Theory Lambda_Replacement

section‹Replacements using Lambdas›

theory Lambda_Replacement

text‹In this theory we prove several instances of separation and replacement
in @{locale M_basic}. Moreover we introduce a new locale assuming two instances
of separation and six instances of lambda replacements (ie, replacement of
the form $\lambda x y.\ y=\langle x, f(x) \rangle$) and we prove a bunch of other

  lam_replacement :: "[io,ii]  o" where
  "lam_replacement(M,b)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, b(x))"

lemma separation_univ :
  shows "separation(M,M)"
  unfolding separation_def by auto

context M_trivial

lemma lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed:
  assumes "x[M]. M(b(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, b)   (A[M]. M(λxA. b(x)))"
  using assms lam_closed lam_funtype[of _ b, THEN Pi_memberD]
  unfolding lam_replacement_def strong_replacement_def
  by (auto intro:lamI dest:transM)
    (rule lam_closed, auto simp add:strong_replacement_def dest:transM)

lemma lam_replacement_imp_lam_closed:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M, b)" "M(A)" "xA. M(b(x))"
  shows "M(λxA. b(x))"
  using assms unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by (rule_tac lam_closed, auto simp add:strong_replacement_def dest:transM)

lemma lam_replacement_cong:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "x[M]. f(x) = g(x)" "x[M]. M(f(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,g)"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover from this
  have "A[M]. M(λxA. f(x))"
    using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed
    by simp
  moreover from calculation
  have "(λxA . f(x)) = (λxA . g(x))" if "M(A)" for A
    using lam_cong[OF refl,of A f g] transM[OF _ that]
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed
    by simp

end ― ‹localeM_trivial

context M_basic

lemma separation_iff':
  assumes "separation(M,λx . P(x))" "separation(M,λx . Q(x))"
  shows "separation(M,λx . P(x)  Q(x))"
  using assms separation_conj separation_imp iff_def
  by auto

lemma separation_in_constant :
  assumes "M(a)"
  shows "separation(M,λx . xa)"
proof -
  have "{xA . xa} = A  a" for A by auto
  with M(a)
  show ?thesis using separation_iff Collect_abs
    by simp

lemma separation_equal :
  shows "separation(M,λx . x=a)"
proof -
  have "{xA . x=a} = (if aA then {a} else 0)" for A
    by auto
  have "M({xA . x=a})" if "M(A)" for A
    using transM[OF _ M(A)] by simp
  show ?thesis using separation_iff Collect_abs
    by simp

lemma (in M_basic) separation_in_rev:
  assumes "(M)(a)"
  shows "separation(M,λx . ax)"
proof -
  have eq: "{xA. ax} = Memrel(A{a}) `` {a}" for A
    unfolding ZF_Base.image_def
    by(intro equalityI,auto simp:mem_not_refl)
  moreover from assms
  have "M(Memrel(A{a}) `` {a})" if "M(A)" for A
    using that by simp
  show ?thesis
    using separation_iff Collect_abs
    by simp

― ‹›
lemma lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement_aux:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M, b)" "x[M]. M(b(x))"
  shows "strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = b(x))"
proof -
    fix A
    note assms
    assume "M(A)"
    moreover from calculation
    have "M(λxA. b(x))" using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed by auto
    have "M((λxA. b(x))``A)" "z[M]. z  (λxA. b(x))``A  (xA. z = b(x))"
      by (auto simp:lam_def)
  show ?thesis unfolding strong_replacement_def
    by clarsimp (rule_tac x="(λxA. b(x))``A" in rexI, auto)

― ‹This lemma could be modularized into the instantiation (fixing termX)
and the projection of the result of termf.›
lemma strong_lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement :
  assumes  "strong_replacement(M,λ x z . P(fst(x),snd(x))  z=x,f(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    "A . M(A)  xA. P(X,x)  M(f(X,x))" "M(X)"
  shows "strong_replacement(M,λ x z . P(X,x)  z=f(X,x))"
  unfolding strong_replacement_def
  fix A
  assume "M(A)"
  moreover from this M(X)
  have "M({X}×A)" (is "M(?A)")
    by simp
  have "fst(x) = X" if "x?A" for x
    using that by auto
  moreover from calculation assms
  have "M({z . x?A , P(fst(x),snd(x))  z=x,f(fst(x),snd(x))})" (is "M(?F)")
    using transM[of _ ?A]
    by(rule_tac strong_replacement_closed,simp_all)
  have "?F=({x,f(fst(x),snd(x)) . x {x?A .  P(fst(x),snd(x))}})" (is "_=(?G)")
    by auto
  note M(?A)
  have "M(?G``?A)"
    by simp
  have "?G``?A = {y . x?A , P(fst(x),snd(x))  y = f(fst(x),snd(x))}" (is "_=(?H)")
    by auto
  show "Y[M]. b[M]. b  Y  (xA. P(X,x)  b = f(X,x))"
    by(rule_tac rexI[of _ ?H],auto,force)

lemma lam_replacement_imp_RepFun_Lam:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M, f)" "M(A)"
  shows "M({y . xA , M(y)  y=x,f(x)})"
proof -
  from assms
  obtain Y where 1:"M(Y)" "b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  A  b = x,f(x))"
    unfolding lam_replacement_def strong_replacement_def
    by auto
  moreover from calculation
  have "Y = {y . xA , M(y)  y = x,f(x)}" (is "Y=?R")
  proof(intro equalityI subsetI)
    fix y
    assume "yY"
    moreover from this 1
    obtain x where "xA" "y=x,f(x)" "M(y)"
      using transM[OF _ M(Y)] by auto
    show "y?R"
      by auto
    fix z
    assume "z?R"
    moreover from this
    obtain a where "aA" "z=a,f(a)" "M(a)" "M(f(a))"
      using transM[OF _ M(A)]
      by auto
    show "zY" using 1 by simp
  show ?thesis by auto

lemma lam_closed_imp_closed:
  assumes "A[M]. M(λxA. f(x))"
  shows "x[M]. M(f(x))"
  fix x
  assume "M(x)"
  moreover from this and assms
  have "M(λx{x}. f(x))" by simp
  show "M(f(x))"
    using image_lam[of "{x}" "{x}" f]
      image_closed[of "{x}" "(λx{x}. f(x))"] by (auto dest:transM)

lemma lam_replacement_if:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "lam_replacement(M,g)" "separation(M,b)"
    "x[M]. M(f(x))" "x[M]. M(g(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. if b(x) then f(x) else g(x))"
proof -
  let ?G="λx. if b(x) then f(x) else g(x)"
  let ?b="λA . {xA. b(x)}" and ?b'="λA . {xA. ¬b(x)}"
  have eq:"(λxA . ?G(x)) = (λx?b(A) . f(x))  (λx?b'(A).g(x))" for A
    unfolding lam_def by auto
  have "?b'(A) = A - ?b(A)" for A by auto
  have "M(?b(A))" if "M(A)" for A using assms that by simp
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(?b'(A))" if "M(A)" for A using that by simp
  moreover from calculation assms
  have "M(λx?b(A). f(x))" "M(λx?b'(A) . g(x))" if "M(A)" for A
    using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed that
    by simp_all
  moreover from this
  have "M((λx?b(A) . f(x))  (λx?b'(A).g(x)))" if "M(A)" for A
    using that by simp
  have "M(λxA. if b(x) then f(x) else g(x))" if "M(A)" for A
    using that eq by simp
  with assms
  show ?thesis using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed by simp

lemma lam_replacement_constant: "M(b)  lam_replacement(M,λ_. b)"
  unfolding lam_replacement_def strong_replacement_def
  by safe (rule_tac x="_×{b}" in rexI; blast)

subsection‹Replacement instances obtained through Powerset›

txt‹The next few lemmas provide bounds for certain constructions.›

lemma not_functional_Replace_0:
  assumes "¬(y y'. P(y)  P(y')  y=y')"
  shows "{y . x  A, P(y)} = 0"
  using assms by (blast elim!: ReplaceE)

lemma Replace_in_Pow_rel:
  assumes "x b. x  A  P(x,b)  b  U" "xA. y y'. P(x,y)  P(x,y')  y=y'"
    "separation(M, λy. x[M]. x  A  P(x, y))"
    "M(U)" "M(A)"
  shows "{y . x  A, P(x, y)}  Pow⇗M⇖(U)"
proof -
  from assms
  have "{y . x  A, P(x, y)}  U"
    "z  {y . x  A, P(x, y)}  M(z)" for z
    by (auto dest:transM)
  with assms
  have "{y . x  A, P(x, y)} = {yU . x[M]. xA  P(x,y)}"
    by (intro equalityI) (auto, blast)
  with assms
  have "M({y . x  A, P(x, y)})"
    by simp
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using mem_Pow_rel_abs by auto

lemma Replace_sing_0_in_Pow_rel:
  assumes "b. P(b)  b  U"
    "separation(M, λy. P(y))" "M(U)"
  shows "{y . x  {0}, P(y)}  Pow⇗M⇖(U)"
proof (cases "y y'. P(y)  P(y')  y=y'")
  case True
  with assms
  show ?thesis by (rule_tac Replace_in_Pow_rel) auto
  case False
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using nonempty not_functional_Replace_0[of P "{0}"] Pow_rel_char by auto

lemma The_in_Pow_rel_Union:
  assumes "b. P(b)  b  U" "separation(M, λy. P(y))" "M(U)"
  shows "(THE i. P(i))  Pow⇗M⇖(U)"
proof -
  note assms
  moreover from this
  have "(THE i. P(i))  Pow(U)"
    unfolding the_def by auto
  moreover from assms
  have "M(THE i. P(i))"
    using Replace_sing_0_in_Pow_rel[of P U] unfolding the_def
    by (auto dest:transM)
  show ?thesis
    using Pow_rel_char by auto

lemma separation_least: "separation(M, λy. Ord(y)  P(y)  (j. j < y  ¬ P(j)))"
  unfolding separation_def
  fix z
  assume "M(z)"
  have "M({x  z . x  z  Ord(x)  P(x)  (j. j < x  ¬ P(j))})"
    (is "M(?y)")
  proof (cases "xz. Ord(x)  P(x)  (j. j < x  ¬ P(j))")
    case True
    with M(z)
    have "x[M]. ?y = {x}"
      by (safe, rename_tac x, rule_tac x=x in rexI)
        (auto dest:transM, intro equalityI, auto elim:Ord_linear_lt)
    show ?thesis
      by auto
    case False
    have "{x  z . x  z  Ord(x)  P(x)  (j. j < x  ¬ P(j))} = 0"
      by auto
    show ?thesis by auto
  moreover from this
  have "x[M]. x  ?y  x  z  Ord(x)  P(x)  (j. j < x  ¬ P(j))" by simp
  show "y[M]. x[M]. x  y  x  z  Ord(x)  P(x)  (j. j < x  ¬ P(j))"
    by blast

lemma Least_in_Pow_rel_Union:
  assumes "b. P(b)  b  U"
  shows "(μ i. P(i))  Pow⇗M⇖(U)"
  using assms separation_least unfolding Least_def
  by (rule_tac The_in_Pow_rel_Union) simp

