This entry contains the formalization that accompanies my PhD thesis
(see https://lars.hupel.info/research/codegen/). I develop a verified
compilation toolchain from executable specifications in Isabelle/HOL
to CakeML abstract syntax trees. This improves over the
state-of-the-art in Isabelle by providing a trustworthy procedure for
code generation.
Session CakeML_Codegen
- ML_Utils
- Compiler_Utils
- Code_Utils
- CakeML_Utils
- Test_Utils
- Doc_Terms
- Terms_Extras
- HOL_Datatype
- Constructors
- Consts
- Strong_Term
- Sterm
- Pterm
- Term_as_Value
- Value
- Doc_CupCake
- CupCake_Env
- CupCake_Semantics
- Doc_Rewriting
- General_Rewriting
- Rewriting_Term
- Rewriting_Nterm
- Rewriting_Pterm_Elim
- Rewriting_Pterm
- Rewriting_Sterm
- Big_Step_Sterm
- Big_Step_Value
- Big_Step_Value_ML
- Doc_Preproc
- Eval_Class
- Embed
- Eval_Instances
- Doc_Backend
- CakeML_Setup
- CakeML_Backend
- CakeML_Correctness
- CakeML_Byte
- Doc_Compiler
- Composition
- Compiler
- Test_Composition
- Test_Print
- Test_Embed_Data
- Test_Embed_Data2
- Test_Embed_Tree
- Test_Datatypes