Theory BPlusTree_ImpSet

theory BPlusTree_ImpSet

section "Imperative Set operations"

subsection "Auxiliary operations"

text "This locale extends the abstract split locale,
assuming that we are provided with an imperative program
that refines the abstract split function."

(* TODO separate into split_tree and split + split_list  *)
locale spliti_set = abs_split_set: split_set split + spliti_tree split spliti
  for split::
    "('a bplustree × 'a::{heap,default,linorder,order_top}) list  'a
        ('a bplustree × 'a) list × ('a bplustree × 'a) list" 
  and spliti :: "('a btnode ref option × 'a::{heap,default,linorder,order_top}) pfarray  'a  nat Heap" +
  fixes isin_listi:: "'a  ('a::{heap,default,linorder,order_top}) pfarray  bool Heap"
    and ins_listi:: "'a  ('a::{heap,default,linorder,order_top}) pfarray  'a pfarray Heap"
    and del_listi:: "'a  ('a::{heap,default,linorder,order_top}) pfarray  'a pfarray Heap"
  assumes isin_list_rule [sep_heap_rules]:"sorted_less ks 
   <is_pfa c ks (a',n')> 
    isin_listi x (a',n') 
    is_pfa c ks (a',n')
    * (isin_list x ks = b)>t"
  and ins_list_rule [sep_heap_rules]:"sorted_less ks' 
   <is_pfa c ks' (a',n')>
    ins_listi x (a',n') 
  <λ(a'',n'').  is_pfa (max c (length (insert_list x ks'))) (insert_list x ks') (a'',n'') >t"
  and del_list_rule [sep_heap_rules]:"sorted_less ks'' 
   <is_pfa c ks'' (a',n')> 
    del_listi x (a',n') 
  <λ(a'',n''). is_pfa c (delete_list x ks'') (a'',n'') >t"

subsection "Initialization"

definition emptyi ::"nat  'a btnode ref Heap"
  where "emptyi k = do {
  empty_list  pfa_empty (2*k);
  empty_leaf  ref (Btleaf empty_list None);
  return empty_leaf

lemma emptyi_rule:
  shows "<emp>
  emptyi k
  <λr. bplustree_assn k (abs_split_set.empty_bplustree) r (Some r) None>"
  apply(subst emptyi_def)
  apply(sep_auto simp add: abs_split_set.empty_bplustree_def)

subsection "Membership"

(* TODO introduce imperative equivalents to searching/inserting/deleting in a list *)
partial_function (heap) isini :: "'a btnode ref  'a   bool Heap"
    "isini p x = do {
  node  !p;
  (case node of
     Btleaf xs _  isin_listi x xs |
     Btnode ts t  do {
       i  spliti ts x;
       tsl  pfa_length ts;
       if i < tsl then do {
         s  pfa_get ts i;
         let (sub,sep) = s in
           isini (the sub) x
       } else
           isini t x

lemma nth_zip_zip:
  assumes "length ys = length xs"
    and "length zs = length xs"
    and "zs1 @ ((suba', x), sepa') # zs2 =
    zip (zip ys xs) zs"
  shows "suba' = ys ! length zs1 
         sepa' = zs ! length zs1 
         x = xs ! length zs1"
proof -
  obtain suba'' x' sepa'' where "zip (zip ys xs) zs ! length zs1 = ((suba'', x'), sepa'')"
    by (metis surj_pair)
  moreover have "((suba'', x'), sepa'')  = ((suba', x), sepa')"
    by (metis calculation assms(3) nth_append_length)
  moreover have "length zs1 < length xs"
  proof - 
    have "length (zip (zip ys xs) zs) = length xs"
      by (simp add: assms(1,2))
    then have "length zs1 + 1 + length zs2 = length xs"
      by (metis assms(1,3) group_cancel.add1 length_Cons length_append plus_1_eq_Suc)
    then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: assms(1))
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms(1,2) by auto

lemma  "k > 0  root_order k t  sorted_less (inorder t)  sorted_less (leaves t) 
   <bplustree_assn k t ti r z>
     isini ti x
   <λy. bplustree_assn k t ti r z * (abs_split_set.isin t x = y)>t"
proof(induction t x arbitrary: ti r z rule: abs_split_set.isin.induct)
  case (1 x r z)
  then show ?case
    apply(subst isini.simps)
    apply sep_auto
  case (2 ts t x ti r z)
   obtain ls rs where list_split[simp]: "split ts x = (ls,rs)"
     by (cases "split ts x")
  moreover have ts_non_empty: "length ts > 0"
    using "2.prems"(2) root_order.simps(2) by blast
  moreover have "sorted_less (separators ts)"
    using "2.prems"(3) sorted_inorder_separators by blast
  ultimately show ?case
  proof (cases rs)
    (* NOTE: induction condition trivial here *)
    case [simp]: Nil
    show ?thesis
      apply(subst isini.simps)
      using ts_non_empty  apply(sep_auto)
      subgoal  using sorted_less (separators ts) by blast
      apply simp
      apply sep_auto
        apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      apply (sep_auto)
      subgoal for a b ti tsi' rs x sub sep
        apply(auto simp add: split_relation_alt is_pfa_def dest!:  mod_starD list_assn_len)[]
      thm "2.IH"(1)[of ls "[]"]
      using 2(3) apply(sep_auto heap: "2.IH"(1)[of ls "[]"] simp add: sorted_wrt_append)
        using "2.prems"(2) order_impl_root_order
        by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt is_pfa_def dest!:  mod_starD list_assn_len)[]
        using "2.prems"(3) sorted_inorder_induct_last
        by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt is_pfa_def dest!:  mod_starD list_assn_len)[]
      subgoal using "2"(6) sorted_leaves_induct_last
        by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt is_pfa_def dest!:  mod_starD list_assn_len)[]
      using 2(3) apply(sep_auto heap: "2.IH"(1)[of ls "[]"] simp add: sorted_wrt_append)
    case [simp]: (Cons h rrs)
    obtain sub sep where h_split[simp]: "h = (sub,sep)"
      by (cases h)
      then show ?thesis
        apply(simp split: list.splits prod.splits)
        apply(subst isini.simps)
        using "2.prems" sorted_inorder_separators 
          (* simplify towards induction step *)
         apply(auto simp add: split_relation_alt list_assn_append_Cons_left dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)[]
(* NOTE show that z = (suba, sepa)  -- adjusted since we now contain also current pointers and forward pointers *)
         apply(rule norm_pre_ex_rule)+
         apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
        subgoal for tsi n ti tsi' pointers suba sepa zs1 z zs2
          apply(cases z)
          subgoal for subacomb sepa'
            apply(cases subacomb)
            subgoal for suba' subp subfwd
          apply(subgoal_tac "z = ((suba, subp, subfwd), sepa)", simp)
          thm "2.IH"(2)[of ls rs h rrs sub sep "(the suba')" subp subfwd]
          using 2(3,4,5,6) apply(sep_auto
              heap:"2.IH"(2)[of ls rs h rrs sub sep "the suba'" subp subfwd]
              simp add: sorted_wrt_append)
          using list_split Cons h_split apply simp_all
            by (meson "2.prems"(1) order_impl_root_order)
            apply(rule impI)
            apply(inst_ex_assn "(tsi,n)" "ti" "tsi'" "(zs1 @ ((suba', subp, subfwd), sepa') # zs2)" "pointers" "zs1" "z" "zs2")
              (* proof that previous assumptions hold later *)
             apply sep_auto
            (* prove subgoal_tac assumption *)
            using nth_zip_zip[of "subtrees tsi'" "zip (r # butlast pointers) pointers" "separators tsi'" zs1 suba' "(subp, subfwd)" sepa' zs2]
             apply(auto simp add: split_relation_alt list_assn_append_Cons_left dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)[]
      (* eliminate last vacuous case *)
  apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
  apply(auto simp add: split_relation_def dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)[]

subsection "Insertion"

datatype 'c btupi = 
  Ti "'c btnode ref" |
  Upi "'c btnode ref" "'c" "'c btnode ref"

fun btupi_assn where
  "btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.Ti l) (Ti li) r z =
   bplustree_assn k l li r z" |
(*TODO ai is not necessary not in the heap area of li *)
  "btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.Upi l a r) (Upi li ai ri) r' z' =
   (A newr. bplustree_assn k l li r' newr * bplustree_assn k r ri newr z' * id_assn a ai)" |
  "btupi_assn _ _ _ _ _ = false"

