Theory FSM_Product

theory FSM_Product
imports FSM

section ‹ Product machines with an additional fail state ›

text ‹
We extend the product machine for language intersection presented in theory FSM by an additional
state that is reached only by sequences such that any proper prefix of the sequence is in the
language intersection, whereas the full sequence is only contained in the language of the machine
@{verbatim B} for which we want to check whether it is a reduction of some machine @{verbatim A}.

To allow for free choice of the FAIL state, we define the following property that holds iff 
@{verbatim AB} is the product machine of @{verbatim A} and @{verbatim B} extended with fail state 
@{verbatim FAIL}.

fun productF :: "('in, 'out, 'state1) FSM  ('in, 'out, 'state2) FSM  ('state1 × 'state2)  
   ('in, 'out, 'state1 ×'state2) FSM  bool" where
  "productF A B FAIL AB = ( 
    (inputs A = inputs B) 
   (fst FAIL  nodes A) 
   (snd FAIL  nodes B)
   AB =  
            succ = (λ a (p1,p2) . (if (p1  nodes A  p2  nodes B  (fst a  inputs A) 
                                         (snd a  outputs A  outputs B))
                                    then (if (succ A a p1 = {}  succ B a p2  {})
                                      then {FAIL} 
                                      else (succ A a p1 × succ B a p2))
                                    else {})),
            inputs = inputs A,
            outputs = outputs A  outputs B,
            initial = (initial A, initial B)

lemma productF_simps[simp]:
  "productF A B FAIL AB  succ AB a (p1,p2) = (if (p1  nodes A  p2  nodes B 
                                         (fst a  inputs A)  (snd a  outputs A  outputs B))
                                    then (if (succ A a p1 = {}  succ B a p2  {})
                                      then {FAIL} 
                                      else (succ A a p1 × succ B a p2))
                                    else {})"
  "productF A B FAIL AB  inputs AB = inputs A"
  "productF A B FAIL AB  outputs AB = outputs A  outputs B"
  "productF A B FAIL AB  initial AB = (initial A, initial B)"
  unfolding productF.simps by simp+

lemma fail_next_productF : 
  assumes "well_formed M1"
  and     "well_formed M2"
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
shows "succ PM a FAIL = {}" 
proof (cases "((fst FAIL)  nodes M2  (snd FAIL)  nodes M1)")
  case True
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms by auto
  case False
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms by (cases "(succ M2 a (fst FAIL) = {}  (fst a  inputs M2) 
                                                       (snd a  outputs M2))"; auto)

lemma nodes_productF : 
  assumes "well_formed M1"
  and     "well_formed M2"
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
shows "nodes PM  insert FAIL (nodes M2 × nodes M1)"
  fix q assume q_assm : "q  nodes PM"
  then show "q  insert FAIL (nodes M2 × nodes M1)"
  using assms proof (cases)
    case initial
    then show ?thesis using assms by auto
    case (execute p a)
    then obtain p1 p2 x y q1 q2  where p_a_split[simp] : "p = (p1,p2)" 
                                                         "a = ((x,y),q)" 
                                                         "q = (q1,q2)" 
      by (metis eq_snd_iff)
    have subnodes : "p1  nodes M2  p2  nodes M1  x  inputs M2  y  outputs M2  outputs M1"  
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ (p1  nodes M2  p2  nodes M1   x  inputs M2  y  outputs M2  outputs M1)"
      then have "succ PM (x,y) (p1,p2) = {}" 
        using assms(3) by auto
      then show "False" 
        using execute by auto
    show ?thesis proof (cases "(succ M2 (x,y) p1 = {}  succ M1 (x,y) p2  {})")
      case True 
      then have "q = FAIL" 
        using subnodes assms(3) execute by auto
      then show ?thesis 
        by auto
      case False 
      then have "succ PM (fst a) p = succ M2 (x,y) p1 × succ M1 (x,y) p2" 
        using subnodes assms(3) execute by auto
      then have "q  (succ M2 (x,y) p1 × succ M1 (x,y) p2)" 
        using execute by blast
      then have q_succ : "(q1,q2)  (succ M2 (x,y) p1 × succ M1 (x,y) p2)" 
        by simp

      have "q1  succ M2 (x,y) p1" 
        using q_succ by simp
      then have "q1  successors M2 p1" 
        by auto
      then have "q1  reachable M2 p1" 
        by blast 
      then have "q1  reachable M2 (initial M2)" 
        using subnodes by blast 
      then have nodes1 : "q1  nodes M2" 
        by blast

      have "q2  succ M1 (x,y) p2" 
        using q_succ by simp
      then have "q2  successors M1 p2"
        by auto
      then have "q2  reachable M1 p2" 
        by blast 
      then have "q2  reachable M1 (initial M1)" 
        using subnodes by blast 
      then have nodes2 : "q2  nodes M1" 
        by blast

      show ?thesis 
        using nodes1 nodes2 by auto

lemma well_formed_productF[simp] :
  assumes "well_formed M1"
  and     "well_formed M2"
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
shows "well_formed PM"
unfolding well_formed.simps proof
  have "finite (nodes M1)" "finite (nodes M2)" 
    using assms by auto
  then have "finite (insert FAIL (nodes M2 × nodes M1))" 
    by simp
  moreover have "nodes PM  insert FAIL (nodes M2 × nodes M1)" 
    using nodes_productF assms by blast
  moreover have "inputs PM = inputs M2" "outputs PM = outputs M2  outputs M1" 
    using assms by auto
  ultimately show "finite_FSM PM" 
    using infinite_subset assms by auto  
  have "inputs PM = inputs M2" "outputs PM = outputs M2  outputs M1" 
    using assms by auto
  then show "(s1 x y. x  inputs PM  y  outputs PM  succ PM (x, y) s1 = {}) 
               inputs PM  {}  outputs PM  {}" 
    using assms by auto

lemma observable_productF[simp] : 
  assumes "observable M1"
  and     "observable M2"
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
shows "observable PM"
  unfolding observable.simps
proof -
  have " t s . succ M1 t (fst s) = {}  (s2. succ M1 t (fst s) = {s2})" 
    using assms by auto
  moreover have " t s . succ M2 t (snd s) = {}  (s2. succ M2 t (snd s) = {s2})" 
    using assms by auto
  ultimately have sub_succs : " t s . succ M2 t (fst s) × succ M1 t (snd s) = {} 
                                         ( s2 . succ M2 t (fst s) × succ M1 t (snd s) = {s2})" 
    by fastforce
  moreover have succ_split : " t s . succ PM t s = {} 
                                       succ PM t s = {FAIL} 
                                       succ PM t s = succ M2 t (fst s) × succ M1 t (snd s)" 
    using assms by auto
  ultimately show "t s. succ PM t s = {}  (s2. succ PM t s = {s2})"
    by metis 

lemma no_transition_after_FAIL :
  assumes "productF A B FAIL AB"
  shows "succ AB io FAIL = {}"
  using assms by auto

lemma no_prefix_targets_FAIL :
  assumes "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
  and     "path PM p q"
  and     "k < length p"
shows "target (take k p) q  FAIL"
  assume assm : "target (take k p) q = FAIL"
  have "path PM (take k p @ drop k p) q" 
    using assms by auto
  then have "path PM (drop k p) (target (take k p) q)" 
    by blast
  then have path_from_FAIL : "path PM (drop k p) FAIL" 
    using assm by auto
  have "length (drop k p)  0" 
    using assms by auto
  then obtain io q where "drop k p = (io,q) # (drop (Suc k) p)" 
    by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc assms(3) prod_cases3) 
  then have "succ PM io FAIL  {}" 
    using path_from_FAIL by auto 

