Theory AOT_semantics

theory AOT_semantics
  imports AOT_syntax

section‹Abstract Semantics for AOT›

  ― ‹Relate object level denoting to meta-denoting. AOT's definitions of
      denoting will become derivable at each type.›
  AOT_sem_denotes: [w  τ] = AOT_model_denotes τ
  by (rule exI[where x=λ τ . ε𝗈 w . AOT_model_denotes τ])
     (simp add: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)

lemma AOT_sem_var_induct[induct type: AOT_var]:
  assumes AOT_denoting_term_case:  τ . [v  τ]  [v  φ{τ}]
  shows [v  φ{α}]
  by (simp add: AOT_denoting_term_case AOT_sem_denotes AOT_term_of_var)

  AOT_sem_imp: [w  φ  ψ] = ([w  φ]  [w  ψ])
  by (rule exI[where x=λ φ ψ . ε𝗈 w . ([w  φ]  [w  ψ])])
    (simp add: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)

  AOT_sem_not: [w  ¬φ] = (¬[w  φ])
  by (rule exI[where x=λ φ . ε𝗈 w . ¬[w  φ]])
     (simp add: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)

  AOT_sem_box: [w  φ] = ( w . [w  φ])
  by (rule exI[where x=λ φ . ε𝗈 w .  w . [w  φ]])
     (simp add: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)

  AOT_sem_act: [w  𝒜φ] = [w0  φ]
  by (rule exI[where x=λ φ . ε𝗈 w . [w0  φ]])
     (simp add: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)

text‹Derived semantics for basic defined connectives.›
lemma AOT_sem_conj: [w  φ & ψ] = ([w  φ]  [w  ψ])
  using AOT_conj AOT_model_equiv_def AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_not by auto
lemma AOT_sem_equiv: [w  φ  ψ] = ([w  φ] = [w  ψ])
  using AOT_equiv AOT_sem_conj AOT_model_equiv_def AOT_sem_imp by auto
lemma AOT_sem_disj: [w  φ  ψ] = ([w  φ]  [w  ψ])
  using AOT_disj AOT_model_equiv_def AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_not by auto
lemma AOT_sem_dia: [w  φ] = ( w . [w  φ])
  using AOT_dia AOT_sem_box AOT_model_equiv_def AOT_sem_not by auto

  AOT_sem_forall: [w  α φ{α}] = ( τ . [w  τ]  [w  φ{τ}])
  by (rule exI[where x=λ op . ε𝗈 w .  τ . [w  τ]  [w  «op τ»]])
     (simp add: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)

lemma AOT_sem_exists: [w  α φ{α}] = ( τ . [w  τ]  [w  φ{τ}])
  unfolding AOT_exists[unfolded AOT_model_equiv_def, THEN spec]
  by (simp add: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_not)

  ― ‹Relate identity to denoting identity in the meta-logic. AOT's definitions
      of identity will become derivable at each type.›
  AOT_sem_eq: [w  τ = τ'] = ([w  τ]  [w  τ']  τ = τ')
  by (rule exI[where x=λ τ τ' . ε𝗈 w . [w  τ]  [w  τ']  τ = τ'])
     (simp add: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp)

  ― ‹Descriptions denote, if there is a unique denoting object satisfying the
      matrix in the actual world.›
  AOT_sem_desc_denotes: [w  ιx(φ{x})] = (∃! κ . [w0  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}])
  ― ‹Denoting descriptions satisfy their matrix in the actual world.›
  AOT_sem_desc_prop: [w  ιx(φ{x})]  [w0  φ{ιx(φ{x})}]
  ― ‹Uniqueness of denoting descriptions.›
  AOT_sem_desc_unique: [w  ιx(φ{x})]  [w  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}] 
                        [w  ιx(φ{x}) = κ]
proof -
  have x::'a . ¬AOT_model_denotes x
    using AOT_model_nondenoting_ex
    by blast
  text‹Note that we may choose a distinct non-denoting object for each matrix.
       We do this explicitly merely to convince ourselves that our specification
       can still be satisfied.›
  then obtain nondenoting :: ('a  𝗈)  'a where
    nondenoting:  φ . ¬AOT_model_denotes (nondenoting φ)
    by fast
  define desc where
    desc = (λ φ . if (∃! κ . [w0  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}])
                   then (THE κ . [w0  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}])
                   else nondenoting φ)
    fix φ :: 'a  𝗈
    assume ex1: ∃! κ . [w0  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}]
    then obtain κ where x_prop: "[w0  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}]"
      unfolding AOT_sem_denotes by blast
    moreover have "(desc φ) = κ"
      unfolding desc_def using x_prop ex1 by fastforce
    ultimately have "[w0  «desc φ»]  [w0  «φ (desc φ)»]"
      by blast
  } note 1 = this
  moreover {
    fix φ :: 'a  𝗈
    assume nex1: ∄! κ . [w0  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}]
    hence "(desc φ) = nondenoting φ" by (simp add: desc_def AOT_sem_denotes)
    hence "[w  ¬«desc φ»]" for w
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes nondenoting AOT_sem_not)
  ultimately have desc_denotes_simp:
    [w  «desc φ»] = (∃! κ . [w0  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}]) for φ w
    by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes desc_def nondenoting)
  have (φ w. [w  «desc φ»] = (∃!κ. [w0  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}])) 
    (φ w. [w  «desc φ»]  [w0  «φ (desc φ)»]) 
    (φ w κ. [w  «desc φ»]  [w  κ]  [w0  φ{κ}] 
             [w  «desc φ» = κ])
    by (insert 1; auto simp: desc_denotes_simp AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_denotes
                             desc_def nondenoting)
  thus ?thesis
    by (safe intro!: exI[where x=desc]; presburger)

specification(AOT_exe AOT_lambda)
  ― ‹Truth conditions of exemplification formulas.›
  AOT_sem_exe: [w  [Π]κ1...κn] = ([w  Π]  [w  κ1...κn] 
                                     [w  «Rep_rel Π κ1κn»])
  ― ‹\eta-conversion for denoting terms; equivalent to AOT's axiom›
  AOT_sem_lambda_eta: [w  Π]  [w  ν1...νn [Π]ν1...νn] = Π]
  ― ‹\beta-conversion; equivalent to AOT's axiom›
  AOT_sem_lambda_beta: [w  ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}]]  [w  κ1...κn] 
                        [w  ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}]κ1...κn] = [w  φ{κ1...κn}]
  ― ‹Necessary and sufficient conditions for relations to denote. Equivalent
      to a theorem of AOT and used to derive the base cases of denoting relations
  AOT_sem_lambda_denotes: [w  ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}]] =
    ( v κ1κn κ1n' . [v  κ1...κn]  [v  κ1'...κn'] 
        ( Π v . [v  Π]  [v  [Π]κ1...κn] = [v  [Π]κ1'...κn']) 
                 [v  φ{κ1...κn}] = [v  φ{κ1'...κn'}])
  ― ‹Equivalent to AOT's coexistence axiom.›
  AOT_sem_lambda_coex: [w  ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}]] 
    ( w κ1κn . [w  κ1...κn]  [w  φ{κ1...κn}] = [w  ψ{κ1...κn}]) 
    [w  ν1...νn ψ{ν1...νn}]]
  ― ‹Only the unary case of the following should hold, but our specification
      has to range over all types. We might move @{const AOT_exe} and
      @{const AOT_lambda} to type classes in the future to solve this.›
  AOT_sem_lambda_eq_prop_eq: «ν1...νn φ]» = «ν1...νn ψ]»  φ = ψ
  ― ‹The following is solely required for validating n-ary relation identity
      and has the danger of implying artifactual theorems. Possibly avoidable
      by moving @{const AOT_exe} and @{const AOT_lambda} to type classes.›
  AOT_sem_exe_denoting: [w  Π]  AOT_exe Π κs = Rep_rel Π κs
  ― ‹The following is required for validating the base cases of denoting
      relations (cqt.2). A version of this meta-logical identity will
      become derivable in future versions of AOT, so this will ultimately not
      result in artifactual theorems.›
  AOT_sem_exe_equiv: AOT_model_term_equiv x y  AOT_exe Π x = AOT_exe Π y
proof -
  have  x :: <'a> . ¬AOT_model_denotes x
    by (rule exI[where x=Abs_rel (λ x . ε𝗈 w. True)])
       (meson AOT_model_denotes_rel.abs_eq AOT_model_nondenoting_ex
  define exe :: <'a>  'a  𝗈 where
    exe  λ Π κs . if AOT_model_denotes Π
                     then Rep_rel Π κs
                     else (ε𝗈 w . False)
  define lambda :: ('a𝗈)  <'a> where
    lambda  λ φ . if AOT_model_denotes (Abs_rel φ)
      then (Abs_rel φ)
        if ( κ κ' w . (AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ') 
                       [w  «φ κ»] = [w  «φ κ'»])
          Abs_rel (fix_irregular (λ x . if AOT_model_denotes x
                                        then φ (SOME y . AOT_model_term_equiv x y)
                                        else  (ε𝗈 w . False)))
          Abs_rel φ
  have fix_irregular_denoting_simp[simp]:
    fix_irregular (λx. if AOT_model_denotes x then φ x else ψ x) κ = φ κ
    if AOT_model_denotes κ
    for κ :: 'a and φ ψ
    by (simp add: that fix_irregular_denoting)
  have denoting_eps_cong[cong]:
    [w  «φ (Eps (AOT_model_term_equiv κ))»] = [w  «φ κ»]
    if AOT_model_denotes κ
    and  κ κ'. AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ' 
                 (w. [w  «φ κ»] = [w  «φ κ'»])
    for w :: w and κ :: 'a and φ :: 'a𝗈
    using that AOT_model_term_equiv_eps(2) by blast
  have exe_rep_rel: [w  «exe Π κ1κn»] = ([w  Π]  [w  κ1...κn] 
                                            [w  «Rep_rel Π κ1κn»]) for w Π κ1κn
    by (metis AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq exe_def AOT_sem_denotes
  moreover have [w  «Π»]  [w  «lambda (exe Π)» = «Π»] for Π w
    by (auto simp: Rep_rel_inverse lambda_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq
                   AOT_model_denotes_rel_def Abs_rel_inverse exe_def)
  moreover have lambda_denotes_beta:
    [w  «exe (lambda φ) κ »] = [w  «φ κ»]
    if [w  «lambda φ»] and [w  «κ»]
    for φ κ w
    using that unfolding exe_def AOT_sem_denotes
    by (auto simp: lambda_def Abs_rel_inverse split: if_split_asm)
  moreover have lambda_denotes_simp:
    [w  «lambda φ»] = ( v κ1κn κ1n' . [v  κ1...κn]  [v  κ1'...κn'] 
        ( Π v . [v  Π]  [v  «exe Π κ1κn»] = [v  «exe Π κ1n'»]) 
        [v  φ{κ1...κn}] = [v  φ{κ1'...κn'}]) for φ w
    assume [w  «lambda φ»]
    hence AOT_model_denotes (lambda φ)
      unfolding AOT_sem_denotes by simp
    moreover have [w  «φ κ»]  [w  «φ κ'»]
      and [w  «φ κ'»]  [w  «φ κ»]
      if AOT_model_denotes κ and AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ'
      for w κ κ'
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) AOT_model_denotes_rel.abs_eq lambda_def
                                    that calculation)+
    ultimately show  v κ1κn κ1n' . [v  κ1...κn]  [v  κ1'...κn'] 
        ( Π v . [v  Π]  [v  «exe Π κ1κn»] = [v  «exe Π κ1n'»]) 
        [v  φ{κ1...κn}] = [v  φ{κ1'...κn'}]
      unfolding AOT_sem_denotes
      by (metis (no_types) AOT_sem_denotes lambda_denotes_beta)
    assume  v κ1κn κ1n' . [v  κ1...κn]  [v  κ1'...κn'] 
      ( Π v . [v  Π]  [v  «exe Π κ1κn»] = [v  «exe Π κ1n'»]) 
      [v  φ{κ1...κn}] = [v  φ{κ1'...κn'}]
    hence [w  «φ κ»] = [w  «φ κ'»]
      if AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ'  AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ'
      for w κ κ'
      using that
      by (auto simp: AOT_sem_denotes)
         (meson AOT_model_term_equiv_rel_equiv AOT_sem_denotes exe_rep_rel)+
    hence [w  «φ κ»] = [w  «φ κ'»]
      if AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ'
      for w κ κ'
      using that AOT_model_term_equiv_denotes by blast
    hence AOT_model_denotes (lambda φ)
      by (auto simp: lambda_def Abs_rel_inverse AOT_model_denotes_rel.abs_eq
                     AOT_model_irregular_equiv AOT_model_term_equiv_eps(3)
                     AOT_model_term_equiv_regular fix_irregular_def AOT_sem_denotes
                     AOT_model_term_equiv_denotes AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp
               split: if_split_asm
               intro: AOT_model_irregular_eqI)
    thus [w  «lambda φ»]
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes)
  moreover have [w  «lambda ψ»]
    if [w  «lambda φ»]
    and  w κ1κn . [w  κ1...κn]  [w  φ{κ1...κn}] = [w  ψ{κ1...κn}]
    for φ ψ w using that unfolding lambda_denotes_simp by auto
  moreover have [w  Π]  exe Π κs = Rep_rel Π κs for Π κs w
    by (simp add: exe_def AOT_sem_denotes)
  moreover have lambda (λx. p) = lambda (λx. q)  p = q for p q
    unfolding lambda_def
    by (auto split: if_split_asm simp: Abs_rel_inject fix_irregular_def)
       (meson AOT_model_irregular_nondenoting AOT_model_denoting_ex)+
  moreover have AOT_model_term_equiv x y  exe Π x = exe Π y for x y Π
    unfolding exe_def
    by (meson AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq)
  note calculation = calculation this
  show ?thesis
    apply (safe intro!: exI[where x=exe] exI[where x=lambda])
    using calculation apply simp_all
    using lambda_denotes_simp by blast+

