Theory Strong_Early_Late_Comp

   Title: The pi-calculus   
   Author/Maintainer: Jesper Bengtson (, 2012
theory Strong_Early_Late_Comp
  imports Strong_Late_Bisim_Subst_SC Strong_Early_Bisim_Subst

abbreviation TransitionsLate_judge (‹_ l _› [80, 80] 80) where "P l Rs  transitions P Rs"
abbreviation TransitionsEarly_judge (‹_ e _› [80, 80] 80) where "P e Rs  TransitionsEarly P Rs"

abbreviation Transitions_InputjudgeLate (‹_<_> l _› [80, 80] 80) where "a<x> l P'  (Late_Semantics.BoundR (Late_Semantics.InputS a) x P')"
abbreviation Transitions_OutputjudgeLate (‹_[_] l _› [80, 80] 80) where "a[b] l P'  (Late_Semantics.FreeR (Late_Semantics.OutputR a b) P')"
abbreviation Transitions_BoundOutputjudgeLate (‹__> l _› [80, 80] 80) where "ax> l P'  (Late_Semantics.BoundR (Late_Semantics.BoundOutputS a) x P')"
abbreviation Transitions_TaujudgeLate (τ l _› 80) where "τ l P'  (Late_Semantics.FreeR Late_Semantics.TauR P')"

abbreviation Transitions_InputjudgeEarly (‹_<_> e _› [80, 80] 80) where "a<x> e P'  (Early_Semantics.FreeR (Early_Semantics.InputR a x) P')"
abbreviation Transitions_OutputjudgeEarly (‹_[_] e _› [80, 80] 80) where "a[b] e P'  (Early_Semantics.FreeR (Early_Semantics.OutputR a b) P')"
abbreviation Transitions_BoundOutputjudgeEarly (‹__> e _› [80, 80] 80) where "ax> e P' (Early_Semantics.BoundOutputR a x P')"
abbreviation Transitions_TaujudgeEarly (τ e _› 80) where "τ e P'  (Early_Semantics.FreeR Early_Semantics.TauR P')"

lemma earlyLateOutput:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "P ea[b] e P'"

  shows "P la[b] l P'"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct rule: Early_Semantics.outputInduct)
  case(Output a b P)
  show ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Output)
  case(Match P a b P' c)
  have "P la[b] l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Match)
  case(Mismatch P a b P' c d)
  from P la[b] l P' c  d
  show ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Mismatch)
  case(Sum1 P a b P' Q)
  have "P la[b] l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum1)
  case(Sum2 Q a b Q' P)
  have "Q la[b] l Q'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum2)
  case(Par1 P a b P' Q)
  have "P la[b] l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Par1F)
  case(Par2 Q a b Q' P)
  have "Q la[b] l Q'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Par2F)
  case(Res P a b P' x)
  have "P la[b] l P'" and "x  a" and "x  b" by fact+
  thus ?case by(force intro: Late_Semantics.ResF)
  case(Bang P a b P')
  have "P  !P la[b] l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Bang)

lemma lateEarlyOutput:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "P la[b] l P'"

  shows "P ea[b] e P'"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct rule: Late_Semantics.outputInduct)
  case(Output a b P)
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Output)
  case(Match P a b P' c)
  have "P ea[b] e P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Match)
  case(Mismatch P a b P' c d)
  have "P ea[b] e P'" and "c  d" by fact+
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Mismatch)
  case(Sum1 P a b P' Q)
  have "P ea[b] e P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Sum1)
  case(Sum2 Q a b Q' P)
  have "Q ea[b] e Q'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Sum2)
  case(Par1 P a b P' Q)
  have "P ea[b] e P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Par1F)
  case(Par2 Q a b Q' P)
  have "Q ea[b] e Q'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Par2F)
  case(Res P a b P' x)
  have "P ea[b] e P'" and "x  a" and "x  b" by fact+
  thus ?case by(force intro: Early_Semantics.ResF)
  case(Bang P a b P')
  have "P  !P ea[b] e P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Bang)

