Theory CZH_UCAT_Limit
section‹Limits and colimits›
theory CZH_UCAT_Limit
named_theorems cat_lim_cs_simps
named_theorems cat_lim_cs_intros
subsection‹Limit and colimit›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
The concept of a limit is introduced in Chapter III-4 in
\<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›; the concept of a colimit is introduced in
Chapter III-3 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.
locale is_cat_limit = is_cat_cone α r 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u for α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u +
assumes cat_lim_ua_fo: "⋀u' r'. u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ ⟹
∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
syntax "_is_cat_limit" :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
(‹(_ :/ _ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m _ :/ _ ↦↦⇩Cı _)› [51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51)
syntax_consts "_is_cat_limit" ⇌ is_cat_limit
translations "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" ⇌
"CONST is_cat_limit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u"
locale is_cat_colimit = is_cat_cocone α r 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u for α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u +
assumes cat_colim_ua_of: "⋀u' r'. u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ ⟹
∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
syntax "_is_cat_colimit" :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
(‹(_ :/ _ >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m _ :/ _ ↦↦⇩Cı _)› [51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51)
syntax_consts "_is_cat_colimit" ⇌ is_cat_colimit
translations "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" ⇌
"CONST is_cat_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u"
lemma (in is_cat_limit) is_cat_limit_axioms'[cat_lim_cs_intros]:
assumes "α' = α" and "r' = r" and "𝔍' = 𝔍" and "ℭ' = ℭ" and "𝔉' = 𝔉"
shows "u : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇘α'⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_limit_axioms)
mk_ide rf is_cat_limit_def[unfolded is_cat_limit_axioms_def]
|intro is_cat_limitI|
|dest is_cat_limitD[dest]|
|elim is_cat_limitE[elim]|
lemmas [cat_lim_cs_intros] = is_cat_limitD(1)
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) is_cat_colimit_axioms'[cat_lim_cs_intros]:
assumes "α' = α" and "r' = r" and "𝔍' = 𝔍" and "ℭ' = ℭ" and "𝔉' = 𝔉"
shows "u : 𝔉' >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇘α'⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_colimit_axioms)
mk_ide rf is_cat_colimit_def[unfolded is_cat_colimit_axioms_def]
|intro is_cat_colimitI|
|dest is_cat_colimitD[dest]|
|elim is_cat_colimitE[elim]|
lemmas [cat_lim_cs_intros] = is_cat_colimitD(1)
text‹Limits, colimits and universal arrows.›
lemma (in is_cat_limit) cat_lim_is_universal_arrow_fo:
"universal_arrow_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u)"
proof(intro is_functor.universal_arrow_foI)
define β where "β = α + ω"
have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def 𝒵_Limit_αω 𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
show "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ"
β αβ
show "r ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈" by (intro cat_cone_obj)
then show "ntcf_arrow u : Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈ ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix r' u' assume prems:
"r' ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈" "u' : Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈ ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
from prems(1) have [cat_cs_simps]:
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔍 ℭ (cf_map 𝔉) = 𝔉"
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔍 ℭ (cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r')) = cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r'"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
from prems(2,1) have
"u' : cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r') ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
note u'[unfolded cat_cs_simps] = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF this]
from cat_lim_ua_fo[OF is_cat_coneI[OF u'(1) prems(1)]] obtain f
where f: "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
and [symmetric, cat_cs_simps]:
"ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
and f_unique:
f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r;
ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
show "∃!f'.
f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧
u' = umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
show "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r" by (rule f)
with αβ cat_cone_obj show u'_def:
"u' = umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
cs_simp: u'(2)[symmetric] cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
"u' = umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈"
from prems'(2) αβ f prems' cat_cone_obj have u'_def':
"u' = ntcf_arrow (u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f')"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from prems'(1) have "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps u'_def' cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
from f_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f' = f" .
lemma (in is_cat_cone) cat_cone_is_cat_limit:
assumes "universal_arrow_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑)"
shows "𝔑 : c <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
define β where "β = α + ω"
have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def 𝒵_Limit_αω 𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
show ?thesis
proof(intro is_cat_limitI is_cat_cone_axioms)
fix u' c' assume prems: "u' : c' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpret u': is_cat_cone α c' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u' by (rule prems)
from u'.cat_cone_obj have u'_is_arr:
"ntcf_arrow u' : Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇c'⦈ ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from is_functor.universal_arrow_foD(3)
OF β αβ NTDom.HomDom.category_axioms NTDom.HomCod.category_axioms
obtain f where f: "f : c' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c"
and u'_def': "ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
and f'_unique:
f' : c' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c;
ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from u'_def' αβ f cat_cone_obj have u'_def:
"u' = 𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
show "∃!f'. f' : c' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c ∧ u' = 𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, (rule f)?, (rule u'_def)?)
fix f'' assume prems':
"f'' : c' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c" "u' = 𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f''"
from αβ prems' have
"ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f''⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from f'_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f'' = f".
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) cat_colim_is_universal_arrow_of:
"universal_arrow_of (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u)"
proof(intro is_functor.universal_arrow_ofI)
define β where "β = α + ω"
have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def 𝒵_Limit_αω 𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
show "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ"
β αβ
show "r ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈" by (intro cat_cocone_obj)
then show "ntcf_arrow u : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix r' u' assume prems:
"r' ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈" "u' : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈"
from prems(1) have [cat_cs_simps]:
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔍 ℭ (cf_map 𝔉) = 𝔉"
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔍 ℭ (cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r')) = cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r'"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
from prems(2,1) have
"u' : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r')"
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
note u'[unfolded cat_cs_simps] = cat_FUNCT_is_arrD[OF this]
from cat_colim_ua_of[OF is_cat_coconeI[OF u'(1) prems(1)]] obtain f
where f: "f : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
and [symmetric, cat_cs_simps]:
"ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
and f_unique:
f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r';
ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
show " ∃!f'.
f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧
u' = umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
show "f : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'" by (rule f)
with αβ cat_cocone_obj show u'_def:
"u' = umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
cs_simp: u'(2)[symmetric] cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
"u' = umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈"
from prems'(2) αβ f prems' cat_cocone_obj have u'_def':
"u' = ntcf_arrow (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u)"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from prems'(1) have "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps u'_def' cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
from f_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f' = f" .
lemma (in is_cat_cocone) cat_cocone_is_cat_colimit:
assumes "universal_arrow_of (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑)"
shows "𝔑 : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m c : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
define β where "β = α + ω"
have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def 𝒵_Limit_αω 𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
show ?thesis
proof(intro is_cat_colimitI is_cat_cocone_axioms)
fix u' c' assume prems: "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e c' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpret u': is_cat_cocone α c' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u' by (rule prems)
from u'.cat_cocone_obj have u'_is_arr:
"ntcf_arrow u' : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇c'⦈"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from is_functor.universal_arrow_ofD(3)
OF β αβ NTDom.HomDom.category_axioms NTDom.HomCod.category_axioms
obtain f where f: "f : c ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c'"
and u'_def': "ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
and f'_unique:
f' : c ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c';
ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from u'_def' αβ f cat_cocone_obj have u'_def:
"u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F 𝔑"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
show "∃!f'. f' : c ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F 𝔑"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, (rule f)?, (rule u'_def)?)
fix f'' assume prems':
"f'' : c ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c'" "u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F 𝔑"
from αβ prems' have
"ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f''⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from f'_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f'' = f".
lemma (in is_cat_limit) is_cat_colimit_op:
"op_ntcf u : op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
proof(intro is_cat_colimitI)
show "op_ntcf u : op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cs_intro: cat_op_intros)
fix u' r' assume prems:
"u' : op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
interpret u': is_cat_cocone α r' ‹op_cat 𝔍› ‹op_cat ℭ› ‹op_cf 𝔉› u'
by (rule prems)
from cat_lim_ua_fo[OF u'.is_cat_cone_op[unfolded cat_op_simps]] obtain f
where f: "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
and op_u'_def: "op_ntcf u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
and f_unique:
"⟦ f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r; op_ntcf u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ⟧ ⟹
f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from op_u'_def have "op_ntcf (op_ntcf u') = op_ntcf (u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f)"
by simp
from this f have u'_def:
"u' = ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf u"
by (cs_prems cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "∃!f'.
f' : r ↦⇘op_cat ℭ⇙ r' ∧
u' = ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf u"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, (unfold cat_op_simps)?)
