Theory KnowledgeKeysSecrets

   Title:  Theory AdvKnowledge.thy
   Author: Maria Spichkova <maria.spichkova at>, 2014
section ‹Knowledge of Keys and Secrets›

theory KnowledgeKeysSecrets
imports CompLocalSecrets 

text_raw ‹
An component $A$ knows a secret $m$ (or some secret expression $m$)  that does not belong to its local sectrets , if
  \item %
  $A$  may eventually get the secret $m$,
  $m$ belongs to the set $LS_A$ of its local secrets, 
  \item %
  $A$ knows some list of expressions $m_2$ which is an concatenations of $m$ and some list of expressions $m_1$,
  \item %
  $m$ is a concatenation of some lists of secrets $m_1$ and $m_2$, and $A$ knows both these secrets,
  \item %
  $A$ knows some secret key $k^{-1}$ and the result of the encryption of the $m$ with the corresponding public key,
  \item %
  $A$ knows some public key $k$ and the result of the signature creation of the $m$ with the corresponding private key,%
  \item %
  $m$ is an encryption of some secret $m_1$ with a public key $k$, and $A$ knows both $m_1$ and $k$,
  \item %
  $m$ is the result of the signature creation of the $m_1$ with the key $k$, and $A$ knows both $m_1$ and $k$.
  %($m = Sign(k, m_1)  \wedge \knows{A}{m_1} \wedge \knows{A}{k}$).

  know :: "specID  KS  bool"
 "know A (kKS m) = 
  ((ine A (kE m))  ((kKS m)  (LocalSecrets A)))" | 
 "know A (sKS m) = 
  ((ine A (sE m))  ((sKS m)  (LocalSecrets A)))"

  knows :: "specID  Expression list  bool"
  "knows C [] = True" and
  "knows C [KS2Expression (kKS m1)] = know C (kKS m1)" and
  "knows C [KS2Expression (sKS m2)] = know C (sKS m2)" and
  "knows A (e1 @ e)  knows A e" and
  "knows A (e @ e1)  knows A e" and
  "(knows A e1)  (knows A e2)  knows A (e1 @ e2)" and
  "(IncrDecrKeys k1 k2)  (know A (kKS k2))  (knows A (Enc k1 e))
    knows A e" 
  "(IncrDecrKeys k1 k2)  (know A (kKS k1))  (knows A (Sign k2 e))
    knows A e"
  "(know A (kKS k))  (knows A e1)  knows A (Enc k e1)"
  "(know A (kKS k))  (knows A e1)  knows A (Sign k e1)"

primrec  eoutKnowCorrect :: "specID  KS  bool"
  "eoutKnowCorrect C (kKS m) = 
  ((eout  C (kE m))  (m  (specKeys C)  (know C (kKS m))) )"  |
   "eoutKnowCorrect C (sKS m) = 
  ((eout  C (sE m))   (m  (specSecrets C)  (know C (sKS m))) )"

definition eoutKnowsECorrect :: "specID  Expression  bool"
  "eoutKnowsECorrect C e 
   ((eout  C e) 
   (( k. e = (kE k)  (k  specKeys C))  
    ( s. e = (sE s)  (s  specSecrets C)) 
    (knows C [e])))"

lemma eoutKnowCorrect_L1k:
assumes "eoutKnowCorrect C (kKS m)"  
       and "eout  C (kE m)"
shows    "m  (specKeys C)  (know C (kKS m))" 
using assms by (metis eout_know_k)

lemma eoutKnowCorrect_L1s:
assumes "eoutKnowCorrect C (sKS m)" 
       and "eout  C (sE m)"
shows    "m  (specSecrets C)  (know C (sKS m))" 
using assms by (metis eout_know_s)

