Theory Zeta_Zerofree

theory Zeta_Zerofree
unbundle pnt_notation

section ‹Zero-free region of zeta function›

lemma cos_inequality_1:
  fixes x :: real
  shows "3 + 4 * cos x + cos (2 * x)  0"
proof -
  have "cos (2 * x) = (cos x)2 - (sin x)2"
    by (rule cos_double)
  also have " = (cos x)2 - (1 - (cos x)2)"
    unfolding sin_squared_eq ..
  also have " = 2 * (cos x)2 - 1" by auto
  finally have 1: "cos (2 * x) = 2 * (cos x)2 - 1" .
  have "0  2 * (1 + cos x)2" by auto
  also have " = 3 + 4 * cos x + (2 * (cos x)2 - 1)"
    by (simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
  finally show ?thesis unfolding 1.

lemma multiplicative_fds_zeta:
  "completely_multiplicative_function (fds_nth fds_zeta_complex)"
  by standard auto

lemma fds_mangoldt_eq:
  "fds mangoldt_complex = -(fds_deriv fds_zeta / fds_zeta)"
proof -
  have "fds_nth fds_zeta_complex 1  0" by auto
  hence "fds_nth (fds_deriv fds_zeta_complex / fds_zeta) n = -fds_nth fds_zeta n * mangoldt n" for n
    using multiplicative_fds_zeta
    by (intro fds_nth_logderiv_completely_multiplicative)
  thus ?thesis by (intro fds_eqI, auto)

lemma abs_conv_abscissa_log_deriv:
  "abs_conv_abscissa (fds_deriv fds_zeta_complex / fds_zeta)  1"
  by (rule abs_conv_abscissa_completely_multiplicative_log_deriv
      [OF multiplicative_fds_zeta, unfolded abs_conv_abscissa_zeta], auto)

lemma abs_conv_abscissa_mangoldt:
  "abs_conv_abscissa (fds mangoldt_complex)  1"
  using abs_conv_abscissa_log_deriv
  by (subst fds_mangoldt_eq, subst abs_conv_abscissa_minus)

  assumes s: "Re s > 1"
  shows eval_fds_mangoldt: "eval_fds (fds mangoldt) s = - deriv zeta s / zeta s"
    and abs_conv_mangoldt: "fds_abs_converges (fds mangoldt) s"
proof -
  from abs_conv_abscissa_log_deriv
  have 1: "abs_conv_abscissa (fds_deriv fds_zeta_complex / fds_zeta) < ereal (s  1)"
    using s by (intro le_ereal_less, auto simp: one_ereal_def)
  have 2: "abs_conv_abscissa fds_zeta_complex < ereal (s  1)"
    using s by (subst abs_conv_abscissa_zeta, auto)
  hence 3: "fds_abs_converges (fds_deriv fds_zeta_complex / fds_zeta) s"
    by (intro fds_abs_converges) (rule 1)
  have "eval_fds (fds mangoldt) s = eval_fds (-(fds_deriv fds_zeta_complex / fds_zeta)) s"
    using fds_mangoldt_eq by auto
  also have " = -eval_fds (fds_deriv fds_zeta_complex / fds_zeta) s"
    by (intro eval_fds_uminus fds_abs_converges_imp_converges 3)
  also have " = -(eval_fds (fds_deriv fds_zeta_complex) s / eval_fds fds_zeta s)"
    using s by (subst eval_fds_log_deriv; ((intro 1 2)?, (auto intro!: eval_fds_zeta_nonzero)?))
  also have " = - deriv zeta s / zeta s"
    using s by (subst eval_fds_zeta, blast, subst eval_fds_deriv_zeta, auto)
  finally show "eval_fds (fds mangoldt) s = - deriv zeta s / zeta s" .
  show "fds_abs_converges (fds mangoldt) s"
    by (subst fds_mangoldt_eq) (intro fds_abs_converges_uminus 3)

lemma sums_mangoldt:
  fixes s :: complex
  assumes s: "Re s > 1"
  shows "((λn. mangoldt n / n nat_powr s) has_sum - deriv zeta s / zeta s) {1..}"
proof -
  let ?f = "(λn. mangoldt n / n nat_powr s)"
  have 1: "fds_abs_converges (fds mangoldt) s"
    by (intro abs_conv_mangoldt s)
  hence 2: "fds_converges (fds mangoldt) s"
    by (rule fds_abs_converges_imp_converges)
  hence "summable (λn. fds_nth (fds mangoldt) n / nat_power n s)"
    by (fold fds_abs_converges_def, intro 1)
  moreover have "(λn. fds_nth (fds mangoldt) n / nat_power n s) sums (- deriv zeta s / zeta s)"
    by (subst eval_fds_mangoldt(1) [symmetric], intro s, fold fds_converges_iff, intro 2)
  ultimately have "((λn. fds_nth (fds mangoldt) n / n nat_powr s) has_sum - deriv zeta s / zeta s) UNIV"
    by (fold nat_power_complex_def, rule norm_summable_imp_has_sum)
  moreover have [simp]: "(if n = 0 then 0 else mangoldt n) = mangoldt n" for n by auto
  ultimately have "(?f has_sum - deriv zeta s / zeta s) UNIV" by (auto simp add: fds_nth_fds)
  hence 3: "(?f has_sum - deriv zeta s / zeta s) UNIV" by auto
  have "sum ?f {0} = 0" by auto
  moreover have "(?f has_sum sum ?f {0}) {0}"
    by (rule has_sum_finite, auto)
  ultimately have "(?f has_sum 0) {0}" by auto
  hence "(?f has_sum - deriv zeta s / zeta s - 0) (UNIV - {0})"
    by (intro has_sum_Diff 3, auto)
  moreover have "UNIV - {0 :: nat} = {1..}" by auto
  ultimately show "(?f has_sum - deriv zeta s / zeta s) {1..}" by auto

