Theory Example_Modal_Logic

  Title:  Example Completeness Proof for System K
  Author: Asta Halkjær From

chapter ‹Example: Modal Logic›

theory Example_Modal_Logic imports Derivations begin

section ‹Syntax›

datatype ('i, 'p) fm
  = Fls ()
  | Pro 'p ()
  | Imp ('i, 'p) fm ('i, 'p) fm (infixr  55)
  | Box 'i ('i, 'p) fm ()

abbreviation Neg (¬ _› [70] 70) where
  ¬ p  p  

section ‹Semantics›

datatype ('i, 'p, 'w) model =
  Model (W: 'w set) (R: 'i  'w  'w set) (V: 'w  'p  bool)

type_synonym ('i, 'p, 'w) ctx = ('i, 'p, 'w) model × 'w

fun semantics :: ('i, 'p, 'w) ctx  ('i, 'p) fm  bool (infix  50) where
  _    False
| (M, w)  P  V M w P
| (M, w)  p  q  (M, w)  p  (M, w)  q
| (M, w)   i p  (v  W M  R M i w. (M, v)  p)

section ‹Calculus›

primrec eval :: ('p  bool)  (('i, 'p) fm  bool)  ('i, 'p) fm  bool where
  eval _ _  = False
| eval g _ (P) = g P
| eval g h (p  q) = (eval g h p  eval g h q)
| eval _ h ( i p) = h ( i p)

abbreviation tautology p  g h. eval g h p

inductive Calculus :: ('i, 'p) fm  bool ( _› [50] 50) where
  A1: tautology p   p
| A2:   i (p  q)   i p   i q
| R1:  p   p  q   q
| R2:  p    i p

primrec imply :: ('i, 'p) fm list  ('i, 'p) fm  ('i, 'p) fm (infixr  56) where
  ([]  p) = p
| (q # A  p) = (q  A  p)

abbreviation Calculus_assms (infix  50) where
  A  p   A  p

section ‹Soundness›

lemma eval_semantics: eval (g w) (λq. (Model Ws r g, w)  q) p = ((Model Ws r g, w)  p)
  by (induct p) simp_all

lemma tautology:
  assumes tautology p
  shows (M, w)  p
proof -
  from assms have eval (g w) (λq. (Model Ws r g, w)  q) p for Ws g r
    by simp
  then have (Model Ws r g, w)  p for Ws g r
    using eval_semantics by fast
  then show (M, w)  p
    by (metis model.exhaust)

theorem soundness:  p  w  W M  (M, w)  p
  by (induct p arbitrary: w rule: Calculus.induct) (auto simp: tautology)

section ‹Admissible rules›

lemma K_imply_head: p # A  p
proof -
  have tautology (p # A  p)
    by (induct A) simp_all
  then show ?thesis
    using A1 by blast

lemma K_imply_Cons:
  assumes A  q
  shows p # A  q
  using assms by (auto simp: A1 intro: R1)

lemma K_right_mp:
  assumes A  p A  p  q
  shows A  q
proof -
  have tautology (A  p  A  (p  q)  A  q)
    by (induct A) simp_all
  with A1 have  A  p  A  (p  q)  A  q .
  then show ?thesis
    using assms R1 by blast

lemma deduct1: A  p  q  p # A  q
  by (meson K_right_mp K_imply_Cons K_imply_head)

lemma imply_append [iff]: (A @ B  r) = (A  B  r)
  by (induct A) simp_all

lemma imply_swap_append: A @ B  r  B @ A  r
proof (induct B arbitrary: A)
  case Cons
  then show ?case
    by (metis deduct1 imply.simps(2) imply_append)
qed simp

lemma K_ImpI: p # A  q  A  p  q
  by (metis imply.simps imply_append imply_swap_append)

lemma imply_mem [simp]: p  set A  A  p
  using K_imply_head K_imply_Cons by (induct A) fastforce+

