Theory CompLocalSecrets

   Title:  Theory  CompLocalSecrets.thy
   Author: Maria Spichkova <maria.spichkova at>, 2014
section ‹Local Secrets of a component›

theory CompLocalSecrets
imports Secrecy 

― ‹Set of local secrets: the set of secrets which does not belong to›
― ‹the set of private keys and unguessable values, but are transmitted›
― ‹via local channels or belongs to the local secrets of its subcomponents›
  LocalSecrets :: "specID   KS set"
 "LocalSecrets A =
  {(m :: KS). m  specKeysSecrets A   
              (( x y. ((x  loc A)  m = (kKS y)  (exprChannel x (kE y)))) 
              |( x z. ((x  loc A)  m = (sKS z)  (exprChannel x (sE z)) )) )} 
     ( (LocalSecrets ` (subcomponents A) ))"

lemma LocalSecretsComposition1:
assumes "ls  LocalSecrets P"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
shows    "ls  LocalSecrets PQ"
using assms by (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)

lemma  LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_k:
assumes "exprChannel x (kE Keys)"
       and "¬ ine P (kE Keys)"
       and "¬ ine Q (kE Keys)"
       and "¬ (x  ins P  x  ins Q)"
shows "False"
using assms by (metis ine_def)

lemma  LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_s:
assumes "exprChannel x (sE Secrets)"
       and "¬ ine P (sE Secrets)"
       and "¬ ine Q (sE Secrets)"
       and "¬ (x  ins P  x  ins Q)"
shows "False"
using assms by (metis ine_ins_neg1)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_k:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and "¬ ine P (kE Keys)"
       and "¬ ine Q (kE Keys)"
       and "kKS Keys  LocalSecrets P"
       and "kKS Keys  LocalSecrets Q"
shows    "kKS Keys  LocalSecrets PQ"
proof - 
  from assms show ?thesis 
    apply (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef, 
           simp add: correctCompositionLoc_def, clarify)
    by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_k, auto)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg_k:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "(kKS m)  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "(kKS m)  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "¬ ine P (kE m)"
       and "¬ ine Q (kE m)"
       and "(kKS m)  ((LocalSecrets P)  (LocalSecrets Q))"
shows    "(kKS m)  (LocalSecrets PQ)"
proof -
  from assms show ?thesis 
    apply (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef, 
           simp add: correctCompositionLoc_def, clarify)
    by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_k, auto)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg_s:
assumes subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and cCompLoc:"correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and cCompKS:"correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and notKSP:"(sKS m)  specKeysSecrets P"
       and notKSQ:"(sKS m)  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and "¬ ine P (sE m)"
       and "¬ ine Q (sE m)"
       and notLocSeqPQ:"(sKS m)  ((LocalSecrets P)  (LocalSecrets Q))"
shows   "(sKS m)  (LocalSecrets PQ)"
proof -
  from subPQ and cCompKS and notKSP and notKSQ
  have sg1:"sKS m  specKeysSecrets PQ"
    by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_neg1) 
  from subPQ and cCompLoc and notLocSeqPQ have sg2:
   "sKS m    (LocalSecrets ` subcomponents PQ)"
    by simp
  from sg1 and sg2 and assms show ?thesis 
    apply (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef, 
           simp add: correctCompositionLoc_def, clarify)
    by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_s, auto)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "ks  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "ks  specKeysSecrets Q"
       and h1:" m. ks = kKS m  (¬ ine P (kE m)  ¬ ine Q (kE m))"
       and h2:" m. ks = sKS m  (¬ ine P (sE m)  ¬ ine Q (sE m))"
       and "ks  ((LocalSecrets P)  (LocalSecrets Q))"
shows   "ks  (LocalSecrets PQ)"
proof (cases "ks")
  fix m
  assume a1:"ks = kKS m"
  from this and h1 have "¬ ine P (kE m)  ¬ ine Q (kE m)" by simp
  from this and a1 and assms show ?thesis
    by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg_k)
  fix m
  assume a2:"ks = sKS m"
  from this and h2 have "¬ ine P (sE m)  ¬ ine Q (sE m)" by simp
  from this and a2 and assms show ?thesis
    by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg_s)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_s:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and "¬ ine P (sE s)"
       and "¬ ine Q (sE s)"
       and "sKS s  LocalSecrets P" 
       and "sKS s  LocalSecrets Q"
shows    "sKS s  LocalSecrets PQ"
proof - 
  from assms have 
   "sKS s    (LocalSecrets ` subcomponents PQ)"
    by simp
    from  assms and this show ?thesis 
    apply (simp (no_asm) only: LocalSecretsDef, 
              simp add: correctCompositionLoc_def, clarify)
    by (rule LocalSecretsComposition_exprChannel_s, auto)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg1:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and h1:" m. ks = kKS m  (¬ ine P (kE m)  ¬ ine Q (kE m))" 
       and h2:" m. ks = sKS m  (¬ ine P (sE m)  ¬ ine Q (sE m))"
       and "ks  LocalSecrets P"
       and "ks  LocalSecrets Q"
shows    "ks  LocalSecrets PQ"
proof (cases "ks")
  fix m
  assume a1:"ks = kKS m"
  from this and h1 have "¬ ine P (kE m)  ¬ ine Q (kE m)" by simp
  from this and a1 and assms show ?thesis 
    by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_k)
  fix m
  assume a2:"ks = sKS m"
  from this and h2 have "¬ ine P (sE m)  ¬ ine Q (sE m)" by simp
  from this and a2 and assms show ?thesis 
    by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_s)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_k:
assumes "kKS k  LocalSecrets PQ" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ" 
       and "¬ ine Q (kE k)"
       and "kKS k  LocalSecrets P"
       and "kKS k  LocalSecrets Q"
shows    "ine P (kE k)"
using assms by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_k)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_s:
assumes "sKS s  LocalSecrets PQ" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ" 
       and "¬ ine Q (sE s)"
       and "sKS s  LocalSecrets P"
       and "sKS s  LocalSecrets Q"
shows    "ine P (sE s)"
using assms by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_neg1_s)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_ine2_k:
assumes "kKS k  LocalSecrets PQ"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and "¬ ine P (kE k)"
       and "kKS k  LocalSecrets P"
       and "kKS k  LocalSecrets Q"
shows   "ine Q (kE k)" 
using assms  by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_k)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_ine2_s:
assumes "sKS s  LocalSecrets PQ" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionLoc PQ"
       and "¬ ine P (sE s)"
       and "sKS s  LocalSecrets P"
       and "sKS s  LocalSecrets Q"
shows    "ine Q (sE s)"
using assms by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_ine1_s)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_k:
assumes "kKS key  LocalSecrets P"
       and "exprChannel ch (kE key)"
       and "kKS key  specKeysSecrets P"
shows    "ch  loc P"
using assms by (simp only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)

