Theory SymbolicPrimitive

chapter ‹Symbolic Primitives for Building Runs›

theory SymbolicPrimitive
  imports Run


  We define here the primitive constraints on runs, towards which we translate
  TESL specifications in the operational semantics.
  These constraints refer to a specific symbolic run and can therefore access
  properties of the run at particular instants (for instance, the fact that a clock
  ticks at instant @{term n} of the run, or the time on a given clock at 
  that instant).

  In the previous chapters, we had no reference to particular instants of a run 
  because the TESL language should be invariant by stuttering in order to allow 
  the composition of specifications: adding an instant where no clock ticks to 
  a run that satisfies a formula should yield another run that satisfies the 
  same formula. However, when constructing runs that satisfy a formula, we
  need to be able to refer to the time or hamlet of a clock at a given instant.

  Counter expressions are used to get the number of ticks of a clock up to 
  (strictly or not) a given instant index.
datatype cnt_expr =
  TickCountLess clock instant_index (#<)
| TickCountLeq clock instant_index  (#)

subsection‹ Symbolic Primitives for Runs ›

  Tag values are used to refer to the time on a clock at a given instant index.
datatype tag_val =
  TSchematic clock * instant_index (τvar)

datatype  constr =
― ‹@{term c  n @ τ} constrains clock @{term c} to have time @{term τ}
    at instant @{term n} of the run.›
  Timestamp     clock   instant_index  tag_const         (‹_  _ @ _›)
― ‹@{term m @ n  δt  s} constrains clock @{term s} to tick at the
    first instant at which the time on @{term m} has increased by @{term δt}
    from the value it had at instant @{term n} of the run.›
| TimeDelay     clock   instant_index  tag_const clock (‹_ @ _  _  _›)
― ‹@{term c  n} constrains clock @{term c} to tick
    at instant @{term n} of the run.›
| Ticks         clock   instant_index                        (‹_  _›)
― ‹@{term c ¬⇑ n} constrains clock @{term c} not to tick
    at instant @{term n} of the run.›
| NotTicks      clock   instant_index                        (‹_ ¬⇑ _›)
― ‹@{term c ¬⇑ < n} constrains clock @{term c} not to tick
    before instant @{term n} of the run.›
| NotTicksUntil clock   instant_index                        (‹_ ¬⇑ < _›)
― ‹@{term c ¬⇑  n} constrains clock @{term c} not to tick
    at and after instant @{term n} of the run.›
| NotTicksFrom  clock   instant_index                        (‹_ ¬⇑  _›)
― ‹@{term τ1, τ2  R} constrains tag variables @{term τ1} and  @{term τ2} 
    to be in relation @{term R}.›
| TagArith      tag_val tag_val ( tag_const ×  tag_const)  bool (_, _  _›)
― ‹@{term k1, k2  R} constrains counter expressions @{term k1} and  @{term k2} 
    to be in relation @{term R}.›
| TickCntArith  cnt_expr cnt_expr (nat × nat)  bool      (_, _  _›)
― ‹@{term k1  k2} constrains counter expression @{term k1} to be less or equal 
    to counter expression @{term k2}.›
| TickCntLeq    cnt_expr cnt_expr                            (‹_  _›)

type_synonym  system =  constr list

text ‹
  The abstract machine has configurations composed of:
   the past @{termΓ}, which captures choices that have already be made as a 
    list of symbolic primitive constraints on the run;
   the current index @{term n}, which is the index of the present instant;
   the present @{termΨ}, which captures the formulae that must be satisfied
    in the current instant;
   the future @{termΦ}, which captures the constraints on the future of the run.
type_synonym  config =
                 system * instant_index *  TESL_formula *  TESL_formula

section ‹Semantics of Primitive Constraints ›

  The semantics of the primitive constraints is defined in a way similar to
  the semantics of TESL formulae.
fun counter_expr_eval :: (::linordered_field) run  cnt_expr  nat
  ( _  _ cntexpr)
   ρ  #< clk indx cntexpr = run_tick_count_strictly ρ clk indx
|  ρ  # clk indx cntexpr = run_tick_count ρ clk indx

