Theory Config_Morphisms

theory Config_Morphisms
  imports Hygge_Theory

text ‹
  TESL morphisms change the time on clocks, preserving the ticks.
consts morphism :: 'a  (::linorder  ::linorder)  'a (infixl  100)

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  Applying a TESL morphism to a tag simply changes its value.
overloading morphism_tagconst  morphism ::  tag_const  (::linorder  )   tag_const 
  definition morphism_tagconst :  
          (x:: tag_const)  (f::(::linorder  )) = (τcst o f)(the_tag_const x) 

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  Applying a TESL morphism to an atomic formula only changes the dates.
overloading morphism_TESL_atomic  
            morphism ::  TESL_atomic  (::linorder  )   TESL_atomic 
definition morphism_TESL_atomic : 
          (Ψ:: TESL_atomic)  (f::(::linorder  )) = 
              (case Ψ of
                (C sporadic t on C')      (C sporadic (tf) on C') 
              | (time-relation C, C'R) (time-relation C, C'  (λ(t, t'). R(tf,t'f)))
              | (C implies C')            (C implies C')
              | (C implies not C')        (C implies not C')       
              | (C time-delayed by t on C' implies C'') 
                                          (C time-delayed by tf on C' implies C'')
              | (C weakly precedes C')    (C weakly precedes C')
              | (C strictly precedes C')  (C strictly precedes C') 
              | (C kills C')              (C kills C')) 

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  Applying a TESL morphism to a formula amounts to apply it to each atomic formula.
overloading morphism_TESL_formula  
            morphism ::  TESL_formula  (::linorder  )   TESL_formula 
definition  morphism_TESL_formula : 
           (Ψ:: TESL_formula)  (f::(::linorder  )) = map (λx. x  f) Ψ 

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  Applying a TESL morphism to a configuration amounts to apply it to the 
  present and future formulae. The past (in the context @{term Γ}) is not changed.
overloading morphism_TESL_config  
            morphism :: (::linordered_field) config  (  )   config 
fun  morphism_TESL_config 
  where  ((Γ, n  Ψ  Φ)::(::linordered_field) config)  (f::(  )) =
           (Γ, n  (Ψf)  (Φf)) 

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  A TESL formula is called consistent if it possesses Kripke-models 
  in its denotational interpretation.

definition consistent :: (::linordered_field) TESL_formula  bool 
  where   consistent Ψ  ⟦⟦ Ψ ⟧⟧TESL  {}

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  If we can derive a consistent finite context from a TESL formula, the formula is consistent. 
theorem consistency_finite :
  assumes start             : ([], 0  Ψ  [])  ** (Γ1, n1  []  [])
      and init_invariant    : consistent_context Γ1
    shows consistent Ψ    
proof -
  have * :  n. (([], 0  Ψ  []) ↪⇗n(Γ1, n1  []  []))
    by (simp add: rtranclp_imp_relpowp start)
  show ?thesis
  unfolding consistent_context_def consistent_def
  using * consistent_context_def init_invariant soundness by fastforce

subsubsection ‹Snippets on runs›

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  A run with no ticks and constant time for all clocks.
definition const_nontick_run :: (clock   tag_const)  (::linordered_field) run (_› 80)
  where f   Abs_run(λn c. (False, f c))

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  Ensure a clock ticks in a run at a given instant.
definition set_tick :: (::linordered_field) run  nat  clock  () run 
  where   set_tick r k c = Abs_run(λn c.  if k = n 
                                           then (True , time(Rep_run r k c)) 
                                           else Rep_run r k c)

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  Ensure a clock does not tick in a run at a given instant.
definition unset_tick :: (::linordered_field) run  nat  clock  () run 
  where   unset_tick r k c = Abs_run(λn c.  if k = n 
                                           then (False , time(Rep_run r k c)) 
                                           else Rep_run r k c)

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  Replace all instants after k in a run with the instants from another run.
  Warning: the result may not be a proper run since time may not be monotonous
  from instant k to instant k+1.
definition patch :: (::linordered_field) run  nat   run   run (‹_ ≫⇗_ _› 80)
  where   r ≫⇗kr'  Abs_run(λn c. if n  k then Rep_run (r) n c else  Rep_run (r') n c)

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  For some infinite cases, the idea for a proof scheme looks as follows: if we can derive
  from the initial configuration @{term ([], 0  Ψ  [])} a start-point of a lasso
  @{term (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1)}, and if we can traverse the lasso one time 
  @{term (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1) ++ (Γ2, n2  Ψ2  Φ2)} to isomorphic one, 
  we can always always make a derivation along the lasso. If the entry point of the lasso had traces 
  with prefixes consistent to @{term Γ1}, then there exist traces consisting of this prefix and 
  repetitions of the delta-prefix of the lasso which are consistent with @{term Ψ} which implies
  the logical consistency of  @{term Ψ}.
  So far the idea. Remains to prove it. Why does one symbolic run along a lasso generalises to 
  arbitrary runs ? 

theorem consistency_coinduct : 
  assumes start             : ([], 0  Ψ  [])   ** (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1)
      and loop              : (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1) ++ (Γ2, n2  Ψ2  Φ2)
      and init_invariant    : consistent_context Γ1
      and post_invariant    : consistent_context Γ2
      and retract_condition : (Γ2, n2  Ψ2  Φ2)  (f::  ) = (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1) 
    shows consistent (Ψ :: ( :: linordered_field)TESL_formula)    
