emeasure_eq_AE)
  moreover from Q have "emeasure (MDP.T cfg) Y = emeasure (MDP.T cfg) {y  Y. Q y}"
    by (auto intro: emeasure_eq_AE)
  moreover show ?thesis
   apply (simp only: calculation)
    unfolding R_G.T_def MDP.T_def
    apply (simp add: emeasure_distr)
    apply (rule sym)
    apply (rule T_eq_rel_half[where f = absc and S = valid_cfg])
         apply (rule HOL.refl)
    apply measurable
      apply (simp add: space_stream_space)
      unfolding rel_set_strong_def stream.rel_eq
      apply (intro allI impI)
      apply (drule stream.rel_mono_strong[where Ra = "λs t. t = absc s"])
       apply (simp; fail)
      subgoal for x y
      using Y_X_closed[of "smap state x" "smap state (smap absc x)" for x y]
      using X_Y_closed[of "smap state (smap absc x)" "smap state x" for x y]
      by (auto simp: * stream.rel_eq stream.map_comp state_absc)+
      apply (auto intro!: rel_funI)
      apply (subst K_cfg_map_absc)
       apply (subst pmf.rel_map(2))
       apply (rule rel_pmf_reflI)
      by auto
      using valid unfolding cfg'_def by simp

(* TODO: Clean duplication *)
lemma path_measure_eq_repcs1_new:
  fixes cfg s
  defines "cfg'  repcs s cfg"
  assumes s: "abss s = state cfg"
  assumes valid: "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
  assumes X[measurable]: "X  R_G.St" and Y[measurable]: "Y  MDP.St"
  assumes P: "AE x in (R_G.T cfg). P x" and Q: "AE x in (MDP.T cfg'). Q x"
  assumes P'[measurable]: "Measurable.pred R_G.St P"
      and Q'[measurable]: "Measurable.pred MDP.St Q"
  assumes X_Y_closed: " x y. P x  smap abss y = x  x  X  y  Y  Q y"
  assumes Y_X_closed: " x y. Q y  smap abss y = x  y  Y  x  X  P x"
    "emeasure (R_G.T cfg) X = emeasure (MDP.T cfg') Y"
proof -
  have *: "stream_all2 (λs t. t = absc s) x y = stream_all2 (=) y (smap absc x)" for x y
    using stream.rel_conversep[of "λs t. t = absc s"]
    by (simp add: conversep_iff[abs_def])
  from P X have
    "emeasure (R_G.T cfg) X = emeasure (R_G.T cfg) {x  X. P x}"
    by (auto intro: emeasure_eq_AE)
  moreover from Q Y have
    "emeasure (MDP.T cfg') Y = emeasure (MDP.T cfg') {y  Y. Q y}"
    by (auto intro: emeasure_eq_AE)
  moreover show ?thesis
    apply (simp only: calculation)
    unfolding R_G.T_def MDP.T_def
    apply (simp add: emeasure_distr)
    apply (rule sym)
    apply (rule T_eq_rel_half[where f = absc and S = valid_cfg])
         apply (rule HOL.refl)
        apply measurable
      apply (simp add: space_stream_space)
      unfolding rel_set_strong_def stream.rel_eq
      apply (intro allI impI)
      apply (drule stream.rel_mono_strong[where Ra = "λs t. t = absc s"])
       apply (simp; fail)
      subgoal for x y
        using Y_X_closed[of "smap state x" "smap state (smap absc x)" for x y]
        using X_Y_closed[of "smap state (smap absc x)" "smap state x" for x y]
        by (auto simp: * stream.rel_eq stream.map_comp state_absc)+
      apply (auto intro!: rel_funI)
      apply (subst K_cfg_map_absc)
       apply (subst pmf.rel_map(2))
       apply (rule rel_pmf_reflI)
      by auto
      using valid unfolding cfg'_def by (auto simp: s absc_repcs_id)

lemma region_compatible_suntil1:
  assumes "(holds (λx. φ (reps x)) suntil holds (λx. ψ (reps x))) (smap abss x)"
      and "pred_stream (λ s. φ (reps (abss s))  φ s) x"
      and "pred_stream (λ s. ψ (reps (abss s))  ψ s) x"
  shows "(holds φ suntil holds ψ) x" using assms
proof (induction "smap abss x" arbitrary: x rule: suntil.induct)
  case base
  then show ?case by (auto intro: suntil.base simp: stream.pred_set)
  case step
    "pred_stream (λs. φ (reps (abss s))  φ s) (stl x)"
    "pred_stream (λs. ψ (reps (abss s))  ψ s) (stl x)"
    using step.prems apply (cases x; auto)
    using step.prems apply (cases x; auto)
  with step.hyps(3)[of "stl x"] have "(holds φ suntil holds ψ) (stl x)" by auto
  with step.prems step.hyps(1-2) show ?case by (auto intro: suntil.step simp: stream.pred_set)

