Theory Secrecy

   Title: Theory  Secrecy.thy
   Author:    Maria Spichkova <maria.spichkova at>, 2014

section ‹Secrecy: Definitions and properties›

theory Secrecy
imports Secrecy_types inout ListExtras

― ‹Encryption, decryption, signature creation and signature verification functions›
― ‹For these functions we define only their signatures and general axioms,›
― ‹because in order to reason effectively, we view them as abstract functions and›
― ‹abstract from their implementation details› 
  Enc  :: "Keys  Expression list  Expression list"
  Decr :: "Keys  Expression list  Expression list"
  Sign :: "Keys  Expression list  Expression list"
  Ext   :: "Keys  Expression list  Expression list"

― ‹Axioms on relations between encription and decription keys›
   EncrDecrKeys :: "Keys   Keys  bool"
 "EncrDecrKeys K1 K2  (Ext K1 (Sign K2 E)) = E"  and
 "EncrDecrKeys K1 K2  (Decr K2 (Enc K1 E)) = E"

― ‹Set of private keys of a component›
 specKeys :: "specID  Keys set"
― ‹Set of unguessable values used by a component›
 specSecrets :: "specID  Secrets set"

― ‹Join set of private keys and unguessable values used by a component›
  specKeysSecrets :: "specID  KS set"
 "specKeysSecrets C 
  {y .   x. y = (kKS x)   (x  (specKeys C))} 
  {z .   s. z = (sKS s)   (s  (specSecrets C))}"

― ‹Predicate defining that a list of expression items does not contain›
― ‹any private key  or unguessable value used by a component›
  notSpecKeysSecretsExpr :: "specID   Expression list  bool"
     "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P e 
     ( x. (kE x) mem e  (kKS x)  specKeysSecrets P) 
     ( y. (sE y) mem e  (sKS y)  specKeysSecrets P)"

― ‹If a component is a composite one, the set of its private keys› 
― ‹is a union of the subcomponents' sets of the private keys›
  correctCompositionKeys ::  "specID  bool"
  "correctCompositionKeys x 
    subcomponents x  {}  
    specKeys x =   (specKeys ` (subcomponents x))" 

― ‹If a component is a composite one, the set of its unguessable values› 
― ‹is a union of the subcomponents' sets of the unguessable values›
  correctCompositionSecrets ::  "specID  bool"
  "correctCompositionSecrets x 
    subcomponents x  {}  
    specSecrets x =   (specSecrets ` (subcomponents x))" 

― ‹If a component is a composite one, the set of its private keys and› 
― ‹unguessable values is a union of the corresponding sets of its subcomponents›
  correctCompositionKS ::  "specID  bool"
  "correctCompositionKS x 
    subcomponents x  {}  
    specKeysSecrets x =   (specKeysSecrets ` (subcomponents x))" 

― ‹Predicate defining set of correctness properties of the component's›
― ‹interface  and relations on its private keys and unguessable values›
  correctComponentSecrecy  ::  "specID  bool"
  "correctComponentSecrecy x  
    correctCompositionKS x  
    correctCompositionSecrets x  
    correctCompositionKeys x  
    correctCompositionLoc x 
    correctCompositionIn x 
    correctCompositionOut x  
    correctInOutLoc x"

― ‹Predicate exprChannel I E defines whether the expression item E can be sent via the channel I›    
 exprChannel :: "chanID  Expression  bool"

― ‹Predicate eoutM sP M E defines whether the component sP may eventually›
― ‹output an expression E if there exists a time interval t of› 
― ‹an output channel which contains this expression E›
  eout :: "specID   Expression  bool"
 "eout sP E  
   (ch :: chanID). ((ch  (out sP))  (exprChannel ch E))"

― ‹Predicate eout sP E defines whether the component sP may eventually›
― ‹output an expression E via subset of channels M,›
― ‹which is a subset of output channels of sP,›
― ‹and if there exists a time interval t of› 
― ‹an output channel which contains this expression E›
  eoutM :: "specID   chanID set  Expression  bool"
 "eoutM sP M E  
   (ch :: chanID). ((ch  (out sP))  (ch  M)  (exprChannel ch E))"