(* TODO take in a pointer ot a btnode instead, only create one new node *)
definition nodei :: "nat  'a btnode ref  'a btupi Heap" where
  "nodei k p  do {
    pt  !p;
    let a = kvs pt; ti = lst pt in do {
    n  pfa_length a;
    if n  2*k then do {
      a'  pfa_shrink_cap (2*k) a;
      p := Btnode a' ti;
      return (Ti p)
    else do {
      b  (pfa_empty (2*k) :: ('a btnode ref option × 'a) pfarray Heap);
      i  split_half a;
      m  pfa_get a (i-1);
      b'  pfa_drop a i b;
      a'  pfa_shrink (i-1) a;
      a''  pfa_shrink_cap (2*k) a';
      let (sub,sep) = m in do {
        p := Btnode a'' (the sub);
        r  ref (Btnode b' ti);
        return (Upi p sep r)

definition Lnodei :: "nat  'a btnode ref   'a btupi Heap" where
  "Lnodei k p  do {
    pt  !p;
    let a = vals pt; nxt = fwd pt in do {
    n  pfa_length a;
    if n  2*k then do {
      a'  pfa_shrink_cap (2*k) a;
      p := Btleaf a' nxt;
      return (Ti p)
    else do {
      b  (pfa_empty (2*k) :: 'a pfarray Heap);
      i  split_half a;
      m  pfa_get a (i-1);
      b'  pfa_drop a i b;
      a'  pfa_shrink i a;
      a''  pfa_shrink_cap (2*k) a';
      r  ref (Btleaf b' nxt);
      p := Btleaf a'' (Some r);
      return (Upi p m r)

(* TODO Lnodei allocates a new node when invoked, do not invoke if array didn't grow *)
partial_function (heap) insi :: "nat  'a  'a btnode ref  'a btupi Heap"
    "insi k x p = do {
  node  !p;
  (case node of
    Btleaf ksi nxt  do {
      ksi'  ins_listi x ksi; 
      p := Btleaf ksi' nxt;
      Lnodei k p
    } |
    Btnode tsi ti  do {
      i  spliti tsi x;
      tsl  pfa_length tsi;
      if i < tsl then do {
        s  pfa_get tsi i;
        let (sub,sep) = s in do {
          r  insi k x (the sub);
          case r of (Ti lp)  do {
            pfa_set tsi i (Some lp,sep);
            return (Ti p)
          } |
          (Upi lp x' rp)  do {
            pfa_set tsi i (Some rp,sep);
            tsi'  pfa_insert_grow tsi i (Some lp,x');
            p := Btnode tsi' ti;
            nodei k p
      else do {
        r  insi k x ti;
        case r of (Ti lp)  do {
            p := (Btnode tsi lp);
            return (Ti p)
        } | (Upi lp x' rp)  do { 
            tsi'  pfa_append_grow' tsi (Some lp,x');
            p := Btnode tsi' rp;
            nodei k p

(*fun treei::"'a upi ⇒ 'a bplustree" where
  "treei (Ti sub) = sub" |
  "treei (Upi l a r) = (Node [(l,a)] r)" 

fun insert::"nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a bplustree ⇒ 'a bplustree" where
  "insert k x t = treei (ins k x t)"

definition inserti :: "nat  'a  'a btnode ref  'a btnode ref Heap" where
  "inserti  λk x ti. do {
  ti'  insi k x ti;
  case ti' of
     Ti sub  return sub |
     Upi l a r  do {
        kvs  pfa_init (2*k) (Some l,a) 1;
        t'  ref (Btnode kvs r);
        return t'

lemma take_butlast_prepend: "take n (butlast (r # pointers)) =
       butlast (r # take n pointers)"
  apply (cases "length pointers > n")
  by (simp_all add: butlast_take take_Cons' take_butlast)

lemma take_butlast_append: "take n (butlast (xs @ x # ys)) =
       take n (xs @ (butlast (x#ys)))"
  by (auto simp add: butlast_append)

lemma map_eq_nth_eq_diff:
  assumes A: "map f l = map g l'"
  and B: "i < length l"
  shows "f (l!i) = g (l'!i)"
proof -
  from A have "length l = length l'"
    by (metis length_map)
  thus ?thesis using A B
    apply (induct l l' arbitrary: i rule: list_induct2)
      apply (simp)
    subgoal for x xs y ys i
      apply(cases i)
      apply(simp add: nth_def)
      apply simp

lemma "BPlusTree_Split.split_half ts = (ls,rs)  length ls = Suc (length ts) div 2"
  by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 split_half_conc)

lemma take_half_less: "take (Suc (length ts) div 2) ts = ls @ [(sub, sep)]  length ls < length ts"
proof -
  assume " take (Suc (length ts) div 2) ts = ls @ [(sub, sep)]"
  then have "ts  []"
    by force
  then have "Suc (length ts) div 2  length ts"
    by linarith
  then have "length (take (Suc (length ts) div 2) ts)  length ts" 
    by simp
  moreover have "length ls < length (take (Suc (length ts) div 2) ts)"
    by (simp add: take (Suc (length ts) div 2) ts = ls @ [(sub, sep)])
  ultimately show "length ls < length ts"
    by linarith

