Theory Distributed_Distinct_Elements_Cutoff_Level

section ‹Cutoff Level›

text ‹This section verifies that the cutoff will be below @{term "q_max"} with high probability.
The result will be needed in Section~\ref{sec:accuracy}, where it is shown that the estimates
will be accurate for any cutoff below @{term "q_max"}.›

theory Distributed_Distinct_Elements_Cutoff_Level

hide_const (open) Quantum.Z

unbundle intro_cong_syntax

lemma mono_real_of_int: "mono real_of_int"
  unfolding mono_def by auto

lemma Max_le_Sum:
  fixes f :: "'a  int"
  assumes "finite A"
  assumes "a. a  A  f a  0"
  shows "Max (insert 0 (f ` A))  (a A .f a)" (is "?L  ?R")
proof (cases "A{}")
  case True

  have 0: "f a  (a A .f a)" if "a  A" for a
    using that assms by (intro member_le_sum) auto

  have "?L = max 0 (Max (f ` A))"
    using True assms(1) by (subst Max_insert) auto
  also have "... = Max (max 0 ` f ` A)"
    using assms True by (intro mono_Max_commute monoI) auto
  also have "... = Max (f ` A)"
    unfolding image_image using assms
    by (intro arg_cong[where f="Max"] image_cong) auto
  also have "...  ?R"
    using 0 True assms(1)
    by (intro iffD2[OF Max_le_iff]) auto
  finally show ?thesis by simp
  case False
  hence "A = {}" by simp
  then show ?thesis by simp

context inner_algorithm_fix_A

text ‹The following inequality is true for base e on the entire domain ($x > 0$). It is
shown in @{thm [source] ln_add_one_self_le_self}. In the following it is established for base
$2$, where it holds for $x \geq 1$.›

lemma log_2_estimate:
  assumes "x  (1::real)"
  shows "log 2 (1+x)  x"
proof -
  define f where "f x = x - log 2 (1+ x)" for x :: real
  define f' where "f' x = 1 - 1/((x+1)*ln 2)" for x :: real

  have 0:"(f has_real_derivative (f' x)) (at x)" if "x > 0" for x
    unfolding f_def f'_def using that
    by (auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros)

  have "f' x  0" if "1  x" for x :: real
  proof -
    have "(1::real)  2*ln 2"
      by (approximation 5)
    also have "...  (x+1)*ln 2"
      using that by (intro mult_right_mono) auto
    finally have "1  (x+1)*ln 2" by simp
    hence "1/((x+1)*ln 2)  1"
      by simp
    thus ?thesis
      unfolding f'_def by simp

  hence "y. (f has_real_derivative y) (at x)  0  y" if "x  1" for x :: real
    using that order_less_le_trans[OF exp_gt_zero]
    by (intro exI[where x="f' x"] conjI 0) auto
  hence "f 1  f x"
    by (intro DERIV_nonneg_imp_nondecreasing[OF assms]) auto
  thus "?thesis"
    unfolding f_def by simp

lemma cutoff_eq_7:
  "real X * 2 powr (-real q_max) / b  1"
proof -
  have "real X = 2 powr (log 2 X)"
    using X_ge_1 by (intro powr_log_cancel[symmetric]) auto
  also have "...  2 powr (nat log 2 X)"
    by (intro powr_mono) linarith+
  also have "... = 2 ^ (nat log 2 X)"
    by (subst powr_realpow) auto
  also have "... = real (2 ^ (nat log 2 (real X)))"
    by simp
  also have "...  real (2 ^ (b_exp + nat (log 2 (real X) - int b_exp)))"
    by (intro Nat.of_nat_mono power_increasing) linarith+
  also have "... = b * 2^q_max"
    unfolding q_max_def b_def by (simp add: power_add)

  finally have "real X  b * 2 ^ q_max" by simp
  thus ?thesis
    using b_min
    unfolding powr_minus inverse_eq_divide
    by (simp add:field_simps powr_realpow)

lemma cutoff_eq_6:
  fixes k
  assumes "a  A"
  shows " (f. real_of_int (max 0 (int (f a) - int k)) Ψ1)  2 powr (-real k)" (is "?L  ?R")
proof (cases "k  n_exp - 1")
  case True
  have a_le_n: "a < n"
    using assms A_range by auto

