Theory Sequents
section "Sequents"
theory Sequents
imports Formula
type_synonym sequent = "formula list"
evalS :: "[model,vbl ⇒ object,formula list] ⇒ bool" where
"evalS M φ fs ≡ (∃f ∈ set fs . evalF M φ f = True)"
lemma evalS_nil[simp]: "evalS M φ [] = False"
by(simp add: evalS_def)
lemma evalS_cons[simp]: "evalS M φ (A # Γ) = (evalF M φ A ∨ evalS M φ Γ)"
by(simp add: evalS_def)
lemma evalS_append: "evalS M φ (Γ @ Δ) = (evalS M φ Γ ∨ evalS M φ Δ)"
by(force simp add: evalS_def)
lemma evalS_equiv: "(equalOn (freeVarsFL Γ) f g) ⟹ (evalS M f Γ = evalS M g Γ)"
by (induction Γ) (auto simp: equalOn_Un evalF_equiv freeVarsFL_cons)
modelAssigns :: "[model] ⇒ (vbl ⇒ object) set" where
"modelAssigns M = { φ . range φ ⊆ objects M }"
lemma modelAssigns_iff [simp]: "f ∈ modelAssigns M ⟷ range f ⊆ objects M"
by(simp add: modelAssigns_def)
validS :: "formula list ⇒ bool" where
"validS fs ≡ (∀M. ∀φ ∈ modelAssigns M . evalS M φ fs = True)"
subsection "Rules"
type_synonym rule = "sequent * (sequent set)"
concR :: "rule ⇒ sequent" where
"concR = (λ(conc,prems). conc)"
premsR :: "rule ⇒ sequent set" where
"premsR = (λ(conc,prems). prems)"
mapRule :: "(formula ⇒ formula) ⇒ rule ⇒ rule" where
"mapRule = (λf (conc,prems) . (map f conc,(map f) ` prems))"
lemma mapRuleI: "⟦A = map f a; B = map f ` b⟧ ⟹ (A, B) = mapRule f (a, b)"
by(simp add: mapRule_def)
subsection "Deductions"
lemmas Powp_mono [mono] = Pow_mono [to_pred pred_subset_eq]
deductions :: "rule set ⇒ formula list set"
for rules :: "rule set"
inferI: "⟦(conc,prems) ∈ rules; prems ∈ Pow(deductions(rules))
⟧ ⟹ conc ∈ deductions(rules)"
lemma mono_deductions: "⟦A ⊆ B⟧ ⟹ deductions(A) ⊆ deductions(B)"
apply(best intro: deductions.inferI elim: deductions.induct) done
subsection "Basic Rule sets"
"Axioms = {z. ∃p vs. z = ([FAtom Pos p vs,FAtom Neg p vs],{}) }"
"Conjs = {z. ∃A0 A1 Δ Γ. z = (FConj Pos A0 A1#Γ @ Δ,{A0#Γ,A1#Δ}) }"
"Disjs = {z. ∃A0 A1 Γ. z = (FConj Neg A0 A1#Γ,{A0#A1#Γ}) }"
"Alls = {z. ∃A x Γ. z = (FAll Pos A#Γ,{instanceF x A#Γ}) ∧ x ∉ freeVarsFL (FAll Pos A#Γ) }"
"Exs = {z. ∃A x Γ. z = (FAll Neg A#Γ,{instanceF x A#Γ})}"
"Weaks = {z. ∃A Γ. z = (A#Γ,{Γ})}"
"Contrs = {z. ∃A Γ. z = (A#Γ,{A#A#Γ})}"
"Cuts = {z. ∃C Δ Γ. z = (Γ @ Δ,{C#Γ,FNot C#Δ})}"
"Perms = {z. ∃Γ Δ . z = (Γ,{Δ}) ∧ mset Γ = mset Δ}"
"DAxioms = {z. ∃p vs. z = ([FAtom Neg p vs,FAtom Pos p vs],{}) }"
lemma AxiomI: "⟦Axioms ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ [FAtom Pos p vs,FAtom Neg p vs] ∈ deductions(A)"
by (auto simp: Axioms_def deductions.simps)
lemma DAxiomsI: "⟦DAxioms ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ [FAtom Neg p vs,FAtom Pos p vs] ∈ deductions(A)"
by (auto simp: DAxioms_def deductions.simps)
lemma DisjI: "⟦A0#A1#Γ ∈ deductions(A); Disjs ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ (FConj Neg A0 A1#Γ) ∈ deductions(A)"
by (force simp: Disjs_def deductions.simps)
lemma ConjI: "⟦(A0#Γ) ∈ deductions(A); (A1#Δ) ∈ deductions(A); Conjs ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ FConj Pos A0 A1#Γ @ Δ ∈ deductions(A)"
by (force simp: Conjs_def deductions.simps)
lemma AllI: "⟦instanceF w A#Γ ∈ deductions(R); w ∉ freeVarsFL (FAll Pos A#Γ); Alls ⊆ R⟧ ⟹ (FAll Pos A#Γ) ∈ deductions(R)"
by (force simp: Alls_def deductions.simps)
lemma ExI: "⟦instanceF w A#Γ ∈ deductions(R); Exs ⊆ R⟧ ⟹ (FAll Neg A#Γ) ∈ deductions(R)"
by (force simp: Exs_def deductions.simps)