declare abs_split_set.nodei.simps [simp add]
declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma nodei_rule: assumes c_cap: "2*k  c" "c  4*k+1"
    and "length tsi' = length pointers"
    and "tsi'' = zip (zip (map fst tsi') (zip (butlast (r#pointers)) (butlast (pointers@[z])))) (map snd tsi')"
  shows "<p r Btnode (a,n) ti * is_pfa c tsi' (a,n) * blist_assn k ts tsi'' * bplustree_assn k t ti (last (r#pointers)) z>
  nodei k p
  <λu. btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.nodei k ts t) u r z>t"
proof (cases "length ts  2*k")
  case [simp]: True
  then show ?thesis
    apply(subst nodei_def)
    apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
    subgoal by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)[]
    subgoal using c_cap by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)[]
    subgoal using assms(3,4) by (sep_auto)
      apply(subgoal_tac "length ts = length tsi'")
    subgoal using True by (sep_auto)
    subgoal using True assms by (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
  case [simp]: False
  then obtain ls sub sep rs where      
    split_half_eq: "BPlusTree_Split.split_half ts = (ls@[(sub,sep)],rs)"
    using abs_split_set.nodei_cases by blast
  then show ?thesis
    apply(subst nodei_def)
    apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
    apply sep_auto
    subgoal by (sep_auto simp add:  split_relation_alt split_relation_length is_pfa_def dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
    subgoal using assms by (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply(subgoal_tac "length ts = length tsi'")
      subgoal using False by (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      subgoal using assms(3,4) by (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
    apply sep_auto
    subgoal using c_cap by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)[]
    subgoal using c_cap by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)[]
    using c_cap apply sep_auto
    subgoal using c_cap by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)[]
    subgoal using c_cap by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)[]
    using c_cap apply simp
    apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
    apply(simp add: split_relation_alt)
    apply(rule impI)+
    subgoal for  _ _ rsia subi' sepi' rsin lsi _
      supply R = append_take_drop_id[of "(length ls)" ts,symmetric]
      thm R
      apply(subst R)
      supply R = Cons_nth_drop_Suc[of "length ls" ts, symmetric]
      thm R
      apply(subst R)
        by (meson take_half_less)
     supply R=list_assn_append_Cons_left[where xs="take (length ls) ts" and ys="drop (Suc (length ls)) ts" and x="ts ! (length ls)"]
      thm R
      apply(subst R)
      apply(rule ent_ex_preI)+
      apply(subst ent_pure_pre_iff; rule impI)
      apply (simp add: prod_assn_def split!: prod.splits)
      subgoal for tsi''l subi'' subir subinext sepi'' tsi''r sub' sep'
        (* instantiate right hand side *)
(* newr is the first leaf of the tree directly behind sub
  and (r#pointers) is the list of all first leafs of the tree in this node
   → the pointer at position of sub in pointers
      or the pointer at position of sub+1 in (r#pointers)
      (* Suc (length tsi') div 2 - Suc 0) = length ls *)
        apply(inst_ex_assn "subinext" "(rsia,rsin)" ti
        "drop (length ls+1) tsi'"
        "drop (length ls+1) tsi''"
        "drop (length ls+1) pointers"
        "the subi'"
        "take (length ls) tsi'"
        "take (length ls) tsi''"
        "take (length ls) pointers"
      apply (sep_auto)
      subgoal using assms(3) by linarith
        using assms(3,4) by (auto dest!: mod_starD 
          simp add: take_map[symmetric] take_zip[symmetric] take_butlast_prepend[symmetric]
         subgoal using assms(3,4) by (auto dest!: mod_starD      
          simp add: list_assn_prod_map id_assn_list_alt)
           apply(subgoal_tac "length ls < length pointers")
           apply(subgoal_tac "subinext = pointers ! (length ls)")
        using assms(3,4) apply (auto 
          simp add: drop_map[symmetric] drop_zip[symmetric] drop_butlast[symmetric] Cons_nth_drop_Suc
           supply R = drop_Suc_Cons[where n="length ls" and xs="butlast pointers" and x=r, symmetric]
           thm R
           apply(simp only: R drop_zip[symmetric])
           apply (simp add: last.simps butlast.simps)
        subgoal apply(auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)     
        proof (goal_cases)
        case 1
        have "length ls < length tsi''"
          using assms(3,4) "1" by auto
        moreover have "subinext = snd (snd (fst (tsi'' ! length ls)))"
          using 1 calculation by force
        ultimately have "subinext = map snd (map snd (map fst tsi'')) ! length ls"
          by auto
        then show ?case
          using assms(3,4) by auto
          subgoal  apply(auto dest!: mod_starD  list_assn_len)
        proof (goal_cases)
          case 1 
          then have "length ls  < length ts"
            by (simp)
          moreover have "length ts = length tsi''"
            by (simp add: 1)
          moreover have " = length pointers"
            using assms(3,4) by auto
          ultimately show ?case by simp
    apply(rule entails_preI)
      (* introduce some simplifying equalities *)
        apply(subgoal_tac "Suc (length tsi') div 2 = length ls + 1")
     prefer 2 subgoal 
        apply(auto dest!: mod_starD  list_assn_len)     
        proof (goal_cases)
          case 1
          have "length tsi' = length tsi''"
            using assms(3,4) by auto
          also have " = length ts"
            by (simp add: 1)
          finally show ?case 
            using 1
            by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 abs_split_set.length_take_left div2_Suc_Suc length_append length_append_singleton numeral_2_eq_2)
    apply(subgoal_tac "length ts = length tsi''")
        prefer 2 subgoal using assms(3,4) by (auto dest!: mod_starD  list_assn_len)     
    apply(subgoal_tac "(sub', sep') = (sub, sep)")
        prefer 2 subgoal
        by (metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_length_conv abs_split_set.length_take_left length_0_conv length_append less_add_Suc1 nat_arith.suc1 nth_append_length nth_take)
      apply(subgoal_tac "length ls = length tsi''l")
        prefer 2 subgoal by (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
    apply(subgoal_tac "(subi'', sepi'') = (subi', sepi')")
      prefer 2 subgoal
        using assms(3,4) apply (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      proof (goal_cases)
        case 1
        then have "tsi'' ! length tsi''l =  ((subi'', subir, subinext), sepi'')"
          by auto
        moreover have "length tsi''l < length tsi''"
          by (simp add: 1)
        moreover have "length tsi''l < length tsi'"
          using "1" assms(3) by linarith
        ultimately have
            "fst (fst (tsi'' ! length tsi''l)) = fst (tsi' ! length tsi''l)"
            "snd (tsi'' ! length tsi''l) = snd (tsi' ! length tsi''l)"
          using assms(4) by auto
        then show ?case
          by (simp add: "1" tsi'' ! length tsi''l = ((subi'', subir, subinext), sepi''))
        case 2
        then show ?case
          by (metis snd (tsi'' ! length tsi''l) = snd (tsi' ! length tsi''l) tsi'' ! length tsi''l = ((subi'', subir, subinext), sepi'') snd_conv)
    apply(subgoal_tac "(last (r # take (length ls) pointers)) = subir")
      prefer 2 subgoal
        using assms(3) apply (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      proof (goal_cases)
        case 1
        have "length tsi''l < length tsi''"
          by (simp add: 1)
        then have "fst (snd (fst (tsi'' ! length tsi''l))) = subir"
          using 1 assms(4) by auto
        moreover have "map fst (map snd (map fst tsi'')) = butlast (r#pointers)"
          using assms(3,4) by auto
        moreover have "(last (r#take (length ls) pointers)) = butlast (r#pointers) ! (length tsi''l)"
          by (smt (z3) "1" One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_to_right abs_split_set.length_take_left append_butlast_last_id div_le_dividend le_add2 length_butlast length_ge_1_conv length_take lessI list.size(4) min_eq_arg(2) nth_append_length nth_take nz_le_conv_less take_Suc_Cons take_butlast_conv)
        ultimately show ?case
          using 1 apply auto
          by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) 1 length_map map_map nth_append_length)
    apply(subgoal_tac "(last (subinext # drop (Suc (length tsi''l)) pointers)) = last (r#pointers)")
       prefer 2 subgoal
        using assms(3) apply (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      proof (goal_cases)
        case 1
        have "length tsi''l < length tsi''"
          using 1 by auto
        moreover have "subinext = snd (snd (fst (tsi'' ! length tsi''l)))"
          using "1" calculation by force
        ultimately have "subinext = map snd (map snd (map fst tsi'')) ! length tsi''l"
          by auto
        then have "subinext = pointers ! length tsi''l" 
          using assms(3,4) by auto
        then have "(subinext # drop (Suc (length tsi''l)) pointers) = drop (length tsi''l) pointers"
          by (metis 1 Cons_nth_drop_Suc Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_to_right abs_split_set.length_take_left div_le_dividend le_add1 less_Suc_eq nz_le_conv_less take_all_iff zero_less_Suc)
        moreover have "last (drop (length tsi''l) pointers) = last pointers"
          using length tsi''l < length tsi''  1 by force
        ultimately show ?case
          by (auto simp add: last.simps butlast.simps)
    apply(subgoal_tac "take (length tsi''l) ts = ls")
      prefer 2 subgoal
        by (metis append.assoc append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id)
    apply(subgoal_tac "drop (Suc (length tsi''l)) ts = rs")
      prefer 2 subgoal by (metis One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_length_conv append_eq_conv_conj append_take_drop_id length_0_conv length_append)
    subgoal by (sep_auto)
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]
declare abs_split_set.nodei.simps [simp del]

declare abs_split_set.Lnodei.simps [simp add]
lemma Lnodei_rule:
  assumes "k > 0 " "r = Some a" "2*k  c" "c  4*k"
  shows "<a r (Btleaf xsi z) * is_pfa c xs xsi>
  Lnodei k a
  <λa. btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.Lnodei k xs) a r z>t"
proof (cases "length xs  2*k")
  case [simp]: True
  then show ?thesis
    apply(subst Lnodei_def)
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI; simp)
    using assms apply(sep_auto eintros del: exI heap add: pfa_shrink_cap_rule)
    subgoal for _ _ aaa ba
      apply(inst_existentials aaa ba z)
      apply simp_all
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      using True apply (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)+
  case [simp]: False
  then obtain ls sep rs where
    split_half_eq: "BPlusTree_Split.split_half xs = (ls@[sep],rs)"
    using abs_split_set.Lnodei_cases by blast
  then show ?thesis
    apply(subst Lnodei_def)
    apply auto
    using assms apply (vcg heap add: pfa_shrink_cap_rule; simp)
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      apply (sep_auto heap add: pfa_drop_rule simp add: split_relation_alt
              dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)

