Theory Irrational_Series_Erdos_Straus

(* Title:      Irrational_Series_Erdos_Straus.thy
   Author:     Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki and Wenda Li, University of Cambridge, UK.

We formalise certain irrationality criteria for infinite series by P. Erdos and E.G. Straus.
In particular, we formalise Theorem 2.1, Corollary 2.10 and Theorem 3.1 in [1]. The latter is an 
application of Theorem 2.1 involving the prime numbers.

[1]  P. Erdos and E.G. Straus, On the irrationality of certain series, Pacific Journal of 
Mathematics, Vol. 55, No 1, 1974

theory "Irrational_Series_Erdos_Straus" imports

section ‹Miscellaneous›

lemma suminf_comparison:
  assumes "summable f" and gf: "n. norm (g n)  f n"
  shows "suminf g  suminf f"
proof (rule suminf_le)
  show "g n  f n" for n
    using gf[of n] by auto
  show "summable g"
    using assms summable_comparison_test' by blast 
  show "summable f" using assms(1) .

lemma tendsto_of_int_diff_0:
  assumes "(λn. f n - of_int(g n))  (0::real)" "F n in sequentially. f n > 0"
  shows "F n in sequentially. 0  g n"
proof -
  have "F n in sequentially. ¦f n - of_int(g n)¦ < 1 / 2" 
    using assms(1)[unfolded tendsto_iff,rule_format,of "1/2"] by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms(2)
    by eventually_elim linarith

lemma eventually_mono_sequentially:
  assumes "eventually P sequentially"
  assumes "x. P (x+k)  Q (x+k)"
  shows "eventually Q sequentially"
  using sequentially_offset[OF assms(1),of k]
  apply (subst eventually_sequentially_seg[symmetric,of _ k])
  apply (elim eventually_mono)
  by fact

lemma frequently_eventually_at_top:
  fixes P Q::"'a::linorder  bool"
  assumes "frequently P at_top" "eventually Q at_top"
  shows "frequently (λx. P x  (yx. Q y) ) at_top"
  using assms
  unfolding frequently_def eventually_at_top_linorder 
  by (metis (mono_tags, opaque_lifting) le_cases order_trans)

lemma eventually_at_top_mono:
  fixes P Q::"'a::linorder  bool"
  assumes event_P:"eventually P at_top"
  assumes PQ_imp:"x. xz  yx. P y  Q x"
  shows "eventually Q at_top"
proof -
  obtain N where "nN. P n"
    by (meson event_P eventually_at_top_linorder)
  then have "Q x" when "x  max N z" for x
    using PQ_imp that by auto 
  then show ?thesis unfolding eventually_at_top_linorder
    by blast

lemma frequently_at_top_elim:
  fixes P Q::"'a::linorder  bool"
  assumes "Fx in at_top. P x"
  assumes "i. P i  j>i. Q j"
  shows "Fx in at_top. Q x"
  using assms unfolding frequently_def eventually_at_top_linorder 
  by (meson leD le_cases less_le_trans)

lemma less_Liminf_iff:
  fixes X :: "_  _ :: complete_linorder"
  shows "Liminf F X < C  (y<C. frequently (λx. y  X x) F)"
  by (force simp: not_less not_frequently not_le le_Liminf_iff simp flip: Not_eq_iff)

lemma sequentially_even_odd_imp:
  assumes "F N in sequentially. P (2*N)" "F N in sequentially. P (2*N+1)"
  shows "F n in sequentially. P n"
proof -
  obtain N where N_P:"xN.  P (2 * x)  P (2 * x + 1)"
    using eventually_conj[OF assms] 
    unfolding eventually_at_top_linorder by auto
  have "P n" when "n  2*N" for n
  proof -
    define n' where "n'= n div 2"
    then have "n'  N" using that by auto
    then have "P (2 * n')  P (2 * n' + 1)"
      using N_P by auto
    then show ?thesis unfolding n'_def
      by (cases "even n") auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding eventually_at_top_linorder by auto

section ‹Theorem 2.1 and Corollary 2.10›

  fixes a b ::"natint "
  assumes a_pos: " n. a n >0 " and a_large: "F n in sequentially. a n > 1" 
    and ab_tendsto: "(λn. ¦b n¦ / (a (n-1) * a n))  0"

