Theory ASC_Example

theory ASC_Example
  imports ASC_Hoare

section ‹ Example product machines and properties ›

text ‹
This section provides example FSMs and shows that the assumptions on the inputs of the adaptive
state counting algorithm are not vacuous.

subsection ‹ Constructing FSMs from transition relations ›

text ‹
This subsection provides a function to more easily create FSMs, only requiring a set of
transition-tuples and an initial state.

fun from_rel :: "('state × ('in × 'out) × 'state) set  'state  ('in, 'out, 'state) FSM" where
"from_rel rel q0 =  succ = λ io p . { q . (p,io,q)  rel },
                    inputs = image (fst  fst  snd) rel,
                    outputs = image (snd  fst  snd) rel,
                    initial = q0 "

lemma nodes_from_rel : "nodes (from_rel rel q0)  insert q0 (image (snd  snd) rel)"
  (is "nodes ?M  insert q0 (image (snd  snd) rel)")
proof -
  have " q io p . q  succ ?M io p  q  image (snd  snd) rel"
    by force
  have " q . q  nodes ?M  q = q0  q  image (snd  snd) rel"
  proof -
    fix q assume "q  nodes ?M"
    then show "q = q0  q  image (snd  snd) rel"
    proof (cases rule: FSM.nodes.cases)
      case initial
      then show ?thesis by auto
      case (execute p a)
      then show ?thesis
        using  q io p . q  succ ?M io p  q  image (snd  snd) rel by blast
  then show "nodes ?M  insert q0 (image (snd  snd) rel)"
    by blast

fun well_formed_rel :: "('state × ('in × 'out) × 'state) set  bool" where
  "well_formed_rel rel = (finite rel
                           ( s1 x y . (x  image (fst  fst  snd) rel
                                             y  image (snd  fst  snd) rel)
                                         ¬( s2 . (s1,(x,y),s2)  rel))
                           rel  {})"

lemma well_formed_from_rel :
  assumes "well_formed_rel rel"
  shows "well_formed (from_rel rel q0)"  (is "well_formed ?M")
proof -
  have "nodes ?M  insert q0 (image (snd  snd) rel)"
    using nodes_from_rel[of rel q0] by auto
  moreover have "finite (insert q0 (image (snd  snd) rel))"
    using assms by auto
  ultimately have "finite (nodes ?M)"
    by (simp add: Finite_Set.finite_subset)
  moreover have "finite (inputs ?M)" "finite (outputs ?M)"
    using assms by auto
  ultimately have "finite_FSM ?M"
    by auto

  moreover have "inputs ?M  {}"
    using assms by auto
  moreover have "outputs ?M  {}"
    using assms by auto
  moreover have " s1 x y . (x  inputs ?M  y  outputs ?M)  succ ?M (x,y) s1 = {}"
    using assms by auto

  ultimately show ?thesis
    by auto

fun completely_specified_rel_over :: "('state × ('in × 'out) × 'state) set  'state set  bool"
  "completely_specified_rel_over rel nods = ( s1  nods .
                                                 x  image (fst  fst  snd) rel .
                                                   y  image (snd  fst  snd) rel .
                                                     s2 . (s1,(x,y),s2)  rel)"

lemma completely_specified_from_rel :
  assumes "completely_specified_rel_over rel (nodes ((from_rel rel q0)))"
  shows "completely_specified (from_rel rel q0)"  (is "completely_specified ?M")
  unfolding completely_specified.simps
  fix s1 assume "s1  nodes (from_rel rel q0)"
  show  "xinputs ?M. youtputs ?M. s2. s2  succ ?M (x, y) s1"
    fix x assume "x  inputs (from_rel rel q0)"
    then have "x   image (fst  fst  snd) rel"
      using assms by auto

    obtain y s2 where "y  image (snd  fst  snd) rel" "(s1,(x,y),s2)  rel"
      using assms s1  nodes (from_rel rel q0) x   image (fst  fst  snd) rel
      by (meson completely_specified_rel_over.elims(2))

