Theory Array_Map_Default

section ‹Options and Maps with Default Value for None›
theory Array_Map_Default
imports Dynamic_Array DRAT_Misc
  text ‹Implements maps from natural numbers to any value type that has an 
    unused default value in its implementation type. 
    Internally, uses a dynamic array.
  definition "is_unused_elem dflt A  x. A x dflt = false"
  lemma is_unused_elem_pure[simp]: 
    "is_unused_elem dflt (pure R)  dflt  Domain R"
    unfolding is_unused_elem_def
    by (auto simp: pure_rel_eq_false_iff)
  definition "dflt_option_rel_aux dflt 
     { (dflt,None) }  { (x, Some x) | x. xdflt }"
  definition [to_relAPP]: "dflt_option_assn dflt A 
     pure (dflt_option_rel_aux dflt O the_pure Aoption_rel)"
  subsection ‹Function-Level Map Operations›  
  text ‹We justify the map operations implemented by a function›
  lemma amd1_empty_refine: 
    "(uncurry0 (λ_. dflt), uncurry0 op_map_empty) 
     Id f (Id  dflt_option_rel_aux dflt)"
    by (auto simp: dflt_option_rel_aux_def fref_def)
  lemma amd1_lookup_refine: 
    "(λx f. f x, op_map_lookup) 
     Id  (Id  dflt_option_rel_aux dflt)  dflt_option_rel_aux dflt"
    apply simp by parametricity
  lemma amd1_update_refine: 
    "(uncurry2 (λk v f. f(k:=v)), uncurry2 op_map_update) 
     [λ((k,v),m). vdflt]f 
      ((Id ×r Id) ×r (Id  dflt_option_rel_aux dflt)) 
       (Id  dflt_option_rel_aux dflt)"
    unfolding op_map_update_def
    apply (rule frefI)
    apply auto
    applyS (auto simp: dflt_option_rel_aux_def)
    applyS (parametricity; simp)
  definition [simp]: "amd1_delete dflt k f  fun_upd f k dflt"
  lemma amd1_delete_refine: 
    "(uncurry (amd1_delete dflt), uncurry op_map_delete) 
     Id ×r (Id  dflt_option_rel_aux dflt) f (Id  dflt_option_rel_aux dflt)"
    unfolding op_map_delete_def PR_CONST_def amd1_delete_def
    apply (rule frefI)
    apply parametricity
    apply (auto simp: dflt_option_rel_aux_def)

  subsection ‹Map Operations, array-level›
  text ‹We use dynamic arrays to implement the function, and combine both to 
      implement the map interface.›
  definition [code_unfold]: "amd_empty dflt  dyn_array_new_sz dflt 16"
  definition [code_unfold]: "amd_lookup dflt k a  array_get_dyn dflt a k"
  definition [code_unfold]: "amd_update dflt k v a  array_set_dyn dflt a k v"
  definition [code_unfold]: "amd_delete dflt k a  array_set_dyn dflt a k dflt"
  definition "amd_assn dflt K V 
     hr_comp (hr_comp 
        (is_nff dflt) 
        (nat_rel f dflt_option_rel_aux dflt)) 
        (the_pure K, the_pure Vmap_rel)"
  lemma amd_assn_fold2: "hr_comp (hr_comp 
      (is_nff dflt) 
      (nat_rel  dflt_option_rel_aux dflt)) 
      (the_pure K, the_pure Vmap_rel) 
    = amd_assn dflt K V"
    unfolding amd_assn_def
    apply (fo_rule fun_cong arg_cong)+
    unfolding fref_def fun_rel_def by auto
  (* TODO: Move *)
  lemmas [intf_of_assn] 
    = intf_of_assnI[where R="amd_assn dflt K V" 
                      and 'a="(nat,'vv) i_map" for dflt K V]
  lemmas [safe_constraint_rules] 
    = CN_FALSEI[of is_pure "amd_assn dflt K V" for dflt K V]
  notes [fcomp_norm_unfold] = 
    amd_assn_def[symmetric] dflt_option_assn_def[symmetric] amd_assn_fold2
  notes [intro!] = hfrefI hn_refineI[THEN hn_refine_preI]
  notes [simp] = pure_def hn_ctxt_def invalid_assn_def 
  fixes dflt :: "'a::heap"
  lemma amd2_empty_refine: 
    "(uncurry0 (amd_empty dflt), uncurry0 (RETURN (λ_. dflt))) 
     unit_assnk a is_nff dflt"
    by (sep_auto simp: amd_empty_def)