lemma bounded_lam_replacement:
  fixes U
  assumes "X[M]. xX. f(x)  U(X)"
    and separation_f:"A[M]. separation(M,λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, f(x))"
    and U_closed [intro,simp]: "X. M(X)  M(U(X))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, f)"
proof -
  have "M(λxA. f(x))" if "M(A)" for A
  proof -
    have "(λxA. f(x)) = {y Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(A  U(A))). x[M]. xA  y = x, f(x)}"
      using M(A) unfolding lam_def
    proof (intro equalityI, auto)
      fix x
      assume "xA"
      note M(A)
      moreover from calculation assms
      have "f(x)  U(A)" by simp
      moreover from calculation
      have "{x, f(x)}  Pow⇗M⇖(A  U(A))" "{x,x}  Pow⇗M⇖(A  U(A))"
        using Pow_rel_char[of "A  U(A)"] by (auto dest:transM)
      show "x, f(x)  Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(A  U(A)))"
        using Pow_rel_char[of "Pow⇗M⇖(A  U(A))"] unfolding Pair_def
        by (auto dest:transM)
    moreover from M(A)
    have "M({y Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(A  U(A))). x[M]. xA  y = x, f(x)})"
      using separation_f
      by (rule_tac separation_closed) simp_all
    show ?thesis
      by simp
  moreover from this
  have "x[M]. M(f(x))"
    using lam_closed_imp_closed by simp
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (rule_tac lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed[THEN iffD2]) simp_all

lemma fst_in_double_Union:
  assumes "xX"
  shows "fst(x)  {0}  X"
proof -
  have "fst(x)  {0}  x" for x
    unfolding fst_def
    using the_0 fst_conv
    by(cases "∃!a.b. x = a,b", auto, simp add:Pair_def)
  with assms
  show ?thesis by auto

lemma snd_in_double_Union:
  assumes "xX"
  shows "snd(x)  {0}  X"
proof -
  have "snd(x)  {0}  x" for x
    unfolding snd_def
    using the_0 snd_conv
    by(cases "∃!a.b. x = a,b", auto, simp add:Pair_def)
  with assms
  show ?thesis by auto

lemma bounded_lam_replacement_binary:
  fixes U
  assumes "X[M]. xX. yX. f(x,y)  U(X)"
    and separation_f:"A[M]. separation(M,λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, f(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    and U_closed [intro,simp]: "X. M(X)  M(U(X))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λr . f(fst(r),snd(r)))"
proof -
  have "M(λxA. f(fst(x),snd(x)))" if "M(A)" for A
  proof -
    have "(λxA. f(fst(x),snd(x))) =
      {y Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(A  U({0}  A))). x[M]. xA  y = x, f(fst(x),snd(x))}"
      using M(A) unfolding lam_def
    proof (intro equalityI, auto)
      fix x
      assume "xA"
      note M(A)
      moreover from calculation assms
      have "f(fst(x),snd(x))  U({0}  A)"
        using fst_in_double_Union snd_in_double_Union by simp
      moreover from calculation
      have "{x, f(fst(x),snd(x))}  Pow⇗M⇖(A  U({0}  A))"
        "{x,x}  Pow⇗M⇖(A  U({0}  A))"
        using Pow_rel_char[of "A  U({0}  A)"] by (auto dest:transM)
      show "x, f(fst(x),snd(x))  Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(A  U({0}  A)))"
        using Pow_rel_char[of "Pow⇗M⇖(A  U({0}  A))"] unfolding Pair_def
        by (auto dest:transM)
    moreover from M(A)
    have "M({y Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(A  U({0}  A))). x[M]. xA  y = x, f(fst(x),snd(x))})"
      using separation_f
      by (rule_tac separation_closed) simp_all
    show ?thesis
      by simp
  moreover from this
  have "x[M]. M(f(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    using lam_closed_imp_closed[of "λx. f(fst(x),snd(x))"] by simp
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (rule_tac lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed[THEN iffD2]) simp_all

― ‹Below we assume the replacement instance for @{term fst}. Alternatively it follows from the
instance of separation assumed in this lemma.›
lemma lam_replacement_fst':
  assumes "A[M]. separation(M, λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, fst(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,fst)"
  using fst_in_double_Union assms
    bounded_lam_replacement[of fst "λX. {0}  X"] by simp

lemma lam_replacement_snd':
  assumes "A[M]. separation(M, λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, snd(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,snd)"
  using snd_in_double_Union assms
    bounded_lam_replacement[of snd "λX. {0}  X"] by simp

― ‹We can prove this separation in the locale introduced below.›
lemma lam_replacement_restrict:
  assumes "A[M]. separation(M, λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, restrict(x,B))"  "M(B)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λr . restrict(r,B))"
proof -
  from assms
  have "restrict(r,B)Pow⇗M⇖(R)" if "M(R)" "rR" for r R
    using Union_upper subset_Pow_Union subset_trans[OF restrict_subset]
      Pow_rel_char that transM[of _ R]
    by auto
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using bounded_lam_replacement[of "λr . restrict(r,B)" "λX. Pow⇗M⇖(X)"]
    by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Union' :
  assumes  "A[M]. separation(M, λy. x[M]. x  A  y = x, x)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,Union)"
proof -
  have "x  Pow(A)" if "xA" for x A
    using that by auto
  have "x  Pow⇗M⇖(A)" if "M(A)" "xA" for x A
    using that transM[of x A] Pow_rel_char
    by auto
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using bounded_lam_replacement[where U="λA . Pow⇗M⇖(A)"]
    by auto

lemma Image_in_Pow_rel_Union3:
  assumes "xX" "yX" "M(X)"
  shows "Image(x,y)  Pow⇗M⇖(X)"
proof -
  from assms
  have "a, b  x  b  x" for a b
    unfolding Pair_def by (auto dest:transM)
  moreover from this and assms
  have "a, b  x  M(b)" for a b
    using transM[of _  X] transM[of _  x]
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using assms transM[of _  X] transM[of _  x] mem_Pow_rel_abs
    by auto fast

lemma lam_replacement_Image':
    "A[M]. separation(M,λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, Image(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    "lam_replacement(M, λr . Image(fst(r),snd(r)))"
  using assms Image_in_Pow_rel_Union3
  by (rule_tac bounded_lam_replacement_binary[of _ "λX. Pow⇗M⇖(X)"]) auto

lemma minimum_in_Union:
  assumes "xX" "yX"
  shows "minimum(x,y)  {0}  X"
  using assms minimum_in'
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_minimum':
    "A[M]. separation(M,λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, minimum(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    "lam_replacement(M, λr . minimum(fst(r),snd(r)))"
  using assms minimum_in_Union
  by (rule_tac bounded_lam_replacement_binary[of _ "λX. {0}  X"]) auto

lemma lam_replacement_Pow_rel:
  assumes "A[M]. separation(M, λy. x[M]. x  A  y = x, Pow_rel(M,x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,Pow_rel(M))"
proof -
  have "Pow_rel(M,x)  Pow(Pow(A))" if "xA" "M(A)" for x A
    using that transM[of x A] def_Pow_rel[of _ x] by (auto dest:transM)
  have "Pow_rel(M,x)  Pow(Pow⇗M⇖(A))" if "M(A)" "xA" for x A
    using that transM[of x A] Pow_rel_char
    by auto
  have "Pow_rel(M,x)  Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(A))" if "M(A)" "xA" for x A
    using that transM[of x A] Pow_rel_char[of "Pow⇗M⇖(A)"]
    by auto
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using bounded_lam_replacement[where U="λA. Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(A))"]
    by auto

end ― ‹localeM_basic

  middle_del :: "iii" where
  "middle_del(x,y)  fst(x),snd(y)"

relativize functional "middle_del" "middle_del_rel"
relationalize "middle_del_rel" "is_middle_del"
synthesize "is_middle_del" from_definition
arity_theorem for "is_middle_del_fm"

context M_basic

lemma middle_del_in_cartprod:
  assumes "xX" "yX" "M(X)"
  shows "middle_del(x,y)  ({0}  X) × ({0}  X)"
  using assms Pow_rel_char transM[of _ X] fst_in_double_Union snd_in_double_Union
  unfolding middle_del_def by auto

lemma lam_replacement_middle_del':
    "A[M]. separation(M,λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, middle_del(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    "lam_replacement(M, λr . middle_del(fst(r),snd(r)))"
  using assms middle_del_in_cartprod
  by (rule_tac bounded_lam_replacement_binary[of _ "λX. ({0}  X) × ({0}  X)"]) auto

end ― ‹localeM_basic

  prodRepl :: "iii" where
  "prodRepl(x,y)  snd(x),fst(x),snd(y)"

relativize functional "prodRepl" "prodRepl_rel"
relationalize "prodRepl_rel" "is_prodRepl"
synthesize "is_prodRepl" from_definition
arity_theorem for "is_prodRepl_fm"

context M_basic

lemma prodRepl_in_cartprod:
  assumes "xX" "yX" "M(X)"
  shows "prodRepl(x,y)  ({0}  X) × ({0}  X) × ({0}  X)"
  using assms Pow_rel_char transM[of _ X] fst_in_double_Union snd_in_double_Union
  unfolding prodRepl_def by auto

lemma lam_replacement_prodRepl':
    "A[M]. separation(M,λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, prodRepl(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    "lam_replacement(M, λr . prodRepl(fst(r),snd(r)))"
  using assms prodRepl_in_cartprod
  by (rule_tac bounded_lam_replacement_binary[of _
        "λX. ({0}  X) × ({0}  X) × ({0}  X)"]) auto

end ― ‹localeM_basic

context M_Perm

lemma inj_rel_in_Pow_rel_Pow_rel:
  assumes "xX" "yX" "M(X)"
  shows "inj⇗M⇖(x,y)  Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(X × X))"
  using assms transM[of _  X] mem_Pow_rel_abs inj_def Pi_def
  by clarsimp (use inj_rel_char in auto)

lemma lam_replacement_inj_rel':
    "A[M]. separation(M,λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, inj⇗M⇖(fst(x),snd(x)))"
    "lam_replacement(M, λr . inj⇗M⇖(fst(r),snd(r)))"
  using assms inj_rel_in_Pow_rel_Pow_rel
  by (rule_tac bounded_lam_replacement_binary[of _ "λX. Pow⇗M⇖(Pow⇗M⇖(X × X))"]) auto

end ― ‹localeM_Perm

locale M_replacement = M_basic +
    lam_replacement_fst: "lam_replacement(M,fst)"
    lam_replacement_snd: "lam_replacement(M,snd)"
    lam_replacement_Union: "lam_replacement(M,Union)"
    lam_replacement_middle_del: "lam_replacement(M, λr. middle_del(fst(r),snd(r)))"
    lam_replacement_prodRepl: "lam_replacement(M, λr. prodRepl(fst(r),snd(r)))"
    lam_replacement_Image:"lam_replacement(M, λp. fst(p) `` snd(p))"
    middle_separation: "separation(M, λx. snd(fst(x))=fst(snd(x)))"
    separation_fst_in_snd: "separation(M, λy. fst(snd(y))  snd(snd(y)))"

