Theory Buffons_Needle
section ‹Buffon's Needle Problem›
theory Buffons_Needle
imports "HOL-Probability.Probability"
subsection ‹Auxiliary material›
lemma sin_le_zero': "sin x ≤ 0" if "x ≥ -pi" "x ≤ 0" for x
by (metis minus_le_iff neg_0_le_iff_le sin_ge_zero sin_minus that(1) that(2))
subsection ‹Problem definition›
text ‹
Consider a needle of length $l$ whose centre has the $x$-coordinate $x$. The following then
defines the set of all $x$-coordinates that the needle covers
(i.e. the projection of the needle onto the $x$-axis.)
definition needle :: "real ⇒ real ⇒ real ⇒ real set" where
"needle l x φ = closed_segment (x - l / 2 * sin φ) (x + l / 2 * sin φ)"
text_raw ‹
\coordinate (lefttick) at (-3,0);
\coordinate (righttick) at (3,0);
\draw (lefttick) -- (righttick);
\draw [thick] (lefttick) ++ (0,0.4) -- ++(0,3);
\draw [thick] (righttick) ++ (0,0.4) -- ++(0,3);
\coordinate (needle) at (1,2);
\draw ($(lefttick)+(0,4pt)$) -- ($(lefttick)-(0,4pt)$);
\draw ($(righttick)+(0,4pt)$) -- ($(righttick)-(0,4pt)$);
\draw (0,4pt) -- (0,-4pt);
\draw [densely dashed, thin] let \p1 = (needle) in (\x1, 0) -- (needle);
\draw [densely dashed, thin] let \p1 = (needle) in (needle) -- (3, \y1);
\draw (needle) ++ (15pt,0) arc(0:\needleangle:15pt);
\path (needle) -- ++(15pt,0) node [above, midway, yshift=-1.9pt, xshift=1.8pt] {$\scriptstyle\varphi$};
\node [below, xshift=-3.5pt] at ($(lefttick)-(0,4pt)$) {$-\nicefrac{d}{2}$};
\node [below] at ($(righttick)-(0,4pt)$) {$\nicefrac{d}{2}$};
\node [below,yshift=-1pt] at (0,-4pt) {$0$};
\node [below,yshift=-2pt] at (needle |- 0,-4pt) {$x$};
\draw[<->] (needle) ++({\needleangle+90}:5pt) ++(\needleangle:{-\needlelength}) -- ++(\needleangle:2) node [midway, above, rotate=\needleangle] {$\scriptstyle l$};
\draw [line width=0.7pt,fill=white] (needle) ++({\needleangle+90}:\needlethickness) -- ++(\needleangle:\needlelength) arc({\needleangle+90}:{\needleangle-90}:\needlethickness)
-- ++(\needleangle:-\needlelength) -- ++(\needleangle:-\needlelength) arc({\needleangle+270}:{\needleangle+90}:\needlethickness) -- ++(\needleangle:\needlelength);
\caption{A sketch of the situation in Buffon's needle experiment. There is a needle of length $l$
with its centre at a certain $x$ coordinate, angled at an angle $\varphi$ off the horizontal axis.
The two vertical lines are a distance of $d$ apart, each being $\nicefrac{d}{2}$ away from the
xmin=0, xmax=7, ymin=0, ymax=1,
width=\textwidth, height=0.6\textwidth,
xlabel={$l/d$}, ylabel={$\mathcal P$}, tick style={thin,black},
ylabel style = {rotate=270,anchor=west},
\addplot [color=myred, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=0:1,samples=200] ({x}, {2/pi*x});
\addplot [color=myred, line width=1pt, mark=none,domain=1:7,samples=200] ({x}, {2/pi*(x-sqrt(x*x-1)+acos(1/x)/180*pi)});
\caption{The probability $\mathcal P$ of the needle hitting one of the lines, as a function of the quotient $l/d$ (where $l$ is the length of the needle and $d$ the horizontal distance between the lines).}
text ‹
Buffon's Needle problem is then this: Assuming the needle's $x$ position is chosen uniformly
at random in a strip of width $d$ centred at the origin, what is the probability that the
needle crosses at least one of the left/right boundaries of that strip (located at
$x = \pm\frac{1}{2}d$)?
