Theory Completeness
section "Completeness"
theory Completeness
imports Tree Sequents
subsection "pseq: type represents a processed sequent"
type_synonym "atom" = "(signs * predicate * vbl list)"
type_synonym nform = "(nat * formula)"
type_synonym pseq = "(atom list * nform list)"
sequent :: "pseq ⇒ formula list" where
"sequent = (λ(atoms,nforms) . map snd nforms @ map (λ(z,p,vs) . FAtom z p vs) atoms)"
pseq :: "formula list ⇒ pseq" where
"pseq fs = ([],map (λf.(0,f)) fs)"
definition atoms :: "pseq ⇒ atom list" where "atoms = fst"
definition nforms :: "pseq ⇒ nform list" where "nforms = snd"
subsection "subs: SATAxiom"
SATAxiom :: "formula list ⇒ bool" where
"SATAxiom fs ≡ (∃n vs . FAtom Pos n vs ∈ set fs ∧ FAtom Neg n vs ∈ set fs)"
subsection "subs: a CutFreePC justifiable backwards proof step"
subsFAtom :: "[atom list,(nat * formula) list,signs,predicate,vbl list] ⇒ pseq set" where
"subsFAtom atms nAs z P vs = { ((z,P,vs)#atms,nAs) }"
subsFConj :: "[atom list,(nat * formula) list,signs,formula,formula] ⇒ pseq set" where
"subsFConj atms nAs z A0 A1 =
(case z of
Pos ⇒ { (atms,(0,A0)#nAs),(atms,(0,A1)#nAs) }
| Neg ⇒ { (atms,(0,A0)#(0,A1)#nAs) })"
subsFAll :: "[atom list,(nat * formula) list,nat,signs,formula,vbl set] ⇒ pseq set" where
"subsFAll atms nAs n z A frees =
(case z of
Pos ⇒ { let v = freshVar frees in (atms,(0,instanceF v A)#nAs) }
| Neg ⇒ { (atms,(0,instanceF (X n) A)#nAs @ [(Suc n,FAll Neg A)]) })"
subs :: "pseq ⇒ pseq set" where
"subs = (λpseq .
if SATAxiom (sequent pseq) then
else let (atms,nforms) = pseq
in case nforms of
[] ⇒ {}
| nA#nAs ⇒ let (n,A) = nA
in (case A of
FAtom z P vs ⇒ subsFAtom atms nAs z P vs
| FConj z A0 A1 ⇒ subsFConj atms nAs z A0 A1
| FAll z A ⇒ subsFAll atms nAs n z A (freeVarsFL (sequent pseq))))"
subsection "proofTree(Gamma) says whether tree(Gamma) is a proof"
proofTree :: "(nat * pseq) set ⇒ bool" where
"proofTree A ⟷ bounded A ∧ founded subs (SATAxiom ∘ sequent) A"
subsection "path: considers, contains, costBarrier"
considers :: "[nat ⇒ pseq,nat * formula,nat] ⇒ bool" where
"considers f nA n = (case (snd (f n)) of [] ⇒ False | x#xs ⇒ x=nA)"
"contains" :: "[nat ⇒ pseq,nat * formula,nat] ⇒ bool" where
"contains f nA n ⟷ nA ∈ set (snd (f n))"
abbreviation (input) "power3 ≡ power (3::nat)"
costBarrier :: "[nat * formula,pseq] ⇒ nat" where
"costBarrier nA = (λ(atms,nAs).
