Theory ASC_LB
theory ASC_LB
imports "../ATC/ATC" "../FSM/FSM_Product"
section ‹ The lower bound function ›
text ‹
This theory defines the lower bound function @{verbatim LB} and its properties.
Function @{verbatim LB} calculates a lower bound on the number of states of some FSM in order for
some sequence to not contain certain repetitions.
subsection ‹ Permutation function Perm ›
text ‹
Function @{verbatim Perm} calculates all possible reactions of an FSM to a set of inputs sequences
such that every set in the calculated set of reactions contains exactly one reaction for each input
fun Perm :: "'in list set ⇒ ('in, 'out, 'state) FSM ⇒ ('in × 'out) list set set" where
"Perm V M = {image f V | f . ∀ v ∈ V . f v ∈ language_state_for_input M (initial M) v }"
lemma perm_empty :
assumes "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
shows "[] ∈ V''"
proof -
have init_seq : "[] ∈ V" using det_state_cover_empty assms by simp
obtain f where f_def : "V'' = image f V
∧ (∀ v ∈ V . f v ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v)"
using assms by auto
then have "f [] = []"
using init_seq by (metis language_state_for_input_empty singleton_iff)
then show ?thesis
using init_seq f_def by (metis image_eqI)
lemma perm_elem_finite :
assumes "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "well_formed M2"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
shows "finite V''"
proof -
obtain f where "is_det_state_cover_ass M2 f ∧ V = f ` d_reachable M2 (initial M2)"
using assms by auto
moreover have "finite (d_reachable M2 (initial M2))"
proof -
have "finite (nodes M2)"
using assms by auto
moreover have "nodes M2 = reachable M2 (initial M2)"
by auto
ultimately have "finite (reachable M2 (initial M2))"
by simp
moreover have "d_reachable M2 (initial M2) ⊆ reachable M2 (initial M2)"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
using infinite_super by blast
ultimately have "finite V"
by auto
moreover obtain f'' where "V'' = image f'' V
∧ (∀ v ∈ V . f'' v ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v)"
using assms(3) by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
lemma perm_inputs :
assumes "V'' ∈ Perm V M"
and "vs ∈ V''"
shows "map fst vs ∈ V"
proof -
obtain f where f_def : "V'' = image f V
∧ (∀ v ∈ V . f v ∈ language_state_for_input M (initial M) v)"
using assms by auto
then obtain v where v_def : "v ∈ V ∧ f v = vs"
using assms by auto
then have "vs ∈ language_state_for_input M (initial M) v"
using f_def by auto
then show ?thesis
using v_def unfolding language_state_for_input.simps by auto
lemma perm_inputs_diff :
assumes "V'' ∈ Perm V M"
and "vs1 ∈ V''"
and "vs2 ∈ V''"
and "vs1 ≠ vs2"
shows "map fst vs1 ≠ map fst vs2"
proof -
obtain f where f_def : "V'' = image f V
∧ (∀ v ∈ V . f v ∈ language_state_for_input M (initial M) v)"
using assms by auto
then obtain v1 v2 where v_def : "v1 ∈ V ∧ f v1 = vs1 ∧ v2 ∈ V ∧ f v2 = vs2"
using assms by auto
then have "vs1 ∈ language_state_for_input M (initial M) v1"
"vs2 ∈ language_state_for_input M (initial M) v2"
using f_def by auto
moreover have "v1 ≠ v2"
using v_def assms(4) by blast
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma perm_language :
assumes "V'' ∈ Perm V M"
and "vs ∈ V''"
shows "vs ∈ L M"
proof -
obtain f where f_def : "image f V = V''
∧ (∀ v ∈ V . f v ∈ language_state_for_input M (initial M) v)"
using assms(1) by auto
then have "∃ v . f v = vs ∧ f v ∈ language_state_for_input M (initial M) v"
using assms(2) by blast
then show ?thesis
by auto
subsection ‹ Helper predicates ›
text ‹
The following predicates are used to combine often repeated assumption.
abbreviation "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m ≡ (inputs M2 = inputs M1 ∧ card (nodes M1) ≤ m )"
lemma asc_fault_domain_props[elim!] :
assumes "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
shows "inputs M2 = inputs M1"
"card (nodes M1) ≤ m"using assms by auto
"test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω ≡ (
productF M2 M1 FAIL PM
∧ is_det_state_cover M2 V
∧ applicable_set M2 Ω
lemma test_tools_props[elim] :
assumes "test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
and "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
shows "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
"is_det_state_cover M2 V"
"applicable_set M2 Ω"
"applicable_set M1 Ω"
proof -
show "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM" using assms(1) by blast
show "is_det_state_cover M2 V" using assms(1) by blast
show "applicable_set M2 Ω" using assms(1) by blast
then show "applicable_set M1 Ω"
unfolding applicable_set.simps applicable.simps
using asc_fault_domain_props(1)[OF assms(2)] by simp
lemma perm_nonempty :
assumes "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "OFSM M1"
and "OFSM M2"
and "inputs M1 = inputs M2"
shows "Perm V M1 ≠ {}"
proof -
have "finite (nodes M2)"
using assms(3) by auto
moreover have "d_reachable M2 (initial M2) ⊆ nodes M2"
by auto
ultimately have "finite V"
using det_state_cover_card[OF assms(1)]
by (metis assms(1) finite_imageI infinite_super is_det_state_cover.elims(2))
have "[] ∈ V"
using assms(1) det_state_cover_empty by blast
have "⋀ VS . VS ⊆ V ∧ VS ≠ {} ⟹ Perm VS M1 ≠ {}"
proof -
fix VS assume "VS ⊆ V ∧ VS ≠ {}"
then have "finite VS" using ‹finite V›
using infinite_subset by auto
then show "Perm VS M1 ≠ {}"
using ‹VS ⊆ V ∧ VS ≠ {}› ‹finite VS›
proof (induction VS)
case empty
then show ?case by auto
case (insert vs F)
then have "vs ∈ V" by blast
obtain q2 where "d_reaches M2 (initial M2) vs q2"
using det_state_cover_d_reachable[OF assms(1) ‹vs ∈ V›] by blast
then obtain vs' vsP where io_path : "length vs = length vs'
∧ length vs = length vsP
∧ (path M2 ((vs || vs') || vsP) (initial M2))
∧ target ((vs || vs') || vsP) (initial M2) = q2"
by auto
have "well_formed M2"
using assms by auto
have "map fst (map fst ((vs || vs') || vsP)) = vs"
proof -
have "length (vs || vs') = length vsP"
using io_path by simp
then show ?thesis
using io_path by auto
moreover have "set (map fst (map fst ((vs || vs') || vsP))) ⊆ inputs M2"
using path_input_containment[OF ‹well_formed M2›, of "(vs || vs') || vsP" "initial M2"]
by linarith
ultimately have "set vs ⊆ inputs M2"
by presburger
then have "set vs ⊆ inputs M1"
using assms by auto
then have "L⇩i⇩n M1 {vs} ≠ {}"
using assms(2) language_state_for_inputs_nonempty
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial)
then have "language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) vs ≠ {}"
by auto
then obtain vs' where "vs' ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) vs"
by blast
show ?case
proof (cases "F = {}")
case True
moreover obtain f where "f vs = vs'"
by force
ultimately have "image f (insert vs F) ∈ Perm (insert vs F) M1"
using Perm.simps ‹vs' ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) vs› by blast
then show ?thesis by blast
case False
then obtain F'' where "F'' ∈ Perm F M1"
using insert.IH insert.hyps(1) insert.prems(1) by blast
then obtain f where "F'' = image f F"
"(∀ v ∈ F . f v ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v)"
by auto
let ?f = "f(vs := vs')"
have "∀ v ∈ (insert vs F) . ?f v ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v"
fix v assume "v ∈ insert vs F"
then show "?f v ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v"
proof (cases "v = vs")
case True
then show ?thesis
using ‹vs' ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) vs› by auto
case False
then have "v ∈ F"
using ‹v ∈ insert vs F› by blast
then show ?thesis
using False ‹∀v∈F. f v ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v› by auto
then have "image ?f (insert vs F) ∈ Perm (insert vs F) M1"
using Perm.simps by blast
then show ?thesis
by blast
then show ?thesis
using ‹[] ∈ V› by blast
lemma perm_elem :
assumes "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "OFSM M1"
and "OFSM M2"
and "inputs M1 = inputs M2"
and "vs ∈ V"
and "vs' ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) vs"
obtains V''
where "V'' ∈ Perm V M1" "vs' ∈ V''"
proof -
obtain V'' where "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
using perm_nonempty[OF assms(1-4)] by blast
then obtain f where "V'' = image f V"
"(∀ v ∈ V . f v ∈ language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v)"
by auto
let ?f = "f(vs := vs')"
have "∀ v ∈ V . (?f v) ∈ (language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v)"
using ‹∀v∈V. (f v) ∈ (language_state_for_input M1 (initial M1) v)› assms(6) by fastforce
then have "(image ?f V) ∈ Perm V M1"
unfolding Perm.simps by blast
moreover have "vs' ∈ image ?f V"
by (metis assms(5) fun_upd_same imageI)
ultimately show ?thesis
using that by blast
subsection ‹ Function R ›
text ‹
Function @{verbatim R} calculates the set of suffixes of a sequence that reach a given state if
applied after a given other sequence.
fun R :: "('in, 'out, 'state) FSM ⇒ 'state ⇒ ('in × 'out) list
⇒ ('in × 'out) list ⇒ ('in × 'out) list set"
"R M s vs xs = { vs@xs' | xs' . xs' ≠ []
∧ prefix xs' xs
∧ s ∈ io_targets M (initial M) (vs@xs') }"
lemma finite_R : "finite (R M s vs xs)"
proof -
have "R M s vs xs ⊆ { vs @ xs' | xs' .prefix xs' xs }"
by auto
then have "R M s vs xs ⊆ image (λ xs' . vs @ xs') {xs' . prefix xs' xs}"
by auto
moreover have "{xs' . prefix xs' xs} = {take n xs | n . n ≤ length xs}"
show "{xs'. prefix xs' xs} ⊆ {take n xs |n. n ≤ length xs}"
fix xs' assume "xs' ∈ {xs'. prefix xs' xs}"
then obtain zs' where "xs' @ zs' = xs"
by (metis (full_types) mem_Collect_eq prefixE)
then obtain i where "xs' = take i xs ∧ i ≤ length xs"
by (metis (full_types) append_eq_conv_conj le_cases take_all)
then show "xs' ∈ {take n xs |n. n ≤ length xs}"
by auto
show "{take n xs |n. n ≤ length xs} ⊆ {xs'. prefix xs' xs}"
using take_is_prefix by force
moreover have "finite {take n xs | n . n ≤ length xs}"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
lemma card_union_of_singletons :
assumes "∀ S ∈ SS . (∃ t . S = {t})"
shows "card (⋃ SS) = card SS"
proof -
let ?f = "λ x . {x}"
have "bij_betw ?f (⋃ SS) SS"
unfolding bij_betw_def inj_on_def using assms by fastforce
then show ?thesis
using bij_betw_same_card by blast
lemma card_union_of_distinct :
assumes "∀ S1 ∈ SS . ∀ S2 ∈ SS . S1 = S2 ∨ f S1 ∩ f S2 = {}"
and "finite SS"
and "∀ S ∈ SS . f S ≠ {}"
shows "card (image f SS) = card SS"
proof -
from assms(2) have "∀ S1 ∈ SS . ∀ S2 ∈ SS . S1 = S2 ∨ f S1 ∩ f S2 = {}
⟹ ∀ S ∈ SS . f S ≠ {} ⟹ ?thesis"
proof (induction SS)
case empty
then show ?case by auto
case (insert x F)
then have "¬ (∃ y ∈ F . f y = f x)"
by auto
then have "f x ∉ image f F"
by auto
then have "card (image f (insert x F)) = Suc (card (image f F))"
using insert by auto
moreover have "card (f ` F) = card F"
using insert by auto
moreover have "card (insert x F) = Suc (card F)"
using insert by auto
ultimately show ?case
by simp
then show ?thesis
using assms by simp
lemma R_count :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "s ∈ nodes M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
and "path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)"
and "length xs = length tr"
and "distinct (states (xs || tr) (q2,q1))"
shows "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs))) = card (R M2 s vs xs)"
proof -
have obs_PM : "observable PM" using observable_productF assms(2) assms(3) assms(7) by blast
have state_component_2 : "∀ io ∈ (R M2 s vs xs) . io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
fix io assume "io ∈ R M2 s vs xs"
then have "s ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) io"
by auto
moreover have "io ∈ language_state M2 (initial M2)"
using calculation by auto
ultimately show "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
using assms(3) io_targets_observable_singleton_ex by (metis singletonD)
moreover have "∀ io ∈ R M2 s vs xs . io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
fix io assume io_assm : "io ∈ R M2 s vs xs"
then have io_prefix : "prefix io (vs @ xs)"
by auto
then have io_lang_subs : "io ∈ L M1 ∧ io ∈ L M2"
using assms(1) unfolding prefix_def by (metis IntE language_state language_state_split)
then have io_lang_inter : "io ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
by simp
then have io_lang_pm : "io ∈ L PM"
using productF_language assms by blast
moreover obtain p2 p1 where "(p2,p1) ∈ io_targets PM (initial PM) io"
by (metis assms(2) assms(3) assms(7) calculation insert_absorb insert_ident insert_not_empty
io_targets_observable_singleton_ob observable_productF singleton_insert_inj_eq subrelI)
ultimately have targets_pm : "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {(p2,p1)}"
using assms io_targets_observable_singleton_ex singletonD by (metis observable_productF)
then obtain trP where trP_def : "target (io || trP) (initial PM) = (p2,p1)
∧ path PM (io || trP) (initial PM)
∧ length io = length trP"
proof -
assume a1: "⋀trP. target (io || trP) (initial PM) = (p2, p1)
∧ path PM (io || trP) (initial PM)
∧ length io = length trP ⟹ thesis"
have "∃ps. target (io || ps) (initial PM) = (p2, p1)
∧ path PM (io || ps) (initial PM) ∧ length io = length ps"
using ‹(p2, p1) ∈ io_targets PM (initial PM) io› by auto
then show ?thesis
using a1 by blast
then have trP_unique : "{ tr . path PM (io || tr) (initial PM) ∧ length io = length tr }
= { trP }"
using observable_productF observable_path_unique_ex[of PM io "initial PM"]
io_lang_pm assms(2) assms(3) assms(7)
proof -
obtain pps :: "('d × 'c) list" where
f1: "{ps. path PM (io || ps) (initial PM) ∧ length io = length ps} = {pps}
∨ ¬ observable PM"
by (metis (no_types) ‹⋀thesis. ⟦observable PM; io ∈ L PM; ⋀tr.
