Theory Universal_Hash_Families.Pseudorandom_Objects_Hash_Families
section ‹K-Independent Hash Families as Pseudorandom Objects›
theory Pseudorandom_Objects_Hash_Families
hide_const (open) Numeral_Type.mod_ring
hide_const (open)
hide_const (open) Isolated.discrete
definition hash_space' ::
"('a,'b) idx_ring_enum_scheme ⇒ nat ⇒ ('c,'d) pseudorandom_object_scheme
⇒ (nat ⇒ 'c) pseudorandom_object"
where "hash_space' R k S = (
pro_last = idx_size R ^k-1,
pro_select = (λx i.
pro_select S
(idx_enum_inv R (poly_eval R (poly_enum R k x) (idx_enum R i)) mod pro_size S))
lemma hash_prob_single':
assumes "field F" "finite (carrier F)"
assumes "x ∈ carrier F"
assumes "1 ≤ n"
shows "measure (pmf_of_set (bounded_degree_polynomials F n)) {ω. ring.hash F x ω = y} =
of_bool (y∈ carrier F)/(real (card (carrier F)))" (is "?L = ?R")
proof (cases "y ∈ carrier F")
case True
have "?L = 𝒫(ω in pmf_of_set (bounded_degree_polynomials F n). ring.hash F x ω = y)" by simp
also have "... = 1 / (real (card (carrier F)))" by (intro hash_prob_single assms conjI True)
also have "... = ?R" using True by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
case False
interpret field "F" using assms by simp
have fin_carr: "finite (carrier F)" using assms by simp
note S = non_empty_bounded_degree_polynomials fin_degree_bounded[OF fin_carr]
let ?S = "bounded_degree_polynomials F n"
have "hash x f ≠ y" if "f ∈ ?S" for f
proof -
have "hash x f ∈ carrier F"
using that unfolding hash_def bounded_degree_polynomials_def
by (intro eval_in_carrier assms) (simp add: polynomial_incl univ_poly_carrier)
thus ?thesis using False by auto
hence "?L = measure (pmf_of_set (bounded_degree_polynomials F n)) {}"
using S by (intro measure_eq_AE AE_pmfI) simp_all
also have "... = ?R" using False by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma hash_k_wise_indep':
assumes "field F ∧ finite (carrier F)"
assumes "1 ≤ n"
shows "prob_space.k_wise_indep_vars (pmf_of_set (bounded_degree_polynomials F n)) n
(λ_. discrete) (ring.hash F) (carrier F)"
by (intro prob_space.k_wise_indep_vars_compose[OF _ hash_k_wise_indep[OF assms]]
prob_space_measure_pmf) auto
lemma hash_space':
fixes R :: "('a,'b) idx_ring_enum_scheme"
assumes "enum⇩C R" "field⇩C R"
assumes "pro_size S dvd order (ring_of R)"
assumes "I ⊆ {..<order (ring_of R)}" "card I ≤ k"
shows "map_pmf (λf. (λi∈I. f i)) (sample_pro (hash_space' R k S)) = prod_pmf I (λ_. sample_pro S)"
(is "?L = ?R")
proof (cases "I = {}")
case False
let ?b = "idx_size R"
let ?s = "pro_size S"
let ?t = "?b div ?s"
let ?g = "λx i. poly_eval R (poly_enum R k x) (idx_enum R i)"
let ?f = "λx. pro_select S (idx_enum_inv R x mod ?s)"
let ?R_pmf = "pmf_of_set (carrier (ring_of R))"
let ?S = "{xs ∈ carrier (poly_ring (ring_of R)). length xs ≤ k}"
let ?T = "pmf_of_set (bounded_degree_polynomials (ring_of R) k)"
interpret field "ring_of R" using assms(2) unfolding field⇩C_def by auto
have ring_c: "ring⇩C R" using field_c_imp_ring assms(2) by auto
note enum_c = enum_cD[OF assms(1)]
have fin_carr: "finite (carrier (ring_of R))" using enum_c by simp
have "0 < card I" using False assms(4) card_gt_0_iff finite_nat_iff_bounded by blast