    subgoal by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def split!: prod.splits)
    subgoal by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def split!: prod.splits)
    subgoal by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def split!: prod.splits)
    subgoal by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def split!: prod.splits)
    apply(sep_auto eintros del: exI)
    subgoal for  _ _ _ _ rsa rn lsa ln newr
        (* instantiate right hand side *)
      apply(inst_existentials "Some newr"
             rsa rn  z
             lsa ln "Some newr"
        (* introduce equality between equality of split tsi/ts and original lists *)
      apply(simp_all add: pure_def)
      apply(sep_auto dest!: mod_starD)
      apply(subgoal_tac "Suc (length xs) div 2 = Suc (length ls)")
      apply(subgoal_tac "xs = take (Suc (length ls)) xs @  drop (Suc (length ls)) xs")
        by (metis nth_append_length)
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by auto
      subgoal by sep_auto
declare abs_split_set.Lnodei.simps [simp del]

lemma Lnodei_rule_tree:
  assumes "k > 0"
  shows "<bplustree_assn k (Leaf xs) a r z>
  Lnodei k a
  <λa. btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.Lnodei k xs) a r z>t"
    using assms by (sep_auto heap add: Lnodei_rule)

lemma nodei_no_split: "length ts  2*k  abs_split_set.nodei k ts t = abs_split_set.Ti (Node ts t)"
  by (simp add: abs_split_set.nodei.simps)

lemma Lnodei_no_split: "length ts  2*k  abs_split_set.Lnodei k ts = abs_split_set.Ti (Leaf ts)"
  by (simp add: abs_split_set.Lnodei.simps)

lemma id_assn_emp[simp]: "id_assn a a = emp"
  by (simp add: pure_def)

lemma butlast2[simp]: "butlast (ts@[a,b]) = ts@[a]"
  by (induction ts) auto

lemma butlast3[simp]: "butlast (ts@[a,b,c]) = ts@[a,b]"
  by (induction ts) auto

lemma zip_append_last: "length as = length bs  zip (as@[a]) (bs@[b]) = zip as bs @ [(a,b)]"
  by simp

lemma pointers_append: "zip (z#as) (as@[a]) = zip (butlast (z#as)) as @ [(last (z#as),a)]"
  by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Suc_eq_plus1 append_butlast_last_id butlast_snoc length_Cons length_append_singleton length_butlast list.distinct(1) zip_append_last)

lemma nodei_rule_app: assumes c_cap: "2*k  c" "c  4*k+1"
    and "length tsi' = length pointers"
    and "tsi'' = zip (zip (map fst tsi') (zip (butlast (r'#pointers)) pointers)) (map snd tsi')"
  shows "
<  p r Btnode (tsia,tsin) ri *
   is_pfa c (tsi' @ [(Some li, a)]) (tsia, tsin) *
   blist_assn k ts tsi'' *
   bplustree_assn k l li (last (r'#pointers)) lz *
   bplustree_assn k r ri lz rz> nodei k p
 <λu. btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.nodei k (ts @ [(l, a)]) r) u r' rz>t"
proof -
(*[of k c "(tsi' @ [(Some li, b)])" _ _ "(ls @ [(l, a)])" r ri]*)
  note nodei_rule[of k c "tsi'@[(Some li, a)]" "pointers@[lz]" "tsi''@[((Some li, last(r'#pointers), lz),a)]" r' rz p tsia tsin ri "ts@[(l,a)]" r, OF assms(1,2)]
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    apply (auto simp add:
         list_assn_app_one pointers_append

lemma norm_pre_ex_drule: "<Ax. P x> c <Q>  (x. <P x> c <Q>)"
proof (goal_cases)
  case 1
  then show ?case
    using Hoare_Triple.cons_pre_rule by blast

(* setting up the simplifier for tsi'' in the other direction *)
lemma nodei_rule_diff_simp: assumes c_cap: "2*k  c" "c  4*k+1"
    and "length tsi' = length pointers"
    and "zip (zip (map fst tsi') (zip (butlast (r#pointers)) (butlast (pointers@[z])))) (map snd tsi') = tsi''"
  shows "<p r Btnode (a,n) ti * is_pfa c tsi' (a,n) * blist_assn k ts tsi'' * bplustree_assn k t ti (last (r#pointers)) z>
  nodei k p
  <λu. btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.nodei k ts t) u r z>t"
  using nodei_rule assms by (auto simp del: butlast.simps last.simps)

lemma list_assn_aux_append_Cons2: 
  shows "length xs = length zsl  list_assn R (xs@x#y#ys) (zsl@z1#z2#zsr) = (list_assn R xs zsl * R x z1 * R y z2 * list_assn R ys zsr)"
  by (sep_auto simp add: mult.assoc)

lemma pointer_zip_access: "length tsi' = length pointers  i < length tsi' 
  zip (zip (map fst tsi') (zip (butlast (r'#pointers)) (butlast (pointers@[z])))) (map snd tsi') ! i
= ((fst (tsi' ! i), (r'#pointers) ! i, pointers ! i), snd (tsi' ! i))"
  by (metis append_butlast_last_id butlast.simps(2) len_greater_imp_nonempty length_Cons length_append_singleton nth_butlast)

lemma pointer_zip'_access: "length tsi' = length pointers  i < length tsi' 
  zip (zip (map fst tsi') (zip (butlast (r'#pointers)) (butlast (pointers@[z])))) (map snd tsi') ! i
= ((fst (tsi' ! i), (r'#pointers) ! i, pointers ! i), snd (tsi' ! i))"
  by (metis One_nat_def nth_take take_Cons' take_butlast_conv)

lemma access_len_last: "(x#xs@ys) ! (length xs) = last (x#xs)"
  by (induction xs) auto

lemma nodei_rule_ins2: assumes c_cap: "2*k  c" "c  4*k+1"
    and "pointers = lpointers@lz#rz#rpointers"
    and "length tsi'' = length pointers"
    and "length lpointers = length lsi'"
    and "length rpointers = length rsi'"
    and "length lsi'' = length ls"
    and "length lsi' = length ls"
    and "tsi'' = zip (zip (map fst tsi') (zip (butlast (r'#pointers)) (butlast (pointers@[z])))) (map snd tsi')"
    and "tsi' = (lsi' @ (Some li, a) # (Some ri,a') # rsi')" 
    and "lsi'' = take (length lsi') tsi''"
    and "rsi'' = drop (Suc (Suc (length lsi'))) tsi''"
    and "r'' = last (r'#lpointers)"
    and "z'' = last (r'#pointers)"
    and "length tsi' = length pointers"
  shows "
<  p r Btnode (tsia,tsin) ti *
   is_pfa c (lsi' @ (Some li, a) # (Some ri,a') # rsi') (tsia, tsin) *
   blist_assn k ls lsi'' *
   bplustree_assn k l li r'' lz*
   bplustree_assn k r ri lz rz*
   blist_assn k rs rsi'' *
   bplustree_assn k t ti z'' z> nodei k p 
<λu. btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.nodei k (ls @ (l, a) # (r,a') # rs) t) u r' z>t"
proof -
  have "
     tsi'' =
     lsi'' @ ((Some li, r'', lz), a) # ((Some ri, lz, rz), a') # rsi''"
  proof (goal_cases)
    case 1
    have "tsi'' = take (length lsi') tsi'' @ drop (length lsi') tsi''"
      by auto
    also have " = take (length lsi') tsi'' @ tsi''!(length lsi') # drop (Suc (length lsi')) tsi''"
      by (simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc assms(3) assms(4) assms(5))
    also have " = take (length lsi') tsi'' @ tsi''!(length lsi') # tsi''!(Suc (length lsi')) #drop (Suc (Suc (length lsi'))) tsi''"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_nth_drop_Suc One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_le_eq assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) diff_add_inverse2 diff_is_0_eq length_append list.size(4) nat.simps(3) nat_add_left_cancel_le not_less_eq_eq)
    also have " = lsi'' @ tsi''!(length lsi') # tsi''!(Suc (length lsi')) # rsi''"
      using assms(11) assms(12) by force
    also have " = lsi'' @ ((Some li, r'', lz), a) # ((Some ri, lz, rz), a') # rsi''"
    proof (auto, goal_cases)
      case 1
      have "pointers ! length lsi' = lz"
        by (metis assms(3) assms(5) list.sel(3) nth_append_length)
      moreover have "(r'#pointers) ! length lsi' = r''"
        using assms access_len_last[of r' lpointers]
        by (auto simp del: last.simps butlast.simps)
      moreover have " tsi'!(length lsi') = (Some li,a)"
        using assms(10) by auto
      moreover have "length lsi' < length tsi'"
        using take (length lsi') tsi'' @ tsi'' ! length lsi' # drop (Suc (length lsi')) tsi'' = take (length lsi') tsi'' @ tsi'' ! length lsi' # tsi'' ! Suc (length lsi') # drop (Suc (Suc (length lsi'))) tsi'' assms(15) assms(4) same_append_eq by fastforce
      ultimately show ?case 
        using pointer_zip'_access[of tsi' "pointers" "length lsi'" r'] assms(15) assms(9)
        by (auto simp del: last.simps butlast.simps)
      case 2
      have "pointers ! (Suc (length lsi')) = rz"
        by (metis Suc_eq_plus1 append_Nil assms(3) assms(5) list.sel(3) nth_Cons_Suc nth_append_length nth_append_length_plus)
      moreover have "(r'#pointers) ! (Suc (length lsi')) = lz"
        using assms(3,4,5,6,7,8) apply auto
        by (metis nth_append_length)
      moreover have " tsi'!(Suc (length lsi')) = (Some ri,a')"
        using assms(10)
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons_nth_drop_Suc Suc_le_eq append_eq_conv_conj assms(15) assms(4) drop_all drop_eq_ConsD list.inject list.simps(3) not_less_eq_eq)
      moreover have "Suc (length lsi') < length tsi'"
        by (simp add: assms(10))
      ultimately show ?case 
        using pointer_zip'_access[of tsi' pointers "Suc (length lsi')"] assms(15) assms(9)
        by (auto simp del: last.simps butlast.simps)
    finally show ?thesis .
  moreover note nodei_rule_diff_simp[of k c 
    "(lsi' @ (Some li, a) # (Some ri,a') # rsi')" 
    "lpointers@lz#rz#rpointers" r' z
    "lsi''@((Some li, r'', lz), a)#((Some ri, lz, rz), a')#rsi''"
    p tsia tsin ti "ls@(l,a)#(r,a')#rs" t
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using assms(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14)
    apply (auto simp add: mult.left_assoc list_assn_aux_append_Cons2 prod_assn_def
simp del: last.simps)