{t. path PM (io || t) (initial PM)
∧ length io = length t} = {tr} ⟹ thesis⟧ ⟹ thesis›
have f2: "observable PM"
by (meson ‹observable M1› ‹observable M2› ‹productF M2 M1 FAIL PM› observable_productF)
then have "trP ∈ {pps}"
using f1 trP_def by blast
then show ?thesis
using f2 f1 by force
obtain trIO2 where trIO2_def : "{tr . path M2 (io||tr) (initial M2) ∧ length io = length tr}
= { trIO2 }"
using observable_path_unique_ex[of M2 io "initial M2"] io_lang_subs assms(3) by blast
obtain trIO1 where trIO1_def : "{tr . path M1 (io||tr) (initial M1) ∧ length io = length tr}
= { trIO1 }"
using observable_path_unique_ex[of M1 io "initial M1"] io_lang_subs assms(2) by blast
have "path PM (io || trIO2 || trIO1) (initial M2, initial M1)
∧ length io = length trIO2
∧ length trIO2 = length trIO1"
proof -
have f1: "path M2 (io || trIO2) (initial M2) ∧ length io = length trIO2"
using trIO2_def by auto
have f2: "path M1 (io || trIO1) (initial M1) ∧ length io = length trIO1"
using trIO1_def by auto
then have "length trIO2 = length trIO1"
using f1 by presburger
then show ?thesis
using f2 f1 assms(4) assms(5) assms(7) by blast
then have trP_split : "path PM (io || trIO2 || trIO1) (initial PM)
∧ length io = length trIO2
∧ length trIO2 = length trIO1"
using assms(7) by auto
then have trP_zip : "trIO2 || trIO1 = trP"
using trP_def trP_unique using length_zip by fastforce
have "target (io || trIO2) (initial M2) = p2
∧ path M2 (io || trIO2) (initial M2)
∧ length io = length trIO2"
using trP_zip trP_split assms(7) trP_def trIO2_def by auto
then have "p2 ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) io"
by auto
then have targets_2 : "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {p2}"
by (metis state_component_2 io_assm singletonD)
have "target (io || trIO1) (initial M1) = p1
∧ path M1 (io || trIO1) (initial M1)
∧ length io = length trIO1"
using trP_zip trP_split assms(7) trP_def trIO1_def by auto
then have "p1 ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
by auto
then have targets_1 : "io_targets M1 (initial M1) io = {p1}"
by (metis io_lang_subs assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ex singletonD)
have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io = {(p2,p1)}"
using targets_2 targets_1 by simp
then show "io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
using targets_pm by simp
ultimately have state_components : "∀ io ∈ R M2 s vs xs . io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= {s} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
by auto
then have "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (R M2 s vs xs))
= ⋃ (image (λ io . {s} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (R M2 s vs xs))"
by auto
then have "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (R M2 s vs xs))
= {s} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs))"
by auto
then have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (R M2 s vs xs)))
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs)))"
by (metis (no_types) card_cartesian_product_singleton)
moreover have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (R M2 s vs xs)))
= card (R M2 s vs xs)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume assm : "card (⋃ (io_targets PM (initial PM) ` R M2 s vs xs) ) ≠ card (R M2 s vs xs)"
have "∀ io ∈ R M2 s vs xs . io ∈ L PM"
fix io assume io_assm : "io ∈ R M2 s vs xs"
then have "prefix io (vs @ xs)"
by auto
then have "io ∈ L M1 ∧ io ∈ L M2"
using assms(1) unfolding prefix_def by (metis IntE language_state language_state_split)
then show "io ∈ L PM"
using productF_language assms by blast
then have singletons : "∀ io ∈ R M2 s vs xs . (∃ t . io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {t})"
using io_targets_observable_singleton_ex observable_productF assms by metis
then have card_targets : "card (⋃(io_targets PM (initial PM) ` R M2 s vs xs))
= card (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (R M2 s vs xs))"
using finite_R card_union_of_singletons
[of "image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (R M2 s vs xs)"]
by simp
moreover have "card (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (R M2 s vs xs)) ≤ card (R M2 s vs xs)"
using finite_R by (metis card_image_le)
ultimately have card_le : "card (⋃(io_targets PM (initial PM) ` R M2 s vs xs))
< card (R M2 s vs xs)"
using assm by linarith
have "∃ io1 ∈ (R M2 s vs xs) . ∃ io2 ∈ (R M2 s vs xs) . io1 ≠ io2
∧ io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 ∩ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2 ≠ {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (∃io1∈R M2 s vs xs. ∃io2∈R M2 s vs xs. io1 ≠ io2
∧ io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 ∩ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2 ≠ {})"
then have "∀io1∈R M2 s vs xs. ∀io2∈R M2 s vs xs. io1 = io2
∨ io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 ∩ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2 = {}"
by blast
moreover have "∀io∈R M2 s vs xs. io_targets PM (initial PM) io ≠ {}"
by (metis insert_not_empty singletons)
ultimately have "card (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (R M2 s vs xs))
= card (R M2 s vs xs)"
using finite_R[of M2 s vs xs] card_union_of_distinct
[of "R M2 s vs xs" "(io_targets PM (initial PM))"]
by blast
then show "False"
using card_le card_targets by linarith
then have "∃ io1 io2 . io1 ∈ (R M2 s vs xs)
∧ io2 ∈ (R M2 s vs xs)
∧ io1 ≠ io2
∧ io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 ∩ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2 ≠ {}"
by blast
moreover have "∀ io1 io2 . (io1 ∈ (R M2 s vs xs) ∧ io2 ∈ (R M2 s vs xs) ∧ io1 ≠ io2)
⟶ length io1 ≠ length io2"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume " ¬ (∀io1 io2. io1 ∈ R M2 s vs xs ∧ io2 ∈ R M2 s vs xs ∧ io1 ≠ io2
⟶ length io1 ≠ length io2)"
then obtain io1 io2 where io_def : "io1 ∈ R M2 s vs xs
∧ io2 ∈ R M2 s vs xs
∧ io1 ≠ io2
∧ length io1 = length io2"
by auto
then have "prefix io1 (vs @ xs) ∧ prefix io2 (vs @ xs)"
by auto
then have "io1 = take (length io1) (vs @ xs) ∧ io2 = take (length io2) (vs @ xs)"
by (metis append_eq_conv_conj prefixE)
then show "False"
using io_def by auto
ultimately obtain io1 io2 where rep_ios_def :
"io1 ∈ (R M2 s vs xs)
∧ io2 ∈ (R M2 s vs xs)
∧ length io1 < length io2
∧ io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 ∩ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2 ≠ {}"
by (metis inf_sup_aci(1) linorder_neqE_nat)
obtain rep where "(s,rep) ∈ io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 ∩ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2"
proof -
assume a1: "⋀rep. (s, rep) ∈ io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 ∩ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2
⟹ thesis"
have "∃f. Sigma {s} f ∩ (io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 ∩ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2)
≠ {}"
by (metis (no_types) inf.left_idem rep_ios_def state_components)
then show ?thesis
using a1 by blast
then have rep_state : "io_targets PM (initial PM) io1 = {(s,rep)}
∧ io_targets PM (initial PM) io2 = {(s,rep)}"
by (metis Int_iff rep_ios_def singletonD singletons)
obtain io1X io2X where rep_ios_split : "io1 = vs @ io1X
∧ prefix io1X xs
∧ io2 = vs @ io2X
∧ prefix io2X xs"
using rep_ios_def by auto
then have "length io1 > length vs"
using rep_ios_def by auto
have "vs@xs ∈ L PM"
by (metis (no_types) assms(1) assms(4) assms(5) assms(7) inf_commute productF_language)
then have "vs ∈ L PM"
by (meson language_state_prefix)
then obtain trV where trV_def : "{tr . path PM (vs || tr) (initial PM) ∧ length vs = length tr}
= { trV }"
using observable_path_unique_ex[of PM vs "initial PM"]
assms(2) assms(3) assms(7) observable_productF
by blast
let ?qv = "target (vs || trV) (initial PM)"
have "?qv ∈ io_targets PM (initial PM) vs"
using trV_def by auto
then have qv_simp[simp] : "?qv = (q2,q1)"
using singletons assms by blast
then have "?qv ∈ nodes PM"
using trV_def assms by blast
obtain tr1X_all where tr1X_all_def : "path PM (vs @ io1X || tr1X_all) (initial PM)
∧ length (vs @ io1X) = length tr1X_all"
using rep_ios_def rep_ios_split by auto
let ?tr1X = "drop (length vs) tr1X_all"
have "take (length vs) tr1X_all = trV"
proof -
have "path PM (vs || take (length vs) tr1X_all) (initial PM)
∧ length vs = length (take (length vs) tr1X_all)"
using tr1X_all_def trV_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) FSM.path_append_elim append_eq_conv_conj
length_take zip_append1)
then show "take (length vs) tr1X_all = trV"
using trV_def by blast
then have tr1X_def : "path PM (io1X || ?tr1X) ?qv ∧ length io1X = length ?tr1X"
proof -
have "length tr1X_all = length vs + length io1X"
using tr1X_all_def by auto
then have "length io1X = length tr1X_all - length vs"
by presburger
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) FSM.path_append_elim ‹take (length vs) tr1X_all = trV›
length_drop tr1X_all_def zip_append1)
then have io1X_lang : "io1X ∈ language_state PM ?qv"
by auto
then obtain tr1X' where tr1X'_def : "{tr . path PM (io1X || tr) ?qv ∧ length io1X = length tr}
= { tr1X' }"
using observable_path_unique_ex[of PM io1X ?qv]
assms(2) assms(3) assms(7) observable_productF
by blast
moreover have "?tr1X ∈ { tr . path PM (io1X || tr) ?qv ∧ length io1X = length tr }"
using tr1X_def by auto
ultimately have tr1x_unique : "tr1X' = ?tr1X"
by simp
obtain tr2X_all where tr2X_all_def : "path PM (vs @ io2X || tr2X_all) (initial PM)
∧ length (vs @ io2X) = length tr2X_all"
using rep_ios_def rep_ios_split by auto
let ?tr2X = "drop (length vs) tr2X_all"
have "take (length vs) tr2X_all = trV"
proof -
have "path PM (vs || take (length vs) tr2X_all) (initial PM)
∧ length vs = length (take (length vs) tr2X_all)"
using tr2X_all_def trV_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) FSM.path_append_elim append_eq_conv_conj
length_take zip_append1)
then show "take (length vs) tr2X_all = trV"
using trV_def by blast
then have tr2X_def : "path PM (io2X || ?tr2X) ?qv ∧ length io2X = length ?tr2X"
proof -
have "length tr2X_all = length vs + length io2X"
using tr2X_all_def by auto
then have "length io2X = length tr2X_all - length vs"
by presburger
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) FSM.path_append_elim ‹take (length vs) tr2X_all = trV›
length_drop tr2X_all_def zip_append1)
then have io2X_lang : "io2X ∈ language_state PM ?qv" by auto
then obtain tr2X' where tr2X'_def : "{tr . path PM (io2X || tr) ?qv ∧ length io2X = length tr}
= { tr2X' }"
using observable_path_unique_ex[of PM io2X ?qv] assms(2) assms(3) assms(7) observable_productF
by blast
moreover have "?tr2X ∈ { tr . path PM (io2X || tr) ?qv ∧ length io2X = length tr }"
using tr2X_def by auto
ultimately have tr2x_unique : "tr2X' = ?tr2X"
by simp
have "io_targets PM (initial PM) (vs @ io1X) = {(s,rep)}"
using rep_state rep_ios_split by auto
moreover have "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {?qv}"
using assms(8) by auto
ultimately have rep_via_1 : "io_targets PM ?qv io1X = {(s,rep)}"
by (meson obs_PM observable_io_targets_split)
then have rep_tgt_1 : "target (io1X || tr1X') ?qv = (s,rep)"
using obs_PM observable_io_target_unique_target[of PM ?qv io1X "(s,rep)"] tr1X'_def by blast
have length_1 : "length (io1X || tr1X') > 0"
using ‹length vs < length io1› rep_ios_split tr1X_def tr1x_unique by auto