    then have "y  outputs (from_rel rel q0)" "s2  succ (from_rel rel q0) (x, y) s1"
      by auto

    then show "youtputs (from_rel rel q0). s2. s2  succ (from_rel rel q0) (x, y) s1"
      by blast

fun observable_rel :: "('state × ('in × 'out) × 'state) set  bool" where
  "observable_rel rel = ( io s1 . { s2 . (s1,io,s2)  rel } = {}
                                     ( s2 . { s2' . (s1,io,s2')  rel } = {s2}))"

lemma observable_from_rel :
  assumes "observable_rel rel"
  shows "observable (from_rel rel q0)"  (is "observable ?M")
proof -
  have " io s1 . { s2 . (s1,io,s2)  rel } = succ ?M io s1"
    by auto
  then show ?thesis using assms by auto

abbreviation "OFSM_rel rel q0  well_formed_rel rel
                                 completely_specified_rel_over rel (nodes (from_rel rel q0))
                                 observable_rel rel"

lemma OFMS_from_rel :
  assumes "OFSM_rel rel q0"
  shows "OFSM (from_rel rel q0)"
  by (metis assms completely_specified_from_rel observable_from_rel well_formed_from_rel)

subsection ‹ Example FSMs and properties ›

abbreviation "MS_rel :: (nat×(nat×nat)×nat) set  {(0,(0,0),1), (0,(0,1),1), (1,(0,2),1)}"
abbreviation "MS :: (nat,nat,nat) FSM  from_rel MS_rel 0"

abbreviation "MI_rel :: (nat×(nat×nat)×nat) set  {(0,(0,0),1), (0,(0,1),1), (1,(0,2),0)}"
abbreviation "MI :: (nat,nat,nat) FSM  from_rel MI_rel 0"

lemma example_nodes :
  "nodes MS = {0,1}" "nodes MI = {0,1}"
proof -
  have "0  nodes MS" by auto
  have "1  succ MS (0,0) 0" by auto
  have "1  nodes MS"
    by (meson 0  nodes MS 1  succ MS (0, 0) 0 succ_nodes)

  have "{0,1}  nodes MS"
    using 0  nodes MS 1  nodes MS by auto
  moreover have "nodes MS  {0,1}"
    using nodes_from_rel[of MS_rel 0] by auto
  ultimately show "nodes MS = {0,1}"
    by blast
  have "0  nodes MI" by auto
  have "1  succ MI (0,0) 0" by auto
  have "1  nodes MI"
    by (meson 0  nodes MI 1  succ MI (0, 0) 0 succ_nodes)

  have "{0,1}  nodes MI"
    using 0  nodes MI 1  nodes MI by auto
  moreover have "nodes MI  {0,1}"
    using nodes_from_rel[of MI_rel 0] by auto
  ultimately show "nodes MI = {0,1}"
    by blast

lemma example_OFSM :
proof -
  have "well_formed_rel MS_rel"
    unfolding well_formed_rel.simps by auto

  moreover have "completely_specified_rel_over MS_rel (nodes (from_rel MS_rel 0))"
    unfolding completely_specified_rel_over.simps
    fix s1 assume "(s1::nat)  nodes (from_rel MS_rel 0)"
    then have "s1  (insert 0 (image (snd  snd) MS_rel))"
      using nodes_from_rel[of MS_rel 0] by blast
    moreover have "completely_specified_rel_over MS_rel (insert 0 (image (snd  snd) MS_rel))"
      unfolding completely_specified_rel_over.simps by auto
    ultimately show "x(fst  fst  snd) ` MS_rel.
                      y(snd  fst  snd) ` MS_rel. s2. (s1, (x, y), s2)  MS_rel"
      by simp

  moreover have "observable_rel MS_rel"
    by auto

  ultimately have "OFSM_rel MS_rel 0"
    by auto

  then show "OFSM MS"
    using OFMS_from_rel[of MS_rel 0] by linarith
  have "well_formed_rel MI_rel"
    unfolding well_formed_rel.simps by auto

