Theory Graph_Impl

(* TODO: That's quite specific to the BFS alg. Move to Edka! *)
theory Graph_Impl
imports "Lib/Refine_Add_Fofu" Graph

― ‹Fixing capacities to integer values›
type_synonym capacity_impl = int (* TODO: DUP in Network_Impl. Remove here!*)

locale Impl_Succ =
  fixes absG :: "'ga  capacity_impl graph" 
  fixes ifT :: "'ig itself"
  fixes succ :: "'ga  node  node list nres"
  fixes isG :: "'ga  'gi  assn"
  fixes succ_impl :: "'gi  node  node list Heap"
  (*assumes [constraint_rules]: "precise isG"*)
  assumes si_rule[sepref_fr_rules]: "(uncurry succ_impl,(uncurry succ))  [λ(c,u). uGraph.V (absG c)]a isGk *a (pure nat_rel)k  list_assn (pure nat_rel)"
  lemma this_loc: "Impl_Succ absG succ isG succ_impl" by unfold_locales

  sepref_register "succ" :: "'ig  node  node list nres" (* TODO: Will not work if succ is not a constant! *) 
