Theory Bernoulli_Zeta
section ‹Bernoulli numbers and the zeta function at positive integers›
theory Bernoulli_Zeta
lemma joinpaths_cong: "f = f' ⟹ g = g' ⟹ f +++ g = f' +++ g'"
by simp
lemma linepath_cong: "a = a' ⟹ b = b' ⟹ linepath a b = linepath a' b'"
by simp
text ‹
The analytic continuation of the exponential generating function of the Bernoulli numbers
is $\frac{z}{e^z - 1}$, which has simple poles at all $2ki\pi$ for $k\in\mathbb{Z}\setminus\{0\}$.
We will need the residue at these poles:
lemma residue_bernoulli:
assumes "n ≠ 0"
shows "residue (λz. 1 / (z ^ m * (exp z - 1))) (2 * pi * real_of_int n * 𝗂) =
1 / (2 * pi * real_of_int n * 𝗂) ^ m"
proof -
have "residue (λz. (1 / z ^ m) / (exp z - 1)) (2 * pi * real_of_int n * 𝗂) =
1 / (2 * pi * real_of_int n * 𝗂) ^ m / 1"
using exp_integer_2pi[of "real_of_int n"] and assms
by (rule_tac residue_simple_pole_deriv[where s="-{0}"])
(auto intro!: holomorphic_intros derivative_eq_intros connected_open_delete_finite
simp add: mult_ac connected_punctured_universe)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: divide_simps)
text ‹
At positive integers greater than 1, the Riemann zeta function is simply the infinite
sum $\zeta(n) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty k^{-n}$. For even $n$, this quantity can also be
expressed in terms of Bernoulli numbers.
To show this, we employ a similar strategy as in the meromorphic asymptotics approach:
We apply the Residue Theorem to the exponential generating function of the Bernoulli numbers:
\[\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{B_n}{n!} z^n = \frac{z}{e^z - 1}\]
Recall that this function has poles at $2ki\pi$ for $k\in\mathbb{Z}\setminus\{0\}$.
In the meromorphic asymptotics case, we integrated along a circle of radius $3i\pi$ in order
to get the dominant singularities $2i\pi$ and $-2i\pi$. Now, however, we will not use a
fixed integration path, but we let the integration path become bigger and bigger.
Because the integrand decays relatively quickly if $n > 1$, the integral vanishes in the limit
and we obtain not just an asymptotic formula, but an exact representation of $B_n$ as an
infinite sum.
For odd $n$, we have $B_n = 0$, but for even $n$, the residues at $2ki\pi$ and $-2ki\pi$
combine nicely to $2\cdot(-2k\pi)^{-n}$, and after some simplification we get the formula
for $B_n$.
Another difference to the meromorphic asymptotics is that we now use a rectangle instead
of a circle as the integration path. For the asymptotics, only a big-oh bound was needed
for the integral over one fixed integration path, and the circular path was very convenient.
However, now we need to explicitly bound the integral for a whole sequence of integration paths
that grow in size, and bounding $e^z - 1$ for $z$ on a circle is very tedious. On a rectangle,
this term can be bounded much more easily. Still, we have to do this separately for all four
edges of the rectangle, which will be a bit tedious.
theorem nat_even_power_sums_complex:
assumes n': "n' > 0"
shows "(λk. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ (2*n') :: complex) sums
of_real ((-1) ^ Suc n' * bernoulli (2*n') * (2 * pi) ^ (2 * n') / (2 * fact (2*n')))"
proof -
define n where "n = 2 * n'"
from n' have n: "n ≥ 2" "even n" by (auto simp: n_def)
define zeta :: complex where "zeta = (∑k. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n)"
have "summable (λk. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n :: complex)"
using inverse_power_summable[of n] n
by (subst summable_Suc_iff) (simp add: divide_simps)
hence "(λk. ∑i<k. 1 / of_nat (Suc i) ^ n) ⇢ zeta"
by (subst (asm) summable_sums_iff) (simp add: sums_def zeta_def)
also have "(λk. ∑i<k. 1 / of_nat (Suc i) ^ n) = (λk. ∑i∈{0<..k}. 1 / of_nat i ^ n)"
by (intro ext sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λn. n - 1" Suc]) auto
finally have zeta_limit: "(λk. ∑i∈{0<..k}. 1 / of_nat i ^ n) ⇢ zeta" .
