Theory Example_Hybrid_Logic

  Title:  Example Completeness Proof for a Natural Deduction Calculus for Basic Hybrid Logic
  Author: Asta Halkjær From

chapter ‹Example: Hybrid Logic›

theory Example_Hybrid_Logic imports Derivations begin

section ‹Syntax›

datatype (nominals_fm: 'i, 'p) fm
  = Fls ()
  | Pro 'p ()
  | Nom 'i ()
  | Imp ('i, 'p) fm ('i, 'p) fm (infixr  55)
  | Dia ('i, 'p) fm ()
  | Sat 'i ('i, 'p) fm (@)
  | All ('i, 'p) fm (A)

abbreviation Neg (¬ _› [70] 70) where ¬ p  p  

abbreviation Con (infixr  35) where p  q  ¬ (p  ¬ q)

type_synonym ('i, 'p) lbd = 'i × ('i, 'p) fm

primrec nominals_lbd :: ('i, 'p) lbd  'i set where
  nominals_lbd (i, p) = {i}  nominals_fm p

abbreviation nominals :: ('i, 'p) lbd set  'i set where
  nominals S  ip  S. nominals_lbd ip

lemma finite_nominals_fm [simp]: finite (nominals_fm p)
  by (induct p) simp_all

lemma finite_nominals_lbd: finite (nominals_lbd p)
  by (cases p) simp

section ‹Semantics›

datatype ('w, 'p) model =
  Model (W: 'w set) (R: 'w  'w set) (V: 'w  'p  bool)

type_synonym ('i, 'p, 'w) ctx = ('w, 'p) model × ('i  'w) × 'w

fun semantics :: ('i, 'p, 'w) ctx  ('i, 'p) fm  bool (infix @ 50) where
  (M, g, w) @   False
| (M, _, w) @ P  V M w P
| (_, g, w) @ i  w = g i
| (M, g, w) @ p  q  (M, g, w) @ p  (M, g, w) @ q
| (M, g, w) @  p  (v  W M  R M w. (M, g, v) @ p)
| (M, g, _) @ @i p  (M, g, g i) @ p
| (M, g, _) @ A p  (v  W M. (M, g, v) @ p)

lemma semantics_fresh: i  nominals_fm p  (M, g, w) @ p  (M, g(i := v), w) @ p
  by (induct p arbitrary: w) auto

lemma semantics_fresh_lbd:
  k  nominals_lbd (i, p)  (M, g, w) @ p  (M, g(k := v), w) @ p
  by (induct p arbitrary: w) auto

section ‹Calculus›

inductive Calculus :: ('i, 'p) lbd list  ('i, 'p) lbd  bool (infix @ 50) where
  Assm [simp]: (i, p)  set A  A @ (i, p)
| Ref [simp]: A @ (i, i)
| Nom [dest]: A @ (i, k)  A @ (i, p)  A @ (k, p)
| FlsE [elim]: A @ (i, )  A @ (k, p)
| ImpI [intro]: (i, p) # A @ (i, q)  A @ (i, p  q)
| ImpE [dest]: A @ (i, p  q)  A @ (i, p)  A @ (i, q)
| SatI [intro]: A @ (i, p)  A @ (k, @i p)
| SatE [dest]: A @ (i, @k p)  A @ (k, p)
| DiaI [intro]: A @ (i,  (k))  A @ (k, p)  A @ (i,  p)
| DiaE [elim]: A @ (i,  p)  k  nominals ({(i, p), (j, q)}  set A) 
    (k, p) # (i,  (k)) # A @ (j, q)  A @ (j, q)
| AllI [intro]: A @ (k, p)  k  nominals ({(i, p)}  set A)  A @ (i, A p)
| AllE [dest]: A @ (i, A p)  A @ (k, p)
| Clas: (i, p  q) # A @ (i, p)  A @ (i, p)
| Cut: A @ (k, q)  (k, q) # B @ (i, p)  A @ B @ (i, p)