lemma sums_Re_logderiv_zeta:
  fixes σ t :: real
  assumes s: "σ > 1"
  shows "((λn. mangoldt_real n * n nat_powr (-σ) * cos (t * ln n))
    has_sum Re (- deriv zeta (Complex σ t) / zeta (Complex σ t))) {1..}"
proof -
  have "((λx. Re (mangoldt_complex x / x nat_powr Complex σ t))
    has_sum Re (- deriv zeta (Complex σ t) / zeta (Complex σ t))) {1..}"
    using s by (intro has_sum_Re sums_mangoldt) auto
  moreover have "Re (mangoldt n / n nat_powr (Complex σ t))
    = mangoldt_real n * n nat_powr (-σ) * cos (t * ln n)" if *: "1  n" for n
  proof -
    let ?n = "n :: complex"
    have "1 / n nat_powr (Complex σ t) = n nat_powr (Complex (-σ) (-t))"
      by (fold powr_minus_divide, auto simp add: legacy_Complex_simps)
    also have " = exp (Complex (-σ * ln n) (-t * ln n))"
      unfolding powr_def by (auto simp add: field_simps legacy_Complex_simps, use * in linarith)
    finally have "Re (1 / n nat_powr (Complex σ t)) = Re " by auto
    also have " = n nat_powr (-σ) * cos (t * ln n)"
      by (unfold powr_def, subst Re_exp, use * in auto)
    finally have 1: "mangoldt_real n * Re (1 / n nat_powr (Complex σ t))
      = mangoldt_real n * n nat_powr (-σ) * cos (t * ln n)" by auto
    have rule_1: "Re (w * z) = Re w * Re z" if *: "Im w = 0" for z w :: complex using * by auto
    have "Re (mangoldt n * (1 / n nat_powr (Complex σ t)))
      = mangoldt_real n * Re (1 / n nat_powr (Complex σ t))"
      by (subst rule_1, auto)
    with 1 show ?thesis by auto
  ultimately show "((λn. mangoldt_real n * n nat_powr (- σ) * cos (t * ln (real n)))
    has_sum Re (- deriv zeta (Complex σ t) / zeta (Complex σ t))) {1..}"
    by (subst has_sum_cong) auto

lemma logderiv_zeta_ineq:
  fixes σ t :: real
  assumes s: "σ > 1"
  shows "3 * Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ 0)) + 4 * Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ t))
    + Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ (2*t)))  0" (is "?x  0")
proof -
  have [simp]: "Re (-z) = - Re z" for z by auto
  have "((λn.
      3 * (mangoldt_real n * n nat_powr (-σ) * cos (0 * ln n))
    + 4 * (mangoldt_real n * n nat_powr (-σ) * cos (t * ln n))
    + 1 * (mangoldt_real n * n nat_powr (-σ) * cos (2*t * ln n))
    ) has_sum
      3 * Re (- deriv zeta (Complex σ 0) / zeta (Complex σ 0))
    + 4 * Re (- deriv zeta (Complex σ t) / zeta (Complex σ t))
    + 1 * Re (- deriv zeta (Complex σ (2*t)) / zeta (Complex σ (2*t)))
    ) {1..}"
  by (intro has_sum_add has_sum_cmult_right sums_Re_logderiv_zeta s)
  hence *: "((λn. mangoldt_real n * n nat_powr (-σ)
    * (3 + 4 * cos (t * ln n) + cos (2 * (t * ln n)))
    ) has_sum -?x) {1..}"
  unfolding logderiv_def by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  have "-?x  0"
  by (rule has_sum_nonneg, rule *,
     intro mult_nonneg_nonneg,
     auto intro: mangoldt_nonneg cos_inequality_1)
  thus "?x  0" by linarith

lemma sums_zeta_real:
  fixes r :: real
  assumes "1 < r"
  shows "(n. (n+) powr -r) = Re (zeta r)"
proof -
  have "(n. (n+) powr -r) = (n. Re (n+ powr (-r :: complex)))"
    by (subst of_real_nat_power) auto
  also have " = (n. Re (n+ powr - (r :: complex)))" by auto
  also have " = Re (n. n+ powr - (r :: complex))"
    by (intro Re_suminf [symmetric] summable_zeta)
       (use assms in auto)
  also have " = Re (zeta r)"
    using Re_complex_of_real zeta_conv_suminf assms by presburger
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma inverse_zeta_bound':
  assumes "1 < Re s"
  shows "inverse (zeta s)  Re (zeta (Re s))"
proof -
  write moebius_mu (μ)
  let ?f = "λn :: nat. μ (n+) / (n+) powr s"
  let ?g = "λn :: nat. (n+) powr - Re s"
  have "μ n :: complex  1" for n by (auto simp add: power_neg_one_If moebius_mu_def)
  hence 1: "?f n  ?g n" for n
    by (auto simp add: powr_minus norm_divide norm_powr_real_powr field_simps)
  have "inverse (zeta s) = (n. ?f n)"
    by (intro sums_unique inverse_zeta_sums assms)
  hence "inverse (zeta s) = n. ?f n" by auto
  also have "  (n. ?g n)" by (intro suminf_norm_bound summable_zeta_real assms 1)
  finally show ?thesis using sums_zeta_real assms by auto