lemma eoutKnowsECorrect_L1:
assumes "eoutKnowsECorrect C e" 
       and "eout  C e"
shows "( k. e = (kE k)  (k  specKeys C))  
            ( s. e = (sE s)  (s  specSecrets C)) 
            (knows C [e])" 
using assms by (metis eoutKnowsECorrect_def)
lemma know2knows_k: 
assumes "know A (kKS m)"
shows    "knows A [kE m]" 
using assms
by (metis KS2Expression.simps(1) know1k)

lemma knows2know_k: 
assumes "knows A [kE m]" 
shows    "know A (kKS m)"
using assms
by (metis KS2Expression.simps(1) know1k)

lemma know2knowsPQ_k: 
assumes "know P (kKS m)  know Q (kKS m)"
shows    "knows P [kE m]  knows Q [kE m]" 
using assms by (metis know2knows_k)

lemma knows2knowPQ_k: 
assumes "knows P [kE m]  knows Q [kE m]"
shows     "know P (kKS m)  know Q (kKS m)"
using assms  by (metis knows2know_k)

lemma knows1k: 
 "know A (kKS m) = knows A [kE m]"
by (metis know2knows_k knows2know_k) 

lemma know2knows_neg_k: 
assumes  "¬ know A (kKS m)"
shows     "¬ knows A [kE m]"
using assms by (metis knows1k) 

lemma knows2know_neg_k: 
assumes "¬ knows A [kE m]" 
shows    "¬ know A (kKS m)"
using assms by (metis know2knowsPQ_k)

lemma know2knows_s: 
assumes "know A (sKS m)"
shows    "knows A [sE m]"
using assms
by (metis KS2Expression.simps(2) know1s) 

lemma knows2know_s: 
assumes "knows A [sE m]" 
shows    "know A (sKS m)"
using assms
by (metis KS2Expression.simps(2) know1s) 

lemma know2knowsPQ_s: 
assumes "know P (sKS m)  know Q (sKS m)"
shows    "knows P [sE m]  knows Q [sE m]" 
using assms by (metis know2knows_s)

lemma knows2knowPQ_s: 
assumes "knows P [sE m]  knows Q [sE m]"
shows    "know P (sKS m)  know Q (sKS m)"
using assms by (metis knows2know_s)

lemma knows1s:
  "know A (sKS m) = knows A [sE m]"
by (metis know2knows_s knows2know_s) 

lemma know2knows_neg_s: 
assumes "¬ know A (sKS m)"
shows    "¬ knows A [sE m]" 
using assms by (metis knows2know_s) 

lemma knows2know_neg_s: 
assumes "¬ knows A [sE m]" 
shows    "¬ know A (sKS m)"
using assms by (metis  know2knows_s)

lemma knows2: 
assumes "e2 = e1 @ e  e2 = e @ e1" 
       and "knows A e2" 
shows    "knows A e"
using assms by (metis knows2a knows2b)
lemma correctCompositionInLoc_exprChannel:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "ch : ins P"
       and "exprChannel ch m"
       and " x. x  ins PQ  ¬ exprChannel x m"
shows    "ch : loc PQ"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def, auto)

lemma eout_know_nonKS_k: 
assumes "m  specKeys A"
        and "eout A (kE m)"
        and "eoutKnowCorrect A (kKS m)"
shows     "know A (kKS m)"
using assms by (metis eoutKnowCorrect_L1k)

lemma  eout_know_nonKS_s:
assumes "m  specSecrets A"
        and "eout A (sE m)"
        and "eoutKnowCorrect A (sKS m)"
shows    "know A (sKS m)"
using assms by (metis eoutKnowCorrect_L1s)

lemma not_know_k_not_ine:
assumes "¬ know A (kKS m)"
shows    "¬ ine A (kE m)"
using assms by simp

lemma not_know_s_not_ine:
assumes "¬ know A (sKS m)"
shows    "¬ ine A (sE m)"
using assms by simp

lemma not_know_k_not_eout:
assumes "m  specKeys A"
        and "¬ know A (kKS m)" 
        and "eoutKnowCorrect A (kKS m)"
shows     "¬ eout A (kE m)"
using assms by (metis eout_know_k)

