Theory Tree

theory Tree 
  imports Main

subsection "Tree"

  tree :: "['a  'a set,'a]  (nat * 'a) set"
  for subs :: "'a  'a set" and γ :: 'a
    ―‹This set represents the nodes in a tree which may represent a proof of @{term γ}.
   Only storing the annotation and its level.›
    tree0: "(0,γ)  tree subs γ"

  | tree1: "(n,delta)  tree subs γ; sigma  subs delta
             (Suc n,sigma)  tree subs γ"

declare tree.cases [elim]
declare tree.intros [intro]

lemma tree0Eq: "(0,y)  tree subs γ = (y = γ)"
  by auto

lemma tree1Eq:
    "(Suc n,Y)  tree subs γ  (sigma  subs γ . (n,Y)  tree subs sigma)"
  by (induct n arbitrary: Y) force+
    ― ‹moving down a tree›

  incLevel :: "nat * 'a  nat * 'a" where
  "incLevel = (% (n,a). (Suc n,a))"

lemma injIncLevel: "inj incLevel"
  by (simp add: incLevel_def inj_on_def)

lemma treeEquation: "tree subs γ = insert (0,γ) (deltasubs γ. incLevel ` tree subs delta)"
proof -
  have "a = 0  b = γ"
    if "(a, b)  tree subs γ"
      and "xsubs γ. (n, x) tree subs x. (a, b)  (Suc n, x)"
    for a b
    using that Zero_not_Suc
    by (smt (verit) case_prod_conv tree.cases tree1Eq)
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto simp: incLevel_def image_iff tree1Eq case_prod_unfold)

  fans :: "['a  'a set]  bool" where
  "fans subs  (x. finite (subs x))"

subsection "Terminal"

  terminal :: "['a  'a set,'a]  bool" where
  "terminal subs delta  subs(delta) = {}"

lemma terminalD: "terminal subs Γ  x ~: subs Γ"
  by(simp add: terminal_def)
  ― ‹not a good dest rule›

lemma terminalI: "x  subs Γ  ¬ terminal subs Γ"
  by(auto simp add: terminal_def)
  ― ‹not a good intro rule›

subsection "Inherited"

  inherited :: "['a  'a set,(nat * 'a) set  bool]  bool" where
  "inherited subs P  (A B. (P A  P B) = P (A Un B))
                     (A. P A = P (incLevel ` A))
                     (n Γ A. ¬(terminal subs Γ)  P A = P (insert (n,Γ) A))
                     (P {})"

     inherited properties:
        - preserved under: dividing into 2, join 2 parts
                           moving up/down levels
                           inserting non terminal nodes
        - hold on empty node set

  ― ‹FIXME tjr why does it have to be invariant under inserting nonterminal nodes?›

lemma inheritedUn[rule_format]:"inherited subs P  P A  P B  P (A Un B)"
  by (auto simp add: inherited_def)

lemma inheritedIncLevel[rule_format]: "inherited subs P  P A  P (incLevel ` A)"
  by (auto simp add: inherited_def)

lemma inheritedEmpty[rule_format]: "inherited subs P  P {}"
  by (auto simp add: inherited_def)

lemma inheritedInsert[rule_format]:
  "inherited subs P  ~(terminal subs Γ)  P A  P (insert (n,Γ) A)"
  by (auto simp add: inherited_def)

lemma inheritedI[rule_format]: "A B . (P A  P B) = P (A Un B);
  A . P A = P (incLevel ` A);
  n Γ A . ~(terminal subs Γ)  P A = P (insert (n,Γ) A);
  P {}  inherited subs P"
  by (simp add: inherited_def)