lemma zeta_bound':
  assumes "1 < Re s"
  shows "zeta s  Re (zeta (Re s))"
proof -
  let ?f = "λn :: nat. (n+) powr - s"
  let ?g = "λn :: nat. (n+) powr - Re s"
  have "zeta s = (n. ?f n)" by (intro sums_unique sums_zeta assms)
  hence "zeta s = n. ?f n" by auto
  also have "  (n. ?g n)"
    by (intro suminf_norm_bound summable_zeta_real assms)
       (subst norm_nat_power, auto)
  also have " = Re (zeta (Re s))" by (subst sums_zeta_real) (use assms in auto)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma zeta_bound_trivial':
  assumes "1 / 2  Re s  Re s  2"
    and "¦Im s¦  1 / 11"
  shows "zeta s  12 + 2 * ¦Im s¦"
proof -
  have "pre_zeta 1 s  s / Re s"
    by (rule pre_zeta_1_bound) (use assms in auto)
  also have "  (¦Re s¦ + ¦Im s¦) / Re s"
  proof -
    have "s  ¦Re s¦ + ¦Im s¦" using cmod_le by auto
    thus ?thesis using assms by (auto intro: divide_right_mono)
  also have " = 1 + ¦Im s¦ / Re s"
    using assms by (simp add: field_simps)
  also have "  1 + ¦Im s¦ / (1 / 2)"
    using assms by (intro add_left_mono divide_left_mono) auto
  finally have 1: "pre_zeta 1 s  1 + 2 * ¦Im s¦" by auto
  have "1 / (s - 1) = 1 / s - 1" by (subst norm_divide) auto
  also have "  11" proof -
    have "1 / 11  ¦Im s¦" by (rule assms(2))
    also have " = ¦Im (s - 1)¦" by auto
    also have "  s - 1" by (rule abs_Im_le_cmod)
    finally show ?thesis by (intro mult_imp_div_pos_le) auto
  finally have 2: "1 / (s - 1)  11" by auto
  have "zeta s = pre_zeta 1 s + 1 / (s - 1)" by (intro zeta_pole_eq) (use assms in auto)
  moreover have "  pre_zeta 1 s + 1 / (s - 1)" by (rule norm_triangle_ineq)
  ultimately have "zeta s  " by auto
  also have "  12 + 2 * ¦Im s¦" using 1 2 by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma zeta_bound_gt_1:
  assumes "1 < Re s"
  shows "zeta s  Re s / (Re s - 1)"
proof -
  have "zeta s  Re (zeta (Re s))" by (intro zeta_bound' assms)
  also have "  zeta (Re s)" by (rule complex_Re_le_cmod)
  also have " = pre_zeta 1 (Re s) + 1 / (Re s - 1)"
    by (subst zeta_pole_eq) (use assms in auto)
  also have "  pre_zeta 1 (Re s) + 1 / (Re s - 1) :: complex"
    by (rule norm_triangle_ineq)
  also have "  1 + 1 / (Re s - 1)"
  proof -
    have "pre_zeta 1 (Re s)  Re s :: complex / Re (Re s)"
      by (rule pre_zeta_1_bound) (use assms in auto)
    also have " = 1" using assms by auto
    moreover have "1 / (Re s - 1) :: complex = 1 / (Re s - 1)"
      by (subst norm_of_real) (use assms in auto)
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  also have " = Re s / (Re s - 1)"
    using assms by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma zeta_bound_trivial:
  assumes "1 / 2  Re s" and "¦Im s¦  1 / 11"
  shows "zeta s  12 + 2 * ¦Im s¦"
proof (cases "Re s  2")
  assume "Re s  2"
  thus ?thesis by (intro zeta_bound_trivial') (use assms in auto)
  assume "¬ Re s  2"
  hence *: "Re s > 1" "Re s > 2" by auto
  hence "zeta s  Re s / (Re s - 1)" by (intro zeta_bound_gt_1)
  also have "  2" using * by (auto simp add: field_simps)
  also have "  12 + 2 * ¦Im s¦" by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma zeta_nonzero_small_imag':
  assumes "¦Im s¦  13 / 22" and "Re s  1 / 2" and "Re s < 1"
  shows "zeta s  0"
proof -
  have "pre_zeta 1 s  (1 + s / Re s) / 2 * 1 powr - Re s"
    by (rule pre_zeta_bound) (use assms(2) in auto)
  also have "  129 / 100" proof -
    have "s / Re s  79 / 50"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ s / Re s  79 / 50"
      hence "sqrt (6241 / 2500) < s / Re s" by (simp add: real_sqrt_divide)
      also have " = s / sqrt ((Re s)2)" using assms(2) by simp
      also have " = sqrt (1 + (Im s / Re s)2)"
        unfolding cmod_def using assms(2)
        by (auto simp add: real_sqrt_divide [symmetric] field_simps
                 simp del: real_sqrt_abs)
      finally have 1: "6241 / 2500 < 1 + (Im s / Re s)2" by auto
      have "¦Im s / Re s¦  ¦6 / 5¦" using assms by (auto simp add: field_simps abs_le_square_iff)
      hence "(Im s / Re s)2  (6 / 5)2" by (subst (asm) abs_le_square_iff)
      hence 2: "1 + (Im s / Re s)2  61 / 25" unfolding power2_eq_square by auto
      from 1 2 show False by auto
    hence "(1 + s / Re s) / 2  (129 / 50) / 2" by (subst divide_right_mono) auto
    also have " = 129 / 100" by auto
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  finally have 1: "pre_zeta 1 s  129 / 100" .
  have "s - 1 < 100 / 129" proof -
    from assms have "(Re (s - 1))2  (1 / 2)2" by (simp add: abs_le_square_iff [symmetric])
    moreover have "(Im (s - 1))2  (13 / 22)2" using assms(1) by (simp add: abs_le_square_iff [symmetric])
    ultimately have "(Re (s - 1))2 + (Im (s - 1))2  145 / 242" by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)
    hence "sqrt ((Re (s - 1))2 + (Im (s - 1))2)  sqrt (145 / 242)" by (rule real_sqrt_le_mono)
    also have " < sqrt ((100 / 129)2)" by (subst real_sqrt_less_iff) (simp add: power2_eq_square)
    finally show ?thesis unfolding cmod_def by auto
  moreover have "s - 1  0" using assms(3) by auto
  ultimately have 2: "1 / (s - 1) > 129 / 100" by (auto simp add: field_simps norm_divide)
  from 1 2 have "0 < 1 / (s - 1) - pre_zeta 1 s" by auto
  also have "  pre_zeta 1 s + 1 / (s - 1)" by (subst add.commute) (rule norm_diff_ineq)
  also from assms(3) have "s  1" by auto
  hence "pre_zeta 1 s + 1 / (s - 1) = zeta s" using zeta_pole_eq by auto
  finally show ?thesis by auto

