Theory Weighted_Arithmetic_Geometric_Mean

section ‹The Weighted Arithmetic--Geometric Mean Inequality›
theory Weighted_Arithmetic_Geometric_Mean
  imports Complex_Main

subsection ‹Auxiliary Facts›

lemma root_powr_inverse': "0 < n  0  x  root n x = x powr (1/n)"
  by (cases "x = 0") (auto simp: root_powr_inverse)

lemma powr_sum_distrib_real_right:
  assumes "a  0"
  shows   "(xX. a powr e x :: real) = a powr (xX. e x)"
  using assms
  by (induction X rule: infinite_finite_induct) (auto simp: powr_add)

lemma powr_sum_distrib_real_left:
  assumes "x. x  X  a x  0"
  shows   "(xX. a x powr e :: real) = (xX. a x) powr e"
  using assms
  by (induction X rule: infinite_finite_induct)
     (auto simp: powr_mult prod_nonneg)

lemma prod_ge_pointwise_le_imp_pointwise_eq:
  fixes f :: "'a  real"
  assumes "finite X"
  assumes ge: "prod f X  prod g X"
  assumes nonneg: "x. x  X  f x  0"
  assumes pos: "x. x  X  g x > 0"
  assumes le: "x. x  X  f x  g x" and x: "x  X"
  shows   "f x = g x"
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume "f x  g x"
  with le[of x] and x have "f x < g x"
    by auto
  hence "prod f X < prod g X"
    using x and le and nonneg and pos and finite X 
    by (intro prod_mono_strict) auto
  with ge show False
    by simp

lemma powr_right_real_eq_iff:
  assumes "a  (0 :: real)"
  shows   "a powr x = a powr y  a = 0  a = 1  x = y"
  using assms by (auto simp: powr_def)

lemma powr_left_real_eq_iff:
  assumes "a  (0 :: real)" "b  0" "x  0"
  shows   "a powr x = b powr x  a = b"
  using assms by (auto simp: powr_def)

lemma exp_real_eq_one_plus_iff:
  fixes x :: real
  shows "exp x = 1 + x  x = 0"
proof (cases "x = 0")
  case False
  define f :: "real  real" where "f = (λx. exp x - 1 - x)"
  have deriv: "(f has_field_derivative (exp x - 1)) (at x)" for x
    by (auto simp: f_def intro!: derivative_eq_intros)

  have "z. z>min x 0  z < max x 0  f (max x 0) - f (min x 0) = 
            (max x 0 - min x 0) * (exp z - 1)"
    using MVT2[of "min x 0" "max x 0" f "λx. exp x - 1"] deriv False
    by (auto simp: min_def max_def)
  then obtain z where "z  {min x 0<..<max x 0}"
     "f (max x 0) - f (min x 0) = (max x 0 - min x 0) * (exp z - 1)"
    by (auto simp: f_def)
  thus ?thesis using False
    by (cases x "0 :: real" rule: linorder_cases) (auto simp: f_def)
qed auto

subsection ‹The Inequality›

text ‹
  We first prove the equality under the assumption that all the $a_i$ and $w_i$ are positive.
lemma weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_pos:
  fixes a w :: "'a  real"
  assumes "finite X"
  assumes pos1: "x. x  X  a x > 0"
  assumes pos2: "x. x  X  w x > 0"
  assumes sum_weights: "(xX. w x) = 1"
  shows   "(xX. a x powr w x)  (xX. w x * a x)"
proof -
  note nonneg1 = less_imp_le[OF pos1]
  note nonneg2 = less_imp_le[OF pos2]
  define A where "A = (xX. w x * a x)"
  define r where "r = (λx. a x / A - 1)"
  from sum_weights have "X  {}" by auto
  hence "A  0"
    unfolding A_def using nonneg1 nonneg2 pos1 pos2 finite X
    by (subst sum_nonneg_eq_0_iff) force+
  moreover from nonneg1 nonneg2 have "A  0"
    by (auto simp: A_def intro!: sum_nonneg)
  ultimately have "A > 0" by simp

  have "(xX. (1 + r x) powr w x) = (xX. (a x / A) powr w x)"
    by (simp add: r_def)
  also have " = (xX. a x powr w x) / (xX. A powr w x)"
    unfolding prod_dividef [symmetric]
    using assms pos2 A > 0 by (intro prod.cong powr_divide) (auto intro: less_imp_le)
  also have "(xX. A powr w x) = exp ((xX. w x) * ln A)"
    using A > 0 and finite X by (simp add: powr_def exp_sum sum_distrib_right)
  also have "(xX. w x) = 1" by fact
  also have "exp (1 * ln A) = A"
    using A > 0 by simp
  finally have lhs: "(xX. (1 + r x) powr w x) = (xX. a x powr w x) / A" .