section ‹Soundness›

theorem soundness: A @ (i, p)  list_all (λ(i, p). (M, g, g i) @ p) A  range g  W M  (M, g, g i) @ p
proof (induct (i, p) arbitrary: i p g rule: Calculus.induct)
  case (Nom A i k p)
  then show ?case
    by (metis semantics.simps(3))
  case (DiaE A i p k j q)
  then have (M, g, g i) @  p
    by blast
  then obtain v where v: v  W M  R M (g i) (M, g, v) @ p
    by auto
  let ?g = g(k := v)
  have (M, ?g, ?g k) @ p (M, ?g, ?g i) @  (k)
    using v fun_upd_same DiaE(3) semantics_fresh_lbd by fastforce+
  moreover have list_all (λ(i, p). (M, ?g, ?g i) @ p) A
    using DiaE.prems(1) DiaE.hyps(3) semantics_fresh_lbd by (fastforce simp: list_all_iff)
  ultimately have list_all (λ(i, p). (M, ?g, ?g i) @ p) ((k, p) # (i,  (k)) # A)
    by simp
  moreover have range ?g  W M
    using DiaE.prems v by auto
  ultimately have (M, ?g, ?g j) @ q
    using DiaE.hyps by blast
  then show ?case
    using DiaE.hyps(3) semantics_fresh_lbd by fastforce
  case (AllI A k p i)
    fix v
    assume v  W M
    let ?g = g(k := v)
    have v. list_all (λ(i, p). (M, ?g, ?g i) @ p) A
      using AllI.prems(1) AllI.hyps(3) semantics_fresh_lbd by (fastforce simp: list_all_iff)
    moreover have range ?g  W M
      using AllI.prems v  W M by auto
    ultimately have (M, ?g, ?g k) @ p
      using AllI.hyps by fast
  then have v  W M. (M, g(k := v), v) @ p
    by simp
  then have v  W M. (M, g, v) @ p
    using AllI.hyps(3) semantics_fresh_lbd by fast
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case (AllE A i p k)
  then show ?case
    by fastforce
qed (auto simp: list_all_iff)

corollary soundness':
  assumes [] @ (i, p) i  nominals_fm p
    and range g  W M w  W M
  shows (M, g, w) @ p
proof -
  let ?g = g(i := w)
  have range ?g  W M
    using assms(3-4) by auto
  then have (M, ?g, ?g i) @ p
    using assms(1, 4) soundness by (metis list_all_simps(2))
  then have (M, ?g, w) @ p
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    using assms(2) semantics_fresh by fast

corollary ¬ ([] @ (i, ))
  by (metis list.pred_inject(1) model.sel(1) semantics.simps(1) soundness subset_refl)

section ‹Admissible Rules›

lemma Assm_head [simp]: (p, i) # A @ (p, i)
  by auto

lemma SatE':
  assumes (k, q) # A @ (i, p)
  shows (j, @k q) # A @ (i, p)
proof -
  have [(j, @k q)] @ (k, q)
    by (meson Assm_head SatE)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by (auto dest: Cut)

lemma ImpI':
  assumes (k, q) # A @ (i, p)
  shows A @ (i, (@k q)  p)
  using assms SatE' by fast

lemma Weak': A @ (i, p)  A @ B @ (i, p)
  by (simp add: Cut)

lemma Weaken: A @ (i, p)  set A  set B  B @ (i, p)
proof (induct A arbitrary: p)
  case Nil
  then show ?case
    by (metis Weak' append_Nil)
  case (Cons kq A)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases kq)
    case (Pair k q)
    then have B @ (i, @k q  p)
      using Cons by (simp add: ImpI')
    then show ?thesis
      using Pair Cons(3) by fastforce

lemma Weak: A @ (i, p)  (k, q) # A @ (i, p)
  using Weaken[where A=A and B=(k, q) # A] by auto

lemma deduct1: A @ (i, p  q)  (i, p) # A @ (i, q)
  by (meson ImpE Weak Assm_head)

lemma Boole: (i, ¬ p) # A @ (i, )  A @ (i, p)
  using Clas FlsE by meson

interpretation Derivations Calculus
  fix A and p :: ('i, 'p) lbd
  show p  set A  A @(p)
    by (cases p) simp
  fix A B and p :: ('i, 'p) lbd
  assume A @(p) set A = set B
  then show B @(p)
    by (cases p) (simp add: Weaken)

