Theory Late_Semantics

   Title: The pi-calculus   
   Author/Maintainer: Jesper Bengtson (, 2012
theory Late_Semantics
  imports Agent
nominal_datatype subject = InputS name
                         | BoundOutputS name

nominal_datatype freeRes = OutputR name name             (‹_[_] [130, 130] 110)
                         | TauR                          (τ 130)

nominal_datatype residual = BoundR subject "«name» pi" (‹_«_»  _› [80, 80, 80] 80)
                          | FreeR freeRes pi           (‹_  _› [80, 80] 80)

lemmas residualInject = residual.inject freeRes.inject subject.inject

abbreviation "Transitions_Inputjudge" :: "name  name  pi  residual" (‹_<_>  _› [80, 80, 80] 80)
where "a<x>  P'  ((InputS a)«x»  P')"

abbreviation "Transitions_BoundOutputjudge" :: "name  name  pi  residual" (‹__>  _› [80, 80, 80] 80)
where "ax>  P'  (BoundR (BoundOutputS a) x P')"

inductive transitions :: "pi  residual  bool"      (‹_  _› [80, 80] 80)
  Tau:               "τ.(P)  τ  P"
| Input:             "x  a  a<x>.P  a<x>  P"
| Output:            "a{b}.P  a[b]   P"
| Match:             "P  Rs  [bb]P  Rs"
| Mismatch:          "P  Rs; a  b  [ab]P  Rs"

| Open:              "P  a[b]  P'; a  b  b>P  ab>  P'"
| Sum1:              "P  Rs  (P  Q)  Rs"
| Sum2:              "Q  Rs  (P  Q)  Rs"

| Par1B:             "P  a«x»  P'; x  P; x  Q; x  a  P  Q  a«x»  (P'  Q)"
| Par1F:             "P  α  P'  P  Q  α  (P'  Q)"
| Par2B:             "Q  a«x»  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  a  P  Q  a«x»  (P  Q')"
| Par2F:             "Q  α  Q'  P  Q  α  (P  Q')"

| Comm1:             "P  a<x>  P'; Q  a[b]  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  a; x  b; x  Q'  P  Q  τ  P'[x::=b]  Q'"
| Comm2:             "P  a[b]  P'; Q  a<x>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  a; x  b; x  P'  P  Q  τ  P'  Q'[x::=b]"
| Close1:            "P  a<x>  P'; Q  ay>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; y  P; 
                       y  Q; x  a; x  Q'; y  a; y  P'; x  y  P  Q  τ  y>(P'[x::=y]  Q')"
| Close2:            "P  ay>  P'; Q  a<x>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; y  P;
                       y  Q; x  a; x  P'; y  a; y  Q'; x  y  P  Q  τ  y>(P'  Q'[x::=y])"

| ResB:              "P  a«x»  P'; y  a; y  x; x  P; x  a  y>P  a«x»  y>P'"
| ResF:              "P  α  P'; y  α  y>P  α  y>P'"

| Bang:              "P  !P  Rs  !P  Rs"

equivariance transitions
nominal_inductive transitions
by(auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_fact2)

lemma alphaBoundResidual:
  fixes a  :: subject
  and   x  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   x' :: name

  assumes A1: "x'  P"

  shows "a«x»  P = a«x'»  ([(x, x')]  P)"
proof(cases "x=x'")
  assume "x=x'"
  thus ?thesis by simp
  assume "x  x'"
  with A1 show ?thesis
    by(simp add: residualInject alpha name_fresh_left name_calc)

lemma freshResidual:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   Rs :: residual
  and   x  :: name
  assumes "P  Rs"
  and     "x  P"

  shows "x  Rs"
using assms
by(nominal_induct rule: transitions.strong_induct)
  (auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_fact2 fresh_fact1)

lemma freshBoundDerivative:
  assumes "P a«x»  P'"
  and     "y  P"

  shows "y  a"
  and   "y  x  y  P'"
apply -
using assms
by(fastforce dest: freshResidual simp add: abs_fresh)+

lemma freshFreeDerivative:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   α  :: freeRes
  and   P' :: pi
  and   y  :: name

  assumes "P α  P'"
  and     "y  P"

  shows "y  α"
  and   "y  P'"
apply -
using assms
by(fastforce dest: freshResidual)+

lemma substTrans[simp]: 
  fixes b :: name
  and   P :: pi
  and   a :: name
  and   c :: name

  assumes "b  P"

  shows "(P[a::=b])[b::=c] = P[a::=c]"
using assms
apply(simp add: injPermSubst[THEN sym])
apply(simp add: renaming)
by(simp add: pt_swap[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst])

lemma Input:
  fixes a :: name
  and   x :: name
  and   P :: pi

  shows "a<x>.P a<x>  P"
proof -
  obtain y::name where "y  a" and "y  P"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  from y  P have "a<x>.P = a<y>.([(x, y)]  P)" and "a<x>  P = a<y>  ([(x, y)]  P)"
    by(auto simp add: alphaBoundResidual alphaInput)
  with y  a show ?thesis by(force intro: Input)

declare perm_fresh_fresh[simp] name_swap[simp] fresh_prod[simp]

lemma Par1B:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: subject
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   Q  :: pi

  assumes "P a«x»  P'"
  and     "x  Q"

  shows "P  Q a«x»  P'  Q"
proof -
  obtain y::name where "y  P" and "y  P'" and "y  Q" and "y  a"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto)
  from P  a«x»  P' y  P' have "P a«y»  ([(x, y)]  P')"
    by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  hence "P  Q a«y»  ([(x, y)]  P')  Q" using y  P y  Q y  a
    by(rule Par1B)
  with x  Q y  P' y  Q show ?thesis
    by(subst alphaBoundResidual[where x'=y]) auto

lemma Par2B:
  fixes Q  :: pi
  and   a  :: subject
  and   x  :: name
  and   Q' :: pi
  and   P  :: pi

  assumes QTrans: "Q a«x»  Q'"
  and     "x  P"

  shows "P  Q a«x»  P  Q'"
proof -
  obtain y::name where "y  Q" and "y  Q'" and "y  P" and "y  a"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  from QTrans y  Q' have "Q a«y»  ([(x, y)]  Q')"
    by(simp add:alphaBoundResidual)
  hence "P  Q a«y»  P  ([(x, y)]  Q')" using y  P y  Q y  a
    by(rule Par2B)
  moreover have "a«y»  P  ([(x, y)]  Q') = a«x»  P  Q'"
  proof -
    from y  Q' x  P have "x  P  ([(x, y)]  Q')" by(auto simp add: calc_atm fresh_left)
    with x  P y  P show ?thesis by(simp only: alphaBoundResidual, auto simp add: name_swap name_fresh_fresh)
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma Comm1:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   Q  :: pi
  and   b  :: name
  and   Q' :: pi