lemma upd_drop_prepend: "i < length xs  drop i (list_update xs i a) = a#(drop (Suc i) xs)" 
  by (simp add: upd_conv_take_nth_drop)

lemma zip_update: "(zip xs ys)!i = (a,b)  list_update (zip xs ys) i (c,b) = zip (list_update xs i c) ys"
  by (metis fst_conv list_update_beyond list_update_id not_le_imp_less nth_zip snd_conv update_zip)

lemma append_Cons_last: "last (xs@x#ys) = last (x#ys)"
  by (induction xs) auto
declare last.simps[simp del] butlast.simps[simp del]
lemma insi_rule:
  "k > 0 
  sorted_less (inorder t) 
  sorted_less (leaves t) 
  root_order k t 
  <bplustree_assn k t ti r z>
  insi k x ti
  <λa. btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.ins k x t) a r z>t"
proof (induction k x t arbitrary: ti r z rule: abs_split_set.ins.induct)
  case (1 k x xs ti r z)
  then show ?case
    apply(subst insi.simps)
    apply (sep_auto heap: Lnodei_rule)
  case (2 k x ts t ti r' z)
  obtain ls rrs where list_split: "split ts x = (ls,rrs)"
    by (cases "split ts x")
  have [simp]: "sorted_less (separators ts)"
    using "2.prems" sorted_inorder_separators by simp
  have [simp]: "sorted_less (inorder t)"
    using "2.prems" sorted_inorder_induct_last by simp
  show ?case
  proof (cases rrs)
    case Nil
    then have split_rel_i: "split_relation ts (ls,[]) i  i = length ts" for i
      by (simp add: split_relation_alt)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "abs_split_set.ins k x t")
      case (Ti a)
      then show ?thesis
        apply(subst insi.simps)
        using Nil 
        apply vcg
        apply vcg
        thm spliti_rule
        apply sep_auto
          apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
        using Nil split_rel_i list_split
        apply (sep_auto dest!: split_rel_i mod_starD)
          using Nil list_split
          by (simp add: list_assn_aux_ineq_len split_relation_alt)
          using Nil list_split
          by (simp add: list_assn_aux_ineq_len split_relation_alt)
        subgoal for tsil tsin tti tsi'
          thm "2.IH"(1)[of ls rrs tti]
          using "2.prems" sorted_leaves_induct_last
          using  Nil list_split Ti abs_split_set.split_conc[OF list_split] order_impl_root_order 
          apply(sep_auto split!: list.splits simp add: split_relation_alt
              heap add: "2.IH"(1)[of ls rrs tti])
          subgoal for ai
            apply(cases ai)
            subgoal by sep_auto
            subgoal by sep_auto
      case (Upi l a r)
      then show ?thesis
        apply(subst insi.simps)
        using Nil 
        apply vcg
        apply simp
        apply vcg
        apply sep_auto
          apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
        using Nil list_split
        apply (sep_auto dest!: split_rel_i mod_starD)
          using Nil list_split
          by (simp add: list_assn_aux_ineq_len split_relation_alt)                 
          using Nil list_split 
          by (simp add: list_assn_aux_ineq_len split_relation_alt)
        subgoal for tsia tsin tti tsi' pointers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  i 
          thm "2.IH"(1)[of ls rrs tti "last (r'#pointers)" z]
          using "2.prems" sorted_leaves_induct_last
          using  Nil list_split Upi abs_split_set.split_conc[OF list_split] order_impl_root_order
          apply(sep_auto split!: list.splits 
              simp add: split_relation_alt
              heap add: "2.IH"(1)[of ls rrs tti])
          subgoal for ai
            apply(cases ai)
            subgoal by sep_auto
            apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
            thm nodei_rule_app
            apply(sep_auto heap add: nodei_rule_app)
            apply(sep_auto simp add: pure_def)
    case (Cons a rs)
    obtain sub sep where a_split: "a = (sub,sep)"
      by (cases a)
    then have [simp]: "sorted_less (inorder sub)"
      by (metis "2"(4) abs_split_set.split_set(1) list_split local.Cons some_child_sub(1) sorted_inorder_subtrees)
    from Cons have split_rel_i: "ts = ls@a#rs  i = length ls  i < length ts" for i
      by (simp add: split_relation_alt)
    then show ?thesis
      proof (cases "abs_split_set.ins k x sub")
        case (Ti a')
        then show ?thesis
          apply(auto simp add: Cons list_split a_split)
          apply(subst insi.simps)
          apply vcg
           apply auto
          apply vcg
          subgoal by sep_auto
          apply simp
          (*this solves a subgoal*) apply simp
            (* at this point, we want to introduce the split, and after that tease the
  hoare triple assumptions out of the bracket, s.t. we don't split twice *)
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          using list_split Cons abs_split_set.split_conc[of ts x ls rrs] 
          apply (simp add: list_assn_append_Cons_left)
          apply(rule norm_pre_ex_rule)+
          apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
          apply(simp add: split_relation_alt prod_assn_def split!: prod.splits)
              (* actual induction branch *)
          subgoal for tsia tsin tti tsi' pointers suba' sepa' lsi' suba subleaf subnext sepa rsi' _ _ sub' sep'
            apply(subgoal_tac "length ls = length lsi'")
          apply(subgoal_tac "(suba', sepa') = (suba, sepa)") 
          apply(subgoal_tac "(sub', sep') = (sub, sep)") 
          thm "2.IH"(2)[of ls rs a rrs sub sep "the suba" subleaf subnext]
             apply (sep_auto heap add: "2.IH"(2))
          subgoal using "2.prems" by metis
            subgoal using "2.prems" sorted_leaves_induct_subtree sorted_less (inorder sub)
              by (auto split!: btupi.splits) 
              using "2.prems"(3) sorted_leaves_induct_subtree by blast
            subgoal using "2.prems"(1,4) order_impl_root_order[of k sub] by auto
            subgoal for up
              apply(cases up)
              subgoal for ai
               apply (sep_auto eintros del: exI)
                apply(inst_existentials tsia tsin tti "tsi'[length ls := (Some ai, sepa)]" "lsi'@((Some ai, subleaf, subnext),sepa)#rsi'" pointers)
                  apply (sep_auto simp add: prod_assn_def split!: prod.splits)
                  subgoal  (* necessary goal due to the difference between implementation and abstract code *)
                  proof (goal_cases)
                    case 1
                    then have *: "((suba, subleaf, subnext), sepa) = (zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi'))!(length lsi')"
                      by (metis nth_append_length)
                    have **:"(zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi'))!(length lsi') = (((subtrees tsi')!(length lsi'), (butlast (r'#pointers))!(length lsi'), pointers!(length lsi')), (separators tsi')!(length lsi'))" 
                      using 1 by simp
                    have "lsi' @ ((Some ai, subleaf, subnext), sepa) # rsi' =
                          list_update (lsi' @ ((suba, subleaf, subnext), sepa) # rsi') (length lsi') ((Some ai, subleaf, subnext), sepa)"
                      by simp
                    also have " = list_update (zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi')) (length lsi') ((Some ai, subleaf,subnext), sepa)" 
                      using 1 by simp
                    also have " = zip (list_update (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (length lsi') (Some ai, subleaf, subnext)) (separators tsi')"
                      by (meson zip_update sym[OF *])
                    finally show ?case
                      using ** *
                      by (simp add: update_zip map_update)
                  subgoal by sep_auto
                apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
                using Ti
                subgoal by (auto dest!: mod_starD)
              using a_split by fastforce
                  proof (goal_cases)
                    case 1
                    then have *: "((suba, subleaf, subnext), sepa) = (zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi'))!(length lsi')"
                      by (metis nth_append_length)
                    have **:"(zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi'))!(length lsi') = (((subtrees tsi')!(length lsi'), (butlast (r'#pointers))!(length lsi'), pointers!(length lsi')), (separators tsi')!(length lsi'))" 
                      using 1 by simp
