Theory AOT_NaturalNumbers

theory AOT_NaturalNumbers
  imports AOT_PossibleWorlds AOT_ExtendedRelationComprehension
  abbrevs one-to-one = 1-1
      and onto = onto

section‹Natural Numbers›
AOT_define CorrelatesOneToOne :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ 1-1 _›)
  "1-1-cor": R |: F 1-1 G df R & F & G &
                                   x ([F]x  ∃!y([G]y & [R]xy)) &
                                   y ([G]y  ∃!x([F]x & [R]xy))

AOT_define MapsTo :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _  _›)
  "fFG:1": R |: F  G df R & F & G & x ([F]x  ∃!y([G]y & [R]xy))

AOT_define MapsToOneToOne :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ 1-1 _›)
  "fFG:2": R |: F 1-1 G df
      R |: F  G & xyz (([F]x & [F]y & [G]z)  ([R]xz & [R]yz  x = y))

AOT_define MapsOnto :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ onto _›)
  "fFG:3": R |: F onto G df R |: F  G & y ([G]y  x([F]x & [R]xy))

AOT_define MapsOneToOneOnto :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ 1-1onto _›)
  "fFG:4": R |: F 1-1onto G df R |: F 1-1 G & R |: F onto G

AOT_theorem "eq-1-1": R |: F 1-1 G  R |: F 1-1onto G
proof(rule "≡I"; rule "→I")
  AOT_assume R |: F 1-1 G
  AOT_hence A: x ([F]x  ∃!y([G]y & [R]xy))
        and B: y ([G]y  ∃!x([F]x & [R]xy))
    using "dfE"[OF "1-1-cor"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_have C: R |: F  G
  proof (rule "dfI"[OF "fFG:1"]; rule "&I")
    AOT_show R & F & G
      using "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst] "&I" by metis
    AOT_show x ([F]x  ∃!y([G]y & [R]xy)) by (rule A)
  AOT_show R |: F 1-1onto G
  proof (rule "dfI"[OF "fFG:4"]; rule "&I")
    AOT_show R |: F 1-1 G
    proof (rule "dfI"[OF "fFG:2"]; rule "&I")
      AOT_show R |: F  G using C.
      AOT_show xyz ([F]x & [F]y & [G]z  ([R]xz & [R]yz  x = y))
      proof(rule GEN; rule GEN; rule GEN; rule "→I"; rule "→I")
        fix x y z
        AOT_assume 1: [F]x & [F]y & [G]z
        moreover AOT_assume 2: [R]xz & [R]yz
        ultimately AOT_have 3: ∃!x ([F]x & [R]xz)
          using B "&E" "∀E" "→E" by fast
        AOT_show x = y
          by (rule "uni-most"[THEN "→E", OF 3, THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=x],
                              THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=y], THEN "→E"])
             (metis "&I" "&E" 1 2)
    AOT_show R |: F onto G
    proof (rule "dfI"[OF "fFG:3"]; rule "&I")
      AOT_show R |: F  G using C.
      AOT_show y ([G]y  x ([F]x & [R]xy))
      proof(rule GEN; rule "→I")
        fix y
        AOT_assume [G]y
        AOT_hence ∃!x ([F]x & [R]xy)
          using B[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] by blast
        AOT_hence x ([F]x & [R]xy & β (([F]β & [R]βy)  β = x))
          using "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
        then AOT_obtain x where [F]x & [R]xy
          using "∃E"[rotated] "&E" by blast
        AOT_thus x ([F]x & [R]xy) by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_assume R |: F 1-1onto G
  AOT_hence R |: F 1-1 G and R |: F onto G
    using "dfE"[OF "fFG:4"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_hence C: R |: F  G
    and D: xyz ([F]x & [F]y & [G]z  ([R]xz & [R]yz  x = y))
    and E: y ([G]y  x ([F]x & [R]xy))
    using "dfE"[OF "fFG:2"] "dfE"[OF "fFG:3"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_show R |: F 1-1 G
  proof(rule "1-1-cor"[THEN "dfI"]; safe intro!: "&I" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst])
    AOT_show x ([F]x  ∃!y ([G]y & [R]xy))
      using "dfE"[OF "fFG:1", OF C] "&E" by blast
    AOT_show y ([G]y  ∃!x ([F]x & [R]xy))
    proof (rule "GEN"; rule "→I")
      fix y
      AOT_assume 0: [G]y
      AOT_hence x ([F]x & [R]xy)
        using E "∀E" "→E" by fast
      then AOT_obtain a where a_prop: [F]a & [R]ay
        using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      moreover AOT_have z ([F]z & [R]zy  z = a)
      proof (rule GEN; rule "→I")
        fix z
        AOT_assume [F]z & [R]zy
        AOT_thus z = a
          using D[THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=z], THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=a],
                  THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=y], THEN "→E", THEN "→E"]
                a_prop 0 "&E" "&I" by metis
      ultimately AOT_have x ([F]x & [R]xy & z ([F]z & [R]zy  z = x))
        using "&I" "∃I"(2) by fast
      AOT_thus ∃!x ([F]x & [R]xy)
        using "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfI"] by fast

text‹We have already introduced the restricted type of Ordinary objects in the
     Extended Relation Comprehension theory. However, make sure all variable names
     are defined as expected (avoiding conflicts with situations
     of possible world theory).›
  Ordinary: u v r t s

AOT_theorem "equi:1": ∃!u φ{u}  u (φ{u} & v (φ{v}  v =E u))
proof(rule "≡I"; rule "→I")
  AOT_assume ∃!u φ{u}
  AOT_hence ∃!x (O!x & φ{x}).
  AOT_hence x (O!x & φ{x} & β (O!β & φ{β}  β = x))
    using "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  then AOT_obtain x where x_prop: O!x & φ{x} & β (O!β & φ{β}  β = x)
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    fix β
    AOT_assume beta_ord: O!β
    moreover AOT_assume φ{β}
    ultimately AOT_have β = x
      using x_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=β]] "&I" "→E" by blast
    AOT_hence β =E x
      using "ord-=E=:1"[THEN "→E", OF "∨I"(1)[OF beta_ord],
                        THEN "qml:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"],
                        THEN "≡E"(1)]
      by blast
  AOT_hence (O!β  (φ{β}  β =E x)) for β
    using "→I" by blast
  AOT_hence β(O!β  (φ{β}  β =E x))
    by (rule GEN)
  AOT_hence O!x & φ{x} & y (O!y  (φ{y}  y =E x))
    using x_prop[THEN "&E"(1)] "&I" by blast
  AOT_hence O!x & (φ{x} & y (O!y  (φ{y}  y =E x)))
    using "&E" "&I" by meson
  AOT_thus u (φ{u} & v (φ{v}  v =E u))
    using "∃I" by fast
  AOT_assume u (φ{u} & v (φ{v}  v =E u))
  AOT_hence x (O!x & (φ{x} & y (O!y  (φ{y}  y =E x))))
    by blast
  then AOT_obtain x where x_prop: O!x & (φ{x} & y (O!y  (φ{y}  y =E x)))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_have y ([O!]y & φ{y}  y = x)
  proof(rule GEN; rule "→I")
    fix y
    AOT_assume O!y & φ{y}
    AOT_hence y =E x
      using x_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=y]]
            "→E" "&E" by blast
    AOT_thus y = x
      using "ord-=E=:1"[THEN "→E", OF "∨I"(2)[OF x_prop[THEN "&E"(1)]],
                        THEN "qml:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"], THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
  AOT_hence [O!]x & φ{x} & y ([O!]y & φ{y}  y = x)
    using x_prop "&E" "&I" by meson
  AOT_hence x ([O!]x & φ{x} & y ([O!]y & φ{y}  y = x))
    by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_hence ∃!x (O!x & φ{x})
    by (rule "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfI"])
  AOT_thus ∃!u φ{u}.

AOT_define CorrelatesEOneToOne :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ 1-1E _›)
  "equi:2": R |: F 1-1E G df R & F & G &
                               u ([F]u  ∃!v([G]v & [R]uv)) &
                               v ([G]v  ∃!u([F]u & [R]uv))

AOT_define EquinumerousE :: τ  τ  φ (infixl E 50)
  "equi:3": F E G df R (R |: F 1-1E G)

text‹Note: not explicitly in PLM.›
AOT_theorem eq_den_1: Π if Π E Π'
proof -
  AOT_have R (R |: Π 1-1E Π')
    using "equi:3"[THEN "dfE"] that by blast
  then AOT_obtain R where R |: Π 1-1E Π'
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_thus Π
    using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast

text‹Note: not explicitly in PLM.›
AOT_theorem eq_den_2: Π' if Π E Π'
proof -
  AOT_have R (R |: Π 1-1E Π')
    using "equi:3"[THEN "dfE"] that by blast
  then AOT_obtain R where R |: Π 1-1E Π'
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_thus Π'
    using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+

AOT_theorem "eq-part:1": F E F
proof (safe intro!: "&I" GEN "→I" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]
                    "dfI"[OF "equi:3"] "dfI"[OF "equi:2"] "∃I"(1))
  fix x
  AOT_assume 1: O!x
  AOT_assume 2: [F]x
  AOT_show ∃!v ([F]v & x =E v)
  proof(rule "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)];
        rule "∃I"(2)[where β=x];
        safe dest!: "&E"(2)
             intro!:  "&I" "→I" 1 2 Ordinary.GEN "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF 1])
    AOT_show v =E x if x =E v for v
      by (metis that "ord=Eequiv:2"[THEN "→E"])
  fix y
  AOT_assume 1: O!y
  AOT_assume 2: [F]y
  AOT_show ∃!u ([F]u & u =E y)
    by(safe dest!: "&E"(2)
            intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "∃I"(2)[where β=y]
                    "&I" "→I" 1 2 GEN "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF 1])
qed(auto simp: "=E[denotes]")

AOT_theorem "eq-part:2": F E G  G E F
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume F E G
  AOT_hence R R |: F 1-1E G
    using "equi:3"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  then AOT_obtain R where R |: F 1-1E G
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence 0: R & F & G & u ([F]u  ∃!v([G]v & [R]uv)) &
                            v ([G]v  ∃!u([F]u & [R]uv))
    using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] by blast

  AOT_have xy [R]yx] & G & F & u ([G]u  ∃!v([F]v & xy [R]yx]uv)) &
                            v ([F]v  ∃!u([G]u & xy [R]yx]uv))
  proof (AOT_subst xy [R]yx]yx [R]xy for: x y;
        (safe intro!: "&I" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst] 0[THEN "&E"(2)]
                      0[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]; "cqt:2[lambda]")?)
    AOT_modally_strict {
      AOT_have xy [R]yx]xy if [R]yx for y x
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2"
                 simp: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3" that)
      moreover AOT_have [R]yx if xy [R]yx]xy for y x
        using "β→C"(1)[where φ="λ(x,y). _ (x,y)" and κ1κn="(_,_)",
                        simplified, OF that, simplified].
      ultimately AOT_show xy [R]yx]αβ  [R]βα for α β
        by (metis "deduction-theorem" "≡I")
  AOT_hence xy [R]yx] |: G 1-1E F
    using "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] by blast
  AOT_hence R R |: G 1-1E F
    by (rule "∃I"(1)) "cqt:2[lambda]"
  AOT_thus G E F
    using "equi:3"[THEN "dfI"] by blast

text‹Note: not explicitly in PLM.›
AOT_theorem "eq-part:2[terms]": Π E Π'  Π' E Π
  using "eq-part:2"[unvarify F G] eq_den_1 eq_den_2 "→I" by meson
declare "eq-part:2[terms]"[THEN "→E", sym]

AOT_theorem "eq-part:3": (F E G & G E H)  F E H
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume F E G & G E H
  then AOT_obtain R1 and R2 where
       R1 |: F 1-1E G
   and R2 |: G 1-1E H
    using "equi:3"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" "∃E"[rotated] by metis
  AOT_hence θ: u ([F]u  ∃!v([G]v & [R1]uv)) & v ([G]v  ∃!u([F]u & [R1]uv))
        and ξ: u ([G]u  ∃!v([H]v & [R2]uv)) & v ([H]v  ∃!u([G]u & [R2]uv))
    using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(2)]
          "equi:2"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]
          "&I" by blast+
  AOT_have R R = xy O!x & O!y & v ([G]v & [R1]xv & [R2]vy)]
    by (rule "free-thms:3[lambda]") cqt_2_lambda_inst_prover
  then AOT_obtain R where R_def: R = xy O!x & O!y & v ([G]v & [R1]xv & [R2]vy)]
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_have 1: ∃!v (([H]v & [R]uv)) if a: [O!]u and b: [F]u for u
  proof (rule "≡E"(2)[OF "equi:1"])
    AOT_obtain b where
      b_prop: [O!]b & ([G]b & [R1]ub & v ([G]v & [R1]uv  v =E b))
      using θ[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E", THEN "→E",
              OF a b, THEN "≡E"(1)[OF "equi:1"]]
            "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_obtain c where
      c_prop: "[O!]c & ([H]c & [R2]bc & v ([H]v & [R2]bv  v =E c))"
      using ξ[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=b], THEN "→E",
              OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(1)], THEN "→E",
              OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)],
              THEN "≡E"(1)[OF "equi:1"]]
    "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_show v ([H]v & [R]uv & v' ([H]v' & [R]uv'  v' =E v))
    proof (safe intro!: "&I" GEN "→I" "∃I"(2)[where β=c])
      AOT_show O!c using c_prop "&E" by blast
      AOT_show [H]c using c_prop "&E" by blast
      AOT_have 0: [O!]u & [O!]c & v ([G]v & [R1]uv & [R2]vc)
        by (safe intro!: "&I" a c_prop[THEN "&E"(1)] "∃I"(2)[where β=b]
                         b_prop[THEN "&E"(1)] b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1)]
                         c_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)])
      AOT_show [R]uc
        by (auto intro: "rule=E"[rotated, OF R_def[symmetric]]
                 intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2"
                 simp: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3" 0)
      fix x
      AOT_assume ordx: O!x
      AOT_assume [H]x & [R]ux
      AOT_hence hx: [H]x and [R]ux using "&E" by blast+
      AOT_hence xy O!x & O!y & v ([G]v & [R1]xv & [R2]vy)]ux
        using "rule=E"[rotated, OF R_def] by fast
      AOT_hence O!u & O!x & v ([G]v & [R1]uv & [R2]vx)
        by (rule "β→C"(1)[where φ="λ(κ,κ'). _ κ κ'" and κ1κn="(_,_)", simplified])
      then AOT_obtain z where z_prop: O!z & ([G]z & [R1]uz & [R2]zx)
        using "&E" "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      AOT_hence z =E b
        using b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=z]]
        using "&E" "→E" by metis
      AOT_hence z = b
        by (metis "=E-simple:2"[THEN "→E"])
      AOT_hence [R2]bx
        using z_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2)] "rule=E" by fast
      AOT_thus x =E c
        using c_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=x],
                     THEN "→E", THEN "→E", OF ordx]
              hx "&I" by blast
  AOT_have 2: ∃!u (([F]u & [R]uv)) if a: [O!]v and b: [H]v for v
  proof (rule "≡E"(2)[OF "equi:1"])
    AOT_obtain b where
      b_prop: [O!]b & ([G]b & [R2]bv & u ([G]u & [R2]uv  u =E b))
      using ξ[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E", THEN "→E",
              OF a b, THEN "≡E"(1)[OF "equi:1"]]
            "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_obtain c where
      c_prop: "[O!]c & ([F]c & [R1]cb & v ([F]v & [R1]vb  v =E c))"
      using θ[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=b], THEN "→E",
              OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(1)], THEN "→E",
              OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)],
              THEN "≡E"(1)[OF "equi:1"]]
    "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_show u ([F]u & [R]uv & v' ([F]v' & [R]v'v  v' =E u))
    proof (safe intro!: "&I" GEN "→I" "∃I"(2)[where β=c])
      AOT_show O!c using c_prop "&E" by blast
      AOT_show [F]c using c_prop "&E" by blast
      AOT_have [O!]c & [O!]v & u ([G]u & [R1]cu & [R2]uv)
        by (safe intro!: "&I" a "∃I"(2)[where β=b] 
                     c_prop[THEN "&E"(1)] b_prop[THEN "&E"(1)]
                     b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]
                     b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]
                     c_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)])
      AOT_thus [R]cv
        by (auto intro: "rule=E"[rotated, OF R_def[symmetric]]
                 intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2"
                 simp: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")
      fix x
      AOT_assume ordx: O!x
      AOT_assume [F]x & [R]xv
      AOT_hence hx: [F]x and [R]xv using "&E" by blast+
      AOT_hence xy O!x & O!y & v ([G]v & [R1]xv & [R2]vy)]xv
        using "rule=E"[rotated, OF R_def] by fast
      AOT_hence O!x & O!v & u ([G]u & [R1]xu & [R2]uv)
        by (rule "β→C"(1)[where φ="λ(κ,κ'). _ κ κ'" and κ1κn="(_,_)", simplified])
      then AOT_obtain z where z_prop: O!z & ([G]z & [R1]xz & [R2]zv)
        using "&E" "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      AOT_hence z =E b
        using b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=z]]
        using "&E" "→E" "&I" by metis
      AOT_hence z = b
        by (metis "=E-simple:2"[THEN "→E"])
      AOT_hence [R1]xb
        using z_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)] "rule=E" by fast
      AOT_thus x =E c
        using c_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=x],
                     THEN "→E", THEN "→E", OF ordx]
              hx "&I" by blast
  AOT_show F E H
    apply (rule "equi:3"[THEN "dfI"])
    apply (rule "∃I"(2)[where β=R])
    by (auto intro!: 1 2 "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]
                     Ordinary.GEN "→I" Ordinary.ψ)

text‹Note: not explicitly in PLM.›
AOT_theorem "eq-part:3[terms]": Π E Π'' if Π E Π' and Π' E Π''
  using "eq-part:3"[unvarify F G H, THEN "→E"] eq_den_1 eq_den_2 "→I" "&I"
  by (metis that(1) that(2))
declare "eq-part:3[terms]"[trans]

AOT_theorem "eq-part:4": F E G  H (H E F  H E G)
proof(rule "≡I"; rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: F E G
  AOT_hence 1: G E F using "eq-part:2"[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_show H (H E F  H E G)
  proof (rule GEN; rule "≡I"; rule "→I")
    AOT_show H E G if H E F for H using 0
      by (meson "&I" "eq-part:3" that "vdash-properties:6")
    AOT_show H E F if H E G for H using 1
      by (metis "&I" "eq-part:3" that "vdash-properties:6")
  AOT_assume H (H E F  H E G)
  AOT_hence F E F  F E G using "∀E" by blast
  AOT_thus F E G using "eq-part:1" "≡E" by blast

AOT_define MapsE :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ ⟶E _›)
  R |: F ⟶E G df R & F & G & u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv))

AOT_define MapsEOneToOne :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ 1-1⟶E _›)
  R |: F 1-1⟶E G df
      R |: F ⟶E G & tuv (([F]t & [F]u & [G]v)  ([R]tv & [R]uv  t =E u))

AOT_define MapsEOnto :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ ontoE _›)
  R |: F ontoE G df R |: F ⟶E G & v ([G]v  u ([F]u & [R]uv))

AOT_define MapsEOneToOneOnto :: τ  τ  τ  φ (‹_ |: _ 1-1ontoE _›)
  R |: F 1-1ontoE G df R |: F 1-1⟶E G & R |: F ontoE G

AOT_theorem "equi-rem-thm":
  R |: F 1-1E G  R |: F 1-1ontoE G
proof -
  AOT_have R |: F 1-1E G  R |: x O!x & [F]x] 1-1 x O!x & [G]x]
  proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I" "&I")
    AOT_assume R |: F 1-1E G
    AOT_hence u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv))
          and v ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv))
      using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
    AOT_hence a: ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv))
          and b: ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv)) for u v
      using "Ordinary.∀E" by fast+
    AOT_have (x [O!]x & [F]x]x  ∃!y (x [O!]x & [G]x]y & [R]xy)) for x
      apply (AOT_subst x [O!]x & [F]x]x [O!]x & [F]x)
       apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
       apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
      apply (AOT_subst x [O!]x & [G]x]x [O!]x & [G]x for: x)
       apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
       apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
      apply (AOT_subst O!y & [G]y & [R]xy O!y & ([G]y & [R]xy) for: y)
       apply (meson "≡E"(6) "Associativity of &" "oth-class-taut:3:a")
      apply (rule "→I") apply (frule "&E"(1)) apply (drule "&E"(2))
      by (fact a[unconstrain u, THEN "→E", THEN "→E", of x])
    AOT_hence A: x (x [O!]x & [F]x]x  ∃!y (x [O!]x & [G]x]y & [R]xy))
      by (rule GEN)
    AOT_have (x [O!]x & [G]x]y  ∃!x (x [O!]x & [F]x]x & [R]xy)) for y
      apply (AOT_subst x [O!]x & [G]x]y [O!]y & [G]y)
       apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
       apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
      apply (AOT_subst x [O!]x & [F]x]x [O!]x & [F]x for: x)
       apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
       apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
      apply (AOT_subst O!x & [F]x & [R]xy O!x & ([F]x & [R]xy) for: x)
       apply (meson "≡E"(6) "Associativity of &" "oth-class-taut:3:a")
      apply (rule "→I") apply (frule "&E"(1)) apply (drule "&E"(2))
      by (fact b[unconstrain v, THEN "→E", THEN "→E", of y])
    AOT_hence B: y (x [O!]x & [G]x]y  ∃!x (x [O!]x & [F]x]x & [R]xy))
      by (rule GEN)
    AOT_show R |: x [O!]x & [F]x] 1-1 x [O!]x & [G]x]
      by (safe intro!: "1-1-cor"[THEN "dfI"] "&I"
                       "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst] A B)
    AOT_assume R |: x [O!]x & [F]x] 1-1 x [O!]x & [G]x]
    AOT_hence a: (x [O!]x & [F]x]x  ∃!y (x [O!]x & [G]x]y & [R]xy)) and 
              b: (x [O!]x & [G]x]y  ∃!x (x [O!]x & [F]x]x & [R]xy)) for x y
      using "1-1-cor"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" "∀E"(2) by blast+
    AOT_have [F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv) for u
    proof (safe intro!: "→I")
      AOT_assume fu: [F]u
      AOT_have 0: x [O!]x & [F]x]u
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]
                         Ordinary.ψ fu "&I")
      AOT_show ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv)
        apply (AOT_subst [O!]x & ([G]x & [R]ux)
                         ([O!]x & [G]x) & [R]ux for: x)
         apply (simp add: "Associativity of &")
        apply (AOT_subst (reverse) [O!]x & [G]x
                                   x [O!]x & [G]x]x for: x)
         apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
         apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
        using a[THEN "→E", OF 0] by blast
    AOT_hence A: u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv))
      by (rule Ordinary.GEN)
    AOT_have [G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv) for v
    proof (safe intro!: "→I")
      AOT_assume gu: [G]v
      AOT_have 0: x [O!]x & [G]x]v
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]
                         Ordinary.ψ gu "&I")
      AOT_show ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv)
        apply (AOT_subst [O!]x & ([F]x & [R]xv) ([O!]x & [F]x) & [R]xv for: x)
         apply (simp add: "Associativity of &")
        apply (AOT_subst (reverse) [O!]x & [F]xx [O!]x & [F]x]x  for: x)
         apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
         apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
        using b[THEN "→E", OF 0] by blast
    AOT_hence B: v ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv)) by (rule Ordinary.GEN)
    AOT_show R |: F 1-1E G
      by (safe intro!: "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" A B "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst])
  also AOT_have   R |: F 1-1ontoE G
  proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I" "&I")
    AOT_assume R |: x [O!]x & [F]x] 1-1 x [O!]x & [G]x]
    AOT_hence a: (x [O!]x & [F]x]x  ∃!y (x [O!]x & [G]x]y & [R]xy)) and 
              b: (x [O!]x & [G]x]y  ∃!x (x [O!]x & [F]x]x & [R]xy)) for x y
      using "1-1-cor"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" "∀E"(2) by blast+
    AOT_show R |: F 1-1ontoE G
    proof (safe intro!: "equi-rem:4"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "equi-rem:3"[THEN "dfI"]
                        "equi-rem:2"[THEN "dfI"] "equi-rem:1"[THEN "dfI"]
                        "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst] Ordinary.GEN "→I")
      fix u
      AOT_assume fu: [F]u
      AOT_have 0: x [O!]x & [F]x]u
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]
                         Ordinary.ψ fu "&I")
      AOT_hence 1: ∃!y (x [O!]x & [G]x]y & [R]uy)
        using a[THEN "→E"] by blast
      AOT_show ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv)
        apply (AOT_subst [O!]x & ([G]x & [R]ux) ([O!]x & [G]x) & [R]ux for: x)
         apply (simp add: "Associativity of &")
        apply (AOT_subst (reverse) [O!]x & [G]x x [O!]x & [G]x]x for: x)
         apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
         apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
        by (fact 1)
      fix t u v
      AOT_assume [F]t & [F]u & [G]v and rtv_tuv: [R]tv & [R]uv
      AOT_hence oft: x O!x & [F]x]t and
                ofu: x O!x & [F]x]u and
                ogv: x O!x & [G]x]v
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I"
                 simp: Ordinary.ψ dest: "&E")
      AOT_hence ∃!x (x [O!]x & [F]x]x & [R]xv)
        using b[THEN "→E"] by blast
      then AOT_obtain a where
          a_prop: x [O!]x & [F]x]a & [R]av &
                   x ((x [O!]x & [F]x]x & [R]xv)  x = a)
        using "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfE"] "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      AOT_hence ua: u = a
        using ofu rtv_tuv[THEN "&E"(2)] "∀E"(2) "→E" "&I" "&E"(2) by blast
      moreover AOT_have ta: t = a
        using a_prop oft rtv_tuv[THEN "&E"(1)] "∀E"(2) "→E" "&I" "&E"(2) by blast
      ultimately AOT_have t = u by (metis "rule=E" id_sym)
      AOT_thus t =E u
        using "rule=E" id_sym "ord=Eequiv:1" Ordinary.ψ ta ua "→E" by fast
      fix u
      AOT_assume [F]u
      AOT_hence x O!x & [F]x]u
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I"
                 simp: "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]  Ordinary.ψ)
      AOT_hence ∃!y (x [O!]x & [G]x]y & [R]uy)
        using a[THEN "→E"] by blast
      then AOT_obtain a where
        a_prop: x [O!]x & [G]x]a & [R]ua &
                 x ((x [O!]x & [G]x]x & [R]ux)  x = a)
        using "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfE"] "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      AOT_have O!a & [G]a
        by (rule "β→C"(1)) (auto simp: a_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)])
      AOT_hence O!a and [G]a using "&E" by blast+
      moreover AOT_have v ([G]v & [R]uv  v =E a)
      proof(safe intro!: Ordinary.GEN "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
        fix v
        AOT_assume [G]v and ruv: [R]uv
        AOT_hence x [O!]x & [G]x]v
          by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" simp: Ordinary.ψ)
        AOT_hence v = a
          using a_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E", OF "&I"] ruv by blast
        AOT_thus v =E a
          using "rule=E" "ord=Eequiv:1" Ordinary.ψ "→E" by fast
      ultimately AOT_have O!a & ([G]a & [R]ua & v' ([G]v' & [R]uv'  v' =E a))
        using "∃I" "&I" a_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)] by simp
      AOT_hence v ([G]v & [R]uv & v' ([G]v' & [R]uv'  v' =E v))
        by (rule "∃I")
      AOT_thus ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv)
        by (rule "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
      fix v
      AOT_assume [G]v
      AOT_hence x O!x & [G]x]v
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" Ordinary.ψ)
      AOT_hence ∃!x (x [O!]x & [F]x]x & [R]xv)
        using b[THEN "→E"] by blast
      then AOT_obtain a where
        a_prop: x [O!]x & [F]x]a & [R]av &
                 y (x [O!]x & [F]x]y & [R]yv  y = a)
        using "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfE", THEN "∃E"[rotated]] by blast
      AOT_have O!a & [F]a
        by (rule "β→C"(1)) (auto simp: a_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)])
      AOT_hence O!a & ([F]a & [R]av)
        using a_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)] "&E" "&I" by metis
      AOT_thus u ([F]u & [R]uv)
        by (rule "∃I")
    AOT_assume R |: F 1-1ontoE G
    AOT_hence 1: R |: F 1-1⟶E G
          and 2: R |: F ontoE G
      using "equi-rem:4"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
    AOT_hence 3: R |: F ⟶E G
          and A: t u v ([F]t & [F]u & [G]v  ([R]tv & [R]uv  t =E u))
      using "equi-rem:2"[THEN "dfE", OF 1] "&E" by blast+
    AOT_hence B: u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv))
      using "equi-rem:1"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
    AOT_have C: v ([G]v  u ([F]u & [R]uv))
      using "equi-rem:3"[THEN "dfE", OF 2] "&E" by blast
    AOT_show R |: x [O!]x & [F]x] 1-1 x [O!]x & [G]x]
    proof (rule "1-1-cor"[THEN "dfI"];
           safe intro!: "&I" "cqt:2" GEN "→I")
      fix x
      AOT_assume 1: x [O!]x & [F]x]x
      AOT_have O!x & [F]x
        by (rule "β→C"(1)) (auto simp: 1)
      AOT_hence ∃!v ([G]v & [R]xv)
        using B[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E", THEN "→E"] "&E" by blast
      then AOT_obtain y where
        y_prop: O!y & ([G]y & [R]xy & u ([G]u & [R]xu  u =E y))
        using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] "∃E"[rotated] by fastforce
      AOT_hence x O!x & [G]x]y
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" dest: "&E")
      moreover AOT_have z (x O!x & [G]x]z & [R]xz  z = y)
      proof(safe intro!: GEN "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
        fix z
        AOT_assume 1: x [O!]x & [G]x]z
        AOT_have 2: O!z & [G]z
          by (rule "β→C"(1)) (auto simp: 1)
        moreover AOT_assume [R]xz
        ultimately AOT_have z =E y
          using y_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2),
                       THEN "→E", THEN "→E", rotated, OF "&I"] "&E"
          by blast
        AOT_thus z = y
          using 2[THEN "&E"(1)] by (metis "=E-simple:2" "→E")
      ultimately AOT_have x O!x & [G]x]y & [R]xy &
                           z (x O!x & [G]x]z & [R]xz  z = y)
        using y_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)] "&I" by auto
      AOT_hence y (x O!x & [G]x]y & [R]xy &
                    z (x O!x & [G]x]z & [R]xz  z = y))
        by (rule "∃I")
      AOT_thus ∃!y (x [O!]x & [G]x]y & [R]xy)
        using "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfI"] by fast
      fix y
      AOT_assume 1: x [O!]x & [G]x]y
      AOT_have oy_gy: O!y & [G]y
        by (rule "β→C"(1)) (auto simp: 1)
      AOT_hence u ([F]u & [R]uy)
        using C[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E", THEN "→E"] "&E" by blast
      then AOT_obtain x where x_prop: O!x & ([F]x & [R]xy)
        using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      AOT_hence ofx: x O!x & [F]x]x
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" dest: "&E")
      AOT_have α (x [O!]x & [F]x]α & [R]αy &
                    β (x [O!]x & [F]x]β & [R]βy  β = α))
      proof (safe intro!: "∃I"(2)[where β=x] "&I" GEN "→I")
        AOT_show x O!x & [F]x]x using ofx.
        AOT_show [R]xy using x_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2)].
        fix z
        AOT_assume 1: x [O!]x & [F]x]z & [R]zy
        AOT_have oz_fz: O!z & [F]z
          by (rule "β→C"(1)) (auto simp: 1[THEN "&E"(1)])
        AOT_have z =E x
          using A[THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=z], THEN "→E", THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=x],
                  THEN "→E", THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=y], THEN "→E",
                  THEN "→E", THEN "→E", OF oz_fz[THEN "&E"(1)],
                  OF x_prop[THEN "&E"(1)], OF oy_gy[THEN "&E"(1)], OF "&I", OF "&I",
                  OF oz_fz[THEN "&E"(2)], OF x_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1)],
                  OF oy_gy[THEN "&E"(2)], OF "&I", OF 1[THEN "&E"(2)],
                  OF x_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2)]].
        AOT_thus z = x
          by (metis "=E-simple:2" "vdash-properties:10")
      AOT_thus ∃!x (x [O!]x & [F]x]x & [R]xy)
        by (rule "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfI"])
  finally show ?thesis.