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
"u' = ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf u"
from prems'(2) have
"op_ntcf u' = op_ntcf (ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf u)"
by simp
from this prems'(1) have "op_ntcf u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
from f_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f' = f".
qed (intro u'_def f)+
lemma (in is_cat_limit) is_cat_colimit_op'[cat_op_intros]:
assumes "𝔉' = op_cf 𝔉" and "𝔍' = op_cat 𝔍" and "ℭ' = op_cat ℭ"
shows "op_ntcf u : 𝔉' >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_colimit_op)
lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_cat_limit.is_cat_colimit_op'
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) is_cat_limit_op:
"op_ntcf u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
proof(intro is_cat_limitI)
show "op_ntcf u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cs_intro: cat_op_intros)
fix u' r' assume prems:
"u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
interpret u': is_cat_cone α r' ‹op_cat 𝔍› ‹op_cat ℭ› ‹op_cf 𝔉› u'
by (rule prems)
from cat_colim_ua_of[OF u'.is_cat_cocone_op[unfolded cat_op_simps]] obtain f
where f: "f : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
and op_u'_def: "op_ntcf u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
and f_unique:
"⟦ f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'; op_ntcf u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u ⟧ ⟹
f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from op_u'_def have "op_ntcf (op_ntcf u') = op_ntcf (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u)"
by simp
from this f have u'_def:
"u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f"
by (cs_prems cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "∃!f'.
f' : r' ↦⇘op_cat ℭ⇙ r ∧
u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f'"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, (unfold cat_op_simps)?)
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
"u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f'"
from prems'(2) have
"op_ntcf u' = op_ntcf (op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f')"
by simp
from this prems'(1) have "op_ntcf u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
from f_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f' = f".
qed (intro u'_def f)+
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) is_cat_colimit_op'[cat_op_intros]:
assumes "𝔉' = op_cf 𝔉" and "𝔍' = op_cat 𝔍" and "ℭ' = op_cat ℭ"
shows "op_ntcf u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_limit_op)
lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_cat_colimit.is_cat_colimit_op'
subsubsection‹Universal property›
lemma (in is_cat_limit) cat_lim_unique_cone':
assumes "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
"∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ (∀j∈⇩∘𝔍⦇Obj⦈. u'⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = u⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f')"
by (fold helper_cat_cone_Comp_ntcf_vcomp_iff[OF assms(1)])
(intro cat_lim_ua_fo assms)
lemma (in is_cat_limit) cat_lim_unique:
assumes "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
by (intro cat_lim_ua_fo[OF is_cat_limitD(1)[OF assms]])
lemma (in is_cat_limit) cat_lim_unique':
assumes "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
"∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ (∀j∈⇩∘𝔍⦇Obj⦈. u'⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = u⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f')"
by (intro cat_lim_unique_cone'[OF is_cat_limitD(1)[OF assms]])
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) cat_colim_unique_cocone:
assumes "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
interpret u': is_cat_cocone α r' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u' by (rule assms(1))
from u'.cat_cocone_obj have op_r': "r' ∈⇩∘ op_cat ℭ⦇Obj⦈"
unfolding cat_op_simps by simp
OF is_cat_limit_op u'.is_cat_cone_op, folded op_ntcf_ntcf_const
obtain f' where f': "f' : r' ↦⇘op_cat ℭ⇙ r"
and [cat_cs_simps]:
"op_ntcf u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f')"
and unique:
f'' : r' ↦⇘op_cat ℭ⇙ r;
op_ntcf u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'')
⟧ ⟹ f'' = f'"
for f''
by metis
show ?thesis
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
from f' show f': "f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'" unfolding cat_op_simps by simp
show "u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
by (rule eq_op_ntcf_iff[THEN iffD1], insert f')
(cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps)+
fix f'' assume prems: "f'' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'" "u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
from prems(1) have "f'' : r' ↦⇘op_cat ℭ⇙ r" unfolding cat_op_simps by simp
moreover from prems(1) have
"op_ntcf u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'')"
unfolding prems(2)
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps)
ultimately show "f'' = f'" by (rule unique)
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) cat_colim_unique_cocone':
assumes "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
"∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ (∀j∈⇩∘𝔍⦇Obj⦈. u'⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ u⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈)"
by (fold helper_cat_cocone_Comp_ntcf_vcomp_iff[OF assms(1)])
(intro cat_colim_unique_cocone assms)
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) cat_colim_unique:
assumes "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
by (intro cat_colim_unique_cocone[OF is_cat_colimitD(1)[OF assms]])
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) cat_colim_unique':
assumes "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
"∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ (∀j∈⇩∘𝔍⦇Obj⦈. u'⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = f' ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ u⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈)"
interpret u': is_cat_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r' u' by (rule assms(1))
show ?thesis
by (fold helper_cat_cocone_Comp_ntcf_vcomp_iff[OF u'.is_cat_cocone_axioms])
(intro cat_colim_unique assms)
lemma cat_lim_ex_is_iso_arr:
assumes "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
obtains f where "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r" and "u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
interpret u: is_cat_limit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u by (rule assms(1))
interpret u': is_cat_limit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r' u' by (rule assms(2))
define β where "β = α + ω"
have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def u.𝒵_Limit_αω u.𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def u.𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
have Δ: "Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘β⇙ cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ"
β αβ
then interpret Δ: is_functor β ℭ ‹cat_FUNCT α 𝔍 ℭ› ‹Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ› by simp
from is_functor.cf_universal_arrow_fo_ex_is_iso_arr[
OF Δ u.cat_lim_is_universal_arrow_fo u'.cat_lim_is_universal_arrow_fo
obtain f where f: "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r"
and u': "ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
by auto
from f have "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r" by auto
from u' this have "u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
with f that show ?thesis by simp
lemma cat_lim_ex_is_iso_arr':
assumes "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
obtains f where "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r"
and "⋀j. j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈ ⟹ u'⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = u⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f"
interpret u: is_cat_limit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u by (rule assms(1))
interpret u': is_cat_limit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r' u' by (rule assms(2))
from assms obtain f
where iso_f: "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r" and u'_def: "u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
by (rule cat_lim_ex_is_iso_arr)
then have f: "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r" by auto
then have "u'⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = u⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ f" if "j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈" for j
intro u.helper_cat_cone_ntcf_vcomp_Comp[
OF u'.is_cat_cone_axioms f u'_def that
with iso_f that show ?thesis by simp
lemma cat_colim_ex_is_iso_arr:
assumes "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
obtains f where "f : r ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r'" and "u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
interpret u: is_cat_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u by (rule assms(1))
interpret u': is_cat_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r' u' by (rule assms(2))
obtain f where f: "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘op_cat ℭ⇙ r"
and [cat_cs_simps]:
"op_ntcf u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f"
elim cat_lim_ex_is_iso_arr[
OF u.is_cat_limit_op u'.is_cat_limit_op
from f have iso_f: "f : r ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r'" unfolding cat_op_simps by simp
then have f: "f : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'" by auto
have "u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
by (rule eq_op_ntcf_iff[THEN iffD1], insert f)
(cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps)+
from iso_f this that show ?thesis by simp
lemma cat_colim_ex_is_iso_arr':
