Theory BPlusTree_Split
theory BPlusTree_Split
imports BPlusTree
subsection "Auxiliary functions"
fun split_half:: "_ list ⇒ _ list × _ list" where
"split_half xs = (take ((length xs + 1) div 2) xs, drop ((length xs + 1) div 2) xs)"
lemma split_half_conc: "split_half xs = (ls, rs) = (xs = ls@rs ∧ length ls = (length xs + 1) div 2)"
by force
lemma drop_not_empty: "xs ≠ [] ⟹ drop (length xs div 2) xs ≠ []"
apply(induction xs)
apply(auto split!: list.splits)
lemma take_not_empty: "xs ≠ [] ⟹ take ((length xs + 1) div 2) xs ≠ []"
apply(induction xs)
apply(auto split!: list.splits)
lemma split_half_not_empty: "length xs ≥ 1 ⟹ ∃ls a rs. split_half xs = (ls@[a],rs)"
using take_not_empty
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Ex_list_of_length One_nat_def le_trans length_Cons list.size(4) nat_1_add_1 not_one_le_zero rev_exhaust split_half.simps take0 take_all_iff)
subsection "The split function locale"
text "Here, we abstract away the inner workings of the split function
for B-tree operations."
lemma leaves_conc: "leaves (Node (ls@rs) t) = leaves_list ls @ leaves_list rs @ leaves t"
apply(induction ls)
apply auto
locale split_tree =
fixes split :: "('a bplustree×'a::{linorder,order_top}) list ⇒ 'a ⇒ (('a bplustree×'a) list × ('a bplustree×'a) list)"
assumes split_req:
"⟦split xs p = (ls,rs)⟧ ⟹ xs = ls @ rs"
"⟦split xs p = (ls@[(sub,sep)],rs); sorted_less (separators xs)⟧ ⟹ sep < p"
"⟦split xs p = (ls,(sub,sep)#rs); sorted_less (separators xs)⟧ ⟹ p ≤ sep"
lemmas split_conc = split_req(1)
lemmas split_sorted = split_req(2,3)
lemma [termination_simp]:"(ls, (sub, sep) # rs) = split ts y ⟹
size sub < Suc (size_list (λx. Suc (size (fst x))) ts + size l)"
using split_conc[of ts y ls "(sub,sep)#rs"] by auto
lemma leaves_split: "split ts x = (ls,rs) ⟹ leaves (Node ts t) = leaves_list ls @ leaves_list rs @ leaves t"
using leaves_conc split_conc by blast
locale split_list =
fixes split_list :: "('a::{linorder,order_top}) list ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a list × 'a list"
assumes split_list_req:
"⟦split_list ks p = (kls,krs)⟧ ⟹ ks = kls @ krs"
"⟦split_list ks p = (kls@[sep],krs); sorted_less ks⟧ ⟹ sep < p"
"⟦split_list ks p = (kls,(sep)#krs); sorted_less ks⟧ ⟹ p ≤ sep"
locale split_full = split_tree: split_tree split + split_list split_list
for split::
"('a bplustree × 'a::{linorder,order_top}) list ⇒ 'a
⇒ ('a bplustree × 'a) list × ('a bplustree × 'a) list"
and split_list::
"'a::{linorder,order_top} list ⇒ 'a
⇒ 'a list × 'a list"
section "Abstract split functions"
subsection "Linear split"
text "Finally we show that the split axioms are feasible by providing an example split function"
text "Linear split is similar to well known functions, therefore a quick proof can be done."
fun linear_split where "linear_split xs x = (takeWhile (λ(_,s). s<x) xs, dropWhile (λ(_,s). s<x) xs)"
fun linear_split_list where "linear_split_list xs x = (takeWhile (λs. s<x) xs, dropWhile (λs. s<x) xs)"