Theory DitherTM

(* Title: thys/DitherTM.thy
   Author: Jian Xu, Xingyuan Zhang, and Christian Urban
   Modifications: Sebastiaan Joosten
   Further contributions by Franz Regensburger (FABR) 02/2022 :
   * Re-ordering of sections;
     Now, the dithering machine is discussed before the tm_copy machine
   * Added comments

   Editorial note FABR:
   this file was part of the theory file Uncomputable.thy
   in the original AFP entry. 


section ‹A Variation of the theme due to Boolos, Burgess and, Jeffrey›

text ‹In sections \ref{sec_K1_H1} and \ref{sec_K1_v} we discussed two variants of the proof
of the undecidability of the Sepcial Halting Problem. There, we used the Turing Machines
 @{term "tm_semi_id_eq0"} and @{term "tm_semi_id_gt0"} for the construction a contradiction.

The machine @{term "tm_semi_id_gt0"} is identical to the machine {\em dither}, which is discussed
in length together with the Turing Machine {\em copy} in the book
by Boolos, Burgess, and Jeffrey~cite"Boolos07".

For backwards compatibility with the original AFP entry, we again present the formalization of
the machines{\em dither} and {\em copy} here in this section.
This allows for reuse of theory CopyTM, which in turn is referenced
in the original proof about the existence of an uncomputable function in theory

In addition we present an enhanced version in theory TuringUnComputable\_H2, which is in
line with the principles of Conservative Extension.

subsection ‹The Dithering Turing Machine›
The machine tm_dither
terminates on: Oc ↑ n  with result Oc ↑ n for 1 < n

     loops on: []     which is the empty input
     loops on: Oc ↑ 1 which is the numeral <0>


text ‹
  If the input is empty or the numeral $<\!0\!>$,
  the {\em Dithering} TM will loop forever,
  otherwise it will terminate.

theory DitherTM
  imports Turing_Hoare

(* Cleanup the global simpset for proofs of several theorems about tm_dither *)

declare adjust.simps[simp del]

declare seq_tm.simps [simp del] 
declare shift.simps[simp del]
declare composable_tm.simps[simp del]
declare step.simps[simp del]
declare steps.simps[simp del]

definition tm_dither :: "instr list"
    "tm_dither  [(WB, 1), (R, 2), (L, 1), (L, 0)]"

(* ------ Important properties used in subsequent theories ------ *)

(* The dithering machine is well-formed *)

lemma composable_tm0_tm_dither[intro, simp]: "composable_tm0 tm_dither"
  by (auto simp: composable_tm.simps tm_dither_def)

lemma tm_dither_loops_aux: 
  "(steps0 (1, Bk  m, [Oc]) tm_dither stp = (1, Bk  m, [Oc]))  
   (steps0 (1, Bk  m, [Oc]) tm_dither stp = (2, Oc # Bk  m, []))"
  by (induct stp) (auto simp: steps.simps step.simps tm_dither_def numeral_eqs_upto_12)

lemma tm_dither_loops_aux': 
  "(steps0 (1, Bk  m, [Oc] @ Bk  n) tm_dither stp = (1, Bk  m, [Oc] @ Bk  n))  
   (steps0 (1, Bk  m, [Oc] @ Bk  n) tm_dither stp = (2, Oc # Bk  m, Bk  n))"
  by (induct stp) (auto simp: steps.simps step.simps tm_dither_def numeral_eqs_upto_12)

(* ------ Auxiliary properties for clarification           ------ *)

text ‹
  If the input is @{term "Oc1"} the {\em Dithering} TM will loop forever,
  for other non-blank inputs @{term "Oc(n+1)"} with @{term "1 < (n::nat)"} it will 
  reach the final state in a standard configuration.