private lemma aux_series_summable: "summable (λn. b n / (kn. a k))" 
proof -
  have "e. e>0  F x in sequentially. ¦b x¦ / (a (x-1) * a x) < e"
    using ab_tendsto[unfolded tendsto_iff] 
    apply (simp add: abs_mult flip: of_int_abs)
    by (subst (asm) (2) abs_of_pos,use  n. a n > 0 in auto)+              
  from this[of 1]
  have "F x in sequentially. ¦real_of_int(b x)¦ < (a (x-1) * a x)"
    using  n. a n > 0 by auto
  moreover have "n. (kn. real_of_int (a k)) > 0" 
    using a_pos by (auto intro!:linordered_semidom_class.prod_pos)
  ultimately have "F n in sequentially. ¦b n¦ / (kn. a k) 
                        < (a (n-1) * a n) / (kn. a k)"
    apply (elim eventually_mono)
    by (auto simp:field_simps)
  moreover have "¦b n¦ / (kn. a k) = norm (b n / (kn. a k))" for n 
    using n. (kn. real_of_int (a k)) > 0[rule_format,of n] by auto
  ultimately have "F n in sequentially. norm (b n / (kn. a k)) 
                        < (a (n-1) * a n) / (kn. a k)"
    by algebra
  moreover have "summable (λn. (a (n-1) * a n) / (kn. a k))" 
  proof -
    obtain s where a_gt_1:" ns. a n >1"
      using a_large[unfolded eventually_at_top_linorder] by auto
    define cc where "cc= (k<s. a k)"
    have "cc>0" 
      unfolding cc_def by (meson a_pos prod_pos)
    have "(kn+s. a k)  cc * 2^n" for n
    proof -
      have "prod a {s..<Suc (s + n)}  2^n"
      proof (induct n)
        case 0
        then show ?case using a_gt_1 by auto
        case (Suc n)
        moreover have "a (s + Suc n)  2"
          by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) a_gt_1 le_add1)
        ultimately show ?case 
          apply (subst prod.atLeastLessThan_Suc,simp)
          using mult_mono'[of 2 "a (Suc (s + n))" " 2 ^ n" "prod a {s..<Suc (s + n)}"] 
          by (simp add: mult.commute)
      moreover have "prod a {0..(n + s)} = prod a {..<s} * prod a {s..<Suc (s + n)} "
        using prod.atLeastLessThan_concat[of 0 s "s+n+1" a]
        by (simp add: add.commute lessThan_atLeast0 prod.atLeastLessThan_concat prod.head_if)
      ultimately show ?thesis
        using cc>0 unfolding cc_def by (simp add: atLeast0AtMost)
    then have "1/(kn+s. a k)  1/(cc * 2^n)" for n
    proof -
      assume asm:"n. cc * 2 ^ n  prod a {..n + s}"
      then have "real_of_int (cc * 2 ^ n)  prod a {..n + s}" using of_int_le_iff by blast
      moreover have "prod a {..n + s} >0" using cc>0 by (simp add: a_pos prod_pos)
      ultimately show ?thesis using cc>0 
        by (auto simp:field_simps simp del:of_int_prod)
    moreover have "summable (λn. 1/(cc * 2^n))"
    proof -
      have "summable (λn. 1/(2::int)^n)"
        using summable_geometric[of "1/(2::int)"] by (simp add:power_one_over)
      from summable_mult[OF this,of "1/cc"] show ?thesis by auto
    ultimately have "summable (λn. 1 / (kn+s. a k))"
      apply (elim summable_comparison_test'[where N=0])
      apply (unfold real_norm_def, subst abs_of_pos)
      by (auto simp: n. 0 < (kn. real_of_int (a k)))
    then have "summable (λn. 1 / (kn. a k))"
      apply (subst summable_iff_shift[where k=s,symmetric])
      by simp
    then have "summable (λn. (a (n+1) * a (n+2)) / (kn+2. a k))"
    proof -
      assume asm:"summable (λn. 1 / real_of_int (prod a {..n}))"
      have "1 / real_of_int (prod a {..n}) = (a (n+1) * a (n+2)) / (kn+2. a k)" for n 
      proof -
        have "a (Suc (Suc n))  0" "a (Suc n) 0" 
          using a_pos by (metis less_irrefl)+
        then show ?thesis 
          by (simp add: atLeast0_atMost_Suc atMost_atLeast0)
      then show ?thesis using asm by auto
    then show "summable (λn. (a (n-1) * a n) / (kn. a k))"
      apply (subst summable_iff_shift[symmetric,of _ 2])
      by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    apply (elim summable_comparison_test_ev[rotated])
    by (simp add: eventually_mono)

private fun get_c::"(nat  int)  (nat  int)  int  nat  (nat  int)" where
  "get_c a' b' B N 0 = round (B * b' N / a' N)"|
  "get_c a' b' B N (Suc n) = get_c a' b' B N n * a' (n+N) - B * b' (n+N)"

lemma ab_rationality_imp:
  assumes ab_rational:"(n. (b n / (i  n. a i)))  "
  shows " (B::int)>0.  c::nat int.
            (F n in sequentially. B*b n = c n * a n - c(n+1)  ¦c(n+1)¦<a n/2)
             (λn. c (Suc n) / a n)  0"
proof -
  have [simp]:"a n  0" for n using a_pos by (metis less_numeral_extra(3))
  obtain A::int and B::int where 
    AB_eq:"(n. real_of_int (b n) / real_of_int (prod a {..n})) = A / B" and "B>0"
  proof -
    obtain q::rat where "(n. real_of_int (b n) / real_of_int (prod a {..n})) = real_of_rat q"
      using ab_rational by (rule Rats_cases) simp
    moreover obtain A::int and B::int where "q = Rat.Fract A B" "B > 0" "coprime A B"
      by (rule Rat_cases) auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by (auto intro!: that[of A B] simp:of_rat_rat)
  define f where "f  (λn. b n / real_of_int (prod a {..n}))"
  define R where "R  (λN. (n. B*b (n+N+1) / prod a {N..n+N+1}))"
  have all_e_ubound:"e>0. F M in sequentially. n. ¦B*b (n+M+1) / prod a {M..n+M+1}¦ < e/4 * 1/2^n"
  proof safe
    fix e::real assume "e>0"
    obtain N where N_a2: "n  N. a n  2" 
      and N_ba: "n  N. ¦b n¦ / (a (n-1) * a n)  < e/(4*B)"
    proof -
      have "F n in sequentially. ¦b n¦ / (a (n - 1) * a n) < e/(4*B)" 
        using order_topology_class.order_tendstoD[OF ab_tendsto,of "e/(4*B)"] B>0 e>0
        by auto
      moreover have "F n in sequentially. a n  2"
        using a_large by (auto elim: eventually_mono)
      ultimately have "F n in sequentially. ¦b n¦ / (a (n - 1) * a n) < e/(4*B)  a n  2" 
        by eventually_elim auto
      then show ?thesis unfolding eventually_at_top_linorder using that
        by auto
    have geq_N_bound:"¦B*b (n+M+1) / prod a {M..n+M+1}¦ < e/4 * 1/2^n" when "MN" for n M   
    proof -
      define D where "D = B*b (n+M+1)/ (a (n+M) * a (n+M+1))"
      have "¦B*b (n+M+1) / prod a {M..n+M+1}¦ = ¦D / prod a {M..<n+M}¦"
      proof -
        have "{M..n+M+1} = {M..<n+M}  {n+M,n+M+1}" by auto
        then have "prod a {M..n+M+1} = a (n+M) * a (n+M+1)* prod a {M..<n+M}" by simp
        then show ?thesis unfolding D_def by (simp add:algebra_simps)
      also have "... <  ¦e/4 * (1/prod a {M..<n+M})¦"
      proof -
        have "¦D¦ < e/4" 
          unfolding D_def using N_ba[rule_format, of "n+M+1"] B>0 M  N e>0 a_pos
          by (auto simp:field_simps abs_mult abs_of_pos)
        from mult_strict_right_mono[OF this,of "1/prod a {M..<n+M}"] a_pos e>0
        show ?thesis 
          apply (auto simp:abs_prod abs_mult prod_pos)
          by (subst (2) abs_of_pos,auto)+
      also have "...  e/4 * 1/2^n"
      proof -
        have "prod a {M..<n+M}  2^n"
        proof (induct n)
          case 0
          then show ?case by simp
          case (Suc n)
          then show ?case 
            using MN by (simp add: N_a2 mult.commute mult_mono' prod.atLeastLessThan_Suc)
        then have "real_of_int (prod a {M..<n+M})  2^n" 
          using numeral_power_le_of_int_cancel_iff by blast
        then show ?thesis using e>0 by (auto simp:divide_simps)
      finally show ?thesis .
    show "F M in sequentially. n. ¦real_of_int (B * b (n + M + 1)) 
                / real_of_int (prod a {M..n + M + 1})¦ < e / 4 * 1 / 2 ^ n"
      apply (rule eventually_sequentiallyI[of N])
      using geq_N_bound by blast
  have R_tendsto_0:"R  0"
  proof (rule tendstoI)
    fix e::real assume "e>0"
    show "F x in sequentially. dist (R x) 0 < e" using all_e_ubound[rule_format,OF e>0]
    proof eventually_elim
      case (elim M)
      define g where "g = (λn. B*b (n+M+1) / prod a {M..n+M+1})"
      have g_lt:"¦g n¦ < e/4 * 1/2^n" for n
        using elim unfolding g_def by auto
      have §: "summable (λn. (e/4) * (1/2)^n)"
        by simp 
      then have g_abs_summable:"summable (λn. ¦g n¦)"
        apply (elim summable_comparison_test')
        by (metis abs_idempotent g_lt less_eq_real_def power_one_over real_norm_def times_divide_eq_right)
      have "¦n. g n¦  (n. ¦g n¦)" by (rule summable_rabs[OF g_abs_summable])
      also have "... (n. e/4 * 1/2^n)"
      proof (rule suminf_comparison)
        show "summable (λn. e/4 * 1/2^n)" 
          using § unfolding power_divide by simp
        show "n. norm ¦g n¦  e / 4 * 1 / 2 ^ n" using g_lt less_eq_real_def by auto
      also have "... = (e/4) * (n. (1/2)^n)"
        apply (subst suminf_mult[symmetric])
         by (auto simp: algebra_simps power_divide)
      also have "... = e/2" by (simp add:suminf_geometric[of "1/2"])
      finally have "¦n. g n¦  e / 2" .
      then show "dist (R M) 0 < e" unfolding R_def g_def using e>0 by auto