― ‹This lemma is similar to @{thm [source] strong_lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement}
and @{thm [source] lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement_aux} but does not require
termg to be closed under termM.›
lemma lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M, f)"
  shows "strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = f(x))"
proof -
    fix A
    assume "M(A)"
    moreover from calculation assms
    obtain Y where 1:"M(Y)" "b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  A  b = x,f(x))"
      unfolding lam_replacement_def strong_replacement_def
      by auto
    moreover from this
    have "M({snd(b) . b  Y})"
      using transM[OF _ M(Y)] lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement_aux
        RepFun_closed by simp
    have "{snd(b) . b  Y} = {y . xA , M(f(x))  y=f(x)}" (is "?L=?R")
    proof(intro equalityI subsetI)
      fix x
      assume "x?L"
      moreover from this
      obtain b where "bY" "x=snd(b)" "M(b)"
        using transM[OF _ M(Y)] by auto
      moreover from this 1
      obtain a where "aA" "b=a,f(a)" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "x=f(a)" by simp
      ultimately show "x?R"
        by auto
      fix z
      assume "z?R"
      moreover from this
      obtain a where "aA" "z=f(a)" "M(a)" "M(f(a))"
        using transM[OF _ M(A)]
        by auto
      moreover from calculation this 1
      have "z=snd(a,f(a))" "a,f(a)  Y" by auto
      show "z?L" by force
    have "Z[M]. z[M]. zZ  (a[M]. aA  z=f(a))"
      by (rule_tac rexI[where x="{snd(b) . b  Y}"],auto)
  show ?thesis unfolding strong_replacement_def by simp

lemma Collect_middle: "{p  (λxA. f(x)) × (λx{f(x) . xA}. g(x)) . snd(fst(p))=fst(snd(p))}
     = { x,f(x),f(x),g(f(x)) . xA }"
  by (intro equalityI; auto simp:lam_def)

lemma RepFun_middle_del: "{ fst(fst(p)),snd(snd(p)) . p  { x,f(x),f(x),g(f(x)) . xA }}
        =  { x,g(f(x)) . xA }"
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_imp_RepFun:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M, f)" "M(A)"
  shows "M({y . xA , M(y)  y=f(x)})"
proof -
  from assms
  obtain Y where 1:"M(Y)" "b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  A  b = x,f(x))"
    unfolding lam_replacement_def strong_replacement_def
    by auto
  moreover from this
  have "M({snd(b) . b  Y})"
    using transM[OF _ M(Y)] lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement_aux
      RepFun_closed by simp
  have "{snd(b) . b  Y} = {y . xA , M(y)  y=f(x)}" (is "?L=?R")
  proof(intro equalityI subsetI)
    fix x
    assume "x?L"
    moreover from this
    obtain b where "bY" "x=snd(b)" "M(b)"
      using transM[OF _ M(Y)] by auto
    moreover from this 1
    obtain a where "aA" "b=a,f(a)" by auto
    moreover from calculation
    have "x=f(a)" by simp
    ultimately show "x?R"
      by auto
    fix z
    assume "z?R"
    moreover from this
    obtain a where "aA" "z=f(a)" "M(a)" "M(f(a))"
      using transM[OF _ M(A)]
      by auto
    moreover from calculation this 1
    have "z=snd(a,f(a))" "a,f(a)  Y" by auto
    show "z?L" by force
  show ?thesis by simp

lemma lam_replacement_product:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. f(x),g(x))"
proof -
    fix A
    let ?Y="{y . xA , M(y)  y=f(x)}"
    let ?Y'="{y . xA ,M(y)   y=x,f(x)}"
    let ?Z="{y . xA , M(y)  y=g(x)}"
    let ?Z'="{y . xA ,M(y)   y=x,g(x)}"
    have "xC  yC  fst(x) = fst(y)  M(fst(y))  M(snd(x))  M(snd(y))" if "M(C)" for C y x
      using transM[OF _ that] by auto
    note assms
    assume "M(A)"
    moreover from M(A) assms(1)
    have "M(converse(?Y'))" "M(?Y)"
      using lam_replacement_imp_RepFun_Lam lam_replacement_imp_RepFun by auto
    moreover from calculation
    have "M(?Z)" "M(?Z')"
      using lam_replacement_imp_RepFun_Lam lam_replacement_imp_RepFun by auto
    moreover from calculation
    have "M(converse(?Y')×?Z')"
      by simp
    moreover from this
    have "M({p  converse(?Y')×?Z' . snd(fst(p))=fst(snd(p))})" (is "M(?P)")
      using middle_separation by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "M({ snd(fst(p)),fst(fst(p)),snd(snd(p)) . p?P })" (is "M(?R)")
      using RepFun_closed[OF lam_replacement_prodRepl[THEN
            lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement] M(?P) ]
      unfolding prodRepl_def by simp
    have "b  ?R  (x[M]. x  A  b = x,f(x),g(x))" if "M(b)" for b
      using that
      apply(intro iffI) apply(auto)[1]
    proof -
      assume " x[M]. x  A  b = x, f(x), g(x)"
      moreover from this
      obtain x where "M(x)" "xA" "b= x, f(x), g(x)"
        by auto
      moreover from calculation that
      have "M(x,f(x))" "M(x,g(x))" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "f(x),x  converse(?Y')" "x,g(x)  ?Z'" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "f(x),x,x,g(x)converse(?Y')×?Z'" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "f(x),x,x,g(x)  ?P"
        (is "?p?P")
        by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "b = snd(fst(?p)),fst(fst(?p)),snd(snd(?p))" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "snd(fst(?p)),fst(fst(?p)),snd(snd(?p))?R"
        by(rule_tac RepFunI[of ?p ?P], simp)
      ultimately show "b?R" by simp
    with M(?R)
    have "Y[M]. b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  A  b = x,f(x),g(x))"
      by (rule_tac rexI[where x="?R"],simp_all)
  with assms
  show ?thesis using lam_replacement_def strong_replacement_def by simp

lemma lam_replacement_hcomp:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "lam_replacement(M,g)" "x[M]. M(f(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. g(f(x)))"
proof -
    fix A
    let ?Y="{y . xA , y=f(x)}"
    let ?Y'="{y . xA , y=x,f(x)}"
    have "xC. M(fst(fst(x)),snd(snd(x)))" if "M(C)" for C
      using transM[OF _ that] by auto
    note assms
    assume "M(A)"
    moreover from assms
    have eq:"?Y = {y . xA ,M(y)  y=f(x)}"  "?Y' = {y . xA ,M(y)  y=x,f(x)}"
      using transM[OF _ M(A)] by auto
    moreover from M(A) assms(1)
    have "M(?Y')" "M(?Y)"
      using lam_replacement_imp_RepFun_Lam lam_replacement_imp_RepFun eq by auto
    moreover from calculation
    have "M({z . y?Y , M(z)  z=y,g(y)})" (is "M(?Z)")
      using lam_replacement_imp_RepFun_Lam by auto
    moreover from calculation
    have "M(?Y'×?Z)"
      by simp
    moreover from this
    have "M({p  ?Y'×?Z . snd(fst(p))=fst(snd(p))})" (is "M(?P)")
      using middle_separation by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "M({ fst(fst(p)),snd(snd(p)) . p?P })" (is "M(?R)")
      using RepFun_closed[OF lam_replacement_middle_del[THEN
            lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement] M(?P)]
      unfolding middle_del_def by simp
    have "b  ?R  (x[M]. x  A  b = x,g(f(x)))" if "M(b)" for b
      using that assms(3)
      apply(intro iffI) apply(auto)[1]
    proof -
      assume "x[M]. x  A  b = x, g(f(x))"
      moreover from this
      obtain x where "M(x)" "xA" "b= x, g(f(x))"
        by auto
      moreover from calculation that assms(3)
      have "M(f(x))" "M(g(f(x)))" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "x,f(x)  ?Y'" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "f(x),g(f(x))?Z" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "x,f(x),f(x),g(f(x))  ?P"
        (is "?p?P")
        by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "b = fst(fst(?p)),snd(snd(?p))" by auto
      moreover from calculation
      have "fst(fst(?p)),snd(snd(?p))?R"
        by(rule_tac RepFunI[of ?p ?P], simp)
      ultimately show "b?R" by simp
    with M(?R)
    have "Y[M]. b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  A  b = x,g(f(x)))"
      by (rule_tac rexI[where x="?R"],simp_all)
  with assms
  show ?thesis using lam_replacement_def strong_replacement_def by simp

lemma lam_replacement_hcomp2:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
    "x[M]. M(f(x))" "x[M]. M(g(x))"
    "lam_replacement(M, λp. h(fst(p),snd(p)))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. h(f(x),g(x)))"
  using assms lam_replacement_product[of f g]
    lam_replacement_hcomp[of "λx. f(x), g(x)" "λx,y. h(x,y)"]
  unfolding split_def by simp

lemma lam_replacement_identity: "lam_replacement(M,λx. x)"
proof -
    fix A
    assume "M(A)"
    moreover from this
    have "id(A) = {snd(fst(z)),fst(snd(z)) . z {z (A×A)×(A×A). snd(fst(z)) = fst(snd(z))}}"
      unfolding id_def lam_def
      by(intro equalityI subsetI,simp_all,auto)
    moreover from calculation
    have "M({z (A×A)×(A×A). snd(fst(z)) = fst(snd(z))})" (is "M(?A')")
      using middle_separation by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "M({snd(fst(z)),fst(snd(z)) . z ?A'})"
      using transM[of _ A]
        lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
        lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[THEN RepFun_closed]
      by simp_all
    have "M(id(A))" by simp
  show ?thesis using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed
    unfolding id_def by simp

lemma strong_replacement_separation_aux :
  assumes "strong_replacement(M,λ x y . y=f(x))" "separation(M,P)"
  shows "strong_replacement(M, λx y . P(x)  y=f(x))"
proof -
    fix A
    let ?Q="λX. b[M]. b  X  (x[M]. x  A  P(x)  b = f(x))"
    assume "M(A)"
    moreover from this
    have "M({xA . P(x)})" (is "M(?B)") using assms by simp
    moreover from calculation assms
    obtain Y where "M(Y)" "b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  ?B  b = f(x))"
      unfolding strong_replacement_def by auto
    have "Y[M]. b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  A  P(x)  b = f(x))"
      using rexI[of ?Q _ M] by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding strong_replacement_def by simp

lemma separation_in:
  assumes "x[M]. M(f(x))" "lam_replacement(M,f)"
    "x[M]. M(g(x))" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
  shows "separation(M,λx . f(x)g(x))"
proof -
  let ?Z="λA. {x,f(x),g(x). xA}"
  have "M(?Z(A))" if "M(A)" for A
    using assms lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed that
      lam_replacement_product[of f g]
    unfolding lam_def
    by auto
  have "M({u?Z(A) . fst(snd(u)) snd(snd(u))})" (is "M(?W(A))") if "M(A)" for A
    using that separation_fst_in_snd assms
    by auto
  have "M({fst(u) . u  ?W(A)})" if "M(A)" for A
    using that lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[OF lam_replacement_fst,THEN
        RepFun_closed] fst_closed[OF transM]
    by auto
  have "{xA. f(x)g(x)} = {fst(u) . u?W(A)}" for A
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using separation_iff
    by auto