assumes "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
obtains f where "f : r ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
and "⋀j. j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈ ⟹ u'⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = f ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ u⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈"
interpret u: is_cat_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u by (rule assms(1))
interpret u': is_cat_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r' u' by (rule assms(2))
from assms obtain f
where iso_f: "f : r ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r'" and u'_def: "u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
by (rule cat_colim_ex_is_iso_arr)
then have f: "f : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'" by auto
then have "u'⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = f ∘⇩A⇘ℭ⇙ u⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈" if "j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈" for j
intro u.helper_cat_cocone_ntcf_vcomp_Comp[
OF u'.is_cat_cocone_axioms f u'_def that
with iso_f that show ?thesis by simp
subsubsection‹Further properties›
lemma (in is_cat_limit) cat_lim_is_cat_limit_if_is_iso_arr:
assumes "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r"
shows "u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
note f = is_iso_arrD(1)[OF assms(1)]
from f(1) interpret u': is_cat_cone α r' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 ‹u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f›
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros)
define β where "β = α + ω"
have β: "𝒵 β" and αβ: "α ∈⇩∘ β"
by (simp_all add: β_def 𝒵_Limit_αω 𝒵_ω_αω 𝒵_def 𝒵_α_αω)
then interpret β: 𝒵 β by simp
show ?thesis
intro u'.cat_cone_is_cat_limit,
rule is_functor.universal_arrow_fo_if_universal_arrow_fo,
rule cf_diagonal_is_functor[OF β αβ],
rule NTDom.HomDom.category_axioms,
rule NTDom.HomCod.category_axioms,
rule cat_lim_is_universal_arrow_fo
show "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r" by (rule assms(1))
from αβ f show
"ntcf_arrow (u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f) =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) cat_colim_is_cat_colimit_if_is_iso_arr:
assumes "f : r ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
shows "ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
note f = is_iso_arrD[OF assms(1)]
from f(1) interpret u': is_cat_cocone α r' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 ‹ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u›
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_lim_cs_intros cat_cs_intros)
from f have [symmetric, cat_op_simps]:
"op_ntcf (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u) =
op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
show ?thesis
rule is_cat_limit.is_cat_colimit_op
OF is_cat_limit.cat_lim_is_cat_limit_if_is_iso_arr[
OF is_cat_limit_op, unfolded cat_op_simps, OF assms(1)
unfolded cat_op_simps
lemma ntcf_cf_comp_is_cat_limit_if_is_iso_functor:
assumes "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
shows "u ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
proof(intro is_cat_limitI)
interpret u: is_cat_limit α 𝔅 ℭ 𝔉 r u by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔊: is_iso_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule assms(2))
note [cf_cs_simps] = is_iso_functor_is_iso_arr(2,3)
show u𝔊: "u ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
by (intro is_cat_coneI)
(cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
fix u' r' assume prems: "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
then interpret u': is_cat_cone α r' 𝔄 ℭ ‹𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊› u' by simp
have "u' ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F inv_cf 𝔊 : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
by (intro is_cat_coneI)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cf_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cf_cs_intros
from is_cat_limit.cat_lim_ua_fo[OF assms(1) this] obtain f
where f: "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
and u'_𝔊: "u' ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F inv_cf 𝔊 = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔅 ℭ f"
and f'f:
f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r;
u' ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F inv_cf 𝔊 = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔅 ℭ f'
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from u'_𝔊 have u'_inv𝔊_𝔊:
"(u' ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F inv_cf 𝔊) ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊 = (u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔅 ℭ f) ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊"
by simp
show "∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ u' = u ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔄 ℭ f'"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
show "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r" by (rule f)
from u'_inv𝔊_𝔊 f show "u' = u ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔄 ℭ f"
cf_cs_simps cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cf_cs_intros
fix f' assume prems:
"f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r" "u' = u ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔄 ℭ f'"
from prems(2) have
"u' ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F inv_cf 𝔊 =
(u ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔄 ℭ f') ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F inv_cf 𝔊"
by simp
from this f prems(1) have "u' ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F inv_cf 𝔊 = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔅 ℭ f'"
cat_cs_simps cf_cs_simps
cs_intro: cf_cs_intros cat_cs_intros
then show "f' = f" by (intro f'f prems(1))
lemma ntcf_cf_comp_is_cat_limit_if_is_iso_functor'[cat_lim_cs_intros]:
assumes "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔅 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
and "𝔄' = 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊"
shows "u ∘⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔄' : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
using assms(1,2)
unfolding assms(3)
by (rule ntcf_cf_comp_is_cat_limit_if_is_iso_functor)
subsection‹Small limit and small colimit›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
The concept of a limit is introduced in Chapter III-4 in
\<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›; the concept of a colimit is introduced in
Chapter III-3 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›. The definitions of small
limits were tailored for ZFC in HOL.
locale is_tm_cat_limit = is_tm_cat_cone α r 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u for α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u +
assumes tm_cat_lim_ua_fo:
"⋀u' r'. u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ ⟹
∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
syntax "_is_tm_cat_limit" :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
(‹(_ :/ _ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m _ :/ _ ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩mı _)› [51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51)
syntax_consts "_is_tm_cat_limit" ⇌ is_tm_cat_limit
translations "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ" ⇌
"CONST is_tm_cat_limit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u"
locale is_tm_cat_colimit = is_tm_cat_cocone α r 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u for α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u +
assumes tm_cat_colim_ua_of:
"⋀u' r'. u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ ⟹
∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
syntax "_is_tm_cat_colimit" :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
(‹(_ :/ _ >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m _ :/ _ ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩mı _)› [51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51)
syntax_consts "_is_tm_cat_colimit" ⇌ is_tm_cat_colimit
translations "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ" ⇌
"CONST is_tm_cat_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u"
lemma (in is_tm_cat_limit) is_tm_cat_limit_axioms'[cat_lim_cs_intros]:
assumes "α' = α" and "r' = r" and "𝔍' = 𝔍" and "ℭ' = ℭ" and "𝔉' = 𝔉"
shows "u : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α'⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_tm_cat_limit_axioms)
mk_ide rf is_tm_cat_limit_def[unfolded is_tm_cat_limit_axioms_def]
|intro is_tm_cat_limitI|
|dest is_tm_cat_limitD[dest]|
|elim is_tm_cat_limitE[elim]|
lemmas [cat_lim_cs_intros] = is_tm_cat_limitD(1)
lemma (in is_tm_cat_colimit) is_tm_cat_colimit_axioms'[cat_lim_cs_intros]:
assumes "α' = α" and "r' = r" and "𝔍' = 𝔍" and "ℭ' = ℭ" and "𝔉' = 𝔉"
shows "u : 𝔉' >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α'⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_tm_cat_colimit_axioms)
mk_ide rf is_tm_cat_colimit_def[unfolded is_tm_cat_colimit_axioms_def]
|intro is_tm_cat_colimitI|
|dest is_tm_cat_colimitD[dest]|
|elim is_tm_cat_colimitE[elim]|
lemmas [cat_lim_cs_intros] = is_tm_cat_colimitD(1)
lemma is_tm_cat_limitI':
assumes "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "⋀u' r'. u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ ⟹
∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
shows "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
proof(rule is_tm_cat_limitI, rule assms(1))
interpret is_tm_cat_cone α r 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u by (rule assms(1))
fix r' u' assume prems: "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
then interpret u': is_cat_cone α r' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u' .