  obtain N where R_N_bound:"M  N. ¦R M¦   1 / 4"
    and N_geometric:"MN. n. ¦real_of_int (B * b (n + M + 1)) / (prod a {M..n + M + 1})¦ < 1 / 2 ^ n"
  proof -
    obtain N1 where N1:"M  N1. ¦R M¦   1 / 4"
      using metric_LIMSEQ_D[OF R_tendsto_0,of "1/4"] all_e_ubound[rule_format,of 4,unfolded eventually_sequentially]
      by (auto simp:less_eq_real_def)
    obtain N2 where N2:"MN2. n. ¦real_of_int (B * b (n + M + 1)) 
                          / (prod a {M..n + M + 1})¦ < 1 / 2 ^ n"
      using all_e_ubound[rule_format,of 4,unfolded eventually_sequentially]
      by (auto simp:less_eq_real_def)
    define N where "N=max N1 N2"
    show ?thesis using that[of N] N1 N2 unfolding N_def by simp

  define C where "C = B * prod a {..<N} * (n<N. f n)"
  have "summable f"
    unfolding f_def using aux_series_summable .
  have "A * prod a {..<N} = C + B * b N / a N  + R N" 
  proof -
    have "A * prod a {..<N} = B * prod a {..<N} * (n. f n)"
      unfolding AB_eq f_def using B>0 by auto
    also have "... = B * prod a {..<N} * ((n<N+1. f n) + (n. f (n+N+1)))"
      using suminf_split_initial_segment[OF summable f, of "N+1"] by auto
    also have "... = B * prod a {..<N} * ((n<N. f n) + f N + (n. f (n+N+1)))"
      using sum.atLeast0_lessThan_Suc by simp
    also have "... = C + B * b N / a N + (n. B*b (n+N+1) / prod a {N..n+N+1})"
    proof -
      have "B * prod a {..<N} * f N = B * b N / a N" 
      proof -
        have "{..N} =  {..<N}  {N}" using ivl_disj_un_singleton(2) by blast
        then show ?thesis unfolding f_def by auto
      moreover have "B * prod a {..<N} * (n. f (n+N+1)) = (n. B*b (n+N+1) / prod a {N..n+N+1})"
      proof -
        have "summable (λn. f (n + N + 1))" 
          using summable f summable_iff_shift[of f "N+1"] by auto
        moreover have "prod a {..<N} * f (n + N + 1) = b (n + N + 1) / prod a {N..n + N + 1}" for n
        proof -
          have "{..n + N + 1} = {..<N}  {N..n + N + 1}" by auto
          then show ?thesis 
            unfolding f_def
            apply simp
            apply (subst prod.union_disjoint)
            by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis 
          apply (subst suminf_mult[symmetric])
          by (auto simp: mult.commute mult.left_commute)
      ultimately show ?thesis unfolding C_def by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
    also have "... = C +B * b N / a N  + R N"
      unfolding R_def by simp
    finally show ?thesis .
  have R_bound:"¦R M¦  1 / 4" and R_Suc:"R (Suc M) = a M * R M - B * b (Suc M) / a (Suc M)" 
    when "M  N" for M
  proof -
    define g where "g = (λn. B*b (n+M+1) / prod a {M..n+M+1})"
    have g_abs_summable:"summable (λn. ¦g n¦)"
    proof -
      have "summable (λn. (1/2::real) ^ n)" 
        by simp
      moreover have "¦g n¦ < 1/2^n" for n
        using N_geometric[rule_format,OF that] unfolding g_def by simp
      ultimately show ?thesis 
        apply (elim summable_comparison_test')
        by (simp add: less_eq_real_def power_one_over)
    show "¦R M¦  1 / 4" using R_N_bound[rule_format,OF that] .
    have "R M = (n. g n)" unfolding R_def g_def by simp
    also have "... = g 0 + (n. g (Suc n))"
      apply (subst suminf_split_head)
      using summable_rabs_cancel[OF g_abs_summable] by auto
    also have "... = g 0 + 1/a M * (n. a M * g (Suc n))"
      apply (subst suminf_mult)
      by (auto simp: g_abs_summable summable_Suc_iff summable_rabs_cancel)
    also have "... = g 0 + 1/a M * R (Suc M)"
    proof -
      have "a M * g (Suc n) = B * b (n + M + 2) / prod a {Suc M..n + M + 2}" for n
      proof -
        have "{M..Suc (Suc (M + n))} = {M}  {Suc M..Suc (Suc (M + n))}" by auto
        then show ?thesis 
          unfolding g_def using B>0 by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
      then have "(n. a M * g (Suc n)) = R (Suc M)"
        unfolding R_def by auto
      then show ?thesis by auto
    finally have "R M = g 0 + 1 / a M * R (Suc M)" .
    then have "R (Suc M) = a M * R M - g 0 * a M" 
      by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
    moreover have "{M..Suc M} = {M,Suc M}" by auto
    ultimately show "R (Suc M) = a M * R M - B * b (Suc M) / a (Suc M)" 
      unfolding g_def by auto

