Theory First_Order_Clause

theory First_Order_Clause

no_notation subst_compose (infixl "s" 75)
no_notation subst_apply_term (infixl "" 67)

text ‹Prefer @{thm [source] term_subst.subst_id_subst} to @{thm [source] subst_apply_term_empty}.›
declare subst_apply_term_empty[no_atp]

section sessionFirst_Order_Terms And sessionAbstract_Substitution

type_synonym 'f ground_term = "'f gterm"

type_synonym 'f ground_context = "'f gctxt"
type_synonym ('f, 'v) "context" = "('f, 'v) ctxt"

type_synonym 'f ground_atom = "'f gatom"
type_synonym ('f, 'v) atom = "('f, 'v) term uprod"

notation subst_apply_term (infixl "⋅t" 67)
notation subst_compose (infixl "" 75)

abbreviation subst_apply_ctxt ::
  "('f, 'v) context  ('f, 'v) subst  ('f, 'v) context" (infixl "⋅tc" 67) where
  "subst_apply_ctxt  subst_apply_actxt"

lemmas clause_simp_term =
  subst_apply_term_ctxt_apply_distrib vars_term_ctxt_apply literal.sel

named_theorems clause_simp
named_theorems clause_intro

lemma ball_set_uprod [clause_simp]: "(tset_uprod (Upair t1 t2). P t)  P t1  P t2"
  by auto

lemma infinite_terms [clause_intro]: "infinite (UNIV :: ('f, 'v) term set)"
  have "infinite (UNIV :: ('f, 'v) term list set)"
    using infinite_UNIV_listI.

  then have "f :: 'f. infinite ((Fun f) ` (UNIV :: ('f, 'v) term list set))"
    by (meson finite_imageD injI term.inject(2))

  then show "infinite (UNIV :: ('f, 'v) term set)"
    using infinite_super top_greatest by blast

lemma literal_cases: "𝒫  {Pos, Neg}; 𝒫 = Pos  P; 𝒫 = Neg  P  P"
  by blast

method clause_simp uses (* cases*) simp intro =
  (*(-, (rule literal_cases[OF cases]))?,*)
  auto simp only: simp clause_simp clause_simp_term intro: intro clause_intro

method clause_auto uses simp intro = 
  (clause_simp simp: simp intro: intro)?,  
  (auto simp: simp intro intro)?, 
  (auto simp: simp clause_simp intro: intro clause_intro)?

(* For unified naming *)
locale vars_def = 
  fixes vars_def :: "'expression  'variables" 

abbreviation "vars  vars_def"


locale grounding_def = 
    to_ground_def :: "'non_ground  'ground" and
    from_ground_def :: "'ground  'non_ground"

abbreviation "to_ground  to_ground_def"

abbreviation "from_ground  from_ground_def"


section ‹Term›

global_interpretation "term": vars_def where vars_def = vars_term.

global_interpretation "context": vars_def where 
  vars_def = "vars_ctxt".

global_interpretation "term": grounding_def where 
  to_ground_def = gterm_of_term and from_ground_def = term_of_gterm .

global_interpretation "context": grounding_def where 
  to_ground_def = gctxt_of_ctxt and from_ground_def = ctxt_of_gctxt.

  "term": base_variable_substitution where 
  subst = subst_apply_term and id_subst = Var and comp_subst = "(⊙)" and 
  vars = "term.vars :: ('f, 'v) term  'v set" +
  "term": finite_variables where vars = "term.vars :: ('f, 'v) term  'v set" +
  "term": all_subst_ident_iff_ground where 
  is_ground = "term.is_ground :: ('f, 'v) term  bool" and subst = "(⋅t)"
proof unfold_locales
  show "t σ τ. (x. x  term.vars t  σ x = τ x)  t ⋅t σ = t ⋅t τ"
    using term_subst_eq.
  fix t :: "('f, 'v) term"
  show "finite (term.vars t)"
    by simp
  fix t :: "('f, 'v) term"
  show "(term.vars t = {}) = (σ. t ⋅t σ = t)"
    using is_ground_trm_iff_ident_forall_subst.
  fix t :: "('f, 'v) term" and ts :: "('f, 'v) term set"

  assume "finite ts" "term.vars t  {}"
  then show "σ. t ⋅t σ  t  t ⋅t σ  ts"
  proof(induction t arbitrary: ts)
    case (Var x)

    obtain t' where t': "t'  ts" "is_Fun t'"
      using Var.prems(1) finite_list by blast

    define σ :: "('f, 'v) subst" where "x. σ x = t'"

    have "Var x ⋅t σ  Var x"
      using t'
      unfolding σ_def
      by auto

    moreover have "Var x ⋅t σ  ts"
      using t'
      unfolding σ_def
      by simp

    ultimately show ?case
      using Var
      by blast
    case (Fun f args)

    obtain a where a: "a  set args" and a_vars: "term.vars a  {}"
      using Fun.prems by fastforce

    then obtain σ where 
      σ: "a ⋅t σ  a" and
      a_σ_not_in_args: "a ⋅t σ   (set `  term.args ` ts)"
      by (metis Fun.IH Fun.prems(1) List.finite_set finite_UN finite_imageI)

    then have "Fun f args ⋅t σ  Fun f args"
      by (metis a subsetI term.set_intros(4) term_subst.comp_subst.left.action_neutral 

    moreover have "Fun f args ⋅t σ  ts"
      using a a_σ_not_in_args
      by auto

    ultimately show ?case
      using Fun
      by blast
  show "γ t. (term.vars (t ⋅t γ) = {}) = (x  term.vars t. term.vars (γ x) = {})"
    by (meson is_ground_iff)
  show "t. term.vars t = {}"
    by (meson vars_term_of_gterm)

lemma term_context_ground_iff_term_is_ground [clause_simp]: 
  "Term_Context.ground t = term.is_ground t"
  by(induction t) simp_all

