Theory Static_Semantics

theory "Static_Semantics"
section ‹Static Semantics›

subsection ‹Semantically-defined Static Semantics›
paragraph ‹Auxiliary notions of projection of winning conditions›

text‹upward projection: restrictto X V› is extends X to the states that agree on V with some state in X,
so variables outside V can assume arbitrary values.›
definition restrictto :: "state set  variable set  state set"
  "restrictto X V = {ν. ω. ωX  Vagree ω ν V}"

text‹downward projection: selectlike X ν V› selects state ν› on V in X,
so all variables of V are required to remain constant›
definition selectlike :: "state set  state  variable set  state set"
  "selectlike X ν V = {ωX. Vagree ω ν V}"

paragraph ‹Free variables, semantically characterized.›
text‹Free variables of a term›
definition FVT :: "trm  variable set"
  "FVT t = {x. I.ν.ω. Vagree ν ω (-{x})  ¬(term_sem I t ν = term_sem I t ω)}"

text‹Free variables of a formula›
definition FVF :: "fml  variable set"
  "FVF φ = {x. I.ν.ω. Vagree ν ω (-{x})  ν  fml_sem I φ  ω  fml_sem I φ}"

text‹Free variables of a hybrid game›
definition FVG :: "game  variable set"
  "FVG α = {x. I.ν.ω.X. Vagree ν ω (-{x})  ν  game_sem I α (restrictto X (-{x}))  ω  game_sem I α (restrictto X (-{x}))}"
paragraph ‹Bound variables, semantically characterized.›
text‹Bound variables of a hybrid game›
definition BVG :: "game  variable set"
  "BVG α = {x. I.ω.X. ω  game_sem I α X  ω  game_sem I α (selectlike X ω {x})}"

subsection ‹Simple Observations›
lemma BVG_elem [simp] :"(xBVG α) = (I ω X. ω  game_sem I α X  ω  game_sem I α (selectlike X ω {x}))"
  unfolding BVG_def by simp

lemma nonBVG_rule: "(I ω X. (ω  game_sem I α X) = (ω  game_sem I α (selectlike X ω {x})))
   xBVG α"
  using BVG_elem by simp

lemma nonBVG_inc_rule: "(I ω X. (ω  game_sem I α X)  (ω  game_sem I α (selectlike X ω {x})))
   xBVG α"
  using BVG_elem by simp
lemma FVT_finite: "finite(FVT t)"
  using allvars_finite by (metis finite_subset mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
lemma FVF_finite: "finite(FVF e)"
  using allvars_finite by (metis finite_subset mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
lemma FVG_finite: "finite(FVG a)"
  using allvars_finite by (metis finite_subset mem_Collect_eq subsetI)
