Theory Denotational_Semantics

theory "Denotational_Semantics" 
section ‹Denotational Semantics›

text ‹Defines the denotational semantics of Differential Game Logic. 🌐‹› 🌐‹›

subsection ‹States›

text ‹Vector of reals over ident›
type_synonym Rvec = "variable  real"
type_synonym state = "Rvec"

text ‹the set of all worlds›
definition worlds:: "state set"
  where "worlds = {ν. True}"

text ‹the set of all variables›
abbreviation allvars:: "variable set"
  where "allvars  {x::variable. True}"

text ‹the set of all real variables›
abbreviation allrvars:: "variable set"
  where "allrvars  {RVar x | x. True}"

text ‹the set of all differential variables›
abbreviation alldvars:: "variable set"
  where "alldvars  {DVar x | x. True}"

lemma ident_finite: "finite({x::ident. True})"
  by auto

lemma allvar_cases: "allvars = allrvars  alldvars"
  using variable.exhaust by blast 

lemma rvar_finite: "finite allrvars"
  using finite_imageI[OF ident_finite, where h=λx. RVar x] by (simp add: full_SetCompr_eq) 

lemma dvar_finite: "finite alldvars"
  using finite_imageI[OF ident_finite, where h=λx. DVar x] by (simp add: full_SetCompr_eq) 

lemma allvars_finite [simp]: "finite(allvars)"
  using allvar_cases dvar_finite rvar_finite by (metis finite_Un) 
definition Vagree :: "state  state  variable set  bool"
  where "Vagree ν ν' V  (i. iV  ν(i) = ν'(i))"

definition Uvariation :: "state  state  variable set  bool"
  where "Uvariation ν ν' U  (i. ~(iU)  ν(i) = ν'(i))"

lemma Uvariation_Vagree [simp]: "Uvariation ν ν' (-V) = Vagree ν ν' V"
  unfolding Vagree_def Uvariation_def by simp

lemma Vagree_refl [simp]: "Vagree ν ν V"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Vagree_sym: "Vagree ν ν' V = Vagree ν' ν V"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Vagree_sym_rel [sym]: "Vagree ν ν' V  Vagree ν' ν V"
  using Vagree_sym by auto

lemma Vagree_union [trans]: "Vagree ν ν' V  Vagree ν ν' W  Vagree ν ν' (VW)"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Vagree_trans [trans]: "Vagree ν ν' V  Vagree  ν' ν'' W  Vagree ν ν'' (VW)"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Vagree_antimon [simp]: "Vagree ν ν' V  WV  Vagree ν ν' W"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Vagree_empty [simp]: "Vagree ν ν' {}"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Uvariation_empty [simp]: "Uvariation ν ν' {} = (ν=ν')"
  by (auto simp add: Uvariation_def)

lemma Vagree_univ [simp]: "Vagree ν ν' allvars = (ν=ν')"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Uvariation_univ [simp]: "Uvariation ν ν' allvars"
  by (auto simp add: Uvariation_def)

lemma Vagree_and [simp]: "Vagree ν ν' V  Vagree ν ν' W  Vagree ν ν' (VW)"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Vagree_or: "Vagree ν ν' V  Vagree ν ν' W  Vagree ν ν' (VW)"
  by (auto simp add: Vagree_def)

lemma Uvariation_refl [simp]: "Uvariation ν ν V"
  by (auto simp add: Uvariation_def)

lemma Uvariation_sym: "Uvariation ω ν U = Uvariation ν ω U"
  unfolding Uvariation_def by auto

lemma Uvariation_sym_rel [sym]: "Uvariation ω ν U  Uvariation ν ω U"
  using Uvariation_sym by auto

lemma Uvariation_trans [trans]: "Uvariation ω ν U  Uvariation ν μ V  Uvariation ω μ (UV)"
  unfolding Uvariation_def by simp

lemma Uvariation_mon [simp]: "V  U  Uvariation ω ν U  Uvariation ω ν V"
  unfolding Uvariation_def by auto