section ‹Maximal Consistent Sets›

definition consistent :: ('i, 'p) lbd set  bool where
  consistent S  A a. set A  S  ¬ A @ (a, )

lemma consistent_add_diamond_witness:
  assumes consistent S (i,  p)  S k  nominals S
  shows consistent ({(k, p), (i,  (k))}  S)
  unfolding consistent_def
proof safe
  fix A a
  assume A: set A  {(k, p), (i,  (k))}  S A @ (a, )
  then obtain A' a B where set A'  S B @ A' @ (a, ) set B = {(k, p), (i,  (k))}  set A
    using assms derive_split[where p=(a, ) and X=S and B=[(k, p), (i,  (k))]]
    by (metis Int_commute empty_set list.simps(15))
  then have (k, p) # (i,  (k)) # A' @ (a, )
    by (auto intro: Weaken)
  then have (k, p) # (i,  (k)) # A' @ (i, )
    by fast
  then have (k, p) # (i,  (k)) # (i,  p) # A' @ (i, )
    by (fastforce intro: Weaken)
  moreover have k  nominals ({(i, p), (i, )}  set ((i,  p) # A'))
    using set A'  S assms(2-3) by auto
  moreover have (i,  p) # A' @ (i,  p)
    by auto
  ultimately have (i,  p) # A' @ (i, )
    by fast
  moreover have set ((i,  p) # A')  S
    using set A'  S assms(2) by simp
  ultimately show False
    using assms(1) unfolding consistent_def by blast

lemma consistent_add_global_witness:
  assumes consistent S (i, ¬ A p)  S k  nominals S
  shows consistent ({(k, ¬ p)}  S)
  unfolding consistent_def
proof safe
  fix A a
  assume set A  {(k, ¬ p)}  S A @ (a, )
  then obtain A' where set A'  S (k, ¬ p) # A' @ (a, )
    using assms derive_split1 by (metis consistent_def insert_is_Un subset_insert)
  then have (k, ¬ p) # A' @ (k, )
    by fast
  then have A' @ (k, p)
    by (meson Boole)
  moreover have k  nominals ({(i, p), (i, )}  set ((i, A p) # A'))
    using set A'  S assms(2-3) by auto
  ultimately have A' @ (i, A p)
    by fastforce
  then have (i, ¬ A p) # A' @ (i, )
    by (meson Assm_head ImpE Weak)
  moreover have set ((i, ¬ A p) # A')  S
    using set A'  S assms(2) by simp
  ultimately show False
    using assms(1) unfolding consistent_def by blast

fun witness :: ('i, 'p) lbd  ('i, 'p) lbd set  ('i, 'p) lbd set where
  witness (i,  p) S = (let k = SOME k. k  nominals ({(i, p)}  S) in {(k, p), (i,  (k))})
| witness (i, ¬ A p) S = (let k = SOME k. k  nominals ({(i, p)}  S) in {(k, ¬ p)})
| witness (_, _) _ = {}

lemma consistent_witness':
  assumes consistent ({(i, p)}  S) infinite (UNIV - nominals S)
  shows consistent (witness (i, p) S  {(i, p)}  S)
  using assms
proof (induct (i, p) S arbitrary: i p rule: witness.induct)
  case (1 i p S)
  have infinite (UNIV - nominals ({(i, p)}  S))
    using 1(2) finite_nominals_lbd
    by (metis UN_Un finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_UN_I infinite_Diff_fin_Un)
  then have k. k  nominals ({(i, p)}  S)
    by (simp add: not_finite_existsD set_diff_eq)
  then have (SOME k. k  nominals ({(i, p)}  S))  nominals ({(i, p)}  S)
    by (rule someI_ex)
  then obtain k where witness (i,  p) S = {(k, p), (i,  (k))}
    k  nominals ({(i,  p)}  S)
    by (simp add: Let_def)
  then show ?case
    using 1(1) consistent_add_diamond_witness[where S={(i,  p)}  S] by simp
  case (2 i p S)
  have infinite (UNIV - nominals ({(i, p)}  S))
    using 2(2) finite_nominals_lbd
    by (metis UN_Un finite.emptyI finite.insertI finite_UN_I infinite_Diff_fin_Un)
  then have k. k  nominals ({(i, p)}  S)
    by (simp add: not_finite_existsD set_diff_eq)
  then have (SOME k. k  nominals ({(i, p)}  S))  nominals ({(i, p)}  S)
    by (rule someI_ex)
  then obtain k where witness (i, ¬ A p) S = {(k, ¬ p)} k  nominals ({(i, ¬ A p)}  S)
    by (simp add: Let_def)
  then show ?case
    using 2(1) consistent_add_global_witness[where S={(i, ¬ A p)}  S] by auto
qed (auto simp: assms)