lemma not_know_s_not_eout:
assumes "m  specSecrets A"
        and "¬ know A (sKS m)"
        and "eoutKnowCorrect A (sKS m)"
shows     "¬ eout A (sE m)"
using assms by (metis eout_know_nonKS_s)

lemma adv_not_know1:
assumes "out P  ins A"
        and "¬ know A (kKS m)" 
shows    "¬ eout P (kE m)" 
using assms
by (metis (full_types) eout_def ine_ins_neg1 not_know_k_not_ine rev_subsetD)

lemma  adv_not_know2:
assumes "out P  ins A"
       and "¬ know A (sKS m)"
shows    "¬ eout P (sE m)"
using assms
by (metis (full_types) eout_def ine_ins_neg1 not_know_s_not_ine rev_subsetD)

lemma LocalSecrets_L1:
assumes "(kKS) key  LocalSecrets P"  
       and "(kKS key)  (LocalSecrets ` subcomponents P)"
shows    "kKS key  specKeysSecrets P"
using assms by (simp only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)

lemma LocalSecrets_L2:
assumes "kKS key  LocalSecrets P"  
       and "kKS key  specKeysSecrets P"
shows    "kKS key  (LocalSecrets ` subcomponents P)"
using assms by (simp only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)

lemma know_composition1:
assumes notKSP:"m  specKeysSecrets P"
       and notKSQ:"m  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "know P m"
       and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and cCompKS:"correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows    "know PQ m"
proof (cases m)
  fix key
  assume a1:"m = kKS key"
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases  "ine P (kE key)") 
     assume a11:"ine P (kE key)" 
     from this have a11ext:"ine P (kE key) | ine Q (kE key)" by simp
     from subPQ and cCompKS and notKSP and notKSQ 
       have "m  specKeysSecrets PQ" 
       by (rule correctCompositionKS_neg1) 
     from this and a1 have sg1:"kKS key  specKeysSecrets PQ" by simp
     from a1 and a11ext and cCompKS  show ?thesis
     proof (cases "loc PQ = {}")
       assume a11locE:"loc PQ = {}"
       from a11ext and subPQ and cCompI and a11locE have "ine PQ (kE key)" 
         by (rule TBtheorem4a_empty) 
       from this and a1 show ?thesis by auto
       assume a11locNE:"loc PQ  {}"
       from a1 and a11 and sg1 and assms show ?thesis
         apply (simp add: ine_def, auto)
         by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Pex) 
     assume a12:"¬ ine P (kE key)"
     from this and a1 and assms show ?thesis
       by (auto, simp add:  LocalSecretsComposition1)
  fix secret
  assume a2:"m = sKS secret"
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases  "ine P (sE secret)") 
     assume a21:"ine P (sE secret)" 
     from this have a21ext:"ine P (sE secret) | ine Q (sE secret)" by simp
     from subPQ and cCompKS and notKSP and notKSQ have "m  specKeysSecrets PQ" 
       by (rule correctCompositionKS_neg1) 
     from this and a2 have sg2:"sKS secret  specKeysSecrets PQ" by simp
     from a2 and a21ext and cCompKS  show ?thesis
     proof (cases "loc PQ = {}")
       assume a21locE:"loc PQ = {}"
       from a21ext and subPQ and cCompI and a21locE have "ine PQ (sE secret)" 
         by (rule TBtheorem4a_empty) 
       from this and a2 show ?thesis by auto
       assume a21locNE:"loc PQ  {}"
       from a2 and a21 and sg2 and assms show ?thesis
         apply (simp add: ine_def, auto)
         by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Pex) 
     assume a12:"¬ ine P (sE secret)"
     from this and a2 and assms show ?thesis
     by (metis LocalSecretsComposition1 know.simps(2))