lemma zeta_nonzero_small_imag:
  assumes "¦Im s¦  13 / 22" and "Re s > 0" and "s  1"
  shows "zeta s  0"
proof -
  consider "Re s  1 / 2" | "1 / 2  Re s  Re s < 1" | "Re s  1" by fastforce
  thus ?thesis proof cases
    case 1 hence "zeta (1 - s)  0" using assms by (intro zeta_nonzero_small_imag') auto
    moreover case 1
    ultimately show ?thesis using assms(2) zeta_zero_reflect_iff by auto
    case 2 thus ?thesis using assms(1) by (intro zeta_nonzero_small_imag') auto
    case 3 thus ?thesis using zeta_Re_ge_1_nonzero assms(3) by auto

lemma inverse_zeta_bound:
  assumes "1 < Re s"
  shows "inverse (zeta s)  Re s / (Re s - 1)"
proof -
  have "inverse (zeta s)  Re (zeta (Re s))" by (intro inverse_zeta_bound' assms)
  also have "  zeta (Re s)" by (rule complex_Re_le_cmod)
  also have "  Re (Re s) / (Re (Re s) - 1)"
    by (intro zeta_bound_gt_1) (use assms in auto)
  also have " = Re s / (Re s - 1)" by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma deriv_zeta_bound:
  fixes s :: complex
  assumes Hr: "0 < r" and Hs: "s  1"
    and hB: "w. s - w = r  pre_zeta 1 w  B"
  shows "deriv zeta s  B / r + 1 / s - 12"
proof -
  have "deriv zeta s = deriv (pre_zeta 1) s - 1 / (s - 1)2"
  proof -
    let ?A = "UNIV - {1 :: complex}"
    let ?f = "λs. pre_zeta 1 s + 1 / (s - 1)"
    let ?v = "deriv (pre_zeta 1) s + (0 * (s - 1) - 1 * (1 - 0)) / (s - 1)2"
    let ?v' = "deriv (pre_zeta 1) s - 1 / (s - 1 :: complex)2"
    have "z?A. zeta z = pre_zeta 1 z + 1 / (z - 1)"
      by (auto intro: zeta_pole_eq)
    hence "F z in nhds s. zeta z = pre_zeta 1 z + 1 / (z - 1)"
      using Hs by (subst eventually_nhds, intro exI [where x = ?A]) auto
    hence "DERIV zeta s :> ?v' = DERIV ?f s :> ?v'"
      by (intro DERIV_cong_ev) auto
    moreover have "DERIV ?f s :> ?v"
      unfolding power2_eq_square
      by (intro derivative_intros field_differentiable_derivI holomorphic_pre_zeta
          holomorphic_on_imp_differentiable_at [where s = ?A])
         (use Hs in auto)
    moreover have "?v = ?v'" by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    ultimately have "DERIV zeta s :> ?v'" by auto
    moreover have "DERIV zeta s :> deriv zeta s"
      by (intro field_differentiable_derivI field_differentiable_at_zeta)
         (use Hs in auto)
    ultimately have "?v' = deriv zeta s" by (rule DERIV_unique)
    thus ?thesis by auto
  also have "  deriv (pre_zeta 1) s + 1 / (s - 1)2" by (rule norm_triangle_ineq4)
  also have "  B / r + 1 / s - 12"
  proof -
    have "(deriv ^^ 1) (pre_zeta 1) s  fact 1 * B / r ^ 1"
      by (intro Cauchy_inequality holomorphic_pre_zeta continuous_on_pre_zeta assms) auto
    thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: norm_divide norm_power)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma zeta_lower_bound:
  assumes "0 < Re s" "s  1"
  shows "1 / s - 1 - s / Re s  zeta s"
proof -
  have "pre_zeta 1 s  s / Re s" by (intro pre_zeta_1_bound assms)
  hence "1 / s - 1 - s / Re s  1 / (s - 1) - pre_zeta 1 s"
    using assms by (auto simp add: norm_divide)
  also have "  pre_zeta 1 s + 1 / (s - 1)"
    by (subst add.commute) (rule norm_diff_ineq)
  also have " = zeta s" using assms by (subst zeta_pole_eq) auto
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma logderiv_zeta_bound:
  fixes σ :: real
  assumes "1 < σ" "σ  23 / 20"
  shows "logderiv zeta σ  5 / 4 * (1 / (σ - 1))"
proof -
  have "pre_zeta 1 s  sqrt 2" if *: "σ - s = 1 / sqrt 2" for s :: complex
  proof -
    have 1: "0 < Re s" proof -
      have "1 - Re s  Re (σ - s)" using assms(1) by auto
      also have "Re (σ - s)  σ - s" by (rule complex_Re_le_cmod)
      also have " = 1 / sqrt 2" by (rule *)
      finally have "1 - 1 / sqrt 2  Re s" by auto
      moreover have "0 < 1 - 1 / sqrt 2" by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis by linarith
    hence "pre_zeta 1 s  s / Re s" by (rule pre_zeta_1_bound)
    also have "  sqrt 2" proof -
      define x y where "x  Re s" and "y  Im s"
      have "sqrt ((σ - x)2 + y2) = 1 / sqrt 2"
        using * unfolding cmod_def x_def y_def by auto
      also have " = sqrt (1 / 2)" by (auto simp add: field_simps real_sqrt_mult [symmetric])
      finally have 2: "x2 + y2 - 2*σ*x + σ2 = 1 / 2" by (auto simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
      have "y2  x2" proof (rule ccontr)
        assume "¬ y2  x2"
        hence "x2 < y2" by auto
        with 2 have "2*x2 - 2*σ*x + σ2 < 1 / 2" by auto
        hence "2 * (x - σ / 2)2 < (1 - σ2) / 2" by (auto simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
        also have " < 0" using 1 < σ by auto
        finally show False by auto
      moreover have "x  0" unfolding x_def using 1 by auto
      ultimately have "sqrt ((x2 + y2) / x2)  sqrt 2" by (auto simp add: field_simps)
      with 1 show ?thesis unfolding cmod_def x_def y_def by (auto simp add: real_sqrt_divide)
    finally show ?thesis .
  hence "deriv zeta σ  sqrt 2 / (1 / sqrt 2) + 1 / (σ :: complex) - 12"
    by (intro deriv_zeta_bound) (use assms(1) in auto)
  also have "  2 + 1 / (σ - 1)2"
    by (subst in_Reals_norm) (use assms(1) in auto)
  also have " = (2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3) / (σ - 1)2"
  proof -
    have "σ * σ - 2 * σ + 1 = (σ - 1) * (σ - 1)" by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    also have "  0" using assms(1) by auto
    finally show ?thesis by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square field_simps)
  finally have 1: "deriv zeta σ  (2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3) / (σ - 1)2" .
  have "(2 - σ) / (σ - 1) = 1 / (σ :: complex) - 1 - σ :: complex / Re σ"
    using assms(1) by (auto simp add: field_simps in_Reals_norm)
  also have "  zeta σ" by (rule zeta_lower_bound) (use assms(1) in auto)
  finally have 2: "(2 - σ) / (σ - 1)  zeta σ" .
  have "4 * (2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3) - 5 * (2 - σ) = 8 * (σ - 11 / 16)2 - 57 / 32"
    by (auto simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
  also have "  0" proof -
    have "0  σ - 11 / 16" using assms(1) by auto
    moreover have "σ - 11 / 16  37 / 80" using assms(2) by auto
    ultimately have "(σ - 11 / 16)2  (37 / 80)2" by auto
    thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)
  finally have "4 * (2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3) - 5 * (2 - σ)  0" .
  moreover have "0 < 2 - σ" using assms(2) by auto
  ultimately have 3: "(2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3) / (2 - σ)  5 / 4" by (subst pos_divide_le_eq) auto
  moreover have "0  2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3" proof -
    have "0  2 * (σ - 1)2 + 1" by auto
    also have " = 2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3" by (auto simp add: field_simps power2_eq_square)
    finally show ?thesis .
  moreover have "0 < (2 - σ) / (σ - 1)" using assms by auto
  ultimately have "logderiv zeta σ  ((2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3) / (σ - 1)2) / ((2 - σ) / (σ - 1))"
    unfolding logderiv_def using 1 2 by (subst norm_divide) (rule frac_le, auto)
  also have " = (2 * σ2 - 4 * σ + 3) / (2 - σ) * (1 / (σ - 1))"
    by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
  also have "  5 / 4 * (1 / (σ - 1))"
    using 3 by (rule mult_right_mono) (use assms(1) in auto)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma Re_logderiv_zeta_bound:
  fixes σ :: real
  assumes "1 < σ" "σ  23 / 20"
  shows "Re (logderiv zeta σ)  - 5 / 4 * (1 / (σ - 1))"
proof -
  have "- Re (logderiv zeta σ) = Re (- logderiv zeta σ)" by auto
  also have "Re (- logderiv zeta σ)  - logderiv zeta σ" by (rule complex_Re_le_cmod)
  also have " = logderiv zeta σ" by auto
  also have "  5 / 4 * (1 / (σ - 1))" by (intro logderiv_zeta_bound assms)
  finally show ?thesis by auto