let barrier = takeWhile (λx. nA ≠ x) nAs
in let costs = map (power3 ∘ size ∘ snd) barrier
in sumList costs)"
subsection "path: eventually"
EV :: "[nat ⇒ bool] ⇒ bool" where
"EV f ≡ (∃n . f n)"
subsection "path: counter model"
counterM :: "(nat ⇒ pseq) ⇒ object set" where
"counterM f ≡ range obj"
counterEvalP :: "(nat ⇒ pseq) ⇒ predicate ⇒ object list ⇒ bool" where
"counterEvalP f = (λp args . ! i . ¬ (EV (contains f (i,FAtom Pos p (map (X ∘ inv obj) args)))))"
counterModel :: "(nat ⇒ pseq) ⇒ model" where
"counterModel f = Abs_model (counterM f, counterEvalP f)"
primrec counterAssign :: "vbl ⇒ object"
where "counterAssign (X n) = obj n"
subsection "subs: finite"
lemma finite_subs: "finite (subs γ)"
by (simp add: subs_def subsFAtom_def subsFConj_def subsFAll_def split_beta split: list.split formula.split signs.split)
lemma fansSubs: "fans subs"
by (simp add: fans_def finite_subs)
lemma subs_def2:
"¬ SATAxiom (sequent γ) ⟹
subs γ =
(case nforms γ of
[] ⇒ {}
| nA#nAs ⇒ let (n,A) = nA
in (case A of
FAtom z P vs ⇒ subsFAtom (atoms γ) nAs z P vs
| FConj z A0 A1 ⇒ subsFConj (atoms γ) nAs z A0 A1
| FAll z A ⇒ subsFAll (atoms γ) nAs n z A (freeVarsFL (sequent γ))))"
by (simp add: subs_def nforms_def atoms_def split_beta split: list.split)
subsection "inherited: proofTree"
lemma proofTree_def2: "proofTree = (λx. bounded x ∧ founded subs (SATAxiom ∘ sequent) x)"
by (force simp add: proofTree_def)
lemma inheritedProofTree: "inherited subs proofTree"
using inheritedBounded inheritedFounded inheritedJoinI proofTree_def by blast
lemma proofTreeI: "⟦bounded A; founded subs (SATAxiom ∘ sequent) A⟧ ⟹ proofTree A"
by (simp add: proofTree_def)
lemma proofTreeBounded: "proofTree A ⟹ bounded A"
using proofTree_def by blast
lemma proofTreeTerminal:
"⟦proofTree A; (n, delta) ∈ A; terminal subs delta⟧ ⟹ SATAxiom (sequent delta)"
by(force simp add: proofTree_def founded_def)
subsection "pseq: lemma"
lemma snd_o_Pair: "(snd ∘ (Pair x)) = (λx. x)"
by auto
lemma sequent_pseq: "sequent (pseq fs) = fs"
by (simp add: pseq_def sequent_def snd_o_Pair)
subsection "SATAxiom: proofTree"
lemma SATAxiomTerminal[rule_format]: "SATAxiom (sequent γ) ⟹ terminal subs γ"
by (simp add: subs_def proofTree_def terminal_def founded_def bounded_def)
lemma SATAxiomBounded:"SATAxiom (sequent γ) ⟹ bounded (tree subs γ)"
by (metis (lifting) boundedInsert equals0D finite.simps inheritedBounded
inheritedUNEq subs_def treeEquation)
lemma SATAxiomFounded: "SATAxiom (sequent γ) ⟹ founded subs (SATAxiom ∘ sequent) (tree subs γ)"
apply (clarsimp simp add: founded_def split: prod.splits)
by (metis SATAxiomTerminal terminalI tree.cases tree1Eq)
lemma SATAxiomProofTree: "SATAxiom (sequent γ) ⟹ proofTree (tree subs γ)"
by (blast intro: proofTreeI SATAxiomBounded SATAxiomFounded)
lemma SATAxiomEq: "(proofTree (tree subs γ) ∧ terminal subs γ) = SATAxiom (sequent γ)"
using SATAxiomProofTree SATAxiomTerminal proofTreeTerminal tree.tree0 by blast
subsection "SATAxioms are deductions: - needed"
lemma SAT_deduction:
assumes "SATAxiom x"
shows "x ∈ deductions CutFreePC"
proof -
obtain n vs where "FAtom Pos n vs ∈ set x" and "FAtom Neg n vs ∈ set x"
using SATAxiom_def assms by blast
with inDed_mono [where x="[FAtom Pos n vs,FAtom Neg n vs]"]
show ?thesis
by (simp add: AxiomI rulesInPCs(2))
subsection "proofTrees are deductions: subs respects rules - messy start and end"
lemma subsJustified':
notes ss = subs_def2 nforms_def Let_def atoms_def sequent_def subsFAtom_def subsFConj_def subsFAll_def
shows "⟦¬ SATAxiom (sequent (ats, (n, f) # list));
¬ terminal subs (ats, (n, f) # list);
∀sigma∈subs (ats, (n, f) # list). sequent sigma ∈ deductions CutFreePC⟧
⟹ sequent (ats, (n, f) # list) ∈ deductions CutFreePC"
proof (induction f rule: formula_signs_induct)
case (FAllP A)
then show ?case
by (simp add: ss PermI rulesInPCs freshVarI AllI)
case (FAllN A)
have *: "Exs ⊆ CutFreePC" "Contrs ⊆ CutFreePC"
using rulesInPCs by blast+
have "instanceF (X n) A # map snd list @ FAll Neg A # map (λ(z, x, y). FAtom z x y) ats
∈ deductions CutFreePC"
using FAllN by (simp add: ss)