define f where "f = (λz::complex. if z = 0 then 1 else z / (exp z - 1))"
define g where "g = (λz::complex. 1 / (z ^ n * (exp z - 1)))"
define γ :: "nat ⇒ real ⇒ complex"
where "γ = (λm. rectpath (-real m - real (2*m+1)*pi*𝗂) (real m + real (2*m+1)*pi*𝗂))"
define A where "A = (λm::nat. box (-(real m+1) - (2*m+2)*pi*𝗂) (real m+1 + (2*m+2)*pi*𝗂))"
define S where "S = (λm::nat. (λn. 2 * pi * of_int n * 𝗂) ` {-m..m})"
have int_bound: "k ∈ {-int m}" if "2 * pi * k * 𝗂 ∈ A m" for k m
proof -
from that have "(-real (Suc m)) * (2 * pi) < real_of_int k * (2 * pi) ∧
real (Suc m) * (2 * pi) > real_of_int k * (2 * pi)"
by (auto simp: A_def in_box_complex_iff algebra_simps)
hence "-real (Suc m) < real_of_int k ∧ real_of_int k < real (Suc m)"
by simp
also have "-real (Suc m) = real_of_int (-int (Suc m))" by simp
also have "real (Suc m) = real_of_int (int (Suc m))" by simp
also have "real_of_int (- int (Suc m)) < real_of_int k ∧
real_of_int k < real_of_int (int (Suc m)) ⟷ k ∈ {-int m}"
by (subst of_int_less_iff) auto
finally show "k ∈ {-int m}" .
have zeros: "∃k∈{-int m}. z = 2 * pi * of_int k * 𝗂" if "z ∈ A m" "exp z = 1" for z m
proof -
from that(2) obtain k where z_eq: "z = 2 * pi * of_int k * 𝗂"
unfolding exp_eq_1 by (auto simp: complex_eq_iff)
with int_bound[of k] and that(1) show ?thesis by auto
have zeros': "z ^ n * (exp z - 1) ≠ 0" if "z ∈ A m - S m" for z m
using zeros[of z] that by (auto simp: S_def)
have subset: "S m ⊆ box (-real m - real(2*m+1)*pi*𝗂) (real m + real(2*m+1)*pi*𝗂)" if "m > 0" for m
proof (rule, goal_cases)
case (1 z)
then obtain k :: int where k: "k ∈ {-int m}" "z = 2 * pi * k * 𝗂"
unfolding S_def by blast
have "2 * pi * -m + -pi < 2 * pi * k + 0"
using k by (intro add_le_less_mono mult_left_mono) auto
moreover have "2 * pi * k + 0 < 2 * pi * m + pi"
using k by (intro add_le_less_mono mult_left_mono) auto
ultimately show ?case using k ‹m > 0›
by (auto simp: A_def in_box_complex_iff algebra_simps)
from n and zeros' have holo: "g holomorphic_on A m - S m" for m
unfolding g_def by (intro holomorphic_intros) auto
have path_subset: "path_image (γ m) ⊆ A m - S m" if "m > 0" for m
proof -
have "path_image (γ m) ⊆ cbox (-real m - (2 * m + 1) * pi * 𝗂) (real m + (2 * m + 1) * pi * 𝗂)"
unfolding γ_def by (rule path_image_rectpath_subset_cbox) auto
also have "… ⊆ A m" unfolding A_def
by (subst subset_box_complex) auto
finally have "path_image (γ m) ⊆ A m" .