lemma AOT_model_lambda_denotes:
  AOT_model_denotes (AOT_lambda φ) = ( v κ κ' .
    AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ'  AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ' 
    [v  «φ κ»] = [v  «φ κ'»])
  fix v and κ κ' :: 'a
  assume AOT_model_denotes (AOT_lambda φ)
  hence 1: AOT_model_denotes κ1κn 
        AOT_model_denotes κ1n' 
        (Π v. AOT_model_denotes Π  [v  [Π]κ1...κn] = [v  [Π]κ1'...κn']) 
        [v  φ{κ1...κn}] = [v  φ{κ1'...κn'}] for κ1κn κ1n' v
    using AOT_sem_lambda_denotes[simplified AOT_sem_denotes] by blast
    fix v and κ1κn κ1n' :: 'a
    assume d: AOT_model_denotes κ1κn  AOT_model_denotes κ1n' 
               AOT_model_term_equiv κ1κn κ1n'
    hence Π w. AOT_model_denotes Π  [w  [Π]κ1...κn] = [w  [Π]κ1'...κn']
      by (metis AOT_sem_exe_equiv)
    hence [v  φ{κ1...κn}] = [v  φ{κ1'...κn'}] using d 1 by auto
  moreover assume AOT_model_denotes κ
  moreover assume AOT_model_denotes κ'
  moreover assume AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ'
  ultimately show [v  «φ κ»]  [v  «φ κ'»]
              and [v  «φ κ'»]  [v  «φ κ»]
    by auto
  assume 0:  v κ κ' . AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ' 
                        AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ'  [v  «φ κ»] = [v  «φ κ'»]
    fix κ1κn κ1n' :: 'a
    assume den: AOT_model_denotes κ1κn
    moreover assume den': AOT_model_denotes κ1n'
    assume Π v . AOT_model_denotes Π 
                   [v  [Π]κ1...κn] = [v  [Π]κ1'...κn']
    hence Π v . AOT_model_denotes Π 
                   [v  «Rep_rel Π κ1κn»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π κ1n'»]
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe den den')
    hence "AOT_model_term_equiv κ1κn κ1n'"
      unfolding AOT_model_term_equiv_rel_equiv[OF den, OF den']
      by argo
    hence [v  φ{κ1...κn}] = [v  φ{κ1'...κn'}] for v
      using den den' 0 by blast
  thus AOT_model_denotes (AOT_lambda φ)
    unfolding AOT_sem_lambda_denotes[simplified AOT_sem_denotes]
    by blast

specification (AOT_lambda0)
  AOT_sem_lambda0: "AOT_lambda0 φ = φ"
  by (rule exI[where x=λx. x]) simp

  AOT_sem_concrete: [w  [E!]κ] =
                     AOT_model_concrete w κ
  by (rule exI[where x=AOT_var_of_term (Abs_rel
                          (λ x . ε𝗈 w . AOT_model_concrete w x))];
      subst AOT_var_of_term_inverse)
     (auto simp: AOT_model_unary_regular AOT_model_concrete_denotes
                 AOT_model_concrete_equiv AOT_model_regular_κ_def
                 AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp AOT_sem_exe Abs_rel_inverse
                 AOT_model_denotes_rel_def AOT_sem_denotes)

lemma AOT_sem_equiv_defI:
  assumes  v . [v  φ]  [v  ψ]
      and  v . [v  ψ]  [v  φ]
    shows AOT_model_equiv_def φ ψ
  using AOT_model_equiv_def assms by blast

lemma AOT_sem_id_defI:
  assumes  α v . [v  «σ α»]  [v  «τ α» = «σ α»]
  assumes  α v . ¬[v  «σ α»]  [v  ¬«τ α»]
  shows AOT_model_id_def τ σ
  using assms
  unfolding AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_not
  using AOT_model_id_def[THEN iffD2]
  by metis

lemma AOT_sem_id_def2I:
  assumes  α β v . [v  «σ α β»]  [v  «τ α β» = «σ α β»]
  assumes  α β v . ¬[v  «σ α β»]  [v  ¬«τ α β»]
  shows AOT_model_id_def (case_prod τ) (case_prod σ)
  apply (rule AOT_sem_id_defI)
  using assms by (auto simp: AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_denotes

lemma AOT_sem_id_defE1:
  assumes AOT_model_id_def τ σ
      and [v  «σ α»]
    shows [v  «τ α» = «σ α»]
  using assms by (simp add: AOT_model_id_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq)

lemma AOT_sem_id_defE2:
  assumes AOT_model_id_def τ σ
      and ¬[v  «σ α»]
    shows ¬[v  «τ α»]
  using assms by (simp add: AOT_model_id_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq)

lemma AOT_sem_id_def0I:
  assumes  v . [v  σ]  [v  τ = σ]
      and  v . ¬[v  σ]  [v  ¬τ]
  shows AOT_model_id_def (case_unit τ) (case_unit σ)
  apply (rule AOT_sem_id_defI)
  using assms
  by (simp_all add: AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_denotes
                    AOT_model_denotes_unit_def case_unit_Unity)

lemma AOT_sem_id_def0E1:
  assumes AOT_model_id_def (case_unit τ) (case_unit σ)
      and [v  σ]
    shows [v  τ = σ]
  by (metis (full_types) AOT_sem_id_defE1 assms(1) assms(2) case_unit_Unity)

lemma AOT_sem_id_def0E2:
  assumes AOT_model_id_def (case_unit τ) (case_unit σ)
      and ¬[v  σ]
    shows ¬[v  τ]
  by (metis AOT_sem_id_defE2 assms(1) assms(2) case_unit_Unity)

lemma AOT_sem_id_def0E3:
  assumes AOT_model_id_def (case_unit τ) (case_unit σ)
      and [v  σ]
    shows [v  τ]
  using AOT_sem_id_def0E1[OF assms]
  by (simp add: AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_denotes)

lemma AOT_sem_ordinary_def_denotes: [w  x [E!]x]]
  unfolding AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_lambda_denotes
  by (auto simp: AOT_sem_dia AOT_model_concrete_equiv
                 AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes)
lemma AOT_sem_abstract_def_denotes: [w  x ¬[E!]x]]
  unfolding AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_lambda_denotes
  by (auto simp: AOT_sem_dia AOT_model_concrete_equiv
                 AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_not)

text‹Relation identity is constructed using an auxiliary abstract projection
     mechanism with suitable instantiations for @{typ κ} and products.›
class AOT_RelationProjection = 
  fixes AOT_sem_proj_id :: 'a::AOT_IndividualTerm  ('a  𝗈)  ('a  𝗈)  𝗈
  assumes AOT_sem_proj_id_prop:
    [v  Π = Π'] =
     [v  Π & Π' & α («AOT_sem_proj_id α (λ τ . «[Π]τ») (λ τ . «[Π']τ»)»)]
      and AOT_sem_proj_id_refl:
    [v  τ]  [v  ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}] = ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}]] 
     [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id τ φ φ»]

class AOT_UnaryRelationProjection = AOT_RelationProjection +
  assumes AOT_sem_unary_proj_id:
    AOT_sem_proj_id κ φ ψ = «ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}] = ν1...νn ψ{ν1...νn}]»