  "term": grounding where 
  vars = "term.vars :: ('f, 'v) term  'v set" and id_subst = Var and comp_subst = "(⊙)" and 
  subst = "(⋅t)" and to_ground = term.to_ground and from_ground = term.from_ground
proof unfold_locales
  have "t :: ('f, 'v) term. term.is_ground t  g. term.from_ground g = t"
  proof(intro exI)
    fix t :: "('f, 'v) term"
    assume "term.is_ground t"
    then show "term.from_ground (term.to_ground t) = t"
      by(induction t)(simp_all add: map_idI)

  then show "{t :: ('f, 'v) term. term.is_ground t} = range term.from_ground"
    by fastforce
  show "g. term.to_ground (term.from_ground g) = g"
    by simp

global_interpretation "context": all_subst_ident_iff_ground where 
  is_ground = "λκ. context.vars κ = {}" and subst = "(⋅tc)"
proof unfold_locales
  fix κ :: "('f, 'v) context"
  show "(context.vars κ = {}) = (σ. κ ⋅tc σ = κ)"
  proof (intro iffI)
    show "context.vars κ = {}  σ. κ ⋅tc σ = κ"
      by(induction κ) (simp_all add: list.map_ident_strong)
    assume "σ. κ ⋅tc σ = κ"

    then have "tG. term.is_ground tG  σ. κtG ⋅t σ = κtG"
      by simp

    then have "tG. term.is_ground tG  term.is_ground κtG"
      by (meson is_ground_trm_iff_ident_forall_subst)

    then show "context.vars κ = {}"
      by (metis sup.commute sup_bot_left vars_term_ctxt_apply vars_term_of_gterm)
  fix κ :: "('f, 'v) context" and κs :: "('f, 'v) context set"
  assume finite: "finite κs" and non_ground: "context.vars κ  {}"

  then show "σ. κ ⋅tc σ  κ  κ ⋅tc σ  κs"
  proof(induction κ arbitrary: κs)
    case Hole
    then show ?case
      by simp
    case (More f ts κ ts')

    show ?case
    proof(cases "context.vars κ = {}")
      case True

      let ?sub_terms = 
        "λκ :: ('f, 'v) context. case κ of More _ ts _ ts'  set ts  set ts'  | _  {}"

      let ?κs' = "set ts  set ts'  (?sub_terms ` κs)"

      from True obtain t where t: "t  set ts  set ts'" and non_ground: "¬term.is_ground t"
        using More.prems by auto

      have "κ. finite (?sub_terms κ)"
        fix κ
        show "finite (?sub_terms κ)"
          by(cases κ) simp_all

      then have "finite ((?sub_terms ` κs))"
        using More.prems(1) by blast

      then have finite: "finite ?κs'"
        by blast

      obtain σ where σ: "t ⋅t σ  t" and κs': "t ⋅t σ  ?κs'"
        using term.exists_non_ident_subst[OF finite non_ground]
        by blast

      then have "More f ts κ ts' ⋅tc σ  More f ts κ ts'"
        using t set_map_id[of _  _ "λt. t ⋅t σ"]
        by auto

      moreover have " More f ts κ ts' ⋅tc σ  κs"
        using κs' t
        by auto

      ultimately show ?thesis
        by blast
      case False

      let ?sub_contexts = "(λκ. case κ of More _ _ κ _  κ) ` {κ  κs. κ  }"

      have "finite ?sub_contexts"
        using More.prems(1)
        by auto

      then obtain σ where σ: "κ ⋅tc σ  κ" and sub_contexts: "κ ⋅tc σ  ?sub_contexts"
        using More.IH[OF _ False]
        by blast

      then have "More f ts κ ts' ⋅tc σ  More f ts κ ts'"
        by simp

      moreover have "More f ts κ ts' ⋅tc σ  κs"
        using sub_contexts image_iff
        by fastforce

      ultimately show ?thesis 
        by blast

global_interpretation "context": based_variable_substitution where
  subst = "(⋅tc)" and vars = context.vars and id_subst = Var and comp_subst = "(⊙)" and 
  base_vars = term.vars and base_subst = "(⋅t)"
proof(unfold_locales, unfold substitution_ops.is_ground_subst_def)
  fix κ :: "('f, 'v) context"
  show "κ ⋅tc Var = κ"
    by (induction κ) auto
  show "κ σ τ. κ ⋅tc σ  τ = κ ⋅tc σ ⋅tc τ"
    by simp
  show "κ. context.vars κ = {}  σ. κ ⋅tc σ = κ"
    using context.all_subst_ident_iff_ground by blast
  show "a σ τ. (x. x  context.vars a  σ x = τ x)  a ⋅tc σ = a ⋅tc τ"
    using ctxt_subst_eq.
  fix γ :: "('f,'v) subst"

