Theory Strong_Late_Axiomatisation
theory Strong_Late_Axiomatisation
imports Strong_Late_Expansion_Law
lemma inputSuppPres:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and x :: name
and Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"
assumes PRelQ: "⋀y. y ∈ supp(P, Q, x) ⟹ (P[x::=y], Q[x::=y]) ∈ Rel"
and Eqvt: "eqvt Rel"
shows "a<x>.P ↝[Rel] a<x>.Q"
proof -
from Eqvt show ?thesis
proof(induct rule: simCasesCont[where C="(x, a, Q, P)"])
case(Bound b y Q')
have "x ∈ supp(P, Q, x)" by(simp add: supp_prod supp_atm)
with PRelQ have "(P, Q) ∈ Rel" by fastforce
have QTrans: "a<x>.Q ⟼ b«y» ≺ Q'" by fact
have "y ♯ (x, a, Q, P)" by fact
hence "y ≠ a" and yineqx: "y ≠ x" and "y ♯ Q" and "y ♯ P" by(simp add: fresh_prod)+
with QTrans show ?case
proof(induct rule: inputCases)
have "a<y>.([(x, y)] ∙ P) ⟼a<y> ≺ ([(x, y)] ∙ P)" by(rule Input)
hence "a<x>.P ⟼a<y> ≺ ([(x, y)] ∙ P)" using ‹y ♯ P› by(simp add: alphaInput)
moreover have "derivative ([(x, y)] ∙ P) ([(x, y)] ∙ Q) (InputS a) y Rel"
proof(auto simp add: derivative_def)
fix u
have "x ∈ supp(P, Q, x)" by(simp add: supp_prod supp_atm)
have "(P[x::=u], Q[x::=u]) ∈ Rel"
proof(cases "u ∈ supp(P, Q, x)")
case True
with PRelQ show ?thesis by auto
case False
hence "u ♯ P" and "u ♯ Q" by(auto simp add: fresh_def supp_prod)
moreover from ‹eqvt Rel› ‹(P, Q) ∈ Rel› have "([(x, u)] ∙ P, [(x, u)] ∙ Q) ∈ Rel"
by(rule eqvtRelI)
ultimately show ?thesis by(simp only: injPermSubst)
with ‹y ♯ P› ‹y ♯ Q› show "(([(x, y)] ∙ P)[y::=u], ([(x, y)] ∙ Q)[y::=u]) ∈ Rel"
by(simp add: renaming)
ultimately show "∃P'. a<x>.P ⟼ a<y> ≺ P' ∧ derivative P' ([(x, y)] ∙ Q) (InputS a) y Rel"
by blast
case(Free α Q')
have "a<x>.Q ⟼ α ≺ Q'" by fact
hence False by auto
thus ?case by blast
lemma inputSuppPresBisim:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and x :: name
assumes PSimQ: "⋀y. y ∈ supp(P, Q, x) ⟹ P[x::=y] ∼ Q[x::=y]"
shows "a<x>.P ∼ a<x>.Q"
proof -
let ?X = "{(a<x>.P, a<x>.Q) | a x P Q. ∀y ∈ supp(P, Q, x). P[x::=y] ∼ Q[x::=y]}"
have "eqvt ?X"
apply(auto simp add: eqvt_def)
apply(rule_tac x="perm ∙ aa" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="perm ∙ x" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="perm ∙ P" in exI)
apply auto
apply(rule_tac x="perm ∙ Q" in exI)
apply auto
apply(drule_tac pi="rev perm" in pt_set_bij2[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
apply(simp add: eqvts pt_rev_pi[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
apply(erule_tac x="rev perm ∙ y" in ballE)
apply auto
apply(drule_tac p=perm in bisimClosed)
by(simp add: eqvts pt_pi_rev[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])
from assms have "(a<x>.P, a<x>.Q) ∈ ?X" by fastforce
thus ?thesis
proof(coinduct rule: bisimCoinduct)
case(cSim P Q)
thus ?case using ‹eqvt ?X›
by(fastforce intro: inputSuppPres)
case(cSym P Q)
thus ?case by(fastforce simp add: supp_prod dest: symmetric)
inductive equiv :: "pi ⇒ pi ⇒ bool" (infixr ‹≡⇩e› 80)
Refl: "P ≡⇩e P"
| Sym: "P ≡⇩e Q ⟹ Q ≡⇩e P"
| Trans: "⟦P ≡⇩e Q; Q ≡⇩e R⟧ ⟹ P ≡⇩e R"
| Match: "[a⌢a]P ≡⇩e P"
| Match': "a ≠ b ⟹ [a⌢b]P ≡⇩e 𝟬"
| Mismatch: "a ≠ b ⟹ [a≠b]P ≡⇩e P"
| Mismatch': "[a≠a]P ≡⇩e 𝟬"
| SumSym: "P ⊕ Q ≡⇩e Q ⊕ P"
| SumAssoc: "(P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R ≡⇩e P ⊕ (Q ⊕ R)"
| SumZero: "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e P"
| SumIdemp: "P ⊕ P ≡⇩e P"
| SumRes: "<νx>(P ⊕ Q) ≡⇩e (<νx>P) ⊕ (<νx>Q)"
| ResNil: "<νx>𝟬 ≡⇩e 𝟬"
| ResInput: "⟦x ≠ a; x ≠ y⟧ ⟹ <νx>a<y>.P ≡⇩e a<y>.(<νx>P)"
| ResInput': "<νx>x<y>.P ≡⇩e 𝟬"
| ResOutput: "⟦x ≠ a; x ≠ b⟧ ⟹ <νx>a{b}.P ≡⇩e a{b}.(<νx>P)"
| ResOutput': "<νx>x{b}.P ≡⇩e 𝟬"
| ResTau: "<νx>τ.(P) ≡⇩e τ.(<νx>P)"
| ResComm: "<νx><νy>P ≡⇩e <νy><νx>P"
| ResFresh: "x ♯ P ⟹ <νx>P ≡⇩e P"
| Expand: "⟦(R, expandSet P Q) ∈ sumComposeSet; hnf P; hnf Q⟧ ⟹ P ∥ Q ≡⇩e R"
| SumPres: "P ≡⇩e Q ⟹ P ⊕ R ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R"
| ParPres: "⟦P ≡⇩e P'; Q ≡⇩e Q'⟧ ⟹ P ∥ Q ≡⇩e P' ∥ Q'"
| ResPres: "P ≡⇩e Q ⟹ <νx>P ≡⇩e <νx>Q"
| TauPres: "P ≡⇩e Q ⟹ τ.(P) ≡⇩e τ.(Q)"
| OutputPres: "P ≡⇩e Q ⟹ a{b}.P ≡⇩e a{b}.Q"
| InputPres: "⟦∀y ∈ supp(P, Q, x). P[x::=y] ≡⇩e Q[x::=y]⟧ ⟹ a<x>.P ≡⇩e a<x>.Q"
lemma SumIdemp':
fixes P :: pi
and P' :: pi
assumes "P ≡⇩e P'"
shows "P ⊕ P' ≡⇩e P"
proof -
have "P ≡⇩e P ⊕ P" by(blast intro: Sym SumIdemp)
moreover from assms have "P ⊕ P ≡⇩e P' ⊕ P" by(rule SumPres)
moreover have "P' ⊕ P ≡⇩e P ⊕ P'" by(rule SumSym)
ultimately have "P ≡⇩e P ⊕ P'" by(blast intro: Trans)
thus ?thesis by(rule Sym)
lemma SumPres':
fixes P :: pi
and P' :: pi
and Q :: pi
and Q' :: pi
assumes PeqP': "P ≡⇩e P'"
and QeqQ': "Q ≡⇩e Q'"
shows "P ⊕ Q ≡⇩e P' ⊕ Q'"
proof -
from PeqP' have "P ⊕ Q ≡⇩e P' ⊕ Q" by(rule SumPres)
moreover have "P' ⊕ Q ≡⇩e Q ⊕ P'" by(rule SumSym)
moreover from QeqQ' have "Q ⊕ P' ≡⇩e Q' ⊕ P'" by(rule SumPres)
moreover have "Q' ⊕ P' ≡⇩e P' ⊕ Q'" by(rule SumSym)
ultimately show ?thesis by(blast intro: Trans)
lemma sound:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes "P ≡⇩e Q"
shows "P ∼ Q"
using assms
case(Refl P)
show ?case by(rule reflexive)
case(Sym P Q)
have "P ∼ Q" by fact
thus ?case by(rule symmetric)
case(Trans P Q R)
have "P ∼ Q" and "Q ∼ R" by fact+
thus ?case by(rule transitive)
case(Match a P)
show ?case by(rule matchId)
case(Match' a b P)
have "a ≠ b" by fact
thus ?case by(rule matchNil)
case(Mismatch a b P)
have "a ≠ b" by fact
thus ?case by(rule mismatchId)
case(Mismatch' a P)
show ?case by(rule mismatchNil)
case(SumSym P Q)
show ?case by(rule sumSym)
case(SumAssoc P Q R)
show ?case by(rule sumAssoc)
case(SumZero P)
show ?case by(rule sumZero)
case(SumIdemp P)
show ?case by(rule sumIdemp)
case(SumRes x P Q)
show ?case by(rule sumRes)
case(ResNil x)
show ?case by(rule nilRes)
case(ResInput x a y P)
have "x ≠ a" and "x ≠ y" by fact+
thus ?case by(rule resInput)
case(ResInput' x y P)
show ?case by(rule resNil)
case(ResOutput x a b P)
have "x ≠ a" and "x ≠ b" by fact+
thus ?case by(rule resOutput)
case(ResOutput' x b P)
show ?case by(rule resNil)
case(ResTau x P)
show ?case by(rule resTau)
case(ResComm x P)
show ?case by(rule resComm)
case(ResFresh x P)
have "x ♯ P" by fact
thus ?case by(rule scopeFresh)
case(Expand R P Q)
have "(R, expandSet P Q) ∈ sumComposeSet" and "hnf P" and "hnf Q" by fact+
thus ?case by(rule expandSC)
case(SumPres P Q R)
from ‹P ∼ Q› show ?case by(rule sumPres)
case(ParPres P P' Q Q')
have "P ∼ P'" and "Q ∼ Q'" by fact+
thus ?case by(metis transitive symmetric parPres parSym)
case(ResPres P Q x)
from ‹P ∼ Q› show ?case by(rule resPres)
case(TauPres P Q)
from ‹P ∼ Q› show ?case by(rule tauPres)
case(OutputPres P Q a b)
from ‹P ∼ Q› show ?case by(rule outputPres)
case(InputPres P Q x a)
have "∀y ∈ supp(P, Q, x). P[x::=y] ≡⇩e Q[x::=y] ∧ P[x::=y] ∼ Q[x::=y]" by fact
hence "∀y ∈ supp(P, Q, x). P[x::=y] ∼ Q[x::=y]" by blast
thus ?case by(rule_tac inputSuppPresBisim) auto
lemma zeroDest[dest]:
fixes a :: name
and b :: name
and x :: name
and P :: pi
shows "(a{b}.P) ≡⇩e 𝟬 ⟹ False"
and "(a<x>.P) ≡⇩e 𝟬 ⟹ False"
and "(τ.(P)) ≡⇩e 𝟬 ⟹ False"
and "𝟬 ≡⇩e a{b}.P ⟹ False"
and "𝟬 ≡⇩e a<x>.P ⟹ False"
and "𝟬 ≡⇩e τ.(P) ⟹ False"
by(auto dest: sound)
lemma eq_eqvt:
fixes pi::"name prm"
and x::"'a::pt_name"
shows "pi∙(x=y) = ((pi∙x)=(pi∙y))"
by(simp add: perm_bool perm_bij)
nominal_primrec "depth" :: "pi ⇒ nat" where
"depth 𝟬 = 0"
| "depth (τ.(P)) = 1 + (depth P)"
| "a ♯ x ⟹ depth (a<x>.P) = 1 + (depth P)"
| "depth (a{b}.P) = 1 + (depth P)"
| "depth ([a⌢b]P) = (depth P)"
| "depth ([a≠b]P) = (depth P)"
| "depth (P ⊕ Q) = max (depth P) (depth Q)"
| "depth (P ∥ Q) = ((depth P) + (depth Q))"
| "depth (<νx>P) = (depth P)"
| "depth (!P) = (depth P)"
apply(auto simp add: fresh_nat)
lemma depthEqvt[simp]:
fixes P :: pi
and p :: "name prm"
shows "depth(p ∙ P) = depth P"
by(nominal_induct P rule: pi.strong_induct, auto simp add: name_bij)
lemma depthInput[simp]:
fixes a :: name
and x :: name
and P :: pi
shows "depth (a<x>.P) = 1 + (depth P)"
proof -
obtain y where yineqa: "y ≠ a" and yFreshP: "y ♯ P"
by(force intro: name_exists_fresh[of "(a, P)"] simp add: fresh_prod)
from yFreshP have "a<x>.P = a<y>.([(x, y)] ∙ P)" by(simp add: alphaInput)
with yineqa show ?thesis by simp
nominal_primrec "valid" :: "pi ⇒ bool" where
"valid 𝟬 = True"
| "valid (τ.(P)) = valid P"
| "x ♯ a ⟹ valid (a<x>.P) = valid P"
| "valid (a{b}.P) = valid P"
| "valid ([a⌢b]P) = valid P"
| "valid ([a≠b]P) = valid P"
| "valid (P ⊕ Q) = ((valid P) ∧ (valid Q))"
| "valid (P ∥ Q) = ((valid P) ∧ (valid Q))"
| "valid (<νx>P) = valid P"
| "valid (!P) = False"
apply(auto simp add: fresh_bool)
lemma validEqvt[simp]:
fixes P :: pi
and p :: "name prm"
shows "valid(p ∙ P) = valid P"
by(nominal_induct P rule: pi.strong_induct, auto simp add: name_bij)
lemma validInput[simp]:
fixes a :: name
and x :: name
and P :: pi
shows "valid (a<x>.P) = valid P"
proof -
obtain y where yineqa: "y ≠ a" and yFreshP: "y ♯ P"
by(force intro: name_exists_fresh[of "(a, P)"] simp add: fresh_prod)
from yFreshP have "a<x>.P = a<y>.([(x, y)] ∙ P)" by(simp add: alphaInput)
with yineqa show ?thesis by simp
lemma depthMin[intro]:
fixes P
shows "0 ≤ depth P"
by(induct P rule: pi.induct, auto)
lemma hnfTransition:
fixes P :: pi
assumes "hnf P"
and "P ≠ 𝟬"
shows "∃Rs. P ⟼ Rs"
using assms
by(induct rule: pi.induct, auto intro: Output Tau Input Sum1 Open)
definition "uhnf" :: "pi ⇒ bool" where
"uhnf P ≡ hnf P ∧ (∀R ∈ summands P. ∀R' ∈ summands P. R ≠ R' ⟶ ¬(R ≡⇩e R'))"
lemma summandsIdemp:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes "Q ∈ summands P"
and "Q ≡⇩e Q'"
shows "P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e P"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct P arbitrary: Q rule: pi.strong_inducts)
case(PiNil Q)
have "Q ∈ summands 𝟬" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(Output a b P Q)
have "Q ≡⇩e Q'" by fact
hence "a{b}.P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e a{b}.P ⊕ Q" by(blast intro: SumPres' Refl Sym)
moreover have "Q = a{b}.P"
proof -
have "Q ∈ summands (a{b}.P)" by fact
thus ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: SumIdemp Trans)
case(Tau P Q)
have "Q ≡⇩e Q'" by fact