instantiation κ :: AOT_UnaryRelationProjection
definition AOT_sem_proj_id_κ :: κ  (κ  𝗈)  (κ  𝗈)  𝗈 where
  AOT_sem_proj_id_κ κ φ ψ = «z φ{z}] = z ψ{z}]»
instance proof
  show [v  Π = Π'] =
        [v  Π & Π' & α («AOT_sem_proj_id α (λ τ . «[Π]τ») (λ τ . «[Π']τ»)»)]
    for v and Π Π' :: <κ>
    unfolding AOT_sem_proj_id_κ_def
    by (simp add: AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_forall)
       (metis AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_denoting_ex AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_lambda_eta)
  show AOT_sem_proj_id κ φ ψ = «ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}] = ν1...νn ψ{ν1...νn}]»
    for κ :: κ and φ ψ
    unfolding AOT_sem_proj_id_κ_def ..
  show [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id τ φ φ»]
    if [v  τ] and [v  ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}] = ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}]]
    for τ :: κ and v φ
    using that by (simp add: AOT_sem_proj_id_κ_def AOT_sem_eq)

instantiation prod ::
  ("{AOT_UnaryRelationProjection, AOT_UnaryIndividualTerm}", AOT_RelationProjection)
definition AOT_sem_proj_id_prod :: 'a×'b  ('a×'b  𝗈)  ('a×'b  𝗈)  𝗈 where
  AOT_sem_proj_id_prod  λ (x,y) φ ψ . «z «φ (z,y)»] = z «ψ (z,y)»] &
    «AOT_sem_proj_id y (λ a . φ (x,a)) (λ a . ψ (x,a))»»
instance proof
  text‹This is the main proof that allows to derive the definition of n-ary
       relation identity. We need to show that our defined projection identity
       implies relation identity for relations on pairs of individual terms.›
  fix v and Π Π' :: <'a×'b>
  have AOT_meta_proj_denotes1: AOT_model_denotes (Abs_rel (λz. AOT_exe Π (z, β)))
    if AOT_model_denotes Π for Π :: <'a×'b> and β
    using that unfolding AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq
    apply (simp add: Abs_rel_inverse AOT_meta_prod_equivI(2) AOT_sem_denotes
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) AOT_meta_prod_equivI(2) AOT_model_denotes_prod_def
              AOT_model_unary_regular AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_exe_equiv case_prodD)
    fix κ :: 'a and Π :: <'a×'b>
    assume Π_denotes: AOT_model_denotes Π
    assume α_denotes: AOT_model_denotes κ
    hence AOT_exe Π (κ, x) = AOT_exe Π (κ, y)
      if AOT_model_term_equiv x y for x y :: 'b
      by (simp add: AOT_meta_prod_equivI(1) AOT_sem_exe_equiv that)
    moreover have AOT_model_denotes κ1n'
               if [w  [Π]κ κ1'...κn'] for w κ1n'
      by (metis that AOT_model_denotes_prod_def AOT_sem_exe
                AOT_sem_denotes case_prodD)
    moreover {
      fix x :: 'b
      assume x_irregular: ¬AOT_model_regular x
      hence prod_irregular: ¬AOT_model_regular (κ, x)
        by (metis (no_types, lifting) AOT_model_irregular_nondenoting
                                      AOT_model_regular_prod_def case_prodD)
      hence (¬AOT_model_denotes κ  ¬AOT_model_regular x) 
             (AOT_model_denotes κ  ¬AOT_model_denotes x)
        unfolding AOT_model_regular_prod_def by blast
      hence x_nonden: ¬AOT_model_regular x
        by (simp add: α_denotes)
      have Rep_rel Π (κ, x) = AOT_model_irregular (Rep_rel Π) (κ, x)
        using AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq Π_denotes prod_irregular by blast
      moreover have AOT_model_irregular (Rep_rel Π) (κ, x) =
                     AOT_model_irregular (λz. Rep_rel Π (κ, z)) x
        using Π_denotes x_irregular prod_irregular x_nonden
        using AOT_model_irregular_prod_generic
        apply (induct arbitrary: Π x rule: AOT_model_irregular_prod.induct)
        by (auto simp: α_denotes AOT_model_irregular_nondenoting
                       AOT_model_regular_prod_def AOT_meta_prod_equivI(2)
                       AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq AOT_model_term_equiv_eps(1)
                 intro!: AOT_model_irregular_eqI)
      ultimately have
        AOT_exe Π (κ, x) = AOT_model_irregular (λz. AOT_exe Π (κ, z)) x
        unfolding AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes, OF Π_denotes]
        by auto
    ultimately have AOT_model_denotes (Abs_rel (λz. AOT_exe Π (κ, z)))
      by (simp add: Abs_rel_inverse AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq)
  } note AOT_meta_proj_denotes2 = this
    fix κ1n' :: 'b and Π :: <'a×'b>
    assume Π_denotes: AOT_model_denotes Π
    assume β_denotes: AOT_model_denotes κ1n'
    hence AOT_exe Π (x, κ1n') = AOT_exe Π (y, κ1n')
      if AOT_model_term_equiv x y for x y :: 'a
      by (simp add: AOT_meta_prod_equivI(2) AOT_sem_exe_equiv that)
    moreover have AOT_model_denotes κ
               if [w  [Π]κ κ1'...κn'] for w κ
      by (metis that AOT_model_denotes_prod_def AOT_sem_exe
                AOT_sem_denotes case_prodD)
    moreover {
      fix x :: 'a
      assume ¬AOT_model_regular x
      hence False
        using AOT_model_unary_regular by blast
        AOT_exe Π (x,κ1n') = AOT_model_irregular (λz. AOT_exe Π (z,κ1n')) x
        unfolding AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes, OF Π_denotes]
        by auto
    ultimately have AOT_model_denotes (Abs_rel (λz. AOT_exe Π (z,κ1n')))
      by (simp add: Abs_rel_inverse AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq)
  } note AOT_meta_proj_denotes1 = this
    assume Π_denotes: AOT_model_denotes Π
    assume Π'_denotes: AOT_model_denotes Π'
    have Π_proj2_den: AOT_model_denotes (Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π (α, z)))
      if AOT_model_denotes α for α
      using that AOT_meta_proj_denotes2[OF Π_denotes]
            AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes,OF Π_denotes] by simp
    have Π'_proj2_den: AOT_model_denotes (Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π' (α, z)))
      if AOT_model_denotes α for α
      using that AOT_meta_proj_denotes2[OF Π'_denotes]
            AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes,OF Π'_denotes] by simp
    have Π_proj1_den: AOT_model_denotes (Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π (z, α)))
      if AOT_model_denotes α for α
      using that AOT_meta_proj_denotes1[OF Π_denotes]
            AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes,OF Π_denotes] by simp
    have Π'_proj1_den: AOT_model_denotes (Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π' (z, α)))
      if AOT_model_denotes α for α
      using that AOT_meta_proj_denotes1[OF Π'_denotes]
            AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes,OF Π'_denotes] by simp
      fix κ :: 'a and κ1n' :: 'b
      assume Π = Π'
      assume AOT_model_denotes (κ,κ1n')
      hence AOT_model_denotes κ and beta_denotes: AOT_model_denotes κ1n'
        by (auto simp: AOT_model_denotes_prod_def)
      have AOT_model_denotes «z [Π]z κ1'...κn']»
        by (rule AOT_model_lambda_denotes[THEN iffD2])
           (metis AOT_sem_exe_denoting AOT_meta_prod_equivI(2)
                  AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq AOT_sem_denotes
                  AOT_sem_exe_denoting Π_denotes)
      moreover have «z [Π]z κ1'...κn']» = «z [Π']z κ1'...κn']»
        by (simp add: Π = Π')
      moreover have [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id κ1n' (λκ1n'. «[Π]κ κ1'...κn'»)
                                                  (λκ1n'. «[Π']κ κ1'...κn'»)»]
        unfolding Π = Π' using beta_denotes
        by (rule AOT_sem_proj_id_refl[unfolded AOT_sem_denotes];
            simp add: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq AOT_model_lambda_denotes)
           (metis AOT_meta_prod_equivI(1) AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq
                  AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_exe_denoting Π'_denotes)
      ultimately have [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id (κ,κ1n') (λ κ1κn . «[Π]κ1...κn»)
                                                         (λ κ1κn . «[Π']κ1...κn»)»]
        unfolding AOT_sem_proj_id_prod_def
        by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_eq)
    moreover {
      assume  α . AOT_model_denotes α 
        [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id α (λ κ1κn . «[Π]κ1...κn») (λ κ1κn . «[Π']κ1...κn»)»]
      hence 0: AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ1n' 
             AOT_model_denotes «z [Π]z κ1'...κn']» 
             AOT_model_denotes «z [Π']z κ1'...κn']» 
             «z [Π]z κ1'...κn']» = «z [Π']z κ1'...κn']» 
             [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id κ1n' (λκ1κn. «[Π]κ κ1...κn»)
                                          (λκ1κn. «[Π']κ κ1...κn»)»] for κ κ1n'
        unfolding AOT_sem_proj_id_prod_def
        by (auto simp: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_eq
      obtain αden :: 'a and βden :: 'b where
        αden: AOT_model_denotes αden and βden: AOT_model_denotes βden
        using AOT_model_denoting_ex by metis
        fix κ :: 'a
        assume αdenotes: AOT_model_denotes κ
        have 1: [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id κ1n' (λκ1n'. «[Π]κ κ1'...κn'»)
                                              (λκ1n'. «[Π']κ κ1'...κn'»)»]
          if AOT_model_denotes κ1n' for κ1n'
          using that 0 using αdenotes by blast
        hence [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id β (λz. Rep_rel Π (κ, z))
                                        (λz. Rep_rel Π' (κ, z))»]
          if AOT_model_denotes β for β
          using that
          unfolding AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes, OF Π_denotes]
                    AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes, OF Π'_denotes]
          by blast
        hence Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π (κ, z)) = Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π' (κ, z))
          using AOT_sem_proj_id_prop[of v Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π (κ, z))
                                          Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π' (κ, z)),
                  simplified AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_forall
                             AOT_sem_denotes, THEN iffD2]
                Π_proj2_den[OF αdenotes] Π'_proj2_den[OF αdenotes]
          unfolding AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes, OF Π_denotes]
                    AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes,
                                         OF Π_proj2_den[OF αdenotes]]
                    AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes,
                                         OF Π'_proj2_den[OF αdenotes]]
          by (metis Abs_rel_inverse UNIV_I)
        hence "Rep_rel Π (κ,β) = Rep_rel Π' (κ,β)" for β
          by (simp add: Abs_rel_inject[simplified]) meson
      } note αdenotes = this
        fix κ1n' :: 'b
        assume βden: AOT_model_denotes κ1n'
        have 1: «z [Π]z κ1'...κn']» = «z [Π']z κ1'...κn']»
          using 0 βden AOT_model_denoting_ex by blast
        hence Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π (z, κ1n')) =
               Abs_rel (λz. Rep_rel Π' (z, κ1n')) (is ?a = ?b)
          apply (safe intro!: AOT_sem_proj_id_prop[of v ?a ?b,
                  simplified AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_forall
                  AOT_sem_denotes, THEN iffD2, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2]
                  Π_proj1_den[OF βden] Π'_proj1_den[OF βden])
          unfolding AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes, OF Π_denotes]
                    AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes, OF Π'_denotes]
                    AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes,
                                         OF Π_proj1_den[OF βden]]
                    AOT_sem_exe_denoting[simplified AOT_sem_denotes,
                                         OF Π'_proj1_den[OF βden]]
          by (subst (0 1) Abs_rel_inverse; simp?)
             (metis (no_types, lifting) AOT_model_denotes_rel.abs_eq
                            AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq
                            AOT_sem_unary_proj_id Π_proj1_den[OF βden])
        hence Rep_rel Π (x,κ1n') = Rep_rel Π' (x,κ1n') for x
          by (simp add: Abs_rel_inject)
      } note βdenotes = this
        fix α :: 'a and β :: 'b
        assume AOT_model_regular (α, β)
        moreover {
          assume AOT_model_denotes α  AOT_model_regular β
          hence Rep_rel Π (α,β) = Rep_rel Π' (α,β)
            using αdenotes by presburger
        moreover {
          assume ¬AOT_model_denotes α  AOT_model_denotes β
          hence Rep_rel Π (α,β) = Rep_rel Π' (α,β)
            by (simp add: βdenotes)
        ultimately have Rep_rel Π (α,β) = Rep_rel Π' (α,β)
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) AOT_model_regular_prod_def case_prodD)
      hence Rep_rel Π = Rep_rel Π'
        using Π_denotes[unfolded AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq,
                        THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, THEN spec, THEN mp]
        using Π'_denotes[unfolded AOT_model_denotes_rel.rep_eq,
                         THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2, THEN spec, THEN mp]
        using AOT_model_irregular_eqI[of Rep_rel Π Rep_rel Π' (_,_)]
        using AOT_model_irregular_nondenoting by fastforce
      hence Π = Π'
        by (rule Rep_rel_inject[THEN iffD1])
    ultimately have Π = Π' = ( κ . AOT_model_denotes κ 
        [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id κ (λ κ1κn . «[Π]κ1...κn»)
                                (λ κ1κn . «[Π']κ1...κn»)»])
      by auto
  thus [v  Π = Π'] = [v  Π & Π' &
      α («AOT_sem_proj_id α (λ κ1κn . «[Π]κ1...κn») (λ κ1κn . «[Π']κ1...κn»)»)]
    by (auto simp: AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_conj)
  fix v and φ :: 'a×'b𝗈 and τ :: 'a×'b
  assume [v  τ]
  moreover assume [v  z1...zn «φ z1zn»] = z1...zn «φ z1zn»]]
  ultimately show [v  «AOT_sem_proj_id τ φ φ»]
    unfolding AOT_sem_proj_id_prod_def
    using AOT_sem_proj_id_refl[of v "snd τ" "λb. φ (fst τ, b)"]
    by (auto simp: AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes
                   AOT_model_denotes_prod_def AOT_model_lambda_denotes