  assumes PTrans: "P a<x>  P'"
  and     QTrans: "Q a[b]  Q'"

  shows "P  Q τ  P'[x::=b]  Q'"
proof -
  obtain y::name where "y  P" and "y  P'" and "y  Q" and "y  a" and "y  b" and "y  Q'"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  from PTrans y  P' have "P a<y>  ([(x, y)]  P')"
    by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  hence "P  Q τ  ([(x, y)]  P')[y::=b]  Q'" 
    using QTrans y  P y  Q y  a y  b y  Q' 
    by(rule Comm1)
  with y  P' show ?thesis by(simp add: renaming name_swap)

lemma Comm2:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   Q  :: pi
  and   x  :: name
  and   Q' :: pi

  assumes PTrans: "P a[b]  P'"
  and     QTrans: "Q a<x>  Q'"

  shows "P  Q τ  P'  (Q'[x::=b])"
proof -
  obtain y::name where "y  P" and "y  P'" and "y  Q" and "y  a" and "y  b" and "y  Q'"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  from QTrans y  Q' have "Q a<y>  ([(x, y)]  Q')"
    by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  with PTrans have "P  Q τ  P'  (([(x, y)]  Q')[y::=b])"
  using y  P y  Q y  a y  b y  P'
    by(rule Comm2)
  with y  Q' show ?thesis by(simp add: renaming name_swap)

lemma Close1:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   Q  :: pi
  and   y  :: name
  and   Q' :: pi

  assumes PTrans: "P a<x>  P'"
  and     QTrans: "Q ay>  Q'"
  and     "y  P"

  shows "P  Q τ  y>(P'[x::=y]  Q')"
proof - 
  obtain x'::name where "x'  P" and "x'  P'" and "x'  Q" and "x'  Q'" and "x'  a"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  obtain y'::name where "y'  P" and "y'  Q'" and "y'  Q"
                    and "y'  P'" and "y'  x'" and "y'  y" and "y'  a"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  from PTrans x'  P' have "P a<x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
    by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  moreover from QTrans y'  Q' have "Q ay'>  ([(y, y')]  Q')"
    by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  ultimately have "P  Q τ  y'>(([(x, x')]  P')[x'::=y']  ([(y, y')]  Q'))"
    using y'  P y'  Q x'  P x'  Q y'  x' y'  a x'  a
          y'  P' y'  Q' x'  P' x'  Q'
    apply(rule_tac Close1)
    by assumption (auto simp add: fresh_left calc_atm)
  moreover have "y'>(([(x, x')]  P')[x'::=y']  ([(y, y')]  Q')) = y>(P'[x::=y]  Q')"
  proof -
    from x'  P' have "([(x, x')]  P')[x'::=y'] = P'[x::=y']" by(simp add: renaming name_swap)
    moreover have "y  (P'[x::=y']  ([(y, y')]  Q'))"
    proof(case_tac "y = x")
      assume "y = x"
      with y'  Q' y'  y show ?thesis by(auto simp add: fresh_fact2 fresh_left calc_atm)
      assume "y  x"
      with y  P PTrans have "y  P'" by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
      with y'  Q' y'  y show ?thesis by(auto simp add: fresh_left calc_atm fresh_fact1)
    ultimately show ?thesis using y'  P' apply(simp only: alphaRes)
      by(auto simp add: name_swap eqvt_subs calc_atm renaming)
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma Close2:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   y  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   Q  :: pi
  and   x  :: name
  and   Q' :: pi

  assumes PTrans: "P ay>  P'"
  and     QTrans: "Q a<x>  Q'"
  and     "y  Q"

  shows "P  Q τ  y>(P'  (Q'[x::=y]))"
proof -
  obtain x'::name where "x'  P" and "x'  Q'" and "x'  Q" and "x'  P'" and "x'  a"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  obtain y'::name where "y'  P" and "y'  P'" and "y'  Q"
                    and "y'  Q'" and "y'  x'" and "y'  y" and "y'  a"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  from PTrans y'  P' have "P ay'>  ([(y, y')]  P')"
    by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  moreover from QTrans x'  Q' have "Q a<x'>  ([(x, x')]  Q')"
    by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  ultimately have "P  Q τ  y'>(([(y, y')]  P')  (([(x, x')]  Q')[x'::=y']))"
    using y'  P y'  Q x'  P x'  Q y'  x' x'  a y'  a
          x'  P' x'  Q' y'  P' y'  Q'
    by(rule_tac Close2) (assumption | auto simp add: fresh_left calc_atm)+
  moreover have "y'>(([(y, y')]  P')  (([(x, x')]  Q')[x'::=y'])) = y>(P'  (Q'[x::=y]))"
  proof -
    from x'  Q' have "([(x, x')]  Q')[x'::=y'] = Q'[x::=y']" by(simp add: renaming name_swap)
    moreover have "y  (([(y, y')]  P')  (Q'[x::=y']))"
    proof(case_tac "y = x")
      assume "y = x"
      with y'  P' y'  y show ?thesis by(auto simp add: fresh_fact2 fresh_left calc_atm)
      assume "y  x"
      with y  Q QTrans have "y  Q'" by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
      with y'  P' y'  y show ?thesis by(auto simp add: fresh_left calc_atm fresh_fact1)
    ultimately show ?thesis using y'  Q' apply(simp only: alphaRes)
      by(auto simp add: name_swap eqvt_subs calc_atm renaming)
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma ResB: 
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: subject
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   y  :: name

  assumes PTrans: "P a«x»  P'"
  and     "y  a"
  and     "y  x"