We will show that, if we let $x := \nicefrac{l}{d}$, the probability of this is
\mathcal P_{l,d} =
\nicefrac{2}{\pi} \cdot x & \text{if}\ l \leq d\\
\nicefrac{2}{\pi}\cdot(x - \sqrt{x^2 - 1} + \arccos (\nicefrac{1}{x})) & \text{if}\ l \geq d
A plot of this function can be found in Figure~\ref{fig:buffonplot}.
locale Buffon =
fixes d l :: real
assumes d: "d > 0" and l: "l > 0"
definition Buffon :: "(real × real) measure" where
"Buffon = uniform_measure lborel ({-d/2..d/2} × {-pi..pi})"
lemma space_Buffon [simp]: "space Buffon = UNIV"
by (simp add: Buffon_def)
definition Buffon_set :: "(real × real) set" where
"Buffon_set = {(x,φ) ∈ {-d/2..d/2} × {-pi..pi}. needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}}"
subsection ‹Derivation of the solution›
text ‹
The following form is a bit easier to handle.
lemma Buffon_set_altdef1:
"Buffon_set =
{(x,φ) ∈ {-d/2..d/2} × {-pi..pi}.
let a = x - l / 2 * sin φ; b = x + l / 2 * sin φ
in min a b + d/2 ≤ 0 ∧ max a b + d/2 ≥ 0 ∨ min a b - d/2 ≤ 0 ∧ max a b - d/2 ≥ 0}"
proof -
have "(λ(x,φ). needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}) =
(λ(x,φ). let a = x - l / 2 * sin φ; b = x + l / 2 * sin φ
in -d/2 ≥ min a b ∧ -d/2 ≤ max a b ∨ min a b ≤ d/2 ∧ max a b ≥ d/2)"
by (auto simp: needle_def Let_def closed_segment_eq_real_ivl min_def max_def)
also have "… =
(λ(x,φ). let a = x - l / 2 * sin φ; b = x + l / 2 * sin φ
in min a b + d/2 ≤ 0 ∧ max a b + d/2 ≥ 0 ∨ min a b - d/2 ≤ 0 ∧ max a b - d/2 ≥ 0)"
by (auto simp add: algebra_simps Let_def)
finally show ?thesis unfolding Buffon_set_def case_prod_unfold
by (intro Collect_cong conj_cong refl) meson
lemma Buffon_set_altdef2:
"Buffon_set = {(x,φ) ∈ {-d/2..d/2} × {-pi..pi}. abs x ≥ d / 2 - abs (sin φ) * l / 2}"
unfolding Buffon_set_altdef1
proof (intro Collect_cong prod.case_cong refl conj_cong)
fix x φ
assume *: "(x, φ) ∈ {-d/2..d/2} × {-pi..pi}"
let ?P = "λx φ. let a = x - l / 2 * sin φ; b = x + l / 2 * sin φ
in min a b + d/2 ≤ 0 ∧ max a b + d/2 ≥ 0 ∨ min a b - d/2 ≤ 0 ∧ max a b - d/2 ≥ 0"
show "?P x φ ⟷ (d / 2 - ¦sin φ¦ * l / 2 ≤ ¦x¦)"
proof (cases "φ ≥ 0")
case True
have "x - l / 2 * sin φ ≤ x + l / 2 * sin φ" using l True *
by (auto simp: sin_ge_zero)
moreover from True and * have "sin φ ≥ 0" by (auto simp: sin_ge_zero)
ultimately show ?thesis using * True
by (force simp: field_simps Let_def min_def max_def case_prod_unfold abs_if)
case False
with * have "x - l / 2 * sin φ ≥ x + l / 2 * sin φ" using l
by (auto simp: sin_le_zero' mult_nonneg_nonpos)
moreover from False and * have "sin φ ≤ 0" by (auto simp: sin_le_zero')
ultimately show ?thesis using * False l d
by (force simp: field_simps Let_def min_def max_def case_prod_unfold abs_if)
text ‹
By using the symmetry inherent in the problem, we can reduce the problem to the following
set, which corresponds to one quadrant of the original set:
definition Buffon_set' :: "(real × real) set" where
"Buffon_set' = {(x,φ) ∈ {0..d/2} × {0..pi}. x ≥ d / 2 - sin φ * l / 2}"
lemma closed_buffon_set [simp, intro, measurable]: "closed Buffon_set"
proof -
have "Buffon_set = ({-d/2..d/2} × {-pi..pi}) ∩
(λz. abs (fst z) + abs (sin (snd z)) * l / 2 - d / 2) -` {0..}"
(is "_ = ?A") unfolding Buffon_set_altdef2 by auto
also have "closed …"
by (intro closed_Int closed_vimage closed_Times) (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma closed_buffon_set' [simp, intro, measurable]: "closed Buffon_set'"
proof -
have "Buffon_set' = ({0..d/2} × {0..pi}) ∩
