Theory Choice_Functions

theory Choice_Functions

section‹ Choice Functions \label{sec:cf} ›


We now develop a few somewhat general results about choice functions,
following citet"Moulin:1985" and "Sen:1970" and "Border:2012".
citet"sep-preferences" provide some philosophical background on this
topic. While this material is foundational to the story we tell about
stable matching, it is perhaps best skipped over on a first reading.

The game here is to study conditions on functions that yield
acceptable choices from a given set of alternatives drawn from some
universe (a set, often a type in HOL). We adopt the Isabelle
convention of attaching the suffix @{emph ‹on›} to
predicates that are defined on subsets of their types.


type_synonym 'a cfun = "'a set  'a set"


Most results require that the choice function yield a subset of its


definition f_range_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "f_range_on A f  (BA. f B  B)"

abbreviation f_range :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "f_range  f_range_on UNIV"

lemma f_range_onI:
  "(B. B  A  f B  B)  f_range_on A f"
unfolding f_range_on_def by blast

lemmas f_range_onD = iffD1[OF f_range_on_def, rule_format]
lemmas f_range_onD' = subsetD[OF f_range_onD, rotated -1]

lemma f_range_on_antimono:
  assumes "f_range_on B f"
  assumes "A  B"
  shows "f_range_on A f"
using assms unfolding f_range_on_def by blast


Economists typically assume that the universe is finite, and @{term
"f"} is @{emph ‹decisive›}, i.e., yields non-empty sets when given
non-empty sets.


definition decisive_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "decisive_on A f  (BA. B  {}  f B  {})"

abbreviation decisive :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "decisive  decisive_on UNIV"

lemmas decisive_onD = iffD1[OF decisive_on_def, rule_format]
lemmas decisive_onI = iffD2[OF decisive_on_def, rule_format]

lemma decisive_on_empty:
  shows "decisive_on {} f"
unfolding decisive_on_def by simp

lemma decisive_on_mono:
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "decisive_on B f"
using assms order_trans unfolding decisive_on_def by auto


Often we can mildly generalise existing results by not requiring that
@{term "f"} be @{const "decisive"}, and by dropping the finiteness
hypothesis. We make essential use of the former generalization in

Some choice functions, such as those arising from linear orders
(\S\ref{sec:cf-linear}), are @{emph ‹resolute›}: these always yield a
single choice.


definition resolute_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "resolute_on A f  (BA. B  {}  (a. f B = {a}))"

abbreviation resolute :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "resolute  resolute_on UNIV"

lemma resolute_on_decisive_on:
  assumes "resolute_on A f"
  shows "decisive_on A f"
using %invisible assms unfolding resolute_on_def by - (rule decisive_onI; auto)


Often we talk about the choices that are rejected by f›:



abbreviation Rf :: "'a cfun  'a cfun" where
  "Rf f X  X - f X"


Typically there are many (almost-)equivalent formulations of each
property in the literature. We try to formulate our rules in terms of
the most general of these.


subsection‹ The @{emph ‹substitutes›} condition, AKA @{emph ‹independence of irrelevant alternatives›} \label{sec:cf-substitutes} AKA @{emph ‹Chernoff›}


Loosely speaking, the @{emph ‹substitutes›} condition asserts that an
alternative that is rejected from @{term "A"} shall remain rejected
when there is ``increased competition,'' i.e., from all sets that
contain @{term "A"}.

citet"HatfieldMilgrom:2005" define this property as simply the
monotonicity of @{const "Rf"}. citet"AygunSonmez:2012-WP2" instead
use the complicated condition shown here. Condition
α›, due to citet‹p17, see below› in "Sen:1970", is
the most general and arguably the most perspicuous.


definition substitutes_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "substitutes_on A f  ¬(BA. a b. {a, b}  A - B  b  f (B  {b})  b  f (B  {a, b}))"

abbreviation substitutes :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "substitutes  substitutes_on UNIV"

lemma substitutes_on_def2[simplified]:
  "substitutes_on A f  (BA. aA. bA. b  f (B  {b})  b  f (B  {a, b}))"
(is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof (rule iffI, clarsimp)
  fix B a b
  assume lhs: ?lhs and XXX: "B  A" "a  A" "b  A" "b  f (insert b B)" "b  f (insert a (insert b B))"
  show False
  proof(cases "a  B")
    case True with XXX show ?thesis by (simp add: insert_absorb)
    case False with lhs XXX show ?thesis
      unfolding substitutes_on_def
      by (cases "b  B") (fastforce dest: spec[where x="B - {a, b}"] simp: insert_commute insert_absorb)+
qed (fastforce simp: substitutes_on_def)

lemmas substitutes_onI = iffD2[OF substitutes_on_def2, rule_format, simplified]
lemmas substitutes_onD = iffD1[OF substitutes_on_def2, rule_format, simplified]

lemmas substitutesD = substitutes_onD[where A=UNIV, simplified]


lemma substitutes_on_union:
  assumes "a  f (B  {a})"
  assumes "substitutes_on (A  B  {a}) f"
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "a  f (A  B  {a})"
using %invisible assms(3,1-2) by induct (simp_all add: insert_commute substitutes_on_def2 le_iff_sup)

lemma substitutes_on_antimono:
  assumes "substitutes_on B f"
  assumes "A  B"
  shows "substitutes_on A f"
using %invisible assms unfolding substitutes_on_def2 by auto


The equivalence with the monotonicity of alternative-rejection
requires a finiteness constraint.


lemma substitutes_on_Rf_mono_on:
  assumes "substitutes_on A f"
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "mono_on (Pow A) (Rf f)"
proof %invisible (rule mono_onI, rule subsetI)
  fix B C x assume "B  Pow A" "C  Pow A" "B  C" "x  Rf f B"
  with assms substitutes_on_union[where a=x and A=C and B=B and f=f] show "x  Rf f C"
    by (clarsimp simp: insert_absorb) (metis rev_finite_subset subsetCE substitutes_on_antimono sup.orderE)

lemma Rf_mono_on_substitutes:
  assumes "mono_on (Pow A) (Rf f)"
  shows "substitutes_on A f"
proof %invisible (rule substitutes_onI)
  fix B a b assume "B  A" "a  A" "b  A" "b  f (insert b B)"
  with assms show "b  f (insert a (insert b B))"
    by (auto elim: mono_onE[where x="insert b B" and y="insert a (insert b B)"])


The above substitutes condition is equivalent to the
@{emph ‹independence of irrelevant alternatives›}, AKA condition
α› due to citet"Sen:1970". Intuitively if
a› is chosen from a set A›, then it must
be chosen from every subset of A› that it belongs
to. Note the lack of finiteness assumptions here.


definition iia_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "iia_on A f  (BA. CB. aC. a  f B  a  f C)"

abbreviation iia :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "iia  iia_on UNIV"

lemmas %invisible iia_onI = iffD2[OF iia_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]
lemmas %invisible iia_onD = iffD1[OF iia_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]

lemma Rf_mono_on_iia_on:
  shows "mono_on (Pow A) (Rf f)  iia_on A f"
unfolding %invisible iia_on_def by (rule iffI) (blast elim: mono_onE intro!: mono_onI)+

lemma Rf_mono_iia:
  shows "mono (Rf f)  iia f"
using %invisible Rf_mono_on_iia_on[of UNIV f] mono_on_mono by (simp add: fun_eq_iff) blast

lemma substitutes_iia:
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "substitutes_on A f  iia_on A f"
using %invisible Rf_mono_on_iia_on Rf_mono_on_substitutes substitutes_on_Rf_mono_on[OF _ assms] by blast


One key result is that the choice function must be idempotent if it
satisfies @{const "iia"} or any of the equivalent conditions.


lemma iia_f_idem:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "iia_on A f"
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "f (f B) = f B"
using %invisible assms unfolding iia_on_def
by (meson f_range_onD f_range_on_antimono subset_antisym subset_eq)

textcitet‹p914, bottom right› in "HatfieldMilgrom:2005" claim that the
@{const "substitutes"} condition coincides with the
@{emph ‹substitutable preferences›} condition for the college admissions
problem of citet‹Definition~6.2› in "RothSotomayor:1990", which is
similar to @{const "iia"}:


definition substitutable_preferences_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "substitutable_preferences_on A f  (BA. aB. bB. a  b  a  f B  a  f (B - {b}))"

lemmas %invisible substitutable_preferences_onI = iffD2[OF substitutable_preferences_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]

lemma substitutable_preferences_on_substitutes_on:
  shows "substitutable_preferences_on A f  substitutes_on A f" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof %invisible (rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs then show ?rhs
    unfolding substitutable_preferences_on_def
    by - (rule substitutes_onI; metis Diff_insert_absorb insertCI insert_absorb insert_subset)
  assume ?rhs show ?lhs
  proof(rule substitutable_preferences_onI)
    fix B a b
    assume XXX: "B  A" "a  B" "b  B" "a  b" "a  f B"
    then have "a  A" "b  A" "B - {b} - {a}  A" by blast+
    with ?rhs XXX show "a  f (B - {b})"
      unfolding substitutes_on_def2 by (metis insertE insert_Diff)

textcitet‹p152› in "Moulin:1985" defines an equivalent @{emph ‹Chernoff›}
condition. Intuitively this captures the idea that ``a best choice in
some issue [set of alternatives] is still best if the issue shrinks.''