  shows "y>P a«x»  y>P'"
proof -
  obtain z where "z  P" and "z  a" and "z  y" and "z  P'"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  from PTrans z  P'  have "P a«z»  ([(x, z)]  P')" by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
  with z  P z  a z  y y  a have "y>P a«z»  y>([(x, z)]  P')" by(rule_tac ResB) auto
  moreover have "a«z»  y>([(x, z)]  P') = a«x»  y>P'"
  proof -
    from z  P' y  x have "x  y>([(x, z)]  P')" by(auto simp add: abs_fresh fresh_left calc_atm)
    with y  x z  y show ?thesis by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual name_swap calc_atm)
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma outputInduct[consumes 1, case_names Output Match Mismatch Sum1 Sum2 Par1 Par2 Res Bang]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   F  :: "'a::fs_name  pi  name  name  pi  bool"
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes Trans:  "P a[b]  P'"
  and     "a b P C. F C (a{b}.P) a b P"
  and     "P a b P' c C. P OutputR a b  P'; C. F C P a b P'  F C ([cc]P) a b P'"
  and     "P a b P' c d C. P OutputR a b  P'; C. F C P a b P'; c  d  F C ([cd]P) a b P'"
  and     "P a b P' Q C. P OutputR a b  P'; C. F C P a b P'  F C (P  Q) a b P'"
  and     "Q a b Q' P C. Q OutputR a b  Q'; C. F C Q a b Q'  F C (P  Q) a b Q'"
  and     "P a b P' Q C. P OutputR a b  P'; C. F C P a b P'  F C (P  Q) a b (P'  Q)"
  and     "Q a b Q' P C. Q OutputR a b  Q'; C. F C Q a b Q'  F C (P  Q) a b (P  Q')"
  and     "P a b P' x C. P OutputR a b  P'; x  a; x  b; x  C; C. F C P a b P' 
                            F C (x>P) a b (x>P')"
  and     "P a b P' C. P  !P OutputR a b  P'; C. F C (P  !P) a b P'  F C (!P) a b P'"

  shows "F C P a b P'"
proof -
  from Trans show ?thesis
  by(nominal_induct x2 == "OutputR a b  P'" avoiding: C arbitrary: P' rule: transitions.strong_induct,
     auto simp add: residualInject freeRes.inject intro: assms)

lemma inputInduct[consumes 2, case_names Input Match Mismatch Sum1 Sum2 Par1 Par2 Res Bang]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   F  :: "('a::fs_name)  pi  name  name  pi  bool"
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes a: "P a<x>  P'"
  and       "x  P"
  and     cInput:    "a x P C. F C (a<x>.P) a x P"
  and     cMatch:    "P a x P' b C. P a<x>  P'; C. F C P a x P'  F C ([bb]P) a x P'"
  and     cMismatch: "P a x P' b  c C. P a<x>  P'; C. F C P a x P'; b  c  F C ([bc]P) a x P'"
  and     cSum1:     "P Q a x P' C. P a<x>  P'; C. F C P a x P'  F C (P  Q) a x P'" 
  and     cSum2:     "P Q a x Q' C. Q a<x>  Q'; C. F C Q a x Q'  F C (P  Q) a x Q'" 
  and     cPar1B:    "P P' Q a x C. P a<x>  P'; x  P; x  Q; x  a; C. F C P a x P' 
                                       F C (P  Q) a x (P'  Q)" 
  and     cPar2B:    "P Q Q' a x C. Q a<x>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  a; C. F C Q a x Q' 
                                       F C (P  Q) a x (P  Q')"
  and     cResB:     "P P' a x y C. P a<x>  P'; y  a; y  x; y  C;
                                      C. F C P a x P'  F C (y>P) a x (y>P')"
  and     cBang:     "P a x P' C. P  !P a<x>  P'; C. F C (P  !P) a x P' 
                                     F C (!P) a x P'"
  shows "F C P a x P'"
proof -
  from a x  P show ?thesis
  proof(nominal_induct x2 == "a<x>  P'" avoiding: C a x P' rule: transitions.strong_induct)
    case(Tau P)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Input x a P C a' x' P')
    have "x  x'" by fact hence "x  x'" by simp
    moreover have "a<x>  P = a'<x'>  P'" by fact
    ultimately have aeqa': "a = a'" and PeqP': "P = [(x, x')]  P'"
      by(simp add: residualInject freeRes.inject subject.inject name_abs_eq)+
    have "F C (a<x'>.([(x, x')]  P)) a x' ([(x, x')]  P)" by(rule cInput)
    moreover have "x  P'" by fact
    ultimately show ?case using PeqP' aeqa' by(simp add: alphaInput name_swap)
    case(Output P a b)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Match P b Rs a x)
    thus ?case 
      by(force intro: cMatch simp add: residualInject) 
    case(Mismatch P Rs a b C a x)
    thus ?case 
      by(force intro: cMismatch simp add: residualInject) 
    case(Open P P' a b C a' x P')
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Sum1 P Q Rs C)
    thus ?case by(force intro: cSum1)
    case(Sum2 P Q Rs C)
    thus ?case by(force intro: cSum2)
    case(Par1B P a x P' Q C a' x' P'')
    have "x  x'" by fact hence xineqx': "x  x'" by simp
    moreover have Eq: "a«x»  (P'  Q) = a'<x'>  P''" by fact
    hence aeqa': "a = InputS a'" by(simp add: residualInject)
    have "x'  P  Q" by fact
    hence "x'  P" and "x'  Q" by simp+
    have P''eq: "P'' = ([(x, x')]  P')  Q"
    proof -
      from Eq xineqx' have "(P'  Q) = [(x, x')]  P''"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq)
      hence "([(x, x')]  (P'  Q)) = P''" by simp
      with x'  Qx  Q show ?thesis by(simp add: name_fresh_fresh)
    have "x  P''" by fact
    with P''eq x  x' have "x'  P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)
    have PTrans: "P a«x»  P'" by fact
    with x'  P' aeqa' have "P a'<x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
      by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    moreover have "C. F C P a' x' ([(x, x')]  P')"
    proof -
      fix C
      have "C a' x' P''. a«x»  P' = a'<x'>  P''; x'  P  F C P a' x' P''" by fact
      moreover with aeqa' xineqx' x'  P' have "a«x»  P' = a'<x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq name_fresh_left name_calc)
      ultimately show "F C P a' x' ([(x, x')]  P')" using x'  P by blast 
    moreover from PTrans x'  P have "x'  a" by(auto dest: freshBoundDerivative)
    ultimately have "F C (P  Q) a' x' (([(x, x')]  P')  Q)" using x'  Qaeqa' x'  P
      by(rule_tac cPar1B) auto
    with P''eq show ?case by simp
    case(Par1F P P' Q α)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Par2B Q a x Q' P C a' x' Q'')
    have "x  x'" by fact hence xineqx': "x  x'" by simp
    moreover have Eq: "a«x»  (P  Q') = a'<x'>  Q''" by fact
    hence aeqa': "a = InputS a'" by(simp add: residualInject)
    have "x  P" by fact
    have "x'  P  Q" by fact
    hence "x'  P" and "x'  Q" by simp+
    have Q''eq: "Q'' = P  ([(x, x')]  Q')"
    proof -
      from Eq xineqx' have "(P  Q') = [(x, x')]  Q''"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq)
      hence "([(x, x')]  (P  Q')) = Q''" by simp
      with x'  P x  P show ?thesis by(simp add: name_fresh_fresh)
    have "x  Q''" by fact
    with Q''eq x  x' have "x'  Q'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)
    have QTrans: "Q a«x»  Q'" by fact
    with x'  Q' aeqa' have "Q a'<x'>  ([(x, x')]  Q')"
      by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    moreover have "C. F C Q a' x' ([(x, x')]  Q')"
    proof -
      fix C
      have "C a' x' Q''. a«x»  Q' = a'<x'>  Q''; x'  Q  F C Q a' x' Q''" by fact
      moreover with aeqa' xineqx' x'  Q' have "a«x»  Q' = a'<x'>  ([(x, x')]  Q')"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq name_fresh_left name_calc)
      ultimately show "F C Q a' x' ([(x, x')]  Q')" using x'  Qaeqa' by blast 
    moreover from QTrans x'  Q have "x'  a" by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
    ultimately have "F C (P  Q) a' x' (P  ([(x, x')]  Q'))" using x'  P aeqa' x'  Q
      by(rule_tac cPar2B) auto
    with Q''eq show ?case by simp
    case(Par2F P P' Q α)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Comm1 P P' Q Q' a b x)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Comm2 P P' Q Q' a b x)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Close1 P P' Q Q' a x y)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Close2 P P' Q Q' a x y)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(ResB P a x P' y C a' x' P'')
    have "x  x'" by fact hence xineqx': "x  x'" by simp
    moreover have Eq: "a«x»  (y>P') = a'<x'>  P''" by fact
    hence aeqa': "a = InputS a'" by(simp add: residualInject)
    have "y  x'" by fact hence yineqx': "y  x'" by simp
    moreover have "x'  y>P" by fact
    ultimately have "x'  P" by(simp add: name_fresh_abs)
    have "y  x" and yineqa: "y  a" and yFreshC: "y  C" by fact+
    have P''eq: "P'' = y>([(x, x')]  P')"
    proof -
      from Eq xineqx' have "y>P' = [(x, x')]  P''"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq)
      hence "([(x, x')]  (y>P')) = P''" by simp
      with yineqx' y  x show ?thesis by(simp add: name_fresh_fresh)
    have "x  P''" by fact
    with P''eq y  x x  x' have "x'  P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc name_fresh_abs)
    have "P a«x»  P'" by fact
    with x'  P' aeqa' have "P a'<x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
      by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    moreover have "C. F C P a' x' ([(x, x')]  P')"
    proof -
      fix C
      have "C a' x' P''. a«x»  P' = a'<x'>  P''; x'  P  F C P a' x' P''" by fact
      moreover with aeqa' xineqx' x'  P' have "a«x»  P' = a'<x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq name_fresh_left name_calc)
      ultimately show "F C P a' x' ([(x, x')]  P')" using x'  P aeqa' by blast 
    ultimately have "F C (y>P) a' x' (y>([(x, x')]  P'))" using yineqx' yineqa yFreshC aeqa'
      by(force intro: cResB)
    with P''eq show ?case by simp
    case(ResF P P' α y)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Bang P Rs)
    thus ?case by(force intro: cBang)

