Theory CZH_UCAT_Kan

(* Copyright 2021 (C) Mihails Milehins *)

section‹Simple Kan extensions›
theory CZH_UCAT_Kan


named_theorems cat_Kan_cs_simps
named_theorems cat_Kan_cs_intros

subsection‹Kan extension›

subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

text‹See Chapter X-3 in cite"mac_lane_categories_2010".›

locale is_cat_rKe = 
  AG: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 + 
  Ran: is_functor α  𝔄 𝔊 +
  ntcf_rKe: is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔊 CF 𝔎 𝔗 ε
  for α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔎 𝔗 𝔊 ε +
  assumes cat_rKe_ua_fo:
      (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎)
      (cf_map 𝔗)
      (cf_map 𝔊)
      (ntcf_arrow ε)"

syntax "_is_cat_rKe" :: "V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  bool"
  ((_ :/ _ CF _ CF.rKeı _ :/ _ C _ C _) [51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51)
syntax_consts "_is_cat_rKe"  is_cat_rKe
translations "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔎 CF.rKeα𝔗 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔄" 
  "CONST is_cat_rKe α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔎 𝔗 𝔊 ε"

locale is_cat_lKe =
  AG: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 +
  Lan: is_functor α  𝔄 𝔉 +
  ntcf_lKe: is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 𝔉 CF 𝔎 η
  for α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔎 𝔗 𝔉 η +
  assumes cat_lKe_ua_fo:
      (exp_cat_cf α (op_cat 𝔄) (op_cf 𝔎))
      (cf_map 𝔗)
      (cf_map 𝔉)
      (ntcf_arrow (op_ntcf η))"

syntax "_is_cat_lKe" :: "V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  bool"
  ((_ :/ _ CF.lKeı _ CF _ :/ _ C _ C _) [51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51)
syntax_consts "_is_cat_lKe"  is_cat_lKe
translations "η : 𝔗 CF.lKeα𝔉 CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔄" 
  "CONST is_cat_lKe α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔎 𝔗 𝔉 η"


lemma (in is_cat_rKe) is_cat_rKe_axioms'[cat_Kan_cs_intros]:
  assumes "α' = α"
    and "𝔊' = 𝔊"
    and "𝔎' = 𝔎"
    and "𝔗' = 𝔗"
    and "𝔅' = 𝔅"
    and "𝔄' = 𝔄"
    and "ℭ' = "
  shows "ε : 𝔊' CF 𝔎' CF.rKeα'𝔗' : 𝔅' C ℭ' C 𝔄'"
  unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_rKe_axioms)

mk_ide rf is_cat_rKe_def[unfolded is_cat_rKe_axioms_def]
  |intro is_cat_rKeI|
  |dest is_cat_rKeD[dest]|
  |elim is_cat_rKeE[elim]|

lemmas [cat_Kan_cs_intros] = is_cat_rKeD(1-3)

lemma (in is_cat_lKe) is_cat_lKe_axioms'[cat_Kan_cs_intros]:
  assumes "α' = α"
    and "𝔉' = 𝔉"
    and "𝔎' = 𝔎"
    and "𝔗' = 𝔗"
    and "𝔅' = 𝔅"
    and "𝔄' = 𝔄"
    and "ℭ' = "
  shows "η : 𝔗' CF.lKeα𝔉' CF 𝔎' : 𝔅' C ℭ' C 𝔄'"
  unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_lKe_axioms)

mk_ide rf is_cat_lKe_def[unfolded is_cat_lKe_axioms_def]
  |intro is_cat_lKeI|
  |dest is_cat_lKeD[dest]|
  |elim is_cat_lKeE[elim]|

lemmas [cat_Kan_cs_intros] = is_cat_lKeD(1-3)


lemma (in is_cat_rKe) is_cat_lKe_op:
  "op_ntcf ε :
    op_cf 𝔗 CF.lKeαop_cf 𝔊 CF op_cf 𝔎 :
    op_cat 𝔅 C op_cat  C op_cat 𝔄"
  by (intro is_cat_lKeI, unfold cat_op_simps; (intro cat_rKe_ua_fo)?)
    (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_op_intros)+

lemma (in is_cat_rKe) is_cat_lKe_op'[cat_op_intros]:
  assumes "𝔗' = op_cf 𝔗"
    and "𝔊' = op_cf 𝔊"
    and "𝔎' = op_cf 𝔎"
    and "𝔅' = op_cat 𝔅"
    and "𝔄' = op_cat 𝔄"
    and "ℭ' = op_cat "
  shows "op_ntcf ε : 𝔗' CF.lKeα𝔊' CF 𝔎' : 𝔅' C ℭ' C 𝔄'"
  unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_lKe_op)

lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_cat_rKe.is_cat_lKe_op'

lemma (in is_cat_lKe) is_cat_rKe_op:
  "op_ntcf η :
    op_cf 𝔉 CF op_cf 𝔎 CF.rKeαop_cf 𝔗 :
    op_cat 𝔅 C op_cat  C op_cat 𝔄"
  by (intro is_cat_rKeI, unfold cat_op_simps; (intro cat_lKe_ua_fo)?)
    (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_op_intros)+

lemma (in is_cat_lKe) is_cat_lKe_op'[cat_op_intros]:
  assumes "𝔗' = op_cf 𝔗"
    and "𝔉' = op_cf 𝔉"
    and "𝔎' = op_cf 𝔎"
    and "𝔅' = op_cat 𝔅"
    and "𝔄' = op_cat 𝔄"
    and "ℭ' = op_cat "
  shows "op_ntcf η : 𝔉' CF 𝔎' CF.rKeα𝔗' : 𝔅' C ℭ' C 𝔄'"
  unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_rKe_op)

lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_cat_lKe.is_cat_lKe_op'

text‹Elementary properties.›

lemma (in is_cat_rKe) cat_rKe_exp_cat_cf_cat_FUNCT_is_arr:
  assumes "𝒵 β" and "α  β"
  shows "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎 : cat_FUNCT α  𝔄 ↦↦C.tinyβcat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄"
      rule exp_cat_cf_is_tiny_functor[
        OF assms Ran.HomCod.category_axioms AG.is_functor_axioms

lemma (in is_cat_lKe) cat_lKe_exp_cat_cf_cat_FUNCT_is_arr:
  assumes "𝒵 β" and "α  β"
  shows "exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎 : cat_FUNCT α  𝔄 ↦↦C.tinyβcat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄"
      rule exp_cat_cf_is_tiny_functor[
        OF assms Lan.HomCod.category_axioms AG.is_functor_axioms

subsubsection‹Universal property›

See Chapter X-3 in cite"mac_lane_categories_2010" and 

lemma is_cat_rKeI':
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔎 CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "𝔊' ε'.
       𝔊' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄; ε' : 𝔊' CF 𝔎 CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄  
        ∃!σ. σ : 𝔊' CF 𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄  ε' = ε NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)" 
  shows "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔎 CF.rKeα𝔗 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔄"
  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔊: is_functor α  𝔄 𝔊 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret ε: is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔊 CF 𝔎 𝔗 ε by (rule assms(3))
  let ?𝔄𝔎 = exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎
    and ?𝔗 = cf_map 𝔗
    and ?𝔊 = cf_map 𝔊
  show ?thesis
  proof(intro is_cat_rKeI is_functor.universal_arrow_foI assms)
    define β where "β = α + ω"
    have "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α  β" 
      by (simp_all add: β_def 𝔎.𝒵_Limit_αω 𝔎.𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝔎.𝒵_α_αω)
    then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp 
    show "?𝔄𝔎 : cat_FUNCT α  𝔄 ↦↦Cβcat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄"
          cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: 
              OF β.𝒵_axioms αβ 𝔊.HomCod.category_axioms assms(1)
    from αβ assms(2) show "cf_map 𝔊  cat_FUNCT α  𝔄Obj"
      unfolding cat_FUNCT_components
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
    from assms(1-3) show "ntcf_arrow ε :
      ?𝔄𝔎ObjMap?𝔊 cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄?𝔗"
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_components(1) 
            cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
    fix 𝔉' ε' assume prems: 
      "𝔉'  cat_FUNCT α  𝔄Obj"
      "ε' : ?𝔄𝔎ObjMap𝔉' cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄?𝔗"
    from prems(1) have "𝔉'  cf_maps α  𝔄"  
      unfolding cat_FUNCT_components(1) by simp
    then obtain 𝔉 where 𝔉'_def: "𝔉' = cf_map 𝔉" and 𝔉: "𝔉 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" 
      by clarsimp
    note ε' = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF prems(2)]
    from ε'(1) 𝔉 have ε'_is_ntcf: 
      "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔅 𝔄 ε' : 𝔉 CF 𝔎 CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
            cs_simp: 𝔉'_def cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
    from assms(4)[OF 𝔉 ε'_is_ntcf] obtain σ
      where σ: "σ : 𝔉 CF 𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" 
        and ε'_def': "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔅 𝔄 ε' = ε NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
        and unique_σ: "σ'. 
            σ' : 𝔉 CF 𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄;
            ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔅 𝔄 ε' = ε NTCF (σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎) 
            σ' = σ"
      by metis
    show "∃!f'.
      f' : 𝔉' cat_FUNCT α  𝔄?𝔊 
      ε' = umap_fo ?𝔄𝔎 ?𝔗 ?𝔊 (ntcf_arrow ε) 𝔉'ArrValf'"
    proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, unfold 𝔉'_def)
      from σ show "ntcf_arrow σ : cf_map 𝔉 cat_FUNCT α  𝔄?𝔊"
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
      from αβ assms(1-3) σ ε'(1) show 
        "ε' = umap_fo ?𝔄𝔎 ?𝔗 ?𝔊 (ntcf_arrow ε) (cf_map 𝔉)ArrValntcf_arrow σ"
        by (subst ε')
      fix σ' assume prems:
        "σ' : cf_map 𝔉 cat_FUNCT α  𝔄?𝔊"
        "ε' = umap_fo ?𝔄𝔎 ?𝔗 ?𝔊 (ntcf_arrow ε) (cf_map 𝔉)ArrValσ'"
      note σ' = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF prems(1)]
      from σ'(1) 𝔉 have "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow  𝔄 σ' : 𝔉 CF 𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
            cs_prems cs_shallow 
              cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
      moreover from prems(2) prems(1) αβ assms(1-3) this ε'(1) have 
        "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔅 𝔄 ε' =
          ε NTCF (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow  𝔄 σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
        by (subst (asm) ε'(2))
              cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cat_cs_simps 
      ultimately have σ_def: "σ = ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow  𝔄 σ'" 
        by (rule unique_σ[symmetric])
      show "σ' = ntcf_arrow σ"
        by (subst σ'(2), use nothing in subst σ_def)
          (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

lemma is_cat_lKeI':
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔉 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "η : 𝔗 CF 𝔉 CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "𝔉' η'.
       𝔉' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄; η' : 𝔗 CF 𝔉' CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄  
        ∃!σ. σ : 𝔉 CF 𝔉' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄  η' = (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎) NTCF η" 
  shows "η : 𝔗 CF.lKeα𝔉 CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔄"
  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔉: is_functor α  𝔄 𝔉 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret η: is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 𝔉 CF 𝔎 η by (rule assms(3))
      σ : 𝔊' CF op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat  ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄 
      η' = op_ntcf η NTCF (σ NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎)"
    if "𝔊' : op_cat  ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄"
      and "η' : 𝔊' CF op_cf 𝔎 CF op_cf 𝔗 : op_cat 𝔅 ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄"
    for 𝔊' η'
    interpret 𝔊': is_functor α op_cat  op_cat 𝔄 𝔊' by (rule that(1))
    interpret η': 
      is_ntcf α op_cat 𝔅 op_cat 𝔄 𝔊' CF op_cf 𝔎 op_cf 𝔗 η'
      by (rule that(2))
    from assms(4)[
        OF is_functor.is_functor_op[OF that(1), unfolded cat_op_simps],
        OF is_ntcf.is_ntcf_op[OF that(2), unfolded cat_op_simps]
    obtain σ where σ: "σ : 𝔉 CF op_cf 𝔊' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" 
      and op_η'_def: "op_ntcf η' = σ NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η"
      and unique_σ':
          σ' : 𝔉 CF op_cf 𝔊' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄;
          op_ntcf η' = σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η
           σ' = σ"
      for σ'
      by metis
    interpret σ: is_ntcf α  𝔄 𝔉 op_cf 𝔊' σ by (rule σ)
    show ?thesis
    proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
      show "op_ntcf σ : 𝔊' CF op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat  ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄"
        by (rule σ.is_ntcf_op[unfolded cat_op_simps])
      from op_η'_def have "op_ntcf (op_ntcf η') = op_ntcf (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η)"
        by simp
      from this σ assms(1-3) show η'_def:
        "η' = op_ntcf η NTCF (op_ntcf σ NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎)"
        by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      fix σ' assume prems:
        "σ' : 𝔊' CF op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat  ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄"
        "η' = op_ntcf η NTCF (σ' NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎)"
      interpret σ': is_ntcf α op_cat  op_cat 𝔄 𝔊' op_cf 𝔉 σ' 
        by (rule prems(1))
      from prems(2) have 
        "op_ntcf η' = op_ntcf (op_ntcf η NTCF (σ' NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎))"
        by simp
      also have " = op_ntcf σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η"   
            cs_concl cs_shallow
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps
              cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
      finally have "op_ntcf η' = op_ntcf σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η" by simp
      from unique_σ'[OF σ'.is_ntcf_op[unfolded cat_op_simps] this] show 
        "σ' = op_ntcf σ" 
        by (auto simp: cat_op_simps)
        OF 𝔎.is_functor_op 𝔉.is_functor_op η.is_ntcf_op[unfolded cat_op_simps], 
        unfolded cat_op_simps, 
        OF this
  interpret η: is_cat_rKe 
    op_cat 𝔅 
    op_cat 𝔄 
    op_cf 𝔎 
    op_cf 𝔗 
    op_cf 𝔉 
    op_ntcf η
    by simp
  show "η : 𝔗 CF.lKeα𝔉 CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔄"
    by (rule η.is_cat_lKe_op[unfolded cat_op_simps])

lemma (in is_cat_rKe) cat_rKe_unique:
  assumes "𝔊' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" and "ε' : 𝔊' CF 𝔎 CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "∃!σ. σ : 𝔊' CF 𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄  ε' = ε NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)" 

  interpret 𝔊': is_functor α  𝔄 𝔊' by (rule assms(1))
  interpret ε': is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔊' CF 𝔎 𝔗 ε' by (rule assms(2))

  let ?𝔗 = cf_map 𝔗
    and ?𝔊 = cf_map 𝔊
    and ?𝔊' = cf_map 𝔊'
    and  = ntcf_arrow ε
    and ?ε' = ntcf_arrow ε'

  define β where "β = α + ω"
  have "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α  β"
    by (simp_all add: β_def AG.𝒵_Limit_αω AG.𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def AG.𝒵_α_αω)
  then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
  interpret 𝔄𝔎: is_tiny_functor 
    β cat_FUNCT α  𝔄 cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄 exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎
    by (rule cat_rKe_exp_cat_cf_cat_FUNCT_is_arr[OF β.𝒵_axioms αβ])

  from assms(1) have 𝔊': "?𝔊'  cat_FUNCT α  𝔄Obj"
        cs_concl cs_shallow 
          cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_components(1) cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
  with assms(2) have
    "?ε' : exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎ObjMap?𝔊' cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄?𝔗"
        cs_concl cs_shallow 
          cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps 
          cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros

