Theory Edka_Checked_Impl

section ‹Combination with Network Checker›
theory Edka_Checked_Impl
imports Flow_Networks.NetCheck EdmondsKarp_Impl
text ‹
  In this theory, we combine the Edmonds-Karp implementation with the 
  network checker.

subsection ‹Adding Statistic Counters›
text ‹We first add some statistic counters, that we use for profiling›
definition stat_outer_c :: "unit Heap" where "stat_outer_c = return ()"
lemma insert_stat_outer_c: "m = stat_outer_c  m" 
  unfolding stat_outer_c_def by simp
definition stat_inner_c :: "unit Heap" where "stat_inner_c = return ()"
lemma insert_stat_inner_c: "m = stat_inner_c  m" 
  unfolding stat_inner_c_def by simp

  code_module stat  (SML) ‹
    structure stat = struct
      val outer_c = ref 0;
      fun outer_c_incr () = (outer_c := !outer_c + 1; ())
      val inner_c = ref 0;
      fun inner_c_incr () = (inner_c := !inner_c + 1; ())
| constant stat_outer_c  (SML) "stat.outer'_c'_incr"  
| constant stat_inner_c  (SML) "stat.inner'_c'_incr"  

schematic_goal [code]: "edka_imp_run_0 s t N f brk = ?foo"
  apply (subst edka_imp_run.code)
  apply (rewrite in "" insert_stat_outer_c)
  by (rule refl)
thm bfs_impl.code
schematic_goal [code]: "bfs_impl_0 succ_impl ci ti x = ?foo"
  apply (subst bfs_impl.code)
  apply (rewrite in "imp_nfoldli _ _  _" insert_stat_inner_c)
  by (rule refl)

subsection ‹Combined Algorithm›

definition "edmonds_karp el s t  do {
  case prepareNet el s t of
    None  return None
  | Some (c,am,N)  do {
      f  edka_imp c s t N am ;
      return (Some (c,am,N,f))
export_code edmonds_karp checking SML

lemma network_is_impl: "Network c s t  Network_Impl c s t" by intro_locales

theorem edmonds_karp_correct:
  "<emp> edmonds_karp el s t <λ
      None  (¬ln_invar el  ¬Network (ln_α el) s t)
    | Some (c,am,N,fi)  
      Af. Network_Impl.is_rflow c s t N f fi 
      * (ln_α el = c  Graph.is_adj_map c am
         Network.isMaxFlow c s t f
         ln_invar el  Network c s t  Graph.V c  {0..<N})
  unfolding edmonds_karp_def
  using prepareNet_correct[of el s t]
  by (sep_auto 
    split: option.splits 
    heap: Network_Impl.edka_imp_correct 
    simp: ln_rel_def br_def network_is_impl)

private definition "is_rflow  Network_Impl.is_rflow"

text_raw ‹\DefineSnippet{edmonds_karp_correct}{›       
  fixes el defines "c  ln_α el"
      edmonds_karp el s t 
    <λ None  (¬ln_invar el  ¬Network c s t)
     | Some (_,_,N,cf)  
         (ln_invar el  Network c s t  Graph.V c  {0..<N})
       * (Af. is_rflow c s t N f cf * (Network.isMaxFlow c s t f))
text_raw ‹}%EndSnippet›
  unfolding c_def is_rflow_def
  by (sep_auto heap: edmonds_karp_correct[of el s t] split: option.split)


subsection ‹Usage Example: Computing Maxflow Value ›
text ‹We implement a function to compute the value of the maximum flow.›

lemma (in Network) am_s_is_incoming:
  assumes "is_adj_map am"
  shows "E``{s} = set (am s)"
  using assms no_incoming_s
  unfolding is_adj_map_def
  by auto
context RGraph begin

  lemma val_by_adj_map:
    assumes "is_adj_map am"
    shows "f.val = (vset (am s). c (s,v) - cf (s,v))"
  proof -
    have "f.val = (vE``{s}. c (s,v) - cf (s,v))"
      unfolding f.val_alt
      by (simp add: sum_outgoing_pointwise f_def flow_of_cf_def)
    also have " = (vset (am s). c (s,v) - cf (s,v))"  
      by (simp add: am_s_is_incoming[OF assms])
    finally show ?thesis . 

context Network 

  definition "get_cap e  c e"
  definition (in -) get_am :: "(node  node list)  node  node list" 
    where "get_am am v  am v"

  definition "compute_flow_val am cf  do {
      let succs = get_am am s;
      (λv. do {
        let csv = get_cap (s,v);
        cfsv  cf_get cf (s,v);
        return (csv - cfsv)
      }) (set succs)

  lemma (in RGraph) compute_flow_val_correct:
    assumes "is_adj_map am"
    shows "compute_flow_val am cf  (spec v. v = f.val)"
    unfolding val_by_adj_map[OF assms]
    unfolding compute_flow_val_def cf_get_def get_cap_def get_am_def
    apply (refine_vcg sum_impl_correct)
    apply (vc_solve simp: s_node)
    unfolding am_s_is_incoming[symmetric, OF assms] 
    by (auto simp: V_def)

