Theory KnowledgeKeysSecrets
section ‹Knowledge of Keys and Secrets›
theory KnowledgeKeysSecrets
imports CompLocalSecrets
text_raw ‹
An component $A$ knows a secret $m$ (or some secret expression $m$) that does not belong to its local sectrets , if
\item %
$A$ may eventually get the secret $m$,
$m$ belongs to the set $LS_A$ of its local secrets,
\item %
$A$ knows some list of expressions $m_2$ which is an concatenations of $m$ and some list of expressions $m_1$,
\item %
$m$ is a concatenation of some lists of secrets $m_1$ and $m_2$, and $A$ knows both these secrets,
\item %
$A$ knows some secret key $k^{-1}$ and the result of the encryption of the $m$ with the corresponding public key,
\item %
$A$ knows some public key $k$ and the result of the signature creation of the $m$ with the corresponding private key,%
\item %
$m$ is an encryption of some secret $m_1$ with a public key $k$, and $A$ knows both $m_1$ and $k$,
\item %
$m$ is the result of the signature creation of the $m_1$ with the key $k$, and $A$ knows both $m_1$ and $k$.
%($m = Sign(k, m_1) \wedge \knows{A}{m_1} \wedge \knows{A}{k}$).
know :: "specID ⇒ KS ⇒ bool"
"know A (kKS m) =
((ine A (kE m)) ∨ ((kKS m) ∈ (LocalSecrets A)))" |
"know A (sKS m) =
((ine A (sE m)) ∨ ((sKS m) ∈ (LocalSecrets A)))"
knows :: "specID ⇒ Expression list ⇒ bool"
"knows C [] = True" and
"knows C [KS2Expression (kKS m1)] = know C (kKS m1)" and
"knows C [KS2Expression (sKS m2)] = know C (sKS m2)" and
"knows A (e1 @ e) ⟶ knows A e" and
"knows A (e @ e1) ⟶ knows A e" and
"(knows A e1) ∧ (knows A e2) ⟶ knows A (e1 @ e2)" and
"(IncrDecrKeys k1 k2) ∧ (know A (kKS k2)) ∧ (knows A (Enc k1 e))
⟶ knows A e"
"(IncrDecrKeys k1 k2) ∧ (know A (kKS k1)) ∧ (knows A (Sign k2 e))
⟶ knows A e"
"(know A (kKS k)) ∧ (knows A e1) ⟶ knows A (Enc k e1)"
"(know A (kKS k)) ∧ (knows A e1) ⟶ knows A (Sign k e1)"
primrec eoutKnowCorrect :: "specID ⇒ KS ⇒ bool"
"eoutKnowCorrect C (kKS m) =
((eout C (kE m)) ⟷ (m ∈ (specKeys C) ∨ (know C (kKS m))) )" |
"eoutKnowCorrect C (sKS m) =
((eout C (sE m)) ⟷ (m ∈ (specSecrets C) ∨ (know C (sKS m))) )"
definition eoutKnowsECorrect :: "specID ⇒ Expression ⇒ bool"
"eoutKnowsECorrect C e ≡
((eout C e) ⟷
((∃ k. e = (kE k) ∧ (k ∈ specKeys C)) ∨
(∃ s. e = (sE s) ∧ (s ∈ specSecrets C)) ∨
(knows C [e])))"
lemma eoutKnowCorrect_L1k:
assumes "eoutKnowCorrect C (kKS m)"
and "eout C (kE m)"
shows "m ∈ (specKeys C) ∨ (know C (kKS m))"
using assms by (metis eout_know_k)
lemma eoutKnowCorrect_L1s:
assumes "eoutKnowCorrect C (sKS m)"
and "eout C (sE m)"
shows "m ∈ (specSecrets C) ∨ (know C (sKS m))"
using assms by (metis eout_know_s)
lemma eoutKnowsECorrect_L1:
assumes "eoutKnowsECorrect C e"
and "eout C e"
shows "(∃ k. e = (kE k) ∧ (k ∈ specKeys C)) ∨
(∃ s. e = (sE s) ∧ (s ∈ specSecrets C)) ∨
(knows C [e])"
using assms by (metis eoutKnowsECorrect_def)
lemma know2knows_k:
assumes "know A (kKS m)"
shows "knows A [kE m]"
using assms
by (metis KS2Expression.simps(1) know1k)
lemma knows2know_k:
assumes "knows A [kE m]"
shows "know A (kKS m)"
using assms
by (metis KS2Expression.simps(1) know1k)
lemma know2knowsPQ_k:
assumes "know P (kKS m) ∨ know Q (kKS m)"
shows "knows P [kE m] ∨ knows Q [kE m]"
using assms by (metis know2knows_k)
lemma knows2knowPQ_k:
assumes "knows P [kE m] ∨ knows Q [kE m]"
shows "know P (kKS m) ∨ know Q (kKS m)"
using assms by (metis knows2know_k)
lemma knows1k:
"know A (kKS m) = knows A [kE m]"
by (metis know2knows_k knows2know_k)
lemma know2knows_neg_k:
assumes "¬ know A (kKS m)"
shows "¬ knows A [kE m]"
using assms by (metis knows1k)
lemma knows2know_neg_k:
assumes "¬ knows A [kE m]"
shows "¬ know A (kKS m)"
using assms by (metis know2knowsPQ_k)
lemma know2knows_s:
assumes "know A (sKS m)"
shows "knows A [sE m]"
using assms
by (metis KS2Expression.simps(2) know1s)
lemma knows2know_s:
assumes "knows A [sE m]"
shows "know A (sKS m)"
using assms