  show "(x. context.vars (x ⋅tc γ) = {})  (x. term.vars (x ⋅t γ) = {})"
  proof(intro iffI allI equals0I)
    fix t x

    assume is_ground: "κ. context.vars (κ ⋅tc γ) = {}" and vars: "x  term.vars (t ⋅t γ)"

    have "f. context.vars (More f [t] Hole [] ⋅tc γ) = {}"
      using is_ground
      by presburger

    moreover have "f. x  context.vars (More f [t] Hole [] ⋅tc γ)"
      using vars
      by simp

    ultimately show False
      by blast
    fix κ x
    assume is_ground: "t. term.is_ground (t ⋅t γ)" and vars: "x  context.vars (κ ⋅tc γ)"

    have "t. term.is_ground (κt ⋅t γ)"
      using is_ground
      by presburger

    moreover have "t. x  term.vars (κt ⋅t γ)"
      using vars
      by simp

    ultimately show False
      by blast
  fix κ and γ :: "('f, 'v) subst"

  show "context.vars (κ ⋅tc γ) = {}  (x  context.vars κ. term.is_ground (γ x))"
    by(induction κ)(auto simp: term.is_grounding_iff_vars_grounded)

global_interpretation "context": finite_variables 
  where vars = "context.vars :: ('f, 'v) context  'v set"
proof unfold_locales
  fix κ :: "('f, 'v) context"

  have "t. finite (term.vars κt)"
    using term.finite_vars by blast

  then show "finite (context.vars κ)"
    unfolding vars_term_ctxt_apply finite_Un
    by simp

global_interpretation "context": grounding where 
  vars = "context.vars :: ('f, 'v) context  'v set" and id_subst = Var and comp_subst = "(⊙)" and 
  subst = "(⋅tc)" and from_ground = context.from_ground and to_ground = context.to_ground
proof unfold_locales
  have "x. context.vars x = {}  g. context.from_ground g = x"
    by (metis Un_empty_left gctxt_of_ctxt_inv term.ground_exists term.to_ground_inverse 
        term_of_gterm_ctxt_apply_ground(1) vars_term_ctxt_apply)

  then show "{f. context.vars f = {}} = range context.from_ground"
    by force
  show "g. context.to_ground (context.from_ground g) = g"
    by simp

lemma ground_ctxt_iff_context_is_ground [clause_simp]: 
  "ground_ctxt context  context.is_ground context"
  by(induction "context") clause_auto

section ‹Lifting›

lemma exists_uprod: "a. t  set_uprod a"
  by (metis insertI1 set_uprod_simps)

lemma exists_literal: "l. a  set_literal l"
  by (meson literal.set_intros(1))

lemma exists_mset: "c. l  set_mset c"
  by (meson union_single_eq_member)

lemma finite_set_literal: "l. finite (set_literal l)"
  unfolding set_literal_atm_of
  by simp

locale clause_lifting =
  based_variable_substitution_lifting where 
  base_subst = "(⋅t)" and base_vars = term.vars and id_subst = Var and comp_subst = "(⊙)" + 
  all_subst_ident_iff_ground_lifting where id_subst = Var and comp_subst = "(⊙)" +
  grounding_lifting where id_subst = Var and comp_subst = "(⊙)" 

global_interpretation atom: clause_lifting where 
  sub_subst = "(⋅t)" and  sub_vars = term.vars and map = map_uprod and to_set = set_uprod and 
  sub_to_ground = term.to_ground and sub_from_ground = term.from_ground and 
  to_ground_map = map_uprod and from_ground_map = map_uprod and ground_map = map_uprod and 
  to_set_ground = set_uprod
      simp: uprod.map_comp uprod.map_id uprod.set_map exists_uprod 
      intro: uprod.map_cong)

global_interpretation literal: clause_lifting where 
  sub_subst = atom.subst and sub_vars = atom.vars and map = map_literal and 
  to_set = set_literal and sub_to_ground = atom.to_ground and 
  sub_from_ground = atom.from_ground and to_ground_map = map_literal and 
  from_ground_map = map_literal and ground_map = map_literal and to_set_ground = set_literal
      simp: literal.map_comp literal.map_id literal.set_map exists_literal 
      atom.is_grounding_iff_vars_grounded finite_set_literal
      intro: literal.map_cong)

(* ------------------------------ *)

global_interpretation clause: clause_lifting where 
  sub_subst = literal.subst and sub_vars = literal.vars and map = image_mset and 
  to_set = set_mset and sub_to_ground = literal.to_ground and 
  sub_from_ground = literal.from_ground and to_ground_map = image_mset and 
  from_ground_map = image_mset and ground_map = image_mset and to_set_ground = set_mset
  by unfold_locales 
    (auto simp: exists_mset literal.is_grounding_iff_vars_grounded)

notation atom.subst (infixl "⋅a" 67)
notation literal.subst (infixl "⋅l" 66)
notation clause.subst (infixl "" 67)

lemmas [clause_simp] = literal.to_set_is_ground atom.to_set_is_ground
lemmas [clause_intro] = clause.subst_in_to_set_subst

lemmas empty_clause_is_ground [clause_intro] = 
  clause.empty_is_ground[OF set_mset_empty]

lemmas clause_subst_empty [clause_simp] = 
  clause.subst_ident_if_ground[OF empty_clause_is_ground]
  clause.subst_empty[OF set_mset_empty]