lemma boundOutputInduct[consumes 2, case_names Match Mismatch Open Sum1 Sum2 Par1 Par2 Res Bang]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   F  :: "('a::fs_name)  pi  name  name  pi  bool"
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes a: "P ax>  P'"
  and       "x  P"
  and     cMatch:    "P a x P' b C. P ax>  P'; C. F C P a x P'  F C ([bb]P) a x P'"
  and     cMismatch: "P a x P' b c C. P ax>  P'; C. F C P a x P'; b  c  F C ([bc]P) a x P'"
  and     cOpen:     "P a x P' C.   P (OutputR a x)  P'; a  x  F C (x>P) a x P'"
  and     cSum1:     "P Q a x P' C. P ax>  P'; C. F C P a x P'  F C (P  Q) a x P'" 
  and     cSum2:     "P Q a x Q' C. Q ax>  Q'; C. F C Q a x Q'  F C (P  Q) a x Q'" 
  and     cPar1B:    "P P' Q a x C. P ax>  P'; x  Q; C. F C P a x P' 
                                       F C (P  Q) a x (P'  Q)" 
  and     cPar2B:    "P Q Q' a x C. Q ax>  Q'; x  P; C. F C Q a x Q' 
                                       F C (P  Q) a x (P  Q')"
  and     cResB:     "P P' a x y C. P ax>  P'; y  a; y  x; y  C;
                                       C. F C P a x P'  F C (y>P) a x (y>P')"
  and     cBang:     "P a x P' C. P  !P ax>  P'; C. F C (P  !P) a x P' 
                                     F C (!P) a x P'"
  shows "F C P a x P'"
proof -
  from a x  P show ?thesis
  proof(nominal_induct x2 == "ax>  P'" avoiding: C a x P' rule: transitions.strong_induct)
    case(Tau P)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Input P a x)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Output P a b)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Match P Rs b C a x)
    thus ?case 
      by(force intro: cMatch simp add: residualInject) 
    case(Mismatch P Rs a b C c x)
    thus ?case 
      by(force intro: cMismatch simp add: residualInject) 
    case(Sum1 P Q Rs C)
    thus ?case by(force intro: cSum1)
    case(Sum2 P Q Rs C)
    thus ?case by(force intro: cSum2)
    case(Open P a b P' C a' x P'')
    have "b  x" by fact hence bineqx: "b  x" by simp
    moreover have "ab>  P' = a'x>  P''" by fact
    ultimately have aeqa': "a=a'" and P'eqP'': "P'' = [(b, x)]  P'"
      by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq)+
    have "x  b>P" by fact 
    with bineqx have "x  P" by(simp add: name_fresh_abs)
    have aineqb: "a  b" by fact
    have PTrans: "P a[b]  P'" by fact
    with x  P have xineqa: "x  a" by(force dest: freshFreeDerivative)
    from PTrans have "([(b, x)]  P) [(b, x)]  (a[b]  P')" by(rule transitions.eqvt)
    with P'eqP'' xineqa aineqb have Trans: "([(b, x)]  P) a[x]  P''"
      by(auto simp add: name_calc)
    hence "F C (x>([(b, x)]  P)) a x P''" using xineqa by(blast intro: cOpen)
    with x  P aeqa' show ?case by(simp add: alphaRes)
    case(Par1B P a x P' Q C a' x' P'')
    have "x  x'" by fact hence xineqx': "x  x'" by simp
    moreover have Eq: "a«x»  (P'  Q) = a'x'>  P''" by fact
    hence aeqa': "a = BoundOutputS a'" by(simp add: residualInject)
    have "x  Q" by fact
    have "x'  P  Q" by fact
    hence "x'  P" and "x'  Q" by simp+
    have P''eq: "P'' = ([(x, x')]  P')  Q"
    proof -
      from Eq xineqx' have "(P'  Q) = [(x, x')]  P''"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq)
      hence "([(x, x')]  (P'  Q)) = P''" by simp
      with x'  Qx  Q show ?thesis by(simp add: name_fresh_fresh)
    have "x  P''" by fact
    with P''eq x  x' have "x'  P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)