lemma lam_replacement_swap: "lam_replacement(M, λx. snd(x),fst(x))"
  using lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    lam_replacement_product[of "snd" "fst"] by simp

lemma relation_separation: "separation(M, λz. x y. z = x, y)"
  unfolding separation_def
proof (clarify)
  fix A
  assume "M(A)"
  moreover from this
  have "{zA. x y. z = x, y} = {zA. xdomain(A). yrange(A). pair(M, x, y, z)}"
    (is "?rel = _")
    by (intro equalityI, auto dest:transM)
      (intro bexI, auto dest:transM simp:Pair_def)
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(?rel)"
    using cartprod_separation[THEN separation_closed, of "domain(A)" "range(A)" A]
    by simp
  show "y[M]. x[M]. x  y  x  A  (w y. x = w, y)"
    by (rule_tac x="{zA. x y. z = x, y}" in rexI) auto

lemma separation_Pair:
  assumes "separation(M, λy . P(fst(y), snd(y)))"
  shows "separation(M, λy.  u v . y=u,v  P(u,v))"
  unfolding separation_def
  fix A
  assume "M(A)"
  moreover from this
  have "M({zA. x y. z = x, y})" (is "M(?P)")
    using relation_separation by simp
  moreover from this assms
  have "M({z?P . P(fst(z),snd(z))})"
    by(rule_tac separation_closed,simp_all)
  have "{yA .  u v . y=u,v  P(u,v) } = {z?P . P(fst(z),snd(z))}"
    by(rule equalityI subsetI,auto)
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({yA .  u v . y=u,v  P(u,v) })"
    by simp
  show "y[M]. x[M]. x  y  x  A  (w y. x = w, y  P(w,y))"
    by (rule_tac x="{zA. x y. z = x, y  P(x,y)}" in rexI) auto

lemma lam_replacement_separation :
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "separation(M,P)"
  shows "strong_replacement(M, λx y . P(x)  y=x,f(x))"
  using strong_replacement_separation_aux assms
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemmas strong_replacement_separation =
  strong_replacement_separation_aux[OF lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement]

lemma id_closed: "M(A)  M(id(A))"
  using lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed
  unfolding id_def by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Pair:
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. fst(x), snd(x))"
  using lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Upair: "lam_replacement(M, λp. Upair(fst(p), snd(p)))"
proof -
  have "(¬(a b . x = <a,b>))  fst(x) = 0  snd(x) = 0" for x
    unfolding fst_def snd_def
    by (simp add:the_0)
  have "Upair(fst(x),snd(x)) = (if (w .  z . x=<w,z>) then (x) else ({0}))" for x
    using fst_conv snd_conv Upair_eq_cons
    by (auto simp add:Pair_def)
  have "lam_replacement(M, λx . (if (w .  z . x=<w,z>) then (x) else ({0})))"
    using lam_replacement_Union lam_replacement_constant relation_separation lam_replacement_if
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    using lam_replacement_cong
    by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Un: "lam_replacement(M, λp. fst(p)  snd(p))"
  using lam_replacement_Upair lam_replacement_Union
    lam_replacement_hcomp[where g=Union and f="λp. Upair(fst(p),snd(p))"]
  unfolding Un_def by simp

lemma lam_replacement_cons: "lam_replacement(M, λp. cons(fst(p),snd(p)))"
  using  lam_replacement_Upair
    lam_replacement_hcomp2[of _ _ "(∪)"]
    lam_replacement_hcomp2[of fst fst "Upair"]
    lam_replacement_Un lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  unfolding cons_def
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_sing_fun:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M, f)" "x[M]. M(f(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. {f(x)})"
  using lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_cons
    lam_replacement_hcomp2[of "f" "λ_. 0" cons] assms
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_sing: "lam_replacement(M, λx. {x})"
  using lam_replacement_sing_fun lam_replacement_identity
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_CartProd:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
    "x[M]. M(f(x))" "x[M]. M(g(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. f(x) × g(x))"
proof -
  note rep_closed = lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[THEN RepFun_closed]
    fix A
    assume "M(A)"
    note transM[OF _ M(A)]
    moreover from calculation assms
    have "M({x,f(x),g(x) . xA})" (is "M(?A')")
      using lam_replacement_product[THEN lam_replacement_imp_lam_closed[unfolded lam_def]]
      by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "M({f(x) . xA})" (is "M(?F)")
      using rep_closed[OF assms(1)] assms(3)
      by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "M({g(x) . xA})" (is "M(?G)")
      using rep_closed[OF assms(2)] assms(4)
      by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "M(?A' × (?F × ?G))" (is "M(?T)")
      by simp
    moreover from this
    have "M({t  ?T . fst(snd(t))  fst(snd(fst(t)))  snd(snd(t))  snd(snd(fst(t)))})" (is "M(?Q)")
        lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd] _ ]
        lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
        separation_in separation_conj
      by simp
    moreover from this
    have "M({fst(fst(t)),snd(t) . t?Q})" (is "M(?R)")
      using rep_closed lam_replacement_product
        lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_fst] lam_replacement_snd
        transM[of _ ?Q]
      by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "M({x,?R``{x} . xA})"
      using lam_replacement_imp_lam_closed[unfolded lam_def] lam_replacement_sing
        lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2] lam_replacement_constant[of ?R]
      by simp
    have "?R``{x} = f(x)×g(x)" if "xA" for x
      by(rule equalityI subsetI,force,rule subsetI,rule_tac a="x" in imageI)
        (auto simp:that,(rule_tac rev_bexI[of x],simp_all add:that)+)
    have "M({x,f(x) × g(x) . xA})" by auto
  with assms
  show ?thesis using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed[THEN iffD2,unfolded lam_def]
    by simp

lemma lam_replacement_RepFun :
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,λx . f(fst(x),snd(x)))" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
    "x[M].yg(x).M(f(x,y))" "x[M].M(g(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,λx .  {f(x,z) . zg(x)})"
proof -
  note rep_closed = lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[THEN RepFun_closed]
  from assms
  have "lam_replacement(M,λx.{x}×g(x))"
    using lam_replacement_CartProd lam_replacement_sing
    by auto
  moreover from assms
  have "M({f(x,z) . z  g(x)})" if "M(x)" for x
    using that transM[of _ "g(_)"] rep_closed
      lam_replacement_product[OF lam_replacement_fst]
      lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_identity
      assms(1)[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2] lam_replacement_constant[of x]
    by simp
  have "M(λzA.{f(z,u) . u  g(z)})" if "M(A)" for A
  proof -
    from that assms calculation
    have "M({{x}×g(x) . xA})" (is "M(?C)")
      using rep_closed transM[of _ A]
      by simp
    with assms M(A)
    have "M({fst(x),f(fst(x),snd(x)) . x ?C})" (is "M(?B)")
      using singleton_closed transM[of _ A] transM[of _ "g(_)"] rep_closed
        lam_replacement_product[OF lam_replacement_fst]
        lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd]
      by simp
    with M(A)
    have "M({x,?B``{x} . xA})"
      using transM[of _ A] rep_closed
        lam_replacement_product[OF lam_replacement_identity]
        lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
        lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_sing
      by simp
    have "?B``{z} = {f(z,u) . u  g(z)}" if "zA" for z
      using that
      by(intro equalityI subsetI,auto simp:imageI)
    moreover from this
    have "{x,?B``{x} . xA} = {z,{f(z,u) . u  g(z)} . zA}"
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      unfolding lam_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed[THEN iffD2]
    by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Collect :
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "x[M].M(f(x))"
    "separation(M,λx . F(fst(x),snd(x)))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,λx. {yf(x) . F(x,y)})"
proof -
  note rep_closed = lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[THEN RepFun_closed]
  from assms
  have 1:"lam_replacement(M,λx.{x}×f(x))"
    using lam_replacement_CartProd lam_replacement_sing
    by auto
  have "M({uf(x) . F(x,u)})" if "M(x)" for x
  proof -
    from assms that
    have "M({u  {x}×f(x) . F(fst(u),snd(u))})" (is "M(?F)")
      by simp
    with assms that
    have "M({snd(u) . u  ?F})"
      using rep_closed transM[of _ "f(x)"] lam_replacement_snd
      by simp
    have "{snd(u) . u  ?F} = {uf(x) . F(x,u)}"
      by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
  have "M(λzA.{y  f(z) . F(z,y)})" if "M(A)" for A
  proof -
    from 1 that assms
    have "M({{x}×f(x) . xA})" (is "M(?C)")
      using rep_closed transM[of _ A]
      by simp
    moreover from this assms
    have "M({p  ?C . F(fst(p),snd(p))})" (is "M(?B)")
      by(rule_tac separation_closed,simp_all)
    with M(A)
    have "M({x,?B``{x} . xA})"
      using transM[of _ A] rep_closed
        lam_replacement_product[OF lam_replacement_identity]
        lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
        lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_sing
      by simp
    have "?B``{z} = {uf(z) . F(z,u)}" if "zA" for z
      using that
      by(intro equalityI subsetI,auto simp:imageI)
    moreover from this
    have "{x,?B``{x} . xA} = {z,{uf(z) . F(z,u)} . zA}"
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      unfolding lam_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed[THEN iffD2]
    by simp

lemma separation_eq:
  assumes "x[M]. M(f(x))" "lam_replacement(M,f)"
    "x[M]. M(g(x))" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
  shows "separation(M,λx . f(x) = g(x))"
proof -
  let ?Z="λA. {x,f(x),g(x),x. xA}"
  let ?Y="λA. {x,f(x),g(x),x. xA}"
  note sndsnd = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_snd]
  note fstsnd = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_fst]
  note sndfst = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd]
  have "M(?Z(A))" if "M(A)" for A
    using assms lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed that
      lam_replacement_product[OF assms(2)
        lam_replacement_product[OF assms(4) lam_replacement_identity]]
    unfolding lam_def
    by auto
  have "?Y(A) = {fst(x), fst(snd(x)), fst(snd(snd(x))), snd(snd(snd(x))) . x  ?Z(A)}" for A
    by auto
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(?Y(A))" if "M(A)" for A
          lam_replacement_product[OF lam_replacement_fst fstsnd]
            lam_replacement_hcomp[OF sndsnd lam_replacement_fst]
            lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd sndsnd]
          ], THEN RepFun_closed,simplified,of "?Z(A)"]
      fst_closed[OF transM] snd_closed[OF transM] that
    by auto
  have "M({u?Y(A) . snd(fst(u)) = fst(snd(u))})" (is "M(?W(A))") if "M(A)" for A
    using that middle_separation assms
    by auto
  have "M({fst(fst(u)) . u  ?W(A)})" if "M(A)" for A
    using that lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[OF
        lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_fst], THEN RepFun_closed]
      fst_closed[OF transM]
    by auto
  have "{xA. f(x) = g(x)} = {fst(fst(u)) . u?W(A)}" for A
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using separation_iff by auto
lemma separation_comp :
  assumes "separation(M,P)" "lam_replacement(M,f)" "x[M]. M(f(x))"
  shows "separation(M,λx. P(f(x)))"
  unfolding separation_def
  fix A
  assume "M(A)"
  let ?B="{f(a) . a  A}"
  let ?C="A×{b?B . P(b)}"
  note M(A)
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(?C)"
    using lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement assms RepFun_closed transM[of _ A]
    by simp
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({p?C . f(fst(p)) = snd(p)})" (is "M(?Prod)")
    using assms separation_eq lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    by simp
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({fst(p) . p?Prod})" (is "M(?L)")
    using lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement lam_replacement_fst RepFun_closed
      transM[of _ ?Prod]
    by simp
  have "?L = {zA . P(f(z))}"
    by(intro equalityI subsetI,auto)
  show " y[M]. z[M]. z  y  z  A  P(f(z))"
    by (rule_tac x="?L" in rexI,simp_all)