  have "?L = (x. real_of_int (max 0 (int x - k)) map_pmf (λx. x a) Ψ1)"
    by simp
  also have "... = (x. real_of_int (max 0 (int x - k)) (𝒢 n_exp))"
    by (subst hash_pro_component[OF Ψ1 a_le_n]) auto
  also have "... = (x. max 0 (real x - real k) (𝒢 n_exp))"
    unfolding max_of_mono[OF mono_real_of_int,symmetric] by simp
  also have "... = (xn_exp.  max 0 (real x - real k) * pmf (𝒢 n_exp) x)"
    using geom_pro_range by (intro integral_measure_pmf_real) auto
  also have "... = (x=k+1..n_exp. (real x - real k) * pmf (𝒢 n_exp) x)"
    by (intro sum.mono_neutral_cong_right) auto
  also have "... = (x=k+1..n_exp. (real x - real k) * measure (𝒢 n_exp) {x})"
    unfolding measure_pmf_single by simp
  also have "... = (x=k+1..n_exp. (real x-real k)*(measure (𝒢 n_exp) ({ω. ωx}-{ω. ω(x+1)})))"
    by (intro sum.cong arg_cong2[where f="(*)"] measure_pmf_cong) auto
  also have "... = (x=k+1..n_exp. (real x-real k)*
    (measure (𝒢 n_exp) {ω. ωx} - measure (𝒢 n_exp) {ω. ω(x+1)}))"
    by (intro sum.cong arg_cong2[where f="(*)"] measure_Diff) auto
  also have "... = (x=k+1..n_exp. (real x - real k) * (1/2^x - of_bool(x+1n_exp)/2^(x+1)))"
    unfolding geom_pro_prob by (intro_cong "[σ2 (*), σ2 (-), σ2 (/)]" more:sum.cong) auto
  also have "... =
    (x=k+1..n_exp. (real x-k)/2^x) - (x=k+1..n_exp. (real x-k)* of_bool(x+1n_exp)/2^(x+1))"
    by (simp add:algebra_simps sum_subtractf)
  also have "...=(x=k+1..n_exp. (real x-k)/2^x)-(x=k+1..n_exp-1. (real x-k)/2^(x+1))"
    by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(-)"] refl sum.mono_neutral_cong_right) auto
  also have "...=(x=k+1..(n_exp-1)+1. (real x-k)/2^x)-(x=k+1..n_exp-1. (real x-k)/2^(x+1))"
    using n_exp_gt_0 by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(-)"] refl sum.cong) auto
  also have "...= (xinsert k {k+1..n_exp-1}. (real (x+1)-k)/2^(x+1))-
    (x=k+1..n_exp-1. (real x-k)/2^(x+1))"
    unfolding sum.shift_bounds_cl_nat_ivl using True
    by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(-)"] sum.cong) auto
  also have "... = 1/2^(k+1)+(x=k+1..n_exp-1. (real (x+1)-k)/2^(x+1)- (real x-k)/2^(x+1))"
    by (subst sum.insert) (auto simp add:sum_subtractf)
  also have "... = 1/2^(k+1)+(x=k+1..n_exp-1. (1/2^(x+1)))"
    by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(+)"] sum.cong refl) (simp add:field_simps)
  also have "... = (xinsert k {k+1..n_exp-1}. (1/2^(x+1)))"
    by (subst sum.insert) auto
  also have "... = (x=0+k..(n_exp-1-k)+k. 1/2^(x+1))"
    using True by (intro sum.cong) auto
  also have "... = (x<n_exp-k. 1/2^(x+k+1))"
    unfolding sum.shift_bounds_cl_nat_ivl using True n_exp_gt_0 by (intro sum.cong) auto
  also have "... = (1/2)^(k+1) * (x<n_exp-k. (1/2)^x)"
    unfolding  sum_distrib_left power_add[symmetric] by (simp add:power_divide ac_simps)
  also have "... = (1/2)^(k+1) * 2 * (1-(1 / 2) ^ (n_exp - k))"
    by (subst geometric_sum) auto
  also have "...  (1/2)^(k+1) * 2 * (1-0)"
    by (intro mult_left_mono diff_mono) auto
  also have "... = (1/2)^k"
    unfolding power_add by simp
  also have "... = ?R"
    unfolding powr_minus by (simp add:powr_realpow inverse_eq_divide power_divide)
  finally show ?thesis
    by simp
  case False
  hence k_ge_n_exp: "k  n_exp"
    by simp
  have a_lt_n: "a < n"
    using assms A_range by auto