      OF 𝔄𝔎.is_functor_axioms cat_rKe_ua_fo 𝔊' this
  obtain f' where f': "f' : cf_map 𝔊' cat_FUNCT α  𝔄cf_map 𝔊"
    and ε'_def: "?ε' = umap_fo (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎) ?𝔗 ?𝔊  ?𝔊'ArrValf'"
    and f'_unique: 
        f'' : ?𝔊' cat_FUNCT α  𝔄?𝔊;
        ntcf_arrow ε' = umap_fo (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎) ?𝔗 ?𝔊  ?𝔊'ArrValf'' 
         f'' = f'"
    for f''
    by metis
  show ?thesis
  proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
    from ε'_def cat_FUNCT_is_arrD(1)[OF f'] show
      "ε' = ε NTCF (ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow  𝔄 f' NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
      by (subst (asm) cat_FUNCT_is_arrD(2)[OF f']) (*slow*)
          cs_prems cs_shallow
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
    from cat_FUNCT_is_arrD(1)[OF f'] show f'_is_arr:
      "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow  𝔄 f' : 𝔊' CF 𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
          cs_prems cs_shallow 
            cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
    fix σ assume prems: 
      "σ : 𝔊' CF 𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" "ε' = ε NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
    interpret σ: is_ntcf α  𝔄 𝔊' 𝔊 σ by (rule prems(1))
    from prems(1) have σ: 
      "ntcf_arrow σ : cf_map 𝔊' cat_FUNCT α  𝔄cf_map 𝔊"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros)
    from prems have ε'_def: "ntcf_arrow ε' =
      umap_fo (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎) ?𝔗 ?𝔊  ?𝔊'ArrValntcf_arrow σ"
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_simp: prems(2) cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
    show "σ = ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow  𝔄 f'"
      unfolding f'_unique[OF σ ε'_def, symmetric]
          cs_concl cs_shallow 
            cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros


lemma (in is_cat_lKe) cat_lKe_unique:
  assumes "𝔉' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" and "η' : 𝔗 CF 𝔉' CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "∃!σ. σ : 𝔉 CF 𝔉' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄  η' = (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎) NTCF η" 

  interpret 𝔉': is_functor α  𝔄 𝔉' by (rule assms(1))
  interpret η': is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 𝔉' CF 𝔎 η' by (rule assms(2))
  interpret η: is_cat_rKe 
    α op_cat 𝔅 op_cat  op_cat 𝔄 op_cf 𝔎 op_cf 𝔗 op_cf 𝔉 op_ntcf η
    by (rule is_cat_rKe_op)

  from η.cat_rKe_unique[OF 𝔉'.is_functor_op η'.is_ntcf_op[unfolded cat_op_simps]]
  obtain σ where σ: "σ : op_cf 𝔉' CF op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat  ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄"
    and η'_def: "op_ntcf η' = op_ntcf η NTCF (σ NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎)"
    and unique_σ': "σ'.
        σ' : op_cf 𝔉' CF op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat  ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄;
        op_ntcf η' = op_ntcf η NTCF (σ' NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎) 
        σ' = σ"
    by metis

  interpret σ: is_ntcf α op_cat  op_cat 𝔄 op_cf 𝔉' op_cf 𝔉 σ 
    by (rule σ)
  show ?thesis
  proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
    show "op_ntcf σ : 𝔉 CF 𝔉' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      by (rule σ.is_ntcf_op[unfolded cat_op_simps])
    have "η' = op_ntcf (op_ntcf η')" 
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps)
    also from η'_def have " = op_ntcf (op_ntcf η NTCF (σ NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎))"
      by simp
    also have " = op_ntcf σ NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    finally show "η' = op_ntcf σ NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η" by simp
    fix σ' assume prems: 
      "σ' : 𝔉 CF 𝔉' :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      "η' = σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η"
    interpret σ': is_ntcf α  𝔄 𝔉 𝔉' σ' by (rule prems(1))
    from prems(2) have "op_ntcf η' = op_ntcf (σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎 NTCF η)"
      by simp
    also have " = op_ntcf η NTCF (op_ntcf σ' NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎)"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    finally have "op_ntcf η' = op_ntcf η NTCF (op_ntcf σ' NTCF-CF op_cf 𝔎)"
      by simp
    from unique_σ'[OF σ'.is_ntcf_op this] show "σ' = op_ntcf σ"
      by (auto simp: cat_op_simps)


subsubsection‹Further properties›

lemma (in is_cat_rKe) cat_rKe_ntcf_ua_fo_is_iso_ntcf_if_ge_Limit:
  assumes "𝒵 β" and "α  β"
    "ntcf_ua_fo β (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎) (cf_map 𝔗) (cf_map 𝔊) (ntcf_arrow ε) :
      HomO.Cβcat_FUNCT α  𝔄(-,cf_map 𝔊) CF.iso
      HomO.Cβcat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄(-,cf_map 𝔗) CF op_cf (exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎) :
      op_cat (cat_FUNCT α  𝔄) ↦↦Cβcat_Set β"
  interpret 𝔄_𝔎: 
    is_tiny_functor β cat_FUNCT α  𝔄 cat_FUNCT α 𝔅 𝔄 exp_cat_cf α 𝔄 𝔎
        rule exp_cat_cf_is_tiny_functor[
          OF assms Ran.HomCod.category_axioms AG.is_functor_axioms
  show ?thesis
        rule is_functor.cf_ntcf_ua_fo_is_iso_ntcf[
          OF 𝔄_𝔎.is_functor_axioms cat_rKe_ua_fo

lemma (in is_cat_lKe) cat_lKe_ntcf_ua_fo_is_iso_ntcf_if_ge_Limit:
  assumes "𝒵 β" and "α  β"
  defines "𝔄𝔎  exp_cat_cf α (op_cat 𝔄) (op_cf 𝔎)"
    and "𝔄ℭ  cat_FUNCT α (op_cat ) (op_cat 𝔄)"
    and "𝔄𝔅  cat_FUNCT α (op_cat 𝔅) (op_cat 𝔄)"
    "ntcf_ua_fo β 𝔄𝔎 (cf_map 𝔗) (cf_map 𝔉) (ntcf_arrow (op_ntcf η)) :
      HomO.Cβ𝔄ℭ(-,cf_map 𝔉) CF.iso HomO.Cβ𝔄𝔅(-,cf_map 𝔗) CF op_cf 𝔄𝔎 :
      op_cat 𝔄ℭ ↦↦Cβcat_Set β"
  note simps = 𝔄ℭ_def 𝔄𝔅_def 𝔄𝔎_def
  interpret 𝔄_𝔎: is_tiny_functor β 𝔄ℭ 𝔄𝔅 𝔄𝔎
    unfolding simps
        rule exp_cat_cf_is_tiny_functor[
          OF assms(1,2) Lan.HomCod.category_op AG.is_functor_op
  show ?thesis
    unfolding simps
        rule is_functor.cf_ntcf_ua_fo_is_iso_ntcf[
          OF 𝔄_𝔎.is_functor_axioms[unfolded simps] cat_lKe_ua_fo

subsection‹Opposite universal arrow for Kan extensions›

subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

The following definition is merely a convenience utility for 
the exposition of dual results associated with the formula for 
the right Kan extension and the pointwise right Kan extension.

definition op_ua :: "(V  V)  V  V  V"
  where "op_ua lim_Obj 𝔎 c =
      lim_Obj cUObj,
      op_ntcf (lim_Obj cUArr) NTCF-CF inv_cf (op_cf_obj_comma 𝔎 c)


lemma op_ua_components:
  shows [cat_op_simps]: "op_ua lim_Obj 𝔎 cUObj = lim_Obj cUObj"
    and "op_ua lim_Obj 𝔎 cUArr =
      op_ntcf (lim_Obj cUArr) NTCF-CF inv_cf (op_cf_obj_comma 𝔎 c)"
  unfolding op_ua_def ua_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)

subsubsection‹Opposite universal arrow for Kan extensions is a limit›

lemma op_ua_UArr_is_cat_limit:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "c  Obj"
    and "u : 𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c >CF.colim r : 𝔎 CF c ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "op_ntcf u NTCF-CF inv_cf (op_cf_obj_comma 𝔎 c) :
    r <CF.lim op_cf 𝔗 CF c OCF (op_cf 𝔎) : c CF (op_cf 𝔎) ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄"

  note [cf_cs_simps] = is_iso_functor_is_iso_arr(2,3)

  let ?op_𝔎 = λc. op_cf_obj_comma 𝔎 c
  let ?op_𝔎c = ?op_𝔎 c
    and ?op_ua_UArr = op_ntcf u NTCF-CF inv_cf (op_cf_obj_comma 𝔎 c)

  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret u: is_cat_colimit α 𝔎 CF c 𝔄 𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c r u
    by (rule assms(4))

  from 𝔎.op_cf_cf_obj_comma_proj[OF assms(3)] have
    "op_cf (𝔎 CFO c) CF inv_cf (?op_𝔎 c) =
      c OCF (op_cf 𝔎) CF (?op_𝔎 c) CF inv_cf (?op_𝔎 c)"
    by simp
  from this assms(3) have [cat_comma_cs_simps]:
    "op_cf (𝔎 CFO c) CF inv_cf (?op_𝔎 c) = c OCF (op_cf 𝔎)"
          cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cf_cs_simps cat_op_simps 
          cs_intro: cf_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_op_intros
  from assms(3) show "?op_ua_UArr :
    r <CF.lim op_cf 𝔗 CF c OCF (op_cf 𝔎) : c CF (op_cf 𝔎) ↦↦Cαop_cat 𝔄"
            cf_cs_simps cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_op_simps 


  fixes lim_Obj :: "V  V" and c :: V

lemmas op_ua_UArr_is_cat_limit' = op_ua_UArr_is_cat_limit
    unfolded op_ua_components(2)[symmetric], 
    where u=lim_Obj cUArr and r=lim_Obj cUObj and c=c,
    folded op_ua_components(2)[where lim_Obj=lim_Obj and c=c]


subsection‹The Kan extension›

The following subsection is based on the statement and proof of 
Theorem 1 in Chapter X-3 in cite"mac_lane_categories_2010".

subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›

definition the_cf_rKe :: "V  V  V  (V  V)  V"
  where "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj =
      (λc𝔎HomCodObj. lim_Obj cUObj),
        λg𝔎HomCodArr. THE f.
          f :
            lim_Obj (𝔎HomCodDomg)UObj 𝔗HomCodlim_Obj (𝔎HomCodCodg)UObj 
          lim_Obj (𝔎HomCodDomg)UArr NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 =
            lim_Obj (𝔎HomCodCodg)UArr NTCF 
            ntcf_const ((𝔎HomCodCodg) CF 𝔎) (𝔗HomCod) f

definition the_ntcf_rKe :: "V  V  V  (V  V)  V"
  where "the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj =
          lim_Obj (𝔎ObjMapc)UArrNTMap0, c, 𝔎HomCodCId𝔎ObjMapc
      the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj CF 𝔎,

definition the_cf_lKe :: "V  V  V  (V  V)  V"
  where "the_cf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj =
    op_cf (the_cf_rKe α (op_cf 𝔗) (op_cf 𝔎) (op_ua lim_Obj 𝔎))"

definition the_ntcf_lKe :: "V  V  V  (V  V)  V"
  where "the_ntcf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj =
    op_ntcf (the_ntcf_rKe α (op_cf 𝔗) (op_cf 𝔎) (op_ua lim_Obj 𝔎))"


lemma the_cf_rKe_components:
  shows "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjObjMap = 
    (λc𝔎HomCodObj. lim_Obj cUObj)"
    and "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMap =
      λg𝔎HomCodArr. THE f.
        f :
          lim_Obj (𝔎HomCodDomg)UObj 𝔗HomCodlim_Obj (𝔎HomCodCodg)UObj 
        lim_Obj (𝔎HomCodDomg)UArr NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 =
          lim_Obj (𝔎HomCodCodg)UArr NTCF 
          ntcf_const ((𝔎HomCodCodg) CF 𝔎) (𝔗HomCod) f
    and "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjHomDom = 𝔎HomCod"
    and "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjHomCod = 𝔗HomCod"
  unfolding the_cf_rKe_def dghm_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)

lemma the_ntcf_rKe_components:
  shows "the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjNTMap =
          lim_Obj (𝔎ObjMapc)UArrNTMap0, c, 𝔎HomCodCId𝔎ObjMapc
    and "the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjNTDom = the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj CF 𝔎"
    and "the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjNTCod = 𝔗"
    and "the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjNTDGDom = 𝔗HomDom"
    and "the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjNTDGCod = 𝔗HomCod"
  unfolding the_ntcf_rKe_def nt_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)