  have "(xX. exp (w x * r x)) = exp (xX. w x * r x)"
    using finite X by (simp add: exp_sum)
  also have "(xX. w x * r x) = (xX. a x * w x) / A - 1"
    using A > 0 by (simp add: r_def algebra_simps sum_subtractf sum_divide_distrib sum_weights)
  also have "(xX. a x * w x) / A = 1"
    using A > 0 by (simp add: A_def mult.commute)
  finally have rhs: "(xX. exp (w x * r x)) = 1" by simp

  have "(xX. a x powr w x) / A = (xX. (1 + r x) powr w x)"
    by (fact lhs [symmetric])
  also have "(xX. (1 + r x) powr w x)  (xX. exp (w x * r x))"
  proof (intro prod_mono conjI)
    fix x assume x: "x  X"
    have "1 + r x  exp (r x)"
      by (rule exp_ge_add_one_self)
    hence "(1 + r x) powr w x  exp (r x) powr w x"
      using nonneg1[of x] nonneg2[of x] x A > 0
      by (intro powr_mono2) (auto simp: r_def field_simps)
    also have " = exp (w x * r x)"
      by (simp add: powr_def)
    finally show "(1 + r x) powr w x  exp (w x * r x)" .
  qed auto
  also have "(xX. exp (w x * r x)) = 1" by (fact rhs)
  finally show "(xX. a x powr w x)  A"
    using A > 0 by (simp add: field_simps)

text ‹
  We can now relax the positivity assumptions to non-negativity: if one of the $a_i$ is
  zero, the theorem becomes trivial (note that $0^0 = 0$ by convention for the real-valued
  power operator term(powr) :: real  real  real).

  Otherwise, we can simply remove all the indices that have weight 0 and apply the
  above auxiliary version of the theorem.
theorem weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean:
  fixes a w :: "'a  real"
  assumes "finite X"
  assumes nonneg1: "x. x  X  a x  0"
  assumes nonneg2: "x. x  X  w x  0"
  assumes sum_weights: "(xX. w x) = 1"
  shows   "(xX. a x powr w x)  (xX. w x * a x)"
proof (cases "xX. a x = 0")
  case True
  hence "(xX. a x powr w x) = 0"
    using finite X by simp
  also have "  (xX. w x * a x)"
    by (intro sum_nonneg mult_nonneg_nonneg assms)
  finally show ?thesis .
  case False
  have "(xX-{x. w x = 0}. w x) = (xX. w x)"
    by (intro sum.mono_neutral_left assms) auto
  also have " = 1" by fact
  finally have sum_weights': "(xX-{x. w x = 0}. w x) = 1" .

  have "(xX. a x powr w x) = (xX-{x. w x = 0}. a x powr w x)"
    using finite X False by (intro prod.mono_neutral_right) auto
  also have "  (xX-{x. w x = 0}. w x * a x)" using assms False
    by (intro weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_pos sum_weights')
       (auto simp: order.strict_iff_order)
  also have " = (xX. w x * a x)"
    using finite X by (intro sum.mono_neutral_left) auto
  finally show ?thesis .

text ‹
  We can derive the regular arithmetic/geometric mean inequality from this by simply
  setting all the weights to $\frac{1}{n}$:
corollary arithmetic_geometric_mean:
  fixes a :: "'a  real"
  assumes "finite X"
  defines "n  card X"
  assumes nonneg: "x. x  X  a x  0"
  shows   "root n (xX. a x)  (xX. a x) / n"
proof (cases "X = {}")
  case False
  with assms have n: "n > 0"
    by auto
  have "(xX. a x powr (1 / n))  (xX. (1 / n) * a x)"
    using n assms by (intro weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean) auto
  also have "(xX. a x powr (1 / n)) = (xX. a x) powr (1 / n)"
    using nonneg by (subst powr_sum_distrib_real_left) auto
  also have " = root n (xX. a x)"
    using n > 0 nonneg by (subst root_powr_inverse') (auto simp: prod_nonneg)
  also have "(xX. (1 / n) * a x) = (xX. a x) / n"
    by (subst sum_distrib_left [symmetric]) auto
  finally show ?thesis .
qed (auto simp: n_def)

subsection ‹The Equality Case›

text ‹
  Next, we show that weighted arithmetic and geometric mean are equal if and only if all the 
  $a_i$ are equal.