lemma region_compatible_suntil2:
  assumes "(holds φ suntil holds ψ) x"
      and "pred_stream (λ s. φ s  φ (reps (abss s))) x"
      and "pred_stream (λ s. ψ s  ψ (reps (abss s))) x"
  shows "(holds (λx. φ (reps x)) suntil holds (λx. ψ (reps x))) (smap abss x)" using assms
proof (induction x rule: suntil.induct)
  case (base x)
  then show ?case by (auto intro: suntil.base simp: stream.pred_set)
  case (step x)
    "pred_stream (λs. φ s  φ (reps (abss s))) (stl x)"
    "pred_stream (λs. ψ s  ψ (reps (abss s))) (stl x)"
    using step.prems apply (cases x; auto)
    using step.prems apply (cases x; auto)
  with step show ?case by (auto intro: suntil.step simp: stream.pred_set)

lemma region_compatible_suntil:
  assumes "pred_stream (λ s. φ (reps (abss s))  φ s) x"
      and "pred_stream (λ s. ψ (reps (abss s))  ψ s) x"
  shows "(holds (λx. φ (reps x)) suntil holds (λx. ψ (reps x))) (smap abss x)
      (holds φ suntil holds ψ) x" using assms
using assms region_compatible_suntil1 region_compatible_suntil2 unfolding stream.pred_set by blast

lemma reps_abss_S:
  assumes "reps (abss s)  S"
  shows "s  S"
by (simp add: S_reps_𝒮 𝒮_abss_S assms)

lemma measurable_sset[measurable (raw)]:
  assumes f[measurable]: "f  N M stream_space M" and P[measurable]: "Measurable.pred M P"
  shows "Measurable.pred N (λx. ssset (f x). P s)"
proof -
  have *: "(λx. ssset (f x). P s) = (λx. i. P (f x !! i))"
    by (simp add: sset_range)
  show ?thesis
    unfolding * by measurable

lemma path_measure_eq_repcs''_new:
  notes in_space_UNIV[measurable]
  fixes cfg φ ψ s
  defines "cfg'  repcs s cfg"
  defines "φ'  absp φ" and "ψ'  absp ψ"
  assumes s: "abss s = state cfg"
  assumes valid: "cfg  R_G.valid_cfg"
  assumes valid': "cfg'  valid_cfg"
  assumes equiv_φ: " x. pred_stream (λ s. s  S) x
                     pred_stream (λ s. φ (reps (abss s))  φ s) (state cfg' ## x)"
    and equiv_ψ: " x. pred_stream (λ s. s  S) x
                     pred_stream (λ s. ψ (reps (abss s))  ψ s) (state cfg' ## x)"
    "emeasure (R_G.T cfg)  {xspace R_G.St. (holds φ' suntil holds ψ') (state cfg  ## x)} =
     emeasure (MDP.T cfg') {xspace MDP.St. (holds φ  suntil holds ψ)  (state cfg' ## x)}"
  unfolding cfg'_def
  apply (rule path_measure_eq_repcs1_new[where P = "pred_stream (λ s. s  𝒮)" and Q = "pred_stream (λ s. s  S)"])
           apply fact
          apply fact
         apply measurable
    unfolding R_G.T_def
    apply (subst AE_distr_iff)
      apply (auto; fail)
     apply (auto simp: stream.pred_set; fail)
    apply (rule AE_mp[OF MDP.MC.AE_T_enabled AE_I2])
    using R_G.pred_stream_cfg_on[OF valid] by (auto simp: stream.pred_set)
    unfolding MDP.T_def
    apply (subst AE_distr_iff)
      apply (auto; fail)
     apply (auto simp: stream.pred_set; fail)
    apply (rule AE_mp[OF MDP.MC.AE_T_enabled AE_I2])
    using MDP.pred_stream_cfg_on[OF valid', unfolded cfg'_def] by (auto simp: stream.pred_set)
     apply measurable
  subgoal premises prems for ys xs
    apply safe
      apply measurable
    unfolding φ'_def ψ'_def absp_def
     apply (subst region_compatible_suntil[symmetric])
    proof -
      from prems have "pred_stream (λs. s  S) xs" using 𝒮_abss_S by (auto simp: stream.pred_set)
      with equiv_φ show ?thesis by (simp add: cfg'_def)
    proof -
      from prems have "pred_stream (λs. s  S) xs" using 𝒮_abss_S by (auto simp: stream.pred_set)
      with equiv_ψ show ?thesis by (simp add: cfg'_def)
    using valid prems
     apply (auto simp: s comp_def φ'_def ψ'_def absp_def dest: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S)
    apply (auto simp: stream.pred_set intro: 𝒮_abss_S dest: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S)
  subgoal premises prems for ys xs
    apply safe
      using prems apply (auto simp: stream.pred_set 𝒮_abss_S; measurable; fail)
    using prems unfolding φ'_def ψ'_def absp_def comp_def apply (simp add: stream.map_comp)
     apply (subst (asm) region_compatible_suntil[symmetric])
    proof -
      from prems have "pred_stream (λs. s  S) xs" using 𝒮_abss_S by auto
      with equiv_φ show ?thesis using valid by (simp add: cfg'_def repc_def)
    proof -
      from prems have "pred_stream (λs. s  S) xs" using 𝒮_abss_S by auto
      with equiv_ψ show ?thesis using valid  by (simp add: cfg'_def)
    using valid prems by (auto simp: s S_abss_𝒮 stream.pred_set dest: R_G.valid_cfg_state_in_S)

end (* Probabilistic Timed Automaton Regions *)

end (* Theory *)