moreover have "path_image (γ m) ∩ S m = {}"
proof safe
fix z assume z: "z ∈ path_image (γ m)" "z ∈ S m"
from this(2) obtain k :: int where k: "z = 2 * pi * k * 𝗂"
by (auto simp: S_def)
hence [simp]: "Re z = 0" by simp
from z(1) have "¦Im z¦ = of_int (2*m+1) * pi"
using ‹m > 0› by (auto simp: γ_def path_image_rectpath)
also have "¦Im z¦ = of_int (2 * ¦k¦) * pi"
by (simp add: k abs_mult)
finally have "2 * ¦k¦ = 2 * m + 1"
by (subst (asm) mult_cancel_right, subst (asm) of_int_eq_iff) simp
hence False by presburger
thus "z ∈ {}" ..
ultimately show "path_image (γ m) ⊆ A m - S m" by blast
have eq: "(∑x∈{0<..m}. 1 / of_nat x ^ n) =
contour_integral (γ m) g * (2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n / (4 * pi * 𝗂) -
complex_of_real (bernoulli n / fact n) * (2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n / 2"
if m: "m > 0" for m
proof -
have "subdegree (fps_exp 1 - 1 :: complex fps) = 1"
by (intro subdegreeI) auto
hence expansion: "f has_fps_expansion bernoulli_fps"
unfolding f_def bernoulli_fps_def by (auto intro!: fps_expansion_intros)
have "contour_integral (γ m) g =
2 * pi * 𝗂 * (∑z∈S m. winding_number (γ m) z * residue g z)"
proof (rule Residue_theorem)
have "cbox (-real m - (2 * m + 1) * pi * 𝗂) (real m + (2 * m + 1) * pi * 𝗂) ⊆ A m"
unfolding A_def by (subst subset_box_complex) simp_all
thus "∀z. z ∉ A m ⟶ winding_number (γ m) z = 0" unfolding γ_def
by (intro winding_number_rectpath_outside allI impI) auto
qed (insert holo path_subset m, auto simp: γ_def A_def S_def intro: convex_connected)
also have "winding_number (γ m) z = 1" if "z ∈ S m" for z
unfolding γ_def using subset[of m] that m by (subst winding_number_rectpath) blast+
hence "(∑z∈S m. winding_number (γ m) z * residue g z) = (∑z∈S m. residue g z)"
by (intro sum.cong) simp_all
also have "… = (∑k=-int m. residue g (2 * pi * of_int k * 𝗂))"
unfolding S_def by (subst sum.reindex) (auto simp: inj_on_def o_def)
also have "{-int m} = insert 0 ({-int m}-{0})"
by auto
also have "(∑k∈…. residue g (2 * pi * of_int k * 𝗂)) =
residue g 0 + (∑k∈{-int m..m}-{0}. residue g (2 * pi * of_int k * 𝗂))"
by (subst sum.insert) auto
also have "residue g 0 = residue (λz. f z / z ^ Suc n) 0" unfolding f_def g_def
by (intro residue_cong eventually_mono[OF eventually_at_ball[of 1]]) auto
also have "… = fps_nth bernoulli_fps n"
by (rule residue_fps_expansion_over_power_at_0 [OF expansion])
also have "… = of_real (bernoulli n / fact n)"
by simp
also have "(∑k∈{-int m..m}-{0}. residue g (2 * pi * of_int k * 𝗂)) =
(∑k∈{-int m..m}-{0}. 1 / of_int k ^ n) / (2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n"
proof (subst sum_divide_distrib, intro refl sum.cong, goal_cases)
case (1 k)
hence *: "residue g (2 * pi * of_int k * 𝗂) = 1 / (2 * complex_of_real pi * of_int k * 𝗂) ^ n"
unfolding g_def by (subst residue_bernoulli) auto
thus ?case using 1 by (subst *) (simp add: divide_simps power_mult_distrib)
also have "(∑k∈{-int m..m}-{0}. 1 / of_int k ^ n) =
(∑(a,b)∈{0<..m}×{-1,1::int}. 1 / of_int (int a) ^ n :: complex)" using n
by (intro sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ "λk. snd k * int (fst k)" "λk. (nat ¦k¦,sgn k)"])
(auto split: if_splits simp: abs_if)
also have "… = (∑x∈{0<..m}. 2 / of_nat x ^ n)"
using n by (subst sum.Sigma [symmetric]) auto