also have "... ≤ k" using assms(5) by simp
finally have k_gt_0: "k > 0" by simp
have b_gt_0: "?b > 0" unfolding enum_c(2) using fin_carr order_gt_0_iff_finite by blast
hence t_gt_0: "?t > 0" using enum_c(2) assms(3) dvd_div_gt0 by simp
have b_k_gt_0: "?b ^ k > 0" using b_gt_0 by simp
have fin_I: "finite I" using assms(4) finite_subset by auto
have inj: "inj_on (idx_enum R) I"
using assms(4) unfolding enum_c(2)
by (intro inj_on_subset[OF bij_betw_imp_inj_on[OF enum_c(3)]])
have "card (idx_enum R ` I) ≤ k"
using assms(5) unfolding card_image[OF inj] by auto
hence "prob_space.indep_vars ?T (λ_. discrete) hash (idx_enum R ` I)"
using assms(4) k_gt_0 fin_I bij_betw_apply[OF enum_c(3)] enum_c(2)
by (intro prob_space.k_wise_indep_vars_subset[OF _ hash_k_wise_indep']
prob_space_measure_pmf conjI fin_carr field_axioms) auto
hence "prob_space.indep_vars ?T ((λ_. discrete) ∘ idx_enum R) (λx ω. eval ω (idx_enum R x)) I"
using inj unfolding hash_def
by (intro prob_space.indep_vars_reindex prob_space_measure_pmf) auto
hence indep: "prob_space.indep_vars ?T (λ_. discrete) (λx ω. eval ω (idx_enum R x)) I"
by (simp add:comp_def)
have 0: "pmf (map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. eval x (idx_enum R i)) ?T) ω = pmf (prod_pmf I (λ_. ?R_pmf)) ω"
(is "?L1 = ?R1") for ω
proof (cases "ω ∈ extensional I")
case True
have "?L1 = measure ?T {x. (λi∈I. eval x (idx_enum R i)) = ω}"
by (simp add:pmf_map vimage_def)
also have "... = measure ?T {x. (∀i∈I. eval x (idx_enum R i) = ω i)}"
using True unfolding restrict_def extensional_def
by (intro arg_cong2[where f="measure"] refl Collect_cong) auto
also have "... = (∏i∈I. measure ?T {x. eval x (idx_enum R i) = ω i})"
by (intro prob_space.split_indep_events[where I="I" and p="?T"] prob_space_measure_pmf
fin_I refl prob_space.indep_vars_compose2[OF _ indep]) auto
also have "... = (∏i∈I. measure ?T {x. hash (idx_enum R i) x = ω i})"
unfolding hash_def by simp
also have "... = (∏i∈I. of_bool( ω i ∈ carrier (ring_of R))/real (card (carrier (ring_of R))))"
using k_gt_0 assms(4) by (intro prod.cong refl hash_prob_single'
bij_betw_apply[OF enum_c(3)] fin_carr field_axioms) (auto simp:enum_c)
also have "... = (∏i∈I. pmf (pmf_of_set (carrier (ring_of R))) (ω i))"
using fin_carr carrier_not_empty by (simp add:indicator_def)
also have "... = ?R1"
using True unfolding pmf_prod_pmf[OF fin_I] by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
case False
have "?L1 = 0" using False unfolding pmf_eq_0_set_pmf set_map_pmf by auto
moreover have "?R1 = 0"
using False unfolding pmf_eq_0_set_pmf set_prod_pmf[OF fin_I] PiE_def by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
have "map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. ?g x i) (pmf_of_set {..<?b^k}) =
map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. poly_eval R x (idx_enum R i)) (map_pmf (poly_enum R k) (pmf_of_set {..<?b^k}))"
by (simp add:map_pmf_comp)
also have "... = map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. poly_eval R x (idx_enum R i)) (pmf_of_set ?S)"
using b_k_gt_0 by (intro arg_cong2[where f="map_pmf"] refl map_pmf_of_set_bij_betw
bij_betw_poly_enum assms(1,2) field_c_imp_ring) blast+