fun symbolic_run_interpretation_primitive
  ::(::linordered_field) constr   run set ( _ prim)
   K  n  prim     = {ρ. hamlet ((Rep_run ρ) n K) }
|  K @ n0  δt  K' prim =
                  {ρ. n  n0. first_time ρ K n (time ((Rep_run ρ) n0 K) + δt)
                                hamlet ((Rep_run ρ) n K')}
|  K ¬⇑ n prim     = {ρ. ¬hamlet ((Rep_run ρ) n K) }
|  K ¬⇑ < n prim   = {ρ. i < n. ¬ hamlet ((Rep_run ρ) i K)}
|  K ¬⇑  n prim   = {ρ. i  n. ¬ hamlet ((Rep_run ρ) i K) }
|  K  n @ τ prim = {ρ. time ((Rep_run ρ) n K) = τ }
|  τvar(K1, n1), τvar(K2, n2)  R prim =
    { ρ. R (time ((Rep_run ρ) n1 K1), time ((Rep_run ρ) n2 K2)) }
|  e1, e2  R prim = { ρ. R ( ρ  e1 cntexpr,  ρ  e2 cntexpr) }
|  cnt_e1  cnt_e2 prim = { ρ.  ρ  cnt_e1 cntexpr   ρ  cnt_e2 cntexpr }

  The composition of primitive constraints is their conjunction, and we get the
  set of satisfying runs by intersection.
fun symbolic_run_interpretation
  ::(::linordered_field) constr list  (::linordered_field) run set
  (⟦⟦ _ ⟧⟧prim)
  ⟦⟦ [] ⟧⟧prim = {ρ. True }
| ⟦⟦ γ # Γ ⟧⟧prim =  γ prim  ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim

lemma symbolic_run_interp_cons_morph:
   γ prim  ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ γ # Γ ⟧⟧prim
by auto

definition consistent_context :: (::linordered_field) constr list  bool
  consistent_context Γ  ( ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim  {})

subsection ‹Defining a method for witness construction›

  In order to build a run, we can start from an initial run in which no clock 
  ticks and the time is always 0 on any clock.
abbreviation initial_run :: (::linordered_field) run (ρ) where
  ρ  Abs_run ((λ_ _. (False, τcst 0)) ::nat  clock  (bool ×  tag_const))

  To help avoiding that time flows backward, setting the time on a clock at a given 
  instant sets it for the future instants too.
fun time_update
  :: nat  clock  (::linordered_field) tag_const  (nat   instant)
       (nat   instant)
  time_update n K τ ρ = (λn' K'. if K = K'  n  n'
                                  then (hamlet (ρ n K), τ)
                                  else ρ n' K')

section ‹Rules and properties of consistence›

lemma context_consistency_preservationI:
  consistent_context ((γ::(::linordered_field) constr)#Γ)  consistent_context Γ
unfolding consistent_context_def by auto

― ‹This is very restrictive›
inductive context_independency
  ::(::linordered_field) constr   constr list  bool (‹_  _›)
  (K  n)  set Γ  (K ¬⇑ n)  Γ
| Ticks_independency:
  (K ¬⇑ n)  set Γ  (K  n)  Γ
| Timestamp_independency:
  (τ'. τ' = τ  (K  n @ τ)  set Γ)  (K  n @ τ)  Γ

section‹Major Theorems›
subsection ‹Interpretation of a context›

  The interpretation of a context is the intersection of the interpretation 
  of its components.
theorem symrun_interp_fixpoint:
   ((λγ.  γ prim) ` set Γ) = ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim
by (induction Γ, simp+)

subsection ‹Expansion law›
text ‹Similar to the expansion laws of lattices›

theorem symrun_interp_expansion:
  ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ1 ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim
by (induction Γ1, simp, auto)

section ‹Equations for the interpretation of symbolic primitives› 
subsection ‹General laws›

lemma symrun_interp_assoc:
  ⟦⟦ (Γ1 @ Γ2) @ Γ3 ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ (Γ2 @ Γ3) ⟧⟧prim
by auto

lemma symrun_interp_commute:
  ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ2 @ Γ1 ⟧⟧prim
by (simp add: symrun_interp_expansion inf_sup_aci(1))

lemma symrun_interp_left_commute:
  ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ (Γ2 @ Γ3) ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ2 @ (Γ1 @ Γ3) ⟧⟧prim
unfolding symrun_interp_expansion by auto

lemma symrun_interp_idem:
  ⟦⟦ Γ @ Γ ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim
using symrun_interp_expansion by auto

lemma symrun_interp_left_idem:
  ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ (Γ1 @ Γ2) ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim
using symrun_interp_expansion by auto