(λz. fst z + sin (snd z) * l / 2 - d / 2) -` {0..}"
(is "_ = ?A") unfolding Buffon_set'_def by auto
also have "closed …"
by (intro closed_Int closed_vimage closed_Times) (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma measurable_buffon_set [measurable]: "Buffon_set ∈ sets borel"
by measurable
lemma measurable_buffon_set' [measurable]: "Buffon_set' ∈ sets borel"
by measurable
sublocale prob_space Buffon
unfolding Buffon_def
proof -
have "emeasure lborel ({- d / 2..d / 2} × {- pi..pi}) = ennreal (2 * d * pi)"
unfolding lborel_prod [symmetric] using d
by (subst lborel.emeasure_pair_measure_Times)
(auto simp: ennreal_mult mult_ac simp flip: ennreal_numeral)
also have "… ≠ 0 ∧ … ≠ ∞"
using d by auto
finally show "prob_space (uniform_measure lborel ({- d / 2..d / 2} × {- pi..pi}))"
by (intro prob_space_uniform_measure) auto
lemma buffon_prob_aux:
"emeasure Buffon {(x,φ). needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}} =
emeasure lborel Buffon_set / ennreal (2 * d * pi)"
proof -
have [measurable]: "A × B ∈ sets borel" if "A ∈ sets borel" "B ∈ sets borel"
for A B :: "real set" using that unfolding borel_prod [symmetric] by simp
have "{(x, φ). needle l x φ ∩ {- d / 2, d / 2} ≠ {}} ∈ sets borel"
by (intro pred_Collect_borel)
(simp add: borel_prod [symmetric] needle_def closed_segment_eq_real_ivl case_prod_unfold)
hence "emeasure Buffon {(x,φ). needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}} =
emeasure lborel (({-d/2..d/2} × {- pi..pi}) ∩ {(x,φ). needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}}) /
emeasure lborel ({-(d/2)..d/2} × {-pi..pi})"
unfolding Buffon_def Buffon_set_def by (subst emeasure_uniform_measure) simp_all
also have "({-d/2..d/2} × {- pi..pi}) ∩ {(x, φ). needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}} = Buffon_set"
unfolding Buffon_set_def by auto
also have "emeasure lborel ({-(d/2)..d/2} × {-pi..pi}) = ennreal (2 * d * pi)"
using d by (simp flip: lborel_prod ennreal_mult add: lborel.emeasure_pair_measure_Times)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma emeasure_buffon_set_conv_buffon_set':
"emeasure lborel Buffon_set = 4 * emeasure lborel Buffon_set'"
proof -
have distr_lborel [simp]: "distr M lborel f = distr M borel f" for M and f :: "real ⇒ real"
by (rule distr_cong) simp_all
define A where "A = Buffon_set'"
define B C D where "B = (λx. (-fst x, snd x)) -` A" and "C = (λx. (fst x, -snd x)) -` A" and
"D = (λx. (-fst x, -snd x)) -` A"
have meas [measurable]:
"(λx::real × real. (-fst x, snd x)) ∈ borel_measurable borel"
"(λx::real × real. (fst x, -snd x)) ∈ borel_measurable borel"
"(λx::real × real. (-fst x, -snd x)) ∈ borel_measurable borel"
unfolding borel_prod [symmetric] by measurable
have meas' [measurable]: "A ∈ sets borel" "B ∈ sets borel" "C ∈ sets borel" "D ∈ sets borel"
unfolding A_def B_def C_def D_def by (rule measurable_buffon_set' measurable_sets_borel meas)+
have *: "Buffon_set = A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ D"
proof (intro equalityI subsetI, goal_cases)
case (1 z)
show ?case
proof (cases "fst z ≥ 0"; cases "snd z ≥ 0")
assume "fst z ≥ 0" "snd z ≥ 0"
with 1 have "z ∈ A"
by (auto split: prod.splits simp: Buffon_set_altdef2 Buffon_set'_def sin_ge_zero A_def B_def)
thus ?thesis by blast
assume "¬(fst z ≥ 0)" "snd z ≥ 0"
with 1 have "z ∈ B"
by (auto split: prod.splits simp: Buffon_set_altdef2 Buffon_set'_def sin_ge_zero A_def B_def)
thus ?thesis by blast
