Theory Operational

chapter ‹Operational Semantics›

theory Operational


  The operational semantics defines rules to build symbolic runs from a TESL 
  specification (a set of TESL formulae).
  Symbolic runs are described using the symbolic primitives presented in the 
  previous chapter.
  Therefore, the operational semantics compiles a set of constraints on runs, 
  as defined by the denotational semantics, into a set of symbolic constraints 
  on the instants of the runs. Concrete runs can then be obtained by solving the 
  constraints at each instant.

section‹Operational steps›

text ‹
  We introduce a notation to describe configurations:
   @{term Γ} is the context, the set of symbolic constraints on past instants of the run;
   @{term n} is the index of the current instant, the present;
   @{term Ψ} is the TESL formula that must be satisfied at the current instant (present);
   @{term Φ} is the TESL formula that must be satisfied for the following instants (the future).
abbreviation uncurry_conf
  ::(::linordered_field) system  instant_index   TESL_formula   TESL_formula
        config                                                  (‹_, _  _  _› 80)
  Γ, n  Ψ  Φ  (Γ, n, Ψ, Φ)

text ‹
  The only introduction rule allows us to progress to the next instant 
  when there are no more constraints to satisfy for the present instant.
inductive operational_semantics_intro
  ::(::linordered_field) config   config  bool              (‹_ i _› 70)
  (Γ, n  []  Φ) i  (Γ, Suc n  Φ  [])

text ‹
  The elimination rules describe how TESL formulae for the present are transformed 
  into constraints on the past and on the future.
inductive operational_semantics_elim
  ::(::linordered_field) config   config  bool              (‹_ e _› 70)
― ‹A sporadic constraint can be ignored in the present and rejected into the future.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 sporadic τ on K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (Γ, n  Ψ  ((K1 sporadic τ on K2) # Φ))
| sporadic_on_e2:
― ‹It can also be handled in the present by making the clock tick and have 
  the expected time. Once it has been handled, it is no longer a constraint 
  to satisfy, so it disappears from the future.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 sporadic τ on K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1  n) # (K2  n @ τ) # Γ), n  Ψ  Φ)
| tagrel_e:
― ‹A relation between time scales has to be obeyed at every instant.›
  (Γ, n  ((time-relation K1, K2  R) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((τvar(K1, n), τvar(K2, n)  R) # Γ), n
               Ψ  ((time-relation K1, K2  R) # Φ))
| implies_e1:
― ‹An implication can be handled in the present by forbidding a tick of the master
  clock. The implication is copied back into the future because it holds for 
  the whole run.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 implies K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 implies K2) # Φ))
| implies_e2:
― ‹It can also be handled in the present by making both the master and the slave
    clocks tick.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 implies K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1  n) # (K2  n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 implies K2) # Φ))
| implies_not_e1:
― ‹A negative implication can be handled in the present by forbidding a tick of 
  the master clock. The implication is copied back into the future because 
  it holds for the whole run.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 implies not K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 implies not K2) # Φ))
| implies_not_e2:
― ‹It can also be handled in the present by making the master clock ticks and 
    forbidding a tick on the slave clock.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 implies not K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1  n) # (K2 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 implies not K2) # Φ))
| timedelayed_e1:
― ‹A timed delayed implication can be handled by forbidding a tick on 
    the master clock.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 time-delayed by δτ on K2 implies K3) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 time-delayed by δτ on K2 implies K3) # Φ))
| timedelayed_e2:
― ‹It can also be handled by making the master clock tick and adding a constraint 
    that makes the slave clock tick when the delay has elapsed on the measuring clock.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 time-delayed by δτ on K2 implies K3) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1  n) # (K2 @ n  δτ  K3) # Γ), n
             Ψ  ((K1 time-delayed by δτ on K2 implies K3) # Φ))
| weakly_precedes_e:
― ‹A weak precedence relation has to hold at every instant.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 weakly precedes K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((# K2 n, # K1 n  (λ(x,y). xy)) # Γ), n
             Ψ  ((K1 weakly precedes K2) # Φ))
| strictly_precedes_e:
― ‹A strict precedence relation has to hold at every instant.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 strictly precedes K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((# K2 n, #< K1 n  (λ(x,y). xy)) # Γ), n
             Ψ  ((K1 strictly precedes K2) # Φ))
| kills_e1:
― ‹A kill can be handled by forbidding a tick of the triggering clock.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 kills K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 kills K2) # Φ))
| kills_e2:
― ‹It can also be handled by making the triggering clock tick and by forbidding 
    any further tick of the killed clock.›
  (Γ, n  ((K1 kills K2) # Ψ)  Φ)
     e  (((K1  n) # (K2 ¬⇑  n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 kills K2) # Φ))

text ‹
  A step of the operational semantics is either the application of the introduction 
  rule or the application of an elimination rule.
inductive operational_semantics_step
  ::(::linordered_field) config   config  bool              (‹_  _› 70)
  (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1)  i  (Γ2, n2  Ψ2  Φ2)
     (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1)    (Γ2, n2  Ψ2  Φ2)
| elims_part:
  (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1)  e  (Γ2, n2  Ψ2  Φ2)
     (Γ1, n1  Ψ1  Φ1)    (Γ2, n2  Ψ2  Φ2)

