Theory Derivations

  Title:  Derivations and Maximal Consistent Sets
  Author: Asta Halkjær From

chapter ‹Derivations›

theory Derivations imports Maximal_Consistent_Sets begin

lemma split_finite_sets:
  assumes finite A finite B
    and A  B  S
  shows B' C. finite C  A = B'  C  B' = A  B  C  S
  using assms subset_UnE by auto

lemma split_list:
  assumes set A  set B  S
  shows B' C. set (B' @ C) = set A  set B' = set A  set B  set C  S
  using assms split_finite_sets[where A=set A and B=set B and S=S]
  by (metis List.finite_set finite_Un finite_list set_append)

section ‹Derivations›

locale Derivations =
  fixes derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50)
  assumes derive_assm [simp]: A p. p  set A  A  p
    and derive_set: A B r. A  r  set A = set B  B  r

theorem derive_split:
  assumes set A  set B  X A  p
  shows B' C. set B' = set A  set B  set C  X  B' @ C  p
  using assms derive_set split_list[where A=A and B=B] by metis

corollary derive_split1:
  assumes set A  {q}  X A  p q  set A
  shows C. set C  X  q # C  p
  using assms derive_split[where A=A and X=X and B=[q] and p=p] derive_set[where B=q # _]
  by auto


section ‹MCSs and Explosion›

locale Derivations_MCS = MCS_Base consistent + Derivations derive
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50) +
  assumes consistent_underivable: S. consistent S  (A. set A  S  (q. ¬ A  q))

theorem MCS_explode:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows p  S  (A. set A  S  (q. p # A  q))
proof safe
  assume p  S
  then obtain B where B: set B  {p}  S p  set B q. B  q
    using assms unfolding consistent_underivable maximal_def by blast
  moreover have set (p # removeAll p B) = set B
    using B(2) by auto
  ultimately have q. p # removeAll p B  q
    using derive_set by metis
  then show A. set A  S  (q. p # A  q)
    using B(1) by (metis Diff_subset_conv set_removeAll)
  fix A
  assume set A  S q. p # A  q p  S
  then show False
    using assms unfolding consistent_underivable
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) insert_subsetI list.simps(15))


section ‹MCSs and Derivability›

locale Derivations_Cut_MCS = Derivations_MCS consistent derive
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50) +
  assumes derive_cut: A B p q. A  p  p # B  q  A @ B  q

theorem MCS_derive:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows p  S  (A. set A  S  A  p)
proof safe
  assume p  S
  then show A. set A  S  A  p
    using derive_assm by (metis List.set_insert empty_set empty_subsetI insert_subset singletonI)
  fix A
  assume A: set A  S A  p

  have bot: A. set A  S  (q. ¬ A  q)
    using assms(1) unfolding consistent_underivable by blast

  have consistent ({p}  S)
    unfolding consistent_underivable
  proof safe
    fix B
    assume B: set B  {p}  S
    show q. ¬ B  q
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume *: q. ¬ B  q
      then have q. B  q
        by blast
      show False
      proof (cases p  set B)
        case True
        then have set (p # removeAll p B) = set B
          by auto
        then have q. p # removeAll p B  q
          using q. B  q derive_set by blast
        then have q. A @ removeAll p B  q
          using A(2) derive_cut by blast
        moreover have set (A @ removeAll p B)  S
          using A(1) B by auto
        ultimately show False
          using bot by blast
        case False
        then show False
          using * B bot by auto
  then show p  S
    using assms unfolding maximal_def by auto


section ‹Proof Rules›

locale Derivations_Bot = Derivations_Cut_MCS consistent derive
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50) +
  fixes bot :: 'fm ()
  assumes botE: A p. A    A  p

corollary MCS_botE [elim]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and   S
  shows p  S
  using assms botE MCS_derive by blast

corollary MCS_bot [simp]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows   S
  using assms botE MCS_derive consistent_underivable by blast


locale Derivations_Top = Derivations_Cut_MCS +
  fixes top ()
  assumes topI: A. A  

corollary MCS_topI [simp]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows   S
  using assms topI MCS_derive by (metis empty_set empty_subsetI)


locale Derivations_Not = Derivations_Bot consistent derive bot
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50)
    and bot :: 'fm () +
  fixes not :: 'fm  'fm (¬)
    notI: A p. p # A    A   ¬ p and
    notE: A p. A  p  A  ¬ p  A  

corollary MCS_not_xor:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows p  S  ¬ p  S
proof safe
  assume p  S ¬ p  S
  then have set [p, ¬ p]  S
    by simp
  moreover have [p, ¬ p]  
    using notE derive_assm by (meson list.set_intros(1) list.set_intros(2))
  ultimately have   S
    using assms MCS_derive by blast
  then show False
    using assms MCS_bot by blast
  assume *: ¬ p  S
  show p  S
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume p  S
    then obtain A where A: set A  S q. p # A  q
      using assms MCS_explode by blast
    then have p # A  
      by fast
    then have A  ¬ p
      using notI by blast
    then have ¬ p  S
      using A(1) assms MCS_derive by blast
    then show False
      using * by blast
corollary MCS_not_both:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows p  S  ¬ p  S
  using assms MCS_not_xor by blast

corollary MCS_not_neither:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows p  S  ¬ p  S
  using assms MCS_not_xor by blast


locale Derivations_Con = Derivations_Cut_MCS consistent derive
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50)  +
  fixes con :: 'fm  'fm  'fm (‹_  _›)
    conI: A p q. A  p  A  q  A  (p  q) and
    conE: A p q r. A  (p  q)  p # q # A  r  A  r