                    then show ?case
                      using ** * 1
                      by simp
                  subgoal by (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
                  apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
                    using Cons split_relation_alt[of ts ls "a#rs"] list_split
                    by (auto dest!: list_assn_len mod_starD)
        case (Upi l w r)
        then show ?thesis
          apply(auto simp add: Cons list_split a_split)
          apply(subst insi.simps)
          apply vcg
           apply auto
          apply vcg
          subgoal by sep_auto
          apply simp
          (*this solves a subgoal*) apply simp
            (* at this point, we want to introduce the split, and after that tease the
  hoare triple assumptions out of the bracket, s.t. we don't split twice *)
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          apply (vcg (ss))
          using list_split Cons abs_split_set.split_conc[of ts x ls rrs] 
          apply (simp add: list_assn_append_Cons_left)
          apply(rule norm_pre_ex_rule)+
          apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
          apply(simp add: split_relation_alt prod_assn_def split!: prod.splits)
              (* actual induction branch *)
          subgoal for tsia tsin tti tsi' pointers suba' sepa' lsi' suba subleaf subnext sepa rsi' _ _ sub' sep'
          apply(subgoal_tac "length ls = length lsi'") 
          apply(subgoal_tac "(suba', sepa') = (suba, sepa)") 
          apply(subgoal_tac "(sub', sep') = (sub, sep)") 
          thm "2.IH"(2)[of ls rs a rrs sub sep "the suba" subleaf subnext]
             apply (sep_auto heap add: "2.IH"(2))
          subgoal using "2.prems" by metis
            subgoal using "2.prems" sorted_leaves_induct_subtree sorted_less (inorder sub)
              by (auto split!: btupi.splits) 
              using "2.prems"(3) sorted_leaves_induct_subtree by blast
            subgoal using "2.prems"(1,4) order_impl_root_order[of k sub] by auto
            subgoal for up
              apply(cases up)
            subgoal by simp
            subgoal for li ai ri (* split case *)
              apply (sep_auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len heap: pfa_insert_grow_rule)
              subgoal by (sep_auto simp add: is_pfa_def)
              subgoal for aa ba ac bc ae be ak bk al bl newr x xaa
                apply(simp split!: prod.splits)
              subgoal for tsia'
                supply R= nodei_rule_ins2[where k=k and c="max (2*k) (Suc tsin)" and
                      lsi'="take (length lsi') tsi'" and li=li and ri=ri
                      and rsi'="drop (Suc (length lsi')) tsi'"
                      and lpointers="take (length lsi') pointers"
                      and rpointers="drop (Suc (length lsi')) pointers"
                      and pointers="take (length lsi') pointers @ newr # subnext # drop (Suc (length lsi')) pointers"
                      and z''="last (r'#pointers)"
                      and tsi'="take (length lsi') tsi' @ (Some li, ai) # (Some ri, sepa) # drop (Suc (length lsi')) tsi'"
                      and r'="r'" and z="z"
and tsi''="zip (zip (subtrees
           (take (length lsi') tsi' @
            (Some li, ai) # (Some ri, sepa) # drop (Suc (length lsi')) tsi'))
      (zip (butlast
             (r' #
              take (length lsi') pointers @ newr # subnext # drop (Suc (length lsi')) pointers))
          ((take (length lsi') pointers @ newr # subnext # drop (Suc (length lsi')) pointers) @
   (take (length lsi') tsi' @
    (Some li, ai) # (Some ri, sepa) # drop (Suc (length lsi')) tsi'))"
                thm R
              apply (sep_auto simp add: upd_drop_prepend eintros del: exI heap: R split!: prod.splits)
                proof (goal_cases)
                  case 1
                  from sym[OF 1(8)] have "lsi' = take (length lsi') (zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi'))"
                    by auto
                  then show ?case using 1
                    by (auto simp add: take_zip take_map take_butlast_prepend take_butlast_append)
                proof (goal_cases)
                  case 1
                  let ?tsi''="zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi')"
                  from sym[OF 1(8)] have "rsi' = drop (Suc (length lsi')) ?tsi''"
                    by auto
                  moreover have "pointers ! length lsi' = subnext" 
                  proof -
                    let ?i = "length lsi'"
                    have "?tsi'' ! ?i = ((fst (tsi'!?i), (r' # pointers) ! ?i, pointers ! ?i), snd (tsi' ! ?i))"
                      using pointer_zip_access 1 by fastforce
                    moreover have "?tsi'' ! ?i = ((suba, subleaf, subnext), sepa)"
                      by (metis "1" nth_append_length)
                    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
                  ultimately show ?case using 1
                    by (auto simp add: drop_zip drop_map drop_butlast Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
                proof (goal_cases)
                  case 1
                  let ?tsi''="zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi')"
                  let ?i = "length lsi'"
                  show ?thesis
                  proof -
                    let ?i = "length lsi'"
                    have "?tsi'' ! ?i = ((fst (tsi'!?i), (r' # pointers) ! ?i, pointers ! ?i), snd (tsi' ! ?i))"
                      using pointer_zip_access 1 by fastforce
                    moreover have "?tsi'' ! ?i = ((suba, subleaf, subnext), sepa)"
                      by (metis "1" nth_append_length)
                    ultimately have "(r'#pointers) ! ?i = subleaf"
                      by simp
                    then show ?thesis
                      using sym[OF append_take_drop_id, of pointers "length lsi'"]
                      using access_len_last[of r' "take (length lsi') pointers" "drop (length lsi') pointers"]
                      using 1
                      by simp
                proof (goal_cases)
                  case 1
                  let ?tsi''="zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi')"
                  let ?i = "length lsi'"
                  have "pointers ! ?i = subnext" 
                  proof -
                    have "?tsi'' ! ?i = ((fst (tsi'!?i), (r' # pointers) ! ?i, pointers ! ?i), snd (tsi' ! ?i))"
                      using pointer_zip_access 1 by fastforce
                    moreover have "?tsi'' ! ?i = ((suba, subleaf, subnext), sepa)"
                      by (metis "1" nth_append_length)
                    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
                  moreover have "drop (length lsi') pointers  []"
                    using "1" by auto
                  moreover have "pointers  []"
                    using "1" by auto
                  ultimately show ?case
                    apply(auto simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc  last.simps)
                    apply(auto simp add: last_conv_nth)
                    by (metis Suc_to_right le_SucE)
              subgoal by auto
              subgoal by (sep_auto simp add: pure_def)
              using a_split by fastforce
                  proof (goal_cases)
                    case 1
                    then have *: "((suba, subleaf, subnext), sepa) = (zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi'))!(length lsi')"
                      by (metis nth_append_length)
                    have **:"(zip (zip (subtrees tsi') (zip (butlast (r' # pointers)) pointers)) (separators tsi'))!(length lsi') = (((subtrees tsi')!(length lsi'), (butlast (r'#pointers))!(length lsi'), pointers!(length lsi')), (separators tsi')!(length lsi'))" 
                      using 1 by simp
                    then show ?case
                      using ** * 1
                      by simp
                  subgoal by (auto dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
                  apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
                    using Cons split_relation_alt[of ts ls "a#rs"] list_split
                    by (auto dest!: list_assn_len mod_starD)
declare last.simps[simp add] butlast.simps[simp add]