also have "... = map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. poly_eval R x (idx_enum R i)) ?T"
using k_gt_0 unfolding bounded_degree_polynomials_def
by (intro map_pmf_cong refl arg_cong[where f="pmf_of_set"] restrict_ext ring_c) auto
also have "... = map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. eval x (idx_enum R i)) ?T"
using non_empty_bounded_degree_polynomials fin_degree_bounded[OF fin_carr] assms(4)
by (intro map_pmf_cong poly_eval refl restrict_ext ring_c bij_betw_apply[OF enum_c(3)])
(auto simp add:bounded_degree_polynomials_def ring_of_poly[OF ring_c] enum_c(2))
also have "... = prod_pmf I (λ_. ?R_pmf)" (is "?L1 = ?R1")
by (intro pmf_eqI 0)
finally have 0: "map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. ?g x i) (pmf_of_set {..<?b^k}) = prod_pmf I (λ_. ?R_pmf)"
by simp
have 1: "map_pmf (λx. x mod ?s) (pmf_of_set {..<?b}) = pmf_of_set {..<?s}" (is "?L1=?R1")
proof -
have "?L1 = map_pmf fst (map_pmf (λx. (x mod ?s, x div ?s)) (pmf_of_set {..<?s*?t}))"
using assms(3) by (simp add:map_pmf_comp enum_c(2))
also have "... = map_pmf fst (pmf_of_set ({..<?s} × {..<?t}))"
using pro_size_gt_0 t_gt_0 lessThan_empty_iff finite_lessThan
by (intro arg_cong2[where f="map_pmf"] refl map_pmf_of_set_bij_betw bij_betw_prod) force+
also have "... = map_pmf fst (pair_pmf (pmf_of_set {..<?s}) (pmf_of_set {..<?t}))"
using pro_size_gt_0 t_gt_0 by(intro arg_cong2[where f="map_pmf"] pmf_of_set_prod_eq refl) auto
also have "... = pmf_of_set {..<?s}" using map_fst_pair_pmf by blast
finally show ?thesis by simp
have "map_pmf ?f ?R_pmf = map_pmf (λx. pro_select S (x mod ?s)) (map_pmf (idx_enum_inv R) ?R_pmf)"
by (simp add:map_pmf_comp)
also have "... = map_pmf (λx. pro_select S (x mod ?s)) (pmf_of_set {..<?b})"
using enum_cD(1,2,4)[OF assms(1)] carrier_not_empty
by (intro arg_cong2[where f="map_pmf"] refl map_pmf_of_set_bij_betw) auto
also have "... = map_pmf (pro_select S) (map_pmf (λx. x mod ?s) (pmf_of_set {..<?b}))"
by (simp add:map_pmf_comp)
also have "... = sample_pro S" unfolding sample_pro_alt 1 by simp
finally have 2:"map_pmf ?f ?R_pmf = sample_pro S" by simp
have "?L = map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. ?f (?g x i)) (pmf_of_set {..<?b^k})"
using b_k_gt_0 unfolding sample_pro_alt hash_space'_def pro_size_def
by (simp add: map_pmf_comp del:poly_eval.simps)
also have "... = map_pmf (λf. λi∈I. ?f (f i)) (map_pmf (λx. λi∈I. ?g x i) (pmf_of_set {..<?b^k}))"
unfolding map_pmf_comp by (intro arg_cong2[where f="map_pmf"] refl restrict_ext ext) simp
also have "... = prod_pmf I (λ_. map_pmf ?f (pmf_of_set (carrier (ring_of R))))" unfolding 0
by (simp add:map_pmf_def Pi_pmf_bind_return[OF fin_I, where d'="undefined"] restrict_def)
also have "... = ?R" unfolding 2 by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
case True
have "?L = map_pmf (λf i. undefined) (sample_pro (hash_space' R k S))"
using True by (intro map_pmf_cong refl) auto
also have "... = return_pmf (λf. undefined)" unfolding map_pmf_const by simp
also have "... = ?R" using True by simp
finally show "?L = ?R" by simp
lemma hash_space'_range:
"pro_select (hash_space' R k S) i j ∈ pro_set S"