lemma know_composition2:
assumes "m  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "m  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "know Q m"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows    "know PQ m"
using assms by (metis insert_commute know_composition1)

lemma know_composition:
assumes "m  specKeysSecrets P"
        and "m  specKeysSecrets Q"
        and "know P m  know Q m"
        and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
        and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
        and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows    "know PQ m"
using assms by (metis know_composition1 know_composition2)

theorem know_composition_neg_ine_k:
assumes "¬ know P (kKS key)"
       and "¬ know Q (kKS key)"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "¬ (ine PQ (kE key))"
using assms by (metis TBtheorem3a not_know_k_not_ine)

theorem know_composition_neg_ine_s:
assumes "¬ know P (sKS secret)"
       and "¬ know Q (sKS secret)"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "¬ (ine PQ (sE secret))"
using assms by (metis TBtheorem3a not_know_s_not_ine)

lemma know_composition_neg1:
assumes notknowP:"¬ know P m"
       and notknowQ:"¬ know Q m"
       and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and cCompLoc:"correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "¬ know PQ m"
proof (cases m)
  fix key
  assume a1:"m = kKS key"
  from notknowP and a1 have sg1:"¬ know P (kKS key)" by simp
  then have sg1a:"¬ ine P (kE key)" by simp
  from sg1 have sg1b:"kKS key  LocalSecrets P" by simp
  from notknowQ and a1 have sg2:"¬ know Q (kKS key)" by simp
  then  have sg2a:"¬ ine Q (kE key)" by simp
  from sg2 have sg2b:"kKS key  LocalSecrets Q" by simp
  from sg1 and sg2 and subPQ and cCompI have sg3:"¬ ine PQ (kE key)"
    by (rule know_composition_neg_ine_k)
  from subPQ and cCompLoc and sg1a and sg2a and sg1b and sg2b have sg4:
  "kKS key  LocalSecrets PQ" 
    by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_k)
  from sg3 and sg4 and a1 show ?thesis by simp
  fix secret
  assume a2:"m = sKS secret"
  from notknowP and a2 have sg1:"¬ know P (sKS secret)" by simp
  then have sg1a:"¬ ine P (sE secret)" by simp
  from sg1 have sg1b:"sKS secret  LocalSecrets P" by simp
  from notknowQ and a2 have sg2:"¬ know Q (sKS secret)" by simp
  then have sg2a:"¬ ine Q (sE secret)" by simp
  from sg2 have sg2b:"sKS secret  LocalSecrets Q" by simp
  from sg1 and sg2 and subPQ and cCompI have sg3:"¬ ine PQ (sE secret)"
    by (rule know_composition_neg_ine_s) 
  from subPQ and cCompLoc and sg1a and sg2a and sg1b and sg2b have sg4:
  "sKS secret  LocalSecrets PQ"  
    by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_s)
  from sg3 and sg4 and a2 show ?thesis by simp