also have "… = (∑x∈{0<..m}. 1 / of_nat x ^ n) * 2"
by (simp add: sum_distrib_right)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: field_simps)
have "eventually (λm. norm (contour_integral (γ m) g) ≤
((4 + 12 * pi) + 6 * pi / m) / real m ^ (n - 1)) sequentially"
using eventually_gt_at_top[of "1::nat"]
proof eventually_elim
case (elim m)
let ?c = "(2*m+1) * pi * 𝗂"
define I where "I = (λp1 p2. contour_integral (linepath p1 p2) g)"
define p1 p2 p3 p4 where "p1 = -real m - ?c" and "p2 = real m - ?c"
and "p3 = real m + ?c" and "p4 = -real m + ?c"
have eq: "γ m = linepath p1 p2 +++ linepath p2 p3 +++ linepath p3 p4 +++ linepath p4 p1"
(is "γ m = ?γ'") unfolding γ_def rectpath_def Let_def
by (intro joinpaths_cong linepath_cong)
(simp_all add: p1_def p2_def p3_def p4_def complex_eq_iff)
have integrable: "g contour_integrable_on γ m" using elim
by (intro contour_integrable_holomorphic_simple[OF holo _ _ path_subset])
(auto simp: γ_def A_def S_def intro!: finite_imp_closed)
have "norm (contour_integral (γ m) g) = norm (I p1 p2 + I p2 p3 + I p3 p4 + I p4 p1)"
unfolding I_def by (insert integrable, unfold eq)
(subst contour_integral_join; (force simp: add_ac)?)+
also have "… ≤ norm (I p1 p2) + norm (I p2 p3) + norm (I p3 p4) + norm (I p4 p1)"
by (intro norm_triangle_mono order.refl)
also have "norm (I p1 p2) ≤ 1 / real m ^ n * norm (p2 - p1)" (is "_ ≤ ?B1 * _")
unfolding I_def
proof (intro contour_integral_bound_linepath)
fix z assume z: "z ∈ closed_segment p1 p2"
define a where "a = Re z"
from z have z: "z = a - (2*m+1) * pi * 𝗂"
by (subst (asm) closed_segment_same_Im)
(auto simp: p1_def p2_def complex_eq_iff a_def)
have "real m * 1 ≤ (2*m+1) * pi"
using pi_ge_two by (intro mult_mono) auto
also have "(2*m+1) * pi = ¦Im z¦" by (simp add: z)
also have "¦Im z¦ ≤ norm z" by (rule abs_Im_le_cmod)
finally have "norm z ≥ m" by simp
moreover {
have "exp z - 1 = -of_real (exp a + 1)" using exp_integer_2pi_plus1[of m]
by (simp add: z exp_diff algebra_simps exp_of_real)
also have "norm … ≥ 1"
unfolding norm_minus_cancel norm_of_real by simp
finally have "norm (exp z - 1) ≥ 1" .
ultimately have "norm z ^ n * norm (exp z - 1) ≥ real m ^ n * 1"
by (intro mult_mono power_mono) auto
thus "norm (g z) ≤ 1 / real m ^ n" using elim
by (simp add: g_def divide_simps norm_divide norm_mult norm_power mult_less_0_iff)
qed (insert integrable, auto simp: eq)
also have "norm (p2 - p1) = 2 * m" by (simp add: p2_def p1_def)
also have "norm (I p3 p4) ≤ 1 / real m ^ n * norm (p4 - p3)" (is "_ ≤ ?B3 * _")
unfolding I_def
proof (intro contour_integral_bound_linepath)
fix z assume z: "z ∈ closed_segment p3 p4"
define a where "a = Re z"
from z have z: "z = a + (2*m+1) * pi * 𝗂"
by (subst (asm) closed_segment_same_Im)
(auto simp: p3_def p4_def complex_eq_iff a_def)
have "real m * 1 ≤ (2*m+1) * pi"
using pi_ge_two by (intro mult_mono) auto
also have "(2*m+1) * pi = ¦Im z¦" by (simp add: z)
also have "¦Im z¦ ≤ norm z" by (rule abs_Im_le_cmod)
finally have "norm z ≥ m" by simp
moreover {
have "exp z - 1 = -of_real (exp a + 1)" using exp_integer_2pi_plus1[of m]
by (simp add: z exp_add algebra_simps exp_of_real)
also have "norm … ≥ 1"
unfolding norm_minus_cancel norm_of_real by simp
finally have "norm (exp z - 1) ≥ 1" .