  lemma amd2_lookup_refine: 
    "(uncurry (amd_lookup dflt), uncurry (RETURN oo (λx f. f x))) 
     id_assnk*a(is_nff dflt)k a id_assn"  
    by (sep_auto simp: amd_lookup_def)

  lemma amd2_update_refine: 
    "(uncurry2 (amd_update dflt), uncurry2 (RETURN ooo (λk v f. f(k:=v)))) 
     id_assnk*aid_assnk*a(is_nff dflt)d a is_nff dflt"
    by (sep_auto simp: amd_update_def)

  lemma amd2_delete_refine: 
    "(uncurry (amd_delete dflt), uncurry (RETURN oo (amd1_delete dflt))) 
     id_assnk*a(is_nff dflt)d a is_nff dflt"
    by (sep_auto simp: amd_delete_def)
  sepref_decl_impl (no_register) amd_empty: 
    amd2_empty_refine[FCOMP amd1_empty_refine[where dflt=dflt]] .
  definition [simp]: "op_amd_empty  op_map_empty"    
    amd2_lookup_refine[FCOMP amd1_lookup_refine[where dflt=dflt]] .
    amd2_delete_refine[FCOMP amd1_delete_refine[where dflt=dflt]] .

  text ‹The only complication arises for the update operation, where we have 
    to use the fact that the default element is invalid, which forces us to do
    a manual composition proof.›
  lemma amd2_update_hnr_aux:
    assumes "CONSTRAINT (IS_PURE single_valued) K"
      and "CONSTRAINT is_pure V"
      and "CONSTRAINT (is_unused_elem dflt) V"
    shows "(uncurry2 (amd_update dflt), uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ op_map_update))
             Kk *a Vk *a (amd_assn dflt K V)d a amd_assn dflt K V"    
    apply (rule 
          OF amd2_update_refine[
                FCOMP amd1_update_refine[where dflt=dflt], 
                FCOMP (no_prenorm) op_map_update.fref, of K V]])
    subgoal using assms by (simp add: IS_PURE_def)
    subgoal using assms by (simp add: IS_PURE_def)
    subgoal using assms by (simp add: IS_PURE_def)
    subgoal using assms by (simp add: IS_PURE_def IS_LEFT_UNIQUE_def)
      using assms
      by (auto 
          simp del: pure_def
          simp: comp_PRE_def IS_PURE_def is_unused_elem_def is_pure_conv 
          simp: pure_rel_eq_false_iff 
          elim!: prod_relE)
    applyS simp
    applyS simp
    applyS simp

  (* TODO: Somewhat of a hack. Perhaps add a flag to switch of 
      automatic parameterization on sepref_decl_impl? *)
  private lemma op_map_update_id_param: 
    "(uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ op_map_update), uncurry2 (RETURN ∘∘∘ op_map_update)) 
     (Id×rId)×rId f Idnres_rel" 
    by (simp add: fref_def nres_rel_def)
  sepref_decl_impl amd2_update_hnr_aux uses op_map_update_id_param .


interpretation amd: map_custom_empty op_amd_empty apply unfold_locales by auto 
lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = amd_empty_hnr[folded op_amd_empty_def]
subsection ‹Operations on Options›

text ‹We give own names to constructors, otherwise, we will get confusions 
  with the default option refinement.›
definition [simp]: "dflt_None  None"
definition [simp]: "dflt_Some  Some"
sepref_register dflt_None dflt_Some

lemma doa_None_hnr: 
  "(uncurry0 (return dflt), uncurry0 (RETURN dflt_None)) 
   unit_assnk a dflt_option_assn dflt A"
  apply (sepref_to_hoare)
  apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def dflt_option_rel_aux_def dflt_option_assn_def)