  Please note that our short notation  @{term "<n::nat>"} means @{term "Oc(n+1)"}
  where @{term "0  (n::nat)"}.

lemma "<0::nat> = [Oc]" by (simp add: tape_of_nat_def)
lemma "Oc(0+1) = [Oc]" by (simp)
lemma "<n::nat> = Oc(n+1)" by (auto simp add: tape_of_nat_def)

lemma "<1::nat> = [Oc, Oc]" by (simp add: tape_of_nat_def)

subsubsection ‹Dither in action.›

(* steps0 (1, [], [Oc]) tm_dither n loops forever for 0 ≤ n *)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc]) tm_dither 0 = (1, [], [Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc]) tm_dither 1 = (2, [Oc], [])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc]) tm_dither 2 = (1, [], [Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc]) tm_dither 3 = (2, [Oc], [])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc]) tm_dither 4 = (1, [], [Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)

(* steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc]) tm_dither n  terminates after 2 steps with final configuration "(0, [], [Oc, Oc])" *)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 0 = (1, [], [Oc, Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 1 = (2, [Oc], [Oc])"   by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 2 = (0, [], [Oc, Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 3 = (0, [], [Oc, Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)

(* steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc]) tm_dither n  terminates after 2 steps with final configuration "(0, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc])" *)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 0 = (1, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 1 = (2, [Oc], [Oc, Oc])"   by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 2 = (0, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)
lemma "steps0 (1, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 3 = (0, [], [Oc, Oc, Oc])" by (simp add: step.simps steps.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12 tm_dither_def)

subsubsection ‹Proving properties of tm\_dither with Hoare rules›

text ‹Using Hoare style rules is more elegant since they allow for compositional
 reasoning. Therefore, its preferable to use them, if the program that we reason about
 can be decomposed appropriately.›

(* Assertions and invariants of tm_dither *)
abbreviation (input)
  "tm_dither_halt_inv  λtap. k. tap = (Bk  k, <1::nat>)"

abbreviation (input)
  "tm_dither_unhalt_ass  λtap. k. tap = (Bk  k, <0::nat>)"

lemma "<0::nat> = [Oc]" by (simp add: tape_of_nat_def)

lemma tm_dither_loops: 
  shows "tm_dither_unhalt_ass tm_dither "
  apply(rule Hoare_unhaltI)
  using tm_dither_loops_aux
  apply(auto simp add: numeral_eqs_upto_12 tape_of_nat_def)
  by (metis Suc_neq_Zero is_final_eq)

lemma tm_dither_loops'':
  shows "λtap. k l. tap = (Bkk, [Oc] @ Bk l) tm_dither "
  apply(rule Hoare_unhaltI)
  using tm_dither_loops_aux'
  apply(auto simp add: numeral_eqs_upto_12 tape_of_nat_def)
  by (metis Zero_neq_Suc is_final_eq)

lemma tm_dither_halts_aux:
  shows "steps0 (1, Bk  m, [Oc, Oc]) tm_dither 2 = (0, Bk  m, [Oc, Oc])"
  unfolding tm_dither_def
  by (simp add: steps.simps step.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

lemma tm_dither_halts_aux':
  shows "steps0 (1, Bk  m, [Oc, Oc]@Bk  n) tm_dither 2 = (0, Bk  m, [Oc, Oc]@Bk  n)"
  unfolding tm_dither_def
  by (simp add: steps.simps step.simps numeral_eqs_upto_12)

lemma tm_dither_halts: 
  shows "tm_dither_halt_inv tm_dither tm_dither_halt_inv"
  apply(rule Hoare_haltI)
  using tm_dither_halts_aux
  apply(auto simp add: tape_of_nat_def)
  by (metis (lifting, mono_tags) holds_for.simps is_final_eq)

lemma tm_dither_halts'':
  shows " λtap. k l. tap = (Bk k, [Oc, Oc] @ Bk l) tm_dither λtap. k l. tap = (Bk k, [Oc, Oc] @ Bk l)"
  apply(rule Hoare_haltI)
  using tm_dither_halts_aux'
  apply(auto simp add: tape_of_nat_def)
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Suc_1 holds_for.simps is_finalI numeral_1_eq_Suc_0 numeral_One)