  then show "False" 
    using no_transition_after_FAIL assms by auto

lemma productF_path_inclusion :
  assumes "length w = length r1" "length r1 = length r2"
  and     "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "path A (w || r1) p1  path B (w || r2) p2"
  and     "p1  nodes A"
  and     "p2  nodes B"
shows "path (AB) (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2)"
using assms  proof (induction w r1 r2 arbitrary: p1 p2 rule: list_induct3)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons w ws r1 r1s r2 r2s) 
  then have "path A ([w] || [r1]) p1  path B ([w] || [r2]) p2" 
    by auto
  then have succs : "r1  succ A w p1  r2  succ B w p2" 
    by auto
  then have "succ A w p1  {}" 
    by force
  then have w_elem : "fst w  inputs A  snd w  outputs A " 
    using Cons by (metis assms(4) prod.collapse well_formed.elims(2))
  then have "(r1,r2)  succ AB w (p1,p2)" 
    using Cons succs by auto 
  then have path_head : "path AB ([w] || [(r1,r2)]) (p1,p2)" 
    by auto
  have "path A (ws || r1s) r1  path B (ws || r2s) r2" 
    using Cons by auto
  moreover have "r1  nodes A  r2  nodes B" 
    using succs Cons.prems succ_nodes[of r1 A w p1] succ_nodes[of r2 B w p2] by auto
  ultimately have "path AB (ws || r1s || r2s) (r1,r2)" 
    using Cons by blast 

  then show ?case 
    using path_head by auto

lemma productF_path_forward :
  assumes "length w = length r1" "length r1 = length r2"
  and     "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "(path A (w || r1) p1  path B (w || r2) p2) 
             (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2) = FAIL
               length w > 0
               path A (butlast (w || r1)) p1
               path B (butlast (w || r2)) p2
               succ A (last w) (target (butlast (w || r1)) p1) = {}
               succ B (last w) (target (butlast (w || r2)) p2)  {})"
  and     "p1  nodes A"
  and     "p2  nodes B"
shows "path (AB) (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2)"
using assms  proof (induction w r1 r2 arbitrary: p1 p2 rule: list_induct3)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons w ws r1 r1s r2 r2s) 
  then show ?case
  proof (cases "(path A (w # ws || r1 # r1s) p1  path B (w # ws || r2 # r2s) p2)")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      using Cons productF_path_inclusion[of "w # ws" "r1 # r1s" "r2 # r2s" A B FAIL AB p1 p2]
      by auto 
    case False
    then have fail_prop : "target (w # ws || r1 # r1s || r2 # r2s) (p1, p2) = FAIL 
                0 < length (w # ws) 
                path A (butlast (w # ws || r1 # r1s)) p1 
                path B (butlast (w # ws || r2 # r2s)) p2 
                succ A (last (w # ws)) (target (butlast (w # ws || r1 # r1s)) p1) = {} 
                succ B (last (w # ws)) (target (butlast (w # ws || r2 # r2s)) p2)  {}" 
      using Cons.prems by fastforce

    then show ?thesis 
    proof (cases "length ws")
      case 0
      then have empty[simp] : "ws = []" "r1s = []" "r2s = []" 
        using Cons.hyps by auto
      then have fail_prop_0 : "target ( [w] || [r1] || [r2]) (p1, p2) = FAIL 
                0 < length ([w]) 
                path A [] p1 
                path B [] p2 
                succ A w p1 = {} 
                succ B w p2  {}" 
        using fail_prop by auto
      then have "fst w  inputs B  snd w  outputs B" 
        using Cons.prems by (metis prod.collapse well_formed.elims(2))
      then have inputs_0 : "fst w  inputs A  snd w  outputs B" 
        using Cons.prems by auto
      moreover have fail_elems_0 : "(r1,r2) = FAIL" 
        using fail_prop by auto
      ultimately have "succ AB w (p1,p2) = {FAIL}" 
        using fail_prop_0 Cons.prems by auto

      then have "path AB ( [w] || [r1] || [r2]) (p1, p2)" 
        using Cons.prems fail_elems_0 by auto
      then show ?thesis 
        by auto
      case (Suc nat)
      then have path_r1 : "path A ([w] || [r1]) p1" 
        using fail_prop 
        by (metis Cons.hyps(1) FSM.nil FSM.path.intros(2) FSM.path_cons_elim Suc_neq_Zero 
            butlast.simps(2) length_0_conv zip_Cons_Cons zip_Nil zip_eq)
      then have path_r1s : "path A (butlast (ws || r1s)) r1" 
        using Suc
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons.hyps(1) FSM.path_cons_elim Suc_neq_Zero butlast.simps(2) 
            fail_prop length_0_conv snd_conv zip.simps(1) zip_Cons_Cons zip_eq) 
      have path_r2 : "path B ([w] || [r2]) p2" 
        using Suc fail_prop 
        by (metis Cons.hyps(1) Cons.hyps(2) FSM.nil FSM.path.intros(2) FSM.path_cons_elim 
            Suc_neq_Zero butlast.simps(2) length_0_conv zip_Cons_Cons zip_Nil zip_eq)
      then have path_r2s : "path B (butlast (ws || r2s)) r2" 
        using Suc
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons.hyps(1) Cons.hyps(2) FSM.path_cons_elim Suc_neq_Zero 
            butlast.simps(2) fail_prop length_0_conv snd_conv zip.simps(1) zip_Cons_Cons zip_eq)

      have "target (ws || r1s || r2s) (r1, r2) = FAIL" 
        using fail_prop by auto
      moreover have "r1  nodes A" 
        using Cons.prems path_r1 by (metis FSM.path_cons_elim snd_conv succ_nodes zip_Cons_Cons)
      moreover have "r2  nodes B" 
        using Cons.prems path_r2 by (metis FSM.path_cons_elim snd_conv succ_nodes zip_Cons_Cons)
      moreover have "succ A (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r1s)) r1) = {}"
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons.hyps(1) Suc Suc_neq_Zero butlast.simps(2) fail_prop 
            fold_simps(2) last_ConsR list.size(3) snd_conv zip_Cons_Cons zip_Nil zip_eq) 
      moreover have "succ B (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r2s)) r2)  {}" 
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) Cons.hyps(1) Cons.hyps(2) Suc Suc_neq_Zero butlast.simps(2) 
            fail_prop fold_simps(2) last_ConsR list.size(3) snd_conv zip_Cons_Cons zip_Nil zip_eq)

      have "path AB (ws || r1s || r2s) (r1, r2)"
        using Cons.IH Suc succ B (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r2s)) r2)  {} 
              assms(3) assms(4) assms(5) calculation(1-4) path_r1s path_r2s zero_less_Suc 
        by presburger 
      moreover have "path AB ([w] || [r1] || [r2]) (p1,p2)" 
        using path_r1 path_r2 productF_path_inclusion[of "[w]" "[r1]" "[r2]" A B FAIL AB p1 p2] 
        by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis 
        by auto 

lemma butlast_zip_cons : "length ws = length r1s  ws  [] 
                             butlast (w # ws || r1 # r1s) = ((w,r1) # (butlast (ws || r1s)))"
proof -
assume a1: "length ws = length r1s"
assume a2: "ws  []"
  have "length (w # ws) = length r1s + Suc 0"
    using a1 by (metis list.size(4))
  then have f3: "length (w # ws) = length (r1 # r1s)"
    by (metis list.size(4))
  have f4: "ws @ w # ws  w # ws"
    using a2 by (meson append_self_conv2)
  have "length (ws @ w # ws) = length (r1s @ r1 # r1s)"
    using a1 by auto
  then have "ws @ w # ws || r1s @ r1 # r1s  w # ws || r1 # r1s"
    using f4 f3 by (meson zip_eq)
  then show ?thesis
    using a1 by simp

lemma productF_succ_fail_imp : 
  assumes "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "FAIL  succ AB w (p1,p2)"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
shows "p1  nodes A  p2  nodes B  (fst w  inputs A)  (snd w  outputs A  outputs B) 
         succ AB w (p1,p2) = {FAIL}  succ A w p1 = {}  succ B w p2  {}" 
proof -
  have path_head : "path AB ([w] || [FAIL]) (p1,p2)" 
    using assms by auto
  then have succ_nonempty : "succ AB w (p1,p2)  {}" 
    by force
  then have succ_if_1 : "p1  nodes A  p2  nodes B  (fst w  inputs A) 
                             (snd w  outputs A  outputs B)" 
    using assms by auto
  then have "(p1,p2)  FAIL" 
    using assms by auto

