Theory NetCheck
section ‹Checking for Valid Network›
theory NetCheck
text ‹
This theory contains code to read a network from an edge list,
and verify that the network is a valid input for the
Edmonds Karp Algorithm.
declare [[coercion_delete int]]
declare [[coercion_delete "real::nat⇒real"]]
subsection ‹Graphs as Lists of Edges›
text ‹Graphs can be represented as lists of edges, each edge being a triple of
start node, end node, and capacity. Capacities must be positive, and there
must not be multiple edges with the same start and end node. ›
type_synonym edge_list = "(node × node × capacity_impl) list"
definition ln_invar :: "edge_list ⇒ bool" where
"ln_invar el ≡
distinct (map (λ(u, v, _). (u,v)) el)
∧ (∀(u,v,c)∈set el. c>0)
definition ln_α :: "edge_list ⇒ capacity_impl graph" where
"ln_α el ≡ λ(u,v).
if ∃c. (u, v, c) ∈ set el ∧ c ≠ 0 then
SOME c. (u, v, c) ∈ set el ∧ c ≠ 0
else 0"
definition "ln_rel ≡ br ln_α ln_invar"
lemma ln_equivalence: "(el, c') ∈ ln_rel ⟷ ln_invar el ∧ c' = ln_α el"
unfolding ln_rel_def br_def by auto
definition ln_N :: "(node×node×_) list ⇒ nat"
where "ln_N el ≡ Max ((fst`set el) ∪ ((fst o snd)`set el)) + 1"
lemma ln_α_imp_in_set: "⟦ln_α el (u,v)≠(0)⟧ ⟹ (u,v,ln_α el (u,v))∈set el"
apply (auto simp: ln_α_def split: if_split_asm)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) someI_ex)
lemma ln_N_correct: "Graph.V (ln_α el) ⊆ {0..<ln_N el}"
apply (clarsimp simp: Graph.V_def Graph.E_def)
apply (safe dest!: ln_α_imp_in_set)
apply (fastforce simp: ln_N_def less_Suc_eq_le intro: Max_ge)
apply (force simp: ln_N_def less_Suc_eq_le intro: Max_ge)
subsection ‹Pre-Networks›
text ‹This data structure is used to convert an edge-list to a network and
check validity. It maintains additional information, like a adjacency maps. ›