  have "?L = (x. real_of_int (max 0 (int x - k)) map_pmf (λx. x a) Ψ1)"
    by simp
  also have "... = (x. real_of_int (max 0 (int x - k)) (𝒢 n_exp))"
    by (subst hash_pro_component[OF Ψ1 a_lt_n]) auto
  also have "... = (x. real_of_int 0 (𝒢 n_exp))"
    using geom_pro_range k_ge_n_exp
    by (intro integral_cong_AE AE_pmfI iffD2[OF of_int_eq_iff] max_absorb1) force+
  also have "... = 0" by simp
  finally show ?thesis by simp

lemma cutoff_eq_5:
  assumes "x  (-1 :: real)"
  shows "real_of_int log 2 (x+2)  (real c+2) + max (x - 2^c) 0" (is "?L  ?R")
proof -
  have 0: "1  2 ^ 1 * ln (2::real)"
    by (approximation 5)

  consider (a) "c = 0  x  2^c+1" | (b) "c > 0  x  2^c+1" | (c) "x  2^c+1"
    by linarith
  hence "log 2 (x+2)  ?R"
  proof (cases)
    case a
    have "log 2 (x+2) = log 2 (1+(x+1))"
      by (simp add:algebra_simps)
    also have "...  x+1"
      using a by (intro log_2_estimate) auto
    also have "... = ?R"
      using a by auto
    finally show ?thesis by simp
    case b
    have "0 < 0 + (1::real)"
      by simp
    also have "...  2^c+(1::real)"
      by (intro add_mono) auto
    also have "...  x"
      using b by simp
    finally have x_gt_0: "x > 0"
      by simp

    have "log 2 (x+2) = log 2 ((x+2)/2^c) + c"
      using x_gt_0 by (subst log_divide) auto
    also have "... = log 2 (1+(x+2-2^c)/2^c) + c"
      by (simp add:divide_simps)
    also have "...  (x+2-2^c)/2^c / ln 2 + c"
      using b unfolding log_def
      by (intro add_mono divide_right_mono ln_add_one_self_le_self divide_nonneg_pos) auto
    also have "... = (x+2-2^c)/(2^c*ln 2) + c"
      by simp
    also have "...  (x+2-2^c)/(2^1*ln 2)+c"
      using b by (intro add_mono divide_left_mono mult_right_mono power_increasing) simp_all
    also have "...  (x+2-2^c)/1 + c"
      using b by (intro add_mono divide_left_mono 0) auto
    also have "...  (c+2) + max (x - 2^c) 0"
      using b by simp
    finally show ?thesis by simp
    case c
    hence "log 2 (x+2)  log 2 ((2^c+1)+2)"
      using assms by (intro log_mono add_mono) auto
    also have "... = log 2 (2^c*(1+3/2^c))"
      by (simp add:algebra_simps)
    also have "... = c + log 2 (1+3/2^c)"
      by (subst log_mult_pos) (auto intro:add_pos_nonneg)
    also have "...  c + log 2 (1+3/2^0)"
      by (intro add_mono log_mono divide_left_mono power_increasing add_pos_nonneg) auto
    also have "... = c + log 2 (2*2)"
      by simp
    also have "... = real c + 2"
      by (subst log_mult) auto
    also have "...  (c+2) + max (x - 2^c) 0"
      by simp
    finally show ?thesis
      by simp
  moreover have "log 2 (x+2)  log 2 (x+2)"
      by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis using order_trans by blast

lemma cutoff_level:
  "measure Ω {ω. q ω A > q_max}  δ/2" (is "?L  ?R")
proof -
  have C1_est: "C1 * l  30 * real l"
    unfolding C1_def
    by (intro mult_right_mono of_nat_0_le_iff) (approximation 10)

