Theory Sequents

section "Sequents"

theory Sequents
imports Formula

type_synonym sequent = "formula list"

  evalS :: "[model,vbl  object,formula list]  bool" where
  "evalS M φ fs  (f  set fs . evalF M φ f = True)"

lemma evalS_nil[simp]: "evalS M φ [] = False"
  by(simp add: evalS_def)

lemma evalS_cons[simp]: "evalS M φ (A # Γ) = (evalF M φ A  evalS M φ Γ)"
  by(simp add: evalS_def)

lemma evalS_append: "evalS M φ (Γ @ Δ) = (evalS M φ Γ  evalS M φ Δ)"
  by(force simp add: evalS_def)

lemma evalS_equiv: "(equalOn (freeVarsFL Γ) f g)  (evalS M f Γ = evalS M g Γ)"
  by (induction Γ) (auto simp: equalOn_Un evalF_equiv freeVarsFL_cons)

  modelAssigns :: "[model]  (vbl  object) set" where
  "modelAssigns M = { φ . range φ  objects M }"

lemma modelAssigns_iff [simp]: "f  modelAssigns M  range f  objects M" 
  by(simp add: modelAssigns_def)
  validS :: "formula list  bool" where
  "validS fs  (M. φ  modelAssigns M . evalS M φ fs = True)"

subsection "Rules"

type_synonym rule = "sequent * (sequent set)"

  concR :: "rule  sequent" where
  "concR = (λ(conc,prems). conc)"

  premsR :: "rule  sequent set" where
  "premsR = (λ(conc,prems). prems)"

  mapRule :: "(formula  formula)  rule  rule" where
  "mapRule = (λf (conc,prems) . (map f conc,(map f) ` prems))"

lemma mapRuleI: "A = map f a; B = map f ` b  (A, B) = mapRule f (a, b)"
  by(simp add: mapRule_def)
    ― ‹FIXME tjr would like symmetric›

subsection "Deductions"

(*FIXME. I don't see why plain Pow_mono is rejected.*)
lemmas Powp_mono [mono] = Pow_mono [to_pred pred_subset_eq]

  deductions  :: "rule set  formula list set"
  for rules :: "rule set"
   * Given a set of rules,
   *   1. Given a rule conc/prem(i) in rules,
   *       and the prem(i) are deductions from rules,
   *       then conc is a deduction from rules.
   *   2. can derive permutation of any deducible formula list.
   *      (supposed to be multisets not lists).
    inferI: "(conc,prems)  rules; prems  Pow(deductions(rules))
             conc  deductions(rules)"
lemma mono_deductions: "A  B  deductions(A)  deductions(B)"
  apply(best intro: deductions.inferI elim: deductions.induct) done
(*lemmas deductionsMono = mono_deductions*)

-- "tjr following should be subsetD?"
lemmas deductionSubsetI = mono_deductions[THEN subsetD]
thm deductionSubsetI

subsection "Basic Rule sets"

  "Axioms  = {z. p vs.              z = ([FAtom Pos p vs,FAtom Neg p vs],{}) }"

  "Conjs   = {z. A0 A1 Δ Γ. z = (FConj Pos A0 A1#Γ @ Δ,{A0#Γ,A1#Δ}) }"

  "Disjs   = {z. A0 A1       Γ. z = (FConj Neg A0 A1#Γ,{A0#A1#Γ}) }"

  "Alls    = {z. A x         Γ. z = (FAll Pos A#Γ,{instanceF x A#Γ})  x  freeVarsFL (FAll Pos A#Γ) }"

  "Exs     = {z. A x         Γ. z = (FAll Neg A#Γ,{instanceF x A#Γ})}"

  "Weaks   = {z. A           Γ. z = (A#Γ,{Γ})}"

  "Contrs  = {z. A           Γ. z = (A#Γ,{A#A#Γ})}"

  "Cuts    = {z. C Δ     Γ. z = (Γ @ Δ,{C#Γ,FNot C#Δ})}"

  "Perms   = {z. Γ Δ     . z = (Γ,{Δ})  mset Γ = mset Δ}"

  "DAxioms = {z. p vs.              z = ([FAtom Neg p vs,FAtom Pos p vs],{}) }"

lemma AxiomI: "Axioms  A  [FAtom Pos p vs,FAtom Neg p vs]  deductions(A)"
  by (auto simp: Axioms_def deductions.simps)

lemma DAxiomsI: "DAxioms  A  [FAtom Neg p vs,FAtom Pos p vs]  deductions(A)"
  by (auto simp: DAxioms_def deductions.simps)

lemma DisjI: "A0#A1#Γ  deductions(A); Disjs  A  (FConj Neg A0 A1#Γ)  deductions(A)"
  by (force simp: Disjs_def deductions.simps)

lemma ConjI: "(A0#Γ)  deductions(A); (A1#Δ)  deductions(A); Conjs  A  FConj Pos A0 A1#Γ @ Δ  deductions(A)"
  by (force simp: Conjs_def deductions.simps)

lemma AllI: "instanceF w A#Γ  deductions(R); w  freeVarsFL (FAll Pos A#Γ); Alls  R  (FAll Pos A#Γ)  deductions(R)"
  by (force simp: Alls_def deductions.simps)