lemma LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_s:
assumes "sKS secret  LocalSecrets P"
       and "exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
       and "sKS secret  specKeysSecrets P"
shows    "ch  loc P"
using assms by (simp only: LocalSecretsDef, auto)

lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_P:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "kKS key  LocalSecrets PQ"
       and "ch  ins P"
       and "exprChannel ch (kE key)"
       and "kKS key  specKeysSecrets PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "ch  ins PQ  exprChannel ch (kE key)"
using assms
by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_k correctCompositionIn_L1)

lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Pex:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "kKS key  LocalSecrets PQ"
       and "ch  ins P"
       and "exprChannel ch (kE key)"
       and "kKS key  specKeysSecrets PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "ch. ch  ins PQ  exprChannel ch (kE key)"
using assms
by (metis correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_P)

lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Q:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "kKS key  LocalSecrets PQ"
       and "ch  ins Q"
       and h1:"exprChannel ch (kE key)"
       and "kKS key  specKeysSecrets PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "ch  ins PQ  exprChannel ch (kE key)"
proof - 
  from assms have "ch  loc PQ" 
    by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_k)
  from this and assms have "ch  ins PQ" 
    by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def) 
  from this and h1 show ?thesis by simp

lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Qex:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
        and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
        and "kKS key  LocalSecrets PQ"
        and "ch  ins Q"
        and "exprChannel ch (kE key)"
        and "kKS key  specKeysSecrets PQ"
        and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "ch. ch  ins PQ  exprChannel ch (kE key)"
using assms
by (metis correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_k_Q)

lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_P:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "sKS secret  LocalSecrets PQ"
       and "ch  ins P"
       and "exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
       and "sKS secret  specKeysSecrets PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "ch  ins PQ  exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
using assms
by (metis LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_s correctCompositionIn_L1)

lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Pex:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "sKS secret  LocalSecrets PQ"
       and "ch  ins P"
       and "exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
       and "sKS secret  specKeysSecrets PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "ch. ch  ins PQ  exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
using assms  
by (metis correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_P)

lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Q:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "sKS secret  LocalSecrets PQ"
       and "ch  ins Q"
       and h1:"exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
       and "sKS secret  specKeysSecrets PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "ch  ins PQ  exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
proof - 
  from assms have "ch  loc PQ" 
    by (simp add: LocalSecretsComposition_neg_loc_s)
  from this and assms have "ch  ins PQ" 
    by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def) 
  from this and h1 show ?thesis by simp

lemma correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Qex:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ"
       and "sKS secret  LocalSecrets PQ"
       and "ch  ins Q"
       and "exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
       and "sKS secret  specKeysSecrets PQ"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "ch. ch  ins PQ  exprChannel ch (sE secret)"
using assms
by (metis correctCompositionKS_exprChannel_s_Q)