ultimately have "norm z ^ n * norm (exp z - 1) ≥ real m ^ n * 1"
by (intro mult_mono power_mono) auto
thus "norm (g z) ≤ 1 / real m ^ n" using elim
by (simp add: g_def divide_simps norm_divide norm_mult norm_power mult_less_0_iff)
qed (insert integrable, auto simp: eq)
also have "norm (p4 - p3) = 2 * m" by (simp add: p4_def p3_def)
also have "norm (I p2 p3) ≤ (1 / real m ^ n) * norm (p3 - p2)" (is "_ ≤ ?B2 * _")
unfolding I_def
proof (rule contour_integral_bound_linepath)
fix z assume z: "z ∈ closed_segment p2 p3"
define b where "b = Im z"
from z have z: "z = m + b * 𝗂"
by (subst (asm) closed_segment_same_Re)
(auto simp: p2_def p3_def algebra_simps complex_eq_iff b_def)
from elim have "2 ≤ 1 + real m" by simp
also have "… ≤ exp (real m)" by (rule exp_ge_add_one_self)
also have "exp (real m) - 1 = norm (exp z) - norm (1::complex)"
by (simp add: z)
also have "… ≤ norm (exp z - 1)"
by (rule norm_triangle_ineq2)
finally have "norm (exp z - 1) ≥ 1" by simp
moreover have "norm z ≥ m"
using z and abs_Re_le_cmod[of z] by simp
ultimately have "norm z ^ n * norm (exp z - 1) ≥ real m ^ n * 1" using elim
by (intro mult_mono power_mono) (auto simp: z)
thus "norm (g z) ≤ 1 / real m ^ n" using n and elim
by (simp add: g_def norm_mult norm_divide norm_power divide_simps mult_less_0_iff)
qed (insert integrable, auto simp: eq)
also have "p3 - p2 = of_real (2*(2*real m+1)*pi) * 𝗂" by (simp add: p2_def p3_def)
also have "norm … = 2 * (2 * real m + 1) * pi"
unfolding norm_mult norm_of_real by simp
also have "norm (I p4 p1) ≤ (2 / real m ^ n) * norm (p1 - p4)" (is "_ ≤ ?B4 * _")
unfolding I_def
proof (rule contour_integral_bound_linepath)
fix z assume z: "z ∈ closed_segment p4 p1"
define b where "b = Im z"
from z have z: "z = -real m + b * 𝗂"
by (subst (asm) closed_segment_same_Re)
(auto simp: p1_def p4_def algebra_simps b_def complex_eq_iff)
from elim have "2 ≤ 1 + real m" by simp
also have "… ≤ exp (real m)" by (rule exp_ge_add_one_self)
finally have "1 / 2 ≤ 1 - exp (-real m)"
by (subst exp_minus) (simp add: field_simps)
also have "1 - exp (-real m) = norm (1::complex) - norm (exp z)"
by (simp add: z)
also have "… ≤ norm (exp z - 1)"
by (subst norm_minus_commute, rule norm_triangle_ineq2)
finally have "norm (exp z - 1) ≥ 1 / 2" by simp
moreover have "norm z ≥ m"
using z and abs_Re_le_cmod[of z] by simp
ultimately have "norm z ^ n * norm (exp z - 1) ≥ real m ^ n * (1 / 2)" using elim
by (intro mult_mono power_mono) (auto simp: z)
thus "norm (g z) ≤ 2 / real m ^ n" using n and elim
by (simp add: g_def norm_mult norm_divide norm_power divide_simps mult_less_0_iff)
qed (insert integrable, auto simp: eq)
also have "p1 - p4 = -of_real (2*(2*real m+1)*pi) * 𝗂"
by (simp add: p1_def p4_def algebra_simps)
also have "norm … = 2 * (2 * real m + 1) * pi"
unfolding norm_mult norm_of_real norm_minus_cancel by simp