subsection Interpretations

lemma mon_mono: "mono r = ((X Y. (XY  r(X)r(Y))))"
  unfolding mono_def by simp
text ‹interpretations of symbols in ident›
type_synonym interp_rep =
 "(ident  real) × (ident  (real  real)) × (ident  (real  bool)) × (ident  (state set  state set))"

definition is_interp :: "interp_rep  bool"
 where "is_interp I  case I of (_, _, _, G)  (a. mono (G a))"

typedef interp = "{I:: interp_rep. is_interp I}"
  morphisms raw_interp well_interp
 show "(λf. 0, λf x. 0, λp x. True, λa. λX. X)  {I. is_interp I}" unfolding is_interp_def mono_def by simp

setup_lifting type_definition_interp

lift_definition Consts::"interp  ident  (real)" is "λ(F0, _, _, _). F0" .
lift_definition Funcs:: "interp  ident  (real  real)" is "λ(_, F, _, _). F" .
lift_definition Preds:: "interp  ident  (real  bool)" is "λ(_, _, P, _). P" .
lift_definition Games:: "interp  ident  (state set  state set)" is "λ(_, _, _, G). G" .

text ‹make interpretations›
lift_definition mkinterp:: "(ident  real) × (ident  (real  real)) × (ident  (real  bool)) × (ident  (state set  state set))
  is "λ(C, F, P, G). if a. mono (G a) then (C, F, P, G) else (C, F, P, λ_ _. {})"
  by (auto split: prod.splits simp: mono_def is_interp_def)

lemma Consts_mkinterp [simp]: "Consts (mkinterp(C,F,P,G)) = C"
  apply (transfer fixing: C F P G)
  apply (auto simp add: is_interp_def mono_def)

lemma Funcs_mkinterp [simp]: "Funcs (mkinterp(C,F,P,G)) = F"
  apply (transfer fixing: C F P G)
  apply (auto simp add: is_interp_def mono_def)
lemma Preds_mkinterp [simp]: "Preds (mkinterp(C,F,P,G)) = P"
  apply (transfer fixing: C F P G)
  apply (auto simp add: is_interp_def mono_def)

lemma Games_mkinterp [simp]: "(a. mono (G a) )  Games (mkinterp(C,F,P,G)) = G"
  apply (transfer fixing: C F P G)
  apply (auto simp add: is_interp_def mono_def)

lemma mkinterp_eq [iff]: "(Consts I = Consts J  Funcs I = Funcs J  Preds I = Preds J  Games I = Games J) = (I=J)"
  apply (transfer fixing: C F P G)
  apply (auto simp add: is_interp_def mono_def)
lemma [simp]: "XY  (Games I a)(X)(Games I a)(Y)"
  apply (transfer fixing: a X Y)
  apply (auto simp add: is_interp_def mono_def)
  apply (blast)

lifting_update interp.lifting
lifting_forget interp.lifting

subsection Semantics

text ‹Semantic modification repv ω x r› replaces the value of variable x› in the state ω› with r›
definition repv :: "state  variable  real  state"
  where "repv ω x r = fun_upd ω x r"

lemma repv_def_correct: "repv ω x r = (λy. if x = y then r else ω(y))"
  unfolding repv_def by auto 

lemma repv_access [simp]: "(repv ω x r)(y) = (if (x=y) then r else ω(y))"
  unfolding repv_def by simp

lemma repv_self [simp]: "repv ω x (ω(x)) = ω"
  unfolding repv_def by auto

lemma Vagree_repv: "Vagree ω (repv ω x d) (-{x})"
  unfolding repv_def Vagree_def by simp

lemma Vagree_repv_self: "Vagree ω (repv ω x d) {x} = (d=ω(x))"
  unfolding repv_def Vagree_def by auto

lemma Uvariation_repv: "Uvariation ω (repv ω x d) {x}"
  unfolding repv_def Uvariation_def by simp

paragraph ‹Semantics of Terms›

fun term_sem :: "interp  trm  (state  real)"
  "term_sem I (Var x) = (λω. ω(x))"
| "term_sem I (Number r) = (λω. r)"
| "term_sem I (Const f) = (λω. (Consts I f))"
| "term_sem I (Func f θ) = (λω. (Funcs I f)(term_sem I θ ω))"
| "term_sem I (Plus θ η) = (λω. term_sem I θ ω + term_sem I η ω)"
| "term_sem I (Times θ η) = (λω. term_sem I θ ω * term_sem I η ω)"
| "term_sem I (Differential θ) = (λω. sum(λx. ω(DVar x)*deriv(λX. term_sem I θ (repv ω (RVar x) X))(ω(RVar x)))(allidents))"
paragraph ‹Solutions of Differential Equations›