interpretation MCS_Witness_UNIV consistent witness nominals_lbd
  fix ip :: ('i, 'p) lbd and S :: ('i, 'p) lbd set
  show finite (nominals (witness ip S))
    by (induct ip S rule: witness.induct) (auto simp: Let_def)
  fix ip and S :: ('i, 'p) lbd set
  assume consistent ({ip}  S) infinite (UNIV - nominals S)
  then show consistent ({ip}  S  witness ip S)
    using consistent_witness' by (cases ip) (simp add: sup_commute)
  have infinite (UNIV :: ('i, 'p) fm set)
    using infinite_UNIV_size[of ] by simp
  then show infinite (UNIV :: ('i, 'p) lbd set)
    using finite_prod by blast
qed (auto simp: consistent_def)

lemma witnessed_diamond: witnessed S  (i,  p)  S  k. (i,  (k))  S  (k, p)  S
  unfolding witnessed_def by (metis insert_subset witness.simps(1))

lemma witnessed_global: witnessed S  (i, ¬ A p)  S  k. (k, ¬ p)  S
  unfolding witnessed_def by (metis insert_subset witness.simps(2))

interpretation Derivations_Cut_MCS consistent Calculus
  show S. consistent S = (A. set A  S  (q. ¬ A @(q)))
    unfolding consistent_def using FlsE by fast
  fix A B and p q :: ('i, 'p) lbd
  assume A @(p) p # B @(q)
  then show A @ B @(q)
    by (cases p, cases q) (meson Cut)

interpretation Derivations_Bot consistent Calculus (i, )
proof qed auto

interpretation Derivations_Not consistent Calculus (i, ) λ(i, p). (i, ¬ p)
proof qed auto

lemma MCS_impE': consistent S  maximal S  (i, p  q)  S  (i, p)  S  (i, q)  S
  by (metis MCS_derive deduct1 insert_subset list.simps(15))

interpretation Derivations_Uni consistent witness nominals_lbd Calculus (i, ) λ(i, p). (i, ¬ p)
  λ(i, p). (i, A p) λk (i, p). (k, p)
  have S S' i p. MCS S  witness (i, ¬ A p) S'  S  k. (k, ¬ p)  S
    by auto
  then show S S' p. MCS S 
       witness (case case p of (i, p)  (i, A p) of (i, p)  (i, ¬ p)) S'  S 
       t. (case case p of (i, p)  (t, p) of (i, p)  (i, ¬ p))  S
    by fast
  have A i p k. A @ (i, A p)  A @ (k, p)
  then show A p t. A @ (case p of (i, p)  (i, A p))  A @ (case p of (i, p)  (t, p))
    by fast

lemma conE1 [elim]: A @ (i, p  q)  A @ (i, p)
  by (meson Clas FlsE deduct1)

lemma conE2 [elim]: A @ (i, p  q)  A @ (i, q)
  by (meson Assm_head Boole ImpE ImpI Weak)

lemma conI [intro]: A @ (i, p)  A @ (i, q)  A @ (i, p  q)
  by (meson Assm_head ImpE ImpI Weak)

