We implemented a type class for "to-string" functions, similar to
Haskell's Show class. Moreover, we provide instantiations for Isabelle/HOL's
standard types like bool, prod, sum, nats, ints, and rats. It is further
possible, to automatically derive show functions for arbitrary user defined
datatypes similar to Haskell's "deriving Show".
- April 12, 2024
- Added show-class based on string literals, added parsers for nat and int, added injectivity proofs.
- April 10, 2015
- Moved development for old-style datatypes into subdirectory
- March 11, 2015
- Adapted development to new-style (BNF-based) datatypes.
Session Show
Session Old_Datatype_Show
Used by
- Executable Multivariate Polynomials
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Implementing field extensions of the form Q[sqrt(b)]
- Affine Arithmetic
- Certification Monads
- Derivatives of Logical Formulas
- Polynomial Factorization
- The Factorization Algorithm of Berlekamp and Zassenhaus
- Dictionary Construction
- First-Order Terms
- CakeML
- Monadification, Memoization and Dynamic Programming
- A Verified Code Generator from Isabelle/HOL to CakeML
- AI Planning Languages Semantics
- Two algorithms based on modular arithmetic: lattice basis reduction and Hermite normal form computation
- MiniSail - A kernel language for the ISA specification language SAIL
- LL(1) Parser Generator
- Difference Bound Matrices