then have "instanceF (X n) A # FAll Neg A # map snd list @ map (λ(z, x, y). FAtom z x y) ats
∈ deductions CutFreePC"
by (simp add: PermI rulesInPCs(16))
ultimately show ?case
by (simp add: ContrI ExI sequent_def)
qed (simp_all add: ss PermI rulesInPCs ConjI' DisjI)
lemma subsJustified:
assumes "¬ terminal subs γ"
and "∀sigma ∈ subs γ. sequent sigma ∈ deductions (CutFreePC)"
shows "sequent γ ∈ deductions (CutFreePC)"
proof(cases "SATAxiom (sequent γ)")
case True
then show ?thesis using SAT_deduction by blast
case False
show ?thesis
proof (cases γ)
case (Pair ats nfs)
show ?thesis
proof (cases nfs)
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using False Pair assms nforms_def subs_def2 terminal_def by force
case (Cons a list)
then show ?thesis
by (metis False Pair assms subsJustified' surj_pair)
subsection "proofTrees are deductions: instance of boundedTreeInduction"
lemmas proofTreeD = proofTree_def [THEN iffD1]
lemma proofTreeDeductionD:
assumes "proofTree(tree subs γ)"
shows "sequent γ ∈ deductions (CutFreePC)"
proof (rule boundedTreeInduction [OF fansSubs])
show "bounded (tree subs γ)"
by (simp add: assms proofTreeBounded)
show "founded subs (λa. sequent a ∈ deductions CutFreePC) (tree subs γ)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) SAT_deduction assms comp_def foundedMono
qed (use subsJustified in auto)
subsection "contains, considers:"
lemma contains_def2: "contains f iA n = (iA ∈ set (nforms (f n)))"
using Completeness.contains_def nforms_def by presburger
lemma considers_def2: "considers f iA n = ( ∃nAs . nforms (f n) = iA#nAs)"
by (simp add: considers_def nforms_def split: list.split)
lemmas containsI = contains_def2[THEN iffD2]
subsection "path: nforms = [] implies"
lemma nformsNoContains:
"nforms (f n) = [] ⟹ ¬ contains f iA n"
by (simp add: contains_def2)
lemma nformsTerminal: "nforms (f n) = [] ⟹ terminal subs (f n)"
by (simp add: subs_def Let_def terminal_def nforms_def split_beta)
lemma nformsStops:
"⟦branch subs γ f; ⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n)); nforms (f n) = []⟧
⟹ nforms (f (Suc n)) = [] ∧ atoms (f (Suc n)) = atoms (f n)"
by (metis (lifting) SATAxiomProofTree branch_def empty_iff
subsection "path: cases"
lemma terminalNFormCases: "terminal subs (f n) ∨ (∃i A nAs . nforms (f n) = (i,A)#nAs)"
by (metis (lifting) neq_Nil_conv subs_def subs_def2 surj_pair
lemma cases[elim_format]: "terminal subs (f n) ∨ (¬ (terminal subs (f n) ∧ (∃i A nAs . nforms (f n) = (i,A)#nAs)))"
by simp
subsection "path: contains not terminal and propagate condition"
lemma containsNotTerminal:
assumes "branch subs γ f" "¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))" "contains f iA n"
shows "¬ terminal subs (f n)"
proof (cases "SATAxiom (sequent (f n))")
case True
then show ?thesis
using SATAxiomEq assms by blast
case False
then show ?thesis
using assms
by (auto simp: subs_def subsFAtom_def subsFConj_def subsFAll_def contains_def terminal_def split_beta
split: list.split signs.split formula.splits)
lemma containsPropagates:
assumes "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
and "contains f iA n"
shows "contains f iA (Suc n) ∨ considers f iA n"
proof -
have §: "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (meson assms branchSubs containsNotTerminal)
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "considers f iA n")
case True
then show ?thesis
by blast
case ncons: False
show ?thesis
proof (cases "SATAxiom (sequent (f n))")
case True
then show ?thesis
using SATAxiomEq assms by blast
case False
with assms § show ?thesis
by (auto simp: subs_def2 contains_def considers_def2 nforms_def
subsFAtom_def subsFConj_def subsFAll_def
split: list.splits formula.splits signs.splits)
subsection "termination: (for EV contains implies EV considers)"
lemma terminationRule [rule_format]:
"! n. P n ⟶ (¬ (P (Suc n)) | (P (Suc n) ∧ msrFn (Suc n) < (msrFn::nat ⇒ nat) n)) ⟹ P m ⟶ (∃n . P n ∧ ¬ (P (Suc n)))"
(is "_ ⟹ ?P m")
using measure_induct_rule[of msrFn "?P" m]
by blast
subsection "costBarrier: lemmas"
subsection "costBarrier: exp3 lemmas - bit specific..."