lemma outputEq:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   b  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  shows "P ea[b] e P' = P la[b] l P'"
by(auto intro: lateEarlyOutput earlyLateOutput)

lemma lateEarlyBoundOutput:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "P lax> l P'"

  shows "P eax> e P'"
proof -
  have Goal: "P a x P'. P lax> l P'; x  P  P eax> e P'"
  proof -
    fix P a x P'
    assume "P l ax> l P'" and "x  P"
    thus "P eax> e P'"
    proof(nominal_induct rule: Late_Semantics.boundOutputInduct)
      case(Match P a x P' b)
      have "P e ax> e P'" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Match)
      case(Mismatch P a x P' b c)
      have "P e ax> e P'" and "b  c" by fact+
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Mismatch)
      case(Open P a x P')
      have "P la[x] l P'" by fact
      hence "P ea[x] e P'" by(rule lateEarlyOutput)
      moreover have "a  x" by fact
      ultimately show ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Open)
      case(Sum1 P Q a x P')
      have "P e ax> e P'" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Sum1)
      case(Sum2 P Q a x Q')
      have "Q e ax> e Q'" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Sum2)
      case(Par1 P P' Q a x)
      have "P e ax> e P'" and "x  Q" by fact+
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Par1B)
      case(Par2 P Q Q' a x)
      have "Q e ax> e Q'" and "x  P" by fact+
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Par2B)
      case(Res P P' a x y)
      have "P e ax> e P'" and "y  a" and "y  x" by fact+
      thus ?case by(force intro: Early_Semantics.ResB)
      case(Bang P a x P')
      have "P  !P e ax> e P'" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Bang)

  have "c::name. c  (P, P', x)" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
  then obtain c::name where cFreshP: "c  P" and cFreshP': "c  P'" and "c  x"
    by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
  from assms cFreshP' have "P lac> l ([(x, c)]  P')"
    by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
  hence "P e ac> e ([(x, c)]  P')" using cFreshP
    by(rule Goal)
  moreover from cFreshP' c  x have "x  [(x, c)]  P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)
  ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: Early_Semantics.alphaBoundOutput name_swap)

lemma earlyLateBoundOutput:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "P eax> e P'"

  shows "P lax> l P'"
proof -
  have Goal: "P a x P'. P eax> e P'; x  P  P lax> l P'"
  proof -
    fix P a x P'
    assume "P e ax>  P'" and "x  P"
    thus "P lax> l P'"
    proof(nominal_induct rule: Early_Semantics.boundOutputInduct)
      case(Match P a x P' b)
      have "P l ax>  P'" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Match)
      case(Mismatch P a x P' b c)
      have "P l ax>  P'" and "b  c" by fact+
      thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Mismatch)
      case(Open P a x P')
      have "P ea[x] e P'" by fact
      hence "P la[x] l P'" by(rule earlyLateOutput)
      moreover have "a  x" by fact
      ultimately show ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Open)
      case(Sum1 P Q a x P')
      have "P l ax> l P'" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum1)
      case(Sum2 P Q a x Q')
      have "Q l ax> l Q'" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum2)
      case(Par1 P P' Q a x)
      have "P l ax> l P'" and "x  Q" by fact+
      thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Par1B)
      case(Par2 P Q Q' a x)
      have "Q l ax> l Q'" and "x  P" by fact+
      thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Par2B)
      case(Res P P' a x y)
      have "P l ax> l P'" and "y  a" and "y  x" by fact+
      thus ?case by(force intro: Late_Semantics.ResB)
      case(Bang P a x P')
      have "P  !P l ax>  P'" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Bang)

  have "c::name. c  (P, P', x)" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
  then obtain c::name where cFreshP: "c  P" and cFreshP': "c  P'" and "c  x"
    by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
  from assms cFreshP' have "P eac> e ([(x, c)]  P')"
    by(simp add: Early_Semantics.alphaBoundOutput)
  hence "P l ac> l ([(x, c)]  P')" using cFreshP
    by(rule Goal)
  moreover from cFreshP' c  x have "x  [(x, c)]  P'" by(simp add: name_fresh_left name_calc)
  ultimately show ?thesis by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual name_swap)