AOT_theorem "empty-approx:1": (¬u [F]u & ¬v [H]v)  F E H
proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume 0: ¬u [F]u and 1: ¬v [H]v
  AOT_have u ([F]u  ∃!v ([H]v & [R]uv)) for R
  proof(rule Ordinary.GEN; rule "→I"; rule "raa-cor:1")
    fix u
    AOT_assume [F]u
    AOT_hence u [F]u using "Ordinary.∃I" "&I" by fast
    AOT_thus u [F]u & ¬u [F]u using "&I" 0 by blast
  moreover AOT_have v ([H]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv)) for R
  proof(rule Ordinary.GEN; rule "→I"; rule "raa-cor:1")
    fix v
    AOT_assume [H]v
    AOT_hence v [H]v using "Ordinary.∃I" "&I" by fast
    AOT_thus v [H]v & ¬v [H]v using 1 "&I" by blast
  ultimately AOT_have R |: F 1-1E H for R
    apply (safe intro!: "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" GEN "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst])
    using "∀E" by blast+
  AOT_hence R R |: F 1-1E H by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_thus F E H
    by (rule "equi:3"[THEN "dfI"])

AOT_theorem "empty-approx:2": (u [F]u & ¬v [H]v)  ¬(F E H)
proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2); rule "raa-cor:2")
  AOT_assume 1: u [F]u and 2: ¬v [H]v
  AOT_obtain b where b_prop: O!b & [F]b
    using 1 "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_assume F E H
  AOT_hence R R |: F 1-1E H
    by (rule "equi:3"[THEN "dfE"])
  then AOT_obtain R where R |: F 1-1E H
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence θ: u ([F]u  ∃!v ([H]v & [R]uv))
    using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_have ∃!v ([H]v & [R]bv) for u
    using θ[THEN "∀E"(2)[where β=b], THEN "→E", THEN "→E",
            OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(1)], OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(2)]].
  AOT_hence v ([H]v & [R]bv & u ([H]u & [R]bu  u =E v))
    by (rule "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)])
  then AOT_obtain x where O!x & ([H]x & [R]bx & u ([H]u & [R]bu  u =E x))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence O!x & [H]x using "&E" "&I" by blast
  AOT_hence v [H]v by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_thus v [H]v & ¬v [H]v using 2 "&I" by blast

AOT_define FminusU :: Π  τ  Π (‹_-_›)
  "F-u": [F]-x =df z [F]z & z E x]

text‹Note: not explicitly in PLM.›
AOT_theorem "F-u[den]": [F]-x
  by (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "F-u", where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified]; "cqt:2[lambda]")
AOT_theorem "F-u[equiv]": [[F]-x]y  ([F]y & y E x)
  by (auto intro: "F-u"[THEN "=dfI"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified]
           intro!: "cqt:2" "beta-C-cor:2"[THEN "→E", THEN "∀E"(2)])

AOT_theorem eqP': F E G & [F]u & [G]v  [F]-u E [G]-v
proof (rule "→I"; frule "&E"(2); drule "&E"(1); frule "&E"(2); drule "&E"(1))
  AOT_assume F E G
  AOT_hence R R |: F 1-1E G
    using "equi:3"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  then AOT_obtain R where R_prop: R |: F 1-1E G
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence A: u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv))
        and B: v ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv))
    using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_have R |: F 1-1ontoE G
    using "equi-rem-thm"[THEN "≡E"(1), OF R_prop].
  AOT_hence R |: F 1-1⟶E G & R |: F ontoE G
    using "equi-rem:4"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  AOT_hence C: tuv (([F]t & [F]u & [G]v)  ([R]tv & [R]uv  t =E u))
    using "equi-rem:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
  AOT_assume fu: [F]u
  AOT_assume gv: [G]v
  AOT_have z [Π]z & z E κ] for Π κ
    by "cqt:2[lambda]"
  note Π_minus_κI = "rule-id-df:2:b[2]"[
      where τ=(λ(Π, κ). «[Π]-κ»), simplified, OF "F-u", simplified, OF this]
   and Π_minus_κE = "rule-id-df:2:a[2]"[
      where τ=(λ(Π, κ). «[Π]-κ»), simplified, OF "F-u", simplified, OF this]
  AOT_have Π_minus_κ_den: [Π]-κ for Π κ
    by (rule Π_minus_κI) "cqt:2[lambda]"+
    fix R
    AOT_assume R_prop: R |: F 1-1E G
    AOT_hence A: u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv))
          and B: v ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv))
      using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
    AOT_have R |: F 1-1ontoE G
      using "equi-rem-thm"[THEN "≡E"(1), OF R_prop].
    AOT_hence R |: F 1-1⟶E G & R |: F ontoE G
      using "equi-rem:4"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
    AOT_hence C: tuv (([F]t & [F]u & [G]v)  ([R]tv & [R]uv  t =E u))
      using "equi-rem:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast

    AOT_assume Ruv: [R]uv
    AOT_have R |: [F]-u 1-1E [G]-v
    proof(safe intro!: "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]
                       Π_minus_κ_den Ordinary.GEN "→I")
      fix u'
      AOT_assume [[F]-u]u'
      AOT_hence 0: z [F]z & z E u]u'
        using Π_minus_κE by fast
      AOT_have 0: [F]u' & u' E u
        by (rule "β→C"(1)[where κ1κn="AOT_term_of_var (Ordinary.Rep u')"]) (fact 0)
      AOT_have ∃!v ([G]v & [R]u'v)
        using A[THEN "Ordinary.∀E"[where α=u'], THEN "→E", OF 0[THEN "&E"(1)]].
      then AOT_obtain v' where
        v'_prop: [G]v' & [R]u'v' &  t ([G]t & [R]u't  t =E v')
        using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by fastforce

      AOT_show ∃!v' ([[G]-v]v' & [R]u'v')
      proof (safe intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=v']
                          "&I" Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        AOT_show [[G]-v]v'
        proof (rule Π_minus_κI; 
               safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" "thm-neg=E"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
          AOT_show [G]v' using v'_prop "&E" by blast
          AOT_show ¬v' =E v
          proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
            AOT_assume v' =E v
            AOT_hence v' = v by (metis "=E-simple:2" "→E")
            AOT_hence Ruv': [R]uv' using "rule=E" Ruv id_sym by fast
            AOT_have u' =E u
              by (rule C[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "Ordinary.∀E",
                         THEN "Ordinary.∀E"[where α=v'], THEN "→E", THEN "→E"])
                 (safe intro!: "&I" 0[THEN "&E"(1)] fu
                               v'_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]
                               Ruv' v'_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)])
            moreover AOT_have ¬(u' =E u)
              using "0" "&E"(2) "≡E"(1) "thm-neg=E" by blast
            ultimately AOT_show u' =E u & ¬u' =E u using "&I" by blast
        AOT_show [R]u'v' using v'_prop "&E" by blast
        fix t
        AOT_assume t_prop: [[G]-v]t & [R]u't
        AOT_have gt_t_noteq_v: [G]t & t E v
          apply (rule "β→C"(1)[where κ1κn="AOT_term_of_var (Ordinary.Rep t)"])
          apply (rule Π_minus_κE)
          by (fact t_prop[THEN "&E"(1)])
        AOT_show t =E v'
          using v'_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E",
                        OF "&I", OF gt_t_noteq_v[THEN "&E"(1)],
                        OF t_prop[THEN "&E"(2)]].
      fix v'
      AOT_assume G_minus_v_v': [[G]-v]v'
      AOT_have gt_t_noteq_v: [G]v' & v' E v
        apply (rule "β→C"(1)[where κ1κn="AOT_term_of_var (Ordinary.Rep v')"])
        apply (rule Π_minus_κE)
        by (fact G_minus_v_v')
      AOT_have ∃!u([F]u & [R]uv')
        using B[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF gt_t_noteq_v[THEN "&E"(1)]].
      then AOT_obtain u' where
        u'_prop: [F]u' & [R]u'v' & t ([F]t & [R]tv'  t =E u')
        using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by fastforce
      AOT_show ∃!u' ([[F]-u]u' & [R]u'v')
      proof (safe intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=u'] "&I"
                          u'_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)] Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        AOT_show [[F]-u]u'
        proof (rule Π_minus_κI;
               safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" "thm-neg=E"[THEN "≡E"(2)]
               u'_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]; rule "raa-cor:2")
          AOT_assume u'_eq_u: u' =E u
          AOT_hence u' = u
            using "=E-simple:2" "vdash-properties:10" by blast
          AOT_hence Ru'v: [R]u'v using "rule=E" Ruv id_sym by fast
          AOT_have v' E v
            using "&E"(2) gt_t_noteq_v by blast
          AOT_hence v'_noteq_v: ¬(v' =E v) by (metis "≡E"(1) "thm-neg=E")
          AOT_have u ([G]u & [R]u'u & v ([G]v & [R]u'v  v =E u))
            using A[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E",
                    OF u'_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)],
                    THEN "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)]].
          then AOT_obtain t where
            t_prop: [G]t & [R]u't & v ([G]v & [R]u'v  v =E t)
            using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
          AOT_have v =E t if [G]v and [R]u'v for v
            using t_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E",
                         OF "&I", OF that].
          AOT_hence v' =E t and v =E t
            by (auto simp: gt_t_noteq_v[THEN "&E"(1)] Ru'v gv
                           u'_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)])
          AOT_hence v' =E v
            using "rule=E" "=E-simple:2" id_sym "→E" by fast
          AOT_thus v' =E v & ¬v' =E v
            using v'_noteq_v "&I" by blast
        fix t
        AOT_assume 0: [[F]-u]t & [R]tv'
        moreover AOT_have [F]t & t E u
          apply (rule "β→C"(1)[where κ1κn="AOT_term_of_var (Ordinary.Rep t)"])
          apply (rule Π_minus_κE)
          by (fact 0[THEN "&E"(1)])
        ultimately AOT_show t =E u'
          using u'_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF "&I"]
                "&E" by blast
    AOT_hence R R |: [F]-u 1-1E [G]-v
      by (rule "∃I")
  } note 1 = this
  moreover {
    AOT_assume not_Ruv: ¬[R]uv
    AOT_have ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv)
      using A[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF fu].
    then AOT_obtain b where
      b_prop: O!b & ([G]b & [R]ub & t([G]t & [R]ut  t =E b))
      using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] "∃E"[rotated] by fastforce
    AOT_hence ob: O!b and gb: [G]b and Rub: [R]ub
      using "&E" by blast+
    AOT_have O!t  ([G]t & [R]ut  t =E b) for t
      using b_prop "&E"(2) "∀E"(2) by blast
    AOT_hence b_unique: t =E b if O!t and [G]t and [R]ut for t
      by (metis Adjunction "modus-tollens:1" "reductio-aa:1" that)
    AOT_have not_v_eq_b: ¬(v =E b)
    proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
      AOT_assume v =E b
      AOT_hence 0: v = b
        by (metis "=E-simple:2" "→E")
      AOT_have [R]uv
        using b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]
              "rule=E"[rotated, OF 0[symmetric]] by fast
      AOT_thus [R]uv & ¬[R]uv
        using not_Ruv "&I" by blast
    AOT_have not_b_eq_v: ¬(b =E v)
      using "modus-tollens:1" not_v_eq_b "ord=Eequiv:2" by blast
    AOT_have ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv)
      using B[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF gv].
    then AOT_obtain a where
      a_prop: O!a & ([F]a & [R]av & t([F]t & [R]tv  t =E a))
      using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] "∃E"[rotated] by fastforce
    AOT_hence Oa: O!a and fa: [F]a and Rav: [R]av
      using "&E" by blast+
    AOT_have O!t  ([F]t & [R]tv  t =E a) for t
      using a_prop "&E" "∀E"(2) by blast
    AOT_hence a_unique: t =E a if O!t and [F]t and [R]tv for t
      by (metis Adjunction "modus-tollens:1" "reductio-aa:1" that) 
    AOT_have not_u_eq_a: ¬(u =E a)
    proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
      AOT_assume u =E a
      AOT_hence 0: u = a
        by (metis "=E-simple:2" "→E")
      AOT_have [R]uv
        using a_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]
              "rule=E"[rotated, OF 0[symmetric]] by fast
      AOT_thus [R]uv & ¬[R]uv
        using not_Ruv "&I" by blast
    AOT_have not_a_eq_u: ¬(a =E u)
      using "modus-tollens:1" not_u_eq_a "ord=Eequiv:2" by blast
    let ?R = «u'v' (u' E u & v' E v & [R]u'v') 
                      (u' =E a & v' =E b) 
                      (u' =E u & v' =E v)]»
    AOT_have [«?R»] by "cqt:2[lambda]"
    AOT_hence  β β = [«?R»]
      using "free-thms:1" "≡E"(1) by fast
    then AOT_obtain R1 where R1_def: R1 = [«?R»]
      using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_have Rxy1: [R]xy if [R1]xy and x E u and x E a for x y
    proof -
      AOT_have 0: [«?R»]xy
        by (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def]) (fact that(1))
      AOT_have (x E u & y E v & [R]xy)  (x =E a & y =E b)  (x =E u & y =E v)
        using "β→C"(1)[OF 0] by simp
      AOT_hence x E u & y E v & [R]xy using that(2,3)
        by (metis "∨E"(3) "Conjunction Simplification"(1) "≡E"(1)
                  "modus-tollens:1" "thm-neg=E")
      AOT_thus [R]xy using "&E" by blast+
    AOT_have Rxy2: [R]xy  if [R1]xy and y E v and y E b for x y
    proof -
      AOT_have 0: [«?R»]xy
        by (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def]) (fact that(1))
      AOT_have (x E u & y E v & [R]xy)  (x =E a & y =E b)  (x =E u & y =E v)
        using "β→C"(1)[OF 0] by simp
      AOT_hence x E u & y E v & [R]xy
        using that(2,3)
        by (metis "∨E"(3) "Conjunction Simplification"(2) "≡E"(1)
                  "modus-tollens:1" "thm-neg=E")
      AOT_thus [R]xy using "&E" by blast+
    AOT_have R1xy: [R1]xy if [R]xy and x E u and y E v for x y
      by (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def[symmetric]])
         (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2"
                 simp: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3" that "∨I"(1))
    AOT_have R1ab: [R1]ab
      apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def[symmetric]])
      apply (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" prod_denotesI "&I")
      by (meson a_prop b_prop "&I" "&E"(1) "∨I"(1) "∨I"(2) "ord=Eequiv:1" "→E")
    AOT_have R1uv: [R1]uv
      apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def[symmetric]])
      apply (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" prod_denotesI "&I")
      by (meson "&I" "∨I"(2) "ord=Eequiv:1" Ordinary.ψ "→E")
    moreover AOT_have R1 |: F 1-1E G
    proof (safe intro!: "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" Ordinary.GEN "→I")
      fix u'
      AOT_assume fu': [F]u'
        AOT_assume not_u'_eq_u: ¬(u' =E u) and not_u'_eq_a: ¬(u' =E a)
        AOT_hence u'_noteq_u: u' E u and u'_noteq_a: u' E a
          by (metis "≡E"(2) "thm-neg=E")+
        AOT_have ∃!v ([G]v & [R]u'v)
          using A[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF fu'].
        AOT_hence v ([G]v & [R]u'v & t ([G]t & [R]u't  t =E v))
          using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by simp
        then AOT_obtain v' where
          v'_prop: [G]v' & [R]u'v' & t ([G]t & [R]u't  t =E v')
          using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
        AOT_hence gv': [G]v' and Ru'v': [R]u'v'
          using "&E" by blast+
        AOT_have not_v'_eq_v: ¬v' =E v
        proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
          AOT_assume v' =E v
          AOT_hence v' = v
            by (metis "=E-simple:2" "→E")
          AOT_hence Ru'v: [R]u'v
            using "rule=E" Ru'v' by fast
          AOT_have u' =E a
            using a_unique[OF Ordinary.ψ, OF fu', OF Ru'v].
          AOT_thus u' =E a & ¬u' =E a
            using not_u'_eq_a "&I" by blast
        AOT_hence v'_noteq_v: v' E v
          using "≡E"(2) "thm-neg=E" by blast
        AOT_have t ([G]t & [R]u't  t =E v')
          using v'_prop "&E" by blast
        AOT_hence [G]t & [R]u't  t =E v' for t
          using "Ordinary.∀E" by meson
        AOT_hence v'_unique: t =E v' if [G]t and [R]u't for t
          by (metis "&I" that "→E")

        AOT_have [G]v' & [R1]u'v' & t ([G]t & [R1]u't  t =E v')
        proof (safe intro!: "&I" gv' R1xy Ru'v' u'_noteq_u u'_noteq_a "→I"
                            Ordinary.GEN "thm-neg=E"[THEN "≡E"(2)] not_v'_eq_v)
          fix t
          AOT_assume 1: [G]t & [R1]u't
          AOT_have [R]u't
            using Rxy1[OF 1[THEN "&E"(2)], OF u'_noteq_u, OF u'_noteq_a].
          AOT_thus t =E v'
            using v'_unique 1[THEN "&E"(1)] by blast
        AOT_hence v ([G]v & [R1]u'v & t ([G]t & [R1]u't  t =E v))
          by (rule "Ordinary.∃I")
        AOT_hence ∃!v ([G]v & [R1]u'v)
          by (rule "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
      moreover {
        AOT_assume 0: u' =E u
        AOT_hence u'_eq_u: u' = u
          using "=E-simple:2" "→E" by blast
        AOT_have ∃!v ([G]v & [R1]u'v)
        proof (safe intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=v]
                            "&I" Ordinary.GEN "→I" gv)
          AOT_show [R1]u'v
            apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def[symmetric]])
            apply (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" prod_denotesI)
            by (safe intro!: "∨I"(2) "&I" 0 "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF Ordinary.ψ])
          fix v'
          AOT_assume [G]v' & [R1]u'v'
          AOT_hence 0: [R1]uv'
            using "rule=E"[rotated, OF u'_eq_u] "&E"(2) by fast
          AOT_have 1: [«?R»]uv'
            by (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def]) (fact 0)
          AOT_have 2: (u E u & v' E v & [R]uv') 
                       (u =E a & v' =E b) 
                       (u =E u & v' =E v)
            using "β→C"(1)[OF 1] by simp
          AOT_have ¬u E u
            using "≡E"(4) "modus-tollens:1" "ord=Eequiv:1" Ordinary.ψ
                  "reductio-aa:2" "thm-neg=E" by blast
          AOT_hence ¬((u E u & v' E v & [R]uv')  (u =E a & v' =E b))
            using not_u_eq_a
            by (metis "∨E"(2) "Conjunction Simplification"(1)
                      "modus-tollens:1" "reductio-aa:1")
          AOT_hence (u =E u & v' =E v)
            using 2 by (metis "∨E"(2))
          AOT_thus v' =E v
            using "&E" by blast
      moreover {
        AOT_assume 0: u' =E a
        AOT_hence u'_eq_a: u' = a
          using "=E-simple:2" "→E" by blast
        AOT_have ∃!v ([G]v & [R1]u'v)
        proof (safe intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "∃I"(2)[where β=b] "&I"
                            Ordinary.GEN "→I" b_prop[THEN "&E"(1)]
                            b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)])
          AOT_show [R1]u'b
            apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def[symmetric]])
            apply (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" prod_denotesI)
            apply (rule "∨I"(1); rule "∨I"(2); rule "&I")
             apply (fact 0)
            using b_prop "&E"(1) "ord=Eequiv:1" "→E" by blast
          fix v'
          AOT_assume gv'_R1u'v': [G]v' & [R1]u'v'
          AOT_hence 0: [R1]av'
            using u'_eq_a by (meson "rule=E" "&E"(2))
          AOT_have 1: [«?R»]av'
            by (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def]) (fact 0)
          AOT_have (a E u & v' E v & [R]av') 
                    (a =E a & v' =E b) 
                    (a =E u & v' =E v)
            using "β→C"(1)[OF 1] by simp
          moreover {
            AOT_assume 0: a E u & v' E v & [R]av'
            AOT_have ∃!v ([G]v & [R]u'v)
              using A[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF fu'].
            AOT_hence ∃!v ([G]v & [R]av)
              using u'_eq_a "rule=E" by fast
            AOT_hence v ([G]v & [R]av & t ([G]t & [R]at  t =E v))
              using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by fast
            then AOT_obtain s where
              s_prop: [G]s & [R]as & t ([G]t & [R]at  t =E s)
              using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
            AOT_have v' =E s
              using s_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E"]
                    gv'_R1u'v'[THEN "&E"(1)] 0[THEN "&E"(2)]
              by (metis "&I" "vdash-properties:10")
            moreover AOT_have v =E s
              using s_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E"] gv Rav
              by (metis "&I" "→E")
            ultimately AOT_have v' =E v
              by (metis "&I" "ord=Eequiv:2" "ord=Eequiv:3" "→E")
            moreover AOT_have ¬(v' =E v)
              using 0[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]
              by (metis "≡E"(1) "thm-neg=E") 
            ultimately AOT_have v' =E b
              by (metis "raa-cor:3")
          moreover {
            AOT_assume a =E u & v' =E v
            AOT_hence v' =E b
              by (metis "&E"(1) not_a_eq_u "reductio-aa:1")
          ultimately AOT_show v' =E b
            by (metis "&E"(2) "∨E"(3) "reductio-aa:1") 
      ultimately AOT_show ∃!v ([G]v & [R1]u'v)
        by (metis "raa-cor:1")
      fix v'
      AOT_assume gv': [G]v'
        AOT_assume not_v'_eq_v: ¬(v' =E v)
               and not_v'_eq_b: ¬(v' =E b)
        AOT_hence v'_noteq_v: v' E v
              and v'_noteq_b: v' E b
          by (metis "≡E"(2) "thm-neg=E")+
        AOT_have ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv')
          using B[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF gv'].
        AOT_hence u ([F]u & [R]uv' & t ([F]t & [R]tv'  t =E u))
          using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by simp
        then AOT_obtain u' where
          u'_prop: [F]u' & [R]u'v' & t ([F]t & [R]tv'  t =E u')
          using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
        AOT_hence fu': [F]u' and Ru'v': [R]u'v'
          using "&E" by blast+
        AOT_have not_u'_eq_u: ¬u' =E u
        proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
          AOT_assume u' =E u
          AOT_hence u' = u
            by (metis "=E-simple:2" "→E")
          AOT_hence Ruv': [R]uv'
            using "rule=E" Ru'v' by fast
          AOT_have v' =E b
            using b_unique[OF Ordinary.ψ, OF gv', OF Ruv'].
          AOT_thus v' =E b & ¬v' =E b
            using not_v'_eq_b "&I" by blast
        AOT_hence u'_noteq_u: u' E u
          using "≡E"(2) "thm-neg=E" by blast
        AOT_have t ([F]t & [R]tv'  t =E u')
          using u'_prop "&E" by blast
        AOT_hence [F]t & [R]tv'  t =E u' for t
          using "Ordinary.∀E" by meson
        AOT_hence u'_unique: t =E u' if [F]t and [R]tv' for t
          by (metis "&I" that "→E")

        AOT_have [F]u' & [R1]u'v' & t ([F]t & [R1]tv'  t =E u')
        proof (safe intro!: "&I" gv' R1xy Ru'v' u'_noteq_u Ordinary.GEN "→I"
                            "thm-neg=E"[THEN "≡E"(2)] not_v'_eq_v fu')
          fix t
          AOT_assume 1: [F]t & [R1]tv'
          AOT_have [R]tv'
            using Rxy2[OF 1[THEN "&E"(2)], OF v'_noteq_v, OF v'_noteq_b].
          AOT_thus t =E u'
            using u'_unique 1[THEN "&E"(1)] by blast
        AOT_hence u ([F]u & [R1]uv' & t ([F]t & [R1]tv'  t =E u))
          by (rule "Ordinary.∃I")
        AOT_hence ∃!u ([F]u & [R1]uv')
          by (rule "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
      moreover {
        AOT_assume 0: v' =E v
        AOT_hence u'_eq_u: v' = v
          using "=E-simple:2" "→E" by blast
        AOT_have ∃!u ([F]u & [R1]uv')
        proof (safe intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=u]
                            "&I" Ordinary.GEN "→I" fu)
          AOT_show [R1]uv'
            by (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def[symmetric]])
               (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" prod_denotesI Ordinary.ψ
                             "∨I"(2) 0 "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E"])
          fix u'
          AOT_assume [F]u' & [R1]u'v'
          AOT_hence 0: [R1]u'v
            using "rule=E"[rotated, OF u'_eq_u] "&E"(2) by fast
          AOT_have 1: [«?R»]u'v
            by (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def]) (fact 0)
          AOT_have 2: (u' E u & v E v & [R]u'v) 
                       (u' =E a & v =E b) 
                       (u' =E u & v =E v)
            using "β→C"(1)[OF 1, simplified] by simp
          AOT_have ¬v E v
            using "≡E"(4) "modus-tollens:1" "ord=Eequiv:1" Ordinary.ψ
                  "reductio-aa:2" "thm-neg=E" by blast
          AOT_hence ¬((u' E u & v E v & [R]u'v)  (u' =E a & v =E b))
            by (metis "&E"(1) "&E"(2) "∨E"(3) not_v_eq_b "raa-cor:3")
          AOT_hence (u' =E u & v =E v)
            using 2 by (metis "∨E"(2))
          AOT_thus u' =E u
            using "&E" by blast
      moreover {
        AOT_assume 0: v' =E b
        AOT_hence v'_eq_b: v' = b
          using "=E-simple:2" "→E" by blast
        AOT_have ∃!u ([F]u & [R1]uv')
        proof (safe intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "∃I"(2)[where β=a] "&I"
                            Ordinary.GEN "→I" b_prop[THEN "&E"(1)] Oa fa
                            b_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)])
          AOT_show [R1]av'
            apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def[symmetric]])
            apply (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" prod_denotesI)
            apply (rule "∨I"(1); rule "∨I"(2); rule "&I")
            using Oa "ord=Eequiv:1" "→E" apply blast
            using "0" by blast
          fix u'
          AOT_assume fu'_R1u'v': [F]u' & [R1]u'v'
          AOT_hence 0: [R1]u'b
            using v'_eq_b by (meson "rule=E" "&E"(2))
          AOT_have 1: [«?R»]u'b
            by (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF R1_def]) (fact 0)
          AOT_have (u' E u & b E v & [R]u'b) 
                    (u' =E a & b =E b) 
                    (u' =E u & b =E v)
            using "β→C"(1)[OF 1, simplified] by simp
          moreover {
            AOT_assume 0: u' E u & b E v & [R]u'b
            AOT_have ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv')
              using B[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF gv'].
            AOT_hence ∃!u ([F]u & [R]ub)
              using v'_eq_b "rule=E" by fast
            AOT_hence u ([F]u & [R]ub & t ([F]t & [R]tb  t =E u))
              using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by fast
            then AOT_obtain s where
              s_prop: [F]s & [R]sb & t ([F]t & [R]tb  t =E s)
              using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
            AOT_have u' =E s
              using s_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E"]
                    fu'_R1u'v'[THEN "&E"(1)] 0[THEN "&E"(2)]
              by (metis "&I" "→E")
            moreover AOT_have u =E s
              using s_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E"] fu Rub
              by (metis "&I" "→E")
            ultimately AOT_have u' =E u
              by (metis "&I" "ord=Eequiv:2" "ord=Eequiv:3" "→E")
            moreover AOT_have ¬(u' =E u)
              using 0[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)] by (metis "≡E"(1) "thm-neg=E") 
            ultimately AOT_have u' =E a
              by (metis "raa-cor:3")
          moreover {
            AOT_assume u' =E u & b =E v
            AOT_hence u' =E a
              by (metis "&E"(2) not_b_eq_v "reductio-aa:1")
          ultimately AOT_show u' =E a
            by (metis "&E"(1) "∨E"(3) "reductio-aa:1") 
      ultimately AOT_show ∃!u ([F]u & [R1]uv')
        by (metis "raa-cor:1")
    ultimately AOT_have R R |: [F]-u 1-1E [G]-v
      using 1 by blast
  ultimately AOT_have R R |: [F]-u 1-1E [G]-v
    using R_prop by (metis "reductio-aa:2") 
  AOT_thus [F]-u E [G]-v
    by (rule "equi:3"[THEN "dfI"])