text‹Sanity-check to verify that n-ary relation identity follows.›
lemma [v  Π = Π'] = [v  Π & Π' & xy(z [Π]z y] = z [Π']z y] &
                                              z [Π]x z] = z [Π']x z])]
  for Π :: <κ×κ>
  by (auto simp: AOT_sem_proj_id_prop[of v Π Π'] AOT_sem_proj_id_prod_def
                 AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_unary_proj_id
lemma [v  Π = Π'] = [v  Π & Π' & x1x2x3 (
  z [Π]z x2 x3] = z [Π']z x2 x3] &
  z [Π]x1 z x3] = z [Π']x1 z x3] &
  z [Π]x1 x2 z] = z [Π']x1 x2 z])]
  for Π :: <κ×κ×κ>
  by (auto simp: AOT_sem_proj_id_prop[of v Π Π'] AOT_sem_proj_id_prod_def
                 AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_unary_proj_id
lemma [v  Π = Π'] = [v  Π & Π' & x1x2x3x4 (
    z [Π]z x2 x3 x4] = z [Π']z x2 x3 x4] &
    z [Π]x1 z x3 x4] = z [Π']x1 z x3 x4] &
    z [Π]x1 x2 z x4] = z [Π']x1 x2 z x4] &
    z [Π]x1 x2 x3 z] = z [Π']x1 x2 x3 z])]
  for Π :: <κ×κ×κ×κ>
  by (auto simp: AOT_sem_proj_id_prop[of v Π Π'] AOT_sem_proj_id_prod_def
                 AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_unary_proj_id

text‹n-ary Encoding is constructed using a similar mechanism as n-ary relation
     identity using an auxiliary notion of projection-encoding.›
class AOT_Enc =
  fixes AOT_enc :: 'a  <'a::AOT_IndividualTerm>  𝗈
    and AOT_proj_enc :: 'a  ('a  𝗈)  𝗈
  assumes AOT_sem_enc_denotes:
    [v  «AOT_enc κ1κn Π»]  [v  κ1...κn]  [v  Π]
  assumes AOT_sem_enc_proj_enc:
    [v  «AOT_enc κ1κn Π»] =
     [v  Π & «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn (λ κ1κn.  «[Π]κ1...κn»)»]
  assumes AOT_sem_proj_enc_denotes:
    [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn φ»]  [v  κ1...κn]
  assumes AOT_sem_enc_nec:
    [v  «AOT_enc κ1κn Π»]  [w  «AOT_enc κ1κn Π»]
  assumes AOT_sem_proj_enc_nec:
    [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn φ»]  [w  «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn φ»]
  assumes AOT_sem_universal_encoder:
     κ1κn. [v  κ1...κn]  ( Π . [v  Π]  [v  «AOT_enc κ1κn Π»]) 
             ( φ . [v  z1...zn φ{z1...zn}]]  [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn φ»])

  "_AOT_enc (_AOT_individual_term κ) (_AOT_relation_term Π)" <= "CONST AOT_enc κ Π"

context AOT_meta_syntax
notation AOT_enc (_,_)
context AOT_no_meta_syntax
no_notation AOT_enc (_,_)

text‹Unary encoding additionally has to satisfy the axioms of unary encoding and
     the definition of property identity.›
class AOT_UnaryEnc = AOT_UnaryIndividualTerm +
  assumes AOT_sem_enc_eq: [v  Π & Π' & ν (ν[Π]  ν[Π'])  Π = Π']
      and AOT_sem_A_objects: [v  x (¬[E!]x & F (x[F]  φ{F}))]
      and AOT_sem_unary_proj_enc: AOT_proj_enc x ψ = AOT_enc x «z ψ{z}]»
      and AOT_sem_nocoder: [v  [E!]κ]  ¬[w  «AOT_enc κ Π»]
      and AOT_sem_ind_eq: ([v  κ]  [v  κ']  κ = (κ')) =
       (([v  x [E!]x]κ] 
         [v  x [E!]x]κ'] 
         ( v Π . [v  Π]  [v  [Π]κ] = [v  [Π]κ']))
         ([v  x ¬[E!]x]κ] 
           [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ'] 
           ( v Π . [v  Π]  [v  κ[Π]] = [v  κ'[Π]])))

      (* only extended models *)
      and AOT_sem_enc_indistinguishable_all:
           [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ] 
           [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ'] 
           ( Π' . [v  Π']  ( w . [w  [Π']κ] = [w  [Π']κ'])) 
           [v  Π] 
           ( Π' . [v  Π']  ( κ0 . [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
              ( w . [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]))  [v  κ[Π']]) 
           ( Π' . [v  Π']  ( κ0 . [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
              ( w . [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]))  [v  κ'[Π']])
      and AOT_sem_enc_indistinguishable_ex:
           [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ] 
           [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ'] 
           ( Π' . [v  Π']  ( w . [w  [Π']κ] = [w  [Π']κ'])) 
           [v  Π] 
            Π' . [v  Π']  [v  κ[Π']] 
                  ( κ0 . [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
                          ( w . [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0])) 
            Π' . [v  Π']  [v  κ'[Π']] 
                  ( κ0 . [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
                          ( w . [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]))

text‹We specify encoding to align with the model-construction of encoding.›
consts AOT_sem_enc_κ :: κ  <κ>  𝗈
  [v  «AOT_sem_enc_κ κ Π»] =
   (AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes Π  AOT_model_enc κ Π)
  by (rule exI[where x=λ κ Π . ε𝗈 w . AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes Π 
                                       AOT_model_enc κ Π])
     (simp add: AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp AOT_model_enc_κ_def κ.case_eq_if)

text‹We show that @{typ κ} satisfies the generic properties of n-ary encoding.›
instantiation κ :: AOT_Enc
definition AOT_enc_κ :: κ  <κ>  𝗈 where
  AOT_enc_κ  AOT_sem_enc_κ
definition AOT_proj_enc_κ :: κ  (κ  𝗈)  𝗈 where
  AOT_proj_enc_κ  λ κ φ . AOT_enc κ «z «φ z»]»
lemma AOT_enc_κ_meta:
  [v  κ[Π]] = (AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes Π  AOT_model_enc κ Π)
  for κ::κ
  using AOT_sem_enc_κ unfolding AOT_enc_κ_def by auto
instance proof
  fix v and κ :: κ and Π
  show [v  «AOT_enc κ Π»]  [v  κ]  [v  Π]
    unfolding AOT_sem_denotes
    using AOT_enc_κ_meta by blast
  fix v and κ :: κ and Π
  show [v  κ[Π]] = [v  Π & «AOT_proj_enc κ (λ κ'.  «[Π]κ'»)»]
    assume enc: [v  κ[Π]]
    hence Π_denotes: AOT_model_denotes Π
      by (simp add: AOT_enc_κ_meta)
    hence Π_eta_denotes: AOT_model_denotes «z [Π]z]»
      using AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_lambda_eta by metis
    show [v  Π & «AOT_proj_enc κ (λ κ.  «[Π]κ»)»]
      using AOT_sem_lambda_eta[simplified AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq, OF Π_denotes]
      using Π_eta_denotes Π_denotes
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_proj_enc_κ_def enc)
    assume [v  Π & «AOT_proj_enc κ (λ κ.  «[Π]κ»)»]
    hence Π_denotes: "AOT_model_denotes Π" and eta_enc: "[v  κz [Π]z]]" 
      by (auto simp: AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_proj_enc_κ_def)
    thus [v  κ[Π]]
      using AOT_sem_lambda_eta[simplified AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_eq, OF Π_denotes]
      by auto
  show [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ φ»]  [v  κ] for v and κ :: κ and φ
    by (simp add: AOT_enc_κ_meta AOT_sem_denotes AOT_proj_enc_κ_def)
  fix v w and κ :: κ and Π
  assume [v  κ[Π]]
  thus [w  κ[Π]]
    by (simp add: AOT_enc_κ_meta)
  fix v w and κ :: κ and φ
  assume [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ φ»]
  thus [w  «AOT_proj_enc κ φ»]
    by (simp add: AOT_enc_κ_meta AOT_proj_enc_κ_def)
  show κ::κ. [v  κ]  ( Π . [v  Π]   [v  κ[Π]]) 
               ( φ . [v  z φ{z}]]   [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ φ»]) for v
    by (rule exI[where x=ακ UNIV])
       (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_enc_κ_meta AOT_model_enc_κ_def
                  AOT_model_denotes_κ_def  AOT_proj_enc_κ_def)