    have "P a«x»  P'" by fact
    with x'  P' aeqa' have "P a'x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
      by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    moreover have "C. F C P a' x' ([(x, x')]  P')"
    proof -
      fix C
      have "C a' x' P''. a«x»  P' = a'x'>  P''; x'  P  F C P a' x' P''" by fact
      moreover with aeqa' xineqx' x'  P' have "a«x»  P' = a'x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq name_fresh_left name_calc)
      ultimately show "F C P a' x' ([(x, x')]  P')" using x'  P aeqa' by blast 
    ultimately have "F C (P  Q) a' x' (([(x, x')]  P')  Q)" using x'  Qaeqa'
      by(blast intro: cPar1B)
    with P''eq show ?case by simp
    case(Par1F P P' Q α)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Par2B Q a x Q' P C a' x' Q'')
    have "x  x'" by fact hence xineqx': "x  x'" by simp
    moreover have Eq: "a«x»  (P  Q') = a'x'>  Q''" by fact
    hence aeqa': "a = BoundOutputS a'" by(simp add: residualInject)
    have "x  P" by fact
    have "x'  P  Q" by fact
    hence "x'  P" and "x'  Q" by simp+
    have Q''eq: "Q'' = P  ([(x, x')]  Q')"
    proof -
      from Eq xineqx' have "(P  Q') = [(x, x')]  Q''"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq)
      hence "([(x, x')]  (P  Q')) = Q''" by simp
      with x'  P x  P show ?thesis by(simp add: name_fresh_fresh)
    have "x  Q''" by fact
    with Q''eq x  x' have "x'  Q'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)

    have "Q a«x»  Q'" by fact
    with x'  Q' aeqa' have "Q a'x'>  ([(x, x')]  Q')"
      by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    moreover have "C. F C Q a' x' ([(x, x')]  Q')"
    proof -
      fix C
      have "C a' x' Q''. a«x»  Q' = a'x'>  Q''; x'  Q  F C Q a' x' Q''" by fact
      moreover with aeqa' xineqx' x'  Q' have "a«x»  Q' = a'x'>  ([(x, x')]  Q')"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq name_fresh_left name_calc)
      ultimately show "F C Q a' x' ([(x, x')]  Q')" using x'  Qaeqa' by blast 
    ultimately have "F C (P  Q) a' x' (P  ([(x, x')]  Q'))" using x'  P
      by(blast intro: cPar2B)
    with Q''eq show ?case by simp
    case(Par2F P P' Q α)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Comm1 P P' Q Q' a b x)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Comm2 P P' Q Q' a b x)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Close1 P P' Q Q' a x y)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Close2 P P' Q Q' a x y)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(ResB P a x P' y C a' x' P'')
    have "x  x'" by fact hence xineqx': "x  x'" by simp
    moreover have Eq: "a«x»  (y>P') = a'x'>  P''" by fact
    hence aeqa': "a = BoundOutputS a'" by(simp add: residualInject)
    have "y  x'" by fact hence yineqx': "y  x'" by simp
    moreover have "x'  y>P" by fact
    ultimately have "x'  P" by(simp add: name_fresh_abs)
    have "y  x" and "y  a" and yFreshC: "y  C" by fact+

    have P''eq: "P'' = y>([(x, x')]  P')"
    proof -
      from Eq xineqx' have "y>P' = [(x, x')]  P''"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq)
      hence "([(x, x')]  (y>P')) = P''" by simp
      with yineqx' y  x show ?thesis by(simp add: name_fresh_fresh)

    have "x  P''" by fact
    with P''eq y  x x  x' have "x'  P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc name_fresh_abs)

    have "P a«x»  P'" by fact
    with x'  P' aeqa' have "P a'x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
      by(simp add: alphaBoundResidual)
    moreover have "C. F C P a' x' ([(x, x')]  P')"
    proof -
      fix C
      have "C a' x' P''. a«x»  P' = a'x'>  P''; x'  P  F C P a' x' P''" by fact
      moreover with aeqa' xineqx' x'  P' have "a«x»  P' = a'x'>  ([(x, x')]  P')"
        by(simp add: residualInject name_abs_eq name_fresh_left name_calc)
      ultimately show "F C P a' x' ([(x, x')]  P')" using x'  P aeqa' by blast 
    ultimately have "F C (y>P) a' x' (y>([(x, x')]  P'))" using yineqx' y  a yFreshC aeqa'
      by(force intro: cResB)
    with P''eq show ?case by simp
    case(ResF P P' α y)
    thus ?case by(simp add: residualInject)
    case(Bang P Rs)
    thus ?case by(force intro: cBang)