  have "succ A w p1  nodes A" 
    using assms succ_if_1 by (simp add: subsetI succ_nodes) 
  moreover have "succ B w p2  nodes B" 
    using assms succ_if_1 by (simp add: subsetI succ_nodes)
  ultimately have "FAIL  (succ A w p1 × succ B w p2)" 
    using assms by auto
  then have succ_no_inclusion : "succ AB w (p1,p2)  (succ A w p1 × succ B w p2)" 
    using assms succ_if_1 by blast 
  moreover have "succ AB w (p1,p2) = {}  succ AB w (p1,p2) = {FAIL} 
                   succ AB w (p1,p2) = (succ A w p1 × succ B w p2)" 
    using assms by simp
  ultimately have succ_fail : "succ AB w (p1,p2) = {FAIL}" 
    using succ_nonempty by simp

  have "succ A w p1 = {}  succ B w p2  {}"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ (succ A w p1 = {}  succ B w p2  {})"
    then have "succ AB w (p1,p2) = (succ A w p1 × succ B w p2)" 
      using assms by auto
    then show "False" 
      using succ_no_inclusion by simp
  then show ?thesis 
    using succ_if_1 succ_fail by simp

lemma productF_path_reverse :
  assumes "length w = length r1" "length r1 = length r2"
  and     "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "path AB (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2)"
  and     "p1  nodes A"
  and     "p2  nodes B"
shows "(path A (w || r1) p1  path B (w || r2) p2) 
             (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2) = FAIL
               length w > 0
               path A (butlast (w || r1)) p1
               path B (butlast (w || r2)) p2
               succ A (last w) (target (butlast (w || r1)) p1) = {}
               succ B (last w) (target (butlast (w || r2)) p2)  {})"
using assms  proof (induction w r1 r2 arbitrary: p1 p2 rule: list_induct3)
  case Nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons w ws r1 r1s r2 r2s) 

  have path_head : "path AB ([w] || [(r1,r2)]) (p1,p2)" using Cons by auto
  then have succ_nonempty : "succ AB w (p1,p2)  {}" by force
  then have succ_if_1 : "p1  nodes A  p2  nodes B  (fst w  inputs A) 
                           (snd w  outputs A  outputs B)" 
    using Cons by fastforce
  then have "(p1,p2)  FAIL" 
    using Cons by auto

  have path_tail : "path AB (ws || r1s || r2s) (r1,r2)" 
    using path_head Cons  by auto
  show ?case 
  proof (cases "(r1,r2) = FAIL")
    case True
    have "r1s = []"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ (r1s = [])"
      then have "(¬ (ws = []))  (¬ (r1s = []))  (¬ (r2s = []))" 
        using Cons.hyps by auto
      moreover have "path AB (ws || r1s || r2s) FAIL" 
        using True path_tail by simp
      ultimately have "path AB ([hd ws] @ tl ws || [hd r1s] @ tl r1s || [hd r2s] @ tl r2s) FAIL" 
        by simp
      then have "path AB ([hd ws] || [hd r1s] || [hd r2s]) FAIL" 
        by auto
      then have "succ AB (hd ws) FAIL  {}" 
        by auto
      then show "False" using no_transition_after_FAIL 
        using Cons.prems by auto
    then have tail_nil : "ws = []  r1s = []  r2s = []" 
      using Cons.hyps by simp

    have succ_fail : "FAIL  succ AB w (p1,p2)" 
      using path_head True by auto

    then have succs : "succ A w p1 = {}  succ B w p2  {}" 
      using Cons.prems by (meson productF_succ_fail_imp)

    have  "target (w # ws || r1 # r1s || r2 # r2s) (p1, p2) = FAIL" 
      using True tail_nil by simp
    moreover have "0 < length (w # ws)" 
      by simp
    moreover have "path A (butlast (w # ws || r1 # r1s)) p1" 
      using tail_nil by auto
    moreover have "path B (butlast (w # ws || r2 # r2s)) p2" 
      using tail_nil by auto
    moreover have "succ A (last (w # ws)) (target (butlast (w # ws || r1 # r1s)) p1) = {}" 
      using succs tail_nil by simp 
    moreover have "succ B (last (w # ws)) (target (butlast (w # ws || r2 # r2s)) p2)  {}" 
      using succs tail_nil by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis 
      by simp
    case False

    have "(r1,r2)  succ AB w (p1,p2)" 
      using path_head by auto
    then have succ_not_fail : "succ AB w (p1,p2)  {FAIL}"
      using succ_nonempty False by auto

    have "¬ (succ A w p1 = {}  succ B w p2  {})" 
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ ¬ (succ A w p1 = {}  succ B w p2  {})"
      then have "succ AB w (p1,p2) = {FAIL}" 
        using succ_if_1 Cons by auto
      then show "False" 
        using succ_not_fail by simp

    then have "succ AB w (p1,p2) = (succ A w p1 × succ B w p2)" 
      using succ_if_1 Cons by auto
    then have "(r1,r2)  (succ A w p1 × succ B w p2)" 
      using Cons by auto
    then have succs_next : "r1  succ A w p1  r2  succ B w p2"
      by auto
    then have nodes_next : "r1  nodes A  r2  nodes B" 
      using Cons succ_nodes by metis     

    moreover have path_tail : "path AB (ws || r1s || r2s) (r1,r2)" 
      using Cons by auto
    ultimately have prop_tail : 
        "path A (ws || r1s) r1  path B (ws || r2s) r2 
            target (ws || r1s || r2s) (r1, r2) = FAIL 
            0 < length ws 
            path A (butlast (ws || r1s)) r1 
            path B (butlast (ws || r2s)) r2 
            succ A (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r1s)) r1) = {} 
            succ B (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r2s)) r2)  {}" 
      using Cons.IH[of r1 r2] Cons.prems by auto

    moreover have "path A ([w] || [r1]) p1  path B ([w] || [r2]) p2" 
      using succs_next by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "path A (ws || r1s) r1  path B (ws || r2s) r2")
      case True
      moreover have paths_head : "path A ([w] || [r1]) p1  path B ([w] || [r2]) p2" 
        using succs_next by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis 
        by (metis (no_types) FSM.path.simps FSM.path_cons_elim True eq_snd_iff 
            paths_head zip_Cons_Cons)
      case False

      then have fail_prop : "target (ws || r1s || r2s) (r1, r2) = FAIL 
            0 < length ws 
            path A (butlast (ws || r1s)) r1 
            path B (butlast (ws || r2s)) r2 
            succ A (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r1s)) r1) = {} 
            succ B (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r2s)) r2)  {}" 
        using prop_tail by auto

      then have paths_head : "path A ([w] || [r1]) p1  path B ([w] || [r2]) p2" 
        using succs_next by auto

      have "(last (w # ws)) = last ws" 
        using fail_prop by simp
      moreover have "(target (butlast (w # ws || r1 # r1s)) p1) = (target (butlast (ws || r1s)) r1)" 
        using fail_prop Cons.hyps(1) butlast_zip_cons by auto 
      moreover have "(target (butlast (w # ws || r2 # r2s)) p2) = (target (butlast (ws || r2s)) r2)" 
        using fail_prop Cons.hyps(1) Cons.hyps(2) butlast_zip_cons by auto
      ultimately have "succ A (last (w # ws)) (target (butlast (w # ws || r1 # r1s)) p1) = {} 
                         succ B (last (w # ws)) (target (butlast (w # ws || r2 # r2s)) p2)  {}" 
        using fail_prop by auto
      moreover have "path A (butlast (w # ws || r1 # r1s)) p1" 
        using fail_prop paths_head by auto
      moreover have "path B (butlast (w # ws || r2 # r2s)) p2" 
        using fail_prop paths_head by auto
      moreover have "target (w # ws || r1 # r1s || r2 # r2s) (p1, p2) = FAIL" 
        using fail_prop paths_head by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
        by simp


lemma butlast_zip[simp] :
  assumes "length xs = length ys"
  shows "butlast (xs || ys) = (butlast xs || butlast ys)"
  using assms by (metis (no_types, lifting) map_butlast map_fst_zip map_snd_zip zip_map_fst_snd) 