lemma MCS_con:
  assumes MCS S
  shows (i, p  q)  S  (i, p)  S  (i, q)  S
  using assms MCS_derive conE1 conE2
  by (metis Boole MCS_explode MCS_impE' derive_assm list.set_intros(1))

interpretation Derivations_Exi consistent witness nominals_lbd Calculus
  λ(i, p). (i,  p) λk (i, p). (i, @k p  (k))
  have S S' i p. MCS S  witness (i,  p) S'  S  k. (i, @ k p   ( k))  S
    unfolding witness.simps using MCS_con by (metis MCS_derive SatI insert_subset)
  then show S S' p. MCS S  witness (case p of (i, p)  (i,  p)) S'  S  t. (case p of (i, p)  (i, @ t p   ( t)))  S
    by fast
  have A i k p. A @ (i, @ k p   ( k))  A @ (i,  p)
    by (metis DiaI SatE conE1 conE2)
  then show A p t. A @ (case p of (i, p)  (i, @ t p   ( t)))  A @ (case p of (i, p)  (i,  p))
    by fast

corollary MCS_uni':
  assumes MCS S witnessed S
  shows (i, A p)  S  (k. (k, p)  S)
  using assms MCS_uni by fastforce

corollary MCS_exi':
  assumes MCS S witnessed S
  shows (i,  p)  S  (k. (i, @k p   (k))  S)
  using assms MCS_exi by fastforce

section ‹Nominals›

lemma MCS_Nom_refl:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows (i, i)  S
  using assms Ref by (metis MCS_derive MCS_explode)

lemma MCS_Nom_sym:
  assumes consistent S maximal S (i, k)  S
  shows (k, i)  S
  using assms Nom Ref by (metis MCS_derive)

lemma MCS_Nom_trans:
  assumes consistent S maximal S (i, j)  S (j, k)  S
  shows (i, k)  S
proof -
  have [(i, j), (j, k)] @ (i, j) [(i, j), (j, k)] @ (j, k)
    by simp_all
  then have [(i, j), (j, k)] @ (i, k)
    using Nom Ref by metis
  then show ?thesis
    using assms MCS_derive
    by (metis bot.extremum insert_subset list.set(1) list.simps(15))

section ‹Truth Lemma›

fun semics :: ('i, 'p, 'w) ctx  (('i, 'p, 'w) ctx  ('i, 'p) fm  bool)  ('i, 'p) fm  bool
  ((_ _@ _) [55, 0, 55] 55) where
  _ _@   False
| (M, _, w) _@ P  V M w P
| (_, g, w) _@ i  w = g i
| (M, g, w) @(p)  q   (M, g, w) p   (M, g, w) q
| (M, g, w) @  p  (v  W M  R M w.  (M, g, v) p)
| (M, g, _) @ @i p   (M, g, g i) p
| (M, g, _) @ A p  (v  W M.  (M, g, v) p)

fun rel :: ('i, 'p) lbd set  ('i, 'p, 'i) ctx  ('i, 'p) fm  bool (@) where
  @(S) (_, _, i) p  (i, p)  S

definition equiv_nom :: ('i, 'p) lbd set  'i  'i  bool where
  equiv_nom S i k  (i, k)  S

lemma equiv_nom_reflp:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows reflp (equiv_nom S)
  unfolding equiv_nom_def reflp_def using assms MCS_Nom_refl by fast

lemma equiv_nom_symp:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows symp (equiv_nom S)
  unfolding equiv_nom_def symp_def using assms MCS_Nom_sym by fast

lemma equiv_nom_transp:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows transp (equiv_nom S)
  unfolding equiv_nom_def transp_def using assms MCS_Nom_trans by fast

lemma equiv_nom_equivp:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows equivp (equiv_nom S)
  using assms by (simp add: equivpI equiv_nom_reflp equiv_nom_symp equiv_nom_transp)

definition assign :: 'i  ('i, 'p) lbd set  'i ([_]⇩_› [0, 100] 100) where
  [i]⇩S  minim ( |UNIV| ) {k. equiv_nom S i k}

lemma equiv_nom_ne:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows {k. equiv_nom S i k}  {}
  unfolding equiv_nom_def using assms MCS_Nom_refl by fast