lemma BoundOutputEq:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi

  shows "P eax> e P' = P lax> l P'"
by(auto intro: earlyLateBoundOutput lateEarlyBoundOutput)

lemma lateEarlyInput:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   u  :: name

  assumes PTrans: "P l a<x> l P'"

  shows "P ea<u> e (P'[x::=u])"
proof -
  have Goal: "P a x P' u. P l a<x> l P'; x  P  P e a<u> e (P'[x::=u])"
  proof -
    fix P a x P' u
    assume "P l a<x> l P'" and "x  P"
    thus "P e a<u> e (P'[x::=u])"
    proof(nominal_induct avoiding: u rule: Late_Semantics.inputInduct)
      case(Input a x P)
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Input)
      case(Match P a x P' b u)
      have "P ea<u> e (P'[x::=u])" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Match)
      case(Mismatch P a x P' b c u)
      have "P ea<u> e (P'[x::=u])" by fact
      moreover have "bc" by fact
      ultimately show ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Mismatch)
      case(Sum1 P Q a x P')
      have "P ea<u> e (P'[x::=u])" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Sum1)
      case(Sum2 P Q a x Q')
      have "Q ea<u> e (Q'[x::=u])" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Sum2)
      case(Par1 P P' Q a x)
      have "P ea<u> e (P'[x::=u])" by fact
      hence "P  Q ea<u> e (P'[x::=u]  Q)" by(rule Early_Semantics.Par1F)
      moreover have "x  Q" by fact
      ultimately show ?case by(simp add: forget)
      case(Par2 P Q Q' a x)
      have "Q ea<u> e (Q'[x::=u])" by fact
      hence "P  Q ea<u> e (P  Q'[x::=u])" by(rule Early_Semantics.Par2F)
      moreover have "x  P" by fact
      ultimately show ?case by(simp add: forget)
      case(Res P P' a x y u)
      have "P ea<u> e (P'[x::=u])" and "y  a" and yinequ: "y  u" by fact+
      hence "y>P ea<u> e y>(P'[x::=u])" by(force intro: Early_Semantics.ResF)
      moreover have "y  x" by fact
      ultimately show ?case using yinequ by simp
      case(Bang P a x P' u)
      have "P  !P ea<u> e (P'[x::=u])" by fact
      thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Bang)

  have "c::name. c  (P, P')" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
  then obtain c::name where cFreshP: "c  P" and cFreshP': "c  P'"
    by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
  from assms cFreshP' have "P la<c> l ([(x, c)]  P')"
    by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
  hence "P e a<u> e ([(x, c)]  P')[c::=u]" using cFreshP
    by(rule Goal)
  with cFreshP' show ?thesis by(simp add: renaming name_swap)

lemma earlyLateInput:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   u  :: name
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes "P ea<u> e P'"
  and     "x  P"