(*@note For simplicity, solutions are not limited to a smaller interval of existence*)
type_synonym solution = "real  state"

definition solves_ODE :: "interp  solution  ident  trm  bool"
where "solves_ODE I F x θ  (ζ::real.
     Vagree (F(0)) (F(ζ)) (-{RVar x, DVar x})
    F(ζ)(DVar x) = deriv(λt. F(t)(RVar x))(ζ)
    F(ζ)(DVar x) = term_sem I θ (F(ζ)))"

paragraph ‹Semantics of Formulas and Games›
fun fml_sem :: "interp  fml  (state set)" and
   game_sem :: "interp  game  (state set  state set)"
  "fml_sem I (Pred p θ) = {ω. (Preds I p)(term_sem I θ ω)}"
| "fml_sem I (Geq θ η) = {ω. term_sem I θ ω  term_sem I η ω}"
| "fml_sem I (Not φ) = {ω. ω  fml_sem I φ}"
| "fml_sem I (And φ ψ) = fml_sem I φ  fml_sem I ψ"
| "fml_sem I (Exists x φ) = {ω. r. (repv ω x r)  fml_sem I φ}"
| "fml_sem I (Diamond α φ) = game_sem I α (fml_sem I φ)"

| "game_sem I (Game a) = (λX. (Games I a)(X))"
| "game_sem I (Assign x θ) = (λX. {ω. (repv ω x (term_sem I θ ω))  X})"
| "game_sem I (Test φ) = (λX. fml_sem I φ  X)"
| "game_sem I (Choice α β) = (λX. game_sem I α X  game_sem I β X)"
| "game_sem I (Compose α β) = (λX. game_sem I α (game_sem I β X))"
| "game_sem I (Loop α) = (λX. {Z. X  game_sem I α Z  Z})"
| "game_sem I (Dual α) = (λX. -(game_sem I α (-X)))"
| "game_sem I (ODE x θ) = (λX. {ω. F T. Vagree ω (F(0)) (-{DVar x})  F(T)  X  solves_ODE I F x θ})"

text ‹Validity›

definition valid_in :: "interp  fml  bool"
where "valid_in I φ  (ω. ω  fml_sem I φ)"

definition valid :: "fml  bool"
  where "valid φ  (I.ω. ω  fml_sem I φ)"

lemma valid_is_valid_in_all: "valid φ = (I. valid_in I φ)"
  unfolding valid_def valid_in_def by auto

definition locally_sound :: "inference  bool"
  where "locally_sound R 
  (I. (k. 0k  k<length (fst R)  valid_in I (nth (fst R) k))  valid_in I (snd R))"

definition sound :: "inference  bool"
  where "sound R 
  (k. 0k  k<length (fst R)  valid (nth (fst R) k))  valid (snd R)"

lemma locally_sound_is_sound: "locally_sound R  sound R"
  unfolding locally_sound_def sound_def using valid_is_valid_in_all by auto

subsection ‹Monotone Semantics›

lemma monotone_Test [simp]: "XY  game_sem I (Test φ) X  game_sem I (Test φ) Y"
  by auto

lemma monotone [simp]: "XY  game_sem I α X  game_sem I α Y"
proof (induction α arbitrary: X Y rule: game_induct)
  case (Game a)
  then show ?case by simp
  case (Assign x θ)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Test φ)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Choice α1 α2)
  then show ?case by (metis Un_mono game_sem.simps(4))
  case (Compose α1 α2)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Loop α)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Dual α)
  then show ?case by auto
  case (ODE x θ)
  then show ?case by auto

corollary game_sem_mono [simp]: "mono (λX. game_sem I α X)"
  by (simp add: mon_mono)