AOT_theorem "P'-eq": [F]-u E [G]-v & [F]u & [G]v  F E G
proof(safe intro!: "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2);
      frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_have z [Π]z & z E κ] for Π κ by "cqt:2[lambda]"
  note Π_minus_κI = "rule-id-df:2:b[2]"[
      where τ=(λ(Π, κ). «[Π]-κ»), simplified, OF "F-u", simplified, OF this]
   and Π_minus_κE = "rule-id-df:2:a[2]"[
   where τ=(λ(Π, κ). «[Π]-κ»), simplified, OF "F-u", simplified, OF this]
  AOT_have Π_minus_κ_den: [Π]-κ for Π κ
    by (rule Π_minus_κI) "cqt:2[lambda]"+

  AOT_have Π_minus_κE1: [Π]κ'
       and Π_minus_κE2: κ' E κ if [[Π]-κ]κ' for Π κ κ'
  proof -
    AOT_have z [Π]z & z E κ]κ'
      using Π_minus_κE that by fast
    AOT_hence [Π]κ' & κ' E κ
      by (rule "β→C"(1))
    AOT_thus [Π]κ' and κ' E κ
      using "&E" by blast+
  AOT_have Π_minus_κI': [[Π]-κ]κ' if [Π]κ' and κ' E κ for Π κ κ'
  proof -
    AOT_have κ'_den: κ'
      by (metis "russell-axiom[exe,1].ψ_denotes_asm" that(1))
    AOT_have z [Π]z & z E κ]κ'
      by (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" κ'_den "&I" that)
    AOT_thus [[Π]-κ]κ'
      using Π_minus_κI by fast

  AOT_assume Gv: [G]v
  AOT_assume Fu: [F]u
  AOT_assume [F]-u E [G]-v
  AOT_hence R R |: [F]-u 1-1E [G]-v
    using "equi:3"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  then AOT_obtain R where R_prop: R |: [F]-u 1-1E [G]-v
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence Fact1: r([[F]-u]r  ∃!s ([[G]-v]s & [R]rs))
        and Fact1': s([[G]-v]s  ∃!r ([[F]-u]r & [R]rs))
    using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_have R |: [F]-u 1-1ontoE [G]-v
    using "equi-rem-thm"[unvarify F G, OF Π_minus_κ_den, OF Π_minus_κ_den,
                         THEN "≡E"(1), OF R_prop].
  AOT_hence R |: [F]-u 1-1⟶E [G]-v & R |: [F]-u ontoE [G]-v
    using "equi-rem:4"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  AOT_hence Fact2:
    rst(([[F]-u]r & [[F]-u]s & [[G]-v]t)  ([R]rt & [R]st  r =E s))
    using "equi-rem:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast

  let ?R = «xy ([[F]-u]x & [[G]-v]y & [R]xy)  (x =E u & y =E v)]»
  AOT_have R_den: «?R» by "cqt:2[lambda]"

  AOT_show F E G
  proof(safe intro!: "equi:3"[THEN "dfI"] "∃I"(1)[where τ="?R"] R_den
                     "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" Ordinary.GEN "→I")
    fix r
    AOT_assume Fr: [F]r
      AOT_assume not_r_eq_u: ¬(r =E u)
      AOT_hence r_noteq_u: r E u
        using "≡E"(2) "thm-neg=E" by blast
      AOT_have [[F]-u]r
        by(rule Π_minus_κI; safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" Fr r_noteq_u)
      AOT_hence ∃!s ([[G]-v]s & [R]rs)
        using Fact1[THEN "∀E"(2)] "→E" Ordinary.ψ by blast
      AOT_hence s ([[G]-v]s & [R]rs & t ([[G]-v]t & [R]rt  t =E s))
        using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by simp
      then AOT_obtain s where s_prop: [[G]-v]s & [R]rs & t ([[G]-v]t & [R]rt  t =E s)
        using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
      AOT_hence G_minus_v_s: [[G]-v]s and Rrs: [R]rs
        using "&E" by blast+
      AOT_have s_unique: t =E s if [[G]-v]t and [R]rt for t
        using s_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF that].
      AOT_have Gs: [G]s
        using Π_minus_κE1[OF G_minus_v_s].
      AOT_have s_noteq_v: s E v
        using Π_minus_κE2[OF G_minus_v_s].
      AOT_have s ([G]s & [«?R»]rs & (t ([G]t & [«?R»]rt  t =E s)))
      proof(safe intro!: "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=s] "&I" Gs Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        AOT_show [«?R»]rs
          by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" "∨I"(1) Π_minus_κI' Fr Gs
                           s_noteq_v Rrs r_noteq_u
                   simp: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")
        fix t
        AOT_assume 0: [G]t & [«?R»]rt
        AOT_hence ([[F]-u]r & [[G]-v]t & [R]rt)  (r =E u & t =E v)
          using "β→C"(1)[OF 0[THEN "&E"(2)], simplified] by blast
        AOT_hence 1: [[F]-u]r & [[G]-v]t & [R]rt
          using not_r_eq_u by (metis "&E"(1) "∨E"(3) "reductio-aa:1")
        AOT_show t =E s using s_unique 1 "&E" by blast
    moreover {
      AOT_assume r_eq_u: r =E u
      AOT_have s ([G]s & [«?R»]rs & (t ([G]t & [«?R»]rt  t =E s)))
      proof(safe intro!: "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=v] "&I" Gv Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        AOT_show [«?R»]rv
          by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" "∨I"(2) Π_minus_κI' Fr r_eq_u
                           "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E"] Ordinary.ψ
                   simp: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")
        fix t
        AOT_assume 0: [G]t & [«?R»]rt
        AOT_hence ([[F]-u]r & [[G]-v]t & [R]rt)  (r =E u & t =E v)
          using "β→C"(1)[OF 0[THEN "&E"(2)], simplified] by blast
        AOT_hence r =E u & t =E v
          using r_eq_u Π_minus_κE2
          by (metis "&E"(1) "∨E"(2) "≡E"(1) "reductio-aa:1" "thm-neg=E")
        AOT_thus t =E v using "&E" by blast
    ultimately AOT_show ∃!s ([G]s & [«?R»]rs)
      using "reductio-aa:2" "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] by fast
    fix s
    AOT_assume Gs: [G]s

      AOT_assume not_s_eq_v: ¬(s =E v)
      AOT_hence s_noteq_v: s E v
        using "≡E"(2) "thm-neg=E" by blast
      AOT_have [[G]-v]s
        by (rule Π_minus_κI; auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" Gs s_noteq_v)
      AOT_hence ∃!r ([[F]-u]r & [R]rs)
        using Fact1'[THEN "Ordinary.∀E"] "→E" by blast
      AOT_hence r ([[F]-u]r & [R]rs & t ([[F]-u]t & [R]ts  t =E r))
        using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by simp
      then AOT_obtain r where
        r_prop: [[F]-u]r & [R]rs & t ([[F]-u]t & [R]ts  t =E r)
        using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
      AOT_hence F_minus_u_r: [[F]-u]r and Rrs: [R]rs
        using "&E" by blast+
      AOT_have r_unique: t =E r if [[F]-u]t and [R]ts for t
        using r_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E",
                     THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF that].
      AOT_have Fr: [F]r
        using Π_minus_κE1[OF F_minus_u_r].
      AOT_have r_noteq_u: r E u
        using Π_minus_κE2[OF F_minus_u_r].
      AOT_have r ([F]r & [«?R»]rs & (t ([F]t & [«?R»]ts  t =E r)))
      proof(safe intro!: "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=r] "&I" Fr Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        AOT_show [«?R»]rs
          by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" "∨I"(1) Π_minus_κI' Fr
                           Gs s_noteq_v Rrs r_noteq_u
                   simp: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")
        fix t
        AOT_assume 0: [F]t & [«?R»]ts
        AOT_hence ([[F]-u]t & [[G]-v]s & [R]ts)  (t =E u & s =E v)
          using "β→C"(1)[OF 0[THEN "&E"(2)], simplified] by blast
        AOT_hence 1: [[F]-u]t & [[G]-v]s & [R]ts
          using not_s_eq_v by (metis "&E"(2) "∨E"(3) "reductio-aa:1")
        AOT_show t =E r using r_unique 1 "&E" by blast
    moreover {
      AOT_assume s_eq_v: s =E v
      AOT_have r ([F]r & [«?R»]rs & (t ([F]t & [«?R»]ts  t =E r)))
      proof(safe intro!: "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=u] "&I" Fu Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        AOT_show [«?R»]us
          by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" prod_denotesI "∨I"(2)
                            Π_minus_κI' Gs s_eq_v Ordinary.ψ
                            "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E"])
        fix t
        AOT_assume 0: [F]t & [«?R»]ts
        AOT_hence 1: ([[F]-u]t & [[G]-v]s & [R]ts)  (t =E u & s =E v)
          using "β→C"(1)[OF 0[THEN "&E"(2)], simplified] by blast
        moreover AOT_have ¬([[F]-u]t & [[G]-v]s & [R]ts)
        proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
          AOT_assume ([[F]-u]t & [[G]-v]s & [R]ts)
          AOT_hence [[G]-v]s using "&E" by blast
          AOT_thus s =E v & ¬(s =E v)
            by (metis Π_minus_κE2 "≡E"(4) "reductio-aa:1" s_eq_v "thm-neg=E")
        ultimately AOT_have t =E u & s =E v
          by (metis "∨E"(2))
        AOT_thus t =E u using "&E" by blast
    ultimately AOT_show ∃!r ([F]r & [«?R»]rs)
      using "≡E"(2) "equi:1" "reductio-aa:2" by fast

AOT_theorem "approx-cont:1": FG (F E G & ¬F E G)
proof -
  let ?P = «x E!x & ¬𝒜E!x]»
  AOT_have q0 & ¬q0 by (metis q0_prop)
  AOT_hence 1: x(E!x & ¬𝒜E!x) & ¬x(E!x & ¬𝒜E!x)
    by (rule q0_def[THEN "=dfE"(2), rotated])
       (simp add: "log-prop-prop:2")
  AOT_have θ: x [«?P»]x & ¬x [«?P»]x
    apply (AOT_subst [«?P»]x E!x & ¬𝒜E!x for: x)
     apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"]; "cqt:2[lambda]")
    by (fact 1)
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule "∃I"(1))+
    AOT_have [L]- E [«?P»] & ¬[L]- E [«?P»]
    proof (rule "&I"; rule "RM◇"[THEN "→E"]; (rule "→I")?)
      AOT_modally_strict {
        AOT_assume A: ¬x [«?P»]x
        AOT_show [L]- E [«?P»]
        proof (safe intro!: "empty-approx:1"[unvarify F H, THEN "→E"]
                            "rel-neg-T:3" "&I")
          AOT_show [«?P»] by "cqt:2[lambda]"
          AOT_show ¬u [L-]u
          proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
            AOT_assume u [L-]u
            then AOT_obtain u where [L-]u
              using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by blast
            moreover AOT_have ¬[L-]u
              using "thm-noncont-e-e:2"[THEN "contingent-properties:2"[THEN "dfE"],
                                        THEN "&E"(2)]
              by (metis "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "rule-ui:3" "→E")
            ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p
              by (metis  "raa-cor:3")
          AOT_show ¬v [«?P»]v
          proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
            AOT_assume v [«?P»]v
            then AOT_obtain u where [«?P»]u
              using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by blast
            AOT_hence [«?P»]u
              using "&E" by blast
            AOT_hence x [«?P»]x
              by (rule "∃I")
            AOT_thus x [«?P»]x & ¬x [«?P»]x
              using A "&I" by blast
      AOT_show ¬x [«?P»]x
        using θ "&E" by blast
      AOT_modally_strict {
        AOT_assume A: x [«?P»]x
        AOT_have B: ¬[«?P»] E [L]-
        proof (safe intro!: "empty-approx:2"[unvarify F H, THEN "→E"]
                            "rel-neg-T:3" "&I")
          AOT_show [«?P»]
            by "cqt:2[lambda]"
          AOT_obtain x where Px: [«?P»]x
            using A "∃E" by blast
          AOT_hence E!x & ¬𝒜E!x
            by (rule "β→C"(1))
          AOT_hence 1: E!x
            by (metis "T◇" "&E"(1) "vdash-properties:10")
          AOT_have x E!x]x
            by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" 1)
          AOT_hence O!x
            by (rule AOT_ordinary[THEN "=dfI"(2), rotated]) "cqt:2[lambda]"
          AOT_hence O!x & [«?P»]x
            using Px "&I" by blast
          AOT_thus u [«?P»]u
            by (rule "∃I")
          AOT_show ¬u [L-]u
          proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
            AOT_assume u [L-]u
            then AOT_obtain u where [L-]u
              using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by blast
            moreover AOT_have ¬[L-]u
              using "thm-noncont-e-e:2"[THEN "contingent-properties:2"[THEN "dfE"]]
              by (metis "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "rule-ui:3" "→E" "&E"(2))
            ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p
              by (metis "raa-cor:3")
        AOT_show ¬[L]- E [«?P»]
        proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
          AOT_assume [L]- E [«?P»]
          AOT_hence [«?P»] E [L]-
            apply (rule "eq-part:2"[unvarify F G, THEN "→E", rotated 2])
             apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
            by (simp add: "rel-neg-T:3")
          AOT_thus [«?P»] E [L]- & ¬[«?P»] E [L]-
            using B "&I" by blast
      AOT_show x [«?P»]x
        using θ "&E" by blast
    AOT_thus ([L]- E [«?P»] & ¬[L]- E [«?P»])
      using "S5Basic:11" "≡E"(2) by blast
    AOT_show x [E!]x & ¬𝒜[E!]x]
      by "cqt:2"
    AOT_show [L]-
      by (simp add: "rel-neg-T:3")

AOT_theorem "approx-cont:2":
  FG (z 𝒜[F]z] E G & ¬z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
proof -
  let ?P = «x E!x & ¬𝒜E!x]»
  AOT_have q0 & ¬q0 by (metis q0_prop)
  AOT_hence 1: x(E!x & ¬𝒜E!x) & ¬x(E!x & ¬𝒜E!x)
    by (rule q0_def[THEN "=dfE"(2), rotated])
       (simp add: "log-prop-prop:2")
  AOT_have θ: x [«?P»]x & ¬x [«?P»]x
    apply (AOT_subst [«?P»]x E!x & ¬𝒜E!x for: x)
     apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"]; "cqt:2")
    by (fact 1)
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule "∃I"(1))+
    AOT_have z 𝒜[L-]z] E [«?P»] & ¬z 𝒜[L-]z] E [«?P»]
    proof (rule "&I"; rule "RM◇"[THEN "→E"]; (rule "→I")?)
      AOT_modally_strict {
        AOT_assume A: ¬x [«?P»]x
        AOT_show z 𝒜[L-]z] E [«?P»]
        proof (safe intro!: "empty-approx:1"[unvarify F H, THEN "→E"]
                            "rel-neg-T:3" "&I")
          AOT_show [«?P»] by "cqt:2"
          AOT_show ¬u z 𝒜[L-]z]u
          proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
            AOT_assume u z 𝒜[L-]z]u
            then AOT_obtain u where z 𝒜[L-]z]u
              using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by blast
            AOT_hence 𝒜[L-]u
              using "β→C"(1) "&E" by blast
            moreover AOT_have ¬[L-]u
              using "thm-noncont-e-e:2"[THEN "contingent-properties:2"[THEN "dfE"]]
              by (metis RN "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "rule-ui:3" "→E" "&E"(2))
            ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p
              by (metis "Act-Sub:3" "KBasic2:1" "≡E"(1) "raa-cor:3" "→E")
          AOT_show ¬v [«?P»]v
          proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
            AOT_assume v [«?P»]v
            then AOT_obtain u where [«?P»]u
              using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by blast
            AOT_hence [«?P»]u
              using "&E" by blast
            AOT_hence x [«?P»]x
              by (rule "∃I")
            AOT_thus x [«?P»]x & ¬x [«?P»]x
              using A "&I" by blast
          AOT_show z 𝒜[L-]z] by "cqt:2"
      AOT_show ¬x [«?P»]x using θ "&E" by blast
      AOT_modally_strict {
        AOT_assume A: x [«?P»]x
        AOT_have B: ¬[«?P»] E z 𝒜[L-]z]
        proof (safe intro!: "empty-approx:2"[unvarify F H, THEN "→E"]
                            "rel-neg-T:3" "&I")
          AOT_show [«?P»] by "cqt:2"
          AOT_obtain x where Px: [«?P»]x
            using A "∃E" by blast
          AOT_hence E!x & ¬𝒜E!x
            by (rule "β→C"(1))
          AOT_hence E!x
            by (metis "T◇" "&E"(1) "→E")
          AOT_hence x E!x]x
            by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
          AOT_hence O!x
            by (rule AOT_ordinary[THEN "=dfI"(2), rotated]) "cqt:2"
          AOT_hence O!x & [«?P»]x
            using Px "&I" by blast
          AOT_thus u [«?P»]u
            by (rule "∃I")
          AOT_show ¬u z 𝒜[L-]z]u
          proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
            AOT_assume u z 𝒜[L-]z]u
            then AOT_obtain u where z 𝒜[L-]z]u
              using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by blast
            AOT_hence 𝒜[L-]u
              using "β→C"(1) "&E" by blast
            moreover AOT_have ¬[L-]u
              using "thm-noncont-e-e:2"[THEN "contingent-properties:2"[THEN "dfE"]]
              by (metis RN "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "rule-ui:3" "→E" "&E"(2))
            ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p
              by (metis "Act-Sub:3" "KBasic2:1" "≡E"(1) "raa-cor:3" "→E")
          AOT_show z 𝒜[L-]z] by "cqt:2"
        AOT_show ¬z 𝒜[L-]z] E [«?P»]
        proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
          AOT_assume z 𝒜[L-]z] E [«?P»]
          AOT_hence [«?P»] E z 𝒜[L-]z]
            by (rule "eq-part:2"[unvarify F G, THEN "→E", rotated 2])
          AOT_thus [«?P»] E z 𝒜[L-]z] & ¬[«?P»] E z 𝒜[L-]z]
            using B "&I" by blast
      AOT_show x [«?P»]x
        using θ "&E" by blast
    AOT_thus (z 𝒜[L-]z] E [«?P»] & ¬z 𝒜[L-]z] E [«?P»])
      using "S5Basic:11" "≡E"(2) by blast
    AOT_show x [E!]x & ¬𝒜[E!]x] by "cqt:2"
    AOT_show [L]-
      by (simp add: "rel-neg-T:3")

  text‹We already have defined being equivalent on the ordinary objects in the
       Extended Relation Comprehension theory.›
  AOT_have F E G df F & G & u ([F]u  [G]u) for F G
    using eqE by blast

AOT_theorem "apE-eqE:1": F E G  F E G
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: F E G
  AOT_have R R |: F 1-1E G
  proof (safe intro!: "∃I"(1)[where τ="«(=E)»"] "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I"
                      "=E[denotes]" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst] Ordinary.GEN
                      "→I" "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
    fix u
    AOT_assume Fu: [F]u
    AOT_hence Gu: [G]u
      using "dfE"[OF eqE, OF 0, THEN "&E"(2),
                   THEN "Ordinary.∀E"[where α=u], THEN "≡E"(1)]
            Ordinary.ψ Fu by blast
    AOT_show v ([G]v & u =E v & v' ([G]v' & u =E v'  v' =E v))
      by (safe intro!: "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=u] "&I" GEN "→I" Ordinary.ψ Gu
                       "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF Ordinary.ψ]
                       "ord=Eequiv:2"[THEN "→E"] dest!: "&E"(2))
    fix v
    AOT_assume Gv: [G]v
    AOT_hence Fv: [F]v
      using "dfE"[OF eqE, OF 0, THEN "&E"(2),
                   THEN "Ordinary.∀E"[where α=v], THEN "≡E"(2)]
            Ordinary.ψ Gv by blast
    AOT_show u ([F]u & u =E v & v' ([F]v' & v' =E v  v' =E u))
      by (safe intro!: "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=v] "&I" GEN "→I" Ordinary.ψ Fv
                       "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF Ordinary.ψ]
                       "ord=Eequiv:2"[THEN "→E"] dest!: "&E"(2))
  AOT_thus F E G
    by (rule "equi:3"[THEN "dfI"])

AOT_theorem "apE-eqE:2": (F E G & G E H)  F E H
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume F E G & G E H
  AOT_hence F E G and G E H
    using "apE-eqE:1"[THEN "→E"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_thus F E H
    by (metis Adjunction "eq-part:3" "vdash-properties:10")

AOT_act_theorem "eq-part-act:1": z 𝒜[F]z] E F
proof (safe intro!: eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" Ordinary.GEN "→I")
  fix u
  AOT_have z 𝒜[F]z]u  𝒜[F]u
    by (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"]) "cqt:2[lambda]"
  also AOT_have   [F]u
    using "act-conj-act:4" "logic-actual"[act_axiom_inst, THEN "→E"] by blast
  finally AOT_show z 𝒜[F]z]u  [F]u.

AOT_act_theorem "eq-part-act:2": z 𝒜[F]z] E F
  by (safe intro!: "apE-eqE:1"[unvarify F, THEN "→E"] "eq-part-act:1") "cqt:2"

AOT_theorem "actuallyF:1": 𝒜(F E z 𝒜[F]z])
proof -
  AOT_have 1: 𝒜([F]x  𝒜[F]x) for x
    by (meson "Act-Basic:5" "act-conj-act:4" "≡E"(2) "Commutativity of ≡")
  AOT_have 𝒜([F]x  z 𝒜[F]z]x) for x
    apply (AOT_subst z 𝒜[F]z]x 𝒜[F]x)
     apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
     apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
    by (fact 1)
  AOT_hence O!x  𝒜([F]x  z 𝒜[F]z]x) for x
    by (metis "→I") 
  AOT_hence u 𝒜([F]u  z 𝒜[F]z]u)
    using "∀I" by fast
  AOT_hence 1: 𝒜u ([F]u  z 𝒜[F]z]u)
    by (metis "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[2]" "→E")
  AOT_modally_strict {
    AOT_have z 𝒜[F]z] by "cqt:2"
  } note 2 = this
  AOT_have 𝒜(F E z 𝒜[F]z])
    apply (AOT_subst F E z 𝒜[F]z] u ([F]u  z 𝒜[F]z]u))
    using eqE[THEN "≡Df", THEN "≡S"(1), OF "&I",
              OF "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst], OF 2]
    by (auto simp: 1)
  moreover AOT_have 𝒜(F E z 𝒜[F]z]  F E z 𝒜[F]z])
    using "apE-eqE:1"[unvarify G, THEN "RA[2]", OF 2] by metis
  ultimately AOT_show 𝒜F E z 𝒜[F]z]
    by (metis "act-cond" "→E")

AOT_theorem "actuallyF:2": Rigid(z 𝒜[F]z])
proof(safe intro!: GEN "→I" "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfI"] "&I")
  AOT_show z 𝒜[F]z] by "cqt:2"
  AOT_show x (z 𝒜[F]z]x  z 𝒜[F]z]x)
  proof(rule RN; rule GEN; rule "→I")
    AOT_modally_strict {
      fix x
      AOT_assume z 𝒜[F]z]x
      AOT_hence 𝒜[F]x
        by (rule "β→C"(1))
      AOT_hence 1: 𝒜[F]x by (metis "Act-Basic:6" "≡E"(1))
      AOT_show z 𝒜[F]z]x
        apply (AOT_subst z 𝒜[F]z]x 𝒜[F]x)
         apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
         apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
        by (fact 1)

AOT_theorem "approx-nec:1": Rigid(F)  F E z 𝒜[F]z]
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume Rigid([F])
  AOT_hence A: x ([F]x  [F]x)
    using "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(2)] by blast
  AOT_hence 0: x ([F]x  [F]x)
    using CBF[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_hence 1: x ([F]x  [F]x)
    using A "qml:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_have act_F_den: z 𝒜[F]z]
    by "cqt:2"
  AOT_show F E z 𝒜[F]z]
  proof (safe intro!: "apE-eqE:1"[unvarify G, THEN "→E"] eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I"
                      "cqt:2" act_F_den Ordinary.GEN "→I" "≡I")
    fix u
    AOT_assume [F]u
    AOT_hence [F]u
      using 1[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_hence act_F_u: 𝒜[F]u
      by (metis "nec-imp-act" "→E")
    AOT_show z 𝒜[F]z]u
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" act_F_u)
    fix u
    AOT_assume z 𝒜[F]z]u
    AOT_hence 𝒜[F]u
      by (rule "β→C"(1))
    AOT_thus [F]u
      using 0[THEN "∀E"(2)]
      by (metis "≡E"(1) "sc-eq-fur:2" "→E")

AOT_theorem "approx-nec:2":
  F E G  H (z 𝒜[H]z] E F  z 𝒜[H]z] E G)
proof(rule "≡I"; rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: F E G
  AOT_assume 0: F E G
  AOT_hence H (H E F  H E G)
    using "eq-part:4"[THEN "≡E"(1), OF 0] by blast
  AOT_have z 𝒜[H]z] E F  z 𝒜[H]z] E G for H
    by (rule "∀E"(1)[OF "eq-part:4"[THEN "≡E"(1), OF 0]]) "cqt:2"
  AOT_thus H (z 𝒜[H]z] E F  z 𝒜[H]z] E G)
    by (rule GEN)
  AOT_assume 0: H (z 𝒜[H]z] E F  z 𝒜[H]z] E G)
  AOT_obtain H where Rigidifies(H,F)
    using "rigid-der:3" "∃E" by metis
  AOT_hence H: Rigid(H) & x ([H]x  [F]x)
    using "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  AOT_have H_rigid: x ([H]x  [H]x)
    using H[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfE"], THEN "&E"(2)].
  AOT_hence x ([H]x  [H]x)
    using "CBF" "vdash-properties:10" by blast
  AOT_hence ([H]x  [H]x) for x using "∀E"(2) by blast
  AOT_hence rigid: [H]x  𝒜[H]x for x
     by (metis "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:3:a" "sc-eq-fur:2" "→E")
  AOT_have H E F
  proof (safe intro!: eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" Ordinary.GEN "→I")
    AOT_show [H]u  [F]u for u using H[THEN "&E"(2)] "∀E"(2) by fast
  AOT_hence H E F
    by (rule "apE-eqE:2"[THEN "→E", OF "&I", rotated])
       (simp add: "eq-part:1")
  AOT_hence F_approx_H: F E H
    by (metis "eq-part:2" "→E")
  moreover AOT_have H_eq_act_H: H E z 𝒜[H]z]
  proof (safe intro!: eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" Ordinary.GEN "→I")
    AOT_show [H]u  z 𝒜[H]z]u for u
      apply (AOT_subst z 𝒜[H]z]u 𝒜[H]u)
       apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
       apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
      using rigid by blast
  AOT_have a: F E z 𝒜[H]z]
    apply (rule "apE-eqE:2"[unvarify H, THEN "→E"])
     apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
    using F_approx_H H_eq_act_H "&I" by blast
  AOT_hence z 𝒜[H]z] E F
    apply (rule "eq-part:2"[unvarify G, THEN "→E", rotated])
    by "cqt:2[lambda]"
  AOT_hence b: z 𝒜[H]z] E G
    by (rule 0[THEN "∀E"(1), THEN "≡E"(1), rotated]) "cqt:2" 
  AOT_show F E G
    by (rule "eq-part:3"[unvarify G, THEN "→E", rotated, OF "&I", OF a, OF b])