definition Chernoff_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "Chernoff_on A f  (BA. CB. f B  C  f C)"

abbreviation Chernoff :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "Chernoff  Chernoff_on UNIV"

lemmas Chernoff_onI = iffD2[OF Chernoff_on_def, rule_format]
lemmas Chernoff_def = Chernoff_on_def[where A=UNIV, simplified]

lemma Chernoff_on_iia_on:
  shows "Chernoff_on A f  iia_on A f"
unfolding %invisible Chernoff_on_def iia_on_def by blast

lemma Chernoff_on_union:
  assumes "Chernoff_on A f"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "B  A" "C  A"
  shows "f (B  C)  f B  f C"
using %invisible assms unfolding Chernoff_on_def f_range_on_def
by clarsimp (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Int_iff Un_iff Un_subset_iff contra_subsetD inf_sup_ord(3,4))

textcitet‹p159› in "Moulin:1985" states a series of equivalent formulations
of the @{const "Chernoff"} condition. He also claims that these hold
if the two sets are disjoint.


lemma Chernoff_a:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "Chernoff_on A f  (B C. B  A  C  A  f (B  C)  f B  C)" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof %invisible (rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs with f_range_on A f show ?rhs by (auto dest: f_range_onD' Chernoff_on_union)
  assume ?rhs show ?lhs
  proof(rule Chernoff_onI)
    fix B C assume "B  A" "C  B"
    with spec[OF spec[OF ?rhs, where x="C"], where x="B - C"] show "f B  C  f C"
      by (fastforce simp add: Un_absorb1)

lemma Chernoff_b: ― ‹essentially the converse of @{thm [source] Chernoff_on_union}
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "Chernoff_on A f  (B C. B  A  C  A  f (B  C)  f B  f C)" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof %invisible (rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs with f_range_on A f show ?rhs using Chernoff_on_union by blast
  assume ?rhs show ?lhs
  proof(rule Chernoff_onI)
    fix B C assume "B  A" "C  B"
    with f_range_on A f spec[OF spec[OF ?rhs, where x="C"], where x="B - C"]
    show "f B  C  f C" by (clarsimp simp: Un_absorb1) (blast dest: f_range_onD')

lemma Chernoff_c:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "Chernoff_on A f  (B C. B  A  C  A  f (B  C)  f (f B  C))" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof %invisible (rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs show ?rhs
    fix B C x
    assume B: "B  A" and C: "C  A" and x: "x  f (B  C)"
    from B C have "f (B  C)  f B  f C" by (rule Chernoff_on_union[OF ?lhs f_range_on A f])
    with f_range_on A f C x have "x  f B  C" by (blast dest: f_range_onD)
    moreover from f_range_on A f B have "f B  C  B  C" by (blast dest: f_range_onD)
    moreover note B C x
    ultimately show "x  f (f B  C)"
      using iia_onD[OF iffD1[OF Chernoff_on_iia_on ?lhs]] by (metis Un_subset_iff)
  assume ?rhs with f_range_on A f show ?lhs
    unfolding f_range_on_def
    by (clarsimp simp: Chernoff_a[OF f_range_on A f])
       (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff Un_subset_iff rev_subsetD subset_trans)

lemma Chernoff_d:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "Chernoff_on A f  (B C. B  A  C  A  f (B  C)  f (f B  f C))" (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof %invisible (rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs show ?rhs
  proof(intro allI impI)
    fix B C x
    assume BC: "B  A  C  A"
    with f_range_on A f ?lhs have "f (B  C)  f (f B  C)" by (metis Chernoff_c Un_commute)
    with f_range_on A f BC show "f (B  C)  f (f B  f C)"
      using iffD1[OF Chernoff_c[OF f_range_on A f] ?lhs]
      unfolding f_range_on_def by (metis Un_commute inf.absorb_iff2 le_infI1)
  assume ?rhs with f_range_on A f show ?lhs
    unfolding f_range_on_def
    by (clarsimp simp: Chernoff_a[OF assms])
       (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff Un_subset_iff rev_subsetD subset_trans)

subsection‹ The @{emph ‹irrelevance of rejected contracts›} condition AKA @{emph ‹consistency›} AKA @{emph ‹Aizerman›} \label{sec:cf-irc} ›

textcitet‹\S4› in "AygunSonmez:2012-WP2" propose to repair the results of
citet"HatfieldMilgrom:2005" by imposing the @{emph ‹irrelevance of
rejected contracts›} (IRC) condition. Intuitively this requires the
choice function @{term "f"} to ignore unchosen alternatives.


definition irc_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "irc_on A f  (BA. aA. a  f (B  {a})  f (B  {a}) = f B)"

abbreviation irc :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "irc  irc_on UNIV"

lemmas %invisible irc_onI = iffD2[OF irc_on_def, rule_format, simplified]
lemmas %invisible irc_onD = iffD1[OF irc_on_def, rule_format, simplified]
lemmas %invisible irc_def = irc_on_def[where A=UNIV, simplified]
lemmas %invisible ircI = iffD2[OF irc_def, rule_format, simplified]
lemmas %invisible ircD = iffD1[OF irc_def, rule_format, simplified]

lemma irc_on_discard:
  assumes "irc_on A f"
  assumes "finite C"
  assumes "B  C  A"
  assumes "f (B  C)  C = {}"
  shows "f (B  C) = f B"
using %invisible assms(2,3,4)
proof induct
  case (insert c C) with assms(1) show ?case
    unfolding irc_on_def by simp (metis Un_subset_iff)
qed simp


An equivalent condition is called @{emph ‹consistency›} by some
(citet‹Definition~2› in "ChambersYenmez:2013",
citet‹Equation~(14)› in "Fleiner:2002"). Like @{const "iia"}, this
formulation generalizes to infinite universes.


definition consistency_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "consistency_on A f  (BA. CB. f B  C  f B = f C)"

abbreviation consistency :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "consistency  consistency_on UNIV"

lemmas %invisible consistency_onI = iffD2[OF consistency_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]
lemmas %invisible consistency_onD = iffD1[OF consistency_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]
lemmas %invisible consistency_def = consistency_on_def[where A=UNIV, simplified]
lemmas %invisible consistencyD = iffD1[OF consistency_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]

lemma irc_on_consistency_on:
  assumes "irc_on A f"
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "consistency_on A f"
proof %invisible (rule consistency_onI)
  fix B C assume "B A" "f B  C" "C  B"
  then have "C  (B - f B) = B" by blast
  with B A finite A show "f B = f C"
    using irc_on_discard[OF assms(1), where B=C and C="B - f B"] by (simp add: finite_subset)

lemma consistency_on_irc_on:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "consistency_on A f"
  shows "irc_on A f"
proof %invisible (rule irc_onI)
  fix B b assume "B  A" "b  A" "b  f (insert b B)"
  with assms show "f (insert b B) = f B"
    by - (erule consistency_onD; blast dest: f_range_onD')


These conditions imply that @{term "f"} is idempotent:


lemma consistency_on_f_idem:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "consistency_on A f"
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "f (f B) = f B"
using %invisible assms by (metis consistency_onD f_range_onD order_refl)

textcitet‹p154› in "Moulin:1985" defines a similar but weaker property he
calls @{emph ‹Aizerman›}:


definition Aizerman_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "Aizerman_on A f  (BA. CB. f B  C  f C  f B)"

abbreviation Aizerman :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "Aizerman  Aizerman_on UNIV"

lemmas %invisible Aizerman_onI = iffD2[OF Aizerman_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]
lemmas %invisible Aizerman_onD = iffD1[OF Aizerman_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]
lemmas %invisible Aizerman_def = Aizerman_on_def[where A=UNIV, simplified]

lemma consistency_on_Aizerman_on:
  assumes "consistency_on A f"
  shows "Aizerman_on A f"
using %invisible assms by (metis Aizerman_onI consistency_onD order_refl)


The converse requires @{term "f"} to be idempotent
citep‹p157› in "Moulin:1985":


lemma Aizerman_on_idem_on_consistency_on:
  assumes "Aizerman_on A f"
  assumes "BA. f (f B) = f B"
  shows "consistency_on A f"
by %invisible (rule consistency_onI) (metis inf.coboundedI2 le_iff_inf set_eq_subset Aizerman_onD[OF assms(1)] assms(2))

subsection‹ The @{emph ‹law of aggregate demand›} condition aka @{emph ‹size monotonicity›} \label{sec:cf-lad} ›

textcitet‹{\S}III› in "HatfieldMilgrom:2005" impose the @{emph ‹law of
aggregate demand›} (aka @{emph ‹size monotonicity›}) to obtain the rural
hospitals theorem (\S\ref{sec:contracts-rh}). It captures the
following intuition:

[...] Roughly, this law states that as the price falls, agents should
demand more of a good. Here, price falls correspond to more contracts
being available, and more demand corresponds to taking on (weakly)
more contracts.