  fixes α 𝔄 𝔅  𝔎 𝔗
  assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and 𝔗: "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"

interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)
interpretation 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule 𝔗)

lemmas the_cf_rKe_components' = the_cf_rKe_components[
    where 𝔎=𝔎 and 𝔗=𝔗 and α=α, unfolded 𝔎.cf_HomCod 𝔗.cf_HomCod

lemmas [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = the_cf_rKe_components'(3,4)

lemmas the_ntcf_rKe_components' = the_ntcf_rKe_components[
    where 𝔎=𝔎 and 𝔗=𝔗 and α=α, unfolded 𝔎.cf_HomCod 𝔗.cf_HomCod 𝔗.cf_HomDom

lemmas [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = the_ntcf_rKe_components'(2-5)


subsubsection‹Functor: object map›

mk_VLambda the_cf_rKe_components(1)
  |vsv the_cf_rKe_ObjMap_vsv[cat_Kan_cs_intros]|

  fixes α 𝔄 𝔅  𝔎 𝔗
  assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and 𝔗: "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"

interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)

mk_VLambda the_cf_rKe_components'(1)[OF 𝔎 𝔗]
  |vdomain the_cf_rKe_ObjMap_vdomain[cat_Kan_cs_simps]|
  |app the_cf_rKe_ObjMap_impl_app[cat_Kan_cs_simps]|

lemma the_cf_rKe_ObjMap_vrange: 
  assumes "c. c  Obj  lim_Obj cUObj  𝔄Obj"
  shows " (the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjObjMap)  𝔄Obj"
  unfolding the_cf_rKe_components'[OF 𝔎 𝔗]
  by (intro vrange_VLambda_vsubset assms)


subsubsection‹Functor: arrow map›

mk_VLambda the_cf_rKe_components(2)
  |vsv the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_vsv[cat_Kan_cs_intros]|

  fixes α 𝔅  𝔎
  assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"

interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)

mk_VLambda the_cf_rKe_components(2)[where α=α and 𝔎=𝔎, unfolded 𝔎.cf_HomCod]
  |vdomain the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_vdomain[cat_Kan_cs_simps]|

  fixes 𝔄 𝔗 c c' g
  assumes 𝔗: "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and g: "g : c c'"

interpretation 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule 𝔗)

lemma g': "g  Arr" using g by auto

mk_VLambda the_cf_rKe_components(2)[
    where α=α and 𝔎=𝔎 and 𝔗=𝔗, unfolded 𝔎.cf_HomCod 𝔗.cf_HomCod
  |app the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app_impl'|

lemmas the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app' = the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app_impl'[
    OF g', unfolded 𝔎.HomCod.cat_is_arrD[OF g]



lemma the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app_impl:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "g : c c'"
    and "u : r <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "u' : r' <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎 : c' CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "∃!f.
    f : r 𝔄r' 
    u NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 = u' NTCF ntcf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f"

  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret u: is_cat_limit α c CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 r u
    by (rule assms(4))
  interpret u': is_cat_limit α c' CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎 r' u'
    by (rule assms(5))

  have const_r_def:
    "cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r = cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎"
  proof(rule cf_eqI)
    show const_r: "cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r : c' CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros)
    from assms(3) show const_r_g𝔎: 
      "cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎 : c' CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros)
    have ObjMap_dom_lhs: "𝒟 (cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 rObjMap) = c' CF 𝔎Obj"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    from assms(3) have ObjMap_dom_rhs: 
      "𝒟 ((cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎)ObjMap) = c' CF 𝔎Obj"
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
    have ArrMap_dom_lhs: "𝒟 (cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 rArrMap) = c' CF 𝔎Arr"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    from assms(3) have ArrMap_dom_rhs: 
      "𝒟 ((cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎)ArrMap) = c' CF 𝔎Arr"
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
      "cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 rObjMap =
        (cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎)ObjMap"
    proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ObjMap_dom_lhs ObjMap_dom_rhs)
      fix A assume prems: "A  c' CF 𝔎Obj"
      from prems assms obtain b f 
        where A_def: "A = [0, b, f]"
          and b: "b  𝔅Obj" 
          and f: "f : c' 𝔎ObjMapb"
        by auto
      from assms(1,3) prems f b show 
        "cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 rObjMapA =
          (cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎)ObjMapA"
        unfolding A_def
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps 
              cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
        use assms(3) in 
          cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
      "cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 rArrMap =
        (cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎)ArrMap"
    proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ArrMap_dom_lhs ArrMap_dom_rhs)
      show "vsv (cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 rArrMap)"
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      from assms(3) show "vsv ((cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎)ArrMap)"
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros)
      fix F assume prems: "F  c' CF 𝔎Arr"
      with prems obtain A B where F: "F : A c' CF 𝔎B"
        by (auto intro: is_arrI)
      with assms obtain b f b' f' h'
        where F_def: "F = [[0, b, f], [0, b', f'], [0, h']]"
          and A_def: "A = [0, b, f]"
          and B_def: "B = [0, b', f']"
          and h': "h' : b 𝔅b'"
          and f: "f : c' 𝔎ObjMapb"
          and f': "f' : c' 𝔎ObjMapb'"
          and f'_def: "𝔎ArrMaph' Af = f'"
        by auto
      from prems assms(3) F g' h' f f' show
        "cf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 rArrMapF =
          (cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 r CF g ACF 𝔎)ArrMapF"
        unfolding F_def A_def B_def
        by (*slow*)
              cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps f'_def[symmetric]
              cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
    qed simp
  qed simp_all

  have 𝔗c'𝔎: "𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎 = 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎"
  proof(rule cf_eqI)
    show "𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎 : c' CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    from assms show " 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎 : c' CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: cat_comma_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
    have ObjMap_dom_lhs: "𝒟 ((𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎)ObjMap) = c' CF 𝔎Obj"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    from assms have ObjMap_dom_rhs: 
      "𝒟 ((𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎)ObjMap) = c' CF 𝔎Obj"
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: cat_comma_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
    show "(𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎)ObjMap = (𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎)ObjMap"
    proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ObjMap_dom_lhs ObjMap_dom_rhs)
      from assms show "vsv ((𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎)ObjMap)"
            cs_concl cs_shallow
              cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps 
              cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
      from assms show "vsv ((𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎)ObjMap)"
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros)
      fix A assume prems: "A  c' CF 𝔎Obj"
      from assms(3) prems obtain b f
        where A_def: "A = [0, b, f]"
          and b: "b  𝔅Obj"
          and f: "f : c' 𝔎ObjMapb"
        by auto
      from prems assms b f show 
        "(𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎)ObjMapA =
          (𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎)ObjMapA"
        unfolding A_def
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
              cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
    qed simp

    have ArrMap_dom_lhs: "𝒟 ((𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎)ArrMap) = c' CF 𝔎Arr"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    from assms have ArrMap_dom_rhs:
      "𝒟 ((𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎)ArrMap) = c' CF 𝔎Arr"
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
            cs_intro: cat_comma_cs_intros cat_cs_intros

    show "(𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎)ArrMap = (𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎)ArrMap"
    proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ArrMap_dom_lhs ArrMap_dom_rhs)
      from assms show "vsv ((𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎)ArrMap)"
            cs_concl cs_shallow
              cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps 
              cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
      from assms show "vsv ((𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎)ArrMap)"
            cs_concl cs_shallow 
              cs_simp: cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros

      fix F assume prems: "F  c' CF 𝔎Arr"
      with prems obtain A B where F: "F : A c' CF 𝔎B"
        unfolding cat_comma_cs_simps by (auto intro: is_arrI)
      with assms(3) obtain b f b' f' h'
        where F_def: "F = [[0, b, f], [0, b', f'], [0, h']]"
          and A_def: "A = [0, b, f]"
          and B_def: "B = [0, b', f']"
          and h': "h' : b 𝔅b'"
          and f: "f : c' 𝔎ObjMapb"
          and f': "f' : c' 𝔎ObjMapb'"
          and f'_def: "𝔎ArrMaph' Af = f'"
        by auto
      from prems assms(3) F g' h' f f' show
        "(𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎)ArrMapF =
          (𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF g ACF 𝔎)ArrMapF"
        unfolding F_def A_def B_def
        by (*slow*)
              cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps f'_def[symmetric]
              cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
    qed simp
  qed simp_all

  from assms(1-3) have
    "u NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 : r <CF.cone 𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎 : c' CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    by (intro is_cat_coneI)
          cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros
          cs_simp: const_r_def 𝔗c'𝔎
  with u'.cat_lim_ua_fo show
      G : r 𝔄r' 
      u NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 = u' NTCF ntcf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 G"
    by simp


lemma the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "g : c c'"
    and "lim_Obj cUArr :
      lim_Obj cUObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "lim_Obj c'UArr :
      lim_Obj c'UObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎 : c' CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapg :
    lim_Obj cUObj 𝔄lim_Obj c'UObj"
      "lim_Obj cUArr NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 =
        lim_Obj c'UArr NTCF
          ntcf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapg)"
        f : lim_Obj cUObj 𝔄lim_Obj c'UObj;
        lim_Obj cUArr NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 =
          lim_Obj c'UArr NTCF ntcf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f
         f = the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapg"

  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret u: is_cat_limit 
    α c CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 lim_Obj cUObj lim_Obj cUArr
    by (rule assms(4))
  interpret u': is_cat_limit 
    α c' CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎 lim_Obj c'UObj lim_Obj c'UArr
    by (rule assms(5))

  from assms(3) have c: "c  Obj" and c': "c'  Obj" by auto

  note the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app_impl' =
    the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app_impl[OF assms]
  note the_f = theI'[OF the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app_impl[OF assms]]
  note the_f_is_arr = the_f[THEN conjunct1]
    and the_f_commutes = the_f[THEN conjunct2]

  from assms(3) the_f_is_arr show
    "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapg :
      lim_Obj cUObj 𝔄lim_Obj c'UObj"
        cs_concl cs_shallow
          cs_simp: the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app' cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
  moreover from assms(3) the_f_commutes show
    "lim_Obj cUArr NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 =
      lim_Obj c'UArr NTCF
        ntcf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapg)"
        cs_concl cs_shallow 
          cs_simp: the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app' cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
  ultimately show "f = the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapg"
    if "f : lim_Obj cUObj 𝔄lim_Obj c'UObj"
      and "lim_Obj cUArr NTCF-CF g ACF 𝔎 =
        lim_Obj c'UArr NTCF ntcf_const (c' CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f"
    by (metis that the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app_impl')


lemma the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_is_arr'[cat_Kan_cs_intros]:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "g : c c'"
    and "lim_Obj cUArr :
      lim_Obj cUObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "lim_Obj c'UArr :
      lim_Obj c'UObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c' OCF 𝔎 : c' CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "a = lim_Obj cUObj"
    and "b = lim_Obj c'UObj"
  shows "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapg : a 𝔄b"
  unfolding assms(6,7) by (rule the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app[OF assms(1-5)])

lemma lim_Obj_the_cf_rKe_commute:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "lim_Obj aUArr :
      lim_Obj aUObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF a OCF 𝔎 : a CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "lim_Obj bUArr :
      lim_Obj bUObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎 : b CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "f : a b"
    and "[a', b', f']  b CF 𝔎Obj"
    "lim_Obj aUArrNTMapa', b', f' Af =
      lim_Obj bUArrNTMapa', b', f' A𝔄the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapf" 

  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))

  note f = 𝔎.HomCod.cat_is_arrD[OF assms(5)]

  interpret lim_a: is_cat_limit
    α a CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF a OCF 𝔎 lim_Obj aUObj lim_Obj aUArr
    by (rule assms(3))
  interpret lim_b: is_cat_limit 
    α b CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎 lim_Obj bUObj lim_Obj bUArr 
    by (rule assms(4))

  note f_app = the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app[
      where lim_Obj=lim_Obj, OF assms(1,2,5,3,4)

  from f_app(2) have lim_a_f𝔎_NTMap_app:
    "(lim_Obj aUArr NTCF-CF f ACF 𝔎)NTMapA =
        lim_Obj bUArr NTCF
        ntcf_const (b CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapf)
    if A  b CF 𝔎Obj for A
    by simp
    "lim_Obj aUArrNTMapa', b', f' Af =
      lim_Obj bUArrNTMapa', b', f' A𝔄the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapf" 
    from assms(5,6) have a'_def: "a' = 0"
      and b': "b'  𝔅Obj"
      and f': "f' : b 𝔎ObjMapb'"
      by auto
      "lim_Obj aUArrNTMapa', b', f' Af =
        lim_Obj bUArrNTMapa', b', f' A𝔄the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_ObjArrMapf"
      using lim_a_f𝔎_NTMap_app[OF assms(6)] f' assms(3-6) 
      unfolding a'_def
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros


subsubsection‹Natural transformation: natural transformation map›

mk_VLambda the_ntcf_rKe_components(1)
  |vsv the_ntcf_rKe_NTMap_vsv[cat_Kan_cs_intros]|

  fixes α 𝔄 𝔅  𝔎 𝔗
  assumes 𝔎: "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and 𝔗: "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"

interpretation 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule 𝔎)
interpretation 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule 𝔗)

mk_VLambda the_ntcf_rKe_components'(1)[OF 𝔎 𝔗]
  |vdomain the_ntcf_rKe_ObjMap_vdomain[cat_Kan_cs_simps]|
  |app the_ntcf_rKe_ObjMap_impl_app[cat_Kan_cs_simps]|


subsubsection‹The Kan extension is a Kan extension›

lemma the_cf_rKe_is_functor:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "c. c  Obj  lim_Obj cUArr :
      lim_Obj cUObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"

  let ?UObj = λa. lim_Obj aUObj 
  let ?UArr = λa. lim_Obj aUArr
  let ?const_comma = λa b. cf_const (a CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (?UObj b)
  let ?the_cf_rKe = the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj

