Theory TypingL
theory TypingL
imports Typing RCLogicL "HOL-Eisbach.Eisbach"
chapter ‹Typing Lemmas›
section ‹Prelude›
text ‹Needed as the typing elimination rules give us facts for an alpha-equivalent version of a term
and so need to be able to 'jump back' to a typing judgement for the orginal term›
lemma τ_fresh_c[simp]:
assumes "atom x ♯ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" and "atom z ♯ x"
shows "atom x ♯ c"
using τ.fresh assms fresh_at_base
by (simp add: fresh_at_base(2))
lemmas subst_defs = subst_b_b_def subst_b_c_def subst_b_τ_def subst_v_v_def subst_v_c_def subst_v_τ_def
lemma wfT_wfT_if1:
assumes "wfT Θ ℬ Γ (⦃ z : b_of t | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit L_false) IMP c_of t z ⦄)" and "atom z ♯ (Γ,t)"
shows "wfT Θ ℬ Γ t"
using assms proof(nominal_induct t avoiding: Γ z rule: τ.strong_induct)
case (T_refined_type z' b' c')
show ?case proof(rule wfT_wfT_if)
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b' | [ v ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_false ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e IMP c'[z'::=[ z]⇧v]⇩c⇩v ⦄ ›
using T_refined_type b_of.simps c_of.simps subst_defs by metis
show ‹atom z ♯ (c', Γ)› using T_refined_type fresh_prodN τ_fresh_c by metis
lemma fresh_u_replace_true:
fixes bv::bv and Γ::Γ
assumes "atom bv ♯ Γ' @ (x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ"
shows "atom bv ♯ Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ"
using fresh_append_g fresh_GCons assms fresh_Pair c.fresh(1) by auto
lemma wf_replace_true1:
fixes Γ::Γ and Φ::Φ and Θ::Θ and Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and c''::c and c'::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b'::b and b::b and s::s
and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
shows "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b' ⟹ G = Γ' @ (x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b'" and
"Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f c'' ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊢⇩w⇩f c''" and
"Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f G ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) " and
"Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f τ ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊢⇩w⇩f τ" and
"Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ts ⟹ True" and
"⊢⇩w⇩f P ⟹ True" and
"Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b ⟹ True" and
"Θ ; ℬ ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f ce : b' ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊢⇩w⇩f ce : b'" and
"Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f td ⟹ True"
b' and c'' and G and τ and ts and P and b and b' and td
arbitrary: Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ'
case (wfB_intI Θ ℬ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfB_boolI Θ ℬ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfB_unitI Θ ℬ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfB_bitvecI Θ ℬ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfB_pairI Θ ℬ b1 b2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfB_consI Θ s dclist ℬ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfB_appI Θ b s bv dclist ℬ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfV_varI Θ ℬ Γ'' b' c x')
hence wfg: ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ › by auto
show ?case proof(cases "x=x'")
case True
hence "Some (b, TRUE) = lookup (Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) x'" using lookup.simps lookup_inside_wf wfg by simp
thus ?thesis using Wellformed.wfV_varI[OF wfg]
by (metis True lookup_inside_wf option.inject wfV_varI.hyps(1) wfV_varI.hyps(3) wfV_varI.prems)
case False
hence "Some (b', c) = lookup (Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) x'" using lookup_inside2 wfV_varI by metis
then show ?thesis using Wellformed.wfV_varI[OF wfg]
by (metis wfG_elim2 wfG_suffix wfV_varI.hyps(1) wfV_varI.hyps(2) wfV_varI.hyps(3)
wfV_varI.prems Wellformed.wfV_varI wf_replace_inside(1))
case (wfV_litI Θ ℬ Γ l)
then show ?case using wf_intros using wf_intros by metis
case (wfV_pairI Θ ℬ Γ v1 b1 v2 b2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfV_consI s dclist Θ dc x b' c ℬ Γ v)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfV_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc xc bc cc ℬ b' Γ'' v)
show ?case proof
show ‹AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist ∈ set Θ› using wfV_conspI by metis
show ‹(dc, ⦃ xc : bc | cc ⦄) ∈ set dclist› using wfV_conspI by metis
show ‹ Θ ;ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b' › using wfV_conspI by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : bc[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b › using wfV_conspI by metis
have "atom bv ♯ Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ" using fresh_u_replace_true wfV_conspI by metis
thus ‹atom bv ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ, b', v)› using wfV_conspI fresh_prodN by metis
case (wfCE_valI Θ ℬ Γ v b)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfCE_plusI Θ ℬ Γ v1 v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfCE_leqI Θ ℬ Γ v1 v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfCE_eqI Θ ℬ Γ v1 v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfCE_fstI Θ ℬ Γ v1 b1 b2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfCE_sndI Θ ℬ Γ v1 b1 b2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfCE_concatI Θ ℬ Γ v1 v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfCE_lenI Θ ℬ Γ v1)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfTI z Θ ℬ Γ'' b' c')
show ?case proof
show ‹atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ)› using wfTI fresh_append_g fresh_GCons fresh_prodN by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b' › using wfTI by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; (z, b', TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f c' › using wfTI append_g.simps by metis
case (wfC_eqI Θ ℬ Γ e1 b e2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfC_trueI Θ ℬ Γ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfC_falseI Θ ℬ Γ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfC_conjI Θ ℬ Γ c1 c2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfC_disjI Θ ℬ Γ c1 c2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfC_notI Θ ℬ Γ c1)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfC_impI Θ ℬ Γ c1 c2)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfG_nilI Θ ℬ)
then show ?case using GNil_append by blast
case (wfG_cons1I c Θ ℬ Γ'' x b)
then show ?case using wf_intros wfG_cons_TRUE2 wfG_elims(2) wfG_replace_inside wfG_suffix
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
case (wfG_cons2I c Θ ℬ Γ'' x' b)
then show ?case using wf_intros
by (metis wfG_cons_TRUE2 wfG_elims(2) wfG_replace_inside wfG_suffix)
case wfTh_emptyI
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfTh_consI tdef Θ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfTD_simpleI Θ lst s)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfTD_poly Θ bv lst s)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfTs_nil Θ ℬ Γ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfTs_cons Θ ℬ Γ τ dc ts)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
lemma wf_replace_true2:
fixes Γ::Γ and Φ::Φ and Θ::Θ and Γ'::Γ and v::v and e::e and c::c and c''::c and c'::c and τ::τ and ts::"(string*τ) list" and Δ::Δ and b'::b and b::b and s::s
and ftq::fun_typ_q and ft::fun_typ and ce::ce and td::type_def and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
shows "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; G ; D ⊢⇩w⇩f e : b' ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ); D ⊢⇩w⇩f e : b'" and
"Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; G ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b' ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b'" and
"Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; G ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t ⊢⇩w⇩f cs : b' ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) ; Δ ; tid ; dc ; t ⊢⇩w⇩f cs : b'" and
"Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; G ; Δ ; tid ; dclist ⊢⇩w⇩f css : b' ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) ; Δ ; tid ; dclist ⊢⇩w⇩f css : b'" and
"Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ ⟹ True" and
"Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ ⟹ G = Γ' @(x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ" and
"Θ ; Φ ⊢⇩w⇩f ftq ⟹ True" and
"Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f ft ⟹ True"
b' and b' and b' and b' and Φ and Δ and ftq and ft
arbitrary: Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ' and Γ Γ'
case (wfE_valI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v b)
then show ?case using wf_intros using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_plusI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v1 v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_leqI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v1 v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_eqI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v1 b v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_fstI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_sndI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v1 b1 b2)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_concatI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v1 v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_splitI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v1 v2)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_lenI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v1)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_appI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ f x b c τ s v)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_appPI Θ Φ ℬ Γ'' Δ b' bv v τ f x1 b1 c1 s)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using wfE_appPI wf_replace_true1 by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wfE_appPI by metis
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b' › using wfE_appPI by metis
have "atom bv ♯ Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ" using fresh_u_replace_true wfE_appPI fresh_prodN by metis
thus ‹atom bv ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ, Δ, b', v, (b_of τ)[bv::=b']⇩b)›
using wfE_appPI fresh_prodN by auto
show ‹Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x1 b1 c1 τ s))) = lookup_fun Φ f› using wfE_appPI by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b1[bv::=b']⇩b › using wfE_appPI wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfE_mvarI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ u τ)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfS_valI Θ Φ ℬ Γ v b Δ)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfS_letI Θ Φ ℬ Γ'' Δ e b' x1 s b1)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f e : b' › using wfS_letI wf_replace_true1 by metis
have ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; ((x1, b', TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ') @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b1 › apply(rule wfS_letI(4))
using wfS_letI append_g.simps by simp
thus ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x1, b', TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ'@ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b1 › using append_g.simps by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wfS_letI by metis
show "atom x1 ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ, Δ, e, b1)" using fresh_append_g fresh_GCons fresh_prodN wfS_letI by auto
case (wfS_assertI Θ Φ ℬ x' c Γ'' Δ s b')
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x', B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b' ›
using wfS_assertI (2)[of "(x', B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ'" Γ] wfS_assertI by simp
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f c › using wfS_assertI wf_replace_true1 by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wfS_assertI by metis
show ‹atom x' ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ, Δ, c, b', s)› using wfS_assertI fresh_prodN by simp
case (wfS_let2I Θ Φ ℬ Γ'' Δ s1 τ x' s2 ba')
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s1 : b_of τ › using wfS_let2I wf_replace_true1 by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ › using wfS_let2I wf_replace_true1 by metis
have ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; ((x', b_of τ, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ') @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s2 : ba' ›
apply(rule wfS_let2I(5))
using wfS_let2I append_g.simps by auto
thus ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x', b_of τ, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s2 : ba' › using wfS_let2I append_g.simps by auto
show ‹atom x' ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ, Δ, s1, ba', τ)› using fresh_append_g fresh_GCons fresh_prodN wfS_let2I by auto
case (wfS_ifI Θ ℬ Γ v Φ Δ s1 b s2)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfS_varI Θ ℬ Γ'' τ v u Φ Δ b' s)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ › using wfS_varI wf_replace_true1 by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b_of τ › using wfS_varI wf_replace_true1 by metis
show ‹atom u ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ, Δ, τ, v, b')› using wfS_varI u_fresh_g fresh_prodN by auto
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; (u, τ) #⇩Δ Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b' › using wfS_varI by metis
case (wfS_assignI u τ Δ Θ ℬ Γ Φ v)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfS_whileI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfS_seqI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ s1 s2 b)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfS_matchI Θ ℬ Γ'' v tid dclist Δ Φ cs b')
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : B_id tid › using wfS_matchI wf_replace_true1 by auto
show ‹AF_typedef tid dclist ∈ set Θ› using wfS_matchI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wfS_matchI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using wfS_matchI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist ⊢⇩w⇩f cs : b' › using wfS_matchI by auto
case (wfS_branchI Θ Φ ℬ x' τ Γ'' Δ s b' tid dc)
show ?case proof
have ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; ((x', b_of τ, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ') @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b' › using wfS_branchI append_g.simps by metis
thus ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x', b_of τ, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b' › using wfS_branchI append_g.simps append_g.simps by metis
show ‹atom x' ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ, Δ, Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ, τ)› using wfS_branchI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' @ (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wfS_branchI by auto
case (wfS_finalI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dc t cs b)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfS_cons Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dc t cs b dclist css)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfD_emptyI Θ ℬ Γ)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfD_cons Θ ℬ Γ Δ τ u)
then show ?case using wf_intros wf_replace_true1 by metis
case (wfPhi_emptyI Θ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfPhi_consI f Θ Φ ft)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfFTNone Θ Φ ft)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfFTSome Θ Φ bv ft)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (wfFTI Θ B b Φ x c s τ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
lemmas wf_replace_true = wf_replace_true1 wf_replace_true2
section ‹Subtyping›
lemma subtype_reflI2:
fixes τ::τ
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ τ ≲ τ"
proof -
obtain z b c where *:"τ = ⦃ z : b | c ⦄ ∧ atom z ♯ (Θ,ℬ,Γ) ∧ Θ; ℬ; (z, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f c"
using wfT_elims(1)[OF assms] by metis
obtain x::x where **: "atom x ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ, c, z ,c, z , c )" using obtain_fresh by metis
have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" proof
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" using * assms by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" using * assms by auto
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ, z , c , z , c )" using fresh_prod6 fresh_prod5 ** by metis
thus "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ c[z::=V_var x]⇩v " using wfT_wfC_cons assms * ** subst_v_c_def by simp
thus ?thesis using * by auto
lemma subtype_reflI:
assumes "⦃ z1 : b | c1 ⦄ = ⦃ z2 : b | c2 ⦄" and wf1: "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f (⦃ z1 : b | c1 ⦄)"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ (⦃ z1 : b | c1 ⦄) ≲ (⦃ z2 : b | c2 ⦄)"
using assms subtype_reflI2 by metis
nominal_function base_eq :: "Γ ⇒ τ ⇒ τ ⇒ bool" where
"base_eq _ ⦃ z1 : b1| c1 ⦄ ⦃ z2 : b2 | c2 ⦄ = (b1 = b2)"
apply(auto,simp add: eqvt_def base_eq_graph_aux_def )
by (meson τ.exhaust)
nominal_termination (eqvt) by lexicographic_order
lemma subtype_wfT:
fixes t1::τ and t2::τ
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ t1 ≲ t2"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f t1 ∧ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f t2"
using assms subtype_elims by metis
lemma subtype_eq_base:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ (⦃ z1 : b1| c1 ⦄) ≲ (⦃ z2 : b2 | c2 ⦄)"
shows "b1=b2"
using subtype.simps assms by auto
lemma subtype_eq_base2:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ t1 ≲ t2"
shows "b_of t1 = b_of t2"
using assms proof(rule subtype.induct[of Θ ℬ Γ t1 t2],goal_cases)
case (1 Θ Γ z1 b c1 z2 c2 x)
then show ?case using subtype_eq_base by auto
lemma subtype_wf:
fixes τ1::τ and τ2::τ
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ τ1 ≲ τ2"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ1 ∧Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ2"
using assms
proof(rule subtype.induct[of Θ ℬ Γ τ1 τ2],goal_cases)
case (1 Θ ΓG z1 b c1 z2 c2 x)
then show ?case by blast
lemma subtype_g_wf:
fixes τ1::τ and τ2::τ and Γ::Γ
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ τ1 ≲ τ2"
shows "Θ ; ℬ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ"
using assms
proof(rule subtype.induct[of Θ ℬ Γ τ1 τ2],goal_cases)
case (1 Θ ℬ Γ z1 b c1 z2 c2 x)
then show ?case using wfX_wfY by auto
text ‹ For when we have a particular y that satisfies the freshness conditions that we want the validity check to use ›
lemma valid_flip_simple:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; (z, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ c'" and "atom z ♯ Γ" and "atom x ♯ (z, c, z, c', Γ)"
shows "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, (z ↔ x ) ∙ c) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ (z ↔ x ) ∙ c'"
proof -
have "(z ↔ x ) ∙ Θ; ℬ; (z ↔ x ) ∙ ((z, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊨ (z ↔ x ) ∙ c'"
using True_eqvt valid.eqvt assms beta_flip_eq wfX_wfY by metis
moreover have " ⊢⇩w⇩f Θ" using valid.simps wfC_wf wfG_wf assms by metis
ultimately show ?thesis
using theta_flip_eq G_cons_flip_fresh3[of x Γ z b c] assms fresh_Pair flip_commute by metis
lemma valid_wf_all:
assumes " Θ; ℬ; (z0,b,c0)#⇩ΓG ⊨ c"
shows "wfG Θ ℬ G" and "wfC Θ ℬ ((z0,b,c0)#⇩ΓG) c" and "atom z0 ♯ G"
using valid.simps wfC_wf wfG_cons assms by metis+
lemma valid_wfT:
fixes z::x
assumes " Θ; ℬ; (z0,b,c0[z::=V_var z0]⇩v)#⇩ΓG ⊨ c[z::=V_var z0]⇩v" and "atom z0 ♯ (Θ, ℬ, G,c,c0)"
shows "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c0 ⦄" and "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c ⦄"
proof -
have "atom z0 ♯ c0" using assms fresh_Pair by auto
moreover have *:" Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (z0,b,c0[z::=V_var z0]⇩c⇩v)#⇩ΓG" using valid_wf_all wfX_wfY assms subst_v_c_def by metis