hence "τ.(P) ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e τ.(P) ⊕ Q" by(blast intro: SumPres' Refl Sym)
moreover have "Q = τ.(P)"
proof -
have "Q ∈ summands (τ.(P))" by fact
thus ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: SumIdemp Trans)
case(Input a x P Q)
have "Q ≡⇩e Q'" by fact
hence "a<x>.P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e a<x>.P ⊕ Q" by(blast intro: SumPres' Refl Sym)
moreover have "Q = a<x>.P"
proof -
have "Q ∈ summands (a<x>.P)" by fact
thus ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: SumIdemp Trans)
case(Match a b P Q)
have "Q ∈ summands ([a⌢b]P)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(Mismatch a b P Q)
have "Q ∈ summands ([a≠b]P)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(Sum P Q R)
have IHP: "⋀P'. ⟦P' ∈ summands P; P' ≡⇩e Q'⟧ ⟹ P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e P" by fact
have IHQ: "⋀Q''. ⟦Q'' ∈ summands Q; Q'' ≡⇩e Q'⟧ ⟹ Q ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q" by fact
have ReqQ': "R ≡⇩e Q'" by fact
have "R ∈ summands(P ⊕ Q)" by fact
hence "R ∈ summands P ∨ R ∈ summands Q" by simp
thus ?case
proof(rule disjE)
assume "R ∈ summands P"
hence PQ'eqP: "P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e P" using ReqQ' by(rule IHP)
have "(P ⊕ Q) ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e P ⊕ (Q ⊕ Q')" by(rule SumAssoc)
moreover have "P ⊕ (Q ⊕ Q') ≡⇩e P ⊕ (Q' ⊕ Q)" by(blast intro: Refl SumSym SumPres')
moreover have "P ⊕ (Q' ⊕ Q) ≡⇩e (P ⊕ Q') ⊕ Q" by(blast intro: SumAssoc Sym)
moreover from PQ'eqP have "(P ⊕ Q') ⊕ Q ≡⇩e P ⊕ Q" by(blast intro: SumPres' Refl)
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Trans)
assume "R ∈ summands Q"
hence QQ'eqQ: "Q ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q" using ReqQ' by(rule IHQ)
have "(P ⊕ Q) ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e P ⊕ (Q ⊕ Q')" by(rule SumAssoc)
moreover from QQ'eqQ have "P ⊕ (Q ⊕ Q') ≡⇩e P ⊕ Q" by(blast intro: Refl SumPres')
ultimately show ?case by(rule Trans)
case(Par P Q R)
have "R ∈ summands (P ∥ Q)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(Res x P Q)
have "Q ≡⇩e Q'" by fact
hence "(<νx>P) ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e (<νx>P) ⊕ Q" by(blast intro: SumPres' Refl Sym)
moreover have "Q = <νx>P"
proof -
have "Q ∈ summands (<νx>P)" by fact
thus ?thesis by(auto simp add: if_split)
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: SumIdemp Trans)
case(Bang P Q)
have "Q ∈ summands(!P)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
lemma uhnfSum:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes Phnf: "uhnf P"
and Qhnf: "uhnf Q"
and validP: "valid P"
and validQ: "valid Q"
shows "∃R. uhnf R ∧ valid R ∧ P ⊕ Q ≡⇩e R ∧ (depth R) ≤ (depth (P ⊕ Q))"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct P arbitrary: Q rule: pi.strong_inducts)
case(PiNil Q)
have "uhnf Q" by fact
moreover have "valid Q" by fact
moreover have "𝟬 ⊕ Q ≡⇩e Q" by(blast intro: SumZero SumSym Trans)
moreover have "depth Q ≤ depth(𝟬 ⊕ Q)" by auto
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Output a b P Q)
show ?case
proof(case_tac "Q = 𝟬")
assume "Q = 𝟬"
moreover have "uhnf (a{b}.P)" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid (a{b}.P)" by fact
moreover have "a{b}.P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e a{b}.P" by(rule SumZero)
moreover have "depth(a{b}.P) ≤ depth(a{b}.P ⊕ 𝟬)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume QineqNil: "Q ≠ 𝟬"
have Qhnf: "uhnf Q" by fact
have validQ: "valid Q" by fact
have validP: "valid(a{b}.P)" by fact
show ?case
proof(case_tac "∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e a{b}.P")
assume "∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e a{b}.P"
then obtain Q' where "Q' ∈ summands Q" and "Q' ≡⇩e a{b}.P" by blast
hence "Q ⊕ a{b}.P ≡⇩e Q" by(rule summandsIdemp)
moreover have "depth Q ≤ depth(Q ⊕ a{b}.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Qhnf validQ by(force intro: SumSym Trans)
assume "¬(∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e a{b}.P)"
hence "∀Q' ∈ summands Q. ¬(Q' ≡⇩e a{b}.P)" by simp
with Qhnf QineqNil have "uhnf (a{b}.P ⊕ Q)"
by(force dest: Sym simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validQ validP have "valid(a{b}.P ⊕ Q)" by simp
moreover have "a{b}.P ⊕ Q ≡⇩e a{b}.P ⊕ Q" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "depth(a{b}.P ⊕ Q) ≤ depth(a{b}.P ⊕ Q)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Tau P Q)
show ?case
proof(case_tac "Q = 𝟬")
assume "Q = 𝟬"
moreover have "uhnf (τ.(P))" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid (τ.(P))" by fact
moreover have "τ.(P) ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e τ.(P)" by(rule SumZero)
moreover have "depth(τ.(P)) ≤ depth(τ.(P) ⊕ 𝟬)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume QineqNil: "Q ≠ 𝟬"
have Qhnf: "uhnf Q" by fact
have validP: "valid(τ.(P))" and validQ: "valid Q" by fact+
show ?case
proof(case_tac "∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e τ.(P)")
assume "∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e τ.(P)"
then obtain Q' where "Q' ∈ summands Q" and "Q' ≡⇩e τ.(P)" by blast
hence "Q ⊕ τ.(P) ≡⇩e Q" by(rule summandsIdemp)
moreover have "depth Q ≤ depth(Q ⊕ τ.(P))" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Qhnf validQ by(force intro: SumSym Trans)
assume "¬(∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e τ.(P))"
hence "∀Q' ∈ summands Q. ¬(Q' ≡⇩e τ.(P))" by simp
with Qhnf QineqNil have "uhnf (τ.(P) ⊕ Q)"
by(force dest: Sym simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP validQ have "valid(τ.(P) ⊕ Q)" by simp
moreover have "τ.(P) ⊕ Q ≡⇩e τ.(P) ⊕ Q" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "depth(τ.(P) ⊕ Q) ≤ depth(τ.(P) ⊕ Q)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Input a x P Q)
show ?case
proof(case_tac "Q = 𝟬")
assume "Q = 𝟬"
moreover have "uhnf (a<x>.P)" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid (a<x>.P)" by fact
moreover have "a<x>.P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e a<x>.P" by(rule SumZero)
moreover have "depth(a<x>.P) ≤ depth(a<x>.P ⊕ 𝟬)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume QineqNil: "Q ≠ 𝟬"
have validP: "valid(a<x>.P)" and validQ: "valid Q" by fact+
have Qhnf: "uhnf Q" by fact
show ?case
proof(case_tac "∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e a<x>.P")
assume "∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e a<x>.P"
then obtain Q' where "Q' ∈ summands Q" and "Q' ≡⇩e a<x>.P" by blast
hence "Q ⊕ a<x>.P ≡⇩e Q" by(rule summandsIdemp)
moreover have "depth Q ≤ depth(Q ⊕ a<x>.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Qhnf validQ by(force intro: SumSym Trans)
assume "¬(∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e a<x>.P)"
hence "∀Q' ∈ summands Q. ¬(Q' ≡⇩e a<x>.P)" by simp
with Qhnf QineqNil have "uhnf (a<x>.P ⊕ Q)"
by(force dest: Sym simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP validQ have "valid(a<x>.P ⊕ Q)" by simp
moreover have "a<x>.P ⊕ Q ≡⇩e a<x>.P ⊕ Q" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "depth(a<x>.P ⊕ Q) ≤ depth(a<x>.P ⊕ Q)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Match a b P Q)
have "uhnf ([a⌢b]P)" by fact
hence False by(simp add: uhnf_def)
thus ?case by simp
case(Mismatch a b P Q)
have "uhnf ([a≠b]P)" by fact
hence False by(simp add: uhnf_def)
thus ?case by simp
case(Sum P Q R)
have Rhnf: "uhnf R" by fact
have validR: "valid R" by fact
have PQhnf: "uhnf (P ⊕ Q)" by fact
have validPQ: "valid(P ⊕ Q)" by fact
have "∃T. uhnf T ∧ valid T ∧ Q ⊕ R ≡⇩e T ∧ depth T ≤ depth (Q ⊕ R)"
proof -
from PQhnf have "uhnf Q" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validPQ have "valid Q" by simp+
moreover have "⋀R. ⟦uhnf Q; uhnf R; valid Q; valid R⟧ ⟹ ∃T. uhnf T ∧ valid T ∧ Q ⊕ R ≡⇩e T ∧ depth T ≤ depth(Q ⊕ R)" by fact
ultimately show ?thesis using Rhnf validR by blast
then obtain T where Thnf: "uhnf T" and QReqT: "Q ⊕ R ≡⇩e T" and validT: "valid T"
and Tdepth: "depth T ≤ depth(Q ⊕ R)" by blast
have "∃S. uhnf S ∧ valid S ∧ P ⊕ T ≡⇩e S ∧ depth S ≤ depth(P ⊕ T)"
proof -
from PQhnf have "uhnf P" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validPQ have "valid P" by simp
moreover have "⋀T. ⟦uhnf P; uhnf T; valid P; valid T⟧ ⟹ ∃S. uhnf S ∧ valid S ∧ P ⊕ T ≡⇩e S ∧ depth S ≤ depth(P ⊕ T)" by fact
ultimately show ?thesis using Thnf validT by blast
then obtain S where Shnf: "uhnf S" and PTeqS: "P ⊕ T ≡⇩e S" and validS: "valid S"
and Sdepth: "depth S ≤ depth(P ⊕ T)" by blast
have "(P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R ≡⇩e S"
proof -
have "(P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R ≡⇩e P ⊕ (Q ⊕ R)" by(rule SumAssoc)
moreover from QReqT have "P ⊕ (Q ⊕ R) ≡⇩e P ⊕ T"
by(blast intro: Refl SumPres')
ultimately show ?thesis using PTeqS by(blast intro: Trans)
moreover from Tdepth Sdepth have "depth S ≤ depth((P ⊕ Q) ⊕ R)" by auto
ultimately show ?case using Shnf validS by blast
case(Par P Q R)
have "uhnf (P ∥ Q)" by fact
hence False by(simp add: uhnf_def)
thus ?case by simp
case(Res x P Q)
show ?case
proof(case_tac "Q = 𝟬")
assume "Q = 𝟬"
moreover have "uhnf (<νx>P)" by fact
moreover have "valid (<νx>P)" by fact
moreover have "<νx>P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>P" by(rule SumZero)
moreover have "depth(<νx>P) ≤ depth((<νx>P) ⊕ 𝟬)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume QineqNil: "Q ≠ 𝟬"
have Qhnf: "uhnf Q" by fact
have validP: "valid(<νx>P)" and validQ: "valid Q" by fact+
show ?case
proof(case_tac "∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e <νx>P")
assume "∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e <νx>P"
then obtain Q' where "Q' ∈ summands Q" and "Q' ≡⇩e <νx>P" by blast
hence "Q ⊕ <νx>P ≡⇩e Q" by(rule summandsIdemp)
moreover have "depth Q ≤ depth(Q ⊕ <νx>P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Qhnf validQ by(force intro: SumSym Trans)
assume "¬(∃Q' ∈ summands Q. Q' ≡⇩e <νx>P)"
hence "∀Q' ∈ summands Q. ¬(Q' ≡⇩e <νx>P)" by simp
moreover have "uhnf (<νx>P)" by fact
ultimately have "uhnf (<νx>P ⊕ Q)" using Qhnf QineqNil