lemma exp1: "power3 A + power3 B < 3 * (power3 A * power3 B)"
by (induction A) (use less_2_cases not_less_eq in fastforce)+
lemma exp1': "power3 A < 3 * ((power3 A) * (power3 B)) + C"
by (meson add_lessD1 exp1 trans_less_add1)
lemma exp2: "Suc 0 < 3 * power3 (B)"
by (simp add: Suc_lessI)
subsection "costBarrier: decreases whilst contains and unconsiders"
lemma costBarrierDecreases':
notes ss = subs_def2 nforms_def subsFAtom_def subsFConj_def subsFAll_def costBarrier_def
shows "⟦¬ SATAxiom (sequent (a, (num, fm) # list)); iA ≠ (num, fm);
¬ proofTree (tree subs (a, (num, fm) # list));
fSucn ∈ subs (a, (num, fm) # list); iA ∈ set list⟧
⟹ costBarrier iA fSucn < costBarrier iA (a, (num, fm) # list)"
proof (induction fm rule: formula_signs_induct)
case (FConjP A B)
then show ?case
by (auto simp: ss exp2 power_add)
case (FConjN A B)
with exp1' show ?case
by (simp add: ss exp1 power_add)
qed (auto simp: ss size_instance)
lemma costBarrierDecreases:
assumes "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
and "contains f iA n"
and "¬ considers f iA n"
shows "costBarrier iA (f (Suc n)) < costBarrier iA (f n)"
proof -
have 1: "¬ terminal subs (f n)"
using assms containsNotTerminal by blast
have "¬ SATAxiom (sequent (f n))"
using SATAxiomTerminal 1 by blast
moreover have "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (meson assms(1) branchSubs 1)
ultimately show ?thesis
using assms
unfolding contains_def considers_def2 nforms_def
by (metis costBarrierDecreases' eq_snd_iff list.set_cases )
subsection "path: EV contains implies EV considers"
lemma considersContains: "considers f iA n ⟹ contains f iA n"
using considers_def2 contains_def2 by auto
lemma containsConsiders:
assumes "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
and "EV (contains f iA)"
shows "EV (considers f iA)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume non: "¬ EV (considers f iA)"
then obtain n where "contains f iA n ∧ ¬ considers f iA n"
using EV_def assms by fastforce
then have "∃n'. (contains f iA n' ∧ ¬ considers f iA n') ∧
¬ (contains f iA (Suc n') ∧ ¬ considers f iA (Suc n'))"
using assms costBarrierDecreases
by (intro terminationRule [where msrFn= "λn. costBarrier iA (f n)"]; blast)
with assms show False
by (metis EV_def non containsPropagates)
subsection "EV contains: common lemma"
lemma lemmA:
assumes "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
and "EV (contains f (i, A))"
obtains n nAs where "¬ SATAxiom (sequent (f n))"
"nforms (f n) = (i,A) # nAs" "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
proof -
obtain n where n: "considers f (i, A) n" "contains f (i, A) n"
by (metis EV_def assms considersContains containsConsiders)
with assms that show ?thesis
by (metis SATAxiomTerminal considers_def2 branchSubs containsNotTerminal)
subsection "EV contains: FConj,FDisj,FAll"
lemma evContainsConj:
assumes "EV (contains f (i, FConj Pos A0 A1))"
and "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
shows "EV (contains f (0, A0)) ∨ EV (contains f (0, A1))"
proof -
obtain n nAs where "¬ SATAxiom (sequent (f n))"
"nforms (f n) = (i, FConj Pos A0 A1) # nAs" "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (metis assms lemmA)
with assms have "EV (λn. contains f (0,A0) n ∨ contains f (0,A1) n)"
apply (simp add: EV_def contains_def subsFConj_def subs_def2)
by (metis list.set_intros(1) snd_conv)
then show ?thesis
using EV_def by fastforce
lemma evContainsDisj:
assumes "EV (contains f (i, FConj Neg A0 A1))"