ultimately show wft: "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c0 ⦄" using wfG_wfT[OF *] by auto
have "atom z0 ♯ c" using assms fresh_Pair by auto
moreover have wfc: "Θ; ℬ; (z0,b,c0[z::=V_var z0]⇩v)#⇩ΓG ⊢⇩w⇩f c[z::=V_var z0]⇩v" using valid_wf_all assms by metis
have "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z0 : b | c[z::=V_var z0]⇩v ⦄" proof
show ‹atom z0 ♯ (Θ, ℬ, G)› using assms fresh_prodN by simp
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b › using wft wfT_wfB by force
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; (z0, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ G ⊢⇩w⇩f c[z::=[ z0 ]⇧v]⇩v › using wfc wfC_replace_inside[OF wfc, of GNil z0 b "c0[z::=[ z0 ]⇧v]⇩v" G C_true] wfC_trueI
by (metis "local.*" wfG_elim2 wf_trans(2))
moreover have "⦃ z0 : b | c[z::=V_var z0]⇩v ⦄ = ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" using ‹atom z0 ♯ c0› τ.eq_iff Abs1_eq_iff(3)
using calculation(1) subst_v_c_def by auto
ultimately show "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" by auto
lemma valid_flip:
fixes c::c and z::x and z0::x and xx2::x
assumes " Θ; ℬ; (xx2, b, c0[z0::=V_var xx2]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ c[z::=V_var xx2]⇩v" and
"atom xx2 ♯ (c0,Γ,c,z) " and "atom z0 ♯ (Γ,c,z)"
shows " Θ; ℬ; (z0, b, c0) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ c[z::=V_var z0]⇩v"
proof -
have " ⊢⇩w⇩f Θ" using assms valid_wf_all wfX_wfY by metis
hence " Θ ; ℬ ; (xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ ((xx2, b, c0[z0::=V_var xx2]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊨ ((xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ c[z::=V_var xx2]⇩v)"
using valid.eqvt True_eqvt assms beta_flip_eq theta_flip_eq by metis
hence " Θ; ℬ; (((xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ xx2, b, (xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ c0[z0::=V_var xx2]⇩v) #⇩Γ (xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ Γ) ⊨ ((xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙(c[z::=V_var xx2]⇩v))"
using G_cons_flip[of xx2 z0 xx2 b "c0[z0::=V_var xx2]⇩v" Γ] by auto
moreover have "(xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ xx2 = z0" by simp
moreover have "(xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ c0[z0::=V_var xx2]⇩v = c0"
using assms subst_cv_v_flip[of xx2 c0 z0 "V_var z0"] assms fresh_prod4 by auto
moreover have "(xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ Γ = Γ" proof -
have "atom xx2 ♯ Γ" using assms by auto
moreover have "atom z0 ♯ Γ" using assms by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using flip_fresh_fresh by auto
moreover have "(xx2 ↔ z0 ) ∙ (c[z::=V_var xx2]⇩v) =c[z::=V_var z0]⇩v"
using subst_cv_v_flip3 assms by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma subtype_valid:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ t1 ≲ t2" and "atom y ♯ Γ" and "t1 = ⦃ z1 : b | c1 ⦄" and "t2 = ⦃ z2 : b | c2 ⦄"
shows "Θ; ℬ; ((y, b, c1[z1::=V_var y]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊨ c2[z2::=V_var y]⇩v"
using assms proof(nominal_induct t2 avoiding: y rule: subtype.strong_induct)
case (subtype_baseI x Θ ℬ Γ z c z' c' ba)
hence "(x ↔ y) ∙ Θ ; (x ↔ y) ∙ ℬ ; (x ↔ y) ∙ ((x, ba, c[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊨ (x ↔ y) ∙ c'[z'::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v" using valid.eqvt
using permute_boolI by blast
moreover have " ⊢⇩w⇩f Θ" using valid.simps wfC_wf wfG_wf subtype_baseI by metis
ultimately have "Θ; ℬ; ((y, ba, (x ↔ y) ∙ c[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊨ (x ↔ y) ∙ c'[z'::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v"
using subtype_baseI theta_flip_eq beta_flip_eq τ.eq_iff G_cons_flip_fresh3[of y Γ x ba] by (metis flip_commute)
moreover have "(x ↔ y) ∙ c[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v = c1[z1::=[ y ]⇧v]⇩v"
by (metis subtype_baseI permute_flip_cancel subst_cv_id subst_cv_v_flip3 subst_cv_var_flip type_eq_subst_eq wfT_fresh_c subst_v_c_def)
moreover have "(x ↔ y) ∙ c'[z'::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v = c2[z2::=[ y ]⇧v]⇩v"
by (metis subtype_baseI permute_flip_cancel subst_cv_id subst_cv_v_flip3 subst_cv_var_flip type_eq_subst_eq wfT_fresh_c subst_v_c_def)
ultimately show ?case using subtype_baseI τ.eq_iff by metis
lemma subtype_valid_simple:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ t1 ≲ t2" and "atom z ♯ Γ" and "t1 = ⦃ z : b | c1 ⦄" and "t2 = ⦃ z : b | c2 ⦄"
shows "Θ; ℬ; ((z, b, c1) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊨ c2"
using subst_v_c_def subst_v_id assms subtype_valid[OF assms] by simp
lemma obtain_for_t_with_fresh:
assumes "atom x ♯ t"
shows "∃b c. t = ⦃ x : b | c ⦄"
proof -
obtain z1 b1 c1 where *:" t = ⦃ z1 : b1 | c1 ⦄ ∧ atom z1 ♯ t" using obtain_fresh_z by metis
then have "t = (x ↔ z1) ∙ t" using flip_fresh_fresh assms by metis
also have "... = ⦃ (x ↔ z1) ∙ z1 : (x ↔ z1) ∙ b1 | (x ↔ z1) ∙ c1 ⦄" using * assms by simp
also have "... = ⦃ x : b1 | (x ↔ z1) ∙ c1 ⦄" using * assms by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
lemma subtype_trans:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ τ1 ≲ τ2" and "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ τ2 ≲ τ3"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ τ1 ≲ τ3"
using assms proof(nominal_induct avoiding: τ3 rule: subtype.strong_induct)
case (subtype_baseI x Θ ℬ Γ z c z' c' b)
hence "b_of τ3 = b" using subtype_eq_base2 b_of.simps by metis
then obtain z'' c'' where t3: "τ3 = ⦃ z'' : b | c''⦄ ∧ atom z'' ♯ x"
using obtain_fresh_z2 by metis
hence xf: "atom x ♯ (z'', c'')" using fresh_prodN subtype_baseI τ.fresh by auto
have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z'' : b | c''⦄"
proof(rule Typing.subtype_baseI)
show ‹atom x ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ, z, c, z'', c'')› using t3 fresh_prodN subtype_baseI xf by simp
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c ⦄ › using subtype_baseI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z'' : b | c'' ⦄ › using subtype_baseI t3 subtype_elims by metis
have " Θ; ℬ; (x, b, c'[z'::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ c''[z''::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v "
using subtype_valid[OF ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z' : b | c' ⦄ ≲ τ3› , of x z' b c' z'' c''] subtype_baseI
t3 by simp
thus ‹Θ; ℬ; (x, b, c[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ c''[z''::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v ›
using valid_trans_full[of Θ ℬ x b c z Γ c' z' c'' z'' ] subtype_baseI t3 by simp
thus ?case using t3 by simp
lemma subtype_eq_e:
assumes "∀i s1 s2 G. wfG P ℬ G ∧ wfI P G i ∧ eval_e i e1 s1 ∧ eval_e i e2 s2 ⟶ s1 = s2" and "atom z1 ♯ e1" and "atom z2 ♯ e2" and "atom z1 ♯ Γ" and "atom z2 ♯ Γ"
and "wfCE P ℬ Γ e1 b" and "wfCE P ℬ Γ e2 b"
shows "P; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z1 : b | CE_val (V_var z1) == e1 ⦄ ≲ (⦃ z2 : b | CE_val (V_var z2) == e2 ⦄)"
proof -
have "wfCE P ℬ Γ e1 b" and "wfCE P ℬ Γ e2 b" using assms by auto
have wst1: "wfT P ℬ Γ (⦃ z1 : b | CE_val (V_var z1) == e1 ⦄)"
using wfC_e_eq wfTI assms wfX_wfB wfG_fresh_x
by (simp add: wfT_e_eq)
moreover have wst2:"wfT P ℬ Γ (⦃ z2 : b | CE_val (V_var z2) == e2 ⦄)"
using wfC_e_eq wfX_wfB wfTI assms wfG_fresh_x
by (simp add: wfT_e_eq)
moreover obtain x::x where xf: "atom x ♯ (P, ℬ , z1, CE_val (V_var z1) == e1 , z2, CE_val (V_var z2) == e2 , Γ)" using obtain_fresh by blast
moreover have vld: "P; ℬ ; (x, b, (CE_val (V_var z1) == e1 )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ (CE_val (V_var z2) == e2 )[z2::=V_var x]⇩v " (is "P; ℬ ; ?G ⊨ ?c")
proof -
have wbg: "P; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f ?G ∧ P ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ ∧ toSet Γ ⊆ toSet ?G" proof -
have "P; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f ?G" proof(rule wfG_consI)
show "P; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ" using assms wfX_wfY by metis
show "atom x ♯ Γ" using xf by auto
show "P; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b " using assms(6) wfX_wfB by auto
show "P; ℬ ; (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f (CE_val (V_var z1) == e1 )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v "
using wfC_e_eq[OF assms(6)] wf_subst(2)
by (simp add: ‹atom x ♯ Γ› assms(2) subst_v_c_def)
moreover hence "P; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ" using wfG_elims by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using toSet.simps by auto
have wsc: "wfC P ℬ ?G ?c" proof -
have "wfCE P ℬ ?G (CE_val (V_var x)) b" proof
show ‹ P; ℬ ; (x, b, (CE_val (V_var z1) == e1 )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f V_var x : b › using wfV_varI lookup.simps wbg by auto
moreover have "wfCE P ℬ ?G e2 b" using wf_weakening assms wbg by metis
ultimately have "wfC P ℬ ?G (CE_val (V_var x) == e2 )" using wfC_eqI by simp
thus ?thesis using subst_cv.simps(6) ‹atom z2 ♯ e2› subst_v_c_def by simp
moreover have "∀i. wfI P ?G i ∧ is_satis_g i ?G ⟶ is_satis i ?c" proof(rule allI , rule impI)
fix i
assume as: "wfI P ?G i ∧ is_satis_g i ?G"
hence "is_satis i ((CE_val (V_var z1) == e1 )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v)"
by (simp add: is_satis_g.simps(2))
hence "is_satis i (CE_val (V_var x) == e1 )" using subst_cv.simps assms subst_v_c_def by auto
then obtain s1 and s2 where *:"eval_e i (CE_val (V_var x)) s1 ∧ eval_e i e1 s2 ∧ s1=s2" using is_satis.simps eval_c_elims by metis
moreover hence "eval_e i e2 s1" proof -
have **:"wfI P ?G i" using as by auto
moreover have "wfCE P ℬ ?G e1 b ∧ wfCE P ℬ ?G e2 b" using assms xf wf_weakening wbg by metis
moreover then obtain s2' where "eval_e i e2 s2'" using assms wfI_wfCE_eval_e ** by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using * assms(1) wfX_wfY by metis
ultimately have "is_satis i (CE_val (V_var x) == e2 )" using is_satis.simps eval_c_eqI by force
thus "is_satis i ((CE_val (V_var z2) == e2 )[z2::=V_var x]⇩v)" using is_satis.simps eval_c_eqI assms subst_cv.simps subst_v_c_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using valid.simps by simp
moreover have "atom x ♯ (P, ℬ, Γ, z1 , CE_val (V_var z1) == e1, z2, CE_val (V_var z2) == e2 ) "
unfolding fresh_prodN using xf fresh_prod7 τ.fresh by fast
ultimately show ?thesis using subtype_baseI[OF _ wst1 wst2 vld] xf by simp
lemma subtype_eq_e_nil:
assumes "∀i s1 s2 G. wfG P ℬ G ∧ wfI P G i ∧ eval_e i e1 s1 ∧ eval_e i e2 s2 ⟶ s1 = s2" and "supp e1 = {}" and "supp e2 = {}" and "wfTh P"
and "wfCE P ℬ GNil e1 b" and "wfCE P ℬ GNil e2 b" and "atom z1 ♯ GNil" and "atom z2 ♯ GNil"
shows "P; ℬ ; GNil ⊢ ⦃ z1 : b | CE_val (V_var z1) == e1 ⦄ ≲ (⦃ z2 : b | CE_val (V_var z2) == e2 ⦄)"
apply(rule subtype_eq_e,auto simp add: assms e.fresh)
using assms fresh_def e.fresh supp_GNil by metis+
lemma subtype_gnil_fst_aux:
assumes "supp v⇩1 = {}" and "supp (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) = {}" and "wfTh P" and "wfCE P ℬ GNil (CE_val v⇩1) b" and "wfCE P ℬ GNil (CE_fst [V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e) b" and
"wfCE P ℬ GNil (CE_val v⇩2) b2" and "atom z1 ♯ GNil" and "atom z2 ♯ GNil"
shows "P; ℬ ; GNil ⊢ (⦃ z1 : b | CE_val (V_var z1) == CE_val v⇩1 ⦄) ≲ (⦃ z2 : b | CE_val (V_var z2) == CE_fst [V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
proof -
have "∀i s1 s2 G . wfG P ℬ G ∧ wfI P G i ∧ eval_e i ( CE_val v⇩1) s1 ∧ eval_e i (CE_fst [V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e) s2 ⟶ s1 = s2" proof(rule+)
fix i s1 s2 G
assume as: "wfG P ℬ G ∧ wfI P G i ∧ eval_e i (CE_val v⇩1) s1 ∧ eval_e i (CE_fst [V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e) s2"
hence "wfCE P ℬ G (CE_val v⇩2) b2" using assms wf_weakening
by (metis empty_subsetI toSet.simps(1))
then obtain s3 where "eval_e i (CE_val v⇩2) s3" using wfI_wfCE_eval_e as by metis
hence "eval_v i ((V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)) (SPair s1 s3)"
by (meson as eval_e_elims(1) eval_v_pairI)
hence "eval_e i (CE_fst [V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e) s1" using eval_e_fstI eval_e_valI by metis
show "s1 = s2" using as eval_e_uniqueness
using ‹eval_e i (CE_fst [V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e) s1› by auto
thus ?thesis using subtype_eq_e_nil ce.supp assms by auto
lemma subtype_gnil_snd_aux:
assumes "supp v⇩2 = {}" and "supp (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) = {}" and "wfTh P" and "wfCE P ℬ GNil (CE_val v⇩2) b" and
"wfCE P ℬ GNil (CE_snd [(V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)]⇧c⇧e) b" and
"wfCE P ℬ GNil (CE_val v⇩1) b2" and "atom z1 ♯ GNil" and "atom z2 ♯ GNil"
shows "P; ℬ ; GNil ⊢ (⦃ z1 : b | CE_val (V_var z1) == CE_val v⇩2 ⦄) ≲ (⦃ z2 : b | CE_val (V_var z2) == CE_snd [(V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
proof -
have "∀i s1 s2 G. wfG P ℬ G ∧ wfI P G i ∧ eval_e i ( CE_val v⇩2) s1 ∧ eval_e i (CE_snd [(V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)]⇧c⇧e) s2 ⟶ s1 = s2" proof(rule+)
fix i s1 s2 G
assume as: " wfG P ℬ G ∧ wfI P G i ∧ eval_e i (CE_val v⇩2) s1 ∧ eval_e i (CE_snd [(V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)]⇧c⇧e) s2"
hence "wfCE P ℬ G (CE_val v⇩1) b2" using assms wf_weakening
by (metis empty_subsetI toSet.simps(1))
then obtain s3 where "eval_e i (CE_val v⇩1) s3" using wfI_wfCE_eval_e as by metis
hence "eval_v i ((V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)) (SPair s3 s1)"
by (meson as eval_e_elims eval_v_pairI)
hence "eval_e i (CE_snd [(V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)]⇧c⇧e) s1" using eval_e_sndI eval_e_valI by metis
show "s1 = s2" using as eval_e_uniqueness
using ‹eval_e i (CE_snd [V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e) s1› by auto
thus ?thesis using assms subtype_eq_e_nil by (simp add: ce.supp ce.supp)
lemma subtype_gnil_fst:
assumes "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f [#1[[v⇩1,v⇩2]⇧v]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e : b"
shows "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ (⦃ z⇩1 : b | [[z⇩1]⇧v]⇧c⇧e == [v⇩1]⇧c⇧e ⦄) ≲
(⦃ z⇩2 : b | [[z⇩2]⇧v]⇧c⇧e == [#1[[v⇩1, v⇩2]⇧v]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
proof -
obtain b2 where **:" Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2 : B_pair b b2" using wfCE_elims(4)[OF assms ] wfCE_elims by metis
obtain b1' b2' where *:"B_pair b b2 = B_pair b1' b2' ∧ Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f v⇩1 : b1' ∧ Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f v⇩2 : b2'"
using wfV_elims(3)[OF **] by metis
show ?thesis proof(rule subtype_gnil_fst_aux)
show ‹supp v⇩1 = {}› using * wfV_supp_nil by auto
show ‹supp (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) = {}› using ** wfV_supp_nil e.supp by metis
show ‹⊢⇩w⇩f Θ› using assms wfX_wfY by metis
show ‹Θ; {||}; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val v⇩1 : b › using wfCE_valI "*" by auto
show ‹Θ; {||}; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_fst [V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e : b › using assms by auto
show ‹Θ; {||}; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val v⇩2 : b2 ›using wfCE_valI "*" by auto
show ‹atom z⇩1 ♯ GNil› using fresh_GNil by metis
show ‹atom z⇩2 ♯ GNil› using fresh_GNil by metis
lemma subtype_gnil_snd:
assumes "wfCE P {||} GNil (CE_snd ([V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2]⇧c⇧e)) b"
shows "P ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ (⦃ z1 : b | CE_val (V_var z1) == CE_val v⇩2 ⦄) ≲ (⦃ z2 : b | CE_val (V_var z2) == CE_snd [(V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
proof -
obtain b1 where **:" P ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2 : B_pair b1 b " using wfCE_elims assms by metis
obtain b1' b2' where *:"B_pair b1 b = B_pair b1' b2' ∧ P ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f v⇩1 : b1' ∧ P ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f v⇩2 : b2'" using wfV_elims(3)[OF **] by metis
show ?thesis proof(rule subtype_gnil_snd_aux)
show ‹supp v⇩2 = {}› using * wfV_supp_nil by auto
show ‹supp (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) = {}› using ** wfV_supp_nil e.supp by metis
show ‹⊢⇩w⇩f P› using assms wfX_wfY by metis
show ‹P; {||}; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val v⇩1 : b1 › using wfCE_valI "*" by simp
show ‹P; {||}; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_snd [(V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)]⇧c⇧e : b › using assms by auto
show ‹P; {||}; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val v⇩2 : b ›using wfCE_valI "*" by simp
show ‹atom z1 ♯ GNil› using fresh_GNil by metis
show ‹atom z2 ♯ GNil› using fresh_GNil by metis
lemma subtype_fresh_tau:
fixes x::x
assumes "atom x ♯ t1" and "atom x ♯ Γ" and "P; ℬ; Γ ⊢ t1 ≲ t2"
shows "atom x ♯ t2"
proof -
have wfg: "P; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ" using subtype_wf wfX_wfY assms by metis
have wft: "wfT P ℬ Γ t2" using subtype_wf wfX_wfY assms by blast
hence "supp t2 ⊆ atom_dom Γ ∪ supp ℬ" using wf_supp
using atom_dom.simps by auto
moreover have "atom x ∉ atom_dom Γ" using ‹atom x ♯ Γ› wfG_atoms_supp_eq wfg fresh_def by blast
ultimately show "atom x ♯ t2" using fresh_def
by (metis Un_iff contra_subsetD x_not_in_b_set)
lemma subtype_if_simp:
assumes "wfT P ℬ GNil (⦃ z1 : b | CE_val (V_lit l ) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v ⦄)" and
"wfT P ℬ GNil (⦃ z : b | c ⦄)" and "atom z1 ♯ c"
shows "P; ℬ ; GNil ⊢ (⦃ z1 : b | CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v ⦄) ≲ (⦃ z : b | c ⦄)"
proof -
obtain x::x where xx: "atom x ♯ ( P , ℬ , z1, CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v , z, c, GNil)" using obtain_fresh_z by blast
hence xx2: " atom x ♯ (CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v , c, GNil)" using fresh_prod7 fresh_prod3 by fast
have *:"P; ℬ ; (x, b, (CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ GNil ⊨ c[z::=V_var x]⇩v " (is "P; ℬ ; ?G ⊨ ?c" ) proof -
have "wfC P ℬ ?G ?c" using wfT_wfC_cons[OF assms(1) assms(2),of x] xx fresh_prod5 fresh_prod3 subst_v_c_def by metis
moreover have "(∀i. wfI P ?G i ∧ is_satis_g i ?G ⟶ is_satis i ?c)" proof(rule allI, rule impI)
fix i
assume as1: "wfI P ?G i ∧ is_satis_g i ?G"
have "((CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v) = ((CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var x]⇩v ))"
using assms subst_v_c_def by auto
hence "is_satis i ((CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var x]⇩v ))" using is_satis_g.simps as1 by presburger
moreover have "is_satis i ((CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l)))" using is_satis.simps eval_c_eqI[of i "(CE_val (V_lit l))" "eval_l l"] eval_e_uniqueness
eval_e_valI eval_v_litI by metis
ultimately show "is_satis i ?c" using is_satis_mp[of i] by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using valid.simps by simp
moreover have "atom x ♯ (P, ℬ, GNil, z1 , CE_val (V_lit l) == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v , z, c )"
unfolding fresh_prod5 τ.fresh using xx fresh_prodN x_fresh_b by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using subtype_baseI assms xx xx2 by metis
lemma subtype_if:
assumes "P; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z' : b | c' ⦄" and
"wfT P ℬ Γ (⦃ z1 : b | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v ⦄)" and
"wfT P ℬ Γ (⦃ z2 : b | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v ⦄)" and
"atom z1 ♯ v" and "atom z ♯ Γ" and "atom z1 ♯ c" and "atom z2 ♯ c'" and "atom z2 ♯ v"
shows "P; ℬ ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z1 : b | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z2 : b | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v ⦄"
proof -
obtain x::x where xx: "atom x ♯ (P,ℬ,z,c,z', c', z1, CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v , z2, CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v , Γ)"
using obtain_fresh_z by blast
hence xf: "atom x ♯ (z, c, z', c', Γ)" by simp
have xf2: "atom x ♯ (z1, CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v , z2, CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v , Γ)"
using xx fresh_prod4 fresh_prodN by metis
