Theory Basis

theory Basis

section‹ Preliminaries ›


subsection‹ HOL Detritus ›

lemma Above_union:
  shows "x  Above r (X  Y)  x  Above r X  x  Above r Y"
unfolding Above_def by blast

lemma Above_Field:
  assumes "x  Above r X"
  shows "x  Field r"
using assms unfolding Above_def by blast

lemma AboveS_Field:
  assumes "x  AboveS r X"
  shows "x  Field r"
using assms unfolding AboveS_def by blast

lemma Above_Linear_singleton:
  assumes "x  Field r"
  assumes "Linear_order r"
  shows "x  Above r {x}"
using assms unfolding Above_def order_on_defs by (force dest: refl_onD)

lemma subseqs_set:
  assumes "y  set (subseqs xs)"
  shows "set y  set xs"
using assms by (metis Pow_iff image_eqI subseqs_powset)

primrec map_of_default :: "'v  ('k × 'v) list  'k  'v" where
  "map_of_default v0 [] k = v0"
| "map_of_default v0 (kv # kvs) k = (if k = fst kv then snd kv else map_of_default v0 kvs k)"

lemmas set_elem_equalityI = Set.equalityI[OF Set.subsetI Set.subsetI]

lemmas total_onI = iffD2[OF total_on_def, rule_format]

lemma partial_order_on_acyclic:
  assumes "partial_order_on A r"
  shows "acyclic (r - Id)"
by (metis acyclic_irrefl assms irrefl_diff_Id partial_order_on_def preorder_on_def trancl_id trans_diff_Id)

lemma finite_Linear_order_induct[consumes 3, case_names step]:
  assumes "Linear_order r"
  assumes "x  Field r"
  assumes "finite r"
  assumes step: "x. x  Field r; y. y  aboveS r x  P y  P x"
  shows "P x"
using assms(2)
proof(induct rule: wf_induct[of "r¯ - Id"])
  from assms(1,3) show "wf (r¯ - Id)"
    using linear_order_on_well_order_on linear_order_on_converse
    unfolding well_order_on_def by blast
  case (2 x) then show ?case
    by - (rule step; auto simp: aboveS_def intro: FieldI2)


We sometimes want a notion of monotonicity over some set.


definition mono_on :: "'a::order set  ('a  'b::order)  bool" where
  "mono_on A f = (xA. yA. x  y  f x  f y)"

lemmas mono_onI = iffD2[OF mono_on_def, rule_format]
lemmas mono_onD = iffD1[OF mono_on_def, rule_format]

lemma mono_onE:
  "mono_on A f; x  A; y  A; x  y; f x  f y  thesis  thesis"
using mono_onD by blast

lemma mono_on_mono:
  "mono_on UNIV = mono"
by (clarsimp simp: mono_on_def mono_def fun_eq_iff)

subsection‹ MaxR: maximum elements of linear orders ›


We generalize the existing @{const "max"} and @{const "Max"} functions
to work on orders defined over sets. See \S\ref{sec:cf-linear} for
choice-function related lemmas.


locale MaxR =
  fixes r :: "'a::finite rel"
  assumes r_Linear_order: "Linear_order r"


The basic function chooses the largest of two elements:


definition maxR :: "'a  'a  'a" where
  "maxR x y = (if (x, y)  r then y else x)"

lemma maxR_domain:
  shows "{x, y}  A  maxR x y  A"
unfolding maxR_def by simp

lemma maxR_range:
  shows "maxR x y  {x, y}"
unfolding maxR_def by simp

lemma maxR_rangeD:
  "maxR x y  x  maxR x y = y"
  "maxR x y  y  maxR x y = x"
unfolding maxR_def by auto

lemma maxR_idem:
  shows "maxR x x = x"
unfolding maxR_def by simp

lemma maxR_absorb2:
  shows "(x, y)  r  maxR x y = y"
unfolding maxR_def by simp

lemma maxR_absorb1:
  shows "(y, x)  r  maxR x y = x"
using r_Linear_order unfolding maxR_def by (simp add: order_on_defs antisym_def)

lemma maxR_assoc:
  shows "{x,y,z}  Field r  maxR (maxR x y) z = maxR x (maxR y z)"
using r_Linear_order unfolding maxR_def by simp (metis order_on_defs(1-3) total_on_def trans_def)

lemma maxR_commute:
  shows "{x,y}  Field r  maxR x y = maxR y x"
using r_Linear_order unfolding maxR_def by (fastforce simp: order_on_defs antisym_def total_on_def)

