Theory Typing

theory Typing
  imports  RCLogic WellformedL

chapter ‹Type System›

text ‹The MiniSail type system. We define subtyping judgement first and then typing judgement
for the term forms›

section ‹Subtyping›

text ‹ Subtyping is defined on top of refinement constraint logic (RCL). 
A subtyping check is converted into an RCL validity check. ›

inductive subtype :: "Θ    Γ  τ  τ  bool"  ("_ ; _ ; _   _  _" [50, 50, 50] 50) where
  subtype_baseI: "  
   atom x  (Θ, , Γ, z,c,z',c') ; 
   Θ; ; Γ wf   z : b | c ;  
   Θ; ; Γ wf   z' : b | c' ;                    
   Θ;  ; (x,b, c[z::=[x]v]v) #Γ Γ  c'[z'::=[x]v]v  
   Θ; ; Γ    z : b | c     z' : b | c' "

equivariance subtype
nominal_inductive subtype 
  avoids subtype_baseI: x
  case (1 Θ  Γ z b c z' c' x)
  then show ?case using  fresh_star_def 1 by force
  case (2 Θ  Γ z b c z' c' x)
  then show ?case by auto

inductive_cases subtype_elims: 
  "Θ; ; Γ   z : b | c     z' : b | c' "
  "Θ; ; Γ  τ1   τ2"

section ‹Literals›

text ‹The type synthesised has the constraint that z equates to the literal›

inductive infer_l  :: "l  τ  bool" ("  _  _" [50, 50] 50) where
  infer_trueI:   "  L_true    z : B_bool | [[z]v]ce ==  [[L_true]v]ce "
| infer_falseI: "  L_false   z : B_bool | [[z]v]ce == [[L_false]v]ce "
| infer_natI:   "  L_num n   z : B_int  | [[z]v]ce == [[L_num n]v]ce "
| infer_unitI:  "  L_unit    z : B_unit | [[z]v]ce == [[L_unit]v]ce "
| infer_bitvecI:  "  L_bitvec bv   z : B_bitvec | [[z]v]ce ==  [[L_bitvec bv]v]ce "

nominal_inductive infer_l  .
equivariance infer_l 

inductive_cases infer_l_elims[elim!]:
  " L_true  τ"
  " L_false  τ"
  " L_num n  τ"
  " L_unit  τ"
  " L_bitvec x  τ"
  " l  τ"

lemma infer_l_form2[simp]:
  shows "z.  l  ( z : base_for_lit l | [[z]v]ce == [[l]v]ce )"
proof (nominal_induct l rule: l.strong_induct)
  case (L_num x)
  then show ?case using infer_l.intros base_for_lit.simps has_fresh_z by metis
  case L_true
  then show ?case using infer_l.intros base_for_lit.simps has_fresh_z by metis
  case L_false
  then show ?case using infer_l.intros base_for_lit.simps has_fresh_z by metis
  case L_unit
  then show ?case using infer_l.intros base_for_lit.simps has_fresh_z by metis
  case (L_bitvec x)
  then show ?case using infer_l.intros base_for_lit.simps has_fresh_z by metis

section ‹Values›

inductive infer_v :: "Θ    Γ  v  τ  bool" (" _ ; _ ; _  _  _" [50, 50, 50] 50) where

infer_v_varI: "
      Θ;  wf Γ ; 
      Some (b,c) = lookup Γ x; 
      atom z  x ; atom z   (Θ, , Γ) 
      Θ; ; Γ  [x]v   z : b | [[z]v]ce == [[x]v]ce "

| infer_v_litI: "
      Θ;  wf Γ ; 
       l  τ 
      Θ; ; Γ  [l]v  τ"

| infer_v_pairI: " 
      atom z  (v1, v2); atom z   (Θ, , Γ) ;
      Θ; ; Γ  (v1::v)  t1 ; 
      Θ;  ;  Γ  (v2::v)  t2
      Θ; ; Γ  V_pair v1 v2  ( z : B_pair (b_of t1) (b_of t2)  | [[z]v]ce == [[v1,v2]v]ce ) "

| infer_v_consI: " 
      AF_typedef s dclist  set Θ;
      (dc, tc)  set dclist ; 
      Θ;  ; Γ  v  tv ; 
      Θ; ; Γ  tv  tc ;
      atom z  v ;  atom z  (Θ, , Γ) 
      Θ;  ; Γ   V_cons s dc v  ( z : B_id s |  [[z]v]ce == [ V_cons s dc v ]ce )"