(* These only for inherited join, and a few more places... *)
lemma inheritedUnEq[rule_format, symmetric]: "inherited subs P  (P A  P B) = P (A Un B)"
  by (auto simp add: inherited_def)

lemma inheritedIncLevelEq[rule_format, symmetric]: "inherited subs P  P A = P (incLevel ` A)"
  by (auto simp add: inherited_def)

lemma inheritedInsertEq[rule_format, symmetric]: "inherited subs P  ~(terminal subs Γ)  P A = P (insert (n,Γ) A)"
  by (auto simp add: inherited_def)

lemmas inheritedUnD = iffD1[OF inheritedUnEq]

lemmas inheritedInsertD = inheritedInsertEq[THEN iffD1]

lemmas inheritedIncLevelD = inheritedIncLevelEq[THEN iffD1]

lemma inheritedUNEq:
  "finite A  inherited subs P  (xA. P (B x)) = P ( aA. B a)"
  by (induction rule: finite_induct) (simp_all add: inherited_def)

lemmas inheritedUN  = inheritedUNEq[THEN iffD1]

lemmas inheritedUND[rule_format] = inheritedUNEq[THEN iffD2]

lemma inheritedPropagateEq: 
  assumes "inherited subs P"
  and "fans subs"
  and "¬ (terminal subs delta)"
shows "P(tree subs delta) = (sigmasubs delta. P(tree subs sigma))"
  using assms unfolding fans_def
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) inheritedIncLevelEq inheritedInsertEq inheritedUNEq treeEquation)

lemma inheritedPropagate:
 " ¬ P (tree subs delta); inherited subs P; fans subs; ¬ terminal subs delta
     sigmasubs delta. ¬ P (tree subs sigma)"
  by (simp add: inheritedPropagateEq)

lemma inheritedViaSub:
  "inherited subs P; fans subs; P (tree subs delta); sigma  subs delta  P (tree subs sigma)"
  by (simp add: inheritedPropagateEq terminalI)

lemma inheritedJoin:
    "inherited subs P; inherited subs Q  inherited subs (λx. P x  Q x)"
  by (smt (verit, best) inherited_def)

lemma inheritedJoinI:
  "inherited subs P; inherited subs Q; R = (λx. P x  Q x)
     inherited subs R"
  by (simp add: inheritedJoin)

subsection "bounded, boundedBy"

  boundedBy :: "nat  (nat * 'a) set  bool" where
  "boundedBy N A  ((n,delta)  A. n < N)"

  bounded :: "(nat * 'a) set  bool" where
  "bounded A  (N . boundedBy N A)"

lemma boundedByEmpty[simp]: "boundedBy N {}"
  by(simp add: boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedByInsert: "boundedBy N (insert (n,delta) B)     = (n < N  boundedBy N B)"
  by(simp add: boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedByUn: "boundedBy N (A Un B) = (boundedBy N A  boundedBy N B)"
  by(auto simp add: boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedByIncLevel': "boundedBy (Suc N) (incLevel ` A) = boundedBy N A"
  by(auto simp add: incLevel_def boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedByAdd1: "boundedBy N B  boundedBy (N+M) B"
  by(auto simp add: boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedByAdd2: "boundedBy M B  boundedBy (N+M) B"
  by(auto simp add: boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedByMono: "boundedBy m B  m < M  boundedBy M B"
  by(auto simp: boundedBy_def)

lemmas boundedByMonoD  = boundedByMono

lemma boundedBy0: "boundedBy 0 A = (A = {})"
  by (auto simp add: boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedBySuc': "boundedBy N A  boundedBy (Suc N) A"
  by (auto simp add: boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedByIncLevel: "boundedBy n (incLevel ` (tree subs γ))  (m . n = Suc m  boundedBy m (tree subs γ))"
  by (metis boundedBy0 boundedByIncLevel' boundedBySuc' emptyE old.nat.exhaust

lemma boundedByUN: "boundedBy N (UN x:A. B x) = (!x:A. boundedBy N (B x))"
  by(simp add: boundedBy_def)

lemma boundedBySuc[rule_format]: "sigma  subs Γ  boundedBy (Suc n) (tree subs Γ)  boundedBy n (tree subs sigma)"
  by (metis boundedByIncLevel' boundedByInsert boundedByUN treeEquation)

subsection "Inherited Properties- bounded"

lemma boundedEmpty: "bounded {}"
  by(simp add: bounded_def)

lemma boundedUn: "bounded (A Un B)  (bounded A  bounded B)"
  by (metis boundedByAdd1 boundedByAdd2 boundedByUn bounded_def)