lemma equiv_nom_assign:
  assumes consistent S maximal S
  shows equiv_nom S i ([i]⇩S)
  unfolding assign_def using assms equiv_nom_ne wo_rel.minim_in
  by (metis Field_card_of card_of_well_order_on mem_Collect_eq top.extremum wo_rel_def)

lemma equiv_nom_Nom:
  assumes consistent S maximal S equiv_nom S i k (i, p)  S
  shows (k, p)  S
proof -
  have [(i, k), (i, p)] @ (k, p)
    by (meson Assm_head Nom Weak)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms MCS_derive unfolding equiv_nom_def by force

definition reach :: ('i, 'p) lbd set  'i  'i set where
  reach S i  {[k]⇩S |k. (i,  (k))  S}

primrec canonical :: ('i, 'p) lbd set × 'i  ('i, 'p, 'i) ctx (@) where
  @(S, i) = (Model {[k]⇩S | k. True} (reach S) (λi P. (i, P)  S), λi. [i]⇩S, [i]⇩S)

theorem saturated_model:
  assumes p i. @(S, i) @(S)@(p)  @(S) (@(S, i)) p M  {@(S, i) |i. True}
  shows @(S) (@(S, i)) p  @(S, i) @ p
proof (induct p arbitrary: i rule: wf_induct[where r=measure size])
  case 1
  then show ?case ..
  case (2 x)
  then show ?case
    using assms(1)[of i x] assms(2)
    by (cases x) (auto simp: reach_def)

lemma reach_assign: reach S ([i]⇩S)  {[k]⇩S | k. True}
  unfolding reach_def assign_def by blast

theorem saturated_MCS:
  assumes MCS S
  shows @(S, i) @(S)@(p)  @(S) (@(S, i)) p
proof (cases p)
  case (Nom k)
  have ([i]⇩S = [k]⇩S)  ([i]⇩S, k)  S
    using assms equiv_nom_equivp equiv_nom_assign by (metis assign_def equivp_def equiv_nom_def)
  then show ?thesis
    using Nom by simp
  case (Imp p q)
  have (([i]⇩S, p)  S  ([i]⇩S, q)  S)  ([i]⇩S, p  q)  S
    using assms MCS_derive MCS_explode MCS_impE' by (metis ImpI Weaken set_subset_Cons)
  then show ?thesis
    using Imp by simp
  case (Dia p)
  have ([i]⇩S,  p)  S  (k. ([i]⇩S, @k p  (k))  S)
    using assms MCS_exi by fastforce

  moreover have ([i]⇩S, @k p  (k))  S  ([i]⇩S, @k p)  S  ([i]⇩S, (k))  S for k
    using assms MCS_con by fast
  moreover have ([i]⇩S, @k p)  S  (k, p)  S for k
    using assms by (meson MCS_derive SatE SatI)
  moreover have (k, p)  S  ([k]⇩S, p)  S for k
    using assms by (meson MCS_Nom_refl equiv_nom_Nom equiv_nom_assign equiv_nom_def)
  moreover have ([i]⇩S, (k))  S  [k]⇩S  reach S ([i]⇩S) for k
    unfolding reach_def by blast

  ultimately have ([i]⇩S,  p)  S  (k  reach S ([i]⇩S). (k, p)  S)
    unfolding reach_def by blast
  then show ?thesis
    using Dia reach_assign by fastforce
  case (Sat k p)
  have ([k]⇩S, p)  S  ([i]⇩S, @k p)  S
    by (metis SatE SatI assms MCS_derive equiv_nom_Nom equiv_nom_assign equiv_nom_symp sympD)
  then show ?thesis
    using Sat by simp
  case (All p)
  have ([i]⇩S, A p)  S  (k. (k, p)  S)
    using assms MCS_uni by fastforce
  then have ([i]⇩S, A p)  S  (k. ([k]⇩S, p)  S)
    by (meson MCS_Nom_sym assms equiv_nom_Nom equiv_nom_assign equiv_nom_def)
  then show ?thesis
    using All by auto
qed (use assms in auto)