have tr1X_alt_def : "tr1X' = take (length io1X) tr"
by (metis (no_types) assms(10) assms(9) obs_PM observable_path_prefix qv_simp
rep_ios_split tr1X_def tr1x_unique)
moreover have "io1X = take (length io1X) xs"
using rep_ios_split by (metis append_eq_conv_conj prefixE)
ultimately have "(io1X || tr1X') = take (length io1X) (xs || tr)"
by (metis take_zip)
moreover have "length (xs || tr) ≥ length (io1X || tr1X')"
by (metis (no_types) ‹io1X = take (length io1X) xs› assms(10) length_take length_zip
nat_le_linear take_all tr1X_def tr1x_unique)
ultimately have rep_idx_1 : "(states (xs || tr) ?qv) ! ((length io1X) - 1) = (s,rep)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Suc_less_eq Suc_pred rep_tgt_1 length_1
less_Suc_eq_le map_snd_zip scan_length scan_nth states_alt_def tr1X_def tr1x_unique)
have "io_targets PM (initial PM) (vs @ io2X) = {(s,rep)}"
using rep_state rep_ios_split by auto
moreover have "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {?qv}"
using assms(8) by auto
ultimately have rep_via_2 : "io_targets PM ?qv io2X = {(s,rep)}"
by (meson obs_PM observable_io_targets_split)
then have rep_tgt_2 : "target (io2X || tr2X') ?qv = (s,rep)"
using obs_PM observable_io_target_unique_target[of PM ?qv io2X "(s,rep)"] tr2X'_def by blast
moreover have length_2 : "length (io2X || tr2X') > 0"
by (metis ‹length vs < length io1› append.right_neutral length_0_conv length_zip less_asym min.idem neq0_conv rep_ios_def rep_ios_split tr2X_def tr2x_unique)
have tr2X_alt_def : "tr2X' = take (length io2X) tr"
by (metis (no_types) assms(10) assms(9) obs_PM observable_path_prefix qv_simp rep_ios_split tr2X_def tr2x_unique)
moreover have "io2X = take (length io2X) xs"
using rep_ios_split by (metis append_eq_conv_conj prefixE)
ultimately have "(io2X || tr2X') = take (length io2X) (xs || tr)"
by (metis take_zip)
moreover have "length (xs || tr) ≥ length (io2X || tr2X')"
using calculation by auto
ultimately have rep_idx_2 : "(states (xs || tr) ?qv) ! ((length io2X) - 1) = (s,rep)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def Suc_less_eq Suc_pred rep_tgt_2 length_2
less_Suc_eq_le map_snd_zip scan_length scan_nth states_alt_def tr2X_def tr2x_unique)
have "length io1X ≠ length io2X"
by (metis ‹io1X = take (length io1X) xs› ‹io2X = take (length io2X) xs› less_irrefl
rep_ios_def rep_ios_split)
moreover have "(states (xs || tr) ?qv) ! ((length io1X) - 1)
= (states (xs || tr) ?qv) ! ((length io2X) - 1)"
using rep_idx_1 rep_idx_2 by simp
ultimately have "¬ (distinct (states (xs || tr) ?qv))"
by (metis Suc_less_eq ‹io1X = take (length io1X) xs›
‹io1X || tr1X' = take (length io1X) (xs || tr)› ‹io2X = take (length io2X) xs›
‹io2X || tr2X' = take (length io2X) (xs || tr)›
‹length (io1X || tr1X') ≤ length (xs || tr)› ‹length (io2X || tr2X') ≤ length (xs || tr)›
assms(10) diff_Suc_1 distinct_conv_nth gr0_conv_Suc le_imp_less_Suc length_1 length_2
length_take map_snd_zip scan_length states_alt_def)
then show "False"
by (metis assms(11) states_alt_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by linarith
lemma R_state_component_2 :
assumes "io ∈ (R M2 s vs xs)"
and "observable M2"
shows "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
proof -
have "s ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) io"
using assms(1) by auto
moreover have "io ∈ language_state M2 (initial M2)"
using calculation by auto
ultimately show "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
using assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ex by (metis singletonD)
lemma R_union_card_is_suffix_length :
assumes "OFSM M2"
and "io@xs ∈ L M2"
shows "sum (λ q . card (R M2 q io xs)) (nodes M2) = length xs"
using assms proof (induction xs rule: rev_induct)
case Nil
show ?case
by (simp add: sum.neutral)
case (snoc x xs)
have "finite (nodes M2)"
using assms by auto
have R_update : "⋀ q . R M2 q io (xs@[x]) = (if (q ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) (io @ xs @ [x]))
then insert (io@xs@[x]) (R M2 q io xs)
else R M2 q io xs)"
by auto
obtain q where "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (io @ xs @ [x]) = {q}"
by (meson assms(1) io_targets_observable_singleton_ex snoc.prems(2))
then have "R M2 q io (xs@[x]) = insert (io@xs@[x]) (R M2 q io xs)"
using R_update by auto
moreover have "(io@xs@[x]) ∉ (R M2 q io xs)"
by auto
ultimately have "card (R M2 q io (xs@[x])) = Suc (card (R M2 q io xs))"
by (metis card_insert_disjoint finite_R)
have "q ∈ nodes M2"
by (metis (full_types) FSM.nodes.initial ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) (io@xs @ [x]) = {q}›
insertI1 io_targets_nodes)
have "∀ q' . q' ≠ q ⟶ R M2 q' io (xs@[x]) = R M2 q' io xs"
using ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) (io@xs @ [x]) = {q}› R_update
by auto
then have "∀ q' . q' ≠ q ⟶ card (R M2 q' io (xs@[x])) = card (R M2 q' io xs)"
by auto
then have "(∑q∈(nodes M2 - {q}). card (R M2 q io (xs@[x])))
= (∑q∈(nodes M2 - {q}). card (R M2 q io xs))"
by auto
moreover have "(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io (xs@[x])))
= (∑q∈(nodes M2 - {q}). card (R M2 q io (xs@[x]))) + (card (R M2 q io (xs@[x])))"
"(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io xs))
= (∑q∈(nodes M2 - {q}). card (R M2 q io xs)) + (card (R M2 q io xs))"
proof -
have "∀C c f. (infinite C ∨ (c::'c) ∉ C) ∨ sum f C = (f c::nat) + sum f (C - {c})"
by (meson sum.remove)
then show "(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io (xs@[x])))
= (∑q∈(nodes M2 - {q}). card (R M2 q io (xs@[x]))) + (card (R M2 q io (xs@[x])))"
"(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io xs))
= (∑q∈(nodes M2 - {q}). card (R M2 q io xs)) + (card (R M2 q io xs))"
using ‹finite (nodes M2)› ‹q ∈ nodes M2› by presburger+
ultimately have "(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io (xs@[x])))
= Suc (∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io xs))"
using ‹card (R M2 q io (xs@[x])) = Suc (card (R M2 q io xs))›
by presburger
have "(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io xs)) = length xs"
using snoc.IH snoc.prems language_state_prefix[of "io@xs" "[x]" M2 "initial M2"]
proof -
show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) ‹(io @ xs) @ [x] ∈ L M2 ⟹ io @ xs ∈ L M2›
‹OFSM M2› ‹io @ xs @ [x] ∈ L M2› append.assoc snoc.IH)
show ?case
proof -
show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types)
‹(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io (xs @ [x]))) = Suc (∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io xs))›
‹(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io xs)) = length xs› length_append_singleton)
lemma R_state_repetition_via_long_sequence :
assumes "OFSM M"
and "card (nodes M) ≤ m"
and "Suc (m * m) ≤ length xs"
and "vs@xs ∈ L M"
shows "∃ q ∈ nodes M . card (R M q vs xs) > m"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (∃q∈nodes M. m < card (R M q vs xs))"
then have "∀ q ∈ nodes M . card (R M q vs xs) ≤ m"
by auto
then have "sum (λ q . card (R M q vs xs)) (nodes M) ≤ sum (λ q . m) (nodes M)"
by (meson sum_mono)
moreover have "sum (λ q . m) (nodes M) ≤ m * m"
using assms(2) by auto
ultimately have "sum (λ q . card (R M q vs xs)) (nodes M) ≤ m * m"
by presburger
moreover have "Suc (m*m) ≤ sum (λ q . card (R M q vs xs)) (nodes M)"
using R_union_card_is_suffix_length[OF assms(1), of vs xs] assms(4,3) by auto
ultimately show "False" by simp
lemma R_state_repetition_distribution :
assumes "OFSM M"
and "Suc (card (nodes M) * m) ≤ length xs"
and "vs@xs ∈ L M"
shows "∃ q ∈ nodes M . card (R M q vs xs) > m"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ (∃q∈nodes M. m < card (R M q vs xs))"
then have "∀ q ∈ nodes M . card (R M q vs xs) ≤ m"
by auto
then have "sum (λ q . card (R M q vs xs)) (nodes M) ≤ sum (λ q . m) (nodes M)"
by (meson sum_mono)
moreover have "sum (λ q . m) (nodes M) ≤ card (nodes M) * m"
using assms(2) by auto
ultimately have "sum (λ q . card (R M q vs xs)) (nodes M) ≤ card (nodes M) * m"
by presburger
moreover have "Suc (card (nodes M)*m) ≤ sum (λ q . card (R M q vs xs)) (nodes M)"
using R_union_card_is_suffix_length[OF assms(1), of vs xs] assms(3,2) by auto
ultimately show "False"
by simp
subsection ‹ Function RP ›
text ‹
Function @{verbatim RP} extends function @{verbatim MR} by adding all elements from a set of
IO-sequences that also reach the given state.
fun RP :: "('in, 'out, 'state) FSM ⇒ 'state ⇒ ('in × 'out) list
⇒ ('in × 'out) list ⇒ ('in × 'out) list set
⇒ ('in × 'out) list set"
"RP M s vs xs V'' = R M s vs xs
∪ {vs' ∈ V'' . io_targets M (initial M) vs' = {s}}"
lemma RP_from_R:
assumes "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
shows "RP M2 s vs xs V'' = R M2 s vs xs
∨ (∃ vs' ∈ V'' . vs' ∉ R M2 s vs xs ∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume assm : "¬ (RP M2 s vs xs V'' = R M2 s vs xs ∨
(∃vs'∈V''. vs' ∉ R M2 s vs xs ∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs)))"
moreover have "R M2 s vs xs ⊆ RP M2 s vs xs V''"
by simp
moreover have "RP M2 s vs xs V'' ⊆ R M2 s vs xs ∪ V''"
by auto
ultimately obtain vs1 vs2 where vs_def :
"vs1 ≠ vs2 ∧ vs1 ∈ V'' ∧ vs2 ∈ V''
∧ vs1 ∉ R M2 s vs xs ∧ vs2 ∉ R M2 s vs xs
∧ vs1 ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V'' ∧ vs2 ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V''"
by blast
then have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs1 = {s} ∧ io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs2 = {s}"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) RP.simps Un_iff mem_Collect_eq)
then have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs1 = io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs2"
by simp
obtain f where f_def : "is_det_state_cover_ass M2 f ∧ V = f ` d_reachable M2 (initial M2)"
using assms by auto
moreover have "V = image f (d_reachable M2 (initial M2))"
using f_def by blast
moreover have "map fst vs1 ∈ V ∧ map fst vs2 ∈ V"
using assms(2) perm_inputs vs_def by blast
ultimately obtain r1 r2 where r_def :
"f r1 = map fst vs1 ∧ r1 ∈ d_reachable M2 (initial M2)"
"f r2 = map fst vs2 ∧ r2 ∈ d_reachable M2 (initial M2)"
by force
then have "d_reaches M2 (initial M2) (map fst vs1) r1"
"d_reaches M2 (initial M2) (map fst vs2) r2"
by (metis f_def is_det_state_cover_ass.elims(2))+
then have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs1 ⊆ {r1}"
using d_reaches_io_target[of M2 "initial M2" "map fst vs1" r1 "map snd vs1"] by simp
moreover have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs2 ⊆ {r2}"
using d_reaches_io_target[of M2 "initial M2" "map fst vs2" r2 "map snd vs2"]
‹d_reaches M2 (initial M2) (map fst vs2) r2› by auto
ultimately have "r1 = r2"
using ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs1 = {s} ∧ io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs2 = {s}› by auto
have "map fst vs1 ≠ map fst vs2"
using assms(2) perm_inputs_diff vs_def by blast
then have "r1 ≠ r2"
using r_def(1) r_def(2) by force
then show "False"
using ‹r1 = r2› by auto
lemma finite_RP :
assumes "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
shows "finite (RP M2 s vs xs V'')"
using assms RP_from_R finite_R by (metis finite_insert)
lemma RP_count :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "s ∈ nodes M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
and "path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)"
and "length xs = length tr"