by (metis KS2Expression.simps(2) know1s)
lemma know2knowsPQ_s:
assumes "know P (sKS m) ∨ know Q (sKS m)"
shows "knows P [sE m] ∨ knows Q [sE m]"
using assms by (metis know2knows_s)
lemma knows2knowPQ_s:
assumes "knows P [sE m] ∨ knows Q [sE m]"
shows "know P (sKS m) ∨ know Q (sKS m)"
using assms by (metis knows2know_s)
lemma knows1s:
"know A (sKS m) = knows A [sE m]"
by (metis know2knows_s knows2know_s)
lemma know2knows_neg_s:
assumes "¬ know A (sKS m)"
shows "¬ knows A [sE m]"
using assms by (metis knows2know_s)
lemma knows2know_neg_s:
assumes "¬ knows A [sE m]"
shows "¬ know A (sKS m)"
using assms by (metis know2knows_s)
lemma knows2:
assumes "e2 = e1 @ e ∨ e2 = e @ e1"
and "knows A e2"
shows "knows A e"
using assms by (metis knows2a knows2b)
lemma correctCompositionInLoc_exprChannel:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "ch : ins P"
and "exprChannel ch m"
and "∀ x. x ∈ ins PQ ⟶ ¬ exprChannel x m"
shows "ch : loc PQ"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def, auto)
lemma eout_know_nonKS_k:
assumes "m ∉ specKeys A"
and "eout A (kE m)"
and "eoutKnowCorrect A (kKS m)"
shows "know A (kKS m)"
using assms by (metis eoutKnowCorrect_L1k)
lemma eout_know_nonKS_s:
assumes "m ∉ specSecrets A"
and "eout A (sE m)"
and "eoutKnowCorrect A (sKS m)"
shows "know A (sKS m)"
using assms by (metis eoutKnowCorrect_L1s)
lemma not_know_k_not_ine:
assumes "¬ know A (kKS m)"
shows "¬ ine A (kE m)"
using assms by simp
lemma not_know_s_not_ine:
assumes "¬ know A (sKS m)"
shows "¬ ine A (sE m)"
using assms by simp
lemma not_know_k_not_eout:
assumes "m ∉ specKeys A"
and "¬ know A (kKS m)"
and "eoutKnowCorrect A (kKS m)"
shows "¬ eout A (kE m)"
using assms by (metis eout_know_k)
lemma not_know_s_not_eout:
assumes "m ∉ specSecrets A"
and "¬ know A (sKS m)"
and "eoutKnowCorrect A (sKS m)"
shows "¬ eout A (sE m)"
using assms by (metis eout_know_nonKS_s)
lemma adv_not_know1:
assumes "out P ⊆ ins A"
and "¬ know A (kKS m)"
shows "¬ eout P (kE m)"
using assms
by (metis (full_types) eout_def ine_ins_neg1 not_know_k_not_ine rev_subsetD)
lemma adv_not_know2:
assumes "out P ⊆ ins A"
and "¬ know A (sKS m)"
shows "¬ eout P (sE m)"
using assms
by (metis (full_types) eout_def ine_ins_neg1 not_know_s_not_ine rev_subsetD)
lemma LocalSecrets_L1:
assumes "(kKS) key ∈ LocalSecrets P"
and "(kKS key) ∉ ⋃(LocalSecrets ` subcomponents P)"
shows "kKS key ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
using assms by (simp only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)
lemma LocalSecrets_L2:
assumes "kKS key ∈ LocalSecrets P"
and "kKS key ∈ specKeysSecrets P"
shows "kKS key ∈ ⋃(LocalSecrets ` subcomponents P)"
using assms by (simp only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)
lemma know_composition1:
assumes notKSP:"m ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and notKSQ:"m ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "know P m"
and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
and cCompKS:"correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "know PQ m"
proof (cases m)
fix key
assume a1:"m = kKS key"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "ine P (kE key)")
assume a11:"ine P (kE key)"
from this have a11ext:"ine P (kE key) | ine Q (kE key)" by simp
from subPQ and cCompKS and notKSP and notKSQ
have "m ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
by (rule correctCompositionKS_neg1)
from this and a1 have sg1:"kKS key ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ" by simp
from a1 and a11ext and cCompKS show ?thesis
proof (cases "loc PQ = {}")
assume a11locE:"loc PQ = {}"
from a11ext and subPQ and cCompI and a11locE have "ine PQ (kE key)"
by (rule TBtheorem4a_empty)
from this and a1 show ?thesis by auto
assume a11locNE:"loc PQ ≠ {}"
from a1 and a11 and sg1 and assms show ?thesis
apply (simp add: ine_def, auto)
by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Pex)