| infer_v_conspI: " 
      AF_typedef_poly s bv dclist  set Θ;
      (dc, tc)  set dclist ; 
      Θ; ; Γ  v  tv; 
      Θ; ; Γ  tv  tc[bv::=b]τb ;
      atom z  (Θ, , Γ, v, b);
      atom bv  (Θ, , Γ, v, b);
      Θ;  wf b
      Θ; ; Γ  V_consp s dc b v  ( z : B_app s b |  [[z]v]ce == (CE_val (V_consp s dc b v)) )"

equivariance infer_v
nominal_inductive infer_v
  avoids infer_v_conspI: bv and z | infer_v_varI: z | infer_v_pairI: z | infer_v_consI:  z 
  case (1 Θ  Γ b c x z)
  hence "atom z   z : b  | [ [ z ]v ]ce  ==  [ [ x ]v ]ce  " using τ.fresh by simp
  then show ?case unfolding fresh_star_def using 1 by simp
  case (2 Θ  Γ b c x z)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (3 z v1 v2 Θ  Γ t1 t2)
  hence "atom z   z : [ b_of t1 , b_of t2 ]b  | [ [ z ]v ]ce  ==  [ [ v1 , v2 ]v ]ce  " using τ.fresh by simp
  then show ?case unfolding fresh_star_def using 3 by simp
  case (4 z v1 v2 Θ  Γ t1 t2)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (5 s dclist Θ dc tc  Γ v tv z)
  hence "atom z   z : B_id s  | [ [ z ]v ]ce  ==  [ V_cons s dc v ]ce  " using τ.fresh b.fresh pure_fresh by auto
  moreover have "atom z  V_cons s dc v" using v.fresh 5 using v.fresh fresh_prodN pure_fresh  by metis
  then show ?case unfolding fresh_star_def using 5 by simp
  case (6 s dclist Θ dc tc  Γ v tv z)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (7 s bv dclist Θ dc tc  Γ v tv b z)
  hence "atom bv  V_consp s dc b v" using v.fresh fresh_prodN pure_fresh by metis
  moreover then have "atom bv   z : B_id s  | [ [ z ]v ]ce  ==  [ V_consp s dc b v ]ce  " 
    using τ.fresh ce.fresh v.fresh by auto
  moreover have "atom z  V_consp s dc b v" using v.fresh fresh_prodN pure_fresh 7 by metis
  moreover then have "atom z   z : B_id s  | [ [ z ]v ]ce  ==  [ V_consp s dc b v ]ce  " 
    using τ.fresh ce.fresh v.fresh by auto
  ultimately show ?case using fresh_star_def 7 by force
  case (8 s bv dclist Θ dc tc  Γ v tv b z)
  then show ?case by auto

inductive_cases infer_v_elims[elim!]:
  "Θ; ; Γ  V_var x  τ"
  "Θ; ; Γ  V_lit l  τ"
  "Θ; ; Γ  V_pair v1 v2  τ"
  "Θ; ; Γ  V_cons s dc v  τ"
  "Θ; ; Γ  V_pair v1 v2  ( z : b |  c  ) "
  "Θ; ; Γ  V_pair v1 v2  ( z : [ b1 , b2 ]b |  [[z]v]ce == [[v1,v2]v]ce ) "
  "Θ; ; Γ  V_consp s dc b v   τ "

inductive check_v :: "Θ    Γ  v  τ  bool"  ("_ ; _ ; _   _  _" [50, 50, 50] 50) where
  check_v_subtypeI:  "  Θ; ; Γ  τ1  τ2; Θ; ; Γ  v  τ1   Θ;  ;  Γ   v  τ2"
equivariance check_v
nominal_inductive check_v  .