  shows "P''. P la<x> l P''  P' = P''[x::=u]"
proof -
    fix P a u P'
    assume "P ea<u> e P'"
    hence "P'' x. P la<x> l P''  P' = P''[x::=u]"
    proof(nominal_induct rule: Early_Semantics.inputInduct)
      case(cInput a x P u)
      have "a<x>.P la<x>  P" by(rule Late_Semantics.Input)
      thus ?case by blast
      case(cMatch P a u P' b)
      have "P'' x. P la<x>  P''  P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P la<x>  P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      from PTrans have "[bb]P la<x>  P''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Match)
      with P'eqP'' show ?case by blast
      case(cMismatch P a u P' b c)
      have "P'' x. P la<x>  P''  P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P la<x>  P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      have "b  c" by fact
      with PTrans have "[bc]P la<x>  P''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Mismatch)
      with P'eqP'' show ?case by blast
      case(cSum1 P a u P' Q)
      have "P'' x. P la<x>  P''  P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P la<x>  P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      from PTrans have "P  Q la<x>  P''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum1)
      with P'eqP'' show ?case by blast
      case(cSum2 Q a u Q' P)
      have "Q'' x. Q la<x>  Q''  Q' = Q''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain Q'' x where QTrans: "Q la<x>  Q''" and Q'eqQ'': "Q' = Q''[x::=u]" by blast
      from QTrans have "P  Q la<x>  Q''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum2)
      with Q'eqQ'' show ?case by blast
      case(cPar1 P a u P' Q)
      have "P'' x. P la<x>  P''  P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P la<x>  P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      have "c::name. c  (Q, P'')" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
      then obtain c::name where cFreshQ: "c  Q" and cFreshP'': "c  P''" by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
      from PTrans cFreshP'' have "P la<c>  [(x, c)]  P''" by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
      hence "P  Q la<c>  ([(x, c)]  P'')  Q" using c  Q by(rule Late_Semantics.Par1B)
      moreover from cFreshQ cFreshP'' P'eqP'' have "P'  Q = (([(x, c)]  P'')  Q)[c::=u]"
        by(simp add: forget renaming name_swap)
      ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cPar2 Q a u Q' P)
      have "Q'' x. Q la<x>  Q''  Q' = Q''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain Q'' x where QTrans: "Q la<x>  Q''" and Q'eqQ'': "Q' = Q''[x::=u]" by blast
      have "c::name. c  (P, Q'')" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
      then obtain c::name where cFreshP: "c  P" and cFreshQ'': "c  Q''" by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
      from QTrans cFreshQ'' have "Q la<c>  [(x, c)]  Q''" by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
      hence "P  Q la<c>  P  ([(x, c)]  Q'')" using c  P by(rule Late_Semantics.Par2B)
      moreover from cFreshP cFreshQ'' Q'eqQ'' have "P  Q' = (P  ([(x, c)]  Q''))[c::=u]"
        by(simp add: forget renaming name_swap)
      ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cRes P a u P' y)
      have "P'' x. P la<x>  P''  P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P la<x>  P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      have yinequ: "y  u" by fact
      have "c::name. c  (y, P'')" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
      then obtain c::name where cineqy: "c  y" and cFreshP'': "c  P''" by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
      from PTrans cFreshP'' have "P la<c>  [(x, c)]  P''" by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
      moreover have "y  a" by fact
      ultimately have "y>P la<c>  y>(([(x, c)]  P''))" using cineqy
        by(force intro: Late_Semantics.ResB)
      moreover from cineqy cFreshP'' P'eqP'' yinequ have "y>P' = (y>([(x, c)]  P''))[c::=u]"
        by(simp add: renaming name_swap)
      ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cBang P a u P')
      have "P'' x. P  !P la<x>  P''  P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P  !P la<x>  P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      from PTrans have "!P la<x>  P''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Bang)
      with P'eqP'' show ?case by blast
  with assms obtain P'' y where PTrans: "P la<y>  P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[y::=u]" by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "x=y")
    case True
    from PTrans P'eqP'' x = y show ?thesis by blast
    case False
    from PTrans x  y x  P have "x  P''" by(fastforce dest: freshBoundDerivative simp add: residual.inject)
    with PTrans have "P la<x> l ([(x, y)]  P'')"
      by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
    moreover from x  P'' have "P''[y::=u] = ([(x, y)]  P'')[x::=u]" by(simp add: renaming name_swap)
    ultimately show ?thesis using P'eqP'' by blast
lemma earlyLateInput:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   a  :: name
  and   x  :: name
  and   P' :: pi
  and   u  :: name
  and   C  :: "'a::fs_name"

  assumes PTrans: "P ⟼ea<u> ≺e P'"