AOT_theorem "approx-nec:3":
  (Rigid(F) & Rigid(G))  (F E G  F E G)
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume Rigid(F) & Rigid(G)
  AOT_hence x([F]x  [F]x) and x([G]x  [G]x)
    using "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(2)] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_hence (x([F]x  [F]x) & x([G]x  [G]x))
    using "KBasic:3" "4" "&I" "≡E"(2) "vdash-properties:10" by meson
  moreover AOT_have (x([F]x  [F]x) & x([G]x  [G]x)) 
                     (F E G  F E G)
  proof(rule RM; rule "→I"; rule "→I")
    AOT_modally_strict {
      AOT_assume x([F]x  [F]x) & x([G]x  [G]x)
      AOT_hence x([F]x  [F]x) and x([G]x  [G]x)
        using "&E" by blast+
      AOT_hence x([F]x  [F]x) and x([G]x  [G]x)
        using CBF[THEN "→E"] by blast+
      AOT_hence F_nec: ([F]x  [F]x)
            and G_nec: ([G]x  [G]x) for x
        using "∀E"(2) by blast+
      AOT_assume F E G
      AOT_hence R R |: F 1-1E G
        by (metis "dfE" "equi:3")
      then AOT_obtain R where R |: F 1-1E G
        using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      AOT_hence C1: u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv))
            and C2: v ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv))
        using "equi:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
      AOT_obtain R' where Rigidifies(R', R)
        using "rigid-der:3" "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      AOT_hence 1: Rigid(R') & x1...∀xn ([R']x1...xn  [R]x1...xn)
        using "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
      AOT_hence x1...∀xn ([R']x1...xn  [R']x1...xn)
        using "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
      AOT_hence x1...∀xn ([R']x1...xn  [R']x1...xn)
        using "≡E"(1) "rigid-rel-thms:1" by blast
      AOT_hence D: x1x2 ([R']x1x2  [R']x1x2)
        using tuple_forall[THEN "dfE"] by blast
      AOT_have E: x1x2 ([R']x1x2  [R]x1x2)
        using tuple_forall[THEN "dfE", OF 1[THEN "&E"(2)]] by blast
      AOT_have u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv))
           and v ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv))
      proof (safe intro!: Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        fix u
        AOT_show ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv))
        proof (rule "raa-cor:1")
          AOT_assume ¬([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv))
          AOT_hence 1: ¬([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv))
            using "KBasic:11" "≡E"(1) by blast
          AOT_have ([F]u & ¬∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv))
            apply (AOT_subst [F]u & ¬∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv)
                             ¬([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv)))
             apply (meson "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:1:b" "oth-class-taut:3:a")
            by (fact 1)
          AOT_hence A: [F]u & ¬∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv)
            using "KBasic2:3" "→E" by blast
          AOT_hence [F]u
            using F_nec "&E"(1) "≡E"(1) "sc-eq-box-box:1" "→E" by blast
          AOT_hence [F]u
            by (metis "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "→E")
          AOT_hence ∃!v ([G]v & [R]uv)
            using C1[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E"] by blast
          AOT_hence v ([G]v & [R]uv & v' ([G]v' & [R]uv'  v' =E v))
            using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by auto
          then AOT_obtain a where
            a_prop: O!a & ([G]a & [R]ua & v' ([G]v' & [R]uv'  v' =E a))
            using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
          AOT_have v ([G]v & [R']uv & v' ([G]v' & [R']uv'  v' =E v))
          proof(safe intro!: "∃I"(2)[where β=a] "&I" a_prop[THEN "&E"(1)]
                             "KBasic:3"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
            AOT_show [G]a
              using a_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]
              by (metis G_nec "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "→E")
            AOT_show [R']ua
              using D[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"]
                    E[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(2),
                      OF a_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]]
              by (metis "T◇" "→E")
            AOT_have v' ([G]v' & [R']uv'  v' =E a)
            proof (rule Ordinary.GEN; rule "raa-cor:1")
              fix v'
              AOT_assume ¬([G]v' & [R']uv'  v' =E a)
              AOT_hence ¬([G]v' & [R']uv'  v' =E a)
                by (metis "KBasic:11" "≡E"(1))
              AOT_hence ([G]v' & [R']uv' & ¬v' =E a)
                by (AOT_subst [G]v' & [R']uv' & ¬v' =E a
                              ¬([G]v' & [R']uv'  v' =E a))
                   (meson "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:1:b" "oth-class-taut:3:a")
              AOT_hence 1: [G]v' and 2: [R']uv' and 3: ¬v' =E a
                using "KBasic2:3"[THEN "→E", THEN "&E"(1)]
                      "KBasic2:3"[THEN "→E", THEN "&E"(2)] by blast+
              AOT_have Gv': [G]v' using G_nec 1
                by (meson "B◇" "KBasic:13" "→E")
              AOT_have [R']uv'
                using 2 D[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] by blast
              AOT_hence R'uv': [R']uv'
                by (metis "B◇" "T◇" "→E") 
              AOT_hence [R]uv'
                using E[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
              AOT_hence v' =E a
                using a_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E",
                             THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF Gv'] by blast
              AOT_hence (v' =E a)
                by (metis "id-nec3:1" "≡E"(4) "raa-cor:3")
              moreover AOT_have ¬(v' =E a)
                using 3 "KBasic:11" "≡E"(2) by blast
              ultimately AOT_show (v' =E a) & ¬(v' =E a)
                using "&I" by blast
            AOT_thus v'([G]v' & [R']uv'  v' =E a)
              using "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[BF]" "→E" by fast
          AOT_hence v ([G]v & [R']uv & v' ([G]v' & [R']uv'  v' =E v))
            using "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[Buridan]" "→E" by fast
          AOT_hence ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv)
            by (AOT_subst_thm "equi:1")
          moreover AOT_have ¬∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv)
            using A[THEN "&E"(2)] "KBasic:11"[THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
          ultimately AOT_show ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv) & ¬∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv)
            by (rule "&I")
        fix v
        AOT_show ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv))
        proof (rule "raa-cor:1")
          AOT_assume ¬([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv))
          AOT_hence 1: ¬([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv))
            using "KBasic:11" "≡E"(1) by blast
          AOT_hence ([G]v & ¬∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv))
            by (AOT_subst [G]v & ¬∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv)
                          ¬([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv)))
               (meson "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:1:b" "oth-class-taut:3:a")
          AOT_hence A: [G]v & ¬∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv)
            using "KBasic2:3" "→E" by blast
          AOT_hence [G]v
            using G_nec "&E"(1) "≡E"(1) "sc-eq-box-box:1" "→E" by blast
          AOT_hence [G]v by (metis "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "→E")
          AOT_hence ∃!u ([F]u & [R]uv)
            using C2[THEN "Ordinary.∀E", THEN "→E"] by blast
          AOT_hence u ([F]u & [R]uv & u' ([F]u' & [R]u'v  u' =E u))
            using "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by auto
          then AOT_obtain a where
              a_prop: O!a & ([F]a & [R]av & u' ([F]u' & [R]u'v  u' =E a))
            using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
          AOT_have u ([F]u & [R']uv & u' ([F]u' & [R']u'v  u' =E u))
          proof(safe intro!: "∃I"(2)[where β=a] "&I" a_prop[THEN "&E"(1)]
                             "KBasic:3"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
            AOT_show [F]a
              using a_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]
              by (metis F_nec "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "→E")
            AOT_show [R']av
              using D[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"]
                    E[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(2),
                      OF a_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]]
              by (metis "T◇" "→E")
            AOT_have u' ([F]u' & [R']u'v  u' =E a)
            proof (rule Ordinary.GEN; rule "raa-cor:1")
              fix u'
              AOT_assume ¬([F]u' & [R']u'v  u' =E a)
              AOT_hence ¬([F]u' & [R']u'v  u' =E a)
                by (metis "KBasic:11" "≡E"(1))
              AOT_hence ([F]u' & [R']u'v & ¬u' =E a)
                by (AOT_subst [F]u' & [R']u'v & ¬u' =E a
                              ¬([F]u' & [R']u'v  u' =E a))
                   (meson "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:1:b" "oth-class-taut:3:a")
              AOT_hence 1: [F]u' and 2: [R']u'v and 3: ¬u' =E a
                using "KBasic2:3"[THEN "→E", THEN "&E"(1)]
                      "KBasic2:3"[THEN "→E", THEN "&E"(2)] by blast+
              AOT_have Fu': [F]u' using F_nec 1
                by (meson "B◇" "KBasic:13" "→E")
              AOT_have [R']u'v
                using 2 D[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] by blast
              AOT_hence R'u'v: [R']u'v
                by (metis "B◇" "T◇" "→E") 
              AOT_hence [R]u'v
                using E[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
              AOT_hence u' =E a
                using a_prop[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "&E"(2), THEN "Ordinary.∀E",
                             THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF Fu'] by blast
              AOT_hence (u' =E a)
                by (metis "id-nec3:1" "≡E"(4) "raa-cor:3")
              moreover AOT_have ¬(u' =E a)
                using 3 "KBasic:11" "≡E"(2) by blast
              ultimately AOT_show (u' =E a) & ¬(u' =E a)
                using "&I" by blast
            AOT_thus u'([F]u' & [R']u'v  u' =E a)
              using "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[BF]" "→E" by fast
          AOT_hence 1: u ([F]u & [R']uv & u' ([F]u' & [R']u'v  u' =E u))
            using "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[Buridan]" "→E" by fast
          AOT_hence ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv)
            by (AOT_subst_thm "equi:1")
          moreover AOT_have ¬∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv)
            using A[THEN "&E"(2)] "KBasic:11"[THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
          ultimately AOT_show ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv) & ¬∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv)
            by (rule "&I")
      AOT_hence u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv))
            and v ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv))
        using "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[BF]"[THEN "→E"] by auto
      moreover AOT_have [R'] and [F] and [G]
        by (simp_all add: "ex:2:a")
      ultimately AOT_have ([R'] & [F] & [G] & u ([F]u  ∃!v ([G]v & [R']uv)) &
                                                   v ([G]v  ∃!u ([F]u & [R']uv)))
        using "KBasic:3" "&I" "≡E"(2) by meson
      AOT_hence R' |: F 1-1E G
        by (AOT_subst_def "equi:2")
      AOT_hence R R |: F 1-1E G
        by (rule "∃I"(2))
      AOT_hence R R |: F 1-1E G
        by (metis Buridan "→E")
      AOT_thus F E G
        by (AOT_subst_def "equi:3")
  ultimately AOT_show (F E G  F E G)
    using "→E" by blast

AOT_define numbers :: τ  τ  φ (Numbers'(_,_'))
  Numbers(x,G) df A!x & G & F(x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)

AOT_theorem "numbers[den]":
  Π  (Numbers(κ, Π)  A!κ & F(κ[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E Π))
  apply (safe intro!: numbers[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "≡I" "→I" "cqt:2"
               dest!: numbers[THEN "dfE"])
  using "&E" by blast+

AOT_theorem "num-tran:1":
  G E H  (Numbers(x, G)  Numbers(x, H))
proof (safe intro!: "→I" "≡I")
  AOT_assume 0: G E H
  AOT_assume Numbers(x, G)
  AOT_hence Ax: A!x and θ: F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
    using numbers[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_show Numbers(x, H)
  proof(safe intro!: numbers[THEN "dfI"] "&I" Ax "cqt:2" GEN)
    fix F
    AOT_have x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G
      using θ[THEN "∀E"(2)].
    also AOT_have   z 𝒜[F]z] E H
      using 0 "approx-nec:2"[THEN "≡E"(1), THEN "∀E"(2)] by metis
    finally AOT_show x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E H.
  AOT_assume G E H
  AOT_hence 0: H E G
    by (metis "eq-part:2" "→E")
  AOT_assume Numbers(x, H)
  AOT_hence Ax: A!x and θ: F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E H)
    using numbers[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_show Numbers(x, G)
  proof(safe intro!: numbers[THEN "dfI"] "&I" Ax "cqt:2"  GEN)
    fix F
    AOT_have x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E H
      using θ[THEN "∀E"(2)].
    also AOT_have   z 𝒜[F]z] E G
      using 0 "approx-nec:2"[THEN "≡E"(1), THEN "∀E"(2)] by metis
    finally AOT_show x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G.

AOT_theorem "num-tran:2":
  (Numbers(x, G) & Numbers(x,H))  G E H
proof (rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume Numbers(x,G)
  AOT_hence F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
    using numbers[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
  AOT_hence 1: x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G for F
    using "∀E"(2) by blast
  AOT_assume Numbers(x,H)
  AOT_hence F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E H)
    using numbers[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
  AOT_hence x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E H for F
    using "∀E"(2) by blast
  AOT_hence z 𝒜[F]z] E G  z 𝒜[F]z] E H for F
    by (metis "1" "≡E"(6))
  AOT_thus G E H
    using "approx-nec:2"[THEN "≡E"(2), OF GEN] by blast

AOT_theorem "num-tran:3":
  G E H  (Numbers(x, G)  Numbers(x, H))
  using "apE-eqE:1" "Hypothetical Syllogism" "num-tran:1" by blast

AOT_theorem "pre-Hume":
  (Numbers(x,G) & Numbers(y,H))  (x = y  G E H)
proof(safe intro!: "→I" "≡I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume Numbers(x, G)
  moreover AOT_assume x = y
  ultimately AOT_have Numbers(y, G) by (rule "rule=E")
  moreover AOT_assume Numbers(y, H)
  ultimately AOT_show G E H using "num-tran:2" "→E" "&I" by blast
  AOT_assume Numbers(x, G)
  AOT_hence Ax: A!x and xF: F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
    using numbers[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_assume Numbers(y, H)
  AOT_hence Ay: A!y and yF: F (y[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E H)
    using numbers[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_assume G_approx_H: G E H
  AOT_show x = y
  proof(rule "ab-obey:1"[THEN "→E", THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF Ax, OF Ay]; rule GEN)
    fix F
    AOT_have x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G
      using xF[THEN "∀E"(2)].
    also AOT_have   z 𝒜[F]z] E H
      using "approx-nec:2"[THEN "≡E"(1), OF G_approx_H, THEN "∀E"(2)].
    also AOT_have   y[F]
      using yF[THEN "∀E"(2), symmetric].
    finally AOT_show x[F]  y[F].

AOT_theorem "two-num-not":
  uv(u  v)  xGH(Numbers(x,G) & Numbers(x, H) & ¬G E H)
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_have eqE_den: x x =E y] for y by "cqt:2"
  AOT_assume uv(u  v)
  then AOT_obtain c where Oc: O!c and v (c  v)
    using "&E" "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain d where Od: O!d and c_noteq_d: c  d
    using "&E" "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence c_noteqE_d: c E d
    using "=E-simple:2"[THEN "→E"] "=E-simple:2" "≡E"(2) "modus-tollens:1"
          "=-infix" "dfE" "thm-neg=E" by fast
  AOT_hence not_c_eqE_d: ¬c =E d
    using "≡E"(1) "thm-neg=E" by blast
  AOT_have x (A!x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E x x =E c]))
    by (simp add: "A-objects"[axiom_inst])
  then AOT_obtain a where a_prop: A!a & F (a[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E x x =E c])
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_have x (A!x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E x x =E d]))
    by (simp add: "A-objects" "vdash-properties:1[2]")
  then AOT_obtain b where b_prop: A!b & F (b[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E x x =E d])
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_have num_a_eq_c: Numbers(a, x x =E c])
    by (safe intro!: numbers[THEN "dfI"] "&I" a_prop[THEN "&E"(1)]
                     a_prop[THEN "&E"(2)]) "cqt:2"
  moreover AOT_have num_b_eq_d: Numbers(b, x x =E d])
    by (safe intro!: numbers[THEN "dfI"] "&I" b_prop[THEN "&E"(1)]
                     b_prop[THEN "&E"(2)]) "cqt:2"
  moreover AOT_have x x =E c] E x x =E d]
  proof (rule "equi:3"[THEN "dfI"])
    let ?R = «xy (x =E c & y =E d)]»
    AOT_have Rcd: [«?R»]cd
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" prod_denotesI
                       "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E"] Od Oc)
    AOT_show R R |: x x =E c] 1-1E x x =E d]
    proof (safe intro!: "∃I"(1)[where τ=?R] "equi:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I"
                        eqE_den Ordinary.GEN "→I")
      AOT_show «?R» by "cqt:2"
      fix u
      AOT_assume x x =E c]u
      AOT_hence u =E c
        by (metis "β→C"(1))
      AOT_hence u_is_c: u = c
        by (metis "=E-simple:2" "→E")
      AOT_show ∃!v (x x =E d]v & [«?R»]uv)
      proof (safe intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "∃I"(2)[where β=d] "&I"
                          Od Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        AOT_show x x =E d]d
          by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF Od])
        AOT_show [«?R»]ud
          using u_is_c[symmetric] Rcd "rule=E" by fast
        fix v
        AOT_assume x x =E d]v & [«?R»]uv
        AOT_thus v =E d
          by (metis "β→C"(1) "&E"(1))
      fix v
      AOT_assume x x =E d]v
      AOT_hence v =E d
        by (metis "β→C"(1))
      AOT_hence v_is_d: v = d
        by (metis "=E-simple:2" "→E")
      AOT_show ∃!u (x x =E c]u & [«?R»]uv)
      proof (safe intro!: "equi:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "∃I"(2)[where β=c] "&I"
                          Oc Ordinary.GEN "→I")
        AOT_show x x =E c]c
          by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF Oc])
        AOT_show [«?R»]cv
          using v_is_d[symmetric] Rcd "rule=E" by fast
        fix u
        AOT_assume x x =E c]u & [«?R»]uv
        AOT_thus u =E c
          by (metis "β→C"(1) "&E"(1))
      AOT_show «?R»
        by "cqt:2"
  ultimately AOT_have a = b
    using "pre-Hume"[unvarify G H, OF eqE_den, OF eqE_den, THEN "→E",
                     OF "&I", THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
  AOT_hence num_a_eq_d: Numbers(a, x x =E d])
    using num_b_eq_d "rule=E" id_sym by fast
  AOT_have not_equiv: ¬x x =E c] E x x =E d]
  proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
    AOT_assume x x =E c] E x x =E d]
    AOT_hence x x =E c]c  x x =E d]c
      using eqE[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] Oc by blast
    moreover AOT_have x x =E c]c
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF Oc])
    ultimately AOT_have x x =E d]c
      using "≡E"(1) by blast
    AOT_hence c =E d
      by (rule "β→C"(1))
    AOT_thus c =E d & ¬c =E d
      using not_c_eqE_d "&I" by blast
  AOT_show x G H (Numbers(x,G) & Numbers(x,H) & ¬G E H)
    apply (rule "∃I"(2)[where β=a])
    apply (rule "∃I"(1)[where τ=«x x =E c]»])
     apply (rule "∃I"(1)[where τ=«x x =E d]»])
    by (safe intro!: eqE_den "&I" num_a_eq_c num_a_eq_d not_equiv)

AOT_theorem "num:1": x Numbers(x,G)
  by (AOT_subst Numbers(x,G) [A!]x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G) for: x)
     (auto simp: "numbers[den]"[THEN "→E", OF "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]]

AOT_theorem "num:2": ∃!x Numbers(x,G)
  by (AOT_subst Numbers(x,G) [A!]x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G) for: x)
     (auto simp: "numbers[den]"[THEN "→E", OF "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]]

AOT_theorem "num-cont:1":
  xG(Numbers(x, G) & ¬Numbers(x, G))
proof -
  AOT_have FG (z 𝒜[F]z] E G & ¬z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
    using "approx-cont:2".
  then AOT_obtain F where G (z 𝒜[F]z] E G & ¬z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain G where (z 𝒜[F]z] E G & ¬z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence θ: z 𝒜[F]z] E G and ζ: ¬z 𝒜[F]z] E G
    using "KBasic2:3"[THEN "→E"] "&E" "4◇"[THEN "→E"] by blast+
  AOT_obtain a where Numbers(a, G)
    using "num:1" "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  moreover AOT_have ¬Numbers(a, G)
  proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
    AOT_assume Numbers(a, G)
    AOT_hence ([A!]a & G & F (a[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G))
      by (AOT_subst_def (reverse) numbers)
    AOT_hence A!a and F (a[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
      using "KBasic:3"[THEN "≡E"(1)] "&E" by blast+
    AOT_hence F (a[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
      using CBF[THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_hence (a[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
      using "∀E"(2) by blast
    AOT_hence A: (a[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
          and B: (z 𝒜[F]z] E G  a[F])
      using "KBasic:4"[THEN "≡E"(1)] "&E" by blast+
    AOT_have (¬z 𝒜[F]z] E G  ¬a[F])
      apply (AOT_subst ¬z 𝒜[F]z] E G  ¬a[F] a[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
       using "≡I" "useful-tautologies:4" "useful-tautologies:5" apply presburger
       by (fact A)
     AOT_hence ¬a[F]
       by (metis "KBasic:13" ζ "→E")
    AOT_hence ¬a[F]
      by (metis "KBasic:11" "en-eq:2[1]" "≡E"(2) "≡E"(4))
    AOT_hence ¬a[F]
      by (metis "en-eq:3[1]" "≡E"(4))
    moreover AOT_have a[F]
      by (meson B θ "KBasic:13" "→E")
    ultimately AOT_show a[F] & ¬a[F]
      using "&I" by blast

  ultimately AOT_have Numbers(a, G) & ¬Numbers(a, G)
    using "&I" by blast
  AOT_hence G (Numbers(a, G) & ¬Numbers(a, G))
    by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_thus xG (Numbers(x, G) & ¬Numbers(x, G))
    by (rule "∃I")

AOT_theorem "num-cont:2":
  Rigid(G)  x(Numbers(x,G)  Numbers(x,G))
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume Rigid(G)
  AOT_hence z([G]z  [G]z)
    using "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(2)] by blast
  AOT_hence z([G]z  [G]z) by (metis "S5Basic:6" "≡E"(1))
  moreover AOT_have z([G]z  [G]z)  x(Numbers(x,G)  Numbers(x,G))
  proof(rule RM; safe intro!: "→I" GEN)
    AOT_modally_strict {
      AOT_have act_den: z 𝒜[F]z] for F by "cqt:2[lambda]"
      fix x
      AOT_assume G_nec: z([G]z  [G]z)
      AOT_hence G_rigid: Rigid(G)
        using "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfI", OF "&I"] "cqt:2"
        by blast
      AOT_assume Numbers(x, G)
      AOT_hence [A!]x & G & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
        using numbers[THEN "dfE"] by blast
      AOT_hence Ax: [A!]x and F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
        using "&E" by blast+
      AOT_hence x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G for F
        using "∀E"(2) by blast
      moreover AOT_have (z 𝒜[F]z] E G  z 𝒜[F]z] E G) for F
        using "approx-nec:3"[unvarify F, OF act_den, THEN "→E", OF "&I",
                             OF "actuallyF:2", OF G_rigid].
      moreover AOT_have (x[F]  x[F]) for F
        by (simp add: RN "pre-en-eq:1[1]")
      ultimately AOT_have (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G) for F
        using "sc-eq-box-box:5" "→E" "qml:2"[axiom_inst] "&I" by meson
      AOT_hence F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
        by (rule "∀I")
      AOT_hence 1: F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
        using BF[THEN "→E"] by fast
      AOT_have G
        by (simp add: "ex:2:a")
      moreover AOT_have [A!]x
        using Ax "oa-facts:2" "→E" by blast
      ultimately AOT_have (A!x & G)
        by (metis "KBasic:3" "&I" "≡E"(2))
      AOT_hence (A!x & G & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G))
        using 1 "KBasic:3" "&I" "≡E"(2) by fast
      AOT_thus Numbers(x, G)
        by (AOT_subst_def numbers)
  ultimately AOT_show x(Numbers(x,G)  Numbers(x,G))
    using "→E" by blast

AOT_theorem "num-cont:3":
  x(Numbers(x, z 𝒜[G]z])  Numbers(x, z 𝒜[G]z]))
  by (rule "num-cont:2"[unvarify G, THEN "→E"];
      ("cqt:2[lambda]" | rule "actuallyF:2"))

AOT_theorem "num-uniq": ιx Numbers(x, G)
  using "≡E"(2) "A-Exists:2" "RA[2]" "num:2" by blast

AOT_define num :: τ  κs (#_› [100] 100)
  "num-def:1": #G =df ιx Numbers(x, G)

AOT_theorem "num-def:2": #G
  using "num-def:1"[THEN "=dfI"(1)] "num-uniq" by simp

AOT_theorem "num-can:1":
  #G = ιx(A!x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G))
proof -
  AOT_have x(Numbers(x,G)  [A!]x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G))
    by (safe intro!: RN GEN "numbers[den]"[THEN "→E"] "cqt:2")
  AOT_hence ιx Numbers(x, G) = ιx([A!]x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G))
    using "num-uniq" "equiv-desc-eq:3"[THEN "→E", OF "&I"] by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "num-def:1", OF "num-uniq"])

AOT_theorem "num-can:2": #G = ιx(A!x & F (x[F]  F E G))
proof (rule id_trans[OF "num-can:1"]; rule "equiv-desc-eq:2"[THEN "→E"];
       safe intro!: "&I" "A-descriptions" GEN "Act-Basic:5"[THEN "≡E"(2)]
                    "logic-actual-nec:3"[axiom_inst, THEN "≡E"(2)])
  AOT_have act_den:  z 𝒜[F]z] for F
    by "cqt:2"
  AOT_have "eq-part:3[terms]":  F E G & F E H  G E H for F G H
    by (metis "&I" "eq-part:2" "eq-part:3" "→I" "&E" "→E")
  fix x
    fix F
    AOT_have 𝒜(F E z 𝒜[F]z])
      by (simp add: "actuallyF:1")
    moreover AOT_have 𝒜((F E z 𝒜[F]z])  (z 𝒜[F]z] E G  F E G))
      by (auto intro!: "RA[2]" "→I" "≡I"
               simp: "eq-part:3"[unvarify G, OF act_den, THEN "→E", OF "&I"]
                     "eq-part:3[terms]"[unvarify G, OF act_den, THEN "→E", OF "&I"])
    ultimately AOT_have 𝒜(z 𝒜[F]z] E G  F E G)
      using "logic-actual-nec:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "≡E"(1), THEN "→E"] by blast

    AOT_hence 𝒜z 𝒜[F]z] E G  𝒜F E G
      by (metis "Act-Basic:5" "≡E"(1))
    AOT_hence 0: (𝒜x[F]  𝒜z 𝒜[F]z] E G)  (𝒜x[F]  𝒜F E G)
      by (auto intro!: "≡I" "→I" elim: "≡E")
    AOT_have 𝒜(x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)  (𝒜x[F]  𝒜z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
      by (simp add: "Act-Basic:5")
    also AOT_have   (𝒜x[F]  𝒜F E G) using 0.
    also AOT_have   𝒜((x[F]  F E G))
      by (meson "Act-Basic:5" "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:3:a")
    finally AOT_have 0: 𝒜(x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)  𝒜((x[F]  F E G)).
  } note 0 = this
  AOT_have 𝒜F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)  F 𝒜(x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)
    using "logic-actual-nec:3" "vdash-properties:1[2]" by blast
  also AOT_have    F 𝒜((x[F]  F E G))
    apply (safe intro!: "≡I" "→I" GEN)
    using 0 "≡E"(1) "≡E"(2) "rule-ui:3" by blast+
  also AOT_have   𝒜(F (x[F]  F E G))
    using "≡E"(6) "logic-actual-nec:3"[axiom_inst] "oth-class-taut:3:a" by fast
  finally AOT_have 0: 𝒜F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)  𝒜(F (x[F]  F E G)).
  AOT_have 𝒜([A!]x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)) 
            (𝒜A!x & 𝒜F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G))
    by (simp add: "Act-Basic:2")
  also AOT_have   𝒜[A!]x & 𝒜(F (x[F]  F E G))
    using 0 "oth-class-taut:4:f" "→E" by blast
  also AOT_have   𝒜(A!x & F (x[F]  F E G))
    using "Act-Basic:2" "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:3:a" by blast
  finally AOT_show 𝒜([A!]x & F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)) 
                    𝒜([A!]x & F (x[F]  F E G)).

AOT_define NaturalCardinal :: τ  φ (NaturalCardinal'(_'))
  card: NaturalCardinal(x) df G(x = #G)

AOT_theorem "natcard-nec": NaturalCardinal(x)  NaturalCardinal(x)
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume NaturalCardinal(x)
  AOT_hence G(x = #G) using card[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  then AOT_obtain G where x = #G using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence x = #G by (metis "id-nec:2" "→E")
  AOT_hence G x = #G by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_hence G x = #G by (metis Buridan "→E")
  AOT_thus NaturalCardinal(x)
    by (AOT_subst_def card)

AOT_act_theorem "hume:1": Numbers(#G, G)
  apply (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "num-def:1"])
  apply (simp add: "num-uniq")
  using "num-uniq" "vdash-properties:10" "y-in:3" by blast

AOT_act_theorem "hume:2": #F = #G  F E G
  by (safe intro!: "pre-Hume"[unvarify x y, OF "num-def:2",
                              OF "num-def:2", THEN "→E"] "&I" "hume:1")

AOT_act_theorem "hume:3": #F = #G  R (R |: F 1-1ontoE G)
  using "equi-rem-thm"
  apply (AOT_subst (reverse) R |: F 1-1ontoE G
                             R |: F 1-1E G for: R :: ‹<κ×κ>›)
  using "equi:3" "hume:2" "≡E"(5) "≡Df" by blast

AOT_act_theorem "hume:4": F E G  #F = #G
  by (metis "apE-eqE:1" "deduction-theorem" "hume:2" "≡E"(2) "→E")

AOT_theorem "hume-strict:1":
  x (Numbers(x, F) & Numbers(x, G))  F E G
proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I")
  AOT_assume x (Numbers(x, F) & Numbers(x, G))
  then AOT_obtain a where Numbers(a, F) & Numbers(a, G)
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_thus F E G
    using "num-tran:2" "→E" by blast
  AOT_assume 0: F E G
  moreover AOT_obtain b where num_b_F: Numbers(b, F)
    by (metis "instantiation" "num:1")
  moreover AOT_have num_b_G: Numbers(b, G)
    using calculation "num-tran:1"[THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  ultimately AOT_have Numbers(b, F) & Numbers(b, G)
    by (safe intro!: "&I")
  AOT_thus x (Numbers(x, F) & Numbers(x, G))
    by (rule "∃I")

AOT_theorem "hume-strict:2":
  xy (Numbers(x, F) &
         z(Numbers(z,F)  z = x) &
         Numbers(y, G) &
         z (Numbers(z, G)  z = y) &
         x = y) 
   F E G
proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I")
  AOT_assume xy (Numbers(x, F) & z(Numbers(z,F)  z = x) &
                    Numbers(y, G) & z (Numbers(z, G)  z = y) & x = y)
  then AOT_obtain x where
    y (Numbers(x, F) & z(Numbers(z,F)  z = x) & Numbers(y, G) &
         z (Numbers(z, G)  z = y) & x = y)
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain y where
    Numbers(x, F) & z(Numbers(z,F)  z = x) & Numbers(y, G) &
     z (Numbers(z, G)  z = y) & x = y
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence Numbers(x, F) and Numbers(y,G) and x = y
    using "&E" by blast+
  AOT_hence Numbers(y, F) & Numbers(y, G)
    using "&I" "rule=E" by fast
  AOT_hence y (Numbers(y, F) & Numbers(y, G))
    by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_thus F E G
    using "hume-strict:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  AOT_assume F E G
  AOT_hence x (Numbers(x, F) & Numbers(x, G))
    using "hume-strict:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
  then AOT_obtain x where Numbers(x, F) & Numbers(x, G)
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  moreover AOT_have z (Numbers(z, F)  z = x)
                and z (Numbers(z, G)  z = x)
    using calculation
    by (auto intro!: GEN "→I" "pre-Hume"[THEN "→E", OF "&I", THEN "≡E"(2),
                                         rotated 2, OF "eq-part:1"] dest: "&E")
  ultimately AOT_have Numbers(x, F) & z(Numbers(z,F)  z = x) &
                       Numbers(x, G) & z (Numbers(z, G)  z = x) & x = x
    by (auto intro!: "&I" "id-eq:1" dest: "&E")
  AOT_thus xy (Numbers(x, F) & z(Numbers(z,F)  z = x) & Numbers(y, G) &
                  z (Numbers(z, G)  z = y) & x = y)
    by (auto intro!: "∃I")

AOT_theorem unotEu: ¬yx O!x & x E x]y
proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
  AOT_assume yx O!x & x E x]y
  then AOT_obtain y where x O!x & x E x]y
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence 0: O!y & y E y
    by (rule "β→C"(1))
  AOT_hence ¬(y =E y)
    using "&E"(2) "≡E"(1) "thm-neg=E" by blast
  moreover AOT_have y =E y
    by (metis 0[THEN "&E"(1)] "ord=Eequiv:1" "→E")
  ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p
    by (metis "raa-cor:3")

AOT_define zero :: κs (0)
  "zero:1": 0 =df #x O!x & x E x]

AOT_theorem "zero:2": 0
  by (rule "=dfI"(2)[OF "zero:1"]; rule "num-def:2"[unvarify G]; "cqt:2")