lemma set_mset_set_uprod [clause_simp]: "set_mset (mset_lit literal) = set_uprod (atm_of literal)"
  by(cases literal) simp_all

lemma mset_lit_set_literal [clause_simp]: 
  "term ∈# mset_lit literal  term  (set_uprod ` set_literal literal)"
  unfolding set_literal_atm_of
  by clause_simp

lemma vars_atom [clause_simp]: 
  "atom.vars (Upair term1 term2) = term.vars term1  term.vars term2"
  by (simp_all add: atom.vars_def)

lemma vars_literal [clause_simp]: 
  "literal.vars (Pos atom) = atom.vars atom"
  "literal.vars (Neg atom) = atom.vars atom"
  "literal.vars ((if b then Pos else Neg) atom) = atom.vars atom"
  by (simp_all add: literal.vars_def)

lemma subst_atom [clause_simp]: 
  "Upair term1 term2 ⋅a σ = Upair (term1 ⋅t σ) (term2 ⋅t σ)"
  unfolding atom.subst_def
  by simp_all

lemma subst_literal [clause_simp]: 
  "Pos atom ⋅l σ = Pos (atom ⋅a σ)"
  "Neg atom ⋅l σ = Neg (atom ⋅a σ)"
  "atm_of (literal ⋅l σ) = atm_of literal ⋅a σ"
  unfolding literal.subst_def
  using literal.map_sel
  by auto

lemma vars_clause_add_mset [clause_simp]: 
  "clause.vars (add_mset literal clause) = literal.vars literal  clause.vars clause"
  by (simp add: clause.vars_def)

lemma vars_clause_plus [clause_simp]: 
  "clause.vars (clause1 + clause2) = clause.vars clause1  clause.vars clause2"
  by (simp add: clause.vars_def)

lemma clause_submset_vars_clause_subset [clause_intro]: 
  "clause1 ⊆# clause2  clause.vars clause1  clause.vars clause2"
  by (metis subset_mset.add_diff_inverse sup_ge1 vars_clause_plus)

lemma subst_clause_add_mset [clause_simp]: 
  "add_mset literal clause  σ = add_mset (literal ⋅l σ) (clause  σ)"
  unfolding clause.subst_def
  by simp

lemma subst_clause_plus [clause_simp]: 
  "(clause1 + clause2)  σ = clause1  σ + clause2  σ"
  unfolding clause.subst_def
  by simp

lemma clause_to_ground_plus [simp]: 
  "clause.to_ground (clause1 + clause2) = clause.to_ground clause1 + clause.to_ground clause2"
  by (simp add: clause.to_ground_def)

lemma clause_from_ground_plus [simp]: 
  "clause.from_ground (clauseG1 + clauseG2) = clause.from_ground clauseG1 + clause.from_ground clauseG2"
  by (simp add: clause.from_ground_def)

lemma subst_clause_remove1_mset [clause_simp]: 
  assumes "literal ∈# clause" 
  shows "remove1_mset literal clause  σ = remove1_mset (literal ⋅l σ) (clause  σ)"
  unfolding clause.subst_def image_mset_remove1_mset_if
  using assms
  by simp

lemma sub_ground_clause [clause_intro]: 
  assumes "clause' ⊆# clause" "clause.is_ground clause"
  shows "clause.is_ground clause'"
  using assms
  unfolding clause.vars_def
  by blast

lemma clause_from_ground_empty_mset [clause_simp]: "clause.from_ground {#} = {#}"
  by (simp add: clause.from_ground_def)

lemma clause_to_ground_empty_mset [clause_simp]: "clause.to_ground {#} = {#}"
  by (simp add: clause.to_ground_def)

lemma ground_term_with_context1:
  assumes "context.is_ground context" "term.is_ground term"
  shows "(context.to_ground context)term.to_ground termG = term.to_ground contextterm"
  using assms
  by (simp add: term_context_ground_iff_term_is_ground)

lemma ground_term_with_context2:
  assumes "context.is_ground context"  
  shows "term.from_ground (context.to_ground context)termGG = contextterm.from_ground termG"
  using assms
  by (simp add: ground_ctxt_iff_context_is_ground ground_gctxt_of_ctxt_apply_gterm)

lemma ground_term_with_context3: 
  "(context.from_ground contextG)term.from_ground termG = term.from_ground contextGtermGG"
  using ground_term_with_context2[OF context.ground_is_ground, symmetric]
  unfolding context.from_ground_inverse.

lemmas ground_term_with_context =

lemma context_is_ground_context_compose1:
  assumes "context.is_ground (context c context')"
  shows "context.is_ground context" "context.is_ground context'"
  using assms
  by(induction "context") auto

lemma context_is_ground_context_compose2:
  assumes "context.is_ground context" "context.is_ground context'" 
  shows "context.is_ground (context c context')"
  using assms
  by (meson ground_ctxt_comp ground_ctxt_iff_context_is_ground)

lemmas context_is_ground_context_compose = 

lemma ground_context_subst:
    "context.is_ground contextG" 
    "contextG = (context ⋅tc σ) c context'"
    "contextG = context c context' ⋅tc σ"
  using assms 
proof(induction "context")
  case Hole
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case More
  then show ?case
    using context_is_ground_context_compose1(2)
    by (metis subst_compose_ctxt_compose_distrib context.subst_ident_if_ground)

lemma clause_from_ground_add_mset [clause_simp]: 
  "clause.from_ground (add_mset literalG clauseG) = 
    add_mset (literal.from_ground literalG) (clause.from_ground clauseG)"
  by (simp add: clause.from_ground_def)

lemma remove1_mset_literal_from_ground: 
  "remove1_mset (literal.from_ground literalG) (clause.from_ground clauseG) 
   = clause.from_ground (remove1_mset literalG clauseG)"
   unfolding clause.from_ground_def image_mset_remove1_mset[OF literal.inj_from_ground]..