have "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
then show "∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
by (rule assms(2))
lemma is_tm_cat_colimitI':
assumes "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
and "⋀u' r'. u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ ⟹
∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
shows "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
proof(intro is_tm_cat_colimitI, rule assms(1))
interpret is_tm_cat_cocone α r 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u by (rule assms(1))
fix r' u' assume prems: "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
then interpret u': is_cat_cocone α r' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u' .
have "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
then show "∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
by (rule assms(2))
text‹Elementary properties.›
sublocale is_tm_cat_limit ⊆ is_cat_limit
by (intro is_cat_limitI, rule is_cat_cone_axioms, rule tm_cat_lim_ua_fo)
sublocale is_tm_cat_colimit ⊆ is_cat_colimit
by (intro is_cat_colimitI, rule is_cat_cocone_axioms, rule tm_cat_colim_ua_of)
lemma (in is_cat_limit) cat_lim_is_tm_cat_limit:
assumes "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
proof(intro is_tm_cat_limitI)
interpret 𝔉: is_tm_functor α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 by (rule assms)
show "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
by (intro is_tm_cat_coneI assms is_ntcf_axioms cat_cone_obj)
fix u' r' assume prems: "u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
show "∃!f'. f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
by (rule cat_lim_ua_fo[OF prems])
lemma (in is_cat_colimit) cat_colim_is_tm_cat_colimit:
assumes "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
shows "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
proof(intro is_tm_cat_colimitI)
interpret 𝔉: is_tm_functor α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 by (rule assms)
show "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
by (intro is_tm_cat_coconeI assms is_ntcf_axioms cat_cocone_obj)
fix u' r' assume prems: "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ"
show "∃!f'. f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
by (rule cat_colim_ua_of[OF prems])
text‹Limits, colimits and universal arrows.›
lemma (in is_tm_cat_limit) tm_cat_lim_is_universal_arrow_fo:
"universal_arrow_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u)"
proof(intro is_functor.universal_arrow_foI)
show "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ"
show "r ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈" by (intro cat_cone_obj)
then show "ntcf_arrow u : Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈ ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix r' u' assume prems:
"r' ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈" "u' : Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈ ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
from prems(1) have [cat_cs_simps]:
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔍 ℭ (cf_map 𝔉) = 𝔉"
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔍 ℭ (cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r')) = cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r'"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
from prems(2,1) have
"u' : cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r') ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
note u'[unfolded cat_cs_simps] = cat_Funct_is_arrD[OF this]
OF is_cat_coneI[OF is_tm_ntcfD(1)[OF u'(1)] prems(1)]
obtain f
where f: "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
and [symmetric, cat_cs_simps]:
"ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
and f_unique:
f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r;
ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
show "∃!f'.
f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r ∧
u' = umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
show "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r" by (rule f)
with cat_cone_obj show u'_def:
"u' = umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
cs_simp: u'(2)[symmetric] cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
"u' = umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈"
from prems'(2) f prems' cat_cone_obj have u'_def':
"u' = ntcf_arrow (u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f')"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from prems'(1) have "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps u'_def' cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
from f_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f' = f" .
lemma (in is_tm_cat_cone) tm_cat_cone_is_tm_cat_limit:
assumes "universal_arrow_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑)"
shows "𝔑 : c <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
proof(intro is_tm_cat_limitI' is_tm_cat_cone_axioms)
fix u' c' assume prems: "u' : c' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpret u': is_tm_cat_cone α c' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u' by (rule prems)
from u'.tm_cat_cone_obj have u'_is_arr:
"ntcf_arrow u' : Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇c'⦈ ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map 𝔉"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from is_functor.universal_arrow_foD(3)
OF NTCod.HomDom.tiny_category_axioms NTDom.HomCod.category_axioms
obtain f where f: "f : c' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c"
and u'_def': "ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
and f'_unique:
f' : c' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c;
ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from u'_def' f cat_cone_obj have u'_def: "u' = 𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
show "∃!f'. f' : c' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c ∧ u' = 𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, (rule f)?, (rule u'_def)?)
fix f'' assume prems':
"f'' : c' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c" "u' = 𝔑 ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f''"
from prems' have
"ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f''⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from f'_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f'' = f".
lemma (in is_tm_cat_colimit) tm_cat_colim_is_universal_arrow_of:
"universal_arrow_of (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u)"
proof(intro is_functor.universal_arrow_ofI)
show "Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ : ℭ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ"
show "r ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈" by (intro cat_cocone_obj)
then show "ntcf_arrow u : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix r' u' assume prems:
"r' ∈⇩∘ ℭ⦇Obj⦈" "u' : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈"
from prems(1) have [cat_cs_simps]:
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔍 ℭ (cf_map 𝔉) = 𝔉"
"cf_of_cf_map 𝔍 ℭ (cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r')) = cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r'"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)+
from prems(2,1) have
"u' : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ cf_map (cf_const 𝔍 ℭ r')"
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
note u'[unfolded cat_cs_simps] = cat_Funct_is_arrD[OF this]
from cat_colim_ua_of[OF is_cat_coconeI[OF is_tm_ntcfD(1)[OF u'(1)] prems(1)]]
obtain f
where f: "f : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
and [symmetric, cat_cs_simps]:
"ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
and f_unique:
f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r';
ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
show " ∃!f'.
f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r' ∧
u' = umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
show "f : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'" by (rule f)
with cat_cocone_obj show u'_def:
"u' = umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
cs_simp: u'(2)[symmetric] cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
"u' = umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈"
from prems'(2) f prems' cat_cocone_obj have u'_def':
"u' = ntcf_arrow (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u)"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from prems'(1) have "ntcf_of_ntcf_arrow 𝔍 ℭ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_FUNCT_cs_simps u'_def' cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
from f_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f' = f" .
lemma (in is_tm_cat_cocone) tm_cat_cocone_is_tm_cat_colimit:
assumes "universal_arrow_of (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑)"
shows "𝔑 : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m c : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
proof(intro is_tm_cat_colimitI' is_tm_cat_cocone_axioms)
fix u' c' assume prems: "u' : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e c' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
interpret u': is_tm_cat_cocone α c' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 u' by (rule prems)
from u'.tm_cat_cocone_obj have u'_is_arr:
"ntcf_arrow u' : cf_map 𝔉 ↦⇘cat_Funct α 𝔍 ℭ⇙ Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ⦇ObjMap⦈⦇c'⦈"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from is_functor.universal_arrow_ofD(3)
OF NTDom.HomDom.tiny_category_axioms NTDom.HomCod.category_axioms
obtain f where f: "f : c ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c'"
and u'_def': "ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
and f'_unique:
f' : c ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c';
ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f'⦈
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from u'_def' f cat_cocone_obj have u'_def: "u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F 𝔑"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
show "∃!f'. f' : c ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c' ∧ u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F 𝔑"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, (rule f)?, (rule u'_def)?)