lemmas maxR_simps =


We hoist this to finite sets using the @{const "Finite_Set.fold"}
combinator. For code generation purposes it seems inevitable that we
need to fuse the fold and filter into a single total recursive


definition MaxR_f :: "'a  'a option  'a option" where
  "MaxR_f x acc = (if x  Field r then Some (case acc of None  x | Some y  maxR x y) else acc)"

interpretation MaxR_f: comp_fun_idem MaxR_f
using %invisible r_Linear_order
by unfold_locales (fastforce simp: fun_eq_iff maxR_def MaxR_f_def order_on_defs total_on_def antisymD elim: transE split: option.splits)+

definition MaxR_opt :: "'a set  'a option" where
  MaxR_opt_eq_fold': "MaxR_opt A = Finite_Set.fold MaxR_f None A"

lemma empty [simp]:
  shows "MaxR_opt {} = None"
by (simp add: MaxR_opt_eq_fold')

  shows insert: "MaxR_opt (insert x A) = (if x  Field r then Some (case MaxR_opt A of None  x | Some y  maxR x y) else MaxR_opt A)"
    and range_Some[rule_format]: "MaxR_opt A = Some a  a  A  Field r"
using finite[of A] by induct (auto simp: MaxR_opt_eq_fold' maxR_def MaxR_f_def split: option.splits)

lemma range_None:
  assumes "MaxR_opt A = None"
  shows "A  Field r = {}"
using assms by (metis Int_iff insert all_not_in_conv insert_absorb option.simps(3))

lemma domain_empty:
  assumes "A  Field r = {}"
  shows "MaxR_opt A = None"
using assms by (metis empty_iff option.exhaust range_Some)

lemma domain:
  shows "MaxR_opt (A  Field r) = MaxR_opt A"
using finite[of A] by induct (simp_all add: insert)

lemmas MaxR_opt_code = MaxR_opt_eq_fold'[where A="set A", unfolded MaxR_f.fold_set_fold] for A

lemma range:
  shows "MaxR_opt A  Some ` (A  Field r)  {None}"
using range_Some notin_range_Some by fastforce

lemma union:
  shows "MaxR_opt (A  B) = (case MaxR_opt A of None  MaxR_opt B | Some mA  Some (case MaxR_opt B of None  mA | Some mB  maxR mA mB))"
using finite[of A] by induct (auto simp: maxR_assoc insert dest!: range_Some split: option.splits)

lemma mono:
  assumes "MaxR_opt A = Some x"
  shows "y. MaxR_opt (A  B) = Some y  (x, y)  r"
using finite[of B]
proof induct
  case empty with assms show ?case
    using range_Some underS_incl_iff[OF r_Linear_order] by fastforce
  note ins = insert
  case (insert b B) with assms r_Linear_order show ?case
    unfolding order_on_defs total_on_def by (fastforce simp: ins maxR_def elim: transE intro: FieldI1)

declare [[simproc del: eliminate_false_implies]]

lemma MaxR_opt_is_greatest:
  assumes "MaxR_opt A = Some x"
  assumes "y  A  Field r"
  shows "(y, x)  r"
using finite[of A] assms
proof(induct arbitrary: x)
  note ins = insert
  case (insert a A)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "y = x")
    case True
    thus "(y, x)  r"
      using r_Linear_order insert by (auto simp: order_on_defs refl_on_def)
    case False
    show "(y, x)  r"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "(y, x)  r"
      from insert have "x  Field r" "y  Field r"
        by (auto simp: maxR_def ins dest!: range_None range_Some split: if_splits option.splits)
      from (y, x)  r and y  x and insert obtain z where z: "(x, z)  r" "(y, z)  r" "z  Field r"
        by (auto simp: maxR_def ins dest!: range_None range_Some split: if_splits option.splits)
      have "(x, y)  r"
        using r_Linear_order (y, x)  r x  Field r y  Field r y  x
        by (auto simp: order_on_defs total_on_def)
      have "trans r"
        using r_Linear_order by (auto simp: order_on_defs)
      from this and (x, y)  r and (y, z)  r have "(x, z)  r"
        by (rule transD)
      with (x, z)  r show False by contradiction
qed simp

lemma greatest_is_MaxR_opt:
  assumes "x  A  Field r"
  assumes "y  A  Field r. (y, x)  r"
  shows "MaxR_opt A = Some x"
using finite[of A] assms
proof(induct arbitrary: x)
  note ins = insert
  case (insert a A) then show ?case
    using maxR_absorb1 maxR_absorb2
    by (fastforce simp: maxR_def ins dest: range_None range_Some split: option.splits)
qed simp