by(force dest: Sym simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP validQ have "valid(<νx>P ⊕ Q)" by simp
moreover have "(<νx>P) ⊕ Q ≡⇩e (<νx>P) ⊕ Q" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "depth((<νx>P) ⊕ Q) ≤ depth((<νx>P) ⊕ Q)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Bang P Q)
have "uhnf (!P)" by fact
hence False by(simp add: uhnf_def)
thus ?case by simp
lemma uhnfRes:
fixes x :: name
and P :: pi
assumes Phnf: "uhnf P"
and validP: "valid P"
shows "∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ <νx>P ≡⇩e P' ∧ depth P' ≤ depth(<νx>P)"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct P avoiding: x rule: pi.strong_inducts)
case(PiNil x)
have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "<νx>𝟬 ≡⇩e 𝟬" by(rule ResNil)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth(<νx>𝟬)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Output a b P)
have "valid(a{b}.P)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" by simp
show ?case
proof(case_tac "x=a")
assume "x = a"
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>x{b}.P" by(blast intro: ResOutput' Sym)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth(<νx>x{b}.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Sym)
assume xineqa: "x ≠ a"
show ?case
proof(case_tac "x=b")
assume "x=b"
moreover from xineqa have "uhnf(<νx>a{x}.P)" by(force simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP have "valid(<νx>a{x}.P)" by simp
moreover have "<νx>a{x}.P ≡⇩e <νx>a{x}.P" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "depth(<νx>a{x}.P) ≤ depth(<νx>a{x}.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume xineqb: "x ≠ b"
have "uhnf(a{b}.(<νx>P))" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP have "valid(a{b}.(<νx>P))" by simp
moreover from xineqa xineqb have "a{b}.(<νx>P) ≡⇩e <νx>a{b}.P" by(blast intro: ResOutput Sym)
moreover have "depth(a{b}.(<νx>P)) ≤ depth(<νx>a{b}.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Sym)
case(Tau P)
have "valid(τ.(P))" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" by simp
have "uhnf(τ.(<νx>P))" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP have "valid(τ.(<νx>P))" by simp
moreover have "τ.(<νx>P) ≡⇩e <νx>τ.(P)" by(blast intro: ResTau Sym)
moreover have "depth(τ.(<νx>P)) ≤ depth(<νx>τ.(P))" by simp
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Sym)
case(Input a y P x)
have "valid(a<y>.P)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" by simp
have "y ♯ x" by fact hence yineqx: "y ≠ x" by simp
show ?case
proof(case_tac "x=a")
assume "x = a"
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>x<y>.P" by(blast intro: ResInput' Sym)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth(<νx>x<y>.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Sym)
assume xineqa: "x ≠ a"
have "uhnf(a<y>.(<νx>P))" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP have "valid(a<y>.(<νx>P))" by simp
moreover from xineqa yineqx have "a<y>.(<νx>P) ≡⇩e <νx>a<y>.P" by(blast intro: ResInput Sym)
moreover have "depth(a<y>.(<νx>P)) ≤ depth(<νx>a<y>.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Sym)
case(Match a b P x)
have "uhnf([a⌢b]P)" by fact
hence False by(simp add: uhnf_def)
thus ?case by simp
case(Mismatch a b P x)
have "uhnf([a≠b]P)" by fact
hence False by(simp add: uhnf_def)
thus ?case by simp
case(Sum P Q x)
have "valid(P ⊕ Q)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" and validQ: "valid Q" by simp+
have "uhnf(P ⊕ Q)" by fact
hence Phnf: "uhnf P" and Qhnf: "uhnf Q" by(auto simp add: uhnf_def)
have "∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e <νx>P ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth(<νx>P))"
proof -
have "⟦uhnf P; valid P⟧ ⟹ ∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ <νx>P ≡⇩e P' ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth (<νx>P))" by fact
with validP Phnf show ?thesis by(blast intro: Sym)
then obtain P' where P'hnf: "uhnf P'" and P'eqP: "P' ≡⇩e <νx>P" and validP': "valid P'"
and P'depth: "(depth P') ≤ (depth(<νx>P))" by blast
have "∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e <νx>Q ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth(<νx>Q))"
proof -
have "⟦uhnf Q; valid Q⟧ ⟹ ∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ <νx>Q ≡⇩e Q' ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth(<νx>Q))" by fact
with validQ Qhnf show ?thesis by(blast intro: Sym)
then obtain Q' where Q'hnf: "uhnf Q'" and Q'eqQ: "Q' ≡⇩e <νx>Q" and validQ': "valid Q'"
and Q'depth: "(depth Q') ≤ (depth(<νx>Q))" by blast
from P'hnf Q'hnf validP' validQ' obtain R where Rhnf: "uhnf R" and validR: "valid R"
and P'Q'eqR: "P' ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e R"
and Rdepth: "depth R ≤ depth(P' ⊕ Q')"
apply(drule_tac uhnfSum) apply assumption+ by blast
from P'eqP Q'eqQ P'Q'eqR have "<νx>(P ⊕ Q) ≡⇩e R" by(blast intro: Sym SumPres' SumRes Trans)
moreover from Rdepth P'depth Q'depth have "depth R ≤ depth(<νx>(P ⊕ Q))" by auto
ultimately show ?case using validR Rhnf by(blast intro: Sym)
case(Par P Q)
have "uhnf(P ∥ Q)" by fact
hence False by(simp add: uhnf_def)
thus ?case by simp
case(Res y P x)
have "valid(<νy>P)" by fact hence validP: "valid P" by simp
have "uhnf(<νy>P)" by fact
then obtain a P' where aineqy: "a ≠ y" and PeqP': "P = a{y}.P'"
by(force simp add: uhnf_def)
show ?case
proof(case_tac "x=y")
assume "x=y"
moreover from aineqy have "uhnf(<νy>a{y}.P')" by(force simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP PeqP' have "valid(<νy>a{y}.P')" by simp
moreover have "<νy><νy>a{y}.P' ≡⇩e <νy>a{y}.P'"
proof -
have "y ♯ <νy>a{y}.P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_abs)
hence "<νy><νy>a{y}.P' ≡⇩e <νy>a{y}.P'" by(rule ResFresh)
thus ?thesis by(blast intro: Trans)
moreover have "depth(<νy>a{y}.P') ≤ depth(<νy><νy>a{y}.P')" by simp
ultimately show ?case using PeqP' by blast
assume xineqy: "x≠y"
show ?case
proof(case_tac "x=a")
assume "x=a"
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "<νa><νy>a{y}.P' ≡⇩e 𝟬"
proof -
have "<νa><νy>a{y}.P' ≡⇩e <νy><νa>a{y}.P'" by(rule ResComm)
moreover have "<νy><νa>a{y}.P' ≡⇩e 𝟬"
by(blast intro: ResOutput' ResNil ResPres Trans)
ultimately show ?thesis by(blast intro: Trans)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth(<νa><νy>a{y}.P')" by simp
ultimately show ?case using PeqP' by blast
assume xineqa: "x ≠ a"
from aineqy have "uhnf(<νy>a{y}.(<νx>P'))" by(force simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP PeqP' have "valid(<νy>a{y}.(<νx>P'))" by simp
moreover have "<νx><νy>a{y}.P' ≡⇩e <νy>a{y}.(<νx>P')"
proof -
have "<νx><νy>a{y}.P' ≡⇩e <νy><νx>a{y}.P'" by(rule ResComm)
moreover from xineqa xineqy have "<νy><νx>a{y}.P' ≡⇩e <νy>a{y}.(<νx>P')"
by(blast intro: ResOutput ResPres Trans)
ultimately show ?thesis by(blast intro: Trans)
moreover have "depth(<νy>a{y}.(<νx>P')) ≤ depth(<νx><νy>a{y}.P')"
by simp
ultimately show ?case using PeqP' by blast
case(Bang P x)
have "valid(!P)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
lemma expandHnf:
fixes P :: pi
and S :: "pi set"
assumes "(P, S) ∈ sumComposeSet"
and "∀P ∈ S. uhnf P ∧ valid P"
shows "∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P ≡⇩e P' ∧ depth P' ≤ depth P"
using assms
proof(induct rule: sumComposeSet.induct)
case empty
have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e 𝟬" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth 𝟬" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(insert Q S P)
have Shnf: "∀P ∈ S. uhnf P ∧ valid P" by fact
hence "∀P ∈ (S - {(Q)}). uhnf P ∧ valid P" by simp
moreover have "∀P ∈ (S - {(Q)}). uhnf P ∧ valid P ⟹ ∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P ≡⇩e P' ∧ depth P' ≤ depth P" by fact
ultimately obtain P' where P'hnf: "uhnf P'" and validP': "valid P'"
and PeqP': "P ≡⇩e P'" and PP'depth: "depth P' ≤ depth P"
by blast
have "Q ∈ S" by fact
with Shnf have "uhnf Q" and "valid Q" by simp+
with P'hnf validP' obtain R where Rhnf: "uhnf R" and validR: "valid R"
and P'QeqR: "P' ⊕ Q ≡⇩e R" and P'QRdepth: "depth R ≤ depth (P' ⊕ Q)"
by(auto dest: uhnfSum)
from PeqP' P'QeqR have "P ⊕ Q ≡⇩e R" by(blast intro: SumPres Trans)
moreover from PP'depth P'QRdepth have "depth R ≤ depth(P ⊕ Q)" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Rhnf validR by blast
lemma hnfSummandsRemove:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes "P ∈ summands Q"
and "uhnf Q"
shows "(summands Q) - {P' | P'. P' ∈ summands Q ∧ P' ≡⇩e P} = (summands Q) - {P}"
using assms
by(auto intro: Refl simp add: uhnf_def)
lemma pullSummand:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes PsummQ: "P ∈ summands Q"
and Qhnf: "uhnf Q"
shows "∃Q'. P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧ (summands Q') = ((summands Q) - {x. ∃P'. x = P' ∧ P' ∈ (summands Q) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf Q'"
proof -
have SumGoal: "⋀P Q R. ⟦P ∈ summands Q; uhnf(Q ⊕ R);
⋀P. ⟦P ∈ summands Q⟧ ⟹ ∃Q'. P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧
(summands Q') = ((summands Q) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands Q ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf Q';
⋀P. ⟦P ∈ summands R⟧ ⟹ ∃R'. P ⊕ R' ≡⇩e R ∧
(summands R') = ((summands R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands R ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf R'⟧
⟹ ∃Q'. P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R ∧
summands Q' = summands (pi.Sum Q R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands (Q ⊕ R) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P} ∧ uhnf Q'"
proof -
fix P Q R
assume IHR: "⋀P. P ∈ summands R ⟹ ∃R'. P ⊕ R' ≡⇩e R ∧
(summands R') = ((summands R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands R ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf R'"
assume PsummQ: "P ∈ summands Q"
moreover assume "⋀P. P ∈ summands Q ⟹ ∃Q'. P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧
(summands Q') = ((summands Q) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands Q ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf Q'"
ultimately obtain Q' where PQ'eqQ: "P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q"