inductive_cases check_v_elims[elim!]:
  "Θ;  ; Γ  v  τ"

section ‹Expressions›

text ‹ Type synthesis for expressions ›

inductive infer_e :: "Θ  Φ    Γ  Δ  e  τ  bool"  ("_ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _   _  _" [50, 50, 50,50] 50) where

infer_e_valI:  "
         (Θ; ; Γ wf Δ) ; 
         (Θ wf (Φ::Φ)) ; 
         (Θ; ; Γ  v  τ)   
         Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_val v)  τ"

| infer_e_plusI: " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ;
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v1   z1 : B_int | c1  ; 
        Θ; ; Γ   v2   z2 : B_int | c2 ;
        atom z3  (AE_op Plus v1 v2); atom z3  Γ   
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_op Plus v1 v2   z3 : B_int | [[z3]v]ce == (CE_op Plus [v1]ce [v2]ce) "

| infer_e_leqI: " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ; 
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v1   z1 : B_int | c1  ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v2   z2 : B_int | c2 ;
        atom z3  (AE_op LEq v1 v2); atom z3  Γ  
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_op LEq v1 v2    z3 : B_bool | [[z3]v]ce == (CE_op LEq [v1]ce [v2]ce) "

| infer_e_eqI: " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ; 
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v1   z1 : b | c1  ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v2   z2 : b | c2 ;     
        atom z3  (AE_op Eq v1 v2); atom z3  Γ  ;
        b  { B_bool, B_int, B_unit }
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_op Eq v1 v2    z3 : B_bool | [[z3]v]ce == (CE_op Eq [v1]ce [v2]ce) "

| infer_e_appI: " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ;
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ' s'))) = lookup_fun Φ f;        
        Θ; ; Γ  v    x : b | c ; 
        atom x  (Θ, Φ, , Γ, Δ,v , τ);
        τ'[x::=v]v = τ 
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_app f v  τ"

| infer_e_appPI: " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ;
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ;  wf b' ; 
        Some (AF_fundef f (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ' s'))) = lookup_fun Φ f;       
        Θ; ; Γ  v    x : b[bv::=b']b | c[bv::=b']b ; atom x  Γ;
        (τ'[bv::=b']b[x::=v]v) = τ ;
        atom bv  (Θ, Φ, , Γ, Δ, b', v, τ)
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_appP f b' v  τ"

| infer_e_fstI:  " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ; 
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v   z' : [b1,b2]b | c ;
        atom z  AE_fst v ; atom z  Γ   
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_fst v   z : b1 | [[z]v]ce == ((CE_fst [v]ce)) "

| infer_e_sndI: " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ; 
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v   z' : [ b1, b2]b | c ;
        atom z  AE_snd v ; atom z  Γ    
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_snd v   z : b2 | [[z]v]ce == ((CE_snd [v]ce))  "

| infer_e_lenI: " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ; 
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v   z' : B_bitvec | c ;
        atom z  AE_len v ; atom z  Γ   
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_len v   z : B_int | [[z]v]ce == ((CE_len [v]ce))  "

| infer_e_mvarI: "  
        Θ;  wf Γ ; 
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ;
        (u,τ)  setD Δ   
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ   AE_mvar u  τ"

| infer_e_concatI: " 
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ;
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ) ; 
        Θ; ; Γ  v1   z1 : B_bitvec | c1  ; 
        Θ; ; Γ   v2   z2 : B_bitvec | c2 ;
        atom z3  (AE_concat v1 v2); atom z3  Γ   
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_concat  v1 v2   z3 : B_bitvec | [[z3]v]ce == (CE_concat [v1]ce [v2]ce) "

| infer_e_splitI: "
        Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ;
        Θ wf (Φ::Φ);
        Θ ;  ; Γ  v1   z1 : B_bitvec | c1  ;
        Θ ;  ; Γ  v2   z2 : B_int | (CE_op LEq (CE_val (V_lit (L_num 0))) (CE_val (V_var z2))) == (CE_val (V_lit L_true)) AND 
                                         (CE_op LEq (CE_val (V_var z2)) (CE_len (CE_val (v1)))) == (CE_val (V_lit L_true)) ;
        atom z1  (AE_split v1 v2); atom z1  Γ;
        atom z2  (AE_split v1 v2); atom z2  Γ;
        atom z3  (AE_split v1 v2); atom z3  Γ
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_split  v1 v2)   z3 : B_pair B_bitvec B_bitvec  | 
                      ((CE_val v1) == (CE_concat (CE_fst (CE_val (V_var z3))) (CE_snd (CE_val (V_var z3)))))
                  AND (((CE_len (CE_fst (CE_val (V_var z3))))) == (CE_val ( v2))) "