lemma tauInduct[consumes 1, case_names Tau Match Mismatch Sum1 Sum2 Par1 Par2 Comm1 Comm2 Close1 Close2 Res Bang]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi
  and   F  :: "'a::fs_name  pi  pi  bool"
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes Trans:  "P τ  P'"
  and     "P C. F C (τ.(P)) P"
  and     "P P' c C. P τ  P'; C. F C P P'  F C ([cc]P) P'"
  and     "P P' c d C. P τ  P'; C. F C P P'; c  d  F C ([cd]P) P'"
  and     "P P' Q C. P τ  P'; C. F C P P'  F C (P  Q) P'"
  and     "Q Q' P C. Q τ  Q'; C. F C Q Q'  F C (P  Q) Q'"
  and     "P P' Q C. P τ  P'; C. F C P P'  F C (P  Q) (P'  Q)"
  and     "Q Q' P C. Q τ  Q'; C. F C Q Q'  F C (P  Q) (P  Q')"
  and     "P a x P' Q b Q' C. P (BoundR (InputS a) x P'); Q OutputR a b  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  C  F C (P  Q) (P'[x::=b]  Q')"
  and     "P a b P' Q x Q' C. P OutputR a b  P'; Q (BoundR (InputS a) x Q'); x  P; x  Q; x  C  F C (P  Q) (P'  Q'[x::=b])"
  and     "P a x P' Q y Q' C. P (BoundR (InputS a) x P'); Q ay>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  C; y  P; y  Q; y  C; x  y  F C (P  Q) (y>(P'[x::=y]  Q'))"
  and     "P a y P' Q x Q' C. P ay>  P'; Q (BoundR (InputS a) x Q'); x  P; x  Q; x  C; y  P; y  Q; y  C; x  y  F C (P  Q) (y>(P'  Q'[x::=y]))"
  and     "P P' x C. P τ  P'; x  C; C. F C P P' 
                        F C (x>P) (x>P')"
  and     "P P' C. P  !P τ  P'; C. F C (P  !P) P'  F C (!P) P'"

  shows "F C P P'"
proof -
  from Trans show ?thesis
    by(nominal_induct x2=="τ  P'" avoiding: C arbitrary: P' rule: transitions.strong_induct,
       auto simp add: residualInject intro: assms)

inductive bangPred :: "pi  pi  bool"
  aux1: "bangPred P (!P)"
| aux2: "bangPred P (P  !P)"

inductive_cases nilCases'[simplified pi.distinct residual.distinct]: "𝟬  Rs"
inductive_cases tauCases'[simplified pi.distinct residual.distinct]: "τ.(P)  Rs"
inductive_cases inputCases'[simplified pi.inject residualInject]: "a<b>.P  Rs"
inductive_cases outputCases'[simplified pi.inject residualInject]: "a{b}.P  Rs"
inductive_cases matchCases'[simplified pi.inject residualInject]: "[ab]P  Rs"
inductive_cases mismatchCases'[simplified pi.inject residualInject]: "[ab]P  Rs"
inductive_cases sumCases'[simplified pi.inject residualInject]: "P  Q  Rs"
inductive_cases parCasesB'[simplified pi.distinct residual.distinct]: "P  Q  b«y»  P'"
inductive_cases parCasesF'[simplified pi.distinct residual.distinct]: "P  Q  α  P'"
inductive_cases resCases'[simplified pi.distinct residual.distinct]: "x>P  Rs"
inductive_cases resCasesB'[simplified pi.distinct residual.distinct]: "x'>P  a«y'»  P'"
inductive_cases resCasesF'[simplified pi.distinct residual.distinct]: "x>P  α  P'"
inductive_cases bangCases[simplified pi.distinct residual.distinct]: "!P  Rs"

lemma tauCases[consumes 1, case_names cTau]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   α  :: freeRes
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "τ.(P) α  P'"
  and "α = τ; P = P'  Prop (τ) P"

  shows "Prop α P'"
using assms
by(erule_tac tauCases', auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject)

lemma outputCases[consumes 1, case_names cOutput]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   α  :: freeRes
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "a{b}.P α  P'"
  and "α = a[b]; P = P'  Prop (a[b]) P"

  shows "Prop α P'"
using assms
by(erule_tac outputCases', auto simp add: residualInject)

lemma zeroTrans[dest]:
  fixes Rs :: residual

  assumes "𝟬  Rs"

  shows "False"
using assms
by(induct rule: nilCases', auto)

lemma resZeroTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   Rs :: residual

  assumes "x>𝟬  Rs"

  shows "False"
using assms
by(induct rule: resCases', auto simp add: pi.inject alpha')

lemma matchTrans[dest]:
  fixes a   :: name
  and   b   :: name
  and   P   :: pi
  and   Rs  :: residual

  assumes "[ab]P  Rs"
  and     "ab"

  shows "False"
using assms
by(induct rule: matchCases', auto)

lemma mismatchTrans[dest]:
  fixes a   :: name
  and   P   :: pi
  and   Rs  :: residual

  assumes "[aa]P  Rs"

  shows "False"
using assms
by(induct rule: mismatchCases', auto)

lemma inputCases[consumes 4, case_names cInput]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes Input: "a<x>.P  b«y»  yP'"
  and     "y  a"
  and     "y  x"
  and     "y  P"
  and     A:     "b = InputS a; yP' = ([(x, y)]  P)   Prop (InputS a) y ([(x, y)]  P)"

  shows "Prop b y yP'"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover from Input y  a y  x y  P have "y  b"
    by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative simp add: abs_fresh)
  moreover obtain z::name where "z  y" and "z  x" and "z  P" and "z  a" and "z  b" and "z  yP'" 
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  moreover obtain z'::name where "z'  y" and "z'  x" and "z'  z" and "z'  P" and "z'  a" and "z'  b" and "z'  yP'" 
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(cases rule: transitions.strong_cases[where x=y and b=z and xa=z and xb=z and xc=z and xd=z and xe=z
                                            and xf=z and xg=z and y=z' and ya=z' and yb=y and yc=z'])
      (auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha abs_fresh fresh_prod fresh_left calc_atm)+

lemma tauBoundTrans[dest]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: subject
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "τ.(P) a«x»  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "τ.(P) a«x»  P'") 

lemma tauOutputTrans[dest]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "τ.(P) a[b]  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "τ.(P) a[b]  P'", auto simp add: residualInject) 

lemma inputFreeTrans[dest]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   α  :: freeRes
  and   P' :: pi
  assumes "a<x>.P α  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "a<x>.P α  P'")

lemma inputBoundOutputTrans[dest]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   b  :: name
  and   y  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "a<x>.P by>  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "a<x>.P by>  P'", auto simp add: residualInject)

lemma outputTauTrans[dest]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "a{b}.P τ  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "a{b}.P τ  P'", auto simp add: residualInject)

lemma outputBoundTrans[dest]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   c  :: subject
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "a{b}.P c«x»  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "a{b}.P c«x»  P'")

lemma outputIneqTrans[dest]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   c  :: name
  and   d  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "a{b}.P c[d]  P'"
  and     "a  c  b  d"

  shows "False"
using assms
by - (ind_cases "a{b}.P c[d]  P'", auto simp add: residualInject pi.inject alpha')

lemma outputFreshTrans[dest]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   α  :: freeRes
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "a{b}.P α  P'"
  and     "a  α  b  α"

  shows "False"
using assms
by - (ind_cases "a{b}.P α  P'", auto simp add: residualInject pi.inject alpha')