  define c where "c = (λn. if nN then get_c a b B N (n-N) else undefined)"
  have c_rec:"c (n+1) = c n * a n -  B * b n" when "n  N" for n
    unfolding c_def using that by (auto simp:Suc_diff_le)
  have c_R:"c (Suc n) / a n = R n" when "n  N" for n
    using that
  proof (induct rule:nat_induct_at_least)
    case base
    have "¦ c (N+1) / a N ¦  1/2" 
    proof -
      have "c N = round (B * b N / a N)" unfolding c_def by simp
      moreover have "c (N+1) / a N = c N - B * b N / a N"
        using a_pos[rule_format,of N]
        by (auto simp:c_rec[of N,simplified] divide_simps)
      ultimately show ?thesis using of_int_round_abs_le by auto
    moreover have "¦R N¦  1 / 4" using R_bound[of N] by simp
    ultimately have "¦c (N+1) / a N - R N ¦ < 1" by linarith
    moreover have "c (N+1) / a N - R N  "
    proof -
      have "c (N+1) / a N = c N - B * b N / a N"
        using a_pos[rule_format,of N]
        by (auto simp:c_rec[of N,simplified] divide_simps)
      moreover have " B * b N / a N + R N  " 
      proof -
        have "C = B * (n<N. prod a {..<N} * (b n / prod a {..n}))"
          unfolding C_def f_def by (simp add:sum_distrib_left algebra_simps)
        also have "... = B * (n<N. prod a {n<..<N} * b n)"
        proof -
          have "{..<N} = {n<..<N}  {..n}" if "n<N" for n 
            by (simp add: ivl_disj_un_one(1) sup_commute that)
          then show ?thesis
            using B>0 
            apply simp
            apply (subst prod.union_disjoint)
            by auto
        finally have "C = real_of_int (B * (n<N. prod a {n<..<N} * b n))" .
        then have "C  " using Ints_of_int by blast
        moreover note A * prod a {..<N} = C + B * b N / a N  + R N
        ultimately show ?thesis 
          by (metis Ints_diff Ints_of_int add.assoc add_diff_cancel_left')
      ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: diff_diff_add)
    ultimately have "c (N+1) / a N - R N = 0"
      by (metis Ints_cases less_irrefl of_int_0 of_int_lessD)
    then show ?case by simp
    case (Suc n)
    have "c (Suc (Suc n)) / a (Suc n) = c (Suc n) - B * b (Suc n) / a (Suc n)"
      apply (subst c_rec[of "Suc n",simplified])
      using N  n by (auto simp: divide_simps)
    also have "... = a n * R n - B * b (Suc n) / a (Suc n)"  
      using Suc by (auto simp: divide_simps)
    also have "... = R (Suc n)"
      using R_Suc[OF N  n] by simp
    finally  show ?case .
  have ca_tendsto_zero:"(λn. c (Suc n) / a n)  0"
    using R_tendsto_0 
    apply (elim filterlim_mono_eventually)
    using c_R by (auto intro!:eventually_sequentiallyI[of N])
  have ca_bound:"¦c (n + 1)¦ < a n / 2" when "n  N" for n
  proof -
    have "¦c (Suc n)¦ / a n  = ¦c (Suc n) / a n¦" using a_pos[rule_format,of n] by auto
    also have "... = ¦R n¦" using c_R[OF that] by auto
    also have "... < 1/2" using R_bound[OF that] by auto
    finally have "¦c (Suc n)¦ / a n < 1/2" .
    then show ?thesis using a_pos[rule_format,of n] by auto

(* (* the following part corresponds to (2.7) (2.8) in the original paper, but turns out to be
        not necessary. *)
  have c_round:"c n = round (B * b n / a n)" when "n ≥ N" for n
  proof (cases "n=N")
    case True
    then show ?thesis unfolding c_def by simp
    case False
    with ‹n≥N› obtain n' where n_Suc:"n=Suc n'" and "n' ≥ N" 
      by (metis le_eq_less_or_eq lessE less_imp_le_nat)
    have "B * b n / a n = c n - R n"
    proof -
      have "R n = c n - B * b n / a n"
        using c_R[OF ‹n'≥N›,symmetric,folded n_Suc] R_Suc[OF ‹n'≥N›,folded n_Suc]
        by (auto simp:field_simps)
      then show ?thesis by (auto simp:field_simps)
    then have "¦B * b n / a n - c n¦ = ¦R n¦" by auto
    then have "¦B * b n / a n - c n¦ < 1/2" using R_bound[OF ‹n ≥ N›] by auto
    from round_unique'[OF this] show ?thesis by auto
  show "B>0. c. (F n in sequentially. B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1) 
             real_of_int ¦c (n + 1)¦ < a n / 2)  (λn. c (Suc n) / a n)  0"
    unfolding eventually_at_top_linorder
    apply (rule exI[of _ B],use B>0 in simp)
    apply (intro exI[of _c] exI[of _ N])
    using c_rec ca_bound ca_tendsto_zero 
    by fastforce