  shows "∃P'' x. P ⟼la<x> ≺l P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u] ∧ x ♯ C"
proof -
  have "⋀P a u P'. P ⟼ea<u> ≺e P' ⟹ ∃P'' x. P ⟼la<x> ≺l P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u]"
  proof -
    fix P a u P'
    assume "P ⟼ea<u> ≺e P'"
    thus "∃P'' x. P ⟼la<x> ≺l P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u]"
    proof(nominal_induct rule: Early_Semantics.inputInduct)
      case(cInput a x P u)
      have "a<x>.P ⟼la<x> ≺ P" by(rule Late_Semantics.Input)
      thus ?case by blast
      case(cMatch P a u P' b)
      have "∃P'' x. P ⟼la<x> ≺ P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      from PTrans have "[b⌢b]P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Match)
      with P'eqP'' show ?case by blast
      case(cMismatch P a u P' b c)
      have "∃P'' x. P ⟼la<x> ≺ P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      have "b ≠ c" by fact
      with PTrans have "[b≠c]P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Mismatch)
      with P'eqP'' show ?case by blast
      case(cSum1 P a u P' Q)
      have "∃P'' x. P ⟼la<x> ≺ P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      from PTrans have "P ⊕ Q ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum1)
      with P'eqP'' show ?case by blast
      case(cSum2 Q a u Q' P)
      have "∃Q'' x. Q ⟼la<x> ≺ Q'' ∧ Q' = Q''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain Q'' x where QTrans: "Q ⟼la<x> ≺ Q''" and Q'eqQ'': "Q' = Q''[x::=u]" by blast
      from QTrans have "P ⊕ Q ⟼la<x> ≺ Q''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum2)
      with Q'eqQ'' show ?case by blast
      case(cPar1 P a u P' Q)
      have "∃P'' x. P ⟼la<x> ≺ P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      have "∃c::name. c ♯ (Q, P'')" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
      then obtain c::name where cFreshQ: "c ♯ Q" and cFreshP'': "c ♯ P''" by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
      from PTrans cFreshP'' have "P ⟼la<c> ≺ [(x, c)] ∙ P''" by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
      hence "P ∥ Q ⟼la<c> ≺ ([(x, c)] ∙ P'') ∥ Q" using `c ♯ Q` by(rule Late_Semantics.Par1B)
      moreover from cFreshQ cFreshP'' P'eqP'' have "P' ∥ Q = (([(x, c)] ∙ P'') ∥ Q)[c::=u]"
        by(simp add: forget renaming name_swap)
      ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cPar2 Q a u Q' P)
      have "∃Q'' x. Q ⟼la<x> ≺ Q'' ∧ Q' = Q''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain Q'' x where QTrans: "Q ⟼la<x> ≺ Q''" and Q'eqQ'': "Q' = Q''[x::=u]" by blast
      have "∃c::name. c ♯ (P, Q'')" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
      then obtain c::name where cFreshP: "c ♯ P" and cFreshQ'': "c ♯ Q''" by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
      from QTrans cFreshQ'' have "Q ⟼la<c> ≺ [(x, c)] ∙ Q''" by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
      hence "P ∥ Q ⟼la<c> ≺ P ∥ ([(x, c)] ∙ Q'')" using `c ♯ P` by(rule Late_Semantics.Par2B)
      moreover from cFreshP cFreshQ'' Q'eqQ'' have "P ∥ Q' = (P ∥ ([(x, c)] ∙ Q''))[c::=u]"
        by(simp add: forget renaming name_swap)
      ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cRes P a u P' y)
      have "∃P'' x. P ⟼la<x> ≺ P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      have yinequ: "y ≠ u" by fact
      have "∃c::name. c ♯ (y, P'')" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
      then obtain c::name where cineqy: "c ≠ y" and cFreshP'': "c ♯ P''" by(force simp add: fresh_prod)
      from PTrans cFreshP'' have "P ⟼la<c> ≺ [(x, c)] ∙ P''" by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
      moreover have "y ≠ a" by fact
      ultimately have "<νy>P ⟼la<c> ≺ <νy>(([(x, c)] ∙ P''))" using cineqy
        by(force intro: Late_Semantics.ResB)
      moreover from cineqy cFreshP'' P'eqP'' yinequ have "<νy>P' = (<νy>([(x, c)] ∙ P''))[c::=u]"
        by(simp add: renaming name_swap)
      ultimately show ?case by blast
      case(cBang P a u P')
      have "∃P'' x. P ∥ !P ⟼la<x> ≺ P'' ∧ P' = P''[x::=u]" by fact
      then obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P ∥ !P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
      from PTrans have "!P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" by(rule Late_Semantics.Bang)
      with P'eqP'' show ?case by blast
  with PTrans obtain P'' x where PTrans: "P ⟼la<x> ≺ P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=u]" by blast
  have "∃c::name. c ♯ (P'', C)" by(blast intro: name_exists_fresh)
  then obtain c::name where cFreshP'': "c ♯ P''" and cFreshC: "c ♯ C" by force
  from cFreshP'' PTrans have "P ⟼la<c> ≺l ([(x, c)] ∙ P'')"
    by(simp add: Late_Semantics.alphaBoundResidual)
  moreover from cFreshP'' have "P''[x::=u] = ([(x, c)] ∙ P'')[c::=u]" by(simp add: renaming name_swap)
  ultimately show ?thesis using P'eqP'' cFreshC by blast
lemma lateEarlyTau:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "P lτ l P'"