AOT_theorem "zero-card": NaturalCardinal(0)
  apply (rule "=dfI"(2)[OF "zero:1"])
   apply (rule "num-def:2"[unvarify G]; "cqt:2")
  apply (rule card[THEN "dfI"])
  apply (rule "∃I"(1)[where τ=«x [O!]x & x E x]»])
   apply (rule "rule=I:1"; rule "num-def:2"[unvarify G]; "cqt:2")
  by "cqt:2"

AOT_theorem "eq-num:1":
  𝒜Numbers(x, G)  Numbers(x,z 𝒜[G]z])
proof -
  AOT_have act_den:  z 𝒜[F]z] for F by "cqt:2"
  AOT_have (x(Numbers(x, G) & Numbers(x,z 𝒜[G]z]))  G E z 𝒜[G]z])
    using "hume-strict:1"[unvarify G, OF act_den, THEN RN].
  AOT_hence 𝒜(x(Numbers(x, G) & Numbers(x,z 𝒜[G]z]))  G E z 𝒜[G]z])
    using "nec-imp-act"[THEN "→E"] by fast
  AOT_hence 𝒜(x(Numbers(x, G) & Numbers(x,z 𝒜[G]z])))
    using "actuallyF:1" "Act-Basic:5" "≡E"(1) "≡E"(2) by fast
  AOT_hence x 𝒜((Numbers(x, G) & Numbers(x,z 𝒜[G]z])))
    by (metis "Act-Basic:10" "intro-elim:3:a")
  then AOT_obtain a where 𝒜(Numbers(a, G) & Numbers(a,z 𝒜[G]z]))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence act_a_num_G: 𝒜Numbers(a, G)
     and act_a_num_actG: 𝒜Numbers(a,z 𝒜[G]z])
    using "Act-Basic:2" "&E" "≡E"(1) by blast+
  AOT_hence num_a_act_g: Numbers(a, z 𝒜[G]z])
    using "num-cont:2"[unvarify G, OF act_den, THEN "→E", OF "actuallyF:2",
                       THEN CBF[THEN "→E"], THEN "∀E"(2)]
    by (metis "≡E"(1) "sc-eq-fur:2" "vdash-properties:6")
  AOT_have 0:  Numbers(x, G) & Numbers(y, G)  x = y for y
    using "pre-Hume"[THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(2), rotated, OF "eq-part:1"]
          "→I" by blast
  show ?thesis
  proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I")
    AOT_assume 𝒜Numbers(x, G)
    AOT_hence 𝒜x = a
      using 0[THEN "RA[2]", THEN "act-cond"[THEN "→E"], THEN "→E",
              OF "Act-Basic:2"[THEN "≡E"(2)], OF "&I"]
            act_a_num_G by blast
    AOT_hence x = a by (metis "id-act:1" "≡E"(2))
    AOT_hence a = x using id_sym by auto
    AOT_thus Numbers(x, z 𝒜[G]z])
      using "rule=E" num_a_act_g by fast
    AOT_assume Numbers(x, z 𝒜[G]z])
    AOT_hence a = x
      using "pre-Hume"[unvarify G H, THEN "→E", OF act_den, OF act_den, OF "&I",
                       OF num_a_act_g, THEN "≡E"(2)]
            "eq-part:1"[unvarify F, OF act_den] by blast
    AOT_thus 𝒜Numbers(x, G)
      using act_a_num_G "rule=E" by fast

AOT_theorem "eq-num:2": Numbers(x,z 𝒜[G]z])  x = #G
proof -
  AOT_have 0:  x = ιx Numbers(x, G)  y (Numbers(y, z 𝒜[G]z])  y = x) for x
    by (AOT_subst (reverse) Numbers(x, z 𝒜[G]z]) 𝒜Numbers(x, G) for: x)
       (auto simp: "eq-num:1" descriptions[axiom_inst])
  AOT_have #G = ιx Numbers(x, G)  y (Numbers(y, z 𝒜[G]z])  y = #G)
    using 0[unvarify x, OF "num-def:2"].
  moreover AOT_have #G = ιx Numbers(x, G)
    using "num-def:1" "num-uniq" "rule-id-df:1" by blast
  ultimately AOT_have y (Numbers(y, z 𝒜[G]z])  y = #G)
    using "≡E" by blast
  thus ?thesis using "∀E"(2) by blast

AOT_theorem "eq-num:3": Numbers(#G, y 𝒜[G]y])
proof -
  AOT_have #G = #G
    by (simp add: "rule=I:1" "num-def:2")
  thus ?thesis
    using "eq-num:2"[unvarify x, OF "num-def:2", THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast

AOT_theorem "eq-num:4":
  A!#G & F (#G[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E z 𝒜[G]z])
  by (auto intro!: "&I" "eq-num:3"[THEN numbers[THEN "dfE"],
                                   THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]
                   "eq-num:3"[THEN numbers[THEN "dfE"], THEN "&E"(2)])

AOT_theorem "eq-num:5": #G[G]
  by (auto intro!: "eq-num:4"[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(2)]
                   "eq-part:1"[unvarify F] simp: "cqt:2")

AOT_theorem "eq-num:6": Numbers(x, G)  NaturalCardinal(x)
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_have act_den:  z 𝒜[F]z] for F
    by "cqt:2"
  AOT_obtain F where Rigidifies(F, G)
    by (metis "instantiation" "rigid-der:3")
  AOT_hence θ: Rigid(F) and x([F]x  [G]x)
    using "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(2)]
          "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(1)]
    by blast+
  AOT_hence F E G
    by (auto intro!: eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" GEN "→I" elim: "∀E"(2))
  moreover AOT_assume Numbers(x, G)
  ultimately AOT_have Numbers(x, F)
    using "num-tran:3"[THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
  moreover AOT_have F E z 𝒜[F]z]
    using θ "approx-nec:1" "→E" by blast
  ultimately AOT_have Numbers(x, z 𝒜[F]z])
    using "num-tran:1"[unvarify H, OF act_den, THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  AOT_hence x = #F
    using "eq-num:2"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  AOT_hence F x = #F
    by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_thus NaturalCardinal(x)
    using card[THEN "dfI"] by blast

AOT_theorem "eq-df-num": G (x = #G)  G (Numbers(x,G))
proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I")
  AOT_assume G (x = #G)
  then AOT_obtain P where x = #P
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence Numbers(x,z 𝒜[P]z])
    using "eq-num:2"[THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
  moreover AOT_have z 𝒜[P]z] by "cqt:2"
  ultimately AOT_show G(Numbers(x,G)) by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_assume G (Numbers(x,G))
  then AOT_obtain Q where Numbers(x,Q)
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence NaturalCardinal(x)
    using "eq-num:6"[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_thus G (x = #G)
    using card[THEN "dfE"] by blast

AOT_theorem "card-en": NaturalCardinal(x)  F(x[F]  x = #F)
proof(rule "→I"; rule GEN)
  AOT_have act_den:  z 𝒜[F]z] for F by "cqt:2"
  fix F
  AOT_assume NaturalCardinal(x)
  AOT_hence F x = #F
    using card[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  then AOT_obtain P where x_def: x = #P
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence num_x_act_P: Numbers(x,z 𝒜[P]z])
    using "eq-num:2"[THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
  AOT_have #P[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E z 𝒜[P]z]
    using "eq-num:4"[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2)] by blast
  AOT_hence x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E z 𝒜[P]z]
    using x_def[symmetric] "rule=E" by fast
  also AOT_have   Numbers(x, z 𝒜[F]z])
    using "num-tran:1"[unvarify G H, OF act_den, OF act_den]
    using "num-tran:2"[unvarify G H, OF act_den, OF act_den]
    by (metis "&I" "deduction-theorem" "≡I" "≡E"(2) num_x_act_P)
  also AOT_have   x = #F
    using "eq-num:2" by blast
  finally AOT_show x[F]  x = #F.

AOT_theorem "0F:1": ¬u [F]u  Numbers(0, F)
proof -
  AOT_have unotEu_act_ord: ¬vx O!x & 𝒜x E x]v
  proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
    AOT_assume vx O!x & 𝒜x E x]v
    then AOT_obtain y where x O!x & 𝒜x E x]y
      using "∃E"[rotated] "&E" by blast
    AOT_hence 0: O!y & 𝒜y E y
      by (rule "β→C"(1))
    AOT_have 𝒜¬(y =E y)
      apply (AOT_subst  ¬(y =E y) y E y)
       apply (meson "≡E"(2) "Commutativity of ≡" "thm-neg=E")
      by (fact 0[THEN "&E"(2)])
    AOT_hence ¬(y =E y)
      by (metis "¬¬I" "Act-Sub:1" "id-act2:1" "≡E"(4))
    moreover AOT_have y =E y
      by (metis 0[THEN "&E"(1)] "ord=Eequiv:1" "→E")
    ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p
      by (metis "raa-cor:3")
  AOT_have Numbers(0, y 𝒜x O!x & x E x]y])
    apply (rule "=dfI"(2)[OF "zero:1"])
     apply (rule "num-def:2"[unvarify G]; "cqt:2")
    apply (rule "eq-num:3"[unvarify G])
    by "cqt:2[lambda]"
  AOT_hence numbers0: Numbers(0, x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x])
  proof (rule "num-tran:3"[unvarify x G H, THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(1), rotated 4])
    AOT_show y 𝒜x O!x & x E x]y] E x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x]
    proof (safe intro!: eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I" Ordinary.GEN "→I" "cqt:2")
      fix u
      AOT_have y 𝒜x O!x & x E x]y]u  𝒜x O!x & x E x]u
        by (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"]; "cqt:2[lambda]")
      also AOT_have   𝒜(O!u & u E u)
        apply (AOT_subst x O!x & x E x]u O!u & u E u)
         apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"]; "cqt:2[lambda]")
        by (simp add: "oth-class-taut:3:a")
      also AOT_have   (𝒜O!u & 𝒜u E u)
        by (simp add: "Act-Basic:2")
      also AOT_have   (O!u & 𝒜u E u)
        by (metis Ordinary.ψ "&I" "&E"(2) "→I" "≡I" "≡E"(1) "oa-facts:7")
      also AOT_have   x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x]u
        by (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", symmetric]; "cqt:2[lambda]")
      finally AOT_show y 𝒜x O!x & x E x]y]u  x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x]u.
  qed(fact "zero:2" | "cqt:2")+
  show ?thesis
  proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I")
    AOT_assume ¬u [F]u
    moreover AOT_have ¬v x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x]v
      using unotEu_act_ord.
    ultimately AOT_have 0: F E x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x]
      by (rule "empty-approx:1"[unvarify H, THEN "→E", rotated, OF "&I"]) "cqt:2"
    AOT_thus Numbers(0, F)
      by (rule "num-tran:1"[unvarify x H, THEN "→E",
                            THEN "≡E"(2), rotated, rotated])
         (fact "zero:2" numbers0 | "cqt:2[lambda]")+
    AOT_assume Numbers(0, F)
    AOT_hence 1: F E x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x]
      by (rule "num-tran:2"[unvarify x H, THEN "→E", rotated 2, OF "&I"])
         (fact numbers0 "zero:2" | "cqt:2[lambda]")+
    AOT_show ¬u [F]u
    proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
      AOT_have 0: x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x] by "cqt:2[lambda]"
      AOT_assume u [F]u
      AOT_hence ¬(F E x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x])
        by (rule "empty-approx:2"[unvarify H, OF 0, THEN "→E", OF "&I"])
           (rule unotEu_act_ord)
      AOT_thus F E x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x] & ¬(F E x [O!]x & 𝒜x E x]) 
        using 1 "&I" by blast

AOT_theorem "0F:2": ¬u 𝒜[F]u  #F = 0
proof(rule "≡I"; rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: ¬u 𝒜[F]u
  AOT_have ¬u z 𝒜[F]z]u
  proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
    AOT_assume u z 𝒜[F]z]u
    then AOT_obtain u where z 𝒜[F]z]u
      using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_hence 𝒜[F]u
      by (metis "betaC:1:a")
    AOT_hence u 𝒜[F]u
      by (rule "Ordinary.∃I")
    AOT_thus u 𝒜[F]u & ¬u 𝒜[F]u
      using 0 "&I" by blast
  AOT_hence Numbers(0,z 𝒜[F]z])
    by (safe intro!: "0F:1"[unvarify F, THEN "≡E"(1)]) "cqt:2"
  AOT_hence 0 = #F
    by (rule "eq-num:2"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(1)])
  AOT_thus #F = 0 using id_sym by blast
  AOT_assume #F = 0
  AOT_hence 0 = #F using id_sym by blast
  AOT_hence Numbers(0,z 𝒜[F]z])
    by (rule "eq-num:2"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(2)])
  AOT_hence 0: ¬u z 𝒜[F]z]u
    by (safe intro!: "0F:1"[unvarify F, THEN "≡E"(2)]) "cqt:2"
  AOT_show ¬u 𝒜[F]u
  proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
    AOT_assume u 𝒜[F]u
    then AOT_obtain u where 𝒜[F]u
      using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
    AOT_hence z 𝒜[F]z]u
      by (auto intro!: "β←C" "cqt:2")
    AOT_hence u z 𝒜[F]z]u
      using "Ordinary.∃I" by blast
    AOT_thus u z 𝒜[F]z]u & ¬u z 𝒜[F]z]u
      using "&I" 0 by blast

AOT_theorem "0F:3": ¬u [F]u  #F = 0
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume ¬u [F]u
  AOT_hence 0: ¬u [F]u
    using "KBasic2:1" "≡E"(1) by blast
  AOT_have ¬u z 𝒜[F]z]u
  proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
    AOT_assume u z 𝒜[F]z]u
    then AOT_obtain u where z 𝒜[F]z]u
      using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_hence 𝒜[F]u
      by (metis "betaC:1:a")
    AOT_hence [F]u
      by (metis "Act-Sub:3" "→E")
    AOT_hence u [F]u
      by (rule "Ordinary.∃I")
    AOT_hence u [F]u
      using "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[CBF◇]"[THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_thus u [F]u & ¬u [F]u
      using 0 "&I" by blast
  AOT_hence Numbers(0,z 𝒜[F]z])
    by (safe intro!: "0F:1"[unvarify F, THEN "≡E"(1)]) "cqt:2"
  AOT_hence 0 = #F
    by (rule "eq-num:2"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(1)])
  AOT_thus #F = 0 using id_sym by blast

AOT_theorem "0F:4": w  ¬u [F]u  #[F]w = 0
proof (rule "rule-id-df:2:b"[OF "w-index", where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified])
  AOT_show x1...xn w  [F]x1...xn]
    by (simp add: "w-rel:3")
  AOT_show w  ¬u [F]u  #x w  [F]x] = 0
  proof (rule "≡I"; rule "→I")
    AOT_assume w  ¬u [F]u
    AOT_hence 0: ¬w  u [F]u
      using "coherent:1"[unvarify p, OF "log-prop-prop:2", THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
    AOT_have ¬u 𝒜x w  [F]x]u
    proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
      AOT_assume u 𝒜x w  [F]x]u
      then AOT_obtain u where 𝒜x w  [F]x]u
        using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
      AOT_hence 𝒜w  [F]u
        by (AOT_subst (reverse) w  [F]u x w  [F]x]u;
            safe intro!: "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"] "w-rel:1"[THEN "→E"])
      AOT_hence 1: w  [F]u
        using "rigid-truth-at:4"[unvarify p, OF "log-prop-prop:2", THEN "≡E"(1)]
        by blast
      AOT_have ([F]u  u [F]u)
        using "Ordinary.∃I" "→I" RN by simp
      AOT_hence w  ([F]u  u [F]u)
        using "fund:2"[unvarify p, OF "log-prop-prop:2", THEN "≡E"(1)]
              "PossibleWorld.∀E" by fast
      AOT_hence w  u [F]u
        using 1 "conj-dist-w:2"[unvarify p q, OF "log-prop-prop:2",
                                OF "log-prop-prop:2", THEN "≡E"(1),
                                THEN "→E"] by blast
      AOT_thus w  u [F]u & ¬w  u [F]u
        using 0 "&I" by blast
    AOT_thus #x w  [F]x] = 0
      by (safe intro!: "0F:2"[unvarify F, THEN "≡E"(1)] "w-rel:1"[THEN "→E"])
    AOT_assume #x w  [F]x] = 0
    AOT_hence 0: ¬u 𝒜x w  [F]x]u
      by (safe intro!: "0F:2"[unvarify F, THEN "≡E"(2)] "w-rel:1"[THEN "→E"])
    AOT_have ¬w  u [F]u
    proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
      AOT_assume w  u [F]u
      AOT_hence x w  (O!x & [F]x)
        using "conj-dist-w:6"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by fast
      then AOT_obtain x where w  (O!x & [F]x)
        using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
      AOT_hence w  O!x and Fx_in_w: w  [F]x
        using "conj-dist-w:1"[unvarify p q] "≡E"(1) "log-prop-prop:2"
              "&E" by blast+
      AOT_hence O!x
        using "fund:1"[unvarify p, OF "log-prop-prop:2", THEN "≡E"(2)]
              "PossibleWorld.∃I" by simp
      AOT_hence ord_x: O!x
        using "oa-facts:3"[THEN "→E"] by blast
      AOT_have 𝒜w  [F]x
        using "rigid-truth-at:4"[unvarify p, OF "log-prop-prop:2", THEN "≡E"(2)]
              Fx_in_w by blast
      AOT_hence 𝒜x w  [F]x]x
        by (AOT_subst x w  [F]x]x w  [F]x;
            safe intro!: "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"] "w-rel:1"[THEN "→E"]) "cqt:2"
      AOT_hence O!x & 𝒜x w  [F]x]x
        using ord_x "&I" by blast
      AOT_hence x (O!x & 𝒜x w  [F]x]x)
        using "∃I" by fast
      AOT_thus u (𝒜x w  [F]x]u) & ¬u 𝒜x w  [F]x]u
        using 0 "&I" by blast
    AOT_thus w  ¬u[F]u
      using "coherent:1"[unvarify p, OF "log-prop-prop:2", THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast

AOT_act_theorem "zero=:1":
  NaturalCardinal(x)  F (x[F]  Numbers(x, F))
proof(safe intro!: "→I" GEN)
  fix F
  AOT_assume NaturalCardinal(x)
  AOT_hence F (x[F]  x = #F)
    by (metis "card-en" "→E")
  AOT_hence 1: x[F]  x = #F
    using "∀E"(2) by blast
  AOT_have 2: x[F]  x = ιy(Numbers(y, F))
    by (rule "num-def:1"[THEN "=dfE"(1)])
       (auto simp: 1 "num-uniq")
  AOT_have x = ιy(Numbers(y, F))  Numbers(x, F)
    using "y-in:1" by blast
  moreover AOT_have Numbers(x, F)  x = ιy(Numbers(y, F))
  proof(rule "→I")
    AOT_assume 1: Numbers(x, F)
    moreover AOT_obtain z where z_prop: y (Numbers(y, F)  y = z)
      using "num:2"[THEN "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfE"]] "∃E"[rotated] "&E" by blast
    ultimately AOT_have x = z
      using "∀E"(2) "→E" by blast
    AOT_hence y (Numbers(y, F)  y = x)
      using z_prop "rule=E" id_sym by fast
    AOT_thus x = ιy(Numbers(y,F))
      by (rule hintikka[THEN "≡E"(2), OF "&I", rotated])
         (fact 1)
  ultimately AOT_have x = ιy(Numbers(y, F))  Numbers(x, F)
    by (metis "≡I")
  AOT_thus x[F]  Numbers(x, F)
    using 2 by (metis "≡E"(5))

AOT_act_theorem "zero=:2": 0[F]  ¬u[F]u
proof -
  AOT_have 0[F]  Numbers(0, F)
    using "zero=:1"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "→E",
                    OF "zero-card", THEN "∀E"(2)].
  also AOT_have   ¬u[F]u
    using "0F:1"[symmetric].
  finally show ?thesis.

AOT_act_theorem "zero=:3": ¬u[F]u  #F = 0
proof -
  AOT_have ¬u[F]u  0[F] using "zero=:2"[symmetric].
  also AOT_have   0 = #F
    using "card-en"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "→E",
                    OF "zero-card", THEN "∀E"(2)].
  also AOT_have   #F = 0
    by (simp add: "deduction-theorem" id_sym "≡I")
  finally show ?thesis.

AOT_define Hereditary :: τ  τ  φ (Hereditary'(_,_'))
  Hereditary(F, R) df R & F & xy([R]xy  ([F]x  [F]y))

AOT_theorem "hered:2":
  xy F((z([R]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,R))  [F]y)]
  by "cqt:2[lambda]"

AOT_define StrongAncestral :: τ  Π (‹_*)
  R* =df xy F((z([R]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,R))  [F]y)]

AOT_theorem "ances":
  [R*]xy  F((z([R]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,R))  [F]y)
  apply (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "ances-df"])
   apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
  apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", OF "hered:2", unvarify ν1νn,
                            where τ=(_,_), simplified])
  by (simp add: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")

AOT_theorem "anc-her:1":
  [R]xy  [R*]xy
proof (safe intro!: "→I" ances[THEN "≡E"(2)] GEN)
  fix F
  AOT_assume z ([R]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F, R)
  AOT_hence [R]xy  [F]y
    using "∀E"(2) "&E" by blast
  moreover AOT_assume [R]xy
  ultimately AOT_show [F]y
    using "→E" by blast

AOT_theorem "anc-her:2":
  ([R*]xy & z([R]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,R))  [F]y
proof(rule "→I"; (frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))+)
  AOT_assume [R*]xy
  AOT_hence (z([R]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,R))  [F]y
    using ances[THEN "≡E"(1)] "∀E"(2) by blast
  moreover AOT_assume z([R]xz  [F]z)
  moreover AOT_assume Hereditary(F,R)
  ultimately AOT_show [F]y
    using "→E" "&I" by blast

AOT_theorem "anc-her:3":
  ([F]x & [R*]xy & Hereditary(F, R))  [F]y
proof(rule "→I"; (frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))+)
  AOT_assume 1: [F]x
  AOT_assume 2: Hereditary(F, R)
  AOT_hence 3: x y ([R]xy  ([F]x  [F]y))
    using "hered:1"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
  AOT_have z ([R]xz  [F]z)
  proof (rule GEN; rule "→I")
    fix z
    AOT_assume [R]xz
    moreover AOT_have [R]xz  ([F]x  [F]z)
      using 3 "∀E"(2) by blast
    ultimately AOT_show [F]z
      using 1 "→E" by blast
  moreover AOT_assume [R*]xy
  ultimately AOT_show [F]y
    by (auto intro!: 2 "anc-her:2"[THEN "→E"] "&I")

AOT_theorem "anc-her:4": ([R]xy & [R*]yz)  [R*]xz
proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume 0: [R*]yz and 1: [R]xy
  AOT_show [R*]xz
  proof(safe intro!: ances[THEN "≡E"(2)] GEN "&I" "→I";
                     frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
    fix F
    AOT_assume z ([R]xz  [F]z)
    AOT_hence 1: [F]y
      using 1 "∀E"(2) "→E" by blast
    AOT_assume 2: Hereditary(F,R)
    AOT_show [F]z
      by (rule "anc-her:3"[THEN "→E"]; auto intro!: "&I" 1 2 0)

AOT_theorem "anc-her:5": [R*]xy  z [R]zy
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_have 0: y x [R]xy] by "cqt:2"
  AOT_assume 1: [R*]xy
  AOT_have yx [R]xy]y
  proof(rule "anc-her:2"[unvarify F, OF 0, THEN "→E"];
        safe intro!: "&I" GEN "→I" "hered:1"[THEN "dfI"] "cqt:2" 0)
    AOT_show [R*]xy using 1.
    fix z
    AOT_assume [R]xz
    AOT_hence x [R]xz by (rule "∃I")
    AOT_thus yx [R]xy]z
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
    fix x y
    AOT_assume [R]xy
    AOT_hence x [R]xy by (rule "∃I")
    AOT_thus y x [R]xy]y
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
  AOT_thus z [R]zy
    by (rule "β→C"(1))

AOT_theorem "anc-her:6": ([R*]xy & [R*]yz)  [R*]xz
proof (rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume [R*]xy
  AOT_hence θ: z ([R]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,R)  [F]y for F
    using "∀E"(2)  ances[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  AOT_assume [R*]yz
  AOT_hence ξ: z ([R]yz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,R)  [F]z for F
    using "∀E"(2) ances[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  AOT_show [R*]xz
  proof (rule ances[THEN "≡E"(2)]; safe intro!: GEN "→I")
    fix F
    AOT_assume ζ: z ([R]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,R)
    AOT_show [F]z
    proof (rule ξ[THEN "→E", OF "&I"])
      AOT_show Hereditary(F,R)
        using ζ[THEN "&E"(2)].
      AOT_show z ([R]yz  [F]z)
      proof(rule GEN; rule "→I")
        fix z
        AOT_assume [R]yz
        moreover AOT_have [F]y
          using θ[THEN "→E", OF ζ].
        ultimately AOT_show [F]z
          using ζ[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "hered:1"[THEN "dfE"],
                  THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2),
                  THEN "→E", THEN "→E"]
          by blast

AOT_define OneToOne :: τ  φ (1-1'(_'))
  "df-1-1:1": 1-1(R) df R & xyz([R]xz & [R]yz  x = y)

AOT_define RigidOneToOne :: τ  φ (Rigid1-1'(_'))
  "df-1-1:2": Rigid1-1(R) df 1-1(R) & Rigid(R)

AOT_theorem "df-1-1:3": Rigid1-1(R)  1-1(R)
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume Rigid1-1(R)
  AOT_hence 1-1(R) and RigidR: Rigid(R)
    using "df-1-1:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
  AOT_hence 1: [R]xz & [R]yz  x = y for x y z
    using "df-1-1:1"[THEN "dfE"] "&E"(2) "∀E"(2) by blast
  AOT_have 1: [R]xz & [R]yz  x = y for x y z
    by (AOT_subst (reverse) x = y  x = y)
       (auto simp: 1 "id-nec:2" "≡I" "qml:2"[axiom_inst])
  AOT_have x1...∀xn ([R]x1...xn  [R]x1...xn)
    using "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfE", OF RigidR] "&E" by blast
  AOT_hence x1...∀xn ([R]x1...xn  [R]x1...xn)
    using "CBF"[THEN "→E"] by fast
  AOT_hence x1x2 ([R]x1x2  [R]x1x2)
    using tuple_forall[THEN "dfE"] by blast
  AOT_hence ([R]xy  [R]xy) for x y
    using "∀E"(2) by blast
  AOT_hence (([R]xz  [R]xz) & ([R]yz  [R]yz)) for x y z
    by (metis "KBasic:3" "&I" "≡E"(3) "raa-cor:3")
  moreover AOT_have (([R]xz  [R]xz) & ([R]yz  [R]yz)) 
                     (([R]xz & [R]yz)  ([R]xz & [R]yz)) for x y z
    by (rule RM) (metis "→I" "KBasic:3" "&I" "&E"(1) "&E"(2) "≡E"(2) "→E")
  ultimately AOT_have 2: (([R]xz & [R]yz)  ([R]xz & [R]yz)) for x y z
    using "→E" by blast
  AOT_hence 3: ([R]xz & [R]yz  x = y) for x y z
    using "sc-eq-box-box:6"[THEN "→E", THEN "→E", OF 2, OF 1] by blast
  AOT_hence 4: xyz([R]xz & [R]yz  x = y)
    by (safe intro!: GEN BF[THEN "→E"] 3)
  AOT_thus 1-1(R)
    by (AOT_subst_thm "df-1-1:1"[THEN "≡Df", THEN "≡S"(1),
                                 OF "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]])

AOT_theorem "df-1-1:4": R(Rigid1-1(R)  Rigid1-1(R))
proof(rule GEN;rule "→I")
AOT_modally_strict {
  fix R
      AOT_assume 0: Rigid1-1(R)
      AOT_hence 1: R
        by (meson "dfE" "&E"(1) "df-1-1:1" "df-1-1:2")
      AOT_hence 2: R
        using "exist-nec" "→E" by blast
      AOT_have 4: 1-1(R)
        using "df-1-1:3"[unvarify R, OF 1, THEN "→E", OF 0].
      AOT_have Rigid(R)
        using 0 "dfE"[OF "df-1-1:2"] "&E" by blast
      AOT_hence x1...∀xn ([R]x1...xn  [R]x1...xn)
        using  "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
      AOT_hence x1...∀xn ([R]x1...xn  [R]x1...xn)
        by (metis "S5Basic:6" "≡E"(1))
      AOT_hence Rigid(R)
        apply (AOT_subst_def "df-rigid-rel:1")
        using 2 "KBasic:3" "≡S"(2) "≡E"(2) by blast
      AOT_thus Rigid1-1(R)
        apply (AOT_subst_def "df-1-1:2")
        using 4 "KBasic:3" "≡S"(2) "≡E"(2) by blast

AOT_define InDomainOf :: τ  τ  φ (InDomainOf'(_,_'))
  "df-1-1:5": InDomainOf(x, R) df y [R]xy

  RigidOneToOneRelation: Rigid1-1(Π)
  AOT_modally_strict {
    AOT_show α Rigid1-1(α)
    proof (rule "∃I"(1)[where τ=«(=E)»])
      AOT_show Rigid1-1((=E))
      proof (safe intro!: "df-1-1:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "df-1-1:1"[THEN "dfI"]
                          GEN "→I" "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfI"] "=E[denotes]")
        fix x y z
        AOT_assume x =E z & y =E z
        AOT_thus x = y
          by (metis "rule=E" "&E"(1) "Conjunction Simplification"(2)
                    "=E-simple:2" id_sym "→E")
        AOT_have xy (x =E y  x =E y)
        proof(rule GEN; rule GEN)
          AOT_show (x =E y  x =E y) for x y
            by (meson RN "deduction-theorem" "id-nec3:1" "≡E"(1))
        AOT_hence x1...∀xn ([(=E)]x1...xn  [(=E)]x1...xn)
          by (rule tuple_forall[THEN "dfI"])
        AOT_thus x1...∀xn ([(=E)]x1...xn  [(=E)]x1...xn)
          using BF[THEN "→E"] by fast
    qed(fact "=E[denotes]")
  AOT_modally_strict {
    AOT_show Rigid1-1(Π)  Π for Π
    proof(rule "→I")
      AOT_assume Rigid1-1(Π)
      AOT_hence 1-1(Π)
        using "df-1-1:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
      AOT_thus Π
        using "df-1-1:1"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast
  AOT_modally_strict {
    AOT_show F(Rigid1-1(F)  Rigid1-1(F))
      by (safe intro!: GEN "df-1-1:4"[THEN "∀E"(2)])
  RigidOneToOneRelation: ℛ 𝒮