unfolding hash_space'_def by (simp add: pro_select_in_set)
definition hash_pro ::
"nat ⇒ nat ⇒ ('a,'b) pseudorandom_object_scheme ⇒ (nat ⇒ 'a) pseudorandom_object"
where "hash_pro k d S = (
let (p,j) = split_power (pro_size S);
l = max j (floorlog p (d-1))
in hash_space' (GF (p^l)) k S)"
definition hash_pro_spmf ::
"nat ⇒ nat ⇒ ('a,'b) pseudorandom_object_scheme ⇒ (nat ⇒ 'a) pseudorandom_object spmf"
where "hash_pro_spmf k d S =
do {
let (p,j) = split_power (pro_size S);
let l = max j (floorlog p (d-1));
R ← GF⇩R (p^l);
return_spmf (hash_space' R k S)
definition hash_pro_pmf ::
"nat ⇒ nat ⇒ ('a,'b) pseudorandom_object_scheme ⇒ (nat ⇒ 'a) pseudorandom_object pmf"
where "hash_pro_pmf k d S = map_pmf the (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
"_FLIPBIND" :: "('a ⇒ 'b) ⇒ 'c ⇒ 'b" (infixr ‹=<<› 54)
"_FLIPBIND" == Monad_Syntax.bind
"_FLIPBIND f g" => "g ⤜ f"
fixes S
fixes d :: nat
fixes k :: nat
assumes size_prime_power: "is_prime_power (pro_size S)"
private definition p where "p = fst (split_power (pro_size S))"
private definition j where "j = snd (split_power (pro_size S))"
private definition l where "l = max j (floorlog p (d-1))"
private lemma split_power: "(p,j) = split_power (pro_size S)"
using p_def j_def by auto
private lemma hash_sample_space_alt: "hash_pro k d S = hash_space' (GF (p^l)) k S"
unfolding hash_pro_def split_power[symmetric] by (simp add:j_def l_def Let_def)
private lemma p_prime : "prime p" and j_gt_0: "j > 0"
proof -
obtain q r where 0:"pro_size S = q^r" and q_prime: "prime q" and r_gt_0: "r > 0"
using size_prime_power is_prime_power_def by blast
have "(p,j) = split_power (q^r)" unfolding split_power 0 by simp
also have "... = (q,r)" by (intro split_power_prime q_prime r_gt_0)
finally have "(p,j) = (q,r)" by simp
thus "prime p" "j > 0" using q_prime r_gt_0 by auto
private lemma l_gt_0: "l > 0"
unfolding l_def using j_gt_0 by simp
private lemma prime_power: "is_prime_power (p^l)"
using p_prime l_gt_0 unfolding is_prime_power_def by auto
lemma hash_in_hash_pro_spmf: "hash_pro k d S ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
using GF_in_GF_R[OF prime_power]
unfolding hash_pro_def hash_pro_spmf_def split_power[symmetric] l_def by (auto simp add:set_bind_spmf)
lemma lossless_hash_pro_spmf: "lossless_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
proof -
have "lossless_spmf (GF⇩R (p^l))" by (intro galois_field_random_1 prime_power)
thus ?thesis unfolding hash_pro_spmf_def split_power[symmetric] l_def by simp
lemma hashp_eq_hash_pro_spmf: "set_pmf (hash_pro_pmf k d S) = set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
unfolding hash_pro_pmf_def using lossless_imp_spmf_of_pmf[OF lossless_hash_pro_spmf]
by (metis set_spmf_spmf_of_pmf)
lemma hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf:
assumes "x ∈ set_pmf (hash_pro_pmf k d S)"
shows "x ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
using hashp_eq_hash_pro_spmf assms by auto
lemma hash_pro_in_hash_pro_pmf: "hash_pro k d S ∈ set_pmf (hash_pro_pmf k d S)"
unfolding hashp_eq_hash_pro_spmf by (intro hash_in_hash_pro_spmf)
lemma hash_pro_spmf_distr:
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