and "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
shows "EV (contains f (0, A0)) ∧ EV (contains f (0, A1))"
proof -
obtain n nAs where "¬ SATAxiom (sequent (f n))"
"nforms (f n) = (i, FConj Neg A0 A1) # nAs" "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (metis assms lemmA)
with assms have "EV (λn. contains f (0,A0) n ∧ contains f (0,A1) n)"
apply (simp add: EV_def contains_def subsFConj_def subs_def2)
by (metis list.set_intros snd_conv)
then show ?thesis
using EV_def by fastforce
lemma evContainsAll:
assumes "EV (contains f (i,FAll Pos body))"
and "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
shows "∃v . EV (contains f (0,instanceF v body))"
proof -
obtain n nAs where "¬ SATAxiom (sequent (f n))"
"nforms (f n) = (i, FAll Pos body) # nAs" "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (metis assms lemmA)
then have "(0, instanceF (freshVar (freeVarsFL (sequent (f n)))) body)
∈ set (snd (f (Suc n)))"
by (simp add: contains_def subsFAll_def subs_def2)
then show ?thesis
unfolding EV_def
by (metis containsI nforms_def)
lemma evContainsEx_instance:
assumes "EV (contains f (i,FAll Neg body))"
and "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
shows "EV (contains f (0,instanceF (X i) body))"
proof -
obtain n nAs where "¬ SATAxiom (sequent (f n))"
"nforms (f n) = (i, FAll Neg body) # nAs" "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (metis assms lemmA)
then have "contains f (0, instanceF (X i) body) (Suc n)"
by (simp add: containsI nforms_def subsFAll_def subs_def2)
then show ?thesis
unfolding EV_def
by metis
lemma evContainsEx_repeat:
assumes "EV (contains f (i,FAll Neg body))"
and "branch subs γ f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
shows "EV (contains f (Suc i,FAll Neg body))"
proof -
obtain n nAs where n: "¬ SATAxiom (sequent (f n))"
"nforms (f n) = (i, FAll Neg body) # nAs" "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (metis assms lemmA)
then have "⟦f (Suc n) = (atoms (f n), (0, instanceF (X i) body) # nAs @ [(Suc i, FAll Neg body)])⟧
⟹ ∃n. (Suc i, FAll Neg body) ∈ set (snd (f n))"
by (metis in_set_conv_decomp list.set_intros(2) snd_conv)
with assms n show ?thesis
by (simp add: EV_def contains_def2 nforms_def subsFAll_def subs_def2)
subsection "EV contains: lemmas (temporal related)"
subsection "EV contains: FAtoms"
lemma notTerminalNotSATAxiom: "¬ terminal subs γ ⟹ ¬ SATAxiom (sequent γ)"
using SATAxiomTerminal by blast
lemma notTerminalNforms: "¬ terminal subs (f n) ⟹ nforms (f n) ≠ []"
by (metis (lifting) list.simps(4) subs_def subs_def2 terminal_def)
lemma atomsPropagate:
assumes f: "branch subs γ f" and x: "x ∈ set (atoms (f n))"
shows "x ∈ set (atoms (f (Suc n)))"
proof (cases "terminal subs (f n)")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis assms branchStops)
case nonterm: False
then have §: "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (meson branchSubs f)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "nforms (f n)")
case Nil
then show ?thesis
by (metis (lifting) "§" empty_iff subs_def subs_def2)
case (Cons nfm list)
with x nonterm § show ?thesis
by (force simp: subs_def2 atoms_def notTerminalNotSATAxiom
subsFAtom_def subsFConj_def subsFAll_def
split: signs.splits formula.splits)
subsection "EV contains: FEx cases"
lemma evContainsEx0_allRepeats:
"⟦branch subs γ f; ⋀n . ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n));
EV (contains f (0,FAll Neg A))⟧
⟹ EV (contains f (i,FAll Neg A))"