corollary game_union: "game_sem I α (XY)  game_sem I α X  game_sem I α Y"
  by simp

lemmas game_sem_union = game_union

subsection ‹Fixpoint Semantics Alternative for Loops›

lemma game_sem_loop_fixpoint_mono: "mono (λZ. X  game_sem I α Z)"
  using game_sem_mono by (metis Un_mono mon_mono order_refl) 

text ‹Consequence of Knaster-Tarski Theorem 3.5 of 🌐‹›

lemma game_sem_loop: "game_sem I (Loop α) = (λX. lfp(λZ. X  game_sem I α Z))"
  have "{Z. X  game_sem I α Z  Z} = lfp(λZ. X  game_sem I α Z)" by (simp add: lfp_def)
  then show ?thesis by (simp add: lfp_def)

corollary game_sem_loop_back: "(λX. lfp(λZ. X  game_sem I α Z)) = game_sem I (Loop α)"
  using game_sem_loop by simp

corollary game_sem_loop_iterate: "game_sem I (Loop α) = (λX. X  game_sem I α (game_sem I (Loop α) X))"
  by (metis (no_types) game_sem_loop game_sem_loop_fixpoint_mono lfp_fixpoint)

corollary game_sem_loop_unwind: "game_sem I (Loop α) = (λX. X  game_sem I (Compose α (Loop α)) X)"
using game_sem_loop_iterate by (metis game_sem.simps(5))

corollary game_sem_loop_unwind_reduce: "(λX. X  game_sem I (Compose α (Loop α)) X) = game_sem I (Loop α)"
  using game_sem_loop_unwind by (rule sym)

lemmas lfp_ordinal_induct_set_cases = lfp_ordinal_induct_set [case_names mono step union]

(* Read off a fixpoint induction scheme from the fact that loops have a least fixpoint semantics *)
lemma game_loop_induct [case_names step union]: 
  "(Z. Z  game_sem I (Loop α) X  P(Z)  P(X  game_sem I α Z))
   (M. (ZM. P(Z))  P(Sup M))
   P(game_sem I (Loop α) X)"
  assume loopstep: "Z. Z  game_sem I (Loop α) X  P(Z)   P(X  game_sem I α Z)"
  assume loopsup: "M. (ZM. P(Z))  P(Sup M)"
  have "P(lfp(λZ. X  game_sem I α Z))"
  proof (induction rule: lfp_ordinal_induct[where f=λZ. X  game_sem I α Z])
    case mono
    then show ?case using game_sem_loop_fixpoint_mono by simp
    case (step S)
    then show ?case using loopstep[where Z=S] game_sem_loop[where I=I and α=α] by (simp add: loopstep)
    case (union M)
    then show ?case using loopsup game_sem_loop by auto
  then show "P(game_sem I (Loop α) X)" using game_sem_loop by simp
  (*proof (induction rule: lfp_ordinal_induct_set_cases[where f=‹λZ. X ∪ game_sem I α Z›])
    case mono
    then show ?case using game_sem_loop_fixpoint_mono by simp
    case (step S)
    then show ?case using loopstep by auto
    case (union M)
    then show ?case using loopsup game_sem_loop by auto

subsection ‹Some Simple Obvious Observations›

lemma fml_sem_not [simp]: "fml_sem I (Not φ) = -fml_sem I φ"
  by auto

lemma fml_sem_not_not [simp]: "fml_sem I (Not (Not φ)) = fml_sem I φ"
  by simp

lemma fml_sem_or [simp]: "fml_sem I (Or φ ψ) = fml_sem I φ  fml_sem I ψ"
  unfolding Or_def by auto

lemma fml_sem_implies [simp]: "fml_sem I (Implies φ ψ) = (-fml_sem I φ)  fml_sem I ψ"
  unfolding Implies_def by auto

lemma TT_valid [simp]: "valid TT"
  unfolding valid_def TT_def by simp

paragraph ‹Semantic equivalence of formulas›

definition fml_equiv:: "fml => fml => bool"
  where "fml_equiv φ ψ  (I. fml_sem I φ = fml_sem I ψ)"