lemma term_with_context_is_ground [clause_simp]: 
  "term.is_ground contextterm  context.is_ground context  term.is_ground term"
  by simp

lemma mset_literal_from_ground: 
  "mset_lit (literal.from_ground l) = image_mset term.from_ground (mset_lit l)"
  by (metis atom.from_ground_def literal.from_ground_def literal.map_cong0 mset_lit_image_mset)

lemma clause_is_ground_add_mset [clause_simp]: 
  "clause.is_ground (add_mset literal clause)  
   literal.is_ground literal  clause.is_ground clause"
  by clause_auto

lemma clause_to_ground_add_mset:
  assumes "clause.from_ground clause = add_mset literal clause'" 
  shows "clause = add_mset (literal.to_ground literal) (clause.to_ground clause')"
  using assms
  by (metis clause.from_ground_inverse clause.to_ground_def image_mset_add_mset)

(* --------------------------- *)

lemma mset_mset_lit_subst [clause_simp]: 
  "{# term ⋅t σ. term ∈# mset_lit literal #} = mset_lit (literal ⋅l σ)"
  unfolding literal.subst_def atom.subst_def
  by (cases literal) (auto simp: mset_uprod_image_mset)

lemma term_in_literal_subst [clause_intro]: 
  assumes "term ∈# mset_lit literal" 
  shows "term ⋅t σ ∈# mset_lit (literal ⋅l σ)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: atom.subst_in_to_set_subst set_mset_set_uprod subst_literal(3))

lemma ground_term_in_ground_literal:
  assumes "literal.is_ground literal" "term ∈# mset_lit literal"  
  shows "term.is_ground term"
  by (metis assms(1,2) atom.to_set_is_ground literal.simps(15) literal.vars_def set_literal_atm_of 
      set_mset_set_uprod vars_literal(1))

lemma ground_term_in_ground_literal_subst:
  assumes "literal.is_ground (literal ⋅l γ)" "term ∈# mset_lit literal"  
  shows "term.is_ground (term ⋅t γ)"
  using assms(1,2) ground_term_in_ground_literal term_in_literal_subst by blast

(* --------------------------- *)

lemma subst_polarity_stable: 
    subst_neg_stable: "is_neg (literal ⋅l σ)  is_neg literal" and
    subst_pos_stable: "is_pos (literal ⋅l σ)  is_pos literal"
  by (simp_all add: literal.subst_def)

lemma atom_from_ground_term_from_ground [clause_simp]:
  "atom.from_ground (Upair termG1 termG2) =
    Upair (term.from_ground termG1) (term.from_ground termG2)"
  by (simp add: atom.from_ground_def)

lemma literal_from_ground_atom_from_ground [clause_simp]: 
  "literal.from_ground (Neg atomG) = Neg (atom.from_ground atomG)"
  "literal.from_ground (Pos atomG) = Pos (atom.from_ground atomG)"  
  by (simp_all add: literal.from_ground_def)

lemma context_from_ground_hole [clause_simp]: 
  "context.from_ground contextG =   contextG = G"
  by(cases contextG) simp_all

lemma literal_from_ground_polarity_stable: 
    literal_from_ground_neg_stable: "is_neg literalG  is_neg (literal.from_ground literalG)" and
    literal_from_ground_stable: "is_pos literalG  is_pos (literal.from_ground literalG)"
  by (simp_all add: literal.from_ground_def)

lemma ground_terms_in_ground_atom1:
  assumes "term.is_ground term1" and "term.is_ground term2"
  shows "Upair (term.to_ground term1) (term.to_ground term2) = atom.to_ground (Upair term1 term2)"
  using assms
  by (simp add: atom.to_ground_def)

lemma ground_terms_in_ground_atom2 [clause_simp]: 
  "atom.is_ground (Upair term1 term2)  term.is_ground term1  term.is_ground term2"
  by clause_simp

lemmas ground_terms_in_ground_atom = 

lemma ground_atom_in_ground_literal:
  "Pos (atom.to_ground atom) = literal.to_ground (Pos atom)" 
  "Neg (atom.to_ground atom) = literal.to_ground (Neg atom)" 
  by (simp_all add: literal.to_ground_def)

lemma atom_is_ground_in_ground_literal [intro]:
  "literal.is_ground literal  atom.is_ground (atm_of literal)"
  by (simp add: literal.vars_def set_literal_atm_of)

lemma obtain_from_atom_subst [clause_intro]: 
  assumes "Upair term1' term2' = atom ⋅a σ"
  obtains term1 term2 
  where "atom = Upair term1 term2" "term1' = term1 ⋅t σ" "term2' = term2 ⋅t σ"
  using assms
  unfolding atom.subst_def
  by(cases atom) auto