― ‹Predicate ineM sP M E defines whether a component sP may eventually›
― ‹get an expression E  if there exists a time interval t of› 
― ‹an input stream  which contains this expression E›
  ine :: "specID   Expression  bool"
 "ine sP E  
   (ch :: chanID). ((ch  (ins sP))  (exprChannel ch E))"

― ‹Predicate ine sP E defines whether a component sP may eventually›
― ‹get an expression E via subset of channels M,›
― ‹which is a subset of input channels of sP,›
― ‹and if there exists a time interval t of› 
― ‹an input stream  which contains this expression E›
  ineM :: "specID   chanID set  Expression  bool"
 "ineM sP M E  
   (ch :: chanID). ((ch  (ins sP))  (ch  M)  (exprChannel ch E))"

― ‹This predicate defines whether an input channel ch of a component sP›
― ‹is the only one input channel of this component›
― ‹via which it may eventually output an expression E›
  out_exprChannelSingle :: "specID   chanID  Expression  bool"
 "out_exprChannelSingle sP ch E  
  (ch  (out sP))   
  (exprChannel ch E)  
  ( (x :: chanID) (t :: nat). ((x  (out sP))  (x  ch)  ¬ exprChannel x E))"

― ‹This predicate  yields true if only the channels from the set chSet,›
― ‹which is a subset of input channels of the  component sP,›
― ‹may eventually output an expression E›
 out_exprChannelSet :: "specID   chanID set  Expression  bool"
 "out_exprChannelSet sP chSet E  
   (( (x ::chanID). ((x  chSet)  ((x  (out sP))  (exprChannel x E))))
   ( (x :: chanID). ((x  chSet)  (x  (out sP))  ¬ exprChannel x E)))"

― ‹This redicate defines whether›
― ‹an input channel ch of a component sP is the only one input channel›
― ‹of this component via which it may eventually get an expression E›
 ine_exprChannelSingle :: "specID   chanID  Expression  bool"
 "ine_exprChannelSingle sP ch E  
  (ch  (ins sP)) 
  (exprChannel ch E)  
  ( (x :: chanID) (t :: nat). (( x  (ins sP))  (x  ch)  ¬ exprChannel x E))"

― ‹This predicate yields true if the component sP may eventually›
― ‹get an expression E only via the channels from the set chSet,›
― ‹which is a subset of input channels of sP›
 ine_exprChannelSet :: "specID   chanID set  Expression  bool"
 "ine_exprChannelSet sP chSet E  
   (( (x ::chanID). ((x  chSet)  ((x  (ins sP))  (exprChannel x E))))
   ( (x :: chanID). ((x  chSet)  ( x  (ins sP))  ¬ exprChannel x E)))"

― ‹If a list of expression items does not contain any private key›
― ‹or unguessable value of a component P, then the first element› 
― ‹of the list is neither a private key nor unguessable value of P›
lemma notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_L1:
assumes "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P (a # l)"
shows    "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P [a]"
using assms by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)

― ‹If a list of expression items does not contain any private key›
― ‹or unguessable value of a component P, then this list without its first› 
― ‹element does not contain them too›
lemma notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_L2:
assumes "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P (a # l)"
shows    "notSpecKeysSecretsExpr P l" 
using assms by (simp add: notSpecKeysSecretsExpr_def)

― ‹If a channel belongs to the set of input channels of a component P›
― ‹and does not belong to the set of local channels of the compositon of P and Q› 
― ‹then it belongs to the set of input channels of this composition›
lemma correctCompositionIn_L1:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}" 
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ" 
       and "ch  loc PQ"
       and "ch  ins P" 
shows    "ch  ins PQ"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def)