text ‹
  We introduce notations for the reflexive transitive closure of the operational 
  semantic step, its transitive closure and its reflexive closure.
abbreviation operational_semantics_step_rtranclp
  ::(::linordered_field) config   config  bool              (‹_ ** _› 70)
  𝒞1 ** 𝒞2  operational_semantics_step** 𝒞1 𝒞2

abbreviation operational_semantics_step_tranclp
  ::(::linordered_field) config   config  bool              (‹_ ++ _› 70)
  𝒞1 ++ 𝒞2  operational_semantics_step++ 𝒞1 𝒞2

abbreviation operational_semantics_step_reflclp
  ::(::linordered_field) config   config  bool              (‹_ == _› 70)
  𝒞1 == 𝒞2  operational_semantics_step== 𝒞1 𝒞2

abbreviation operational_semantics_step_relpowp
  ::(::linordered_field) config  nat   config  bool       (‹_ ↪⇗_ _› 70)
  𝒞1 ↪⇗n𝒞2  (operational_semantics_step ^^ n) 𝒞1 𝒞2

definition operational_semantics_elim_inv
  ::(::linordered_field) config   config  bool              (‹_ e _› 70)
  𝒞1 e 𝒞2  𝒞2 e 𝒞1

section‹Basic Lemmas›

text ‹
  If a configuration can be reached in @{term m} steps from a configuration that 
  can be reached in @{term n} steps from an original configuration, then it can be 
  reached in @{term n+m} steps from the original configuration.
lemma operational_semantics_trans_generalized:
  assumes 𝒞1 ↪⇗n𝒞2
  assumes 𝒞2 ↪⇗m𝒞3
    shows 𝒞1 ↪⇗n + m𝒞3
using relcompp.relcompI[of  operational_semantics_step ^^ n _ _ 
                            operational_semantics_step ^^ m, OF assms]
by (simp add: relpowp_add) 

text ‹
  We consider the set of configurations that can be reached in one operational
  step from a given configuration.
abbreviation Cnext_solve
  ::(::linordered_field) config   config set (𝒞next _›)
  𝒞next 𝒮  { 𝒮'. 𝒮  𝒮' }

text ‹
  Advancing to the next instant is possible when there are no more constraints 
  on the current instant.
lemma Cnext_solve_instant:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  []  Φ))  { Γ, Suc n  Φ  [] }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps operational_semantics_intro.instant_i)

text ‹
  The following lemmas state that the configurations produced by the elimination 
  rules of the operational semantics belong to the configurations that can be 
  reached in one step.
lemma Cnext_solve_sporadicon:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  ((K1 sporadic τ on K2) # Ψ)  Φ))
     { Γ, n  Ψ  ((K1 sporadic τ on K2) # Φ),
        ((K1  n) # (K2  n @ τ) # Γ), n  Ψ  Φ }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps

lemma Cnext_solve_tagrel:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  ((time-relation K1, K2  R) # Ψ)  Φ))
     { ((τvar(K1, n), τvar(K2, n)  R) # Γ),n
           Ψ  ((time-relation K1, K2  R) # Φ) }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps operational_semantics_elim.tagrel_e)

lemma Cnext_solve_implies:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  ((K1 implies K2) # Ψ)  Φ))
     { ((K1 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 implies K2) # Φ),
         ((K1  n) # (K2  n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 implies K2) # Φ) }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps operational_semantics_elim.implies_e1

lemma Cnext_solve_implies_not:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  ((K1 implies not K2) # Ψ)  Φ))
     { ((K1 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 implies not K2) # Φ),
        ((K1  n) # (K2 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 implies not K2) # Φ) }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps

lemma Cnext_solve_timedelayed:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  ((K1 time-delayed by δτ on K2 implies K3) # Ψ)  Φ))
     { ((K1 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 time-delayed by δτ on K2 implies K3) # Φ),
        ((K1  n) # (K2 @ n  δτ  K3) # Γ), n
           Ψ  ((K1 time-delayed by δτ on K2 implies K3) # Φ) }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps

lemma Cnext_solve_weakly_precedes:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  ((K1 weakly precedes K2) # Ψ)  Φ))
     { ((# K2 n, # K1 n  (λ(x,y). xy)) # Γ), n
           Ψ  ((K1 weakly precedes K2) # Φ) }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps

lemma Cnext_solve_strictly_precedes:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  ((K1 strictly precedes K2) # Ψ)  Φ))
     { ((# K2 n, #< K1 n  (λ(x,y). xy)) # Γ), n
           Ψ  ((K1 strictly precedes K2) # Φ) }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps

lemma Cnext_solve_kills:
  (𝒞next (Γ, n  ((K1 kills K2) # Ψ)  Φ))
     { ((K1 ¬⇑ n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 kills K2) # Φ),
        ((K1  n) # (K2 ¬⇑  n) # Γ), n  Ψ  ((K1 kills K2) # Φ) }
by (simp add: operational_semantics_step.simps operational_semantics_elim.kills_e1

text ‹
  An empty specification can be reduced to an empty specification for 
  an arbitrary number of steps.
lemma empty_spec_reductions:
  ([], 0  []  []) ↪⇗k([], k  []  [])
proof (induct k)
  case 0 thus ?case by simp
  case Suc thus ?case
    using instant_i operational_semantics_step.simps by fastforce 