and "distinct (states (xs || tr) (q2,q1))"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "∀ s' ∈ set (states (xs || map fst tr) q2) . ¬ (∃ v ∈ V . d_reaches M2 (initial M2) v s')"
shows "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) = card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')"
proof -
have RP_cases : "RP M2 s vs xs V'' = R M2 s vs xs
∨ (∃ vs' ∈ V'' . vs' ∉ R M2 s vs xs
∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))"
using RP_from_R assms by metis
show ?thesis
proof (cases "RP M2 s vs xs V'' = R M2 s vs xs")
case True
then show ?thesis using R_count assms by metis
case False
then obtain vs' where vs'_def : "vs' ∈ V''
∧ vs' ∉ R M2 s vs xs
∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs)"
using RP_cases by auto
have obs_PM : "observable PM"
using observable_productF assms(2) assms(3) assms(7) by blast
have state_component_2 : "∀ io ∈ (R M2 s vs xs) . io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
fix io assume "io ∈ R M2 s vs xs"
then have "s ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) io"
by auto
moreover have "io ∈ language_state M2 (initial M2)"
using calculation by auto
ultimately show "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
using assms(3) io_targets_observable_singleton_ex by (metis singletonD)
have "vs' ∈ L M1"
using assms(13) perm_language vs'_def by blast
then obtain s' where s'_def : "io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs' = {s'}"
by (meson assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ob)
moreover have "s' ∉ ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs))"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ s' ∉ ⋃(io_targets M1 (initial M1) ` R M2 s vs xs)"
then obtain xs' where xs'_def : "vs @ xs' ∈ R M2 s vs xs ∧ s' ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ xs')"
proof -
assume a1: "⋀xs'. vs @ xs' ∈ R M2 s vs xs ∧ s' ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ xs')
⟹ thesis"
obtain pps :: "('a × 'b) list set ⇒ (('a × 'b) list ⇒ 'c set) ⇒ 'c ⇒ ('a × 'b) list"
"∀x0 x1 x2. (∃v3. v3 ∈ x0 ∧ x2 ∈ x1 v3) = (pps x0 x1 x2 ∈ x0 ∧ x2 ∈ x1 (pps x0 x1 x2))"
by moura
then have f2: "pps (R M2 s vs xs) (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) s' ∈ R M2 s vs xs
∧ s' ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) (pps (R M2 s vs xs)
(io_targets M1 (initial M1)) s')"
using ‹¬ s' ∉ ⋃(io_targets M1 (initial M1) ` R M2 s vs xs)› by blast
then have "∃ps. pps (R M2 s vs xs) (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) s' = vs @ ps
∧ ps ≠ [] ∧ prefix ps xs ∧ s ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ ps)"
by simp
then show ?thesis
using f2 a1 by (metis (no_types))
then obtain tr' where tr'_def : "path M2 (vs @ xs' || tr') (initial M2)
∧ length tr' = length (vs @ xs')"
by auto
then obtain trV' trX' where tr'_split : "trV' = take (length vs) tr'"
"trX' = drop (length vs) tr'"
"tr' = trV' @ trX'"
by fastforce
then have "path M2 (vs || trV') (initial M2) ∧ length trV' = length vs"
by (metis (no_types) FSM.path_append_elim ‹trV' = take (length vs) tr'›
append_eq_conv_conj length_take tr'_def zip_append1)
have "initial PM = (initial M2, initial M1)"
using assms(7) by simp
moreover have "vs ∈ L M2" "vs ∈ L M1"
using assms(1) language_state_prefix by auto
ultimately have "io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs = {q1}"
"io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}"
using productF_path_io_targets[of M2 M1 FAIL PM "initial M2" "initial M1" vs q2 q1]
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial assms(7) assms(8) assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5)
io_targets_observable_singleton_ex singletonD)+
then have "target (vs || trV') (initial M2) = q2"
using ‹path M2 (vs || trV') (initial M2) ∧ length trV' = length vs› io_target_target
by metis
then have path_xs' : "path M2 (xs' || trX') q2 ∧ length trX' = length xs'"
by (metis (no_types) FSM.path_append_elim
‹path M2 (vs || trV') (initial M2) ∧ length trV' = length vs›
‹target (vs || trV') (initial M2) = q2› append_eq_conv_conj length_drop tr'_def
tr'_split(1) tr'_split(2) zip_append2)
have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ xs') = {s}"
using state_component_2 xs'_def by blast
then have "io_targets M2 q2 xs' = {s}"
by (meson assms(3) observable_io_targets_split ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}›)
then have target_xs' : "target (xs' || trX') q2 = s"
using io_target_target path_xs' by metis
moreover have "length xs' > 0"
using xs'_def by auto
ultimately have "last (states (xs' || trX') q2) = s"
using path_xs' target_in_states by metis
moreover have "length (states (xs' || trX') q2) > 0"
using ‹0 < length xs'› path_xs' by auto
ultimately have states_xs' : "s ∈ set (states (xs' || trX') q2)"
using last_in_set by blast
have "vs @ xs ∈ L M2"
using assms by simp
then obtain q' where "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs@xs) = {q'}"
using io_targets_observable_singleton_ob[of M2 "vs@xs" "initial M2"] assms(3) by auto
then have "xs ∈ language_state M2 q2"
using assms(3) ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}›
observable_io_targets_split[of M2 "initial M2" vs xs q' q2]
by auto
moreover have "path PM (xs || map fst tr || map snd tr) (q2,q1)
∧ length xs = length (map fst tr)"
using assms(7) assms(9) assms(10) productF_path_unzip by simp
moreover have "xs ∈ language_state PM (q2,q1)"
using assms(9) assms(10) by auto
moreover have "q2 ∈ nodes M2"
using ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}› io_targets_nodes
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial insertI1)
moreover have "q1 ∈ nodes M1"
using ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs = {q1}› io_targets_nodes
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial insertI1)
ultimately have path_xs : "path M2 (xs || map fst tr) q2"
using productF_path_reverse_ob_2(1)[of xs "map fst tr" "map snd tr" M2 M1 FAIL PM q2 q1]
by simp
moreover have "prefix xs' xs"
using xs'_def by auto
ultimately have "trX' = take (length xs') (map fst tr)"
using ‹path PM (xs || map fst tr || map snd tr) (q2, q1) ∧ length xs = length (map fst tr)›
assms(3) path_xs'
by (metis observable_path_prefix)
then have states_xs : "s ∈ set (states (xs || map fst tr) q2)"
by (metis assms(10) in_set_takeD length_map map_snd_zip path_xs' states_alt_def states_xs')
have "d_reaches M2 (initial M2) (map fst vs') s"
proof -
obtain fV where fV_def : "is_det_state_cover_ass M2 fV
∧ V = fV ` d_reachable M2 (initial M2)"
using assms(12) by auto
moreover have "V = image fV (d_reachable M2 (initial M2))"
using fV_def by blast
moreover have "map fst vs' ∈ V"
using perm_inputs vs'_def assms(13) by metis
ultimately obtain qv where qv_def : "fV qv = map fst vs' ∧ qv∈ d_reachable M2 (initial M2)"
by force
then have "d_reaches M2 (initial M2) (map fst vs') qv"
by (metis fV_def is_det_state_cover_ass.elims(2))
then have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs' ⊆ {qv}"
using d_reaches_io_target[of M2 "initial M2" "map fst vs'" qv "map snd vs'"] by simp
moreover have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs' = {s}"
using vs'_def by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) RP.simps Un_iff insertI1 mem_Collect_eq)
ultimately have "qv = s"
by simp
then show ?thesis
using ‹d_reaches M2 (initial M2) (map fst vs') qv› by blast
then show "False" by (meson assms(14) assms(13) perm_inputs states_xs vs'_def)
moreover have "⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs)))
= insert s' (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs)))"
using s'_def by simp
moreover have "finite (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs)))"
show "finite (R M2 s vs xs)"
using finite_R by simp
show "⋀a. a ∈ R M2 s vs xs ⟹ finite (io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
proof -
fix a assume "a ∈ R M2 s vs xs"
then have "prefix a (vs@xs)"
by auto
then have "a ∈ L M1"
using language_state_prefix by (metis IntD1 assms(1) prefix_def)
then obtain p where "io_targets M1 (initial M1) a = {p}"
using assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ob by metis
then show "finite (io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
by simp
ultimately have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))))
= Suc (card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs))))"
by (metis (no_types) card_insert_disjoint)
moreover have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))))"
using vs'_def by simp
ultimately have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))
= Suc (card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs))))"
by linarith
then have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))
= Suc (card (R M2 s vs xs))"
using R_count[of vs xs M1 M2 s FAIL PM q2 q1 tr] assms(1,10,11,2-9) by linarith
moreover have "card (RP M2 s vs xs V'') = Suc (card (R M2 s vs xs))"
using vs'_def by (metis card_insert_if finite_R)
ultimately show ?thesis
by linarith
lemma RP_state_component_2 :
assumes "io ∈ (RP M2 s vs xs V'')"
and "observable M2"
shows "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) RP.simps R_state_component_2 Un_iff assms mem_Collect_eq)
lemma RP_io_targets_split :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "io ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V''"
shows "io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
proof -
have RP_cases : "RP M2 s vs xs V'' = R M2 s vs xs
∨ (∃ vs' ∈ V'' . vs' ∉ R M2 s vs xs
∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))"
using RP_from_R assms by metis
show ?thesis
proof (cases "io ∈ R M2 s vs xs")
case True
then have io_prefix : "prefix io (vs @ xs)"
by auto
then have io_lang_subs : "io ∈ L M1 ∧ io ∈ L M2"
using assms(1) unfolding prefix_def by (metis IntE language_state language_state_split)
then have io_lang_inter : "io ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
by simp
then have io_lang_pm : "io ∈ L PM"
using productF_language assms by blast
moreover obtain p2 p1 where "(p2,p1) ∈ io_targets PM (initial PM) io"
by (metis assms(2) assms(3) assms(6) calculation insert_absorb insert_ident insert_not_empty
io_targets_observable_singleton_ob observable_productF singleton_insert_inj_eq subrelI)
ultimately have targets_pm : "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {(p2,p1)}"
using assms io_targets_observable_singleton_ex singletonD
by (metis observable_productF)
then obtain trP where trP_def : "target (io || trP) (initial PM) = (p2,p1)
∧ path PM (io || trP) (initial PM) ∧ length io = length trP"
proof -
assume a1: "⋀trP. target (io || trP) (initial PM) = (p2, p1)
∧ path PM (io || trP) (initial PM) ∧ length io = length trP ⟹ thesis"
have "∃ps. target (io || ps) (initial PM) = (p2, p1) ∧ path PM (io || ps) (initial PM)
∧ length io = length ps"
using ‹(p2, p1) ∈ io_targets PM (initial PM) io› by auto
then show ?thesis
using a1 by blast
then have trP_unique : "{tr . path PM (io || tr) (initial PM) ∧ length io = length tr} = {trP}"
using observable_productF observable_path_unique_ex[of PM io "initial PM"]
io_lang_pm assms(2) assms(3) assms(7)
proof -
obtain pps :: "('d × 'c) list" where
f1: "{ps. path PM (io || ps) (initial PM) ∧ length io = length ps} = {pps}
∨ ¬ observable PM"
by (metis (no_types) ‹⋀thesis. ⟦observable PM; io ∈ L PM; ⋀tr.