  shows "P eτ e P'"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct rule: Late_Semantics.tauInduct)
  case(Tau P)
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Tau)
  case(Match P P' a)
  have "P eτ e P'" by fact
  thus "[aa]P eτ e P'" by(rule Early_Semantics.Match)
  case(Mismatch P P' a b)
  have "P eτ e P'" by fact
  moreover have "a  b" by fact
  ultimately show "[ab]P eτ e P'" by(rule Early_Semantics.Mismatch)
  case(Sum1 P P' Q)
  have "P eτ e P'" by fact
  thus "P  Q eτ e P'" by(rule Early_Semantics.Sum1)
  case(Sum2 Q Q' P)
  have "Q eτ e Q'" by fact
  thus "P  Q eτ e Q'" by(rule Early_Semantics.Sum2)
  case(Par1 P P' Q)
  have "P eτ e P'" by fact
  thus "P  Q eτ e P'  Q" by(rule Early_Semantics.Par1F)
  case(Par2 Q Q' P)
  have "Q eτ e Q'" by fact
  thus "P  Q eτ e P  Q'" by(rule Early_Semantics.Par2F)
  case(Comm1 P a x P' Q b Q')
  have "P ea<b> e P'[x::=b]"
  proof -
    have "P l a<x>  P'" by fact
    thus ?thesis by(rule lateEarlyInput)
  moreover have "Q ea[b] e Q'"
  proof -
    have "Q la[b] l Q'" by fact
    thus ?thesis by(rule lateEarlyOutput)
  ultimately show ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Comm1)
  case(Comm2 P a b P' Q x Q')
  have "P ea[b] e P'"
  proof -
    have "P la[b] l P'" by fact
    thus ?thesis by(rule lateEarlyOutput)
  moreover have "Q ea<b> e Q'[x::=b]"
  proof -
    have "Q la<x> l Q'" by fact
    thus ?thesis by(rule lateEarlyInput)
  ultimately show ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Comm2)
  case(Close1 P a x P' Q y Q')
  have "P ea<y> e P'[x::=y]"
  proof -
    have "P l a<x>  P'" by fact
    thus ?thesis by(rule lateEarlyInput)
  moreover have "Q eay>  Q'"
  proof -
    have "Q lay> l Q'" by fact
    thus ?thesis by(rule lateEarlyBoundOutput)
  moreover have "y  P" by fact
  ultimately show ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Close1)
  case(Close2 P a y P' Q x Q')
  have "P eay>  P'"
  proof -
    have "P lay> l P'" by fact
    thus ?thesis by(rule lateEarlyBoundOutput)
  moreover have "Q ea<y> e Q'[x::=y]"
  proof -
    have "Q la<x> l Q'" by fact
    thus ?thesis by(rule lateEarlyInput)
  moreover have "y  Q" by fact
  ultimately show ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Close2)
  case(Res P P' x)
  have "P eτ e P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(force intro: Early_Semantics.ResF)
  case(Bang P P')
  have "P  !P eτ e P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Early_Semantics.Bang)