  We first prove the more difficult direction as a lemmas and again first assume positivity
  of all $a_i$ and $w_i$ and will relax this somewhat later.
lemma weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff_pos:
  fixes a w :: "'a  real"
  assumes "finite X"
  assumes pos1: "x. x  X  a x > 0"
  assumes pos2: "x. x  X  w x > 0"
  assumes sum_weights: "(xX. w x) = 1"
  assumes eq: "(xX. a x powr w x) = (xX. w x * a x)"
  shows   "xX. yX. a x = a y"
proof -
  note nonneg1 = less_imp_le[OF pos1]
  note nonneg2 = less_imp_le[OF pos2]
  define A where "A = (xX. w x * a x)"
  define r where "r = (λx. a x / A - 1)"
  from sum_weights have "X  {}" by auto
  hence "A  0"
    unfolding A_def using nonneg1 nonneg2 pos1 pos2 finite X
    by (subst sum_nonneg_eq_0_iff) force+
  moreover from nonneg1 nonneg2 have "A  0"
    by (auto simp: A_def intro!: sum_nonneg)
  ultimately have "A > 0" by simp

  have r_ge: "r x  -1" if x: "x  X" for x
    using A > 0 pos1[OF x] by (auto simp: r_def field_simps)

  have "(xX. (1 + r x) powr w x) = (xX. (a x / A) powr w x)"
    by (simp add: r_def)
  also have " = (xX. a x powr w x) / (xX. A powr w x)"
    unfolding prod_dividef [symmetric]
    using assms pos2 A > 0 by (intro prod.cong powr_divide) (auto intro: less_imp_le)
  also have "(xX. A powr w x) = exp ((xX. w x) * ln A)"
    using A > 0 and finite X by (simp add: powr_def exp_sum sum_distrib_right)
  also have "(xX. w x) = 1" by fact
  also have "exp (1 * ln A) = A"
    using A > 0 by simp
  finally have lhs: "(xX. (1 + r x) powr w x) = (xX. a x powr w x) / A" .

  have "(xX. exp (w x * r x)) = exp (xX. w x * r x)"
    using finite X by (simp add: exp_sum)
  also have "(xX. w x * r x) = (xX. a x * w x) / A - 1"
    using A > 0 by (simp add: r_def algebra_simps sum_subtractf sum_divide_distrib sum_weights)
  also have "(xX. a x * w x) / A = 1"
    using A > 0 by (simp add: A_def mult.commute)
  finally have rhs: "(xX. exp (w x * r x)) = 1" by simp

  have "a x = A" if x: "x  X" for x
  proof -
    have "(1 + r x) powr w x = exp (w x * r x)"
    proof (rule prod_ge_pointwise_le_imp_pointwise_eq
             [where f = "λx. (1 + r x) powr w x" and g = "λx. exp (w x * r x)"])
      show "(1 + r x) powr w x  exp (w x * r x)" if x: "x  X" for x
      proof -
        have "1 + r x  exp (r x)"
          by (rule exp_ge_add_one_self)
        hence "(1 + r x) powr w x  exp (r x) powr w x"
          using nonneg1[of x] nonneg2[of x] x A > 0
          by (intro powr_mono2) (auto simp: r_def field_simps)
        also have " = exp (w x * r x)"
          by (simp add: powr_def)
        finally show "(1 + r x) powr w x  exp (w x * r x)" .
      show "(xX. (1 + r x) powr w x)  (xX. exp (w x * r x))"
      proof -
        have "(xX. (1 + r x) powr w x) = (xX. a x powr w x) / A"
          by (fact lhs)
        also have " = 1"
          using A  0 by (simp add: eq A_def)
        also have " = (xX. exp (w x * r x))"
          by (simp add: rhs)
        finally show ?thesis by simp
    qed (use x finite X in auto)

    also have "exp (w x * r x) = exp (r x) powr w x"
      by (simp add: powr_def)
    finally have "1 + r x = exp (r x)"
      using x pos2[of x] r_ge[of x] by (subst (asm) powr_left_real_eq_iff) auto
    hence "r x = 0"
      using exp_real_eq_one_plus_iff[of "r x"] by auto
    hence "a x = A"
      using A > 0 by (simp add: r_def field_simps)
    thus ?thesis
      by (simp add: )
  thus "xX. yX. a x = a y"
    by auto

text ‹
  We can now show the full theorem and relax the positivity condition on the $a_i$ to
  non-negativity. This is possible because if some $a_i$ is zero and the two means
  coincide, then the product is obviously 0, but the sum can only be 0 if termall
  the $a_i$ are 0.
theorem weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff:
  fixes a w :: "'a  real"
  assumes "finite X"
  assumes nonneg1: "x. x  X  a x  0"
  assumes pos2:    "x. x  X  w x > 0"
  assumes sum_weights: "(xX. w x) = 1"
  shows   "(xX. a x powr w x) = (xX. w x * a x)  X  {}  (xX. yX. a x = a y)"
  assume *: "X  {}  (xX. yX. a x = a y)"
  from * have "X  {}"
    by blast

  from * obtain c where c: "x. x  X  a x = c" "c  0"
  proof (cases "X = {}")
    case False
    then obtain x where "x  X" by blast
    thus ?thesis using * that[of "a x"] nonneg1[of x] by metis
    case True
    thus ?thesis
      using that[of 1] by auto