― ‹If a channel belongs to the set of input channels of the compositon of P and Q›
― ‹then it belongs to the set of input channels either of P or of Q›
lemma correctCompositionIn_L2:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ" 
       and "ch  ins PQ" 
shows    "(ch  ins P)  (ch  ins Q)" 
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def)

lemma ineM_L1:
assumes "ch  M" 
       and "ch  ins P"
       and "exprChannel ch E"
shows    "ineM P M E"
using assms by (simp add: ineM_def, blast)

lemma ineM_ine:
assumes "ineM P M E"
shows    "ine P E"
using assms by (simp add: ineM_def ine_def, blast)

lemma not_ine_ineM:
assumes "¬ ine P E"
shows    "¬ ineM P M E"
using assms by (simp add: ineM_def ine_def)

lemma eoutM_eout:
assumes "eoutM P M E"
shows    "eout P E"
using assms by (simp add: eoutM_def eout_def, blast)

lemma not_eout_eoutM:
assumes "¬ eout P E"
shows    "¬ eoutM P M E"
using assms by (simp add: eoutM_def eout_def)

lemma correctCompositionKeys_subcomp1:
assumes "correctCompositionKeys C"
        and "x  subcomponents C" 
        and "xb  specKeys C"
shows " x  subcomponents C. (xb  specKeys x)"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionKeys_def, auto)

lemma correctCompositionSecrets_subcomp1:
assumes "correctCompositionSecrets C" 
        and "x  subcomponents C"
        and "s  specSecrets C"
shows  " x  subcomponents C. (s  specSecrets x)"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionSecrets_def, auto)

lemma correctCompositionKeys_subcomp2:
assumes "correctCompositionKeys C"
       and "xb  subcomponents C"
       and "xc  specKeys xb"
shows "xc  specKeys C"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionKeys_def, auto)

lemma correctCompositionSecrets_subcomp2:
assumes "correctCompositionSecrets C"
        and "xb  subcomponents C"
        and "xc  specSecrets xb"
shows     "xc  specSecrets C"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionSecrets_def, auto)

lemma correctCompKS_Keys:
assumes "correctCompositionKS C"
shows    "correctCompositionKeys C"
proof (cases "subcomponents C = {}")
  assume "subcomponents C = {}"
  from this and assms show ?thesis
  by (simp add: correctCompositionKeys_def)
  assume "subcomponents C  {}"
  from this and assms show ?thesis 
  by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def 
                specKeysSecrets_def, blast)

lemma correctCompKS_Secrets:
assumes "correctCompositionKS C"
shows    "correctCompositionSecrets C"
proof (cases "subcomponents C = {}")
  assume "subcomponents C = {}"
  from this and assms show ?thesis
  by (simp add: correctCompositionSecrets_def)
  assume "subcomponents C  {}"
  from this and assms show ?thesis 
  by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def 
                specKeysSecrets_def, blast)

lemma correctCompKS_KeysSecrets:
assumes "correctCompositionKeys C"
        and "correctCompositionSecrets C"
shows    "correctCompositionKS C"
proof (cases "subcomponents C = {}")
  assume "subcomponents C = {}"
  from this and assms show ?thesis
  by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def)
  assume "subcomponents C  {}"
  from this and assms show ?thesis 
  by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def 
                specKeysSecrets_def, blast)

lemma correctCompositionKS_subcomp1:
assumes "correctCompositionKS C"
       and h1:"x  subcomponents C"
       and "xa  specKeys C"
shows    " y  subcomponents C. (xa  specKeys y)"
proof (cases "subcomponents C = {}")
  assume "subcomponents C = {}"
  from this and h1 show ?thesis by simp 
  assume "subcomponents C  {}"
  from this and assms show ?thesis 
  by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def specKeysSecrets_def, blast) 

lemma correctCompositionKS_subcomp2:
assumes "correctCompositionKS C"
        and h1:"x  subcomponents C"
        and "xa  specSecrets C"
shows    " y  subcomponents C. xa  specSecrets y"
proof (cases "subcomponents C = {}")
  assume "subcomponents C = {}"
  from this and h1 show ?thesis by simp 
  assume "subcomponents C  {}"
  from this and assms show ?thesis 
  by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def specKeysSecrets_def, blast)