private lemma imp_ab_rational:
  assumes " (B::int)>0.  c::nat int.
              (F n in sequentially. B*b n = c n * a n - c(n+1)  ¦c(n+1)¦<a n/2)"
  shows "(n. (b n / (i  n. a i)))  "
proof -
  obtain B::int and c::"natint" and N::nat where "B>0" and  
    large_n:"nN. B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1)  real_of_int ¦c (n + 1)¦ < a n / 2
                       a n2"
  proof -
    obtain B c where "B>0" and event1:"F n in sequentially. B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1) 
               real_of_int ¦c (n + 1)¦ < real_of_int (a n) / 2"
      using assms by auto
    from eventually_conj[OF event1 a_large,unfolded eventually_at_top_linorder]
    obtain N where "nN. (B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1) 
                         real_of_int ¦c (n + 1)¦ < real_of_int (a n) / 2)  2  a n"
      by fastforce
    then show ?thesis using that[of B N c] B>0 by auto
  define f where "f=(λn. real_of_int (b n) / real_of_int (prod a {..n}))"
  define S where "S = (n. f n)"
  have "summable f"
    unfolding f_def by (rule aux_series_summable)
  define C where "C=B*prod a {..<N} * (n<N. f n)"
  have "B*prod a {..<N} * S = C + real_of_int (c N)" 
  proof -
    define h1 where "h1  (λn. (c (n+N) * a (n+N)) / prod a {N..n+N})"
    define h2 where "h2  (λn. c (n+N+1) / prod a {N..n+N})"
    have f_h12: "B * prod a {..<N}*f (n+N) = h1 n - h2 n" for n 
    proof -
      define g1 where "g1  (λn. B * b (n+N))"
      define g2 where "g2  (λn. prod a {..<N} / prod a {..n + N})"
      have "B * prod a {..<N}*f (n+N) = (g1 n * g2 n)"
        unfolding f_def g1_def g2_def by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
      moreover have "g1 n = c (n+N) * a (n+N) - c (n+N+1)" 
        using large_n[rule_format,of "n+N"] unfolding g1_def by auto
      moreover have "g2 n = (1/prod a {N..n+N})" 
      proof -
        have "prod a ({..<N}  {N..n + N}) = prod a {..<N} * prod a {N..n + N}"
          apply (rule prod.union_disjoint[of "{..<N}" "{N..n+N}" a])
          by auto
        moreover have "prod a ({..<N}  {N..n + N}) = prod a {..n+N}"
          by (simp add: ivl_disj_un_one(4))
        ultimately show ?thesis 
          unfolding g2_def
          apply simp
          using a_pos by (metis less_irrefl)
      ultimately have "B*prod a {..<N}*f (n+N) = (c (n+N) * a (n+N) - c (n+N+1)) / prod a {N..n+N}"
        by auto
      also have "... = h1 n - h2 n"
        unfolding h1_def h2_def by (auto simp:algebra_simps diff_divide_distrib)
      finally show ?thesis by simp
    have "B*prod a {..<N} * S = B*prod a {..<N} * ((n<N. f n) + (n. f (n+N)))"
      using suminf_split_initial_segment[OF summable f,of N] 
      unfolding S_def by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
    also have "... = C + B*prod a {..<N}*(n. f (n+N))"
      unfolding C_def by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
    also have "... = C + (n. h1 n - h2 n)"
      apply (subst suminf_mult[symmetric])
      using summable f f_h12 by auto
    also have "... = C + h1 0"
    proof -
      have "(λn. in. h1 i - h2 i)  (i. h1 i - h2 i)"
      proof (rule summable_LIMSEQ')
        have "(λi. h1 i - h2 i) = (λi.  real_of_int (B * prod a {..<N}) * f (i + N))"
          using f_h12 by auto
        then show "summable (λi. h1 i - h2 i)"
          using summable f by (simp add: summable_mult)
      moreover have "(in. h1 i - h2 i)  = h1 0 - h2 n" for n
      proof (induct n)
        case 0
        then show ?case by simp
        case (Suc n)
        have "(iSuc n. h1 i - h2 i) = (in. h1 i - h2 i) + h1 (n+1) - h2 (n+1)"
          by auto
        also have "... =  h1 0 - h2 n + h1 (n+1) - h2 (n+1)" using Suc by auto
        also have "... = h1 0 - h2 (n+1)"
        proof -
          have "h2 n = h1 (n+1)"
            unfolding h2_def h1_def 
            apply (auto simp:prod.nat_ivl_Suc')
            using a_pos by (metis less_numeral_extra(3))
          then show ?thesis by auto
        finally show ?case by simp
      ultimately have "(λn. h1 0 - h2 n)  (i. h1 i - h2 i)" by simp
      then have "h2  (h1 0 -  (i. h1 i - h2 i))"
        apply (elim metric_tendsto_imp_tendsto)
        by (auto intro!:eventuallyI simp add:dist_real_def)
      moreover have "h2  0"
      proof -
        have h2_n:"¦h2 n¦ < (1 / 2)^(n+1)" for n 
        proof -
          have "¦h2 n¦ = ¦c (n + N + 1)¦ / prod a {N..n + N}"
            unfolding h2_def abs_divide
            using a_pos by (simp add: abs_of_pos prod_pos)
          also have "... < (a (N+n) / 2) / prod a {N..n + N}"
            unfolding h2_def
            apply (rule divide_strict_right_mono)
            subgoal using large_n[rule_format,of "N+n"] by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
            subgoal using a_pos by (simp add: prod_pos)
          also have "... = 1 / (2*prod a {N..<n + N})"
            apply (subst ivl_disj_un(6)[of N "n+N",symmetric])
            using a_pos[rule_format,of "N+n"] by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
          also have "...  (1/2)^(n+1)"
          proof (induct n)
            case 0
            then show ?case by auto
            case (Suc n)
            define P where "P=1 / real_of_int (2 * prod a {N..<n + N})"
            have "1 / real_of_int (2 * prod a {N..<Suc n + N}) = P / a (n+N)"
              unfolding P_def by (auto simp: prod.atLeastLessThan_Suc)
            also have "...   ( (1 / 2) ^ (n + 1) ) / a (n+N) "
              apply (rule divide_right_mono)
              subgoal unfolding P_def using Suc by auto
              subgoal by (simp add: a_pos less_imp_le)
            also have "...  ( (1 / 2) ^ (n + 1) ) / 2 "
              apply (rule divide_left_mono)
              using large_n[rule_format,of "n+N",simplified] by auto
            also have "... = (1 / 2) ^ (n + 2)" by auto
            finally show ?case by simp
          finally show ?thesis .
        have "(λn. (1 / 2)^(n+1))  (0::real)" 
          using tendsto_mult_right_zero[OF LIMSEQ_abs_realpow_zero2[of "1/2",simplified],of "1/2"]
          by auto
        then show ?thesis 
          apply (elim Lim_null_comparison[rotated])
          using h2_n less_eq_real_def by (auto intro!:eventuallyI)
      ultimately have "(i. h1 i - h2 i) = h1 0"
        using LIMSEQ_unique by fastforce
      then show ?thesis by simp
    also have "... = C + c N"
      unfolding h1_def using a_pos 
      by auto (metis less_irrefl)
    finally show ?thesis . 
  then have "S = (C + real_of_int (c N)) / (B*prod a {..<N})" 
    by (metis 0 < B a_pos less_irrefl mult.commute mult_pos_pos 
        nonzero_mult_div_cancel_right of_int_eq_0_iff prod_pos)
  moreover have "...  "
    unfolding C_def f_def by (intro Rats_divide Rats_add Rats_mult Rats_of_int Rats_sum)
  ultimately show "S  " by auto