lemma add_imply [simp]:  q  A  q
  using K_imply_head R1 by auto

lemma K_imply_weaken: A  q  set A  set A'  A'  q
  by (induct A arbitrary: q) (simp, metis K_right_mp K_ImpI imply_mem insert_subset list.set(2))

lemma K_Boole:
  assumes (¬ p) # A  
  shows A  p
proof -
  have A  ¬ ¬ p
    using assms K_ImpI by blast
  moreover have tautology (A  ¬ ¬ p  A  p)
    by (induct A) simp_all
  then have  (A  ¬ ¬ p  A  p)
    using A1 by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis
    using R1 by blast

lemma K_distrib_K_imp:
  assumes   i (A  q)
  shows map ( i) A   i q
proof -
  have   i (A  q)  map ( i) A   i q
  proof (induct A)
    case Nil
    then show ?case
      by (simp add: A1)
    case (Cons a A)
    have   i (a # A  q)   i a   i (A  q)
      by (simp add: A2)
    moreover have
       (( i (a # A  q)   i a   i (A  q)) 
        ( i (A  q)  map ( i) A   i q) 
        ( i (a # A  q)   i a  map ( i) A   i q))
      by (simp add: A1)
    ultimately have   i (a # A  q)   i a  map ( i) A   i q
      using Cons R1 by blast
    then show ?case
      by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using assms R1 by blast

section ‹Maximal Consistent Sets›

definition consistent :: ('i, 'p) fm set  bool where
  consistent S  A. set A  S  ¬ A  

interpretation MCS_No_Witness_UNIV consistent
  show infinite (UNIV :: ('i, 'p) fm set)
    using infinite_UNIV_size[of λp. p  p] by simp
qed (auto simp: consistent_def)

interpretation Derivations_Cut_MCS consistent Calculus_assms
  fix A B and p :: ('i, 'p) fm
  assume  A  p set A = set B
  then show  B  p
    using K_imply_weaken by blast
  fix S :: ('i, 'p) fm set
  show consistent S = (A. set A  S  (q. ¬ A  q))
    unfolding consistent_def using K_Boole K_imply_Cons by blast
  fix A B and p q :: ('i, 'p) fm
  assume A  p p # B  q
  then show A @ B  q
    by (metis K_right_mp add_imply imply.simps(2) imply_append)
qed simp

interpretation Derivations_Bot consistent Calculus_assms 
  show A r. A    A  r
    using K_Boole K_imply_Cons by blast

interpretation Derivations_Imp consistent Calculus_assms λp q. p  q
  show A p q. p # A  q  A  p  q
    using K_ImpI by blast
  show A p q. A  p  A  p  q  A  q
    using K_right_mp by blast

theorem deriv_in_maximal:
  assumes consistent S maximal S  p
  shows p  S
  using assms MCS_derive by fastforce

section ‹Truth Lemma›

abbreviation known :: ('i, 'p) fm set  'i  ('i, 'p) fm set where
  known S i  {p.  i p  S}

abbreviation reach :: 'i  ('i, 'p) fm set  ('i, 'p) fm set set where
  reach i S  {S'. known S i  S'  MCS S'}

abbreviation canonical :: ('i, 'p) fm set  ('i, 'p, ('i, 'p) fm set) ctx () where
  (S)  (Model {S. MCS S} reach (λS P. P  S), S)

fun semics ::
  ('i, 'p, 'w) ctx  (('i, 'p, 'w) ctx  ('i, 'p) fm  bool)  ('i, 'p) fm  bool
  ((_ _ _) [55, 0, 55] 55) where
  _ _   False
| (M, w) _ P  V M w P
| (M, w)  p  q   (M, w) p   (M, w) q
| (M, w)   i p  (v  W M  R M i w.  (M, v) p)

fun rel :: ('i, 'p) fm set  ('i, 'p, ('i, 'p) fm set) ctx  ('i, 'p) fm  bool () where
  (_) (_, w) p  p  w