assume a12:"¬ ine P (kE key)"
from this and a1 and assms show ?thesis
by (auto, simp add: LocalSecretsComposition1)
fix secret
assume a2:"m = sKS secret"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "ine P (sE secret)")
assume a21:"ine P (sE secret)"
from this have a21ext:"ine P (sE secret) | ine Q (sE secret)" by simp
from subPQ and cCompKS and notKSP and notKSQ have "m ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
by (rule correctCompositionKS_neg1)
from this and a2 have sg2:"sKS secret ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ" by simp
from a2 and a21ext and cCompKS show ?thesis
proof (cases "loc PQ = {}")
assume a21locE:"loc PQ = {}"
from a21ext and subPQ and cCompI and a21locE have "ine PQ (sE secret)"
by (rule TBtheorem4a_empty)
from this and a2 show ?thesis by auto
assume a21locNE:"loc PQ ≠ {}"
from a2 and a21 and sg2 and assms show ?thesis
apply (simp add: ine_def, auto)
by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Pex)
assume a12:"¬ ine P (sE secret)"
from this and a2 and assms show ?thesis
by (metis LocalSecretsComposition1 know.simps(2))
lemma know_composition2:
assumes "m ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "m ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "know Q m"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "know PQ m"
using assms by (metis insert_commute know_composition1)
lemma know_composition:
assumes "m ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "m ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "know P m ∨ know Q m"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "know PQ m"
using assms by (metis know_composition1 know_composition2)
theorem know_composition_neg_ine_k:
assumes "¬ know P (kKS key)"
and "¬ know Q (kKS key)"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "¬ (ine PQ (kE key))"
using assms by (metis TBtheorem3a not_know_k_not_ine)
theorem know_composition_neg_ine_s:
assumes "¬ know P (sKS secret)"
and "¬ know Q (sKS secret)"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "¬ (ine PQ (sE secret))"
using assms by (metis TBtheorem3a not_know_s_not_ine)
lemma know_composition_neg1:
assumes notknowP:"¬ know P m"
and notknowQ:"¬ know Q m"
and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and cCompLoc:"correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "¬ know PQ m"
proof (cases m)
fix key
assume a1:"m = kKS key"
from notknowP and a1 have sg1:"¬ know P (kKS key)" by simp
then have sg1a:"¬ ine P (kE key)" by simp
from sg1 have sg1b:"kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets P" by simp
from notknowQ and a1 have sg2:"¬ know Q (kKS key)" by simp
then have sg2a:"¬ ine Q (kE key)" by simp
from sg2 have sg2b:"kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets Q" by simp
from sg1 and sg2 and subPQ and cCompI have sg3:"¬ ine PQ (kE key)"
by (rule know_composition_neg_ine_k)
from subPQ and cCompLoc and sg1a and sg2a and sg1b and sg2b have sg4:
"kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_k)
from sg3 and sg4 and a1 show ?thesis by simp
fix secret
assume a2:"m = sKS secret"
from notknowP and a2 have sg1:"¬ know P (sKS secret)" by simp
then have sg1a:"¬ ine P (sE secret)" by simp
from sg1 have sg1b:"sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets P" by simp
from notknowQ and a2 have sg2:"¬ know Q (sKS secret)" by simp
then have sg2a:"¬ ine Q (sE secret)" by simp
from sg2 have sg2b:"sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets Q" by simp
from sg1 and sg2 and subPQ and cCompI have sg3:"¬ ine PQ (sE secret)"
by (rule know_composition_neg_ine_s)
from subPQ and cCompLoc and sg1a and sg2a and sg1b and sg2b have sg4:
"sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_s)
from sg3 and sg4 and a2 show ?thesis by simp
lemma know_decomposition:
assumes knowPQ:"know PQ m"
and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