  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))

  note [cat_lim_cs_intros] = is_cat_cone.cat_cone_obj
  show ?thesis
  proof(intro is_functorI')

    show "vfsequence ?the_cf_rKe" unfolding the_cf_rKe_def by simp
    show "vcard ?the_cf_rKe = 4" 
      unfolding the_cf_rKe_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
    show "vsv (?the_cf_rKeObjMap)" 
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_Kan_cs_intros)
    moreover show "𝒟 (?the_cf_rKeObjMap) = Obj"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    moreover show " (?the_cf_rKeObjMap)  𝔄Obj"
        intro the_cf_rKe_ObjMap_vrange; 
        (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)?
      fix c assume "c  Obj"
      with assms(3)[OF this] show "?UObj c  𝔄Obj"
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros)
    ultimately have [cat_Kan_cs_intros]: 
      "?the_cf_rKeObjMapc  𝔄Obj" if c  Obj for c
      by (metis that vsubsetE vsv.vsv_value)

    show "?the_cf_rKeArrMapf :
      ?the_cf_rKeObjMapa 𝔄?the_cf_rKeObjMapb"
      if "f : a b" for a b f
      using assms(2) that
            cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps 
            cs_intro: assms(3) cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros
    then have [cat_Kan_cs_intros]: "?the_cf_rKeArrMapf : A 𝔄B"
      if "A = ?the_cf_rKeObjMapa" 
        and "B = ?the_cf_rKeObjMapb"
        and "f : a b" 
      for A B a b f
      by (simp add: that)

      "?the_cf_rKeArrMapg Af =
        ?the_cf_rKeArrMapg A𝔄?the_cf_rKeArrMapf"
      (is ?the_cf_rKeArrMapg Af = ?the_rKe_g A𝔄?the_rKe_f)
      if g_is_arr: "g : b c" and f_is_arr: "f : a b" for b c g a f

      let ?ntcf_const_c = λf. ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f

      note g = 𝔎.HomCod.cat_is_arrD[OF that(1)]
        and f = 𝔎.HomCod.cat_is_arrD[OF that(2)]
      note lim_a = assms(3)[OF f(2)]
        and lim_b = assms(3)[OF g(2)]
        and lim_c = assms(3)[OF g(3)]
      from that have gf: "g Af : a c" 
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

      interpret lim_a: is_cat_limit
        α a CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF a OCF 𝔎 ?UObj a ?UArr a
        by (rule lim_a)
      interpret lim_c: is_cat_limit
        α c CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 ?UObj c ?UArr c
        by (rule lim_c)

      show ?thesis
          rule sym, 
          rule the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app(3)[OF assms(1,2) gf lim_a lim_c]

        from assms(1,2) that lim_a lim_b lim_c show 
          "?the_rKe_g A𝔄?the_rKe_f : ?UObj a 𝔄?UObj c"
                cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros
          "?UArr a NTCF-CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎 = 
            ?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c (?the_rKe_g A𝔄?the_rKe_f)"
              ?UArr a NTCF-CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎 =
                  ?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c ?the_rKe_gf
        proof(rule ntcf_eqI)
          from that show 
            "?UArr a NTCF-CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎 :
              cf_const (a CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (?UObj a) CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎 CF
              𝔗 CF a OCF 𝔎 CF ((g Af) ACF 𝔎) :
              c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
            by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros)
          have [cat_comma_cs_simps]: 
            "?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎 = ?const_comma c a"
          proof(rule cf_eqI)
            from g_is_arr f_is_arr show
              "?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
                    cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps
                      cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
            from g_is_arr f_is_arr show "?const_comma c a : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
                    cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps
                      cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
            from g_is_arr f_is_arr have ObjMap_dom_lhs:
              "𝒟 ((?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)ObjMap) =
                c CF 𝔎Obj"
                    cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps 
                      cat_comma_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
            from g_is_arr f_is_arr have ObjMap_dom_rhs:
              "𝒟 (?const_comma c aObjMap) = c CF 𝔎Obj"
              by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps)

              "(?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)ObjMap =
                ?const_comma c aObjMap"
            proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ObjMap_dom_lhs ObjMap_dom_rhs)
              from f_is_arr g_is_arr show 
                "vsv ((?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)ObjMap)"
                      cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps 
                        cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
              fix A assume prems: "A  c CF 𝔎Obj"
              with g_is_arr obtain b' f' 
                where A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                  and b': "b'  𝔅Obj"
                  and f': "f' : c 𝔎ObjMapb'"
                by auto
              from prems b' f' g_is_arr f_is_arr show 
                "(?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)ObjMapA =
                  ?const_comma c aObjMapA"
                unfolding A_def
                      cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps 
                        cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
            qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

            from g_is_arr f_is_arr have ArrMap_dom_lhs:
              "𝒟 ((?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)ArrMap) = 
                c CF 𝔎Arr"
                    cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps 
                      cat_comma_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
            from g_is_arr f_is_arr have ArrMap_dom_rhs:
              "𝒟 (?const_comma c aArrMap) = c CF 𝔎Arr"
              by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps)

              "(?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)ArrMap =
                ?const_comma c aArrMap"
            proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold ArrMap_dom_lhs ArrMap_dom_rhs)
              from f_is_arr g_is_arr show
                "vsv ((?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)ArrMap)"
                      cs_simp: cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps
                        cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
              fix F assume "F  c CF 𝔎Arr"
              then obtain A B where F: "F : A c CF 𝔎B"
                unfolding cat_comma_cs_simps by (auto intro: is_arrI)
              with g_is_arr obtain b' f' b'' f'' h'
                where F_def: "F = [[0, b', f'], [0, b'', f''], [0, h']]"
                  and A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                  and B_def: "B = [0, b'', f'']"
                  and h': "h' : b' 𝔅b''"
                  and f': "f' : c 𝔎ObjMapb'"
                  and f'': "f'' : c 𝔎ObjMapb''"
                  and f''_def: "𝔎ArrMaph' Af' = f''"
                by auto
              from F f_is_arr g_is_arr g' h' f' f'' show 
                "(?const_comma a a CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)ArrMapF =
                  ?const_comma c aArrMapF"
                unfolding F_def A_def B_def
                        cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
                        cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps f''_def[symmetric]
            qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
          qed simp_all

          from that show
            "?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c ?the_rKe_gf :
              cf_const (a CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (?UObj a) CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎 CF
              𝔗 CF a OCF 𝔎 CF ((g Af) ACF 𝔎) :
              c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
                  cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_cs_simps
          from that have dom_lhs:
            "𝒟 ((?UArr a NTCF-CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)NTMap) = c CF 𝔎Obj"
                cs_concl cs_shallow
                  cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
                  cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
          from that have dom_rhs: 
            "𝒟 ((?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c ?the_rKe_gf)NTMap) = 
              c CF 𝔎Obj"
                  cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
                  cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
            "(?UArr a NTCF-CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)NTMap =
              (?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c ?the_rKe_gf)NTMap"
          proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
            fix A assume prems: "A  c CF 𝔎Obj"
            with g_is_arr obtain b' f' 
              where A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                and b': "b'  𝔅Obj"
                and f': "f' : c 𝔎ObjMapb'"
              by auto
            note 𝔗.HomCod.cat_Comp_assoc[cat_cs_simps del]
              and 𝔎.HomCod.cat_Comp_assoc[cat_cs_simps del]
              and category.cat_Comp_assoc[cat_cs_simps del]
            note [symmetric, cat_cs_simps] =
              lim_Obj_the_cf_rKe_commute[where lim_Obj=lim_Obj]
            from assms(1,2) that prems lim_a lim_b lim_c b' f' show
              "(?UArr a NTCF-CF (g Af) ACF 𝔎)NTMapA =
                (?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c ?the_rKe_gf)NTMapA"
              unfolding A_def
              by (*very slow*)
                      cat_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps 
                      cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
          qed (cs_concl cs_simp: cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
        qed simp_all
    show "?the_cf_rKeArrMapCIdc = 𝔄CId?the_cf_rKeObjMapc"
      if "c  Obj" for c

      let ?ntcf_const_c = ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔄CId?UObj c)

      note lim_c = assms(3)[OF that]

      from that have CId_c: "CIdc : c c" 
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

      interpret lim_c: is_cat_limit 
        α c CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 ?UObj c ?UArr c
        by (rule lim_c)

      show ?thesis
          rule sym,
          rule the_cf_rKe_ArrMap_app(3)[
            where lim_Obj=lim_Obj, OF assms(1,2) CId_c lim_c lim_c
        from that lim_c show 
          "𝔄CId?the_cf_rKeObjMapc : ?UObj c 𝔄?UObj c"
              cs_concl cs_shallow
                cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps
                cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros
        have "?UArr c NTCF-CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎 =  ?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c"
        proof(rule ntcf_eqI)
          from lim_c that show 
            "?UArr c NTCF-CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎 :
              cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (?UObj c) CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎 CF
              𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎 :
              c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
            by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros)
          from lim_c that show 
            "?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c :
               cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (?UObj c) CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎 CF
               𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎 :
               c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
            by (*very slow*)
                  cs_intro: cat_cs_intros 
                  cs_simp: 𝔎.cf_arr_cf_comma_CId cat_cs_simps 
                  cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros
          from that have dom_lhs:
            "𝒟 ((?UArr c NTCF-CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎)NTMap) = c CF 𝔎Obj"
                cs_concl cs_shallow
                  cs_simp: cat_cs_simps 
                  cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
          from that have dom_rhs:
            "𝒟 ((?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c)NTMap) = c CF 𝔎Obj"
                  cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros 
                  cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
            "(?UArr c NTCF-CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎)NTMap =
              (?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c)NTMap"
          proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
            fix A assume prems: "A  c CF 𝔎Obj"
            with that obtain b f 
              where A_def: "A = [0, b, f]"
                and b: "b  𝔅Obj" 
                and f: "f : c 𝔎ObjMapb"
              by auto
            from that prems f have 
              "?UArr cNTMap0, b, f : ?UObj c 𝔄𝔗ObjMapb"
              unfolding A_def
                    cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps 
                    cs_intro: cat_comma_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
            from that prems f show 
              "(?UArr c NTCF-CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎)NTMapA =
                (?UArr c NTCF ?ntcf_const_c)NTMapA"
              unfolding A_def 
                    cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
                      cat_lim_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
          qed (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
        qed simp_all

        with that show 
          "?UArr c NTCF-CF (CIdc) ACF 𝔎 = 
            ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔄CId?the_cf_rKeObjMapc)"
              cs_concl cs_shallow 
                cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros



        cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros


lemma the_cf_lKe_is_functor:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "c. c  Obj  lim_Obj cUArr :
      𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c >CF.colim lim_Obj cUObj : 𝔎 CF c ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "the_cf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
    fix c assume prems: "c  Obj"
    from assms(3)[OF this] have lim_Obj_UArr: "lim_Obj cUArr :
      𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c >CF.colim lim_Obj cUObj : 𝔎 CF c ↦↦Cα𝔄". 
    then interpret lim_Obj_c: is_cat_colimit 
      α 𝔎 CF c 𝔄 𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c lim_Obj cUObj lim_Obj cUArr
      by simp
    note op_ua_UArr_is_cat_limit'[
      where lim_Obj=lim_Obj, OF assms(1,2) prems lim_Obj_UArr
  note the_cf_rKe_is_functor = the_cf_rKe_is_functor
      OF 𝔎.is_functor_op 𝔗.is_functor_op,
      unfolded cat_op_simps,
      where lim_Obj=op_ua lim_Obj 𝔎, 
      unfolded cat_op_simps, 
      OF this,
      folded the_cf_lKe_def
  show "the_cf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
        rule is_functor.is_functor_op
            OF the_cf_rKe_is_functor, 
            folded the_cf_lKe_def,
            unfolded cat_op_simps

lemma the_ntcf_rKe_is_ntcf:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα" 
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "c. c  Obj  lim_Obj cUArr : 
      lim_Obj cUObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj :
    the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj CF 𝔎 CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"

  let ?UObj = λa. lim_Obj aUObj 
  let ?UArr = λa. lim_Obj aUArr
  let ?const_comma = λa b. cf_const (a CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (?UObj b)
  let ?the_cf_rKe = the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj
  let ?the_ntcf_rKe = the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj

  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret cf_rKe: is_functor α  𝔄 ?the_cf_rKe
    by (rule the_cf_rKe_is_functor[OF assms, simplified])

  show ?thesis
  proof(rule is_ntcfI')
    show "vfsequence ?the_ntcf_rKe" unfolding the_ntcf_rKe_def by simp
    show "vcard ?the_ntcf_rKe = 5"
      unfolding the_ntcf_rKe_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
    show "?the_ntcf_rKeNTMapb : 
      (?the_cf_rKe CF 𝔎)ObjMapb 𝔄𝔗ObjMapb"
      if "b  𝔅Obj" for b
      let ?𝔎b = 𝔎ObjMapb
      from that have 𝔎b: "𝔎ObjMapb  Obj"
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      note lim_𝔎b = assms(3)[OF 𝔎b]
      interpret lim_𝔎b: is_cat_limit 
        α ?𝔎b CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF ?𝔎b OCF 𝔎 ?UObj ?𝔎b ?UArr ?𝔎b
        by (rule lim_𝔎b)
      from that lim_𝔎b show ?thesis
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
              cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros
      "?the_ntcf_rKeNTMapb A𝔄(?the_cf_rKe CF 𝔎)ArrMapf =
        𝔗ArrMapf A𝔄?the_ntcf_rKeNTMapa"
      if "f : a 𝔅b" for a b f 
      let ?𝔎a = 𝔎ObjMapa and ?𝔎b = 𝔎ObjMapb and ?𝔎f = 𝔎ArrMapf
      from that have 𝔎a: "?𝔎a  Obj" 
        and 𝔎b: "?𝔎b  Obj"
        and 𝔎f: "?𝔎f : ?𝔎a ?𝔎b"
        by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
      note lim_𝔎a = assms(3)[OF 𝔎a]
        and lim_𝔎b = assms(3)[OF 𝔎b]
      from that have z_b_𝔎b: "[0, b, CId?𝔎b]  ?𝔎b CF 𝔎Obj"
        by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros)
          OF assms(1,2) lim_𝔎a lim_𝔎b 𝔎f z_b_𝔎b, symmetric
      have [cat_Kan_cs_simps]:
        "?UArr ?𝔎bNTMap0, b, CId?𝔎b A𝔄?the_cf_rKeArrMap?𝔎f =
          ?UArr ?𝔎aNTMap0, b, ?𝔎f"
        by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      interpret lim_𝔎a: is_cat_limit
        α ?𝔎a CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF ?𝔎a OCF 𝔎 ?UObj ?𝔎a ?UArr ?𝔎a
        by (rule lim_𝔎a)
      interpret lim_𝔎b: is_cat_limit 
        α ?𝔎b CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF ?𝔎b OCF 𝔎 ?UObj ?𝔎b ?UArr ?𝔎b
        by (rule lim_𝔎b)
      note lim_𝔎a.cat_cone_Comp_commute[cat_cs_simps del]
      note lim_𝔎b.cat_cone_Comp_commute[cat_cs_simps del]
      from that have 
        "[[0, a, CId?𝔎a], [0, b, ?𝔎f], [0, f]] :
          [0, a, CId?𝔎a] (?𝔎a) CF 𝔎[0, b, ?𝔎f]"
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
              cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
      from lim_𝔎a.ntcf_Comp_commute[OF this, symmetric] that
      have [cat_Kan_cs_simps]:
        "𝔗ArrMapf A𝔄?UArr (?𝔎a)NTMap 0, a, CId?𝔎a =
          ?UArr ?𝔎aNTMap0, b, ?𝔎f"
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
              cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_1_is_arrI
      from that show ?thesis
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
        cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros


lemma the_ntcf_lKe_is_ntcf:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα" 
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "c. c  Obj  lim_Obj cUArr :
      𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c >CF.colim lim_Obj cUObj : 𝔎 CF c ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "the_ntcf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj :
    𝔗 CF the_cf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
    fix c assume prems: "c  Obj"
    from assms(3)[OF this] have lim_Obj_UArr: "lim_Obj cUArr :
      𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c >CF.colim lim_Obj cUObj : 𝔎 CF c ↦↦Cα𝔄". 
    then interpret lim_Obj_c: is_cat_colimit 
      α 𝔎 CF c 𝔄 𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c lim_Obj cUObj lim_Obj cUArr
      by simp
    note op_ua_UArr_is_cat_limit'[
      where lim_Obj=lim_Obj, OF assms(1,2) prems lim_Obj_UArr
  note the_ntcf_rKe_is_ntcf = the_ntcf_rKe_is_ntcf
      OF 𝔎.is_functor_op 𝔗.is_functor_op,
      unfolded cat_op_simps,
      where lim_Obj=op_ua lim_Obj 𝔎,
      unfolded cat_op_simps,
      OF this,
  show "the_ntcf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj :
    𝔗 CF the_cf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
        rule is_ntcf.is_ntcf_op
            OF the_ntcf_rKe_is_ntcf,
            unfolded cat_op_simps, 
            folded the_cf_lKe_def the_ntcf_lKe_def

lemma the_ntcf_rKe_is_cat_rKe:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "c. c  Obj  lim_Obj cUArr :
      lim_Obj cUObj <CF.lim 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj :
    the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj CF 𝔎 CF.rKeα𝔗 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔄"

  let ?UObj = λa. lim_Obj aUObj 
  let ?UArr = λa. lim_Obj aUArr
  let ?the_cf_rKe = the_cf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj
  let ?the_ntcf_rKe = the_ntcf_rKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj

  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret cf_rKe: is_functor α  𝔄 ?the_cf_rKe
    by (rule the_cf_rKe_is_functor[OF assms, simplified])
  interpret ntcf_rKe: is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 ?the_cf_rKe CF 𝔎 𝔗 ?the_ntcf_rKe
    by (intro the_ntcf_rKe_is_ntcf assms(3))
      (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+

  show ?thesis
  proof(rule is_cat_rKeI')

    fix 𝔊 ε assume prems: 
      "𝔊 :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔎 CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"

    interpret 𝔊: is_functor α  𝔄 𝔊 by (rule prems(1))
    interpret ε: is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔊 CF 𝔎 𝔗 ε by (rule prems(2))

    define ε' where "ε' c =
        (λAc CF 𝔎Obj. εNTMapA1 A𝔄𝔊ArrMapA2),
        cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMapc),
        𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎,
        c CF 𝔎,
      for c

    have ε'_components: 
      "ε' cNTMap = (λAc CF 𝔎Obj. εNTMapA1 A𝔄𝔊ArrMapA2)"
      "ε' cNTDom = cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMapc)"
      "ε' cNTCod = 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎"
      "ε' cNTDGDom = c CF 𝔎"
      "ε' cNTDGCod = 𝔄"
      for c 
      unfolding ε'_def nt_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
    note [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = ε'_components(2-5)
    have [cat_Kan_cs_simps]: "ε' cNTMapA = εNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf"
      if "A = [a, b, f]" and "[a, b, f]  c CF 𝔎Obj" for A a b c f
      using that unfolding ε'_components by (auto simp: nat_omega_simps)

    have ε': "ε' c : 𝔊ObjMapc <CF.cone 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      and ε'_unique: "∃!f'.
        f' : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c 
        ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f'" 
      if c: "c  Obj" for c
      from that have "?the_cf_rKeObjMapc = ?UObj c"
            cs_concl cs_shallow 
              cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
      interpret lim_c: is_cat_limit 
        α c CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 ?UObj c ?UArr c
        by (rule assms(3)[OF that])
      show "ε' c : 𝔊ObjMapc <CF.cone 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 : c CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      proof(intro is_cat_coneI is_ntcfI')
        show "vfsequence (ε' c)" unfolding ε'_def by simp
        show "vcard (ε' c) = 5" unfolding ε'_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
        show "vsv (ε' cNTMap)" unfolding ε'_components by simp 
        show "𝒟 (ε' cNTMap) = c CF 𝔎Obj" unfolding ε'_components by simp
        show "ε' cNTMapA :
          cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMapc)ObjMapA 𝔄(𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎)ObjMapA"
          if "A  c CF 𝔎Obj" for A
          from that prems c obtain b f 
            where A_def: "A = [0, b, f]"
              and b: "b  𝔅Obj" 
              and f: "f : c 𝔎ObjMapb"
            by auto
          from that prems f c that b f show ?thesis
            unfolding A_def
                cs_concl cs_shallow
                  cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
                  cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
          "ε' cNTMapB A𝔄cf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMapc)ArrMapF =
            (𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎)ArrMapF A𝔄ε' cNTMapA"
          if "F : A c CF 𝔎B" for A B F
          from that c 
          obtain b f b' f' k 
            where F_def: "F = [[0, b, f], [0, b', f'], [0, k]]"
              and A_def: "A = [0, b, f]"
              and B_def: "B = [0, b', f']"
              and k: "k : b 𝔅b'"
              and f: "f : c 𝔎ObjMapb"
              and f': "f' : c 𝔎ObjMapb'"
              and f'_def: "𝔎ArrMapk Af = f'"
            by auto
          from c that k f f' show ?thesis
            unfolding F_def A_def B_def
            by (*slow*)
                  cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
          use c that in
            cs_concl cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
      from is_cat_limit.cat_lim_ua_fo[OF assms(3)[OF that] this] show 
          f' : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c 
          ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f'"  
        by simp

    define σ :: V where
      "σ =
            λcObj. THE f.
              f : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c 
              ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f

    have σ_components:
      "σNTMap =
          λcObj. THE f.
            f : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c 
            ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f
      "σNTDom = 𝔊"
      "σNTCod = ?the_cf_rKe"
      "σNTDGDom = "
      "σNTDGCod = 𝔄"
      unfolding σ_def nt_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)

    note [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = σ_components(2-5)

    have σ_NTMap_app_def: "σNTMapc =
        THE f.
          f : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c 
          ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f
      if "c  Obj" for c
      using that unfolding σ_components by simp

    have σ_NTMap_app_is_arr: "σNTMapc : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c"
      and ε'_σ_commute:
        "ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (σNTMapc)"
      and σ_NTMap_app_unique:
          f : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c;
          ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f
           f = σNTMapc"
        if c: "c  Obj" for c f
        "σNTMapc : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c 
        ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (σNTMapc)"
            cs_concl cs_shallow
              cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps σ_NTMap_app_def 
              cs_intro: theI' ε'_unique that
      then show "σNTMapc : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c"
        and "ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (σNTMapc)"
        by simp_all
      with c ε'_unique[OF c] show "f = σNTMapc"
        if "f : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c"
          and "ε' c = ?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 f"
        using that by metis

    have σ_NTMap_app_is_arr'[cat_Kan_cs_intros]: "σNTMapc : a 𝔄'b"
      if "c  Obj" 
        and "a = 𝔊ObjMapc" 
        and "b = ?UObj c" 
        and "𝔄' = 𝔄"
      for 𝔄' a b c
      by (simp add: that σ_NTMap_app_is_arr)

    have ε'_NTMap_app_def: 
      "ε' cNTMapA =
        (?UArr c NTCF ntcf_const (c CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (σNTMapc))NTMapA"
      if "A  c CF 𝔎Obj" and "c  Obj" for A c
      using ε'_σ_commute[OF that(2)] by simp
    have εb_𝔊f:
      "εNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf =
        ?UArr cNTMapa, b, f A𝔄σNTMapc"
      if "A = [a, b, f]" and "A  c CF 𝔎Obj" and "c  Obj" 
      for A a b c f
      interpret lim_c: is_cat_limit 
        α c CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 ?UObj c ?UArr c
        by (rule assms(3)[OF that(3)])
      from that have b: "b  𝔅Obj" and f: "f : c 𝔎ObjMapb"
        by blast+
        "εNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf =
          ?UArr cNTMapa, b, f A𝔄σNTMapc"
        using ε'_NTMap_app_def[OF that(2,3)] that(2,3)
        unfolding that(1)
            cs_prems cs_shallow
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
              cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros

    show "∃!σ.
      σ : 𝔊 CF ?the_cf_rKe :  ↦↦Cα𝔄 
      ε = ?the_ntcf_rKe NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
    proof(intro ex1I[where a=σ] conjI; (elim conjE)?)

      define τ where "τ a b f =
            λFb CF 𝔎Obj.
              ?UArr bNTMapF A𝔄σNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf
          cf_const (b CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMapa),
          𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎,
          b CF 𝔎,
        for a b f

      have τ_components:
        "τ a b fNTMap =
            λFb CF 𝔎Obj.
              ?UArr bNTMapF A𝔄σNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf
        "τ a b fNTDom = cf_const (b CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMapa)"
        "τ a b fNTCod = 𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎"
        "τ a b fNTDGDom = b CF 𝔎"
        "τ a b fNTDGCod = 𝔄"
        for a b f
        unfolding τ_def nt_field_simps by (simp_all add: nat_omega_simps)
      note [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = τ_components(2-5)
      have τ_NTMap_app[cat_Kan_cs_simps]: 
        "τ a b fNTMapF =
          ?UArr bNTMapF A𝔄σNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf"
        if "F  b CF 𝔎Obj" for a b f F
        using that unfolding τ_components by auto
      have τ: "τ a b f :
        𝔊ObjMapa <CF.cone 𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎 : b CF 𝔎 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
        if f_is_arr: "f : a b" for a b f

        note f = 𝔎.HomCod.cat_is_arrD[OF that]
        note lim_a = assms(3)[OF f(2)] and lim_b = assms(3)[OF f(3)]

        interpret lim_b: is_cat_limit 
          α b CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎 ?UObj b ?UArr b
          by (rule lim_b)

        note lim_b.cat_cone_Comp_commute[cat_cs_simps del]

        from f have a: "a  Obj" and b: "b  Obj" by auto

        show ?thesis
        proof(intro is_cat_coneI is_ntcfI')

          show "vfsequence (τ a b f)" unfolding τ_def by simp
          show "vcard (τ a b f) = 5" 
            unfolding τ_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
          show "vsv (τ a b fNTMap)" unfolding τ_components by auto
          show "𝒟 (τ a b fNTMap) = b CF 𝔎Obj" by (auto simp: τ_components)
          show "τ a b fNTMapA :
            cf_const (b CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMapa)ObjMapA 𝔄(𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎)ObjMapA"
            if "A  b CF 𝔎Obj" for A
            from that f_is_arr obtain b' f' 
              where A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                and b': "b'  𝔅Obj"
                and f': "f' : b 𝔎ObjMapb'"
              by auto
            from  f_is_arr that b' f' a b show ?thesis
              unfolding A_def
                  cs_concl cs_shallow
                    cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
                    cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros
            "τ a b fNTMapB A𝔄cf_const (b CF 𝔎) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMapa)ArrMapF =
              (𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎)ArrMapF A𝔄τ a b fNTMapA"
            if "F : A b CF 𝔎B" for A B F
            from that have F: "F : A b CF 𝔎B"
              by (auto intro: is_arrI)
            with f_is_arr obtain b' f' b'' f'' h'
              where F_def: "F = [[0, b', f'], [0, b'', f''], [0, h']]"
                and A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                and B_def: "B = [0, b'', f'']"
                and h': "h' : b' 𝔅b''"
                and f': "f' : b 𝔎ObjMapb'"
                and f'': "f'' : b 𝔎ObjMapb''"
                and f''_def: "𝔎ArrMaph' Af' = f''"
              by auto
              lim_b.ntcf_Comp_commute[OF that] 
              that f_is_arr g' h' f' f'' 
            have [cat_Kan_cs_simps]:
              "?UArr bNTMap0, b'', 𝔎ArrMaph' Af' =
                𝔗ArrMaph' A𝔄?UArr bNTMap0, b', f'"
              unfolding F_def A_def B_def
                      cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps f''_def[symmetric]
                    cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
            from f_is_arr that g' h' f' f'' show ?thesis
              unfolding F_def A_def B_def (*very slow*)
                      cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros

            use that f_is_arr in
                  cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros

      show σ: "σ : 𝔊 CF ?the_cf_rKe :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      proof(rule is_ntcfI')

        show "vfsequence σ" unfolding σ_def by simp
        show "vcard σ = 5" unfolding σ_def by (simp add: nat_omega_simps)
        show "vsv (σNTMap)" unfolding σ_components by auto
        show "𝒟 (σNTMap) = Obj" unfolding σ_components by simp
        show "σNTMapa : 𝔊ObjMapa 𝔄?the_cf_rKeObjMapa"
          if "a  Obj" for a
          using that 
                cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
                cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros

        then have [cat_Kan_cs_intros]: "σNTMapa : b 𝔄c"
          if "a  Obj" 
            and "b = 𝔊ObjMapa" 
            and "c = ?the_cf_rKeObjMapa"
          for a b c
          using that(1) unfolding that(2,3) by simp