fix f'' assume prems':
"f'' : c ↦⇘ℭ⇙ c'" "u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F 𝔑"
from prems' have
"ntcf_arrow u' =
umap_of (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) c (ntcf_arrow 𝔑) c'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f''⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
from f'_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f'' = f".
lemma (in is_tm_cat_limit) is_tm_cat_colimit_op:
"op_ntcf u : op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
proof(intro is_tm_cat_colimitI')
show "op_ntcf u : op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cs_intro: cat_op_intros)
fix u' r' assume prems:
"u' : op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e r' : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
interpret u': is_tm_cat_cocone α r' ‹op_cat 𝔍› ‹op_cat ℭ› ‹op_cf 𝔉› u'
by (rule prems)
from tm_cat_lim_ua_fo[OF u'.is_cat_cone_op[unfolded cat_op_simps]] obtain f
where f: "f : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
and op_u'_def: "op_ntcf u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f"
and f_unique:
"⟦ f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r; op_ntcf u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ⟧ ⟹
f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from op_u'_def have "op_ntcf (op_ntcf u') = op_ntcf (u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f)"
by simp
from this f have u'_def:
"u' = ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf u"
by (cs_prems cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "∃!f'.
f' : r ↦⇘op_cat ℭ⇙ r' ∧
u' = ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf u"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, (unfold cat_op_simps)?)
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r' ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r"
"u' = ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf u"
from prems'(2) have "op_ntcf u' =
op_ntcf (ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F op_ntcf u)"
by simp
from this prems'(1) have "op_ntcf u' = u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f'"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
from f_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f' = f".
qed (intro u'_def f)+
lemma (in is_tm_cat_limit) is_tm_cat_colimit_op'[cat_op_intros]:
assumes "𝔉' = op_cf 𝔉" and "𝔍' = op_cat 𝔍" and "ℭ' = op_cat ℭ"
shows "op_ntcf u : 𝔉' >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_tm_cat_colimit_op)
lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_tm_cat_limit.is_tm_cat_colimit_op'
lemma (in is_tm_cat_colimit) is_tm_cat_limit_op:
"op_ntcf u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
proof(intro is_tm_cat_limitI')
show "op_ntcf u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_simp: cs_intro: cat_op_intros)
fix u' r' assume prems:
"u' : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
interpret u': is_tm_cat_cone α r' ‹op_cat 𝔍› ‹op_cat ℭ› ‹op_cf 𝔉› u'
by (rule prems)
from tm_cat_colim_ua_of[OF u'.is_cat_cocone_op[unfolded cat_op_simps]] obtain f
where f: "f : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
and op_u'_def: "op_ntcf u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
and f_unique:
"⟦ f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'; op_ntcf u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u ⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
from op_u'_def have "op_ntcf (op_ntcf u') = op_ntcf (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u)"
by simp
from this f have u'_def:
"u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f"
by (cs_prems cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "∃!f'.
f' : r' ↦⇘op_cat ℭ⇙ r ∧
u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f'"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?, (unfold cat_op_simps)?)
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r ↦⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
"u' = op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f'"
from prems'(2) have "op_ntcf u' =
op_ntcf (op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f')"
by simp
from this prems'(1) have "op_ntcf u' = ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f' ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_op_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
from f_unique[OF prems'(1) this] show "f' = f".
qed (intro u'_def f)+
lemma (in is_tm_cat_colimit) is_tm_cat_colimit_op'[cat_op_intros]:
assumes "𝔉' = op_cf 𝔉" and "𝔍' = op_cat 𝔍" and "ℭ' = op_cat ℭ"
shows "op_ntcf u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_tm_cat_limit_op)
lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_tm_cat_colimit.is_tm_cat_colimit_op'
subsubsection‹Further properties›
lemma (in is_tm_cat_limit) tm_cat_lim_is_tm_cat_limit_if_iso_arr:
assumes "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r"
shows "u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
note f = is_iso_arrD(1)[OF assms]
from f(1) interpret u': is_tm_cat_cone α r' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 ‹u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f›
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros)
show ?thesis
intro u'.tm_cat_cone_is_tm_cat_limit,
rule is_functor.universal_arrow_fo_if_universal_arrow_fo,
rule tm_cf_diagonal_is_functor,
rule NTCod.HomDom.tiny_category_axioms,
rule NTDom.HomCod.category_axioms,
rule tm_cat_lim_is_universal_arrow_fo
show "f : r' ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r" by (rule assms)
from f show "ntcf_arrow (u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f) =
umap_fo (Δ⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m α 𝔍 ℭ) (cf_map 𝔉) r (ntcf_arrow u) r'⦇ArrVal⦈⦇f⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cat_FUNCT_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros cat_FUNCT_cs_intros
lemma (in is_tm_cat_colimit) tm_cat_colim_is_tm_cat_colimit_if_iso_arr:
assumes "f : r ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘ℭ⇙ r'"
shows "ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩t⇩m⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ ℭ"
note f = is_iso_arrD(1)[OF assms]
from f(1) interpret u':
is_tm_cat_cocone α r' 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 ‹ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u›
by (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_small_cs_intros cat_cs_intros)
from f have [symmetric, cat_op_simps]:
"op_ntcf (ntcf_const 𝔍 ℭ f ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F u) =
op_ntcf u ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const (op_cat 𝔍) (op_cat ℭ) f"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_op_intros
show ?thesis
rule is_tm_cat_limit.is_tm_cat_colimit_op
OF is_tm_cat_limit.tm_cat_lim_is_tm_cat_limit_if_iso_arr[
OF is_tm_cat_limit_op, unfolded cat_op_simps, OF assms(1)
unfolded cat_op_simps
subsection‹Finite limit and finite colimit›
locale is_cat_finite_limit =
is_cat_limit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u + NTDom.HomDom: finite_category α 𝔍
for α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u
syntax "_is_cat_finite_limit" :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
(‹(_ :/ _ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n _ :/ _ ↦↦⇩Cı _)› [51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51)
syntax_consts "_is_cat_finite_limit" ⇌ is_cat_finite_limit
translations "u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" ⇌
"CONST is_cat_finite_limit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u"
locale is_cat_finite_colimit =
is_cat_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u + NTDom.HomDom: finite_category α 𝔍
for α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u
syntax "_is_cat_finite_colimit" :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
(‹(_ :/ _ >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n _ :/ _ ↦↦⇩Cı _)› [51, 51, 51, 51, 51] 51)
syntax_consts "_is_cat_finite_colimit" ⇌ is_cat_finite_colimit
translations "u : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ" ⇌
"CONST is_cat_finite_colimit α 𝔍 ℭ 𝔉 r u"
lemma (in is_cat_finite_limit) is_cat_finite_limit_axioms'[cat_lim_cs_intros]:
assumes "α' = α" and "r' = r" and "𝔍' = 𝔍" and "ℭ' = ℭ" and "𝔉' = 𝔉"
shows "u : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n 𝔉' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇘α'⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_finite_limit_axioms)
mk_ide rf is_cat_finite_limit_def
|intro is_cat_finite_limitI|
|dest is_cat_finite_limitD[dest]|
|elim is_cat_finite_limitE[elim]|
lemmas [cat_lim_cs_intros] = is_cat_finite_limitD
lemma (in is_cat_finite_colimit)
assumes "α' = α" and "r' = r" and "𝔍' = 𝔍" and "ℭ' = ℭ" and "𝔉' = 𝔉"
shows "u : 𝔉' >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n r' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇘α'⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_finite_colimit_axioms)
mk_ide rf is_cat_finite_colimit_def[unfolded is_cat_colimit_axioms_def]
|intro is_cat_finite_colimitI|
|dest is_cat_finite_colimitD[dest]|
|elim is_cat_finite_colimitE[elim]|
lemmas [cat_lim_cs_intros] = is_cat_finite_colimitD
lemma (in is_cat_finite_limit) is_cat_finite_colimit_op:
"op_ntcf u : op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n r : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_intro: is_cat_finite_colimitI cat_op_intros cat_small_cs_intros
lemma (in is_cat_finite_limit) is_cat_finite_colimit_op'[cat_op_intros]:
assumes "𝔉' = op_cf 𝔉" and "𝔍' = op_cat 𝔍" and "ℭ' = op_cat ℭ"
shows "op_ntcf u : 𝔉' >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n r : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_finite_colimit_op)
lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_cat_finite_limit.is_cat_finite_colimit_op'
lemma (in is_cat_finite_colimit) is_cat_finite_limit_op:
"op_ntcf u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat ℭ"
cs_concl cs_shallow
cs_intro: is_cat_finite_limitI cat_op_intros cat_small_cs_intros
lemma (in is_cat_finite_colimit) is_cat_finite_colimit_op'[cat_op_intros]:
assumes "𝔉' = op_cf 𝔉" and "𝔍' = op_cat 𝔍" and "ℭ' = op_cat ℭ"
shows "op_ntcf u : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m⇩.⇩f⇩i⇩n 𝔉' : 𝔍' ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ ℭ'"
unfolding assms by (rule is_cat_finite_limit_op)
lemmas [cat_op_intros] = is_cat_finite_colimit.is_cat_finite_colimit_op'
text‹Elementary properties.›
sublocale is_cat_finite_limit ⊆ is_tm_cat_limit
OF NTDom.HomDom.finite_category_axioms
sublocale is_cat_finite_colimit ⊆ is_tm_cat_colimit
OF NTDom.HomDom.finite_category_axioms
subsection‹Creation of limits›
text‹See Chapter V-1 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.›
definition cf_creates_limits :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
where "cf_creates_limits α 𝔊 𝔉 =
∀τ b.