assume "fst z ≥ 0" "¬(snd z ≥ 0)"
with 1 have "z ∈ C"
by (auto split: prod.splits simp: Buffon_set_altdef2 Buffon_set'_def sin_le_zero' A_def B_def C_def)
thus ?thesis by blast
assume "¬(fst z ≥ 0)" "¬(snd z ≥ 0)"
with 1 have "z ∈ D"
by (auto split: prod.splits simp: Buffon_set_altdef2 Buffon_set'_def sin_le_zero' A_def B_def D_def)
thus ?thesis by blast
case (2 z)
thus ?case using d l
by (auto simp: Buffon_set_altdef2 Buffon_set'_def sin_ge_zero sin_le_zero' A_def B_def C_def D_def)
have "A ∩ B = {0} × ({0..pi} ∩ {φ. sin φ * l - d ≥ 0})"
using d l by (auto simp: Buffon_set'_def A_def B_def C_def D_def)
moreover have "emeasure lborel … = 0"
unfolding lborel_prod [symmetric] by (subst lborel.emeasure_pair_measure_Times) simp_all
ultimately have AB: "(A ∩ B) ∈ null_sets lborel"
unfolding lborel_prod [symmetric] by (simp add: null_sets_def)
have "C ∩ D = {0} × ({-pi..0} ∩ {φ. -sin φ * l - d ≥ 0})"
using d l by (auto simp: Buffon_set'_def A_def B_def C_def D_def)
moreover have "emeasure lborel … = 0"
unfolding lborel_prod [symmetric] by (subst lborel.emeasure_pair_measure_Times) simp_all
ultimately have CD: "(C ∩ D) ∈ null_sets lborel"
unfolding lborel_prod [symmetric] by (simp add: null_sets_def)
have "A ∩ D = {}" "B ∩ C = {}" using d l
by (auto simp: Buffon_set'_def A_def D_def B_def C_def)
moreover have "A ∩ C = {(d/2, 0)}" "B ∩ D = {(-d/2, 0)}"
using d l by (auto simp: case_prod_unfold Buffon_set'_def A_def B_def C_def D_def)
ultimately have AD: "A ∩ D ∈ null_sets lborel" and BC: "B ∩ C ∈ null_sets lborel" and
AC: "A ∩ C ∈ null_sets lborel" and BD: "B ∩ D ∈ null_sets lborel" by auto
note *
also have "emeasure lborel (A ∪ B ∪ C ∪ D) = emeasure lborel (A ∪ B ∪ C) + emeasure lborel D"
using AB AC AD BC BD CD by (intro emeasure_Un') (auto simp: Int_Un_distrib2)
also have "emeasure lborel (A ∪ B ∪ C) = emeasure lborel (A ∪ B) + emeasure lborel C"
using AB AC BC using AB AC AD BC BD CD by (intro emeasure_Un') (auto simp: Int_Un_distrib2)
also have "emeasure lborel (A ∪ B) = emeasure lborel A + emeasure lborel B"
using AB using AB AC AD BC BD CD by (intro emeasure_Un') (auto simp: Int_Un_distrib2)
also have "emeasure lborel B = emeasure (distr lborel lborel (λ(x,y). (-x, y))) A"
(is "_ = emeasure ?M _") unfolding B_def
by (subst emeasure_distr) (simp_all add: case_prod_unfold)
also have "?M = lborel" unfolding lborel_prod [symmetric]
by (subst pair_measure_distr [symmetric]) (simp_all add: sigma_finite_lborel lborel_distr_uminus)
also have "emeasure lborel C = emeasure (distr lborel lborel (λ(x,y). (x, -y))) A"
(is "_ = emeasure ?M _") unfolding C_def
by (subst emeasure_distr) (simp_all add: case_prod_unfold)
also have "?M = lborel" unfolding lborel_prod [symmetric]
by (subst pair_measure_distr [symmetric]) (simp_all add: sigma_finite_lborel lborel_distr_uminus)
also have "emeasure lborel D = emeasure (distr lborel lborel (λ(x,y). (-x, -y))) A"
(is "_ = emeasure ?M _") unfolding D_def
by (subst emeasure_distr) (simp_all add: case_prod_unfold)
also have "?M = lborel" unfolding lborel_prod [symmetric]
by (subst pair_measure_distr [symmetric]) (simp_all add: sigma_finite_lborel lborel_distr_uminus)
finally have "emeasure lborel Buffon_set =
of_nat (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))) * emeasure lborel A"
unfolding of_nat_Suc ring_distribs by simp
also have "of_nat (Suc (Suc (Suc (Suc 0)))) = (4 :: ennreal)" by simp
finally show ?thesis unfolding A_def .