lemma lam_replacement_domain: "lam_replacement(M,domain)"
proof -
  have 1:"{fst(z) . z {ux . ( a b. u = <a,b>)}} =domain(x)" for x
    unfolding domain_def
    by (intro equalityI subsetI,auto,rule_tac x="<xa,y>" in bexI,auto)
  have "lam_replacement(M,λ x .{fst(z) . z {ux . ( a b. u = <a,b>)}})"
    using lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_fst
snd_closed[OF transM] fst_closed[OF transM] lam_replacement_identity
relation_separation relation_separation[THEN separation_comp,where f=snd]
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_RepFun,simp_all)
  show ?thesis
    using lam_replacement_cong
    by auto

lemma separation_in_domain : "M(a)  separation(M, λx. adomain(x))"
  using lam_replacement_domain lam_replacement_constant separation_in
  by auto

lemma separation_all:
  assumes "separation(M, λx . P(fst(fst(x)),snd(x)))"
    "lam_replacement(M,f)" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
    "x[M]. M(f(x))" "x[M]. M(g(x))"
  shows "separation(M, λz. xf(z). P(g(z),x))"
  unfolding separation_def
  note rep_closed = lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[THEN RepFun_closed]
  note lr_fs = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd]
  fix A
  assume "M(A)"
  with assms
  have "M({f(x) . xA})" (is "M(?F)") "M({<g(x),f(x)> . xA})" (is "M(?G)")
    using rep_closed transM[of _ A]
      lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_imp_lam_closed
    unfolding lam_def
    by auto
  let ?B="?F"
  let ?C="?G×?B"
  note M(A) M(?F) M(?G)
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(?C)"
    by simp
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({p?C . P(fst(fst(p)),snd(p))  snd(p)snd(fst(p))})" (is "M(?Prod)")
    using assms separation_conj separation_in lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    by simp
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({z?G . snd(z)=?Prod``{z}})" (is "M(?L)")
    using separation_eq
      lam_replacement_constant[of ?Prod] lam_replacement_constant[of 0]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF _ lam_replacement_sing]
      lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
      lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_snd
    by simp
  moreover from calculation assms
  have "M({xA . <g(x),f(x)>  ?L})" (is "M(?N)")
    using lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_constant
    by (rule_tac separation_closed,rule_tac separation_in,auto)
  moreover from calculation
  have "?N = {zA . xf(z). P(g(z),x)}"
  proof -
    have "P(g(z),x)" if "zA" "xf(z)" "f(z) = ?Prod``{<g(z),f(z)>}" for z x
      using that
      by(rule_tac imageE[of x ?Prod "{<g(z),f(z)>}"],simp_all)
    have "f(z) = ?Prod `` {<g(z),f(z)>}" if "zA" "xf(z). P(g(z), x)" for z
      using that
      by force
    show ?thesis
      by auto
  show " y[M]. z[M]. z  y  z  A  (xf(z) . P(g(z),x))"
    by (rule_tac x="?N" in rexI,simp_all)

lemma separation_ex:
  assumes "separation(M, λx . P(fst(fst(x)),snd(x)))"
    "lam_replacement(M,f)" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
    "x[M]. M(f(x))" "x[M]. M(g(x))"
  shows "separation(M, λz. xf(z). P(g(z),x))"
  unfolding separation_def
  note rep_closed = lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[THEN RepFun_closed]
  note lr_fs = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd]
  fix A
  assume "M(A)"
  with assms
  have "M({f(x) . xA})" (is "M(?F)") "M({<g(x),f(x)> . xA})" (is "M(?G)")
    using rep_closed transM[of _ A]
      lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_imp_lam_closed
    unfolding lam_def
    by auto
  let ?B="?F"
  let ?C="?G×?B"
  note M(A) M(?F) M(?G)
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(?C)"
    by simp
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({p?C . P(fst(fst(p)),snd(p))  snd(p)snd(fst(p))})" (is "M(?Prod)")
    using assms separation_conj separation_in lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    by simp
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({z?G . 0?Prod``{z}})" (is "M(?L)")
    using separation_eq  separation_neg
      lam_replacement_constant[of ?Prod] lam_replacement_constant[of 0]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF _ lam_replacement_sing]
      lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
    by simp
  moreover from calculation assms
  have "M({xA . <g(x),f(x)>  ?L})" (is "M(?N)")
    using lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_constant
    by (rule_tac separation_closed,rule_tac separation_in,auto)
  moreover from calculation
  have "?N = {zA . xf(z). P(g(z),x)}"
    by(intro equalityI subsetI,simp_all,force) (rule ccontr,force)
  show " y[M]. z[M]. z  y  z  A  (xf(z) . P(g(z),x))"
    by (rule_tac x="?N" in rexI,simp_all)

lemma lam_replacement_converse: "lam_replacement(M,converse)"
  note lr_Un = lam_replacement_Union[THEN [2] lam_replacement_hcomp]
  note lr_fs = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd]
  note lr_ff = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_fst]
  note lr_ss = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_snd]
  note lr_sf = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF  lr_ff lam_replacement_snd]
  note lr_fff = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lr_ff]
  note lr_f4 = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_ff lr_ff]
  have eq:"converse(x) = {snd(y),fst(y) . y  {z  x.  u x . vx . z=<u,v>}}" for x
    unfolding converse_def
    by(intro equalityI subsetI,auto,rename_tac a b,rule_tac x="<a,b>" in bexI,simp_all)
     (auto simp : Pair_def)
  have "M(x)  M({z  x.  u x . vx . z=<u,v>})" for x
    using lam_replacement_identity lr_Un[OF lr_Un] lr_Un lr_Un[OF lam_replacement_Union]
      lam_replacement_snd lr_ff lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_hcomp lr_fff
      lam_replacement_product[OF lr_sf lam_replacement_snd] lr_f4
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_f4 lam_replacement_snd] separation_eq
    by(rule_tac separation_closed,rule_tac separation_ex,rule_tac separation_ex,simp_all)
  have sep:"separation(M, λx. ufst(x). vfst(x). snd(x) = u, v)"
    using lam_replacement_identity lr_Un[OF lr_Un] lr_Un
      lam_replacement_snd lr_ff lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_hcomp lr_fff
      lam_replacement_product[OF lr_sf lam_replacement_snd]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_f4 lam_replacement_snd] separation_eq
    by(rule_tac separation_ex,rule_tac separation_ex,simp_all)
  moreover from calculation
  have "lam_replacement(M, λx. {z  x . ux. vx. z = u, v})"
    using lam_replacement_identity
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_Collect,simp_all)
  have 1:"lam_replacement(M, λx . {snd(y),fst(y) . y  {z  x. u x . vx. z=<u,v>}})"
    using lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_hcomp
      lam_replacement_identity lr_ff lr_ss
      lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_identity sep
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_RepFun,simp_all,force dest:transM)
  with eq[symmetric]
  show ?thesis
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_cong[OF 1],simp_all)

lemma lam_replacement_Diff: "lam_replacement(M, λx . fst(x) - snd(x))"
proof -
  have eq:"X - Y = {xX . xY}" for X Y
    by auto
  have "lam_replacement(M, λx . {y  fst(x) . ysnd(x)})"
    using  lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_hcomp
      lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_identity separation_in separation_neg
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_Collect,simp_all)
  show ?thesis
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_cong,auto,subst eq[symmetric],simp)

lemma lam_replacement_range : "lam_replacement(M,range)"
  unfolding range_def
  using lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_converse lam_replacement_domain]
  by auto

lemma separation_in_range : "M(a)  separation(M, λx. arange(x))"
  using lam_replacement_range lam_replacement_constant separation_in
  by auto

lemmas tag_replacement = lam_replacement_constant[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma tag_lam_replacement : "M(X)  lam_replacement(M,λx. <X,x>)"
  using lam_replacement_product[OF lam_replacement_constant] lam_replacement_identity
  by simp

lemma strong_lam_replacement_imp_lam_replacement_RepFun :
  assumes  "strong_replacement(M,λ x z . P(fst(x),snd(x))  z=x,f(fst(x),snd(x)))"
  "A y . M(y)  M(A)  xA. P(y,x)  M(f(y,x))"
  "x[M]. M(g(x))"
  "separation(M, λx. P(fst(x),snd(x)))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. {y . r g(x) , P(x,r)  y=f(x,r)}) "
proof -
  note rep_closed = lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement[THEN RepFun_closed]
  have "{f(x, xa) . xa  {xa  g(x) . P(x, xa)}} = {y . z  g(x), P(x, z)  y = f(x, z)}" for x
    by(intro equalityI subsetI,auto)
  moreover from assms
  have 0:"M({xa  g(x) . P(x, xa)})" if "M(x)" for x
    using that separation_closed assms(5)[THEN separation_comp,OF tag_lam_replacement]
    by simp
  moreover from assms
  have 1:"lam_replacement(M,λx.{x}×{ug(x) . P(x,u)})" (is "lam_replacement(M,λx.?R(x))")
    using separation_closed assms(5)[THEN separation_comp,OF tag_lam_replacement]
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_CartProd[OF lam_replacement_sing lam_replacement_Collect],simp_all)
  moreover from assms
  have "M({y . zg(x) , P(x,z)  y=f(x,z)})" (is "M(?Q(x))") if "M(x)" for x
    using that transM[of _ "g(_)"]
      separation_closed assms(5)[THEN separation_comp,OF tag_lam_replacement]
      assms(3)[of "x" "g(x)"] strong_lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement
    by simp
  have "M(λzA.{f(z,r) . r  {u g(z) . P(z,u)}})" if "M(A)" for A
  proof -
    from that assms calculation
    have "M({?R(x) . xA})" (is "M(?C)")
      using transM[of _ A] rep_closed
      by simp
    moreover from assms M(A)
    have "x  {y} × {x  g(y) . P(y, x)}  M(x)  M(f(fst(x),snd(x)))" if "yA" for y x
      using assms(3)[of "y" "g(y)"] transM[of _ A] transM[of _ "g(y)"] that
      by force
    moreover from this
    have "yA . x  {y} × {x  g(y) . P(y, x)}  M(x)  M(f(fst(x),snd(x)))" for x
      by auto
    moreover note assms M(A)
    have "M({z . x?C , P(fst(x),snd(x))  z = x,f(fst(x),snd(x))})" (is "M(?B)")
      using singleton_closed transM[of _ A] transM[of _ "g(_)"] rep_closed
        lam_replacement_product[OF lam_replacement_fst]
        lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd] transM[OF _ 0]
      by(rule_tac strong_replacement_closed,simp_all)
    have "M({fst(fst(x)),snd(x) . x?B})" (is "M(?D)")
      using rep_closed transM[of _ ?B]
          lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_fst]
      by simp
    with M(A)
    have "M({x,?D``{x} . xA})"
      using transM[of _ A] rep_closed
        lam_replacement_product[OF lam_replacement_identity]
        lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
        lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_sing
      by simp
    moreover from calculation
    have "?D``{z} = {f(z,r) . r  {u g(z) . P(z,u)}}" if "zA" for z
      using that
      by (intro equalityI subsetI,auto,intro imageI,force,auto)
    moreover from this
    have "{x,?D``{x} . xA} = {z,{f(z,r) . r  {u g(z) . P(z,u)}} . zA}"
      by auto
    show ?thesis
      unfolding lam_def by auto
  show ?thesis
    using lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed[THEN iffD2]
    by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Collect' :
  assumes "M(A)" "separation(M,λp . F(fst(p),snd(p)))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,λx. {yA . F(x,y)})"
  using assms lam_replacement_constant
  by(rule_tac lam_replacement_Collect, simp_all)