τ : b <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 : 𝔉⦇HomDom⦈ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔊⦇HomCod⦈ ⟶
∃!σa. ∃σ a. σa = ⟨σ, a⟩ ∧
σ : a <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔉⦇HomDom⦈ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔉⦇HomCod⦈ ∧
τ = 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∧
b = 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈
) ∧
∀σ a.
σ : a <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔉⦇HomDom⦈ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔉⦇HomCod⦈ ⟶
τ = 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ⟶
b = 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ⟶
σ : a <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔉⦇HomDom⦈ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔉⦇HomCod⦈
fixes α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 𝔉
assumes 𝔉: "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
and 𝔊: "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
interpretation 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 by (rule 𝔉)
interpretation 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule 𝔊)
mk_ide rf cf_creates_limits_def[
where α=α and 𝔉=𝔉 and 𝔊=𝔊, unfolded cat_cs_simps
|intro cf_creates_limitsI|
|dest cf_creates_limitsD'|
|elim cf_creates_limitsE'|
lemmas cf_creates_limitsD[dest!] = cf_creates_limitsD'[rotated 2]
and cf_creates_limitsE[elim!] = cf_creates_limitsE'[rotated 2]
lemma cf_creates_limitsE'':
assumes "cf_creates_limits α 𝔊 𝔉"
and "τ : b <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
and "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
obtains σ r where "σ : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
and "τ = 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ"
and "b = 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈"
note cflD = cf_creates_limitsD[OF assms]
from conjunct1[OF cflD] obtain σ r
where σ: "σ : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
and τ_def: "τ = 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ"
and b_def: "b = 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈"
by metis
moreover have "σ : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
by (rule conjunct2[OF cflD, rule_format, OF σ τ_def b_def])
ultimately show ?thesis using that by auto
subsection‹Preservation of limits and colimits›
subsubsection‹Definitions and elementary properties›
text‹See Chapter V-4 in \<^cite>‹"mac_lane_categories_2010"›.›
definition cf_preserves_limits :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
where "cf_preserves_limits α 𝔊 𝔉 =
∀σ a.
σ : a <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔉⦇HomDom⦈ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔉⦇HomCod⦈ ⟶
𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 : 𝔉⦇HomDom⦈ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔊⦇HomCod⦈
definition cf_preserves_colimits :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
where "cf_preserves_colimits α 𝔊 𝔉 =
∀σ a.
σ : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m a : 𝔉⦇HomDom⦈ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔉⦇HomCod⦈ ⟶
𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ : 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ : 𝔉⦇HomDom⦈ ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔊⦇HomCod⦈
fixes α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 𝔉
assumes 𝔉: "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
and 𝔊: "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
interpretation 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 by (rule 𝔉)
interpretation 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule 𝔊)
mk_ide rf cf_preserves_limits_def[
where α=α and 𝔉=𝔉 and 𝔊=𝔊, unfolded cat_cs_simps
|intro cf_preserves_limitsI|
|dest cf_preserves_limitsD'|
|elim cf_preserves_limitsE'|
mk_ide rf cf_preserves_colimits_def[
where α=α and 𝔉=𝔉 and 𝔊=𝔊, unfolded cat_cs_simps
|intro cf_preserves_colimitsI|
|dest cf_preserves_colimitsD'|
|elim cf_preserves_colimitsE'|
lemmas cf_preserves_limitsD[dest!] = cf_preserves_limitsD'[rotated 2]
and cf_preserves_limitsE[elim!] = cf_preserves_limitsE'[rotated 2]
lemmas cf_preserves_colimitsD[dest!] = cf_preserves_colimitsD'[rotated 2]
and cf_preserves_colimitsE[elim!] = cf_preserves_colimitsE'[rotated 2]
lemma cf_preserves_colimits_op[cat_op_simps]:
assumes "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄" and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
"cf_preserves_colimits α (op_cf 𝔊) (op_cf 𝔉) ⟷
cf_preserves_limits α 𝔊 𝔉"
interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule assms(2))
show "cf_preserves_limits α 𝔊 𝔉"
if "cf_preserves_colimits α (op_cf 𝔊) (op_cf 𝔉)"
proof(rule cf_preserves_limitsI, rule assms(1), rule assms(2))
fix σ r assume "σ : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
then interpret σ: is_cat_limit α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 r σ .
show "𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
rule is_cat_colimit.is_cat_limit_op
OF cf_preserves_colimitsD
OF that σ.is_cat_colimit_op 𝔉.is_functor_op 𝔊.is_functor_op,
folded op_cf_cf_comp op_ntcf_cf_ntcf_comp
unfolded cat_op_simps
show "cf_preserves_colimits α (op_cf 𝔊) (op_cf 𝔉)"
if "cf_preserves_limits α 𝔊 𝔉"
rule cf_preserves_colimitsI,
rule 𝔉.is_functor_op,
rule 𝔊.is_functor_op,
unfold cat_op_simps
fix σ r assume "σ : op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat 𝔄"
then interpret σ: is_cat_colimit α ‹op_cat 𝔍› ‹op_cat 𝔄› ‹op_cf 𝔉› r σ .