AOT_define IdentityRestrictedToDomain :: τ  Π ('(=⇩_'))
  "id-d-R": (=⇩) =df xy z ([]xz & []yz)]

syntax "_AOT_id_d_R_infix" :: τ  τ  τ  φ ((_ =⇩_/ _) [50, 51, 51] 50)
  "_AOT_id_d_R_infix κ Π κ'" ==
  "CONST AOT_exe (CONST IdentityRestrictedToDomain Π) (κ,κ')"

AOT_theorem "id-R-thm:1": x =⇩ y  z ([]xz & []yz)
proof -
  AOT_have 0: xy z ([]xz & []yz)] by "cqt:2"
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "id-d-R"])
    apply (fact 0)
    apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", OF 0, unvarify ν1νn,
                              where τ=(_,_), simplified])
    by (simp add: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")

AOT_theorem "id-R-thm:2":
  x =⇩ y  (InDomainOf(x, ) & InDomainOf(y, ))
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume x =⇩ y
  AOT_hence z ([]xz & []yz)
    using "id-R-thm:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by simp
  then AOT_obtain z where z_prop: []xz & []yz
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_show InDomainOf(x, ) & InDomainOf(y, )
  proof (safe intro!: "&I" "df-1-1:5"[THEN "dfI"])
    AOT_show y []xy
      using z_prop[THEN "&E"(1)] "∃I" by fast
    AOT_show z []yz
      using z_prop[THEN "&E"(2)] "∃I" by fast

AOT_theorem "id-R-thm:3": x =⇩ y  x = y
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume x =⇩ y
  AOT_hence z ([]xz & []yz)
    using "id-R-thm:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by simp
  then AOT_obtain z where z_prop: []xz & []yz
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_thus x = y
    using "df-1-1:3"[THEN "→E", OF RigidOneToOneRelation.ψ,
                     THEN "qml:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"],
                     THEN "dfE"[OF "df-1-1:1"], THEN "&E"(2),
                     THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2),
                     THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"]
     by blast

AOT_theorem "id-R-thm:4":
  (InDomainOf(x, )  InDomainOf(y, ))  (x =⇩ y  x = y)
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume InDomainOf(x, )  InDomainOf(y, )
  moreover {
    AOT_assume InDomainOf(x, )
    AOT_hence z []xz
      by (metis "dfE" "df-1-1:5")
    then AOT_obtain z where z_prop: []xz
      using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_have x =⇩ y  x = y
    proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I" "id-R-thm:3"[THEN "→E"])
      AOT_assume x = y
      AOT_hence []yz
        using z_prop "rule=E" by fast
      AOT_hence []xz & []yz
        using z_prop "&I" by blast
      AOT_hence z ([]xz & []yz)
        by (rule "∃I")
      AOT_thus x =⇩ y
        using "id-R-thm:1" "≡E"(2) by blast
  moreover {
    AOT_assume InDomainOf(y, )
    AOT_hence z []yz
      by (metis "dfE" "df-1-1:5")
    then AOT_obtain z where z_prop: []yz
      using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_have x =⇩ y  x = y
    proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I" "id-R-thm:3"[THEN "→E"])
      AOT_assume x = y
      AOT_hence []xz
        using z_prop "rule=E" id_sym by fast
      AOT_hence []xz & []yz
        using z_prop "&I" by blast
      AOT_hence z ([]xz & []yz)
        by (rule "∃I")
      AOT_thus x =⇩ y
        using "id-R-thm:1" "≡E"(2) by blast
  ultimately AOT_show x =⇩ y  x = y
    by (metis "∨E"(2) "raa-cor:1")

AOT_theorem "id-R-thm:5": InDomainOf(x, )  x =⇩ x
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume InDomainOf(x, )
  AOT_hence z []xz
    by (metis "dfE" "df-1-1:5")
  then AOT_obtain z where z_prop: []xz
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence []xz & []xz
    using "&I" by blast
  AOT_hence z ([]xz & []xz)
    using "∃I" by fast
  AOT_thus x =⇩ x
    using "id-R-thm:1" "≡E"(2) by blast

AOT_theorem "id-R-thm:6": x =⇩ y  y =⇩ x
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: x =⇩ y
  AOT_hence 1: InDomainOf(x,) & InDomainOf(y,)
    using "id-R-thm:2"[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_hence x =⇩ y  x = y
    using "id-R-thm:4"[THEN "→E", OF "∨I"(1)] "&E" by blast
  AOT_hence x = y
    using 0 by (metis "≡E"(1))
  AOT_hence y = x
    using id_sym by blast
  moreover AOT_have y =⇩ x  y = x
    using "id-R-thm:4"[THEN "→E", OF "∨I"(2)] 1 "&E" by blast
  ultimately AOT_show y =⇩ x
    by (metis "≡E"(2))

AOT_theorem "id-R-thm:7": x =⇩ y & y =⇩ z  x =⇩ z
proof (rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume 0: x =⇩ y
  AOT_hence 1: InDomainOf(x,) & InDomainOf(y,)
    using "id-R-thm:2"[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_hence x =⇩ y  x = y
    using "id-R-thm:4"[THEN "→E", OF "∨I"(1)] "&E" by blast
  AOT_hence x_eq_y: x = y
    using 0 by (metis "≡E"(1))
  AOT_assume 2: y =⇩ z
  AOT_hence 3: InDomainOf(y,) & InDomainOf(z,)
    using "id-R-thm:2"[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_hence y =⇩ z  y = z
    using "id-R-thm:4"[THEN "→E", OF "∨I"(1)] "&E" by blast
  AOT_hence y = z
    using 2 by (metis "≡E"(1))
  AOT_hence x_eq_z: x = z
    using x_eq_y id_trans by blast
  AOT_have InDomainOf(x,) & InDomainOf(z,)
    using 1 3 "&I" "&E" by meson
  AOT_hence x =⇩ z  x = z
    using "id-R-thm:4"[THEN "→E", OF "∨I"(1)] "&E" by blast
  AOT_thus x =⇩ z
    using x_eq_z "≡E"(2) by blast

AOT_define WeakAncestral :: Π  Π (‹_+)
  "w-ances-df": []+ =df xy []*xy  x =⇩ y]

AOT_theorem "w-ances-df[den1]": xy [Π]*xy  x =⇩Π y]
  by "cqt:2"
AOT_theorem "w-ances-df[den2]": [Π]+
  using "w-ances-df[den1]" "=dfI"(1)[OF "w-ances-df"] by blast

AOT_theorem "w-ances": []+xy  ([]*xy  x =⇩ y)
proof -
  AOT_have 0: xy [*]xy  x =⇩ y]
    by "cqt:2"
  AOT_have 1: «(AOT_term_of_var x,AOT_term_of_var y)»
    by (simp add: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")
  have 2: «μ1...μn [*]μ1...μn  [(=⇩)]μ1...μn]xy» =
           «xy [*]xy  [(=⇩)]xy]xy»
    by (simp add: cond_case_prod_eta)
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "w-ances-df"])
     apply (fact "w-ances-df[den1]")
    using "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", OF 0, unvarify ν1νn,
                        where τ=(_,_), simplified, OF 1] 2 by simp

AOT_theorem "w-ances-her:1": []xy  []+xy
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume []xy
  AOT_hence []*xy
    using "anc-her:1"[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_thus []+xy
    using "w-ances"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "∨I" by blast

AOT_theorem "w-ances-her:2":
  [F]x & []+xy & Hereditary(F, )  [F]y
proof(rule "→I"; (frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))+)
  AOT_assume 0: [F]x
  AOT_assume 1: Hereditary(F, )
  AOT_assume []+xy
  AOT_hence []*xy  x =⇩ y
    using "w-ances"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by simp
  moreover {
    AOT_assume []*xy
    AOT_hence [F]y
      using "anc-her:3"[THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF "&I"] 0 1 by blast
  moreover {
    AOT_assume x =⇩ y
    AOT_hence x = y
      using "id-R-thm:3"[THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_hence [F]y
      using 0 "rule=E" by blast
  ultimately AOT_show [F]y
    by (metis "∨E"(3) "raa-cor:1")

AOT_theorem "w-ances-her:3": ([]+xy & []yz)  []*xz
proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume []+xy
  moreover AOT_assume Ryz: []yz
  ultimately AOT_have []*xy  x =⇩ y
    using "w-ances"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by metis
  moreover {
    AOT_assume R_star_xy: []*xy
    AOT_have []*xz
    proof (safe intro!: ances[THEN "≡E"(2)] "→I" GEN)
      fix F
      AOT_assume 0: z ([]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,)
      AOT_hence [F]y
        using R_star_xy ances[THEN "≡E"(1), OF R_star_xy,
                              THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] by blast
      AOT_thus [F]z
        using "hered:1"[THEN "dfE", OF 0[THEN "&E"(2)], THEN "&E"(2)]
              "∀E"(2) "→E" Ryz by blast
  moreover {
    AOT_assume x =⇩ y
    AOT_hence x = y
      using "id-R-thm:3"[THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_hence []xz
      using Ryz "rule=E" id_sym by fast
    AOT_hence []*xz
      by (metis "anc-her:1"[THEN "→E"])
  ultimately AOT_show []*xz
    by (metis "∨E"(3) "raa-cor:1")

AOT_theorem "w-ances-her:4": ([]*xy & []yz)  []+xz
proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume []*xy
  AOT_hence []*xy  x =⇩ y
    using "∨I" by blast
  AOT_hence []+xy
    using "w-ances"[THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
  moreover AOT_assume []yz
  ultimately AOT_have []*xz
    using "w-ances-her:3"[THEN "→E", OF "&I"] by simp
  AOT_hence []*xz  x =⇩ z
    using "∨I" by blast
  AOT_thus []+xz
    using "w-ances"[THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast

AOT_theorem "w-ances-her:5": ([]xy & []+yz)  []*xz
proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume 0: []xy
  AOT_assume []+yz
  AOT_hence []*yz  y =⇩ z
    by (metis "≡E"(1) "w-ances")
  moreover {
    AOT_assume []*yz
    AOT_hence []*xz
      using 0 by (metis "anc-her:4" Adjunction "→E")
  moreover {
    AOT_assume y =⇩ z
    AOT_hence y = z
      by (metis "id-R-thm:3" "→E")
    AOT_hence []xz
      using 0 "rule=E" by fast
    AOT_hence []*xz
      by (metis "anc-her:1" "→E")
  ultimately AOT_show []*xz by (metis "∨E"(2) "reductio-aa:1")

AOT_theorem "w-ances-her:6": ([]+xy & []+yz)  []+xz
proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume 0: []+xy
  AOT_hence 1: []*xy  x =⇩ y
    by (metis "≡E"(1) "w-ances")
  AOT_assume 2: []+yz
    AOT_assume x =⇩ y
    AOT_hence x = y
      by (metis "id-R-thm:3" "→E")
    AOT_hence []+xz
      using 2 "rule=E" id_sym by fast
  moreover {
    AOT_assume ¬(x =⇩ y)
    AOT_hence 3: []*xy
      using 1 by (metis "∨E"(3)) 
    AOT_have []*yz  y =⇩ z
      using 2 by (metis "≡E"(1) "w-ances")
    moreover {
      AOT_assume []*yz
      AOT_hence []*xz
        using 3 by (metis "anc-her:6" Adjunction "→E")
      AOT_hence []+xz
        by (metis "∨I"(1) "≡E"(2) "w-ances")
    moreover {
      AOT_assume y =⇩ z
      AOT_hence y = z
        by (metis "id-R-thm:3" "→E")
      AOT_hence []+xz
        using 0 "rule=E" id_sym by fast
    ultimately AOT_have []+xz
      by (metis "∨E"(3) "reductio-aa:1")
  ultimately AOT_show []+xz
    by (metis "reductio-aa:1")

AOT_theorem "w-ances-her:7": []*xy  z([]+xz & []zy)
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: []*xy
  AOT_have 1: z ([]xz  [Π]z) & Hereditary(Π,)  [Π]y if Π for Π
    using ances[THEN "≡E"(1), THEN "∀E"(1), OF 0] that by blast
  AOT_have y z([]+xz & []zy)]y
  proof (rule 1[THEN "→E"]; "cqt:2[lambda]"?;
         safe intro!: "&I" GEN "→I" "hered:1"[THEN "dfI"] "cqt:2")
    fix z
    AOT_assume 0: []xz
    AOT_hence z []xz by (rule "∃I")
    AOT_hence InDomainOf(x, ) by (metis "dfI" "df-1-1:5")
    AOT_hence x =⇩ x by (metis "id-R-thm:5" "→E")
    AOT_hence []+xx by (metis "∨I"(2) "≡E"(2) "w-ances")
    AOT_hence []+xx & []xz using 0 "&I" by blast
    AOT_hence y ([]+xy & []yz) by (rule "∃I")
    AOT_thus y z ([]+xz & []zy)]z
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
    fix x' y
    AOT_assume Rx'y: []x'y
    AOT_assume y z ([]+xz & []zy)]x'
    AOT_hence z ([]+xz & []zx')
      using "β→C"(1) by blast
    then AOT_obtain c where c_prop: []+xc & []cx'
      using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_hence []*xx'
      by (meson Rx'y "anc-her:1" "anc-her:6" Adjunction "→E" "w-ances-her:3")
    AOT_hence []*xx'  x =⇩ x' by (rule "∨I")
    AOT_hence []+xx' by (metis "≡E"(2) "w-ances")
    AOT_hence []+xx' & []x'y using Rx'y by (metis "&I")
    AOT_hence z ([]+xz & []zy) by (rule "∃I")
    AOT_thus y z ([]+xz & []zy)]y
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
  AOT_thus z([]+xz & []zy)
    using "β→C"(1) by fast

AOT_theorem "1-1-R:1": ([]xy & []*zy)  []+zx
proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume []*zy
  AOT_hence x ([]+zx & []xy)
    using "w-ances-her:7"[THEN "→E"] by simp
  then AOT_obtain a where a_prop: []+za & []ay
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  moreover AOT_assume []xy
  ultimately AOT_have x = a
    using "df-1-1:2"[THEN "dfE", OF RigidOneToOneRelation.ψ, THEN "&E"(1),
                     THEN "dfE"[OF "df-1-1:1"], THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2),
                     THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E", OF "&I"]
    "&E" by blast
  AOT_thus []+zx
    using a_prop[THEN "&E"(1)] "rule=E" id_sym by fast

AOT_theorem "1-1-R:2": []xy  (¬[]*xx  ¬[]*yy)
proof(rule "→I"; rule "useful-tautologies:5"[THEN "→E"]; rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: []xy
  moreover AOT_assume []*yy
  ultimately AOT_have []+yx
    using "1-1-R:1"[THEN "→E", OF "&I"] by blast
  AOT_thus []*xx
    using 0 by (metis "&I" "→E" "w-ances-her:5")

AOT_theorem "1-1-R:3": ¬[]*xx  ([]+xy  ¬[]*yy)
proof(safe intro!: "→I")
  AOT_have 0: z ¬[]*zz] by "cqt:2"
  AOT_assume 1: ¬[]*xx
  AOT_assume 2: []+xy
  AOT_have z ¬[]*zz]y
  proof(rule "w-ances-her:2"[unvarify F, OF 0, THEN "→E"];
        safe intro!: "&I" "hered:1"[THEN "dfI"] "cqt:2" GEN "→I")
    AOT_show  z ¬[]*zz]x
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" simp: 1)
    AOT_show []+xy by (fact 2)
    fix x y
    AOT_assume z ¬[*]zz]x
    AOT_hence ¬[]*xx by (rule "β→C"(1))
    moreover AOT_assume []xy
    ultimately AOT_have ¬[]*yy
      using "1-1-R:2"[THEN "→E", THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_thus z ¬[*]zz]y
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
  AOT_thus ¬[]*yy
    using "β→C"(1) by blast

AOT_theorem "1-1-R:4": []*xy  InDomainOf(x,)
proof(rule "→I"; rule "df-1-1:5"[THEN "dfI"])
  AOT_assume 1: []*xy
  AOT_have z [*]xz  y []xy]y
  proof (safe intro!: "anc-her:2"[unvarify F, THEN "→E"];
         safe intro!: "cqt:2" "&I" GEN "→I" "hered:1"[THEN "dfI"])
    AOT_show []*xy by (fact 1)
    fix z
    AOT_assume []xz
    AOT_thus z [*]xz  y []xy]z
      by (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
         (meson "→I" "existential:2[const_var]")
    fix x' y
    AOT_assume Rx'y: []x'y
    AOT_assume z [*]xz  y []xy]x'
    AOT_hence 0: [*]xx'  y []xy by (rule "β→C"(1))
    AOT_have 1: [*]xy  y []xy
    proof(rule "→I")
      AOT_assume []*xy
      AOT_hence []+xx' by (metis Rx'y "&I" "1-1-R:1" "→E")
      AOT_hence []*xx'  x =⇩ x' by (metis "≡E"(1) "w-ances")
      moreover {
        AOT_assume []*xx'
        AOT_hence y []xy using 0 by (metis "→E")
      moreover {
        AOT_assume x =⇩ x'
        AOT_hence x = x' by (metis "id-R-thm:3" "→E")
        AOT_hence []xy using Rx'y "rule=E" id_sym by fast
        AOT_hence y []xy by (rule "∃I")
      ultimately AOT_show y []xy
        by (metis "∨E"(3) "reductio-aa:1")
    AOT_show z [*]xz  y []xy]y
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" 1)
  AOT_hence [*]xy  y []xy by (rule "β→C"(1))
  AOT_thus y []xy using 1 "→E" by blast

AOT_theorem "1-1-R:5": []+xy  InDomainOf(x,)
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume []+xy
  AOT_hence []*xy  x =⇩ y
    by (metis "≡E"(1) "w-ances")
  moreover {
    AOT_assume []*xy
    AOT_hence InDomainOf(x,)
      using "1-1-R:4" "→E" by blast
  moreover {
    AOT_assume x =⇩ y
    AOT_hence InDomainOf(x,)
      by (metis "Conjunction Simplification"(1) "id-R-thm:2" "→E")
  ultimately AOT_show InDomainOf(x,)
    by (metis "∨E"(3) "reductio-aa:1")

AOT_theorem "pre-ind":
  ([F]z & xy(([]+zx & []+zy)  ([]xy  ([F]x  [F]y)))) 
   x ([]+zx  [F]x)
proof(safe intro!: "→I" GEN)
  AOT_have den: y [F]y & []+zy] by "cqt:2"
  fix x
  AOT_assume θ: [F]z & xy(([]+zx & []+zy)  ([]xy  ([F]x  [F]y)))
  AOT_assume 0: []+zx

  AOT_have y [F]y & []+zy]x
  proof (rule "w-ances-her:2"[unvarify F, OF den, THEN "→E"]; safe intro!: "&I")
    AOT_show y [F]y & []+zy]z
    proof (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I")
      AOT_show [F]z using θ "&E" by blast
      AOT_show []+zz
        by (rule "w-ances"[THEN "≡E"(2), OF "∨I"(2)])
           (meson "0" "id-R-thm:5" "1-1-R:5" "→E")
    AOT_show []+zx by (fact 0)
    AOT_show Hereditary(y [F]y & []+zy],)
    proof (safe intro!: "hered:1"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" GEN "→I")
      fix x' y
      AOT_assume 1: []x'y
      AOT_assume y [F]y & []+zy]x'
      AOT_hence 2: [F]x' & []+zx' by (rule "β→C"(1))
      AOT_have []*zy using 1 2[THEN "&E"(2)]
        by (metis Adjunction "modus-tollens:1" "reductio-aa:1" "w-ances-her:3")
      AOT_hence 3: []+zy by (metis "∨I"(1) "≡E"(2) "w-ances")
      AOT_show y [F]y & []+zy]y
      proof (safe intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" 3)
        AOT_show [F]y
        proof (rule θ[THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2),
                      THEN "→E", THEN "→E", THEN "→E"])
          AOT_show []+zx' & []+zy
            using 2 3 "&E" "&I" by blast
          AOT_show []x'y by (fact 1)
          AOT_show [F]x' using 2 "&E" by blast
  AOT_thus [F]x using "β→C"(1) "&E"(1) by fast

text‹The following is not part of PLM, but a theorem of AOT.
     It states that the predecessor relation coexists with numbering a property.
     We will use this fact to derive the predecessor axiom, which asserts that the
     predecessor relation denotes, from the fact that our models validate that
     numbering a property denotes.›
AOT_theorem pred_coex:
  xy Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))]  F (x Numbers(x,F)])
proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I" GEN)
  fix F
  let ?P = «xy Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))]»
  AOT_assume [«?P»]
  AOT_hence [«?P»]
    using "exist-nec" "→E" by blast
  moreover AOT_have
    [«?P»]  (xy(F([F]x  [F]y)  (Numbers(x,F)  Numbers(y,F))))
  proof(rule RM; safe intro!: "→I" GEN)
    AOT_modally_strict {
      fix x y
      AOT_assume pred_den: [«?P»]
      AOT_hence pred_equiv:
        [«?P»]xy  Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u)) for x y
        by (safe intro!: "beta-C-meta"[unvarify ν1νn, where τ=(_,_), THEN "→E",
                                       rotated, OF pred_den, simplified]
                         tuple_denotes[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2")
      text‹We show as a subproof that any natural cardinal that is not zero
           has a predecessor.›
      AOT_have CardinalPredecessor:
        y [«?P»]yx if card_x: NaturalCardinal(x) and x_nonzero: x  0 for x
      proof -
        AOT_have G x = #G
          using card[THEN "dfE", OF card_x].
        AOT_hence G Numbers(x,G)
          using "eq-df-num"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
        then AOT_obtain G' where numxG': Numbers(x,G')
          using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
        AOT_obtain G where Rigidifies(G,G')
          using "rigid-der:3" "∃E"[rotated] by blast
        AOT_hence H: Rigid(G) & x ([G]x  [G']x)
          using "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfE"] by blast
        AOT_have H_rigid: x ([G]x  [G]x)
          using H[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfE"], THEN "&E"(2)].
        AOT_hence x ([G]x  [G]x)
          using "CBF" "→E" by blast
        AOT_hence R: ([G]x  [G]x) for x using "∀E"(2) by blast
        AOT_hence rigid: [G]x  𝒜[G]x for x
           by (metis "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:3:a" "sc-eq-fur:2" "→E")
        AOT_have G E G'
        proof (safe intro!: eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" GEN "→I")
          AOT_show [G]x  [G']x for x using H[THEN "&E"(2)] "∀E"(2) by fast
        AOT_hence G E G'
          by (rule "apE-eqE:2"[THEN "→E", OF "&I", rotated])
             (simp add: "eq-part:1")
        AOT_hence numxG: Numbers(x,G)
          using "num-tran:1"[THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(2)] numxG' by blast
          AOT_assume ¬y(y  x & [«?P»]yx)
          AOT_hence y ¬(y  x & [«?P»]yx)
            using "cqt-further:4" "→E" by blast
          AOT_hence ¬(y  x & [«?P»]yx) for y
            using "∀E"(2) by blast
          AOT_hence 0: ¬y  x  ¬[«?P»]yx for y
            using "¬¬E" "intro-elim:3:c" "oth-class-taut:5:a" by blast
            fix y
            AOT_assume [«?P»]yx
            AOT_hence ¬y  x
              using 0 "¬¬I" "con-dis-i-e:4:c" by blast
            AOT_hence y = x
              using "=-infix" "dfI" "raa-cor:4" by blast
          } note Pxy_imp_eq = this
          AOT_have [«?P»]xx
          proof(rule "raa-cor:1")
            AOT_assume notPxx: ¬[«?P»]xx
            AOT_hence ¬Fu([F]u & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
              using pred_equiv "intro-elim:3:c" by blast
            AOT_hence F ¬u([F]u & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
              using "cqt-further:4"[THEN "→E"] by blast
            AOT_hence ¬u([F]u & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u)) for F
              using "∀E"(2) by blast
            AOT_hence y ¬(O!y & ([F]y & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-y))) for F
              using "cqt-further:4"[THEN "→E"] by blast
            AOT_hence 0: ¬(O!u & ([F]u & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))) for F u
              using "∀E"(2) by blast
            AOT_have ¬u [G]u
            proof(rule "raa-cor:1")
              AOT_assume ¬¬u [G]u
              AOT_hence u [G]u
                using "dfI" "conventions:5" by blast
              AOT_hence u [G]u
                by (metis "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[BF◇]"[THEN "→E"])
              then AOT_obtain u where posGu: [G]u
                using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
              AOT_hence Gu: [G]u
                by (meson "B◇" "K◇" "→E" R)
              AOT_have ¬([G]u & Numbers(x,G) & Numbers(x,[G]-u))
                using 0 Ordinary.ψ
                by (metis "con-dis-i-e:1" "raa-cor:1")
              AOT_hence notnumx: ¬Numbers(x,[G]-u)
                using Gu numxG "con-dis-i-e:1" "raa-cor:5" by metis
              AOT_obtain y where numy: Numbers(y,[G]-u)
                using "num:1"[unvarify G, OF "F-u[den]"] "∃E"[rotated] by blast
              AOT_hence [G]u & Numbers(x,G) & Numbers(y,[G]-u)
                using Gu numxG "&I" by blast
              AOT_hence u ([G]u & Numbers(x,G) & Numbers(y,[G]-u))
                by (rule "Ordinary.∃I")
              AOT_hence Gu ([G]u & Numbers(x,G) & Numbers(y,[G]-u))
                by (rule "∃I")
              AOT_hence [«?P»]yx
                using pred_equiv[THEN "≡E"(2)] by blast
              AOT_hence y = x using Pxy_imp_eq by blast
              AOT_hence Numbers(x,[G]-u)
                using numy "rule=E" by fast
              AOT_thus p & ¬p for p using notnumx "reductio-aa:1" by blast
            AOT_hence ¬u [G]u
              using "qml:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"] by blast
            AOT_hence num0G: Numbers(0, G)
              using "0F:1"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
            AOT_hence x = 0
              using "pre-Hume"[unvarify x, THEN "→E", OF "zero:2", OF "&I",
                               THEN "≡E"(2), OF num0G, OF numxG, OF "eq-part:1"]
                id_sym by blast
            moreover AOT_have ¬x = 0
              using x_nonzero
              using "=-infix" "dfE" by blast
            ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p using "reductio-aa:1" by blast
        AOT_hence [«?P»]xx  y (y  x & [«?P»]yx)
          using "con-dis-i-e:3:a" "con-dis-i-e:3:b" "raa-cor:1" by blast
        moreover {
          AOT_assume [«?P»]xx
          AOT_hence y [«?P»]yx
            by (rule "∃I")
        moreover {
          AOT_assume y (y  x & [«?P»]yx)
          then AOT_obtain y where y  x & [«?P»]yx
            using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
          AOT_hence [«?P»]yx
            using "&E" by blast
          AOT_hence y [«?P»]yx
            by (rule "∃I")
        ultimately AOT_show y [«?P»]yx
          using "∨E"(1) "→I" by blast