lemma WeakI: "⟦Γ ∈ deductions R; Weaks ⊆ R⟧ ⟹ A#Γ ∈ deductions(R)"
by (force simp: Weaks_def deductions.simps)
lemma ContrI: "⟦A#A#Γ ∈ deductions R; Contrs ⊆ R⟧ ⟹ A#Γ ∈ deductions(R)"
by (force simp: Contrs_def deductions.simps)
lemma PermI: "⟦Gamma' ∈ deductions R; mset Γ = mset Gamma'; Perms ⊆ R⟧ ⟹ Γ ∈ deductions(R)"
using deductions.inferI [where prems="{Gamma'}"] Perms_def by blast
subsection "Derived Rules"
lemma WeakI1: "⟦Γ ∈ deductions(A); Weaks ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ (Δ @ Γ) ∈ deductions(A)"
by (induct Δ) (use WeakI in force)+
lemma WeakI2: "⟦Γ ∈ deductions(A); Perms ⊆ A; Weaks ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ (Γ @ Δ) ∈ deductions(A)"
by (metis PermI WeakI1 mset_append union_commute)
lemma SATAxiomI: "⟦Axioms ⊆ A; Weaks ⊆ A; Perms ⊆ A; forms = [FAtom Pos n vs,FAtom Neg n vs] @ Γ⟧ ⟹ forms ∈ deductions(A)"
using AxiomI WeakI2 by presburger
lemma DisjI1: "⟦(A1#Γ) ∈ deductions(A); Disjs ⊆ A; Weaks ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ FConj Neg A0 A1#Γ ∈ deductions(A)"
using DisjI WeakI by presburger
lemma DisjI2: "⟦(A0#Γ) ∈ deductions(A); Disjs ⊆ A; Weaks ⊆ A; Perms ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ FConj Neg A0 A1#Γ ∈ deductions(A)"
using PermI [of ‹A1 # A0 # Γ›]
by (metis DisjI WeakI append_Cons mset_append mset_rev rev.simps(2))
lemma perm_tmp4: "Perms ⊆ R ⟹ A @ (a # list) @ (a # list) ∈ deductions R ⟹ (a # a # A) @ list @ list ∈ deductions R"
by (rule PermI, auto)
lemma weaken_append:
"Contrs ⊆ R ⟹ Perms ⊆ R ⟹ A @ Γ @ Γ ∈ deductions(R) ⟹ A @ Γ ∈ deductions(R)"
proof (induction Γ arbitrary: A)
case Nil
then show ?case
by auto
case (Cons a Γ)
then have "(a # a # A) @ Γ ∈ deductions R"
using perm_tmp4 by blast
then have "a # A @ Γ ∈ deductions R"
by (metis Cons.prems(1) ContrI append_Cons)
then show ?case
using Cons.prems(2) PermI by force
lemma ListWeakI: "Perms ⊆ R ⟹ Contrs ⊆ R ⟹ x # Γ @ Γ ∈ deductions(R) ⟹ x # Γ ∈ deductions(R)"
by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons weaken_append)
lemma ConjI': "⟦(A0#Γ) ∈ deductions(A); (A1#Γ) ∈ deductions(A); Contrs ⊆ A; Conjs ⊆ A; Perms ⊆ A⟧ ⟹ FConj Pos A0 A1#Γ ∈ deductions(A)"
by (metis ConjI ListWeakI)
subsection "Standard Rule Sets For Predicate Calculus"
PC :: "rule set" where
"PC = Union {Perms,Axioms,Conjs,Disjs,Alls,Exs,Weaks,Contrs,Cuts}"
CutFreePC :: "rule set" where
"CutFreePC = Union {Perms,Axioms,Conjs,Disjs,Alls,Exs,Weaks,Contrs}"
lemma rulesInPCs: "Axioms ⊆ PC" "Axioms ⊆ CutFreePC"
"Conjs ⊆ PC" "Conjs ⊆ CutFreePC"
"Disjs ⊆ PC" "Disjs ⊆ CutFreePC"
"Alls ⊆ PC" "Alls ⊆ CutFreePC"
"Exs ⊆ PC" "Exs ⊆ CutFreePC"
"Weaks ⊆ PC" "Weaks ⊆ CutFreePC"
"Contrs ⊆ PC" "Contrs ⊆ CutFreePC"
"Perms ⊆ PC" "Perms ⊆ CutFreePC"
"Cuts ⊆ PC"
"CutFreePC ⊆ PC"
by(auto simp: PC_def CutFreePC_def)
subsection "Monotonicity for CutFreePC deductions"
inDed :: "formula list ⇒ bool" where
"inDed xs ≡ xs ∈ deductions CutFreePC"
lemma perm: "mset xs = mset ys ⟹ (inDed xs = inDed ys)"
by (metis PermI inDed_def rulesInPCs(16))
lemma contr: "inDed (x#x#xs) ⟹ inDed (x#xs)"
using ContrI inDed_def rulesInPCs(14) by blast
lemma weak: "inDed xs ⟹ inDed (x#xs)"
by (simp add: WeakI inDed_def rulesInPCs(12))
lemma inDed_mono'[simplified inDed_def]: "set x ⊆ set y ⟹ inDed x ⟹ inDed y"
using contr perm perm_weak_contr_mono weak by blast
lemma inDed_mono[simplified inDed_def]: "inDed x ⟹ set x ⊆ set y ⟹ inDed y"
using inDed_def inDed_mono' by auto