also have "?B1 * (2*m) + ?B2 * (2*(2*real m+1)*pi) + ?B3 * (2*m) + ?B4 * (2*(2*real m+1)*pi) =
(4 * m + 6 * (2 * m + 1) * pi) / real m ^ n"
by (simp add: divide_simps)
also have "(4 * m + 6 * (2 * m + 1) * pi) = (4 + 12 * pi) * m + 6 * pi"
by (simp add: algebra_simps)
also have "… / real m ^ n = ((4 + 12 * pi) + 6 * pi / m) / real m ^ (n - 1)"
using n by (cases n) (simp_all add: divide_simps)
finally show "cmod (contour_integral (γ m) g) ≤ …" by simp
moreover have "(λm. (4 + 12 * pi + 6 * pi / real m) / real m ^ (n - 1)) ⇢ 0"
by (rule real_tendsto_divide_at_top tendsto_add tendsto_const
filterlim_real_sequentially filterlim_pow_at_top | use n in simp)+
ultimately have *: "(λm. contour_integral (γ m) g) ⇢ 0"
by (rule Lim_null_comparison)
have "(λm. contour_integral (γ m) g * (2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n / (4 * pi * 𝗂) -
of_real (bernoulli n / fact n) * (2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n / 2) ⇢
0 * (2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n / (4 * pi * 𝗂) -
of_real (bernoulli n / fact n) * (2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n / 2"
using n by (intro tendsto_intros * zeta_limit) auto
also have "?this ⟷ (λm. ∑k∈{0<..m}. 1 / of_nat k ^ n) ⇢
- of_real (bernoulli n / fact n) * (2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n / 2"
by (intro filterlim_cong eventually_mono [OF eventually_gt_at_top[of "0::nat"]])
(use eq in simp_all)
finally have "(λm. ∑k∈{0<..m}. 1 / of_nat k ^ n)
⇢ - of_real (bernoulli n / fact n) * (of_real (2 * pi) * 𝗂) ^ n / 2"
(is "_ ⇢ ?L") .
also have "(λm. ∑k∈{0<..m}. 1 / of_nat k ^ n) = (λm. ∑k∈{..<m}. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n)"
by (intro ext sum.reindex_bij_witness[of _ Suc "λn. n - 1"]) auto
also have "… ⇢ ?L ⟷ (λk. 1 / of_nat (Suc k) ^ n) sums ?L"
by (simp add: sums_def)
also have "(2 * pi * 𝗂) ^ n = (2 * pi) ^ n * (-1) ^ n'"
by (simp add: n_def divide_simps power_mult_distrib power_mult power_minus')
also have "- of_real (bernoulli n / fact n) * … / 2 =
of_real ((-1) ^ Suc n' * bernoulli (2*n') * (2*pi)^(2*n') / (2 * fact (2*n')))"
by (simp add: n_def divide_simps)
finally show ?thesis unfolding n_def .
corollary nat_even_power_sums_real:
assumes n': "n' > 0"
shows "(λk. 1 / real (Suc k) ^ (2*n')) sums
((-1) ^ Suc n' * bernoulli (2*n') * (2 * pi) ^ (2 * n') / (2 * fact (2*n')))"
(is "?f sums ?L")
proof -
have "(λk. complex_of_real (?f k)) sums complex_of_real ?L"
using nat_even_power_sums_complex[OF assms] by simp
thus ?thesis by (simp only: sums_of_real_iff)
text ‹
We can now also easily determine the signs of Bernoulli numbers: the above formula
clearly shows that the signs of $B_{2n}$ alternate as $n$ increases, and we already know
that $B_{2n+1} = 0$ for any positive $n$. A lot of other facts about the signs of
Bernoulli numbers follow.