and cCompLoc:"correctCompositionLoc PQ"
shows "know P m ∨ know Q m"
proof (cases m)
fix key
assume a1:"m = kKS key"
from this show ?thesis
proof (cases "ine PQ (kE key)")
assume a11:"ine PQ (kE key)"
from this and subPQ and cCompI and a1 have
"ine P (kE key) ∨ ine Q (kE key)"
by (simp add: TBtheorem1a)
from this and a1 show ?thesis by auto
assume a12:"¬ ine PQ (kE key)"
from this and knowPQ and a1 have sg2:"kKS key ∈ LocalSecrets PQ" by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "know Q m")
assume "know Q m"
from this show ?thesis by simp
assume not_knowQm:"¬ know Q m"
from not_knowQm and a1 have sg3a:"¬ ine Q (kE key)" by simp
from not_knowQm and a1 have sg3b:"kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets Q" by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "kKS key ∈ LocalSecrets P")
assume "kKS key ∈ LocalSecrets P"
from this and a1 show ?thesis by simp
assume "kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets P"
from sg2 and subPQ and cCompLoc and sg3a and this and sg3b have "ine P (kE key)"
by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_k)
from this and a1 show ?thesis by simp
fix secret
assume a2:"m = sKS secret"
from this show ?thesis
proof (cases "ine PQ (sE secret)")
assume a21:"ine PQ (sE secret)"
from this and subPQ and cCompI and a2 have
"ine P (sE secret) ∨ ine Q (sE secret)"
by (simp add: TBtheorem1a)
from this and a2 show ?thesis by auto
assume a22:"¬ ine PQ (sE secret)"
from this and knowPQ and a2 have sg5:
"sKS secret ∈ LocalSecrets PQ" by auto
show ?thesis
proof (cases "know Q m")
assume "know Q m"
from this show ?thesis by simp
assume not_knowQm:"¬ know Q m"
from not_knowQm and a2 have sg6a:"¬ ine Q (sE secret)" by simp
from not_knowQm and a2 have sg6b:"sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets Q" by simp
show ?thesis
proof (cases "sKS secret ∈ LocalSecrets P")
assume "sKS secret ∈ LocalSecrets P"
from this and a2 show ?thesis by simp
assume "sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets P"
from sg5 and subPQ and cCompLoc and sg6a and this and sg6b have
"ine P (sE secret)"
by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_s)
from this and a2 show ?thesis by simp
lemma eout_knows_nonKS_k:
assumes "m ∉ (specKeys A)"
and "eout A (kE m)"
and "eoutKnowsECorrect A (kE m)"
shows "knows A [kE m]"
using assms
by (metis Expression.distinct(1) Expression.inject(1) eoutKnowsECorrect_L1)
lemma eout_knows_nonKS_s:
assumes h1:"m ∉ specSecrets A"
and h2:"eout A (sE m)"
and h3:"eoutKnowsECorrect A (sE m)"
shows "knows A [sE m]"
using assms
by (metis Expression.distinct(1) Expression.inject(2) eoutKnowsECorrect_def)
lemma not_knows_k_not_ine:
assumes "¬ knows A [kE m]"
shows "¬ ine A (kE m)"
using assms by (metis knows2know_neg_k not_know_k_not_ine)
lemma not_knows_s_not_ine:
assumes "¬ knows A [sE m]"
shows "¬ ine A (sE m)"
using assms by (metis knows2know_neg_s not_know_s_not_ine)
lemma not_knows_k_not_eout:
assumes "m ∉ specKeys A"
and "¬ knows A [kE m]"
and "eoutKnowsECorrect A (kE m)"
shows "¬ eout A (kE m)"
using assms by (metis eout_knows_nonKS_k)
lemma not_knows_s_not_eout:
assumes "m ∉ specSecrets A"
and "¬ knows A [sE m]"
and "eoutKnowsECorrect A (sE m)"
shows "¬ eout A (sE m)"
using assms by (metis eout_knows_nonKS_s)
lemma adv_not_knows1:
assumes "out P ⊆ ins A"
and "¬ knows A [kE m]"
shows "¬ eout P (kE m)"
using assms by (metis adv_not_know1 knows2know_neg_k)
lemma adv_not_knows2:
assumes "out P ⊆ ins A"
and "¬ knows A [sE m]"
shows "¬ eout P (sE m)"
using assms by (metis adv_not_know2 knows2know_neg_s)
lemma knows_decomposition_1_k:
assumes "kKS a ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "kKS a ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "knows PQ [kE a]"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
shows "knows P [kE a] ∨ knows Q [kE a]"
using assms by (metis know_decomposition knows1k)