          "σNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf =
            ?the_cf_rKeArrMapf A𝔄σNTMapa"
          if f_is_arr: "f : a b" for a b f

          note f = 𝔎.HomCod.cat_is_arrD[OF that]
          note lim_a = assms(3)[OF f(2)] and lim_b = assms(3)[OF f(3)]

          interpret lim_a: is_cat_limit 
            α a CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF a OCF 𝔎 ?UObj a ?UArr a
            by (rule lim_a)
          interpret lim_b: is_cat_limit 
            α b CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF b OCF 𝔎 ?UObj b ?UArr b
            by (rule lim_b)

          from f have a: "a  Obj" and b: "b  Obj" by auto
          from lim_b.cat_lim_unique_cone'[OF τ[OF that]] obtain g' 
            where g': "g' : 𝔊ObjMapa 𝔄?UObj b"
              and τ_NTMap_app: "A. A  (b CF 𝔎Obj) 
                τ a b fNTMapA = ?UArr bNTMapA A𝔄g'"
              and g'_unique: "g''.
                  g'' : 𝔊ObjMapa 𝔄?UObj b;
                  A. A  b CF 𝔎Obj 
                    τ a b fNTMapA = ?UArr bNTMapA A𝔄g''
                  g'' = g'"
            by metis

          have lim_Obj_a_f𝔎[symmetric, cat_Kan_cs_simps]:
            "?UArr aNTMapa', b', f' Af =
              ?UArr bNTMapA A𝔄?the_cf_rKeArrMapf"
            if "A = [a', b', f']" and "A  b CF 𝔎Obj" for A a' b' f'
            from that(2) f_is_arr have a'_def: "a' = 0" 
              and b': "b'  𝔅Obj" 
              and f': "f' : b 𝔎ObjMapb'"
              unfolding that(1) by auto
            show ?thesis 
              unfolding that(1) 
                        where lim_Obj=lim_Obj, 
                          that(2)[unfolded that(1)] 
            fix a' b' f' A
            note 𝔗.HomCod.cat_assoc_helper[
              where h=?UArr bNTMapa',b',f' 
                and g=?the_cf_rKeArrMapf
                and q=?UArr aNTMapa', b', f' Af
          note [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = this

          show ?thesis
          proof(rule trans_sym[where s=g'])
            show "σNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf = g'"
            proof(rule g'_unique)
              from that show
                "σNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf : 𝔊ObjMapa 𝔄?UObj b"
                by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros)
              fix A assume prems': "A  b CF 𝔎Obj"
              with f_is_arr obtain b' f' 
                where A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                  and b': "b'  𝔅Obj"
                  and f': "f' : b 𝔎ObjMapb'"
                by auto
              from f_is_arr prems' show
                "τ a b fNTMapA =
                  ?UArr bNTMapA A𝔄(σNTMapb A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf)"
                unfolding A_def
                      cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
                      cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros
            show "?the_cf_rKeArrMapf A𝔄σNTMapa = g'"
            proof(rule g'_unique)                  
              fix A assume prems': "A  b CF 𝔎Obj"
              with f_is_arr obtain b' f' 
                where A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                  and b': "b'  𝔅Obj"
                  and f': "f' : b 𝔎ObjMapb'"
                by auto
                fix a' b' f' A
                note 𝔗.HomCod.cat_assoc_helper
                    where h=?UArr bNTMapa', b', f' 
                      and g=σNTMapb
                      and q=εNTMapb' A𝔄𝔊ArrMapf'
              note [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = 
                εb_𝔊f[OF A_def prems' b, symmetric]
              from f_is_arr prems' b' f' show 
                "τ a b fNTMapA =
                  ?UArr bNTMapA A𝔄(?the_cf_rKeArrMapf A𝔄σNTMapa)"
                unfolding A_def
                use that in
                      cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps
                      cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
      then interpret σ: is_ntcf α  𝔄 𝔊 ?the_cf_rKe σ by simp

      show "ε = ?the_ntcf_rKe NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
      proof(rule ntcf_eqI)
        have dom_lhs: "𝒟 (εNTMap) = 𝔅Obj" 
          by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
        have dom_rhs: "𝒟 ((?the_ntcf_rKe NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎))NTMap) = 𝔅Obj"
          by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
        show "εNTMap = (?the_ntcf_rKe NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎))NTMap"
        proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
          fix b assume prems': "b  𝔅Obj"
          note [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = εb_𝔊f[
            where f=CId𝔎ObjMapb and c=𝔎ObjMapb, symmetric
          from prems' σ show 
            "εNTMapb = (?the_ntcf_rKe NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎))NTMapb"
                  cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps 
                  cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros cat_Kan_cs_intros
        qed (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros V_cs_intros)
      qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+

      fix σ' assume prems':
        "σ' : 𝔊 CF ?the_cf_rKe :  ↦↦Cα𝔄"
        "ε = ?the_ntcf_rKe NTCF (σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎)"

      interpret σ': is_ntcf α  𝔄 𝔊 ?the_cf_rKe σ' by (rule prems'(1))

      have ε_NTMap_app[symmetric, cat_Kan_cs_simps]: 
        "εNTMapb' =
          ?UArr (𝔎ObjMapb')NTMapa', b', CId𝔎ObjMapb' A𝔄σ'NTMap𝔎ObjMapb'"
        if "b'  𝔅Obj" and "a' = 0" for a' b'
        from prems'(2) have ε_NTMap_app: 
          "εNTMapb' = (?the_ntcf_rKe NTCF (σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎))NTMapb'"
          for b'
          by simp
        show ?thesis
          using ε_NTMap_app[of b'] that(1)
          unfolding that(2)
              cs_prems cs_shallow
                cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
                cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
        fix a' b' f' A
        note 𝔗.HomCod.cat_assoc_helper
            where h= ?UArr (𝔎ObjMapb')NTMapa', b', CId𝔎ObjMapb'
              and g=σ'NTMap𝔎ObjMapb'
              and q=εNTMapb'
      note [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = this εb_𝔊f[symmetric]
        fix a' b' f' A
        note 𝔗.HomCod.cat_assoc_helper
            where h=
              ?UArr (𝔎ObjMapb')NTMapa', b', CId𝔎ObjMapb'
            and g=σNTMap𝔎ObjMapb'
            and q=εNTMapb'
      note [cat_Kan_cs_simps] = this

      show "σ' = σ"
      proof(rule ntcf_eqI)

        show "σ' : 𝔊 CF ?the_cf_rKe :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" by (rule prems'(1))
        show "σ : 𝔊 CF ?the_cf_rKe :  ↦↦Cα𝔄" by (rule σ)

        have dom_lhs: "𝒟 (σNTMap) = Obj" 
          by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
        have dom_rhs: "𝒟 (σ'NTMap) = Obj"
          by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)

        show "σ'NTMap = σNTMap"
        proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)

          fix c assume prems': "c  Obj"

          note lim_c = assms(3)[OF prems']
          interpret lim_c: is_cat_limit 
            α c CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF c OCF 𝔎 ?UObj c ?UArr c
            by (rule lim_c)
          from prems' have CId_c: "CIdc : c c"
            by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

          from lim_c.cat_lim_unique_cone'[OF τ[OF CId_c]] obtain f 
            where f: "f : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c"
              and "A. A  c CF 𝔎Obj 
                τ c c (CIdc)NTMapA = ?UArr cNTMapA A𝔄f"
              and f_unique: "f'.
                  f' : 𝔊ObjMapc 𝔄?UObj c;
                  A. A  c CF 𝔎Obj 
                    τ c c (CIdc)NTMapA = ?UArr cNTMapA A𝔄f'
                  f' = f"
            by metis

          note [symmetric, cat_cs_simps] =

          show "σ'NTMapc = σNTMapc"
          proof(rule trans_sym[where s=f])

            show "σ'NTMapc = f"
            proof(rule f_unique)

              fix A assume prems'': "A  c CF 𝔎Obj"

              with prems' obtain b' f' 
                where A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                  and b': "b'  𝔅Obj"
                  and f': "f' : c 𝔎ObjMapb'"
                by auto

              let ?𝔎b' = 𝔎ObjMapb'

              from b' have 𝔎b': "?𝔎b'  Obj"
                by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

              interpret lim_𝔎b': is_cat_limit
                α ?𝔎b' CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF ?𝔎b' OCF 𝔎 ?UObj ?𝔎b' ?UArr ?𝔎b'
                by (rule assms(3)[OF 𝔎b'])

              from 𝔎b' have CId_𝔎b': "CId?𝔎b' : ?𝔎b' ?𝔎b'"
                by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
              from CId_𝔎b' b' have a'_b'_CId_𝔎b':
                "[0, b', CId?𝔎b']  ?𝔎b' CF 𝔎Obj"
                    cs_concl cs_shallow
                      cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
                      cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros
                  where lim_Obj=lim_Obj, 
                  OF assms(1,2) lim_c assms(3)[OF 𝔎b'] f' a'_b'_CId_𝔎b'
              have [cat_Kan_cs_simps]:
                "?UArr cNTMap0, b', f' =
                  ?UArr ?𝔎b'NTMap0, b', CId?𝔎b' A𝔄?the_cf_rKeArrMapf'"
                by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)

              from prems' prems'' b' f' show
                "τ c c (CIdc)NTMapA = ?UArr cNTMapA A𝔄σ'NTMapc"
                unfolding A_def (*very slow*)
                        cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps
                use prems' in
                  cs_concl cs_shallow 
                      cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros

            show "σNTMapc = f"
            proof(rule f_unique)
              fix A assume prems'': "A  c CF 𝔎Obj"
              from this prems' obtain b' f' 
                where A_def: "A = [0, b', f']"
                  and b': "b'  𝔅Obj"
                  and f': "f' : c 𝔎ObjMapb'"
                by auto
              let ?𝔎b' = 𝔎ObjMapb'
              from b' have 𝔎b': "?𝔎b'  Obj"
                by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
              interpret lim_𝔎b': is_cat_limit
                α ?𝔎b' CF 𝔎 𝔄 𝔗 CF ?𝔎b' OCF 𝔎 ?UObj ?𝔎b' ?UArr ?𝔎b'
                by (rule assms(3)[OF 𝔎b'])
              from 𝔎b' have CId_𝔎b': "CId?𝔎b' : ?𝔎b' ?𝔎b'"
                by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
              from CId_𝔎b' b' have a'_b'_CId_𝔎b': 
                "[0, b', CId?𝔎b']  ?𝔎b' CF 𝔎Obj"
                    cs_concl cs_shallow
                      cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps
                      cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_comma_cs_intros

                    where lim_Obj=lim_Obj, 
                    OF assms(1,2) lim_c assms(3)[OF 𝔎b'] f' a'_b'_CId_𝔎b'
              have [cat_Kan_cs_simps]:
                "?UArr cNTMap0, b', f' =
                  ?UArr (?𝔎b')NTMap0, b', CId?𝔎b' A𝔄?the_cf_rKeArrMapf'"
                by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
              from prems' prems'' b' f' show
                "τ c c (CIdc)NTMapA = ?UArr cNTMapA A𝔄σNTMapc"
                unfolding A_def (*very slow*)
                        cat_cs_simps cat_comma_cs_simps cat_Kan_cs_simps 
                use prems' in
                  cs_concl cs_shallow
                      cs_simp: cat_Kan_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros

        qed auto

      qed simp_all


  qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+


lemma the_ntcf_lKe_is_cat_lKe:
  assumes "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα" 
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "c. c  Obj  lim_Obj cUArr :
      𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c >CF.colim lim_Obj cUObj : 𝔎 CF c ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "the_ntcf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj :
    𝔗 CF.lKeαthe_cf_lKe α 𝔗 𝔎 lim_Obj CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔄"
  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅  𝔎 by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
    fix c assume prems: "c  Obj"
    from assms(3)[OF this] have lim_Obj_UArr: "lim_Obj cUArr :
      𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c >CF.colim lim_Obj cUObj : 𝔎 CF c ↦↦Cα𝔄". 
    then interpret lim_Obj_c: is_cat_colimit 
      α 𝔎 CF c 𝔄 𝔗 CF 𝔎 CFO c lim_Obj cUObj lim_Obj cUArr
      by simp
    note op_ua_UArr_is_cat_limit'[
      where lim_Obj=lim_Obj, OF assms(1,2) prems lim_Obj_UArr
  note the_ntcf_rKe_is_cat_rKe = the_ntcf_rKe_is_cat_rKe
      OF 𝔎.is_functor_op 𝔗.is_functor_op,
      unfolded cat_op_simps,
      where lim_Obj=op_ua lim_Obj 𝔎,
      unfolded cat_op_simps,
      OF this,
      folded the_cf_lKe_def the_ntcf_lKe_def
  show ?thesis
        rule is_cat_rKe.is_cat_lKe_op
            OF the_ntcf_rKe_is_cat_rKe, 
            unfolded cat_op_simps, 
            folded the_cf_lKe_def the_ntcf_lKe_def

subsection‹Preservation of Kan extensions›

The following definitions are similar to the definitions that can be 
found in cite"riehl_category_2016" or cite"lehner_all_2014".