moreover have "P; ℬ ; (x, b, (CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ (CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v )[z2::=V_var x]⇩v"
(is "P; ℬ ; ?G ⊨ ?c" )
proof -
have wbc: "wfC P ℬ ?G ?c" using assms xx fresh_prod4 fresh_prod2 wfT_wfC_cons assms subst_v_c_def by metis
moreover have "∀i. wfI P ?G i ∧ is_satis_g i ?G ⟶ is_satis i ?c" proof(rule allI, rule impI)
fix i
assume a1: "wfI P ?G i ∧ is_satis_g i ?G"
have *: " is_satis i ((CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l))) ⟶ is_satis i ((c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v )[z2::=V_var x]⇩v)"
assume a2: "is_satis i ((CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l)))"
have "is_satis i ((CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP (c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v ))[z1::=V_var x]⇩v)"
using a1 is_satis_g.simps by simp
moreover have "((CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP (c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v ))[z1::=V_var x]⇩v) = (CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP ((c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v))"
using assms subst_v_c_def by simp
ultimately have "is_satis i (CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP ((c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v))" by argo
hence "is_satis i ((c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v)" using a2 is_satis_mp by auto
moreover have "((c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v )[z1::=V_var x]⇩v) = ((c[z::=V_var x]⇩v ))" using assms by auto
ultimately have "is_satis i ((c[z::=V_var x]⇩v ))" using a2 is_satis.simps by auto
hence "is_satis_g i ((x,b,(c[z::=V_var x]⇩v )) #⇩Γ Γ)" using a1 is_satis_g.simps by meson
moreover have "wfI P ((x,b,(c[z::=V_var x]⇩v )) #⇩Γ Γ) i" proof -
obtain s where "Some s = i x ∧ wfRCV P s b ∧ wfI P Γ i" using wfI_def a1 by auto
thus ?thesis using wfI_def by auto
ultimately have "is_satis i ((c'[z'::=V_var x]⇩v))" using subtype_valid assms(1) xf valid.simps by simp
moreover have "(c'[z'::=V_var x]⇩v) = ((c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v )[z2::=V_var x]⇩v)" using assms by auto
ultimately show "is_satis i ((c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v )[z2::=V_var x]⇩v)" by auto
moreover have "?c = ((CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l)) IMP ((c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v )[z2::=V_var x]⇩v))"
using assms subst_v_c_def by simp
moreover have "∃b1 b2. eval_c i (CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) ) b1 ∧
eval_c i c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v[z2::=V_var x]⇩v b2" proof -
have "wfC P ℬ ?G (CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l))" using wbc wfC_elims(7) assms subst_cv.simps subst_v_c_def by fastforce
moreover have "wfC P ℬ ?G (c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v[z2::=V_var x]⇩v)" proof(rule wfT_wfC_cons)
show ‹ P; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z1 : b | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP (c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v) ⦄ › using assms subst_v_c_def by auto
have " ⦃ z2 : b | c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v ⦄ = ⦃ z' : b | c' ⦄" using assms subst_v_c_def by auto
thus ‹ P; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z2 : b | c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v ⦄ › using assms subtype_elims by metis
show ‹atom x ♯ (CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v , c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v, Γ)› using xx fresh_Pair c.fresh by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using wfI_wfC_eval_c a1 subst_v_c_def by simp
ultimately show "is_satis i ?c" using is_satis_imp[OF *] by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using valid.simps by simp
moreover have "atom x ♯ (P, ℬ, Γ, z1 , CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c[z::=V_var z1]⇩v , z2 , CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit l) IMP c'[z'::=V_var z2]⇩v )"
unfolding fresh_prod5 τ.fresh using xx xf2 fresh_prodN x_fresh_b by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using subtype_baseI assms xf2 by metis
lemma eval_e_concat_eq:
assumes "wfI Θ Γ i"
shows "∃s. eval_e i (CE_val (V_lit (L_bitvec (v1 @ v2))) ) s ∧ eval_e i (CE_concat [(V_lit (L_bitvec v1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (L_bitvec v2))]⇧c⇧e) s"
using eval_e_valI eval_e_concatI eval_v_litI eval_l.simps by metis
lemma is_satis_eval_e_eq_imp:
assumes "wfI Θ Γ i" and "eval_e i e1 s" and "eval_e i e2 s"
and "is_satis i (CE_val (V_var x) == e1)" (is "is_satis i ?c1")
shows "is_satis i (CE_val (V_var x) == e2)"
proof -
have *:"eval_c i ?c1 True" using assms is_satis.simps by blast
hence "eval_e i (CE_val (V_var x)) s" using assms is_satis.simps eval_c_elims
by (metis (full_types) eval_e_uniqueness)
thus ?thesis using is_satis.simps eval_c.intros assms by fastforce
lemma valid_eval_e_eq:
fixes e1::ce and e2::ce
assumes "∀Γ i. wfI Θ Γ i ⟶ (∃s. eval_e i e1 s ∧ eval_e i e2 s)" and "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f e1 : b " and "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f e2 : b"
shows "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, (CE_val (V_var x) == e1 )) #⇩Γ GNil ⊨ (CE_val (V_var x) == e2) "
proof(rule validI)
show "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_var x) == e2"
have " Θ ; ℬ ; (x, b, TRUE )#⇩ΓGNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_var x) == e1" using assms wfC_eqI wfE_valI wfV_varI wfX_wfY
by (simp add: fresh_GNil wfC_e_eq)
hence "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil" using wfG_consI fresh_GNil wfX_wfY assms wfX_wfB by metis
thus "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_var x) : b " using wfCE_valI wfV_varI wfX_wfY
lookup.simps assms wfX_wfY by simp
show "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f e2 : b " using assms wf_weakening wfX_wfY
by (metis (full_types) ‹Θ; ℬ; (x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_var x) : b› empty_iff subsetI toSet.simps(1))
show " ∀i. wfI Θ ((x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil) i ∧ is_satis_g i ((x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil) ⟶ is_satis i (CE_val (V_var x) == e2 )"
fix i
assume "wfI Θ ((x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil) i ∧ is_satis_g i ((x, b, CE_val (V_var x) == e1 ) #⇩Γ GNil)"
moreover then obtain s where "eval_e i e1 s ∧ eval_e i e2 s" using assms by auto
ultimately show "is_satis i (CE_val (V_var x) == e2 )" using assms is_satis_eval_e_eq_imp is_satis_g.simps by meson
lemma subtype_concat:
assumes " ⊢⇩w⇩f Θ"
shows "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ ⦃ z : B_bitvec | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_lit (L_bitvec (v1 @ v2))) ⦄ ≲
⦃ z : B_bitvec | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_concat [(V_lit (L_bitvec v1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (L_bitvec v2))]⇧c⇧e ⦄" (is "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ ?t1 ≲ ?t2")
proof -
obtain x::x where x: "atom x ♯ (Θ, ℬ, GNil, z , CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_lit (L_bitvec (v1 @ v2))),
z , CE_val (V_var z) == CE_concat [V_lit (L_bitvec v1)]⇧c⇧e [V_lit (L_bitvec v2)]⇧c⇧e )"
(is "?xfree" )
using obtain_fresh by auto
have wb1: "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_lit (L_bitvec (v1 @ v2))) : B_bitvec" using wfX_wfY wfCE_valI wfV_litI assms base_for_lit.simps wfG_nilI by metis
hence wb2: "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_concat [(V_lit (L_bitvec v1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (L_bitvec v2))]⇧c⇧e : B_bitvec"
using wfCE_concatI wfX_wfY wfV_litI base_for_lit.simps wfCE_valI by metis
show ?thesis proof
show " Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ?t1" using wfT_e_eq fresh_GNil wb1 wb2 by metis
show " Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ?t2" using wfT_e_eq fresh_GNil wb1 wb2 by metis
show ?xfree using x by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; (x, B_bitvec, (CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_lit (L_bitvec (v1 @ v2))) )[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ
GNil ⊨ (CE_val (V_var z) == CE_concat [(V_lit (L_bitvec v1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (L_bitvec v2))]⇧c⇧e )[z::=V_var x]⇩v "
using valid_eval_e_eq eval_e_concat_eq wb1 wb2 subst_v_c_def by fastforce
lemma subtype_len:
assumes " ⊢⇩w⇩f Θ"
shows "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ ⦃ z' : B_int | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val (V_lit (L_num (int (length v)))) ⦄ ≲
⦃ z : B_int | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_len [(V_lit (L_bitvec v))]⇧c⇧e ⦄" (is "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ ?t1 ≲ ?t2")
proof -
have *: "Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f [] ∧ Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f []⇩Δ " using assms wfG_nilI wfD_emptyI wfPhi_emptyI by auto
obtain x::x where x: "atom x ♯ (Θ, ℬ, GNil, z' , CE_val (V_var z') ==
CE_val (V_lit (L_num (int (length v)))) , z, CE_val (V_var z) == CE_len [(V_lit (L_bitvec v))]⇧c⇧e )"
(is "atom x ♯ ?F")
using obtain_fresh by metis
then show ?thesis proof
have "Θ ; ℬ ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_lit (L_num (int (length v)))) : B_int"
using wfCE_valI * wfV_litI base_for_lit.simps
by (metis wfE_valI wfX_wfY)
thus "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ?t1" using wfT_e_eq fresh_GNil by auto
have "Θ ; ℬ ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_len [(V_lit (L_bitvec v))]⇧c⇧e : B_int"
using wfE_valI * wfV_litI base_for_lit.simps wfE_valI wfX_wfY
by (metis wfCE_lenI wfCE_valI)
thus "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ?t2" using wfT_e_eq fresh_GNil by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; (x, B_int, (CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val (V_lit (L_num (int (length v)))) )[z'::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ GNil ⊨ (CE_val (V_var z) == CE_len [(V_lit (L_bitvec v))]⇧c⇧e )[z::=V_var x]⇩v"
(is "Θ; ℬ; ?G ⊨ ?c" ) using valid_len assms subst_v_c_def by auto
lemma subtype_base_fresh:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" and "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c' ⦄ " and
"atom z ♯ Γ" and "Θ; ℬ; (z, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ c'"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z : b | c' ⦄"
proof -
obtain x::x where *:"atom x ♯ ((Θ , ℬ , z, c, z, c', Γ) , (Θ, ℬ, Γ, ⦃ z : b | c ⦄, ⦃ z : b | c' ⦄))" using obtain_fresh by metis
moreover hence "atom x ♯ Γ" using fresh_Pair by auto
moreover hence "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ c'[z::=V_var x]⇩v" using assms valid_flip_simple * subst_v_c_def by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using subtype_baseI assms τ.fresh fresh_Pair by metis
lemma subtype_bop_arith:
assumes "wfG Θ ℬ Γ" and "(opp = Plus ∧ ll = (L_num (n1+n2))) ∨ (opp = LEq ∧ ll = ( if n1≤n2 then L_true else L_false))"
and "(opp = Plus ⟶ b = B_int) ∧ (opp = LEq ⟶ b = B_bool)"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ (⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_lit (ll))) ⦄) ≲
⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_op opp [(V_lit (L_num n1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (L_num n2))]⇧c⇧e) ⦄" (is "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ?T1 ≲ ?T2")
proof -
obtain x::x where xf: "atom x ♯ (z, CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_lit (ll)) , z, CE_val (V_var z) == CE_op opp [(V_lit (L_num n1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (L_num n2))]⇧c⇧e , Γ)"
using obtain_fresh by blast
have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ (⦃ x : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var x)) (CE_val (V_lit (ll))) ⦄) ≲
⦃ x : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var x)) (CE_op opp [(V_lit (L_num n1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (L_num n2))]⇧c⇧e) ⦄" (is "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ?S1 ≲ ?S2")
proof(rule subtype_base_fresh)
show "atom x ♯ Γ" using xf fresh_Pair by auto
show "wfT Θ ℬ Γ (⦃ x : b | CE_val (V_var x) == CE_val (V_lit ll) ⦄)" (is "wfT Θ ℬ ?A ?B")
proof(rule wfT_e_eq)
have " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f (V_lit ll) : b" using wfV_litI base_for_lit.simps assms by metis
thus " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_lit ll) : b" using wfCE_valI by auto
show "atom x ♯ Γ" using xf fresh_Pair by auto
consider "opp = Plus" | "opp = LEq" using opp.exhaust assms by blast
then show "wfT Θ ℬ Γ (⦃ x : b | CE_val (V_var x) == CE_op opp [(V_lit (L_num n1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (L_num n2))]⇧c⇧e ⦄)" (is "wfT Θ ℬ ?A ?C")
case 1
then show "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ x : b | [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ opp [ [ L_num n1 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ L_num n2 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
using wfCE_valI wfCE_plusI assms wfV_litI base_for_lit.simps assms
by (metis ‹atom x ♯ Γ› wfT_e_eq)
case 2
then show "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ x : b | [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ opp [ [ L_num n1 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ L_num n2 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ "
using wfCE_valI wfCE_plusI assms wfV_litI base_for_lit.simps assms
by (metis ‹atom x ♯ Γ› wfCE_leqI wfT_e_eq)
show "Θ; ℬ ; (x, b, (CE_val (V_var x) == CE_val (V_lit (ll)) )) #⇩Γ Γ
⊨ (CE_val (V_var x) == CE_op opp [V_lit (L_num n1)]⇧c⇧e [V_lit (L_num n2)]⇧c⇧e)" (is "Θ; ℬ; ?G ⊨ ?c")
using valid_arith_bop assms xf by simp
moreover have "?S1 = ?T1 " using type_l_eq by auto
moreover have "?S2 = ?T2" using type_e_eq ce.fresh v.fresh supp_l_empty fresh_def empty_iff fresh_e_opp
by (metis ms_fresh_all(4))
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma subtype_bop_eq:
assumes "wfG Θ ℬ Γ" and "base_for_lit l1 = base_for_lit l2"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ (⦃ z : B_bool | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_lit (if l1 = l2 then L_true else L_false))) ⦄) ≲
⦃ z : B_bool | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_op Eq [(V_lit l1)]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit l2)]⇧c⇧e) ⦄" (is "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ?T1 ≲ ?T2")
proof -
let ?ll = "if l1 = l2 then L_true else L_false"
obtain x::x where xf: "atom x ♯ (z, CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_lit (if l1 = l2 then L_true else L_false)) , z, CE_val (V_var z) == CE_op Eq [(V_lit l1)]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit l2)]⇧c⇧e , Γ, (Θ, ℬ, Γ))"
using obtain_fresh by blast
have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ (⦃ x : B_bool | C_eq (CE_val (V_var x)) (CE_val (V_lit (?ll))) ⦄) ≲
⦃ x : B_bool | C_eq (CE_val (V_var x)) (CE_op Eq [(V_lit (l1))]⇧c⇧e [(V_lit (l2))]⇧c⇧e) ⦄" (is "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ ?S1 ≲ ?S2")
proof(rule subtype_base_fresh)
show "atom x ♯ Γ" using xf fresh_Pair by auto
show "wfT Θ ℬ Γ (⦃ x : B_bool | CE_val (V_var x) == CE_val (V_lit ?ll) ⦄)" (is "wfT Θ ℬ ?A ?B")
proof(rule wfT_e_eq)
have " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f (V_lit ?ll) : B_bool" using wfV_litI base_for_lit.simps assms by metis
thus " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_lit ?ll) : B_bool" using wfCE_valI by auto
show "atom x ♯ Γ" using xf fresh_Pair by auto
show " Θ ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ x : B_bool | [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ eq [ [ l1 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ l2 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ "
proof(rule wfT_e_eq)
show "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f [ eq [ [ l1 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ l2 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e : B_bool"
apply(rule wfCE_eqI, rule wfCE_valI)
apply(rule wfV_litI, simp add: assms)
using wfV_litI assms wfCE_valI by auto
show "atom x ♯ Γ" using xf fresh_Pair by auto
show "Θ; ℬ ; (x, B_bool, (CE_val (V_var x) == CE_val (V_lit (?ll)) )) #⇩Γ Γ
⊨ (CE_val (V_var x) == CE_op Eq [V_lit (l1)]⇧c⇧e [V_lit (l2)]⇧c⇧e)" (is "Θ; ℬ; ?G ⊨ ?c")
using valid_eq_bop assms xf by auto
moreover have "?S1 = ?T1 " using type_l_eq by auto
moreover have "?S2 = ?T2" using type_e_eq ce.fresh v.fresh supp_l_empty fresh_def empty_iff fresh_e_opp
by (metis ms_fresh_all(4))
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
lemma subtype_top:
assumes "wfT Θ ℬ G (⦃ z : b | c ⦄)"
shows "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢ (⦃ z : b | c ⦄) ≲ (⦃ z : b | TRUE ⦄)"
proof -
obtain x::x where *: "atom x ♯ (Θ, ℬ, G, z , c, z , TRUE)" using obtain_fresh by blast
then show ?thesis proof(rule subtype_baseI)
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c ⦄ › using assms by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ;G ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | TRUE ⦄ › using wfT_TRUE assms wfX_wfY b_of.simps wfT_wf
by (metis wfX_wfB(8))
hence "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ G" using wfT_wf_cons3 assms fresh_Pair * subst_v_c_def by auto
thus ‹Θ; ℬ; (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ G ⊨ (TRUE)[z::=V_var x]⇩v › using valid_trueI subst_cv.simps subst_v_c_def by metis
lemma if_simp:
"(if x = x then e1 else e2) = e1"
by auto
lemma subtype_split:
assumes "split n v (v1,v2)" and "⊢⇩w⇩f Θ"
shows "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ ⦃ z : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b | [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ [ L_bitvec
v1 ]⇧v , [ L_bitvec
v2 ]⇧v ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b | [ [ L_bitvec
v ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ [#1[ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e @@ [#2[ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e AND [| [#1[ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e |]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_num
n ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
(is "Θ ;?B ; GNil ⊢ ⦃ z : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b | ?c1 ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b | ?c2 ⦄")
proof -
obtain x::x where xf:"atom x ♯ (Θ, ?B, GNil, z, ?c1,z, ?c2 )" using obtain_fresh by auto
then show ?thesis proof(rule subtype_baseI)
show *: ‹Θ ; ?B ; (x, [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b, (?c1)[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v) #⇩Γ
GNil ⊨ (?c2)[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v ›
unfolding subst_v_c_def subst_cv.simps subst_cev.simps subst_vv.simps if_simp
using valid_split[OF assms, of x] by simp
show ‹ Θ ; ?B ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b| ?c1 ⦄ › using valid_wfT[OF *] xf fresh_prodN by metis
show ‹ Θ ; ?B ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b| ?c2 ⦄ › using valid_wfT[OF *] xf fresh_prodN by metis
lemma subtype_range:
fixes n::int and Γ::Γ
assumes "0 ≤ n ∧ n ≤ int (length v)" and "Θ ; {||} ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ"
shows "Θ ; {||} ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z : B_int | [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_num n ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ ≲
⦃ z : B_int | ([ leq [ [ L_num 0 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ) AND (
[ leq [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [| [ [ L_bitvec v ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e |]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e) ⦄"
(is "Θ ; ?B ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z : B_int | ?c1 ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z : B_int | ?c2 AND ?c3 ⦄")
proof -
obtain x::x where *:‹atom x ♯ (Θ, ?B, Γ, z, ?c1 , z, ?c2 AND ?c3)› using obtain_fresh by auto
moreover have **:‹Θ ; ?B ; (x, B_int, (?c1)[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊨ (?c2 AND ?c3)[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v›