lemma lam_replacement_id2: "lam_replacement(M, λx. x, x)"
  using lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_product[of "λx. x" "λx. x"]
  by simp

lemmas id_replacement = lam_replacement_id2[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma lam_replacement_apply2:"lam_replacement(M, λp. fst(p) ` snd(p))"
  using lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_sing_fun[OF lam_replacement_snd]
    lam_replacement_Image lam_replacement_Union
    lam_replacement_hcomp[of _ Union] lam_replacement_hcomp2[of _ _ "(``)"]
  unfolding apply_def
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_apply:"M(S)  lam_replacement(M, λx.  S ` x)"
  using lam_replacement_constant[of S] lam_replacement_identity
    lam_replacement_apply2[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
  by simp

lemma apply_replacement:"M(S)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = S ` x)"
  using lam_replacement_apply lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement by simp

lemma lam_replacement_id_const: "M(b)  lam_replacement(M, λx. x, b)"
  using lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_constant
    lam_replacement_product[of "λx. x" "λx. b"] by simp

lemmas pospend_replacement = lam_replacement_id_const[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma lam_replacement_const_id: "M(b)  lam_replacement(M, λz. b, z)"
  using lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_constant
    lam_replacement_product[of "λx. b" "λx. x"] by simp

lemmas prepend_replacement = lam_replacement_const_id[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma lam_replacement_apply_const_id: "M(f)  M(z) 
      lam_replacement(M, λx. f ` z, x)"
  using lam_replacement_const_id[of z] lam_replacement_apply
    lam_replacement_hcomp[of "λx. z, x"] by simp

lemmas apply_replacement2 = lam_replacement_apply_const_id[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma lam_replacement_Inl: "lam_replacement(M, Inl)"
  using lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_constant
    lam_replacement_product[of "λx. 0" "λx. x"]
  unfolding Inl_def by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Inr: "lam_replacement(M, Inr)"
  using lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_constant
    lam_replacement_product[of "λx. 1" "λx. x"]
  unfolding Inr_def by simp

lemmas Inl_replacement1 = lam_replacement_Inl[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma lam_replacement_Diff': "M(X)  lam_replacement(M, λx. x - X)"
  using lam_replacement_Diff[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
    lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_identity
  by simp

lemmas Pair_diff_replacement = lam_replacement_Diff'[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma diff_Pair_replacement: "M(p)  strong_replacement(M, λx y . y=x,x-{p})"
  using Pair_diff_replacement by simp

lemma swap_replacement:"strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, (λx,y. y, x)(x))"
  using lam_replacement_swap unfolding lam_replacement_def split_def by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Un_const:"M(b)  lam_replacement(M, λx. x  b)"
  using lam_replacement_Un lam_replacement_hcomp2[of _ _ "(∪)"]
    lam_replacement_constant[of b] lam_replacement_identity by simp

lemmas tag_union_replacement = lam_replacement_Un_const[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma lam_replacement_csquare: "lam_replacement(M,λp. fst(p)  snd(p), fst(p), snd(p))"
  using lam_replacement_Un lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by (fast intro: lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_hcomp2)

lemma csquare_lam_replacement:"strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, (λx,y. x  y, x, y)(x))"
  using lam_replacement_csquare unfolding split_def lam_replacement_def .

lemma lam_replacement_assoc:"lam_replacement(M,λx. fst(fst(x)), snd(fst(x)), snd(x))"
  using lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by (force intro: lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_hcomp)

lemma assoc_replacement:"strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, (λx,y,z. x, y, z)(x))"
  using lam_replacement_assoc unfolding split_def lam_replacement_def .

lemma lam_replacement_prod_fun: "M(f)  M(g)  lam_replacement(M,λx. f ` fst(x), g ` snd(x))"
  using lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by (force intro: lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_apply)

lemma prod_fun_replacement:"M(f)  M(g) 
  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, (λw,y. f ` w, g ` y)(x))"
  using lam_replacement_prod_fun unfolding split_def lam_replacement_def .

lemma separation_subset:
  assumes "x[M]. M(f(x))" "lam_replacement(M,f)"
    "x[M]. M(g(x))" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
  shows "separation(M,λx . f(x)  g(x))"
proof -
  have "f(x)  g(x)  f(x)g(x) = g(x)" for x
    using subset_Un_iff by simp
  moreover from assms
  have "separation(M,λx . f(x)g(x) = g(x))"
    using separation_eq lam_replacement_Un lam_replacement_hcomp2
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    using separation_cong[THEN iffD1] by auto

lemma lam_replacement_twist: "lam_replacement(M,λx,y,z. x,y,z)"
  using lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    lam_replacement_Pair[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2,
      of "λx. snd(fst(x))" "λx. snd(x)", THEN [2] lam_replacement_Pair[
        THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2, of "λx. fst(fst(x))"]]
    lam_replacement_hcomp unfolding split_def by simp

lemma twist_closed[intro,simp]: "M(x)  M((λx,y,z. x,y,z)(x))"
  unfolding split_def by simp

lemma lam_replacement_vimage :
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. fst(x)-``snd(x))"
  unfolding vimage_def using
    lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_converse] lam_replacement_snd
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_vimage_sing: "lam_replacement(M, λp. fst(p) -`` {snd(p)})"
  using lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_sing_fun
    lam_replacement_vimage[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2] lam_replacement_fst
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_vimage_sing_fun: "M(f)  lam_replacement(M, λx. f -`` {x})"
  using lam_replacement_vimage_sing[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2] lam_replacement_constant[of f]
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_image_sing_fun: "M(f)  lam_replacement(M, λx. f `` {x})"
  using lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2] lam_replacement_constant[of f]
  by simp

lemma converse_apply_projs: "x[M].  (fst(x) -`` {snd(x)}) = converse(fst(x)) ` (snd(x))"
  using converse_apply_eq by auto

lemma lam_replacement_converse_app: "lam_replacement(M, λp. converse(fst(p)) ` snd(p))"
  using lam_replacement_cong[OF _ converse_apply_projs]
    lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_vimage_sing lam_replacement_Union]
  by simp

lemmas cardinal_lib_assms4 = lam_replacement_vimage_sing_fun[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma lam_replacement_sing_const_id:
  "M(x)  lam_replacement(M, λy. {x, y})"
  using lam_replacement_const_id[of x] lam_replacement_sing_fun
  by simp

lemma tag_singleton_closed: "M(x)  M(z)  M({{z, y} . y  x})"
  using RepFun_closed lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement lam_replacement_sing_const_id
    transM[of _ x]
  by simp

lemma separation_ball:
  assumes "separation(M, λy. f(fst(y),snd(y)))" "M(X)"
  shows "separation(M, λy. uX. f(y,u))"
  unfolding separation_def
  fix A
  assume "M(A)"
  note M(X)
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(A×X)"
    by simp
  have "M({p  A×X . f(fst(p),snd(p))})" (is "M(?P)")
    using assms(1)
    by auto
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({aA . ?P``{a} = X})" (is "M(?A')")
    using separation_eq lam_replacement_image_sing_fun[of "?P"] lam_replacement_constant
    by simp
  have "f(a,x)" if "a?A'" and "xX" for a x
  proof -
    from that
    have "aA" "?P``{a}=X"
      by auto
    have "x?P``{a}"
      using that by simp
    show ?thesis using image_singleton_iff by simp
  moreover from this
  have "a[M]. a  ?A'  a  A  (xX. f(a, x))"
    using image_singleton_iff
    by auto
  with M(?A')
  show "y[M]. a[M]. a  y  a  A  (xX. f(a, x))"
    by (rule_tac x="?A'" in rexI,simp_all)

lemma separation_bex:
  assumes "separation(M, λy. f(fst(y),snd(y)))" "M(X)"
  shows "separation(M, λy. uX. f(y,u))"
  unfolding separation_def
  fix A
  assume "M(A)"
  note M(X)
  moreover from calculation
  have "M(A×X)"
    by simp
  have "M({p  A×X . f(fst(p),snd(p))})" (is "M(?P)")
    using assms(1)
    by auto
  moreover from calculation
  have "M({aA . ?P``{a}  0})" (is "M(?A')")
    using separation_eq lam_replacement_image_sing_fun[of "?P"] lam_replacement_constant
    by simp
  moreover from this
  have "a[M]. a  ?A'  a  A  (xX. f(a, x))"
    using image_singleton_iff
    by auto
  with M(?A')
  show "y[M]. a[M]. a  y  a  A  (xX. f(a, x))"
    by (rule_tac x="?A'" in rexI,simp_all)

lemma lam_replacement_Lambda:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M, λy. b(fst(y), snd(y)))"
    "w[M]. y[M]. M(b(w, y))" "M(W)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. λwW. b(x, w))"
  using assms lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_product lam_replacement_snd
    lam_replacement_RepFun transM[of _ W]
  unfolding lam_def
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_apply_Pair:
  assumes "M(y)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. y ` fst(x), snd(x))"
  using assms lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_Pair
    lam_replacement_apply2[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_apply_fst_snd:
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λw. fst(w) ` fst(snd(w)) ` snd(snd(w)))"
  using lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_hcomp
    lam_replacement_apply2[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_RepFun_apply :
  assumes "M(f)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx . {f`y . y  x})"
  using assms  lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_RepFun
    lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_apply
  by(rule_tac lam_replacement_RepFun,auto dest:transM)

lemma separation_snd_in_fst: "separation(M, λx. snd(x)  fst(x))"
  using separation_in lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_if_mem:
  "lam_replacement(M, λx. if snd(x)  fst(x) then 1 else 0)"
  using separation_snd_in_fst
    lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_if
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_Lambda_apply_fst_snd:
  assumes "M(X)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. λwX. x ` fst(w) ` snd(w))"
  using assms lam_replacement_apply_fst_snd lam_replacement_Lambda
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Lambda_apply_Pair:
  assumes "M(X)" "M(y)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. λwX. y ` x, w)"
  using assms lam_replacement_apply_Pair lam_replacement_Lambda
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Lambda_if_mem:
  assumes "M(X)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. λxaX. if xa  x then 1 else 0)"
  using assms lam_replacement_if_mem lam_replacement_Lambda
  by simp

