Theory CompLocalSecrets
section ‹Local Secrets of a component›
theory CompLocalSecrets
imports Secrecy
LocalSecrets :: "specID ⇒ KS set"
"LocalSecrets A =
{(m :: KS). m ∉ specKeysSecrets A ∧
((∃ x y. ((x ∈ loc A) ∧ m = (kKS y) ∧ (exprChannel x (kE y))))
|(∃ x z. ((x ∈ loc A) ∧ m = (sKS z) ∧ (exprChannel x (sE z)) )) )}
∪ (⋃ (LocalSecrets ` (subcomponents A) ))"
lemma LocalSecretsComposition1:
assumes "ls ∈ LocalSecrets P"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
shows "ls ∈ LocalSecrets PQ"
using assms by (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_k:
assumes "exprChannel x (kE Keys)"
and "¬ ine P (kE Keys)"
and "¬ ine Q (kE Keys)"
and "¬ (x ∉ ins P ∧ x ∉ ins Q)"
shows "False"
using assms by (metis ine_def)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_s:
assumes "exprChannel x (sE Secrets)"
and "¬ ine P (sE Secrets)"
and "¬ ine Q (sE Secrets)"
and "¬ (x ∉ ins P ∧ x ∉ ins Q)"
shows "False"
using assms by (metis ine_ins_neg1)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_k:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "¬ ine P (kE Keys)"
and "¬ ine Q (kE Keys)"
and "kKS Keys ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "kKS Keys ∉ LocalSecrets Q"
shows "kKS Keys ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
proof -
from assms show ?thesis
apply (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef,
simp add: correctCompositionLoc_def, clarify)
by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_k, auto)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg_k:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "(kKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "(kKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "¬ ine P (kE m)"
and "¬ ine Q (kE m)"
and "(kKS m) ∉ ((LocalSecrets P) ∪ (LocalSecrets Q))"
shows "(kKS m) ∉ (LocalSecrets PQ)"
proof -
from assms show ?thesis
apply (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef,
simp add: correctCompositionLoc_def, clarify)
by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_k, auto)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg_s:
assumes subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and cCompLoc:"correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and cCompKS:"correctCompositionKS PQ"
and notKSP:"(sKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and notKSQ:"(sKS m) ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and "¬ ine P (sE m)"
and "¬ ine Q (sE m)"
and notLocSeqPQ:"(sKS m) ∉ ((LocalSecrets P) ∪ (LocalSecrets Q))"
shows "(sKS m) ∉ (LocalSecrets PQ)"
proof -
from subPQ and cCompKS and notKSP and notKSQ
have sg1:"sKS m ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_neg1)
from subPQ and cCompLoc and notLocSeqPQ have sg2:
"sKS m ∉ ⋃ (LocalSecrets ` subcomponents PQ)"
by simp
from sg1 and sg2 and assms show ?thesis
apply (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef,
simp add: correctCompositionLoc_def, clarify)
by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_s, auto)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "ks ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
and "ks ∉ specKeysSecrets Q"
and h1:"∀ m. ks = kKS m ⟶ (¬ ine P (kE m) ∧ ¬ ine Q (kE m))"
and h2:"∀ m. ks = sKS m ⟶ (¬ ine P (sE m) ∧ ¬ ine Q (sE m))"
and "ks ∉ ((LocalSecrets P) ∪ (LocalSecrets Q))"
shows "ks ∉ (LocalSecrets PQ)"
proof (cases "ks")
fix m
assume a1:"ks = kKS m"
from this and h1 have "¬ ine P (kE m) ∧ ¬ ine Q (kE m)" by simp
from this and a1 and assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg_k)
fix m
assume a2:"ks = sKS m"
from this and h2 have "¬ ine P (sE m) ∧ ¬ ine Q (sE m)" by simp
from this and a2 and assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg_s)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_s:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "¬ ine P (sE s)"
and "¬ ine Q (sE s)"
and "sKS s ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "sKS s ∉ LocalSecrets Q"
shows "sKS s ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
proof -
from assms have
"sKS s ∉ ⋃ (LocalSecrets ` subcomponents PQ)"
by simp
from assms and this show ?thesis
apply (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef,
simp add: correctCompositionLoc_def, clarify)
by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_s, auto)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg1:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and h1:"∀ m. ks = kKS m ⟶ (¬ ine P (kE m) ∧ ¬ ine Q (kE m))"
and h2:"∀ m. ks = sKS m ⟶ (¬ ine P (sE m) ∧ ¬ ine Q (sE m))"
and "ks ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "ks ∉ LocalSecrets Q"
shows "ks ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
proof (cases "ks")
fix m
assume a1:"ks = kKS m"
from this and h1 have "¬ ine P (kE m) ∧ ¬ ine Q (kE m)" by simp
from this and a1 and assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_k)
fix m
assume a2:"ks = sKS m"
from this and h2 have "¬ ine P (sE m) ∧ ¬ ine Q (sE m)" by simp
from this and a2 and assms show ?thesis
by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_s)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_k:
assumes "kKS k ∈ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "¬ ine Q (kE k)"