lemma boundedIncLevel: "bounded (incLevel` A)  (bounded A)"
  by (meson boundedByIncLevel' boundedBySuc' bounded_def)

lemma boundedInsert: "bounded (insert a B)  (bounded B)"
proof (cases a)
  case (Pair a b)
  then show ?thesis
  by (metis Un_insert_left Un_insert_right boundedByEmpty boundedByInsert boundedUn
      bounded_def lessI)

lemma inheritedBounded: "inherited subs bounded"
  by(blast intro!: inheritedI boundedUn[symmetric] boundedIncLevel[symmetric]
    boundedInsert[symmetric] boundedEmpty)

subsection "founded"

  founded :: "['a  'a set,'a  bool,(nat * 'a) set]  bool" where
  "founded subs Pred = (%A. !(n,delta):A. terminal subs delta  Pred delta)"

lemma foundedD: "founded subs P (tree subs delta)  terminal subs delta  P delta"
  by(simp add: treeEquation [of _ delta] founded_def)

lemma foundedMono: "founded subs P A; x. P x  Q x  founded subs Q A"
  by (auto simp: founded_def)

lemma foundedSubs: "founded subs P (tree subs Γ)  sigma  subs Γ  founded subs P (tree subs sigma)"
  using tree1Eq by (fastforce simp: founded_def)

subsection "Inherited Properties- founded"

lemma foundedInsert: "¬ terminal subs delta  founded subs P (insert (n,delta) B) = (founded subs P B)"
  by (simp add: terminal_def founded_def) 

lemma foundedUn: "(founded subs P (A Un B)) = (founded subs P A  founded subs P B)"
  by(force simp add: founded_def)

lemma foundedIncLevel: "founded subs P (incLevel ` A) = (founded subs P A)"
  by (simp add: case_prod_unfold founded_def incLevel_def)

lemma foundedEmpty: "founded subs P {}"
  by(auto simp add: founded_def)

lemma inheritedFounded: "inherited subs (founded subs P)"
  by (simp add: foundedEmpty foundedIncLevel foundedInsert foundedUn inherited_def)

subsection "Inherited Properties- finite"

lemma finiteUn: "finite (A Un B) = (finite A  finite B)"
  by simp

lemma finiteIncLevel: "finite (incLevel ` A) = finite A"
  by (meson finite_imageD finite_imageI injIncLevel inj_on_subset subset_UNIV)

lemma inheritedFinite: "inherited subs finite"
  by (simp add: finiteIncLevel inherited_def)

subsection "path: follows a failing inherited property through tree"

  failingSub :: "['a  'a set,(nat * 'a) set  bool,'a]  'a" where
  "failingSub subs P γ  (SOME sigma. (sigma:subs γ  ~P(tree subs sigma)))"

lemma failingSubProps: 
  "inherited subs P; ¬ P (tree subs γ); ¬ terminal subs γ; fans subs
    failingSub subs P γ  subs γ  ¬ P (tree subs (failingSub subs P γ))"
  unfolding failingSub_def
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) inheritedPropagateEq some_eq_ex)

lemma failingSubFailsI: 
  "inherited subs P; ¬ P (tree subs γ); ¬ terminal subs γ; fans subs
    ¬ P (tree subs (failingSub subs P γ))"
  by (simp add: failingSubProps)

lemmas failingSubFailsE = failingSubFailsI[THEN notE]

lemma failingSubSubs: 
  "inherited subs P; ¬ P (tree subs γ); ¬ terminal subs γ; fans subs
     failingSub subs P γ  subs γ"
  by (simp add: failingSubProps)

primrec path :: "['a  'a set,'a,(nat * 'a) set  bool,nat]  'a"
  path0:   "path subs γ P 0       = γ"
| pathSuc: "path subs γ P (Suc n) = (if terminal subs (path subs γ P n)
                                          then path subs γ P n
                                          else failingSub subs P (path subs γ P n))"

lemma pathFailsP: 
  "inherited subs P; fans subs; ¬ P (tree subs γ)
     ¬ P (tree subs (path subs γ P n))"
  by (induction n) (simp_all add: failingSubProps)