lemma knows_decomposition_1_s:
assumes "sKS a ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "sKS a ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "knows PQ [sE a]"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
shows "knows P [sE a] ∨ knows Q [sE a]"
using assms by (metis know_decomposition knows1s)
lemma knows_decomposition_1:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "knows PQ [a]"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "(∃ z. a = kE z) ∨ (∃ z. a = sE z)"
and "∀ z. a = kE z ⟶
kKS z ∉ specKeysSecrets P ∧ kKS z ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and h7:"∀ z. a = sE z ⟶
sKS z ∉ specKeysSecrets P ∧ sKS z ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
shows "knows P [a] ∨ knows Q [a]"
using assms
by (metis knows_decomposition_1_k knows_decomposition_1_s)
lemma knows_composition1_k:
assumes "(kKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "(kKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "knows P [kE m]"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "knows PQ [kE m]"
using assms by (metis know_composition knows1k)
lemma knows_composition1_s:
assumes "(sKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "(sKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "knows P [sE m]"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "knows PQ [sE m]"
using assms by (metis know_composition knows1s)
lemma knows_composition2_k:
assumes "(kKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "(kKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "knows Q [kE m]"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "knows PQ [kE m]"
using assms
by (metis know2knowsPQ_k know_composition knows2know_k)
lemma knows_composition2_s:
assumes "(sKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "(sKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "knows Q [sE m]"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "knows PQ [sE m]"
using assms
by (metis know2knowsPQ_s know_composition knows2know_s)
lemma knows_composition_neg1_k:
assumes "kKS m ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "kKS m ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "¬ knows P [kE m]"
and "¬ knows Q [kE m]"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "¬ knows PQ [kE m]"
using assms by (metis know_decomposition knows1k)
lemma knows_composition_neg1_s:
assumes "sKS m ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "sKS m ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "¬ knows P [sE m]"
and "¬ knows Q [sE m]"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
shows "¬ knows PQ [sE m]"
using assms by (metis knows_decomposition_1_s)
lemma knows_concat_1:
assumes "knows P (a # e)"
shows "knows P [a]"
using assms by (metis append_Cons append_Nil knows2)
lemma knows_concat_2:
assumes "knows P (a # e)"
shows "knows P e"
using assms by (metis append_Cons append_Nil knows2a)
lemma knows_concat_3:
assumes "knows P [a]"
and "knows P e"
shows "knows P (a # e)"
using assms by (metis append_Cons append_Nil knows3)
lemma not_knows_conc_knows_elem_not_knows_tail:
assumes "¬ knows P (a # e)"
and "knows P [a]"
shows "¬ knows P e"
using assms by (metis knows_concat_3)
lemma not_knows_conc_not_knows_elem_tail:
assumes "¬ knows P (a#e)"
shows "¬ knows P [a] ∨ ¬ knows P e"
using assms by (metis append_Cons append_Nil knows3)
lemma not_knows_elem_not_knows_conc:
assumes "¬ knows P [a]"
shows "¬ knows P (a # e)"
using assms by (metis knows_concat_1)
lemma not_knows_tail_not_knows_conc:
assumes "¬ knows P e"
shows "¬ knows P (a # e)"
using assms by (metis knows_concat_2)
lemma knows_composition3:
fixes e::"Expression list"
assumes "knows P e"
and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
and cCompKS:"correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "∀ (m::Expression). ((m mem e) ⟶
((∃ z1. m = (kE z1)) ∨ (∃ z2. m = (sE z2))))"