The @{const "card"} function takes a finite set into its cardinality
(as a natural number).


definition lad_on :: "'a set  'a::finite cfun  bool" where
  "lad_on A f  (BA. CB. card (f C)  card (f B))"

abbreviation lad :: "'a::finite cfun  bool" where
  "lad  lad_on UNIV"


This definition is identical amongst
citet‹{\S}III› in "HatfieldMilgrom:2005", citet‹(20)› in "Fleiner:2002", and
citet‹Definition~4› in "AygunSonmez:2012-WP2".


lemma lad_onD:
  assumes "lad_on A f"
  assumes "C  B"
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "card (f C)  card (f B)"
using assms unfolding lad_on_def by blast

lemma ladD:
  assumes "lad f"
  assumes "x. x  C  x  B"
  shows "card (f C)  card (f B)"
using assms unfolding lad_on_def by (simp add: subsetI)

textcitet‹\S5, Proposition~1› in "AygunSonmez:2012-WP2" show that @{const
"substitutes"} and @{const "lad"} imply @{const "irc"}, which
therefore rescues many results in the matching-with-contracts


lemma lad_on_substitutes_on_irc_on:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "substitutes_on A f"
  assumes "lad_on A f"
  shows "irc_on A f"
proof %invisible (rule irc_onI, rule card_seteq)
  fix B b assume bB: "B  A" "b  A" "b  f (insert b B)"
  show "finite (f B)" by simp
  show "f (insert b B)  f B"
    fix x assume x: "x  f (insert b B)"
    with f_range_on A f bB have "insert x B = B  x = b"
      by clarsimp (blast dest: f_range_onD')
    with substitutes_on A f bB x show "x  f B"
      by (metis insert_subset substitutes_onD)
  from lad_on A f bB show "card (f B)  card (f (insert b B))"
    unfolding lad_on_def by (simp add: subset_insertI)


The converse does not hold.


subsection‹ The @{emph ‹expansion›} condition ›


According to citet‹p152› in "Moulin:1985", a choice function satifies
@{emph ‹expansion›} if an alternative chosen from two sets is also chosen
from their union.


definition expansion_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "expansion_on A f  (BA. CA. f B  f C  f (B  C))"

abbreviation expansion :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "expansion  expansion_on UNIV"

lemmas %invisible expansion_onI = iffD2[OF expansion_on_def, rule_format]
lemmas %invisible expansion_onD = iffD1[OF expansion_on_def, rule_format, THEN subsetD, simplified, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]


Condition γ› due to citet"Sen:1971" generalizes
@{const "expansion"} to collections of sets of choices.


definition expansion_gamma_on :: "'a set  'a set set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "expansion_gamma_on A As f  (AsA  As  {}  (AAs. f A)  f (As))"

definition expansion_gamma :: "'a set set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "expansion_gamma  expansion_gamma_on UNIV"

lemmas %invisible expansion_gamma_onI = iffD2[OF expansion_gamma_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]
lemmas %invisible expansion_gamma_onE = iffD1[OF expansion_gamma_on_def, rule_format, THEN subsetD, simplified, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]

lemma expansion_gamma_expansion:
  assumes "As. expansion_gamma_on A As f"
  shows "expansion_on A f"
proof %invisible (rule expansion_onI, rule subsetI)
  fix B C x
  assume "B  A" "C  A" "x  f B  f C" then show "x  f (B  C)"
    using expansion_gamma_onE[OF spec[OF assms], where As="{B,C}"] by simp

lemma expansion_expansion_gamma:
  assumes "expansion_on A f"
  assumes "finite As"
  shows "expansion_gamma_on A As f"
proof %invisible (rule expansion_gamma_onI[OF subsetI])
  fix x assume "As  A" "As  {}" "x  (AAs. f A)"
  from finite As this show "x  f (As)"
  proof induct
    case (insert b B) with assms show ?case by (cases "B = {}") (auto dest: expansion_onD)
  qed simp


The @{const "expansion"} condition plays a major role in the study of
the @{emph ‹rationalizability›} of choice functions, which we explore


subsection‹ Axioms of revealed preference \label{sec:cf-revealed_preference} ›


We digress from our taxonomy of conditions on choice functions to
discuss @{emph ‹rationalizability›}. A choice function is
@{emph ‹rationalizable›} if there exists some binary relation that generates
it, typically by taking the @{emph ‹greatest›} or @{emph ‹maximal›} elements
of the given set of alternatives:


definition greatest :: "'a rel  'a cfun" where
  "greatest r X = {xX. yX. (y, x)  r}"

definition maximal :: "'a rel  'a cfun" where
  "maximal r X = {xX. yX. ¬(x, y)  r}"

lemma (in MaxR) greatest:
  shows "set_option (MaxR_opt X) = greatest r (X  Field r)"
using %invisible greatest_is_MaxR_opt MaxR_opt_is_greatest unfolding greatest_def by (blast dest: range_Some)

lemma greatest_r_mono:
  assumes "Above r X  Above r' X"
  shows "greatest r X  greatest r' X"
using assms unfolding greatest_def Above_def by (fast intro: FieldI1)

lemmas greatest_r_mono' = subsetD[OF greatest_r_mono, rotated]

lemma greatest_Above:
  shows "greatest r X = Above r X  X"
unfolding greatest_def Above_def by (blast intro: FieldI1)


Note that @{const "greatest"} requires the relation to be reflexive
and total, and @{const "maximal"} requires it to be irreflexive, for
the choice functions to ever yield non-empty sets.

This game of uncovering the preference relations (if any) underlying a
choice function goes by the name of @{emph ‹revealed preference›}. (In
contrast, later we show how these conditions guarantee the existence
of stable many-to-one matches.) See citet"Moulin:1985" and
citet"Border:2012" for background, intuition and critique, and
citet"Sen:1971" for further classical results and proofs.

We adopt the following notion here:


definition rationalizes_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  'a rel  bool" where
  "rationalizes_on A f r  (BA. f B = greatest r B)"

abbreviation rationalizes :: "'a cfun  'a rel  bool" where
  "rationalizes  rationalizes_on UNIV"

lemma %invisible rationalizes_onI:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "B x y. B  A; x  f B; y  B  (y, x)  r"
  assumes "B x. B  A; x  B; yB. (y, x)  r  x  f B"
  shows "rationalizes_on A f r"
using assms unfolding rationalizes_on_def greatest_def by (auto dest: f_range_onD)


In words, relation @{term "r"} rationalizes the choice function @{term
"f"} over universe @{term "A"} if @{term "f B"} picks out the @{term
"greatest"} elements of @{term "B  A"} with respect to
@{term "r"}. At this point @{term "r"} can be any relation that does
the job, but soon enough we will ask that it satisfy some familiar
ordering properties.

The analysis begins by determining under what constraints @{term "f"}
can be rationalized, continues by establishing some properties of all
rationalizable choice functions, and concludes by considering what it
takes to establish stronger properties.

Following citet‹\S5, Definition~2› in "Border:2012" and
citet‹Definition~2› in "Sen:1971", we can generate the @{emph ‹revealed
weakly preferred›} relation for the choice function @{term "f"}:


definition rwp_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  'a rel" where
  "rwp_on A f = {(x, y). BA. x  B  y  f B}"

abbreviation rwp :: "'a cfun  'a rel" where
  "rwp  rwp_on UNIV"

lemma %invisible rwp_on_Field:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "Field (rwp_on A f)  A"
using assms unfolding f_range_on_def rwp_on_def Field_def by auto

lemma rwp_on_refl_on:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "refl_on A (rwp_on A f)"
proof %invisible (rule refl_onI)
  fix x assume "x  A"
  with assms show "(x, x)  rwp_on A f"
    unfolding rwp_on_def decisive_on_def f_range_on_def
    by (fast dest: spec[where x="{x}"] intro: exI[where x="{x}"])


In words, if it is ever possible that @{term "x  B"} is available
and @{term "f B"} chooses @{term "y"}, then @{term "y"} is taken to
always be at least as good as @{term "x"}.

The @{emph ‹V-axiom›} asserts that whatever is revealed to be at least as
good as anything else on offer is chosen:


definition V_axiom_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "V_axiom_on A f  (BA. yB. (x  B. (x, y)  rwp_on A f)  y  f B)"

abbreviation V_axiom :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "V_axiom  V_axiom_on UNIV"


This axiom characterizes rationality; see
citet‹Theorem~7› in "Border:2012". citet‹\S3› in "Sen:1971" calls a decisive
choice function that satisfies @{const "V_axiom"} @{emph ‹normal›}.


lemma rationalizes_on_f_range_on_V_axiom_on:
  assumes "rationalizes_on A f r"
  shows "f_range_on A f"
    and "V_axiom_on A f"
using %invisible assms unfolding V_axiom_on_def rationalizes_on_def greatest_def f_range_on_def rwp_on_def by simp_all blast+

lemma f_range_on_V_axiom_on_rationalizes_on:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "V_axiom_on A f"
  shows "rationalizes_on A f (rwp_on A f)"
using %invisible assms rwp_on_Field[OF assms(1)]
unfolding V_axiom_on_def rationalizes_on_def greatest_def f_range_on_def rwp_on_def
by auto

theorem V_axiom_on_rationalizes_on:
  shows "(f_range_on A f  V_axiom_on A f)  (r. rationalizes_on A f r)"
using %invisible rationalizes_on_f_range_on_V_axiom_on f_range_on_V_axiom_on_rationalizes_on by blast