unfolding subst_v_c_def subst_cv.simps subst_cev.simps subst_vv.simps if_simp using valid_range_length[OF assms(1)] assms fresh_prodN * by simp
moreover hence ‹ Θ ; ?B ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : B_int | [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_num n ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ › using
valid_wfT * fresh_prodN by metis
moreover have ‹ Θ ; ?B ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : B_int | ?c2 AND ?c3 ⦄ ›
using valid_wfT[OF **] * fresh_prodN by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using subtype_baseI by auto
lemma check_num_range:
assumes "0 ≤ n ∧ n ≤ int (length v)" and "⊢⇩w⇩f Θ"
shows "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ ([ L_num n ]⇧v) ⇐ ⦃ z : B_int | ([ leq [ [ L_num 0 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e) AND
[ leq [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [| [ [ L_bitvec v ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e |]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
using assms subtype_range check_v.intros infer_v_litI wfG_nilI
by (meson infer_natI)
section ‹Literals›
nominal_function type_for_lit :: "l ⇒ τ" where
"type_for_lit (L_true) = (⦃ z : B_bool | [[z]⇧v]⇧c⇧e == [V_lit L_true]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
| "type_for_lit (L_false) = (⦃ z : B_bool | [[z]⇧v]⇧c⇧e == [V_lit L_false]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
| "type_for_lit (L_num n) = (⦃ z : B_int | [[z]⇧v]⇧c⇧e == [V_lit (L_num n)]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
| "type_for_lit (L_unit) = (⦃ z : B_unit | [[z]⇧v]⇧c⇧e == [V_lit (L_unit )]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
| "type_for_lit (L_bitvec v) = (⦃ z : B_bitvec | [[z]⇧v]⇧c⇧e == [V_lit (L_bitvec v)]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
by (auto simp: eqvt_def type_for_lit_graph_aux_def, metis l.strong_exhaust,(simp add: permute_int_def flip_bitvec0)+ )
nominal_termination (eqvt) by lexicographic_order
nominal_function type_for_var :: "Γ ⇒ τ ⇒ x ⇒ τ" where
"type_for_var G τ x = (case lookup G x of
None ⇒ τ
| Some (b,c) ⇒ (⦃ x : b | c ⦄)) "
apply auto unfolding eqvt_def apply(rule allI) unfolding type_for_var_graph_aux_def eqvt_def by simp
nominal_termination (eqvt) by lexicographic_order
lemma infer_l_form:
fixes l::l and tm::"'a::fs"
assumes "⊢ l ⇒ τ"
shows "∃z b. τ = (⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_lit l)) ⦄) ∧ atom z ♯ tm"
proof -
obtain z' and b where t:"τ = (⦃ z' : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z')) (CE_val (V_lit l)) ⦄)" using infer_l_elims assms using infer_l.simps type_for_lit.simps
type_for_lit.cases by blast
obtain z::x where zf: "atom z ♯ tm" using obtain_fresh by metis
have "τ = ⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_lit l)) ⦄" using type_e_eq ce.fresh v.fresh l.fresh
by (metis t type_l_eq)
thus ?thesis using zf by auto
lemma infer_l_form3:
fixes l::l
assumes "⊢ l ⇒ τ"
shows "∃z. τ = (⦃ z : base_for_lit l | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_lit l)) ⦄)"
using infer_l_elims using assms using infer_l.simps type_for_lit.simps base_for_lit.simps by auto
lemma infer_l_form4[simp]:
fixes Γ::Γ
assumes "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ "
shows "∃z. ⊢ l ⇒ (⦃ z : base_for_lit l | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_lit l)) ⦄)"
using assms infer_l_form2 infer_l_form3 by metis
lemma infer_v_unit_form:
fixes v::v
assumes "P ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ (⦃ z1 : B_unit | c1 ⦄)" and "supp v = {}"
shows "v = V_lit L_unit"
using assms proof(nominal_induct Γ v "⦃ z1 : B_unit | c1 ⦄" rule: infer_v.strong_induct)
case (infer_v_varI Θ ℬ c x z)
then show ?case using supp_at_base by auto
case (infer_v_litI Θ ℬ Γ l)
from ‹⊢ l ⇒ ⦃ z1 : B_unit | c1 ⦄› show ?case by(nominal_induct "⦃ z1 : B_unit | c1 ⦄" rule: infer_l.strong_induct,auto)
lemma base_for_lit_wf:
assumes "⊢⇩w⇩f Θ"
shows "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f base_for_lit l"
using base_for_lit.simps using wfV_elims wf_intros assms l.exhaust by metis
lemma infer_l_t_wf:
fixes Γ::Γ
assumes "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ ∧ atom z ♯ Γ"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : base_for_lit l | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_lit l)) ⦄"
show "atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ)" using wfG_fresh_x assms by auto
show "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f base_for_lit l" using base_for_lit_wf assms wfX_wfY by metis
thus "Θ; ℬ; (z, base_for_lit l, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_lit l)" using wfC_v_eq wfV_litI assms wfX_wfY by metis
lemma infer_l_wf:
fixes l::l and Γ::Γ and τ::τ and Θ::Θ
assumes "⊢ l ⇒ τ" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ"
shows "⊢⇩w⇩f Θ" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ" and "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ"
proof -
show *:"Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ" using assms infer_l_elims by auto
thus "⊢⇩w⇩f Θ" using wfX_wfY by auto
show *:"Θ ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ" using infer_l_t_wf assms infer_l_form3 *
by (metis ‹⊢⇩w⇩f Θ› fresh_GNil wfG_nilI wfT_weakening_nil)
lemma infer_l_uniqueness:
fixes l::l
assumes "⊢ l ⇒ τ" and "⊢ l ⇒ τ'"
shows "τ = τ'"
using assms
proof -
obtain z and b where zt: "τ = (⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_lit l)) ⦄)" using infer_l_form assms by blast
obtain z' and b where z't: "τ' = (⦃ z' : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z')) (CE_val (V_lit l)) ⦄)" using infer_l_form assms by blast
thus ?thesis using type_l_eq zt z't assms infer_l.simps infer_l_elims l.distinct
by (metis infer_l_form3)
section ‹Values›
lemma type_v_eq:
assumes "⦃ z1 : b1 | c1 ⦄ = ⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_var x)) ⦄" and "atom z ♯ x"
shows "b = b1" and "c1 = C_eq (CE_val (V_var z1)) (CE_val (V_var x))"
using assms by (auto,metis Abs1_eq_iff τ.eq_iff assms c.fresh ce.fresh type_e_eq v.fresh)
lemma infer_var2 [elim]:
assumes "P; ℬ ; G ⊢ V_var x ⇒ τ"
shows "∃b c. Some (b,c) = lookup G x"
using assms infer_v_elims lookup_iff by (metis (no_types, lifting))
lemma infer_var3 [elim]:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_var x ⇒ τ"
shows "∃z b c. Some (b,c) = lookup Γ x ∧ τ = (⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_var x)) ⦄) ∧ atom z ♯ x ∧ atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ)"
using infer_v_elims(1)[OF assms(1)] by metis
lemma infer_bool_options2:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" and "supp v = {} ∧ b = B_bool"
shows "v = V_lit L_true ∨ (v = (V_lit L_false))"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct "⦃ z : b | c ⦄" rule: infer_v.strong_induct)
case (infer_v_varI Θ ℬ Γ c x z)
then show ?case using v.supp supp_at_base by auto
case (infer_v_litI Θ ℬ Γ l)
from ‹ ⊢ l ⇒ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄› show ?case proof(nominal_induct "⦃ z : b | c ⦄" rule: infer_l.strong_induct)
case (infer_trueI z)
then show ?case by auto
case (infer_falseI z)
then show ?case by auto
case (infer_natI n z)
then show ?case using infer_v_litI by simp
case (infer_unitI z)
then show ?case using infer_v_litI by simp
case (infer_bitvecI bv z)
then show ?case using infer_v_litI by simp
lemma infer_bool_options:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z : B_bool | c ⦄" and "supp v = {}"
shows "v = V_lit L_true ∨ (v = (V_lit L_false))"
using infer_bool_options2 assms by blast
lemma infer_int2:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄"
shows "supp v = {} ∧ b = B_int ⟶ (∃n. v = V_lit (L_num n))"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct "⦃ z : b | c ⦄" rule: infer_v.strong_induct)
case (infer_v_varI Θ ℬ Γ c x z)
then show ?case using v.supp supp_at_base by auto
case (infer_v_litI Θ ℬ Γ l)
from ‹ ⊢ l ⇒ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄› show ?case proof(nominal_induct "⦃ z : b | c ⦄" rule: infer_l.strong_induct)
case (infer_trueI z)
then show ?case by auto
case (infer_falseI z)
then show ?case by auto
case (infer_natI n z)
then show ?case using infer_v_litI by simp
case (infer_unitI z)
then show ?case using infer_v_litI by simp
case (infer_bitvecI bv z)
then show ?case using infer_v_litI by simp
lemma infer_bitvec:
fixes Θ::Θ and v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_bitvec | c' ⦄" and "supp v = {}"
shows "∃bv. v = V_lit (L_bitvec bv)"
using assms proof(nominal_induct v rule: v.strong_induct)
case (V_lit l)
then show ?case by(nominal_induct l rule: l.strong_induct,force+)
case (V_consp s dc b v)
then show ?case using infer_v_elims(7)[OF V_consp(2)] τ.eq_iff by auto
case (V_var x)
then show ?case using supp_at_base by auto
lemma infer_int:
assumes "infer_v Θ ℬ Γ v (⦃ z : B_int | c ⦄)" and "supp v= {}"
shows "∃n. V_lit (L_num n) = v"
using assms infer_int2 by (metis (no_types, lifting))
lemma infer_lit:
assumes "infer_v Θ ℬ Γ v (⦃ z : b | c ⦄)" and "supp v= {}" and "b ∈ { B_bool , B_int , B_unit }"
shows "∃l. V_lit l = v"
using assms proof(nominal_induct v rule: v.strong_induct)
case (V_lit x)
then show ?case by (simp add: supp_at_base)
case (V_var x)
then show ?case
by (simp add: supp_at_base)
case (V_pair x1a x2a)
then show ?case using supp_at_base by auto
case (V_cons x1a x2a x3)
then show ?case using supp_at_base by auto
case (V_consp x1a x2a x3 x4)
then show ?case using supp_at_base by auto
lemma infer_v_form[simp]:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ"
shows "∃z b. τ = (⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)⦄) ∧ atom z ♯ v ∧ atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ)"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct rule: infer_v.strong_induct)
case (infer_v_varI Θ ℬ Γ b c x z)
then show ?case by force
case (infer_v_litI Θ ℬ Γ l τ)
then obtain z and b where "τ = ⦃ z : b | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_lit l) ⦄ ∧atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ) "
using infer_l_form by metis
moreover hence "atom z ♯ (V_lit l)" using supp_l_empty v.fresh(1) fresh_prod2 fresh_def by blast
ultimately show ?case by metis
case (infer_v_pairI z v1 v2 Θ ℬ Γ t1 t2)
then show ?case by force
case (infer_v_consI s dclist Θ dc tc ℬ Γ v tv z)
moreover hence "atom z ♯ (V_cons s dc v)" using
Un_commute b.supp(3) fresh_def sup_bot.right_neutral supp_b_empty v.supp(4) pure_supp by metis
ultimately show ?case using fresh_prodN by metis
case (infer_v_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc tc ℬ Γ v tv b z)
moreover hence "atom z ♯ (V_consp s dc b v)" unfolding v.fresh using pure_fresh fresh_prodN * by metis
ultimately show ?case using fresh_prodN by metis
lemma infer_v_form2:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ (⦃ z : b | c ⦄)" and "atom z ♯ v"
shows "c = C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)"
using assms
proof -
obtain z' and b' where "(⦃ z : b | c ⦄) = (⦃ z' : b' | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val v ⦄) ∧ atom z' ♯ v"
using infer_v_form assms by meson
thus ?thesis using Abs1_eq_iff(3) τ.eq_iff type_e_eq
by (metis assms(2) ce.fresh(1))
lemma infer_v_form3:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ" and "atom z ♯ (v,Γ)"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z : b_of τ | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)⦄"
proof -
obtain z' and b' where "τ = ⦃ z' : b' | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z')) (CE_val v)⦄ ∧ atom z' ♯ v ∧ atom z' ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ)"
using infer_v_form assms by metis
moreover hence "⦃ z' : b' | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z')) (CE_val v)⦄ = ⦃ z : b' | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)⦄"
using assms type_e_eq fresh_Pair ce.fresh by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using b_of.simps assms by auto
lemma infer_v_form4:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ" and "atom z ♯ (v,Γ)" and "b = b_of τ"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)⦄"
using assms infer_v_form3 by simp
lemma infer_v_v_wf:
fixes v::v
shows "Θ; ℬ ; G ⊢ v ⇒ τ ⟹ Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f v : (b_of τ)"
proof(induct rule: infer_v.induct)
case (infer_v_varI Θ ℬ Γ b c x z)
then show ?case using wfC_elims wf_intros by auto
case (infer_v_pairI z v1 v2 Θ ℬ Γ t1 t2)
then show ?case using wfC_elims wf_intros by auto
case (infer_v_litI Θ ℬ Γ l τ)
hence "b_of τ = base_for_lit l" using infer_l_form3 b_of.simps by metis
then show ?case using wfV_litI infer_l_wf infer_v_litI wfG_b_weakening
by (metis fempty_fsubsetI)
case (infer_v_consI s dclist Θ dc tc ℬ Γ v tv z)
then show ?case using wfC_elims wf_intros
by (metis (no_types, lifting) b_of.simps has_fresh_z2 subtype_eq_base2)
case (infer_v_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc tc ℬ Γ v tv b z)
obtain z1 b1 c1 where t:"tc = ⦃ z1 : b1 | c1 ⦄" using obtain_fresh_z by metis
show ?case unfolding b_of.simps proof(rule wfV_conspI)
show ‹AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist ∈ set Θ› using infer_v_conspI by auto
show ‹(dc, ⦃ z1 : b1 | c1 ⦄ ) ∈ set dclist› using infer_v_conspI t by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b › using infer_v_conspI by auto
show ‹atom bv ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ, b, v)› using infer_v_conspI by auto
have " b1[bv::=b]⇩b⇩b = b_of tv" using subtype_eq_base2[OF infer_v_conspI(5)] b_of.simps t subst_tb.simps by auto
thus ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b1[bv::=b]⇩b⇩b › using infer_v_conspI by auto
lemma infer_v_t_form_wf:
assumes " wfB Θ ℬ b" and "wfV Θ ℬ Γ v b" and "atom z ♯ Γ"
shows "wfT Θ ℬ Γ ⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)⦄"
using wfT_v_eq assms by auto
lemma infer_v_t_wf:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢ v ⇒ τ"
shows "wfT Θ ℬ G τ ∧ wfB Θ ℬ (b_of τ) "
proof -
obtain z and b where "τ = ⦃ z : b | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val v ⦄ ∧ atom z ♯ v ∧ atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, G)" using infer_v_form assms by metis
moreover have "wfB Θ ℬ b" using infer_v_v_wf b_of.simps wfX_wfB(1) assms
using calculation by fastforce
ultimately show "wfT Θ ℬ G τ ∧ wfB Θ ℬ (b_of τ)" using infer_v_v_wf infer_v_t_form_wf assms by fastforce
lemma infer_v_wf:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢ v ⇒ τ"
shows "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f v : (b_of τ)" and "wfT Θ ℬ G τ" and "wfTh Θ" and "wfG Θ ℬ G"
proof -
show "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b_of τ " using infer_v_v_wf assms by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f τ" using infer_v_t_wf assms by auto
thus "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f G" using wfX_wfY by auto
thus "⊢⇩w⇩f Θ" using wfX_wfY by auto
lemma check_bool_options:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ z : B_bool | TRUE ⦄" and "supp v = {}"
shows "v = V_lit L_true ∨ v = V_lit L_false"
proof -
obtain t1 where " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ t1 ≲ ⦃ z : B_bool | TRUE ⦄ ∧ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ t1" using check_v_elims
using assms by blast
thus ?thesis using infer_bool_options assms
by (metis τ.exhaust b_of.simps subtype_eq_base2)
lemma check_v_wf:
fixes v::v and Γ::Γ and τ::τ
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ τ"
shows " Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ" and "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b_of τ" and "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ"
proof -
obtain τ' where *: "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ τ' ≲ τ ∧ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ'" using check_v_elims assms by auto
thus "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ " and "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b_of τ" and "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ"
using infer_v_wf infer_v_v_wf subtype_eq_base2 * subtype_wf by metis+
lemma infer_v_form_fresh:
fixes v::v and t::"'a::fs"
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ"
shows "∃z b. τ = ⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)⦄ ∧ atom z ♯ (t,v)"
proof -
obtain z' and b' where "τ = ⦃ z' : b' | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z')) (CE_val v)⦄" using infer_v_form assms by blast
moreover then obtain z and b and c where "τ = ⦃ z : b | c ⦄ ∧ atom z ♯ (t,v)" using obtain_fresh_z by metis
ultimately have "τ = ⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val v)⦄ ∧ atom z ♯ (t,v) "
using assms infer_v_form2 by auto
thus ?thesis by blast
text ‹ More generally, if support of a term is empty then any G will do ›
lemma infer_v_form_consp:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_consp s dc b v ⇒ τ"
shows "b_of τ = B_app s b"
using assms proof(nominal_induct "V_consp s dc b v" τ rule: infer_v.strong_induct)
case (infer_v_conspI bv dclist Θ tc ℬ Γ tv z)
then show ?case using b_of.simps by metis
lemma lookup_in_rig_b:
assumes "Some (b2, c2) = lookup (Γ[x⟼c']) x'" and
"Some (b1, c1) = lookup Γ x'"
shows "b1 = b2"
using assms lookup_in_rig[OF assms(2)]
by (metis option.inject prod.inject)
lemma infer_v_uniqueness_rig:
fixes x::x and c::c
assumes "infer_v P B G v τ" and "infer_v P B (replace_in_g G x c') v τ'"
shows "τ = τ'"
using assms
proof(nominal_induct "v" arbitrary: τ' τ rule: v.strong_induct)
case (V_lit l)
hence "infer_l l τ" and "infer_l l τ'" using assms(1) infer_v_elims(2) by auto
then show ?case using infer_l_uniqueness by presburger
case (V_var y)
obtain b and c where bc: "Some (b,c) = lookup G y"
using assms(1) infer_v_elims(2) using V_var.prems(1) lookup_iff by force
then obtain c'' where bc':"Some (b,c'') = lookup (replace_in_g G x c') y"
using lookup_in_rig by blast
obtain z where "τ = (⦃ z : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_var y)) ⦄)" using infer_v_elims(1)[of P B G y τ] V_var
bc option.inject prod.inject lookup_in_g by metis
moreover obtain z' where "τ' = (⦃ z' : b | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z')) (CE_val (V_var y)) ⦄)" using infer_v_elims(1)[of P B _ y τ'] V_var
option.inject prod.inject lookup_in_rig by (metis bc')
ultimately show ?case using type_e_eq
by (metis V_var.prems(1) V_var.prems(2) τ.eq_iff ce.fresh(1) finite.emptyI fresh_atom_at_base
fresh_finite_insert infer_v_elims(1) v.fresh(2))
case (V_pair v1 v2)
obtain z and z1 and z2 and t1 and t2 and c1 and c2 where
t1: "τ = (⦃ z : [ b_of t1 , b_of t2 ]⇧b | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_pair v1 v2) ⦄) ∧
atom z ♯ (v1, v2) ∧ P ; B ; G ⊢ v1 ⇒ t1 ∧ P ; B ; G ⊢ v2 ⇒ t2"
using infer_v_elims(3)[OF V_pair(3)] by metis
moreover obtain z' and z1' and z2' and t1' and t2' and c1' and c2' where
t2: "τ' = (⦃ z' : [ b_of t1' , b_of t2' ]⇧b | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val (V_pair v1 v2) ⦄) ∧
atom z' ♯ (v1, v2) ∧ P ; B ; (replace_in_g G x c') ⊢ v1 ⇒ t1' ∧
P ; B ; (replace_in_g G x c') ⊢ v2 ⇒ t2'"
using infer_v_elims(3)[OF V_pair(4)] by metis
ultimately have "t1 = t1' ∧ t2 = t2'" using V_pair.hyps(1) V_pair.hyps(2) τ.eq_iff by blast
then show ?case using t1 t2 by simp
case (V_cons s dc v)
obtain x and z and tc and dclist where t1: "τ = (⦃ z : B_id s | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_cons s dc v) ⦄) ∧
AF_typedef s dclist ∈ set P ∧
(dc, tc) ∈ set dclist ∧ atom z ♯ v"
using infer_v_elims(4)[OF V_cons(2)] by metis
moreover obtain x' and z' and tc' and dclist' where t2: "τ' = (⦃ z' : B_id s | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val (V_cons s dc v) ⦄)
∧ AF_typedef s dclist' ∈ set P ∧ (dc, tc') ∈ set dclist' ∧ atom z' ♯ v"
using infer_v_elims(4)[OF V_cons(3)] by metis
moreover have a: "AF_typedef s dclist' ∈ set P" and b:"(dc,tc') ∈ set dclist'" and c:"AF_typedef s dclist ∈ set P" and
d:"(dc, tc) ∈ set dclist" using t1 t2 by auto
ultimately have "tc = tc'" using wfTh_dc_t_unique2 infer_v_wf(3)[OF V_cons(2)] by metis
moreover have "atom z ♯ CE_val (V_cons s dc v) ∧ atom z' ♯ CE_val (V_cons s dc v)"
using e.fresh(1) v.fresh(4) t1 t2 pure_fresh by auto