theorem theorem_2_1_Erdos_Straus :
  "(n. (b n / (i  n. a i)))    ( (B::int)>0.  c::nat int.
            (F n in sequentially. B*b n = c n * a n - c(n+1)  ¦c(n+1)¦<a n/2))"
  using ab_rationality_imp imp_ab_rational by auto

text‹The following is a Corollary to Theorem 2.1.  ›

corollary corollary_2_10_Erdos_Straus:
  assumes ab_event:"F n in sequentially. b n > 0  a (n+1)  a n" 
    and ba_lim_leq:"lim (λn. (b(n+1) - b n )/a n)  0" 
    and ba_lim_exist:"convergent (λn. (b(n+1) - b n )/a n)"
    and "liminf (λn. a n / b n) = 0 "
  shows "(n. (b n / (i  n. a i)))  "
  assume "(n. (b n / (i  n. a i)))  "
  then obtain B c where "B>0" and abc_event:"F n in sequentially. B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1) 
           ¦c (n + 1)¦ < a n / 2" and ca_vanish: "(λn. c (Suc n) / a n)  0"
    using ab_rationality_imp by auto

  have bac_close:"(λn. B * b n / a n - c n)  0"
  proof -
    have "F n in sequentially. B * b n - c n * a n + c (n + 1) = 0"
      using abc_event by (auto elim!:eventually_mono)
    then have "F n in sequentially. (B * b n - c n * a n + c (n+1)) / a n = 0 "
      apply eventually_elim
      by auto
    then have "F n in sequentially. B * b n / a n - c n  + c (n + 1) / a n = 0"
      apply eventually_elim
      using a_pos by (auto simp:divide_simps) (metis less_irrefl)
    then have "(λn. B * b n / a n - c n  + c (n + 1) / a n)  0"
      by (simp add: eventually_mono tendsto_iff)
    from tendsto_diff[OF this ca_vanish]  
    show ?thesis by auto

  have c_pos:"F n in sequentially. c n > 0" 
  proof -
    from bac_close have *:"F n in sequentially. c n  0"
      apply (elim tendsto_of_int_diff_0)
      using ab_event a_large apply (eventually_elim) 
      using B>0 by auto 
    show ?thesis
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ (F n in sequentially. c n > 0)"
      moreover have "F n in sequentially. c (Suc n)  0  c n0"
        using * eventually_sequentially_Suc[of "λn. c n0"] 
        by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) eventually_at_top_linorder le_Suc_eq)
      ultimately have "F n in sequentially. c n = 0  c (Suc n)  0"
        using eventually_elim2 frequently_def by fastforce
      moreover have "F n in sequentially. b n > 0  B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1)"
        using ab_event abc_event by eventually_elim auto
      ultimately have "F n in sequentially. c n = 0  c (Suc n)  0  b n > 0 
                           B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1)"
        using frequently_eventually_frequently by fastforce
      from frequently_ex[OF this] 
      obtain n where "c n = 0" "c (Suc n)  0" "b n > 0" 
        "B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1)"
        by auto
      then have "B * b n  0" by auto
      then show False using b n>0 B > 0 using mult_pos_pos not_le by blast