We could also ask that @{term "f"} be determined directly by how it
behaves on pairs (citet"Sen:1971", citet‹p151› in "Moulin:1985"), which
turns out to be equivalent:


definition rationalizable_binary_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "rationalizable_binary_on A f  (BA. f B = {y  B. xB. y  f {x, y}})"

abbreviation rationalizable_binary :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "rationalizable_binary  rationalizable_binary_on UNIV"

lemma %invisible rationalizable_binary_onI:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "B x y. B  A; y  f B; x  B; y  B  y  f {x, y}"
  assumes "B y. B  A; y  B; xB. y  f {x, y}  y  f B"
  shows "rationalizable_binary_on A f"
unfolding rationalizable_binary_on_def using assms by (blast dest: f_range_onD' intro: FieldI1)

theorem V_axiom_realizable_binary:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "V_axiom_on A f  rationalizable_binary_on A f"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof (rule iffI)
  assume lhs: ?lhs show ?rhs
  proof(rule rationalizable_binary_onI[OF assms])
    fix B x y assume "B  A" "y  f B" "x  B" "y  B"
    with lhs show "y  f {x, y}"
      unfolding V_axiom_on_def rwp_on_def by (auto dest: spec[where x="{x, y}"])
    fix B y assume "B  A" "y  B" "xB. y  f {x, y}"
    with lhs show "y  f B"
      unfolding V_axiom_on_def rwp_on_def
      by clarsimp (metis Un_subset_iff insertI1 insert_is_Un mk_disjoint_insert)
  assume ?rhs then show ?lhs
    unfolding V_axiom_on_def rwp_on_def rationalizable_binary_on_def by force


All rationalizable choice functions satisfy @{const "iia"} and @{const
"expansion"} (citet"Sen:1971", citet‹p152› in "Moulin:1985").


lemma rationalizable_binary_on_iia_on:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "rationalizable_binary_on A f"
  shows "iia_on A f"
using %invisible assms unfolding iia_on_def rationalizable_binary_on_def f_range_on_def
by simp (meson contra_subsetD)

lemma rationalizable_binary_on_expansion_on:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "rationalizable_binary_on A f"
  shows "expansion_on A f"
using  %invisible assms unfolding rationalizable_binary_on_def f_range_on_def
by - (rule expansion_onI; auto)


The converse requires the set of alternatives to be finite, and
moreover fails if the choice function is not @{const "decisive"}.


lemma rationalizable_binary_on_converse:
  fixes f :: "'a::finite cfun"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  assumes "iia_on A f"
  assumes "expansion_on A f"
  shows "rationalizable_binary_on A f"
proof %invisible (rule rationalizable_binary_onI[OF assms(1)])
  fix B x y
  assume "B  A" "y  f B" "x  B" "y  B" with iia_on A f show "y  f {x, y}"
    unfolding iia_on_def by fastforce
  fix B y
  assume XXX: "y  B" and YYY: "xB. y  f {x, y}" "B  A"
  have "y  f (insert y C)" if "C  B" for C
  using finite[of C] that XXX YYY
  proof induct
    case empty with decisive_on A f show ?case
      unfolding decisive_on_def by force
    case (insert b C) with expansion_on A f show ?case
      by (force dest!: expansion_onD[where C="{b, y}" and B="insert y C"] simp: insert_commute)
  note this[OF subset_refl]
  with XXX show "y  f B" by (simp add: insert_absorb)


That settles the issue of existence, but it is not clear that the
relation is really ``rational'' (for instance, @{term "rwp_on A f"}
need not be transitive). Therefore the analysis continues by further
constraining the choice function so that it is rationalized by
familiar ordering relations.

For instance, the following shows that the @{emph ‹axioms of revealed
preference›} are rationalized by total preorders citep‹Definitions~8
and~13› in "Sen:1971"\footnote{For citet‹p9› in "Sen:1970", an ordering is
complete (total), reflexive, and transitive. Alternative names are:
complete pre-ordering, complete quasi-ordering, and weak
ordering.}. These are alo equivalent to some congruence axioms due to
Samuelson citep"Border:2012".

We define @{term "x"} to be @{emph ‹strictly revealed-preferred to›}
@{term "y"} if there is a situation where both are on offer and only
@{term "y"} is chosen:


definition rsp_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  'a rel" where ― ‹\citep[Definition~8]{Sen:1971}›
  "rsp_on A f = {(x, y). BA. x  Rf f B  y  f B}"

abbreviation rsp :: "'a cfun  'a rel" where
  "rsp  rsp_on UNIV"


This relation is typically denoted by @{term "P"}, for strict
preference. The not-worse-than relation @{term "R"} is recovered by:


definition rspR_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  'a rel" where ― ‹\citep[Definition~9]{Sen:1971}›
  "rspR_on A f = {(x, y). {x, y}  A  (y, x)  rsp_on A f}"

abbreviation rspR :: "'a cfun  'a rel" where
  "rspR  rspR_on UNIV"

lemma %invisible rsp_on_range:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "rsp_on A f  A × A"
using assms unfolding rsp_on_def f_range_on_def by blast

textcitet‹p309› in "Sen:1971" defines the @{emph ‹weak axiom of revealed
preference›} (WARP) as follows:


definition warp_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "warp_on A f  ((x, y)rsp_on A f. (y, x)  rwp_on A f)"

abbreviation warp :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "warp  warp_on UNIV"


The @{emph ‹strong axiom of revealed preference›} (SARP) is essentially
the transitive closure of @{const "warp"} citep‹p309› in "Sen:1971":


definition sarp_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "sarp_on A f  ((x, y)(rsp_on A f)+. (y, x)  rwp_on A f)"

abbreviation sarp :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "sarp  sarp_on UNIV"

lemma %invisible sarp_onI:
  assumes "x y. (x, y)  (rsp_on A f)+  (y, x)  rwp_on A f"
  shows "sarp_on A f"
using assms unfolding sarp_on_def by blast

lemma sarp_on_warp_on: ― ‹\citet[T.3 part]{Sen:1970}›
  assumes "sarp_on A f"
  shows "warp_on A f"
using %invisible assms unfolding sarp_on_def warp_on_def rwp_on_def rsp_on_def by blast

lemma rsp_on_irrefl:
  "A  {}  irrefl (rsp_on A f)"
unfolding %invisible rsp_on_def irrefl_def by fastforce


For decisive choice functions, @{const "warp"} implies @{const
"sarp"}. We show this following citet"Sen:1971", via the @{emph ‹weak
congruence axiom›} (WCA): if @{term "f"} chooses @{term "x"} from some
set @{term "B"} and @{term "y"} is revealed to be weakly preferred,
then @{term "f"} must choose @{term "y"} from @{term "B"} as well.


definition wca_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "wca_on A f  ((x, y)rwp_on A f. BA. x  f B  y  B  y  f B)"

abbreviation wca :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "wca  wca_on UNIV"

lemma %invisible wca_onI:
  assumes "B x y.  B  A; (x, y)  rwp_on A f; x  f B; y  B   y  f B"
  shows "wca_on A f"
unfolding wca_on_def using assms by blast


Decisive choice functions that satisfy @{const "wca"} are rationalized
by total preorders, in particular @{const "rwp"}, and the converse
obtains if they are normal.


lemma wca_on_V_axiom_on:
  assumes "wca_on A f"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "V_axiom_on A f"
using %invisible assms unfolding V_axiom_on_def wca_on_def rwp_on_def
by clarsimp (metis (mono_tags) ex_in_conv f_range_onD'[where A=A and f=f] decisive_onD[where A=A and f=f])

lemma wca_on_total_on:
  assumes "wca_on A f"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "total_on A (rwp_on A f)"
proof %invisible(rule total_onI)
 fix x y
 assume "x  A" "y  A" "x  y"
 with assms show "(x, y)  rwp_on A f  (y, x)  rwp_on A f"
  unfolding wca_on_def decisive_on_def rwp_on_def total_on_def f_range_on_def
  by (fast dest: spec[where x="{x,y}"] intro: exI[where x="{x,y}"])

lemma rwp_on_trans:
  assumes "wca_on A f"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "trans (rwp_on A f)"
proof %invisible (rule transI)
  fix x y z assume "(x, y)  rwp_on A f" "(y, z)  rwp_on A f"
  then obtain B C where "B  C  A" "x  B" "y  f B" "y  C" "z  f C"
    unfolding rwp_on_def by blast
  from x  B have "x  B  C" by blast
  have "z  f (B  C)"
  proof(cases "y  f (B  C)")
    case True
    with wca_on A f f_range_on A f y  C z  f C B  C  A
    show ?thesis
      unfolding wca_on_def rwp_on_def
      by simp (meson B  C  A f_range_onD' inf_sup_ord(4) subsetCE)
    case False
    with assms B  C  A y  f B z  f C
    obtain w where "w  f (B  C)  w  C"
      unfolding wca_on_def decisive_on_def rwp_on_def
      by (clarsimp simp: ex_in_conv[symmetric] dest!: spec[where x="B  C"])
         (metis Un_iff B  C  A f_range_onD')
    with wca_on A f f_range_on A f B  C  A z  f C show ?thesis
      unfolding wca_on_def rwp_on_def
      by simp (meson B  C  A f_range_onD' inf_sup_ord(4) subsetCE)
  moreover note B  C  A
  ultimately show "(x, z)  rwp_on A f" unfolding rwp_on_def by blast