lemma doa_Some_hnr: "CONSTRAINT (is_unused_elem dflt) A; CONSTRAINT is_pure A 
   (return o (λx. x), RETURN o dflt_Some)  Ak a dflt_option_assn dflt A"
  apply (sepref_to_hoare)
  apply (clarsimp simp: is_pure_conv dflt_option_assn_def)
  apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def)
  apply (fastforce simp: dflt_option_rel_aux_def)

lemma doa_is_None_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]: 
  "(return o ((=) dflt), RETURN o is_None) 
   (dflt_option_assn dflt A)k a bool_assn"
  apply (sepref_to_hoare)
  by (sep_auto 
        simp: dflt_option_assn_def pure_def dflt_option_rel_aux_def 
        split: option.split)

lemma doa_the_hnr[sepref_fr_rules]: "CONSTRAINT is_pure A 
   (return o (λx. x), RETURN o the) 
       [λx. xNone]a (dflt_option_assn dflt A)k  A"
  apply (sepref_to_hoare)
  apply (clarsimp simp: is_pure_conv dflt_option_assn_def)
  apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def dflt_option_rel_aux_def)

(* TODO: Add proper rule for case distinction *)

(* Workaround for case-distinction: Rewrite with abstract-level rule: *)
lemma cnv_option_case_2_if: "(case x of None  fn | Some v  fv v) 
   (if is_None x then fn else fv (the x))" by (cases x) auto

(* TODO: Hack:
  Due to lack of recursive generic algorithms with specialization, 
  we have instantiated equality on options as combinator rule. 
  This allows no backtracking or alternatives.
  Thus, we do a type-based rewriting of option-equalities for dflt-option 
  types in operator-id phase.
definition [simp]: "dflt_option_eq  (=)"

locale dflt_option =
  fixes A :: "'a  'c  assn"
  fixes dflt :: "'c"
  fixes eq :: "'c  'c  bool Heap"
  assumes unused_dflt[safe_constraint_rules]: "(is_unused_elem dflt) A"

  assumes eq_op: "(uncurry eq, uncurry (RETURN oo (=)))  Ak*aAkabool_assn"
  assumes eq_dflt: "a b.  a=dflt  b=dflt   <emp> eq a b <λr. (r  a=b)>t"
  (* Type-based rewrites. 
      TODO: We would prefer type-based specializations in translate-phase! *)
  lemma fold_dflt_option[def_pat_rules]: 
    "(None::'a option)  dflt_None"
    "(Some::'a_)  dflt_Some"
    "((=)::'a option  _)  dflt_option_eq"
     by auto

  (* Constructors *)
  lemmas [sepref_fr_rules] = 
    doa_None_hnr[where dflt = dflt and A=A]
    doa_Some_hnr[where dflt = dflt and A=A]

  lemma eq_option_refine[sepref_fr_rules]:
    assumes "CONSTRAINT is_pure A"
    shows "(uncurry eq,uncurry (RETURN oo dflt_option_eq)) 
       (dflt_option_assn dflt A)k *a (dflt_option_assn dflt A)k a bool_assn"
  proof -
    from assms obtain R where [simp]: "A = pure R" by (auto simp: is_pure_conv)
    from eq_op have [sep_heap_rules]: 
      " (x,x')R; (y,y')R  
       <emp> eq x y <λr. (r  x'=y')>t" for x x' y y'
      apply (drule_tac hfrefD[where a="(x',y')" and c="(x,y)"])
      apply simp
      apply (drule hn_refineD)
      apply simp
      apply (sep_auto simp: pure_def)
      apply (rule Hoare_Triple.cons_post_rule)
      apply assumption
      apply sep_auto
    note [simplified,sep_heap_rules] 
      = eq_dflt[of dflt dflt] eq_dflt[of dflt] eq_dflt[of _ dflt] 
    show ?thesis
      apply sepref_to_hoare
      apply (simp add: dflt_option_assn_def)
      apply (auto simp: pure_def dflt_option_rel_aux_def elim!: option_relE)
      apply (sep_auto)
      apply (sep_auto)
      apply (sep_auto)
      apply (sep_auto)