  define Z where "Z ω = (j<b. real_of_int log 2 (of_int (max (τ1 ω A q_max j) (-1)) + 2))" for ω
  define V where "V ω = Z ω / real b - 3" for ω

  have 2:"Z ψ  real b*(real c+2) + of_int (aA. max 0 (int (fst ψ a) - q_max -2^c))"
    (is "?L1  ?R1") if "ψ  sample_pro Ψ" for c ψ
  proof -
    obtain f g h where ψ_def: "ψ = (f,g,h)"
      using prod_cases3 by blast

    have ψ_range: "(f,g,h)  sample_pro Ψ"
      using that unfolding ψ_def by simp

    have "- 1 - 2^c  -1-(1::real)"
      by (intro diff_mono) auto
    also have "...  0" by simp
    finally have "- 1 - 2 ^ c  (0::real)" by simp
    hence aux3: "max (-1-2^c) 0 = (0::real)"
      by (intro max_absorb2)

    have "- 1 - int q_max - 2 ^ c  -1 - 0 - 1"
      by (intro diff_mono) auto
    also have "...  0" by simp
    finally have "- 1 - int q_max - 2 ^ c  0" by simp
    hence aux3_2: "max 0 (- 1 - int q_max - 2 ^ c) = 0"
      by (intro max_absorb1)

    have "?L1  (j<b. (real c+2) + max (real_of_int (max (τ1 ψ A q_max j) (- 1)) - 2^c) 0)"
      unfolding Z_def by (intro sum_mono cutoff_eq_5) auto
    also have "... = (j<b. (real c+2)+max (τ0 ψ A j - q_max - 2^c) 0)"
      unfolding τ1_def max_of_mono[OF mono_real_of_int,symmetric]
      by (intro_cong "[σ2 (+)]" more:sum.cong) (simp add:max_diff_distrib_left max.assoc aux3)
    also have "... = real b * (real c + 2) +
      of_int (j<b. (max 0 (Max (insert (- 1) {int (f a) |a. a  A  h (g a) = j})-q_max - 2^c)))"
      unfolding ψ_def by (simp add:max.commute)
    also have "... = real b * (real c + 2) +
      of_int (j<b. max 0 (Max ((λx. x-q_max-2^c)`(insert(-1){int (f a) |a. a  Ah(g a)=j}))))"
      using fin_A
      by (intro_cong "[σ2 (+), σ1 of_int, σ2 max]" more:sum.cong mono_Max_commute) (auto simp:monoI)
    also have "... = real b * (real c + 2) +
      of_int(j<b. max 0(Max(insert(-1-q_max-2^c){int (f a)-q_max-2^c |a. a  A  h (g a) = j})))"
      by (intro_cong "[σ2 (+), σ1 of_int, σ2 max, σ1 Max]" more:sum.cong)  auto
    also have "... = real b * (real c + 2) + of_int
      (j<b. Max ((max 0) `(insert(-1-q_max-2^c){int (f a)-q_max-2^c |a. a  A  h (g a) = j})))"
      using fin_A by (intro_cong "[σ2 (+), σ1 of_int]" more:sum.cong mono_Max_commute)
        (auto simp add:monoI setcompr_eq_image)
    also have "... = real b * (real c + 2) +
      of_int (j<b. Max (insert 0 {max 0 (int (f a)-q_max-2^c) |a. a  A  h (g a) = j}))"
      using aux3_2 by (intro_cong "[σ2 (+), σ1 of_int, σ1 Max]" more:sum.cong)
        (simp add:setcompr_eq_image image_image)
    also have "...  b*(real c+2)+ of_int(j<b. (a|aAh(g(a))=j. max 0(int(f a)-q_max-2^c)))"
      using fin_A Max_le_Sum unfolding setcompr_eq_image
      by (intro add_mono iffD2[OF of_int_le_iff] sum_mono Max_le_Sum) (simp_all)
    also have "... = real b*(real c+2)+
      of_int(a(j{..<b}. {a. aA h(g(a)) = j}). max 0(int(f a)-q_max-2^c))"
      using fin_A
      by (intro_cong "[σ2 (+), σ1 of_int]" more:sum.UNION_disjoint[symmetric]) auto
    also have "... = real b*(real c+2) + of_int(aA. max 0(int(f a)-q_max-2^c))"
      using h_range[OF ψ_range] by (intro_cong "[σ2 (+), σ1 of_int]" more:sum.cong) auto
    also have "... = ?R1"
      unfolding ψ_def by simp
    finally show ?thesis
      by simp