  moreover have "completely_specified_rel_over MI_rel (nodes (from_rel MI_rel 0))"
    unfolding completely_specified_rel_over.simps
    fix s1 assume "(s1::nat)  nodes (from_rel MI_rel 0)"
    then have "s1  (insert 0 (image (snd  snd) MI_rel))"
      using nodes_from_rel[of MI_rel 0] by blast
    have "completely_specified_rel_over MI_rel (insert 0 (image (snd  snd) MI_rel))"
      unfolding completely_specified_rel_over.simps by auto
    show "x(fst  fst  snd) ` MI_rel.
            y(snd  fst  snd) ` MI_rel. s2. (s1, (x, y), s2)  MI_rel"
      by (meson completely_specified_rel_over MI_rel (insert 0 ((snd  snd) ` MI_rel))
          s1  insert 0 ((snd  snd) ` MI_rel) completely_specified_rel_over.elims(2))

  moreover have "observable_rel MI_rel"
    by auto

  ultimately have "OFSM_rel MI_rel 0"
    by auto

  then show "OFSM MI"
    using OFMS_from_rel[of MI_rel 0] by linarith

lemma example_fault_domain : "asc_fault_domain MS MI 2"
proof -
  have "inputs MS = inputs MI"
    by auto
  moreover have "card (nodes MI)  2"
    using example_nodes(2) by auto
  ultimately show "asc_fault_domain MS MI 2"
    by auto

abbreviation "FAILI :: (nat×nat)  (3,3)"
abbreviation "PMI :: (nat, nat, nat×nat) FSM  
            succ = (λ a (p1,p2) . (if (p1  nodes MS  p2  nodes MI  (fst a  inputs MS)
                                         (snd a  outputs MS  outputs MI))
                                    then (if (succ MS a p1 = {}  succ MI a p2  {})
                                      then {FAILI}
                                      else (succ MS a p1 × succ MI a p2))
                                    else {})),
            inputs = inputs MS,
            outputs = outputs MS  outputs MI,
            initial = (initial MS, initial MI)

lemma example_productF : "productF MS MI FAILI PMI"
proof -
  have "inputs MS = inputs MI"
    by auto
  moreover have "fst FAILI  nodes MS"
    using example_nodes(1) by auto
  moreover have "snd FAILI  nodes MI"
    using example_nodes(2) by auto
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding productF.simps by blast

abbreviation "VI :: nat list set  {[],[0]}"

lemma example_det_state_cover : "is_det_state_cover MS VI"
proof -
  have "d_reaches MS (initial MS) [] (initial MS)"
    by auto
  then have "initial MS  d_reachable MS (initial MS)"
    unfolding d_reachable.simps by blast

  have "d_reached_by MS (initial MS) [0] 1 [1] [0]"
    show "length [0] = length [0] 
    length [0] = length [1]  path MS (([0] || [0]) || [1]) (initial MS)
                             target (([0] || [0]) || [1]) (initial MS) = 1"
      by auto

    have "ys2 tr2.
       length [0] = length ys2
           length [0] = length tr2
           path MS (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS)
             target (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS) = 1"
      fix ys2 tr2 assume "length [0] = length ys2  length [0] = length tr2
                             path MS (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS)"
      then have "length ys2 = 1" "length tr2 = 1" "path MS (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS)"
        by auto
      moreover obtain y2 where "ys2 = [y2]"
        using length ys2 = 1
        by (metis One_nat_def length [0] = length ys2  length [0] = length tr2
             path MS (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS) append.simps(1) append_butlast_last_id
            butlast_snoc length_butlast length_greater_0_conv list.size(3) nat.simps(3))
      moreover obtain t2 where "tr2 = [t2]"
        using length tr2 = 1
        by (metis One_nat_def length [0] = length ys2  length [0] = length tr2
             path MS (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS) append.simps(1) append_butlast_last_id
            butlast_snoc length_butlast length_greater_0_conv list.size(3) nat.simps(3))
      ultimately have "path MS [((0,y2),t2)] (initial MS)"
        by auto
      then have "t2  succ MS (0,y2) (initial MS)"
        by auto
      moreover have " y . succ MS (0,y) (initial MS)  {1}"
        by auto
      ultimately have "t2 = 1"
        by blast