text‹We show that @{typ κ} satisfies the properties of unary encoding.›
instantiation κ :: AOT_UnaryEnc
instance proof
  fix v and Π Π' :: <κ>
  show [v  Π & Π' & ν (ν[Π]  ν[Π'])  Π = Π']
    apply (simp add: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_eq AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_equiv
                     AOT_enc_κ_meta AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_box)
    using AOT_meta_A_objects_κ by fastforce
  fix v and φ:: <κ>  𝗈
  show [v  x (¬[E!]x & F (x[F]  φ{F}))]
    using AOT_model_A_objects[of "λ Π . [v  φ{Π}]"]
    by (auto simp: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exists AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_not
                   AOT_sem_dia AOT_sem_concrete AOT_enc_κ_meta AOT_sem_equiv
  show AOT_proj_enc x ψ = AOT_enc x (AOT_lambda ψ) for x :: κ and ψ
    by (simp add: AOT_proj_enc_κ_def)
  show [v  [E!]κ]  ¬ [w  κ[Π]] for v w and κ :: κ and Π
    by (simp add: AOT_enc_κ_meta AOT_sem_concrete AOT_model_nocoder)
  fix v and κ κ' :: κ
  show ([v  κ]  [v  κ']  κ = κ') =
         (([v  x [E!]x]κ] 
           [v  x [E!]x]κ'] 
           ( v Π . [v  Π]  [v  [Π]κ] = [v  [Π]κ']))
           ([v  x ¬[E!]x]κ] 
             [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ'] 
             ( v Π . [v  Π]  [v  κ[Π]] = [v  κ'[Π]])))
    (is ?lhs = (?ordeq  ?abseq))
  proof -
    assume 0: [v  κ]  [v  κ']  κ = κ'
      assume is_ωκ κ'
      hence [v  x [E!]x]κ']
        apply (subst AOT_sem_lambda_beta[OF AOT_sem_ordinary_def_denotes, of v κ'])
         apply (simp add: "0")
        apply (simp add: AOT_sem_dia)
        using AOT_sem_concrete AOT_model_ω_concrete_in_some_world is_ωκ_def by force
      hence ?ordeq unfolding 0[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2] by auto
    moreover {
      assume is_ακ κ'
      hence [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ']
        apply (subst AOT_sem_lambda_beta[OF AOT_sem_abstract_def_denotes, of v κ'])
         apply (simp add: "0")
        apply (simp add: AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_dia)
        using AOT_sem_concrete is_ακ_def by force
      hence ?abseq unfolding 0[THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct2] by auto
    ultimately have ?ordeq  ?abseq
      by (meson "0" AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_denotes_κ_def κ.exhaust_disc)
  moreover {
    assume ordeq: ?ordeq
    hence κ_denotes: [v  κ] and κ'_denotes: [v  κ'] 
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe)+
    hence is_ωκ κ and is_ωκ κ'
      by (metis AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(2) AOT_model_denotes_κ_def
                AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_dia AOT_sem_lambda_beta
                AOT_sem_ordinary_def_denotes κ.collapse(2) κ.exhaust_disc ordeq)+
    have denotes: [v  z «ε𝗈 w . κυ z = κυ κ»]]
      unfolding AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_lambda_denotes
      by (simp add: AOT_model_term_equiv_κ_def)
    hence "[v  z «ε𝗈 w . κυ z = κυ κ»]κ] = [v  z «ε𝗈 w . κυ z = κυ κ»]κ']"
      using ordeq by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes)
    hence [v  «κ»]  [v  «κ'»]  κ = κ'
      unfolding AOT_sem_lambda_beta[OF denotes, OF κ_denotes]
                AOT_sem_lambda_beta[OF denotes, OF κ'_denotes]
      using κ'_denotes is_ωκ κ' is_ωκ κ is_ωκ_def
            AOT_model_proposition_choice_simp by force
  moreover {
    assume 0: ?abseq
    hence κ_denotes: [v  κ] and κ'_denotes: [v  κ'] 
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe)+
    hence ¬is_ωκ κ and ¬is_ωκ κ'
      by (metis AOT_model_ω_concrete_in_some_world AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(1)
                AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_dia AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_lambda_beta
                AOT_sem_not κ.collapse(1) 0)+
    hence is_ακ κ and is_ακ κ'
      by (meson AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_denotes_κ_def κ.exhaust_disc
                κ_denotes κ'_denotes)+
    then obtain x y where κ_def: κ = ακ x and κ'_def: κ' = ακ y
      using is_ακ_def by auto
      fix r
      assume r  x
      hence [v  κ[«urrel_to_rel r»]]
        unfolding κ_def
        unfolding AOT_enc_κ_meta
        unfolding AOT_model_enc_κ_def
        apply (simp add: AOT_model_denotes_κ_def)
        by (metis (mono_tags) AOT_rel_equiv_def Quotient_def urrel_quotient)
      hence [v  κ'[«urrel_to_rel r»]]
        using AOT_enc_κ_meta 0 by (metis AOT_sem_enc_denotes)
      hence r  y
        unfolding κ'_def
        unfolding AOT_enc_κ_meta
        unfolding AOT_model_enc_κ_def
        apply (simp add: AOT_model_denotes_κ_def)
        using Quotient_abs_rep urrel_quotient by fastforce
    moreover {
      fix r
      assume r  y
      hence [v  κ'[«urrel_to_rel r»]]
        unfolding κ'_def
        unfolding AOT_enc_κ_meta
        unfolding AOT_model_enc_κ_def
        apply (simp add: AOT_model_denotes_κ_def)
        by (metis (mono_tags) AOT_rel_equiv_def Quotient_def urrel_quotient)
      hence [v  κ[«urrel_to_rel r»]]
        using AOT_enc_κ_meta 0 by (metis AOT_sem_enc_denotes)
      hence r  x
        unfolding κ_def
        unfolding AOT_enc_κ_meta
        unfolding AOT_model_enc_κ_def
        apply (simp add: AOT_model_denotes_κ_def)
        using Quotient_abs_rep urrel_quotient by fastforce
    ultimately have "x = y" by blast
    hence [v  κ]  [v  κ']  κ = κ'
      using κ'_def κ'_denotes κ_def by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    unfolding AOT_sem_denotes
    by auto
(* Only extended model *)
  fix v and κ κ' :: κ and Π Π' :: <κ>
  assume ext: AOT_ExtendedModel
  assume [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ]
  hence is_ακ κ
    by (metis AOT_model_ω_concrete_in_some_world AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(1)
              AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_dia
              AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_lambda_beta AOT_sem_not κ.collapse(1) κ.exhaust_disc)
  hence κ_abs: ¬( w . AOT_model_concrete w κ)
    using is_ακ_def by fastforce
  have κ_den: AOT_model_denotes κ
    by (simp add: AOT_model_denotes_κ_def κ.distinct_disc(5) is_ακ κ)
  assume [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ']
  hence is_ακ κ'
    by (metis AOT_model_ω_concrete_in_some_world AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(1)
              AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_dia
              AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_lambda_beta AOT_sem_not κ.collapse(1)
  hence κ'_abs: ¬( w . AOT_model_concrete w κ')
    using is_ακ_def by fastforce
  have κ'_den: AOT_model_denotes κ'
    by (meson AOT_model_denotes_κ_def κ.distinct_disc(6) is_ακ κ')
  assume [v  Π']  [w  [Π']κ] = [w  [Π']κ'] for Π' w
  hence indist: [v  «Rep_rel Π' κ»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π' κ'»]
    if AOT_model_denotes Π' for Π' v
    by (metis AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe κ'_den κ_den that)
  assume κ_enc_cond: [v  Π'] 
    ( κ0 w. [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
             [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]) 
    [v  κ[Π']] for Π'
  assume Π_den': [v  Π]
  hence Π_den: AOT_model_denotes Π
    using AOT_sem_denotes by blast
    fix Π' :: <κ>
    assume Π'_den: AOT_model_denotes Π'
    hence Π'_den': [v  Π']
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes)
    assume 1: w. AOT_model_concrete w x 
               [v  «Rep_rel Π' x»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π x»] for v x
      fix κ0 :: κ and w
      assume [v  x [E!]x]κ0]
      hence is_ωκ κ0
        by (smt (z3) AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(2) AOT_model_denotes_κ_def
                     AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_dia AOT_sem_exe
                     AOT_sem_lambda_beta κ.exhaust_disc is_ακ_def)
      then obtain x where x_prop: κ0 = ωκ x
        using is_ωκ_def by blast
      have w . AOT_model_concrete w (ωκ x)
        by (simp add: AOT_model_ω_concrete_in_some_world)
      hence [v  «Rep_rel Π' (ωκ x)»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π (ωκ x)»] for v
        using 1 by blast
      hence [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0] unfolding x_prop
        by (simp add: AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_denotes_κ_def
                      Π'_den Π_den)
    } note 2 = this
    have [v  κ[Π']]
      using κ_enc_cond[OF Π'_den', OF 2]
      by metis
    hence AOT_model_enc κ Π'
      using AOT_enc_κ_meta by blast
  } note κ_enc_cond = this
  hence AOT_model_denotes Π' 
       (v x. w. AOT_model_concrete w x 
              [v  «Rep_rel Π' x»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π x»]) 
       AOT_model_enc κ Π' for Π'
    by blast
  assume Π'_den': [v  Π']
  hence Π'_den: AOT_model_denotes Π'
    using AOT_sem_denotes by blast
  assume ord_indist: [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
                      [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0] for κ0 w
    fix w and κ0 :: κ
    assume 0: w. AOT_model_concrete w κ0
    hence [v  x [E!]x]κ0]
      using AOT_model_concrete_denotes AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_dia
            AOT_sem_lambda_beta AOT_sem_ordinary_def_denotes by blast
    hence [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]
      using ord_indist by metis 
    hence [w  «Rep_rel Π' κ0»] = [w  «Rep_rel Π κ0»]
      by (metis AOT_model_concrete_denotes AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe Π'_den Π_den 0)
  } note ord_indist = this
  have AOT_model_enc κ' Π'
    using AOT_model_enc_indistinguishable_all
            [OF ext, OF κ_den, OF κ_abs, OF κ'_den, OF κ'_abs, OF Π_den]
          indist κ_enc_cond Π'_den ord_indist by blast
  thus [v  κ'[Π']]
    using AOT_enc_κ_meta Π'_den κ'_den by blast
  fix v and κ κ' :: κ and Π Π' :: <κ>
  assume ext: AOT_ExtendedModel
  assume [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ]
  hence is_ακ κ
    by (metis AOT_model_ω_concrete_in_some_world AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(1)
              AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_dia
              AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_lambda_beta AOT_sem_not κ.collapse(1)
  hence κ_abs: ¬( w . AOT_model_concrete w κ)
    using is_ακ_def by fastforce
  have κ_den: AOT_model_denotes κ
    by (simp add: AOT_model_denotes_κ_def κ.distinct_disc(5) is_ακ κ)
  assume [v  x ¬[E!]x]κ']
  hence is_ακ κ'
    by (metis AOT_model_ω_concrete_in_some_world AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(1)
              AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_dia
              AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_lambda_beta AOT_sem_not κ.collapse(1)
  hence κ'_abs: ¬( w . AOT_model_concrete w κ')
    using is_ακ_def by fastforce
  have κ'_den: AOT_model_denotes κ'
    by (meson AOT_model_denotes_κ_def κ.distinct_disc(6) is_ακ κ')
  assume [v  Π']  [w  [Π']κ] = [w  [Π']κ'] for Π' w
  hence indist: [v  «Rep_rel Π' κ»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π' κ'»]
    if AOT_model_denotes Π' for Π' v
    by (metis AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe κ'_den κ_den that)
  assume Π_den': [v  Π]
  hence Π_den: AOT_model_denotes Π
    using AOT_sem_denotes by blast
  assume Π'. [v  Π']  [v  κ[Π']] 
               (κ0. [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
                     (w. [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]))
  then obtain Π' where
      Π'_den: [v  Π'] and
      Π'_enc: [v  κ[Π']] and
      Π'_prop: κ0. [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
                     (w. [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0])
    by blast
  have AOT_model_denotes Π'
    using AOT_enc_κ_meta Π'_enc by force
  moreover have AOT_model_enc κ Π'
    using AOT_enc_κ_meta Π'_enc by blast
  moreover have (w. AOT_model_concrete w κ0) 
                 [v  «Rep_rel Π' κ0»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π κ0»] for κ0 v
  proof -
    assume 0: w. AOT_model_concrete w κ0
    hence [v  x [E!]x]κ0] for v
      using AOT_model_concrete_denotes AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_dia
            AOT_sem_lambda_beta AOT_sem_ordinary_def_denotes by blast
    hence w. [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0] using Π'_prop by blast
    thus [v  «Rep_rel Π' κ0»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π κ0»]
      by (meson "0" AOT_model_concrete_denotes AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe Π_den
  ultimately have Π'. AOT_model_denotes Π'  AOT_model_enc κ Π' 
                        (v x. (w. AOT_model_concrete w x) 
                         [v  «Rep_rel Π' x»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π x»])
    by blast
  hence Π'. AOT_model_denotes Π'  AOT_model_enc κ' Π' 
              (v x. (w. AOT_model_concrete w x) 
               [v  «Rep_rel Π' x»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π x»])
    using AOT_model_enc_indistinguishable_ex
            [OF ext, OF κ_den, OF κ_abs, OF κ'_den, OF κ'_abs, OF Π_den]
          indist by blast
  then obtain Π'' where
      Π''_den: AOT_model_denotes Π''
      and Π''_enc: AOT_model_enc κ' Π''
      and Π''_prop: (w. AOT_model_concrete w x) 
                      [v  «Rep_rel Π'' x»] = [v  «Rep_rel Π x»] for v x
    by blast
  have [v  Π'']
    by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes Π''_den)
  moreover have [v  κ'[Π'']]
    by (simp add: AOT_enc_κ_meta Π''_den Π''_enc κ'_den)
  moreover have [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
                 (w. [w  [Π'']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]) for κ0
  proof -
    assume [v  x [E!]x]κ0]
    hence w. AOT_model_concrete w κ0
      by (metis AOT_sem_concrete AOT_sem_dia AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_lambda_beta)
    thus w. [w  [Π'']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]
      using Π''_prop
      by (metis AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe Π''_den Π_den)
  ultimately show Π'. [v  Π']  [v  κ'[Π']] 
                         (κ0. [v  x [E!]x]κ0] 
                               (w. [w  [Π']κ0] = [w  [Π]κ0]))
    by (safe intro!: exI[where x=Π'']) blast+