lemma productF_path_reverse_ob : 
  assumes "length w = length r1" "length r1 = length r2"
  and     "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "path AB (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2)"
  and     "p1  nodes A"
  and     "p2  nodes B"
obtains r2' 
where "path B (w || r2') p2  length w = length r2'"
proof -
  have path_prop : "(path A (w || r1) p1  path B (w || r2) p2) 
                     (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2) = FAIL
                       length w > 0
                       path A (butlast (w || r1)) p1
                       path B (butlast (w || r2)) p2
                       succ A (last w) (target (butlast (w || r1)) p1) = {}
                       succ B (last w) (target (butlast (w || r2)) p2)  {})" 
    using assms productF_path_reverse[of w r1 r2 A B FAIL AB p1 p2] by simp
  have " r1' . path B (w || r1') p2  length w = length r1'"
  proof (cases "path A (w || r1) p1  path B (w || r2) p2")
    case True
    then show ?thesis 
      using assms by auto
    case False 
    then have B_prop : "length w > 0
                 path B (butlast (w || r2)) p2
                 succ B (last w) (target (butlast (w || r2)) p2)  {}" 
      using path_prop by auto
    then obtain rx where "rx  succ B (last w) (target (butlast (w || r2)) p2)" 
      by auto
    then have "path B ([last w] || [rx]) (target (butlast (w || r2)) p2)" 
      using B_prop by auto
    then have "path B ((butlast (w || r2)) @ ([last w] || [rx])) p2" 
      using B_prop by auto
    moreover have "butlast (w || r2) = (butlast w || butlast r2)" 
      using assms by simp 
    ultimately have "path B ((butlast w) @ [last w] || (butlast r2) @ [rx]) p2" 
      using assms B_prop by auto
    moreover have "(butlast w) @ [last w] = w" 
      using B_prop by simp
    moreover have "length ((butlast r2) @ [rx]) = length w" 
      using assms B_prop by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis 
      by auto
  then obtain r1' where "path B (w || r1') p2  length w = length r1'" 
    by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using that by blast

text ‹
The following lemma formalizes the property of paths of the product machine as described 
in the section introduction.

lemma productF_path[iff] :
  assumes "length w = length r1" "length r1 = length r2"
  and     "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "p1  nodes A"
  and     "p2  nodes B"
shows "path AB (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2)  ((path A (w || r1) p1  path B (w || r2) p2) 
             (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2) = FAIL
               length w > 0
               path A (butlast (w || r1)) p1
               path B (butlast (w || r2)) p2
               succ A (last w) (target (butlast (w || r1)) p1) = {}
               succ B (last w) (target (butlast (w || r2)) p2)  {}))" (is "?path  ?paths")
  assume ?path
  then show ?paths using assms productF_path_reverse[of w r1 r2 A B FAIL AB p1 p2] by simp
  assume ?paths
  then show ?path using assms productF_path_forward[of w r1 r2 A B FAIL AB p1 p2] by simp

lemma path_last_succ :
  assumes "path A (ws || r1s) p1"
  and     "length r1s = length ws"
  and     "length ws > 0"
shows     "last r1s  succ A (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r1s)) p1)"
proof -
  have "path A (butlast (ws || r1s)) p1 
         path A [last (ws || r1s)] (target (butlast (ws || r1s)) p1)"
    by (metis FSM.path_append_elim append_butlast_last_id assms length_greater_0_conv 
        list.size(3) zip_Nil zip_eq) 

  then have "snd (last (ws || r1s))  
              succ A (fst (last (ws || r1s))) (target (butlast (ws || r1s)) p1)" 
    by auto
  moreover have "ws || r1s  []" 
    using assms(3) assms(2) by (metis length_zip list.size(3) min.idem neq0_conv) 
  ultimately have "last r1s  succ A (last ws) (target (butlast (ws || r1s)) p1)" 
    by (simp add: assms(2)) 
  then show ?thesis 
    by auto

lemma zip_last :
  assumes "length r1 > 0"
  and     "length r1 = length r2"
shows "last (r1 || r2) = (last r1, last r2)"
  by (metis (no_types) assms(1) assms(2) less_nat_zero_code list.size(3) 
      map_fst_zip zip_Nil zip_last)

lemma productF_path_reverse_ob_2 : 
  assumes "length w = length r1" "length r1 = length r2"
  and     "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "path AB (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2)"
  and     "p1  nodes A"
  and     "p2  nodes B"
  and     "w  language_state A p1"
  and     "observable A"
shows "path A (w || r1) p1  length w = length r1" "path B (w || r2) p2  length w = length r2"
      "target (w || r1) p1 = fst (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1,p2))"
      "target (w || r2) p2 = snd (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1,p2))"
proof -

  have "(path A (w || r1) p1  path B (w || r2) p2) 
             (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2) = FAIL
               length w > 0
               path A (butlast (w || r1)) p1
               path B (butlast (w || r2)) p2
               succ A (last w) (target (butlast (w || r1)) p1) = {}
               succ B (last w) (target (butlast (w || r2)) p2)  {})"
    using productF_path[of w r1 r2 A B FAIL AB p1 p2] assms by blast

  moreover have "path A (butlast (w || r1)) p1 
                   succ A (last w) (target (butlast (w || r1)) p1) = {} 
                   length w > 0  False"
  proof -
    assume assm : "path A (butlast (w || r1)) p1 
                     succ A (last w) (target (butlast (w || r1)) p1) = {} 
                     length w > 0"
    obtain r1' where r1'_def : "path A (w || r1') p1  length r1' = length w" 
      using assms(9) by auto
    then have "path A (butlast (w || r1')) p1  length (butlast r1') = length (butlast w)" 
      by (metis FSM.path_append_elim append_butlast_last_id butlast.simps(1) length_butlast)
    moreover have "path A (butlast (w || r1)) p1  length (butlast r1) = length (butlast w)" 
      using assm assms(1) by auto
    ultimately have "butlast r1 = butlast r1'" 
      by (metis assms(1) assms(10) butlast_zip language_state observable_path_unique r1'_def) 

    then have "butlast (w || r1) = butlast (w || r1')" 
      using assms(1) r1'_def by simp
    moreover have "succ A (last w) (target (butlast (w || r1')) p1)  {}" 
      by (metis (no_types) assm empty_iff path_last_succ r1'_def)
    ultimately show "False" 
      using assm by auto

  ultimately have paths : "(path A (w || r1) p1  path B (w || r2) p2)" 
    by auto

  show "path A (w || r1) p1  length w = length r1" 
    using assms(1) paths by simp
  show "path B (w || r2) p2  length w = length r2" 
    using assms(1) assms(2) paths by simp

  have "length w = 0  target (w || r1 || r2) (p1,p2) = (p1,p2)" 
    by simp
  moreover have "length w > 0  target (w || r1 || r2) (p1,p2) = last (r1 || r2)" 
  proof -
    assume "length w > 0"
    moreover have "length w = length (r1 || r2)" 
      using assms(1) assms(2) by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis 
      using target_alt_def(2)[of w "r1 || r2" "(p1,p2)"] by simp

  ultimately have "target (w || r1) p1 = fst (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2)) 
                    target (w || r2) p2 = snd (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1, p2))"
  proof (cases "length w")
    case 0
    then show ?thesis by simp
    case (Suc nat)
    then have "length w > 0" by simp
    have "target (w || r1 || r2) (p1,p2) = last (r1 || r2)"
    proof -
      have "length w = length (r1 || r2)" 
        using assms(1) assms(2) by simp
      then show ?thesis 
        using length w > 0 target_alt_def(2)[of w "r1 || r2" "(p1,p2)"] by simp
    moreover have "target (w || r1) p1 = last r1" 
      using length w > 0 target_alt_def(2)[of w r1 p1] assms(1) by simp
    moreover have "target (w || r2) p2 = last r2" 
      using length w > 0 target_alt_def(2)[of w r2 p2] assms(1) assms(2) by simp
    moreover have "last (r1 || r2) = (last r1, last r2)" 
      using length w > 0 assms(1) assms(2) zip_last[of r1 r2] by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis 
      by simp