show "op_cf 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ :
op_cf 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F op_cf 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈ : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat 𝔅"
rule is_cat_limit.is_cat_colimit_op
OF cf_preserves_limitsD[
OF that σ.is_cat_limit_op[unfolded cat_op_simps] assms(1,2)
unfolded cat_op_simps
lemma cf_preserves_limits_op[cat_op_simps]:
assumes "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄" and "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
"cf_preserves_limits α (op_cf 𝔊) (op_cf 𝔉) ⟷
cf_preserves_colimits α 𝔊 𝔉"
interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule assms(2))
show "cf_preserves_colimits α 𝔊 𝔉"
if "cf_preserves_limits α (op_cf 𝔊) (op_cf 𝔉)"
proof(rule cf_preserves_colimitsI, rule assms(1), rule assms(2))
fix σ r assume "σ : 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m r : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
then interpret σ: is_cat_colimit α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 r σ .
show "𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ : 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 >⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈ : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
rule is_cat_limit.is_cat_colimit_op
OF cf_preserves_limitsD
OF that σ.is_cat_limit_op 𝔉.is_functor_op 𝔊.is_functor_op,
folded op_cf_cf_comp op_ntcf_cf_ntcf_comp
unfolded cat_op_simps
show "cf_preserves_limits α (op_cf 𝔊) (op_cf 𝔉)"
if "cf_preserves_colimits α 𝔊 𝔉"
rule cf_preserves_limitsI,
rule 𝔉.is_functor_op,
rule 𝔊.is_functor_op,
unfold cat_op_simps
fix σ r assume "σ : r <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat 𝔄"
then interpret σ: is_cat_limit α ‹op_cat 𝔍› ‹op_cat 𝔄› ‹op_cf 𝔉› r σ .
show "op_cf 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ :
𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r⦈ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m op_cf 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F op_cf 𝔉 : op_cat 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat 𝔅"
rule is_cat_colimit.is_cat_limit_op
OF cf_preserves_colimitsD[
OF that σ.is_cat_colimit_op[unfolded cat_op_simps] assms(1,2)
unfolded cat_op_simps
subsubsection‹Further properties›
lemma cf_preserves_limits_if_cf_creates_limits:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
and "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
and "ψ : b <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
and "cf_creates_limits α 𝔊 𝔉"
shows "cf_preserves_limits α 𝔊 𝔉"
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule assms(1))
interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 by (rule assms(2))
interpret ψ: is_cat_limit α 𝔍 𝔅 ‹𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉› b ψ
by (intro is_cat_limit.cat_lim_is_tm_cat_limit assms(3,4))
show ?thesis
intro cf_preserves_limitsI,
rule 𝔉.is_functor_axioms,
rule 𝔊.is_functor_axioms
fix σ a assume prems: "σ : a <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
then interpret σ: is_cat_limit α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 a σ .
obtain τ A
where τ: "τ : A <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
and ψ_def: "ψ = 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F τ"
and b_def: "b = 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇A⦈"
rule cf_creates_limitsE''
from τ interpret τ: is_cat_limit α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 A τ .
from cat_lim_ex_is_iso_arr[OF τ.is_cat_limit_axioms prems] obtain f
where f: "f : a ↦⇩i⇩s⇩o⇘𝔄⇙ A" and σ_def: "σ = τ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔄 f"
by auto
note f = f is_iso_arrD(1)[OF f]
from f(2) have "𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
by (intro is_cat_coneI)
(cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
from σ_def have "𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ = 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F (τ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔄 f)"
by simp
also from f(2) have "… = ψ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 (𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈)"
by (cs_concl_step cf_ntcf_comp_ntcf_vcomp)
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps ψ_def[symmetric] cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
finally have 𝔊σ: "𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ = ψ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 (𝔊⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈)" .
show "𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ : 𝔊⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
rule ψ.cat_lim_is_cat_limit_if_is_iso_arr
OF 𝔊.cf_ArrMap_is_iso_arr[OF f(1), folded b_def],
folded 𝔊σ
subsection‹Continuous and cocontinuous functor›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
definition is_cf_continuous :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
where "is_cf_continuous α 𝔊 ⟷
(∀𝔉 𝔍. 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔊⦇HomDom⦈ ⟶ cf_preserves_limits α 𝔊 𝔉)"
definition is_cf_cocontinuous :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
where "is_cf_cocontinuous α 𝔊 ⟷
(∀𝔉 𝔍. 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔊⦇HomDom⦈ ⟶ cf_preserves_colimits α 𝔊 𝔉)"
fixes α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 𝔉
assumes 𝔊: "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
interpretation 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule 𝔊)
mk_ide rf is_cf_continuous_def[where α=α and 𝔊=𝔊, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
|intro is_cf_continuousI|
|dest is_cf_continuousD'|
|elim is_cf_continuousE'|
mk_ide rf is_cf_cocontinuous_def[where α=α and 𝔊=𝔊, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
|intro is_cf_cocontinuousI|
|dest is_cf_cocontinuousD'|
|elim is_cf_cocontinuousE'|
lemmas is_cf_continuousD[dest!] = is_cf_continuousD'[rotated]
and is_cf_continuousE[elim!] = is_cf_continuousE'[rotated]
lemmas is_cf_cocontinuousD[dest!] = is_cf_cocontinuousD'[rotated]
and is_cf_cocontinuousE[elim!] = is_cf_cocontinuousE'[rotated]
lemma is_cf_continuous_op[cat_op_simps]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
shows "is_cf_continuous α (op_cf 𝔊) ⟷ is_cf_cocontinuous α 𝔊"
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule assms(1))
show "is_cf_cocontinuous α 𝔊" if "is_cf_continuous α (op_cf 𝔊)"
proof(intro is_cf_cocontinuousI, rule assms)
fix 𝔉 𝔍 assume prems': "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
then interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 .
show "cf_preserves_colimits α 𝔊 𝔉"
rule cf_preserves_limits_op
THEN iffD1,
is_cf_continuousD[OF that 𝔉.is_functor_op 𝔊.is_functor_op]
show "is_cf_continuous α (op_cf 𝔊)" if "is_cf_cocontinuous α 𝔊"
proof(intro is_cf_continuousI, rule 𝔊.is_functor_op)
fix 𝔉 𝔍 assume prems': "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat 𝔄"
then interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 ‹op_cat 𝔄› 𝔉 .
from that assms have op_op_bundle:
"is_cf_cocontinuous α (op_cf (op_cf 𝔊))"
"op_cf (op_cf 𝔊) : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
unfolding cat_op_simps .
show "cf_preserves_limits α (op_cf 𝔊) 𝔉"
rule cf_preserves_colimits_op
THEN iffD1,
𝔉.is_functor_op[unfolded cat_op_simps]
lemma is_cf_cocontinuous_op[cat_op_simps]:
assumes "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
shows "is_cf_cocontinuous α (op_cf 𝔊) ⟷ is_cf_continuous α 𝔊"
interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule assms(1))
show "is_cf_continuous α 𝔊" if "is_cf_cocontinuous α (op_cf 𝔊)"
proof(intro is_cf_continuousI, rule assms)
fix 𝔉 𝔍 assume prems': "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
then interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉 .
show "cf_preserves_limits α 𝔊 𝔉"
rule cf_preserves_colimits_op
THEN iffD1,
is_cf_cocontinuousD[OF that 𝔉.is_functor_op 𝔊.is_functor_op]
show "is_cf_cocontinuous α (op_cf 𝔊)" if "is_cf_continuous α 𝔊"
proof(intro is_cf_cocontinuousI, rule 𝔊.is_functor_op)
fix 𝔉 𝔍 assume prems': "𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ op_cat 𝔄"
then interpret 𝔉: is_functor α 𝔍 ‹op_cat 𝔄› 𝔉 .