and "kKS k ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "kKS k ∉ LocalSecrets Q"
shows "ine P (kE k)"
using assms by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_k)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_s:
assumes "sKS s ∈ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "¬ ine Q (sE s)"
and "sKS s ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "sKS s ∉ LocalSecrets Q"
shows "ine P (sE s)"
using assms by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_s)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_ine2_k:
assumes "kKS k ∈ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "¬ ine P (kE k)"
and "kKS k ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "kKS k ∉ LocalSecrets Q"
shows "ine Q (kE k)"
using assms by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_k)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_ine2_s:
assumes "sKS s ∈ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
and "¬ ine P (sE s)"
and "sKS s ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "sKS s ∉ LocalSecrets Q"
shows "ine Q (sE s)"
using assms by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_s)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_k:
assumes "kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "exprChannel ch (kE key)"
and "kKS key ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
shows "ch ∉ loc P"
using assms by (simp only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)
lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_s:
assumes "sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets P"
and "exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
and "sKS secret ∉ specKeysSecrets P"
shows "ch ∉ loc P"
using assms by (simp only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)
lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_P:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "ch ∈ ins P"
and "exprChannel ch (kE key)"
and "kKS key ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "ch ∈ ins PQ ∧ exprChannel ch (kE key)"
using assms
by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_k correctCompositionIn_L1)
lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Pex:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "ch ∈ ins P"
and "exprChannel ch (kE key)"
and "kKS key ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "∃ch. ch ∈ ins PQ ∧ exprChannel ch (kE key)"
using assms
by (metis correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_P)
lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Q:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "ch ∈ ins Q"
and h1:"exprChannel ch (kE key)"
and "kKS key ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "ch ∈ ins PQ ∧ exprChannel ch (kE key)"
proof -
from assms have "ch ∉ loc PQ"
by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_k)
from this and assms have "ch ∈ ins PQ"
by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def)
from this and h1 show ?thesis by simp
lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Qex:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "kKS key ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "ch ∈ ins Q"
and "exprChannel ch (kE key)"
and "kKS key ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "∃ch. ch ∈ ins PQ ∧ exprChannel ch (kE key)"
using assms
by (metis correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Q)
lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_P:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "ch ∈ ins P"
and "exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
and "sKS secret ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "ch ∈ ins PQ ∧ exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
using assms
by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_s correctCompositionIn_L1)
lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Pex:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "ch ∈ ins P"
and "exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
and "sKS secret ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "∃ch. ch ∈ ins PQ ∧ exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
using assms
by (metis correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_P)
lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Q:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "ch ∈ ins Q"
and h1:"exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
and "sKS secret ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "ch ∈ ins PQ ∧ exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
proof -
from assms have "ch ∉ loc PQ"
by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_s)
from this and assms have "ch ∈ ins PQ"
by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def)
from this and h1 show ?thesis by simp
lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Qex:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
and "sKS secret ∉ LocalSecrets PQ"
and "ch ∈ ins Q"
and "exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
and "sKS secret ∉ specKeysSecrets PQ"
and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "∃ch. ch ∈ ins PQ ∧ exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
using assms
by (metis correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Q)