  then show "target (w || r1) p1 = fst (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1,p2))"
            "target (w || r2) p2 = snd (target (w || r1 || r2) (p1,p2))" 
    by simp+

lemma productF_path_unzip :
  assumes "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "path AB (w || tr) q"
  and     "length tr = length w"
shows "path AB (w || (map fst tr || map snd tr)) q" 
proof -
  have "map fst tr || map snd tr = tr" 
    by auto
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms by auto

lemma productF_path_io_targets :
  assumes "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "io_targets AB (qA,qB) w = {(pA,pB)}"
  and     "w  language_state A qA"
  and     "w  language_state B qB"
  and     "observable A"
  and     "observable B"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "qA  nodes A"
  and     "qB  nodes B" 
shows "pA  io_targets A qA w" "pB  io_targets B qB w"
proof -
  obtain tr where tr_def : "target (w || tr) (qA,qB) = (pA,pB) 
                             path AB (w || tr) (qA,qB) 
                             length w = length tr" using assms(2) 
    by blast
  have path_A : "path A (w || map fst tr) qA  length w = length (map fst tr)" 
    using productF_path_reverse_ob_2[of w "map fst tr" "map snd tr" A B FAIL AB qA qB] 
          assms tr_def by auto
  have path_B : "path B (w || map snd tr) qB  length w = length (map snd tr)" 
    using productF_path_reverse_ob_2[of w "map fst tr" "map snd tr" A B FAIL AB qA qB] 
          assms tr_def by auto
  have targets : "target (w || map fst tr) qA = pA  target (w || map snd tr) qB = pB"
  proof (cases tr)
    case Nil
    then have "qA = pA  qB = pB" 
      using tr_def by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      by (simp add: local.Nil) 
    case (Cons a list)
    then have "last tr = (pA,pB)" 
      using tr_def by (simp add: tr_def FSM.target_alt_def states_alt_def) 
    moreover have "target (w || map fst tr) qA = last (map fst tr)" 
      using Cons by (simp add: FSM.target_alt_def states_alt_def tr_def) 
    moreover have "last (map fst tr) = fst (last tr)" 
      using last_map Cons by blast 

    moreover have "target (w || map snd tr) qB = last (map snd tr)" 
      using Cons by (simp add: FSM.target_alt_def states_alt_def tr_def) 
    moreover have "last (map snd tr) = snd (last tr)" 
      using last_map Cons by blast

    ultimately show ?thesis 
      by simp 

  show "pA  io_targets A qA w" 
    using path_A targets by auto
  show "pB  io_targets B qB w" 
    using path_B targets by auto

lemma productF_path_io_targets_reverse :
  assumes "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "pA  io_targets A qA w" 
  and     "pB  io_targets B qB w"
  and     "w  language_state A qA"
  and     "w  language_state B qB"
  and     "observable A"
  and     "observable B"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "qA  nodes A"
  and     "qB  nodes B" 
shows "io_targets AB (qA,qB) w = {(pA,pB)}" 
proof -
  obtain trA where "path A (w || trA) qA" 
                   "length w = length trA" 
                   "target (w || trA) qA = pA"
    using assms(2) by auto  
  obtain trB where "path B (w || trB) qB" 
                   "length trA = length trB" 
                   "target (w || trB) qB = pB"
    using length w = length trA assms(3) by auto


  have "path AB (w || trA || trB) (qA,qB)"
       "length (trA || trB) = length w" 
    using productF_path_inclusion
          [OF length w = length trA length trA = length trB assms(1) assms(8,9) _ assms(10,11)]
    by (simp add: length trA = length trB length w = length trA path A (w || trA) qA 
          path B (w || trB) qB)+

  have "target (w || trA || trB) (qA,qB) = (pA,pB)"
    by (simp add: length trA = length trB length w = length trA target (w || trA) qA = pA 
        target (w || trB) qB = pB) 

  have "(pA,pB)  io_targets AB (qA,qB) w"
    by (metis length (trA || trB) = length w path AB (w || trA || trB) (qA, qB) 
        target (w || trA || trB) (qA, qB) = (pA, pB) io_target_from_path)  

  have "observable AB"
    by (metis (no_types) assms(1) assms(6) assms(7) observable_productF) 

  show ?thesis
    by (meson (pA, pB)  io_targets AB (qA, qB) w observable AB 

subsection ‹ Sequences to failure in the product machine ›

text ‹
A sequence to a failure for @{verbatim A} and @{verbatim B} reaches the fail state of any product 
machine of @{verbatim A} and @{verbatim B} with added fail state.

lemma fail_reachable_by_sequence_to_failure :
  assumes "sequence_to_failure M1 M2 io"
  and     "well_formed M1"
  and     "well_formed M2"
  and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
obtains p
where "path PM (io||p) (initial PM)  length p = length io  target (io||p) (initial PM) = FAIL"
proof -
  have "io  []" 
    using assms by auto 
  then obtain io_init io_last where io_split[simp] : "io = io_init @ [io_last]" 
    by (metis append_butlast_last_id) 
  have io_init_inclusion : "io_init  language_state M1 (initial M1) 
                             io_init  language_state M2 (initial M2)" 
    using assms by auto

  have "io_init @ [io_last]  language_state M1 (initial M1)" 
    using assms by auto
  then obtain tr1_init tr1_last where tr1_def : 
    "path M1 (io_init @ [io_last] || tr1_init @ [tr1_last]) (initial M1) 
       length (tr1_init @ [tr1_last]) = length (io_init @ [io_last])"
    by (metis append_butlast_last_id language_state_elim length_0_conv length_append_singleton 
  then have path_init_1 : "path M1 (io_init || tr1_init) (initial M1) 
                             length tr1_init = length io_init" 
    by auto
  then have "path M1 ([io_last] || [tr1_last]) (target (io_init || tr1_init) (initial M1))" 
    using tr1_def by auto
  then have succ_1 : "succ M1 io_last (target (io_init || tr1_init) (initial M1))  {}" 
    by auto

  obtain tr2 where tr2_def : "path M2 (io_init || tr2) (initial M2)  length tr2 = length io_init"
    using io_init_inclusion by auto
  have succ_2 : "succ M2 io_last (target (io_init || tr2) (initial M2)) = {}" 
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "succ M2 io_last (target (io_init || tr2) (initial M2))  {}"
    then obtain tr2_last where "tr2_last  succ M2 io_last (target (io_init || tr2) (initial M2))" 
      by auto
    then have "path M2 ([io_last] || [tr2_last]) (target (io_init || tr2) (initial M2))" 
      by auto
    then have "io_init @ [io_last]  language_state M2 (initial M2)" 
      by (metis FSM.path_append language_state length_Cons length_append list.size(3) tr2_def 
    then show "False" 
      using assms io_split by simp

  have fail_lengths : "length (io_init @ [io_last]) = length (tr2 @ [fst FAIL]) 
                         length (tr2 @ [fst FAIL]) = length (tr1_init @ [snd FAIL])" 
    using assms tr2_def tr1_def by auto
  then have fail_tgt : "target (io_init @ [io_last] || tr2 @ [fst FAIL] || tr1_init @ [snd FAIL]) 
                                (initial M2, initial M1) = FAIL" 
    by auto

  have fail_butlast_simp[simp] : 
    "butlast (io_init @ [io_last] || tr2 @ [fst FAIL]) = io_init || tr2" 
    "butlast (io_init @ [io_last] || tr1_init @ [snd FAIL]) = io_init || tr1_init" 
    using fail_lengths by simp+

