Theory Syntax

theory "Syntax"
section ‹Syntax›

text ‹
  Defines the syntax of Differential Game Logic as inductively defined data types.
  🌐‹› 🌐‹›

subsection ‹Terms›

text ‹Numeric literals›
type_synonym lit = real

text ‹the set of all real variables›
abbreviation allidents:: "ident set"
  where "allidents  {x | x. True}"

text ‹Variables and differential variables›

datatype variable =
  RVar ident
| DVar ident  

datatype trm =
  Var variable
| Number lit
| Const ident
| Func ident trm
| Plus trm trm
| Times trm trm
| Differential trm

subsection ‹Formulas and Hybrid Games›

datatype fml =
  Pred ident trm
| Geq trm trm
| Not fml                 ("!")
| And fml fml             (infixr "&&" 8)
| Exists variable fml
| Diamond game fml        ("( _  _)" 20)
and game =
  Game ident
| Assign variable trm     (infixr ":=" 20)
| Test fml                ("?")
| Choice game game        (infixr "∪∪" 10)
| Compose game game       (infixr ";;" 8)
| Loop game               ("_**")
| Dual game               ("_^d")
| ODE ident trm

paragraph ‹Derived operators›
definition Neg ::"trm  trm" 
where "Neg θ = Times (Number (-1)) θ"

definition Minus ::"trm  trm  trm"
where "Minus θ η = Plus θ (Neg η)"

definition Or :: "fml  fml  fml" (infixr "||" 7)
where "Or P Q = Not (And (Not P) (Not Q))"

definition Implies :: "fml  fml  fml" (infixr "" 10)
where "Implies P Q = Or Q (Not P)"

definition Equiv :: "fml  fml  fml" (infixr "" 10)
where "Equiv P Q = Or (And P Q) (And (Not P) (Not Q))"

definition Forall :: "variable  fml  fml"
where "Forall x P = Not (Exists x (Not P))"

definition Equals :: "trm  trm  fml"
where "Equals θ θ' = ((Geq θ θ') && (Geq θ' θ))"

definition Greater :: "trm  trm  fml"
where "Greater θ θ' = ((Geq θ θ') && (Not (Geq θ' θ)))"
text ‹Justification: determinacy theorem justifies this equivalent syntactic abbreviation for box modalities from diamond modalities
  Theorem 3.1 🌐‹›
definition Box :: "game  fml  fml" ("([[_]]_)" 20)
where "Box α P = Not (Diamond α (Not P))"
definition TT ::"fml" 
where "TT = Geq (Number 0) (Number 0)"

definition FF ::"fml" 
where "FF = Geq (Number 0) (Number 1)"

definition Skip ::"game" 
where "Skip = Test TT"

text ‹Inference: premises, then conclusion›
type_synonym inference = "fml list * fml"

type_synonym sequent = "fml list * fml list"
text ‹Rule: premises, then conclusion›
type_synonym rule = "sequent list * sequent"

subsection ‹Structural Induction›

text ‹Induction principles for hybrid games owing to their mutually recursive definition with formulas ›

lemma game_induct [case_names Game Assign ODE Test Choice Compose Loop Dual]:
   "(a. P (Game a)) 
     (x θ. P (Assign x θ))
     (x θ. P (ODE x θ))
     (φ. P (? φ))
     (α β. P α  P β  P (α ∪∪ β))
     (α β. P α  P β  P (α ;; β))
     (α. P α  P (α**))
     (α. P α  P (α^d))
     P α"
  by(induction rule: game.induct) (auto)

lemma fml_induct [case_names Pred Geq Not And Exists Diamond]:
  "(x θ. P (Pred x θ))
   (θ η. P (Geq θ η))
   (φ. P φ  P (Not φ))
   (φ ψ. P φ  P ψ  P (And φ ψ))
   (x φ. P φ  P (Exists x φ))
   (α φ. P φ  P (Diamond α φ))
   P φ"
  by (induction rule: fml.induct) (auto)

text ‹the set of all variables›
abbreviation allvars:: "variable set"
  where "allvars  {x::variable. True}"