      text‹Given above lemma, we can show that if one of two indistinguishable objects
           numbers a property, the other one numbers this property as well.›
      AOT_assume indist: F([F]x  [F]y)
      AOT_assume numxF: Numbers(x,F) 
      AOT_hence 0: NaturalCardinal(x)
        by (metis "eq-num:6" "vdash-properties:10")
      text‹We show by case distinction that x equals y.
           As first case we consider x to be non-zero.›
        AOT_assume ¬(x = 0)
        AOT_hence x  0
          by (metis "=-infix" "dfI")
        AOT_hence y [«?P»]yx
          using CardinalPredecessor 0 by blast
        then AOT_obtain z where Pxz: [«?P»]zx
          using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
        AOT_hence y [«?P»]zy]x
          by (safe intro!: "β←C" "cqt:2")
        AOT_hence y [«?P»]zy]y
          by (safe intro!: indist[THEN "∀E"(1), THEN "≡E"(1)] "cqt:2")
        AOT_hence Pyz: [«?P»]zy
          using "β→C"(1) by blast
        AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(z,[F]-u))
          using Pyz pred_equiv[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
        then AOT_obtain F1 where u ([F1]u & Numbers(y,F1) & Numbers(z,[F1]-u))
          using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
        then AOT_obtain u where u_prop: [F1]u & Numbers(y,F1) & Numbers(z,[F1]-u)
          using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
        AOT_have Fu ([F]u & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(z,[F]-u))
          using Pxz pred_equiv[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
        then AOT_obtain F2 where u ([F2]u & Numbers(x,F2) & Numbers(z,[F2]-u))
          using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
        then AOT_obtain v where v_prop: [F2]v & Numbers(x,F2) & Numbers(z,[F2]-v)
          using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
        AOT_have [F2]-v E [F1]-u
          using "hume-strict:1"[unvarify F G, THEN "≡E"(1), OF "F-u[den]",
                                OF "F-u[den]", OF "∃I"(2)[where β=z], OF "&I"]
                  v_prop u_prop "&E" by blast
        AOT_hence F2 E F1
          using "P'-eq"[THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF "&I"] 
                 u_prop v_prop "&E" by meson
        AOT_hence x = y
          using "pre-Hume"[THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(2), OF "&I"]
                v_prop u_prop "&E" by blast
      text‹The second case handles x being equal to zero.›
      moreover {
        fix u
        AOT_assume x_is_zero: x = 0
        moreover AOT_have Numbers(0,z z =E u]-u)
        proof (safe intro!: "0F:1"[unvarify F, THEN "≡E"(1)] "cqt:2" "raa-cor:2"
                            "F-u[den]"[unvarify F])
          AOT_assume v [z z =E u]-u]v
          then AOT_obtain v where [z z =E u]-u]v
            using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
          AOT_hence z z =E u]v & v E u
            by (auto intro: "F-u"[THEN "=dfE"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified]
                     intro!: "cqt:2" "F-u[equiv]"[unvarify F, THEN "≡E"(1)]
                             "F-u[den]"[unvarify F])
          AOT_thus p & ¬p for p
            using "β→C" "thm-neg=E"[THEN "≡E"(1)] "&E" "&I"
                  "raa-cor:3" by fast
        ultimately AOT_have 0: Numbers(x,z z =E u]-u)
          using "rule=E" id_sym by fast
        AOT_have y Numbers(y,z z =E u])
          by (safe intro!: "num:1"[unvarify G] "cqt:2")
        then AOT_obtain z where Numbers(z,z z =E u])
          using "∃E" by metis
        moreover AOT_have z z=E u]u
          by (safe intro!: "β←C" "cqt:2" "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E"] Ordinary.ψ)
        ultimately AOT_have
          1: z z=E u]u & Numbers(z,z z=E u]) & Numbers(x,z z=E u]-u)
          using 0 "&I" by auto
        AOT_hence v(z z=E u]v & Numbers(z,z z =E u]) & Numbers(x,z z=E u]-v))
          by (rule "Ordinary.∃I")
        AOT_hence Fu([F]u & Numbers(z,[F]) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
          by (rule "∃I"; "cqt:2")
        AOT_hence Px1: [«?P»]xz
          using "beta-C-cor:2"[THEN "→E", OF pred_den,
                  THEN tuple_forall[THEN "dfE"], THEN "∀E"(2),
                  THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(2)] by simp
        AOT_hence y [«?P»]yz]x
          by (safe intro!: "β←C" "cqt:2")
        AOT_hence y [«?P»]yz]y
          by (safe intro!: indist[THEN "∀E"(1), THEN "≡E"(1)] "cqt:2")
        AOT_hence Py1: [«?P»]yz
          using "β→C" by blast
        AOT_hence Fu([F]u & Numbers(z,[F]) & Numbers(y,[F]-u))
          using "β→C" by fast
        then AOT_obtain G where u([G]u & Numbers(z,[G]) & Numbers(y,[G]-u))
          using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
        then AOT_obtain v where 2: [G]v & Numbers(z,[G]) & Numbers(y,[G]-v)
          using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
        with 1 2 AOT_have z z =E u] E G
          by (auto intro!: "hume-strict:1"[unvarify F, THEN "≡E"(1), rotated,
                                OF "∃I"(2)[where β=z], OF "&I"] "cqt:2"
                   dest: "&E")
        AOT_hence 3: z z =E u]-u E [G]-v
          using 1 2
          by (safe_step intro!: "eqP'"[unvarify F, THEN "→E"])
             (auto dest: "&E" intro!: "cqt:2" "&I")
        with 1 2 AOT_have x = y
          by (auto intro!: "pre-Hume"[unvarify G H, THEN "→E",
                                      THEN "≡E"(2), rotated 3, OF 3]
                           "F-u[den]"[unvarify F] "cqt:2" "&I"
                   dest: "&E")
      ultimately AOT_have x = y
        using "∨E"(1) "→I" "reductio-aa:1" by blast
      text‹Now since x numbers F, so does y.›
      AOT_hence Numbers(y,F)
          using numxF "rule=E" by fast
    } note 0 = this
    text‹The only thing left is to generalize this result to a biconditional.›
    AOT_modally_strict {
      fix x y
      AOT_assume [«?P»]
      moreover AOT_assume F([F]x  [F]y)
      moreover AOT_have F([F]y  [F]x)
        by (metis "cqt-basic:11" "intro-elim:3:a" calculation(2))
      ultimately AOT_show Numbers(x,F)  Numbers(y,F)
        using 0 "≡I" "→I" by auto
  ultimately AOT_show x Numbers(x,F)]
    using "kirchner-thm:1"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "→E" by fast
  text‹The converse can be shown by coexistence.›
  AOT_assume F x Numbers(x,F)]
  AOT_hence x Numbers(x,F)] for F
    using "∀E"(2) by blast
  AOT_hence x Numbers(x,F)] for F
    using "exist-nec"[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_hence F x Numbers(x,F)]
    by (rule GEN)
  AOT_hence F x Numbers(x,F)]
    using BF[THEN "→E"] by fast
  moreover AOT_have
    F x Numbers(x,F)] 
     x y (F u ([F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x) 
              F u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u)))
  proof(rule RM; safe intro!: "→I" GEN)
    AOT_modally_strict {
      fix x y
      AOT_assume 0: F x Numbers(x,F)]
      AOT_show F u ([F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x) 
              F u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
      proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I")
        AOT_assume F u ([F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x)
        then AOT_obtain F where
          u ([F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x)
          using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
        then AOT_obtain u where [F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x
          using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
        AOT_hence [F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u)
          by (auto intro!: "&I" dest: "&E" "β→C")
        AOT_thus F u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
          using "∃I" "Ordinary.∃I" by fast
        AOT_assume F u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
        then AOT_obtain F where u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
          using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
        then AOT_obtain u where [F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u)
          using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
        AOT_hence [F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x
          by (auto intro!: "&I" "β←C" 0[THEN "∀E"(1)] "F-u[den]"
                   dest: "&E" intro: "cqt:2")
        AOT_hence u([F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x)
          by (rule "Ordinary.∃I")
        AOT_thus Fu([F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x)
          by (rule "∃I")
  ultimately AOT_have
    x y (F u ([F]u & z Numbers(z,F)]y & z Numbers(z,[F]-u)]x) 
              F u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u)))
    using "→E" by blast
  AOT_thus xy F u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))]
    by (rule "safe-ext[2]"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E", OF "&I", rotated]) "cqt:2"

text‹The following is not part of PLM, but a consequence of extended relation
     comprehension and can be used to @{emph ‹derive›} the predecessor axiom.›
AOT_theorem numbers_prop_den: x Numbers(x,G)]
proof (rule "safe-ext"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E", OF "&I"])
  AOT_show x A!x & x F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)]x]
    by "cqt:2"
  AOT_have 0:  x F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)]
  proof(safe intro!: Comprehension_3[THEN "→E"] "→I" RN GEN)
      AOT_modally_strict {
        fix F H
        AOT_assume H E F
        AOT_hence u ([H]u  [F]u)
          by (AOT_subst (reverse) u ([H]u  [F]u) H E F)
              (safe intro!: "eqE"[THEN "≡Df", THEN "≡S"(1), OF "&I"] "cqt:2")
        AOT_hence u ([H]u  [F]u)
          by (metis "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[CBF]" "→E")
        AOT_hence ([H]u  [F]u) for u
          using "Ordinary.∀E" by fast
        AOT_hence 𝒜([H]u  [F]u) for u
          by (metis "nec-imp-act" "→E")
        AOT_hence 𝒜([F]u  [H]u) for u
          by (metis "Act-Basic:5" "Commutativity of ≡" "intro-elim:3:b")
        AOT_hence z 𝒜[F]z] E z 𝒜[H]z]
          by (safe intro!: "eqE"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" Ordinary.GEN;
              AOT_subst z 𝒜[F]z]u 𝒜[F]u for: u F)
             (auto intro!: "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"] "cqt:2"
                           "Act-Basic:5"[THEN "≡E"(1)])
        AOT_hence z 𝒜[F]z] E z 𝒜[H]z]
          by (safe intro!: "apE-eqE:1"[unvarify F G, THEN "→E"] "cqt:2")
        AOT_thus z 𝒜[F]z] E G  z 𝒜[H]z] E G
          using "≡I" "eq-part:2[terms]" "eq-part:3[terms]" "→E" "→I"
          by metis
  AOT_show x (A!x & x F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)]x  Numbers(x,G))
  proof (safe intro!: RN GEN)
    AOT_modally_strict {
      fix x
      AOT_show A!x & x F (x[F]  z 𝒜[F]z] E G)]x  Numbers(x,G)
        by (AOT_subst_def numbers; AOT_subst_thm "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", OF 0])
           (auto intro!: "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", OF 0] "≡I" "→I" "&I" "cqt:2"
                   dest: "&E")

text‹The two theorems above allow us to derive
     the predecessor axiom of PLM as theorem.›

AOT_theorem pred: xy Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))]
  using pred_coex numbers_prop_den["∀I" G] "≡E" by blast

AOT_define Predecessor :: Π ()
   =df xy Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))]

AOT_theorem "pred-thm:2": 
  using pred "pred-thm:1" "rule-id-df:2:b[zero]" by blast

AOT_theorem "pred-thm:3":
  []xy  Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    by (auto intro!: "beta-C-meta"[unvarify ν1νn, where τ=(_,_), THEN "→E",
                                   rotated, OF pred, simplified]
                     tuple_denotes[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "cqt:2" pred
             intro: "=dfI"(2)[OF "pred-thm:1"])

AOT_theorem "pred-1-1:1": []xy  []xy
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume []xy
  AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    using "≡E"(1) "pred-thm:3" by fast
  then AOT_obtain F where u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain u where props: [F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u)
    using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
  AOT_obtain G where Ridigifies_G_F: Rigidifies(G, F)
    by (metis "instantiation" "rigid-der:3")
  AOT_hence ξ: x([G]x  [G]x) and ζ: x([G]x  [F]x)
    using "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(1),
                           THEN "dfE"[OF "df-rigid-rel:1"], THEN "&E"(2)]
          "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(2)] by blast+

  AOT_have rigid_num_nec: Numbers(x,F) & Rigidifies(G,F)  Numbers(x,G)
    for x G F
  proof(rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
    fix G F x
    AOT_assume Numbers_xF: Numbers(x,F)
    AOT_assume Rigidifies(G,F)
    AOT_hence ξ: Rigid(G) and ζ: x([G]x  [F]x)
      using "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfE"] "&E" by blast+
    AOT_thus Numbers(x,G)
    proof (safe intro!:
          "num-cont:2"[THEN "→E", OF ξ, THEN "qml:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"],
                       THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"]
          "num-tran:3"[THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(1), rotated, OF Numbers_xF]
          eqE[THEN "dfI"]
            "&I" "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst] Ordinary.GEN "→I")
      AOT_show [F]u  [G]u for u
        using ζ[THEN "∀E"(2)] by (metis "≡E"(6) "oth-class-taut:3:a") 
  AOT_have Numbers(y,G)
    using rigid_num_nec[THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF props[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)],
                        OF Ridigifies_G_F].
  moreover {
    AOT_have Rigidifies([G]-u, [F]-u)
    proof (safe intro!: "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfI"] "df-rigid-rel:2"[THEN "dfI"]
                        "&I" "F-u[den]" GEN "≡I" "→I")
      AOT_have x([G]x  [G]x)  x([[G]-u]x  [[G]-u]x)
      proof (rule RM; safe intro!: "→I" GEN)
        AOT_modally_strict {
          fix x
          AOT_assume 0: x([G]x  [G]x)
          AOT_assume 1: [[G]-u]x
          AOT_have x [G]x & x E u]x
            apply (rule "F-u"[THEN "=dfE"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified])
             apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
            by (fact 1)
          AOT_hence [G]x & x E u
            by (rule "β→C"(1))
          AOT_hence 2: [G]x and 3: x E u
            using "&E" 0[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] "id-nec4:1" "≡E"(1) by blast+
          AOT_show [[G]-u]x
            apply (AOT_subst [[G]-u]x [G]x & x E u)
             apply (rule "F-u"[THEN "=dfI"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified])
              apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
             apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
            apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
            using 2 3 "KBasic:3" "≡S"(2) "≡E"(2) by blast
      AOT_thus x([[G]-u]x  [[G]-u]x) using ξ "→E" by blast
      fix x
      AOT_assume [[G]-u]x
      AOT_hence x [G]x & x E u]x
        by (auto intro: "F-u"[THEN "=dfE"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified]
                intro!: "cqt:2")
      AOT_hence [G]x & x E u
        by (rule "β→C"(1))
      AOT_hence [F]x & x E u
        using ζ "&I" "&E"(1) "&E"(2) "≡E"(1) "rule-ui:3" by blast
      AOT_hence x [F]x & x E u]x
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
      AOT_thus [[F]-u]x
        by (auto intro: "F-u"[THEN "=dfI"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified]
                intro!: "cqt:2")
      fix x
      AOT_assume [[F]-u]x
      AOT_hence x [F]x & x E u]x
        by (auto intro: "F-u"[THEN "=dfE"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified]
                intro!: "cqt:2")
      AOT_hence [F]x & x E u
        by (rule "β→C"(1))
      AOT_hence [G]x & x E u
        using ζ "&I" "&E"(1) "&E"(2) "≡E"(2) "rule-ui:3" by blast
      AOT_hence x [G]x & x E u]x
        by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
      AOT_thus [[G]-u]x
        by (auto intro: "F-u"[THEN "=dfI"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified]
                intro!: "cqt:2")
    AOT_hence Numbers(x,[G]-u)
      using rigid_num_nec[unvarify F G, OF "F-u[den]", OF "F-u[den]", THEN "→E",
                          OF "&I", OF props[THEN "&E"(2)]] by blast
  moreover AOT_have [G]u
    using props[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1), THEN ζ[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(2)]]
          ξ[THEN "qml:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"], THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"]
    by blast
  ultimately AOT_have ([G]u & Numbers(y,G) & Numbers(x,[G]-u))
    by (metis "KBasic:3" "&I" "≡E"(2))
  AOT_hence u (([G]u & Numbers(y,G) & Numbers(x,[G]-u)))
    by (rule "Ordinary.∃I")
  AOT_hence u ([G]u & Numbers(y,G) & Numbers(x,[G]-u))
    using "Ordinary.res-var-bound-reas[Buridan]" "→E" by fast
  AOT_hence F u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    by (rule "∃I")
  AOT_hence 0: Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    using Buridan "vdash-properties:10" by fast
  AOT_show []xy
    by (AOT_subst []xy Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u));
        simp add: "pred-thm:3" 0)

AOT_theorem "pred-1-1:2": Rigid()
  by (safe intro!: "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfI"] "pred-thm:2" "&I"
                   RN tuple_forall[THEN "dfI"];
      safe intro!: GEN "pred-1-1:1")

AOT_theorem "pred-1-1:3": 1-1()
proof (safe intro!: "df-1-1:1"[THEN "dfI"] "pred-thm:2" "&I" GEN "→I";
       frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  fix x y z
  AOT_assume []xz
  AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(z,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    using "pred-thm:3"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  then AOT_obtain F where u ([F]u & Numbers(z,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain u where u_prop: [F]u & Numbers(z,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u)
    using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
  AOT_assume []yz
  AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(z,F) & Numbers(y,[F]-u))
    using "pred-thm:3"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  then AOT_obtain G where u ([G]u & Numbers(z,G) & Numbers(y,[G]-u))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain v where v_prop: [G]v & Numbers(z,G) & Numbers(y,[G]-v)
    using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
  AOT_show x = y
  proof (rule "pre-Hume"[unvarify G H, OF "F-u[den]", OF "F-u[den]",
                         THEN "→E", OF "&I", THEN "≡E"(2)])
    AOT_show Numbers(x, [F]-u)
      using u_prop "&E" by blast
    AOT_show Numbers(y, [G]-v)
      using v_prop "&E" by blast
    AOT_have F E G
      using u_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]
      using v_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]
      using "num-tran:2"[THEN "→E", OF "&I"] by blast
    AOT_thus [F]-u E [G]-v
      using u_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]
      using v_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]
      using eqP'[THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF "&I"]
      by blast

AOT_theorem "pred-1-1:4": Rigid1-1()
  by (meson "dfI" "&I" "df-1-1:2" "pred-1-1:2" "pred-1-1:3")

AOT_theorem "assume-anc:1":
  []* = xy F((z([]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,))  [F]y)]
  apply (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "ances-df"])
   apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
  apply (rule "=I"(1))
  by "cqt:2[lambda]"

AOT_theorem "assume-anc:2": *
  using "t=t-proper:1" "assume-anc:1" "vdash-properties:10" by blast

AOT_theorem "assume-anc:3":
  [*]xy  F((z([]xz  [F]z) & x'y'([]x'y'  ([F]x'  [F]y')))  [F]y)
proof -
  AOT_have prod_den:  «(AOT_term_of_var x1,AOT_term_of_var x2)»
    for x1 x2 :: κ AOT_var
    by (simp add: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")
  AOT_have den: xy F((z([]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,))  [F]y)]
    by "cqt:2[lambda]"
  AOT_have 1: [*]xy  F((z([]xz  [F]z) & Hereditary(F,))  [F]y)
    apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF "assume-anc:1"[symmetric]])
    by (rule "beta-C-meta"[unvarify ν1νn, OF prod_den, THEN "→E",
                           simplified, OF den, simplified])
  show ?thesis
    apply (AOT_subst (reverse) x'y' ([]x'y'  ([F]x'  [F]y'))
                               Hereditary(F,) for: F :: ‹<κ>›)
    using "hered:1"[THEN "≡Df", THEN "≡S"(1), OF "&I", OF "pred-thm:2",
                    OF "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst]] apply blast
    by (fact 1)

AOT_theorem "no-pred-0:1": ¬x []x 0
proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
  AOT_assume x []x 0
  then AOT_obtain a where []a 0
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(0, F) & Numbers(a, [F]-u))
    using "pred-thm:3"[unvarify y, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  then AOT_obtain F where u ([F]u & Numbers(0, F) & Numbers(a, [F]-u))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain u where [F]u & Numbers(0, F) & Numbers(a, [F]-u)
    using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
  AOT_hence [F]u and num0_F: Numbers(0, F)
    using "&E" "&I" by blast+
  AOT_hence u [F]u
    using "Ordinary.∃I" by fast
  moreover AOT_have ¬u [F]u
    using num0_F  "≡E"(2) "0F:1" by blast
  ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p
    by (metis "raa-cor:3")

AOT_theorem "no-pred-0:2": ¬x [*]x 0
proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
  AOT_assume x [*]x 0
  then AOT_obtain a where [*]a 0
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence z []z 0
    using "anc-her:5"[unvarify R y, OF "zero:2",
                      OF "pred-thm:2", THEN "→E"] by auto
  AOT_thus z []z 0 & ¬z []z 0
    by (metis "no-pred-0:1" "raa-cor:3")

AOT_theorem "no-pred-0:3": ¬[*]0 0
  by (metis "existential:1" "no-pred-0:2" "reductio-aa:1" "zero:2")

AOT_theorem "assume1:1": (=⇩) = xy z ([]xz & []yz)]
  apply (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "id-d-R"])
   apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
  apply (rule "=I"(1))
  by "cqt:2[lambda]"

AOT_theorem "assume1:2": x =⇩ y  z ([]xz & []yz)
proof (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF "assume1:1"[symmetric]])
  AOT_have prod_den:  «(AOT_term_of_var x1,AOT_term_of_var x2)»
    for x1 x2 :: κ AOT_var
    by (simp add: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")
  AOT_have 1: xy z ([]xz & []yz)]
    by "cqt:2"
  AOT_show xy z ([]xz & []yz)]xy  z ([]xz & []yz)
    using "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", OF 1, unvarify ν1νn,
                        OF prod_den, simplified] by blast

AOT_theorem "assume1:3": []+ = xy []*xy  x =⇩ y]
  apply (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "w-ances-df"])
   apply (simp add: "w-ances-df[den1]")
  apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF "assume1:1"[symmetric]])
  apply (rule "=dfI"(1)[OF "id-d-R"])
   apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
  apply (rule "=I"(1))
  by "cqt:2[lambda]"

AOT_theorem "assume1:4": []+
  using "w-ances-df[den2]".

AOT_theorem "assume1:5": []+xy  []*xy  x =⇩ y
proof -
  AOT_have 0: xy []*xy  x =⇩ y] by "cqt:2"
  AOT_have prod_den:  «(AOT_term_of_var x1, AOT_term_of_var x2)»
    for x1 x2 :: κ AOT_var
    by (simp add: "&I" "ex:1:a" prod_denotesI "rule-ui:3")
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF "assume1:3"[symmetric]])
    using "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", OF 0, unvarify ν1νn, OF prod_den, simplified]
    by (simp add: cond_case_prod_eta)

AOT_define NaturalNumber :: τ ()
  "nnumber:1":  =df x []+0x]

AOT_theorem "nnumber:2": 
  by (rule "=dfI"(2)[OF "nnumber:1"]; "cqt:2[lambda]")

AOT_theorem "nnumber:3": []x  []+0x
  apply (rule "=dfI"(2)[OF "nnumber:1"])
   apply "cqt:2[lambda]"
  apply (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])
  by "cqt:2[lambda]"

AOT_theorem "0-n": []0
proof (safe intro!: "nnumber:3"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(2)]
    "assume1:5"[unvarify x y, OF "zero:2", OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(2)]
    "∨I"(2) "assume1:2"[unvarify x y, OF "zero:2", OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(2)])
  fix u
  AOT_have den: x O!x & x =E u] by "cqt:2[lambda]"
  AOT_obtain a where a_prop: Numbers(a, x O!x & x =E u])
    using "num:1"[unvarify G, OF den] "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_have []0a
  proof (safe intro!: "pred-thm:3"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(2)]
                      "∃I"(1)[where τ=«x O!x & x =E u]»]
                      "Ordinary.∃I"[where β=u] "&I" den
                      "0F:1"[unvarify F, OF "F-u[den]", unvarify F,
                             OF den, THEN "≡E"(1)])
    AOT_show x [O!]x & x =E u]u
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "&I" "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E"]
    AOT_show Numbers(a,x [O!]x & x =E u])
      using a_prop.
    AOT_show ¬v [x [O!]x & x =E u]-u]v
    proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
      AOT_assume v [x [O!]x & x =E u]-u]v
      then AOT_obtain v where [x [O!]x & x =E u]-u]v
        using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] "&E" by blast
      AOT_hence z x [O!]x & x =E u]z & z E u]v
        apply (rule "F-u"[THEN "=dfE"(1), where τ1τn="(_,_)", simplified, rotated])
        by "cqt:2[lambda]"
      AOT_hence x [O!]x & x =E u]v & v E u
        by (rule "β→C"(1))
      AOT_hence v =E u and v E u
        using "β→C"(1) "&E" by blast+
      AOT_hence v =E u & ¬(v =E u)
        by (metis "≡E"(4) "reductio-aa:1" "thm-neg=E")
      AOT_thus p & ¬p for p
        by (metis "raa-cor:1")
  AOT_thus z ([]0z & []0z)
    by (safe intro!: "&I" "∃I"(2)[where β=a])

AOT_theorem "mod-col-num:1": []x  []x
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_have nec0N: x []x]0
    by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" simp: "zero:2" RN "0-n")
  AOT_have 1: x []x]0 &
    xy ([[]+]0x & [[]+]0y  ([]xy  (x []x]x  x []x]y))) 
    x ([[]+]0x  x []x]x)
    by (auto intro!: "cqt:2"
              intro: "pre-ind"[unconstrain, unvarify β, OF "pred-thm:2",
                               THEN "→E", OF "pred-1-1:4", unvarify z, OF "zero:2",
                               unvarify F])
  AOT_have x ([[]+]0x  x []x]x)
  proof (rule 1[THEN "→E"]; safe intro!: "&I" GEN "→I" nec0N;
         frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
    fix x y
    AOT_assume []xy
    AOT_hence 0: []xy
      by (metis "pred-1-1:1" "→E")
    AOT_assume x []x]x
    AOT_hence []x
      by (rule "β→C"(1))
    AOT_hence ([]xy & []x)
      by (metis "0" "KBasic:3" Adjunction "≡E"(2) "→E")
    moreover AOT_have ([]xy & []x)  []y
    proof (rule RM; rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
      AOT_modally_strict {
        AOT_assume 0: []xy
        AOT_assume []x
        AOT_hence 1: [[]+]0x
          by (metis "≡E"(1) "nnumber:3")
        AOT_show []y
          apply (rule "nnumber:3"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
          apply (rule "assume1:5"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(2)])
          apply (rule "∨I"(1))
          apply (rule "w-ances-her:3"[unconstrain, unvarify β, OF "pred-thm:2",
                                      THEN "→E", OF "pred-1-1:4", unvarify x,
                                      OF "zero:2", THEN "→E"])
          apply (rule "&I")
           apply (fact 1)
          by (fact 0)
    ultimately AOT_have []y
      by (metis "→E") 
    AOT_thus x []x]y
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
  AOT_hence 0: [[]+]0x  x []x]x
    using "∀E"(2) by blast
  AOT_assume []x
  AOT_hence [[]+]0x
    by (metis "≡E"(1) "nnumber:3")
  AOT_hence x []x]x
    using 0[THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_thus []x
    by (rule "β→C"(1))

AOT_theorem "mod-col-num:2": Rigid()
  by (safe intro!: "df-rigid-rel:1"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" RN GEN
                   "mod-col-num:1" "nnumber:2")

  Number: []κ
  AOT_modally_strict {
    AOT_show x []x
      by (rule "∃I"(1)[where τ=«0»]; simp add: "0-n" "zero:2")
  AOT_modally_strict {
    AOT_show []κ  κ for κ
      by (simp add: "→I" "cqt:5:a[1]"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E", THEN "&E"(2)])
  AOT_modally_strict {
    AOT_show x([]x  []x)
      by (simp add: GEN "mod-col-num:1")
  Number: m n k i j

AOT_theorem "0-pred": ¬n []n 0
proof (rule "raa-cor:2")
  AOT_assume n []n 0
  then AOT_obtain n where []n 0
    using "Number.∃E"[rotated] by meson
  AOT_hence x []x 0
    using "&E" "∃I" by fast
  AOT_thus x []x 0 & ¬x []x 0
    using "no-pred-0:1" "&I" by auto

AOT_theorem "no-same-succ":
  nmk([]nk & []mk  n = m)
proof(safe intro!: Number.GEN "→I")
  fix n m k
  AOT_assume []nk & []mk
  AOT_thus n = m
    by (safe intro!: "cqt:2[const_var]"[axiom_inst] "df-1-1:3"[
          unvarify R, OF "pred-thm:2",
          THEN "→E", OF "pred-1-1:4", THEN "qml:2"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"],
          THEN "dfE"[OF "df-1-1:1"], THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(1), THEN "∀E"(1),
          THEN "∀E"(1)[where τ=AOT_term_of_var (Number.Rep k)], THEN "→E"])

AOT_theorem induction:
  F([F]0 & nm([]nm  ([F]n  [F]m))  n[F]n)
proof (safe intro!: GEN[where 'a=<κ>] Number.GEN "&I" "→I";
       frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  fix F n
  AOT_assume F0: [F]0
  AOT_assume 0: nm([]nm  ([F]n  [F]m))
    fix x y
    AOT_assume [[]+]0x & [[]+]0y
    AOT_hence []x and []y
      using "&E" "≡E"(2) "nnumber:3" by blast+
    moreover AOT_assume []xy
    moreover AOT_assume [F]x
    ultimately AOT_have [F]y
      using 0[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E", THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E",
              THEN "→E", THEN "→E"] by blast
  } note 1 = this
  AOT_have 0: [[]+]0n
    by (metis "≡E"(1) "nnumber:3" Number.ψ)
  AOT_show [F]n
    apply (rule "pre-ind"[unconstrain, unvarify β, THEN "→E", OF "pred-thm:2",
                          OF "pred-1-1:4", unvarify z, OF "zero:2", THEN "→E",
                          THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"];
           safe intro!: 0 "&I" GEN "→I" F0)
    using 1 by blast

AOT_theorem "suc-num:1": []nx  []x
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_have [[]+]0 n
    by (meson Number.ψ "≡E"(1) "nnumber:3")
  moreover AOT_assume []nx
  ultimately AOT_have [[]*]0 x
    using "w-ances-her:3"[unconstrain, unvarify β, OF "pred-thm:2", THEN "→E",
                          OF "pred-1-1:4", unvarify x, OF "zero:2",
                          THEN "→E", OF "&I"]
    by blast
  AOT_hence [[]+]0 x 
    using "assume1:5"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(2), OF "∨I"(1)]
    by blast
  AOT_thus []x
    by (metis "≡E"(2) "nnumber:3")

AOT_theorem "suc-num:2": [[]*]nx  []x
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_have [[]+]0 n
    using Number.ψ "≡E"(1) "nnumber:3" by blast
  AOT_assume [[]*]n x
  AOT_hence F (z ([]nz  [F]z) & x'y' ([]x'y'  ([F]x'  [F]y'))  [F]x)
    using "assume-anc:3"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  AOT_hence θ: z ([]nz  []z) & x'y' ([]x'y'  ([]x'  []y'))  []x
    using "∀E"(1) "nnumber:2" by blast
  AOT_show []x
  proof (safe intro!: θ[THEN "→E"] GEN "→I" "&I")
    AOT_show []z if []nz for z
      using Number.ψ "suc-num:1" that "→E" by blast
    AOT_show []y if []xy and []x for x y
      using "suc-num:1"[unconstrain n, THEN "→E"] that "→E" by blast

AOT_theorem "suc-num:3": []+nx  []x
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume []+nx
  AOT_hence []*nx  n =⇩ x
    by (metis "assume1:5" "≡E"(1))
  moreover {
    AOT_assume []*nx
    AOT_hence []x
      by (metis "suc-num:2" "→E")
  moreover {
    AOT_assume n =⇩ x
    AOT_hence n = x
      using "id-R-thm:3"[unconstrain, unvarify β, OF "pred-thm:2",
                         THEN "→E", OF "pred-1-1:4", THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_hence []x
      by (metis "rule=E" Number.ψ)
  ultimately AOT_show []x
    by (metis "∨E"(3) "reductio-aa:1")

AOT_theorem "pred-num": []xn  []x
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: []xn
  AOT_have [[]+]0 n
    using Number.ψ "≡E"(1) "nnumber:3" by blast
  AOT_hence [[]*]0 n  0 =⇩ n
    using "assume1:5"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2"] by (metis "≡E"(1))
  moreover {
    AOT_assume 0 =⇩ n
    AOT_hence z ([]0z & []nz)
      using "assume1:2"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
    then AOT_obtain a where []0a & []na using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_hence 0 = n
      using "pred-1-1:3"[THEN "df-1-1:1"[THEN "dfE"], THEN "&E"(2),
                         THEN "∀E"(1), OF "zero:2", THEN "∀E"(2),
                         THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_hence []x 0
      using 0 "rule=E" id_sym by fast
    AOT_hence x []x 0
      by (rule "∃I")
    AOT_hence x []x 0 & ¬x []x 0
      by (metis "no-pred-0:1" "raa-cor:3")
  ultimately AOT_have [[]*]0n
    by (metis "∨E"(3) "raa-cor:1")
  AOT_hence z ([[]+]0z & []zn)
    using "w-ances-her:7"[unconstrain, unvarify β, OF "pred-thm:2",
                          THEN "→E", OF "pred-1-1:4", unvarify x,
                          OF "zero:2", THEN "→E"] by blast
  then AOT_obtain b where b_prop: [[]+]0b & []bn
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence []b
    by (metis "&E"(1) "≡E"(2) "nnumber:3")
  moreover AOT_have x = b
    using "pred-1-1:3"[THEN "df-1-1:1"[THEN "dfE"], THEN "&E"(2),
                       THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E",
                       OF "&I", OF 0, OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(2)]].
  ultimately AOT_show []x
    using "rule=E" id_sym by fast

AOT_theorem "nat-card": []x  NaturalCardinal(x)
proof(rule "→I")
  AOT_assume []x
  AOT_hence [[]+]0x
    by (metis "≡E"(1) "nnumber:3")
  AOT_hence [[]*]0x  0 =⇩ x
    using "assume1:5"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  moreover {
    AOT_assume [[]*]0x
    then AOT_obtain a where []ax
      using "anc-her:5"[unvarify R x, OF "zero:2", OF "pred-thm:2", THEN "→E"]
            "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(a,[F]-u))
      using "pred-thm:3"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
    then AOT_obtain F where u ([F]u & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(a,[F]-u))
      using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    then AOT_obtain u where [F]u & Numbers(x,F) & Numbers(a,[F]-u)
      using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson
    AOT_hence NaturalCardinal(x)
      using "eq-num:6"[THEN "→E"] "&E" by blast
  moreover {
    AOT_assume 0 =⇩ x
    AOT_hence 0 = x
      using "id-R-thm:3"[unconstrain, unvarify β, OF "pred-thm:2",
                         THEN "→E", OF "pred-1-1:4", unvarify x,
                         OF "zero:2", THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_hence NaturalCardinal(x)
      by (metis "rule=E" "zero-card")
  ultimately AOT_show NaturalCardinal(x)
    by (metis "∨E"(2) "raa-cor:1")

AOT_theorem "pred-func:1": []xy & []xz  y = z
proof (rule "→I"; frule "&E"(1); drule "&E"(2))
  AOT_assume []xy
  AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    using "pred-thm:3"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  then AOT_obtain F where u ([F]u & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain a where
            Oa: O!a
    and a_prop: [F]a & Numbers(y,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-a)
    using "∃E"[rotated] "&E" by blast
  AOT_assume []xz
  AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(z,F) & Numbers(x,[F]-u))
    using "pred-thm:3"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  then AOT_obtain G where u ([G]u & Numbers(z,G) & Numbers(x,[G]-u))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  then AOT_obtain b where Ob: O!b
                  and b_prop: [G]b & Numbers(z,G) & Numbers(x,[G]-b)
    using "∃E"[rotated] "&E" by blast
  AOT_have [F]-a E  [G]-b
    using "num-tran:2"[unvarify G H, OF "F-u[den]", OF "F-u[den]",
                       THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF a_prop[THEN "&E"(2)],
                       OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(2)]].
  AOT_hence F E G
    using "P'-eq"[unconstrain u, THEN "→E", OF Oa, unconstrain v, THEN "→E",
                  OF Ob, THEN "→E", OF "&I", OF "&I"]
          a_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)]
          b_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)] by blast
  AOT_thus y = z
    using "pre-Hume"[THEN "→E", THEN "≡E"(2), OF "&I",
                     OF a_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)],
                     OF b_prop[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2)]]
    by blast

AOT_theorem "pred-func:2": []nm & []nk  m = k
  using "pred-func:1".