locale zeta_bound_param =
  fixes θ φ :: "real  real"
  assumes zeta_bn': "z. 1 - θ (Im z)  Re z  Im z  1 / 11  zeta z  exp (φ (Im z))"
    and θ_pos: "t. 0 < θ t  θ t  1 / 2"
    and φ_pos: "t. 1  φ t"
    and inv_θ: "t. φ t / θ t  1 / 960 * exp (φ t)"
    and moθ: "antimono θ" and moφ: "mono φ"
  definition "region  {z. 1 - θ (Im z)  Re z  Im z  1 / 11}"
  lemma zeta_bn: "z. z  region  zeta z  exp (φ (Im z))"
    using zeta_bn' unfolding region_def by auto
  lemma θ_pos': "t. 0 < θ t  θ t  1"
    using θ_pos by (smt (verit) exp_ge_add_one_self exp_half_le2)
  lemma φ_pos': "t. 0 < φ t" using φ_pos by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG))

locale zeta_bound_param_1 = zeta_bound_param +
  fixes γ :: real
  assumes γ_cnd: "γ  13 / 22"
  definition r where "r  θ (2 * γ + 1)"

locale zeta_bound_param_2 = zeta_bound_param_1 +
  fixes σ δ :: real
  assumes σ_cnd: "σ  1 + exp (- φ(2 * γ + 1))"
      and δ_cnd: "δ = γ  δ = 2 * γ"
  definition s where "s  Complex σ δ"

context zeta_bound_param_2 begin
declare dist_complex_def [simp] norm_minus_commute [simp]
declare legacy_Complex_simps [simp]

lemma cball_lm:
  assumes "z  cball s r"
  shows "r  1" "¦Re z - σ¦  r" "¦Im z - δ¦  r"
        "1 / 11  Im z" "Im z  2 * γ + r"
proof -
  have "¦Re (z - s)¦  z - s" "¦Im (z - s)¦  z - s"
    by (rule abs_Re_le_cmod) (rule abs_Im_le_cmod)
  moreover have "z - s  r" using assms by auto
  ultimately show 1: "¦Re z - σ¦  r" "¦Im z - δ¦  r" unfolding s_def by auto
  moreover have 3: "r  1 / 2" unfolding r_def using θ_pos by auto
  ultimately have 2: "¦Re z - σ¦  1 / 2" "¦Im z - δ¦  1 / 2" by auto
  moreover have "δ  2 * γ" using δ_cnd γ_cnd by auto
  ultimately show "Im z  2 * γ + r" using 1 by auto
  have "1 / 11  δ - 1 / 2" using δ_cnd γ_cnd by auto
  also have "  Im z" using 2 by (auto simp del: Num.le_divide_eq_numeral1)
  finally show "1 / 11  Im z" .
  from 3 show "r  1" by auto