corollary sgn_bernoulli_even:
assumes "n > 0"
shows "sgn (bernoulli (2 * n)) = (-1) ^ Suc n"
proof -
have *: "(λk. 1 / real (Suc k) ^ (2 * n)) sums
((- 1) ^ Suc n * bernoulli (2 * n) * (2 * pi) ^ (2 * n) / (2 * fact (2 * n)))"
using assms by (rule nat_even_power_sums_real)
from * have "0 < (∑k. 1 / real (Suc k) ^ (2*n))"
by (intro suminf_pos) (auto simp: sums_iff)
hence "sgn (∑k. 1 / real (Suc k) ^ (2*n)) = 1"
by simp
also have "(∑k. 1 / real (Suc k) ^ (2*n)) =
(- 1) ^ Suc n * bernoulli (2 * n) * (2 * pi) ^ (2 * n) / (2 * fact (2 * n))"
using * by (simp add: sums_iff)
also have "sgn … = (-1) ^ Suc n * sgn (bernoulli (2 * n))"
by (simp add: sgn_mult)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: minus_one_power_iff split: if_splits)
corollary bernoulli_even_nonzero: "even n ⟹ bernoulli n ≠ 0"
using sgn_bernoulli_even[of "n div 2"] by (cases "n = 0") (auto elim!: evenE)
corollary sgn_bernoulli:
"sgn (bernoulli n) =
(if n = 0 then 1 else if n = 1 then -1 else if odd n then 0 else (-1) ^ Suc (n div 2))"
using sgn_bernoulli_even [of "n div 2"] by (auto simp: bernoulli_odd_eq_0)
corollary bernoulli_zero_iff: "bernoulli n = 0 ⟷ odd n ∧ n ≠ 1"
by (auto simp: bernoulli_even_nonzero bernoulli_odd_eq_0)
corollary bernoulli'_zero_iff: "(bernoulli' n = 0) ⟷ (n ≠ 1 ∧ odd n)"
by (auto simp: bernoulli'_def bernoulli_zero_iff)
corollary bernoulli_pos_iff: "bernoulli n > 0 ⟷ n = 0 ∨ n mod 4 = 2"
proof -
have "bernoulli n > 0 ⟷ sgn (bernoulli n) = 1"
by (simp add: sgn_if)
also have "… ⟷ n = 0 ∨ even n ∧ odd (n div 2)"
by (subst sgn_bernoulli) auto
also have "even n ∧ odd (n div 2) ⟷ n mod 4 = 2"
by presburger
finally show ?thesis .
corollary bernoulli_neg_iff: "bernoulli n < 0 ⟷ n = 1 ∨ n > 0 ∧ 4 dvd n"
proof -
have "bernoulli n < 0 ⟷ sgn (bernoulli n) = -1"
by (simp add: sgn_if)
also have "… ⟷ n = 1 ∨ n > 0 ∧ even n ∧ even (n div 2)"
by (subst sgn_bernoulli) (auto simp: minus_one_power_iff)
also have "even n ∧ even (n div 2) ⟷ 4 dvd n"
by presburger
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹
We also get the solution of the Basel problem (the sum over all squares of positive
integers) and any `Basel-like' problem with even exponent. The case of odd exponents
is much more complicated and no similarly nice closed form is known for these.
corollary nat_squares_sums: "(λn. 1 / (n+1) ^ 2) sums (pi ^ 2 / 6)"
using nat_even_power_sums_real[of 1] by (simp add: fact_numeral)
corollary nat_power4_sums: "(λn. 1 / (n+1) ^ 4) sums (pi ^ 4 / 90)"
using nat_even_power_sums_real[of 2] by (simp add: fact_numeral)
corollary nat_power6_sums: "(λn. 1 / (n+1) ^ 6) sums (pi ^ 6 / 945)"
using nat_even_power_sums_real[of 3] by (simp add: fact_numeral)
corollary nat_power8_sums: "(λn. 1 / (n+1) ^ 8) sums (pi ^ 8 / 9450)"
using nat_even_power_sums_real[of 4] by (simp add: fact_numeral)