theorem saturated_model:
  fixes S :: ('i, 'p) fm set
  assumes (S :: ('i, 'p) fm set) p. MCS S  (S) (S') p  p  S
  shows MCS S  (S)  p  p  S
proof (induct p arbitrary: S rule: wf_induct[where r=measure size])
  case 1
  then show ?case ..
  case (2 x)
  then show ?case
    using assms[of S x] by (cases x) auto

theorem saturated_MCS:
  assumes MCS S
  shows (S) (S') p  (S')  ((S)) p
proof (cases p)
  case Fls
  have   S
    using assms MCS_derive unfolding consistent_def by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using Fls by simp
  case (Imp p q)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by auto
  case (Box i p)
  have (S'  reach i S. p  S')   i p  S
    assume  i p  S
    then show S'  reach i S. p  S'
      by auto
    assume *: S'  reach i S. p  S'
    have ¬ consistent ({¬ p}  known S i)
      assume consistent ({¬ p}  known S i)
      then obtain S' where S': {¬ p}  known S i  S' MCS S'
        using MCS S MCS_Extend' Extend_subset by metis
      then show False
        using * MCS_impE MCS_bot by force
    then obtain A where A: ¬ p # A   set A  known S i
      unfolding consistent_def using derive_split1 K_imply_Cons
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) insert_is_Un subset_insert)
    then have  A  p
      using K_Boole by blast
    then have   i (A  p)
      using R2 by fast
    then have map ( i) A   i p
      using K_distrib_K_imp by fast
    then have (map ( i) A   i p)  S
      using deriv_in_maximal MCS S by blast
    then show  i p  S
      using A(2)
    proof (induct A)
      case (Cons a L)
      then have  i a  S
        by auto
      then have (map ( i) L   i p)  S
        using Cons(2) MCS S MCS_impE by auto
      then show ?case
        using Cons by simp
    qed simp
  then show ?thesis
    using Box by auto
qed simp

interpretation Truth_No_Witness semics semantics λ_. {(S) |S. MCS S} rel consistent
  fix p and M :: ('i, 'p, ('i, 'p) fm set) ctx
  show (M  p) = M semantics p
    by (cases M, induct p) simp_all
  fix p and S :: ('i, 'p) fm set and M :: ('i, 'p, ('i, 'p) fm set) ctx
  assume p. M{(S) |S. MCS S}. M (S) p  (S) M p M  {(S) |S. MCS S}
  then show M  p  (S) M p
    using saturated_model[of S _ p] by auto
  fix S :: ('i, 'p) fm set and M :: ('i, 'p, ('i, 'p) fm set) ctx
  assume MCS S
  then show p. M{(S) |S. MCS S}. M (S) p  (S) M p
    using saturated_MCS by blast

lemma Truth_lemma:
  assumes MCS S
  shows (S)  p  p  S
  using assms truth_lemma by fastforce

section ‹Completeness›

theorem strong_completeness:
  assumes M :: ('i, 'p, ('i, 'p) fm set) model. w  W M.
    (q  X. (M, w)  q)  (M, w)  p
  shows A. set A  X  A  p
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume A. set A  X  A  p
  then have *: A. set A  {¬ p}  X  ¬ A  
    using K_Boole botE by (metis derive_split1 insert_is_Un subset_insert)

  let ?X = {¬ p}  X
  let ?S = Extend ?X

  have consistent ?X
    using * unfolding consistent_def .
  then have MCS ?S
    using MCS_Extend' by blast
  moreover have ¬ p  ?S X  ?S
    using Extend_subset by fast+
  ultimately have  ?S  (¬ p) q  X.  ?S  q
    using assms Truth_lemma by fast+
  then have  ?S  p
    using assms MCS ?S by simp
  then show False
    using  ?S  (¬ p) by simp

abbreviation valid :: ('i, 'p) fm  bool where
  valid p  (M :: ('i, 'p, ('i, 'p) fm set) model). w  W M. (M, w)  p

corollary completeness: valid p   p
  using strong_completeness[where X={}] by simp

theorem main: valid p   p
  using soundness completeness by meson