  have bc_epsilon:"F n in sequentially. b (n+1) / b n >  (c (n+1) - ε) / c n" when "ε>0" "ε<1" for ε::real
  proof -
    have "F x in sequentially. ¦c (Suc x) / a x¦ < ε / 2"
      using ca_vanish[unfolded tendsto_iff,rule_format, of "ε/2"] ε>0 by auto
    moreover then have "F x in sequentially. ¦c (x+2) / a (x+1)¦ < ε / 2"
      apply (subst (asm) eventually_sequentially_Suc[symmetric])
      by simp
    moreover have "F n in sequentially. B * b (n+1) = c (n+1) * a (n+1) - c (n + 2)"
      using abc_event
      apply (subst (asm) eventually_sequentially_Suc[symmetric])
      by (auto elim:eventually_mono)
    moreover have "F n in sequentially. c n > 0  c (n+1) > 0  c (n+2) > 0"
    proof -
      have "F n in sequentially. 0 < c (Suc n)"
        using c_pos by (subst eventually_sequentially_Suc) simp
      moreover then have "F n in sequentially. 0 < c (Suc (Suc n))"
        using c_pos by (subst eventually_sequentially_Suc) simp
      ultimately show ?thesis using c_pos by eventually_elim auto
    ultimately show ?thesis using ab_event abc_event 
    proof eventually_elim
      case (elim n)
      define ε0 ε1 where "ε0 = c (n+1) / a n" and "ε1 = c (n+2) / a (n+1)"
      have "ε0 > 0" "ε1 > 0" "ε0 < ε/2" "ε1 < ε/2" using a_pos elim by (auto simp: ε0_def ε1_def)
      have "(ε - ε1) * c n > 0"
        using ε1 < ε / 2 elim(4) that(1) by auto
      moreover have "ε0 * (c (n+1) - ε) > 0"
        using 0 < ε0 elim(4) that(2) by auto
      ultimately have "(ε - ε1) * c n + ε0 * (c (n+1) - ε) > 0" by auto
      moreover have gt0: "c n - ε0 > 0" using ε0 < ε / 2 elim(4) that(2) by linarith
      moreover have "c n > 0" by (simp add: elim(4))
      ultimately have "(c (n+1) - ε) / c n < (c (n+1) - ε1) / (c n -  ε0)"
        by (auto simp: field_simps)
      also have "...  (c (n+1) - ε1) / (c n -  ε0) * (a (n+1) / a n)"
      proof -
        have "(c (n+1) - ε1) / (c n -  ε0) > 0"
          using gt0 ε1 < ε / 2 elim(4) that(2) by force 
        moreover have "(a (n+1) / a n)  1" 
          using a_pos elim(5) by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis by (metis mult_cancel_left1 mult_le_cancel_left_pos)
      also have "... = (B * b (n+1)) / (B * b n)"
      proof -
        have "B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1)"
          using elim by auto
        also have "... = a n * (c n - ε0)"
          using a_pos[rule_format,of n] unfolding ε0_def by (auto simp:field_simps)
        finally have "B * b n = a n * (c n - ε0)" .
        moreover have "B * b (n+1) = a (n+1) * (c (n+1) - ε1)" 
          unfolding ε1_def 
          using a_pos[rule_format,of "n+1"] 
          apply (subst B * b (n + 1) = c (n + 1) * a (n + 1) - c (n + 2))
          by (auto simp:field_simps)
        ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: mult.commute)
      also have "... = b (n+1) / b n" 
        using B>0 by auto
      finally show ?case .

  have eq_2_11:"F n in sequentially. b (n+1) > b n + (1 - ε)^2 * a n / B" 
    when "ε>0" "ε<1" "¬ (F n in sequentially. c (n+1)  c n)"  for ε::real
  proof -
    have "F x in sequentially. c x < c (Suc x) " using that(3) 
      by (simp add:not_eventually frequently_elim1)
    moreover have "F x in sequentially. ¦c (Suc x) / a x¦ < ε"
      using ca_vanish[unfolded tendsto_iff,rule_format, of ε] ε>0 by auto
    moreover have "F n in sequentially. c n > 0  c (n+1) > 0"
    proof -
      have "F n in sequentially. 0 < c (Suc n)"
        using c_pos by (subst eventually_sequentially_Suc) simp
      then show ?thesis using c_pos by eventually_elim auto
    ultimately show ?thesis  using ab_event abc_event bc_epsilon[OF ε>0 ε<1] 
    proof (elim frequently_rev_mp,eventually_elim)
      case (elim n)
      then have "c (n+1) / a n < ε" 
        using a_pos[rule_format,of n] by auto
      also have "...  ε * c n" using elim(7) that(1) by auto
      finally have "c (n+1) / a n < ε * c n" .
      then have "c (n+1) / c n < ε * a n" 
        using a_pos[rule_format,of n] elim by (auto simp:field_simps)
      then have "(1 - ε) * a n < a n - c (n+1) / c n"
        by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
      then have "(1 - ε)^2 * a n / B < (1 - ε) * (a n - c (n+1) / c n) / B"
        apply (subst (asm) mult_less_cancel_right_pos[symmetric, of "(1-ε)/B"])
        using ε<1 B>0 by (auto simp: divide_simps power2_eq_square mult_less_cancel_right_pos)
      then have "b n + (1 - ε)^2 * a n / B < b n + (1 - ε) * (a n - c (n+1) / c n) / B"
        using B>0 by auto
      also have "... = b n + (1 - ε) * ((c n *a n - c (n+1)) / c n) / B"
        using elim by (auto simp:field_simps)
      also have "... = b n + (1 - ε) * (b n / c n)"
      proof -
        have "B * b n = c n * a n - c (n + 1)" using elim by auto
        from this[symmetric] show ?thesis
          using B>0 by simp
      also have "... = (1+(1-ε)/c n) * b n"
        by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
      also have "... = ((c n+1-ε)/c n) * b n"
        using elim by (auto simp:divide_simps)
      also have "...  ((c (n+1) -ε)/c n) * b n"
      proof -
        define cp where "cp = c n+1"
        have "c (n+1)  cp" unfolding cp_def using c n < c (Suc n) by auto
        moreover have "c n>0" "b n>0" using elim by auto
        ultimately show ?thesis 
          apply (fold cp_def)
          by (auto simp:divide_simps)
      also have "... < b (n+1)"
        using elim by (auto simp:divide_simps)
      finally show ?case .