{t. path PM (io || t) (initial PM) ∧ length io = length t} = {tr}
⟹ thesis⟧ ⟹ thesis›
have f2: "observable PM"
by (meson ‹observable M1› ‹observable M2› ‹productF M2 M1 FAIL PM› observable_productF)
then have "trP ∈ {pps}"
using f1 trP_def by blast
then show ?thesis
using f2 f1 by force
obtain trIO2 where trIO2_def : "{tr . path M2 (io || tr) (initial M2) ∧ length io = length tr}
= { trIO2 }"
using observable_path_unique_ex[of M2 io "initial M2"] io_lang_subs assms(3) by blast
obtain trIO1 where trIO1_def : "{tr . path M1 (io || tr) (initial M1) ∧ length io = length tr}
= { trIO1 }"
using observable_path_unique_ex[of M1 io "initial M1"] io_lang_subs assms(2) by blast
have "path PM (io || trIO2 || trIO1) (initial M2, initial M1)
∧ length io = length trIO2 ∧ length trIO2 = length trIO1"
proof -
have f1: "path M2 (io || trIO2) (initial M2) ∧ length io = length trIO2"
using trIO2_def by auto
have f2: "path M1 (io || trIO1) (initial M1) ∧ length io = length trIO1"
using trIO1_def by auto
then have "length trIO2 = length trIO1"
using f1 by presburger
then show ?thesis
using f2 f1 assms(4) assms(5) assms(6) by blast
then have trP_split : "path PM (io || trIO2 || trIO1) (initial PM)
∧ length io = length trIO2 ∧ length trIO2 = length trIO1"
using assms(6) by auto
then have trP_zip : "trIO2 || trIO1 = trP"
using trP_def trP_unique length_zip by fastforce
have "target (io || trIO2) (initial M2) = p2
∧ path M2 (io || trIO2) (initial M2)
∧ length io = length trIO2"
using trP_zip trP_split assms(6) trP_def trIO2_def by auto
then have "p2 ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) io"
by auto
then have targets_2 : "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {p2}"
by (meson assms(3) observable_io_target_is_singleton)
have "target (io || trIO1) (initial M1) = p1
∧ path M1 (io || trIO1) (initial M1)
∧ length io = length trIO1"
using trP_zip trP_split assms(6) trP_def trIO1_def by auto
then have "p1 ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
by auto
then have targets_1 : "io_targets M1 (initial M1) io = {p1}"
by (metis io_lang_subs assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ex singletonD)
have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io = {(p2,p1)}"
using targets_2 targets_1 by simp
then show "io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
using targets_pm by simp
case False
then have "io ∉ R M2 s vs xs ∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert io (R M2 s vs xs)"
using RP_cases assms(9) by (metis insertE)
have "io ∈ L M1" using assms(8) perm_language assms(9)
using False by auto
then obtain s' where s'_def : "io_targets M1 (initial M1) io = {s'}"
by (meson assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ob)
then obtain tr1 where tr1_def : "target (io || tr1) (initial M1) = s'
∧ path M1 (io || tr1) (initial M1) ∧ length tr1 = length io"
by (metis io_targets_elim singletonI)
have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
using assms(9) assms(3) RP_state_component_2 by simp
then obtain tr2 where tr2_def : "target (io || tr2) (initial M2) = s
∧ path M2 (io || tr2) (initial M2) ∧ length tr2 = length io"
by (metis io_targets_elim singletonI)
then have paths : "path M2 (io || tr2) (initial M2) ∧ path M1 (io || tr1) (initial M1)"
using tr1_def by simp
have "length io = length tr2"
using tr2_def by simp
moreover have "length tr2 = length tr1"
using tr1_def tr2_def by simp
ultimately have "path PM (io || tr2 || tr1) (initial M2, initial M1)"
using assms(6) assms(5) assms(4) paths
productF_path_forward[of io tr2 tr1 M2 M1 FAIL PM "initial M2" "initial M1"]
by blast
moreover have "target (io || tr2 || tr1) (initial M2, initial M1) = (s,s')"
by (simp add: tr1_def tr2_def)
moreover have "length (tr2 || tr2) = length io"
using tr1_def tr2_def by simp
moreover have "(initial M2, initial M1) = initial PM"
using assms(6) by simp
ultimately have "(s,s') ∈ io_targets PM (initial PM) io"
by (metis io_target_from_path length_zip tr1_def tr2_def)
moreover have "observable PM"
using assms(2) assms(3) assms(6) observable_productF by blast
then have "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {(s,s')}"
by (meson calculation observable_io_target_is_singleton)
then show ?thesis
using ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}› ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) io = {s'}›
by simp
lemma RP_io_targets_finite_M1 :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
shows "finite (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))"
show "finite (RP M2 s vs xs V'')" using finite_RP assms(3) assms(4) by simp
show "⋀a. a ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V'' ⟹ finite (io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
proof -
fix a assume "a ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V''"
have RP_cases : "RP M2 s vs xs V'' = R M2 s vs xs
∨ (∃ vs' ∈ V'' . vs' ∉ R M2 s vs xs
∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))"
using RP_from_R assms by metis
have "a ∈ L M1"
proof (cases "a ∈ R M2 s vs xs")
case True
then have "prefix a (vs@xs)"
by auto
then show "a ∈ L M1"
using language_state_prefix by (metis IntD1 assms(1) prefix_def)
case False
then have "a ∈ V'' ∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert a (R M2 s vs xs)"
using RP_cases ‹a ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V''› by (metis insertE)
then show "a ∈ L M1"
by (meson assms(4) perm_language)
then obtain p where "io_targets M1 (initial M1) a = {p}"
using assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ob by metis
then show "finite (io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
by simp
lemma RP_io_targets_finite_PM :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
shows "finite (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))"
proof -
have "∀ io ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V'' . io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= {s} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
fix io assume "io ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V''"
then have "io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
using assms RP_io_targets_split[of vs xs M1 M2 FAIL PM V V'' io s] by simp
moreover have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
using ‹io ∈ RP M2 s vs xs V''› assms(3) RP_state_component_2[of io M2 s vs xs V'']
by blast
ultimately show "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {s} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
by auto
then have "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))
= ⋃ (image (λ io . {s} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))"
by simp
moreover have "⋃ (image (λ io . {s} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))
= {s} × ⋃ (image (λ io . io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))"
by blast
ultimately have "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))
= {s} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))"
by auto
moreover have "finite ({s} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))"
using assms(1,2,7,8) RP_io_targets_finite_M1[of vs xs M1 M2 V V'' s] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
lemma RP_union_card_is_suffix_length :
assumes "OFSM M2"
and "io@xs ∈ L M2"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
shows "⋀ q . card (R M2 q io xs) ≤ card (RP M2 q io xs V'')"
"sum (λ q . card (RP M2 q io xs V'')) (nodes M2) ≥ length xs"
proof -
have "sum (λ q . card (R M2 q io xs)) (nodes M2) = length xs"
using R_union_card_is_suffix_length[OF assms(1,2)] by assumption
show "⋀ q . card (R M2 q io xs) ≤ card (RP M2 q io xs V'')"
by (metis RP_from_R assms(3) assms(4) card_insert_le eq_iff finite_R)
show "sum (λ q . card (RP M2 q io xs V'')) (nodes M2) ≥ length xs"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q io xs)) = length xs›
‹⋀q. card (R M2 q io xs) ≤ card (RP M2 q io xs V'')› sum_mono)
lemma RP_state_repetition_distribution_productF :
assumes "OFSM M2"
and "OFSM M1"
and "(card (nodes M2) * m) ≤ length xs"
and "card (nodes M1) ≤ m"
and "vs@xs ∈ L M2 ∩ L M1"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
shows "∃ q ∈ nodes M2 . card (RP M2 q vs xs V'') > m"
proof -
have "finite (nodes M1)"
"finite (nodes M2)"
using assms(1,2) by auto
then have "card(nodes M2 × nodes M1) = card (nodes M2) * card (nodes M1)"
using card_cartesian_product by blast
have "nodes (product M2 M1) ⊆ nodes M2 × nodes M1"
using product_nodes by auto
have "card (nodes (product M2 M1)) ≤ card (nodes M2) * card (nodes M1)"
by (metis (no_types) ‹card (nodes M2 × nodes M1) = |M2| * |M1|› ‹finite (nodes M1)›
‹finite (nodes M2)› ‹nodes (product M2 M1) ⊆ nodes M2 × nodes M1›
card_mono finite_cartesian_product)
have "(∀ q ∈ nodes M2 . card (R M2 q vs xs) = m) ∨ (∃ q ∈ nodes M2 . card (R M2 q vs xs) > m)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ ((∀q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q vs xs) = m) ∨ (∃q∈nodes M2. m < card (R M2 q vs xs)))"
then have "∀ q ∈ nodes M2 . card (R M2 q vs xs) ≤ m"
by auto
moreover obtain q' where "q'∈nodes M2" "card (R M2 q' vs xs) < m"
using ‹¬ ((∀q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q vs xs) = m) ∨ (∃q∈nodes M2. m < card (R M2 q vs xs)))›
by blast
have "sum (λ q . card (R M2 q vs xs)) (nodes M2)
= sum (λ q . card (R M2 q vs xs)) (nodes M2 - {q'})
+ sum (λ q . card (R M2 q vs xs)) {q'}"
using ‹q'∈nodes M2›
by (meson ‹finite (nodes M2)› empty_subsetI insert_subset sum.subset_diff)
moreover have "sum (λ q . card (R M2 q vs xs)) (nodes M2 - {q'})
≤ sum (λ q . m) (nodes M2 - {q'})"
using ‹∀ q ∈ nodes M2 . card (R M2 q vs xs) ≤ m›
by (meson sum_mono DiffD1)
moreover have "sum (λ q . card (R M2 q vs xs)) {q'} < m"
using ‹card (R M2 q' vs xs) < m› by auto
ultimately have "sum (λ q . card (R M2 q vs xs)) (nodes M2) < sum (λ q . m) (nodes M2)"
proof -
have "∀C c f. infinite C ∨ (c::'c) ∉ C ∨ sum f C = (f c::nat) + sum f (C - {c})"
by (meson sum.remove)
then have "(∑c∈nodes M2. m) = m + (∑c∈nodes M2 - {q'}. m)"
using ‹finite (nodes M2)› ‹q' ∈ nodes M2› by blast
then show ?thesis
using ‹(∑q∈nodes M2 - {q'}. card (R M2 q vs xs)) ≤ (∑q∈nodes M2 - {q'}. m)›
‹(∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q vs xs)) = (∑q∈nodes M2 - {q'}. card (R M2 q vs xs))
+ (∑q∈{q'}. card (R M2 q vs xs))›
‹(∑q∈{q'}. card (R M2 q vs xs)) < m›
by linarith
moreover have "sum (λ q . m) (nodes M2) ≤ card (nodes M2) * m"
using assms(2) by auto
ultimately have "sum (λ q . card (R M2 q vs xs)) (nodes M2) < card (nodes M2) * m"
by presburger
moreover have "Suc (card (nodes M2)*m) ≤ sum (λ q . card (R M2 q vs xs)) (nodes M2)"
using R_union_card_is_suffix_length[OF assms(1), of vs xs] assms(5,3)
by (metis Int_iff ‹vs @ xs ∈ L M2 ⟹ (∑q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q vs xs)) = length xs›
‹vs @ xs ∈ L M2 ∩ L M1› ‹|M2| * m ≤ length xs› calculation less_eq_Suc_le not_less_eq_eq)
ultimately show "False" by simp
then show ?thesis
let ?q = "initial M2"
assume "∀q∈nodes M2. card (R M2 q vs xs) = m"
then have "card (R M2 ?q vs xs) = m"
by auto
have "[] ∈ V''"
by (meson assms(6) assms(7) perm_empty)
then have "[] ∈ RP M2 ?q vs xs V''"
by auto
have "[] ∉ R M2 ?q vs xs"
by auto
have "card (RP M2 ?q vs xs V'') ≥ card (R M2 ?q vs xs)"
using finite_R[of M2 ?q vs xs] finite_RP[OF assms(6,7),of ?q vs xs] unfolding RP.simps
by (simp add: card_mono)
have "card (RP M2 ?q vs xs V'') > card (R M2 ?q vs xs)"
proof -
have f1: "∀n na. (¬ (n::nat) ≤ na ∨ n = na) ∨ n < na"
by (meson le_neq_trans)
have "RP M2 (initial M2) vs xs V'' ≠ R M2 (initial M2) vs xs"
using ‹[] ∈ RP M2 (initial M2) vs xs V''› ‹[] ∉ R M2 (initial M2) vs xs› by blast
then show ?thesis
using f1 by (metis (no_types) RP_from_R
‹card (R M2 (initial M2) vs xs) ≤ card (RP M2 (initial M2) vs xs V'')›
assms(6) assms(7) card_insert_disjoint finite_R le_simps(2))
then show ?thesis
using ‹card (R M2 ?q vs xs) = m›
by blast
assume "∃q∈nodes M2. m < card (R M2 q vs xs)"
then obtain q where "q∈nodes M2" "m < card (R M2 q vs xs)"
by blast
moreover have "card (RP M2 q vs xs V'') ≥ card (R M2 q vs xs)"
using finite_R[of M2 q vs xs] finite_RP[OF assms(6,7),of q vs xs] unfolding RP.simps
by (simp add: card_mono)
ultimately have "m < card (RP M2 q vs xs V'')"
by simp
show ?thesis
using ‹q ∈ nodes M2› ‹m < card (RP M2 q vs xs V'')› by blast
subsection ‹ Conditions for the result of LB to be a valid lower bound ›
text ‹
The following predicates describe the assumptions necessary to show that the value calculated by
@{verbatim LB} is a lower bound on the number of states of a given FSM.
fun Prereq :: "('in, 'out, 'state1) FSM ⇒ ('in, 'out, 'state2) FSM ⇒ ('in × 'out) list
⇒ ('in × 'out) list ⇒ 'in list set ⇒ 'state1 set ⇒ ('in, 'out) ATC set
⇒ ('in × 'out) list set ⇒ bool"
"Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V'' = (
(finite T)
∧ (vs @ xs) ∈ L M2 ∩ L M1
∧ S ⊆ nodes M2
∧ (∀ s1 ∈ S . ∀ s2 ∈ S . s1 ≠ s2
⟶ (∀ io1 ∈ RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' .
∀ io2 ∈ RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' .