AOT_theorem being_number_of_den: x x = #G]
proof (rule "safe-ext"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"]; safe intro!: "&I" GEN RN)
  AOT_show x Numbers(x,z 𝒜[G]z])]
    by (rule numbers_prop_den[unvarify G]) "cqt:2[lambda]"
  AOT_modally_strict {
    AOT_show Numbers(x,z 𝒜[G]z])  x = #G for x
      using "eq-num:2".

axiomatization ω_nat :: ω  nat where ω_nat: surj ω_nat
text‹Unfortunately, since the axiom requires the type @{typ ω}
     to have an infinite domain, @{command nitpick} can only find a potential model
     and no genuine model.
     However, since we could trivially choose @{typ ω} as a copy of @{typ nat},
     we can still be assured that above axiom is consistent.›
lemma True nitpick[satisfy, user_axioms, card nat=1, expect = potential] ..

AOT_axiom "modal-axiom":
  x([]x & x = #G)  y([E!]y & u (𝒜[G]u  u E y))
proof(rule AOT_model_axiomI) AOT_modally_strict {
  text‹The actual extension on the ordinary objects of a property is the
       set of ordinary urelements that exemplifies the property in the
       designated actual world.›
  define act_ωext :: <κ>  ω set where
    act_ωext  λ Π . {x :: ω . [w0  [Π]«ωκ x»]}
  text‹Encoding a property with infinite actual extension on the ordinary objects
       denotes a property by extended relation comprehension.›
  AOT_have enc_finite_act_ωext_den:
     x F(¬«ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)» & x[F])]
  proof(safe intro!: Comprehension_1[THEN "→E"] RN GEN "→I")
    AOT_modally_strict {
      fix F G
      AOT_assume G E F
      AOT_hence 𝒜G E F
        using "nec-imp-act"[THEN "→E"] by blast
      AOT_hence 𝒜(G & F & u([G]u  [F]u))
        by (AOT_subst_def (reverse) eqE)
      hence [w0  [G]«ωκ x»] = [w0  [F]«ωκ x»] for x
        by (auto dest!: "∀E"(1) "→E"
                 simp: AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_conj
                       AOT_model_ωκ_ordinary AOT_sem_act AOT_sem_equiv)
      AOT_thus ¬«ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var F))» 
                ¬«ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var G))»
        by (simp add: AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_equiv act_ωext_def
  text‹By coexistence, encoding only properties with finite actual extension
       on the ordinary objects denotes.›
  AOT_have x F(x[F]  «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)»)]
  proof(rule "safe-ext"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"]; safe intro!: "&I" RN GEN)
    AOT_show x ¬x F(¬«ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)» & x[F])]x]
      by "cqt:2"
    AOT_modally_strict {
      fix x
      AOT_show ¬x F (¬«ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)» & x[F])]x 
                F(x[F]  «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)»)
        by (AOT_subst x F (¬«ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)» & x[F])]x
                          F (¬«ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)» & x[F]);
            (rule "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"])?)
           (auto simp: enc_finite_act_ωext_den AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_not
                       AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_exists)
  text‹We show by induction that any property encoded by a natural number
       has a finite actual extension on the ordinary objects.›
  AOT_hence x F(x[F]  «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)»)]n for n
  proof(rule induction[THEN "∀E"(1), THEN "→E", THEN "Number.∀E"];
        safe intro!: "&I" "Number.GEN" "β←C" "zero:2" "→I" "cqt:2"
             dest!: "β→C")
    AOT_show F(0[F]  «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)»)
    proof(safe intro!: GEN "→I")
      fix F
      AOT_assume 0[F]
      AOT_actually {
        AOT_hence ¬u [F]u
          using "zero=:2" "intro-elim:3:a" AOT_sem_enc_nec by blast
        AOT_hence x ¬(O!x & [F]x)
          using "cqt-further:4" "vdash-properties:10" by blast
        hence ¬([w0  [F]«ωκ x»]) for x
          by (auto dest!: "∀E"(1)[where τ=ωκ x]
                    simp: AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_conj AOT_model_ωκ_ordinary
      AOT_thus «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var F))»
        by (auto simp: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp act_ωext_def)
    fix n m
    AOT_assume []nm
    AOT_hence Fu ([F]u & Numbers(m,F) & Numbers(n,[F]-u))
      using "pred-thm:3"[THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
    then AOT_obtain G where u ([G]u & Numbers(m,G) & Numbers(n,[G]-u))
      using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    then AOT_obtain u where 0: [G]u & Numbers(m,G) & Numbers(n,[G]-u)
      using "Ordinary.∃E"[rotated] by meson

    AOT_assume n_prop: F(n[F]  «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)»)
    AOT_show F(m[F]  «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)»)
    proof(safe intro!: GEN "→I")
      fix F
      AOT_assume m[F]
      AOT_hence 1: x 𝒜[F]x] E G
        using 0[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(2), THEN numbers[THEN "dfE"],
                THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(1)] by auto
      AOT_show «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var F))»
      proof(rule "raa-cor:1")
        AOT_assume ¬«ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var F))»
        hence inf: infinite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var F))
          by (auto simp: AOT_sem_not AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)
        then AOT_obtain v where act_F_v: 𝒜[F]v
          unfolding AOT_sem_act act_ωext_def
          by (metis AOT_term_of_var_cases AOT_model_ωκ_ordinary
                    AOT_model_denotes_κ_def Ordinary.Rep_cases κ.disc(7)
                    mem_Collect_eq not_finite_existsD)
        AOT_hence x 𝒜[F]x]v
          by (safe intro!: "β←C" "cqt:2")
        AOT_hence x 𝒜[F]x]-v E [G]-u
          by (safe intro!: eqP'[unvarify F, THEN "→E"] "&I" "cqt:2" 1
                           0[THEN "&E"(1), THEN "&E"(1)])
        moreover AOT_have x 𝒜[F]x]-v E x 𝒜y [F]y & y E v]x]
        proof(safe intro!: "apE-eqE:1"[unvarify F G, THEN "→E"] "cqt:2"
                           "F-u[den]"[unvarify F] eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I"
          fix u
          AOT_have x x 𝒜[F]x]x & x E v]u  x 𝒜[F]x]u & u E v
            by (safe intro!: "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"] "cqt:2")
          also AOT_have x 𝒜[F]x]u & u E v  𝒜[F]u & u E v
            by (AOT_subst x 𝒜[F]x]u 𝒜[F]u)
               (safe intro!: "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"] "cqt:2"
          also AOT_have 𝒜[F]u & u E v  𝒜([F]u & u E v)
            using "id-act2:2" AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_act by auto
          also AOT_have 𝒜([F]u & u E v)  𝒜y [F]y & y E v]u
            by (AOT_subst y [F]y & y E v]u [F]u & u E v)
               (safe intro!: "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E"] "cqt:2"
          also AOT_have 𝒜y [F]y & y E v]u  x 𝒜y [F]y & y E v]x]u
            by (safe intro!: "beta-C-meta"[THEN "→E", symmetric] "cqt:2")
          finally AOT_show [x 𝒜[F]x]-v]u  x 𝒜y [F]y & y E v]x]u
            by (auto intro!: "cqt:2"
                     intro: "rule-id-df:2:b"[OF "F-u", where τ1τn=(_,_), simplified])
        ultimately AOT_have x 𝒜y [F]y & y E v]x] E [G]-u
          using "eq-part:2[terms]" "eq-part:3[terms]" "→E" by blast
        AOT_hence ny [F]y & y E v]
          by (safe intro!: 0[THEN "&E"(2), THEN numbers[THEN "dfE"],
                THEN "&E"(2), THEN "∀E"(1), THEN "≡E"(2)] "cqt:2")
        hence finite: finite (act_ωext «y [F]y & y E v]»)
          by (safe intro!: n_prop[THEN "∀E"(1), THEN "→E",
                                  simplified AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp]
        obtain y where y_def: ωκ y = AOT_term_of_var (Ordinary.Rep v)
          by (metis AOT_model_ordinary_ωκ Ordinary.restricted_var_condition)
        AOT_actually {
          fix x
          AOT_assume y [F]y & y E v]«ωκ x»
          AOT_hence [F]«ωκ x»
            by (auto dest!: "β→C" "&E"(1))
        moreover AOT_actually {
          AOT_have [F]«ωκ y»
            unfolding y_def using act_F_v AOT_sem_act by blast
        moreover AOT_actually {
          fix x
          assume noteq: x  y
          AOT_assume [F]«ωκ x»
          moreover AOT_have ωκ_x_den: «ωκ x»
            using AOT_sem_exe calculation by blast
          moreover {
            AOT_have ¬(«ωκ x» =E v)
            proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
              AOT_assume «ωκ x» =E v
              AOT_hence «ωκ x» = v
                using "=E-simple:2"[unvarify x, THEN "→E", OF ωκ_x_den]
                by blast
              hence ωκ x = ωκ y
                unfolding y_def AOT_sem_eq
                by meson
              hence x = y
                by blast
              AOT_thus p & ¬p for p using noteq by blast
            AOT_hence «ωκ x» E v
              by (safe intro!: "thm-neg=E"[unvarify x, THEN "≡E"(2)] ωκ_x_den)
          ultimately AOT_have y [F]y & y E v]«ωκ x»
            by (auto intro!: "β←C" "cqt:2" "&I")
        ultimately have (insert y (act_ωext «y [F]y & y E v]»)) =
                         (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var F))
          unfolding act_ωext_def
          by auto
        hence finite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var F))
          using finite finite.insertI by metis
        AOT_thus p & ¬p for p
          using inf by blast
  AOT_hence nat_enc_finite: F(n[F]  «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext F)») for n
    using "β→C"(1) by blast

  text‹The main proof can now generate a witness, since we required
       the domain of ordinary objects to be infinite.›
  AOT_show x ([]x & x = #G)  y (E!y & u (𝒜[G]u  u E y))
  proof(safe intro!: "→I")
    AOT_assume x ([]x & x = #G)
    then AOT_obtain n where n = #G
      using "Number.∃E"[rotated] by meson
    AOT_hence Numbers(n,x 𝒜[G]x])
      using "eq-num:3" "rule=E" id_sym by fast
    AOT_hence n[G]
      by (auto intro!: numbers[THEN "dfE", THEN "&E"(2),
                               THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "≡E"(2)]
                       "eq-part:1"[unvarify F] "cqt:2")
    AOT_hence «ε𝗈 w. finite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var G))»
      using nat_enc_finite[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E"] by blast
    hence finite: finite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var G))
      by (auto simp: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)
    AOT_have u ¬𝒜[G]u
    proof(rule "raa-cor:1")
      AOT_assume ¬u ¬𝒜[G]u
      AOT_hence x ¬(O!x & ¬𝒜[G]x)
        by (metis "cqt-further:4" "→E")
      AOT_hence 𝒜[G]x if O!x for x
        using "∀E"(2) AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_not that by blast
      hence [w0  [G]«ωκ x»] for x
        by (metis AOT_term_of_var_cases AOT_model_ωκ_ordinary
                  AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_sem_act κ.disc(7)) 
      hence (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var G)) = UNIV
        unfolding act_ωext_def by auto
      moreover have infinite (UNIV::ω set)
        by (metis ω_nat finite_imageI infinite_UNIV_char_0)
      ultimately have infinite (act_ωext (AOT_term_of_var G))
        by simp
      AOT_thus p & ¬p for p using finite by blast
    then AOT_obtain x where x_prop: O!x & ¬𝒜[G]x
      using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_hence E!x
      by (metis "betaC:1:a" "con-dis-i-e:2:a" AOT_sem_ordinary)
    moreover AOT_have u (𝒜[G]u  u E x)
    proof(safe intro!: RN GEN "→I")
      AOT_modally_strict {
        fix y
        AOT_assume O!y
        AOT_assume 0: 𝒜[G]y
        AOT_show y E x
        proof (safe intro!: "thm-neg=E"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "raa-cor:2")
          AOT_assume y =E x
          AOT_hence y = x
            by (metis "=E-simple:2" "vdash-properties:10")
          hence y = x
            by (simp add: AOT_sem_eq AOT_term_of_var_inject)
          AOT_hence ¬𝒜[G]y
            using x_prop "&E" AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_act by metis
          AOT_thus 𝒜[G]y & ¬𝒜[G]y
            using 0 "&I" by blast
    ultimately AOT_have (u (𝒜[G]u  u E x) & E!x)
      using "KBasic:16"[THEN "→E", OF "&I"] by blast
    AOT_hence (E!x & u (𝒜[G]u  u E x))
      by (AOT_subst E!x & u (𝒜[G]u  u E x) u (𝒜[G]u  u E x) & E!x)
         (auto simp: "oth-class-taut:2:a")
    AOT_hence y (E!y & u (𝒜[G]u  u E y))
      using "∃I" by fast
    AOT_thus y (E!y & u (𝒜[G]u  u E y))
      using "CBF◇"[THEN "→E"] by fast
} qed

AOT_theorem "modal-lemma":
  u(𝒜[G]u  u E v)  u(𝒜[G]u  u E v)
proof(safe intro!: "→I" Ordinary.GEN)
  AOT_modally_strict {
    fix u
    AOT_assume act_Gu: 𝒜[G]u
    AOT_have u (𝒜[G]u  u E v)  u E v
    proof(rule "→I")
      AOT_assume u (𝒜[G]u  u E v)
      AOT_hence 𝒜[G]u  u E v
        using "Ordinary.∀E" by fast
      AOT_thus u E v
        using act_Gu "→E" by blast
  } note 0 = this
  AOT_have θ: (u (𝒜[G]u  u E v)  u E v) if 𝒜[G]u for u
  proof -
    AOT_have 𝒜[G]u  (u (𝒜[G]u  u E v)  u E v)
      apply (rule RM) using 0 "&E" "→I" by blast
    thus ?thesis using that "→E" by blast
  fix u
  AOT_assume 1: u(𝒜[G]u  u E v)
  AOT_assume 𝒜[G]u
  AOT_hence 𝒜[G]u
    by (metis "Act-Basic:6" "≡E"(1))
  AOT_hence (u (𝒜[G]u  u E v)  u E v)
    using Ordinary.ψ θ by blast
  AOT_hence u E v
    using 1 "K◇"[THEN "→E", THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_thus u E v
    by (metis "id-nec4:2" "≡E"(1)) 

AOT_theorem "th-succ": n∃!m []nm
proof(safe intro!: Number.GEN "→I" "uniqueness:1"[THEN "dfI"])
  fix n
  AOT_have NaturalCardinal(n)
    by (metis "nat-card" Number.ψ "→E")
  AOT_hence G(n = #G)
    by (metis "dfE" card)
  then AOT_obtain G where n_num_G: n = #G
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence n (n = #G)
    by (rule "Number.∃I")
  AOT_hence y ([E!]y & u(𝒜[G]u  u E y))
    using "modal-axiom"[axiom_inst, THEN "→E"] by blast
  AOT_hence y ([E!]y & u(𝒜[G]u  u E y))
    using "BF◇"[THEN "→E"] by auto
  then AOT_obtain y where ([E!]y & u(𝒜[G]u  u E y))
    using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_hence E!y and 2: u(𝒜[G]u  u E y)
    using "KBasic2:3" "&E" "→E" by blast+
  AOT_hence Oy: O!y
    by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" intro: AOT_ordinary[THEN "=dfI"(2)])
  AOT_have 0: u(𝒜[G]u  u E y)
    using 2 "modal-lemma"[unconstrain v, THEN "→E", OF Oy, THEN "→E"] by simp
  AOT_have 1: x 𝒜[G]x  x =E y]
    by "cqt:2"
  AOT_obtain b where b_prop: Numbers(b, x 𝒜[G]x  x =E y])
    using "num:1"[unvarify G, OF 1] "∃E"[rotated] by blast
  AOT_have Pnb: []nb
  proof(safe intro!: "pred-thm:3"[THEN "≡E"(2)]
                     "∃I"(1)[where τ=«x 𝒜[G]x  x =E y]»]
                     1 "∃I"(2)[where β=y] "&I" Oy b_prop)
    AOT_show x 𝒜[G]x  x =E y]y
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2" "∨I"(2)
                       "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF Oy])
    AOT_have equinum: x 𝒜[G]x  x =E y]-y E x 𝒜[G]x]
    proof(rule "apE-eqE:1"[unvarify F G, THEN "→E"];
          ("cqt:2[lambda]" | rule "F-u[den]"[unvarify F]; "cqt:2[lambda]")?)
      AOT_show x 𝒜[G]x  x =E y]-y E x 𝒜[G]x]
      proof (safe intro!: eqE[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "F-u[den]"[unvarify F]
                          Ordinary.GEN "→I"; "cqt:2"?)
        fix u
        AOT_have [x 𝒜[G]x  [(=E)]xy]-y]u  (x 𝒜[G]x  x =E y]u) & u E y
          apply (rule "F-u"[THEN "=dfI"(1)[where τ1τn=(_,_)], simplified]; "cqt:2"?)
          by (rule "beta-C-cor:2"[THEN "→E", THEN "∀E"(2)]; "cqt:2")
        also AOT_have    (𝒜[G]u  u =E y) & u E y
          apply (AOT_subst x 𝒜[G]x  [(=E)]xy]u 𝒜[G]u  u =E y)
           apply (rule "beta-C-cor:2"[THEN "→E", THEN "∀E"(2)]; "cqt:2")
          using "oth-class-taut:3:a" by blast
        also AOT_have   𝒜[G]u
        proof(safe intro!: "≡I" "→I")
          AOT_assume (𝒜[G]u  u =E y) & u E y
          AOT_thus 𝒜[G]u
            by (metis "&E"(1) "&E"(2) "∨E"(3) "≡E"(1) "thm-neg=E")
          AOT_assume 𝒜[G]u
          AOT_hence u E y and 𝒜[G]u  u =E y
            using 0[THEN "∀E"(2), THEN "→E", OF Ordinary.ψ, THEN "→E"]
                  "∨I" by blast+
          AOT_thus (𝒜[G]u  u =E y) & u E y
            using "&I" by simp
        also AOT_have   x 𝒜[G]x]u
          by (rule "beta-C-cor:2"[THEN "→E", THEN "∀E"(2), symmetric]; "cqt:2")
        finally AOT_show [x 𝒜[G]x  [(=E)]xy]-y]u  x 𝒜[G]x]u.
    AOT_have 2: x 𝒜[G]x] by "cqt:2[lambda]"
    AOT_show Numbers(n,x 𝒜[G]x  x =E y]-y)
      using "num-tran:1"[unvarify G H, OF 2, OF "F-u[den]"[unvarify F, OF 1],
                       THEN "→E", OF equinum, THEN "≡E"(2),
                       OF "eq-num:2"[THEN "≡E"(2), OF n_num_G]].
  AOT_show α ([]α & []nα & β ([]β & []nβ  β = α))
  proof(safe intro!: "∃I"(2)[where β=b] "&I" Pnb "→I" GEN)
    AOT_show []b using "suc-num:1"[THEN "→E", OF Pnb].
    fix y
    AOT_assume 0: []y & []ny
    AOT_show y = b
      apply (rule "pred-func:1"[THEN "→E"])
      using 0[THEN "&E"(2)] Pnb "&I" by blast

(* Note the use of a bold '. *)
AOT_define Successor :: τ  κs (‹_'' [100] 100)
  "def-suc": n' =df ιm([]nm)

text‹Note: not explicitly in PLM›
AOT_theorem "def-suc[den1]": ιm([]nm)
  using "A-Exists:2" "RA[2]" "≡E"(2) "th-succ"[THEN "Number.∀E"] by blast
text‹Note: not explicitly in PLM›
AOT_theorem "def-suc[den2]": shows n'
  by (rule "def-suc"[THEN "=dfI"(1)])
     (auto simp: "def-suc[den1]")

(* TODO: not in PLM *)
AOT_theorem suc_eq_desc: n' = ιm([]nm)
  by (rule "def-suc"[THEN "=dfI"(1)])
     (auto simp: "def-suc[den1]" "rule=I:1")

AOT_theorem "suc-fact": n = m  n' = m'
proof (rule "→I")
  AOT_assume 0: n = m
  AOT_show n' = m'
    apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF 0])
    by (rule "=I"(1)[OF "def-suc[den2]"])

AOT_theorem "ind-gnd": m = 0  n(m = n')
proof -
  AOT_have [[]+]0m
    using Number.ψ "≡E"(1) "nnumber:3" by blast
  AOT_hence [[]*]0m  0 =⇩ m
    using "assume1:5"[unvarify x, OF "zero:2", THEN "≡E"(1)] by blast
  moreover {
    AOT_assume [[]*]0m
    AOT_hence z ([[]+]0z & []zm)
      using "w-ances-her:7"[unconstrain, unvarify β x, OF "zero:2",
                            OF "pred-thm:2", THEN "→E", OF "pred-1-1:4",
                            THEN "→E"]
      by blast
    then AOT_obtain z where θ: [[]+]0z and ξ: []zm
      using "&E" "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_have Nz: []z
      using θ "≡E"(2) "nnumber:3" by blast
    moreover AOT_have m = z'
    proof (rule "def-suc"[THEN "=dfI"(1)];
           safe intro!: "def-suc[den1]"[unconstrain n, THEN "→E", OF Nz]
                        "nec-hintikka-scheme"[THEN "≡E"(2)] "&I"
                        GEN "→I" "Act-Basic:2"[THEN "≡E"(2)])
      AOT_show 𝒜[]m using Number.ψ
        by (meson "mod-col-num:1" "nec-imp-act" "→E")
      AOT_show 𝒜[]zm using ξ
        by (meson "nec-imp-act" "pred-1-1:1" "→E")
      fix y
      AOT_assume 𝒜([]y & []zy)
      AOT_hence 𝒜[]y and 𝒜[]zy
        using "Act-Basic:2" "&E" "≡E"(1) by blast+
      AOT_hence 0: []zy
        by (metis RN "≡E"(1) "pred-1-1:1" "sc-eq-fur:2" "→E")
      AOT_thus y = m
        using "pred-func:1"[THEN "→E", OF "&I"] ξ by metis
    ultimately AOT_have []z & m = z'
      by (rule "&I")
    AOT_hence n m = n'
      by (rule "∃I")
    hence ?thesis
      by (rule "∨I")
  moreover {
    AOT_assume 0 =⇩ m
    AOT_hence 0 = m
      using "id-R-thm:3"[unconstrain, unvarify β x, OF "zero:2", OF "pred-thm:2",
                         THEN "→E", OF "pred-1-1:4", THEN "→E"]
      by auto
    hence ?thesis using id_sym "∨I" by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (metis "∨E"(2) "raa-cor:1")

AOT_theorem "suc-thm": []n n'
proof -
  AOT_obtain x where m_is_n: x = n'
    using "free-thms:1"[THEN "≡E"(1), OF "def-suc[den2]"]
    using "∃E" by metis
  AOT_have 𝒜([]n' & []n n')
    apply (rule "rule=E"[rotated, OF suc_eq_desc[symmetric]])
    apply (rule "actual-desc:4"[THEN "→E"])
    by (simp add:  "def-suc[den1]")
  AOT_hence 𝒜[]n' and 𝒜[]n n'
    using "Act-Basic:2" "≡E"(1) "&E" by blast+
  AOT_hence 𝒜[]nx
    using m_is_n[symmetric] "rule=E" by fast+
  AOT_hence []nx
    by (metis RN "≡E"(1) "pred-1-1:1" "sc-eq-fur:2" "→E")
  thus ?thesis
    using m_is_n "rule=E" by fast

AOT_define Numeral1 :: κs (1)
  "numerals:1": 1 =df 0'

AOT_theorem "prec-facts:1": []0 1
  by (auto intro: "numerals:1"[THEN "rule-id-df:2:b[zero]",
                               OF "def-suc[den2]"[unconstrain n, unvarify β,
                                                  OF "zero:2", THEN "→E", OF "0-n"]]
                  "suc-thm"[unconstrain n, unvarify β, OF "zero:2",
                            THEN "→E", OF "0-n"])

(* TODO: more theorems *)

(* Note: we forgo restricted variables for natural cardinals. *)
AOT_define Finite :: τ  φ (Finite'(_'))
  "inf-card:1": Finite(x) df NaturalCardinal(x) & []x
AOT_define Infinite :: τ  φ (Infinite'(_'))
  "inf-card:2": Infinite(x) df NaturalCardinal(x) & ¬Finite(x)

AOT_theorem "inf-card-exist:1": NaturalCardinal(#O!)
  by (safe intro!: card[THEN "dfI"] "∃I"(1)[where τ=«O!»] "=I"
                   "num-def:2"[unvarify G] "oa-exist:1")

AOT_theorem "inf-card-exist:2": Infinite(#O!)
proof (safe intro!: "inf-card:2"[THEN "dfI"] "&I" "inf-card-exist:1")
  AOT_show ¬Finite(#O!)
  proof(rule "raa-cor:2")
    AOT_assume Finite(#O!)
    AOT_hence 0: []#O!
      using "inf-card:1"[THEN "dfE"] "&E"(2) by blast
    AOT_have Numbers(#O!, z 𝒜O!z])
      using "eq-num:3"[unvarify G, OF "oa-exist:1"].
    AOT_hence #O! = #O!
      using "eq-num:2"[unvarify x G, THEN "≡E"(1), OF "oa-exist:1",
                       OF "num-def:2"[unvarify G], OF "oa-exist:1"]
      by blast
    AOT_hence []#O! & #O! = #O!
      using 0 "&I" by blast
    AOT_hence x ([]x & x = #O!)
      using "num-def:2"[unvarify G, OF "oa-exist:1"] "∃I"(1) by fast
    AOT_hence y ([E!]y & u (𝒜[O!]u  u E y))
      using "modal-axiom"[axiom_inst, unvarify G, THEN "→E", OF "oa-exist:1"] by blast
    AOT_hence y ([E!]y & u (𝒜[O!]u  u E y))
      using "BF◇"[THEN "→E"] by blast
    then AOT_obtain b where ([E!]b & u (𝒜[O!]u  u E b))
      using "∃E"[rotated] by blast
    AOT_hence [E!]b and 2: u (𝒜[O!]u  u E b)
      using "KBasic2:3"[THEN "→E"] "&E" by blast+
    AOT_hence x [E!]x]b
      by (auto intro!: "β←C"(1) "cqt:2")
    moreover AOT_have O! = x [E!]x]
      by (rule "rule-id-df:1[zero]"[OF "oa:1"]) "cqt:2"
    ultimately AOT_have b_ord: O!b
      using "rule=E" id_sym by fast
    AOT_hence 𝒜O!b
      by (meson "≡E"(1) "oa-facts:7")
    moreover AOT_have 2: u (𝒜[O!]u  u E b)
      using "modal-lemma"[unvarify G, unconstrain v, OF "oa-exist:1",
                          THEN "→E", OF b_ord, THEN "→E", OF 2].
    ultimately AOT_have b E b
      using "Ordinary.∀E"[OF 2, unconstrain α, THEN "→E",
                          OF b_ord, THEN "→E"] by blast
    AOT_hence ¬(b =E b)
      by (metis "≡E"(1) "thm-neg=E")
    moreover AOT_have b =E b
      using "ord=Eequiv:1"[THEN "→E", OF b_ord].
    ultimately AOT_show p & ¬p for p
      by (metis "raa-cor:3")