      show "target (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS) = 1"
        using ys2 = [y2] tr2 = [t2] t2 = 1 by auto
    then show "ys2 tr2.
       length [0] = length ys2  length [0] = length tr2
           path MS (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS)
             target (([0] || ys2) || tr2) (initial MS) = 1"
      by auto

  then have "d_reaches MS (initial MS) [0] 1"
    unfolding d_reaches.simps by blast
  then have "1  d_reachable MS (initial MS)"
    unfolding d_reachable.simps by blast

  then have "{0,1}  d_reachable MS (initial MS)"
    using initial MS  d_reachable MS (initial MS) by auto
  moreover have "d_reachable MS (initial MS)  nodes MS"
    fix s assume "sd_reachable MS (initial MS)"
    then have "s  reachable MS (initial MS)"
      using d_reachable_reachable by auto
    then show "s  nodes MS"
      by blast
  ultimately have "d_reachable MS (initial MS) = {0,1}"
    using example_nodes(1) by blast

  fix f' :: "nat  nat list"
  let ?f = "f'( 0 := [], 1 := [0])"

  have "is_det_state_cover_ass MS ?f"
    unfolding is_det_state_cover_ass.simps
    show "?f (initial MS) = []" by auto
    show "sd_reachable MS (initial MS). d_reaches MS (initial MS) (?f s) s"
      fix s assume "sd_reachable MS (initial MS)"
      then have "s  reachable MS (initial MS)"
        using d_reachable_reachable by auto
      then have "s  nodes MS"
        by blast
      then have "s = 0  s = 1"
        using example_nodes(1) by blast
      then show "d_reaches MS (initial MS) (?f s) s"
        assume "s = 0"
        then show "d_reaches MS (initial MS) (?f s) s"
          using d_reaches MS (initial MS) [] (initial MS) by auto
        assume "s = 1"
        then show "d_reaches MS (initial MS) (?f s) s"
          using d_reaches MS (initial MS) [0] 1 by auto

  moreover have "VI = image ?f (d_reachable MS (initial MS))"
    using d_reachable MS (initial MS) = {0,1} by auto

  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding is_det_state_cover.simps by blast

abbreviation "ΩI::(nat,nat) ATC set  { Node 0 (λ y . Leaf) }"

lemma "applicable_set MS ΩI"
  by auto

lemma example_test_tools : "test_tools MS MI FAILI PMI VI ΩI"
  using example_productF example_det_state_cover by auto

lemma OFSM_not_vacuous :
  " M :: (nat,nat,nat) FSM . OFSM M"
  using example_OFSM(1) by blast

lemma fault_domain_not_vacuous :
  " (M2::(nat,nat,nat) FSM) (M1::(nat,nat,nat) FSM) m . asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
  using example_fault_domain by blast

lemma test_tools_not_vacuous :
  " (M2::(nat,nat,nat) FSM)
     (M1::(nat,nat,nat) FSM)
     (PM::(nat,nat,nat×nat) FSM)
     (V::(nat list set))
     (Ω::(nat,nat) ATC set) . test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
proof (rule exI, rule exI)
  show " FAIL PM V Ω. test_tools MS MI FAIL PM V Ω"
    using example_test_tools by blast

lemma precondition_not_vacuous :
  shows " (M2::(nat,nat,nat) FSM)
           (M1::(nat,nat,nat) FSM)
           (PM::(nat,nat,nat×nat) FSM)
           (V::(nat list set))
           (Ω::(nat,nat) ATC set)
           (m :: nat) .
              OFSM M1  OFSM M2  asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m  test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
proof (intro exI)
  show "OFSM MI  OFSM MS  asc_fault_domain MS MI 2  test_tools MS MI FAILI PMI VI ΩI"
    using example_OFSM(2,1) example_fault_domain example_test_tools by linarith