and Q'summQ: "(summands Q') = ((summands Q) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands Q ∧ P' ≡⇩e P})"
and Q'hnf: "uhnf Q'"
by blast
assume QRhnf: "uhnf(Q ⊕ R)"
show "∃Q'. P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R ∧
summands Q' = summands (pi.Sum Q R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands (Q ⊕ R) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P} ∧ uhnf Q'"
proof(cases "∃P' ∈ summands R. P' ≡⇩e P")
assume "∃P' ∈ summands R. P' ≡⇩e P"
then obtain P' where P'summR: "P' ∈ summands R" and P'eqP: "P' ≡⇩e P" by blast
with IHR obtain R' where PR'eqR: "P' ⊕ R' ≡⇩e R"
and R'summR: "(summands R') = ((summands R) - {P'' |P''. P'' ∈ summands R ∧ P'' ≡⇩e P'})"
and R'hnf: "uhnf R'"
by blast
have L1: "P ⊕ (Q' ⊕ R') ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R"
proof -
from P'eqP have "P ⊕ (Q' ⊕ R') ≡⇩e (P ⊕ P') ⊕ (Q' ⊕ R')"
by(blast intro: SumIdemp' SumPres Sym)
moreover have "(P ⊕ P') ⊕ (Q' ⊕ R') ≡⇩e P ⊕ (P' ⊕ (Q' ⊕ R'))" by(rule SumAssoc)
moreover have "P ⊕ (P' ⊕ (Q' ⊕ R')) ≡⇩e P ⊕ (P' ⊕ (R' ⊕ Q'))"
by(blast intro: Refl SumPres' SumSym)
moreover have "P ⊕ (P' ⊕ (R' ⊕ Q')) ≡⇩e P ⊕ (P' ⊕ R') ⊕ Q'"
by(blast intro: Refl SumPres' Sym SumAssoc)
moreover have "P ⊕ (P' ⊕ R') ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e (P ⊕ Q') ⊕ (P' ⊕ R')"
proof -
have "P ⊕ (P' ⊕ R') ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e P ⊕ Q' ⊕ (P' ⊕ R')"
by(blast intro: Refl SumPres' SumSym)
thus ?thesis by(blast intro: Sym SumAssoc Trans)
moreover from PQ'eqQ PR'eqR have "(P ⊕ Q') ⊕ (P' ⊕ R') ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R" by(rule SumPres')
ultimately show ?thesis by(blast intro!: Trans)
show ?thesis
proof(cases "Q' = 𝟬")
assume Q'eqNil: "Q' = 𝟬"
have "P ⊕ R' ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R"
proof -
have "P ⊕ R' ≡⇩e P ⊕ (R' ⊕ 𝟬)" by(blast intro: SumZero Refl Trans SumPres' Sym)
moreover have "P ⊕ (R' ⊕ 𝟬) ≡⇩e P ⊕ (𝟬 ⊕ R')"
by(blast intro: SumSym Trans SumPres' Refl)
ultimately show ?thesis using L1 Q'eqNil by(blast intro: Trans)
moreover from R'summR Q'summQ P'eqP Q'eqNil have "summands (R') = (summands (Q ⊕ R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands(Q ⊕ R) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P})"
by(auto intro: Sym Trans)
ultimately show ?thesis using R'hnf by blast
assume Q'ineqNil: "Q' ≠ 𝟬"
show ?thesis
proof(case_tac "R' = 𝟬")
assume R'eqNil: "R' = 𝟬"
have "P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R"
proof -
have "P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e P ⊕ (Q' ⊕ 𝟬)" by(blast intro: SumZero Refl Trans SumPres' Sym)
with L1 R'eqNil show ?thesis by(blast intro: Trans)
moreover from R'summR Q'summQ P'eqP R'eqNil have "summands (Q') = (summands (Q ⊕ R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands(Q ⊕ R) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P})"
by(auto intro: Sym Trans)
ultimately show ?thesis using Q'hnf by blast
assume R'ineqNil: "R' ≠ 𝟬"
from R'summR Q'summQ P'eqP have "summands (Q' ⊕ R') = (summands (Q ⊕ R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands(Q ⊕ R) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P})"
by(auto intro: Sym Trans)
moreover from QRhnf Q'hnf R'hnf R'summR Q'summQ Q'ineqNil R'ineqNil have "uhnf(Q' ⊕ R')"
by(auto simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using L1 by blast
assume "¬(∃P' ∈ summands R. P' ≡⇩e P)"
hence Case: "∀P' ∈ summands R. ¬(P' ≡⇩e P)" by simp
show ?thesis
proof(case_tac "Q' = 𝟬")
assume Q'eqNil: "Q' = 𝟬"
have "P ⊕ R ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R"
proof -
have "P ⊕ R ≡⇩e (P ⊕ 𝟬) ⊕ R" by(blast intro: SumZero Sym Trans SumPres)
moreover from PQ'eqQ have "P ⊕ (Q' ⊕ R) ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R"
by(blast intro: SumAssoc Trans Sym SumPres)
ultimately show ?thesis using Q'eqNil by(blast intro: SumAssoc Trans)
moreover from Q'summQ Q'eqNil Case have "summands (R) = (summands (Q ⊕ R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands(Q ⊕ R) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P})"
by auto
moreover from QRhnf have "uhnf R" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
assume Q'ineqNil: "Q' ≠ 𝟬"
from PQ'eqQ have "P ⊕ (Q' ⊕ R) ≡⇩e Q ⊕ R"
by(blast intro: SumAssoc Trans Sym SumPres)
moreover from Q'summQ Case have "summands (Q' ⊕ R) = (summands (Q ⊕ R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands(Q ⊕ R) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P})"
by auto
moreover from QRhnf Q'hnf Q'summQ Q'ineqNil have "uhnf (Q' ⊕ R)"
by(auto simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
from assms show ?thesis
proof(nominal_induct Q arbitrary: P rule: pi.strong_inducts)
case PiNil
have "P ∈ summands 𝟬" by fact
hence False by auto
thus ?case by simp
case(Output a b Q)
have "P ∈ summands (a{b}.Q)" by fact
hence PeqQ: "P = a{b}.Q" by simp
have "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e a{b}.Q"
proof -
have "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e P" by(rule SumZero)
with PeqQ show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "(summands 𝟬) = (summands (a{b}.Q)) - {P' | P'. P' ∈ summands (a{b}.Q) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}"
proof -
have "a{b}.Q ≡⇩e a{b}.Q" by(rule Refl)
with PeqQ show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Tau Q)
have "P ∈ summands (τ.(Q))" by fact
hence PeqQ: "P = τ.(Q)" by simp
have "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e τ.(Q)"
proof -
have "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e P" by(rule SumZero)
with PeqQ show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "(summands 𝟬) = (summands (τ.(Q))) - {P' | P'. P' ∈ summands (τ.(Q)) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}"
proof -
have "τ.(Q) ≡⇩e τ.(Q)" by(rule Refl)
with PeqQ show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Input a x Q)
have "P ∈ summands (a<x>.Q)" by fact
hence PeqQ: "P = a<x>.Q" by simp
have "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e a<x>.Q"
proof -
have "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e P" by(rule SumZero)
with PeqQ show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "(summands 𝟬) = (summands (a<x>.Q)) - {P' | P'. P' ∈ summands (a<x>.Q) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}"
proof -
have "a<x>.Q ≡⇩e a<x>.Q" by(rule Refl)
with PeqQ show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Match a b Q)
have "P ∈ summands ([a⌢b]Q)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(Mismatch a b Q)
have "P ∈ summands ([a≠b]Q)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(Sum Q R)
have QRhnf: "uhnf (Q ⊕ R)" by fact
hence Qhnf: "uhnf Q" and Rhnf: "uhnf R" by(simp add: uhnf_def)+
have "⋀P. ⟦P ∈ summands Q; uhnf Q⟧ ⟹ ∃Q'. P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧
(summands Q') = ((summands Q) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands Q ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf Q'"
by fact
with Qhnf have IHQ: "⋀P. P ∈ summands Q ⟹ ∃Q'. P ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧
(summands Q') = ((summands Q) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands Q ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf Q'"
by simp
have "⋀P. ⟦P ∈ summands R; uhnf R⟧ ⟹ ∃R'. P ⊕ R' ≡⇩e R ∧
(summands R') = ((summands R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands R ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf R'"
by fact
with Rhnf have IHR: "⋀P. P ∈ summands R ⟹ ∃R'. P ⊕ R' ≡⇩e R ∧
(summands R') = ((summands R) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands R ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}) ∧ uhnf R'"
by simp
have "P ∈ summands (Q ⊕ R)" by fact
hence "P ∈ summands Q ∨ P ∈ summands R" by simp
thus ?case
proof(rule disjE)
assume "P ∈ summands Q"
thus ?case using QRhnf IHQ IHR by(rule SumGoal)
assume "P ∈ summands R"
moreover from QRhnf have "uhnf (R ⊕ Q)" by(auto simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately have "∃Q'. (pi.Sum P Q') ≡⇩e (pi.Sum R Q) ∧
summands Q' = summands (pi.Sum R Q) - {P' |P'. P' ∈ summands (pi.Sum R Q) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P} ∧ uhnf Q'" using IHR IHQ
by(rule SumGoal)
thus ?case
by(force intro: SumSym Trans)
case(Par Q R P)
have "P ∈ summands (Q ∥ R)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(Res x Q P)
have "P ∈ summands (<νx>Q)" by fact
hence PeqQ: "P = <νx>Q" by(simp add: if_split)
have "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>Q"
proof -
have "P ⊕ 𝟬 ≡⇩e P" by(rule SumZero)
with PeqQ show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "(summands 𝟬) = (summands (<νx>Q)) - {P' | P'. P' ∈ summands (<νx>Q) ∧ P' ≡⇩e P}"
proof -
have "<νx>Q ≡⇩e <νx>Q" by(rule Refl)
with PeqQ show ?thesis by simp
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Bang Q P)
have "P ∈ summands (!Q)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
lemma nSym:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes "¬(P ≡⇩e Q)"
shows "¬(Q ≡⇩e P)"
using assms
by(blast dest: Sym)
lemma summandsZero:
fixes P :: pi
assumes "summands P = {}"
and "hnf P"
shows "P = 𝟬"
using assms
by(nominal_induct P rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto intro: Refl SumIdemp SumPres' Trans)
lemma summandsZero':
fixes P :: pi
assumes summP: "summands P = {}"
and Puhnf: "uhnf P"
shows "P = 𝟬"
proof -
from Puhnf have "hnf P" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
with summP show ?thesis by(rule summandsZero)
lemma summandEquiv:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes Phnf: "uhnf P"
and Qhnf: "uhnf Q"
and PinQ: "∀P' ∈ summands P. ∃Q' ∈ summands Q. P' ≡⇩e Q'"
and QinP: "∀Q' ∈ summands Q. ∃P' ∈ summands P. Q' ≡⇩e P'"
shows "P ≡⇩e Q"
proof -
from finiteSummands assms show ?thesis
proof(induct F=="summands P" arbitrary: P Q rule: finite_induct)
case(empty P Q)
have PEmpty: "{} = summands P" by fact
moreover have "∀Q'∈summands Q. ∃P'∈summands P. Q' ≡⇩e P'" by fact
ultimately have QEmpty: "summands Q = {}" by simp
have "P = 𝟬"
proof -
have "uhnf P" by fact
with PEmpty show ?thesis by(blast intro: summandsZero')
moreover have "Q = 𝟬"
proof -