ultimately have "(⦃ z : B_id s | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_cons s dc v) ⦄) = (⦃ z' : B_id s | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val (V_cons s dc v) ⦄)"
using type_e_eq by metis
thus ?case using t1 t2 by simp
case (V_consp s dc b v)
from V_consp(2) V_consp show ?case proof(nominal_induct "V_consp s dc b v" τ arbitrary: v rule:infer_v.strong_induct)
case (infer_v_conspI bv dclist Θ tc ℬ Γ v tv z)
obtain z3 and b3 where *:"τ' = ⦃ z3 : b3 | [ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ V_consp s dc b v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ ∧ atom z3 ♯ V_consp s dc b v"
using infer_v_form[OF ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ[x⟼c'] ⊢ V_consp s dc b v ⇒ τ'› ] by metis
moreover then have "b3 = B_app s b" using infer_v_form_consp b_of.simps * infer_v_conspI by metis
moreover have "⦃ z3 : B_app s b | [ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ V_consp s dc b v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ = ⦃ z : B_app s b | [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ V_consp s dc b v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
proof -
have "atom z3 ♯ [V_consp s dc b v]⇧c⇧e" using * ce.fresh by auto
moreover have "atom z ♯ [V_consp s dc b v]⇧c⇧e" using * infer_v_conspI ce.fresh v.fresh pure_fresh by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using type_e_eq infer_v_conspI v.fresh ce.fresh by metis
ultimately show ?case using * by auto
lemma infer_v_uniqueness:
assumes "infer_v P B G v τ" and "infer_v P B G v τ'"
shows "τ = τ'"
proof -
obtain x::x where "atom x ♯ G" using obtain_fresh by metis
hence "G [ x ⟼ C_true ] = G" using replace_in_g_forget assms infer_v_wf by fast
thus ?thesis using infer_v_uniqueness_rig assms by metis
lemma infer_v_tid_form:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ ; B ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z : B_id tid | c ⦄" and "AF_typedef tid dclist ∈ set Θ" and "supp v = {}"
shows "∃dc v' t. v = V_cons tid dc v' ∧ (dc , t ) ∈ set dclist"
using assms proof(nominal_induct v "⦃ z : B_id tid | c ⦄" rule: infer_v.strong_induct)
case (infer_v_varI Θ ℬ c x z)
then show ?case using v.supp supp_at_base by auto
case (infer_v_litI Θ ℬ l)
then show ?case by auto
case (infer_v_consI dclist1 Θ dc tc ℬ Γ v tv z)
hence "supp v = {}" using v.supp by simp
then obtain dca and v' where *:"V_cons tid dc v = V_cons tid dca v'" using infer_v_consI by auto
hence "dca = dc" using v.eq_iff(4) by auto
hence "V_cons tid dc v = V_cons tid dca v' ∧ (dca, tc) ∈ set dclist1" using infer_v_consI * by auto
moreover have "dclist = dclist1" using wfTh_dclist_unique infer_v_consI wfX_wfY ‹dca=dc›
proof -
show ?thesis
by (meson ‹AF_typedef tid dclist1 ∈ set Θ› ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ tv› infer_v_consI.prems infer_v_wf(4) wfTh_dclist_unique wfX_wfY)
ultimately show ?case by auto
lemma check_v_tid_form:
assumes "Θ ; B ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ z : B_id tid | TRUE ⦄" and "AF_typedef tid dclist ∈ set Θ" and "supp v = {}"
shows "∃dc v' t. v = V_cons tid dc v' ∧ (dc , t ) ∈ set dclist"
using assms proof(nominal_induct v "⦃ z : B_id tid | TRUE ⦄" rule: check_v.strong_induct)
case (check_v_subtypeI Θ ℬ Γ τ1 v)
then obtain z and c where "τ1 = ⦃ z : B_id tid | c ⦄" using subtype_eq_base2 b_of.simps
by (metis obtain_fresh_z2)
then show ?case using infer_v_tid_form check_v_subtypeI by simp
lemma check_v_num_leq:
fixes n::int and Γ::Γ
assumes "0 ≤ n ∧ n ≤ int (length v)" and " ⊢⇩w⇩f Θ " and "Θ ; {||} ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ"
shows "Θ ; {||} ; Γ ⊢ [ L_num n ]⇧v ⇐ ⦃ z : B_int | ([ leq [ [ L_num 0 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e)
AND ([ leq [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [| [ [ L_bitvec v ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e |]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ) ⦄"
proof -
have "Θ ; {||} ; Γ ⊢ [ L_num n ]⇧v ⇒ ⦃ z : B_int | [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_num n ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
using infer_v_litI infer_natI wfG_nilI assms by auto
thus ?thesis using subtype_range[OF assms(1) ] assms check_v_subtypeI by metis
lemma check_int:
assumes "check_v Θ ℬ Γ v (⦃ z : B_int | c ⦄)" and "supp v = {}"
shows "∃n. V_lit (L_num n) = v"
using assms infer_int check_v_elims by (metis b_of.simps infer_v_form subtype_eq_base2)
definition sble :: "Θ ⇒ Γ ⇒ bool" where
"sble Θ Γ = (∃i. i ⊨ Γ ∧ Θ ; Γ ⊢ i)"
lemma check_v_range:
assumes "Θ ; B ; Γ ⊢ v2 ⇐ ⦃ z : B_int | [ leq [ [ L_num 0 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e AND
[ leq [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [| [ v1 ]⇧c⇧e |]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ "
(is "Θ ; ?B ; Γ ⊢ v2 ⇐ ⦃ z : B_int | ?c1 ⦄")
and "v1 = V_lit (L_bitvec bv) ∧ v2 = V_lit (L_num n) " and "atom z ♯ Γ" and "sble Θ Γ"
shows "0 ≤ n ∧ n ≤ int (length bv)"
proof -
have "Θ ; ?B ; Γ ⊢ ⦃ z : B_int | [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_num n ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z : B_int | ?c1 ⦄"
using check_v_elims assms
by (metis infer_l_uniqueness infer_natI infer_v_elims(2))
moreover have "atom z ♯ Γ" using fresh_GNil assms by simp
ultimately have "Θ ; ?B ; ((z, B_int, [ [ z ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_num n ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊨ ?c1"
using subtype_valid_simple by auto
thus ?thesis using assms valid_range_length_inv check_v_wf wfX_wfY sble_def by metis
section ‹Expressions›
lemma infer_e_plus[elim]:
fixes v1::v and v2::v
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ AE_op Plus v1 v2 ⇒ τ"
shows "∃z . (⦃ z : B_int | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_op Plus [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e) ⦄ = τ)"
using infer_e_elims assms by metis
lemma infer_e_leq[elim]:
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ AE_op LEq v1 v2 ⇒ τ"
shows "∃z . (⦃ z : B_bool | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_op LEq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e) ⦄ = τ)"
using infer_e_elims assms by metis
lemma infer_e_eq[elim]:
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ AE_op Eq v1 v2 ⇒ τ"
shows "∃z . (⦃ z : B_bool | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_op Eq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e) ⦄ = τ)"
using infer_e_elims(25)[OF assms] by metis
lemma infer_e_e_wf:
fixes e::e
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ e ⇒ τ"
shows "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f e : b_of τ"
using assms proof(nominal_induct τ avoiding: τ rule: infer_e.strong_induct)
case (infer_e_valI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v τ)
then show ?case using infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_plusI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
then show ?case using b_of.simps infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_leqI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
then show ?case using b_of.simps infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_eqI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
then show ?case using b_of.simps infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_appI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ f x b c τ' s' v τ'')
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f AE_app f v : b_of τ' " proof
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using infer_e_appI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using infer_e_appI by auto
show ‹Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ' s'))) = lookup_fun Φ f› using infer_e_appI by auto
show "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b" using infer_e_appI check_v_wf b_of.simps by metis
moreover have "b_of τ' = b_of (τ'[x::=v]⇩v)" using subst_tbase_eq subst_v_τ_def by auto
ultimately show ?case using infer_e_appI subst_v_c_def subst_b_τ_def by auto
case (infer_e_appPI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ b' f bv x b c τ'' s' v τ')
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f AE_appP f b' v : (b_of τ'')[bv::=b']⇩b " proof
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using infer_e_appPI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using infer_e_appPI by auto
show ‹Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ'' s'))) = lookup_fun Φ f› using * infer_e_appPI by metis
show "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b'" using infer_e_appPI by auto
show "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : (b[bv::=b']⇩b)" using infer_e_appPI check_v_wf b_of.simps subst_b_b_def by metis
have "atom bv ♯ (b_of τ'')[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b" using fresh_subst_if subst_b_b_def infer_e_appPI by metis
thus "atom bv ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ, Δ, b', v, (b_of τ'')[bv::=b']⇩b)" using infer_e_appPI fresh_prodN subst_b_b_def by metis
moreover have "b_of τ' = (b_of τ'')[bv::=b']⇩b"
using ‹τ''[bv::=b']⇩b[x::=v]⇩v = τ'› b_of_subst_bb_commute subst_tbase_eq subst_b_b_def subst_v_τ_def subst_b_τ_def by auto
ultimately show ?case using infer_e_appI by auto
case (infer_e_fstI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v z' b1 b2 c z)
then show ?case using b_of.simps infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_sndI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v z' b1 b2 c z)
then show ?case using b_of.simps infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_lenI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v z' c z)
then show ?case using b_of.simps infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_mvarI Θ Γ Φ Δ u τ)
then show ?case using b_of.simps infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_concatI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
then show ?case using b_of.simps infer_v_v_wf wf_intros by metis
case (infer_e_splitI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 z3)
have " Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f AE_split v1 v2 : B_pair B_bitvec B_bitvec"
show "Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ" using infer_e_splitI by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ" using infer_e_splitI by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v1 : B_bitvec" using infer_e_splitI b_of.simps infer_v_wf by metis
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v2 : B_int" using infer_e_splitI b_of.simps check_v_wf by metis
then show ?case using b_of.simps by auto
lemma infer_e_t_wf:
fixes e::e and Γ::Γ and τ::τ and Δ::Δ and Φ::Φ
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ e ⇒ τ"
shows "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ ∧ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ"
using assms proof(induct rule: infer_e.induct)
case (infer_e_valI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v τ)
then show ?case using infer_v_t_wf by auto
case (infer_e_plusI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
hence "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_op Plus [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e : B_int" using wfCE_plusI wfD_emptyI wfPhi_emptyI infer_v_v_wf wfCE_valI
by (metis b_of.simps infer_v_wf)
then show ?case using wfT_e_eq infer_e_plusI by auto
case (infer_e_leqI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
hence " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_op LEq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e : B_bool" using wfCE_leqI wfD_emptyI wfPhi_emptyI infer_v_v_wf wfCE_valI
by (metis b_of.simps infer_v_wf)
then show ?case using wfT_e_eq infer_e_leqI by auto
case (infer_e_eqI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 b c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
hence " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_op Eq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e : B_bool" using wfCE_eqI wfD_emptyI wfPhi_emptyI infer_v_v_wf wfCE_valI
by (metis b_of.simps infer_v_wf)
then show ?case using wfT_e_eq infer_e_eqI by auto
case (infer_e_appI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ f x b c τ s' v τ')
show ?case proof
show "Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ" using infer_e_appI by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ'" proof -
have *:" Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b " using infer_e_appI check_v_wf(2) b_of.simps by metis
moreover have *:"Θ; ℬ; (x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ" proof(rule wf_weakening1(4))
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; (x,b,c)#⇩ΓGNil ⊢⇩w⇩f τ › using wfPhi_f_simple_wfT wfD_wf infer_e_appI wb_b_weakening by fastforce
have "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ x : b | c ⦄" using infer_e_appI check_v_wf(3) by auto
thus ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ › using infer_e_appI
wfT_wfC[THEN wfG_consI[rotated 3] ] * wfT_wf_cons fresh_prodN by simp
show ‹toSet ((x,b,c)#⇩ΓGNil) ⊆ toSet ((x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ)› using toSet.simps by auto
moreover have "((x, b, c) #⇩Γ Γ)[x::=v]⇩Γ⇩v = Γ" using subst_gv.simps by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using infer_e_appI wf_subst1(4)[OF *, of GNil x b c Γ v] subst_v_τ_def by auto
case (infer_e_appPI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ b' f bv x b c τ' s' v τ)
have "Θ; ℬ; ((x, b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b, c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b) #⇩Γ Γ)[x::=v]⇩Γ⇩v ⊢⇩w⇩f (τ'[bv::=b']⇩b)[x::=v]⇩τ⇩v"
proof(rule wf_subst(4))
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; (x, b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b, c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ'[bv::=b']⇩b ›
proof(rule wf_weakening1(4))
have ‹ Θ ; {|bv|} ; (x,b,c)#⇩ΓGNil ⊢⇩w⇩f τ' › using wfPhi_f_poly_wfT infer_e_appI infer_e_appPI by simp
thus ‹ Θ; ℬ; (x,b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b,c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b)#⇩ΓGNil ⊢⇩w⇩f τ'[bv::=b']⇩b ›
using wfT_subst_wfT infer_e_appPI wb_b_weakening subst_b_τ_def subst_v_τ_def by presburger
have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ x : b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b | c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b ⦄"
using infer_e_appPI check_v_wf(3) subst_b_b_def subst_b_c_def by metis
thus ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b, c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b) #⇩Γ Γ ›
using infer_e_appPI wfT_wfC[THEN wfG_consI[rotated 3] ] * wfX_wfY wfT_wf_cons wb_b_weakening by metis
show ‹toSet ((x,b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b,c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b)#⇩ΓGNil) ⊆ toSet ((x, b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b, c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b) #⇩Γ Γ)› using toSet.simps by auto
show ‹(x, b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b, c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b) #⇩Γ Γ = GNil @ (x, b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b, c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b) #⇩Γ Γ› using append_g.simps by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v :b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b › using infer_e_appPI check_v_wf(2) b_of.simps subst_b_b_def by metis
moreover have "((x, b[bv::=b']⇩b⇩b, c[bv::=b']⇩c⇩b) #⇩Γ Γ)[x::=v]⇩Γ⇩v = Γ" using subst_gv.simps by auto
ultimately show ?case using infer_e_appPI subst_v_τ_def by simp
case (infer_e_fstI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v z' b1 b2 c z)
hence "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_fst [v]⇧c⇧e: b1" using wfCE_fstI wfD_emptyI wfPhi_emptyI infer_v_v_wf
b_of.simps using wfCE_valI by fastforce
then show ?case using wfT_e_eq infer_e_fstI by auto
case (infer_e_sndI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v z' b1 b2 c z)
hence "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_snd [v]⇧c⇧e: b2" using wfCE_sndI wfD_emptyI wfPhi_emptyI infer_v_v_wf wfCE_valI
by (metis b_of.simps infer_v_wf)
then show ?case using wfT_e_eq infer_e_sndI by auto
case (infer_e_lenI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v z' c z)
hence "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_len [v]⇧c⇧e: B_int" using wfCE_lenI wfD_emptyI wfPhi_emptyI infer_v_v_wf wfCE_valI
by (metis b_of.simps infer_v_wf)
then show ?case using wfT_e_eq infer_e_lenI by auto
case (infer_e_mvarI Θ Γ Φ Δ u τ)
then show ?case using wfD_wfT by blast
case (infer_e_concatI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
hence "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_concat [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e: B_bitvec" using wfCE_concatI wfD_emptyI wfPhi_emptyI infer_v_v_wf wfCE_valI
by (metis b_of.simps infer_v_wf)
then show ?case using wfT_e_eq infer_e_concatI by auto
case (infer_e_splitI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 z3)
hence wfg: " Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (z3, [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ"
using infer_v_wf wfG_cons2I wfB_pairI wfB_bitvecI by simp
have wfz: "Θ; ℬ; (z3, [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f [ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b "
apply(rule wfCE_valI , rule wfV_varI)
using wfg apply simp
using lookup.simps(2)[of z3 "[ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b" TRUE Γ z3] by simp
have 1: "Θ; ℬ; (z3, [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f [ v2 ]⇧c⇧e : B_int "
using check_v_wf[OF infer_e_splitI(4)] wf_weakening(1)[OF _ wfg] b_of.simps toSet.simps wfCE_valI by fastforce
have 2: "Θ; ℬ; (z3, [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f [ v1 ]⇧c⇧e : B_bitvec"
using infer_v_wf[OF infer_e_splitI(3)] wf_weakening(1)[OF _ wfg] b_of.simps toSet.simps wfCE_valI by fastforce
have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z3 : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b | [ v1 ]⇧c⇧e == [ [#1[ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e @@ [#2[ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e AND [| [#1[ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e |]⇧c⇧e == [ v2 ]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
show "atom z3 ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ)" using infer_e_splitI wfTh_x_fresh wfX_wfY fresh_prod3 wfG_fresh_x by metis
show "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b " using wfB_pairI wfB_bitvecI infer_e_splitI wfX_wfY by metis
show "Θ; ℬ; (z3, [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]⇧b, TRUE) #⇩Γ
Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f [ v1 ]⇧c⇧e == [ [#1[ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e @@ [#2[ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e AND [| [#1[ [ z3 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e]⇧c⇧e |]⇧c⇧e == [ v2 ]⇧c⇧e"
using wfg wfz 1 2 wf_intros by meson
thus ?case using infer_e_splitI by auto
lemma infer_e_wf:
fixes e::e and Γ::Γ and τ::τ and Δ::Δ and Φ::Φ
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ e ⇒ τ"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ" and "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ" and "Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ" and "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f e : (b_of τ)"
using infer_e_t_wf infer_e_e_wf wfE_wf assms by metis+
lemma infer_e_fresh:
fixes x::x
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ e ⇒ τ" and "atom x ♯ Γ"
shows "atom x ♯ (e,τ)"
proof -
have "atom x ♯ e" using infer_e_e_wf[THEN wfE_x_fresh,OF assms(1)] assms(2) by auto
moreover have "atom x ♯ τ" using assms infer_e_wf wfT_x_fresh by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using fresh_Pair by auto
inductive check_e :: "Θ ⇒ Φ ⇒ ℬ ⇒ Γ ⇒ Δ ⇒ e ⇒ τ ⇒ bool" (‹ _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ⊢ _ ⇐ _› [50, 50, 50] 50) where
check_e_subtypeI: "⟦ infer_e T P B G D e τ' ; subtype T B G τ' τ ⟧ ⟹ check_e T P B G D e τ"
equivariance check_e
nominal_inductive check_e .