lemma correctCompositionKS_subcomp3:
assumes "correctCompositionKS C"
       and "x  subcomponents C"
       and "xa  specKeys x"
shows    "xa  specKeys C"
using assms 
by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def specKeysSecrets_def, auto)

lemma correctCompositionKS_subcomp4:
assumes "correctCompositionKS C"
        and "x  subcomponents C"
        and "xa  specSecrets x" 
shows     "xa  specSecrets C"
using assms 
by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def specKeysSecrets_def, auto)

lemma correctCompositionKS_PQ:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ" 
       and "ks  specKeysSecrets PQ"
shows    "ks  specKeysSecrets P  ks  specKeysSecrets Q"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def)

lemma correctCompositionKS_neg1:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
       and "correctCompositionKS PQ" 
       and "ks  specKeysSecrets P"
       and "ks  specKeysSecrets Q"
shows    "ks  specKeysSecrets PQ"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def)

lemma correctCompositionKS_negP:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
        and "correctCompositionKS PQ" 
        and "ks  specKeysSecrets PQ" 
shows     "ks  specKeysSecrets P"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def)

lemma correctCompositionKS_negQ:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P, Q}"
        and "correctCompositionKS PQ" 
        and "ks  specKeysSecrets PQ" 
shows     "ks  specKeysSecrets Q"
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionKS_def)

lemma out_exprChannelSingle_Set:
assumes "out_exprChannelSingle P ch E"
shows    "out_exprChannelSet P {ch} E"
using assms 
by (simp add: out_exprChannelSingle_def out_exprChannelSet_def)

lemma out_exprChannelSet_Single:
assumes "out_exprChannelSet P {ch} E"
shows    "out_exprChannelSingle P ch E"
using assms
by (simp add: out_exprChannelSingle_def out_exprChannelSet_def)

lemma ine_exprChannelSingle_Set:
assumes "ine_exprChannelSingle P ch E"
  shows "ine_exprChannelSet P {ch} E"
using assms 
by (simp add: ine_exprChannelSingle_def ine_exprChannelSet_def)

lemma ine_exprChannelSet_Single:
assumes "ine_exprChannelSet P {ch} E"
shows    "ine_exprChannelSingle P ch E"
using assms 
by (simp add: ine_exprChannelSingle_def ine_exprChannelSet_def)

lemma ine_ins_neg1:
assumes "¬ ine P m" 
       and "exprChannel x m"
shows    "x  ins P"
using assms by (simp add: ine_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem1a:
assumes "ine PQ E" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows "ine P E   ine Q E"
using assms 
by (simp add: ine_def correctCompositionIn_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem1b:
assumes "ineM PQ M E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ" 
shows    "ineM P M E  ineM Q M E"
using assms by (simp add: ineM_def correctCompositionIn_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem2a:
assumes "eout PQ E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
shows    "eout P E  eout Q E"
using assms by (simp add: eout_def correctCompositionOut_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem2b:
assumes "eoutM PQ M E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
shows    "eoutM P M E  eoutM Q M E"
using assms by (simp add: eoutM_def correctCompositionOut_def, auto)

lemma correctCompositionIn_prop1:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "x  (ins PQ)"
shows   "(x  (ins P))  (x  (ins Q))" 
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_def)

lemma correctCompositionOut_prop1:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and "x  (out PQ)"
shows    "(x  (out P))  (x  (out Q))" 
using assms by (simp add: correctCompositionOut_def)

theorem TBtheorem3a:
assumes "¬ (ine P E)"
       and "¬ (ine Q E)"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "¬ (ine PQ E)"
using assms by (simp add: ine_def correctCompositionIn_def, auto )