  have 1: "measure Ψ {ψ. real c  V ψ}  2 powr (- (2^c))" (is "?L1  ?R1") for c
  proof -
    have "?L1 = measure Ψ {ψ. real b * (real c + 3)  Z ψ}"
      unfolding V_def using b_min by (intro measure_pmf_cong) (simp add:field_simps)
    also have "...  measure Ψ
      {ψ. real b*(real c+3) real b*(real c+2)+ of_int (aA. max 0 (int (fst ψ a)-q_max -2^c))}"
      using 2 order_trans by (intro pmf_mono) blast
    also have "... = measure Ψ {ψ. real b  (aA. of_int (max 0 (int (fst ψ a) -q_max -2^c)))}"
      by (intro measure_pmf_cong) (simp add:algebra_simps)
    also have "...  (ψ. (aA. of_int (max 0 (int (fst ψ a) -q_max -2^c))) Ψ)/real b"
      using b_min by (intro pmf_markov sum_nonneg) simp_all
    also have "... = (aA. (ψ.  of_int (max 0 (int (fst ψ a) -q_max -2^c)) Ψ))/real b"
      by (intro_cong "[σ2(/)]" more:Bochner_Integration.integral_sum) simp
    also have "... = (aA. (f.  of_int (max 0 (int (f a)-q_max -2^c)) (map_pmf fst Ψ)))/real b"
      by simp
    also have "... = (aA. (f. of_int (max 0 (int (f a) - (q_max +2^c))) Ψ1))/real b"
      unfolding sample_pro_Ψ map_fst_pair_pmf by (simp add:algebra_simps)
    also have "...  (aA. 2 powr -real (q_max + 2^c))/real b"
      using b_min by (intro sum_mono divide_right_mono cutoff_eq_6) auto
    also have "... = real X * 2 powr (- real q_max + (- (2 ^ c))) / real b"
      unfolding X_def by simp
    also have "... = (real X * 2 powr (-real q_max) / b) * 2 powr (-(2^c))"
      unfolding powr_add by (simp add:algebra_simps)
    also have "...  1 * 2 powr (-(2^c))"
      using cutoff_eq_7 by (intro mult_right_mono) auto
    finally show ?thesis
      by simp

  have 0: "measure Ψ {ψ. x  V ψ}  exp (- x * ln x ^ 3)"  (is "?L1  ?R1") if "x  20" for x
  proof -
    define c where "c = nat x"

    have "x * ln x^3  exp (x * ln 2) * ln 2/2" if "x  150" for x::real
    proof -
      have aux_aux_0: "x^4  0"
        by simp

      have "x * ln x^3  x * x^3"
        using that by (intro mult_left_mono power_mono ln_bound) auto
      also have "... = x^4 * 1"
        by (simp add:numeral_eq_Suc)
      also have "...  x^4  * ((ln 2 / 10)^4 * (150 * (ln 2 / 10))^6  * (ln 2/2))"
        by (intro mult_left_mono aux_aux_0) (approximation 8)
      also have "... = (x * (ln 2 / 10))^4 * (150 * (ln 2 / 10))^6  * (ln 2/2)"
        unfolding power_mult_distrib by (simp add:algebra_simps)
      also have "...  (x * (ln 2 / 10))^4 * (x * (ln 2 / 10))^6  * (ln 2/2)"
        by (intro mult_right_mono mult_left_mono power_mono that) auto
      also have "... = (0+x * (ln 2 / 10))^10 * (ln 2/2)"
        unfolding power_add[symmetric] by simp
      also have "...  (1+x * ln 2 / 10)^10 * (ln 2/2)"
        using that by (intro mult_right_mono power_mono add_mono) auto
      also have "...  exp (x * ln 2 / 10)^10 * (ln 2/2)"
        using that by (intro mult_right_mono power_mono exp_ge_add_one_self) auto
      also have "... = exp (x * ln 2) * (ln 2/2)"
        unfolding exp_of_nat_mult[symmetric] by simp
      finally show ?thesis by simp
    moreover have "x * ln x^3  exp (x * ln 2) * ln 2/2" if "x  {20..150}"
      using that by (approximation 10 splitting: x=1)