lemma subset:
  assumes "set_option (MaxR_opt B)  A"
  assumes "A  B"
  shows "MaxR_opt B = MaxR_opt A"
using union[where A=A and B="B-A"] range[of "B - A"] assms
by (auto simp: Un_absorb1 finite_subset maxR_def split: option.splits)



interpretation MaxR_empty: MaxR "{}"
by unfold_locales simp

interpretation MaxR_singleton: MaxR "{(x,x)}" for x
by unfold_locales simp

lemma MaxR_r_domain [iff]:
  assumes "MaxR r"
  shows "MaxR (Restr r A)"
using assms Linear_order_Restr unfolding MaxR_def by blast

subsection‹ Linear orders from lists ›


Often the easiest way to specify a concrete linear order is with a
list. Here these run from greatest to least.


primrec linord_of_listP :: "'a  'a  'a list  bool" where
  "linord_of_listP x y []  False"
| "linord_of_listP x y (z # zs)  (z = y  x  set (z # zs))  linord_of_listP x y zs"

definition linord_of_list :: "'a list  'a rel" where
  "linord_of_list xs  {(x, y). linord_of_listP x y xs}"


lemma linord_of_list_linord_of_listP:
  shows "xy  linord_of_list xs  linord_of_listP (fst xy) (snd xy) xs"
unfolding linord_of_list_def split_def by simp

lemma linord_of_listP_linord_of_list:
  shows "linord_of_listP x y xs  (x, y)  linord_of_list xs"
unfolding linord_of_list_def by simp

lemma linord_of_listP_empty:
  shows "(x y. ¬linord_of_listP x y xs)  xs = []"
by (metis linord_of_listP.simps list.exhaust list.set_intros(1))

lemma linord_of_listP_domain:
  assumes "linord_of_listP x y xs"
  shows "x  set xs  y  set xs"
using assms by (induct xs) auto

lemma linord_of_list_empty[iff]:
  "linord_of_list [] = {}"
  "linord_of_list xs = {}  xs = []"
unfolding linord_of_list_def by (simp_all add: linord_of_listP_empty)

lemma linord_of_list_singleton:
  "(x, y)  linord_of_list [z]  x = z  y = z"
by (force simp: linord_of_list_linord_of_listP)

lemma linord_of_list_range:
  "linord_of_list xs  set xs × set xs"
unfolding linord_of_list_def by (induct xs) auto

lemma linord_of_list_Field [simp]:
  "Field (linord_of_list xs) = set xs"
unfolding linord_of_list_def by (induct xs) (auto simp: Field_def)

lemma linord_of_listP_append:
  "linord_of_listP x y (xs @ ys)  linord_of_listP x y xs  linord_of_listP x y ys  (y  set xs  x  set ys)"
by (induct xs) auto

lemma linord_of_list_append:
  "(x, y)  linord_of_list (xs @ ys)  (x, y)  linord_of_list xs  (x, y)  linord_of_list ys  (y  set xs  x  set ys)"
unfolding linord_of_list_def by (simp add: linord_of_listP_append)

lemma linord_of_list_refl_on:
  shows "refl_on (set xs) (linord_of_list xs)"
unfolding linord_of_list_def
by (induct xs) (auto intro!: refl_onI simp: refl_onD dest: refl_onD subsetD[OF linord_of_list_range])

lemma linord_of_list_trans:
  assumes "distinct xs"
  shows "trans (linord_of_list xs)"
using assms unfolding linord_of_list_def
by (induct xs) (auto intro!: transI dest: linord_of_listP_domain elim: transE)

lemma linord_of_list_antisym:
  assumes "distinct xs"
  shows "antisym (linord_of_list xs)"
using assms unfolding linord_of_list_def
by (induct xs) (auto intro!: antisymI dest: linord_of_listP_domain simp: antisymD)

lemma linord_of_list_total_on:
  shows "total_on (set xs) (linord_of_list xs)"
unfolding total_on_def linord_of_list_def by (induct xs) auto

lemma linord_of_list_Restr:
  assumes "x  C"
  notes in_set_remove1[simp del] (* suppress warning *)
  shows "Restr (linord_of_list (remove1 x xs)) C = Restr (linord_of_list xs) C"
using assms unfolding linord_of_list_def by (induct xs) (auto iff: in_set_remove1)