lemma inputIneqTrans[dest]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   b  :: subject
  and   y  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "a<x>.P b«y»  P'"
  and     "a  b"

  shows "False"
using assms
by - (ind_cases "a<x>.P b«y»  P'", auto simp add: residualInject pi.inject)

lemma resTauBoundTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   a  :: subject
  and   y  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "x>τ.(P) a«y»  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "x>τ.(P) a«y»  P'", auto simp add: residualInject pi.inject alpha')

lemma resTauOutputTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "x>τ.(P) a[b]  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "x>τ.(P) a[b]  P'", auto simp add: residualInject pi.inject alpha')

lemma resInputFreeTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  fixes a  :: name
  and   y  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   α  :: freeRes
  and   P' :: pi
  assumes "x>a<y>.P α  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "x>a<y>.P α  P'", auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha')

lemma resInputBoundOutputTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   a  :: name
  and   y  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   b  :: name
  and   z  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "x>a<y>.P bz>  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "x>a<y>.P bz>  P'", auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha')

lemma resOutputTauTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "x>a{b}.P τ  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "x>a{b}.P τ  P'", auto simp add: residualInject pi.inject alpha')

lemma resOutputInputTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   c  :: name
  and   y  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "x>a{b}.P c<y>  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "x>a{b}.P c<y>  P'", auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha')

lemma resOutputOutputTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   a  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   b  :: name
  and   y  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  assumes "x>a{x}.P b[y]  P'"

  shows False
using assms
by - (ind_cases "x>a{x}.P b[y]  P'", auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha' calc_atm)

lemma resTrans[dest]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   Rs :: residual
  and   y  :: name

  shows "x>x{b}.P  Rs  False"
  and   "x>x<y>.P  Rs  False"
apply(ind_cases "x>x{b}.P  Rs", auto simp add: pi.inject alpha' calc_atm)
by(ind_cases "x>x<y>.P  Rs", auto simp add: pi.inject alpha' calc_atm abs_fresh fresh_left)

lemma matchCases[consumes 1, case_names cMatch]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   Rs :: residual
  and   F  :: "name  name  bool"

  assumes "[ab]P  Rs"
  and     "P  Rs; a = b  F a a"

  shows "F a b"
using assms
by(induct rule: matchCases', auto)

lemma mismatchCases[consumes 1, case_names cMismatch]:
  fixes a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   Rs :: residual
  and   F  :: "name  name  bool"

  assumes Trans:  "[ab]P  Rs"
  and     cMatch: "P  Rs; a  b  F a b"

  shows "F a b"
using assms
by(induct rule: mismatchCases', auto)

lemma sumCases[consumes 1, case_names cSum1 cSum2]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   Q  :: pi
  and   Rs :: residual

  assumes Trans: "P  Q  Rs"
  and     cSum1: "P  Rs  Prop"
  and     cSum2: "Q  Rs  Prop"

  shows Prop
using assms
by(induct rule: sumCases', auto)

lemma name_abs_alpha:
  fixes a :: name
  and   b :: name
  and   P :: pi
  assumes "b  P"

  shows "[a].P = [b].([(a, b)]  P)"
proof(cases "a=b", auto)
  assume "a  b"
  with assms show ?thesis
    by(force intro: abs_fun_eq3[OF pt_name_inst, OF at_name_inst]
             simp add: name_swap name_calc name_fresh_left)

lemma parCasesB[consumes 3, case_names cPar1 cPar2]:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   a   :: subject
  and   x   :: name
  and   PQ' :: pi
  and   C   :: "'a::fs_name"
  assumes "P  Q  a«x»  PQ'"
  and     "x  P"
  and     "x  Q"
  and     "P'. P  a«x»  P'  Prop (P'  Q)"
  and     "Q'. Q  a«x»  Q'  Prop (P  Q')"

  shows "Prop PQ'"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover from P  Q a«x»  PQ' x  P x  Q have "x  a"
    by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative)
  moreover obtain y::name where "y  x" and "y  P" and "y  Q" and "y  a" and "y  PQ'" 
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  moreover obtain z::name where "z  y" and "z  x" and "z  P" and "z  Q" and "z  a" and "z  PQ'" 
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(cases rule: transitions.strong_cases[where x=y and b=y and xa=x and xb=x and xc=y and xd=y and xe=y
                                              and xf=y and xg=y and y=z and ya = z and yb=z and yc=z])
      (auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha abs_fresh fresh_prod)+

lemma parCasesF[consumes 1, case_names cPar1 cPar2 cComm1 cComm2 cClose1 cClose2]:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   Q  :: pi
  and   α  :: freeRes
  and   P' :: pi
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"
  and   F  :: "freeRes  pi  bool"

  assumes Trans: "P  Q  α  PQ'"
  and     icPar1F: "P'. P  α  P'  F α (P'  Q)"
  and     icPar2F: "Q'. Q  α  Q'  F α (P  Q')"
  and     icComm1: "P' Q' a b x. P  a<x>  P'; Q  a[b]  Q'; x  P; x Q; x  a; x  b; x  Q'; x  C; α = τ  F (τ) (P'[x::=b]  Q')"
  and     icComm2: "P' Q' a b x. P  a[b]  P'; Q  a<x>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  a; x  b; x  P'; x  C; α = τ  F (τ) (P'  Q'[x::=b])"
  and     icClose1: "P' Q' a x y. P  a<x>  P'; Q  ay>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  a; x  y; x  Q'; y  P; y  Q; y  a; y  P'; x  C; y  C; α = τ  
                                     F (τ) (y>(P'[x::=y]  Q'))"
  and     icClose2: "P' Q' a x y. P  ay>  P'; Q  a<x>  Q'; x  P; x  Q; x  a; x  y; x  P'; y  P; y  Q; y  a; y  Q'; x  C; y  C; α = τ 
                                      F (τ) (y>(P'  Q'[x::=y]))"

  shows "F α PQ'"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover obtain x::name where "x  P" and "x  Q" and "x  α" and "x  PQ'" and "x  C"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  moreover obtain y::name where "y  P" and "y  Q" and "y  α" and "y  PQ'" and "y  C" and "x  y"
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(cases rule: transitions.strong_cases[where x=x and b=x and xa=x and xb=x and xc=x and xd=x and xe=x
                                              and xf=x and xg=x and y=y and ya=y and yb=y and yc=y])
      (auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha abs_fresh fresh_prod)+