have "uhnf Q" by fact
with QEmpty show ?thesis by(blast intro: summandsZero')
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Refl)
case(insert P' F P Q)
have Phnf: "uhnf P" by fact
have Qhnf: "uhnf Q" by fact
have IH: "⋀P Q. ⟦F = summands P; uhnf P; uhnf Q; ∀P' ∈ summands P. ∃Q' ∈ summands Q. P' ≡⇩e Q';
∀Q' ∈ summands Q. ∃P' ∈ summands P. Q' ≡⇩e P'⟧ ⟹ P ≡⇩e Q"
by fact
have PeqQ: "∀P' ∈ summands P. ∃Q' ∈ summands Q. P' ≡⇩e Q'" by fact
have QeqP: "∀Q' ∈ summands Q. ∃P' ∈ summands P. Q' ≡⇩e P'" by fact
have PSumm: "insert P' F = summands P" by fact
hence P'SummP: "P' ∈ summands P" by auto
with Phnf obtain P'' where P'P''eqP: "P' ⊕ P'' ≡⇩e P"
and P''Summ: "summands P'' = summands P - {P'' |P''. P'' ∈ summands P ∧ P'' ≡⇩e P'}"
and P''hnf: "uhnf P''"
by(blast dest: pullSummand)
from PeqQ P'SummP obtain Q' where Q'SummQ: "Q' ∈ summands Q" and P'eqQ': "P' ≡⇩e Q'" by blast
from Q'SummQ Qhnf obtain Q'' where Q'Q''eqQ: "Q' ⊕ Q'' ≡⇩e Q"
and Q''Summ: "summands Q'' = summands Q - {Q'' |Q''. Q'' ∈ summands Q ∧ Q'' ≡⇩e Q'}"
and Q''hnf: "uhnf Q''"
by(blast dest: pullSummand)
have FeqP'': "F = summands P''"
proof -
have "P' ∉ F" by fact
with P''Summ PSumm hnfSummandsRemove[OF P'SummP Phnf] show ?thesis by blast
moreover have "∀P' ∈ summands P''. ∃Q' ∈ summands Q''. P' ≡⇩e Q'"
proof(rule ballI)
fix P'''
assume P'''Summ: "P''' ∈ summands P''"
with P''Summ have "P''' ∈ summands P" by simp
with PeqQ obtain Q''' where Q'''Summ: "Q''' ∈ summands Q" and P'''eqQ''': "P''' ≡⇩e Q'''" by blast
have "Q''' ∈ summands Q''"
proof -
from P'''Summ P''Summ have "¬(P''' ≡⇩e P')" by simp
with P'eqQ' P'''eqQ''' have "¬(Q''' ≡⇩e Q')" by(blast intro: Trans Sym)
with Q''Summ Q'''Summ show ?thesis by simp
with P'''eqQ''' show "∃Q'∈summands Q''. P''' ≡⇩e Q'" by blast
moreover have "∀Q' ∈ summands Q''. ∃P' ∈ summands P''. Q' ≡⇩e P'"
proof(rule ballI)
fix Q'''
assume Q'''Summ: "Q''' ∈ summands Q''"
with Q''Summ have "Q''' ∈ summands Q" by simp
with QeqP obtain P''' where P'''Summ: "P''' ∈ summands P"
and Q'''eqP''': "Q''' ≡⇩e P'''" by blast
have "P''' ∈ summands P''"
proof -
from Q'''Summ Q''Summ have "¬(Q''' ≡⇩e Q')" by simp
with P'eqQ' Q'''eqP''' have "¬(P''' ≡⇩e P')" by(blast intro: Trans)
with P''Summ P'''Summ show ?thesis by simp
with Q'''eqP''' show "∃P'∈summands P''. Q''' ≡⇩e P'" by blast
ultimately have P''eqQ'': "P'' ≡⇩e Q''" using P''hnf Q''hnf by(rule_tac IH)
from P'P''eqP have "P ≡⇩e P' ⊕ P''" by(rule Sym)
moreover from P'eqQ' P''eqQ'' have "P' ⊕ P'' ≡⇩e Q' ⊕ Q''" by(rule SumPres')
ultimately show ?case using Q'Q''eqQ by(blast intro: Trans)
lemma validSubst[simp]:
fixes P :: pi
and a :: name
and b :: name
and p :: pi
shows "valid(P[a::=b]) = valid P"
by(nominal_induct P avoiding: a b rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto)
lemma validOutputTransition:
fixes P :: pi
and a :: name
and b :: name
and P' :: pi
assumes "P ⟼a[b] ≺ P'"
and "valid P"
shows "valid P'"
using assms
by(nominal_induct rule: outputInduct, auto)
lemma validInputTransition:
fixes P :: pi
and a :: name
and x :: name
and P' :: pi
assumes PTrans: "P ⟼a<x> ≺ P'"
and validP: "valid P"
shows "valid P'"
proof -
have Goal: "⋀P a x P'. ⟦P ⟼a<x> ≺ P'; x ♯ P; valid P⟧ ⟹ valid P'"
proof -
fix P a x P'
assume "P ⟼a<x> ≺ P'" and "x ♯ P" and "valid P"
thus "valid P'"
by(nominal_induct rule: inputInduct, auto)
obtain y::name where yFreshP: "y ♯ P" and yFreshP': "y ♯ P'"
by(rule_tac name_exists_fresh[of "(P, P')"], auto simp add: fresh_prod)
from yFreshP' PTrans have "P ⟼a<y> ≺ [(x, y)] ∙ P'" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
hence "valid ([(x, y)] ∙ P')" using yFreshP validP by(rule Goal)
thus "valid P'" by simp
lemma validBoundOutputTransition:
fixes P :: pi
and a :: name
and x :: name
and P' :: pi
assumes PTrans: "P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P'"
and validP: "valid P"
shows "valid P'"
proof -
have Goal: "⋀P a x P'. ⟦P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P'; x ♯ P; valid P⟧ ⟹ valid P'"
proof -
fix P a x P'
assume "P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P'" and "x ♯ P" and "valid P"
thus "valid P'"
apply(nominal_induct rule: boundOutputInduct, auto)
proof -
fix P a x P'
assume "P ⟼(a::name)[x] ≺ P'" and "valid P"
thus "valid P'"
by(nominal_induct rule: outputInduct, auto)
obtain y::name where yFreshP: "y ♯ P" and yFreshP': "y ♯ P'"
by(rule_tac name_exists_fresh[of "(P, P')"], auto simp add: fresh_prod)
from yFreshP' PTrans have "P ⟼a<νy> ≺ [(x, y)] ∙ P'" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
hence "valid ([(x, y)] ∙ P')" using yFreshP validP by(rule Goal)
thus "valid P'" by simp
lemma validTauTransition:
fixes P :: pi
and P' :: pi
assumes PTrans: "P ⟼τ ≺ P'"
and validP: "valid P"
shows "valid P'"
using assms
by(nominal_induct rule: tauInduct, auto dest: validOutputTransition validInputTransition validBoundOutputTransition)
lemmas validTransition = validInputTransition validOutputTransition validTauTransition validBoundOutputTransition
lemma validSummand:
fixes P :: pi
and P' :: pi
and a :: name
and b :: name
and x :: name
assumes "valid P"
and "hnf P"
shows "τ.(P') ∈ summands P ⟹ valid P'"
and "a{b}.P' ∈ summands P ⟹ valid P'"
and "a<x>.P' ∈ summands P ⟹ valid P'"
and "⟦a ≠ x; <νx>a{x}.P' ∈ summands P⟧ ⟹ valid P'"
proof -
assume "τ.(P') ∈ summands P"
with assms show "valid P'" by(force intro: validTauTransition simp add: summandTransition)
assume "a{b}.P' ∈ summands P"
with assms show "valid P'" by(force intro: validOutputTransition simp add: summandTransition)
assume "a<x>.P' ∈ summands P"
with assms show "valid P'" by(force intro: validInputTransition simp add: summandTransition)
assume "<νx>a{x}.P' ∈ summands P" and "a ≠ x"
with assms show "valid P'"
by(force intro: validBoundOutputTransition simp add: summandTransition[THEN sym])
lemma validExpand:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes "valid P"
and "valid Q"
and "uhnf P"
and "uhnf Q"
shows "∀R ∈ (expandSet P Q). uhnf R ∧ valid R"
proof -
from assms have "hnf P" and "hnf Q" by(simp add: uhnf_def)+
with assms show ?thesis
apply(auto simp add: expandSet_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(subgoal_tac "a≠x")
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply blast
apply(subgoal_tac "a≠x")
apply(drule_tac validSummand(4)) apply assumption+
apply blast
apply(subgoal_tac "a≠x")
apply(drule_tac validSummand(4)[where P=Q]) apply assumption+
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply blast
apply(subgoal_tac "a≠x")
apply(drule_tac validSummand(4)[where P=Q]) apply assumption+
apply blast
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(force simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(force dest: validSummand)
apply(subgoal_tac "a≠y")
apply(drule_tac validSummand(4)[where P=Q]) apply assumption+
apply blast
apply(force dest: validSummand simp add: uhnf_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "a≠y")
apply(drule_tac validSummand(4)) apply assumption+
apply blast
by(force dest: validSummand)
lemma expandComplete:
fixes F :: "pi set"
assumes "finite F"
shows "∃P. (P, F) ∈ sumComposeSet"
using assms
proof(induct F rule: finite_induct)
case empty
have "(𝟬, {}) ∈ sumComposeSet" by(rule sumComposeSet.empty)
thus ?case by blast
case(insert Q F)
have "∃P. (P, F) ∈ sumComposeSet" by fact
then obtain P where "(P, F) ∈ sumComposeSet" by blast
moreover have "Q ∈ insert Q F" by simp
moreover have "Q ∉ F" by fact
ultimately have "(P ⊕ Q, insert Q F) ∈ sumComposeSet"
by(force intro: sumComposeSet.insert)
thus ?case by blast
lemma expandDepth:
fixes F :: "pi set"
and P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes "(P, F) ∈ sumComposeSet"
and "F ≠ {}"
shows "∃Q ∈ F. depth P ≤ depth Q ∧ (∀R ∈ F. depth R ≤ depth Q)"
using assms
proof(induct arbitrary: Q rule: sumComposeSet.induct)
case empty
have "({}::pi set) ≠ {}" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(insert Q S P)
have QinS: "Q ∈ S" by fact
show ?case
proof(case_tac "(S - {Q}) = {}")
assume "(S - {Q}) = {}"
with QinS have SeqQ: "S = {Q}" by auto
have "(P, S - {Q}) ∈ sumComposeSet" by fact
with SeqQ have "(P, {}) ∈ sumComposeSet" by simp
hence "P = 𝟬" apply - by(ind_cases "(P, {}) ∈ sumComposeSet", auto)
with QinS SeqQ show ?case by simp
assume "(S - {Q}) ≠ {}"
moreover have "(S - {Q}) ≠ {} ⟹ ∃Q' ∈ (S - {Q}). depth P ≤ depth Q' ∧ (∀R ∈ (S - {Q}). depth R ≤ depth Q')" by fact
ultimately obtain Q' where Q'inS: "Q' ∈ S - {Q}" and PQ'depth: "depth P ≤ depth Q'" and All: "∀R ∈ (S - {Q}). depth R ≤ depth Q'" by auto
show ?case
proof(case_tac "Q = Q'")
assume "Q = Q'"
with PQ'depth All QinS show ?case by auto
assume QineqQ': "Q ≠ Q'"
show ?case
proof(case_tac "depth Q ≤ depth Q'")
assume "depth Q ≤ depth Q'"
with QineqQ' PQ'depth All Q'inS show ?thesis by force
assume "¬ depth Q ≤ depth Q'"
with QineqQ' PQ'depth All Q'inS QinS show ?thesis apply auto
apply(rule_tac x=Q in bexI)
apply auto
apply(case_tac "R=Q")
apply auto
apply(erule_tac x=R in ballE)
by auto
lemma depthSubst[simp]:
fixes P :: pi
and a :: name
and b :: name
shows "depth(P[a::=b]) = depth P"
by(nominal_induct P avoiding: a b rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto)
lemma depthTransition:
fixes P :: pi
and a :: name
and b :: name
and P' :: pi
assumes Phnf: "hnf P"
shows "P ⟼a[b] ≺ P' ⟹ depth P' < depth P"
and "P ⟼a<x> ≺ P' ⟹ depth P' < depth P"
and "P ⟼τ ≺ P' ⟹ depth P' < depth P"
and "P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P' ⟹ depth P' < depth P"
proof -
assume "P ⟼a[b] ≺ P'"
thus "depth P' < depth P" using assms
by(nominal_induct rule: outputInduct, auto)
assume Trans: "P ⟼a<x> ≺ P'"
have Goal: "⋀P a x P'. ⟦P ⟼a<x> ≺ P'; x ♯ P; hnf P⟧ ⟹ depth P' < depth P"
proof -
fix P a x P'
assume "P ⟼a<x> ≺ P'" and "x ♯ P" and "hnf P"
thus "depth P' < depth P"
by(nominal_induct rule: inputInduct, auto)
obtain y::name where yFreshP: "y ♯ P" and yFreshP': "y ♯ P'"
by(rule_tac name_exists_fresh[of "(P, P')"], auto simp add: fresh_prod)
from yFreshP' Trans have "P ⟼a<y> ≺ [(x, y)] ∙ P'" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
hence "depth ([(x, y)] ∙ P') < depth P" using yFreshP Phnf by(rule Goal)