equivariance infer_e
nominal_inductive infer_e 
  avoids  infer_e_appI: x |infer_e_appPI: bv |  infer_e_splitI: z3 and z1 and z2 
  case (1 Θ  Γ Δ Φ f x b c τ' s' v τ)
  moreover hence "atom x  [ f  v  ]e" using fresh_prodN pure_fresh e.fresh by force
  ultimately show ?case unfolding fresh_star_def using fresh_prodN e.fresh pure_fresh by simp
  case (2 Θ  Γ Δ Φ f x b c τ' s' v τ)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (3 Θ  Γ Δ Φ b' f bv x b c τ' s' v τ)
  moreover hence "atom bv  AE_appP f b' v"  using fresh_prodN pure_fresh e.fresh by force
  ultimately show ?case unfolding fresh_star_def using fresh_prodN  e.fresh pure_fresh fresh_Pair by auto
  case (4 Θ  Γ Δ Φ b' f bv x b c τ' s' v τ)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (5 Θ  Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 z3)
  have "atom z3   z3 : [ B_bitvec , B_bitvec ]b  | [ v1 ]ce  ==  [ [#1[ [ z3 ]v ]ce]ce @@ [#2[ [ z3 ]v ]ce]ce ]ce   AND  [| [#1[ [ z3 ]v ]ce]ce |]ce  ==  [ v2 ]ce   "
    using τ.fresh by simp
  then show ?case unfolding fresh_star_def fresh_prod7 using wfG_fresh_x2 5 by auto
  case (6 Θ  Γ Δ Φ v1 z1 c1 v2 z2 z3)
  then show ?case by auto

inductive_cases infer_e_elims[elim!]:
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op Plus v1 v2)   z3 : B_int | [[z3]v]ce == (CE_op Plus [v1]ce [v2]ce) "
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op LEq v1 v2)   z3 : B_bool | [[z3]v]ce == (CE_op LEq [v1]ce [v2]ce) "
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op Plus v1 v2)   z3 : B_int | c " 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op Plus v1 v2)   z3 : b | c " 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op LEq v1 v2)   z3 : b | c " 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_app f v )  τ"     
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_val v)  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_fst v)  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_snd v)  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_mvar u)  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op Plus v1 v2)  τ" 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op LEq v1 v2)  τ" 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op LEq v1 v2)   z3 : B_bool | c " 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_app f v )   τ[x::=v]τv"  
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op opp v1 v2)   τ" 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_len v)  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_len v)   z : B_int | [[z]v]ce == ((CE_len [v]ce)) "
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_concat v1 v2  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_concat v1 v2  ( z : b |  c  ) "
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_concat v1 v2  ( z : B_bitvec |  [[z]v]ce == (CE_concat [v1]ce [v1]ce) ) "
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_appP f b v )   τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AE_split v1 v2  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op Eq v1 v2)   z3 : b | c " 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op Eq v1 v2)   z3 : B_bool | c " 
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AE_op Eq v1 v2)  τ" 
nominal_termination (eqvt)  by lexicographic_order

section ‹Statements›

inductive check_s ::  "Θ  Φ    Γ  Δ  s  τ  bool" (" _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _   _  _" [50, 50, 50,50,50] 50) and
  check_branch_s ::  "Θ  Φ    Γ  Δ   tyid  string  τ  v  branch_s  τ  bool" (" _ ;  _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _  _  _" [50, 50, 50,50,50] 50) and
  check_branch_list ::  "Θ  Φ    Γ  Δ   tyid  (string * τ) list  v  branch_list  τ  bool" (" _ ;  _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _ ; _  _  _" [50, 50, 50,50,50] 50) where 
  check_valI:  " 
       Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ;   
       Θ wf Φ ;
       Θ; ; Γ  v  τ'; 
       Θ; ; Γ  τ'  τ   
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AS_val v)  τ"

| check_letI: "
       atom x  (Θ, Φ, , Γ, Δ, e, τ);  
       atom z  (x, Θ, Φ, , Γ, Δ, e, τ, s);  
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  e   z : b | c  ; 
       Θ; Φ ;  ; ((x,b,c[z::=V_var x]v)#ΓΓ) ; Δ  s  τ 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AS_let x e s)  τ"

| check_assertI: "
       atom x  (Θ, Φ, , Γ, Δ, c, τ, s);  
       Θ; Φ ;  ; ((x,B_bool,c)#ΓΓ) ; Δ  s  τ ;
       Θ; ; Γ   c;
       Θ; ; Γ wf Δ 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (AS_assert c s)  τ"