locale is_cat_rKe_preserves =
  is_cat_rKe α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔎 𝔗 𝔊 ε + is_functor α 𝔄 𝔇 
  for α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔇 𝔎 𝔗 𝔊  ε +
  assumes cat_rKe_preserves:
    " CF-NTCF ε : ( CF 𝔊) CF 𝔎 CF.rKeα CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔇"

syntax "_is_cat_rKe_preserves" :: 
  "V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  bool"
    (_ :/ _ CF _ CF.rKeı _ :/ _ C _ C _ : _ ↦↦C _) 
    [51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51
syntax_consts "_is_cat_rKe_preserves"  is_cat_rKe_preserves
translations "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔎 CF.rKeα𝔗 : 𝔅 C  C ( : 𝔄 ↦↦C 𝔇)"  
  "CONST is_cat_rKe_preserves α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔇 𝔎 𝔗 𝔊  ε"

locale is_cat_lKe_preserves =
  is_cat_lKe α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔎 𝔗 𝔉 η + is_functor α 𝔄 𝔇 
  for α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔇 𝔎 𝔗 𝔉  η +
  assumes cat_lKe_preserves:
    " CF-NTCF η :  CF 𝔗 CF.lKeα( CF 𝔉) CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 C  C 𝔇"

syntax "_is_cat_lKe_preserves" :: 
  "V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  bool"
    (_ :/ _ CF.lKeı _ CF _ :/ _ C _ C _ : _ ↦↦C _) 
    [51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51
syntax_consts "_is_cat_lKe_preserves"  is_cat_lKe_preserves
translations "η : 𝔗 CF.lKeα𝔉 CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 C  C ( : 𝔄 ↦↦C 𝔇)" 
  "CONST is_cat_lKe_preserves α 𝔅  𝔄 𝔇 𝔎 𝔗 𝔉  η"


lemma (in is_cat_rKe_preserves) is_cat_rKe_preserves_axioms':
  assumes "α' = α"
    and "𝔊' = 𝔊"
    and "𝔎' = 𝔎"
    and "𝔗' = 𝔗"
    and "ℌ' = "
    and "𝔅' = 𝔅"
    and "𝔄' = 𝔄"
    and "ℭ' = "
    and "𝔇' = 𝔇"
  shows "ε : 𝔊' CF 𝔎' CF.rKeα'𝔗' : 𝔅' C ℭ' C (ℌ' : 𝔄' ↦↦C 𝔇')"
  unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_rKe_preserves_axioms)

mk_ide rf is_cat_rKe_preserves_def[unfolded is_cat_rKe_preserves_axioms_def]
  |intro is_cat_rKe_preservesI|
  |dest is_cat_rKe_preservesD[dest]|
  |elim is_cat_rKe_preservesE[elim]|

lemmas [cat_Kan_cs_intros] = is_cat_rKeD(1-3)

lemma (in is_cat_lKe_preserves) is_cat_lKe_preserves_axioms':
  assumes "α' = α"
    and "𝔉' = 𝔉"
    and "𝔎' = 𝔎"
    and "𝔗' = 𝔗"
    and "ℌ' = "
    and "𝔅' = 𝔅"
    and "𝔄' = 𝔄"
    and "ℭ' = "
    and "𝔇' = 𝔇"
  shows "η : 𝔗' CF.lKeα𝔉' CF 𝔎' : 𝔅' C ℭ' C (ℌ' : 𝔄' ↦↦C 𝔇')"
  unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_lKe_preserves_axioms)

mk_ide rf is_cat_lKe_preserves_def[unfolded is_cat_lKe_preserves_axioms_def]
  |intro is_cat_lKe_preservesI|
  |dest is_cat_lKe_preservesD[dest]|
  |elim is_cat_lKe_preservesE[elim]|

lemmas [cat_Kan_cs_intros] = is_cat_lKe_preservesD(1-3)


lemma (in is_cat_rKe_preserves) is_cat_rKe_preserves_op:
  "op_ntcf ε :
    op_cf 𝔗 CF.lKeαop_cf 𝔊 CF op_cf 𝔎 :
    op_cat 𝔅 C op_cat  C (op_cf  : op_cat 𝔄 ↦↦C op_cat 𝔇)"
proof(intro is_cat_lKe_preservesI)
  from cat_rKe_preserves show "op_cf  CF-NTCF op_ntcf ε :
    op_cf  CF op_cf 𝔗 CF.lKeα(op_cf  CF op_cf 𝔊) CF op_cf 𝔎 :
    op_cat 𝔅 C op_cat  C op_cat 𝔇"
    by (cs_concl_step op_ntcf_cf_ntcf_comp[symmetric])
      (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_op_intros)
qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_op_intros)+

lemma (in is_cat_rKe_preserves) is_cat_lKe_preserves_op'[cat_op_intros]:
  assumes "𝔗' = op_cf 𝔗"
    and "𝔊' = op_cf 𝔊"
    and "𝔎' = op_cf 𝔎"
    and "𝔅' = op_cat 𝔅"
    and "𝔄' = op_cat 𝔄"
    and "ℭ' = op_cat "
    and "𝔇' = op_cat 𝔇"
    and "ℌ' = op_cf "
  shows "op_ntcf ε :
    𝔗' CF.lKeα𝔊' CF 𝔎' : 𝔅' C ℭ' C (ℌ' : 𝔄' ↦↦C 𝔇')"
  unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_rKe_preserves_op)

lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_cat_rKe_preserves.is_cat_lKe_preserves_op'

lemma (in is_cat_lKe_preserves) is_cat_rKe_preserves_op:
  "op_ntcf η :
    op_cf 𝔉 CF op_cf 𝔎 CF.rKeαop_cf 𝔗 :
    op_cat 𝔅 C op_cat  C (op_cf  : op_cat 𝔄 ↦↦C op_cat 𝔇)"
proof(intro is_cat_rKe_preservesI)
  from cat_lKe_preserves show "op_cf  CF-NTCF op_ntcf η :
    (op_cf  CF op_cf 𝔉) CF op_cf 𝔎 CF.rKeαop_cf  CF op_cf 𝔗 :
    op_cat 𝔅 C op_cat  C op_cat 𝔇"
    by (cs_concl_step op_ntcf_cf_ntcf_comp[symmetric])
      (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_op_intros)
qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_op_intros)+

lemma (in is_cat_lKe_preserves) is_cat_rKe_preserves_op'[cat_op_intros]:
  assumes "𝔗' = op_cf 𝔗"
    and "𝔉' = op_cf 𝔉"
    and "𝔎' = op_cf 𝔎"
    and "ℌ' = op_cf "
    and "𝔅' = op_cat 𝔅"
    and "𝔄' = op_cat 𝔄"
    and "ℭ' = op_cat "
    and "𝔇' = op_cat 𝔇"
  shows "op_ntcf η :
    𝔉' CF 𝔎' CF.rKeα𝔗' : 𝔅' C ℭ' C (ℌ' : 𝔄' ↦↦C 𝔇')"
  unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_rKe_preserves_op)

subsection‹All concepts are Kan extensions›

Background information for this subsection is provided in 
Chapter X-7 in cite"mac_lane_categories_2010"
and subsection 6.5 in cite"riehl_category_2016". 
It should be noted that only the connections between the Kan extensions,
limits and adjunctions are exposed (an alternative proof of the Yoneda
lemma using Kan extensions is not provided in the context of this work).

subsubsection‹Limits and colimits›

lemma cat_rKe_is_cat_limit:
  ―‹The statement of the theorem is similar to the statement of a part of
    Theorem 1 in Chapter X-7 in \cite{mac_lane_categories_2010}
    or Proposition 6.5.1 in \cite{riehl_category_2016}.›
  assumes "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔎 CF.rKeα𝔗 : 𝔅 C cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 C 𝔄"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "ε : 𝔊ObjMap𝔞 <CF.lim 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"

  interpret ε: is_cat_rKe α 𝔅 cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔄 𝔎 𝔗 𝔊 ε by (rule assms(1))  
  interpret 𝔗: is_functor α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 by (rule assms(2))
  from cat_1_components(1) have 𝔞: "𝔞  Vset α" 
    by (auto simp: ε.AG.HomCod.cat_in_Obj_in_Vset)
  from cat_1_components(2) have 𝔣: "𝔣  Vset α" 
    by (auto simp: ε.AG.HomCod.cat_in_Arr_in_Vset)

  have 𝔎_def: "𝔎 = cf_const 𝔅 (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔞"
    by (rule cf_const_if_HomCod_is_cat_1) 
      (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
  have 𝔊𝔎_def: "𝔊 CF 𝔎 = cf_const 𝔅 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMap𝔞)"
        cs_concl cs_shallow
          cs_simp: cat_1_components(1) 𝔎_def cat_cs_simps 
          cs_intro: V_cs_intros cat_cs_intros

  interpret ε: is_ntcf α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔊 CF 𝔎 𝔗 ε 
    by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

  show "ε : 𝔊ObjMap𝔞 <CF.lim 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  proof(intro is_cat_limitI is_cat_coneI)

    show "ε : cf_const 𝔅 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMap𝔞) CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      by (rule ε.ntcf_rKe.is_ntcf_axioms[unfolded 𝔊𝔎_def])

    fix u' r' assume prems: "u' : r' <CF.cone 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"

    interpret u': is_cat_cone α r' 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 u' by (rule prems)

    have 𝔊_def: "𝔊 = cf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMap𝔞)"
      by (rule cf_const_if_HomDom_is_cat_1[OF ε.Ran.is_functor_axioms])

    from prems have const_r': "cf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 r' : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros

    have cf_comp_cf_const_r_𝔎_def: 
      "cf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 r' CF 𝔎 = cf_const 𝔅 𝔄 r'"
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps 𝔎_def
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros

    from ε.cat_rKe_unique[
        OF const_r', unfolded cf_comp_cf_const_r_𝔎_def, OF u'.is_ntcf_axioms
    obtain σ 
      where σ: "σ : cf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 r' CF 𝔊 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
        and u'_def: "u' = ε NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
        and unique_σ: "σ'.
            σ' : cf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 r' CF 𝔊 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄;
            u' = ε NTCF (σ' NTCF-CF 𝔎)
            σ' = σ"
      by auto

    interpret σ: is_ntcf α cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔄 cf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 r' 𝔊 σ
      by (rule σ)
    show "∃!f'. f' : r' 𝔄𝔊ObjMap𝔞  u' = ε NTCF ntcf_const 𝔅 𝔄 f'"
    proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
      fix f' assume prems': 
        "f' : r' 𝔄𝔊ObjMap𝔞" "u' = ε NTCF ntcf_const 𝔅 𝔄 f'"
      from prems'(1) have "ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f' :
        cf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 r' CF 𝔊 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
        by (subst 𝔊_def) 
          (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      moreover with prems'(1) have "u' = ε NTCF (ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f' NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps prems'(2) 𝔎_def cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
      ultimately have σ_def: "σ = ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f'"
        by (auto simp: unique_σ[symmetric])
      show "f' = σNTMap𝔞"
        by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps σ_def cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    qed (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps u'_def 𝔎_def cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+

  qed (cs_concl cs_simp: 𝔎_def cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)


lemma cat_lKe_is_cat_colimit:
  assumes "η : 𝔗 CF.lKeα𝔉 CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 C cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 C 𝔄"
    and "𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "η : 𝔗 >CF.colim 𝔉ObjMap𝔞 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  interpret η: is_cat_lKe α 𝔅 cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔄 𝔎 𝔗 𝔉 η by (rule assms(1))
  from cat_1_components(1) have 𝔞: "𝔞  Vset α" 
    by (auto simp: η.AG.HomCod.cat_in_Obj_in_Vset)
  from cat_1_components(2) have 𝔣: "𝔣  Vset α" 
    by (auto simp: η.AG.HomCod.cat_in_Arr_in_Vset)
  show ?thesis
        rule is_cat_limit.is_cat_colimit_op
            OF cat_rKe_is_cat_limit[
                η.is_cat_rKe_op[unfolded η.AG.cat_1_op[OF 𝔞 𝔣]] 
            unfolded cat_op_simps

lemma cat_limit_is_rKe:
  ―‹The statement of the theorem is similar to the statement of a part of
    Theorem 1 in Chapter X-7 in \cite{mac_lane_categories_2010} 
    or Proposition 6.5.1 in \cite{riehl_category_2016}.›
  assumes "ε : 𝔊ObjMap𝔞 <CF.lim 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cαcat_1 𝔞 𝔣"
    and "𝔊 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔎 CF.rKeα𝔗 : 𝔅 C cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 C 𝔄"

  interpret ε: is_cat_limit α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 𝔊ObjMap𝔞 ε by (rule assms)
  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔎 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret 𝔊: is_functor α cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔄 𝔊 by (rule assms(3))

  show ?thesis
  proof(rule is_cat_rKeI')

    note 𝔎_def = cf_const_if_HomCod_is_cat_1[OF assms(2)]
    note 𝔊_def = cf_const_if_HomDom_is_cat_1[OF assms(3)]

    have 𝔊𝔎_def: "𝔊 CF 𝔎 = cf_const 𝔅 𝔄 (𝔊ObjMap𝔞)"
      by (subst 𝔎_def, use nothing in subst 𝔊_def)
        (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

    show "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔎 CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄" 
          cs_concl cs_shallow 
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps 𝔊𝔎_def cs_intro: cat_cs_intros

    fix 𝔊' ε' assume prems: 
      "𝔊' : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      "ε' : 𝔊' CF 𝔎 CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"

    interpret is_functor α cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔄 𝔊' by (rule prems(1))
    note 𝔊'_def = cf_const_if_HomDom_is_cat_1[OF prems(1)]