text ‹
It only remains now to compute the measure of @{const Buffon_set'}. We first reduce this
problem to a relatively simple integral:
lemma emeasure_buffon_set':
"emeasure lborel Buffon_set' =
ennreal (integral {0..pi} (λx. min (d / 2) (sin x * l / 2)))"
(is "emeasure lborel ?A = _")
proof -
have "emeasure lborel ?A = nn_integral lborel (λx. indicator ?A x)"
by (intro nn_integral_indicator [symmetric]) simp_all
also have "(lborel :: (real × real) measure) = lborel ⨂⇩M lborel"
by (simp only: lborel_prod)
also have "nn_integral … (indicator ?A) = (∫⇧+φ. ∫⇧+x. indicator ?A (x, φ) ∂lborel ∂lborel)"
by (subst lborel_pair.nn_integral_snd [symmetric]) (simp_all add: lborel_prod borel_prod)
also have "… = (∫⇧+φ. ∫⇧+x. indicator {0..pi} φ * indicator {max 0 (d/2 - sin φ * l / 2) .. d/2} x ∂lborel ∂lborel)"
using d l by (intro nn_integral_cong) (auto simp: indicator_def field_simps Buffon_set'_def)
also have "… = ∫⇧+ φ. indicator {0..pi} φ * emeasure lborel {max 0 (d / 2 - sin φ * l / 2)..d / 2} ∂lborel"
by (subst nn_integral_cmult) simp_all
also have "… = ∫⇧+ φ. ennreal (indicator {0..pi} φ * min (d / 2) (sin φ * l / 2)) ∂lborel"
(is "_ = ?I") using d l by (intro nn_integral_cong) (auto simp: indicator_def sin_ge_zero max_def min_def)
also have "integrable lborel (λφ. (d / 2) * indicator {0..pi} φ)" by simp
hence int: "integrable lborel (λφ. indicator {0..pi} φ * min (d / 2) (sin φ * l / 2))"
by (rule Bochner_Integration.integrable_bound)
(insert l d, auto intro!: AE_I2 simp: indicator_def min_def sin_ge_zero)
hence "?I = set_lebesgue_integral lborel {0..pi} (λφ. min (d / 2) (sin φ * l / 2))"
by (subst nn_integral_eq_integral, assumption)
(insert d l, auto intro!: AE_I2 simp: sin_ge_zero min_def indicator_def set_lebesgue_integral_def)
also have "… = ennreal (integral {0..pi} (λx. min (d / 2) (sin x * l / 2)))"
(is "_ = ennreal ?I") using int by (subst set_borel_integral_eq_integral) (simp_all add: set_integrable_def)
finally show ?thesis by (simp add: lborel_prod)
text ‹
We now have to distinguish two cases: The first and easier one is that where the length
of the needle, $l$, is less than or equal to the strip width, $d$:
assumes l_le_d: "l ≤ d"
lemma emeasure_buffon_set'_short: "emeasure lborel Buffon_set' = ennreal l"
proof -
have "emeasure lborel Buffon_set' =
ennreal (integral {0..pi} (λx. min (d / 2) (sin x * l / 2)))" (is "_ = ennreal ?I")
by (rule emeasure_buffon_set')
also have *: "sin φ * l ≤ d" if "φ ≥ 0" "φ ≤ pi" for φ
using mult_mono[OF l_le_d sin_le_one _ sin_ge_zero] that d by (simp add: algebra_simps)
have "?I = integral {0..pi} (λx. (l / 2) * sin x)"
using l d l_le_d
by (intro integral_cong) (auto dest: * simp: min_def sin_ge_zero)
also have "… = l / 2 * integral {0..pi} sin" by simp
also have "(sin has_integral (-cos pi - (- cos 0))) {0..pi}"
by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
(auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros simp: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative [symmetric])
hence "integral {0..pi} sin = -cos pi - (-cos 0)"
by (simp add: has_integral_iff)
finally show ?thesis by (simp add: lborel_prod)
lemma emeasure_buffon_set_short: "emeasure lborel Buffon_set = 4 * ennreal l"
by (simp add: emeasure_buffon_set_conv_buffon_set' emeasure_buffon_set'_short l_le_d)
lemma prob_short_aux:
"Buffon {(x, φ). needle l x φ ∩ {- d / 2, d / 2} ≠ {}} = ennreal (2 * l / (d * pi))"
unfolding buffon_prob_aux emeasure_buffon_set_short using d l
by (simp flip: ennreal_mult ennreal_numeral add: divide_ennreal)
lemma prob_short: "𝒫((x,φ) in Buffon. needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}) = 2 * l / (d * pi)"
using prob_short_aux unfolding emeasure_eq_measure