lemma wca_on_V_axiom_on_preorder_on: ― ‹\citet[T.1, T.3 part]{Sen:1970}›
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "wca_on A f  V_axiom_on A f  preorder_on A (rwp_on A f)  total_on A (rwp_on A f)"
(is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs with rwp_on_refl_on rwp_on_trans wca_on_V_axiom_on wca_on_total_on assms show ?rhs
    unfolding preorder_on_def
    using FieldI1 FieldI2 rwp_on_Field by fastforce
  assume rhs: ?rhs
  show ?lhs
  proof(rule wca_onI)
    fix B x y assume "B  A" "(x, y)  rwp_on A f" "x  f B" "y  B"
    from B  A x  f B have "zB. (z, x)  rwp_on A f"
      unfolding rwp_on_def by blast
    with rhs (x, y)  rwp_on A f have "zB. (z, y)  rwp_on A f"
      unfolding preorder_on_def by (blast elim: transE)
    with rhs B  A y  B show "y  f B"
      unfolding V_axiom_on_def by blast


declare [[metis_instantiate]]

lemma wca_on_rwp_on_rspR_on: ― ‹\citet[T.2]{Sen:1970}›
  fixes A :: "'a set" and f :: "'a set  'a set"
  assumes "wca_on A f"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "rwp_on A f = rspR_on A f"
(is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(rule set_elem_equalityI)
  fix p :: "'a × 'a"
  obtain x y :: 'a where "p = (x, y)"
    by force

  assume "p  ?lhs"

  show "p  ?rhs"
    unfolding rspR_on_def mem_Collect_eq p = (x, y)
  proof (intro conjI)
    have "x  Field (rwp_on A f)" and "y  Field (rwp_on A f)"
      using p  ?lhs
      unfolding p = (x, y)
      by (auto intro: FieldI1 FieldI2)
    moreover have "Field (rwp_on A f)  A"
      using rwp_on_Field[OF f_range_on A f] .
    ultimately show "{x, y}  A"
      by blast
    have "BA. x  f B  y  B  y  f B"
      using p  ?lhs wca_on A f
      unfolding p = (x, y) wca_on_def
      by blast
    thus "(y, x)  rsp_on A f"
      unfolding rsp_on_def mem_Collect_eq
      by blast
  fix x assume "x  ?rhs"
  with assms show "x  ?lhs"
    unfolding wca_on_def rsp_on_def rspR_on_def rwp_on_def decisive_on_def
    by (auto 3 0 simp: split_def
               intro!: exI[where x="{fst x, snd x}"]
                dest!: spec[where x="{fst x, snd x}"]
                 dest: f_range_onD')

lemma rwp_on_rspR_on_wca_on: ― ‹\citet[T.2]{Sen:1970}›
  assumes "rwp_on A f = rspR_on A f"
  shows "wca_on A f"
using %invisible assms unfolding wca_on_def rsp_on_def rspR_on_def by blast

lemma wca_on_warp_on: ― ‹\citet[T.3 part]{Sen:1970}›
  shows "wca_on A f  warp_on A f"
unfolding %invisible warp_on_def wca_on_def rsp_on_def rwp_on_def by blast

lemma warp_on_sarp_on: ― ‹\citet[T.3 part]{Sen:1970}›
  assumes "warp_on A f"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "sarp_on A f"
proof(rule sarp_onI)
  from warp_on A f have "wca_on A f" unfolding wca_on_warp_on .
  then have XXX: "rwp_on A f = rspR_on A f"
        and YYY: "preorder_on A (rspR_on A f)"
        and ZZZ: "total_on A (rspR_on A f)"
    using %invisible wca_on_rwp_on_rspR_on[OF _ assms(2,3)] wca_on_V_axiom_on_preorder_on[OF assms(2,3)] wca_on_total_on[OF _ assms(2,3)] by fastforce+
  fix a b assume "(a, b)  (rsp_on A f)+"
  then have "{a, b}  A" and "(b, a)  rspR_on A f"
  proof(induct a b)
    case (r_into_trancl a b)
    { case 1 from r_into_trancl rsp_on_range[OF assms(2)] show ?case by blast }
    { case 2 from r_into_trancl show ?case by (simp add: rspR_on_def) }
    case (trancl_into_trancl a b c)
    { case 1 from trancl_into_trancl rsp_on_range[OF assms(2)] show ?case by blast }
    { case 2 from trancl_into_trancl rsp_on_range[OF assms(2)] YYY ZZZ show ?case
        unfolding total_on_def preorder_on_def
        by clarsimp (metis (no_types, lifting) case_prodD mem_Collect_eq rspR_on_def transD) }
  with XXX show "(b, a)  rwp_on A f" by simp


The @{const "decisive"} constraint here is necessary: consider a
Condorcet cycle over @{term "{x, y, z}"}: forcing @{term "f {x, y,
z}"} to be non-empty resolves this.

citet"Sen:1971" proves that these and other conditions on choice
functions are equivalent (under the @{const "decisive"} hypothesis).


subsubsection‹ The @{emph ‹strong axiom of revealed preference›} ala citet"AygunSonmez:2012-WP2"

textcitet‹\S6› in "AygunSonmez:2012-WP2" adopt a different definition for a
@{emph ‹strong axiom of revealed preference›} and show that it holds for
all choice functions that satisfy @{const "iia"} and @{const


abbreviation nth_mod :: "'a list  nat  'a" (infixl !% 100) where
  "xs !% i  xs ! (i mod length xs)"

definition mwc_sarp :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "mwc_sarp f 
    ¬(Xs. length Xs > 1  distinct (map f Xs)  (i. f (Xs!%i)  Xs!%i  Xs!%(i+1)))"

lemma %invisible mwc_sarpI:
  assumes "Xs. length Xs > 1; distinct (map f Xs); i. f (Xs!%i)  Xs!%i  Xs!%(i+1)  False"
  shows "mwc_sarp f"
unfolding mwc_sarp_def using assms by blast

lemma iia_consistency_mwc_sarp:
  assumes "f_range f"
  assumes "iia f" ― ‹@{const "substitutes"}
  assumes "consistency f" ― ‹@{const "irc"}
  shows "mwc_sarp f"
proof(rule mwc_sarpI)
  fix Xs
  assume LLL: "length Xs > 1"
     and EEE: "distinct (map f Xs)"
     and AAA: "i. f (Xs!%i)  Xs!%i  Xs!%(i+1)"
  have 6: "f ((set Xs))  (Xset Xs. f X)"
  proof -
    have 4: "x  f ((set Xs))" if "x  (set Xs) - (Xset Xs. f X)" for x
      using that iia f unfolding iia_on_def by simp blast
    have 5: "x  f ((set Xs))" if "x  (Xset Xs. f X) - (Xset Xs. f X)" for x
    proof -
      from that obtain j k where "x  f (Xs ! j)" "x  f (Xs ! k)" "j < length Xs" "k < length Xs"
        by (clarsimp simp: in_set_conv_nth)
      with AAA LLL ex_least_nat_le[where n="k + length Xs - j" and P="λi. x  f (Xs !% (i + j))"]
      obtain i where "x  f (Xs !% i) - f (Xs !% (i+1))"
        by %invisible auto (metis One_nat_def add_eq_if diff_diff_cancel diff_is_0_eq' lessI mod_less nat_le_linear zero_less_diff)
      with AAA have "x  Rf f (Xs!%(i+1))" by auto
      with LLL show "x  f ((set Xs))"
        using iia f unfolding iia_on_def by clarsimp (meson Suc_lessD Sup_upper mod_less_divisor nth_mem)
    from 4 5 have "x  f ((set Xs))" if "x  ((set Xs)) - (Xset Xs. f X)" for x
      using that by blast
    with f_range f show ?thesis by (blast dest: f_range_onD)
  moreover have "i. (Xset Xs. f X)  f (Xs!%i)"
  proof -
    from f_range f LLL have "(f ` set Xs)  Xs ! 1"
      using nth_mem f_range_onD by fastforce
    with consistency f LLL 6 have f4: "f ((set Xs)) = f (Xs ! 1)"
      by - (rule consistencyD[where f=f], force+)
    with f_range f LLL 6 have "f (Xs ! 1)  Xs ! 0"
      using f_range_onD by (metis INT_lower One_nat_def Suc_lessD subset_trans nth_mem top.extremum)
    with consistency f EEE LLL f4 show ?thesis
      by (metis One_nat_def Suc_lessD Sup_upper consistencyD length_map nth_eq_iff_index_eq nth_map nth_mem zero_neq_one)
  moreover have "i. f (Xs!%i) = f ((set Xs))"
  proof -
    from AAA have "i. f (Xs!%i)  Xs!%i" by auto
    moreover from LLL have "i. Xs!%i  (set Xs)"
      by (metis One_nat_def Suc_lessD Sup_upper mod_less_divisor nth_mem)
    moreover note 6 i. (Xset Xs. f X)  f (Xs !% i)
    ultimately show "i. f (Xs!%i) = f ((set Xs))"
      by - (clarsimp; rule consistencyD[OF consistency f, symmetric]; meson dual_order.trans psubsetE)
  ultimately show False by force

subsection‹ Choice functions arising from linear orders \label{sec:cf-linear} ›


An obvious way to construct a choice function is to derive one from a
linear order, i.e., a list of strict preferences. We allow such
rankings to omit some alternatives, which means the resulting function
is not decisive.