theorem TBlemma3b:
assumes h1:"¬ (ineM P M E)"
       and h2:"¬ (ineM Q M E)"
       and subPQ:"subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and cCompI:"correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and chM:"ch  M" 
       and chPQ:"ch  ins PQ"
       and eCh:"exprChannel ch E"
shows "False"
proof (cases "ch  ins P")
  assume a1:"ch  ins P"
  from a1 and chM and eCh have "ineM P M E" by (simp add: ineM_L1)
  from this and h1 show ?thesis by simp
  assume a2:"ch  ins P" 
  from subPQ and cCompI and chPQ have "(ch  ins P)  (ch  ins Q)"
    by (simp add: correctCompositionIn_L2)
  from this and a2 have "ch  ins Q" by simp 
  from this and chM and eCh have "ineM Q M E" by (simp add: ineM_L1)
  from this and h2 show ?thesis by simp

theorem TBtheorem3b:
assumes "¬ (ineM P M E)"
       and "¬ (ineM Q M E)"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
shows    "¬ (ineM PQ M E)"
using assms by (metis TBtheorem1b)    

theorem TBtheorem4a_empty:
assumes "(ine P E)  (ine Q E)"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "loc PQ = {}"
shows    "ine PQ E"
using assms by (simp add: ine_def correctCompositionIn_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem4a_P:
assumes "ine P E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and " ch. (ch  (ins P)  exprChannel ch E  ch  (loc PQ))"
shows    "ine PQ E"
using assms by (simp add: ine_def correctCompositionIn_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem4b_P:
assumes "ineM P M E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and " ch. ((ch  (ins Q))  (exprChannel ch E)  
                        (ch  (loc PQ))  (ch  M))"
shows    "ineM PQ M E"
using assms by (simp add: ineM_def correctCompositionIn_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem4a_PQ:
assumes "(ine P E)  (ine Q E)"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and " ch. (((ch  (ins P))  (ch  (ins Q) ))  
                         (exprChannel ch E)   (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "ine PQ E"
using assms by (simp add: ine_def correctCompositionIn_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem4b_PQ:
assumes "(ineM P M E)  (ineM Q M E)" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and " ch. (((ch  (ins P))  (ch  (ins Q) ))  
                         (ch  M)  (exprChannel ch E)   (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows     "ineM PQ M E"
using assms by (simp add: ineM_def correctCompositionIn_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem4a_notP1:
assumes "ine P E"
       and "¬ ine Q E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ" 
       and " ch. ((ine_exprChannelSingle P ch E)  (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ ine PQ E"
using assms 
by (simp add: ine_def correctCompositionIn_def 
                     ine_exprChannelSingle_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem4b_notP1:
assumes "ineM P M E"
       and "¬ ineM Q M E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"  
       and " ch. ((ine_exprChannelSingle P ch E)  (ch  M) 
                      (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ ineM PQ M E"
using assms
by (simp add: ineM_def correctCompositionIn_def 
                     ine_exprChannelSingle_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem4a_notP2:
assumes "¬ ine Q E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ" 
       and "ine_exprChannelSet P ChSet E"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSet)  (x  (loc PQ)))" 
shows    "¬ ine PQ E"
using assms 
by (simp add: ine_def correctCompositionIn_def 
                     ine_exprChannelSet_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem4b_notP2:
assumes "¬ ineM Q M E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "ine_exprChannelSet P ChSet E"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSet)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ ineM PQ M E"
using assms 
by (simp add: ineM_def correctCompositionIn_def 
                     ine_exprChannelSet_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem4a_notPQ:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ"
       and "ine_exprChannelSet P ChSetP E"
       and "ine_exprChannelSet Q ChSetQ E"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSetP)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSetQ)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ ine PQ E"
using assms 
by (simp add: ine_def correctCompositionIn_def 
                     ine_exprChannelSet_def, auto)

lemma ineM_Un1:
assumes "ineM P A E"
shows    "ineM P (A Un B) E"
using assms by (simp add: ineM_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem4b_notPQ:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionIn PQ" 
       and "ine_exprChannelSet P ChSetP E"
       and "ine_exprChannelSet Q ChSetQ E"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSetP)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSetQ)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
shows    " ¬ ineM PQ M E"
using assms 
by (simp add: ineM_def correctCompositionIn_def 
                     ine_exprChannelSet_def, auto) 