lemma cball_in_region:
  shows "cball s r  region"
  fix z :: complex
  assume hz: "z  cball s r"
  note lm = cball_lm [OF hz]
  hence "1 - θ (Im z)  1 - θ (2 * γ + θ (2 * γ + 1))"
    unfolding r_def using moθ lm by (auto intro: antimonoD)
  also have "  1 + exp (-φ (2 * γ + 1)) - θ (2 * γ + 1)"
  proof -
    have "2 * γ + θ (2 * γ + 1)  2 * γ + 1"
      unfolding r_def using θ_pos' by auto
    hence "θ (2 * γ + 1) - θ (2 * γ + θ (2 * γ + 1))  0"
      using moθ by (auto intro: antimonoD)
    also have "0  exp (-φ (2 * γ + 1))" by auto
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  also have "  σ - r" using σ_cnd unfolding r_def s_def by auto
  also have "  Re z" using lm by auto
  finally have "1 - θ (Im z)  Re z" .
  thus "z  region" unfolding region_def using lm by auto

lemma Re_s_gt_1:
  shows "1 < Re s"
proof -
  have *: "exp (- φ (2 * γ + 1)) > 0" by auto
  show ?thesis using σ_cnd s_def by auto (use * in linarith)

lemma zeta_analytic_on_region:
  shows "zeta analytic_on region"
  by (rule analytic_zeta) (unfold region_def, auto)

lemma zeta_div_bound:
  assumes "z  cball s r"
  shows "zeta z / zeta s  exp (3 * φ (2 * γ + 1))"
proof -
  let  = "φ (2 * γ + 1)"
  have "zeta z  exp (φ (Im z))" using cball_in_region zeta_bn assms by auto
  also have "  exp ()"
  proof -
    have "Im z  2 * γ + 1" using cball_lm [OF assms] by auto
    thus ?thesis by auto (rule monoD [OF moφ])
  also have "inverse (zeta s)  exp (2 * )"
  proof -
    have "inverse (zeta s)  Re s / (Re s - 1)"
      by (intro inverse_zeta_bound Re_s_gt_1)
    also have " = 1 + 1 / (Re s - 1)"
      using Re_s_gt_1 by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    also have "  1 + exp ()"
    proof -
      have "Re s - 1  exp (-)" using s_def σ_cnd by auto
      hence "1 / (Re s - 1)  1 / exp (-)"
        using Re_s_gt_1 by (auto intro: divide_left_mono)
      thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: exp_minus field_simps)
    also have "  exp (2 * )" by (intro exp_lemma_1 less_imp_le φ_pos)
    finally show ?thesis .
  ultimately have "zeta z * inverse (zeta s)  exp () * exp (2 * )"
    by (subst norm_mult, intro mult_mono') auto
  also have " = exp (3 * )" by (subst exp_add [symmetric]) auto
  finally show ?thesis by (auto simp add: divide_inverse)

lemma logderiv_zeta_bound:
  shows "Re (logderiv zeta s)  - 24 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r"
    and "β. σ - r / 2  β  zeta (Complex β δ) = 0 
        Re (logderiv zeta s)  - 24 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r + 1 / (σ - β)"
proof -
  have 1: "0 < r" unfolding r_def using θ_pos' by auto
  have 2: "0  3 * φ (2 * γ + 1)" using φ_pos' by (auto simp add: less_imp_le)
  have 3: "zeta s  0" "z. Re s < Re z  zeta z  0"
    using Re_s_gt_1 by (auto intro!: zeta_Re_gt_1_nonzero)
  have 4: "zeta analytic_on cball s r" 
    by (rule analytic_on_subset;
        rule cball_in_region zeta_analytic_on_region)
  have 5: "z  cball s r  zeta z / zeta s  exp (3 * φ (2 * γ + 1))"
    for z by (rule zeta_div_bound)
  have 6: "{}  {z  cball s (r / 2). zeta z = 0  Re z  Re s}" by auto
  have 7: "{Complex β δ}  {z  cball s (r / 2). zeta z = 0  Re z  Re s}"
    if "σ - r / 2  β" "zeta (Complex β δ) = 0" for β
  proof -
    have "β  σ"
      using zeta_Re_gt_1_nonzero [of "Complex β δ"] Re_s_gt_1 that(2)
      unfolding s_def by fastforce
    thus ?thesis using that unfolding s_def by auto
  have "- Re (logderiv zeta s)  8 * (3 * φ (2 * γ + 1)) / r + Re (z{}. 1 / (z - s))"
    by (intro lemma_3_9_beta3 1 2 3 4 5 6)
  thus "Re (logderiv zeta s)  - 24 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r" by auto
  show "Re (logderiv zeta s)  - 24 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r + 1 / (σ - β)"
    if *: "σ - r / 2  β" "zeta (Complex β δ) = 0" for β
  proof -
    have bs: "β  σ" using *(2) 3(1) unfolding s_def by auto
    hence bs': "1 / (β - σ) = - 1 / (σ - β)" by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    have inv_r: "1 / (Complex r 0) = Complex (1 / r) 0" if "r  0" for r
      using that by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    have "- Re (logderiv zeta s)  8 * (3 * φ (2 * γ + 1)) / r + Re (z{Complex β δ}. 1 / (z - s))"
      by (intro lemma_3_9_beta3 1 2 3 4 5 7 *)
    thus ?thesis unfolding s_def
      by (auto simp add: field_simps)
         (subst (asm) inv_r, use bs bs' in auto)