    ultimately have "x * ln x^3  exp (x * ln 2) * ln 2/2"
      using that by fastforce
    also have "... = 2 powr (x-1) * ln 2"
      unfolding powr_diff unfolding powr_def by simp
    also have "...  2 powr c * ln 2"
      unfolding c_def using that
      by (intro mult_right_mono powr_mono) auto
    also have "... = 2^c * ln 2"
      using powr_realpow by simp
    finally have aux0: "x * ln x^3  2^c * ln 2"
      by simp
    have "real c  x"
      using that unfolding c_def by linarith
    hence "?L1  measure Ψ {ψ. real c  V ψ}"
      by (intro pmf_mono) auto
    also have "...  2 powr (-(2^c))"
      by (intro 1)
    also have "... = exp (- (2 ^ c * ln 2))"
      by (simp add:powr_def)
    also have "...  exp (- (x *ln x^3))"
      using aux0 by (intro iffD2[OF exp_le_cancel_iff]) auto
    also have "... = ?R1"
      by simp
    finally show ?thesis
      by simp

  have "?L  measure Ω {ω. is_too_large (τ2 ω A q_max)}"
    using lt_s_too_large
    by (intro pmf_mono) (simp del:is_too_large.simps)
  also have "... = measure Ω
    {ω. ((i,j){..<l}×{..<b}. log 2 (of_int (max (τ2 ω A q_max i j) (-1)) + 2)) > C5 * b *l}"
    by simp
  also have "... = measure Ω {ω. real_of_int ((i,j){..<l}×{..<b}.
    log 2 (of_int (max (τ2 ω A q_max i j) (-1)) + 2)) > of_int (C5 * b * l)}"
    unfolding  of_int_less_iff by simp
  also have "... = measure Ω {ω. real_of_int C5 * real b * real l < of_int (x{..<l} × {..<b}.
    log 2 (real_of_int (τ1 (ω (fst x)) A q_max (snd x)) + 2))}"
    by (intro_cong "[σ2 measure, σ1 Collect, σ1 of_int, σ2 (<)]" more:ext sum.cong)
     (auto simp add:case_prod_beta τ2_def τ1_def)

  also have "... = measure Ω {ω. (i<l. Z (ω i)) > of_int C5 * real b * real l}"
    unfolding Z_def sum.cartesian_product τ1_def by (simp add:case_prod_beta)
  also have "... = measure Ω {ω. (i<l. V (ω i) + 3) > of_int C5 * real l}"
    unfolding V_def using b_min
    by (intro measure_pmf_cong) (simp add:sum_divide_distrib[symmetric] field_simps sum.distrib)
  also have "... = measure Ω {ω. (i<l. V (ω i)) > of_int (C5-3) * real l}"
    by (simp add:sum.distrib algebra_simps)
  also have "...  measure Ω {ω. (i<l. V (ω i))  C1 * real l}"
    unfolding C5_def using C1_est by (intro pmf_mono) auto
  also have "...  exp (- real l)"
    by (intro deviation_bound l_gt_0 0) (simp_all add: Λ_def)
  also have "...  exp (- (C6 * ln (2 / δ)))"
    using l_lbound by (intro iffD2[OF exp_le_cancel_iff]) auto
  also have "...  exp (- (1 * ln (2 / δ)))"
    unfolding C6_def using δ_gt_0 δ_lt_1
    by (intro iffD2[OF exp_le_cancel_iff] le_imp_neg_le mult_right_mono ln_ge_zero) auto
  also have "... = exp ( ln ( δ / 2))"
    using δ_gt_0 by (simp add: ln_div)
  also have "... =  δ/2"
    using δ_gt_0 by simp
  finally show ?thesis
    by simp


unbundle no intro_cong_syntax