lemma know_decomposition:
assumes knowPQ:"know PQ m"
       and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and cCompLoc:"correctCompositionLoc PQ"
shows "know P m  know Q m"
proof (cases m)
  fix key
  assume a1:"m = kKS key"
  from this show ?thesis
  proof (cases "ine PQ (kE key)")
    assume a11:"ine PQ (kE key)"
    from this and subPQ and cCompI and a1 have 
     "ine P (kE key)   ine Q (kE key)"
      by (simp add: TBtheorem1a)
    from this and a1 show ?thesis by auto
    assume a12:"¬ ine PQ (kE key)"
    from this and knowPQ and a1 have sg2:"kKS key  LocalSecrets PQ" by auto
    show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "know Q m")
      assume "know Q m"
      from this show ?thesis by simp
      assume not_knowQm:"¬ know Q m"
      from not_knowQm and a1 have sg3a:"¬ ine Q (kE key)" by simp
      from not_knowQm and a1 have sg3b:"kKS key  LocalSecrets Q" by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "kKS key  LocalSecrets P")
        assume "kKS key  LocalSecrets P"
        from this and a1 show ?thesis by simp
        assume "kKS key  LocalSecrets P"
        from sg2 and subPQ and cCompLoc and sg3a and this and sg3b have "ine P (kE key)"
          by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_k)
        from this and a1 show ?thesis by simp
  fix secret
  assume a2:"m = sKS secret"
  from this show ?thesis
  proof (cases "ine PQ (sE secret)")
    assume a21:"ine PQ (sE secret)"
    from this and subPQ and cCompI and a2 have
     "ine P (sE secret)   ine Q (sE secret)"
      by (simp add: TBtheorem1a)
    from this and a2 show ?thesis by auto
    assume a22:"¬ ine PQ (sE secret)"
    from this and knowPQ and a2 have sg5:
     "sKS secret  LocalSecrets PQ" by auto
    show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "know Q m")
      assume "know Q m"
      from this show ?thesis by simp
      assume not_knowQm:"¬ know Q m"
      from not_knowQm and a2 have sg6a:"¬ ine Q (sE secret)" by simp
      from not_knowQm and a2 have sg6b:"sKS secret  LocalSecrets Q" by simp
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "sKS secret  LocalSecrets P")
        assume "sKS secret  LocalSecrets P"
        from this and a2 show ?thesis by simp
        assume "sKS secret  LocalSecrets P"
        from sg5 and subPQ and cCompLoc and sg6a and this and sg6b have 
         "ine P (sE secret)"
          by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_s)
        from this and a2 show ?thesis by simp

lemma eout_knows_nonKS_k:
 assumes "m  (specKeys A)"
         and "eout A (kE m)"
         and "eoutKnowsECorrect A (kE m)"
   shows "knows A [kE m]"
using assms
by (metis Expression.distinct(1) Expression.inject(1) eoutKnowsECorrect_L1)

lemma eout_knows_nonKS_s:
 assumes h1:"m  specSecrets A"
         and h2:"eout A (sE m)"
         and h3:"eoutKnowsECorrect A (sE m)"
   shows "knows A [sE m]"
using assms
by (metis Expression.distinct(1) Expression.inject(2) eoutKnowsECorrect_def)

lemma not_knows_k_not_ine:
assumes "¬ knows A [kE m]"
shows    "¬ ine A (kE m)"
using assms by (metis knows2know_neg_k not_know_k_not_ine) 

lemma not_knows_s_not_ine:
assumes "¬ knows A [sE m]"
shows    "¬ ine A (sE m)"
using assms by (metis knows2know_neg_s not_know_s_not_ine) 

lemma not_knows_k_not_eout:
assumes "m  specKeys A"
       and "¬ knows A [kE m]"
       and "eoutKnowsECorrect A (kE m)"
shows    "¬ eout A (kE m)"
using assms by (metis eout_knows_nonKS_k)

lemma not_knows_s_not_eout:
assumes "m  specSecrets A"
       and "¬ knows A [sE m]"
       and "eoutKnowsECorrect A (sE m)"
shows    "¬ eout A (sE m)"
using assms by (metis eout_knows_nonKS_s) 

lemma  adv_not_knows1:
assumes "out P  ins A"
       and "¬ knows A [kE m]"
shows    "¬ eout P (kE m)"
using assms by (metis adv_not_know1 knows2know_neg_k)

lemma adv_not_knows2:
assumes "out P   ins A"
        and "¬ knows A [sE m]" 
shows    "¬ eout P (sE m)"
using assms by (metis adv_not_know2 knows2know_neg_s)

lemma knows_decomposition_1_k:
assumes "kKS a  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "kKS a  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "knows PQ [kE a]"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
shows "knows P [kE a]  knows Q [kE a]"
using assms by (metis know_decomposition knows1k)

lemma knows_decomposition_1_s:
assumes "sKS a  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "sKS a  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "knows PQ [sE a]"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
shows "knows P [sE a]  knows Q [sE a]"
using assms by (metis know_decomposition knows1s)