  have "(xX. a x powr w x) = (xX. c powr w x)"
    by (simp add: c)
  also have " = c"
    using assms c X  {} by (cases "c = 0") (auto simp: powr_sum_distrib_real_right)
  also have " = (xX. w x * a x)"
    using sum_weights by (simp add: c(1) flip: sum_distrib_left sum_distrib_right)
  finally show "(xX. a x powr w x) = (xX. w x * a x)" .
  assume *: "(xX. a x powr w x) = (xX. w x * a x)"
  have "X  {}"
    using * by auto
  moreover have "(xX. yX. a x = a y)"
  proof (cases "xX. a x = 0")
    case False
    with nonneg1 have pos1: "xX. a x > 0"
      by force
    thus ?thesis
      using weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff_pos[of X a w] assms *
      by blast
    case True
    hence "(xX. a x powr w x) = 0"
      using assms by auto
    with * have "(xX. w x * a x) = 0"
      by auto
    also have "?this  (xX. w x * a x = 0)"
      using assms by (intro sum_nonneg_eq_0_iff mult_nonneg_nonneg) (auto intro: less_imp_le)
    finally have "(xX. a x = 0)"
      using pos2 by force
    thus ?thesis
      by auto
  ultimately show "X  {}  (xX. yX. a x = a y)"
    by blast

text ‹
  Again, we derive a version for the unweighted arithmetic/geometric mean.
corollary arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff:
  fixes a :: "'a  real"
  assumes "finite X"
  defines "n  card X"
  assumes nonneg: "x. x  X  a x  0"
  shows   "root n (xX. a x) = (xX. a x) / n  (xX. yX. a x = a y)"
proof (cases "X = {}")
  case False
  with assms have "n > 0"
    by auto
  have "(xX. a x powr (1 / n)) = (xX. (1 / n) * a x) 
          X  {}  (xX. yX. a x = a y)"
    using assms False by (intro weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff) auto
  also have "(xX. a x powr (1 / n)) = (xX. a x) powr (1 / n)"
    using nonneg by (subst powr_sum_distrib_real_left) auto
  also have " = root n (xX. a x)"
    using n > 0 nonneg by (subst root_powr_inverse') (auto simp: prod_nonneg)
  also have "(xX. (1 / n) * a x) = (xX. a x) / n"
    by (subst sum_distrib_left [symmetric]) auto
  finally show ?thesis using False by auto
qed (auto simp: n_def)

subsection ‹The Binary Version›

text ‹
  For convenience, we also derive versions for only two numbers:
corollary weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_binary:
  fixes w1 w2 x1 x2 :: real
  assumes "x1  0" "x2  0" "w1  0" "w2  0" "w1 + w2 = 1"
  shows   "x1 powr w1 * x2 powr w2  w1 * x1 + w2 * x2"
proof -
  let ?a = "λb. if b then x1 else x2"
  let ?w = "λb. if b then w1 else w2"
  from assms have "(xUNIV. ?a x powr ?w x)  (xUNIV. ?w x * ?a x)" 
    by (intro weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean) (auto simp add: UNIV_bool)
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: UNIV_bool add_ac mult_ac)

corollary weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff_binary:
  fixes w1 w2 x1 x2 :: real
  assumes "x1  0" "x2  0" "w1 > 0" "w2 > 0" "w1 + w2 = 1"
  shows   "x1 powr w1 * x2 powr w2 = w1 * x1 + w2 * x2  x1 = x2"
proof -
  let ?a = "λb. if b then x1 else x2"
  let ?w = "λb. if b then w1 else w2"
  from assms have "(xUNIV. ?a x powr ?w x) = (xUNIV. ?w x * ?a x)
                       (UNIV :: bool set)  {}  (xUNIV. yUNIV. ?a x = ?a y)" 
    by (intro weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff) (auto simp add: UNIV_bool)
  thus ?thesis by (auto simp: UNIV_bool add_ac mult_ac)

corollary arithmetic_geometric_mean_binary:
  fixes x1 x2 :: real
  assumes "x1  0" "x2  0"
  shows   "sqrt (x1 * x2)  (x1 + x2) / 2"
  using weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_binary[of x1 x2 "1/2" "1/2"] assms
  by (simp add: powr_half_sqrt field_simps real_sqrt_mult)

corollary arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff_binary:
  fixes x1 x2 :: real
  assumes "x1  0" "x2  0"
  shows   "sqrt (x1 * x2) = (x1 + x2) / 2  x1 = x2"
  using weighted_arithmetic_geometric_mean_eq_iff_binary[of x1 x2 "1/2" "1/2"] assms
  by (simp add: powr_half_sqrt field_simps real_sqrt_mult)