text‹Define encoding for products using projection-encoding.›
instantiation prod :: (AOT_UnaryEnc, AOT_Enc) AOT_Enc
definition AOT_proj_enc_prod :: 'a×'b  ('a×'b  𝗈)  𝗈 where
  AOT_proj_enc_prod  λ (κ,κ') φ . «κν «φ (ν,κ')»] &
                                     «AOT_proj_enc κ' (λν. φ (κ,ν))»»
definition AOT_enc_prod :: 'a×'b  <'a×'b>  𝗈 where
  AOT_enc_prod  λ κ Π . «Π & «AOT_proj_enc κ (λ κ1n'.  «[Π]κ1'...κn'»)»»
instance proof
  show [v  κ1...κn[Π]]  [v  κ1...κn]  [v  Π]
    for v and κ1κn :: 'a×'b and Π
    unfolding AOT_enc_prod_def
    apply (induct κ1κn; simp add: AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_proj_enc_prod_def)
    by (metis AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_denotes_prod_def AOT_sem_enc_denotes
              AOT_sem_proj_enc_denotes case_prodI)
  show [v  κ1...κn[Π]] =
        [v  «Π» & «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn (λ κ1κn.  «[Π]κ1...κn»)»]
    for v and κ1κn :: 'a×'b and Π
    unfolding AOT_enc_prod_def ..
  show [v  «AOT_proj_enc κs φ»]  [v  «κs»]
    for v and κs :: 'a×'b and φ
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting)
          AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_denotes_prod_def
          AOT_sem_enc_denotes AOT_sem_proj_enc_denotes
          AOT_proj_enc_prod_def case_prod_unfold)
  fix v w Π and κ1κn :: 'a×'b
  show [w  κ1...κn[Π]] if [v  κ1...κn[Π]] for v w Π and κ1κn :: 'a×'b
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting)
          AOT_enc_prod_def AOT_sem_enc_proj_enc AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes
          AOT_sem_proj_enc_nec AOT_proj_enc_prod_def case_prod_unfold that)
  show [w  «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn φ»] if [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn φ»]
    for v w φ and κ1κn :: 'a×'b
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting)
          that AOT_sem_enc_proj_enc AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_denotes
          AOT_sem_proj_enc_nec AOT_proj_enc_prod_def case_prod_unfold)
  fix v
  obtain κ :: 'a where a_prop: [v  κ]  ( Π . [v  Π]   [v  κ[Π]])
    using AOT_sem_universal_encoder by blast
  obtain κ1n' :: 'b where b_prop:
    [v  κ1'...κn']  ( φ . [v  ν1...νn «φ ν1νn»]] 
                                [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ1n' φ»])
    using AOT_sem_universal_encoder by blast
  have AOT_model_denotes «ν1...νn [«Π»]ν1...νn κ1'...κn']»
    if AOT_model_denotes Π for Π :: <'a×'b>
    unfolding AOT_model_lambda_denotes
    by (metis AOT_meta_prod_equivI(2) AOT_sem_exe_equiv)
  moreover have AOT_model_denotes  «ν1...νn [«Π»]κ ν1...νn]»
    if AOT_model_denotes Π for Π :: <'a×'b>
    unfolding AOT_model_lambda_denotes
    by (metis AOT_meta_prod_equivI(1) AOT_sem_exe_equiv)
  ultimately have 1: [v  «(κ,κ1n')»]
              and 2: ( Π . [v  Π]   [v  κ κ1'...κn'[Π]])
    using a_prop b_prop
    by (auto simp: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_enc_κ_meta AOT_model_enc_κ_def
                   AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_model_denotes_prod_def
                   AOT_enc_prod_def AOT_proj_enc_prod_def AOT_sem_conj)
  have AOT_model_denotes «z1...zn «φ (z1zn, κ1n')»]»
    if AOT_model_denotes « φ{}]» for φ :: 'a×'b  𝗈
    using that
    unfolding AOT_model_lambda_denotes
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_denotes_prod_def
                                  AOT_meta_prod_equivI(2) b_prop case_prodI)
  moreover have AOT_model_denotes «z1...zn «φ (κ, z1zn)»]»
    if AOT_model_denotes « φ{}]» for φ :: 'a×'b  𝗈
    using that
    unfolding AOT_model_lambda_denotes
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_denotes_prod_def
                                  AOT_meta_prod_equivI(1) a_prop case_prodI)
  ultimately have 3:
    [v  «(κ,κ1n')»]  ( φ . [v  z1...zn φ{z1...zn}]] 
                                   [v  «AOT_proj_enc (κ,κ1n') φ»])
    using a_prop b_prop
    by (auto simp: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_enc_κ_meta AOT_model_enc_κ_def
                   AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_enc_prod_def AOT_proj_enc_prod_def
                   AOT_sem_conj AOT_model_denotes_prod_def)
  show κ1κn::'a×'b. [v  κ1...κn]  ( Π . [v  Π]  [v  κ1...κn[Π]]) 
                      ( φ . [v  z1...zn «φ z1zn»]] 
                             [v  «AOT_proj_enc κ1κn φ»])
    apply (rule exI[where x=(κ,κ1n')]) using 1 2 3 by blast

text‹Sanity-check to verify that n-ary encoding follows.›
lemma [v  κ1κ2[Π]] = [v  Π & κ1ν [Π]νκ2] & κ2ν [Π]κ1ν]]
  for κ1 :: "'a::AOT_UnaryEnc" and κ2 :: "'b::AOT_UnaryEnc"
  by (simp add: AOT_sem_conj AOT_enc_prod_def AOT_proj_enc_prod_def
lemma [v  κ1κ2κ3[Π]] =
       [v  Π & κ1ν [Π]νκ2κ3] & κ2ν [Π]κ1νκ3] & κ3ν [Π]κ1κ2ν]]
  for κ1 κ2 κ3 :: "'a::AOT_UnaryEnc"
  by (simp add: AOT_sem_conj AOT_enc_prod_def AOT_proj_enc_prod_def

lemma AOT_sem_vars_denote: [v  α1...αn]
  by induct simp

text‹Combine the introduced type classes and register them as
     type constraints for individual terms.›
class AOT_κs = AOT_IndividualTerm + AOT_RelationProjection + AOT_Enc
class AOT_κ = AOT_κs + AOT_UnaryIndividualTerm +
  AOT_UnaryRelationProjection + AOT_UnaryEnc

instance κ :: AOT_κ by standard
instance prod :: (AOT_κ, AOT_κs) AOT_κs by standard