from that assms have op_op_bundle:
"is_cf_continuous α (op_cf (op_cf 𝔊))"
"op_cf (op_cf 𝔊) : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
unfolding cat_op_simps .
show "cf_preserves_colimits α (op_cf 𝔊) 𝔉"
rule cf_preserves_limits_op
THEN iffD1,
𝔉.is_functor_op[unfolded cat_op_simps]
subsubsection‹Category isomorphisms are continuous and cocontinuous›
lemma (in is_iso_functor) iso_cf_is_cf_continuous: "is_cf_continuous α 𝔉"
proof(intro is_cf_continuousI)
fix 𝔍 𝔊 assume prems: "𝔊 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
then interpret 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔊 .
show "cf_preserves_limits α 𝔉 𝔊"
proof(intro cf_preserves_limitsI)
fix a σ assume "σ : a <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔊 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
then interpret σ: is_cat_limit α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔊 a σ .
show "𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ : 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩l⇩i⇩m 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
proof(intro is_cat_limitI)
fix r' τ assume "τ : r' <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
then interpret τ: is_cat_cone α r' 𝔍 𝔅 ‹𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊› τ .
note [cat_cs_simps] = cf_comp_assoc_helper[
where ℌ=‹inv_cf 𝔉› and 𝔊=𝔉 and 𝔉=𝔊 and 𝒬=‹cf_id 𝔄›
have inv_τ: "inv_cf 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F τ :
inv_cf 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈ <⇩C⇩F⇩.⇩c⇩o⇩n⇩e 𝔊 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cf_cs_simps
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cf_cs_intros
from is_cat_limit.cat_lim_unique_cone'[OF σ.is_cat_limit_axioms inv_τ]
obtain f where f: "f : inv_cf 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈ ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a"
and f_up: "⋀j. j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈ ⟹
(inv_cf 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F τ)⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = σ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔄⇙ f"
and f_unique:
f' : inv_cf 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈ ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a;
⋀j. j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈ ⟹
(inv_cf 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F τ)⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = σ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔄⇙ f'
⟧ ⟹ f' = f"
for f'
by metis
have [cat_cs_simps]: "𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇σ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔅⇙ 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈ = τ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈"
if "j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈" for j
from f_up[OF that] that have
"inv_cf 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇τ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈⦈ = σ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔄⇙ f"
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
then have
"𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇inv_cf 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇τ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈⦈⦈ =
𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇σ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔄⇙ f⦈"
by simp
from this that f show ?thesis
cs_prems cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cf_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
show "∃!f'.
f' : r' ↦⇘𝔅⇙ 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈ ∧ τ = 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 f'"
proof(intro ex1I conjI; (elim conjE)?)
from f have
"𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈ : 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇inv_cf 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈⦈ ↦⇘𝔅⇙ 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_shallow cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
then show "𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈ : r' ↦⇘𝔅⇙ 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈"
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cf_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
show "τ = 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 (𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈)"
proof(rule ntcf_eqI, rule τ.is_ntcf_axioms)
from f show "𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 (𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈) :
cf_const 𝔍 𝔅 r' ↦⇩C⇩F 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F 𝔊 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cf_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
then have dom_rhs:
"𝒟⇩∘ ((𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 (𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈))⦇NTMap⦈) =
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps)
"τ⦇NTMap⦈ = (𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 (𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈))⦇NTMap⦈"
proof(rule vsv_eqI, unfold τ.ntcf_NTMap_vdomain dom_rhs)
fix j assume "j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈"
with f show "τ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ =
(𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 (𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈))⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈"
by (cs_concl cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
qed (cs_concl cs_intro: V_cs_intros cat_cs_intros)+
qed simp_all
fix f' assume prems':
"f' : r' ↦⇘𝔅⇙ 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇a⦈"
"τ = 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 f'"
have τj_def: "τ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇σ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔅⇙ f'"
if "j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈" for j
from prems'(2) have
"τ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ = (𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F σ ∙⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F ntcf_const 𝔍 𝔅 f')⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈"
by simp
from this prems'(1) that show ?thesis
by (cs_prems cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
have "inv_cf 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f'⦈ = f"
proof(rule f_unique)
from prems'(1) show
"inv_cf 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f'⦈ : inv_cf 𝔉⦇ObjMap⦈⦇r'⦈ ↦⇘𝔄⇙ a"
cs_simp: cf_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cf_cs_intros
fix j assume "j ∈⇩∘ 𝔍⦇Obj⦈"
from this prems'(1) show
"(inv_cf 𝔉 ∘⇩C⇩F⇩-⇩N⇩T⇩C⇩F τ)⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ =
σ⦇NTMap⦈⦇j⦈ ∘⇩A⇘𝔄⇙ inv_cf 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f'⦈"
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cf_cs_simps τj_def
cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cf_cs_intros
then have "𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇inv_cf 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f'⦈⦈ = 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈" by simp
from this prems'(1) show "f' = 𝔉⦇ArrMap⦈⦇f⦈"
cs_prems cs_shallow
cs_simp: cat_cs_simps cf_cs_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros
qed (cs_concl cs_intro: cat_cs_intros cat_lim_cs_intros)
qed (intro prems is_functor_axioms)+
qed (rule is_functor_axioms)
lemma (in is_iso_functor) iso_cf_is_cf_cocontinuous: "is_cf_cocontinuous α 𝔉"
using is_iso_functor.iso_cf_is_cf_continuous[OF is_iso_functor_op]
by (cs_prems cs_shallow cs_simp: cat_op_simps cs_intro: cat_cs_intros)
subsection‹Tiny-continuous and tiny-cocontinuous functor›
subsubsection‹Definition and elementary properties›
definition is_tm_cf_continuous :: "V ⇒ V ⇒ bool"
where "is_tm_cf_continuous α 𝔊 =
(∀𝔉 𝔍. 𝔉 : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ 𝔊⦇HomDom⦈ ⟶ cf_preserves_limits α 𝔊 𝔉)"
fixes α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 𝔉
assumes 𝔊: "𝔊 : 𝔄 ↦↦⇩C⇘α⇙ 𝔅"
interpretation 𝔊: is_functor α 𝔄 𝔅 𝔊 by (rule 𝔊)
mk_ide rf is_tm_cf_continuous_def[where α=α and 𝔊=𝔊, unfolded cat_cs_simps]
|intro is_tm_cf_continuousI|
|dest is_tm_cf_continuousD'|
|elim is_tm_cf_continuousE'|
lemmas is_tm_cf_continuousD[dest!] = is_tm_cf_continuousD'[rotated]
and is_tm_cf_continuousE[elim!] = is_tm_cf_continuousE'[rotated]
text‹Elementary properties.›
lemma (in is_functor) cf_continuous_is_tm_cf_continuous:
assumes "is_cf_continuous α 𝔉"
shows "is_tm_cf_continuous α 𝔉"
proof(intro is_tm_cf_continuousI, rule is_functor_axioms)
fix 𝔉' 𝔍 assume "𝔉' : 𝔍 ↦↦⇩C⇩.⇩t⇩m⇘α⇙ 𝔄"
then interpret 𝔉': is_tm_functor α 𝔍 𝔄 𝔉'.
show "cf_preserves_limits α 𝔉 𝔉'"
intro is_cf_continuousD[OF assms(1) _ is_functor_axioms],
rule 𝔉'.is_functor_axioms