lemma linord_of_list_nth:
  assumes "(xs ! i, xs ! j)  linord_of_list xs"
  assumes "i < length xs" "j < length xs"
  assumes "distinct xs"
  shows "j  i"
using %invisible assms
proof(induct xs arbitrary: i j)
  case (Cons x xs i j) show ?case
  proof(cases "i < length xs")
    case True with Cons show ?thesis
      by (auto simp: linord_of_list_linord_of_listP nth_equal_first_eq less_Suc_eq_0_disj linord_of_listP_domain)
    case False with Cons show ?thesis by fastforce
qed simp


lemma linord_of_list_Linear_order:
  assumes "distinct xs"
  assumes "ys = set xs"
  shows "linear_order_on ys (linord_of_list xs)"
using %invisible assms linord_of_list_range linord_of_list_refl_on linord_of_list_trans linord_of_list_antisym linord_of_list_total_on
unfolding order_on_defs by force


Every finite linear order is generated by a list.



inductive sorted_on :: "'a rel  'a list  bool" where
  Nil [iff]: "sorted_on r []"
| Cons [intro!]: "x  Field r; yset xs. (x, y)  r; sorted_on r xs  sorted_on r (x # xs)"

inductive_cases sorted_on_inv[elim!]:
  "sorted_on r []"
  "sorted_on r (x # xs)"

primrec insort_key_on :: "'a rel  ('b  'a)  'b  'b list  'b list" where
  "insort_key_on r f x [] = [x]"
| "insort_key_on r f x (y # ys) =
    (if (f x, f y)  r then (x # y # ys) else y # insort_key_on r f x ys)"

definition sort_key_on :: "'a rel  ('b  'a)  'b list  'b list" where
  "sort_key_on r f xs = foldr (insort_key_on r f) xs []"

definition insort_insert_key_on :: "'a rel  ('b  'a)  'b  'b list  'b list" where
  "insort_insert_key_on r f x xs =
    (if f x  f ` set xs then xs else insort_key_on r f x xs)"

abbreviation "sort_on r  sort_key_on r (λx. x)"
abbreviation "insort_on r  insort_key_on r (λx. x)"
abbreviation "insort_insert_on r  insort_insert_key_on r (λx. x)"

  fixes r :: "'a rel"
  assumes "Linear_order r"

lemma sorted_on_single [iff]:
  shows "sorted_on r [x]  x  Field r"
by (metis empty_iff list.distinct(1) list.set(1) nth_Cons_0 sorted_on.simps)

lemma sorted_on_many:
  assumes "(x, y)  r"
  assumes "sorted_on r (y # zs)"
  shows "sorted_on r (x # y # zs)"
using assms Linear_order r unfolding order_on_defs by (auto elim: transE intro: FieldI1)

lemma sorted_on_Cons:
  shows "sorted_on r (x # xs)  (x  Field r  sorted_on r xs  (yset xs. (x, y)  r))"
using Linear_order r unfolding order_on_defs by (induct xs arbitrary: x) (auto elim: transE)

lemma sorted_on_distinct_set_unique:
  assumes "sorted_on r xs" "distinct xs" "sorted_on r ys" "distinct ys" "set xs = set ys"
  shows "xs = ys"
proof -
  from assms have 1: "length xs = length ys" by (auto dest!: distinct_card)
  from assms show ?thesis
  proof(induct rule: list_induct2[OF 1])
    case (2 x xs y ys) with Linear_order r show ?case
      unfolding order_on_defs
        by (simp add: sorted_on_Cons) (metis antisymD insertI1 insert_eq_iff)
  qed simp

lemma set_insort_on:
  shows "set (insort_key_on r f x xs) = insert x (set xs)"
by (induct xs) auto

lemma sort_key_on_simps [simp]:
  shows "sort_key_on r f [] = []"
        "sort_key_on r f (x#xs) = insort_key_on r f x (sort_key_on r f xs)"
by (simp_all add: sort_key_on_def)

lemma set_sort_on [simp]:
  shows "set (sort_key_on r f xs) = set xs"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: set_insort_on)

lemma distinct_insort_on:
  shows "distinct (insort_key_on r f x xs) = (x  set xs  distinct xs)"
by(induct xs) (auto simp: set_insort_on)

lemma distinct_sort_on [simp]:
  shows "distinct (sort_key_on r f xs) = distinct xs"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: distinct_insort_on)