  have "path M2 (butlast (io_init @ [io_last] || tr2 @ [fst FAIL])) (initial M2) 
         path M1 (butlast (io_init @ [io_last] || tr1_init @ [snd FAIL])) (initial M1)" 
    using tr1_def tr2_def by auto
  moreover have "succ M2 (last (io_init @ [io_last])) 
                    (target (butlast (io_init @ [io_last] || tr2 @ [fst FAIL])) (initial M2)) = {}" 
    using succ_2 by simp
  moreover have "succ M1 (last (io_init @ [io_last])) 
                  (target (butlast (io_init @ [io_last] || tr1_init @ [snd FAIL])) (initial M1)) 
    using succ_1 by simp
  moreover have "initial M2  nodes M2  initial M1  nodes M1" 
    by auto
  ultimately have "path PM (io_init @ [io_last] || tr2 @ [fst FAIL] || tr1_init @ [snd FAIL]) 
                    (initial M2, initial M1)" 
    using fail_lengths fail_tgt assms path_init_1 tr2_def productF_path_forward
          [of "io_init @ [io_last]" "tr2 @ [fst FAIL]" "tr1_init @ [snd FAIL]" M2 M1 FAIL PM 
              "initial M2" "initial M1" ] 
    by simp

  moreover have "initial PM = (initial M2, initial M1)" 
    using assms(4) productF_simps(4) by blast
  ultimately have 
    "path PM (io_init @ [io_last] || tr2 @ [fst FAIL] || tr1_init @ [snd FAIL]) (initial PM)
      length (tr2 @ [fst FAIL] || tr1_init @ [snd FAIL]) = length (io_init @ [io_last])
      target (io_init @ [io_last] || tr2 @ [fst FAIL] || tr1_init @ [snd FAIL]) (initial PM)= FAIL"
    using fail_lengths fail_tgt by auto
  then show ?thesis using that 
    using io_split by blast 

lemma fail_reachable :
  assumes "¬ M1  M2"
  and     "well_formed M1"
  and     "well_formed M2"
  and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
shows "FAIL  reachable PM (initial PM)"
proof -
  obtain io where "sequence_to_failure M1 M2 io" 
    using sequence_to_failure_ob assms by blast
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms fail_reachable_by_sequence_to_failure[of M1 M2 io FAIL PM] 
    by (metis FSM.reachable.reflexive FSM.reachable_target)  

lemma fail_reachable_ob :
  assumes "¬ M1  M2"
  and     "well_formed M1"
  and     "well_formed M2"
  and     "observable M2"
  and "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
obtains p
where "path PM p (initial PM)" "target p (initial PM) = FAIL"
using assms fail_reachable by (metis FSM.reachable_target_elim) 

lemma fail_reachable_reverse : 
  assumes "well_formed M1"
  and     "well_formed M2" 
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
  and     "FAIL  reachable PM (initial PM)"
  and     "observable M2"
shows "¬ M1  M2" 
proof -
  obtain pathF where pathF_def : "path PM pathF (initial PM)  target pathF (initial PM) = FAIL" 
    using assms by auto

  let ?io = "map fst pathF"
  let ?tr2 = "map fst (map snd pathF)"
  let ?tr1 = "map snd (map snd pathF)" 

  have "initial PM  FAIL" 
    using assms by auto
  then have "pathF  []" 
    using pathF_def by auto
  moreover have "initial PM = (initial M2, initial M1)" 
    using assms by simp
  ultimately have "path M2 (?io || ?tr2) (initial M2)  path M1 (?io || ?tr1) (initial M1) 
                    target (?io || ?tr2 || ?tr1) (initial M2, initial M1) = FAIL 
                    0 < length (?io) 
                    path M2 (butlast (?io || ?tr2)) (initial M2) 
                    path M1 (butlast (?io || ?tr1)) (initial M1) 
                    succ M2 (last (?io)) (target (butlast (?io || ?tr2)) (initial M2)) = {} 
                    succ M1 (last (?io)) (target (butlast (?io || ?tr1)) (initial M1))  {}" 
    using productF_path_reverse[of ?io ?tr2 ?tr1 M2 M1 FAIL PM "initial M2" "initial M1"] 
    using assms pathF_def
  proof -
    have f1: "path PM (?io || ?tr2 || ?tr1) (initial M2, initial M1)" 
      by (metis (no_types) initial PM = (initial M2, initial M1) pathF_def zip_map_fst_snd)
    have f2: "length (?io) = length pathF  length (?io) = length (?tr2)" 
      by auto
    have "length (?io) = length pathF  length (?tr2) = length (?tr1)" 
      by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      using f2 f1 productF M2 M1 FAIL PM well_formed M1 well_formed M2 by blast
  moreover have "¬ (path M2 (?io || ?tr2) (initial M2)  path M1 (?io || ?tr1) (initial M1))" 
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume " ¬ ¬ (path M2 (?io || ?tr2) (initial M2) 
          path M1 (?io || ?tr1) (initial M1))"
    then have "path M2 (?io || ?tr2) (initial M2)" 
      by simp
    then have "target (?io || ?tr2) (initial M2)  nodes M2" 
      by auto
    then have "target (?io || ?tr2) (initial M2)  fst FAIL" 
      using assms by auto
    then show "False" 
      using pathF_def
    proof -
      have "FAIL = target (map fst pathF || map fst (map snd pathF) || map snd (map snd pathF)) 
                          (initial M2, initial M1)"
        by (metis (no_types) initial PM = (initial M2, initial M1) 
            path PM pathF (initial PM)  target pathF (initial PM) = FAIL zip_map_fst_snd)
      then show ?thesis
        using target (map fst pathF || map fst (map snd pathF)) (initial M2)  fst FAIL by auto

  ultimately have fail_prop : 
          "target (?io || ?tr2 || ?tr1) (initial M2, initial M1) = FAIL 
            0 < length (?io) 
            path M2 (butlast (?io || ?tr2)) (initial M2) 
            path M1 (butlast (?io || ?tr1)) (initial M1) 
            succ M2 (last (?io)) (target (butlast (?io || ?tr2)) (initial M2)) = {} 
            succ M1 (last (?io)) (target (butlast (?io || ?tr1)) (initial M1))  {}" 
    by auto

  then have "?io  language_state M1 (initial M1)"
  proof -
    have f1: "path PM (map fst pathF || map fst (map snd pathF) || map snd (map snd pathF)) 
                        (initial M2, initial M1)"
      by (metis (no_types) initial PM = (initial M2, initial M1) pathF_def zip_map_fst_snd)
    have "c f. c  initial (f::('a, 'b, 'c) FSM)  c  nodes f"
      by blast
    then show ?thesis
      using f1 by (metis (no_types) assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) language_state length_map 

  moreover have "?io  language_state M2 (initial M2)"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ ?io  language_state M2 (initial M2)"
    then have assm : "?io  language_state M2 (initial M2)" 
      by simp
    then obtain tr2' where tr2'_def : "path M2 (?io || tr2') (initial M2) 
                                         length ?io = length tr2'" 
      by auto
    then obtain tr2'_init tr2'_last where tr2'_split : "tr2' = tr2'_init @ [tr2'_last]" 
      using fail_prop by (metis pathF  [] append_butlast_last_id length_0_conv map_is_Nil_conv) 

    have "butlast ?io  language_state M2 (initial M2)" 
      using fail_prop by auto
    then have "{t. path M2 (butlast ?io || t) (initial M2)  length (butlast ?io) = length t} 
                = {butlast ?tr2}" 
      using assms(5) observable_path_unique[of "butlast ?io" M2 "initial M2" "butlast ?tr2"] 
            fail_prop by fastforce
    then have " t ts . path M2 ((butlast ?io) @ [last ?io] || ts @ [t]) (initial M2) 
                           length ((butlast ?io) @ [last ?io]) = length (ts @ [t]) 
                         ts = butlast ?tr2"
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) FSM.path_append_elim 
          butlast (map fst pathF)  language_state M2 (initial M2) assms(5) butlast_snoc 
          butlast_zip fail_prop length_butlast length_map observable_path_unique zip_append)
    then have "tr2'_init = butlast ?tr2" 
      using tr2'_def tr2'_split pathF  [] by auto
    then have "path M2 ((butlast ?io) @ [last ?io] || (butlast ?tr2) @ [tr2'_last]) (initial M2) 
                 length ((butlast ?io) @ [last ?io]) = length ((butlast ?tr2) @ [tr2'_last])" 
      using tr2'_def fail_prop tr2'_split by auto
    then have "path M2 ([last ?io] || [tr2'_last]) 
                        (target (butlast ?io || butlast ?tr2) (initial M2)) 
                 length [last ?io] = length [tr2'_last]" 
      by auto
    then have "tr2'_last  succ M2 (last (?io)) (target (butlast (?io || ?tr2)) (initial M2))" 
      by auto
    then show "False" 
      using fail_prop by auto