We work with a finite universe here.


locale linear_cf =
  fixes r :: "'a::finite rel"
  fixes linear_cf :: "'a cfun"
  assumes r_linear: "Linear_order r"
  assumes linear_cf_def: "linear_cf X  set_option (MaxR.MaxR_opt r X)"

interpretation MaxR: MaxR r by unfold_locales (rule r_linear)


lemmas maxR_code = MaxR.maxR_def
lemmas MaxR_f_code = MaxR.MaxR_f_def
lemma code:
  shows "linear_cf (set X) = set_option (fold MaxR.MaxR_f X None)"
unfolding linear_cf_def using MaxR.MaxR_opt_code by simp

lemma simps [nitpick_simp]:
  shows "linear_cf {} = {}"
        "linear_cf (insert x X) = (if x  Field r then if linear_cf X = {} then {x} else {MaxR.maxR x y |y. y  linear_cf X} else linear_cf X)"
unfolding linear_cf_def by (simp_all add: MaxR.insert split: option.splits)


lemma range:
  shows "linear_cf X  X  Field r"
unfolding %invisible linear_cf_def using MaxR.range[of X] finite[of X] by fastforce

lemmas range' = rev_subsetD[OF _ range, of x] for x

lemma singleton:
  shows "x  linear_cf X  linear_cf X = {x}"
unfolding %invisible linear_cf_def by fastforce

lemma subset:
  assumes "linear_cf Y  X"
  assumes "X  Y"
  shows "linear_cf Y = linear_cf X"
using %invisible assms MaxR.subset unfolding linear_cf_def by simp

lemma union:
  shows "linear_cf (X  Y) = (if linear_cf X = {} then linear_cf Y else if linear_cf Y = {} then linear_cf X else {MaxR.maxR x y |x y. x  linear_cf X  y  linear_cf Y})"
unfolding %invisible linear_cf_def by (auto simp: MaxR.union)

lemma mono:
  assumes "x  linear_cf X"
  shows "y  linear_cf (X  Y). (x, y)  r"
using %invisible MaxR.mono assms unfolding linear_cf_def by (metis elem_set)

lemmas greatest = MaxR.greatest[folded linear_cf_def]

lemma preferred:
  assumes "(x, y)  r"
  assumes "x  linear_cf X"
  assumes "y  X"
  shows "y = x"
using %invisible assms FieldI2 MaxR.MaxR_opt_is_greatest MaxR.maxR_absorb1 maxR_code unfolding linear_cf_def by fastforce

lemma card_le:
  shows "card (linear_cf X)  1"
unfolding %invisible linear_cf_def by (cases "MaxR.MaxR_opt X") simp_all

lemma card:
  shows "card (linear_cf X) = (if X  Field r = {} then 0 else 1)"
unfolding %invisible linear_cf_def by (cases "MaxR.MaxR_opt X") (auto dest: MaxR.range_None MaxR.range_Some)

lemma f_range:
  shows "f_range_on X linear_cf"
unfolding %invisible f_range_on_def using range by blast

lemma domain:
  shows "linear_cf (X  Field r) = linear_cf X"
by %invisible (metis inf.cobounded1 range subset)

lemma decisive_on:
  shows "decisive_on (Field r) linear_cf"
unfolding %invisible decisive_on_def linear_cf_def
by (metis Int_absorb2 empty_subsetI MaxR.range_None MaxR.empty MaxR.subset)

lemma resolute_on:
  shows "resolute_on (Field r) linear_cf"
unfolding %invisible resolute_on_def linear_cf_def using mk_disjoint_insert by (force simp: MaxR.insert)

lemma Rf_mono_on:
  shows "mono_on X (Rf linear_cf)"
by %invisible (rule mono_onI) (clarsimp; metis contra_subsetD empty_subsetI insert_subset singleton subset)

lemmas iia = iffD1[OF Rf_mono_on_iia_on Rf_mono_on]

lemma Chernoff:
  shows "Chernoff_on X linear_cf"
using %invisible Rf_mono_on range Rf_mono_on_iia_on[of X linear_cf, symmetric] Chernoff_on_iia_on by blast

lemma irc:
  shows "irc_on X linear_cf"
unfolding %invisible irc_on_def linear_cf_def
by (clarsimp simp: MaxR.insert dest!: MaxR.maxR_rangeD split: option.splits)

lemma consistency:
  shows "consistency_on X linear_cf"
using %invisible irc by (rule irc_on_consistency_on) simp

lemma lad:
  shows "lad_on X linear_cf"
unfolding %invisible lad_on_def by (cases "X  Field r = {}") (auto simp: card)


subsection‹ Plott's @{emph ‹path independence›} condition \label{sec:cf-path-independence}›


As recognised by citet‹\S4› in "Fleiner:2002" and
citet"ChambersYenmez:2013" in the context of matching with contracts,
the @{const "irc"} and @{const "substitutes"} conditions together are
equivalent to @{emph ‹path independence›}, a condition introduced to the
social choice setting by
citet"Plott:1973". citet‹Lemma~6› in "Moulin:1985" ascribes this
equivalence result to citet"AizermanMalishevski:1981".


definition path_independent_on :: "'a set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "path_independent_on A f  (B C. B  A  C  A  f (B  C) = f (B  f C))"

abbreviation path_independent :: "'a cfun  bool" where
  "path_independent  path_independent_on UNIV"


lemmas path_independent_onI = iffD2[OF path_independent_on_def, rule_format]
lemmas path_independent_onD = iffD1[OF path_independent_on_def, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]
lemmas path_independent_def = path_independent_on_def[where A=UNIV, simplified]


Intuitively a choice function satisfying this condition ignores the
order in which choices are made in the following sense:


lemma path_independent_on_symmetric:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "path_independent_on A f  (B C. B  A  C  A  f (B  C) = f (f B  f C))"
using %invisible assms unfolding path_independent_on_def f_range_on_def
by - (rule iffI, metis subset_trans Un_commute, metis (full_types) Un_subset_iff empty_subsetI sup.orderE Un_commute)

lemmas %invisible path_independent_on_symmetricI = iffD2[OF path_independent_on_symmetric, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]
lemmas %invisible path_independent_on_symmetricD = iffD1[OF path_independent_on_symmetric, rule_format, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]

lemma path_independent_on_Chernoff_on:
  assumes "path_independent_on A f"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "Chernoff_on A f"
proof %invisible (rule Chernoff_onI[OF subsetI])
  fix B C x assume XXX: "B  A" "C  B" "x  f B  C"
  from f_range_on A f XXX have "f C  B" by - (erule subset_trans[OF f_range_onD], simp_all)
  with f_range_on A f XXX have YYY: "f (B - C  f C)  B - C  f C" by (fastforce elim!: f_range_onD)
  from XXX YYY path_independent_onD[OF path_independent_on A f, where B="B - C" and C="C"] f_range_on A f
  show "x  f C"
    unfolding f_range_on_def by (auto simp: Un_absorb2)

lemma path_independent_on_consistency_on:
  assumes "path_independent_on A f"
  shows "consistency_on A f"
using %invisible assms unfolding path_independent_on_def
by - (rule consistency_onI; metis Un_subset_iff le_iff_sup sup_commute)

lemma Chernoff_on_consistency_on_path_independent_on:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "Chernoff_on A f  consistency_on A f  path_independent_on A f"
(is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof %invisible (rule iffI)
  assume LHS: ?lhs show ?rhs
  proof(rule path_independent_on_symmetricI[OF assms])
    fix B C assume BC: "B  A" "C  A"
    with LHS assms show "f (B  C) = f (f B  f C)"
      by - (rule consistency_onD[where A=A and f=f, OF _ _ _ Chernoff_on_union[OF _ assms]];
            blast dest: f_range_onD)
  assume ?rhs with assms path_independent_on_Chernoff_on path_independent_on_consistency_on
  show ?lhs by blast

lemmas path_independent_onI2 =
  iffD1[OF Chernoff_on_consistency_on_path_independent_on, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp]


lemma (in linear_cf) path_independent:
  shows "path_independent linear_cf"
using %invisible f_range Chernoff consistency by (blast intro: path_independent_onI2)

subsubsection‹ Path independence and decomposition into orderings \label{sec:cf-path-independence-orderings} ›


We now show that a choice function over a finite universe satisfying
@{const "path_independent"} is characterized by taking the maximum
elements of some finite set of orderings.

citet‹Definition~12› in "Moulin:1985" says that a choice function is
@{emph ‹pseudo-rationalized›} by the orderings @{term "Rs"} if @{term
"f"} chooses all of the @{term "greatest r"} elements of @{term "B"}
for each @{term "r  Rs"}:


definition pseudo_rationalizable_on :: "'a::finite set  'a rel set  'a cfun  bool" where
  "pseudo_rationalizable_on A Rs f
      (rRs. Linear_order r)  (BA. f B = (rRs. greatest r (B  Field r)))"

lemma pseudo_rationalizable_on_def2:
  "pseudo_rationalizable_on A Rs f
      (rRs. Linear_order r)  (BA. f B = (rRs. set_option (MaxR.MaxR_opt r B)))"
unfolding %invisible pseudo_rationalizable_on_def
by (metis (no_types, lifting) MaxR.greatest MaxR.intro SUP_cong)

lemmas %invisible pseudo_rationalizable_onI = iffD2[OF pseudo_rationalizable_on_def2, unfolded conj_imp_eq_imp_imp, rule_format]