assumes "I ⊆ {..<d}" "card I ≤ k"
shows "map_pmf (λf. (λi∈I. f i)) (sample_pro s) = prod_pmf I (λ_. sample_pro S)"
proof -
have "(d-1) < p^floorlog p (d-1)"
using floorlog_leD prime_gt_1_nat[OF p_prime] by simp
hence "d ≤ p^floorlog p (d-1)" by (cases d) auto
also have "... ≤ p^l"
using prime_gt_0_nat[OF p_prime] unfolding l_def by (intro power_increasing) auto
finally have 0: "d ≤ p^l" by simp
obtain R where R_in: "R ∈ set_spmf (GF⇩R (p^l))" and s_def: "s = hash_space' R k S"
using assms(1) unfolding hash_pro_spmf_def split_power[symmetric] l_def
by (auto simp add:set_bind_spmf)
have 1: "order (ring_of R) = p ^ l"
using galois_field_random_1(1)[OF prime_power R_in] by auto
have "I ⊆ {..<d}" using assms by auto
also have "... ⊆ {..<order (ring_of R)}" using 0 unfolding 1 by auto
finally have "I ⊆ {..<order (ring_of R)}" by simp
moreover have "j ≤ l" unfolding l_def by auto
hence "pro_size S dvd order (ring_of R)"
unfolding 1 split_power_result[OF split_power] by (intro le_imp_power_dvd)
ultimately show ?thesis
using galois_field_random_1(1)[OF prime_power R_in] assms(3)
unfolding s_def by (intro hash_space') simp_all
lemma hash_pro_spmf_component:
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
assumes "i < d" "k > 0"
shows "map_pmf (λf. f i) (sample_pro s) = sample_pro S" (is "?L = ?R")
proof -
have "?L = map_pmf (λf. f i) (map_pmf (λf. (λi∈{i}. f i)) (sample_pro s))"
using assms(1) unfolding map_pmf_comp by (intro map_pmf_cong refl) auto
also have "... = map_pmf (λf. f i) (prod_pmf {i} (λ_. sample_pro S))"
using assms by (subst hash_pro_spmf_distr[OF assms(1)]) auto
also have "... = ?R" by (subst Pi_pmf_component) auto
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma hash_pro_spmf_indep:
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
assumes "I ⊆ {..<d}" "card I ≤ k"
shows "prob_space.indep_vars (sample_pro s) (λ_. discrete) (λi ω. ω i) I"
proof (rule measure_pmf.indep_vars_pmf[OF refl])
fix x J
assume a:"J ⊆ I"
have 0:"J ⊆ {..<d}" using a assms(2) by auto
have "card J ≤ card I" using finite_subset[OF assms(2)] by (intro card_mono a) auto
also have "... ≤ k" using assms(3) by simp
finally have 1: " card J ≤ k" by simp
let ?s = "sample_pro s"
have 2: "0 < k" if "x ∈ J" for x
proof -
have "0 < card J" using 0 that card_gt_0_iff finite_nat_iff_bounded by auto
also have "... ≤ k" using 1 by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
have "measure ?s {ω. ∀j∈J. ω j = x j} = measure (map_pmf (λω. λj∈J. ω j)?s) {ω. ∀j∈J. ω j = x j}"
by auto
also have "... = measure (prod_pmf J (λ_. sample_pro S)) (Pi J (λj. {x j}))"
unfolding hash_pro_spmf_distr[OF assms(1) 0 1] by (intro arg_cong2[where f="measure"]) (auto simp:Pi_def)
also have "... = (∏j∈J. measure (sample_pro S) {x j})"
using finite_subset[OF a] finite_subset[OF assms(2)] by (intro measure_Pi_pmf_Pi) auto
also have "... = (∏j∈J. measure (map_pmf (λω. ω j) ?s) {x j})"
using 0 1 2 by (intro prod.cong arg_cong2[where f="measure"] refl
arg_cong[where f="measure_pmf"] hash_pro_spmf_component[OF assms(1), symmetric]) auto
also have "... = (∏j∈J. measure ?s {ω. ω j = x j})" by (simp add:vimage_def)