  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

lemma fail_reachable_iff[iff] : 
  assumes "well_formed M1"
  and     "well_formed M2" 
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
  and     "observable M2"
shows "FAIL  reachable PM (initial PM)  ¬ M1  M2"
  show "FAIL  reachable PM (initial PM)  ¬ M1  M2" 
    using assms fail_reachable_reverse by blast 
  show "¬ M1  M2  FAIL  reachable PM (initial PM)"
    using assms fail_reachable by blast

lemma reaching_path_length :
  assumes "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "q2  reachable AB q1"
  and     "q2  FAIL"
  and     "q1  nodes AB"
shows " p . path AB p q1  target p q1 = q2  length p < card (nodes A) * card (nodes B)"
proof -
  obtain p where p_def : "path AB p q1  target p q1 = q2  distinct (q1 # states p q1)" 
    using assms reaching_path_without_repetition by (metis well_formed_productF) 

  have "FAIL  set (q1 # states p q1)"
  proof(cases p)
    case Nil
    then have "q1 = q2" 
      using p_def by auto
    then have "q1  FAIL" 
      using assms by auto
    then show ?thesis 
      using Nil by auto
    case (Cons a list)
    have "FAIL  set (butlast (q1 # states p q1))" 
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume assm : "¬ FAIL  set (butlast (q1 # states p q1))"
      then obtain i where i_def : "i < length (butlast (q1 # states p q1))
                                    butlast (q1 # states p q1) ! i = FAIL" 
        by (metis distinct_Ex1 distinct_butlast p_def) 
      then have "i < Suc (length (butlast p))" 
        using local.Cons by fastforce 
      then have "i < length p" 
        by (metis append_butlast_last_id length_append_singleton list.simps(3) local.Cons) 
      then have "butlast (q1 # states p q1) ! i = target (take i p) q1" 
      using i_def assm proof (induction i)
        case 0
        then show ?case by auto
        case (Suc i)
        then show ?case by (metis Suc_lessD nth_Cons_Suc nth_butlast states_target_index)  

      then have "target (take i p) q1 = FAIL" using i_def by auto
      moreover have " k . k < length p  target (take k p) q1  FAIL" 
        using no_prefix_targets_FAIL[of A B FAIL AB p q1] assms p_def by auto
      ultimately show "False" 
        by (metis assms(5) linorder_neqE_nat nat_less_le order_refl p_def take_all) 

    moreover have "last (q1 # states p q1)  FAIL" 
      using assms(5) local.Cons p_def transition_system_universal.target_alt_def by force 
    ultimately show ?thesis 
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) UnE append_butlast_last_id list.set(1) list.set(2) 
          list.simps(3) set_append singletonD) 

  moreover have "set (q1 # states p q1)  nodes AB" 
    using assms by (metis FSM.nodes_states insert_subset list.simps(15) p_def) 
  ultimately have states_subset : "set (q1 # states p q1)  nodes A × nodes B" 
    using nodes_productF assms by blast 

  have finite_nodes : "finite (nodes A × nodes B)" 
    using assms(2) assms(3) by auto 
  have "length p  length (states p q1)" 
    by simp
  then have "length p < card (nodes A) * card (nodes B)"  
    by (metis (no_types) finite_nodes states_subset card_cartesian_product card_mono distinct_card 
        impossible_Cons less_le_trans not_less p_def)

  then show ?thesis 
    using p_def by blast    

lemma reaching_path_fail_length :
  assumes "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "q2  reachable AB q1"
  and     "q1  nodes AB"
shows " p . path AB p q1  target p q1 = q2  length p  card (nodes A) * card (nodes B)"
proof (cases "q2 = FAIL")
  case True

  then have q2_def : "q2 = FAIL" 
    by simp
  then show ?thesis 
  proof (cases "q1 = q2")
    case True
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then obtain px where px_def : "path AB px q1  target px q1 = q2" 
      using assms by auto
    then have px_nonempty : "px  []" 
      using q2_def False by auto 
    let ?qx = "target (butlast px) q1"
    have "?qx  reachable AB q1" 
      using px_def px_nonempty
      by (metis FSM.path_append_elim FSM.reachable.reflexive FSM.reachable_target 
    moreover have "?qx  FAIL" 
      using False q2_def assms 
      by (metis One_nat_def Suc_pred butlast_conv_take length_greater_0_conv lessI 
          no_prefix_targets_FAIL px_def px_nonempty) 
    ultimately obtain px' where px'_def : "path AB px' q1 
                                             target px' q1 = ?qx 
                                             length px' < card (nodes A) * card (nodes B)" 
      using assms reaching_path_length[of A B FAIL AB ?qx q1] by blast  

    have px_split : "path AB ((butlast px) @ [last px]) q1 
                       target ((butlast px) @ [last px]) q1 = q2" 
      using px_def px_nonempty by auto
    then have "path AB [last px] ?qx  target [last px] ?qx = q2" 
      using px_nonempty
    proof -
      have "target [last px] (target (butlast px) q1) = q2" 
        using px_split by force
      then show ?thesis 
        using px_split by blast

    then have "path AB (px' @ [last px]) q1  target (px' @ [last px]) q1 = q2" 
      using px'_def by auto
    moreover have "length (px' @ [last px])  card (nodes A) * card (nodes B)" 
      using px'_def by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis 
      by blast 
  case False
  then show ?thesis 
    using assms reaching_path_length by (metis less_imp_le) 

lemma productF_language :
  assumes "productF A B FAIL AB"
  and     "well_formed A"
  and     "well_formed B"
  and     "io  L A  L B"
shows "io  L AB"
proof -
  obtain trA trB where tr_def : "path A (io || trA) (initial A)  length io = length trA" 
                                "path B (io || trB) (initial B)  length io = length trB" 
    using assms by blast 
  then have "path AB (io || trA || trB) (initial A, initial B)" 
    using assms by (metis FSM.nodes.initial productF_path_inclusion)
  then show ?thesis 
    using tr_def by (metis assms(1) language_state length_zip min.idem productF_simps(4)) 

lemma productF_language_state_intermediate :
  assumes "vs @ xs  L M2  L M1"
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
  and     "observable M2"
  and     "well_formed M2"
  and     "observable M1"
  and     "well_formed M1"
obtains q2 q1 tr 
where "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {(q2,q1)}"
      "path PM (xs || tr) (q2,q1)" 
      "length xs = length tr"
proof -
  have "vs @ xs  L PM" 
    using productF_language[OF assms(2,4,6,1)] by simp
  then obtain trVX where "path PM (vs@xs || trVX) (initial PM)  length trVX = length (vs@xs)" 
    by auto
  then have tgt_VX : "io_targets PM (initial PM) (vs@xs) = {target (vs@xs || trVX) (initial PM)}" 
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) assms(5) obs_target_is_io_targets observable_productF)
  have "vs  L PM" using vs@xs  L PM 
    by (meson language_state_prefix)
  then obtain trV where "path PM (vs || trV) (initial PM)  length trV = length vs" 
    by auto
  then have tgt_V : "io_targets PM (initial PM) vs = {target (vs || trV) (initial PM)}" 
    by (metis assms(2) assms(3) assms(5) obs_target_is_io_targets observable_productF) 

  let ?q2 = "fst (target (vs || trV) (initial PM))"
  let ?q1 = "snd (target (vs || trV) (initial PM))"

  have "observable PM" 
    by (meson assms(2,3,5) observable_productF) 

  have "io_targets PM (?q2,?q1) xs = {target (vs @ xs || trVX) (initial PM)}" 
    using observable_io_targets_split[OF observable PM tgt_VX tgt_V] by simp