  Individual: _::AOT_κ _::AOT_κs and
  Relation: <_::AOT_κs>

text‹We define semantic predicates to capture the conditions of cqt.2 (i.e.
     the base cases of denoting terms) on matrices of @{text λ}-expressions.›
definition AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 :: ('a::AOT_κs  𝗈)  bool where
  AOT_instance_of_cqt_2  λ φ .  x y . AOT_model_denotes x  AOT_model_denotes y 
                                          AOT_model_term_equiv x y  φ x = φ y
definition AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg :: ('a::AOT_κs  'b::AOT_κs)  bool where
  AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg  λ φ .  x y .
      AOT_model_denotes x  AOT_model_denotes y  AOT_model_term_equiv x y 
      AOT_model_term_equiv (φ x) (φ y)

text@{text λ}-expressions with a matrix that satisfies our predicate denote.›
lemma AOT_sem_cqt_2:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ
  shows [v  ν1...νn φ{ν1...νn}]]
  using assms
  by (metis AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_denotes)

syntax AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 :: id_position  AOT_prop

text‹Prove introduction rules for the predicates that match the natural language
     restrictions of the axiom.›
named_theorems AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_const[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λα. φ)
  by (simp add: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_lambda_denotes)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_not[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «¬φ{τ}»)
  using assms
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_imp[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ and AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 ψ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «φ{τ}  ψ{τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_imp)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_box[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «φ{τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_box)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_act[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «𝒜φ{τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_act)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_diamond[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «φ{τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_dia)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_conj[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ and AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 ψ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «φ{τ} & ψ{τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_conj)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_disj[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ and AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 ψ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «φ{τ}  ψ{τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_disj)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_equib[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 φ and AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 ψ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «φ{τ}  ψ{τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_equiv)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_forall[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes  α . AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (Φ α)
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «α Φ{α,τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_forall)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_exists[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes  α . AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (Φ α)
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λτ. «α Φ{α,τ}»)
  using assms
  by (auto simp: AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes
                 AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_exists)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_exe_arg_self[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
   AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg (λx. x)
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
  by (auto simp: AOT_model_term_equiv_part_equivp equivp_reflp AOT_sem_denotes)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_exe_arg_const[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
     AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg (λx. κ)
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
  by (auto simp: AOT_model_term_equiv_part_equivp equivp_reflp
                 AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_lambda_denotes)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_exe_arg_fst[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
   AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg fst
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
  by (simp add: AOT_model_term_equiv_prod_def case_prod_beta)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_exe_arg_snd[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
   AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg snd
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
  by (simp add: AOT_model_term_equiv_prod_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_lambda_denotes)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_exe_arg_Pair[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg φ and AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg ψ
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg (λτ. Pair (φ τ) (ψ τ))
  using assms
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
            AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_lambda_denotes AOT_model_term_equiv_prod_def
  by auto
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_desc[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes z :: 'a::AOT_κ. AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (Φ z)
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg (λ κ :: 'b::AOT_κ . «ιz(Φ{z,κ})»)
proof -
  have 0:  κ κ'. AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ' 
                   AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ' 
                   Φ z κ = Φ z κ' for z
    using assms
    unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
              AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_lambda_denotes by force
    fix κ κ'
    have «ιz(Φ{z,κ})» = «ιz(Φ{z,κ'})»
      if AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ'  AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ'
      using 0[OF that]
      by auto
    moreover have AOT_model_term_equiv x x for x :: 'a::AOT_κ
      by (metis AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def
                AOT_model_A_objects AOT_model_term_equiv_denotes
    ultimately have AOT_model_term_equiv «ιz(Φ{z,κ})» «ιz(Φ{z,κ'})»
      if AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ'  AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ'
      using that by simp
  thus ?thesis using 0
    unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def
    by simp

lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_exe_const[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg κs
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λx :: 'b::AOT_κs. AOT_exe Π (κs x))
  using assms
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_lambda_denotes
            AOT_sem_disj AOT_sem_conj
            AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_act AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def
            AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_exists AOT_sem_dia
  by (auto intro!: AOT_sem_exe_equiv)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_exe_lam[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes  y . AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λx. φ x y)
      and AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg κs
    shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λκ1κn :: 'b::AOT_κs.
              «ν1...νn φ{κ1...κn,ν1...νn}]«κs κ1κn»»)
proof -
    fix x y :: 'b
    assume AOT_model_denotes x
    moreover assume AOT_model_denotes y
    moreover assume AOT_model_term_equiv x y
    moreover have 1: φ x = φ y
      using assms calculation unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def by blast
    ultimately have AOT_exe (AOT_lambda (φ x)) (κs x) =
                     AOT_exe (AOT_lambda (φ y)) (κs y)
      unfolding 1
      apply (safe intro!: AOT_sem_exe_equiv)
      by (metis AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_exe_arg_def assms(2))
  thus ?thesis
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
  by blast
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro_prod[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro]:
  assumes  x . AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (φ x)
      and  x . AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λ z . φ z x)
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λ(x,y) . φ x y)
  using assms unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
  by (auto simp add: AOT_model_lambda_denotes AOT_sem_denotes

text‹The following are already derivable semantically, but not yet added
     to @{attribute AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro}. They will be added with the
     next planned extension of axiom cqt:2.›
named_theorems AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro_next
definition AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg :: ('a::AOT_κs  'b::AOT_κs)  bool where
  AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg  λ φ .  x y z .
      AOT_model_denotes x  AOT_model_denotes y  AOT_model_term_equiv x y 
      AOT_enc (φ x) z = AOT_enc (φ y) z
definition AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_rel :: ('a::AOT_κs  <'b::AOT_κs>)  bool where
  AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_rel  λ φ .  x y z .
      AOT_model_denotes x  AOT_model_denotes y  AOT_model_term_equiv x y 
      AOT_enc z (φ x) = AOT_enc z (φ y)
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intros_enc[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro_next]:
  assumes AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_rel Π and AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg κs
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λx . AOT_enc (κs x) «[«Π x»]»)
  using assms
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_lambda_denotes
            AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_rel_def AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_act
            AOT_sem_dia AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_disj AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_imp
            AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_exists AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg_def
  by fastforce+
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg_intro_const[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro_next]:
  AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg (λx. c)
  unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg_def by simp
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg_intro_desc[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro_next]:
  assumes z :: 'a::AOT_κ. AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (Φ z)
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg (λ κ :: 'b::AOT_κ . «ιz(Φ{z,κ})»)
proof -
  have 0:  κ κ'. AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ' 
                   AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ' 
                   Φ z κ = Φ z κ' for z
    using assms
    unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def
              AOT_sem_denotes AOT_model_lambda_denotes by force
    fix κ κ'
    have «ιz(Φ{z,κ})» = «ιz(Φ{z,κ'})»
      if AOT_model_denotes κ  AOT_model_denotes κ'  AOT_model_term_equiv κ κ'
      using 0[OF that]
      by auto
  thus ?thesis using 0
    unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_arg_def by meson
lemma AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_rel_intro[AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_intro_next]:
  assumes  κ . AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λκ' :: 'b::AOT_κs . φ κ κ')
  assumes  κ' . AOT_instance_of_cqt_2 (λκ :: 'a::AOT_κs . φ κ κ')
  shows AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_rel (λκ :: 'a::AOT_κs. AOT_lambda (λκ'. φ κ κ'))
proof -
    fix x y :: 'a and z ::'b
    assume AOT_model_term_equiv x y
    moreover assume AOT_model_denotes x
    moreover assume AOT_model_denotes y
    ultimately have φ x = φ y
      using assms unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_def by blast
    hence AOT_enc z (AOT_lambda (φ x)) = AOT_enc z (AOT_lambda (φ y))
      by simp
  thus ?thesis
    unfolding AOT_instance_of_cqt_2_enc_rel_def by auto

text‹Further restrict unary individual variables to type @{typ κ} (rather
     than class @{class AOT_κ} only) and define being ordinary and being abstract.›
  Individual: κ _::AOT_κs

AOT_define AOT_ordinary :: Π (O!) O! =df x E!x]
declare AOT_ordinary[AOT del, AOT_defs del]
AOT_define AOT_abstract :: Π (A!) A! =df x ¬E!x]
declare AOT_abstract[AOT del, AOT_defs del]

context AOT_meta_syntax
notation AOT_ordinary (O!)
notation AOT_abstract (A!)
context AOT_no_meta_syntax
no_notation AOT_ordinary (O!)
no_notation AOT_abstract (A!)