interpretation Truth_Witness semics semantics λS. {@(S, i) |i. True} rel consistent witness nominals_lbd
  fix p and M :: ('i, 'p, 'w) ctx
  show (M @ p) = M semantics@(p)
    by (cases M, induct p) auto
  fix p M and S :: ('i, 'p) lbd set
  assume p. M{@ (S, i) |i. True}. M @(S)@ p  @(S) M p M  {@(S, i) |i. True}
  then show M @ p  @(S) M p
    using saturated_model by fast
  fix S :: ('i, 'p) lbd set
  assume MCS S
  then show p. M{@(S, i) |i. True}. M @(S)@ p  @(S) M p
    using saturated_MCS by fastforce

lemma Truth_lemma:
  assumes MCS S
  shows @(S, i) @ p  (i, p)  S
proof -
  have @(S, i) @ p  ([i]⇩S, p)  S
    using assms truth_lemma by fastforce
  then show ?thesis
    using assms by (meson MCS_Nom_sym equiv_nom_Nom equiv_nom_assign equiv_nom_def)

section ‹Cardinalities›

datatype marker = FlsM | ImpM | DiaM | SatM | AllM

type_synonym ('i, 'p) enc = ('i + 'p) + marker × nat

abbreviation NOM i  Inl (Inl i)
abbreviation PRO x  Inl (Inr x)
abbreviation FLS  Inr (FlsM, 0)
abbreviation IMP n  Inr (FlsM, n)
abbreviation DIA  Inr (DiaM, 0)
abbreviation SAT  Inr (SatM, 0)
abbreviation GLO  Inr (AllM, 0)

primrec encode :: ('i, 'p) fm  ('i, 'p) enc list where
  encode  = [FLS]
| encode (P) = [PRO P]
| encode (i) = [NOM i]
| encode (p  q) = IMP (length (encode p)) # encode p @ encode q
| encode ( p) = DIA # encode p
| encode (@ i p) = SAT # NOM i # encode p
| encode (A p) = GLO # encode p

lemma encode_ne [simp]: encode p  []
  by (induct p) auto

lemma inj_encode': encode p = encode q  p = q
proof (induct p arbitrary: q)
  case Fls
  then show ?case
    by (cases q) auto
  case (Pro P)
  then show ?case
    by (cases q) auto
  case (Nom i)
  then show ?case
    by (cases q) auto
  case (Imp p1 p2)
  then show ?case
    by (cases q) auto
  case (Dia p)
  then show ?case
    by (cases q) auto
  case (Sat i p)
  then show ?case
    by (cases q) auto
  case (All p)
  then show ?case
    by (cases q) auto

primrec encode_lbd :: ('i, 'p) lbd  ('i, 'p) enc list where
  encode_lbd (i, p) = NOM i # encode p

lemma inj_encode_lbd': encode_lbd (i, p) = encode_lbd (k, q)  i = k  p = q
  using inj_encode' by auto

lemma inj_encode_lbd: inj encode_lbd
  unfolding inj_def using inj_encode_lbd' by auto

lemma finite_marker: finite (UNIV :: marker set)
proof -
  have p  {FlsM, ImpM, DiaM, SatM, AllM} for p
    by (cases p) auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (meson ex_new_if_finite finite.emptyI finite_insert)

lemma card_of_lbd:
  assumes infinite (UNIV :: 'i set)
  shows |UNIV :: ('i, 'p) lbd set| ≤o |UNIV :: 'i set| +c |UNIV :: 'p set|
proof -
  have |UNIV :: marker set| ≤o |UNIV :: nat set|
    using finite_marker by (simp add: ordLess_imp_ordLeq)
  moreover have infinite (UNIV :: ('i + 'p) set)
    using assms by simp
  ultimately have |UNIV :: ('i, 'p) enc list set| ≤o |UNIV :: ('i + 'p) set|
    using card_of_params_marker_lists by blast
  moreover have |UNIV :: ('i, 'p) lbd set| ≤o |UNIV :: ('i, 'p) enc list set|
    using card_of_ordLeq inj_encode_lbd by blast
  ultimately have |UNIV :: ('i, 'p) lbd set| ≤o |UNIV :: ('i + 'p) set|
    using ordLeq_transitive by blast
  then show ?thesis
    unfolding csum_def by simp