by (induction i) (simp_all add: evContainsEx_repeat)
lemma evContainsEx0_allInstances:
"⟦branch subs γ f; ⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n));
EV (contains f (0,FAll Neg A))⟧
⟹ EV (contains f (0,instanceF (X i) A))"
using evContainsEx0_allRepeats evContainsEx_instance by blast
subsection "pseq: creates initial pseq"
lemma containsPSeq0D: "branch subs (pseq fs) f ⟹ contains f (i,A) 0 ⟹ i=0"
by (simp add: branch_def contains_def2 image_iff nforms_def pseq_def)
subsection "EV contains: contain any (i,FEx y) means contain all (i,FEx y)"
lemma natPredCases:
obtains "∀n. P n" | "¬ P 0" | n where "P n" "¬ P (Suc n)"
using nat_induct by auto
lemma containsNotTerminal':
"⟦ branch subs γ f; ⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n)); contains f iA n ⟧ ⟹ ¬ (terminal subs (f n))"
by (simp add: containsNotTerminal)
lemma evContainsExSuc_containsEx:
assumes "branch subs (pseq fs) f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
and "EV (contains f (Suc i, FAll Neg body))"
shows "EV (contains f (i, FAll Neg body))"
using natPredCases [of "λn. ¬ contains f (Suc i,FAll Neg body) n"]
proof cases
case 1
with assms show ?thesis
by (force simp: EV_def)
case 2
then show ?thesis
using assms(1) containsPSeq0D by blast
case (3 n)
with assms have nonterm: "¬ terminal subs (f n)"
by (metis branchStops containsNotTerminal')
then have f: "f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (meson assms(1) branchSubs)
have "considers f (i, FAll Neg body) n"
proof (cases "SATAxiom (sequent (f n))")
case True
then show ?thesis
using SATAxiomTerminal nonterm by blast
case False
then obtain j A nAs where i: "snd (f n) = (j, A) # nAs"
by (metis (lifting) nforms_def empty_iff f list.exhaust list.simps(4) subs_def2
then have nf: "nforms (f n) ≠ []"
by (simp add: nforms_def)
have "snd (f n) = (k, A) # nAs ⟶ k = i ∧ A = FAll Neg body" for k A
apply(induction A rule: formula_signs_induct)
using i 3 f False
by(auto simp: subs_def2 nforms_def subsFAtom_def subsFConj_def subsFAll_def contains_def2)
with nf show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: considers_def i split: list.splits formula.splits signs.splits)
then show ?thesis
by (meson EV_def considersContains)
subsection "EV contains: contain any (i,FEx y) means contain all (i,FEx y)"
lemma evContainsEx_containsEx0:
"⟦branch subs (pseq fs) f; ⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n));
EV (contains f (i,FAll Neg A))⟧
⟹ EV (contains f (0,FAll Neg A))"
proof (induction i)
case 0
then show ?case by simp
case (Suc i)
then show ?case
using evContainsExSuc_containsEx by blast
lemma evContainsExval:
"⟦EV (contains f (i,FAll Neg body)); branch subs (pseq fs) f;
⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))⟧
⟹ EV (contains f (0,instanceF v body))"
by (induction v) (simp add: evContainsEx0_allInstances evContainsEx_containsEx0)
subsection "EV contains: atoms"
lemma atomsInSequentI:
"(z,P,vs) ∈ set (fst ps) ⟹ FAtom z P vs ∈ set (sequent ps)"
by (fastforce simp add: sequent_def fst_def split: prod.split)
lemma evContainsAtom1:
assumes "branch subs (pseq fs) f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
and "EV (contains f (i, FAtom z P vs))"
shows "∃n. (z, P, vs) ∈ set (fst (f n))"
proof -
obtain n nAs where "¬ SATAxiom (sequent (f n))"
"nforms (f n) = (i, FAtom z P vs) # nAs"
"f (Suc n) ∈ subs (f n)"
by (metis assms lemmA)
then have "(z, P, vs) ∈ set (fst (f (Suc n)))"
by (simp add: subsFAtom_def subs_def2)
then show ?thesis ..