  "_AOT_concrete" => "CONST AOT_term_of_var (CONST AOT_concrete)"
parse_translation[(syntax_const‹_AOT_concrete›, fn _ => fn [] =>
  Const (const_nameAOT_term_of_var, dummyT)
  $ Const (const_nameAOT_concrete, typ<κ> AOT_var))]

text‹Auxiliary lemmata.›
lemma AOT_sem_ordinary: "«O!» = «x E!x]»"
  using AOT_ordinary[THEN AOT_sem_id_def0E1] AOT_sem_ordinary_def_denotes
  by (auto simp: AOT_sem_eq)
lemma AOT_sem_abstract: "«A!» = «x ¬E!x]»"
  using AOT_abstract[THEN AOT_sem_id_def0E1]  AOT_sem_abstract_def_denotes
  by (auto simp: AOT_sem_eq)
lemma AOT_sem_ordinary_denotes: [w  O!]
  by (simp add: AOT_sem_ordinary AOT_sem_ordinary_def_denotes)
lemma AOT_meta_abstract_denotes: [w  A!]
  by (simp add: AOT_sem_abstract AOT_sem_abstract_def_denotes)
lemma AOT_model_abstract_ακ:  a . κ = ακ a if [v  A!κ]
  using that[unfolded AOT_sem_abstract, simplified
      AOT_meta_abstract_denotes[unfolded AOT_sem_abstract, THEN AOT_sem_lambda_beta,
          OF that[simplified AOT_sem_exe, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]]]
  apply (simp add: AOT_sem_not AOT_sem_dia AOT_sem_concrete)
  by (metis AOT_model_ω_concrete_in_some_world AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(1)
            AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_exe κ.exhaust_disc
            is_ακ_def is_ωκ_def that)
lemma AOT_model_ordinary_ωκ:  a . κ = ωκ a if [v  O!κ]
  using that[unfolded AOT_sem_ordinary, simplified
      AOT_sem_ordinary_denotes[unfolded AOT_sem_ordinary, THEN AOT_sem_lambda_beta,
        OF that[simplified AOT_sem_exe, THEN conjunct2, THEN conjunct1]]]
  apply (simp add: AOT_sem_dia AOT_sem_concrete)
  by (metis AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(2) AOT_model_concrete_κ.simps(3)
            κ.exhaust_disc is_ακ_def is_ωκ_def is_nullκ_def)
lemma AOT_model_ωκ_ordinary: [v  O!«ωκ x»]
  by (metis AOT_model_abstract_ακ AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_sem_abstract
            AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_ind_eq AOT_sem_ordinary κ.disc(7) κ.distinct(1))
lemma AOT_model_ακ_ordinary: [v  A!«ακ x»]
  by (metis AOT_model_denotes_κ_def AOT_model_ordinary_ωκ AOT_sem_abstract
            AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_ind_eq AOT_sem_ordinary κ.disc(8) κ.distinct(1))
AOT_theorem prod_denotesE: assumes «(κ1,κ2)» shows κ1 & κ2
  using assms by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_conj AOT_model_denotes_prod_def)
declare prod_denotesE[AOT del]
AOT_theorem prod_denotesI: assumes κ1 & κ2 shows «(κ1,κ2)»
  using assms by (simp add: AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_conj AOT_model_denotes_prod_def)
declare prod_denotesI[AOT del]

text‹Prepare the derivation of the additional axioms that are validated by
     our extended models.›
locale AOT_ExtendedModel =
  assumes AOT_ExtendedModel: AOT_ExtendedModel
lemma AOT_sem_indistinguishable_ord_enc_all:
  assumes Π_den: [v  Π]
  assumes Ax: [v  A!x]
  assumes Ay: [v  A!y]
  assumes indist: [v  F ([F]x  [F]y)]
  [v  G(z(O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z))  x[G])] =
   [v  G(z(O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z))  y[G])]
proof -
    have 0: [v  x ¬[E!]x]x]
      using Ax by (simp add: AOT_sem_abstract)
    have 1: [v  x ¬[E!]x]y]
      using Ay by (simp add: AOT_sem_abstract)
      assume [v  G(z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z))  x[G])]
      hence 3: [v  G(z(x [E!]x]z  ([G]z  [Π]z))  x[G])]
        by (simp add: AOT_sem_ordinary)
        fix Π' :: <κ>
        assume 1: [v  Π']
        assume 2: [v  x [E!]x]z  ([Π']z  [Π]z)] for z
        have [v  x[Π']]
          using 3
          by (auto simp: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_denotes)
             (metis (no_types, lifting) 1 2 AOT_term_of_var_cases AOT_sem_box
                                        AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_imp)
      } note 3 = this
      fix Π' :: <κ>
      assume Π_den: [v  Π']
      assume 4: [v  z (O!z  ([Π']z  [Π]z))]
        fix κ0
        assume [v  x [E!]x]κ0]
        hence [v  O!κ0]
          using AOT_sem_ordinary by metis
        moreover have [v  κ0]
          using calculation by (simp add: AOT_sem_exe)
        ultimately have [v  ([Π']κ0  [Π]κ0)]
          using 4 by (auto simp: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_imp)
      } note 4 = this
        fix Π'' :: <κ>
        assume [v  Π'']
        moreover assume [w  [Π'']κ0] = [w  [Π']κ0] if [v  x E!x]κ0] for κ0 w
        ultimately have 5: [v  x[Π'']]
          using 4 3
          by (auto simp: AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_box)
      } note 5 = this
      have [v  y[Π']]
        apply (rule AOT_sem_enc_indistinguishable_all[OF AOT_ExtendedModel])
        apply (fact 0)
        by (auto simp: 5 0 1 Π_den indist[simplified AOT_sem_forall
                       AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_equiv])
    moreover {
      assume [v  G(z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z))  y[G])]
      hence 3: [v  G(z (x [E!]x]z  ([G]z  [Π]z))  y[G])]
        by (simp add: AOT_sem_ordinary)
        fix Π' :: <κ>
        assume 1: [v  Π']
        assume 2: [v  x [E!]x]z  ([Π']z  [Π]z)] for z
        have [v  y[Π']]
          using 3
          apply (simp add: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_denotes)
          by (metis (no_types, lifting) 1 2 AOT_model.AOT_term_of_var_cases
                                        AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_denotes AOT_sem_imp)
      } note 3 = this
      fix Π' :: <κ>
      assume Π_den: [v  Π']
      assume 4: [v  z (O!z  ([Π']z  [Π]z))]
        fix κ0
        assume [v  x [E!]x]κ0]
        hence [v  O!κ0]
          using AOT_sem_ordinary by metis
        moreover have [v  κ0]
          using calculation by (simp add: AOT_sem_exe)
        ultimately have [v  ([Π']κ0  [Π]κ0)]
          using 4 by (auto simp: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_imp)
      } note 4 = this
        fix Π'' :: <κ>
        assume [v  Π'']
        moreover assume [w  [Π'']κ0] = [w  [Π']κ0] if [v  x E!x]κ0] for w κ0
        ultimately have [v  y[Π'']]
          using 3 4 by (auto simp: AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_box)
      } note 5 = this
      have [v  x[Π']]
        apply (rule AOT_sem_enc_indistinguishable_all[OF AOT_ExtendedModel])
              apply (fact 1)
        by (auto simp: 5 0 1 Π_den indist[simplified AOT_sem_forall
                       AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_equiv])
  ultimately show [v  G (z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z))  x[G])] =
        [v  G (z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z))  y[G])]
    by (auto simp: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_imp)

lemma AOT_sem_indistinguishable_ord_enc_ex:
  assumes Π_den: [v  Π]
  assumes Ax: [v  A!x]
  assumes Ay: [v  A!y]
  assumes indist: [v  F ([F]x  [F]y)]
  shows [v  G(z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z)) & x[G])] =
         [v  G(z(O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z)) & y[G])]
proof -
  have Aux: [v  x [E!]x]κ] = ([v  x [E!]x]κ]  [v  κ]) for v κ
    using AOT_sem_exe by blast
  AOT_modally_strict {
    fix x y
    AOT_assume Π_den: [Π]
    AOT_assume 2: F ([F]x  [F]y)
    AOT_assume A!x
    AOT_hence 0: x ¬[E!]x]x
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_abstract)
    AOT_assume A!y
    AOT_hence 1: x ¬[E!]x]y
      by (simp add: AOT_sem_abstract)
      AOT_assume G(z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z)) & x[G])
      then AOT_obtain Π'
        where Π'_den: Π'
          and Π'_indist: z (O!z  ([Π']z  [Π]z))
          and x_enc_Π': x[Π']
        by (meson AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_exists)
        fix κ0
        AOT_assume x [E!]x]κ0
        AOT_hence ([Π']κ0  [Π]κ0)
          using Π'_indist
          by (auto simp: AOT_sem_exe AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_exists AOT_sem_conj
                         AOT_sem_ordinary AOT_sem_forall)
      } note 3 = this
      AOT_have z (x [E!]x]z  ([Π']z  [Π]z))
        using Π'_indist by (simp add: AOT_sem_ordinary)
      AOT_obtain Π'' where
          Π''_den: Π'' and
          Π''_indist: x [E!]x]κ0  ([Π'']κ0  [Π]κ0) and
          y_enc_Π'': y[Π''] for κ0
        using AOT_sem_enc_indistinguishable_ex[OF AOT_ExtendedModel,
                OF 0, OF 1, rotated, OF Π_den,
                OF exI[where x=Π'], OF conjI, OF Π'_den, OF conjI,
                OF x_enc_Π', OF allI, OF impI,
                OF 3[simplified AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_equiv], simplified, OF
                2[simplified AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_box,
                  THEN spec, THEN mp, THEN spec], simplified]
        unfolding AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_equiv by blast
        AOT_have Π''
            and x (x [E!]x]x  ([Π'']x  [Π]x))
            and y[Π'']
          apply (simp add: Π''_den)
          apply (simp add: AOT_sem_forall Π''_indist)
          by (simp add: y_enc_Π'')
      } note 2 = this
      AOT_have G(z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z)) & y[G])
        apply (simp add: AOT_sem_exists AOT_sem_ordinary
            AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_conj)
        using 2[simplified AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_equiv AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_forall]
        by blast
  } note 0 = this
  AOT_modally_strict {
      fix x y
      AOT_assume Π_den: [Π]
      moreover AOT_assume F ([F]x  [F]y)
      moreover AOT_have F ([F]y  [F]x)
        using calculation(2)
        by (auto simp: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_equiv)
      moreover AOT_assume A!x
      moreover AOT_assume A!y
      ultimately AOT_have G (z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z)) & x[G]) 
                           G (z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z)) & y[G])
        using 0 by (auto simp: AOT_sem_equiv)
    have 1: [v  F ([F]y  [F]x)]
      using indist
      by (auto simp: AOT_sem_forall AOT_sem_box AOT_sem_equiv)
    thus [v  G (z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z)) & x[G])] =
        [v  G (z (O!z  ([G]z  [Π]z)) & y[G])]
      using assms
      by (auto simp: AOT_sem_imp AOT_sem_conj AOT_sem_equiv 0)

(* Collect all theorems that are not in Main and not declared [AOT]
   and store them in a blacklist. *)
bundle AOT_no_atp begin declare AOT_no_atp[no_atp] end
(* Can be used as: "including AOT_no_atp sledgehammer" or
   "sledgehammer(del: AOT_no_atp) *)