lemma obtain_from_pos_literal_subst [clause_intro]: 
  assumes "literal ⋅l σ = term1'  term2'"
  obtains term1 term2 
  where "literal = term1  term2" "term1' = term1 ⋅t σ" "term2' = term2 ⋅t σ"
  using assms obtain_from_atom_subst subst_pos_stable
  by (metis is_pos_def literal.sel(1) subst_literal(1))

lemma obtain_from_neg_literal_subst: 
  assumes "literal ⋅l σ = term1' !≈ term2'"
  obtains term1 term2 
  where "literal = term1 !≈ term2" "term1 ⋅t σ = term1'" "term2 ⋅t σ = term2'"
  using assms obtain_from_atom_subst subst_neg_stable
  by (metis literal.collapse(2) literal.disc(2) literal.sel(2) subst_literal(3))

lemmas obtain_from_literal_subst = obtain_from_pos_literal_subst obtain_from_neg_literal_subst

lemma subst_cannot_add_var:
  assumes "is_Var (term ⋅t σ)"  
  shows "is_Var term"
  using assms term.subst_cannot_unground
  by fastforce

lemma var_in_term:
  assumes "var  term.vars term"
  obtains "context" where "term = contextVar var"
  using assms
proof(induction "term")
  case Var
  then show ?case
    by (meson supteq_Var supteq_ctxtE)
  case (Fun f args)
  then obtain term' where "term'  set args " "var  term.vars term'"
    by (metis term.distinct(1) term.sel(4) term.set_cases(2))

  moreover then obtain args1 args2 where
    "args1 @ [term'] @ args2 = args"
    by (metis append_Cons append_Nil split_list)

  moreover then have "(More f args1  args2)term' = Fun f args"
    by simp

  ultimately show ?case 
    using Fun(1)[of term']
    by (meson assms supteq_ctxtE that vars_term_supteq)

lemma var_in_non_ground_term: 
  assumes "¬ term.is_ground term"
  obtains "context" var where "term = contextvar" "is_Var var"
  obtain var where "var  term.vars term"
    using assms
    by blast

  moreover then obtain "context" where "term = contextVar var"
    using var_in_term
    by metis

  ultimately show ?thesis
    using that
    by blast

lemma non_ground_arg: 
  assumes "¬ term.is_ground (Fun f terms)"
  obtains "term"
  where "term  set terms" "¬ term.is_ground term"
  using assms that by fastforce

lemma non_ground_arg': 
  assumes "¬ term.is_ground (Fun f terms)"
  obtains ts1 var ts2 
  where "terms = ts1 @ [var] @ ts2" "¬ term.is_ground var"
  using non_ground_arg
  by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons assms split_list)

subsection ‹Interpretations›

lemma vars_term_ms_count:
  assumes "term.is_ground termG"
  shows "size {#var' ∈# vars_term_ms contextVar var. var' = var#} = 
         Suc (size {#var' ∈# vars_term_ms contexttermG. var' = var#})"
proof(induction "context")
  case Hole
  then show ?case
    using assms
    by (simp add: filter_mset_empty_conv)
  case (More f ts1 "context" ts2)
  then show ?case 
    by auto

  fixes I :: "('f gterm × 'f gterm) set"
    trans: "trans I" and
    sym: "sym I" and
    compatible_with_gctxt: "compatible_with_gctxt I"

lemma interpretation_context_congruence:
    "(t, t')  I"
    "(ctxttG, t'')  I"
    "(ctxtt'G, t'')  I"
    assms sym trans compatible_with_gctxt
    compatible_with_gctxtD symE transE 
  by meson

lemma interpretation_context_congruence':
    "(t, t')  I"
    "(ctxttG, t'')  I"
    "(ctxtt'G, t'')  I"
  using assms sym trans compatible_with_gctxt
  by (metis interpretation_context_congruence symD)

    γ :: "('f, 'v) subst" and
    update :: "('f, 'v) Term.term" and
    var :: 'v
    update_is_ground: "term.is_ground update" and
    var_grounding: "term.is_ground (Var var ⋅t γ)" 

lemma interpretation_term_congruence:
    term_grounding: "term.is_ground (term ⋅t γ)" and
    var_update: "(term.to_ground (γ var), term.to_ground update)  I" and
    updated_term: "(term.to_ground (term ⋅t γ(var := update)), term')  I" 
    "(term.to_ground (term ⋅t γ), term')  I"
  using assms
proof(induction "size (filter_mset (λvar'. var' = var) (vars_term_ms term))" arbitrary: "term")
  case 0

  then have "var  term.vars term"
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) filter_mset_empty_conv set_mset_vars_term_ms size_eq_0_iff_empty)

  then have "term ⋅t γ(var := update) = term ⋅t γ"
    using term.subst_reduntant_upd 
    by fast

  with 0 show ?case
    by argo
  case (Suc n)

  then have "var  term.vars term"
    by (metis (full_types) filter_mset_empty_conv nonempty_has_size set_mset_vars_term_ms 

  then obtain "context" where 
    "term" [simp]: "term = contextVar var"
    by (meson var_in_term)

  have [simp]: "(context.to_ground (context ⋅tc γ))term.to_ground (γ var)G = 
    term.to_ground (contextVar var ⋅t γ)"
    using Suc by fastforce