lemma symrun_interp_right_idem:
  ⟦⟦ (Γ1 @ Γ2) @ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim
unfolding symrun_interp_expansion by auto

lemmas symrun_interp_aci =  symrun_interp_commute

― ‹Identity element›
lemma symrun_interp_neutral1:
  ⟦⟦ [] @ Γ ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim
by simp

lemma symrun_interp_neutral2:
  ⟦⟦ Γ @ [] ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim
by simp

subsection ‹Decreasing interpretation of symbolic primitives›

  Adding constraints to a context reduces the number of satisfying runs.
lemma TESL_sem_decreases_head:
  ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ γ # Γ ⟧⟧prim
by simp

lemma TESL_sem_decreases_tail:
  ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γ @ [γ] ⟧⟧prim
by (simp add: symrun_interp_expansion)

  Adding a constraint that is already in the context does not change the
  interpretation of the context.
lemma symrun_interp_formula_stuttering:
  assumes γ  set Γ
    shows ⟦⟦ γ # Γ ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim
proof -
  have γ # Γ = [γ] @ Γ by simp
  hence ⟦⟦ γ # Γ ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ [γ] ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim
    using symrun_interp_expansion by simp
  thus ?thesis using assms symrun_interp_fixpoint by fastforce

  Removing duplicate constraints from a context does not change the
  interpretation of the context.
lemma symrun_interp_remdups_absorb:
  ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ remdups Γ ⟧⟧prim
proof (induction Γ)
  case Cons
    thus ?case using symrun_interp_formula_stuttering by auto
qed simp

  Two identical sets of constraints have the same interpretation,
  the order in the context does not matter.
lemma symrun_interp_set_lifting:
  assumes set Γ = set Γ'
    shows ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ' ⟧⟧prim
proof -     
  have set (remdups Γ) = set (remdups Γ')
    by (simp add: assms)
  moreover have fxpntΓ:  ((λγ.  γ prim) ` set Γ) = ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim
    by (simp add: symrun_interp_fixpoint)
  moreover have fxpntΓ':  ((λγ.  γ prim) ` set Γ') = ⟦⟦ Γ' ⟧⟧prim
    by (simp add: symrun_interp_fixpoint)
  moreover have  ((λγ.  γ prim) ` set Γ) =  ((λγ.  γ prim) ` set Γ')
    by (simp add: assms)
  ultimately show ?thesis using symrun_interp_remdups_absorb by auto

  The interpretation of contexts is contravariant with regard to set inclusion.
theorem symrun_interp_decreases_setinc:
  assumes set Γ  set Γ'
    shows ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γ' ⟧⟧prim
proof -
  obtain Γr where decompose: set (Γ @ Γr) = set Γ' using assms by auto
  hence set (Γ @ Γr) = set Γ' using assms by blast
  moreover have (set Γ)  (set Γr) = set Γ' using assms decompose by auto
  moreover have ⟦⟦ Γ' ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ @ Γr ⟧⟧prim
    using symrun_interp_set_lifting decompose by blast
  moreover have ⟦⟦ Γ @ Γr ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γr ⟧⟧prim
    by (simp add: symrun_interp_expansion)
  moreover have ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γr ⟧⟧prim by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma symrun_interp_decreases_add_head:
  assumes set Γ  set Γ'
    shows ⟦⟦ γ # Γ ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ γ # Γ' ⟧⟧prim
using symrun_interp_decreases_setinc assms by auto

lemma symrun_interp_decreases_add_tail:
  assumes set Γ  set Γ'
    shows ⟦⟦ Γ @ [γ] ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γ' @ [γ] ⟧⟧prim
proof -
  from symrun_interp_decreases_setinc[OF assms] have ⟦⟦ Γ' ⟧⟧prim  ⟦⟦ Γ ⟧⟧prim .
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: symrun_interp_expansion dual_order.trans)

lemma symrun_interp_absorb1:
  assumes set Γ1  set Γ2
    shows ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim
by (simp add: Int_absorb1 symrun_interp_decreases_setinc
                          symrun_interp_expansion assms)

lemma symrun_interp_absorb2:
  assumes set Γ2  set Γ1
    shows ⟦⟦ Γ1 @ Γ2 ⟧⟧prim = ⟦⟦ Γ1 ⟧⟧prim
using symrun_interp_absorb1 symrun_interp_commute assms by blast