context zeta_bound_param_1 begin
lemma zeta_nonzero_region':
  assumes "1 + 1 / 960 * (r / φ (2 * γ + 1)) - r / 2  β"
    and "zeta (Complex β γ) = 0"
  shows "1 - β  1 / 29760 * (r / φ (2 * γ + 1))"
proof -
  let  = "φ (2 * γ + 1)" and  = "θ (2 * γ + 1)"
  define σ where "σ  1 + 1 / 960 * (r / φ (2 * γ + 1))"
  define a where "a  - 5 / 4 * (1 / (σ - 1))"
  define b where "b  - 24 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r + 1 / (σ - β)"
  define c where "c  - 24 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r"
  have "1 + exp (- )  σ"
  proof -
    have "960 * exp (- ) = 1 / (1 / 960 * exp )"
      by (auto simp add: exp_add [symmetric] field_simps)
    also have "  1 / ( / )" proof -
      have " /   1 / 960 * exp " by (rule inv_θ)
      thus ?thesis by (intro divide_left_mono) (use θ_pos φ_pos' in auto)
    also have " = r / " unfolding r_def by auto
    finally show ?thesis unfolding σ_def by auto
  note * = this γ_cnd
  interpret z: zeta_bound_param_2 θ φ γ σ γ by (standard, use * in auto)
  interpret z': zeta_bound_param_2 θ φ γ σ "2 * γ" by (standard, use * in auto)
  have "r  1" unfolding r_def using θ_pos' [of "2 * γ + 1"] by auto
  moreover have "1  φ (2 * γ + 1)" using φ_pos by auto
  ultimately have "r / φ (2 * γ + 1)  1" by auto
  moreover have "0 < r" "0 < φ (2 * γ + 1)" unfolding r_def using θ_pos' φ_pos' by auto
  hence "0 < r / φ (2 * γ + 1)" by auto
  ultimately have 1: "1 < σ" "σ  23 / 20" unfolding σ_def by auto
  hence "Re (logderiv zeta σ)  a" unfolding a_def by (intro Re_logderiv_zeta_bound)
  hence "Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ 0))  a" by auto
  moreover have "Re (logderiv zeta z.s)  b" unfolding b_def
    by (rule z.logderiv_zeta_bound) (use assms r_def σ_def in auto)
  hence "Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ γ))  b" unfolding z.s_def by auto
  moreover have "Re (logderiv zeta z'.s)  c" unfolding c_def by (rule z'.logderiv_zeta_bound)
  hence "Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ (2 * γ)))  c" unfolding z'.s_def by auto
  ultimately have "3 * a + 4 * b + c
     3 * Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ 0)) + 4 * Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ γ))
    + Re (logderiv zeta (Complex σ (2 * γ)))" by auto
  also have "  0" by (rule logderiv_zeta_ineq, rule 1)
  finally have "3 * a + 4 * b + c  0" .
  hence "4 / (σ - β)  15 / 4 * (1 / (σ - 1)) + 120 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r"
    unfolding a_def b_def c_def by auto
  also have " = 3720 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r" unfolding σ_def by auto
  finally have 2: "inverse (σ - β)  930 * φ (2 * γ + 1) / r" by (auto simp add: inverse_eq_divide)
  have 3: "σ - β  1 / 930 * (r / φ (2 * γ + 1))"
  proof -
    have "1 / 930 * (r / φ (2 * γ + 1)) = 1 / (930 * (φ (2 * γ + 1) / r))"
      by (auto simp add: field_simps)
    also have "  σ - β" proof -
      have "β  1" using assms(2) zeta_Re_gt_1_nonzero [of "Complex β γ"] by fastforce
      also have "1 < σ" by (rule 1)
      finally have "β < σ" .
      thus ?thesis using 2 by (auto intro: inverse_le_imp_le)
    finally show ?thesis .
  show ?thesis proof -
    let ?x = "r / φ (2 * γ + 1)"
    have "1 / 29760 * ?x = 1 / 930 * ?x - 1 / 960 * ?x" by auto
    also have "  (σ - β) - (σ - 1)" using 3 by (subst (2) σ_def) auto
    also have " = 1 - β" by auto
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma zeta_nonzero_region:
  assumes "zeta (Complex β γ) = 0"
  shows "1 - β  1 / 29760 * (r / φ (2 * γ + 1))"
proof (cases "1 + 1 / 960 * (r / φ (2 * γ + 1)) - r / 2  β")
  case True
  thus ?thesis using assms by (rule zeta_nonzero_region')
  case False
  let ?x = "r / φ (2 * γ + 1)"
  assume 1: "¬ 1 + 1 / 960 * ?x - r / 2  β"
  have "0 < r" using θ_pos' unfolding r_def by auto
  hence "1 / 930 * ?x  r / 2"
    using φ_pos [of "2 * γ + 1"] by (auto intro!: mult_imp_div_pos_le)
  hence "1 / 29760 * ?x  r / 2 - 1 / 960 * ?x" by auto
  also have "  1 - β" using 1 by auto
  finally show ?thesis .

context zeta_bound_param begin
theorem zeta_nonzero_region:
  assumes "zeta (Complex β γ) = 0" and "Complex β γ  1"
  shows "1 - β  1 / 29760 * (θ (2 * ¦γ¦ + 1) / φ (2 * ¦γ¦ + 1))"
proof (cases "¦γ¦  13 / 22")
  case True
  assume 1: "13 / 22  ¦γ¦"
  have 2: "zeta (Complex β ¦γ¦) = 0"
  proof (cases "γ  0")
    case True thus ?thesis using assms by auto
    case False thus ?thesis by (auto simp add: complex_cnj [symmetric] intro: assms)
  interpret z: zeta_bound_param_1 θ φ ¦γ¦ by standard (use 1 in auto)
  show ?thesis by (intro z.zeta_nonzero_region [unfolded z.r_def] 2)
  case False
  hence 1: "¦γ¦  13 / 22" by auto
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "0 < β", rule ccontr)
    case True thus False using zeta_nonzero_small_imag [of "Complex β γ"] assms 1 by auto
    have "0 < θ (2 * ¦γ¦ + 1)" "θ (2 * ¦γ¦ + 1)  1" "1  φ (2 * ¦γ¦ + 1)"
      using θ_pos' φ_pos by auto
    hence "1 / 29760 * (θ (2 * ¦γ¦ + 1) / φ (2 * ¦γ¦ + 1))  1" by auto
    also case False hence "1  1 - β" by auto
    finally show ?thesis .