text "The imperative insert refines the abstract insert."

lemma inserti_rule:
  assumes "k > 0" "sorted_less (inorder t)" "sorted_less (leaves t)" "root_order k t"
  shows "<bplustree_assn k t ti r z>
  inserti k x ti
  <λu. bplustree_assn k (abs_split_set.insert k x t) u r z>t"
proof(cases "abs_split_set.ins k x t")
  case (Ti x1)
  then show ?thesis
  unfolding inserti_def
   using assms
    by (sep_auto split!: btupi.splits heap: insi_rule)
  case (Upi x21 x22 x23)
  then show ?thesis
  unfolding inserti_def
  using assms
  apply (sep_auto eintros del: exI split!: btupi.splits heap: insi_rule)
  subgoal for x21a x22a x23a newr a b xa
  apply(inst_existentials a b x23a "[(Some x21a, x22a)]" "[((Some x21a, r, newr),x22a)]" "[newr]")
    apply (auto simp add: prod_assn_def)
    apply (sep_auto)

text "The \"pure\" resulting rule follows automatically."
lemma inserti_rule':
  shows "<bplustree_assn (Suc k) t ti r z * (abs_split_set.invar_leaves (Suc k) t  sorted_less (leaves t))>
  inserti (Suc k) x ti
  <λri.Au. bplustree_assn (Suc k) u ri r z * (abs_split_set.invar_leaves (Suc k) u  sorted_less (leaves u)  leaves u = (ins_list x (leaves t)))>t"
  using Laligned_sorted_inorder[of t top] sorted_wrt_append
  using abs_split_set.insert_bal[of t] abs_split_set.insert_order[of "Suc k" t]
  using abs_split_set.insert_Linorder_top[of "Suc k" t]
  by (sep_auto heap: inserti_rule simp add: sorted_ins_list)

subsection "Deletion"

text "The below definitions work for non-linked-leaf B-Plus-Trees
but not yet for linked-leaf trees"

(* rebalance middle tree gets a list of trees, an index pointing to
the position of sub/sep and a last tree *)

definition rebalance_middle_tree:: "nat  (('a::{default,heap,linorder,order_top}) btnode ref option × 'a) pfarray  nat  'a btnode ref  'a btnode Heap"
    "rebalance_middle_tree  λ k tsi i p_ti. ( do {
  ti  !p_ti;
  case ti of
  Btleaf txsi n_p  do {
      (r_sub,sep)  pfa_get tsi i;
      subi  !(the r_sub);
      l_sub  pfa_length (vals subi);
      l_txs  pfa_length (txsi);
      if l_sub  k  l_txs  k then do {
        return (Btnode tsi p_ti)
      } else do {
        l_tsi  pfa_length tsi;
        if i+1 = l_tsi then do {
          mts'  pfa_extend_grow (vals subi) (txsi);
          (the r_sub) := Btleaf mts' n_p;
          res_nodei  Lnodei k (the r_sub);
          case res_nodei of
            Ti u  do {
              tsi'  pfa_shrink i tsi;
              return (Btnode tsi' u)
            } |
            Upi l a r  do {
              tsi'  pfa_set tsi i (Some l,a);
              return (Btnode tsi' r)
        } else do {
          (r_rsub,rsep)  pfa_get tsi (i+1);
          rsub  !(the r_rsub);
          mts'  pfa_extend_grow (vals subi) (vals rsub);
          (the r_sub) := Btleaf mts' (fwd rsub);
          res_nodei  Lnodei k (the r_sub);
          case res_nodei of
           Ti u  do {
            tsi'  pfa_set tsi i (Some u,rsep);
            tsi''  pfa_delete tsi' (i+1);
            return (Btnode tsi'' p_ti)
          } |
           Upi l a r  do {
            tsi'  pfa_set tsi i (Some l,a);
            tsi''  pfa_set tsi' (i+1) (Some r,rsep);
            return (Btnode tsi'' p_ti)
  }} |
  Btnode ttsi tti  do {
      (r_sub,sep)  pfa_get tsi i;
      subi  !(the r_sub);
      l_sub  pfa_length (kvs subi);
      l_tts  pfa_length (ttsi);
      if l_sub  k  l_tts  k then do {
        return (Btnode tsi p_ti)
      } else do {
        l_tsi  pfa_length tsi;
        if i+1 = l_tsi then do {
          mts'  pfa_append_extend_grow (kvs subi) (Some (lst subi),sep) (ttsi);
          (the r_sub) := Btnode mts' (lst ti);
          res_nodei  nodei k (the r_sub);
          case res_nodei of
            Ti u  do {
              tsi'  pfa_shrink i tsi;
              return (Btnode tsi' u)
            } |
            Upi l a r  do {
              tsi'  pfa_set tsi i (Some l,a);
              return (Btnode tsi' r)
        } else do {
          (r_rsub,rsep)  pfa_get tsi (i+1);
          rsub  !(the r_rsub);
          mts'  pfa_append_extend_grow (kvs subi) (Some (lst subi),sep) (kvs rsub);
          (the r_sub) := Btnode mts' (lst rsub);
          res_nodei  nodei k (the r_sub);
          case res_nodei of
           Ti u  do {
            tsi'  pfa_set tsi i (Some u,rsep);
            tsi''  pfa_delete tsi' (i+1);
            return (Btnode tsi'' p_ti)
          } |
           Upi l a r  do {
            tsi'  pfa_set tsi i (Some l,a);
            tsi''  pfa_set tsi' (i+1) (Some r,rsep);
            return (Btnode tsi'' p_ti)

definition rebalance_last_tree:: "nat  (('a::{default,heap,linorder,order_top}) btnode ref option × 'a) pfarray  'a btnode ref  'a btnode Heap"
    "rebalance_last_tree  λk tsi ti. do {
   l_tsi  pfa_length tsi;
   rebalance_middle_tree k tsi (l_tsi-1) ti

subsection "Refinement of the abstract B-tree operations"

lemma P_imp_Q_implies_P: "P  (Q  P)"
  by simp

lemma btupi_assn_T: "h  btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.nodei k ts t) (Ti x) r z  abs_split_set.nodei k ts t = abs_split_set.Ti (Node ts t)"
  apply(auto simp add: abs_split_set.nodei.simps dest!: mod_starD split!: list.splits prod.splits)

lemma btupi_assn_Up: "h  btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.nodei k ts t) (Upi l a r) r' z 
  abs_split_set.nodei k ts t = (
    case BPlusTree_Split.split_half ts of (ls,rs)  (
      case last ls of (sub,sep) 
        abs_split_set.Upi (Node (butlast ls) sub) sep (Node rs t)
  apply(auto simp add: abs_split_set.nodei.simps split!: list.splits prod.splits)