finally show "measure ?s {ω. ∀j∈J. ω j = x j} = (∏j∈J. measure_pmf.prob ?s {ω. ω j = x j})"
by simp
lemma hash_pro_spmf_k_indep:
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
shows "prob_space.k_wise_indep_vars (sample_pro s) k (λ_. discrete) (λi ω. ω i) {..<d}"
using hash_pro_spmf_indep[OF assms]
unfolding prob_space.k_wise_indep_vars_def[OF prob_space_measure_pmf] by auto
private lemma hash_pro_spmf_size_aux:
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
shows "pro_size s = (p^l)^k" (is "?L = ?R")
proof -
obtain R where R_in: "R ∈ set_spmf (GF⇩R (p^l))" and s_def: "s = hash_space' R k S"
using assms(1) unfolding hash_pro_spmf_def split_power[symmetric] l_def
by (auto simp add:set_bind_spmf)
have 1: "order (ring_of R) = p ^ l" and ec: "enum⇩C R"
using galois_field_random_1(1)[OF prime_power R_in] by auto
have "?L = idx_size R ^ k - 1 + 1"
unfolding s_def pro_size_def hash_space'_def by simp
also have "... = ((p^l)^k - 1) + 1"
using 1 enum_cD(2)[OF ec] by simp
also have "... = (p^l)^k" using prime_gt_0_nat[OF p_prime] by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma floorlog_alt_def:
"floorlog b a = (if 1 < b then nat ⌈log (real b) (real a+1)⌉ else 0)"
proof (cases "a > 0 ∧ 1 < b")
case True
have 1:"log (real b) (real a + 1) > 0" using True by (subst zero_less_log_cancel_iff) auto
have "a < real a + 1" by simp
also have "... = b powr (log b (real a + 1))" using True by simp
also have "... ≤ b powr (⌈log b (real a + 1)⌉)"
using True by (intro iffD2[OF powr_le_cancel_iff]) auto
also have "... = b powr (real (nat ⌈log b (real a + 1)⌉))"
using 1 by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(powr)"] refl) linarith
also have "... = b ^ nat ⌈log (real b) (real a + 1)⌉" using True by (subst powr_realpow) auto
finally have "a < b ^ nat ⌈log (real b) (real a + 1)⌉" by simp
hence 0:"floorlog b a ≤ nat ⌈log (real b) (real a+1)⌉" using True by (intro floorlog_leI) auto
have "b ^ (nat ⌈log b (real a + 1)⌉ - 1) = b powr (real (nat ⌈log b (real a + 1)⌉ - 1))"
using True by (subst powr_realpow) auto
also have "... = b powr (⌈log b (real a + 1)⌉ - 1)"
using 1 by (intro arg_cong2[where f="(powr)"] refl) linarith
also have "... < b powr (log b (real a + 1))" using True by (intro powr_less_mono) linarith+
also have "... = real (a + 1)" using True by simp
finally have "b ^ (nat ⌈log (real b) (real a + 1)⌉ - 1) < a + 1" by linarith
hence "b ^ (nat ⌈log (real b) (real a + 1)⌉ - 1) ≤ a" by simp
hence "floorlog b a ≥ nat ⌈log (real b) (real a+1)⌉" using True by (intro floorlog_geI) auto
hence "floorlog b a = nat ⌈log (real b) (real a+1)⌉" using 0 by linarith
also have "... = (if 1 < b then nat ⌈log (real b) (real a+1)⌉ else 0)" using True by simp
finally show ?thesis by simp
case False
hence a_eq_0: "a = 0 ∨ ¬(1 < b)" by simp
thus ?thesis unfolding floorlog_def by auto
lemma hash_pro_spmf_size:
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
assumes "(p',j') = split_power (pro_size S)"
shows "pro_size s = (p'^(max j' (floorlog p' (d-1))))^k"
unfolding hash_pro_spmf_size_aux[OF assms(1)] l_def p_def j_def using assms(2)
by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