B M1 io1 Ω ≠ B M1 io2 Ω )))"
fun Rep_Pre :: "('in, 'out, 'state1) FSM ⇒ ('in, 'out, 'state2) FSM ⇒ ('in × 'out) list
⇒ ('in × 'out) list ⇒ bool" where
"Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs = (∃ xs1 xs2 . prefix xs1 xs2 ∧ prefix xs2 xs ∧ xs1 ≠ xs2
∧ (∃ s2 . io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ xs1) = {s2}
∧ io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ xs2) = {s2})
∧ (∃ s1 . io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ xs1) = {s1}
∧ io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ xs2) = {s1}))"
fun Rep_Cov :: "('in, 'out, 'state1) FSM ⇒ ('in, 'out, 'state2) FSM ⇒ ('in × 'out) list set
⇒ ('in × 'out) list ⇒ ('in × 'out) list ⇒ bool" where
"Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs = (∃ xs' vs' . xs' ≠ [] ∧ prefix xs' xs ∧ vs' ∈ V''
∧ (∃ s2 . io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ xs') = {s2}
∧ io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs') = {s2})
∧ (∃ s1 . io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ xs') = {s1}
∧ io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs') = {s1}))"
lemma distinctness_via_Rep_Pre :
assumes "¬ Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
and "path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)"
and "length xs = length tr"
and "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
shows "distinct (states (xs || tr) (q2, q1))"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume assm : "¬ distinct (states (xs || tr) (q2, q1))"
then obtain i1 i2 where index_def :
"i1 ≠ 0
∧ i1 ≠ i2
∧ i1 < length (states (xs || tr) (q2, q1))
∧ i2 < length (states (xs || tr) (q2, q1))
∧ (states (xs || tr) (q2, q1)) ! i1 = (states (xs || tr) (q2, q1)) ! i2"
by (metis distinct_conv_nth)
then have "length xs > 0" by auto
let ?xs1 = "take (Suc i1) xs"
let ?xs2 = "take (Suc i2) xs"
let ?tr1 = "take (Suc i1) tr"
let ?tr2 = "take (Suc i2) tr"
let ?st = "(states (xs || tr) (q2, q1)) ! i1"
have obs_PM : "observable PM"
using observable_productF assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) by blast
have "initial PM = (initial M2, initial M1)"
using assms(2) by simp
moreover have "vs ∈ L M2" "vs ∈ L M1"
using assms(8) language_state_prefix by auto
ultimately have "io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs = {q1}" "io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}"
using productF_path_io_targets[of M2 M1 FAIL PM "initial M2" "initial M1" vs q2 q1]
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) assms(9) assms(10)
io_targets_observable_singleton_ex singletonD)+
have "(states (xs || tr) (q2, q1)) ! i1 ∈ io_targets PM (q2, q1) ?xs1"
by (metis ‹0 < length xs› assms(6) assms(7) index_def map_snd_zip states_alt_def
then have "io_targets PM (q2, q1) ?xs1 = {?st}"
using obs_PM by (meson observable_io_target_is_singleton)
have "path PM (?xs1 || ?tr1) (q2,q1)"
by (metis FSM.path_append_elim append_take_drop_id assms(6) assms(7) length_take zip_append)
then have "path PM (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1 || map snd ?tr1) (q2,q1)"
by auto
have "vs @ ?xs1 ∈ L M2"
by (metis (no_types) IntD2 append_assoc append_take_drop_id assms(8) language_state_prefix)
then obtain q2' where "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs@?xs1) = {q2'}"
using io_targets_observable_singleton_ob[of M2 "vs@?xs1" "initial M2"] assms(4) by auto
then have "q2' ∈ io_targets M2 q2 ?xs1"
using assms(4) ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}›
observable_io_targets_split[of M2 "initial M2" vs ?xs1 q2' q2]
by simp
then have "?xs1 ∈ language_state M2 q2"
by auto
moreover have "length ?xs1 = length (map snd ?tr1)"
using assms(7) by auto
moreover have "length (map fst ?tr1) = length (map snd ?tr1)"
by auto
moreover have "q2 ∈ nodes M2"
using ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}› io_targets_nodes
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial insertI1)
moreover have "q1 ∈ nodes M1"
using ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs = {q1}› io_targets_nodes
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial insertI1)
ultimately have
"path M1 (?xs1 || map snd ?tr1) q1"
"path M2 (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1) q2"
"target (?xs1 || map snd ?tr1) q1 = snd (target (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1 || map snd ?tr1) (q2,q1))"
"target (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1) q2 = fst (target (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1 || map snd ?tr1) (q2,q1))"
using assms(2) assms(9) assms(10) ‹path PM (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1 || map snd ?tr1) (q2,q1)›
productF_path_reverse_ob_2[of ?xs1 "map fst ?tr1" "map snd ?tr1" M2 M1 FAIL PM q2 q1]
by simp+
moreover have "target (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1 || map snd ?tr1) (q2,q1) = ?st"
by (metis (no_types) index_def scan_nth take_zip zip_map_fst_snd)
ultimately have
"target (?xs1 || map snd ?tr1) q1 = snd ?st"
"target (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1) q2 = fst ?st"
by simp+
have "(states (xs || tr) (q2, q1)) ! i2 ∈ io_targets PM (q2, q1) ?xs2"
by (metis ‹0 < length xs› assms(6) assms(7) index_def map_snd_zip states_alt_def states_index_io_target)
then have "io_targets PM (q2, q1) ?xs2 = {?st}"
using obs_PM by (metis index_def observable_io_target_is_singleton)
have "path PM (?xs2 || ?tr2) (q2,q1)"
by (metis FSM.path_append_elim append_take_drop_id assms(6) assms(7) length_take zip_append)
then have "path PM (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2 || map snd ?tr2) (q2,q1)"
by auto
have "vs @ ?xs2 ∈ L M2"
by (metis (no_types) IntD2 append_assoc append_take_drop_id assms(8) language_state_prefix)
then obtain q2'' where "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs@?xs2) = {q2''}"
using io_targets_observable_singleton_ob[of M2 "vs@?xs2" "initial M2"] assms(4)
by auto
then have "q2'' ∈ io_targets M2 q2 ?xs2"
using assms(4) ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}›
observable_io_targets_split[of M2 "initial M2" vs ?xs2 q2'' q2]
by simp
then have "?xs2 ∈ language_state M2 q2"
by auto
moreover have "length ?xs2 = length (map snd ?tr2)" using assms(7)
by auto
moreover have "length (map fst ?tr2) = length (map snd ?tr2)"
by auto
moreover have "q2 ∈ nodes M2"
using ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}› io_targets_nodes
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial insertI1)
moreover have "q1 ∈ nodes M1"
using ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs = {q1}› io_targets_nodes
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial insertI1)
ultimately have
"path M1 (?xs2 || map snd ?tr2) q1"
"path M2 (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2) q2"
"target (?xs2 || map snd ?tr2) q1 = snd(target (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2 || map snd ?tr2) (q2,q1))"
"target (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2) q2 = fst(target (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2 || map snd ?tr2) (q2,q1))"
using assms(2) assms(9) assms(10) ‹path PM (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2 || map snd ?tr2) (q2,q1)›
productF_path_reverse_ob_2[of ?xs2 "map fst ?tr2" "map snd ?tr2" M2 M1 FAIL PM q2 q1]
by simp+
moreover have "target (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2 || map snd ?tr2) (q2,q1) = ?st"
by (metis (no_types) index_def scan_nth take_zip zip_map_fst_snd)
ultimately have
"target (?xs2 || map snd ?tr2) q1 = snd ?st"
"target (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2) q2 = fst ?st"
by simp+
have "io_targets M1 q1 ?xs1 = {snd ?st}"
using ‹path M1 (?xs1 || map snd ?tr1) q1› ‹target (?xs1 || map snd ?tr1) q1 = snd ?st›
‹length ?xs1 = length (map snd ?tr1)› assms(3) obs_target_is_io_targets[of M1 ?xs1
"map snd ?tr1" q1]
by simp
then have tgt_1_1 : "io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ ?xs1) = {snd ?st}"
by (meson ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs = {q1}› assms(3) observable_io_targets_append)
have "io_targets M2 q2 ?xs1 = {fst ?st}"
using ‹path M2 (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1) q2› ‹target (?xs1 || map fst ?tr1) q2 = fst ?st›
‹length ?xs1 = length (map snd ?tr1)› assms(4)
obs_target_is_io_targets[of M2 ?xs1 "map fst ?tr1" q2]
by simp
then have tgt_1_2 : "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ ?xs1) = {fst ?st}"
by (meson ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}› assms(4) observable_io_targets_append)
have "io_targets M1 q1 ?xs2 = {snd ?st}"
using ‹path M1 (?xs2 || map snd ?tr2) q1› ‹target (?xs2 || map snd ?tr2) q1 = snd ?st›
‹length ?xs2 = length (map snd ?tr2)› assms(3)
obs_target_is_io_targets[of M1 ?xs2 "map snd ?tr2" q1]
by simp
then have tgt_2_1 : "io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ ?xs2) = {snd ?st}"
by (meson ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs = {q1}› assms(3) observable_io_targets_append)
have "io_targets M2 q2 ?xs2 = {fst ?st}"
using ‹path M2 (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2) q2› ‹target (?xs2 || map fst ?tr2) q2 = fst ?st›
‹length ?xs2 = length (map snd ?tr2)› assms(4)
obs_target_is_io_targets[of M2 ?xs2 "map fst ?tr2" q2]
by simp
then have tgt_2_2 : "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ ?xs2) = {fst ?st}"
by (meson ‹io_targets M2 (initial M2) vs = {q2}› assms(4) observable_io_targets_append)
have "?xs1 ≠ []" using ‹0 < length xs›
by auto
have "prefix ?xs1 xs"
using take_is_prefix by blast
have "prefix ?xs2 xs"
using take_is_prefix by blast
have "?xs1 ≠ ?xs2"
proof -
have f1: "∀n na. ¬ n < na ∨ Suc n ≤ na"
by presburger
have f2: "Suc i1 ≤ length xs"
using index_def by force
have "Suc i2 ≤ length xs"
using f1 by (metis index_def length_take map_snd_zip_take min_less_iff_conj states_alt_def)
then show ?thesis
using f2 by (metis (no_types) index_def length_take min.absorb2 nat.simps(1))
have "Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
proof (cases "length ?xs1 < length ?xs2")
case True
then have "prefix ?xs1 ?xs2"
by (meson ‹prefix (take (Suc i1) xs) xs› ‹prefix (take (Suc i2) xs) xs› leD prefix_length_le
show ?thesis
by (meson Rep_Pre.elims(3) ‹prefix (take (Suc i1) xs) (take (Suc i2) xs)›
‹prefix (take (Suc i2) xs) xs› ‹take (Suc i1) xs ≠ take (Suc i2) xs›
tgt_1_1 tgt_1_2 tgt_2_1 tgt_2_2)
case False
moreover have "length ?xs1 ≠ length ?xs2"
by (metis (no_types) ‹take (Suc i1) xs ≠ take (Suc i2) xs› append_eq_conv_conj
ultimately have "length ?xs2 < length ?xs1"
by auto
then have "prefix ?xs2 ?xs1"
using ‹prefix (take (Suc i1) xs) xs› ‹prefix (take (Suc i2) xs) xs› less_imp_le_nat
by blast
show ?thesis
by (metis Rep_Pre.elims(3) ‹prefix (take (Suc i1) xs) xs›
‹prefix (take (Suc i2) xs) (take (Suc i1) xs)› ‹take (Suc i1) xs ≠ take (Suc i2) xs›
tgt_1_1 tgt_1_2 tgt_2_1 tgt_2_2)
then show "False"
using assms(1) by simp
lemma RP_count_via_Rep_Cov :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "s ∈ nodes M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
and "path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)"
and "length xs = length tr"
and "distinct (states (xs || tr) (q2,q1))"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "¬ Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
shows "card (⋃(image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) = card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')"
proof -
have RP_cases : "RP M2 s vs xs V'' = R M2 s vs xs
∨ (∃ vs' ∈ V'' . vs' ∉ R M2 s vs xs
∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))"
using RP_from_R assms by metis
show ?thesis
proof (cases "RP M2 s vs xs V'' = R M2 s vs xs")
case True
then show ?thesis
using R_count assms by metis
case False
then obtain vs' where vs'_def : "vs' ∈ V''
∧ vs' ∉ R M2 s vs xs
∧ RP M2 s vs xs V'' = insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs)"
using RP_cases by auto
have state_component_2 : "∀ io ∈ (R M2 s vs xs) . io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
fix io assume "io ∈ R M2 s vs xs"
then have "s ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) io"
by auto
moreover have "io ∈ language_state M2 (initial M2)"
using calculation by auto
ultimately show "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s}"
using assms(3) io_targets_observable_singleton_ex by (metis singletonD)
have "vs' ∈ L M1"
using assms(13) perm_language vs'_def by blast
then obtain s' where s'_def : "io_targets M1 (initial M1) vs' = {s'}"
by (meson assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ob)
moreover have "s' ∉ ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs))"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ s' ∉ ⋃(io_targets M1 (initial M1) ` R M2 s vs xs)"
then obtain xs' where xs'_def : "vs @ xs' ∈ R M2 s vs xs
∧ s' ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ xs')"
proof -
assume a1: "⋀xs'. vs @ xs' ∈ R M2 s vs xs
∧ s' ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs @ xs') ⟹ thesis"
obtain pps :: "('a × 'b) list set ⇒ (('a × 'b) list ⇒ 'c set) ⇒ 'c ⇒ ('a × 'b) list"
"∀x0 x1 x2. (∃v3. v3 ∈ x0 ∧ x2 ∈ x1 v3) = (pps x0 x1 x2 ∈ x0 ∧ x2 ∈ x1 (pps x0 x1 x2))"
by moura
then have f2: "pps (R M2 s vs xs) (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) s' ∈ R M2 s vs xs
∧ s' ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1)
(pps (R M2 s vs xs) (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) s')"
using ‹¬ s' ∉ ⋃(io_targets M1 (initial M1) ` R M2 s vs xs)› by blast
then have "∃ps. pps (R M2 s vs xs) (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) s' = vs @ ps ∧ ps ≠ []
∧ prefix ps xs ∧ s ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ ps)"
by simp
then show ?thesis
using f2 a1 by (metis (no_types))
have "vs @ xs' ∈ L M1"
using xs'_def by blast
then have "io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs@xs') = {s'}"
by (metis assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ob singletonD xs'_def)
moreover have "io_targets M1 (initial M1) (vs') = {s'}"
using s'_def by blast
moreover have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs @ xs') = {s}"
using state_component_2 xs'_def by blast
moreover have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) (vs') = {s}"
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) RP.simps Un_iff insertI1 mem_Collect_eq vs'_def)
moreover have "xs' ≠ []"
using xs'_def by simp
moreover have "prefix xs' xs"
using xs'_def by simp
moreover have "vs' ∈ V''"
using vs'_def by simp
ultimately have "Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
by auto
then show "False"
using assms(14) by simp
moreover have "⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs)))
= insert s' (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs)))"
using s'_def by simp
moreover have "finite (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs)))"
show "finite (R M2 s vs xs)"
using finite_R by simp
show "⋀a. a ∈ R M2 s vs xs ⟹ finite (io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
proof -
fix a assume "a ∈ R M2 s vs xs"
then have "prefix a (vs@xs)"
by auto
then have "a ∈ L M1"
using language_state_prefix by (metis IntD1 assms(1) prefix_def)
then obtain p where "io_targets M1 (initial M1) a = {p}"
using assms(2) io_targets_observable_singleton_ob by metis
then show "finite (io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
by simp
ultimately have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))))
= Suc (card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs))))"
by (metis (no_types) card_insert_disjoint)
moreover have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (insert vs' (R M2 s vs xs))))"
using vs'_def by simp
ultimately have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))
= Suc (card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (R M2 s vs xs))))"
by linarith
then have "card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))
= Suc (card (R M2 s vs xs))"
using R_count[of vs xs M1 M2 s FAIL PM q2 q1 tr] using assms(1,10,11,2-9)
by linarith
moreover have "card (RP M2 s vs xs V'') = Suc (card (R M2 s vs xs))"
using vs'_def by (metis card_insert_if finite_R)
ultimately show ?thesis
by linarith
lemma RP_count_alt_def :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "s ∈ nodes M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
and "path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)"
and "length xs = length tr"
and "¬ Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "¬ Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
shows "card (⋃(image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) = card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')"
proof -
have "distinct (states (xs || tr) (q2,q1))"
using distinctness_via_Rep_Pre[of M2 M1 vs xs FAIL PM q2 q1 tr] assms by simp
then show ?thesis
using RP_count_via_Rep_Cov[of vs xs M1 M2 s FAIL PM q2 q1 tr V V'']
using assms(1,10,12-14,2-9) by blast
subsection ‹ Function LB ›
text ‹
@{verbatim LB} adds together the number of elements in sets calculated via RP for a given set of
states and the number of ATC-reaction known to exist but not produced by a state reached by any of
the above elements.