inductive_cases check_e_elims[elim!]:
"check_e F D B G Θ (AE_val v) τ"
"check_e F D B G Θ e τ"
lemma infer_e_fst_pair:
fixes v1::v
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; {||} ; GNil ; Δ ⊢ [#1[ v1 , v2 ]⇧v]⇧e ⇒ τ"
shows "∃τ'. Θ ; Φ ; {||} ; GNil ; Δ ⊢ [v1]⇧e ⇒ τ' ∧
Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ τ' ≲ τ"
proof -
obtain z' and b1 and b2 and c and z where ** : "τ = (⦃ z : b1 | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_fst [(V_pair v1 v2)]⇧c⇧e) ⦄) ∧
wfD Θ {||} GNil Δ ∧ wfPhi Θ Φ ∧
(Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ V_pair v1 v2 ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_pair b1 b2 | c ⦄) ∧ atom z ♯ V_pair v1 v2 "
using infer_e_elims assms by metis
hence *:" Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ V_pair v1 v2 ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_pair b1 b2 | c ⦄" by auto
obtain t1a and t2a where
*: "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ v1 ⇒ t1a ∧ Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ v2 ⇒ t2a ∧ B_pair b1 b2 = B_pair (b_of t1a) (b_of t2a)"
using infer_v_elims(5)[OF *] by metis
hence suppv: "supp v1 = {} ∧ supp v2 = {} ∧ supp (V_pair v1 v2) = {}" using ** infer_v_v_wf wfV_supp atom_dom.simps toSet.simps supp_GNil
by (meson wfV_supp_nil)
obtain z1 and b1' where "t1a = ⦃ z1 : b1' | [ [ z1 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v1 ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ "
using infer_v_form[of Θ "{||}" GNil v1 t1a] * by auto
moreover hence "b1' = b1" using * b_of.simps by simp
ultimately have "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ v1 ⇒ ⦃ z1 : b1 | CE_val (V_var z1) == CE_val v1 ⦄" using * by auto
moreover have "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_fst [V_pair v1 v2]⇧c⇧e : b1" using wfCE_fstI infer_v_wf(1) ** b_of.simps wfCE_valI by metis
moreover hence st: "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ ⦃ z1 : b1 | CE_val (V_var z1) == CE_val v1 ⦄ ≲ (⦃ z : b1 | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_fst [V_pair v1 v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
using subtype_gnil_fst infer_v_v_wf by auto
moreover have "wfD Θ {||} GNil Δ ∧ wfPhi Θ Φ" using ** by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using wfX_wfY ** infer_e_valI by metis
lemma infer_e_snd_pair:
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; {||} ; GNil ; Δ ⊢ AE_snd (V_pair v1 v2) ⇒ τ"
shows "∃τ'. Θ ; Φ ; {||} ; GNil ; Δ ⊢ AE_val v2 ⇒ τ' ∧ Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ τ' ≲ τ"
proof -
obtain z' and b1 and b2 and c and z where ** : "(τ = (⦃ z : b2 | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_snd [(V_pair v1 v2)]⇧c⇧e) ⦄)) ∧
(wfD Θ {||} GNil Δ) ∧ (wfPhi Θ Φ) ∧
Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ V_pair v1 v2 ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_pair b1 b2 | c ⦄ ∧ atom z ♯ V_pair v1 v2 "
using infer_e_elims(9)[OF assms(1)] by metis
hence *:" Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ V_pair v1 v2 ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_pair b1 b2 | c ⦄" by auto
obtain t1a and t2a where
*: "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ v1 ⇒ t1a ∧ Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ v2 ⇒ t2a ∧ B_pair b1 b2 = B_pair (b_of t1a) (b_of t2a)"
using infer_v_elims(5)[OF *] by metis
hence suppv: "supp v1 = {} ∧ supp v2 = {} ∧ supp (V_pair v1 v2) = {}" using infer_v_v_wf wfV.simps v.supp by (meson "**" wfV_supp_nil)
obtain z2 and b2' where "t2a = ⦃ z2 : b2' | [ [ z2 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v2 ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ "
using infer_v_form[of Θ "{||}" GNil v2 t2a] * by auto
moreover hence "b2' = b2" using * b_of.simps by simp
ultimately have "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ v2 ⇒ ⦃ z2 : b2 | CE_val (V_var z2) == CE_val v2 ⦄" using * by auto
moreover have "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f CE_snd [V_pair v1 v2]⇧c⇧e : b2" using wfCE_sndI infer_v_wf(1) ** b_of.simps wfCE_valI by metis
moreover hence st: "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢ ⦃ z2 : b2 | CE_val (V_var z2) == CE_val v2 ⦄ ≲ (⦃ z : b2 | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_snd [V_pair v1 v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
using subtype_gnil_snd infer_v_v_wf by auto
moreover have "wfD Θ {||} GNil Δ ∧ wfPhi Θ Φ" using ** by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using wfX_wfY ** infer_e_valI by metis
section ‹Statements›
lemma check_s_v_unit:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ (⦃ z : B_unit | TRUE ⦄) ≲ τ" and "wfD Θ ℬ Γ Δ" and "wfPhi Θ Φ"
shows "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ AS_val (V_lit L_unit ) ⇐ τ"
proof -
have "wfG Θ ℬ Γ" using assms subtype_g_wf by meson
moreover hence "wfTh Θ" using wfG_wf by simp
moreover obtain z'::x where "atom z' ♯ Γ" using obtain_fresh by auto
ultimately have *:"Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_lit L_unit ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_unit | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val (V_lit L_unit) ⦄"
using infer_v_litI infer_unitI by simp
moreover have "wfT Θ ℬ Γ (⦃ z' : B_unit | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val (V_lit L_unit) ⦄)" using infer_v_t_wf
by (meson calculation)
moreover then have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ (⦃ z' : B_unit | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_val (V_lit L_unit) ⦄) ≲ τ" using subtype_trans subtype_top assms
type_for_lit.simps(4) wfX_wfY by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using check_valI assms * by auto
lemma check_s_check_branch_s_wf:
fixes s::s and cs::branch_s and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and Γ::Γ and Δ::Δ and v::v and τ::τ and css::branch_list
shows "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ ⟹ Θ ; B ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ ∧ wfTh Θ ∧ wfD Θ B Γ Δ ∧ wfT Θ B Γ τ ∧ wfPhi Θ Φ " and
"check_branch_s Θ Φ B Γ Δ tid cons const v cs τ ⟹ Θ ; B ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ ∧ wfTh Θ ∧ wfD Θ B Γ Δ ∧ wfT Θ B Γ τ ∧ wfPhi Θ Φ "
"check_branch_list Θ Φ B Γ Δ tid dclist v css τ ⟹ Θ ; B ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ ∧ wfTh Θ ∧ wfD Θ B Γ Δ ∧ wfT Θ B Γ τ ∧ wfPhi Θ Φ "
proof(induct rule: check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.inducts)
case (check_valI Θ B Γ Δ Φ v τ' τ)
then show ?case using infer_v_wf infer_v_wf subtype_wf wfX_wfY wfS_valI
by (metis subtype_eq_base2)
case (check_letI x Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ e τ z s b c)
then have *:"wfT Θ ℬ ((x, b , c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ) τ" by force
moreover have "atom x ♯ τ" using check_letI fresh_prodN by force
ultimately have "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ" using wfT_restrict2 by force
then show ?case using check_letI infer_e_wf wfS_letI wfX_wfY wfG_elims by metis
case (check_assertI x Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ c τ s)
then have *:"wfT Θ ℬ ((x, B_bool , c) #⇩Γ Γ) τ" by force
moreover have "atom x ♯ τ" using check_assertI fresh_prodN by force
ultimately have "Θ; ℬ;Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ" using wfT_restrict2 by force
then show ?case using check_assertI wfS_assertI wfX_wfY wfG_elims by metis
case (check_branch_s_branchI Θ ℬ Γ Δ τ cons const x v Φ s tid)
then show ?case using wfX_wfY by metis
case (check_branch_list_consI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist' v cs τ css )
then show ?case using wfX_wfY by metis
case (check_branch_list_finalI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist' v cs τ )
then show ?case using wfX_wfY by metis
case (check_ifI z Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v s1 s2 τ)
hence *:"wfT Θ ℬ Γ (⦃ z : b_of τ | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit L_false) IMP c_of τ z ⦄)" (is "wfT Θ ℬ Γ ?tau") by auto
hence "wfT Θ ℬ Γ τ" using wfT_wfT_if1 check_ifI fresh_prodN by metis
hence " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ " using check_ifI b_of_c_of_eq fresh_prodN by auto
thus ?case using check_ifI by metis
case (check_let2I x Θ Φ ℬ G Δ t s1 τ s2)
then have "wfT Θ ℬ ((x, b_of t, (c_of t x)) #⇩Γ G) τ" by fastforce
moreover have "atom x ♯ τ" using check_let2I by force
ultimately have "wfT Θ ℬ G τ" using wfT_restrict2 by metis
then show ?case using check_let2I by argo
case (check_varI u Δ P G v τ' Φ s τ)
then show ?case using wfG_elims wfD_elims
list.distinct list.inject by metis
case (check_assignI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ u τ v z τ')
obtain z'::x where *:"atom z' ♯ Γ" using obtain_fresh by metis
moreover have "⦃ z : B_unit | TRUE ⦄ = ⦃ z' : B_unit | TRUE ⦄" by auto
moreover hence "wfT Θ ℬ Γ ⦃ z' : B_unit |TRUE ⦄" using wfT_TRUE check_assignI check_v_wf * wfB_unitI wfG_wf by metis
ultimately show ?case using check_v.cases infer_v_wf subtype_wf check_assignI wfT_wf check_v_wf wfG_wf
by (meson subtype_wf)
case (check_whileI Φ Δ G P s1 z s2 τ')
then show ?case using subtype_wf subtype_wf by auto
case (check_seqI Δ G P s1 z s2 τ)
then show ?case by fast
case (check_caseI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ dclist cs τ tid v z)
then show ?case by fast
lemma check_s_check_branch_s_wfS:
fixes s::s and cs::branch_s and Θ::Θ and Φ::Φ and Γ::Γ and Δ::Δ and v::v and τ::τ and css::branch_list
shows "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ ⟹ Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b_of τ " and
"check_branch_s Θ Φ B Γ Δ tid cons const v cs τ ⟹ wfCS Θ Φ B Γ Δ tid cons const cs (b_of τ)"
"check_branch_list Θ Φ B Γ Δ tid dclist v css τ ⟹ wfCSS Θ Φ B Γ Δ tid dclist css (b_of τ)"
proof(induct rule: check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.inducts)
case (check_valI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v τ' τ)
then show ?case using infer_v_wf infer_v_wf subtype_wf wfX_wfY wfS_valI
by (metis subtype_eq_base2)
case (check_letI x Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ e τ z s b c)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f e : b › using infer_e_wf check_letI b_of.simps by metis
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b_of τ ›
using check_letI b_of.simps wf_replace_true2(2)[OF check_letI(5)] append_g.simps by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using infer_e_wf check_letI b_of.simps by metis
show ‹atom x ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ, Δ, e, b_of τ)›
apply(simp add: fresh_prodN, intro conjI)
using check_letI(1) fresh_prod7 by simp+
case (check_assertI x Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ c τ s)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b_of τ › using check_assertI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f c › using check_assertI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using check_assertI by auto
show ‹atom x ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ, Δ, c, b_of τ, s)› using check_assertI by auto
case (check_branch_s_branchI Θ ℬ Γ Δ τ const x Φ tid cons v s)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, b_of const, TRUE) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b_of τ ›
using wf_replace_true append_g.simps check_branch_s_branchI by metis
show ‹atom x ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ, Δ, Γ, const)›
using wf_replace_true append_g.simps check_branch_s_branchI fresh_prodN by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_replace_true append_g.simps check_branch_s_branchI by metis
case (check_branch_list_consI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid cons const v cs τ dclist css)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (check_branch_list_finalI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid cons const v cs τ)
then show ?case using wf_intros by metis
case (check_ifI z Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v s1 s2 τ)
show ?case using wfS_ifI check_v_wf check_ifI b_of.simps by metis
case (check_let2I x Θ Φ ℬ G Δ t s1 τ s2)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; G ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s1 : b_of t › using check_let2I b_of.simps by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; G ⊢⇩w⇩f t › using check_let2I check_s_check_branch_s_wf by metis
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, b_of t, TRUE) #⇩Γ G ; Δ ⊢⇩w⇩f s2 : b_of τ ›
using check_let2I(5) wf_replace_true2(2) append_g.simps check_let2I by metis
show ‹atom x ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, G, Δ, s1, b_of τ, t)›
apply(simp add: fresh_prodN, intro conjI)
using check_let2I(1) fresh_prod7 by simp+
case (check_varI u Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ τ' v τ s)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ' › using check_v_wf check_varI by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b_of τ' › using check_v_wf check_varI by metis
show ‹atom u ♯ (Φ, Θ, ℬ, Γ, Δ, τ', v, b_of τ)› using check_varI fresh_prodN u_fresh_b by metis
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; (u, τ') #⇩ΔΔ ⊢⇩w⇩f s : b_of τ › using check_varI by metis
case (check_assignI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ u τ v z τ')
then show ?case using wf_intros check_v_wf subtype_eq_base2 b_of.simps by metis
case (check_whileI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ s1 z s2 τ')
thus ?case using wf_intros b_of.simps check_v_wf subtype_eq_base2 b_of.simps by metis
case (check_seqI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ s1 z s2 τ)
thus ?case using wf_intros b_of.simps by metis
case (check_caseI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist v cs τ z)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : B_id tid › using check_caseI check_v_wf b_of.simps by metis
show ‹AF_typedef tid dclist ∈ set Θ› using check_caseI by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using check_caseI check_s_check_branch_s_wf by metis
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using check_caseI check_s_check_branch_s_wf by metis
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ; tid ; dclist ⊢⇩w⇩f cs : b_of τ › using check_caseI by metis
lemma check_s_wf:
fixes s::s
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ"
shows "Θ ; B ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ ∧ wfT Θ B Γ τ ∧ wfPhi Θ Φ ∧ wfTh Θ ∧ wfD Θ B Γ Δ ∧ wfS Θ Φ B Γ Δ s (b_of τ)"
using check_s_check_branch_s_wf check_s_check_branch_s_wfS assms by meson
lemma check_s_flip_u1:
fixes s::s and u::u and u'::u
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ"
shows "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; ( u ↔ u') ∙ Δ ⊢ (u ↔ u') ∙ s ⇐ τ"
proof -
have "(u ↔ u') ∙ Θ ; (u ↔ u') ∙ Φ ; (u ↔ u') ∙ ℬ ; (u ↔ u') ∙ Γ ; (u ↔ u') ∙ Δ ⊢ (u ↔ u') ∙ s ⇐ (u ↔ u') ∙ τ"
using check_s.eqvt assms by blast
thus ?thesis using check_s_wf[OF assms] flip_u_eq phi_flip_eq by metis
lemma check_s_flip_u2:
fixes s::s and u::u and u'::u
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; ( u ↔ u') ∙ Δ ⊢ (u ↔ u') ∙ s ⇐ τ"
shows "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ"
proof -
have "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; ( u ↔ u') ∙ ( u ↔ u') ∙ Δ ⊢ ( u ↔ u') ∙ (u ↔ u') ∙ s ⇐ τ"
using check_s_flip_u1 assms by blast
thus ?thesis using permute_flip_cancel by force
lemma check_s_flip_u:
fixes s::s and u::u and u'::u
shows "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; ( u ↔ u') ∙ Δ ⊢ (u ↔ u') ∙ s ⇐ τ = (Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ)"
using check_s_flip_u1 check_s_flip_u2 by metis
lemma check_s_abs_u:
fixes s::s and s'::s and u::u and u'::u and τ'::τ
assumes "[[atom u]]lst. s = [[atom u']]lst. s'" and "atom u ♯ Δ" and "atom u' ♯ Δ"
and "Θ ; B ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f τ'"
and "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; ( u , τ') #⇩ΔΔ ⊢ s ⇐ τ"
shows "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; ( u', τ' ) #⇩ΔΔ ⊢ s' ⇐ τ"
proof -
have "Θ ; Φ ; B ; Γ ; ( u' ↔ u) ∙ (( u , τ') #⇩ΔΔ) ⊢ ( u' ↔ u) ∙ s ⇐ τ"
using assms check_s_flip_u by metis
moreover have " ( u' ↔ u) ∙ (( u , τ') #⇩Δ Δ) = ( u' , τ') #⇩ΔΔ" proof -
have " ( u' ↔ u) ∙ (( u , τ') #⇩Δ Δ) = ((u' ↔ u) ∙ u, (u' ↔ u) ∙ τ') #⇩Δ (u' ↔ u) ∙ Δ"
using DCons_eqvt Pair_eqvt by auto
also have "... = ( u' , (u' ↔ u) ∙ τ') #⇩Δ Δ"
using assms flip_fresh_fresh by auto
also have "... = ( u' , τ') #⇩Δ Δ" using
u_not_in_t fresh_def flip_fresh_fresh assms by metis
finally show ?thesis by auto
moreover have "( u' ↔ u) ∙ s = s'" using assms Abs1_eq_iff(3)[of u' s' u s] by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
section ‹Additional Elimination and Intros›
subsection ‹Values›
nominal_function b_for :: "opp ⇒ b" where
"b_for Plus = B_int"
| "b_for LEq = B_bool" | "b_for Eq = B_bool"
apply(auto,simp add: eqvt_def b_for_graph_aux_def )
by (meson opp.exhaust)
nominal_termination (eqvt) by lexicographic_order
lemma infer_v_pair2I:
fixes v⇩1::v and v⇩2::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v⇩1 ⇒ τ⇩1" and "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v⇩2 ⇒ τ⇩2"
shows "∃τ. Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2 ⇒ τ ∧ b_of τ = B_pair (b_of τ⇩1) (b_of τ⇩2)"
proof -
obtain z1 and b1 and c1 and z2 and b2 and c2 where zbc: "τ⇩1 = (⦃ z1 : b1 | c1 ⦄) ∧ τ⇩2 = (⦃ z2 : b2 | c2 ⦄)"
using τ.exhaust by meson
obtain z::x where "atom z ♯ ( v⇩1, v⇩2,Θ, ℬ,Γ)" using obtain_fresh
by blast
hence "atom z ♯ ( v⇩1, v⇩2) ∧ atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ,Γ)" using fresh_prodN by metis
hence " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2 ⇒ ⦃ z : [ b_of τ⇩1 , b_of τ⇩2 ]⇧b | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) ⦄"
using assms infer_v_pairI zbc by metis
moreover obtain τ where "τ = (⦃ z : B_pair b1 b2 | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) ⦄)" by blast
moreover hence "b_of τ = B_pair (b_of τ⇩1) (b_of τ⇩2)" using b_of.simps zbc by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis using b_of.simps by metis
lemma infer_v_pair2I_zbc:
fixes v⇩1::v and v⇩2::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v⇩1 ⇒ τ⇩1" and "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v⇩2 ⇒ τ⇩2"
shows "∃z τ. Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2 ⇒ τ ∧ τ = (⦃ z : B_pair (b_of τ⇩1) (b_of τ⇩2) | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)) ⦄) ∧ atom z ♯ (v⇩1,v⇩2) ∧ atom z ♯ Γ"
proof -
obtain z1 and b1 and c1 and z2 and b2 and c2 where zbc: "τ⇩1 = (⦃ z1 : b1 | c1 ⦄) ∧ τ⇩2 = (⦃ z2 : b2 | c2 ⦄)"
using τ.exhaust by meson
obtain z::x where * : "atom z ♯ ( v⇩1, v⇩2,Γ,Θ , ℬ )" using obtain_fresh
by blast
hence vinf: " Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2 ⇒ ⦃ z :[ b_of τ⇩1 , b_of τ⇩2 ]⇧b | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) ⦄"
using assms infer_v_pairI by simp
moreover obtain τ where "τ = (⦃ z : B_pair b1 b2 | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) ⦄)" by blast
moreover have "b_of τ⇩1 = b1 ∧ b_of τ⇩2 = b2" using zbc b_of.simps by auto
ultimately have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2 ⇒ τ ∧ τ = (⦃ z : B_pair (b_of τ⇩1) (b_of τ⇩2) | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) ⦄)" by auto
thus ?thesis using * fresh_prod2 fresh_prod3 by metis
lemma infer_v_pair2E:
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2 ⇒ τ"
shows "∃τ⇩1 τ⇩2 z . Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v⇩1 ⇒ τ⇩1 ∧ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v⇩2 ⇒ τ⇩2 ∧
τ = (⦃ z : B_pair (b_of τ⇩1) (b_of τ⇩2) | C_eq (CE_val (V_var z)) (CE_val (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2)) ⦄) ∧ atom z ♯ (v⇩1, v⇩2)"
proof -
obtain z and t1 and t2 where
"τ = (⦃ z : B_pair (b_of t1) (b_of t2) | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_val (V_pair v⇩1 v⇩2) ⦄) ∧
atom z ♯ (v⇩1, v⇩2) ∧ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v⇩1 ⇒ t1 ∧ Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v⇩2 ⇒ t2 " using infer_v_elims(3)[OF assms ] by metis
thus ?thesis using b_of.simps by metis
subsection ‹Expressions›
lemma infer_e_app2E:
fixes Φ::Φ and Θ::Θ
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ AE_app f v ⇒ τ"
shows "∃x b c s' τ'. wfD Θ ℬ Γ Δ ∧ Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ' s'))) = lookup_fun Φ f ∧ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ ∧
Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ x : b | c ⦄ ∧ τ = τ'[x::=v]⇩τ⇩v ∧ atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ, Δ, v, τ)"
using infer_e_elims(6)[OF assms] b_of.simps subst_defs by metis
lemma infer_e_appP2E:
fixes Φ::Φ and Θ::Θ
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ AE_appP f b v ⇒ τ"
shows "∃bv x ba c s' τ'. wfD Θ ℬ Γ Δ ∧ Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x ba c τ' s'))) = lookup_fun Φ f ∧ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ ∧ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b ∧
(Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ x : ba[bv::=b]⇩b⇩b | c[bv::=b]⇩c⇩b ⦄) ∧ (τ = τ'[bv::=b]⇩τ⇩b[x::=v]⇩τ⇩v) ∧ atom x ♯ Γ ∧ atom bv ♯ v"
proof -
obtain bv x ba c s' τ' where *:"wfD Θ ℬ Γ Δ ∧ Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x ba c τ' s'))) = lookup_fun Φ f ∧ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ ∧ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b ∧
(Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ x : ba[bv::=b]⇩b⇩b | c[bv::=b]⇩c⇩b ⦄) ∧ (τ = τ'[bv::=b]⇩τ⇩b[x::=v]⇩τ⇩v) ∧ atom x ♯ Γ ∧ atom bv ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ, Δ, b, v, τ)"
using infer_e_elims(21)[OF assms] subst_defs by metis
moreover then have "atom bv ♯ v" using fresh_prodN by metis
ultimately show ?thesis by metis
section ‹Weakening›
text ‹ Lemmas showing that typing judgements hold when a context is extended ›
lemma subtype_weakening:
fixes Γ'::Γ
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ τ1 ≲ τ2" and "toSet Γ ⊆ toSet Γ'" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ'"
shows "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ τ1 ≲ τ2"
using assms proof(nominal_induct τ2 avoiding: Γ' rule: subtype.strong_induct)
case (subtype_baseI x Θ ℬ Γ z c z' c' b)
show ?case proof
show *:"Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" using wfT_weakening subtype_baseI by metis
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z' : b | c' ⦄" using wfT_weakening subtype_baseI by metis
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ', z , c , z' , c' )" using subtype_baseI fresh_Pair by metis
have "toSet ((x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊆ toSet ((x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ')" using subtype_baseI toSet.simps by blast
moreover have "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ'" using wfT_wf_cons3[OF *, of x] subtype_baseI fresh_Pair subst_defs by metis
ultimately show "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ' ⊨ c'[z'::=V_var x]⇩v" using valid_weakening subtype_baseI by metis
method many_rules uses add = ( (rule+),((simp add: add)+)?)