lemma ine_nonempty_exprChannelSet:
assumes "ine_exprChannelSet P ChSet E"
       and "ChSet  {}"
shows    "ine P E "
using assms by (simp add: ine_def ine_exprChannelSet_def, auto)

lemma ine_empty_exprChannelSet:
assumes "ine_exprChannelSet P ChSet E"
       and "ChSet = {}"
shows    "¬ ine P E"
using assms by (simp add: ine_def ine_exprChannelSet_def)

theorem TBtheorem5a_empty:
assumes "(eout P E)  (eout Q E)"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and "loc PQ = {}"
shows    "eout PQ E"
using assms by (simp add: eout_def correctCompositionOut_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem45a_P:
assumes "eout P E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and " ch. ((ch  (out P))  (exprChannel ch E)  
                        (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "eout PQ E"
using assms by (simp add: eout_def correctCompositionOut_def, auto)

theorem TBtheore54b_P:
assumes "eoutM P M E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ" 
       and " ch. ((ch  (out Q))  (exprChannel ch E)  
                        (ch  (loc PQ))  (ch  M) )"
shows    "eoutM PQ M E"
using assms by (simp add: eoutM_def correctCompositionOut_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem5a_PQ:
assumes "(eout P E)  (eout Q E)"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and " ch. (((ch  (out P))  (ch  (out Q) ))  
                        (exprChannel ch E)   (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "eout PQ E"
using assms by (simp add: eout_def correctCompositionOut_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem5b_PQ:
assumes "(eoutM P M E)  (eoutM Q M E)" 
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and " ch. (((ch  (out P))  (ch  (out Q) ))  (ch  M) 
                       (exprChannel ch E)   (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "eoutM PQ M E"
using assms by (simp add: eoutM_def correctCompositionOut_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem5a_notP1:
assumes "eout P E"
       and "¬ eout Q E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and " ch. ((out_exprChannelSingle P ch E)  (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ eout PQ E"
using assms 
by (simp add: eout_def correctCompositionOut_def 
                      out_exprChannelSingle_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem5b_notP1:
assumes "eoutM P M E"
       and "¬ eoutM Q M E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and " ch. ((out_exprChannelSingle P ch E)  (ch  M) 
                    (ch  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ eoutM PQ M E"
using assms 
by (simp add: eoutM_def correctCompositionOut_def 
                     out_exprChannelSingle_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem5a_notP2:
assumes "¬ eout Q E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ" 
       and "out_exprChannelSet P ChSet E"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSet)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ eout PQ E"
using assms
by (simp add: eout_def correctCompositionOut_def 
                     out_exprChannelSet_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem5b_notP2:
assumes "¬ eoutM Q M E"
       and "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and "out_exprChannelSet P ChSet E"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSet)  (x  (loc PQ)))" 
shows    "¬ eoutM PQ M E"
using assms
by (simp add: eoutM_def correctCompositionOut_def 
                     out_exprChannelSet_def, auto)

theorem TBtheorem5a_notPQ:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and "out_exprChannelSet P ChSetP E"
       and "out_exprChannelSet Q ChSetQ E"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSetP)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSetQ)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ eout PQ E"
using assms
by (simp add: eout_def correctCompositionOut_def 
                     out_exprChannelSet_def, auto) 

theorem TBtheorem5b_notPQ:
assumes "subcomponents PQ = {P,Q}"
       and "correctCompositionOut PQ"
       and "out_exprChannelSet P ChSetP E"
       and "out_exprChannelSet Q ChSetQ E"
       and "M = ChSetP  ChSetQ"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSetP)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
       and " (x ::chanID). ((x  ChSetQ)  (x  (loc PQ)))"
shows    "¬ eoutM PQ M E"
using assms 
by (simp add: eoutM_def correctCompositionOut_def 
                     out_exprChannelSet_def, auto) 