corollary MCS_conI [intro]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and p  S q  S
  shows (p  q)  S
  using assms MCS_derive derive_assm conI
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) insert_subset list.set_intros(1) list.simps(15) set_subset_Cons)

corollary MCS_conE [dest]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and (p  q)  S
  shows p  S  q  S
proof -
  have p # q # A  p p # q # A  q for A
    using derive_assm by simp_all
  then show ?thesis
    using assms MCS_derive conE by blast

corollary MCS_con:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows (p  q)  S  p  S  q  S
  using assms MCS_conI MCS_conE by blast


locale Derivations_Dis = Derivations_Cut_MCS consistent derive
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50)  +
  fixes dis :: 'fm  'fm  'fm (‹_  _›)
    disI1: A p q. A  p  A  (p  q) and
    disI2: A p q. A  q  A  (p  q) and
    disE: A p q r. A  (p  q)  p # A  r  q # A  r  A  r

corollary MCS_disI1 [intro]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and p  S
  shows (p  q)  S
  using assms disI1 MCS_derive by auto

corollary MCS_disI2 [intro]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and q  S
  shows (p  q)  S
  using assms disI2 MCS_derive by auto

corollary MCS_disE [elim]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and (p  q)  S
  shows p  S  q  S
proof (rule ccontr)
  have bot: A. set A  S  (q. ¬ A  q)
    using assms(1) unfolding consistent_underivable by blast

  assume ¬ (p  S  q  S)
  then obtain P Q where
    P: set P  S r. p # P  r and
    Q: set Q  S r. q # Q  r
    using assms MCS_explode by auto

  have p # (p  q) # Q  p
    by simp
  then have p # (p  q) # Q @ P  r for r
    using P derive_cut[of _ p] by (metis append_Cons)
  then have p # (p  q) # P @ Q  r for r
    using derive_set[where B=p # (p  q) # P @ Q] by fastforce
  moreover have q # (p  q) # P  q
    by simp
  then have q # (p  q) # P @ Q  r for r
    using Q derive_cut[of _ q] by (metis append_Cons)
  moreover have (p  q) # P @ Q  (p  q)
    by simp
  ultimately have (p  q) # P @ Q  r for r
    using disE by blast
  moreover have set ((p  q) # P @ Q)  S
    using assms(3) P Q by simp
  ultimately show False
    using assms(1) unfolding consistent_underivable by blast

corollary MCS_dis:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows (p  q)  S  p  S  q  S
  using assms MCS_disI1 MCS_disI2 MCS_disE by blast


locale Derivations_Imp = Derivations_Cut_MCS consistent derive
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50)  +
  fixes imp :: 'fm  'fm  'fm (‹_  _›)
    impI: A p q. p # A  q  A  (p  q) and
    impE: A p q. A  p  A  (p  q)  A  q

corollary MCS_impI [intro]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and p  S  q  S
  shows (p  q)  S
    using assms impI derive_assm MCS_derive MCS_explode
    by (metis insert_subset list.simps(15) subsetI)

corollary MCS_impE [dest]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and (p  q)  S p  S
  shows q  S
  using assms(3-4) impE MCS_derive[OF assms(1-2)] derive_assm
  by (metis insert_subset list.set_intros(1) list.simps(15) set_subset_Cons)

corollary MCS_imp:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows (p  q)  S  (p  S  q  S)
  using assms MCS_impI MCS_impE by blast


locale Derivations_Exi = MCS_Witness consistent witness params + Derivations_Cut_MCS consistent derive
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and witness params
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50)  +
  fixes exi :: 'fm  'fm ()
    and inst :: 't  'fm  'fm (_)
    exi_witness: S S' p. MCS S  witness (p) S'  S  t. tp  S and
    exiI: A p t. A  tp  A  p

corollary MCS_exiI [intro]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and tp  S
  shows p  S
  using assms MCS_derive exiI by blast

corollary MCS_exiE [dest]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S witnessed S
    and p  S
  shows t. tp  S
  using assms exi_witness unfolding witnessed_def by blast

corollary MCS_exi:
  assumes consistent S maximal S witnessed S
  shows p  S  (t. tp  S)
  using assms MCS_exiI MCS_exiE by blast


locale Derivations_Uni = MCS_Witness consistent witness params + Derivations_Not consistent derive bot not
  for consistent :: 'fm set  bool
    and witness params
    and derive :: 'fm list  'fm  bool (infix  50)
    and bot :: 'fm ()
    and not :: 'fm  'fm (¬) +
  fixes uni :: 'fm  'fm ()
    and inst :: 't  'fm  'fm (_)
    uni_witness: S S' p. MCS S  witness (¬ (p)) S'  S  t. ¬ (tp)  S and
    uniE: A p t. A  p  A  tp

corollary MCS_uniE [dest]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
    and p  S
  shows tp  S
  using assms MCS_derive uniE by blast

corollary MCS_uniI [intro]:
  assumes consistent S maximal S witnessed S
    and t. tp  S
  shows p  S
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume p  S
  then have ¬ (p)  S
    using assms MCS_not_xor by blast
  then have t. ¬ (tp)  S
    using assms uni_witness unfolding witnessed_def by blast
  then show False
    using assms MCS_not_xor by blast

corollary MCS_uni:
  assumes consistent S maximal S witnessed S
  shows p  S  (t. tp  S)
  using assms MCS_uniI MCS_uniE by blast