    from prems(2) have ε': 
      "ε' : cf_const 𝔅 𝔄 (𝔊'ObjMap𝔞) CF 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      unfolding 𝔎_def 
      by (subst (asm) 𝔊'_def)
        (cs_prems cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    from prems(2) have "ε' : 𝔊'ObjMap𝔞 <CF.cone 𝔗 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
      by (intro is_cat_coneI ε') (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+

    from ε.cat_lim_ua_fo[OF this] obtain f'
      where f': "f' : 𝔊'ObjMap𝔞 𝔄𝔊ObjMap𝔞"
        and ε_def: "ε' = ε NTCF ntcf_const 𝔅 𝔄 f'"
        and unique_f':
            f'' : 𝔊'ObjMap𝔞 𝔄𝔊ObjMap𝔞;
            ε' = ε NTCF ntcf_const 𝔅 𝔄 f''
            f'' = f'"
        for f''
      by metis

    show "∃!σ.
      σ : 𝔊' CF 𝔊 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄  ε' = ε NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
    proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)  
      from f' show 
        "ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f' : 𝔊' CF 𝔊 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
        by (subst 𝔊'_def, use nothing in subst 𝔊_def) 
          (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      with f' show "ε' = ε NTCF (ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f' NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
        by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps ε_def 𝔎_def cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      fix σ assume prems:
        "σ : 𝔊' CF 𝔊 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
        "ε' = ε NTCF (σ NTCF-CF 𝔎)"
      interpret σ: is_ntcf α cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔄 𝔊' 𝔊 σ by (rule prems(1))
      have "σNTMap𝔞 : 𝔊'ObjMap𝔞 𝔄𝔊ObjMap𝔞"
        by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      moreover have "ε' = ε NTCF ntcf_const 𝔅 𝔄 (σNTMap𝔞)"
              cs_simp: cat_cs_simps prems(2) 𝔎_def cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
      ultimately have σ𝔞: "σNTMap𝔞 = f'" by (rule unique_f')
      show "σ = ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f'"
      proof(rule ntcf_eqI)
        from f' show 
          "ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f' : 𝔊' CF 𝔊 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
          by (subst 𝔊'_def, use nothing in subst 𝔊_def)
            (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
        have dom_lhs: "𝒟 (σNTMap) = cat_1 𝔞 𝔣Obj"
          by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro:cat_cs_intros)
        have dom_rhs: "𝒟 (ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f'NTMap) = cat_1 𝔞 𝔣Obj"
          by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro:cat_cs_intros)
        show "σNTMap = ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f'NTMap"
        proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
          fix a assume prems: "a  cat_1 𝔞 𝔣Obj"
          then have a_def: "a = 𝔞" unfolding cat_1_components by simp
          from f' show "σNTMapa = ntcf_const (cat_1 𝔞 𝔣) 𝔄 f'NTMapa"
            unfolding a_def σ𝔞
            by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
        qed (auto intro: cat_cs_intros)
      qed (simp_all add: prems)

  qed (auto simp: assms)


lemma cat_colimit_is_lKe:
  assumes "η : 𝔗 >CF.colim 𝔉ObjMap𝔞 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
    and "𝔎 : 𝔅 ↦↦Cαcat_1 𝔞 𝔣"
    and "𝔉 : cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 ↦↦Cα𝔄"
  shows "η : 𝔗 CF.lKeα𝔉 CF 𝔎 : 𝔅 C cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 C 𝔄"
  interpret η: is_cat_colimit α 𝔅 𝔄 𝔗 𝔉ObjMap𝔞 η
    by (rule assms(1))
  interpret 𝔎: is_functor α 𝔅 cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔎 by (rule assms(2))
  interpret 𝔉: is_functor α cat_1 𝔞 𝔣 𝔄 𝔉 by (rule assms(3))
  from cat_1_components(1) have 𝔞: "𝔞  Vset α"
    by (auto simp: 𝔎.HomCod.cat_in_Obj_in_Vset)
  from cat_1_components(2) have 𝔣: "𝔣  Vset α" 
    by (auto simp: 𝔎.HomCod.cat_in_Arr_in_Vset)
  have 𝔉𝔞: "𝔉ObjMap𝔞 = op_cf 𝔉ObjMap𝔞" unfolding cat_op_simps by simp
  note cat_1_op = η.cat_1_op[OF 𝔞 𝔣]
  show ?thesis
        rule is_cat_rKe.is_cat_lKe_op
            OF cat_limit_is_rKe
                  η.is_cat_limit_op[unfolded 𝔉𝔞]
                  𝔎.is_functor_op[unfolded cat_1_op]
                  𝔉.is_functor_op[unfolded cat_1_op]
            unfolded cat_op_simps cat_1_op


lemma (in is_cf_adjunction) cf_adjunction_counit_is_rKe:
  ―‹The statement of the theorem is similar to the statement of a part of
    Theorem 2 in Chapter X-7 in \cite{mac_lane_categories_2010}
    or Proposition 6.5.2 in \cite{riehl_category_2016}.
    The proof follows (approximately) the proof in \cite{riehl_category_2016}.›
  shows "εC Φ : 𝔉 CF 𝔊 CF.rKeαcf_id 𝔇 : 𝔇 C  C 𝔇"

  define β where "β = α + ω"
  have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α  β" 
    by (simp_all add: β_def 𝒵_Limit_αω 𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝒵_α_αω)
  then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp

  note exp_adj = cf_adj_exp_cf_cat_exp_cf_cat[OF β αβ R.category_axioms]

  let  = ηC Φ
  let  = εC Φ
  let ?𝔇η = exp_cat_ntcf α 𝔇 
  let ?𝔇𝔉 = exp_cat_cf α 𝔇 𝔉
  let ?𝔇𝔊 = exp_cat_cf α 𝔇 𝔊
  let ?𝔇𝔇 = cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔇
  let ?ℭ𝔇 = cat_FUNCT α  𝔇
  let ?adj_𝔇η = cf_adjunction_of_unit β ?𝔇𝔊 ?𝔇𝔉 ?𝔇η

  interpret 𝔇η: is_cf_adjunction β ?ℭ𝔇 ?𝔇𝔇 ?𝔇𝔊 ?𝔇𝔉 ?adj_𝔇η by (rule exp_adj)

  show ?thesis
  proof(intro is_cat_rKeI)
    have id_𝔇: "cf_map (cf_id 𝔇)  cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔇Obj"
            cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_components(1)
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
    then have exp_id_𝔇: 
      "exp_cat_cf α 𝔇 𝔉ObjMapcf_map (cf_id 𝔇) = cf_map 𝔉"
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
    have 𝔉: "cf_map 𝔉  cat_FUNCT α  𝔇Obj"
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_components(1)
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
    have ε: "ntcf_arrow (εC Φ)  ntcf_arrows α 𝔇 𝔇"
      by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_FUNCT_cs_intros adj_cs_intros)
    have 𝔇𝔇: "category β (cat_FUNCT α 𝔇 𝔇)"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
    have ℭ𝔇: "category β (cat_FUNCT α  𝔇)"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

      ε 𝔉 αβ id_𝔇 
      𝔇𝔇 ℭ𝔇 LR.is_functor_axioms RL.is_functor_axioms R.cat_cf_id_is_functor
    have ε_id_𝔇: "εC ?adj_𝔇ηNTMapcf_map (cf_id 𝔇) = ntcf_arrow "
      by (*slow*)
   show "universal_arrow_fo ?𝔇𝔊 (cf_map (cf_id 𝔇)) (cf_map 𝔉) (ntcf_arrow )"
          rule is_cf_adjunction.cf_adjunction_counit_component_is_ua_fo[
            OF exp_adj id_𝔇, unfolded exp_id_𝔇 ε_id_𝔇
  qed (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros adj_cs_intros)+


lemma (in is_cf_adjunction) cf_adjunction_unit_is_lKe:
  shows "ηC Φ : cf_id  CF.lKeα𝔊 CF 𝔉 :  C 𝔇 C "
      rule is_cat_rKe.is_cat_lKe_op
          OF is_cf_adjunction.cf_adjunction_counit_is_rKe
              OF is_cf_adjunction_op,
              folded op_ntcf_cf_adjunction_unit op_cf_cf_id
            cat_op_simps ntcf_op_ntcf_op_ntcf[OF cf_adjunction_unit_is_ntcf]

lemma cf_adjunction_if_lKe_preserves:
  ―‹The statement of the theorem is similar to the statement of a part of
    Theorem 2 in Chapter X-7 in \cite{mac_lane_categories_2010}
    or Proposition 6.5.2 in \cite{riehl_category_2016}.›
  assumes "η : cf_id 𝔇 CF.lKeα𝔉 CF 𝔊 : 𝔇 C  C (𝔊 : 𝔇 ↦↦C )"
  shows "cf_adjunction_of_unit α 𝔊 𝔉 η : 𝔊 CF 𝔉 : 𝔇 ⇌⇌Cα"

  interpret η: is_cat_lKe_preserves α 𝔇  𝔇  𝔊 cf_id 𝔇 𝔉 𝔊 η 
    by (rule assms)

  from η.cat_lKe_preserves interpret 𝔊η:
    is_cat_lKe α 𝔇   𝔊 𝔊 𝔊 CF 𝔉 𝔊 CF-NTCF η
    by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)

        OF η.AG.HomCod.cat_cf_id_is_functor,
        unfolded η.AG.cf_cf_comp_cf_id_left,
        OF η.AG.cf_ntcf_id_is_ntcf
  obtain ε where ε: "ε : 𝔊 CF 𝔉 CF cf_id  :  ↦↦Cα"
    and ntcf_id_𝔊_def: "ntcf_id 𝔊 = ε NTCF-CF 𝔊 NTCF (𝔊 CF-NTCF η)"
    by metis
  interpret ε: is_ntcf α   𝔊 CF 𝔉 cf_id  ε by (rule ε)
  show ?thesis
  proof(rule counit_unit_is_cf_adjunction)

    show [cat_cs_simps]: "ε NTCF-CF 𝔊 NTCF (𝔊 CF-NTCF η) = ntcf_id 𝔊"
      by (rule ntcf_id_𝔊_def[symmetric])

    have η_def: "η = (ntcf_id 𝔉 NTCF-CF 𝔊) NTCF η"
          cs_concl cs_shallow 
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps ntcf_id_cf_comp[symmetric] 
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
    note [cat_cs_simps] = this[symmetric]

    let ?𝔉ε𝔊 = 𝔉 CF-NTCF ε NTCF-CF 𝔊
    let ?η𝔉𝔊 = η NTCF-CF 𝔉 NTCF-CF 𝔊
    let ?𝔉𝔊η = 𝔉 CF 𝔊 CF-NTCF η

    have "(?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?η𝔉𝔊) NTCF η = (?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?𝔉𝔊η) NTCF η"
    proof(rule ntcf_eqI)
      have dom_lhs: "𝒟 (((?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?η𝔉𝔊) NTCF η)NTMap) = 𝔇Obj"
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      have dom_rhs: "𝒟 (((?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?𝔉𝔊η) NTCF η)NTMap) = 𝔇Obj"
        by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
      note is_ntcf.ntcf_Comp_commute[cat_cs_simps del]
      note category.cat_Comp_assoc[cat_cs_simps del]
        "((?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?η𝔉𝔊) NTCF η)NTMap =
          ((?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?𝔉𝔊η) NTCF η)NTMap"
      proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold dom_lhs dom_rhs)
        fix a assume "a  𝔇Obj"
        then show
          "((?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?η𝔉𝔊) NTCF η)NTMapa =
            ((?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?𝔉𝔊η) NTCF η)NTMapa"
                cs_simp: cat_cs_simps η.ntcf_lKe.ntcf_Comp_commute[symmetric]
                cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
      qed (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
    qed (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
    also have " = (ntcf_id 𝔉 NTCF-CF 𝔊) NTCF η"
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
    also have " = η" by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
    finally have "(?𝔉ε𝔊 NTCF ?η𝔉𝔊) NTCF η = η" by simp
    then have η_def': "η = (𝔉 CF-NTCF ε NTCF (η NTCF-CF 𝔉) NTCF-CF 𝔊) NTCF η"
          cs_concl cs_shallow
            cs_simp: cat_cs_simps ntcf_vcomp_ntcf_cf_comp[symmetric] 
            cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
    have 𝔉εη𝔉: "𝔉 CF-NTCF ε NTCF (η NTCF-CF 𝔉) : 𝔉 CF 𝔉 :  ↦↦Cα𝔇"
      by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)

    from η.cat_lKe_unique[OF η.Lan.is_functor_axioms η.ntcf_lKe.is_ntcf_axioms]
    obtain σ where
      " σ' : 𝔉 CF 𝔉 :  ↦↦Cα𝔇; η = σ' NTCF-CF 𝔊 NTCF η   σ' = σ"
      for σ'
      by metis
    from this[OF η.Lan.cf_ntcf_id_is_ntcf η_def] this[OF 𝔉εη𝔉 η_def'] show
      "𝔉 CF-NTCF ε NTCF (η NTCF-CF 𝔉) = ntcf_id 𝔉"
      by simp

  qed (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+


lemma cf_adjunction_if_rKe_preserves:
  assumes "ε : 𝔉 CF 𝔊 CF.rKeαcf_id 𝔇 : 𝔇 C  C (𝔊 : 𝔇 ↦↦C )"
  shows "cf_adjunction_of_counit α 𝔉 𝔊 ε : 𝔉 CF 𝔊 :  ⇌⇌Cα𝔇"
  interpret ε: is_cat_rKe_preserves α 𝔇  𝔇  𝔊 cf_id 𝔇 𝔉 𝔊 ε 
    by (rule assms)
  have "op_cf (cf_id 𝔇) = cf_id (op_cat 𝔇)" unfolding cat_op_simps by simp
  show ?thesis
        rule is_cf_adjunction.is_cf_adjunction_op
            OF cf_adjunction_if_lKe_preserves[
              OF ε.is_cat_rKe_preserves_op[unfolded op_cf_cf_id]
            folded cf_adjunction_of_counit_def, 
            unfolded cat_op_simps