lemma infer_v_g_weakening:
fixes e::e and Γ'::Γ and v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ" and "toSet Γ ⊆ toSet Γ'" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ'"
shows "Θ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇒ τ"
using assms proof(nominal_induct avoiding: Γ' rule: infer_v.strong_induct)
case (infer_v_varI Θ ℬ Γ b c x' z)
show ?case proof
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ' › using infer_v_varI by auto
show ‹Some (b, c) = lookup Γ' x'› using infer_v_varI lookup_weakening by metis
show ‹atom z ♯ x'› using infer_v_varI by auto
show ‹atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ')› using infer_v_varI by auto
case (infer_v_litI Θ ℬ Γ l τ)
then show ?case using infer_v.intros by simp
case (infer_v_pairI z v1 v2 Θ ℬ Γ t1 t2)
then show ?case using infer_v.intros by simp
case (infer_v_consI s dclist Θ dc tc ℬ Γ v tv z)
show ?case proof
show ‹AF_typedef s dclist ∈ set Θ› using infer_v_consI by auto
show ‹(dc, tc) ∈ set dclist› using infer_v_consI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇒ tv› using infer_v_consI by auto
show ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ tv ≲ tc› using infer_v_consI subtype_weakening by auto
show ‹atom z ♯ v› using infer_v_consI by auto
show ‹atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ')› using infer_v_consI by auto
case (infer_v_conspI s bv dclist Θ dc tc ℬ Γ v tv b z)
show ?case proof
show ‹AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist ∈ set Θ› using infer_v_conspI by auto
show ‹(dc, tc) ∈ set dclist› using infer_v_conspI by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇒ tv› using infer_v_conspI by auto
show ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ tv ≲ tc[bv::=b]⇩τ⇩b› using infer_v_conspI subtype_weakening by auto
show ‹atom z ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ', v, b)› using infer_v_conspI by auto
show ‹atom bv ♯ (Θ, ℬ, Γ', v, b)› using infer_v_conspI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b › using infer_v_conspI by auto
lemma check_v_g_weakening:
fixes e::e and Γ'::Γ
assumes "Θ; ℬ ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ τ" and "toSet Γ ⊆ toSet Γ'" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ'"
shows "Θ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇐ τ"
using subtype_weakening infer_v_g_weakening check_v_elims check_v_subtypeI assms by metis
lemma infer_e_g_weakening:
fixes e::e and Γ'::Γ
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ e ⇒ τ" and "toSet Γ ⊆ toSet Γ'" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ'"
shows "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ'; Δ ⊢ e ⇒ τ"
using assms proof(nominal_induct τ avoiding: Γ' rule: infer_e.strong_induct)
case (infer_e_valI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v τ)
then show ?case using infer_v_g_weakening wf_weakening infer_e.intros by metis
case (infer_e_plusI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
obtain z'::x where z': "atom z' ♯ v1 ∧ atom z' ♯ v2 ∧ atom z' ♯ Γ'" using obtain_fresh fresh_prod3 by metis
moreover hence *:"⦃ z3 : B_int | CE_val (V_var z3) == CE_op Plus [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄ = (⦃ z' : B_int | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_op Plus [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
using infer_e_plusI type_e_eq ce.fresh fresh_e_opp by auto
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ AE_op Plus v1 v2 ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_int | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_op Plus [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄" proof
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_weakening infer_e_plusI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using infer_e_plusI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v1 ⇒ ⦃ z1 : B_int | c1 ⦄› using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_plusI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v2 ⇒ ⦃ z2 : B_int | c2 ⦄› using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_plusI by auto
show ‹atom z' ♯ AE_op Plus v1 v2› using z' by auto
show ‹atom z' ♯ Γ'› using z' by auto
thus ?case using * by metis
case (infer_e_leqI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
obtain z'::x where z': "atom z' ♯ v1 ∧ atom z' ♯ v2 ∧ atom z' ♯ Γ'" using obtain_fresh fresh_prod3 by metis
moreover hence *:"⦃ z3 : B_bool | CE_val (V_var z3) == CE_op LEq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄ = (⦃ z' : B_bool | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_op LEq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
using infer_e_leqI type_e_eq ce.fresh fresh_e_opp by auto
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ AE_op LEq v1 v2 ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_bool | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_op LEq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄" proof
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_weakening infer_e_leqI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using infer_e_leqI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v1 ⇒ ⦃ z1 : B_int | c1 ⦄› using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_leqI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v2 ⇒ ⦃ z2 : B_int | c2 ⦄› using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_leqI by auto
show ‹atom z' ♯ AE_op LEq v1 v2› using z' by auto
show ‹atom z' ♯ Γ'› using z' by auto
thus ?case using * by metis
case (infer_e_eqI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 bb c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
obtain z'::x where z': "atom z' ♯ v1 ∧ atom z' ♯ v2 ∧ atom z' ♯ Γ'" using obtain_fresh fresh_prod3 by metis
moreover hence *:"⦃ z3 : B_bool | CE_val (V_var z3) == CE_op Eq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄ = (⦃ z' : B_bool | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_op Eq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄)"
using infer_e_eqI type_e_eq ce.fresh fresh_e_opp by auto
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ AE_op Eq v1 v2 ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_bool | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_op Eq [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄" proof
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_weakening infer_e_eqI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using infer_e_eqI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v1 ⇒ ⦃ z1 : bb | c1 ⦄› using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_eqI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v2 ⇒ ⦃ z2 : bb | c2 ⦄› using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_eqI by auto
show ‹atom z' ♯ AE_op Eq v1 v2› using z' by auto
show ‹atom z' ♯ Γ'› using z' by auto
show "bb ∈ {B_bool, B_int, B_unit}" using infer_e_eqI by auto
thus ?case using * by metis
case (infer_e_appI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ f x b c τ' s' v τ)
show ?case proof
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ " using wf_weakening infer_e_appI by auto
show "Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ" using wf_weakening infer_e_appI by auto
show "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ' s'))) = lookup_fun Φ f" using wf_weakening infer_e_appI by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ x : b | c ⦄" using wf_weakening infer_e_appI check_v_g_weakening by auto
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ', Δ, v, τ)" using wf_weakening infer_e_appI by auto
show "τ'[x::=v]⇩v = τ" using wf_weakening infer_e_appI by auto
case (infer_e_appPI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ b' f bv x b c τ' s' v τ)
hence *:"Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ AE_appP f b' v ⇒ τ" using Typing.infer_e_appPI by auto
obtain x'::x where x':"atom x' ♯ (s', c, τ', (Γ',v,τ)) ∧ (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ' s'))) = (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x' b ((x' ↔ x) ∙ c) ((x' ↔ x) ∙ τ') ((x' ↔ x) ∙ s'))))"
using obtain_fresh_fun_def[of s' c τ' "(Γ',v,τ)" f x b]
by (metis fun_def.eq_iff fun_typ_q.eq_iff(2))
hence **: " ⦃ x : b | c ⦄ = ⦃ x' : b | (x' ↔ x) ∙ c ⦄"
using fresh_PairD(1) fresh_PairD(2) type_eq_flip by blast
have "atom x' ♯ Γ" using x' infer_e_appPI fresh_weakening fresh_Pair by metis
show ?case proof(rule Typing.infer_e_appPI[where x=x' and bv=bv and b=b and c="(x' ↔ x) ∙ c" and τ'="(x' ↔ x) ∙ τ'"and s'="((x' ↔ x) ∙ s')"])
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_weakening infer_e_appPI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using wf_weakening infer_e_appPI by auto
show "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f b'" using infer_e_appPI by auto
show "Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x' b ((x' ↔ x) ∙ c) ((x' ↔ x) ∙ τ') ((x' ↔ x) ∙ s')))) = lookup_fun Φ f" using x' infer_e_appPI by argo
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ x' : b[bv::=b']⇩b | ((x' ↔ x) ∙ c)[bv::=b']⇩b ⦄" using **
τ.eq_iff check_v_g_weakening infer_e_appPI.hyps infer_e_appPI.prems(1) infer_e_appPI.prems subst_defs
subst_tb.simps by metis
show "atom x' ♯ Γ'" using x' fresh_prodN by metis
have "atom x ♯ (v, τ) ∧ atom x' ♯ (v, τ)" using x' infer_e_fresh[OF *] e.fresh(2) fresh_Pair infer_e_appPI ‹atom x' ♯ Γ› e.fresh by metis
moreover then have "((x' ↔ x) ∙ τ')[bv::=b']⇩τ⇩b = (x' ↔ x) ∙ (τ'[bv::=b']⇩τ⇩b)" using subst_b_x_flip
by (metis subst_b_τ_def)
ultimately show "((x' ↔ x) ∙ τ')[bv::=b']⇩b[x'::=v]⇩v = τ"
using infer_e_appPI subst_tv_flip subst_defs by metis
show "atom bv ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ', Δ, b', v, τ)" using infer_e_appPI fresh_prodN by metis
case (infer_e_fstI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v z'' b1 b2 c z)
obtain z'::x where *: "atom z' ♯ Γ' ∧ atom z' ♯ v ∧ atom z' ♯ c" using obtain_fresh_z fresh_Pair by metis
hence **:"⦃ z : b1 | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_fst [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄ = ⦃ z' : b1 | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_fst [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
using type_e_eq infer_e_fstI v.fresh e.fresh ce.fresh obtain_fresh_z fresh_Pair by metis
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ AE_fst v ⇒ ⦃ z' : b1 | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_fst [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄" proof
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_weakening infer_e_fstI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using wf_weakening infer_e_fstI by auto
show "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z'' : B_pair b1 b2 | c ⦄" using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_fstI by metis
show "atom z' ♯ AE_fst v" using * ** e.supp by auto
show "atom z' ♯ Γ'" using * by auto
thus ?case using * ** by metis
case (infer_e_sndI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v z'' b1 b2 c z)
obtain z'::x where *: "atom z' ♯ Γ' ∧ atom z' ♯ v ∧ atom z' ♯ c" using obtain_fresh_z fresh_Pair by metis
hence **:"⦃ z : b2 | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_snd [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄ = ⦃ z' : b2 | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_snd [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
using type_e_eq infer_e_sndI e.fresh ce.fresh obtain_fresh_z fresh_Pair by metis
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ AE_snd v ⇒ ⦃ z' : b2 | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_snd [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄" proof
show ‹ Θ ; ℬ ;Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_weakening infer_e_sndI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using wf_weakening infer_e_sndI by auto
show "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z'' : B_pair b1 b2 | c ⦄" using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_sndI by metis
show "atom z' ♯ AE_snd v" using * e.supp by auto
show "atom z' ♯ Γ'" using * by auto
thus ?case using ** by metis
case (infer_e_lenI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v z'' c z)
obtain z'::x where *: "atom z' ♯ Γ' ∧ atom z' ♯ v ∧ atom z' ♯ c" using obtain_fresh_z fresh_Pair by metis
hence **:"⦃ z : B_int | CE_val (V_var z) == CE_len [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄ = ⦃ z' : B_int | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_len [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
using type_e_eq infer_e_lenI e.fresh ce.fresh obtain_fresh_z fresh_Pair by metis
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ AE_len v ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_int | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_len [v]⇧c⇧e ⦄" proof
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_weakening infer_e_lenI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using wf_weakening infer_e_lenI by auto
show "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇒ ⦃ z'' : B_bitvec | c ⦄" using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_lenI by metis
show "atom z' ♯ AE_len v" using * e.supp by auto
show "atom z' ♯ Γ'" using * by auto
thus ?case using * ** by metis
case (infer_e_mvarI Θ Γ Φ Δ u τ)
then show ?case using wf_weakening infer_e.intros by metis
case (infer_e_concatI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 c2 z3)
obtain z'::x where *: "atom z' ♯ Γ' ∧ atom z' ♯ v1 ∧ atom z' ♯ v2" using obtain_fresh_z fresh_Pair by metis
hence **:"⦃ z3 : B_bitvec | CE_val (V_var z3) == CE_concat [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄ = ⦃ z' : B_bitvec | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_concat [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
using type_e_eq infer_e_concatI e.fresh ce.fresh obtain_fresh_z fresh_Pair by metis
have "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ AE_concat v1 v2 ⇒ ⦃ z' : B_bitvec | CE_val (V_var z') == CE_concat [v1]⇧c⇧e [v2]⇧c⇧e ⦄" proof
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using wf_weakening infer_e_concatI by auto
show ‹ Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using wf_weakening infer_e_concatI by auto
show "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v1 ⇒ ⦃ z1 : B_bitvec | c1 ⦄" using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_concatI by metis
show "Θ ; ℬ ; Γ' ⊢ v2 ⇒ ⦃ z2 : B_bitvec | c2 ⦄" using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_concatI by metis
show "atom z' ♯ AE_concat v1 v2" using * e.supp by auto
show "atom z' ♯ Γ'" using * by auto
thus ?case using * ** by metis
case (infer_e_splitI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 z3)
show ?case proof
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ" using infer_e_splitI wf_weakening by auto
show "Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ " using infer_e_splitI wf_weakening by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ v1 ⇒ ⦃ z1 : B_bitvec | c1 ⦄" using infer_v_g_weakening infer_e_splitI by metis
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ v2 ⇐ ⦃ z2 : B_int | [ leq [ [ L_num 0 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [ [ z2 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e
AND [ leq [ [ z2 ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e [| [ v1 ]⇧c⇧e |]⇧c⇧e ]⇧c⇧e == [ [ L_true ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄"
using check_v_g_weakening infer_e_splitI by metis
show "atom z1 ♯ AE_split v1 v2" using infer_e_splitI by auto
show "atom z1 ♯ Γ'" using infer_e_splitI by auto
show "atom z2 ♯ AE_split v1 v2" using infer_e_splitI by auto
show "atom z2 ♯ Γ'" using infer_e_splitI by auto
show "atom z3 ♯ AE_split v1 v2" using infer_e_splitI by auto
show "atom z3 ♯ Γ'" using infer_e_splitI by auto
text ‹ Special cases proved explicitly, other cases at the end with method + ›
lemma infer_e_d_weakening:
fixes e::e
assumes "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ e ⇒ τ" and "setD Δ ⊆ setD Δ'" and "wfD Θ ℬ Γ Δ'"
shows "Θ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ' ⊢ e ⇒ τ"
using assms by(nominal_induct τ avoiding: Δ' rule: infer_e.strong_induct,auto simp add:infer_e.intros)
lemma wfG_x_fresh_in_v_simple:
fixes x::x and v :: v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ" and "atom x ♯ Γ"
shows "atom x ♯ v"
using wfV_x_fresh infer_v_wf assms by metis
lemma check_s_g_weakening:
fixes v::v and s::s and cs::branch_s and x::x and c::c and b::b and Γ'::Γ and Θ::Θ and css::branch_list
shows "check_s Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ s t ⟹ toSet Γ ⊆ toSet Γ' ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ' ⟹ check_s Θ Φ ℬ Γ' Δ s t" and
"check_branch_s Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid cons const v cs t ⟹ toSet Γ ⊆ toSet Γ' ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ' ⟹ check_branch_s Θ Φ ℬ Γ' Δ tid cons const v cs t" and
"check_branch_list Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist v css t ⟹ toSet Γ ⊆ toSet Γ' ⟹ Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f Γ' ⟹ check_branch_list Θ Φ ℬ Γ' Δ tid dclist v css t"
proof(nominal_induct t and t and t avoiding: Γ' rule: check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.strong_induct)
case (check_valI Θ ℬ Γ Δ' Φ v τ' τ)
then show ?case using Typing.check_valI infer_v_g_weakening wf_weakening subtype_weakening by metis
case (check_letI x Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ e τ z s b c)
hence xf:"atom x ♯ Γ'" by metis
show ?case proof
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ', Δ, e, τ)" using check_letI using fresh_prod4 xf by metis
show "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ e ⇒ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" using infer_e_g_weakening check_letI by metis
show "atom z ♯ (x, Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ', Δ, e, τ, s)"
by(unfold fresh_prodN,auto simp add: check_letI fresh_prodN)
have "toSet ((x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊆ toSet ((x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ')" using check_letI toSet.simps
by (metis Un_commute Un_empty_right Un_insert_right insert_mono)
moreover hence "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f ((x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ')" using check_letI wfG_cons_weakening check_s_wf by metis
ultimately show "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ' ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ" using check_letI by metis
case (check_let2I x Θ Φ ℬ G Δ t s1 τ s2)
show ?case proof
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ', Δ, t, s1, τ)" using check_let2I using fresh_prod4 by auto
show "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ s1 ⇐ t" using check_let2I by metis
have "toSet ((x, b_of t, c_of t x) #⇩Γ G) ⊆ toSet ((x, b_of t, c_of t x ) #⇩Γ Γ')" using check_let2I by auto
moreover hence "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f ((x, b_of t, c_of t x) #⇩Γ Γ')" using check_let2I wfG_cons_weakening check_s_wf by metis
ultimately show "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, b_of t, c_of t x) #⇩Γ Γ' ; Δ ⊢ s2 ⇐ τ" using check_let2I by metis