  text ‹For technical reasons (poor foreach-support of Sepref tool), 
    we have to add another refinement step: ›  
  definition "compute_flow_val2 am cf  (do {
    let succs = get_am am s;
    nfoldli succs (λ_. True)
     (λx a. do {
           b  do {
               let csv = get_cap (s, x);
               cfsv  cf_get cf (s, x);
               return (csv - cfsv)
           return (a + b)

  lemma (in RGraph) compute_flow_val2_correct:
    assumes "is_adj_map am"
    shows "compute_flow_val2 am cf  (spec v. v = f.val)"
  proof -
    have [refine_dref_RELATES]: "RELATES (Idlist_set_rel)" 
      by (simp add: RELATES_def)
    show ?thesis
      apply (rule order_trans[OF _ compute_flow_val_correct[OF assms]])
      unfolding compute_flow_val2_def compute_flow_val_def sum_impl_def
      apply (rule refine_IdD)
      apply (refine_rcg LFO_refine bind_refine')
      apply refine_dref_type
      apply vc_solve
      using assms
      by (auto 
          simp: list_set_rel_def br_def get_am_def is_adj_map_def 
          simp: refine_pw_simps)


context Edka_Impl begin
  term is_am

  lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(c,PR_CONST get_cap)  Id×rId  Id" 
    by (auto simp: get_cap_def)
  lemma [def_pat_rules]: 
    "Network.get_cap$c  UNPROTECT get_cap" by simp
    "PR_CONST get_cap" :: "node×node  capacity_impl"

  lemma [sepref_import_param]: "(get_am,get_am)  Id  Id  Idlist_rel" 
    by (auto simp: get_am_def intro!: ext)

  schematic_goal compute_flow_val_imp:
    fixes am :: "node  node list" and cf :: "capacity_impl graph"
    notes [id_rules] = 
      itypeI[Pure.of am "TYPE(node  node list)"]
      itypeI[Pure.of cf "TYPE(capacity_impl i_mtx)"]
    notes [sepref_import_param] = IdI[of N] IdI[of am]
    shows "hn_refine 
      (hn_ctxt (asmtx_assn N id_assn) cf cfi)
      (?c::?'d Heap)  ?R (compute_flow_val2 am cf)"
    unfolding compute_flow_val2_def
    using [[id_debug, goals_limit = 1]]
    by sepref
  concrete_definition (in -) compute_flow_val_imp for c s N am cfi
    uses Edka_Impl.compute_flow_val_imp
  prepare_code_thms (in -) compute_flow_val_imp_def

context Network_Impl begin

lemma compute_flow_val_imp_correct_aux: 
  assumes VN: "Graph.V c  {0..<N}"
  assumes ABS_PS: "is_adj_map am"
  assumes RG: "RGraph c s t cf"
  shows "
    <asmtx_assn N id_assn cf cfi> 
      compute_flow_val_imp c s N am cfi
    <λv. asmtx_assn N id_assn cf cfi * (v = Flow.val c s (flow_of_cf cf))>t"
proof -
  interpret rg: RGraph c s t cf by fact

  have EI: "Edka_Impl c s t N" by unfold_locales fact
  from hn_refine_ref[OF 
      rg.compute_flow_val2_correct[OF ABS_PS] 
      compute_flow_val_imp.refine[OF EI], of cfi]
  show ?thesis
    apply (simp add: hn_ctxt_def pure_def hn_refine_def rg.f_def)
    apply (erule cons_post_rule)
    apply sep_auto

lemma compute_flow_val_imp_correct: 
  assumes VN: "Graph.V c  {0..<N}"
  assumes ABS_PS: "Graph.is_adj_map c am"
  shows "
    <is_rflow N f cfi> 
      compute_flow_val_imp c s N am cfi
    <λv. is_rflow N f cfi * (v = Flow.val c s f)>t"
  apply (rule hoare_triple_preI)  
  apply (clarsimp simp: is_rflow_def)
  apply vcg
  apply (rule cons_rule[OF _ _ compute_flow_val_imp_correct_aux[where cfi=cfi]])
  apply (sep_auto simp: VN ABS_PS)+


definition "edmonds_karp_val el s t  do {
  r  edmonds_karp el s t;
  case r of
    None  return None
  | Some (c,am,N,cfi)  do {
      v  compute_flow_val_imp c s N am cfi;
      return (Some v)

theorem edmonds_karp_val_correct:
  "<emp> edmonds_karp_val el s t <λ
    None  (¬ln_invar el  ¬Network (ln_α el) s t)
  | Some v  (f N. 
          ln_invar el  Network (ln_α el) s t 
         Graph.V (ln_α el)  {0..<N}
         Network.isMaxFlow (ln_α el) s t f
         v = Flow.val (ln_α el) s f)  
  unfolding edmonds_karp_val_def
  by (sep_auto 
    intro: network_is_impl
    heap: edmonds_karp_correct Network_Impl.compute_flow_val_imp_correct)      