lemma case_closed :
  assumes "x[M]. M(f(x))" "x[M]. M(g(x))"
  shows "x[M]. M(case(f,g,x))"
  unfolding case_def split_def cond_def
  using assms by simp

lemma separation_fst_equal : "M(a)  separation(M,λx . fst(x)=a)"
  using separation_eq lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_constant
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_case :
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "lam_replacement(M,g)"
    "x[M]. M(f(x))" "x[M]. M(g(x))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx . case(f,g,x))"
  unfolding case_def split_def cond_def
  using lam_replacement_if separation_fst_equal
    lam_replacement_hcomp[of "snd" g]
    lam_replacement_hcomp[of "snd" f]
    lam_replacement_snd assms
  by simp

lemma Pi_replacement1: "M(x)  M(y)   strong_replacement(M, λya z. ya  y  z = {x, ya})"
  using lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement
    strong_replacement_separation[OF lam_replacement_sing_const_id[of x],where P="λx . x y"]
  by simp

lemma surj_imp_inj_replacement1:
  "M(f)  M(x)  strong_replacement(M, λy z. y  f -`` {x}  z = {x, y})"
  using Pi_replacement1 vimage_closed singleton_closed
  by simp

lemmas domain_replacement = lam_replacement_domain[unfolded lam_replacement_def]

lemma domain_replacement_simp: "strong_replacement(M, λx y. y=domain(x))"
  using lam_replacement_domain lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement by simp

lemma un_Pair_replacement: "M(p)  strong_replacement(M, λx y . y = x{p})"
  using lam_replacement_Un_const[THEN lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement] by simp

lemma diff_replacement: "M(X)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x - X)"
  using lam_replacement_Diff'[THEN lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement] by simp

lemma lam_replacement_succ:
  "lam_replacement(M,λz . succ(z))"
  unfolding succ_def
  using lam_replacement_hcomp2[of "λx. x" "λx. x" cons]
    lam_replacement_cons lam_replacement_identity
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_hcomp_Least:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M, g)" "lam_replacement(M,λx. μ i. xF(i,x))"
    "x[M]. M(g(x))" "x i. M(x)  i  F(i, x)  M(i)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M,λx. μ i. g(x)F(i,g(x)))"
  using assms
  by (rule_tac lam_replacement_hcomp[of _ "λx. μ i. xF(i,x)"])
    (auto intro:Least_closed')

lemma domain_mem_separation: "M(A)  separation(M, λx . domain(x)A)"
  using separation_in lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_domain
  by auto

lemma domain_eq_separation: "M(p)  separation(M, λx . domain(x) = p)"
  using separation_eq lam_replacement_domain lam_replacement_constant
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_Int:
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. fst(x)  snd(x))"
proof -
  have "AB = (AB) - ((A- B)  (B-A))" (is "_=?f(A,B)")for A B
    by auto
  show ?thesis
    using lam_replacement_cong
      lam_replacement_Diff[THEN[5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
      lam_replacement_Un[THEN[5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
      lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    by simp

lemma restrict_eq_separation': "M(B)  A[M]. separation(M, λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, restrict(x, B))"
  fix A
  have "restrict(r,B) = r  (B × range(r))" for r
    unfolding restrict_def by(rule equalityI subsetI,auto)
  assume "M(A)" "M(B)"
  moreover from this
  have "separation(M, λy. xA. y = x, x  (B × range(x)))"
    using lam_replacement_Int[THEN[5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
      lam_replacement_Pair[THEN[5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
    using lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_constant
      lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_range lam_replacement_identity
      lam_replacement_CartProd separation_bex separation_eq
    by simp_all
  show "separation(M, λy. x[M]. xA  y = x, restrict(x, B))"
    by simp

lemmas lam_replacement_restrict' = lam_replacement_restrict[OF restrict_eq_separation']

lemma restrict_strong_replacement: "M(A)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y=restrict(x,A))"
  using lam_replacement_restrict restrict_eq_separation'
  by simp

lemma restrict_eq_separation: "M(r)  M(p)  separation(M, λx . restrict(x,r) = p)"
  using separation_eq lam_replacement_restrict' lam_replacement_constant
  by auto

lemma separation_equal_fst2 : "M(a)  separation(M,λx . fst(fst(x))=a)"
  using separation_eq lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_constant
  by auto

lemma separation_equal_apply: "M(f)  M(a)  separation(M,λx. f`x=a)"
  using separation_eq lam_replacement_apply[of f] lam_replacement_constant
  by auto

lemma lam_apply_replacement: "M(A)  M(f)  lam_replacement(M, λx . λnA. f ` x, n)"
  using lam_replacement_Lambda lam_replacement_hcomp[OF _ lam_replacement_apply[of f]] lam_replacement_Pair
  by simp

― ‹We need a tactic to deal with composition of replacements!›
lemma lam_replacement_comp :
  "lam_replacement(M, λx . fst(x) O snd(x))"
proof -
  note lr_fs = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd]
  note lr_ff = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_fst]
  note lr_ss = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_snd]
  note lr_sf = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_fst]
  note lr_fff = lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lr_ff]
  have eq:"R O S =
      {xz  domain(S) × range(R) .
        yrange(S)domain(R) . fst(xz),yS  y,snd(xz)R}" for R S
    unfolding comp_def
    by(intro equalityI subsetI,auto)
  have "lam_replacement(M, λx . {xz  domain(snd(x)) × range(fst(x)) .
        yrange(snd(x))domain(fst(x)) . fst(xz),ysnd(x)  y,snd(xz)fst(x)})"
    using lam_replacement_CartProd lam_replacement_hcomp
      lam_replacement_range lam_replacement_domain lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
      lam_replacement_identity lr_fs lr_ff lr_ss lam_replacement_product
      lam_replacement_Int[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_ff lam_replacement_domain]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_fs lam_replacement_range]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_ff lr_ff]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_ff lr_ss]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_ff lr_sf]
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lr_fff lam_replacement_snd ]
      separation_ex separation_conj separation_in
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_Collect,simp_all,rule_tac separation_ex,rule_tac separation_conj,auto)
  show ?thesis
    by(rule_tac lam_replacement_cong,auto,subst eq[symmetric],rule_tac comp_closed,auto)

lemma lam_replacement_comp':
  "M(f)  M(g)  lam_replacement(M, λx . f O x O g)"
  using lam_replacement_comp[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2,
      OF lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_comp,
      THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2] lam_replacement_constant
    lam_replacement_identity by simp

lemma RepFun_SigFun_closed: "M(x) M(z)  M({{z, u} . u  x})"
  using lam_replacement_sing_const_id lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement RepFun_closed
    transM[of _ x] singleton_in_M_iff pair_in_M_iff
  by simp

― ‹Gives the orthogonal of termx with respect to the relation termQ.›
lemma separation_orthogonal: "M(x)  M(Q)  separation(M, λa .  sx. s, a  Q)"
  using separation_in[OF _
      lam_replacement_hcomp2[OF _ _ _ _ lam_replacement_Pair] _
    separation_ball lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by simp_all

lemma separation_Transset: "separation(M,Transset)"
  unfolding Transset_def
  using separation_subset lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_identity
  by(rule_tac separation_all,auto)

lemma separation_Ord: "separation(M,Ord)"
  unfolding Ord_def
  using  separation_Transset
    separation_comp separation_Transset lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_identity
  by(rule_tac separation_conj,auto,rule_tac separation_all,auto)

lemma ord_iso_separation: "M(A)  M(r)  M(s) 
      separation(M, λf. xA. yA. x, y  r  f ` x, f ` y  s)"
    lam_replacement_Pair[THEN[5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
    lam_replacement_apply2[THEN[5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
    lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_constant
    separation_in separation_ball[of _ A] separation_iff'
  by simp

lemma separation_dist: "separation(M, λ x . a. b . x=a,b  ab)"
  using separation_Pair separation_neg separation_eq lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
  by simp

lemma separation_imp_lam_closed:
  assumes "xA. F(x)  B" "separation(M, λx,y. F(x) = y)"
    "M(A)" "M(B)"
  shows "M(λxA. F(x))"
proof -
  from xA. F(x)  B
  have "(λxA. F(x))  A×B"
    using times_subset_iff fun_is_rel[OF lam_funtype, of A F]
    by auto
  moreover from this
  have "(λxA. F(x)) = {x,y  A × B. F(x) = y}"
    unfolding lam_def by force
  note M(A) M(B) separation(M, λx,y. F(x) = y)
  moreover from this
  have "M({x,y  A × B. F(x) = y})"
    by simp
  show ?thesis
    unfolding lam_def
    by auto

lemma curry_closed :
  assumes "M(f)" "M(A)" "M(B)"
  shows "M(curry(A,B,f))"
  using assms lam_replacement_apply_const_id
    lam_apply_replacement lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed
  unfolding curry_def
  by auto

end ― ‹localeM_replacement

  RepFun_cons :: "iii" where
  "RepFun_cons(x,y)  RepFun(x, λz. {y,z})"

context M_replacement

lemma lam_replacement_RepFun_cons'':
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx . RepFun_cons(fst(x),snd(x)))"
  unfolding RepFun_cons_def
  using lam_replacement_fst fst_closed snd_closed lam_replacement_product
lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_sing_fun
   transM[OF _ fst_closed]
lam_replacement_RepFun[of "λ x z . {<snd(x),z>}" "fst"]
  by simp

lemma RepFun_cons_replacement: "lam_replacement(M, λp. RepFun(fst(p), λx. {snd(p),x}))"
  using lam_replacement_RepFun_cons''
  unfolding RepFun_cons_def
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Sigfun:
  assumes "lam_replacement(M,f)" "y[M]. M(f(y))"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx. Sigfun(x,f))"
  using assms lam_replacement_Union lam_replacement_sing_fun lam_replacement_Pair
       tag_singleton_closed transM[of _ "f(_)"] lam_replacement_hcomp[of _ Union]
  unfolding Sigfun_def
  by simp

lemma phrank_repl:
    "strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = succ(f`x))"
  using assms lam_replacement_succ lam_replacement_apply
    lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement lam_replacement_hcomp
  by auto

lemma lam_replacement_Powapply_rel:
  assumes "A[M]. separation(M, λy. x[M]. x  A  y = x, Pow_rel(M,x))"
    "lam_replacement(M, Powapply_rel(M,f))"
  using assms lam_replacement_Pow_rel lam_replacement_apply[THEN lam_replacement_hcomp]
  unfolding Powapply_rel_def
  by auto

lemmas Powapply_rel_replacement = lam_replacement_Powapply_rel[THEN

lemma surj_imp_inj_replacement2:
  "M(f)  strong_replacement(M, λx z. z = Sigfun(x, λy. f -`` {y}))"
  using lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement lam_replacement_Sigfun
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Pi: "M(y)  lam_replacement(M, λx. xay. {x, xa})"
  using  lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_Sigfun[unfolded Sigfun_def,of "λx. y"]
  by (simp)

lemma Pi_replacement2: "M(y)  strong_replacement(M, λx z. z = (xay. {x, xa}))"
  using lam_replacement_Pi[THEN lam_replacement_imp_strong_replacement, of y]
  by simp