using l d by (subst (asm) ennreal_inj) auto
text ‹
The other case where the needle is at least as long as the strip width is more complicated:
assumes l_ge_d: "l ≥ d"
lemma emeasure_buffon_set'_long:
shows "l * (1 - sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2)) + arccos (d / l) * d ≥ 0"
and "emeasure lborel Buffon_set' =
ennreal (l * (1 - sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2)) + arccos (d / l) * d)"
proof -
define φ' where "φ' = arcsin (d / l)"
have φ'_nonneg: "φ' ≥ 0" unfolding φ'_def using d l l_ge_d arcsin_le_mono[of 0 "d/l"]
by (simp add: φ'_def)
have φ'_le: "φ' ≤ pi / 2" unfolding φ'_def using arcsin_bounded[of "d/l"] d l l_ge_d
by (simp add: field_simps)
have ge_phi': "sin φ ≥ d / l" if "φ ≥ φ'" "φ ≤ pi / 2" for φ
using arcsin_le_iff[of "d / l" "φ"] d l_ge_d that φ'_nonneg by (auto simp: φ'_def field_simps)
have le_phi': "sin φ ≤ d / l" if "φ ≤ φ'" "φ ≥ 0" for φ
using le_arcsin_iff[of "d / l" "φ"] d l_ge_d that φ'_le by (auto simp: φ'_def field_simps)
have "cos φ' = sqrt (1 - (d / l)^2)"
unfolding φ'_def by (rule cos_arcsin) (insert d l l_ge_d, auto simp: field_simps)
have "l * (1 - cos φ') + arccos (d / l) * d ≥ 0"
using l d l_ge_d
by (intro add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg arccos_lbound) (auto simp: field_simps)
thus "l * (1 - sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2)) + arccos (d / l) * d ≥ 0"
by (simp add: ‹cos φ' = sqrt (1 - (d / l)^2)›)
let ?f = "(λx. min (d / 2) (sin x * l / 2))"
have "emeasure lborel Buffon_set' = ennreal (integral {0..pi} ?f)" (is "_ = ennreal ?I")
by (rule emeasure_buffon_set')
also have "?I = integral {0..pi/2} ?f + integral {pi/2..pi} ?f"
by (rule Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_combine [symmetric]) (auto intro!: integrable_continuous_real continuous_intros)
also have "integral {pi/2..pi} ?f = integral {-pi/2..0} (?f ∘ (λφ. φ + pi))"
by (subst integral_shift) (auto intro!: continuous_intros)
also have "… = integral {-(pi/2)..-0} (λx. min (d / 2) (sin (-x) * l / 2))" by (simp add: o_def)
also have "… = integral {0..pi/2} ?f" (is "_ = ?I") by (subst Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_reflect_real) simp_all
also have "… + … = 2 * …" by simp
also have "?I = integral {0..φ'} ?f + integral {φ'..pi/2} ?f"
using l d l_ge_d φ'_nonneg φ'_le
by (intro Henstock_Kurzweil_Integration.integral_combine [symmetric]) (auto intro!: integrable_continuous_real continuous_intros)
also have "integral {0..φ'} ?f = integral {0..φ'} (λx. l / 2 * sin x)"
using l by (intro integral_cong) (auto simp: min_def field_simps dest: le_phi')
also have "((λx. l / 2 * sin x) has_integral (- (l / 2 * cos φ') - (- (l / 2 * cos 0)))) {0..φ'}"
using φ'_nonneg
by (intro fundamental_theorem_of_calculus)
(auto simp: has_real_derivative_iff_has_vector_derivative [symmetric] intro!: derivative_eq_intros)
hence "integral {0..φ'} (λx. l / 2 * sin x) = (1 - cos φ') * l / 2"
by (simp add: has_integral_iff algebra_simps)
also have "integral {φ'..pi/2} ?f = integral {φ'..pi/2} (λ_. d / 2)"
using l by (intro integral_cong) (auto simp: min_def field_simps dest: ge_phi')
also have "… = arccos (d / l) * d / 2" using φ'_le d l l_ge_d
by (subst arccos_arcsin_eq) (auto simp: field_simps φ'_def)
also note ‹cos φ' = sqrt (1 - (d / l)^2)›
also have "2 * ((1 - sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2)) * l / 2 + arccos (d / l) * d / 2) =
l * (1 - sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2)) + arccos (d / l) * d"
using d l by (simp add: field_simps)
finally show "emeasure lborel Buffon_set' =
ennreal (l * (1 - sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2)) + arccos (d / l) * d)" .