fun LB :: "('in, 'out, 'state1) FSM ⇒ ('in, 'out, 'state2) FSM
⇒ ('in × 'out) list ⇒ ('in × 'out) list ⇒ 'in list set
⇒ 'state1 set ⇒ ('in, 'out) ATC set
⇒ ('in × 'out) list set ⇒ nat"
"LB M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V'' =
(sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) S)
+ card ((D M1 T Ω) -
{B M1 xs' Ω | xs' s' . s' ∈ S ∧ xs' ∈ RP M2 s' vs xs V''})"
lemma LB_count_helper_RP_disjoint_and_cards :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "s1 ≠ s2"
shows "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∩ ⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')) = {}"
"card (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))"
"card (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))"
proof -
have "∀ io ∈ RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' . io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= {s1} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
fix io assume "io ∈ RP M2 s1 vs xs V''"
then have "io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
using assms RP_io_targets_split[of vs xs M1 M2 FAIL PM V V'' io s1] by simp
moreover have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s1}"
using ‹io ∈ RP M2 s1 vs xs V''› assms(3) RP_state_component_2[of io M2 s1 vs xs V'']
by blast
ultimately show "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {s1} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
by auto
then have "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
= ⋃ (image (λ io . {s1} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))"
by simp
moreover have "⋃ (image (λ io . {s1} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
= {s1} × ⋃ (image (λ io . io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))"
by blast
ultimately have image_split_1 :
"⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'') )
= {s1} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))"
by simp
then show "card (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))"
by (metis (no_types) card_cartesian_product_singleton)
have "∀ io ∈ RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' . io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= {s2} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
fix io assume "io ∈ RP M2 s2 vs xs V''"
then have "io_targets PM (initial PM) io
= io_targets M2 (initial M2) io × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
using assms RP_io_targets_split[of vs xs M1 M2 FAIL PM V V'' io s2] by simp
moreover have "io_targets M2 (initial M2) io = {s2}"
using ‹io ∈ RP M2 s2 vs xs V''› assms(3) RP_state_component_2[of io M2 s2 vs xs V'']
by blast
ultimately show "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {s2} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io"
by auto
then have "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))
= ⋃ (image (λ io . {s2} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))"
by simp
moreover have "⋃ (image (λ io . {s2} × io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))
= {s2} × ⋃ (image (λ io . io_targets M1 (initial M1) io) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))"
by blast
ultimately have image_split_2 :
"⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))
= {s2} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))" by simp
then show "card (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))"
by (metis (no_types) card_cartesian_product_singleton)
have "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∩ ⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))
= {s1} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∩ {s2} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))"
using image_split_1 image_split_2 by blast
moreover have "{s1} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∩ {s2} × ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')) = {}"
using assms(9) by auto
ultimately show "⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∩ ⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')) = {}"
by presburger
lemma LB_count_helper_RP_disjoint_card_M1 :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "s1 ≠ s2"
shows "card (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∪ ⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))
+ card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))"
proof -
have "finite (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))"
using RP_io_targets_finite_PM[OF assms(1-8)] by simp
moreover have "finite (⋃ (image (io_targets PM (initial PM)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))"
using RP_io_targets_finite_PM[OF assms(1-8)] by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using LB_count_helper_RP_disjoint_and_cards[OF assms]
by (metis (no_types) card_Un_disjoint)
lemma LB_count_helper_RP_disjoint_M1_pair :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
and "observable M1"
and "observable M2"
and "well_formed M1"
and "well_formed M2"
and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
and "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
and "path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)"
and "length xs = length tr"
and "¬ Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
and "is_det_state_cover M2 V"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "¬ Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
and "Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V''"
and "s1 ≠ s2"
and "s1 ∈ S"
and "s2 ∈ S"
and "applicable_set M1 Ω"
and "completely_specified M1"
shows "card (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'') + card (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))
+ card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))"
"⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∩ ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V''))
= {}"
proof -
have "s1 ∈ nodes M2"
using assms(14,16) unfolding Prereq.simps by blast
have "s2 ∈ nodes M2"
using assms(14,17) unfolding Prereq.simps by blast
have "card (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))"
using RP_count_alt_def[OF assms(1-5) ‹s1 ∈ nodes M2› assms(6-13)]
by linarith
moreover have "card (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))"
using RP_count_alt_def[OF assms(1-5) ‹s2 ∈ nodes M2› assms(6-13)]
by linarith
moreover show "⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∩ ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')) = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V''))
∩ ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')) ≠ {}"
then obtain io1 io2 t where shared_elem_def :
"io1 ∈ (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')"
"io2 ∈ (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')"
"t ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io1"
"t ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io2"
by blast
have dist_prop: "(∀ s1 ∈ S . ∀ s2 ∈ S . s1 ≠ s2
⟶ (∀ io1 ∈ RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' .
∀ io2 ∈ RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' .
B M1 io1 Ω ≠ B M1 io2 Ω ))"
using assms(14) by simp
have "io_targets M1 (initial M1) io1 ∩ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io2 = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "io_targets M1 (initial M1) io1 ∩ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io2 ≠ {}"
then have "io_targets M1 (initial M1) io1 ≠ {}" "io_targets M1 (initial M1) io2 ≠ {}"
by blast+
then obtain s1 s2 where "s1 ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io1"
"s2 ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io2"
by blast
then have "io_targets M1 (initial M1) io1 = {s1}"
"io_targets M1 (initial M1) io2 = {s2}"
by (meson assms(2) observable_io_target_is_singleton)+
then have "s1 = s2"
using ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) io1 ∩ io_targets M1 (initial M1) io2 ≠ {}›
by auto
then have "B M1 io1 Ω = B M1 io2 Ω"
using ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) io1 = {s1}› ‹io_targets M1 (initial M1) io2 = {s2}›
by auto
then show "False"
using assms(15-17) dist_prop shared_elem_def(1,2) by blast
then show "False"
using shared_elem_def(3,4) by blast
ultimately show "card (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'') + card (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s1 vs xs V'')))
+ card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s2 vs xs V'')))"
by linarith
lemma LB_count_helper_RP_card_union :
assumes "observable M2"
and "s1 ≠ s2"
shows "RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' ∩ RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' = {}"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' ∩ RP M2 s2 vs xs V'' ≠ {}"
then obtain io where "io ∈ RP M2 s1 vs xs V'' ∧ io ∈ RP M2 s2 vs xs V''"
by blast
then have "s1 ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) io"
"s2 ∈ io_targets M2 (initial M2) io"
by auto
then have "s1 = s2"
using assms(1) by (metis observable_io_target_is_singleton singletonD)
then show "False"
using assms(2) by simp
lemma LB_count_helper_RP_inj :
obtains f
where "∀ q ∈ (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S)) .
f q ∈ nodes M1"
"inj_on f (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S))"
proof -
let ?f =
"λ q . if (q ∈ (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S)))
then q
else (initial M1)"
have "(⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S)) ⊆ nodes M1"
by blast
then have "∀ q ∈ (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S)) .
?f q ∈ nodes M1"
by (metis Un_iff sup.order_iff)
moreover have "inj_on ?f (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1))
(RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S))"
fix x assume "x ∈ (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S))"
then have "?f x = x"
by presburger
fix y assume "y ∈ (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S))"
then have "?f y = y"
by presburger
assume "?f x = ?f y"
then show "x = y" using ‹?f x = x› ‹?f y = y›
by presburger
ultimately show ?thesis
using that by presburger
abbreviation (input) UNION :: "'a set ⇒ ('a ⇒ 'b set) ⇒ 'b set"
where "UNION A f ≡ ⋃ (f ` A)"
lemma LB_count_helper_RP_card_union_sum :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M2 ∩ L M1"
and "OFSM M1"
and "OFSM M2"
and "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
and "test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V''"
and "¬ Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
and "¬ Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
shows "sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) S
= sum (λ s . card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))) S"
using assms proof -
have "finite (nodes M2)"
using assms(3) by auto
moreover have "S ⊆ nodes M2"
using assms(7) by simp
ultimately have "finite S"
using infinite_super by blast
then have "sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) S
= sum (λ s . card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))) S"
using assms proof (induction S)
case empty
show ?case by simp
case (insert s S)
have "(insert s S) ⊆ nodes M2"
using insert.prems(7) by simp
then have "s ∈ nodes M2"
by simp
have "Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V''"
using ‹Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T (insert s S) Ω V''› by simp
then have "(∑s∈S. card (RP M2 s vs xs V''))
= (∑s∈S. card (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a))"
using insert.IH[OF insert.prems(1-6) _ assms(8,9)] by metis
moreover have "(∑s'∈(insert s S). card (RP M2 s' vs xs V''))
= (∑s'∈S. card (RP M2 s' vs xs V'')) + card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')"
by (simp add: add.commute insert.hyps(1) insert.hyps(2))
ultimately have S_prop : "(∑s'∈(insert s S). card (RP M2 s' vs xs V''))
= (∑s∈S. card (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a))
+ card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')"
by presburger
have "vs@xs ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
using insert.prems(1) by simp
obtain q2 q1 tr where suffix_path : "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
"path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)"
"length xs = length tr"
using productF_language_state_intermediate[OF insert.prems(1)
test_tools_props(1)[OF insert.prems(5,4)] OFSM_props(2,1)[OF insert.prems(3)]
OFSM_props(2,1)[OF insert.prems(2)]]
by blast
have "card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')
= card (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V'')))"
using OFSM_props(2,1)[OF insert.prems(3)] OFSM_props(2,1)[OF insert.prems(2)]
RP_count_alt_def[OF ‹vs@xs ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2› _ _ _ _
‹s∈nodes M2› test_tools_props(1)[OF insert.prems(5,4)]
suffix_path insert.prems(8)
test_tools_props(2)[OF insert.prems(5,4)] assms(6) insert.prems(9)]
by linarith
show "(∑s∈insert s S. card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) =
(∑s∈insert s S. card (UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))))"
proof -
have "(∑c∈insert s S. card (UNION (RP M2 c vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))))
= card (UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1)))
+ (∑c∈S. card (UNION (RP M2 c vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))))"
by (meson insert.hyps(1) insert.hyps(2) sum.insert)
then show ?thesis
using ‹(∑s'∈insert s S. card (RP M2 s' vs xs V''))
= (∑s∈S. card (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a))
+ card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')›
‹card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')