thus "depth P' < depth P" by simp
assume "P ⟼τ ≺ P'"
thus "depth P' < depth P" using assms
by(nominal_induct rule: tauInduct, auto simp add: uhnf_def)
assume Trans: "P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P'"
have Goal: "⋀P a x P'. ⟦P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P'; x ♯ P; hnf P⟧ ⟹ depth P' < depth P"
proof -
fix P a x P'
assume "P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P'" and "x ♯ P" and "hnf P"
thus "depth P' < depth P"
by(nominal_induct rule: boundOutputInduct,
auto elim: outputCases simp add: residual.inject)
obtain y::name where yFreshP: "y ♯ P" and yFreshP': "y ♯ P'"
by(rule_tac name_exists_fresh[of "(P, P')"], auto simp add: fresh_prod)
from yFreshP' Trans have "P ⟼a<νy> ≺ [(x, y)] ∙ P'" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
hence "depth ([(x, y)] ∙ P') < depth P" using yFreshP Phnf by(rule Goal)
thus "depth P' < depth P" by simp
lemma maxExpandDepth:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
and R :: pi
assumes "R ∈ expandSet P Q"
and "hnf P"
and "hnf Q"
shows "depth R ≤ depth(P ∥ Q)"
using assms
apply(auto simp add: expandSet_def summandTransition[THEN sym] dest: depthTransition)
apply(subgoal_tac "a ≠ x")
apply(simp add: summandTransition[THEN sym])
apply(force dest: depthTransition)
apply blast
apply(subgoal_tac "a ≠ x")
apply(simp add: summandTransition[THEN sym])
apply(force dest: depthTransition)
apply blast
apply(force dest: depthTransition)
apply(force dest: depthTransition)
apply(subgoal_tac "a ≠ y")
apply(simp add: summandTransition[THEN sym])
apply(force dest: depthTransition)
apply blast
apply(subgoal_tac "a ≠ y")
apply(simp add: summandTransition[THEN sym])
apply(force dest: depthTransition)
by blast
lemma expandDepth':
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes Phnf: "hnf P"
and Qhnf: "hnf Q"
shows "∃R. (R, expandSet P Q) ∈ sumComposeSet ∧ depth R ≤ depth(P ∥ Q)"
proof(case_tac "expandSet P Q = {}")
assume "expandSet P Q = {}"
with Phnf Qhnf show ?thesis by(auto intro: sumComposeSet.empty)
assume "expandSet P Q ≠ {}"
moreover from Phnf Qhnf finiteExpand obtain R where TSC: "(R, expandSet P Q) ∈ sumComposeSet"
by(blast dest: expandComplete)
ultimately obtain T where "T ∈ expandSet P Q"
and "depth R ≤ depth T"
by(blast dest: expandDepth)
with Phnf Qhnf have "depth R ≤ depth(P ∥ Q)"
by(force dest: maxExpandDepth)
with TSC show ?thesis by blast
lemma validToHnf:
fixes P :: pi
assumes "valid P"
shows "∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e P ∧ (depth Q) ≤ (depth P)"
proof -
have MatchGoal: "⋀a b P Q. ⟦uhnf Q; valid Q; Q ≡⇩e P; depth Q ≤ depth P⟧ ⟹
∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e [a⌢b]P ∧ depth Q ≤ depth ([a⌢b]P)"
proof -
fix a b P Q
assume Qhnf: "uhnf Q" and validQ: "valid Q" and QeqP: "Q ≡⇩e P"
and QPdepth: "depth Q ≤ depth P"
show "∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e [a⌢b]P ∧ depth Q ≤ depth ([a⌢b]P)"
proof(case_tac "a = b")
assume "a = b"
with QeqP have "Q ≡⇩e [a⌢b]P" by(blast intro: Sym Trans equiv.Match)
with Qhnf validQ QPdepth show ?thesis by force
assume "a ≠ b"
hence "𝟬 ≡⇩e [a⌢b]P" by(blast intro: Sym Match')
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by force
from assms show ?thesis
proof(nominal_induct P rule: pi.strong_inducts)
case PiNil
have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e 𝟬" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "(depth 𝟬) ≤ (depth 𝟬)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Output a b P)
have "uhnf (a{b}.P)" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid(a{b}.P)" by fact
moreover have "a{b}.P ≡⇩e a{b}.P" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "(depth (a{b}.P)) ≤ (depth (a{b}.P))" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Tau P)
have "uhnf (τ.(P))" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid (τ.(P))" by fact
moreover have "τ.(P) ≡⇩e τ.(P)" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "(depth (τ.(P))) ≤ (depth (τ.(P)))" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Input a x P)
have "uhnf (a<x>.P)" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid (a<x>.P)" by fact
moreover have "a<x>.P ≡⇩e a<x>.P" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "(depth (a<x>.P)) ≤ (depth (a<x>.P))" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Match a b P)
have "valid ([a⌢b]P)" by fact
hence "valid P" by simp
moreover have "valid P ⟹ ∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e P ∧ depth Q ≤ depth P" by fact
ultimately obtain Q where Qhnf: "uhnf Q" and validQ: "valid Q" and QeqP: "Q ≡⇩e P"
and QPdepth: "depth Q ≤ depth P" by blast
thus ?case by(rule MatchGoal)
case(Mismatch a b P)
have "valid ([a≠b]P)" by fact
hence "valid P" by simp
moreover have "valid P ⟹ ∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e P ∧ depth Q ≤ depth P" by fact
ultimately obtain Q where Qhnf: "uhnf Q" and validQ: "valid Q" and QeqP: "Q ≡⇩e P"
and QPdepth: "depth Q ≤ depth P" by blast
show ?case
proof(case_tac "a = b")
assume "a = b"
hence "𝟬 ≡⇩e [a≠b]P" by(blast intro: Sym Mismatch')
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?case by force
assume "a ≠ b"
with QeqP have "Q ≡⇩e [a≠b]P" by(blast intro: Sym Trans equiv.Mismatch)
with Qhnf validQ QPdepth show ?case by force
case(Sum P Q)
have "valid(P ⊕ Q)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" and validQ: "valid Q" by simp+
have "∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e P ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth P)"
proof -
have "valid P ⟹ ∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e P ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth P)" by fact
with validP show ?thesis by simp
then obtain P' where P'hnf: "uhnf P'" and P'eqP: "P' ≡⇩e P" and validP': "valid P'"
and P'depth: "(depth P') ≤ (depth P)" by blast
have "∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth Q)"
proof -
have "valid Q ⟹ ∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth Q)" by fact
with validQ show ?thesis by simp
then obtain Q' where Q'hnf: "uhnf Q'" and Q'eqQ: "Q' ≡⇩e Q" and validQ': "valid Q'"
and Q'depth: "(depth Q') ≤ (depth Q)" by blast
from P'hnf Q'hnf validP' validQ' obtain R where Rhnf: "uhnf R" and validR: "valid R"
and P'Q'eqR: "P' ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e R"
and Rdepth: "depth R ≤ depth(P' ⊕ Q')"
apply(drule_tac uhnfSum) apply assumption+ by blast
from validP' validQ' have "valid(P' ⊕ Q')" by simp
from P'eqP Q'eqQ P'Q'eqR have "P ⊕ Q ≡⇩e R" by(blast intro: Sym SumPres' Trans)
moreover from Rdepth P'depth Q'depth have "depth R ≤ depth(P ⊕ Q)" by auto
ultimately show ?case using validR Rhnf by(blast intro: Sym)
case(Par P Q)
have "valid(P ∥ Q)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" and validQ: "valid Q" by simp+
have "∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e P ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth P)"
proof -
have "valid P ⟹ ∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e P ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth P)" by fact
with validP show ?thesis by simp
then obtain P' where P'hnf: "uhnf P'" and P'eqP: "P' ≡⇩e P" and validP': "valid P'"
and P'depth: "(depth P') ≤ (depth P)" by blast
have "∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth Q)"
proof -
have "valid Q ⟹ ∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth Q)" by fact
with validQ show ?thesis by simp
then obtain Q' where Q'hnf: "uhnf Q'" and Q'eqQ: "Q' ≡⇩e Q" and validQ': "valid Q'"
and Q'depth: "(depth Q') ≤ (depth Q)" by blast
from P'hnf Q'hnf obtain R where Exp: "(R, expandSet P' Q') ∈ sumComposeSet" and Rdepth: "depth R ≤ depth(P' ∥ Q')"
by(force dest: expandDepth' simp add: uhnf_def)
from Exp P'hnf Q'hnf have P'Q'eqR: "P' ∥ Q' ≡⇩e R" by(force intro: Expand simp add: uhnf_def)
from P'hnf Q'hnf validP' validQ' have "∀P ∈ (expandSet P' Q'). uhnf P ∧ valid P" by(blast dest: validExpand)
with Exp obtain R' where R'hnf: "uhnf R'" and validR': "valid R'"
and ReqR': "R ≡⇩e R'"
and R'depth: "depth R' ≤ depth R"
by(blast dest: expandHnf)
from P'eqP Q'eqQ P'Q'eqR ReqR' have "P ∥ Q ≡⇩e R'" by(blast intro: Sym ParPres Trans)
moreover from Rdepth P'depth Q'depth R'depth have "depth R' ≤ depth(P ∥ Q)" by auto
ultimately show ?case using validR' R'hnf by(blast dest: Sym)
case(Res x P)
have "valid (<νx>P)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" by simp
moreover have "valid P ⟹ ∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e P ∧ depth Q ≤ depth P" by fact
ultimately obtain Q where Qhnf: "uhnf Q" and validQ: "valid Q" and QeqP: "Q ≡⇩e P"
and QPDepth: "depth Q ≤ depth P" by blast
from validP show ?case
proof(nominal_induct P avoiding: x rule: pi.strong_inducts)
case PiNil
have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>𝟬"
proof -
have "x ♯ 𝟬" by simp
thus ?thesis by(blast intro: Sym ResFresh)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth (<νx>𝟬)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Output a b P)
have "valid(a{b}.P)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" by simp
show ?case
proof(case_tac "x=a")
assume "x = a"
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>x{b}.P" by(blast intro: ResOutput' Sym)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth(<νx>x{b}.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume xineqa: "x ≠ a"
show ?case
proof(case_tac "x=b")
assume "x=b"
moreover from xineqa have "uhnf(<νx>a{x}.P)" by(force simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP have "valid(<νx>a{x}.P)" by simp
moreover have "<νx>a{x}.P ≡⇩e <νx>a{x}.P" by(rule Refl)
moreover have "depth(<νx>a{x}.P) ≤ depth(<νx>a{x}.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume xineqb: "x ≠ b"
have "uhnf(a{b}.(<νx>P))" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP have "valid(a{b}.(<νx>P))" by simp
moreover from xineqa xineqb have "a{b}.(<νx>P) ≡⇩e <νx>a{b}.P" by(blast intro: ResOutput Sym)
moreover have "depth(a{b}.(<νx>P)) ≤ depth(<νx>a{b}.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Tau P)
have "valid(τ.(P))" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" by simp