lemma emeasure_set_long: "emeasure lborel Buffon_set =
4 * ennreal (l * (1 - sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2)) + arccos (d / l) * d)"
by (simp add: emeasure_buffon_set_conv_buffon_set' emeasure_buffon_set'_long l_ge_d)
lemma prob_long_aux:
shows "2 / pi * ((l / d) - sqrt ((l / d)⇧2 - 1) + arccos (d / l)) ≥ 0"
and "Buffon {(x, φ). needle l x φ ∩ {- d / 2, d / 2} ≠ {}} =
ennreal (2 / pi * ((l / d) - sqrt ((l / d)⇧2 - 1) + arccos (d / l)))"
using emeasure_buffon_set'_long(1)
proof -
have *: "l * sqrt ((l⇧2 - d⇧2) / l⇧2) + 0 ≤ l + d * arccos (d / l)"
using d l_ge_d by (intro add_mono mult_nonneg_nonneg arccos_lbound) (auto simp: field_simps)
have "l / d ≥ sqrt ((l / d)⇧2 - 1)"
using l d l_ge_d by (intro real_le_lsqrt) (auto simp: field_simps)
thus "2 / pi * ((l / d) - sqrt ((l / d)⇧2 - 1) + arccos (d / l)) ≥ 0"
using d l l_ge_d
by (intro mult_nonneg_nonneg add_nonneg_nonneg arccos_lbound) (auto simp: field_simps)
have "emeasure Buffon {(x,φ). needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}} =
ennreal (4 * (l - l * sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2) + arccos (d / l) * d)) / ennreal (2 * d * pi)"
using d l l_ge_d * unfolding buffon_prob_aux emeasure_set_long ennreal_numeral [symmetric]
by (subst ennreal_mult [symmetric])
(auto intro!: add_nonneg_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg simp: field_simps)
also have "… = ennreal ((4 * (l - l * sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2) + arccos (d / l) * d)) / (2 * d * pi))"
using d l * by (subst divide_ennreal) (auto simp: field_simps)
also have "(4 * (l - l * sqrt (1 - (d / l)⇧2) + arccos (d / l) * d)) / (2 * d * pi) =
2 / pi * (l / d - l / d * sqrt ((d / l)^2 * ((l / d)^2 - 1)) + arccos (d / l))"
using d l by (simp add: field_simps)
also have "l / d * sqrt ((d / l)^2 * ((l / d)^2 - 1)) = sqrt ((l / d) ^ 2 - 1)"
using d l l_ge_d unfolding real_sqrt_mult real_sqrt_abs by simp
finally show "emeasure Buffon {(x,φ). needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}} =
ennreal (2 / pi * ((l / d) - sqrt ((l / d)⇧2 - 1) + arccos (d / l)))" .
lemma prob_long:
"𝒫((x,φ) in Buffon. needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}) =
2 / pi * ((l / d) - sqrt ((l / d)⇧2 - 1) + arccos (d / l))"
using prob_long_aux unfolding emeasure_eq_measure
by (subst (asm) ennreal_inj) simp_all
theorem prob_eq:
defines "x ≡ l / d"
shows "𝒫((x,φ) in Buffon. needle l x φ ∩ {-d/2, d/2} ≠ {}) =
(if l ≤ d then
2 / pi * x
2 / pi * (x - sqrt (x⇧2 - 1) + arccos (1 / x)))"
using prob_short prob_long unfolding x_def by auto