  have context_update [simp]: 
    "(context.to_ground (context ⋅tc γ))term.to_ground updateG = 
      term.to_ground (contextupdate ⋅t γ)"
    using Suc update_is_ground
    unfolding "term"
    by auto

  have "n = size {#var' ∈# vars_term_ms contextupdate. var' = var#}"
    using Suc vars_term_ms_count[OF update_is_ground, of var "context"]
    by auto

  moreover have "term.is_ground (contextupdate ⋅t γ)"
    using Suc.prems update_is_ground 
    by auto

  moreover have  "(term.to_ground (contextupdate ⋅t γ(var := update)), term')  I"
    using Suc.prems update_is_ground
    by auto

  moreover have update: "(term.to_ground update, term.to_ground (γ var))  I"
    using var_update sym
    by (metis symD)

  moreover have "(term.to_ground (contextupdate ⋅t γ), term')  I"
    using Suc calculation
    by blast

  ultimately have "((context.to_ground (context ⋅tc γ))term.to_ground (γ var)G, term')  I"
    using interpretation_context_congruence context_update
    by presburger

  then show ?case 
    unfolding "term"
    by simp

lemma interpretation_term_congruence':
    term_grounding: "term.is_ground (term ⋅t γ)" and
    var_update: "(term.to_ground (γ var), term.to_ground update)  I" and
    updated_term: "(term.to_ground (term ⋅t γ(var := update)), term')  I" 
    "(term.to_ground (term ⋅t γ), term')  I"
  assume "(term.to_ground (term ⋅t γ), term')  I"

  then show False
        trans sym compatible_with_gctxt var_grounding
    by (smt (verit) eval_term.simps fun_upd_same fun_upd_triv fun_upd_upd term.ground_subst_upd 

lemma interpretation_atom_congruence:
    "term.is_ground (term1 ⋅t γ)" 
    "term.is_ground (term2 ⋅t γ)" 
    "(term.to_ground (γ var), term.to_ground update)  I"
    "(term.to_ground (term1 ⋅t γ(var := update)), term.to_ground (term2 ⋅t γ(var := update)))  I" 
    "(term.to_ground (term1 ⋅t γ), term.to_ground (term2 ⋅t γ))  I"
  using assms
  by (metis interpretation_term_congruence sym symE)

lemma interpretation_atom_congruence':
    "term.is_ground (term1 ⋅t γ)" 
    "term.is_ground (term2 ⋅t γ)" 
    "(term.to_ground (γ var), term.to_ground update)  I"
    "(term.to_ground (term1 ⋅t γ(var := update)), term.to_ground (term2 ⋅t γ(var := update)))  I" 
    "(term.to_ground (term1 ⋅t γ), term.to_ground (term2 ⋅t γ))  I"
  using assms
  by (metis interpretation_term_congruence' sym symE)

lemma interpretation_literal_congruence:
    "literal.is_ground (literal ⋅l γ)"
    "upair ` I ⊫l term.to_ground (Var var ⋅t γ)  term.to_ground update"
    "upair ` I ⊫l literal.to_ground (literal ⋅l γ(var := update))"
    "upair ` I ⊫l literal.to_ground (literal ⋅l γ)"
proof(cases literal)
  case (Pos atom)

  have "atom.to_ground (atom ⋅a γ)  upair ` I"
  proof(cases atom)
    case (Upair term1 term2)  
    then have term_groundings: "term.is_ground (term1 ⋅t γ)" "term.is_ground (term2 ⋅t γ)"
      using Pos assms
      by clause_auto

    have "(term.to_ground (γ var), term.to_ground update)  I"
      using sym assms by auto

    moreover have 
      "(term.to_ground (term1 ⋅t γ(var := update)), term.to_ground (term2 ⋅t γ(var := update)))  I"
      using assms Pos Upair
      unfolding literal.to_ground_def atom.to_ground_def
      by(auto simp: subst_atom sym subst_literal)

    ultimately show ?thesis
      using interpretation_atom_congruence[OF term_groundings]
      by (simp add: Upair sym subst_atom atom.to_ground_def)

  with Pos show ?thesis
    by (metis ground_atom_in_ground_literal(1) subst_literal(1) true_lit_simps(1))
  case (Neg atom)

  have "atom.to_ground (atom ⋅a γ)  upair ` I"
  proof(cases atom)
    case (Upair term1 term2)  
    then have term_groundings: "term.is_ground (term1 ⋅t γ)" "term.is_ground (term2 ⋅t γ)"
      using Neg assms
      by clause_auto

    have "(term.to_ground (γ var), term.to_ground update)  I"
      using sym assms by auto

    moreover have 
      "(term.to_ground (term1 ⋅t γ(var := update)), term.to_ground (term2 ⋅t γ(var := update)))  I"
      using assms Neg Upair
      unfolding literal.to_ground_def atom.to_ground_def
      by (simp add: sym subst_literal(2) subst_atom)

    ultimately show ?thesis
      using interpretation_atom_congruence'[OF term_groundings]
      by (simp add: Upair sym subst_atom atom.to_ground_def)

  then show ?thesis
    by (metis Neg ground_atom_in_ground_literal(2) subst_literal(2) true_lit_simps(2))