= card (UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1)))›
by presburger
then show ?thesis
using assms by blast
lemma finite_insert_card :
assumes "finite (⋃SS)"
and "finite S"
and "S ∩ (⋃SS) = {}"
shows "card (⋃ (insert S SS)) = card (⋃SS) + card S"
by (simp add: assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) card_Un_disjoint)
lemma LB_count_helper_RP_disjoint_M1_union :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M2 ∩ L M1"
and "OFSM M1"
and "OFSM M2"
and "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
and "test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V''"
and "¬ Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
and "¬ Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
shows "sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) S
= card (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S))"
using assms proof -
have "finite (nodes M2)"
using assms(3) by auto
moreover have "S ⊆ nodes M2"
using assms(7) by simp
ultimately have "finite S"
using infinite_super by blast
then show "sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) S
= card (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S))"
using assms proof (induction S)
case empty
show ?case by simp
case (insert s S)
have "(insert s S) ⊆ nodes M2"
using insert.prems(7) by simp
then have "s ∈ nodes M2"
by simp
have "Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V''"
using ‹Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T (insert s S) Ω V''› by simp
then have applied_IH : "(∑s∈S. card (RP M2 s vs xs V''))
= card (⋃s∈S. ⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
using insert.IH[OF insert.prems(1-6) _ insert.prems(8,9)] by metis
obtain q2 q1 tr where suffix_path : "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
"path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)"
"length xs = length tr"
using productF_language_state_intermediate
[OF insert.prems(1) test_tools_props(1)[OF insert.prems(5,4)]
OFSM_props(2,1)[OF insert.prems(3)] OFSM_props(2,1)[OF insert.prems(2)]]
by blast
have "s ∈ insert s S"
by simp
have "vs@xs ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2"
using insert.prems(1) by simp
have "∀ s' ∈ S . (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)
∩ (⋃a∈RP M2 s' vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a) = {}"
fix s' assume "s' ∈ S"
have "s ≠ s'"
using insert.hyps(2) ‹s' ∈ S› by blast
have "s' ∈ insert s S"
using ‹s' ∈ S› by simp
show "(⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)
∩ (⋃a∈RP M2 s' vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a) = {}"
using OFSM_props(2,1)[OF assms(3)] OFSM_props(2,1,3)[OF assms(2)]
[OF ‹vs@xs ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2› _ _ _ _ test_tools_props(1)[OF insert.prems(5,4)]
suffix_path insert.prems(8) test_tools_props(2)[OF insert.prems(5,4)]
insert.prems(6,9,7) ‹s ≠ s'› ‹s ∈ insert s S› ‹s' ∈ insert s S›
test_tools_props(4)[OF insert.prems(5,4)]]
by linarith
then have disj_insert : "(⋃s∈S. ⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)
∩ (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a) = {}"
by blast
have finite_S : "finite (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
using RP_io_targets_finite_M1[OF insert.prems(1)]
by (meson RP_io_targets_finite_M1 ‹vs @ xs ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2› assms(2) assms(5) insert.prems(6))
have finite_s : "finite (⋃s∈S. ⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
by (meson RP_io_targets_finite_M1 ‹vs @ xs ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2› assms(2) assms(5)
finite_UN_I insert.hyps(1) insert.prems(6))
have "card (⋃s∈insert s S. ⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)
= card (⋃s∈S. ⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)
+ card (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
proof -
have f1: "insert (UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1)))
((λc. UNION (RP M2 c vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))) ` S)
= (λc. UNION (RP M2 c vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))) ` insert s S"
by blast
have "∀c. c ∈ S ⟶ UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))
∩ UNION (RP M2 c vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) = {}"
by (meson ‹∀s'∈S. (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)
∩ (⋃a∈RP M2 s' vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a) = {}›)
then have "UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))
∩ (⋃c∈S. UNION (RP M2 c vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))) = {}"
by blast
then show ?thesis
using f1 by (metis finite_S finite_insert_card finite_s)
have "card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')
= card (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)"
using assms(2) assms(3)
RP_count_alt_def[OF ‹vs@xs ∈ L M1 ∩ L M2› _ _ _ _ ‹s ∈ nodes M2›
test_tools_props(1)[OF insert.prems(5,4)] suffix_path
insert.prems(8) test_tools_props(2)[OF insert.prems(5,4)]
by metis
show ?case
proof -
have "(∑c∈insert s S. card (RP M2 c vs xs V''))
= card (RP M2 s vs xs V'') + (∑c∈S. card (RP M2 c vs xs V''))"
by (meson insert.hyps(1) insert.hyps(2) sum.insert)
then show ?thesis
using ‹card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')
= card (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)›
‹card (⋃s∈insert s S. ⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)
= card (⋃s∈S. ⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)
+ card (⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a)› applied_IH
by presburger
lemma LB_count_helper_LB1 :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M2 ∩ L M1"
and "OFSM M1"
and "OFSM M2"
and "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
and "test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V''"
and "¬ Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
and "¬ Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
shows "(sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) S) ≤ card (nodes M1)"
proof -
have "(⋃s∈S. UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1))) ⊆ nodes M1"
by blast
moreover have "finite (nodes M1)"
using assms(2) OFSM_props(1) unfolding well_formed.simps finite_FSM.simps by simp
ultimately have "card (⋃s∈S. UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1)))
≤ card (nodes M1)"
by (meson card_mono)
moreover have "(∑s∈S. card (RP M2 s vs xs V''))
= card (⋃s∈S. UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1)))"
using LB_count_helper_RP_disjoint_M1_union[OF assms]
by linarith
ultimately show ?thesis
by linarith
lemma LB_count_helper_D_states :
assumes "observable M"
and "RS ∈ (D M T Ω)"
obtains q
where "q ∈ nodes M ∧ RS = IO_set M q Ω"
proof -
have "RS ∈ image (λ io . B M io Ω) (LS⇩i⇩n M (initial M) T)"
using assms by simp
then obtain io where "RS = B M io Ω" "io ∈ LS⇩i⇩n M (initial M) T"
by blast
then have "io ∈ language_state M (initial M)"
using language_state_for_inputs_in_language_state[of M "initial M" T] by blast
then obtain q where "{q} = io_targets M (initial M) io"
by (metis assms(1) io_targets_observable_singleton_ob)
then have "B M io Ω = ⋃ (image (λ s . IO_set M s Ω) {q})"
by simp
then have "B M io Ω = IO_set M q Ω"
by simp
then have "RS = IO_set M q Ω" using ‹RS = B M io Ω›
by simp
moreover have "q ∈ nodes M" using ‹{q} = io_targets M (initial M) io›
by (metis FSM.nodes.initial insertI1 io_targets_nodes)
ultimately show ?thesis
using that by simp
lemma LB_count_helper_LB2 :
assumes "observable M1"
and "IO_set M1 q Ω ∈ (D M1 T Ω) - {B M1 xs' Ω | xs' s' . s' ∈ S ∧ xs' ∈ RP M2 s' vs xs V''}"
shows "q ∉ (⋃ (image (λ s . ⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s vs xs V''))) S))"
assume "q ∈ (⋃s∈S. UNION (RP M2 s vs xs V'') (io_targets M1 (initial M1)))"
then obtain s' where "s' ∈ S" "q ∈ (⋃ (image (io_targets M1 (initial M1)) (RP M2 s' vs xs V'')))"
by blast
then obtain xs' where "q ∈ io_targets M1 (initial M1) xs'" "xs' ∈ RP M2 s' vs xs V''"
by blast
then have "{q} = io_targets M1 (initial M1) xs'"
by (metis assms(1) observable_io_target_is_singleton)
then have "B M1 xs' Ω = ⋃ (image (λ s . IO_set M1 s Ω) {q})"
by simp
then have "B M1 xs' Ω = IO_set M1 q Ω"
by simp
moreover have "B M1 xs' Ω ∈ {B M1 xs' Ω | xs' s' . s' ∈ S ∧ xs' ∈ RP M2 s' vs xs V''}"
using ‹s' ∈ S› ‹xs' ∈ RP M2 s' vs xs V''› by blast
ultimately have "IO_set M1 q Ω ∈ {B M1 xs' Ω | xs' s' . s' ∈ S ∧ xs' ∈ RP M2 s' vs xs V''}"
by blast
moreover have "IO_set M1 q Ω ∉ {B M1 xs' Ω | xs' s' . s' ∈ S ∧ xs' ∈ RP M2 s' vs xs V''}"
using assms(2) by blast
ultimately show "False"
by simp
subsection ‹ Validity of the result of LB constituting a lower bound ›
lemma LB_count :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1"
and "OFSM M1"
and "OFSM M2"
and "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
and "test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V''"
and "¬ Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
and "¬ Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
shows "LB M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V'' ≤ |M1|"
proof -
let ?D = "D M1 T Ω"
let ?B = "{B M1 xs' Ω | xs' s' . s' ∈ S ∧ xs' ∈ RP M2 s' vs xs V''}"
let ?DB = "?D - ?B"
let ?RP = "⋃s∈S. ⋃a∈RP M2 s vs xs V''. io_targets M1 (initial M1) a"
have "finite (nodes M1)"
using OFSM_props[OF assms(2)] unfolding well_formed.simps finite_FSM.simps by simp
then have "finite ?D"
using OFSM_props[OF assms(2)] assms(7) D_bound[of M1 T Ω] unfolding Prereq.simps by linarith
then have "finite ?DB"
by simp
have states_f : "⋀ DB' . DB' ⊆ ?DB ⟹ ∃ f . inj_on f DB'
∧ image f DB' ⊆ (nodes M1) - ?RP
∧ (∀ RS ∈ DB' . IO_set M1 (f RS) Ω = RS)"
proof -
fix DB' assume "DB' ⊆ ?DB"
have "finite DB'"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "infinite DB'"
have "infinite ?DB"
using infinite_super[OF ‹DB' ⊆ ?DB› ‹infinite DB'› ] by simp
then show "False"
using ‹finite ?DB› by simp
then show "∃ f . inj_on f DB' ∧ image f DB' ⊆ (nodes M1) - ?RP
∧ (∀ RS ∈ DB' . IO_set M1 (f RS) Ω = RS)"
using assms ‹DB' ⊆ ?DB› proof (induction DB')
case empty
show ?case by simp
case (insert RS DB')
have "DB' ⊆ ?DB"
using insert.prems(10) by blast
obtain f' where "inj_on f' DB'"
"image f' DB' ⊆ (nodes M1) - ?RP"
"∀ RS ∈ DB' . IO_set M1 (f' RS) Ω = RS"
using insert.IH[OF insert.prems(1-9) ‹DB' ⊆ ?DB›]
by blast
have "RS ∈ D M1 T Ω"
using insert.prems(10) by blast
obtain q where "q ∈ nodes M1" "RS = IO_set M1 q Ω"
using insert.prems(2) LB_count_helper_D_states[OF _ ‹RS ∈ D M1 T Ω›]
by blast
then have "IO_set M1 q Ω ∈ ?DB"
using insert.prems(10) by blast
have "q ∉ ?RP"
using insert.prems(2) LB_count_helper_LB2[OF _ ‹IO_set M1 q Ω ∈ ?DB›]
by blast
let ?f = "f'(RS := q)"
have "inj_on ?f (insert RS DB')"
have "?f RS ∉ ?f ` (DB' - {RS})"
assume "?f RS ∈ ?f ` (DB' - {RS})"
then have "q ∈ ?f ` (DB' - {RS})" by auto
have "RS ∈ DB'"
proof -
have "∀P c f. ∃Pa. ((c::'c) ∉ f ` P ∨ (Pa::('a × 'b) list set) ∈ P)
∧ (c ∉ f ` P ∨ f Pa = c)"
by auto
{ assume "q ∉ f' ` DB'"
{ assume "q ∉ f'(RS := q) ` DB'"
then have ?thesis
using ‹q ∈ f'(RS := q) ` (DB' - {RS})› by blast }
ultimately have ?thesis
by (metis fun_upd_image) }
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) ‹RS = IO_set M1 q Ω› ‹∀RS∈DB'. IO_set M1 (f' RS) Ω = RS›)
then show "False" using insert.hyps(2) by simp
then show "inj_on ?f DB' ∧ ?f RS ∉ ?f ` (DB' - {RS})"
using ‹inj_on f' DB'› inj_on_fun_updI by fastforce
moreover have "image ?f (insert RS DB') ⊆ (nodes M1) - ?RP"
proof -
have "image ?f {RS} = {q}" by simp
then have "image ?f {RS} ⊆ (nodes M1) - ?RP"
using ‹q ∈ nodes M1› ‹q ∉ ?RP› by auto
moreover have "image ?f (insert RS DB') = image ?f {RS} ∪ image ?f DB'"
by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹image f' DB' ⊆ (nodes M1) - ?RP› fun_upd_other image_cong
image_insert insert.hyps(2) insert_subset)
moreover have "∀ RS ∈ (insert RS DB') . IO_set M1 (?f RS) Ω = RS"
using ‹RS = IO_set M1 q Ω› ‹∀RS∈DB'. IO_set M1 (f' RS) Ω = RS› by auto
ultimately show ?case
by blast
have "?DB ⊆ ?DB"
by simp
obtain f where "inj_on f ?DB" "image f ?DB ⊆ (nodes M1) - ?RP"
using states_f[OF ‹?DB ⊆ ?DB›] by blast
have "finite (nodes M1 - ?RP)"
using ‹finite (nodes M1)› by simp
have "card ?DB ≤ card (nodes M1 - ?RP)"
using card_inj_on_le[OF ‹inj_on f ?DB› ‹image f ?DB ⊆ (nodes M1) - ?RP›
‹finite (nodes M1 - ?RP)›]
by assumption
have "?RP ⊆ nodes M1"
by blast
then have "card (nodes M1 - ?RP) = card (nodes M1) - card ?RP"
by (meson ‹finite (nodes M1)› card_Diff_subset infinite_subset)
then have "card ?DB ≤ card (nodes M1) - card ?RP"
using ‹card ?DB ≤ card (nodes M1 - ?RP)› by linarith
have "vs @ xs ∈ L M2 ∩ L M1"
using assms(7) by simp
have "(sum (λ s . card (RP M2 s vs xs V'')) S) = card ?RP"
using LB_count_helper_RP_disjoint_M1_union[OF ‹vs @ xs ∈ L M2 ∩ L M1› assms(2-9)] by simp
moreover have "card ?RP ≤ card (nodes M1)"
using card_mono[OF ‹finite (nodes M1)› ‹?RP ⊆ nodes M1›] by assumption
ultimately show ?thesis
unfolding LB.simps using ‹card ?DB ≤ card (nodes M1) - card ?RP›
by linarith
lemma contradiction_via_LB :
assumes "(vs @ xs) ∈ L M1"
and "OFSM M1"
and "OFSM M2"
and "asc_fault_domain M2 M1 m"
and "test_tools M2 M1 FAIL PM V Ω"
and "V'' ∈ Perm V M1"
and "Prereq M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V''"
and "¬ Rep_Pre M2 M1 vs xs"
and "¬ Rep_Cov M2 M1 V'' vs xs"
and "LB M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V'' > m"
shows "False"
proof -
have "LB M2 M1 vs xs T S Ω V'' ≤ card (nodes M1)"
using LB_count[OF assms(1-9)] by assumption
moreover have "card (nodes M1) ≤ m"
using assms(4) by auto
ultimately show "False"
using assms(10) by linarith