lemma if_then_Inj_replacement:
  shows "M(A)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, if x  A then Inl(x) else Inr(x))"
  using lam_replacement_if lam_replacement_Inl lam_replacement_Inr separation_in_constant
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma lam_if_then_replacement:
    M(a)  M(f)  strong_replacement(M, λy ya. ya = y, if y = a then b else f ` y)"
  using lam_replacement_if lam_replacement_apply lam_replacement_constant
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma if_then_replacement:
  "M(A)  M(f)  M(g)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, if x  A then f ` x else g ` x)"
  using lam_replacement_if lam_replacement_apply[of f] lam_replacement_apply[of g]
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma ifx_replacement:
    M(b)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, if x  range(f) then converse(f) ` x else b)"
  using lam_replacement_if lam_replacement_apply lam_replacement_constant
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma if_then_range_replacement2:
  "M(A)  M(C)  strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, if x = Inl(A) then C else x)"
  using lam_replacement_if lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_identity
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma if_then_range_replacement:
      λz y. y = z, if z = u then f ` 0 else if z  range(f) then f ` succ(converse(f) ` z) else z)"
  using lam_replacement_if separation_equal separation_in_constant
    lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_identity
    lam_replacement_succ lam_replacement_apply
    lam_replacement_hcomp[of "λx. converse(f)`x" "succ"]
    lam_replacement_hcomp[of "λx. succ(converse(f)`x)" "λx . f`x"]
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma Inl_replacement2:
    strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, if fst(x) = A then Inl(snd(x)) else Inr(x))"
  using lam_replacement_if separation_fst_equal
    lam_replacement_hcomp[of "snd" "Inl"]
    lam_replacement_Inl lam_replacement_Inr lam_replacement_snd
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma case_replacement1:
  "strong_replacement(M, λz y. y = z, case(Inr, Inl, z))"
  using lam_replacement_case lam_replacement_Inl lam_replacement_Inr
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma case_replacement2:
  "strong_replacement(M, λz y. y = z, case(case(Inl, λy. Inr(Inl(y))), λy. Inr(Inr(y)), z))"
  using lam_replacement_case lam_replacement_hcomp
    case_closed[of Inl "λx. Inr(Inl(x))"]
    lam_replacement_Inl lam_replacement_Inr
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma case_replacement4:
  "M(f)  M(g)  strong_replacement(M, λz y. y = z, case(λw. Inl(f ` w), λy. Inr(g ` y), z))"
  using lam_replacement_case lam_replacement_hcomp
    lam_replacement_Inl lam_replacement_Inr lam_replacement_apply
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

lemma case_replacement5:
  "strong_replacement(M, λx y. y = x, (λx,z. case(λy. Inl(y, z), λy. Inr(y, z), x))(x))"
  unfolding split_def case_def cond_def
  using lam_replacement_if separation_equal_fst2
    lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_Inl lam_replacement_Inr
        lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd]]]
  unfolding lam_replacement_def
  by simp

end ― ‹localeM_replacement

locale M_Pi_replacement = M_Pi + M_replacement

lemma curry_rel_exp :
  assumes "M(f)" "M(A)" "M(B)" "M(C)" "f  A × B  C"
  shows "curry(A,B,f)  A →⇗M(B →⇗MC)"
  using assms transM[of _ A] lam_closed[OF apply_replacement2]
    lam_apply_replacement lam_replacement_iff_lam_closed
  unfolding curry_def
  by (intro lam_type mem_function_space_rel_abs[THEN iffD2],auto)

end ― ‹localeM_Pi_replacement

― ‹To be used in the relativized treatment of Cohen posets›
  ― ‹"domain collect F"›
  dC_F :: "i  i  i" where
  "dC_F(A,d)  {p  A. domain(p) = d }"

  ― ‹"domain restrict SepReplace Y"›
  drSR_Y :: "i  i  i  i  i" where
  "drSR_Y(B,D,A,x)  {y . rA , restrict(r,B) = x  y = domain(r)  domain(r)  D}"

lemma drSR_Y_equality: "drSR_Y(B,D,A,x) = { drD . (rA . restrict(r,B) = x  dr=domain(r)) }"
  unfolding drSR_Y_def by auto

context M_replacement

lemma separation_restrict_eq_dom_eq:"x[M].separation(M, λdr. rA . restrict(r,B) = x  dr=domain(r))"
  if "M(A)" and "M(B)" for A B
  using that
    separation_eq[OF _
      lam_replacement_fst _
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_domain ]]
    separation_eq[OF _
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_restrict'] _
  by(clarify,rule_tac separation_bex[OF _ M(A)],rule_tac separation_conj,simp_all)

lemma separation_is_insnd_restrict_eq_dom : "separation(M, λp. (rA. restrict(r, B) = fst(p)  snd(p) = domain(r)))"
  if "M(B)" "M(D)" "M(A)" for A B D
  using that lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd
    separation_eq lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_domain
    lam_replacement_hcomp[OF _ lam_replacement_restrict']
  by( rule_tac separation_bex[OF _ M(A)],rule_tac separation_conj,simp_all)

lemma lam_replacement_drSR_Y:
  assumes "M(B)" "M(D)" "M(A)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, drSR_Y(B,D,A))"
  using lam_replacement_cong[OF lam_replacement_Collect'[OF _ separation_is_insnd_restrict_eq_dom]]
    assms drSR_Y_equality separation_restrict_eq_dom_eq
  by simp

lemma drSR_Y_closed:
  assumes "M(B)" "M(D)" "M(A)" "M(f)"
  shows "M(drSR_Y(B,D,A,f))"
  using assms drSR_Y_equality lam_replacement_Collect'[OF M(D)]
    assms drSR_Y_equality separation_is_insnd_restrict_eq_dom separation_restrict_eq_dom_eq
  by simp

lemma lam_if_then_apply_replacement: "M(f)  M(v)  M(u) 
     lam_replacement(M, λx. if f ` x = v then f ` u else f ` x)"
  using lam_replacement_if separation_equal_apply lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_apply
  by simp

lemma  lam_if_then_apply_replacement2: "M(f)  M(m)  M(y) 
     lam_replacement(M, λz . if f ` z = m then y else f ` z)"
  using lam_replacement_if separation_equal_apply lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_apply
  by simp

lemma lam_if_then_replacement2: "M(A)  M(f) 
     lam_replacement(M, λx . if x  A then f ` x else x)"
  using lam_replacement_if separation_in_constant lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_apply
  by simp

lemma lam_if_then_replacement_apply: "M(G)  lam_replacement(M, λx. if M(x) then G ` x else 0)"
  using lam_replacement_if separation_in_constant lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_apply
    lam_replacement_constant[of 0] separation_univ
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_dC_F:
  assumes "M(A)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, dC_F(A))"
proof -
  have "separation(M, λp.  domain(snd(p)) = fst(p))" if "M(A)" for A
    using separation_eq that
      lam_replacement_hcomp lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_domain
    by simp_all
  show ?thesis
    unfolding dC_F_def
    using assms lam_replacement_Collect'[of A "λ d x . domain(x) = d"]
      separation_eq[OF _ lam_replacement_domain _ lam_replacement_constant]
    by simp

lemma dCF_closed:
  assumes "M(A)" "M(f)"
  shows "M(dC_F(A,f))"
  unfolding dC_F_def
  using assms lam_replacement_Collect'[of A "λ d x . domain(x) = d"]
    separation_eq[OF _ lam_replacement_domain _ lam_replacement_constant]
  by simp

lemma lam_replacement_Collect_ball_Pair:
  assumes  "M(G)" "M(Q)"
  shows "lam_replacement(M, λx . {a  G . sx. s, a  Q})"
proof -
  have "separation(M, λp. (sfst(p). s, snd(p)  Q))"
         using separation_in assms lam_replacement_identity
      lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst
        lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_snd]]
      lam_replacement_snd lam_replacement_fst
      lam_replacement_hcomp[OF lam_replacement_fst lam_replacement_fst]
         by(rule_tac separation_all,simp_all,rule_tac separation_in,simp_all,rule_tac lam_replacement_product[of "snd" "λx . snd(fst(fst(x)))"],simp_all)
       show ?thesis
    using assms lam_replacement_Collect'
    by simp_all

lemma surj_imp_inj_replacement3:
  assumes  "M(G)" "M(Q)" "M(x)"
  shows "strong_replacement(M, λy z. y  {a  G . sx. s, a  Q}  z = {x, y})"
proof -
  from assms
  have "separation(M, λz. sx. s, z  Q)"
    using lam_replacement_swap lam_replacement_constant separation_in separation_ball
    by simp
  with assms
  show ?thesis
    using separation_in_constant lam_replacement_sing_const_id[of x] separation_conj
    by(rule_tac strong_replacement_separation,simp_all)

lemmas replacements = Pair_diff_replacement id_replacement tag_replacement
  pospend_replacement prepend_replacement
  Inl_replacement1  diff_Pair_replacement
  swap_replacement tag_union_replacement csquare_lam_replacement
  assoc_replacement prod_fun_replacement
  cardinal_lib_assms4  domain_replacement
  un_Pair_replacement restrict_strong_replacement diff_replacement
  if_then_Inj_replacement lam_if_then_replacement if_then_replacement
  ifx_replacement if_then_range_replacement2 if_then_range_replacement
  case_replacement1 case_replacement2 case_replacement4 case_replacement5

lemma zermelo_separation: "M(Q)  M(f)  separation(M, λX. Q  f `` X  X)"
  using lam_replacement_identity lam_replacement_Un[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
    lam_replacement_constant lam_replacement_Image[THEN [5] lam_replacement_hcomp2]
  by simp

end ― ‹localeM_replacement

subsection‹Some basic replacement lemmas›

lemma (in M_trans) strong_replacement_conj:
  assumes "A. M(A)  univalent(M,A,P)" "strong_replacement(M,P)"
    "separation(M, λx. b[M]. Q(x,b)  P(x,b))"
  shows "strong_replacement(M, λx z. Q(x,z)  P(x,z))"
proof -
    fix A
    assume "M(A)"
    with separation(M, λx. b[M]. Q(x,b)  P(x,b))
    have "M({xA. b[M]. Q(x,b)  P(x,b)})"
      by simp
    with M(_)  univalent(M,{xA. b[M]. Q(x,b)  P(x,b)}, P) strong_replacement(M, P)
    have "Y[M]. b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  {xA. b[M]. Q(x,b)  P(x,b)}  P(x, b))"
      unfolding strong_replacement_def by blast
    obtain Y where "b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  {xA. b[M]. Q(x,b)  P(x,b)}  P(x, b))" "M(Y)"
      by blast
    with M(A) M(A)  univalent(M,A,P)
    have "b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  A  Q(x, b)  P(x, b))"
      unfolding univalent_def by auto
    with M(Y)
    have "Y[M]. b[M]. b  Y  (x[M]. x  A  Q(x, b)  P(x, b))"
      by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding strong_replacement_def by simp

lemma strong_replacement_iff_bounded_M:
  "strong_replacement(M,P)  strong_replacement(M,λ x z . M(z)  M(x)  P(x,z))"
  unfolding strong_replacement_def by auto