lemmas atomsPropagate' = atomsPropagate[simplified atoms_def, simplified]
lemma evContainsAtom:
assumes "branch subs (pseq fs) f"
and "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
and "EV (contains f (i, FAtom z P vs))"
shows "∃n. ∀m. FAtom z P vs ∈ set (sequent (f (n + m)))"
proof -
obtain n where n: "(z, P, vs) ∈ set (fst (f n))"
using assms evContainsAtom1 by blast
then have "(z, P, vs) ∈ set (fst (f (n + m)))" for m
by (induction m) (use assms atomsPropagate' in auto)
then show ?thesis
using atomsInSequentI by blast
lemma notEvContainsBothAtoms:
"⟦branch subs (pseq fs) f; ⋀n . ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))⟧
⟹ ¬ EV (contains f (i,FAtom Pos p vs)) ∨
¬ EV (contains f (j,FAtom Neg p vs))"
by (metis SATAxiomProofTree SATAxiom_def add.commute evContainsAtom)
subsection "counterModel: lemmas"
lemma counterModelInRepn: "(counterM f,counterEvalP f) ∈ model"
by (simp add: model_def counterM_def)
lemmas Abs_counterModel_inverse = counterModelInRepn[THEN Abs_model_inverse]
lemma inv_obj_obj: "inv obj (obj n) = n"
using inj_obj by simp
lemma map_X_map_counterAssign [simp]: "map X (map (inv obj) (map counterAssign xs)) = xs"
proof -
have "(X ∘ (inv obj ∘ counterAssign)) = (λx . x)"
by (metis X_deX comp_apply counterAssign.simps inv_obj_obj)
then show ?thesis
by simp
lemma objectsCounterModel: "objects (counterModel f) = { z . ∃i . z = obj i }"
unfolding objects_def counterModel_def Abs_counterModel_inverse
by(force simp add: counterM_def)
lemma inCounterM: "counterAssign v ∈ objects (counterModel f)"
by (induction v) (force simp add: objectsCounterModel)
lemma evalPCounterModel: "M = counterModel f ⟹ evalP M = counterEvalP f"
by (simp add: evalP_def counterModel_def Abs_counterModel_inverse)
subsection "counterModel: all path formula value false - step by step"
lemma path_evalF:
assumes "branch subs (pseq fs) f" "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
shows "(∃i . EV (contains f (i,A))) ⟹ ¬ evalF (counterModel f) counterAssign A"
proof (induction A rule: measure_induct_rule [where f = size])
case (less A)
show ?case
using less
proof (induction A rule: formula_signs_induct)
case (FAtomP p vs)
with assms show ?case
apply (simp add: evalPCounterModel counterEvalP_def list.map_comp)
by (metis list.map_comp map_X_map_counterAssign)
case (FAtomN p vs)
with assms show ?case
apply (simp add: evalPCounterModel counterEvalP_def list.map_comp)
by (metis list.map_comp map_X_map_counterAssign notEvContainsBothAtoms)
case (FConjP A B)
with assms show ?case
apply (simp add: evalPCounterModel counterEvalP_def list.map_comp)
by (meson evContainsConj less_add_Suc1 less_add_Suc2)
case (FConjN A B)
with assms show ?case
apply (clarsimp simp add: evalPCounterModel counterEvalP_def list.map_comp)
using evContainsDisj less_add_Suc1 less_add_Suc2 by blast
case (FAllP A)
with assms obtain v where "EV (contains f (0, instanceF v A))"
using evContainsAll by blast
with FAllP.prems show ?case
by (metis evalF_FAll evalF_instance inCounterM size_instance
case (FAllN A)
then obtain i where "¬ evalF (counterModel f) counterAssign
(instanceF (X i) A)"
by (metis assms evContainsExval size_instance sizelemmas(3))
with assms show ?case
by (smt (verit, best) FAllN.prems counterAssign.simps evContainsExval evalF_FEx
evalF_instance mem_Collect_eq objectsCounterModel size_instance
subsection "adequacy"
lemma counterAssignModelAssign: "counterAssign ∈ modelAssigns (counterModel γ)"
by (simp add: inCounterM subset_eq)
lemma branch_contains_initially: "branch subs (pseq fs) f ⟹ x ∈ set fs ⟹ contains f (0,x) 0"
by (simp add: contains_def branch0 pseq_def)
lemma validProofTree:
assumes "¬ proofTree (tree subs (pseq fs))"
shows "¬ validS fs"
proof -
obtain f where f: "branch subs (pseq fs) f" "⋀n. ¬ proofTree (tree subs (f n))"
by (metis assms failingBranchExistence fansSubs inheritedProofTree)
then show ?thesis
by (metis EV_def branch_contains_initially counterAssignModelAssign evalS_def
path_evalF validS_def)
theorem adequacy[simplified sequent_pseq]: "validS fs ⟹ (sequent (pseq fs)) ∈ deductions CutFreePC"
using proofTreeDeductionD validProofTree by blast