section ‹Completeness›

theorem strong_completeness:
  fixes p :: ('i, 'p) fm
  assumes M :: ('i, 'p) model. g. w  W M. range g  W M 
      ((k, q)  X. (M, g, g k) @ q)  (M, g, w) @ p
    infinite (UNIV :: 'i set)
    |UNIV :: 'i set| +c |UNIV :: 'p set| ≤o |UNIV - nominals X|
  shows A. set A  X  A @ (i, p)
proof (rule ccontr)
  assume A. set A  X  A @ (i, p)
  then have *: A a. set A  {(i, ¬ p)}  X  ¬ A @ (a, )
    using Boole FlsE by (metis derive_split1 insert_is_Un subset_insert)

  let ?X = {(i, ¬ p)}  X
  let ?S = Extend ?X

  have consistent ?X
    unfolding consistent_def using * by blast
  moreover have infinite (UNIV - nominals X)
    using assms(2-3)
    by (metis Cinfinite_csum Cnotzero_UNIV Field_card_of cinfinite_def cinfinite_mono)
  then have |UNIV :: 'i set| +c |UNIV :: 'p set| ≤o |UNIV - nominals X - nominals_lbd (i, ¬ p)|
    using assms(3) finite_nominals_lbd card_of_infinite_diff_finite
    by (metis ordIso_iff_ordLeq ordLeq_transitive)
  then have |UNIV :: 'i set| +c |UNIV :: 'p set| ≤o |UNIV - (nominals X  nominals_lbd (i, ¬ p))|
    by (metis Set_Diff_Un)
  then have |UNIV :: 'i set| +c |UNIV :: 'p set| ≤o |UNIV - nominals ?X|
    by (metis UN_insert insert_is_Un sup_commute)
  then have |UNIV :: ('i, 'p) lbd set| ≤o |UNIV - nominals ?X|
    using assms card_of_lbd ordLeq_transitive by blast
  ultimately have MCS ?S
    using MCS_Extend by fast
  then have @(?S, i) @ p  (i, p)  ?S for i p
    using Truth_lemma by fast
  then have (i, p)  ?X  @(?S, i) @ p for i p
    using Extend_subset by blast
  then have @(?S, i) @ ¬ p (k, q)  X. @(?S, k) @ q
    by blast+
  moreover from this have @(?S, i) @ p
    using assms(1) by force
  ultimately show False
    by simp

abbreviation valid :: ('i, 'p) fm  bool where
  valid p  (M :: ('i, 'p) model) g. w  W M. range g  W M  (M, g, w) @ p

theorem completeness:
  fixes p :: ('i, 'p) fm
  assumes valid p infinite (UNIV :: 'i set) |UNIV :: 'p set| ≤o |UNIV :: 'i set|
  shows [] @ (i, p)
proof -
  have |UNIV :: 'i set| +c |UNIV :: 'p set| ≤o |UNIV :: 'i set|
    using assms(2-3) by (simp add: cinfinite_def csum_absorb1 ordIso_imp_ordLeq)
  then show ?thesis
    using assms strong_completeness[where X={} and p=p] infinite_UNIV_listI by auto

corollary completeness':
  fixes p :: ('i, 'i) fm
  assumes valid p infinite (UNIV :: 'i set)
  shows [] @ (i, p)
  using assms completeness[of p] by simp

theorem main:
  fixes p :: ('i, 'p) fm
  assumes i  nominals_fm p infinite (UNIV :: 'i set) |UNIV :: 'p set| ≤o |UNIV :: 'i set|
  shows valid p  [] @ (i, p)
  using assms completeness soundness' by metis

corollary main':
  fixes p :: ('i, 'i) fm
  assumes i  nominals_fm p infinite (UNIV :: 'i set)
  shows valid p  [] @ (i, p)
  using assms completeness' soundness' by metis