lemmas PpathE = pathFailsP[THEN notE]

lemma pathTerminal:
  "inherited subs P; fans subs; terminal subs γ
    terminal subs (path subs γ P n)"
  by (induct n, simp_all)

lemma pathStarts:  "path subs γ P 0 = γ"
  by simp

lemma pathSubs: 
  "inherited subs P; fans subs; ¬ P (tree subs γ); ¬ terminal subs (path subs γ P n)
     path subs γ P (Suc n)  subs (path subs γ P n)"
  by (metis PpathE failingSubSubs pathSuc)

lemma pathStops: "terminal subs (path subs γ P n)  path subs γ P (Suc n) = path subs γ P n"
  by simp

subsection "Branch"

  branch :: "['a  'a set,'a,nat  'a]  bool" where
  "branch subs Γ f  f 0 = Γ
     (!n . terminal subs (f n)  f (Suc n) = f n)
     (!n . ¬ terminal subs (f n)  f (Suc n)  subs (f n))"

lemma branch0: "branch subs Γ f  f 0 = Γ"
  by (simp add: branch_def)

lemma branchStops: "branch subs Γ f  terminal subs (f n)  f (Suc n) = f n"
  by (simp add: branch_def)

lemma branchSubs: "branch subs Γ f  ¬ terminal subs (f n)  f (Suc n)  subs (f n)"
  by (simp add: branch_def)

lemma branchI: "f 0 = Γ;
  n . terminal subs (f n)  f (Suc n) = f n;
  n . ¬ terminal subs (f n)  f (Suc n)  subs (f n)  branch subs Γ f"
  by (simp add: branch_def)

lemma branchTerminalPropagates: "branch subs Γ f  terminal subs (f m)  terminal subs (f (m + n))"
  by (induct n, simp_all add: branchStops)

lemma branchTerminalMono: 
  "branch subs Γ f  m < n  terminal subs (f m)  terminal subs (f n)"
  by (metis branchTerminalPropagates

lemma branchPath:
      "inherited subs P; fans subs; ¬ P(tree subs γ)
        branch subs γ (path subs γ P)"
  by(auto intro!: branchI pathStarts pathSubs pathStops)

subsection "failing branch property: abstracts path defn"

lemma failingBranchExistence:  
  "inherited subs P; fans subs; ~P(tree subs γ)
   f . branch subs γ f  (n . ¬ P(tree subs (f n)))"
  by (metis PpathE branchPath)

  infBranch :: "['a  'a set,'a,nat  'a]  bool" where
  "infBranch subs Γ f  f 0 = Γ  (n. f (Suc n)  subs (f n))"

lemma infBranchI: "f 0 = Γ; n . f (Suc n)  subs (f n)  infBranch subs Γ f"
  by (simp add: infBranch_def)

subsection "Tree induction principles"

  ― ‹we work hard to use nothing fancier than induction over naturals›

lemma boundedTreeInduction':
 " fans subs;
    delta. ¬ terminal subs delta  (sigma  subs delta. P sigma)  P delta 
   Γ. boundedBy m (tree subs Γ)   founded subs P (tree subs Γ)  P Γ"
proof (induction m)
  case 0
  then show ?case by (metis boundedBy0 empty_iff tree.tree0)
  case (Suc m)
  then show ?case by (metis boundedBySuc foundedD foundedSubs)
  ― ‹tjr tidied and introduced new lemmas›

lemma boundedTreeInduction:
   "fans subs;
     bounded (tree subs Γ); founded subs P (tree subs Γ);
  delta. ¬ terminal subs delta; (sigma  subs delta. P sigma)  P delta
    P Γ"
  by (metis boundedTreeInduction' bounded_def)

lemma boundedTreeInduction2:
 "fans subs;
    delta. (sigma  subs delta. P sigma)  P delta
   boundedBy m (tree subs Γ)  P Γ"
proof (induction m arbitrary: Γ)
  case 0
  then show ?case by (metis boundedBy0 empty_iff tree.tree0)
  case (Suc m)
  then show ?case by (metis boundedBySuc)