lemma ExI: "instanceF w A#Γ  deductions(R); Exs  R  (FAll Neg A#Γ)  deductions(R)"
  by (force simp: Exs_def deductions.simps)

lemma WeakI: "Γ  deductions R; Weaks  R  A#Γ  deductions(R)"
  by (force simp: Weaks_def deductions.simps)

lemma ContrI: "A#A#Γ  deductions R; Contrs  R  A#Γ  deductions(R)"
  by (force simp: Contrs_def deductions.simps)

lemma PermI: "Gamma'  deductions R; mset Γ = mset Gamma'; Perms  R  Γ  deductions(R)"
  using deductions.inferI [where prems="{Gamma'}"] Perms_def by blast

subsection "Derived Rules"

lemma WeakI1: "Γ  deductions(A); Weaks  A  (Δ @ Γ)  deductions(A)"
  by (induct Δ) (use WeakI in force)+

lemma WeakI2: "Γ  deductions(A); Perms  A; Weaks  A  (Γ @ Δ)  deductions(A)"
  by (metis PermI WeakI1 mset_append union_commute)

lemma SATAxiomI: "Axioms  A; Weaks  A; Perms  A; forms = [FAtom Pos n vs,FAtom Neg n vs] @ Γ  forms  deductions(A)"
  using AxiomI WeakI2 by presburger
lemma DisjI1: "(A1#Γ)  deductions(A); Disjs  A; Weaks  A  FConj Neg A0 A1#Γ  deductions(A)"
  using DisjI WeakI by presburger

lemma DisjI2: "(A0#Γ)  deductions(A); Disjs  A; Weaks  A; Perms  A  FConj Neg A0 A1#Γ  deductions(A)"
  using PermI [of A1 # A0 # Γ]
  by (metis DisjI WeakI append_Cons mset_append mset_rev rev.simps(2))

    ― ‹FIXME the following 4 lemmas could all be proved for the standard rule sets using monotonicity as below›
    ― ‹we keep proofs as in original, but they are slightly ugly, and do not state what is intuitively happening›
lemma perm_tmp4: "Perms  R  A @ (a # list) @ (a # list)  deductions R  (a # a # A) @ list @ list  deductions R"
  by (rule PermI, auto)

lemma weaken_append:
  "Contrs  R  Perms  R  A @ Γ @ Γ  deductions(R)  A @ Γ  deductions(R)"
proof (induction Γ arbitrary: A)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by auto
  case (Cons a Γ)
  then have "(a # a # A) @ Γ  deductions R"
    using perm_tmp4 by blast
  then have "a # A @ Γ  deductions R"
    by (metis Cons.prems(1) ContrI append_Cons)
  then show ?case
    using Cons.prems(2) PermI by force

lemma ListWeakI: "Perms  R  Contrs  R  x # Γ @ Γ  deductions(R)  x # Γ  deductions(R)"
  by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons weaken_append)
lemma ConjI': "(A0#Γ)  deductions(A);  (A1#Γ)  deductions(A); Contrs  A; Conjs  A; Perms  A  FConj Pos A0 A1#Γ  deductions(A)"
  by (metis ConjI ListWeakI)

subsection "Standard Rule Sets For Predicate Calculus"

  PC :: "rule set" where
  "PC = Union {Perms,Axioms,Conjs,Disjs,Alls,Exs,Weaks,Contrs,Cuts}"

  CutFreePC :: "rule set" where
  "CutFreePC = Union {Perms,Axioms,Conjs,Disjs,Alls,Exs,Weaks,Contrs}"

lemma rulesInPCs: "Axioms  PC" "Axioms  CutFreePC"
  "Conjs   PC" "Conjs   CutFreePC"
  "Disjs   PC" "Disjs   CutFreePC"
  "Alls    PC" "Alls    CutFreePC"
  "Exs     PC" "Exs     CutFreePC"
  "Weaks   PC" "Weaks   CutFreePC"
  "Contrs  PC" "Contrs  CutFreePC"
  "Perms   PC" "Perms   CutFreePC"
  "Cuts    PC"
  "CutFreePC  PC"
  by(auto simp: PC_def CutFreePC_def)

subsection "Monotonicity for CutFreePC deductions"

  ― ‹these lemmas can be used to replace complicated permutation reasoning above›
  ― ‹essentially if x is a deduction, and set x subset set y, then y is a deduction›

  inDed :: "formula list  bool" where
  "inDed xs  xs  deductions CutFreePC"

lemma perm: "mset xs = mset ys  (inDed xs = inDed ys)"
  by (metis PermI inDed_def rulesInPCs(16))

lemma contr: "inDed (x#x#xs)  inDed (x#xs)"
  using ContrI inDed_def rulesInPCs(14) by blast

lemma weak: "inDed xs  inDed (x#xs)"
  by (simp add: WeakI inDed_def rulesInPCs(12))

lemma inDed_mono'[simplified inDed_def]: "set x  set y  inDed x  inDed y"
  using contr perm perm_weak_contr_mono weak by blast

lemma inDed_mono[simplified inDed_def]: "inDed x  set x  set y  inDed y"
  using inDed_def inDed_mono' by auto