lemma knows_decomposition_1:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "knows PQ [a]"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and "( z. a = kE z)  ( z. a = sE z)"
       and " z. a = kE z  
         kKS z  specKeysSecrets P  kKS z  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and h7:" z. a = sE z  
         sKS z  specKeysSecrets P  sKS z  specKeysSecrets Q"
shows "knows P [a]  knows Q [a]"
using assms
by (metis knows_decomposition_1_k knows_decomposition_1_s) 

lemma knows_composition1_k:
assumes "(kKS m)  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "(kKS m)  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "knows P [kE m]"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "knows PQ [kE m]"
using assms by (metis know_composition knows1k)

lemma knows_composition1_s:
assumes "(sKS m)  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "(sKS m)  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "knows P [sE m]"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "knows PQ [sE m]"
using assms by (metis know_composition knows1s)

lemma knows_composition2_k:
assumes "(kKS m)  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "(kKS m)  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "knows Q [kE m]"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "knows PQ [kE m]"
using assms
by (metis know2knowsPQ_k know_composition knows2know_k)

lemma knows_composition2_s:
assumes "(sKS m)  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "(sKS m)  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "knows Q [sE m]"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ" 
shows "knows PQ [sE m]"
using assms
by (metis know2knowsPQ_s know_composition knows2know_s)

lemma knows_composition_neg1_k:
assumes "kKS m  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "kKS m  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "¬ knows P [kE m]"
       and "¬ knows Q [kE m]" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ" 
shows "¬ knows PQ [kE m]"
using assms by (metis know_decomposition knows1k)

lemma knows_composition_neg1_s:
assumes "sKS m  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "sKS m  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "¬ knows P [sE m]"
       and "¬ knows Q [sE m]" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ" 
shows "¬ knows PQ [sE m]"
using assms by (metis knows_decomposition_1_s)

lemma knows_concat_1:
assumes "knows P (a # e)"
shows    "knows P [a]"
using assms by (metis append_Cons append_Nil knows2)

lemma knows_concat_2:
assumes "knows P (a # e)"
shows    "knows P e"
using assms by (metis append_Cons append_Nil knows2a)

lemma knows_concat_3:
assumes "knows P [a]"
       and "knows P e"
shows "knows P (a # e)"
using assms by (metis append_Cons append_Nil knows3)

lemma not_knows_conc_knows_elem_not_knows_tail:
assumes "¬ knows P (a # e)"
       and "knows P [a]"
shows "¬ knows P e"
using assms by (metis knows_concat_3)
lemma not_knows_conc_not_knows_elem_tail:
assumes "¬ knows P (a#e)"
shows    "¬ knows P [a]  ¬ knows P e"
using assms by (metis append_Cons append_Nil knows3)

lemma not_knows_elem_not_knows_conc:
assumes "¬ knows P [a]"
shows    "¬ knows P (a # e)"
using assms by (metis knows_concat_1)

lemma not_knows_tail_not_knows_conc:
assumes "¬ knows P e"
shows    "¬ knows P (a # e)"
using assms by (metis knows_concat_2)