  then have "xs  language_state PM (?q2,?q1)" 
    by auto

  then obtain tr where "path PM (xs || tr) (?q2,?q1)" 
                       "length xs = length tr" 
    by auto

  then show ?thesis 
    by (metis prod.collapse tgt_V that)  

lemma sequence_to_failure_reaches_FAIL :
  assumes "sequence_to_failure M1 M2 io"
  and     "OFSM M1"
  and     "OFSM M2"
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
shows "FAIL  io_targets PM (initial PM) io" 
proof -
  obtain p where "path PM (io || p) (initial PM) 
                     length p = length io 
                     target (io || p) (initial PM) = FAIL" 
    using fail_reachable_by_sequence_to_failure[OF assms(1)]
    using assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) by blast 
  then show ?thesis 
    by auto

lemma sequence_to_failure_reaches_FAIL_ob :
  assumes "sequence_to_failure M1 M2 io"
  and     "OFSM M1"
  and     "OFSM M2"
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
shows "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {FAIL}"
proof -
  have "FAIL  io_targets PM (initial PM) io" 
    using sequence_to_failure_reaches_FAIL[OF assms(1-4)] by assumption
  have "observable PM"
    by (meson assms(2) assms(3) assms(4) observable_productF)
  show ?thesis
    by (meson FAIL  io_targets PM (initial PM) io observable PM 

lemma sequence_to_failure_alt_def :
  assumes "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {FAIL}"
  and     "OFSM M1"
  and     "OFSM M2"
  and     "productF M2 M1 FAIL PM"
shows "sequence_to_failure M1 M2 io"
proof -
  obtain p where "path PM (io || p) (initial PM)" 
                 "length p = length io" 
                 "target (io || p) (initial PM) = FAIL"
    using assms(1) by (metis io_targets_elim singletonI) 
  have "io  []" 
    assume "io = []"
    then have "io_targets PM (initial PM) io = {initial PM}" 
      by auto 
    moreover have "initial PM  FAIL" 
    proof -
      have "initial PM = (initial M2, initial M1)" 
        using assms(4) by auto
      then have "initial PM  (nodes M2 × nodes M1)"
        by (simp add: FSM.nodes.initial) 
      moreover have "FAIL  (nodes M2 × nodes M1)"
        using assms(4) by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis 
        by auto
    ultimately show "False"
      using assms(1) by blast 
  then have "0 < length io" 
    by blast
  have "target (butlast (io||p)) (initial PM)  FAIL" 
    using no_prefix_targets_FAIL[OF assms(4) path PM (io || p) (initial PM), of "(length io) - 1"]
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) 0 < length io length p = length io butlast_conv_take 
        diff_less length_map less_numeral_extra(1) map_fst_zip)  
  have "target (butlast (io||p)) (initial PM)  nodes PM"
    by (metis FSM.nodes.initial FSM.nodes_target FSM.path_append_elim 
        path PM (io || p) (initial PM) append_butlast_last_id butlast.simps(1)) 
  moreover have "nodes PM  insert FAIL (nodes M2 × nodes M1)" 
    using nodes_productF[OF _ _ assms(4)] assms(2) assms(3) by linarith 
  ultimately have "target (butlast (io||p)) (initial PM)  insert FAIL (nodes M2 × nodes M1)"
    by blast
  have "target (butlast (io||p)) (initial PM)  (nodes M2 × nodes M1)"
    using target (butlast (io || p)) (initial PM)  insert FAIL (nodes M2 × nodes M1) 
          target (butlast (io || p)) (initial PM)  FAIL 
    by blast
  then obtain s2 s1 where "target (butlast (io||p)) (initial PM) = (s2,s1)" 
                          "s2  nodes M2" "s1  nodes M1" 
    by blast

  have "length (butlast io) = length (map fst (butlast p))" 
       "length (map fst (butlast p)) = length (map snd (butlast p))"
    by (simp add: length p = length io)+

  have "path PM (butlast (io||p)) (initial PM)"
    by (metis FSM.path_append_elim path PM (io || p) (initial PM) append_butlast_last_id 
  then have "path PM ((butlast io) || (map fst (butlast p)) || (map snd (butlast p))) 
                      (initial M2, initial M1)"
    using length p = length io assms(4) by auto 
  have "target (butlast io || map fst (butlast p) || map snd (butlast p)) (initial M2, initial M1) 
    using length p = length io target (butlast (io || p)) (initial PM)  FAIL assms(4) 
    by auto  
  have "path M2 (butlast io || map fst (butlast p)) (initial M2) 
          path M1 (butlast io || map snd (butlast p)) (initial M1) 
        target (butlast io || map fst (butlast p) || map snd (butlast p)) (initial M2, initial M1) 
          = FAIL" 
    using productF_path_reverse
          [OF length (butlast io) = length (map fst (butlast p)) 
              length (map fst (butlast p)) = length (map snd (butlast p)) 
              assms(4) _ _ 
              path PM ((butlast io) || (map fst (butlast p)) || (map snd (butlast p))) 
                (initial M2, initial M1) _ _]
    using assms(2) assms(3) by auto
  then have "path M2 (butlast io || map fst (butlast p)) (initial M2)"
            "path M1 (butlast io || map snd (butlast p)) (initial M1)"
    using target (butlast io || map fst (butlast p) || map snd (butlast p)) 
              (initial M2, initial M1)  FAIL 
    by auto
  then have "butlast io  L M2  L M1"
    using length (butlast io) = length (map fst (butlast p)) by auto 

  have "path PM (io || map fst p || map snd p) (initial M2, initial M1)"
    using path PM (io || p) (initial PM) assms(4) by auto 
  have "length io = length (map fst p)"
       "length (map fst p) = length (map snd p)"
    by (simp add: length p = length io)+
  obtain p1' where "path M1 (io || p1') (initial M1)  length io = length p1'"
    using productF_path_reverse_ob
          [OF length io = length (map fst p) 
              length (map fst p) = length (map snd p) assms(4) _ _ 
              path PM (io || map fst p || map snd p) (initial M2, initial M1)]
    using assms(2) assms(3) by blast 
  then have "io  L M1" 
    by auto
  moreover have "io  L M2"
    assume "io  L M2" ― ‹ only possible if io does not target FAIL ›
    then obtain p2' where "path M2 (io || p2') (initial M2)" "length io = length p2'" 
      by auto
    then have "length p2' = length p1'"
      using path M1 (io || p1') (initial M1)  length io = length p1' 
      by auto 
    have "path PM (io || p2' || p1') (initial M2, initial M1)" 
      using productF_path_inclusion[OF length io = length p2' length p2' = length p1' assms(4), 
                                    of "initial M2" "initial M1"]
            path M1 (io || p1') (initial M1)  length io = length p1' 
            path M2 (io || p2') (initial M2) assms(2) assms(3) 
      by blast
    have "target (io || p2' || p1') (initial M2, initial M1)  (nodes M2 × nodes M1)"
      using length io = length p2' path M1 (io || p1') (initial M1)  length io = length p1' 
            path M2 (io || p2') (initial M2) 
      by auto 
    moreover have "FAIL  (nodes M2 × nodes M1)"
      using assms(4) by auto
    ultimately have "target (io || p2' || p1') (initial M2, initial M1)  FAIL" 
      by blast
    have "length io = length (p2' || p1')"
      by (simp add: length io = length p2' length p2' = length p1') 
    have "target (io || p2' || p1') (initial M2, initial M1) 
             io_targets PM (initial M2, initial M1) io"  
      using path PM (io || p2' || p1') (initial M2, initial M1) length io = length (p2' || p1')
      unfolding io_targets.simps by blast
    have "io_targets PM (initial PM) io  {FAIL}"
      using target (io || p2' || p1') (initial M2, initial M1) 
               io_targets PM (initial M2, initial M1) io 
            target (io || p2' || p1') (initial M2, initial M1)  FAIL assms(4) 
      by auto
    then show "False"
      using assms(1) by blast  

  ultimately have "io  L M1 - L M2" 
    by blast

  show "sequence_to_failure M1 M2 io" 
    using butlast io  L M2  L M1 io  L M1 - L M2 by auto