lemma sorted_on_insort_key_on:
  assumes "f ` set (x # xs)  Field r"
  shows "sorted_on r (map f (insort_key_on r f x xs)) = sorted_on r (map f xs)"
using assms
proof(induct xs)
  case (Cons x xs) with Linear_order r show ?case
    unfolding order_on_defs
    by (auto 4 4 simp: sorted_on_Cons sorted_on_many set_insort_on refl_on_def total_on_def elim: transE)
qed simp

lemma sorted_on_insort_on:
  assumes "set (x # xs)  Field r"
  shows "sorted_on r (insort_on r x xs) = sorted_on r xs"
using sorted_on_insort_key_on[where f="λx. x"] assms by simp

theorem sorted_on_sort_key_on [simp]:
  assumes "f ` set xs  Field r"
  shows "sorted_on r (map f (sort_key_on r f xs))"
using assms by (induct xs) (simp_all add: sorted_on_insort_key_on)

theorem sorted_on_sort_on [simp]:
  assumes "set xs  Field r"
  shows "sorted_on r (sort_on r xs)"
using sorted_on_sort_key_on[where f="λx. x"] assms by simp

lemma finite_sorted_on_distinct_unique:
  assumes "A  Field r"
  assumes "finite A"
  shows "∃!xs. set xs = A  sorted_on r xs  distinct xs"
proof -
  from finite A obtain xs where "set xs = A  distinct xs"
    using finite_distinct_list by blast
  with A  Field r show ?thesis
    by (fastforce intro!: ex1I[where a="sort_on r xs"] simp: sorted_on_distinct_set_unique)


lemma sorted_on_linord_of_list_subseteq_r:
  assumes "Linear_order r"
  assumes "sorted_on r xs"
  assumes "distinct xs"
  shows "linord_of_list (rev xs)  r"
using assms
proof(induct xs)
  case (Cons x xs)
  then have "linord_of_list (rev xs)  r" by (simp add: sorted_on_Cons)
  with Cons.prems show ?case
    by (clarsimp simp: linord_of_list_append linord_of_list_singleton sorted_on_Cons)
       (meson contra_subsetD subsetI underS_incl_iff)
qed simp

lemma sorted_on_linord_of_list:
  assumes "Linear_order r"
  assumes "set xs = Field r"
  assumes "sorted_on r xs"
  assumes "distinct xs"
  shows "linord_of_list (rev xs) = r"
proof(rule equalityI)
  from assms show "linord_of_list (rev xs)  r"
    using sorted_on_linord_of_list_subseteq_r by blast
  { fix x y assume xy: "(x, y)  r"
    with Linear_order r have "(y, x)  r - Id"
      using Linear_order_in_diff_Id by (fastforce intro: FieldI1)
    with linord_of_list_Linear_order[of "rev xs" "Field r"] assms xy
    have "(x, y)  linord_of_list (rev xs)"
      by simp (metis Diff_subset FieldI1 FieldI2 Linear_order_in_diff_Id linord_of_list_Field set_rev sorted_on_linord_of_list_subseteq_r subset_eq) }
  then show "r  linord_of_list (rev xs)" by clarsimp

lemma linord_of_listP_rev:
  assumes "z # zs  set (subseqs xs)"
  assumes "y  set zs"
  shows "linord_of_listP z y (rev xs)"
using assms by (induct xs) (auto simp: Let_def linord_of_listP_append dest: subseqs_set)

lemma linord_of_list_sorted_on_subseqs:
  assumes "ys  set (subseqs xs)"
  assumes "distinct xs"
  shows "sorted_on (linord_of_list (rev xs)) ys"
using assms
proof(induct ys)
  case (Cons y ys) then show ?case
    using linord_of_list_Linear_order[where xs="rev xs" and ys="Field (linord_of_list (rev xs))"]
    by (force simp: Cons_in_subseqsD sorted_on_Cons linord_of_list_linord_of_listP linord_of_listP_rev dest: subseqs_set)
qed simp

lemma linord_of_list_sorted_on:
  assumes "distinct xs"
  shows "sorted_on (linord_of_list (rev xs)) xs"
by (rule linord_of_list_sorted_on_subseqs[OF subseqs_refl distinct xs])


lemma linear_order_on_list:
  assumes "linear_order_on ys r"
  assumes "ys = Field r"
  assumes "finite ys"
  shows "∃!xs. r = linord_of_list xs  distinct xs  set xs = ys"
using %invisible finite_sorted_on_distinct_unique[of r ys] sorted_on_linord_of_list[of r] assms
by simp (metis distinct_rev linord_of_list_sorted_on rev_rev_ident set_rev)