lemma Lbtupi_assn_T: "h  btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.Lnodei k ts) (Ti x) r z  abs_split_set.Lnodei k ts = abs_split_set.Ti (Leaf ts)"
  apply(cases "length ts  2*k")
  apply(auto simp add: abs_split_set.Lnodei.simps split!: list.splits prod.splits)

lemma Lbtupi_assn_Up: "h  btupi_assn k (abs_split_set.Lnodei k ts) (Upi l a r) r' z 
  abs_split_set.Lnodei k ts = (
    case BPlusTree_Split.split_half ts of (ls,rs)  (
      case last ls of sep 
        abs_split_set.Upi (Leaf ls) sep (Leaf rs)
  apply(auto simp add: abs_split_set.Lnodei.simps split!: list.splits prod.splits)

lemma second_last_access:"(xs@a#b#ys) ! Suc(length xs) = b"
  by (simp add: nth_via_drop)

lemma second_last_update:"(xs@a#b#ys)[Suc(length xs) := c] = (xs@a#c#ys)"
  by (metis append.assoc append_Cons empty_append_eq_id length_append_singleton list_update_length)

lemma clean_heap:"(a, b)  P  Q; (a, b)  P  Q"
  by auto

partial_function (heap) del ::"nat  'a  ('a::{default,heap,linorder,order_top}) btnode ref  'a btnode ref Heap"
    "del k x tp = do {
  ti  !tp;
  (case ti of Btleaf xs np  do { 
      xs'  del_listi x xs;
      tp := (Btleaf xs' np);
      return tp
} |
   Btnode tsi tti  do {
   i  spliti tsi x;
   tsl  pfa_length tsi;
   if i < tsl then do {
       (sub,sep)  pfa_get tsi i;
       sub'  del k x (the sub);
       kvs'  pfa_set tsi i (Some sub',sep);
       node'  rebalance_middle_tree k kvs' i tti;
       tp := node';
       return tp
   } else do {
       t'  del k x tti;
       node'  rebalance_last_tree k tsi t';
       tp := node';
       return tp


context spliti_list

definition isin_listi:: "'a  ('a::{heap,default,linorder,order_top}) pfarray  bool Heap"
  where "isin_listi x ks = do {
    i  spliti_list ks x;
    xsl  pfa_length ks;
    if i  xsl then return False
    else do {
      sep  pfa_get ks i;
      return (sep = x)

lemma isin_listi_rule [sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes "sorted_less ks"
   "<is_pfa c ks (a',n')> 
    isin_listi x (a',n') 
    is_pfa c ks (a',n')
    * (b = abs_split_list.isin_list x ks)>t"
proof -
  obtain ls rs where list_split: "split_list ks x = (ls, rs)"
    by (cases "split_list ks x")
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases rs)
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis
      apply(subst isin_listi_def)
      using assms list_split apply(sep_auto simp add: split_relation_alt dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
  case (Cons a rrs)
  then show ?thesis
      apply(subst isin_listi_def)
      using list_split apply simp
      using assms list_split  apply(sep_auto simp add: split_relation_alt list_assn_append_Cons_left dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)

definition ins_listi:: "'a  ('a::{heap,default,linorder,order_top}) pfarray  'a pfarray Heap"
  where "ins_listi x ks = do {
    i  spliti_list ks x;
    xsl  pfa_length ks;
    if i  xsl then
      pfa_append_grow ks x
    else do {
      sep  pfa_get ks i;
      if sep = x then
        return ks
        pfa_insert_grow ks i x 

lemma ins_listi_rule [sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes "sorted_less ks"
   "<is_pfa c ks (a',n')> 
    ins_listi x (a',n') 
  <λ(a'',n''). is_pfa (max c (length (abs_split_list.insert_list x ks))) (abs_split_list.insert_list x ks) (a'',n'')
proof -
  obtain ls rs where list_split: "split_list ks x = (ls, rs)"
    by (cases "split_list ks x")
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases rs)
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis
      apply(subst ins_listi_def)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using assms by auto
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      apply vcg
      using list_split apply (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply(simp add: is_pfa_def)
        apply(rule ent_ex_preI)
      subgoal for l
        apply(rule ent_ex_postI[where x="l"])
      using assms list_split apply(sep_auto simp add: split_relation_alt pure_def dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply(simp add: is_pfa_def)
        apply(rule ent_ex_preI)
      subgoal for l
        apply(rule ent_ex_postI[where x="l"])
      using assms list_split apply(sep_auto simp add: split_relation_alt pure_def dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
  case (Cons a rrs)
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "a = x")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      apply(subst ins_listi_def)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using assms by auto
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply vcg
      prefer 2
      subgoal by (metis (no_types, lifting) id_assn_list list_split local.Cons mod_starD split_relation_access)
      using list_split Cons apply (auto simp add: split_relation_alt list_assn_append_Cons_left split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
        apply(subgoal_tac "max c (Suc (length ls + length rrs)) = c")
      subgoal using assms list_split by (sep_auto simp add: split_relation_alt  dest!: mod_starD id_assn_list)
            apply(auto simp add: is_pfa_def)
            by (metis add_Suc_right length_Cons length_append length_take max.absorb1 min_eq_arg(2))
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      apply(subst ins_listi_def)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using assms by auto
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply vcg
      subgoal by (metis (no_types, lifting) id_assn_list list_split local.Cons mod_starD split_relation_access)
      apply vcg
      subgoal by (auto simp add: is_pfa_def)
      using list_split Cons apply (auto simp add: split_relation_alt list_assn_append_Cons_left split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
    subgoal for _ _ _ _
        apply(subgoal_tac "(Suc (Suc (length ls + length rrs))) = Suc n'")
      using assms list_split Cons by (sep_auto simp add: split_relation_alt dest!: mod_starD id_assn_list)
        apply(auto simp add: is_pfa_def)
        by (metis add_Suc_right length_Cons length_append length_take min_eq_arg(2))

definition del_listi:: "'a  ('a::{heap,default,linorder,order_top}) pfarray  'a pfarray Heap"
  where "del_listi x ks = do {
    i  spliti_list ks x;
    xsl  pfa_length ks;
    if i  xsl then
      return ks
    else do {
      sep  pfa_get ks i;
      if sep = x then
        pfa_delete ks i
        return ks

lemma del_listi_rule [sep_heap_rules]:
  assumes "sorted_less ks"
  shows "<is_pfa c ks (a',n')> 
    del_listi x (a',n') 
  <λ(a'',n''). is_pfa c (abs_split_list.delete_list x ks) (a'',n'')>t"
proof -
  obtain ls rs where list_split: "split_list ks x = (ls, rs)"
    by (cases "split_list ks x")
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases rs)
    case Nil
    then show ?thesis
      apply(subst del_listi_def)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using assms by auto
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      apply vcg
      using list_split apply (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
  case (Cons a rrs)
  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases "a = x")
    case True
    then show ?thesis
      apply(subst del_listi_def)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using assms by auto
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons apply (auto simp add: split_relation_alt is_pfa_def split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
        by (metis add_Suc_right length_Cons length_append length_take less_add_Suc1 min_eq_arg(2))
      prefer 2
      subgoal  by (simp add: list_split local.Cons split_relation_access)
      using list_split Cons apply (auto simp add: split_relation_alt list_assn_append_Cons_left split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      apply(subst del_listi_def)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using assms by auto
      apply(rule hoare_triple_preI)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      apply vcg
      subgoal using list_split Cons by (auto simp add: split_relation_alt is_pfa_def split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)
      subgoal by (simp add: list_split local.Cons split_relation_access)
      apply vcg
      using list_split Cons apply (auto simp add: split_relation_alt split!: prod.splits list.splits dest!: mod_starD list_assn_len)


context spliti_full

sublocale spliti_set spliti_list.abs_split_list.isin_list spliti_list.abs_split_list.insert_list 
  spliti_list.abs_split_list.delete_list split spliti spliti_list.isin_listi spliti_list.ins_listi spliti_list.del_listi
  using spliti_list.abs_split_list.isin_list_set spliti_list.abs_split_list.insert_list_set spliti_list.abs_split_list.delete_list_set
  apply unfold_locales 
  apply sep_auto +