We deviate from \citeauthor{Moulin:1985} in using non-total linear
orders, where his are total, asymmetric, and transitive; in other
words, strict total linear orders. This allows us to treat
non-decisive choice functions, and we later show that the choice
function is decisive iff the orders are total.

citet‹Theorem~5› in "Moulin:1985" assumes @{const "Aizerman"} and @{const
"Chernoff"}, which are equivalent to @{const "path_independent"}.


lemma Aizerman_on_Chernoff_on_path_independent_on:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "Aizerman_on A f  Chernoff_on A f  path_independent_on A f"
using %invisible Chernoff_on_consistency_on_path_independent_on[OF assms] consistency_on_Aizerman_on Aizerman_on_idem_on_consistency_on iia_f_idem[OF assms] Chernoff_on_iia_on
by blast


It is straightforward to show that pseudo-rationalizable choice
functions satisfy @{const "path_independent"} using the properties of
@{const "MaxR.MaxR_opt"}:


lemma pseudo_rationalizable_on_path_independent_on:
  assumes "pseudo_rationalizable_on A Rs f"
  shows "path_independent_on A f"
proof %invisible (rule path_independent_onI2)
  from assms show "f_range_on A f"
    unfolding f_range_on_def pseudo_rationalizable_on_def2
    using MaxR.range_Some[unfolded MaxR_def] by fastforce
  from assms show "Chernoff_on A f"
    unfolding pseudo_rationalizable_on_def2
    by - (rule Chernoff_onI; clarsimp; metis MaxR.intro MaxR.subset empty_subsetI insert_subset option.simps(15))
  from assms show "consistency_on A f"
    unfolding pseudo_rationalizable_on_def2
    by - (rule consistency_onI; simp; metis (no_types, lifting) MaxR.intro MaxR.subset SUP_cong SUP_le_iff)


The converse requires that we construct a suitable set of orderings
that rationalize @{term "f C"} for each @{term "C  A"}. We
do this by finding a set @{term "B  A"} where @{term "f B
 C"} by successively removing elements in @{term "f A - f
C"}. (As these elements are chosen by @{term "f"} from supersets of
@{term "B"}, we rank these above all of those in @{term "f B"}.)  By
@{const "consistency"} (\S\ref{sec:cf-irc}), @{term "f C = f B"}. We
generate one order for each element of @{term "f C"}. Some extra care
takes care of @{const "decisive"} choice functions.

Termination is guaranteed by the finiteness of @{term "A"} and the
@{const "f_range_on"} hypothesis.


  fixes A :: "'a::finite set"
  fixes f :: "'a cfun"
  notes conj_cong[fundef_cong]

function (domintros) mk_linear_orders :: "'a set  'a set  'a list set" where
  "mk_linear_orders C B =
   (if f B = {} then {[]}
    else if f B  C
         then {b # cs |b cs. b  f B  cs  mk_linear_orders {} (B - {b})}
         else let b = SOME x. x  f B - C in {b # cs |cs. cs  mk_linear_orders C (B - {b})})"
by %invisible pat_completeness auto

  assumes "f_range_on A f"


private lemma mk_linear_orders_termination:
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "mk_linear_orders_dom (C, B)"
using B  A
proof(induct t  "card B" arbitrary: B C)
  case (0 B) with f_range_on A f show ?case
    unfolding f_range_on_def by (auto intro: mk_linear_orders.domintros)
  case (Suc i B)
  have "mk_linear_orders_dom ({}, B - {b})" if "b  f B" for b
    using f_range_on A f Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems Suc.hyps(1)[where B="B - {b}" and C="{}"] finite[of B] that
      unfolding f_range_on_def by (metis Diff_subset card_Diff_singleton contra_subsetD diff_Suc_1 subset_trans)
  have "mk_linear_orders_dom (C, B - {SOME x. x  f B - C})" if "b  f B" and "b  C" for b
    using f_range_on A f Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems Suc.hyps(1)[where B="B - {SOME x. x  f B - C}" and C="C"] that
    by (clarsimp simp: card_Diff_singleton_if) (metis (mono_tags, lifting) contra_subsetD diff_Suc_1 f_range_onD someI subset_insertI2 subset_insert_iff)
  ultimately show ?case by (auto intro: mk_linear_orders.domintros) (* the simplifier has made a mess of the rule *)

private lemma mk_linear_orders_induct[consumes 2, case_names base step1 step2]:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C B"
  assumes "B  A"
  assumes base: "C B. B  A; f B = {}  P C B []"
  assumes step1: "C B b cs. B  A; cs  mk_linear_orders {} (B - {b}); b  f B; f B  C; P {} (B - {b}) cs
                           P C B (b # cs)"
  assumes step2: "C B b cs. B  A; cs  mk_linear_orders C (B - {SOME x. x  f B - C}); b  f B; b  C; P C (B - {SOME x. x  f B - C}) cs
                           P C B ((SOME x. x  f B - C) # cs)"
  shows "P C B r"
using mk_linear_orders_termination[OF B  A, where C=C] assms(1,2)
proof(induct arbitrary: r rule: mk_linear_orders.pinduct)
  case (1 C B r) then show ?case
    by (fastforce simp: mk_linear_orders.psimps Let_def base split: if_splits
                intro!: step1 step2[simplified] 1)


lemma mk_linear_orders_non_empty:
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "r. r  mk_linear_orders C B"
using %invisible assms
proof(induct t  "card B" arbitrary: B C rule: nat_less_induct)
  case (1 B C)
  { assume "f B  C" "f B  {}"
    with f_range_on A f 1 have "b. b  f B  (cs. cs  local.mk_linear_orders {} (B - {b}))"
      by safe (metis Diff_subset card_Diff1_less dual_order.trans finite f_range_onD') }
  { assume "¬ f B  C" "f B  {}"
    with f_range_on A f "1.prems" have "(SOME x. x  f B - C)  B  B - {SOME a. a  f B - C}  A"
      using someI[where P="λx. x  f B - C"] by (auto dest: f_range_onD')
    with "1.hyps"[rule_format, where x="B - {SOME x. x  f B - C}" and xa=C, OF _ refl]
    have "cs. cs  local.mk_linear_orders C (B - {SOME x. x  f B  x  C})"
      by clarsimp (metis card_gt_0_iff diff_Suc_less equals0D finite) }
  ultimately show ?case
    by (clarsimp simp: mk_linear_orders.psimps[OF mk_linear_orders_termination[OF B A]] Let_def)

lemma mk_linear_orders_range:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C B"
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "set r  B"
using %invisible assms
proof(induct rule: mk_linear_orders_induct)
  case (base C B) with f_range_on A f show ?case by (simp add: f_range_on_def)
  case (step1 C B b cs) with f_range_on A f show ?case by (auto dest: f_range_onD)
  case (step2 C B b cs) with f_range_on A f show ?case
    by clarsimp (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Diff_subset someI_ex subset_eq f_range_onD)

lemma mk_linear_orders_nth:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C B"
  assumes "B  A"
  assumes "i < length r"
  shows "r ! i  f (B - set (take i r))"
using %invisible assms
proof(induct arbitrary: i rule: mk_linear_orders_induct)
  case (step1 C B b cs i) then show ?case
    by (cases i) (simp_all add: Diff_insert2[symmetric])
  case (step2 C B b cs i) then show ?case
    by (cases i) (auto simp: Diff_insert2[symmetric] intro: someI2)
qed simp

lemma mk_linear_orders_distinct:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C B"
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "distinct r"
using %invisible assms
proof(induct rule: mk_linear_orders_induct)
  case (step1 C B b cs) then show ?case
    by simp (metis Diff_eq_empty_iff Diff_subset Diff_subset_conv le_iff_sup mk_linear_orders_range subset_Diff_insert)
  case (step2 C B b cs) then show ?case
    by simp (meson Diff_subset order.trans mk_linear_orders_range subset_Diff_insert)
qed simp

lemma mk_linear_orders_Linear_order:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C A"
  shows "Linear_order (linord_of_list r)"
using %invisible mk_linear_orders_distinct[OF assms(1)] linord_of_list_Linear_order by fastforce

lemma mk_linear_orders_decisive_on_set_r:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C B"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  assumes "B  A"
  shows "set r = B"
using %invisible assms(1,3)
proof(induct rule: mk_linear_orders_induct)
  case (base C B) with decisive_on A f show ?case by (auto dest: decisive_onD)
  case (step1 C B b cs) with f_range_on A f show ?case by (auto dest: f_range_onD)
  case (step2 C B b cs) with f_range_on A f show ?case
    unfolding f_range_on_def
    by clarsimp (metis (no_types, lifting) Un_iff insert_Diff insert_Diff_single someI subset_Un_eq)

lemma mk_linear_orders_decisive_on_refl_on:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C A"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "refl_on A (linord_of_list r)"
using %invisible linord_of_list_refl_on mk_linear_orders_decisive_on_set_r[OF assms] by blast

lemma mk_linear_orders_decisive_on_total_on:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C A"
  assumes "decisive_on A f"
  shows "total_on A (linord_of_list r)"
using %invisible linord_of_list_total_on mk_linear_orders_decisive_on_set_r[OF assms] by blast