case (check_branch_list_consI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist' v cs τ css dclist)
thus ?case using Typing.check_branch_list_consI by metis
case (check_branch_list_finalI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist' v cs τ dclist)
thus ?case using Typing.check_branch_list_finalI by metis
case (check_branch_s_branchI Θ ℬ Γ Δ τ const x Φ tid cons v s)
show ?case proof
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ " using wf_weakening2(6) check_branch_s_branchI by metis
show "⊢⇩w⇩f Θ" using check_branch_s_branchI by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f τ " using check_branch_s_branchI wfT_weakening ‹wfG Θ ℬ Γ'› by presburger
show "Θ ; {||} ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f const " using check_branch_s_branchI by auto
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ', Δ, tid, cons, const, v, τ)" using check_branch_s_branchI by auto
have "toSet ((x, b_of const, CE_val v == CE_val(V_cons tid cons (V_var x)) AND c_of const x) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊆ toSet ((x, b_of const, CE_val v == CE_val (V_cons tid cons (V_var x)) AND c_of const x) #⇩Γ Γ')"
using check_branch_s_branchI by auto
moreover hence "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f ((x, b_of const, CE_val v == CE_val (V_cons tid cons (V_var x)) AND c_of const x ) #⇩Γ Γ')"
using check_branch_s_branchI wfG_cons_weakening check_s_wf by metis
ultimately show "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, b_of const, CE_val v == CE_val (V_cons tid cons (V_var x)) AND c_of const x ) #⇩Γ Γ' ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ"
using check_branch_s_branchI using fresh_dom_free by auto
case (check_ifI z Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v s1 s2 τ)
show ?case proof
show ‹atom z ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ', Δ, v, s1, s2, τ)› using fresh_prodN check_ifI by auto
show ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ z : B_bool | TRUE ⦄› using check_v_g_weakening check_ifI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ s1 ⇐ ⦃ z : b_of τ | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit L_true) IMP c_of τ z ⦄› using check_ifI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ' ; Δ ⊢ s2 ⇐ ⦃ z : b_of τ | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit L_false) IMP c_of τ z ⦄› using check_ifI by auto
case (check_whileI Δ G P s1 z s2 τ')
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros check_v_g_weakening subtype_weakening wf_weakening
by (meson infer_v_g_weakening)
case (check_seqI Δ G P s1 z s2 τ)
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros check_v_g_weakening subtype_weakening wf_weakening
by (meson infer_v_g_weakening)
case (check_varI u Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ τ' v τ s)
thus ?case using check_v_g_weakening check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros by auto
case (check_assignI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ u τ v z τ')
show ?case proof
show ‹Θ ⊢⇩w⇩f Φ › using check_assignI by auto
show ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ› using check_assignI wf_weakening by auto
show ‹(u, τ) ∈ setD Δ› using check_assignI by auto
show ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ v ⇐ τ› using check_assignI check_v_g_weakening by auto
show ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢ ⦃ z : B_unit | TRUE ⦄ ≲ τ'› using subtype_weakening check_assignI by auto
case (check_caseI Δ Γ Θ dclist cs τ tid v z)
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros check_v_g_weakening subtype_weakening wf_weakening
by (meson infer_v_g_weakening)
case (check_assertI x Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ c τ s)
show ?case proof
show ‹atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ', Δ, c, τ, s)› using check_assertI by auto
have " Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ" using check_assertI check_s_wf by metis
hence *:" Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ'" using wfG_cons_weakening check_assertI by metis
moreover have "toSet ((x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ) ⊆ toSet ((x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ')" using check_assertI by auto
thus ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ' ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ› using check_assertI(11) [OF _ *] by auto
show ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊨ c › using check_assertI valid_weakening by metis
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; Γ' ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ › using check_assertI wf_weakening by metis
lemma wfG_xa_fresh_in_v:
fixes c::c and Γ::Γ and G::Γ and v::v and xa::x
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ" and "G=( Γ'@ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ)" and "atom xa ♯ G" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f G"
shows "atom xa ♯ v"
proof -
have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b_of τ" using infer_v_wf assms by metis
hence "supp v ⊆ atom_dom Γ ∪ supp ℬ" using wfV_supp by simp
moreover have "atom xa ∉ atom_dom G"
using assms wfG_atoms_supp_eq[OF assms(4)] fresh_def by metis
ultimately show ?thesis using fresh_def
using assms infer_v_wf wfG_atoms_supp_eq
fresh_GCons fresh_append_g subsetCE
by (metis wfG_x_fresh_in_v_simple)
lemma fresh_z_subst_g:
fixes G::Γ
assumes "atom z' ♯ (x,v)" and ‹atom z' ♯ G›
shows "atom z' ♯ G[x::=v]⇩Γ⇩v"
proof -
have "atom z' ♯ v" using assms fresh_prod2 by auto
thus ?thesis using fresh_subst_gv assms by metis
lemma wfG_xa_fresh_in_subst_v:
fixes c::c and v::v and x::x and Γ::Γ and G::Γ and xa::x
assumes "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇒ τ" and "G=( Γ'@ (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ)" and "atom xa ♯ G" and "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f G"
shows "atom xa ♯ (subst_gv G x v)"
proof -
have "atom xa ♯ v" using wfG_xa_fresh_in_v assms by metis
thus ?thesis using fresh_subst_gv assms by metis
subsection ‹Weakening Immutable Variable Context›
declare check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros[simp]
declare check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros[intro]
lemma check_s_d_weakening:
fixes s::s and v::v and cs::branch_s and css::branch_list
shows " Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ ⊢ s ⇐ τ ⟹ setD Δ ⊆ setD Δ' ⟹ wfD Θ ℬ Γ Δ' ⟹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ' ⊢ s ⇐ τ" and
"check_branch_s Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid cons const v cs τ ⟹ setD Δ ⊆ setD Δ' ⟹ wfD Θ ℬ Γ Δ' ⟹ check_branch_s Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ' tid cons const v cs τ" and
"check_branch_list Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist v css τ ⟹ setD Δ ⊆ setD Δ' ⟹ wfD Θ ℬ Γ Δ' ⟹ check_branch_list Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ' tid dclist v css τ"
proof(nominal_induct τ and τ and τ avoiding: Δ' arbitrary: v rule: check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.strong_induct)
case (check_valI Θ ℬ Γ Δ Φ v τ' τ)
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros by blast
case (check_letI x Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ e τ z s b c)
show ?case proof
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ, Δ', e, τ)" using check_letI by auto
show "atom z ♯ (x, Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ, Δ', e, τ, s)" using check_letI by auto
show "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ' ⊢ e ⇒ ⦃ z : b | c ⦄" using check_letI infer_e_d_weakening by auto
have "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ" using check_letI check_s_wf by metis
moreover have "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ'" using check_letI check_s_wf by metis
ultimately have "Θ; ℬ; (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ'" using wf_weakening2(6) toSet.simps by fast
thus "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, b, c[z::=V_var x]⇩v) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ' ⊢ s ⇐ τ" using check_letI by simp
case (check_branch_s_branchI Θ ℬ Γ Δ τ const x Φ tid cons v s)
moreover have "Θ ;ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, b_of const, CE_val v == CE_val (V_cons tid cons (V_var x)) AND c_of const x ) #⇩Γ Γ"
using check_s_wf[OF check_branch_s_branchI(16) ] by metis
moreover hence " Θ ;ℬ ; (x, b_of const, CE_val v == CE_val (V_cons tid cons (V_var x)) AND c_of const x ) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ'"
using wf_weakening2(6) check_branch_s_branchI by fastforce
ultimately show ?case
using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros by simp
case (check_branch_list_consI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist v cs τ css)
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros by meson
case (check_branch_list_finalI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist v cs τ)
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros by meson
case (check_ifI z Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ v s1 s2 τ)
show ?case proof
show ‹atom z ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ, Δ', v, s1, s2, τ)› using fresh_prodN check_ifI by auto
show ‹Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ z : B_bool | TRUE ⦄› using check_ifI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ' ⊢ s1 ⇐ ⦃ z : b_of τ | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit L_true) IMP c_of τ z ⦄› using check_ifI by auto
show ‹ Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; Δ' ⊢ s2 ⇐ ⦃ z : b_of τ | CE_val v == CE_val (V_lit L_false) IMP c_of τ z ⦄› using check_ifI by auto
case (check_assertI x Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ c τ s)
show ?case proof
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ, Δ', c, τ,s)" using fresh_prodN check_assertI by auto
show *:" Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ' " using check_assertI by auto
hence "Θ; ℬ; (x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ' " using wf_weakening2(6)[OF *, of " (x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ"] check_assertI check_s_wf toSet.simps by auto
thus "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, B_bool, c) #⇩Γ Γ ; Δ' ⊢ s ⇐ τ"
using check_assertI(11)[OF ‹setD Δ ⊆ setD Δ'›] by simp
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊨ c " using fresh_prodN check_assertI by auto
case (check_let2I x Θ Φ ℬ G Δ t s1 τ s2)
show ?case proof
show "atom x ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, G, Δ', t , s1, τ)" using check_let2I by auto
show "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; G ; Δ' ⊢ s1 ⇐ t" using check_let2I infer_e_d_weakening by auto
have "Θ; ℬ; (x, b_of t, c_of t x ) #⇩Γ G ⊢⇩w⇩f Δ'" using check_let2I wf_weakening2(6) check_s_wf by fastforce
thus "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; (x, b_of t, c_of t x) #⇩Γ G ; Δ' ⊢ s2 ⇐ τ" using check_let2I by simp
case (check_varI u Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ τ' v τ s)
show ?case proof
show "atom u ♯ (Θ, Φ, ℬ, Γ, Δ', τ', v, τ)" using check_varI by auto
show "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢ v ⇐ τ'" using check_varI by auto
have "setD ((u, τ') #⇩ΔΔ) ⊆ setD ((u, τ') #⇩ΔΔ')" using setD.simps check_varI by auto
moreover have "u ∉ fst ` setD Δ'" using check_varI(1) setD.simps fresh_DCons by (simp add: fresh_d_not_in)
moreover hence "Θ; ℬ; Γ ⊢⇩w⇩f (u, τ') #⇩ΔΔ' " using wfD_cons fresh_DCons setD.simps check_varI check_v_wf by metis
ultimately show "Θ ; Φ ; ℬ ; Γ ; (u, τ') #⇩ΔΔ' ⊢ s ⇐ τ" using check_varI by auto
case (check_assignI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ u τ v z τ')
moreover hence "(u, τ) ∈ setD Δ'" by auto
ultimately show ?case using Typing.check_assignI by simp
case (check_whileI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ s1 z s2 τ')
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros by meson
case (check_seqI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ s1 z s2 τ)
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros by meson
case (check_caseI Θ Φ ℬ Γ Δ tid dclist v cs τ z)
then show ?case using check_s_check_branch_s_check_branch_list.intros by meson
lemma valid_ce_eq:
fixes v::v and ce2::ce
assumes "ce1 = ce2[x::=v]⇩c⇩e⇩v" and "wfV Θ ℬ GNil v b" and "wfCE Θ ℬ ((x, b, TRUE) #⇩Γ GNil) ce2 b'" and "wfCE Θ ℬ GNil ce1 b'"
shows ‹Θ; ℬ; (x, b, ([[x ]⇧v]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e )) #⇩Γ GNil ⊨ ce1 == ce2 ›
unfolding valid.simps proof
have wfg: "Θ ; ℬ ⊢⇩w⇩f (x, b, [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ GNil"
using wfG_cons1I wfG_nilI wfX_wfY assms wf_intros
by (meson fresh_GNil wfC_e_eq wfG_intros2)
show wf: ‹Θ; ℬ; (x, b, [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ce1 == ce2 ›
apply(rule wfC_eqI[where b=b'])
using wfg toSet.simps assms wfCE_weakening apply simp
using wfg assms wf_replace_inside1(8) assms
using wfC_trueI wf_trans(8) by auto
show ‹∀i. ((Θ ; (x, b, [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢ i) ∧ (i ⊨ (x, b, [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ GNil) ⟶
(i ⊨ (ce1 == ce2 )))› proof(rule+,goal_cases)
fix i
assume as:"Θ ; (x, b, [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢ i ∧ i ⊨ (x, b, [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ GNil"
have 1:"wfV Θ ℬ ((x, b, [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ GNil) v b"
using wf_weakening assms append_g.simps toSet.simps wf wfX_wfY
by (metis empty_subsetI)
hence "∃s. i ⟦ v ⟧ ~ s" using eval_v_exist[OF _ 1] as by auto
then obtain s where iv:"i⟦ v ⟧ ~ s" ..
hence ix:"i x = Some s" proof -
have "i ⊨ [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e" using is_satis_g.simps as by auto
hence "i ⟦ [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ⟧ ~ True" using is_satis.simps by auto
hence "i ⟦ [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e ⟧ ~ s" using
iv eval_e_elims
by (metis eval_c_elims(7) eval_e_uniqueness eval_e_valI)
thus ?thesis using eval_v_elims(2) eval_e_elims(1) by metis
have 1:"wfCE Θ ℬ ((x, b, [ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ) #⇩Γ GNil) ce1 b'"
using wfCE_weakening assms append_g.simps toSet.simps wf wfX_wfY
by (metis empty_subsetI)
hence "∃s1. i ⟦ ce1 ⟧ ~ s1" using eval_e_exist assms as by auto
then obtain s1 where s1: "i⟦ce1⟧ ~ s1" ..
moreover have "i⟦ ce2 ⟧ ~ s1" proof -
have "i⟦ ce2[x::=v]⇩c⇩e⇩v ⟧ ~ s1" using assms s1 by auto
moreover have "ce1 = ce2[x::=v]⇩c⇩e⇩v" using subst_v_ce_def assms subst_v_simple_commute by auto
ultimately have "i(x ↦ s) ⟦ ce2 ⟧ ~ s1"
using ix subst_e_eval_v[of i ce1 s1 "ce2[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v" x v s] iv s1 by auto
moreover have "i(x ↦ s) = i" using ix by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
ultimately show "i ⟦ ce1 == ce2 ⟧ ~ True " using eval_c_eqI by metis
lemma check_v_top:
fixes v::v
assumes "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ v ⇐ τ" and "ce1 = ce2[z::=v]⇩c⇩e⇩v" and "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b_of τ | ce1 == ce2 ⦄"
and "supp ce1 ⊆ supp ℬ"
shows "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ v ⇐ ⦃ z : b_of τ | ce1 == ce2 ⦄"
proof -
obtain t where t: "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ v ⇒ t ∧ Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ t ≲ τ"
using assms check_v_elims by metis
then obtain z' and b' where *:"t = ⦃ z' : b' | [ [ z' ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ ∧ atom z' ♯ v ∧ atom z' ♯ (Θ, ℬ,GNil)"
using assms infer_v_form by metis
have beq: "b_of t = b_of τ" using subtype_eq_base2 b_of.simps t by auto
obtain x::x where xf: ‹atom x ♯ (Θ, ℬ, GNil, z', [ [ z' ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e , z, ce1 == ce2 )›
using obtain_fresh by metis
have "Θ; ℬ; (x, b_of τ, TRUE) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f (ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v == ce2[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v )"
using wfT_wfC2[OF assms(3), of x] subst_cv.simps(6) subst_v_c_def subst_v_ce_def fresh_GNil by simp
then obtain b2 where b2: "Θ; ℬ; (x, b_of t, TRUE) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v : b2 ∧
Θ; ℬ; (x, b_of t, TRUE) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ce2[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v : b2" using wfC_elims(3)
beq by metis
from xf have "Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢ ⦃ z' : b_of t | [ [ z' ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ ≲ ⦃ z : b_of t | ce1 == ce2 ⦄"
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z' : b_of t | [ [ z' ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e ⦄ › using b_of.simps assms infer_v_wf t * by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ⦃ z : b_of t | ce1 == ce2 ⦄ › using beq assms by auto
have ‹Θ; ℬ; (x, b_of t, ([ [ x ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e )) #⇩Γ GNil ⊨ (ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v == ce2[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v ) ›
proof(rule valid_ce_eq)
show ‹ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v = ce2[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v[x::=v]⇩c⇩e⇩v› proof -
have "atom z ♯ ce1" using assms fresh_def x_not_in_b_set by fast
hence "ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v = ce1"
using forget_subst_v by auto
also have "... = ce2[z::=v]⇩c⇩e⇩v" using assms by auto
also have "... = ce2[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v[x::=v]⇩c⇩e⇩v" proof -
have "atom x ♯ ce2" using xf fresh_prodN c.fresh by metis
thus ?thesis using subst_v_simple_commute subst_v_ce_def by simp
finally show ?thesis by auto
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b_of t › using infer_v_wf t by simp
show ‹ Θ; ℬ; (x, b_of t, TRUE) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ce2[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v : b2 › using b2 by auto
have " Θ; ℬ; (x, b_of t, TRUE) #⇩Γ GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v : b2" using b2 by auto
moreover have "atom x ♯ ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v"
using fresh_subst_v_if assms fresh_def
using ‹Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f v : b_of t› ‹ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v = ce2[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v[x::=v]⇩c⇩e⇩v›
fresh_GNil subst_v_ce_def wfV_x_fresh by auto
ultimately show ‹ Θ; ℬ; GNil ⊢⇩w⇩f ce1[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v : b2 › using
wf_restrict(8) by force
moreover have v: "v[z'::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v⇩v = v"
using forget_subst assms infer_v_wf wfV_supp x_not_in_b_set
by (simp add: "local.*")
ultimately show "Θ; ℬ; (x, b_of t, ([ [ z' ]⇧v ]⇧c⇧e == [ v ]⇧c⇧e )[z'::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v) #⇩Γ GNil ⊨ (ce1 == ce2 )[z::=[ x ]⇧v]⇩v"
unfolding subst_cv.simps subst_v_c_def subst_cev.simps subst_vv.simps
using subst_v_ce_def by simp
thus ?thesis using b_of.simps assms * check_v_subtypeI t b_of.simps subtype_eq_base2 by metis