lemma earlyLateTau:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi

  assumes "P eτ e P'"

  shows "P lτ l P'"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct rule: Early_Semantics.tauInduct)
  case(Tau P)
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Tau)
  case(Match P P' a)
  have "P lτ l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Match)
  case(Mismatch P P' a b)
  have "P lτ l P'" by fact
  moreover have "a  b" by fact
  ultimately show ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Mismatch)
  case(Sum1 P P' Q)
  have "P lτ l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum1)
  case(Sum2 Q Q' P)
  have "Q lτ l Q'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Sum2)
  case(Par1 P P' Q)
  have "P lτ l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Par1F)
  case(Par2 Q Q' P)
  have "Q lτ l Q'" by fact
  thus ?case by(rule Late_Semantics.Par2F)
  case(Comm1 P a b P' Q Q')
  have "P ea<b> e P'" by fact
  moreover obtain x::name  where "x  P" by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  ultimately obtain P'' where PTrans: "P la<x>  P''" and P'eqP'': "P' = P''[x::=b]"
    by(blast dest: earlyLateInput)
  have "Q ea[b] e Q'" by fact
  hence "Q la[b] l Q'" by(rule earlyLateOutput)
  with PTrans P'eqP'' show ?case
    by(blast intro: Late_Semantics.Comm1)
  case(Comm2 P a b P' Q Q')
  have "P ea[b] e P'" by fact
  hence QTrans: "P la[b] l P'" by(rule earlyLateOutput)
  have "Q ea<b> e Q'" by fact
  moreover obtain x::name  where "x  Q" by(generate_fresh "name") auto
  ultimately obtain Q'' x where "Q la<x>  Q''" and "Q' = Q''[x::=b]"
    by(blast dest: earlyLateInput)
  with QTrans show ?case
    by(blast intro: Late_Semantics.Comm2)
  case(Close1 P a x P' Q Q')
  have  "P ea<x> e P'" and "x  P" by fact+
  then obtain P'' where "P la<x>  P''" and "P' = P''[x::=x]"
    by(blast dest: earlyLateInput)
  moreover have "Q eax> e Q'" by fact
  hence "Q lax> l Q'" by(rule earlyLateBoundOutput)
  moreover have "x  P" by fact
  ultimately show ?case
    by(blast intro: Late_Semantics.Close1)
  case(Close2 P a x P' Q Q')
  have  "P eax> e P'" by fact
  hence PTrans: "P lax> l P'" by(rule earlyLateBoundOutput)

  have "Q ea<x> e Q'" and "x  Q" by fact+
  then obtain Q'' y where "Q la<x>  Q''" and "Q' = Q''[x::=x]"
    by(blast dest: earlyLateInput)
  moreover have "x  Q" by fact
  ultimately show ?case using PTrans
    by(blast intro: Late_Semantics.Close2)
  case(Res P P' x)
  have  "P lτ l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(force intro: Late_Semantics.ResF)
  case(Bang P P')
  have  "P  !P lτ l P'" by fact
  thus ?case by(force intro: Late_Semantics.Bang)

lemma tauEq:
  fixes P  :: pi
  and   P' :: pi

  shows "P e(Early_Semantics.FreeR Early_Semantics.TauR P') = P τ l P'"
by(auto intro: earlyLateTau lateEarlyTau)