lemma resCasesF[consumes 1, case_names cRes]:
  fixes x  :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   α  :: freeRes
  and   P' :: pi
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes "x>P  α  xP'"
  and     "P'. P  α  P'; x  α  F (x>P')"

  shows "F xP'"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover from x>P α  xP' have "x  α" and "x  xP'"
    by(force dest: freshFreeDerivative simp add: abs_fresh)+
  moreover obtain y::name where "y  x" and "y  P" and "y  α" and "y  xP'" 
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  moreover obtain z::name where "z  y" and "z  x" and "z  P" and "z  α" and "z  xP'" 
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(cases rule: transitions.strong_cases[where x=y and b=y and xa=y and xb=y and xc=y and xd=y and xe=y
                                              and xf=y and xg=y and y=z and ya=z and yb=z and yc=x])
      (auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha abs_fresh fresh_prod)+

lemma resCasesB[consumes 3, case_names cOpen cRes]:
  fixes x :: name
  and   P  :: pi
  and   a  :: subject
  and   y :: name
  and   yP' :: pi
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes Trans:  "y>P a«x»  yP'"
  and     xineqy: "x  y"
  and     xineqy: "x  P"
  and     rcOpen: "b P'. P b[y]  P'; b  y; a = BoundOutputS b  F (BoundOutputS b) ([(x, y)]  P')"
  and     rcResB: "P'. P  a«x»  P'; y  a  F a (y>P')"

  shows "F a yP'"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover from y>P a«x»  yP' x  y have "y  a" and "y  yP'"
    by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative simp add: abs_fresh)+
  moreover from  y>P a«x»  yP' x  P have "x  a"
    by(force dest: freshBoundDerivative simp add: abs_fresh)+
  moreover obtain z::name where "z  y" and "z  x" and "z  P" and "z  a" and "z  yP'" 
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  moreover obtain z'::name where "z'  y" and "z'  x" and "z'  z" and "z'  P" and "z'  a" and "z'  yP'" 
    by(generate_fresh "name", auto simp add: fresh_prod)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by(cases rule: transitions.strong_cases[where x=z and b=y and xa=z and xb=z and xc=z and xd=z and xe=z
                                              and xf=z and xg=x and y=z' and ya=z' and yb=y and yc=z'])
      (auto simp add: pi.inject residualInject alpha abs_fresh fresh_prod fresh_left calc_atm)+

lemma bangInduct[consumes 1, case_names cPar1B cPar1F cPar2B cPar2F cComm1 cComm2 cClose1 cClose2 cBang]:
  fixes F  :: "'a::fs_name  pi  residual  bool"
  and   P  :: pi
  and   Rs :: residual
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes Trans:  "!P  Rs"
  and     cPar1B: "a x P' C. P  a«x»  P'; x  P; x  C  F C (P  !P) (a«x»  P'  !P)"
  and     cPar1F: "α P' C. P  α  P'  F C (P  !P) (α  P'  !P)"
  and     cPar2B: "a x P' C. !P  a«x»  P'; x  P; x  C; C. F C (!P) (a«x»  P')  
                               F C (P  !P) (a«x»  P  P')"
  and     cPar2F: "α P' C. !P  α  P'; C. F C (!P) (α  P')  F C (P  !P) (α  P  P')"
  and     cComm1: "a x P' b P'' C. P  a<x>  P'; !P  (OutputR a b)  P''; x  C;
                                      C. F C (!P) ((OutputR a b)  P'') 
                                      F C (P  !P) (τ  (P'[x::=b])  P'')"
  and     cComm2: "a b P' x P'' C. P  (OutputR a b)  P'; !P  a<x>  P''; x  C; 
                                      C. F C (!P) (a<x>  P'') 
                                      F C (P  !P) (τ  P'  (P''[x::=b]))"
  and     cClose1: "a x P' y P'' C. P  a<x>  P'; !P  ay>  P''; y  P; x  C; y  C;
                                      C. F C (!P) (ay>  P'') 
                                      F C (P  !P) (τ  y>((P'[x::=y])  P''))"
  and     cClose2: "a y P' x P'' C. P  ay>  P'; !P  a<x>  P''; y  P; x  C; y  C;
                                       C. F C (!P) (a<x>  P'') 
                                       F C (P  !P) (τ  y>(P'  (P''[x::=y])))"
  and     cBang: "Rs C. P  !P  Rs; C. F C (P  !P) Rs  F C (!P) Rs"

  shows "F C (!P) Rs"
proof -
  have "X Y C. X  Y; bangPred P X  F C X Y"
  proof -
    fix X Y C
    assume "X  Y" and "bangPred P X"
    thus "F C X Y"
    proof(nominal_induct avoiding: C rule: transitions.strong_induct)
      case(Tau Pa)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (τ.(Pa))")
      case(Input x a Pa)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (a<x>.Pa)")
      case(Output a b Pa)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (a{b}.Pa)")
      case(Match Pa Rs b)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P ([bb]Pa)")
      case(Mismatch Pa Rs a b)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P ([ab]Pa)")
      case(Open Pa a b Pa')
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (b>Pa)")
      case(Sum1 Pa Rs Q)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Q)")
      case(Sum2 Q Rs Pa)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Q)")
      case(Par1B Pa a x Pa' Q )
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Q)", auto intro: cPar1B simp add: pi.inject)
      case(Par1F Pa α Pa' Q)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Q)", auto intro: cPar1F simp add: pi.inject)
      case(Par2B Qa a x Qa' Pa)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Qa)", auto intro: cPar2B aux1 simp add: pi.inject)
      case(Par2F Qa α Qa' Pa)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Qa)", auto intro: cPar2F aux1 simp add: pi.inject)
      case(Comm1 Pa a x Pa' Q b Q')
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Q)", auto intro: cComm1 aux1 simp add: pi.inject)
      case(Comm2 Pa a b Pa' Q x Q')
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Q)", auto intro: cComm2 aux1 simp add: pi.inject)
      case(Close1 Pa a x Pa' Q y Q')
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Q)", auto intro: cClose1 aux1 simp add: pi.inject)
      case(Close2 Pa a y Pa' Q x Q')
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (Pa  Q)", auto intro: cClose2 aux1 simp add: pi.inject)
      case(ResB Pa a x P' y)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (y>Pa)")
      case(ResF Pa α P' y)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (y>Pa)")
      case(Bang Pa Rs)
      thus ?case
        apply -
        by(ind_cases "bangPred P (!Pa)", auto intro: cBang aux2 simp add: pi.inject)

  with Trans show ?thesis by(force intro: bangPred.aux1)