have "uhnf(τ.(<νx>P))" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP have "valid(τ.(<νx>P))" by simp
moreover have "τ.(<νx>P) ≡⇩e <νx>τ.(P)" by(blast intro: ResTau Sym)
moreover have "depth(τ.(<νx>P)) ≤ depth(<νx>τ.(P))" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Input a y P)
have "valid(a<y>.P)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" by simp
have "y ♯ x" by fact hence yineqx: "y ≠ x" by simp
show ?case
proof(case_tac "x=a")
assume "x = a"
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>x<y>.P" by(blast intro: ResInput' Sym)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth(<νx>x<y>.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume xineqa: "x ≠ a"
have "uhnf(a<y>.(<νx>P))" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from validP have "valid(a<y>.(<νx>P))" by simp
moreover from xineqa yineqx have "a<y>.(<νx>P) ≡⇩e <νx>a<y>.P" by(blast intro: ResInput Sym)
moreover have "depth(a<y>.(<νx>P)) ≤ depth(<νx>a<y>.P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Match a b P x)
have "valid([a⌢b]P)" by fact hence "valid P" by simp
moreover have "⋀x. valid P ⟹ ∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e <νx>P ∧
depth Q ≤ depth(<νx>P)"
by fact
ultimately obtain Q where Qhnf: "uhnf Q" and validQ: "valid Q"
and QeqP: "Q ≡⇩e (<νx>P)"
and QPdepth: "depth Q ≤ depth(<νx>P)"
by blast
show ?case
proof(case_tac "a = b")
assume "a=b"
moreover have "Q ≡⇩e <νx>[a⌢a]P"
proof -
have "P ≡⇩e [a⌢a]P" by(blast intro: equiv.Match Sym)
hence "<νx>P ≡⇩e <νx>[a⌢a]P" by(rule ResPres)
with QeqP show ?thesis by(blast intro: Trans)
moreover from QPdepth have "depth Q ≤ depth(<νx>[a⌢a]P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Qhnf validQ by blast
assume aineqb: "a≠b"
have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>[a⌢b]P"
proof -
from aineqb have "𝟬 ≡⇩e [a⌢b]P" by(blast intro: Match' Sym)
hence "<νx>𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>[a⌢b]P" by(rule ResPres)
thus ?thesis by(blast intro: ResNil Trans Sym)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth(<νx>[a⌢b]P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
case(Mismatch a b P x)
have "valid([a≠b]P)" by fact hence "valid P" by simp
moreover have "⋀x. valid P ⟹ ∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e <νx>P ∧
depth Q ≤ depth(<νx>P)"
by fact
ultimately obtain Q where Qhnf: "uhnf Q" and validQ: "valid Q"
and QeqP: "Q ≡⇩e (<νx>P)"
and QPdepth: "depth Q ≤ depth(<νx>P)"
by blast
show ?case
proof(case_tac "a = b")
assume "a=b"
moreover have "uhnf 𝟬" by(simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover have "valid 𝟬" by simp
moreover have "𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>[a≠a]P"
proof -
have "𝟬 ≡⇩e [a≠a]P" by(blast intro: Mismatch' Sym)
hence "<νx>𝟬 ≡⇩e <νx>[a≠a]P" by(rule ResPres)
thus ?thesis by(blast intro: ResNil Trans Sym)
moreover have "depth 𝟬 ≤ depth(<νx>[a≠a]P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case by blast
assume aineqb: "a≠b"
have "Q ≡⇩e <νx>[a≠b]P"
proof -
from aineqb have "P ≡⇩e [a≠b]P" by(blast intro: equiv.Mismatch Sym)
hence "<νx>P ≡⇩e <νx>[a≠b]P" by(rule ResPres)
with QeqP show ?thesis by(blast intro: Trans)
moreover from QPdepth have "depth Q ≤ depth(<νx>[a≠b]P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Qhnf validQ by blast
case(Sum P Q x)
have "valid(P ⊕ Q)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" and validQ: "valid Q" by simp+
have "∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e <νx>P ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth(<νx>P))"
proof -
have "valid P ⟹ ∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e <νx>P ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth (<νx>P))" by fact
with validP show ?thesis by simp
then obtain P' where P'hnf: "uhnf P'" and P'eqP: "P' ≡⇩e <νx>P" and validP': "valid P'"
and P'depth: "(depth P') ≤ (depth(<νx>P))" by blast
have "∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e <νx>Q ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth(<νx>Q))"
proof -
have "valid Q ⟹ ∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e <νx>Q ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth(<νx>Q))" by fact
with validQ show ?thesis by simp
then obtain Q' where Q'hnf: "uhnf Q'" and Q'eqQ: "Q' ≡⇩e <νx>Q" and validQ': "valid Q'"
and Q'depth: "(depth Q') ≤ (depth(<νx>Q))" by blast
from P'hnf Q'hnf validP' validQ' obtain R where Rhnf: "uhnf R" and validR: "valid R"
and P'Q'eqR: "P' ⊕ Q' ≡⇩e R"
and Rdepth: "depth R ≤ depth(P' ⊕ Q')"
apply(drule_tac uhnfSum) apply assumption+ by blast
from P'eqP Q'eqQ P'Q'eqR have "<νx>(P ⊕ Q) ≡⇩e R" by(blast intro: Sym SumPres' SumRes Trans)
moreover from Rdepth P'depth Q'depth have "depth R ≤ depth(<νx>(P ⊕ Q))" by auto
ultimately show ?case using validR Rhnf by(blast intro: Sym)
case(Par P Q x)
have "valid(P ∥ Q)" by fact
hence validP: "valid P" and validQ: "valid Q" by simp+
have "∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e P ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth P)"
proof -
obtain x::name where xFreshP: "x ♯ P" by(rule name_exists_fresh)
moreover have "⋀x. valid P ⟹ ∃P'. uhnf P' ∧ valid P' ∧ P' ≡⇩e (<νx>P) ∧ (depth P') ≤ (depth(<νx>P))" by fact
with validP obtain P' where "uhnf P'" and "valid P'" and P'eqP: "P' ≡⇩e (<νx>P)" and P'depth: "(depth P') ≤ (depth(<νx>P))" by blast
moreover from xFreshP P'eqP have "P' ≡⇩e P" by(blast intro: Trans ResFresh)
moreover with P'depth have "depth P' ≤ depth P" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
then obtain P' where P'hnf: "uhnf P'" and P'eqP: "P' ≡⇩e P" and validP': "valid P'"
and P'depth: "(depth P') ≤ (depth P)" by blast
have "∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e Q ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth Q)"
proof -
obtain x::name where xFreshQ: "x ♯ Q" by(rule name_exists_fresh)
moreover have "⋀x. valid Q ⟹ ∃Q'. uhnf Q' ∧ valid Q' ∧ Q' ≡⇩e (<νx>Q) ∧ (depth Q') ≤ (depth(<νx>Q))" by fact
with validQ obtain Q' where "uhnf Q'" and "valid Q'" and Q'eqQ: "Q' ≡⇩e (<νx>Q)" and Q'depth: "(depth Q') ≤ (depth(<νx>Q))" by blast
moreover from xFreshQ Q'eqQ have "Q' ≡⇩e Q" by(blast intro: Trans ResFresh)
moreover with Q'depth have "depth Q' ≤ depth Q" by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by blast
then obtain Q' where Q'hnf: "uhnf Q'" and Q'eqQ: "Q' ≡⇩e Q" and validQ': "valid Q'"
and Q'depth: "(depth Q') ≤ (depth Q)" by blast
from P'hnf Q'hnf obtain R where Exp: "(R, expandSet P' Q') ∈ sumComposeSet" and Rdepth: "depth R ≤ depth(P' ∥ Q')"
by(force dest: expandDepth' simp add: uhnf_def)
from Exp P'hnf Q'hnf have P'Q'eqR: "P' ∥ Q' ≡⇩e R" by(force intro: Expand simp add: uhnf_def)
from P'hnf Q'hnf validP' validQ' have "∀P ∈ (expandSet P' Q'). uhnf P ∧ valid P" by(blast dest: validExpand)
with Exp obtain R' where R'hnf: "uhnf R'" and validR': "valid R'"
and ReqR': "R ≡⇩e R'"
and R'depth: "depth R' ≤ depth R"
by(blast dest: expandHnf)
from P'eqP Q'eqQ P'Q'eqR ReqR' have "P ∥ Q ≡⇩e R'" by(blast intro: Sym ParPres Trans)
hence ResTrans: "<νx>(P ∥ Q) ≡⇩e <νx>R'" by(rule ResPres)
from validR' R'hnf obtain R'' where R''hnf: "uhnf R''" and validR'': "valid R''" and R'eqR'': "<νx>R' ≡⇩e R''" and R''depth: "depth R'' ≤ depth(<νx>R')"
by(force dest: uhnfRes)
from ResTrans R'eqR'' have "<νx>(P ∥ Q) ≡⇩e R''" by(rule Trans)
moreover from Rdepth P'depth Q'depth R'depth R''depth have "depth R'' ≤ depth(<νx>(P ∥ Q))" by auto
ultimately show ?case using validR'' R''hnf by(blast dest: Sym)
case(Res y P x)
have "valid(<νy>P)" by fact hence "valid P" by simp
moreover have "⋀x. valid P ⟹ ∃Q. uhnf Q ∧ valid Q ∧ Q ≡⇩e <νx>P ∧ depth Q ≤ depth(<νx>P)"
by fact
ultimately obtain Q where Qhnf: "uhnf Q" and validQ: "valid Q" and QeqP: "Q ≡⇩e <νy>P"
and QPdepth: "depth Q ≤ depth(<νy>P)" by blast
from Qhnf validQ obtain Q' where Q'hnf: "uhnf Q'" and validQ': "valid Q'" and QeqQ': "<νx>Q ≡⇩e Q'"
and Q'Qdepth: "depth Q' ≤ depth(<νx>Q)"
by(force dest: uhnfRes)
from QeqP have "<νx>Q ≡⇩e <νx><νy>P" by(rule ResPres)
with QeqQ' have "Q' ≡⇩e <νx><νy>P" by(blast intro: Trans Sym)
moreover from Q'Qdepth QPdepth have "depth Q' ≤ depth(<νx><νy>P)" by simp
ultimately show ?case using Q'hnf validQ' by blast
case(Bang P x)
have "valid(!P)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
case(Bang P)
have "valid(!P)" by fact
hence False by simp
thus ?case by simp
lemma depthZero:
fixes P :: pi
assumes "depth P = 0"
and "uhnf P"
shows "P = 𝟬"
using assms
apply(nominal_induct P rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto simp add: uhnf_def max_def if_split)
apply(case_tac "depth pi1 ≤ depth pi2")
by auto
lemma completeAux:
fixes n :: nat
and P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes "depth P + depth Q ≤ n"
and "valid P"
and "valid Q"
and "uhnf P"
and "uhnf Q"
and "P ∼ Q"
shows "P ≡⇩e Q"
using assms
proof(induct n arbitrary: P Q rule: nat.induct)
case(zero P Q)
have "depth P + depth Q ≤ 0" by fact
hence Pdepth: "depth P = 0" and Qdepth: "depth Q = 0" by auto
moreover have "uhnf P" and "uhnf Q" by fact+
ultimately have "P = 𝟬" and "Q = 𝟬" by(blast intro: depthZero)+
thus ?case by(blast intro: Refl)
case(Suc n P Q)
have validP: "valid P" and validQ: "valid Q" by fact+
have Phnf: "uhnf P" and Qhnf: "uhnf Q" by fact+
have PBisimQ: "P ∼ Q" by fact
have IH: "⋀P Q. ⟦depth P + depth Q ≤ n; valid P; valid Q; uhnf P; uhnf Q; P ∼ Q⟧ ⟹ P ≡⇩e Q"
by fact
have PQdepth: "depth P + depth Q ≤ Suc n" by fact
have Goal: "⋀P Q Q'. ⟦depth P + depth Q ≤ Suc n; valid P; valid Q; uhnf P; uhnf Q;
P ↝[bisim] Q; Q' ∈ summands Q⟧ ⟹ ∃P' ∈ summands P. Q' ≡⇩e P'"
proof -
fix P Q Q'
assume PQdepth: "depth P + depth Q ≤ Suc n"
assume validP: "valid P" and validQ: "valid Q"
assume Phnf: "uhnf P" and Qhnf: "uhnf Q"
assume PSimQ: "P ↝[bisim] Q"
assume Q'inQ: "Q' ∈ summands Q"
thus "∃P' ∈ summands P. Q' ≡⇩e P'" using PSimQ Phnf validP PQdepth
proof(nominal_induct Q' avoiding: P rule: pi.strong_inducts)
case PiNil
have "𝟬 ∈ summands Q" by fact
hence False by(nominal_induct Q rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto simp add: if_split)
thus ?case by simp
case(Output a b Q' P)