|check_branch_s_branchI: " 
       Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ; 
        wf Θ ; 
       Θ; ; Γ wf τ ;
       Θ ; {||} ; GNil wf const;
       atom x  (Θ, Φ, , Γ, Δ, tid, cons , const, v, τ);
       Θ; Φ; ; ((x,b_of const,  ([v]ce == [ V_cons tid cons [x]v]ce ) AND (c_of const x))#ΓΓ) ; Δ  s  τ  
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; cons ; const ; v  (AS_branch cons x s)  τ"

|check_branch_list_consI: " 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ; tid; cons; const; v  cs  τ ; 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ; tid; dclist; v  css  τ  
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; (cons,const)#dclist ; v  AS_cons cs css  τ"

|check_branch_list_finalI: " 
       Θ; Φ;; Γ; Δ; tid ; cons ; const ; v  cs  τ  
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ ; tid ; [(cons,const)] ; v  AS_final cs   τ"

| check_ifI: " 
       atom z  (Θ, Φ, , Γ, Δ, v , s1 , s2 , τ ); 
       (Θ; ; Γ  v  ( z : B_bool | TRUE )) ; 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  s1  ( z : b_of τ | ([v]ce == [[L_true]v]ce) IMP (c_of τ z) ) ;
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  s2  ( z : b_of τ | ([v]ce == [[L_false]v]ce) IMP (c_of τ z) ) 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  IF v THEN s1 ELSE s2  τ"

| check_let2I: "    
       atom x  (Θ, Φ, , G, Δ, t, s1, τ) ;     
       Θ; Φ ;  ; G; Δ  s1  t; 
       Θ; Φ ;  ; ((x,b_of t,c_of t x)#ΓG) ; Δ  s2  τ 
       Θ; Φ ;  ; G ; Δ  (LET x : t  = s1 IN s2)  τ"

| check_varI: " 
       atom u  (Θ, Φ, , Γ, Δ, τ', v, τ) ; 
       Θ; ; Γ   v  τ'; 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ ; ((u,τ') #Δ Δ)   s  τ 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  (VAR u : τ' = v  IN s)  τ"

| check_assignI: " 
       Θ wf Φ ;
       Θ; ; Γ wf Δ ; 
       (u,τ)  setD Δ ; 
       Θ; ; Γ   v  τ;
       Θ; ; Γ  ( z : B_unit | TRUE )  τ'  
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ   (u ::= v)  τ'" 

| check_whileI: " 
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  s1   z : B_bool | TRUE ; 
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  s2   z : B_unit | TRUE ;
        Θ; ; Γ  ( z : B_unit | TRUE )  τ' 
        Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  WHILE s1 DO { s2 }  τ'"

| check_seqI: " 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  s1   z : B_unit | TRUE ; 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  s2  τ 
       Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  s1 ;; s2  τ"

| check_caseI: " 
      Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ; tid ; dclist ; v   cs  τ ;  
       (AF_typedef tid dclist )  set Θ ;                 
       Θ; ; Γ  v   z : B_id tid | TRUE ;
       wf Θ  
      Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_match v cs  τ"

equivariance check_s

text ‹We only need avoidance for cases where a variable is added to a context›
nominal_inductive check_s 
  avoids check_letI: x and z  |  check_branch_s_branchI: x | check_let2I: x  | check_varI: u | check_ifI: z | check_assertI: x
  case (1 x Θ Φ  Γ Δ e τ z s b c)
  hence "atom x  AS_let x e s" using s_branch_s_branch_list.fresh(2) by auto 
  moreover have "atom z  AS_let x e s" using s_branch_s_branch_list.fresh(2) 1 fresh_prod8 by auto
  then show ?case using fresh_star_def 1 by force
  case (3 x Θ Φ  Γ Δ c τ s)
  hence "atom x  AS_assert c s" using fresh_prodN s_branch_s_branch_list.fresh pure_fresh  by auto 
  then show ?case using fresh_star_def 3 by force
  case (5 Θ  Γ Δ τ const x Φ tid cons v s)
  hence "atom x  AS_branch cons x s" using fresh_prodN s_branch_s_branch_list.fresh pure_fresh  by auto 
  then show ?case using fresh_star_def 5 by force
  case (7 z Θ Φ  Γ Δ v s1 s2 τ)
  hence "atom z  AS_if v s1 s2 " using s_branch_s_branch_list.fresh by auto
  then show ?case using 7 fresh_prodN fresh_star_def by fastforce
  case (9 x Θ Φ  G Δ t s1 τ s2)
  hence "atom x  AS_let2 x t s1 s2" using s_branch_s_branch_list.fresh by auto
  thus ?case  using fresh_star_def 9 by force
  case (11 u Θ Φ  Γ Δ τ' v τ s)
  hence "atom u  AS_var u τ' v s" using s_branch_s_branch_list.fresh by auto
  then show ?case  using fresh_star_def 11 by force