and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P e"
and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr Q e"
shows "knows PQ e"
using assms
proof (induct e)
case Nil
from this show ?case by (simp only: knows_emptyexpression)
fix a l
case (Cons a l)
from Cons have sg1:"knows P [a]" by (simp add: knows_concat_1)
from Cons have sg2:"knows P l" by (simp only: knows_concat_2)
from sg1 have sg3:"a mem (a # l)" by simp
from Cons and sg2 have sg2a:"knows PQ l"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_L2)
from Cons and sg1 and sg2 and sg3 show ?case
proof (cases "∃ z1. a = kE z1")
assume "∃ z1. a = (kE z1)"
from this obtain z where a1:"a = (kE z)" by auto
from a1 and Cons have sg4:"(kKS z) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
from a1 and Cons have sg5:"(kKS z) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
from sg1 and a1 have sg6:"knows P [kE z]" by simp
from sg4 and sg5 and sg6 and subPQ and cCompI and cCompKS
have "knows PQ [kE z]"
by (rule knows_composition1_k)
from this and sg2a and a1 show ?case by (simp add: knows_concat_3)
assume "¬ (∃z1. a = kE z1)"
from this and Cons and sg3 have "∃ z2. a = (sE z2)" by auto
from this obtain z where a2:"a = (sE z)" by auto
from a2 and Cons have sg8:"(sKS z) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
from a2 and Cons have sg9:"(sKS z) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
from sg1 and a2 have sg10:"knows P [sE z]" by simp
from sg8 and sg9 and sg10 and subPQ and cCompI and cCompKS
have "knows PQ [sE z]"
by (rule knows_composition1_s)
from this and sg2a and a2 show ?case by (simp add: knows_concat_3)
lemma knows_composition4:
assumes "knows Q e"
and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
and cCompKS:"correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "∀ m. m mem e ⟶ ((∃ z. m = kE z) ∨ (∃ z. m = sE z))"
and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P e"
and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr Q e"
shows "knows PQ e"
using assms
proof (induct e)
case Nil
from this show ?case by (simp only: knows_emptyexpression)
fix a l
case (Cons a l)
from Cons have sg1:"knows Q [a]" by (simp add: knows_concat_1)
from Cons have sg2:"knows Q l" by (simp only: knows_concat_2)
from sg1 have sg3:"a mem (a # l)" by simp
from Cons and sg2 have sg2a:"knows PQ l"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_L2)
from Cons and sg1 and sg2 and sg3 show ?case
proof (cases "∃ z1. a = kE z1")
assume "∃ z1. a = (kE z1)"
from this obtain z where a1:"a = (kE z)" by auto
from a1 and Cons have sg4:"(kKS z) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
from a1 and Cons have sg5:"(kKS z) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
from sg1 and a1 have sg6:"knows Q [kE z]" by simp
from sg4 and sg5 and sg6 and subPQ and cCompI and cCompKS
have "knows PQ [kE z]"
by (rule knows_composition2_k)
from this and sg2a and a1 show ?case by (simp add: knows_concat_3)
assume "¬ (∃z1. a = kE z1)"
from this and Cons and sg3 have "∃ z2. a = (sE z2)" by auto
from this obtain z where a2:"a = (sE z)" by auto
from a2 and Cons have sg8:"(sKS z) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
from a2 and Cons have sg9:"(sKS z) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)
from sg1 and a2 have sg10:"knows Q [sE z]" by simp
from sg8 and sg9 and sg10 and subPQ and cCompI and cCompKS
have "knows PQ [sE z]"
by (rule knows_composition2_s)
from this and sg2a and a2 show ?case by (simp add: knows_concat_3)
lemma knows_composition5:
assumes "knows P e ∨ knows Q e"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "∀ m. m mem e ⟶ ((∃ z. m = kE z) ∨ (∃ z. m = sE z))"
and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P e"
and "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr Q e"
shows "knows PQ e"
using assms
by (metis knows_composition3 knows_composition4)