lemma zeta_bound_param_nonneg:
  fixes θ φ :: "real  real"
  assumes zeta_bn': "z. 1 - θ (Im z)  Re z  Im z  1 / 11  zeta z  exp (φ (Im z))"
    and θ_pos: "t. 0  t  0 < θ t  θ t  1 / 2"
    and φ_pos: "t. 0  t  1  φ t"
    and inv_θ: "t. 0  t  φ t / θ t  1 / 960 * exp (φ t)"
    and moθ: "x y. 0  x  x  y  θ y  θ x"
    and moφ: "x y. 0  x  x  y  φ x  φ y"
  shows "zeta_bound_param (λt. θ (max 0 t)) (λt. φ (max 0 t))"
  by standard (insert assms, auto simp add: antimono_def mono_def)

interpretation classical_zeta_bound:
  zeta_bound_param "λt. 1 / 2" "λt. 4 * ln (12 + 2 * max 0 t)"
proof -
  define θ :: "real  real" where "θ  λt. 1 / 2"
  define φ :: "real  real" where "φ  λt. 4 * ln (12 + 2 * t)"
  have "zeta_bound_param (λt. θ (max 0 t)) (λt. φ (max 0 t))"
  proof (rule zeta_bound_param_nonneg)
    fix z assume *: "1 - θ (Im z)  Re z" "Im z  1 / 11"
    have "zeta z  12 + 2 * ¦Im z¦"
      using * unfolding θ_def by (intro zeta_bound_trivial) auto
    also have " = exp (ln (12 + 2 * Im z))" using *(2) by auto
    also have "  exp (φ (Im z))" proof -
      have "0  ln (12 + 2 * Im z)" using *(2) by auto
      thus ?thesis unfolding φ_def by auto
    finally show "zeta z  exp (φ (Im z))" .
    fix t :: real assume *: "0  t"
    have "φ t / θ t = 8 * ln (12 + 2 * t)" unfolding φ_def θ_def by auto
    also have "  8 * (5 / 2 + t)"
    proof -
      have "ln (12 + 2 * t) = ln (12 * (1 + t / 6))" by auto
      also have " = ln 12 + ln (1 + t / 6)"
        unfolding ln_mult using * by simp
      also have "  5 / 2 + t / 6"
      proof (rule add_mono)
        have "(144 :: real) < (271 / 100) ^ 5"
          by (simp add: power_numeral_reduce)
        also have "271 / 100 < exp (1 :: real)"
          using e_approx_32 by (simp add: abs_if split: if_split_asm)
        hence "(271 / 100) ^ 5 < exp (1 :: real) ^ 5"
          by (rule power_strict_mono) auto
        also have " = exp ((5 :: nat) * (1 :: real))"
          by (rule exp_of_nat_mult [symmetric])
        also have " = exp (5 :: real)"
          by auto
        finally have "exp (ln (12 :: real) * (2 :: nat))  exp 5"
          by (subst exp_of_nat2_mult) auto
        thus "ln (12 :: real)  5 / 2"
          by auto
        show "ln (1 + t / 6)  t / 6"
          by (intro ln_add_one_self_le_self) (use * in auto)
      finally show ?thesis using * by auto
    also have "  1 / 960 * exp (φ t)"
    proof -
      have "8 * (5 / 2 + t) - 1 / 960 * (12 + 2 * t) ^ 4
          = -(1 / 60 * t ^ 4 + 2 / 5 * t ^ 3 + 18 / 5 * t ^ 2 + 32 / 5 * t + 8 / 5)"
        by (simp add: power_numeral_reduce field_simps)
      also have "  0" using *
        by (subst neg_le_0_iff_le) (auto intro: add_nonneg_nonneg)
      moreover have "exp (φ t) = (12 + 2 * t) ^ 4"
      proof -
        have "exp (φ t) = (12 + 2 * t) powr (real 4)" unfolding φ_def powr_def using * by auto
        also have " = (12 + 2 * t) ^ 4" by (rule powr_realpow) (use * in auto)
        finally show ?thesis .
      ultimately show ?thesis by auto
    finally show "φ t / θ t  1 / 960 * exp (φ t)" .
    fix t :: real assume *: "0  t"
    have "(1 :: real)  4 * 1" by auto
    also have "  4 * ln 12"
    proof -
      have "exp (1 :: real)  3" by (rule exp_le)
      also have "  exp (ln 12)" by auto
      finally have "(1 :: real)  ln 12" using exp_le_cancel_iff by blast
      thus ?thesis by auto
    also have "  4 * ln (12 + 2 * t)" using * by auto
    finally show "1  φ t" unfolding φ_def .
    show "t. 0 < θ t  θ t  1 / 2"
         "x y. 0  x  x  y  θ y  θ x"
         "x y. 0  x  x  y  φ x  φ y"
      unfolding θ_def φ_def by auto
  thus "zeta_bound_param (λt. 1 / 2) (λt. 4 * ln (12 + 2 * max 0 t))"
    unfolding θ_def φ_def by auto

theorem zeta_nonzero_region:
  assumes "zeta (Complex β γ) = 0" and "Complex β γ  1"
  shows "1 - β  C1 / ln (¦γ¦ + 2)"
proof -
  have "1 / 952320 * (1 / ln (¦γ¦ + 2))
       1 / 29760 * (1 / 2 / (4 * ln (12 + 2 * max 0 (2 * ¦γ¦ + 1))))" (is "?x  ?y")
  proof -
    have "ln (14 + 4 * ¦γ¦)  4 * ln (¦γ¦ + 2)" by (rule ln_bound_1) auto
    hence "1 / 238080 / (4 * ln (¦γ¦ + 2))  1 / 238080 / (ln (14 + 4 * ¦γ¦))"
      by (intro divide_left_mono) auto
    also have " = ?y" by auto
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  also have "  1 - β" by (intro classical_zeta_bound.zeta_nonzero_region assms)
  finally show ?thesis unfolding PNT_const_C1_def by auto

unbundle no_pnt_notation