have validP: "valid P" and Phnf: "uhnf P" and PSimQ: "P ↝[bisim] Q" by fact+
have PQdepth: "depth P + depth Q ≤ Suc n" by fact
have "a{b}.Q' ∈ summands Q" by fact
with Qhnf have QTrans: "Q ⟼a[b] ≺ Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition uhnf_def)
with PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼a[b] ≺ P'" and P'BisimQ': "P' ∼ Q'"
by(blast dest: simE)
from Phnf PTrans have "a{b}.P' ∈ summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition uhnf_def)
moreover have "P' ≡⇩e Q'"
proof -
from validP PTrans have validP': "valid P'" by(blast intro: validTransition)
from validQ QTrans have validQ': "valid Q'" by(blast intro: validTransition)
from validP' obtain P'' where P''hnf: "uhnf P''" and validP'': "valid P''"
and P''eqP': "P'' ≡⇩e P'" and P''depth: "depth P'' ≤ depth P'"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
from validQ' obtain Q'' where Q''hnf: "uhnf Q''" and validQ'': "valid Q''"
and Q''eqQ': "Q'' ≡⇩e Q'" and Q''depth: "depth Q'' ≤ depth Q'"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
have "depth P'' + depth Q'' ≤ n"
proof -
from Phnf PTrans have "depth P' < depth P"
by(force intro: depthTransition simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from Qhnf QTrans have "depth Q' < depth Q"
by(force intro: depthTransition simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using PQdepth P''depth Q''depth by simp
moreover have "P'' ∼ Q''"
proof -
from P''eqP' have "P'' ∼ P'" by(rule sound)
moreover from Q''eqQ' have "Q'' ∼ Q'" by(rule sound)
ultimately show ?thesis using P'BisimQ' by(blast dest: transitive symmetric)
ultimately have "P'' ≡⇩e Q''" using validP'' validQ'' P''hnf Q''hnf by(rule_tac IH)
with P''eqP' Q''eqQ' show ?thesis by(blast intro: Sym Trans)
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Sym equiv.OutputPres)
case(Tau Q' P)
have validP: "valid P" and Phnf: "uhnf P" and PSimQ: "P ↝[bisim] Q" by fact+
have PQdepth: "depth P + depth Q ≤ Suc n" by fact
have "τ.(Q') ∈ summands Q" by fact
with Qhnf have QTrans: "Q ⟼τ ≺ Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition uhnf_def)
with PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼τ ≺ P'" and P'BisimQ': "P' ∼ Q'"
by(blast dest: simE)
from Phnf PTrans have "τ.(P') ∈ summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition uhnf_def)
moreover have "P' ≡⇩e Q'"
proof -
from validP PTrans have validP': "valid P'" by(blast intro: validTransition)
from validQ QTrans have validQ': "valid Q'" by(blast intro: validTransition)
from validP' obtain P'' where P''hnf: "uhnf P''" and validP'': "valid P''"
and P''eqP': "P'' ≡⇩e P'" and P''depth: "depth P'' ≤ depth P'"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
from validQ' obtain Q'' where Q''hnf: "uhnf Q''" and validQ'': "valid Q''"
and Q''eqQ': "Q'' ≡⇩e Q'" and Q''depth: "depth Q'' ≤ depth Q'"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
have "depth P'' + depth Q'' ≤ n"
proof -
from Phnf PTrans have "depth P' < depth P"
by(force intro: depthTransition simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from Qhnf QTrans have "depth Q' < depth Q"
by(force intro: depthTransition simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using PQdepth P''depth Q''depth by simp
moreover have "P'' ∼ Q''"
proof -
from P''eqP' have "P'' ∼ P'" by(rule sound)
moreover from Q''eqQ' have "Q'' ∼ Q'" by(rule sound)
ultimately show ?thesis using P'BisimQ' by(blast dest: transitive symmetric)
ultimately have "P'' ≡⇩e Q''" using validP'' validQ'' P''hnf Q''hnf by(rule_tac IH)
with P''eqP' Q''eqQ' show ?thesis by(blast intro: Sym Trans)
ultimately show ?case by(blast intro: Sym equiv.TauPres)
case(Input a x Q' P)
have validP: "valid P" and Phnf: "uhnf P" and PSimQ: "P ↝[bisim] Q" and xFreshP: "x ♯ P" by fact+
have PQdepth: "depth P + depth Q ≤ Suc n" by fact
have "a<x>.Q' ∈ summands Q" by fact
with Qhnf have QTrans: "Q ⟼a<x> ≺ Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition uhnf_def)
with PSimQ xFreshP obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼a<x> ≺ P'"
and P'derQ': "derivative P' Q' (InputS a) x bisim"
by(blast dest: simE)
from Phnf PTrans have "a<x>.P' ∈ summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition uhnf_def)
moreover have "∀y ∈ supp(P', Q', x). P'[x::=y] ≡⇩e Q'[x::=y]"
proof(rule ballI)
fix y::name
assume ysupp: "y ∈ supp(P', Q', x)"
have validP': "valid(P'[x::=y])"
proof -
from validP PTrans have validP': "valid P'" by(blast intro: validTransition)
thus ?thesis by simp
have validQ': "valid(Q'[x::=y])"
proof -
from validQ QTrans have validQ': "valid Q'" by(blast intro: validTransition)
thus ?thesis by simp
from validP' obtain P'' where P''hnf: "uhnf P''" and validP'': "valid P''"
and P''eqP': "P'' ≡⇩e P'[x::=y]" and P''depth: "depth P'' ≤ depth(P'[x::=y])"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
from validQ' obtain Q'' where Q''hnf: "uhnf Q''" and validQ'': "valid Q''"
and Q''eqQ': "Q'' ≡⇩e Q'[x::=y]" and Q''depth: "depth Q'' ≤ depth(Q'[x::=y])"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
have "depth P'' + depth Q'' ≤ n"
proof -
from Phnf PTrans have "depth P' < depth P"
by(force intro: depthTransition simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from Qhnf QTrans have "depth Q' < depth Q"
by(force intro: depthTransition simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using PQdepth P''depth Q''depth by simp
moreover have "P'' ∼ Q''"
proof -
from P'derQ' have P'BisimQ': "P'[x::=y] ∼ Q'[x::=y]"
by(auto simp add: derivative_def)
from P''eqP' have "P'' ∼ P'[x::=y]" by(rule sound)
moreover from Q''eqQ' have "Q'' ∼ Q'[x::=y]" by(rule sound)
ultimately show ?thesis using P'BisimQ' by(blast dest: transitive symmetric)
ultimately have "P'' ≡⇩e Q''" using validP'' validQ'' P''hnf Q''hnf by(rule_tac IH)
with P''eqP' Q''eqQ' show "P'[x::=y] ≡⇩e Q'[x::=y]" by(blast intro: Sym Trans)
ultimately show ?case
apply -
apply(rule_tac x="a<x>.P'" in bexI)
apply(rule equiv.InputPres)
apply(rule ballI)
apply(erule_tac x=y in ballE)
apply(blast dest: Sym)
by(auto simp add: supp_prod)
case(Match a b P' P)
have "[a⌢b]P' ∈ summands Q" by fact
hence False by(nominal_induct Q rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto simp add: if_split)
thus ?case by simp
case(Mismatch a b P' P)
have "[a≠b]P' ∈ summands Q" by fact
hence False by(nominal_induct Q rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto simp add: if_split)
thus ?case by simp
case(Sum P' Q' P)
have "P' ⊕ Q' ∈ summands Q" by fact
hence False by(nominal_induct Q rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto simp add: if_split)
thus ?case by simp
case(Par P' Q' P)
have "P' ∥ Q' ∈ summands Q" by fact
hence False by(nominal_induct Q rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto simp add: if_split)
thus ?case by simp
case(Res x Q'' P)
have xFreshP: "x ♯ P" by fact
have validP: "valid P" and Phnf: "uhnf P" and PSimQ: "P ↝[bisim] Q" by fact+
have PQdepth: "depth P + depth Q ≤ Suc n" by fact
have Q''summQ: "<νx>Q'' ∈ summands Q" by fact
hence "∃a Q'. a ≠ x ∧ Q'' = a{x}.Q'"
by(nominal_induct Q rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto simp add: if_split pi.inject name_abs_eq name_calc)
then obtain a Q' where aineqx: "a ≠ x" and Q'eqQ'': "Q'' = a{x}.Q'"
by blast
with Qhnf Q''summQ have QTrans: "Q ⟼a<νx> ≺ Q'" by(simp add: summandTransition uhnf_def)
with PSimQ xFreshP obtain P' where PTrans: "P ⟼a<νx> ≺ P'" and P'BisimQ': "P' ∼ Q'"
by(force dest: simE simp add: derivative_def)
from Phnf PTrans aineqx have "(<νx>a{x}.P') ∈ summands P" by(simp add: summandTransition uhnf_def)
moreover have "a{x}.P' ≡⇩e a{x}.Q'"
proof -
have "P' ≡⇩e Q'"
proof -
from validP PTrans have validP': "valid P'" by(blast intro: validTransition)
from validQ QTrans have validQ': "valid Q'" by(blast intro: validTransition)
from validP' obtain P'' where P''hnf: "uhnf P''" and validP'': "valid P''"
and P''eqP': "P'' ≡⇩e P'" and P''depth: "depth P'' ≤ depth P'"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
from validQ' obtain Q'' where Q''hnf: "uhnf Q''" and validQ'': "valid Q''"
and Q''eqQ': "Q'' ≡⇩e Q'" and Q'''depth: "depth Q'' ≤ depth Q'"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
have "depth P'' + depth Q'' ≤ n"
proof -
from Phnf PTrans have "depth P' < depth P"
by(force intro: depthTransition simp add: uhnf_def)
moreover from Qhnf QTrans have "depth Q' < depth Q"
by(force intro: depthTransition simp add: uhnf_def)
ultimately show ?thesis using PQdepth P''depth Q'''depth by simp
moreover have "P'' ∼ Q''"
proof -
from P''eqP' have "P'' ∼ P'" by(rule sound)
moreover from Q''eqQ' have "Q'' ∼ Q'" by(rule sound)
ultimately show ?thesis using P'BisimQ' by(blast dest: transitive symmetric)
ultimately have "P'' ≡⇩e Q''" using validP'' validQ'' P''hnf Q''hnf by(rule_tac IH)
with P''eqP' Q''eqQ' show ?thesis by(blast intro: Sym Trans)
thus ?thesis by(rule OutputPres)
ultimately show ?case using Q'eqQ'' by(blast intro: Sym equiv.ResPres)
case(Bang P' P)
have "!P' ∈ summands Q" by fact
hence False by(nominal_induct Q rule: pi.strong_inducts, auto simp add: if_split)
thus ?case by simp
from Phnf Qhnf PQdepth validP validQ PBisimQ show ?case
apply(rule_tac summandEquiv, auto)
apply(rule Goal)
apply auto
apply(blast dest: bisimE symmetric)
by(blast intro: Goal dest: bisimE)
lemma complete:
fixes P :: pi
and Q :: pi
assumes validP: "valid P"
and validQ: "valid Q"
and PBisimQ: "P ∼ Q"
shows "P ≡⇩e Q"
proof -
from validP obtain P' where validP': "valid P'" and P'hnf: "uhnf P'" and P'eqP: "P' ≡⇩e P"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
from validQ obtain Q' where validQ': "valid Q'" and Q'hnf: "uhnf Q'" and Q'eqQ: "Q' ≡⇩e Q"
by(blast dest: validToHnf)
have "∃n. depth P' + depth Q' ≤ n" by auto
then obtain n where "depth P' + depth Q' ≤ n" by blast
moreover have "P' ∼ Q'"
proof -
from P'eqP have "P' ∼ P" by(rule sound)
moreover from Q'eqQ have "Q' ∼ Q" by(rule sound)
ultimately show ?thesis using PBisimQ by(blast intro: symmetric transitive)
ultimately have "P' ≡⇩e Q'" using validP' validQ' P'hnf Q'hnf by(rule_tac completeAux)
with P'eqP Q'eqQ show ?thesis by(blast intro: Sym Trans)