lemma knows_composition3:
 fixes e::"Expression list"
 assumes "knows P e"
     and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
     and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
     and cCompKS:"correctCompositionKS PQ"
     and " (m::Expression). ((m mem e)  
            (( z1. m = (kE z1))  ( z2. m = (sE z2))))"
     and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P e"
     and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr Q e" 
 shows "knows PQ e"
using assms
proof (induct e)
  case Nil 
  from this show ?case by (simp only: knows_emptyexpression)
  fix a l 
  case (Cons a l)
  from Cons have sg1:"knows P [a]" by (simp add: knows_concat_1)
  from Cons have sg2:"knows P l" by (simp only: knows_concat_2)
  from sg1 have sg3:"a mem (a # l)" by simp
  from Cons and sg2 have sg2a:"knows PQ l" 
    by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_L2)
  from Cons and sg1 and sg2 and sg3 show ?case
  proof (cases " z1. a = kE z1")
    assume " z1. a = (kE z1)"
    from this obtain z where a1:"a = (kE z)" by auto
    from a1 and Cons have sg4:"(kKS z)  specKeysSecrets P"
      by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
    from a1 and Cons have sg5:"(kKS z)  specKeysSecrets Q" 
      by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
    from sg1 and a1 have sg6:"knows P [kE z]" by simp
    from sg4 and sg5 and sg6 and subPQ and cCompI and cCompKS  
      have "knows PQ [kE z]" 
      by (rule knows_composition1_k)
    from this and sg2a and a1 show ?case by (simp add: knows_concat_3)
    assume "¬ (z1. a = kE z1)"
    from this and Cons and sg3 have " z2. a = (sE z2)" by auto
    from this obtain z where a2:"a = (sE z)" by auto
    from a2 and Cons have sg8:"(sKS z)  specKeysSecrets P" 
      by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
    from a2 and Cons have sg9:"(sKS z)  specKeysSecrets Q"
      by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
    from sg1 and a2 have sg10:"knows P [sE z]" by simp 
    from sg8 and sg9 and sg10 and subPQ and cCompI and cCompKS  
      have "knows PQ [sE z]" 
      by (rule knows_composition1_s)
    from this and sg2a and a2 show ?case by (simp add: knows_concat_3)
lemma knows_composition4:
 assumes "knows Q e"
     and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
     and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
     and cCompKS:"correctCompositionKS PQ"
     and " m. m mem e  (( z. m = kE z)  ( z. m = sE z))"
     and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P e"
     and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr Q e" 
 shows "knows PQ e"
using assms
proof (induct e)
  case Nil 
  from this show ?case by (simp only: knows_emptyexpression)
  fix a l 
  case (Cons a l)
  from Cons have sg1:"knows Q [a]" by (simp add: knows_concat_1)
  from Cons have sg2:"knows Q l" by (simp only: knows_concat_2)
  from sg1 have sg3:"a mem (a # l)" by simp
  from Cons and sg2 have sg2a:"knows PQ l" 
    by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_L2)
  from Cons and sg1 and sg2 and sg3 show ?case
  proof (cases " z1. a = kE z1")
    assume " z1. a = (kE z1)"
    from this obtain z where a1:"a = (kE z)" by auto
    from a1 and Cons have sg4:"(kKS z)  specKeysSecrets P"
      by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
    from a1 and Cons have sg5:"(kKS z)  specKeysSecrets Q"
      by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
    from sg1 and a1 have sg6:"knows Q [kE z]" by simp
    from sg4 and sg5 and sg6 and subPQ and cCompI and cCompKS 
      have "knows PQ [kE z]" 
      by (rule knows_composition2_k)
    from this and sg2a and a1 show ?case by (simp add: knows_concat_3)
    assume "¬ (z1. a = kE z1)"
    from this and Cons and sg3 have " z2. a = (sE z2)" by auto
    from this obtain z where a2:"a = (sE z)" by auto
    from a2 and Cons have sg8:"(sKS z)  specKeysSecrets P"
      by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
    from a2 and Cons have sg9:"(sKS z)  specKeysSecrets Q"
      by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
    from sg1 and a2 have sg10:"knows Q [sE z]" by simp 
    from sg8 and sg9 and sg10 and subPQ and cCompI and cCompKS  
      have "knows PQ [sE z]" 
      by (rule knows_composition2_s)
    from this and sg2a and a2 show ?case by (simp add: knows_concat_3)

lemma knows_composition5:
assumes "knows P e  knows Q e" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and " m. m mem e  (( z. m = kE z)  ( z. m = sE z))"
       and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P e"
       and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr Q e" 
shows "knows PQ e"
using assms 
by (metis knows_composition3 knows_composition4)