lemma interpretation_clause_congruence:
    "clause.is_ground (clause  γ)" 
    "upair ` I ⊫l term.to_ground (Var var ⋅t γ)  term.to_ground update"
    "upair ` I  clause.to_ground (clause  γ(var := update))"
    "upair ` I  clause.to_ground (clause  γ)"
  using assms
proof(induction "clause")
  case empty
  then show ?case 
    by clause_simp
  case (add literal clause')

  have clause'_grounding: "clause.is_ground (clause'  γ)"
    by (metis add.prems(1) clause_is_ground_add_mset subst_clause_add_mset)

  show ?case
  proof(cases "upair ` I  clause.to_ground (clause'  γ(var := update))")
    case True
    show ?thesis 
      using add(1)[OF clause'_grounding assms(2) True]
      unfolding subst_clause_add_mset clause.to_ground_def
      by simp
    case False
    then have "upair ` I ⊫l literal.to_ground (literal ⋅l γ(var := update))"
      using add.prems
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) image_mset_add_mset subst_clause_add_mset clause.to_ground_def true_cls_add_mset)

    then have "upair ` I ⊫l literal.to_ground (literal ⋅l γ)"
      using interpretation_literal_congruence add.prems
      by (metis clause_is_ground_add_mset subst_clause_add_mset)

    then show ?thesis 
      by (simp add: subst_clause_add_mset clause.to_ground_def)


subsection ‹Renaming›

  fixes ρ :: "('f, 'v) subst"
  assumes renaming: "term_subst.is_renaming ρ"

lemma renaming_vars_term:  "Var ` term.vars (term ⋅t ρ) = ρ ` (term.vars term)" 
proof(induction "term")
  case Var
  with renaming show ?case
    unfolding term_subst_is_renaming_iff
    by (metis Term.term.simps(17) eval_term.simps(1) image_empty image_insert is_VarE)
  case (Fun f terms)

    "term x. term  set terms; x  term.vars (term ⋅t ρ) 
        Var x  ρ `  (term.vars ` set terms)"
    using Fun
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) UN_iff image_UN image_eqI)

  moreover have 
    "term x. term  set terms; x  term.vars term
        ρ x  Var ` (x'  set terms. term.vars (x' ⋅t ρ))"
    using Fun
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) UN_iff image_UN image_eqI)

  ultimately show ?case
    by auto

lemma renaming_vars_atom: "Var ` atom.vars (atom ⋅a ρ) = ρ ` atom.vars atom"
  unfolding atom.vars_def atom.subst_def 
  by(cases atom)(auto simp: image_Un renaming_vars_term)

lemma renaming_vars_literal: "Var ` literal.vars (literal ⋅l ρ) = ρ ` literal.vars literal"
  unfolding literal.vars_def literal.subst_def
  by(cases literal)(auto simp: renaming_vars_atom)

lemma renaming_vars_clause: "Var ` clause.vars (clause  ρ) = ρ ` clause.vars clause"
  using renaming_vars_literal
  by(induction clause)(clause_auto simp: image_Un empty_clause_is_ground)

lemma surj_the_inv: "surj (λx. the_inv ρ (Var x))"
  by (metis is_Var_def renaming surj_def term_subst_is_renaming_iff the_inv_f_f)


lemma needed: "surj g  infinite {x. f x = ty}  infinite {x. f (g x) = ty}"
  by (smt (verit) UNIV_I finite_imageI image_iff mem_Collect_eq rev_finite_subset subset_eq)

lemma obtain_ground_fun:
  assumes "term.is_ground t"
  obtains f ts where "t = Fun f ts"
  using assms
  by(cases t) auto

lemma vars_term_subst: "term.vars (t ⋅t σ)  term.vars t  range_vars σ"
  by (meson Diff_subset order_refl subset_trans sup.mono vars_term_subst_apply_term_subset)

lemma vars_term_imgu [clause_intro]:
  assumes "term_subst.is_imgu μ {{s, s'}}"
  shows "term.vars (t ⋅t μ)  term.vars t  term.vars s  term.vars s'"
  using range_vars_subset_if_is_imgu[OF assms] vars_term_subst
  by fastforce

lemma vars_context_imgu [clause_intro]:
  assumes "term_subst.is_imgu μ {{s, s'}}"
  shows "context.vars (c ⋅tc μ)  context.vars c  term.vars s  term.vars s'"
  using vars_term_imgu[OF assms, of "cs"]
  by simp

lemma vars_atom_imgu [clause_intro]:
  assumes "term_subst.is_imgu μ {{s, s'}}"
  shows "atom.vars (a ⋅a μ)  atom.vars a  term.vars s  term.vars s'"
  using vars_term_imgu[OF assms]
  unfolding atom.vars_def atom.subst_def 
  by(cases a) auto

lemma vars_literal_imgu [clause_intro]:
  assumes "term_subst.is_imgu μ {{s, s'}}"
  shows "literal.vars (l ⋅l μ)  literal.vars l  term.vars s  term.vars s'"
  using vars_atom_imgu[OF assms]
  unfolding literal.vars_def literal.subst_def set_literal_atm_of
  by (metis (no_types, lifting) UN_insert ccSUP_empty literal.map_sel sup_bot.right_neutral)

lemma vars_clause_imgu [clause_intro]:
  assumes "term_subst.is_imgu μ {{s, s'}}"
  shows "clause.vars (c  μ)  clause.vars c  term.vars s  term.vars s'"
  using vars_literal_imgu[OF assms]
  unfolding clause.vars_def clause.subst_def
  by blast