  have "F n in sequentially. c (n+1)  c n"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (F n in sequentially. c (n + 1)  c n)"
    from eq_2_11[OF _ _ this,of "1/2"]
    have "F n in sequentially. b (n+1) > b n + 1/4 * a n / B" 
      by (auto simp:algebra_simps power2_eq_square)
    then have *:"F n in sequentially. (b (n+1) - b n) / a n > 1 / (B * 4)" 
      apply (elim frequently_elim1)
      subgoal for n
        using a_pos[rule_format,of n] by (auto simp:field_simps)
    define f where "f = (λn. (b (n+1) - b n) / a n)"
    have "f  lim f"
      using convergent_LIMSEQ_iff ba_lim_exist unfolding f_def by auto
    from this[unfolded tendsto_iff,rule_format, of "1 / (B*4)"] 
    have "F x in sequentially. ¦f x - lim f¦ < 1 / (B * 4)"
      using B>0 by (auto simp:dist_real_def)
    moreover have "F n in sequentially. f n > 1 / (B * 4)" 
      using * unfolding f_def by auto
    ultimately have "F n in sequentially. f n > 1 / (B * 4)  ¦f n - lim f¦ < 1 / (B * 4)"
      by (auto elim:frequently_eventually_frequently[rotated])
    from frequently_ex[OF this] 
    obtain n where "f n > 1 / (B * 4)" "¦f n - lim f¦ < 1 / (B * 4)"
      by auto
    moreover have "lim f  0" using ba_lim_leq unfolding f_def by auto
    ultimately show False by linarith
  then obtain N where N_dec:"nN. c (n+1)  c n" by (meson eventually_at_top_linorder)
  define max_c where "max_c = (MAX n  {..N}. c n)"
  have max_c:"c n  max_c" for n
  proof (cases "nN")
    case True
    then show ?thesis unfolding max_c_def by simp
    case False
    then have "nN" by auto
    then have "c nc N" 
    proof (induct rule:nat_induct_at_least)
      case base
      then show ?case by simp
      case (Suc n)
      then have "c (n+1)  c n" using N_dec by auto
      then show ?case using c n  c N by auto
    moreover have "c N  max_c" unfolding max_c_def by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  have "max_c > 0 " 
  proof -
    obtain N where "nN. 0 < c n" 
      using c_pos[unfolded eventually_at_top_linorder] by auto
    then have "c N > 0" by auto
    then show ?thesis using max_c[of N] by simp
  have ba_limsup_bound:"1/(B*(B+1))  limsup (λn. b n/a n)" 
    "limsup (λn. b n/a n)  max_c / B + 1 / (B+1)"
  proof -
    define f where "f = (λn. b n/a n)"
    from tendsto_mult_right_zero[OF bac_close,of "1/B"] 
    have "(λn. f n - c n / B)  0"
      unfolding f_def using  B>0 by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
    from this[unfolded tendsto_iff,rule_format,of "1/(B+1)"]
    have "F x in sequentially. ¦f x - c x / B¦ < 1 / (B+1)"
      using B>0 by auto
    then have *:"F n in sequentially. 1/(B*(B+1))  ereal (f n)  ereal (f n)  max_c / B + 1 / (B+1)" 
      using c_pos
    proof eventually_elim
      case (elim n)
      then have "f n - c n / B < 1 / (B+1)" by auto
      then have "f n < c n / B + 1 / (B+1)" by simp
      also have "...  max_c / B + 1 / (B+1)"
        using max_c[of n] using B>0 by (auto simp:divide_simps)
      finally have *:"f n < max_c / B + 1 / (B+1)" .

      have "1/(B*(B+1)) = 1/B - 1 / (B+1)" 
        using B>0 by (auto simp:divide_simps)
      also have "...  c n/B - 1 / (B+1)" 
        using 0 < c n B>0 by (auto,auto simp:divide_simps)
      also have "... < f n" using elim by auto
      finally have "1/(B*(B+1)) < f n" .
      with * show ?case by simp
    show "limsup f  max_c / B + 1 / (B+1)"
      apply (rule Limsup_bounded)
      using * by (auto elim:eventually_mono)
    have "1/(B*(B+1))  liminf f"
      apply (rule Liminf_bounded)
      using * by (auto elim:eventually_mono)
    also have "liminf f  limsup f" by (simp add: Liminf_le_Limsup)
    finally show "1/(B*(B+1))  limsup f" .

  have "0 < inverse (ereal (max_c / B + 1 / (B+1)))"
    using max_c > 0 B>0 
    by (simp add: pos_add_strict)
  also have "...  inverse (limsup (λn. b n/a n))"
  proof (rule ereal_inverse_antimono[OF _ ba_limsup_bound(2)])
    have "0<1/(B*(B+1))" using B>0 by auto
    also have "...  limsup (λn. b n/a n)" using ba_limsup_bound(1) .
    finally show "0limsup (λn. b n/a n)" using zero_ereal_def by auto
  also have "... = liminf (λn. inverse (ereal ( b n/a n)))"
    apply (subst Liminf_inverse_ereal[symmetric])
    using a_pos ab_event by (auto elim!:eventually_mono simp:divide_simps)
  also have "... = liminf (λn. ( a n/b n))"
    apply (rule Liminf_eq)
    using a_pos ab_event 
    apply (auto elim!:eventually_mono) 
    by (metis less_int_code(1))
  finally have "liminf (λn. ( a n/b n)) > 0" .
  then show False using liminf (λn. a n / b n) = 0 by simp


section‹Some auxiliary results on the prime numbers. ›

lemma nth_prime_nonzero[simp]:"nth_prime n  0"
  by (simp add: prime_gt_0_nat prime_nth_prime)

lemma nth_prime_gt_zero[simp]:"nth_prime n >0"
  by (simp add: prime_gt_0_nat prime_nth_prime)

lemma ratio_of_consecutive_primes:
  "(λn. nth_prime (n+1)/nth_prime n) 1"
proof -
  define f where "f=(λx. real (nth_prime (Suc x)) /real (nth_prime x))"
  define g where "g=(λx. (real x * ln (real x)) 
                              / (real (Suc x) * ln (real (Suc x))))"
  have p_n:"(λx. real (nth_prime x) / (real x * ln (real x)))  1"
    using nth_prime_asymptotics[unfolded asymp_equiv_def,simplified] .
  moreover have p_sn:"(λn. real (nth_prime (Suc n)) 
                        / (real (Suc n) * ln (real (Suc n))))  1"
    using nth_prime_asymptotics[unfolded asymp_equiv_def,simplified
        ,THEN LIMSEQ_Suc] .
  ultimately have "(λx. f x * g x)  1"
    using tendsto_divide[OF p_sn p_n] 
    unfolding f_def g_def by (auto simp:algebra_simps)
  moreover have "g  1" unfolding g_def
    by real_asymp
  ultimately have "(λx. if g x = 0 then 0 else f x)  1"
    apply (drule_tac tendsto_divide[OF _ g  1])
    by auto
  then have "f  1"
  proof (elim filterlim_mono_eventually)
    have "F x in sequentially. (if g (x+3) = 0 then 0 
                else f (x+3)) = f (x+3)" 
      unfolding g_def by auto
    then show "F x in sequentially. (if g x = 0 then 0 else f x) = f x"
      apply (subst (asm) eventually_sequentially_seg)
      by simp
  qed auto
  then show ?thesis unfolding f_def by