lemma hash_pro_spmf_size':
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)" "d > 0"
assumes "(p',j') = split_power (pro_size S)"
shows "pro_size s = (p'^(k*max j' (nat ⌈log p' d⌉)))"
proof -
have "pro_size s = (p^(max j (floorlog p (d-1))))^k"
unfolding hash_pro_spmf_size_aux[OF assms(1)] l_def by simp
also have "... = (p^(max j (nat ⌈log p (real (d-1)+1)⌉)))^k"
using prime_gt_1_nat[OF p_prime] by (simp add:floorlog_alt_def)
also have "... = (p^(max j (nat ⌈log p d⌉)))^k" using assms(2) by (subst of_nat_diff) auto
also have "... = p^(k*max j (nat ⌈log p d⌉))" by (simp add:ac_simps power_mult[symmetric])
also have "... = p'^(k*max j' (nat ⌈log p' d⌉))"
using assms(3) p_def j_def by (metis fst_conv snd_conv)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma hash_pro_spmf_size_prime_power:
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
assumes "k > 0"
shows "is_prime_power (pro_size s)"
unfolding hash_pro_spmf_size_aux[OF assms(1)] power_mult[symmetric] is_prime_power_def
using p_prime mult_pos_pos[OF l_gt_0 assms(2)] by blast
lemma hash_pro_smpf_range:
assumes "s ∈ set_spmf (hash_pro_spmf k d S)"
shows "pro_select s i q ∈ pro_set S"
proof -
obtain R where R_in: "R ∈ set_spmf (GF⇩R (p^l))" and s_def: "s = hash_space' R k S"
using assms(1) unfolding hash_pro_spmf_def split_power[symmetric] l_def
by (auto simp add:set_bind_spmf)
thus ?thesis
unfolding s_def using hash_space'_range by auto
lemmas hash_pro_size' = hash_pro_spmf_size'[OF hash_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_size = hash_pro_spmf_size[OF hash_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_size_prime_power = hash_pro_spmf_size_prime_power[OF hash_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_distr = hash_pro_spmf_distr[OF hash_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_component = hash_pro_spmf_component[OF hash_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_indep = hash_pro_spmf_indep[OF hash_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_k_indep = hash_pro_spmf_k_indep[OF hash_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_range = hash_pro_smpf_range[OF hash_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_pmf_size' = hash_pro_spmf_size'[OF hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_pmf_size = hash_pro_spmf_size[OF hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_pmf_size_prime_power = hash_pro_spmf_size_prime_power[OF hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_pmf_distr = hash_pro_spmf_distr[OF hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_pmf_component = hash_pro_spmf_component[OF hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_pmf_indep = hash_pro_spmf_indep[OF hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_pmf_k_indep = hash_pro_spmf_k_indep[OF hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf]
lemmas hash_pro_pmf_range = hash_pro_smpf_range[OF hashp_in_hash_pro_spmf]
open_bundle pseudorandom_object_syntax
notation hash_pro (‹ℋ›)
notation hash_pro_spmf (‹ℋ⇩S›)
notation hash_pro_pmf (‹ℋ⇩P›)
notation list_pro (‹ℒ›)
notation nat_pro (‹𝒩›)
notation geom_pro (‹𝒢›)
notation prod_pro (infixr ‹×⇩P› 65)