(****************** Simulation ******************)

abbreviation simLate_judge (‹_ l[_] _› [80, 80, 80] 80) where "P l[Rel] Q  Strong_Late_Sim.simulation P Rel Q"
abbreviation simEarly_judge (‹_ e[_] _› [80, 80, 80] 80) where "P e[Rel] Q  Strong_Early_Sim.strongSimEarly P Rel Q"

lemma lateEarlySim:
  fixes P   :: pi
  and   Q   :: pi
  and   Rel :: "(pi × pi) set"

  assumes PSimQ: "P l[Rel] Q"

  shows "P e[Rel] Q"
proof(induct rule: Strong_Early_Sim.simCases)
  case(Bound a x Q')
  have "Q eax> e Q'" by fact
  hence "Q lax> l Q'" by(rule earlyLateBoundOutput)
  moreover have "x  P" by fact
  ultimately obtain P' where PTrans: "P lax> l P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel" using PSimQ
    by(force dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE simp add: derivative_def)
  from PTrans have "P eax> e P'" by(rule lateEarlyBoundOutput)
  with P'RelQ' show ?case by blast
  case(Free α Q')
  have "Q e Early_Semantics.residual.FreeR α Q'" by fact
  thus ?case
  proof(nominal_induct α rule: freeRes.strong_induct)
    case(InputR a u)
    obtain x::name where "x  Q" and "x  P" by(generate_fresh "name") auto
    with Q ea<u> e Q' obtain Q'' where QTrans: "Q la<x> l Q''" and Q'eqQ'': "Q' = Q''[x::=u]"
      by(blast dest: earlyLateInput)
    from PSimQ QTrans x  P  obtain P' where PTrans: "P la<x>  P'"
                                          and P'RelQ': "(P'[x::=u], Q''[x::=u])  Rel"
      by(force dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE simp add: derivative_def)
    from PTrans have "P ea<u> e P'[x::=u]" by(rule lateEarlyInput)
    with P'RelQ' Q'eqQ'' show "P'. P ea<u> e P'  (P', Q')  Rel" by blast
    case(OutputR a b)
    from Q ea[b] e Q' have "Q la[b] l Q'" by(rule earlyLateOutput)
    with PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P la[b] l P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel"
      by(blast dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE)
    from PTrans have "P ea[b] e P'" by(rule lateEarlyOutput)
    with P'RelQ' show "P'. P ea[b] e P'  (P', Q')  Rel"  by blast
    case TauR
    from Q eτ e Q' have "Q lτ l Q'" by(rule earlyLateTau)
    with PSimQ obtain P' where PTrans: "P lτ l P'" and P'RelQ': "(P', Q')  Rel"
      by(blast dest: Strong_Late_Sim.simE)
    from PTrans have "P eτ e P'" by(rule lateEarlyTau)
    with P'RelQ' show "P'. P eτ e P'  (P', Q')  Rel"  by blast

(*************** Bisimulation ***************)

abbreviation bisimLate_judge (‹_ l _› [80, 80] 80) where "P l Q  (P, Q)  Strong_Late_Bisim.bisim"
abbreviation bisimEarly_judge (‹_ e _› [80, 80] 80) where "P e Q  (P, Q)  Strong_Early_Bisim.bisim"

lemma lateEarlyBisim:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  assumes "P l Q"

  shows "P e Q"
using assms
by(coinduct rule: Strong_Early_Bisim.weak_coinduct)
  (auto dest: Strong_Late_Bisim.bisimE Strong_Late_Bisim.symmetric intro: lateEarlySim)

(*************** Congruence ***************)

abbreviation congLate_judge (‹_ sl _› [80, 80] 80) where "P sl Q  (P, Q)  (substClosed Strong_Late_Bisim.bisim)"
abbreviation congEarly_judge (‹_ se _› [80, 80] 80) where "P se Q  (P, Q)  (substClosed Strong_Early_Bisim.bisim)"

lemma lateEarlyCong:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  assumes "P sl Q"

  shows "P se Q"
using assms
by(auto simp add: substClosed_def intro: lateEarlyBisim)

lemma earlyCongStructCong:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  assumes "P s Q"

  shows "P se Q"
using assms lateEarlyCong bisimSubstStructCong
by blast

lemma earlyBisimStructCong:
  fixes P :: pi
  and   Q :: pi

  assumes "P s Q"

  shows "P e Q"
using assms lateEarlyBisim structCongBisim
by blast