text ‹Substitutionality for Equivalent Formulas›

lemma fml_equiv_subst: "fml_equiv φ ψ  P (fml_sem I φ)  P (fml_sem I ψ)"
  assume a1: "fml_equiv φ ψ"
  assume a2: "P (fml_sem I φ)"
  from a1 have "fml_sem I φ = fml_sem I ψ" using fml_equiv_def by blast
  then show ?thesis using forw_subst a2 by simp
lemma valid_fml_equiv: "valid (φ  ψ) = fml_equiv φ ψ"
  unfolding valid_def Equiv_def Or_def fml_equiv_def by auto

lemma valid_in_equiv: "valid_in I (φ  ψ) = ((fml_sem I φ) = (fml_sem I ψ))"
  using valid_in_def Equiv_def Or_def by auto

lemma valid_in_impl: "valid_in I (φ  ψ) = ((fml_sem I φ)  (fml_sem I ψ))"
  unfolding valid_in_def Implies_def Or_def by auto

lemma valid_equiv: "valid (φ  ψ) = (I. fml_sem I φ = fml_sem I ψ)"
  using valid_fml_equiv fml_equiv_def by auto

lemma valid_impl: "valid (φ  ψ) = (I. (fml_sem I φ)  (fml_sem I ψ))"
  unfolding valid_def Implies_def Or_def by auto

lemma fml_sem_equals [simp]: "(ω  fml_sem I (Equals θ η)) = (term_sem I θ ω = term_sem I η ω)"
  unfolding valid_def Equals_def Or_def by auto

lemma equiv_refl_valid [simp]: "valid (φ  φ)"
  unfolding valid_def Equiv_def Or_def by simp

lemma equal_refl_valid [simp]: "valid (Equals θ θ)"
  unfolding valid_def Equals_def Or_def by simp

lemma solves_ODE_alt : "solves_ODE I F x θ  (ζ::real.
     Vagree (F(0)) (F(ζ)) (-{RVar x, DVar x})
    F(ζ)(DVar x) = deriv(λt. F(t)(RVar x))(ζ)
    F(ζ)  fml_sem I (Equals (Var (DVar x)) θ))"
   unfolding solves_ODE_def using fml_sem_equals by simp

paragraph ‹Semantic equivalence of games›

definition game_equiv:: "game => game => bool"
  where "game_equiv α β  (I X. game_sem I α X = game_sem I β X)"

text ‹Substitutionality for Equivalent Games›
lemma game_equiv_subst: "game_equiv α β  P (game_sem I α X)  P (game_sem I β X)"
  assume a1: "game_equiv α β"
  assume a2: "P (game_sem I α X)"
  from a1 have "game_sem I α X = game_sem I β X" using game_equiv_def by blast
  then show ?thesis using forw_subst a2 by simp

lemma game_equiv_subst_eq: "game_equiv α β  P (game_sem I α X) == P (game_sem I β X)"
  by (simp add: game_equiv_def)

lemma skip_id [simp]: "game_sem I Skip X = X"
  unfolding Skip_def TT_def by auto

lemma loop_iterate_equiv: "game_equiv (Loop α) (Choice Skip (Compose α (Loop α)))"
unfolding game_equiv_def  
proof (clarify)
  fix I X
  from game_sem_loop_unwind_reduce have "X  game_sem I (Compose α (Loop α)) X = game_sem I (Loop α) X" by metis
  then show "game_sem I (Loop α) X = game_sem I (Choice Skip (Compose α (Loop α))) X" using skip_id by auto

lemma fml_equiv_valid: "fml_equiv φ ψ  valid φ = valid ψ"
  unfolding valid_def using fml_equiv_subst by blast

lemma solves_Vagree: "solves_ODE I F x θ  (ζ. Vagree (F(ζ)) (F(0)) (-{RVar x,DVar x}))"
  using solves_ODE_def Vagree_sym_rel by blast 

lemma solves_Vagree_trans: "Uvariation (F(0)) ω U  solves_ODE I F x θ  Uvariation (F(ζ)) ω (U{RVar x,DVar x})"
  using solves_Vagree Uvariation_Vagree solves_ODE_def
  by (metis Uvariation_sym_rel Uvariation_trans double_complement)  