inductive_cases check_s_elims[elim!]:
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_val v  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_let x e s  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_if v s1 s2  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_let2 x t s1 s2  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_while s1 s2  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_var u t v s  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_seq s1 s2  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_assign u v  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_match v cs  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ  AS_assert c s  τ"

inductive_cases check_branch_s_elims[elim!]:
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ; tid ; dclist ; v  (AS_final cs)  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ; tid ; dclist ; v  (AS_cons cs css)  τ"
  "Θ; Φ; ; Γ; Δ; tid ; cons ; const ; v  (AS_branch dc x s )  τ"

section ‹Programs›

text ‹Type check function bodies›

inductive check_funtyp :: "Θ  Φ     fun_typ  bool" ( " _ ; _ ; _  _ " ) where
  check_funtypI: "
  atom x  (Θ, Φ, B , b );
  Θ; Φ ;  B ; ((x,b,c) #Γ GNil) ; []Δ  s  τ
  Θ; Φ ; B  (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)"

equivariance check_funtyp
nominal_inductive check_funtyp
  avoids check_funtypI: x
  case (1 x Θ Φ B b c s τ  )
  hence "atom x  (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s)"  using fun_def.fresh fun_typ_q.fresh fun_typ.fresh by simp
  then show ?case using fresh_star_def 1 fresh_prodN by fastforce
  case (2 Θ Φ x b c s τ f)
  then show ?case by auto

inductive check_funtypq :: "Θ  Φ  fun_typ_q  bool"  ( " _ ; _  _ " ) where 
  check_fundefq_simpleI: "
  Θ; Φ ; {||}  (AF_fun_typ x b c t s)
  Θ; Φ  ((AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c t s)))"

|check_funtypq_polyI: "
  atom bv  (Θ, Φ, (AF_fun_typ x b c t s));
  Θ; Φ; {|bv|}  (AF_fun_typ x b c t s)
  Θ; Φ  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c t s))"

equivariance check_funtypq
nominal_inductive check_funtypq
  avoids check_funtypq_polyI: bv
  case (1 bv Θ Φ x b c t s )
  hence "atom bv  (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c t s))"  using fun_def.fresh fun_typ_q.fresh fun_typ.fresh by simp
  thus ?case using fresh_star_def 1 fresh_prodN by fastforce
  case (2 bv Θ Φ ft )
  then show ?case by auto

inductive check_fundef :: "Θ  Φ  fun_def  bool" ( " _ ; _  _ " ) where
  check_fundefI: "
  Θ; Φ  ft 
  Θ; Φ  (AF_fundef f ft)"

equivariance check_fundef
nominal_inductive check_fundef .

text ‹Temporarily remove this simproc as it produces untidy eliminations›
declare[[ simproc del: alpha_lst]]

inductive_cases check_funtyp_elims[elim!]:
  "check_funtyp Θ Φ B ft"

inductive_cases check_funtypq_elims[elim!]:
  "check_funtypq Θ Φ (AF_fun_typ_none (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))"
  "check_funtypq Θ Φ (AF_fun_typ_some bv (AF_fun_typ x b c τ s))"

inductive_cases check_fundef_elims[elim!]:
  "check_fundef Θ Φ (AF_fundef f ftq)"

declare[[ simproc add: alpha_lst]]

nominal_function Δ_of :: "var_def list  Δ" where
  "Δ_of [] = DNil"
| "Δ_of ((AV_def u t v)#vs) = (u,t) #Δ  (Δ_of vs)" 
  apply auto
  using  eqvt_def Δ_of_graph_aux_def neq_Nil_conv apply force
  using  eqvt_def Δ_of_graph_aux_def neq_Nil_conv 
  by (metis var_def.strong_exhaust)
nominal_termination (eqvt) by lexicographic_order

inductive check_prog :: "p  τ  bool" ( " _  _")  where 
   Θ; Φ; {||}; GNil ; Δ_of 𝒢  s  τ
    (AP_prog Θ Φ 𝒢 s)  τ"

inductive_cases check_prog_elims[elim!]:
  " (AP_prog Θ Φ 𝒢 s)  τ"