lemma mk_linear_orders_set_r_decisive_on:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C B"
  assumes "B  A"
  assumes "B  set r"
  assumes "iia_on A f"
  shows "decisive_on B f"
using %invisible assms(1-3)
proof(induct rule: mk_linear_orders_induct)
  case (base C B) with decisive_on_empty[of f] show ?case by simp
  case (step1 C B b cs)
  with mk_linear_orders_range[OF step1.hyps(2)] have "set cs  B - {b}" "decisive_on (B - {b}) f"
    by fastforce+
  with step1 iia_on A f show ?case
    by - (rule decisive_onI; metis (no_types, lifting) Diff_empty Diff_insert0 insert_Diff insert_not_empty subset_insert_iff decisive_onD iia_onD)
  case (step2 C B b cs)
  then have XXX: "decisive_on (B - {SOME x. x  f B - C}) f" by force
  show ?case
  proof(rule decisive_onI)
    fix D assume "D  B" "D  {}"
    with iia_on A f step2 XXX show "f D  {}"
      by (cases "(SOME x. x  f B - C)  D")
         (simp_all, metis (no_types, lifting) emptyE iia_onD someI_ex, blast dest: decisive_onD)

lemma mk_linear_orders_total_on_decisive_on:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C A"
  assumes "A  set r"
  assumes "iia_on A f"
  shows "decisive_on A f"
using %invisible mk_linear_orders_set_r_decisive_on[OF assms(1) _ _ assms(3)] linord_of_list_Field[of r] A  set r by simp

lemma mk_linear_orders_MaxR_opt_f:
  assumes "r  mk_linear_orders C A"
  assumes "MaxR.MaxR_opt (linord_of_list r) D = Some x"
  assumes "iia_on A f"
  assumes "D  A"
  shows "x  f D"
proof %invisible -
  from linord_of_list_Linear_order[OF mk_linear_orders_distinct[OF assms(1) subset_refl]]
  have "MaxR (linord_of_list r)" by (rule MaxR.intro) simp
  with assms(2)
  have "x  greatest (linord_of_list r) (D  Field (linord_of_list r))"
    using MaxR.greatest elem_set by blast
  then obtain i where "x = r ! i" and "i < length r" and "j<i. r ! j  D"
    unfolding greatest_def using mk_linear_orders_distinct[OF assms(1) subset_refl] linord_of_list_nth[where xs=r]
    by atomize_elim (clarsimp simp: set_conv_nth; metis IntI less_trans not_le nth_mem set_conv_nth)
  with iia_on A f D  A show ?thesis
    using mk_linear_orders_nth[OF assms(1), where i=i]
          iia_onD[of A f, where B="A - set (take i r)" and C=D and a=x]
          MaxR.range_Some[rule_format, OF MaxR (linord_of_list r) assms(2)]
    by (fastforce simp: nth_image[symmetric])

lemma mk_linear_orders_f_MaxR_opt:
  assumes "x  f C"
  assumes "consistency_on A f"
  assumes "B  A"
  assumes "C  B"
  shows "rmk_linear_orders C B. MaxR.MaxR_opt (linord_of_list r) C = Some x"
using %invisible B  A C  B
proof(induct t  "card B" arbitrary: B rule: nat_less_induct)
  case (1 B) show ?case
  proof(cases "f B = {}")
    case True
    with consistency_onD[OF assms(2), where B=B and C=C] "1.prems" x  f C
    show ?thesis by simp
    case False show ?thesis
    proof(cases "f B  C")
      case True
      from B  A obtain r where r: "r  mk_linear_orders {} (B - {x})"
        using mk_linear_orders_non_empty by (meson Diff_subset_conv le_supI2)
      from True consistency_onD[OF assms(2), where B=B and C=C] "1.prems" x  f C
      have x: "x  f B" by blast
      from f B  {} True B  A r x have XXX: "x # r  mk_linear_orders C B"
        using mk_linear_orders_termination[of B C]
        by (simp add: mk_linear_orders.psimps card_eq_0_iff split: if_splits)
      show ?thesis
      proof(rule bexI[OF _ XXX])
        from f_range_on A f True r x B  A C  B  x  f C
        show "MaxR.MaxR_opt (linord_of_list (x # r)) C = Some x"
          using linord_of_list_Linear_order[OF mk_linear_orders_distinct[OF XXX B  A]]
          unfolding Option.elem_set[symmetric] by (auto simp: MaxR.greatest MaxR_def greatest_def linord_of_list_linord_of_listP dest: f_range_onD)
      case False
      let ?b = "SOME x. x  f B - C"
      let ?B' = "B - {?b}"
      from False B  A obtain a where "a  f B - C" by blast
      with f_range_on A f B  A have "card ?B' < card B"
        unfolding f_range_on_def
        by (clarsimp simp: card_Diff_singleton_if) (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def card_Diff1_less card_Diff_singleton finite someI_ex subsetCE)
      from C  B a  f B - C
      have "C  B - {SOME x. x  f B - C}" by (metis Diff_empty Diff_iff someI subset_Diff_insert)
      with 1(1)[rule_format, OF card ?B' < card B refl] B  A
      obtain r where r: "r  mk_linear_orders C ?B'" "MaxR.MaxR_opt (linord_of_list r) C = Some x" by blast
      with f B  {} False B  A have "?b # r  mk_linear_orders C B"
        using mk_linear_orders_termination[of B C]
        by (simp add: mk_linear_orders.psimps Let_def card_eq_0_iff split: if_splits)
      have "MaxR.MaxR_opt (linord_of_list (?b # r)) C = Some x"
      proof(rule MaxR.greatest_is_MaxR_opt)
        from linord_of_list_Linear_order[OF mk_linear_orders_distinct[OF ?b # r  mk_linear_orders C B B  A]]
        show "MaxR (linord_of_list (?b # r))" by (simp add: MaxR.intro)
        from f_range_on A f r B  A
        show "x  C  Field (linord_of_list (?b # r))"
          by clarsimp (metis (no_types, lifting) Choice_Functions.mk_linear_orders_Linear_order Diff_subset IntD2 Int_iff MaxR.intro MaxR.range_Some f_range_on_antimono linord_of_list_Field)
        from f_range_on A f r a  f B - C B  A
        show "yC  Field (linord_of_list (?b # r)). (y, x)  linord_of_list (?b # r)"
          using someI[where P="λx. x  f B - C"]
          by (auto simp: linord_of_list_linord_of_listP intro: MaxR.intro intro: f_range_on_antimono dest!: MaxR.MaxR_opt_is_greatest[rotated] Choice_Functions.mk_linear_orders_Linear_order[rotated])
      ultimately show ?thesis by blast



lemma path_independent_on_pseudo_rationalizable_on:
  fixes f :: "'a::finite cfun"
  assumes "path_independent_on A f"
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  assumes Rs_def[simp]: "Rs = (CPow A. linord_of_list ` mk_linear_orders f C A)"
  shows "pseudo_rationalizable_on A Rs f  (rRs. refl_on A r  total_on A r  decisive_on A f)"
proof %invisible -
  have "pseudo_rationalizable_on A Rs f"
  proof(rule pseudo_rationalizable_onI)
    fix r assume "r  Rs" then show "Linear_order r"
      using mk_linear_orders_Linear_order[OF f_range_on A f] by clarsimp
    fix B assume "B  A" show "f B = (rRs. set_option (MaxR.MaxR_opt r B))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
    proof(rule set_elem_equalityI)
      fix x assume "x  ?lhs" with B  A show "x  ?rhs"
        using path_independent_on_consistency_on[OF assms(1)]
              mk_linear_orders_f_MaxR_opt[OF f_range_on A f] by fastforce
      fix x assume "x  ?rhs" with B  A show "x  ?lhs"
        using path_independent_on_Chernoff_on[OF assms(1,2)] Chernoff_on_iia_on
              mk_linear_orders_MaxR_opt_f[OF f_range_on A f] by simp blast
  from path_independent_on_Chernoff_on[OF assms(1,2)] Chernoff_on_iia_on
  have "iia_on A f" by blast
  have "refl_on A r  total_on A r  decisive_on A f" if "r  Rs" for r
  proof (rule iffI)
    assume "refl_on A r  total_on A r"
    thus "decisive_on A f"
      using mk_linear_orders_total_on_decisive_on[OF assms(2) _ _ iia_on A f]
      by (metis FieldI1[of _ _ r] Rs_def
          UN_E[of r "λuub. linord_of_list ` mk_linear_orders f uub A" "Pow A"]
          imageE[of r linord_of_list "mk_linear_orders f _ A"] linord_of_list_Field
          refl_on_def[of A r] subsetI[of A "Field r"] that)
    assume "decisive_on A f"
    then show "refl_on A r  total_on A r"
      using mk_linear_orders_decisive_on_refl_on[OF assms(2)]
      using mk_linear_orders_decisive_on_total_on[OF assms(2)]
      using Rs_def that by blast
  ultimately show ?thesis by blast


Our top-level theorem is essentially citet‹Theorem~5› in "Moulin:1985":


theorem pseudo_rationalizable:
  assumes "f_range_on A f"
  shows "path_independent_on A f
            (Rs. pseudo_rationalizable_on A Rs f  (rRs. refl_on A r  total_on A r  decisive_on A f))"
using %invisible pseudo_rationalizable_on_path_independent_on path_independent_on_pseudo_rationalizable_on[OF _ assms] by fastforce
